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    1. Killing my teacher

      , 03-29-2011 at 06:27 PM (Hyu's Adventures)
      non dream - lucid - non lucid

      I am in high school, in my class room.
      The class room is currently on break, but the teacher is there for some reason.
      I hate her, she's always teasing me because I'm a bit of a geek.
      She often makes fun of me in front of the class.

      (This teacher really existed, she was a bitch and the hardest challenge I had to overcome in high school)

      Someone is trying to bully me, he asks me to give him all my money.
      I tell him to go fuck himself.
      I know I don't stand a chance in a fight, but I know that letting yourself get bullied in high school
      has much worse consequences than getting beaten up once.

      We're fighting, the teacher doesn't give a shit.
      She looks at us, makes sure that I am loosing and smiles at the situation and keeps working on something.
      What a bitch, I hate her so much.
      The bully is pushing me against the wall and punches me into the stomach a few times.

      I notice it doesn't hurt the way it should.
      Then I see that he is wearing a holster with a gun? Why would he do that?
      I realize that I am dreaming, but I don't have the time to think about what is happening properly.

      Realizing that this is a dream I immediately understand that the bully can't hurt me.
      I punch him in the throat with my elbow and he lets go of me.
      I am overcome with rage at this point, but not at the bully.
      He's just a stupid high schooler, he can't help being an idiot.
      It's the fucking teacher, the way she turns going to school into hell for me,
      the way she enjoys seeing me getting beaten up, the fact that she wants to intervene now that I
      am not the one getting beaten up anymore.

      That's right, she stands up and wants to punish me for punching the bully in the throat.
      She starts talking in her extremely arrogant voice, but I am too furious to listen to her.
      I grab the gun from the bully and remove the safety.
      The teacher finally shuts up and looks scared.

      I point the gun at her face. I am so furious, so full of rage, I know that I am going to kill her.
      I can feel the adrenaline in my body. I'm about to shoot her.

      "I'm sorry..."

      I pull the trigger and feel the recoil of the gun. I can't see for a split second.
      My teacher is falling backwards to the ground. The wall behind her is splattered with blood.
      Her dead body drops to the ground and blood starts spilling over the ground.

      Fuck, I didn't expect it to be this realistic.
      Ah well, it's not like I really killed her, I just wanted to see what it would feel like to let myself be controlled by all this anger.
      It felt quite satisfying.

      I am a bit surprised.
      This dream must mean that she's still on my mind, even after 10 years. Wow, I really hated that bitch.
      I wonder what the reaction of the other DC's is and look around.

      The bully looks at me quite surprised.

      "Bitch had it coming..."

      He smiles in agreement.
      I hand the gun back to him, he can't hurt me when I'm lucid anyways.
      The rest of the class seems to celebrate the death of the teacher.
      I find this absolutely hilarious. I know that everyone hated her, but damn, they're actually celebrating!

      Something happened after this which I cannot recall properly...

      Note: Yes, I really hated that teacher. No, I would never kill or hurt anyone.

      Updated 03-29-2011 at 06:29 PM by 37117

      lucid , non-lucid
    2. Strange Dream Character Intervention

      by , 03-25-2011 at 03:41 PM
      1. I'm looking after a classroom of children, but we are not in a classroom. Two of the boys get in a fight, and the smaller, scrawnier one ends up on top with his foot on the other boy's neck. He is stepping down as hard as he can, and I realize that he is trying to kill him. I am shocked at this behavior from such young children. I break up the fight, and I grab the scrawny boy and push him into the hallway. I scold him furiously but he seems to have no remorse for his actions. His head is covered by a tightly fitting glass dome.

      2. I'm looking at this magical board that is covered in numbers. I have to find the right numbers for a certain task. I am inside some sort of strange shop. I get the feeling that I work here. There is another woman nearby, and I think that she works in the shop as well. She reaches for something on one of the shelves, and pulls off another board like the one I am using. I try to warn her against using that board, because I remember that bad things have happened to others who have used it. Before I can fully explain to her the dangers, she passes out and hits the floor with a sickening thud. I run over to her and see that there is blood seeping from her ear.

      3. I'm skateboarding around town, and for once I can actually stay on the board.

      4. I'm lying on a floor, unable to get up or speak. There is a dream character standing over me, and he keeps saying things about how he wants to save me. I get the feeling that I am dead or dying, and that is why I am unable to communicate. The dream character says he wants to give me a healthy perspective on life and fix all the distortions in my thinking. He leans closer to me, and I notice that there is some words or symbols tattooed on his chest that have started to glow. They glow brighter and brighter as he comes closer to me until everything disappears in a flash of white.
    3. 02/10/2011 - Fragment

      by , 03-18-2011 at 10:18 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)

      I was in a small, concrete building. I believe it was a rest stop, out in the sticks, somewhere. There was a zombie apocalypse going on, and this rest stop was crawling with them. In the restrooms, there was blood, feces and all other types of bodily fluids, splattered all over the stalls, walls and floors. At one point, a zombie had knocked me down, and toppled down on top of me, trying like hell to bite me. Really, I'm not too certain, but I don't think it ever bit me.

      Later in the dream, I was with a group of survivors, riding around town. There was a lot of conversation that went on here, but the only thing I can really remember was talking about how and why the zombies came into existence.
      dream fragment
    4. in-dream datura delirium

      by , 03-03-2011 at 09:55 PM (Wandering in Dream Debris.)
      Pre-dream: I had just received my datura ferox seeds and valerian root from an online vendor yesterday, so I decided to see what effects they might have if I were to consume some and take a nap. I meditated and asked the spirit of the plants that they guide me in the dream world, I gave them my respect and sent them energy. I crushed two datura seeds and brewed them in a tea and drank it whilst my valerian root was brewing. Before I began drinking the valerian I already felt a strange head pressure, almost a headache, and a very deep sedating effect. I proceeded to take the valerian tea but by the time I finished I felt very heavy and was feeling slight delirium in my thought process.

      I laid down and watched my hypnagogic imagery and was promptly shown an eye that was in the center of my vision, staring at me. Unlike other times I believe I've seen my third eye, I think it was lady datura this time because it was glaring at me and promptly after I fell asleep and had a few disturbing dreams.

      I had various fragments of random visions including taking care of some kids I didn't know that were vomiting water and I kept panicking not knowing how to deal with the problem, running up and down a mountain trying to avoid jaguars and shadow people, and lastly being cornered in front of my sister's house by a pitch black grizzly bear. The dream with the bear was the most memorable probably because it was the last one before waking up. It would morph into a cub to seem less sinister and would approach me but then it would morph into a huge black grizzly and try to attack me, I'd randomly find pointy but short objects like daggers or forks to defend myself with and I'd proceed to stab it whenever I could, trying to survive.

      What happened next was the disturbing part though because I had stabbed it numerous times and it was on the floor choking on its own blood and it was no longer the menacing bear but instead an innocent little puppy. At this point I thought "Oh my god I took datura and now I'm delirious and just killed an innocent puppy and was hallucinating. I have to hide it's body. Did anyone see me? It's broad daylight. What have I done?!" I never noticed I had fallen asleep or was now miles away from home at my sisters house for no apparent reason. I saw the poor animal gasping for air and I couldn't stand it so I tore (yeah, tore, with a fork thing, because I had no knives) its throat open so it would die instantly and stop suffering. It was very grotesque and detailed, I hated every second of it. I had blood all over my hands and felt like a psychopath, how could my life ever be the same after this?

      I woke up soon after with a few false awakenings and imagining seeing myself doing random things like ironing clothes, taking bread out of the toaster, and pouring myself a glass of water, only to find myself back in bed.

      I would never go to waking life delirum doses of datura but I do plan on continuing to take 2-3 seed doses for oneiric purposes. I feel that Lady Datura is testing me but I'm not giving up that easily, I'm gonna fight off the night terrors until I become lucid so I may speak to her and find out why she tries to invoke fear in her users.
    5. dreamBirthday Party + Fragments

      by , 02-28-2011 at 01:13 PM (The book of mars)
      dreamBirthday Party

      I’m in the car with Pehry. He’s driving pretty recklessly with someone else in the front seat telling him to slow down. We take a sharp turn into my dad’s auto shop. The parking lot is full of tiny cars for children but exact versions of their bigger counterparts. I keep saying I want one, and then remember that I “have” one, a tiny tan minivan. It’s parked out back.

      We get out and go into my dad’s shop. It’s a party inside; it’s my birthday! My family and friends are all inside. No one pays too much attention to me, but in my dream world this isn’t strange and I am content just walking around looking at the things in the shop.

      I walk over to my Nana who is sitting around a turntable. There are old nursery rhyme records all stacked on it. I go through it and each one is colored and decorated with story elements: one is green with a frog, one is red with a pony, one is blue with a bear, etc.

      My mom comes over to me and gives me a little ticket. It says “dunk house” and I interpret this as a ticket for me to go into one of those dunk booths at the fair. I quickly give it back to her, and she explains that my Nana is in the dunk house at the fair this year and with this ticket I can dunk her no matter if I hit the target or not.

      Everyone keeps doing their thing at this mini-party and Autumn comes in from somewhere. She has her school bag, and I “know” that the door behind me connects to a few classrooms. Because she’s really big, everyone gets nervous and kind of moves towards the middle of the room to make room for her (she’s not THAT big).

      She comes over to me and talks about missing a certain project that she’ll have to re-do.

      “What? No, that project was that we had to listen to records in class. Why would you have to do that out of school? It’s so easy and dumb,” I say. She has her usual bad attitude and just shrugs her shoulders and says mean shit about everyone around us.
      Someone outside is driving a specially-made car.

      “Isn’t that the car Marty made that runs off blood instead of gasoline?” I say.

      “Yeah I know about Marty,” Autumn retorts as if it’s “cool” to know Marty and she wanted to make sure I knew that she knew about him. We talk about how the problem with the car is that the blood soaks through the seats and stuff so your clothes get bloody and you can’t keep papers on the seats and stuff like that.


      I walk into a really small classroom. There’s a substitute teacher (who is an actual teacher at a school I went to) and a chocolate cake sitting on the only table in the room.

      “Fuck yeah!” I say as I come in and sit down. The kids behind me are excited too: cake and a substitute. I have déjà vu (or perhaps I dreamed this before, or perhaps a dream memory) that I had been to this class and had cake before.

      I get a little embarrassed because I don’t know how to sit without being too close to anyone. Kate (a…friend of mine) is here. We all take big slices of cake and talk about dumb things.

      We have a project to do in class: listen to a few certain records. The teacher changes from the substitute to my old U.S. History teacher.


      Jack, Heather and I are looking through a big dumpster of metal scraps, looking for good pieces to put into a trash compactor. We are having a lot of fun doing this.

      Fragments of Fragments
      • A room made of zebra print. Not painted over or wallpapered, but the structure is the patterns of zebras.
      • I check a letter written to Morpheus, looking for a response. I go through sheet after sheet, looking for markings.
      • I go downstairs and make myself toast.

      Updated 02-28-2011 at 02:09 PM by 42137

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. Resident Evil Meets Vampires

      by , 01-21-2011 at 10:41 PM (Hazel's Boiler Room)

      Wow. I remembered about 90% of this movie-like dream upon awakening, but I quickly lost about 80% more before I even had the chance to think about it.

      1- The Second End

      Our Future

      We have suffered an apocalypse under the vampires. After a long and epic struggle, Alice, Claire, and I have managed to kill off a good majority of them. Unfortunately, they've also managed to kill off most of our convoy and nearly all of my fellow werewolves.

      We think the hard part is over, that we can begin to rebuild. But Fate strikes us down as Claire begins to speak a prophecy that has suddenly been delivered to her. "The future of humanity depends upon the T where blood flows." ((Oh. Ohhhhh! I just realized that it was talking about Alice! Duh!))

      "What the hell does that mean?" I ask, somewhat worried.

      "I don't know. But it doesn't sound good."

      She also receives a scrambled word: n-g-e-i-t-a

      "Eating," Alice says, before I even process it. Wow, she's quick.

      "We're not out of the clear yet, apparently. Don't let your guards down," I say. As if they ever would.

      The Ship
      Something is definitely not right aboard this ship. The crew seem nice, but I sense something off about them. My suspicions are confirmed just as I am searching for Alice and Claire to warn them of the danger I feel sure that we're in. One of our convoy members is sedated and dragged into a secret room as I watch from the shadows. I put my ear to the door and listen while crew discusses chopping her up and preparing her as tonight's meal. "Eating," I whisper to myself with realization and horror. This ship--- it's a trap. And we fell right into it.

      My haste to find Alice and Claire has grown exponentially, but they are walking with several crew members (Umbrella operatives, I now realize) when I come across them. One of the men leads Alice, Claire, Carlos, an unknown woman from our convoy, and myself into a small room and locks us in. "Great," I mutter. "I was just coming to warn you, but I guess I was too late."

      Suddenly a chute opens up in one of the walls, and two vampires frozen with sedatives fall into the room. The chute closes, leaving us trapped, weaponless, with the monsters.

      The female vamp animates almost immediately, killing the helpless woman and sinking her teeth deep into my arm before I can stop her. The virus quickly works it's way into my system, and....

      ...I switch to Alice's point of view. I can only watch as my werewolf friend kills off the she-vamp before succumbing to the virus herself. F*cking Umbrella Corp, I think with fury, After all we've done to get rid of the virus, and now they're SPREADING it? There is no time for such thoughts, however. My once-comrade is now coming at me with a hungry look in her eyes, her werewolf genes making the effect of the virus that much more powerful.

      I am taken aback by how quickly she moves, by how quickly her sharp teeth sink into my flesh. No... How did it come to this?

      I kick her off me, watching as my hands become the clawed hands of the very monster I lived to destroy. But wait. I still have my thoughts... All hope might not be lost.

      I look up to see Claire and Carlos backed up against the wall as the newly turned vampire stalks up to them. No. I can't bear for them to die, too. With a feral snarl, I slam my monstrous hand into Hazel's head, and am somewhat surprised when it flies off her shoulders and lands on the floor with a sickening squelch. This power... it's too much.

      At that moment, the dark-skinned male vamp snaps to life beside me. "Don't be alarmed," he says hastily, sensing that he is about to share the same fate as my now headless comrade. "You're going to need my help." That accent... I realize immediately that this must be one of the living Vampires from legend, a race of immortals unrelated to our hellish virus.

      He tells me that Umbrella has had him frozen for quite some time, so I give him a quick debriefing of current events. "We had the werewolves fighting for us," I say, drawing my story to a close, "but they're all dead now." I look down at Hazel's body with remorse. What a cruel fate...

      The Shooting
      *3rd Person*

      Four Umbrella operatives are standing on deck, peering into the small room from their vantage point at the top level. "Okay, boys," one of them, their commander, begins in a decisive tone, "it's been long enough. Open fire."

      The three gunmen begin shooting, each unloading their entire supply of bullets into the small room in what, for any other group of people, would seem like overkill. "There's no way they could have survived that," one of the young men says proudly.

      Little do they know that below deck, crawling through the leaking pipes steadily toward them, a Vampire and his newfound companions are-----

      "MEOW! MEEEOOOW" My cat lets me know, LOUDLY, how displeased she is at being locked out of my room. GAH! I want to find out what happened!
    7. Time Dilation

      by , 01-20-2011 at 09:52 PM (Hazel's Boiler Room)

      Really long lucid last night. I know that I only had 45 minutes left to sleep, yet the dream felt like it was around 2 or 3 hours. Time dilation was obviously involved.

      1- I Attempt to Visit the Antechamber of Insanity
      ((There is a lot that happened prior to this point, in which I am non-lucid, but I can't recall what it is. Something about packing to go on some sort of vacation. I make a point of packing my laptop in case the hotel offers free internet. Somewhere along the line, I become lucid. I think of my goals, and decide to visit the Antechamber of Insanity. I wonder how to get there.... A portal might be useful, but there's no guarantee I can even make one, and I have limited time. Instead, I stand on a chair and climb through the ceiling (I've learned my lesson about flying headfirst into solid objects), willing myself to end up in the AoI.

      When I pull myself through, I feel that I am on a wooden floor. However, it is too dark to see anything. "Does this mean my mind is filled with empty darkness?" I ask myself, half-jokingly. I think I sense Madison nearby, which is a good indication that I'm in the right place, but it doesn't count if I can't see. Madison tells me something, but I can't hear her.

      Suddenly, I'm on a shelf above my future step-mother's kitchen, looking down on her and my dad while they're cooking. I feel like a ninja.

      Jilda looks up and spots me, nearly dropping the pot she's holding and letting out a startled shriek. Without a word, I drop down and go outside.

      As I'm walking, I pass by a dog that is in a cage, yelling at me. (Not barking, yelling.) Wanting to test out my dream control, I point to the dog and tell it to turn into a human. It changes from a quadruped to a biped, but retains all of it's dog-like features. Interesting. I tell the dog it's stupid for not being able to transform, and show it how easily I can turn into a wolf. I begin to run, forgetting about the dog and taking joy in being a wolf, when the dog (who is now completely human) jumps on me and starts attacking me.

      I instantly turn back into a human as the dog boy painfully rips my stomach open. I feel blood begin to pour out of me. Angered, I pin the boy to the ground and start tearing at his throat and stomach. Although he is bleeding profusely, he's laughing as if this is just a play fight.

      I stand up and examine my wound. It has already healed completely, but my stomach is still red with blood. I wipe it off...

      ...and have a false awakening. I am in the back of a truck with my dad and brother. We seem to be going on that same vacation from earlier in the dream. However, I begin to notice that some things are a bit... off. First I see some things that I KNOW were in my dream, then I see islands floating in the sky. It seems normal, but a part of me says that it's not.

      I begin to read the signs as we pass, to see if they change or say strange things. A sign that should say "speed limit" instead reads "cookie monster." Okay, that's definitely not normal. I examine some billboards, and find that I'm having trouble reading them. That's strike two against reality; time to RC.

      I become lucid with a nose pinch RC and exit the truck. I go off exploring, but most of that is lost in memory.

      Non-lucid again. My brother is watching a video on YouTube. "What are you watching?" I ask.

      "This really cool thing with Justin Bieber in it!" he exclaims and shows me.

      "Justin Bieber?" I burst into laughter. "Why are you watching THAT?"

      "'Cause he's a really awesome singer! Uhh... just don't tell anyone I told you that."

      My mom walks up and I become lucid again. I am trying to prove to her that this is a dream, but even though I stick my finger through my palm she doesn't believe me. Stupid DC...

      Later, yet ANOTHER false awakening. My brother is still going on about that Bieber kid. "I thought that was a dream," I mutter to myself, confused. I am contemplating telling my friends about his strange behavior, or saving it for when I need dirt on him.
    8. kitties beating up Padme

      by , 01-18-2011 at 11:14 PM
      non-dream dream lucid

      dream 1: I was at my house looking out the back door (its a glass sliding door) and I noticed that my kitten, Padme (yes after Padme Amidala from Star Wars!!) was sitting around just sitting there. Suddenly, all of the other cats started attacking her, mostly biting her neck and drawing blood. She kept screeching and meowing for help, so I opened the door and grabbed her from our largest cat, who is also her father, because he looked ready to kill her; as did the others. She looked ragged and helpess and I sat her on the table. Her green/grey eyes looked at me sadly. I could almost literally feel the pain. There was red blood on her neck where her father had bitten her, and multiple scratches all over her from the others. I cleaned her off and she settled down to sleep. Then I looked back outside and next thing I knew, the cats were attacking "Sherby", our new kitty who I found in a tree a few months ago. She was meowing in agony and I kicked the cat attacking her, Padme's father and her brother "Ragz", in the side to get them to leave her alone. I then brought her inside so I could take care of them. Then I woke up.

      DREAM 2 I somehow already knew that I was dreaming. I just pinched my nose and breathed to be sure. I was by the sliding glass door again and my mother walked up to me. I said to her, "Mom, we're dreaming!! Look at your hands! They're disfigured like mine, and we can breathe through pinched noses!!" She looked at me, confused then she looked at her hands, "Oh my gosh, my fingers are broke!! Are we really dreaming??" so I told her yes. She ran into our living room and she said loudly, "This is a dream, this is a dream!!" Then I think I woke up. pretty weird eh? I'm gonna ask my mom what she dreamed about last night. I'm just curious if she might have had the same dream as me. We've had similar dreams before, so it's a possibility that she may have had a similar dream.
    9. Health Care Lesson From Tupac

      by , 01-07-2011 at 09:35 PM (Dreamjumper)
      Health Care Lesson From Tupac

      I stood in a crowded bar, watching people, but without any type of drink. The energy was high and the dream characters seemed to be having a good time. The energy shifted drastically when Tupac Shakur arrived at the scene. All of a sudden Tupac pulled out two hand-held pistols and shot the place up. Now, I don't know if Tupac was there specifically to shoot me or to settle the score with someone else, nonetheless I had been caught in the crossfire. 7 bullets lodged into my body, as I felt the pressure twist me around. I felt each bullet inside of me. One in my chest just below the clavicle, one in my right bicep, two in the groin area of my inner thighs, one in my left leg in the quad, and a bullet went through each of my calves. I fell against the bar, and panic erupted in the bar.

      I stumbled out of the bar, intent on living. I wasn't in pain as-so-much as shock. I wasn't afraid that I would just drop dead, I was mostly afraid that Tupac would exit the bar and finish the job. Bleeding, my only intent was to make my way to the nearest hospital as quickly as possible. Luckily, the hospital was only a dream block away. So I shuffled my way to the hospital, feeling every bullet in me as I walked.

      I quickly arrived upon the hospital and shuffled into the ER lobby. I had bled profusely everywhere I went, but the receptionist didn't even seem to notice. She simply shoved a clipboard towards me and told me to have a seat and fill out some paperwork. I remember saying, incredulously, "Seriously!?" before accepting this and sitting down. I was uncomfortable because I was bleeding on the chair, the table next to me, the clipboard and the floor, and I didn't want to bleed on the other people in in the lobby.

      So I stepped backoutside and leaned against the wall next to the automatic sliding doors of the hospital. I tried my best to fill out the paperwork, but I couldn't concentrate, I had lost too much blood and energy. That's when I grew dizzy from blood-loss and threw up on the exterior of the hospital's walls, before I woke up.
    10. Zukin Slaughter + Spirit Warriors

      by , 12-04-2010 at 02:10 AM (Zukin's Dream Journal! <3)
      Ok. What did I eat last night lol.

      Zukin Slaughter

      I was in a video game and it sort of looked like WoW. I was with 2 guys and a girl. One of the guys was saying something to the other boy, but I couldn't hear them properly to make out the words. The man summons a rope and captures the girl and I. We are brought to a dungeon like place.

      The man tells us that he is going to go fight a Boss Monster, and that we should remain in the dungeon until he is done fighting. It's not like we had much of a choice though as we were tied up. The other girl sits where the red X is, and I sat on the other side of the half-wall. The door at the top is where he left to fight the monster, and the door at the bottom is where we came in at. The dungeon looked like something out of a cyberspace movie. The floors had streaks of neon green and the walls were a black with plaid blue design.

      I sat patiently waiting for him to return. Looking over the half-wall, I saw a vine like thing growing from the floor. It was green, perhaps it looked more like a tentacle but it was branching off on the sides. It was attacking the other girl, sucking out her life. It turned its focus towards me, and I moved away from the first half of the room. I freed myself from the ropes, and went to the far corner away from the green ghosty thing. Before I could make it to the other side, the green spirit shot an arrow at me.

      The arrow went through my chest and blood dripped and splattered on the floor. Determined to save my soul from being eaten, I continued to take my last few steps toward the safer corner until I collapsed on the floor. The pain began to encompass my entire body, and I dug my finger nails into the ground. They scraped against it and burrowed into the surface. By doing this, the top layer of the flooring several feet around me disappeared, uncovering a set of stairs. I took cover from the creature by hiding in the dips in the floor from the staircase. The tentacles of the spirit creature couldn't reach me here.

      I was pretty pissed off now. I had been dragged here against my will, terrified, and nearly killed. When that man came back, he was going to get it. I waited patiently for him, wondering about what happened to the other girl in the dark room. She was being awfully quiet, so I assumed that she was dead.

      I heard a slamming of the door, and peaked up above my secret ledge in the floor. There he was. He was wearing a suit of armor and had a beautiful sword in his hand. If he hadn't been so cruel I would have assumed that he was a hero. I secretly watched him as he scanned the room, looking for life. He didn't look shocked when he saw the other girl dead.

      I creeped out of my ledge and hid behind one of the half-walls, waiting like a snake. When he came close enough, I instantly attacked him with all of my pissed-off-force. I acquired his weapon when he dropped it from surprise and began slashing into his stomach. Streams of blood came out of his mouth and he fell to the floor, but he wasn't dead.

      I didn't want to kill him. So I left him there. I slowly walked to the other door leading outwards, not taking my eyes off of him. When my hands touched the knob, he looked at me and smiled creepily.

      "Good luck escaping," He sneered. I wasn't sure what he meant by that until I closed the door behind me and locked it shut. When I turned around I was encompassed by blackness. I could barely make out a eternal series of staircases surrounding me. I knew that it wouldn't take him long to find another way out of that room, and thus I had little chance of fleeing without a re-encounter.

      I felt around for a railing and then sped down the stairs blindly. I heard moaning in the distance. It was the moaning of the near dead. He was near. I saw a shadow of a creature against the wall.

      [missing time]

      I was now in the bedroom, and we were having our last fight to the death. He was now a girl in black. I was continuously stabbing him with the sword, but it was only doing minimal damage. My arms were covered in blood from the massacre and he was equally fighting back. I was beginning to grow weaker when I realized that simply maiming him would not solve the problem. He must be killed.

      I climbed on top of him and held him down. I took my long blade and held it against his neck. With a swift motion, I slit his throat. I left him on the floor and exited the room. I locked the door behind me. The door had a window on it, so I looked in. He was laying on the floor, seemingly dead. He slowly sat upright and looked me into the eye. The pupil in his blue eyes grew larger and larger until the entirety of his eyes were black. Upon seeing this, I ran out of the house.

      Spirit Warriors

      I was trying to leave school really fast before the traffic blocked my exit. I put the car in reverse and accidentally drove over the grass. Oh well. The road twisted and turned abnormally. I accidentally drove onto the roof of the school. Don't even ask how that happened (I'm not sure). I couldn't drive my car off of the roof because there was no longer a ramp, so I was stuck there.

      I went inside the school, in the room underneath where I parked my car. It was apparently the drama room. They looked like they were doing construction in the room. There were loose boards everywhere.

      "Sorry I parked my car on your roof." They looked at me for a second and then laughed. They told me that it happens pretty often, and that I needed to visit the janitor in the school garage.

      So, I went out to the garage. It was made like a large, square, wooden hut. The walls were not furnished or anything and it smelled like cedar. The garage had 2 floors and was very cluttered with odds and ends. I climbed up the stairs to the second floor. There was a wind chime hanging from an open window. Outside of the window there was a wooden roof. I crawled out of the window and stood on the roof. Sitting on the roof there was a guy looking out to the horizon. Next to him there was a sword that looked similar to the Godric Gryffindor Sword, except it had spikes lining the edges.

      I asked him who he was, and he told me that he used the sword to fight off evil spirits that continuously attacked him. He gave me a battle axe and told me that if I was going to hang around him that I would need this for my protection.

      We went to his house and he introduced me to his brother (looked like Joe's brother). His brother wasn't mentally stable and was often more perceptive of the spiritual attacks.

      We were in the hallway when his brother fell to the ground and went into fetal position.

      "They're coming" he whispered, while rocking back and fourth. His eyes were turning red and tears were forming and running down his cheeks.

      "Who's coming?" I asked.

      "Ssh, wait a minute." The guy said. His body stiffened up and he held his sword ready for an attack. I held my battle axe as well, not sure what I was about to attack. A large "mass" came over us. It looked like a giant shadow. His sword lit up and we began to attack the mass.
    11. 11/17/2010 - "Blood in the Water"

      by , 11-19-2010 at 05:54 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      "Blood in the Water"

      I was in a sunlit cove, but deep within the hull of an enormous, old ship. Also on the ship was a coven of vampires, and I vaguely remember a small number of lycans, but I'm not 100%. MJ was with me, along with a few other unfortunate humans, and we were being held in the ships bowels. Apparently, I and a few others were going to be turned, against our will. MJ and the rest were going to be completely drained, and/or eaten. This coven consisted of dozens upon dozens of vampires on board, and only a handful of us. We knew we had no chance of escape, but we were going to fight like Hell.

      ...It wasn't really much of a fight.

      There was a long sequence of watching the vampires just rip through our numbers, brutally tearing humans limb from limb and gorging themselves on the seemingly gallons of blood that soaked the chambers and hallways. People screamed and ran for their lives. The sounds of a slaughter filled the entire vessel. I don't remember what it was, but a few of us - the last alive - figured out a way to blow up the ship. It was something of a suicide mission, but it was the only possible thing to do.

      I remember the explosion. The ship's hull had been completely sealed from the sunlight, for obvious reasons. But when the ship exploded, nearly killing me and - as far as I could tell - the other survivors, all of that sunlight was unobstructed. It flowed into the void that used to be an enormous ship, while the ship, itself, was literally blown to pieces. Most of the vampires were instantly obliterated. I was thrown into the water, and remember beginning to sink. I swam toward the surface, as fast as I could, but I kept feeling someone grabbing at me, frantically, from below. It was a vampire, and there were more of them surrounding me. I paddled for the surface with my arms in a panic, kicking my feet - more to keep the pursuing hands from getting a grip, than trying to actually go upward. Luckily, when I got to the surface, I was floating in a bath of sunlight. The vampire completely stopped giving chase. Not a single one of them could swim those last few feet, to reach me. Looking down at the vampires, with my head still underwater, was an amazing sight (though creepy as all shit). The top section of the water was a layer of orange from the sun, and it just got progressively darker blue, beneath. And there were those creatures; just staring at me, descending into the darkness because they couldn't come any further. (It sticks out in my head as the most distinct visual of the dream. I may draw it, one of these days. Here is a photo manipulation, for now. )

      On the surface, rescued by a blistering sun, I slung my arms over a piece of debris - exhausted. Incredibly, I had no fear of the vampires being able to reach me, and I completely relaxed, with the lower half of my body still hanging in the water. I looked around and saw no one. There was nothing but wooden planks scattered around me; remnants of the great ship, which was probably still sinking beneath me. I was sure I was the last one to make it out, though I was not surprised, since there weren't many of us left, in the beginning of the end. But I was wrong. I finally spotted another figure in the debris, hanging on for her life, just as I was. It was MJ. She and I were the only ones that had made it out alive.

      I swam over to her and we just allowed ourselves to float with the current, for a moment. By this time - seemingly out of nowhere - there were other people in the cove, large boats just floating passed and around us. One would have guessed that the massive explosion had never happened, if not for the large piece of wood we were floating on. We tried to wave people over, to pick us up, but all of the boats just traveled on by, as if they didn't see us. We could see that the driver of one of the larger boats was a man with a shotgun. We called out to him to let us aboard, but he just glared at us as his boat hummed passed, not saying a word. Finally, though, we made it back to land, on our own. The atmosphere seemed to have changed again, and this was now just a massive party; people dancing and drinking in the, quite beautiful surroundings of rock and water. Instantly, our spirits were lifted. We got to partying our asses off, with the unspoken understanding that some serious 'We fucking survived!' sex was in order.

      Woke up before we got that far, though.

      (Source Pictures can be found HERE)

      Updated 12-02-2010 at 05:13 PM by 2450

      non-lucid , nightmare
    12. Fragments for October 20 2010

      by , 10-21-2010 at 01:53 PM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      1. I'm walking through the Grand Canyon with a school trip. Everything is ridiculously clear and vivid; the sky is the bluest I've ever seen and the rocks are towering above. We go to climb some of the cliffs and the texture of the rocks is rough beneath my fingers.

      2. All I remember is shaving, and shaving poorly. Whenever I draw the razor across my face, I nick it and draw blood. Once I even pull a sheet of skin off instead of hair. I'm hurt and frustrated.
    13. Fragments for August 21 2010

      by , 08-23-2010 at 02:54 AM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      1. I'm following my friend MB at her college. She changes clothes into a very pretty dress, then goes into a local casino and sits down to play blackjack. She's doing all right, but I decide to log onto a computer terminal and anonymously transfer money to her account for betting.

      2. I kill a childhood bully, Nick E, with an axe in the backyard of my college dorm.
    14. More Blood and Gore

      by , 08-13-2010 at 10:54 PM (Hazel's Boiler Room)

      1- Magical Prodigy
      I am the daughter of Melinda Gordon from Ghost Whisperer. We are attending some sort of party where a crazy ghost/demon lady is killing off the guests. Whoever goes upstairs suffers her horrible wrath: they are thrown from the banister to a bloody death. My mother cannot stop her; I seem to be the only hope. For some reason I am immune to the demon's power, and I leap at her, clawing at her face. She seems horrified.

      "What are you!?" she shrieks as I tear slices out of her skin.

      In a bloodied frenzy, I ignore her question. "Die, b*tch!," I scream at her, "And this time stay in Hell where you belong!"

      After she is dead, all the guests clap for me. I am more than slightly embarrassed...

      On the way home, Melinda and I jokingly talk about the creepy naked ghost that used to follow her around. Our conversation is cut short, however, when we spy her mother and several strange ladies stealing herbs from our garden. Ugh, that's the third time this month!

      My grandmother's friends run off when they see us approach, but before Melinda has a chance to say anything, the woman is drug off into the field behind our house by some unseen force. We give chase.

      It doesn't take long for us to find her, but we quickly realize that she is now the demon lady from earlier in disguise. This time she is not so easily subdued.

      Our battle carries over into some sort of warehouse, where my mother spots a bomb in the corner of the room. "Set up that bomb," she tells me, "and I'll hold of the demons."

      "No way! YOU set the bomb, and I"LL hold them off." She begrudgingly agrees.

      When I turn around, the demon and her cronies are all armed with chainsaws. Holy crap! For a split second, I fear that I may be in over my head, but bloodlust quickly takes control. I wrench a chainsaw out of the hands of the nearest woman and saw her in half. Blood splatters everywhere. Unphased, the demon lady comes at me. She proves to be more of a challenge, but once I disarm her (literally) she is as easy to kill as ever. She is in several pieces by the time I'm done with her.

      After I slaughter the rest of the white-robed women, I get a little carried away and accidentally almost slice my brother Alex in half. (The same Alex from two of my other dreams. Poor guy...) I have also injured my pet shark somewhere along the line.

      *time lapse*

      I am now Phoebe from Charmed, trying to call for Leo. Why isn't he showing up!? I end up having to track him down myself... some White Lighter he is. "What is it?" he asked, seeming annoyed.

      "I think we need to look this demon lady up in the Book of Shadows. I've already killed her twice, and she keeps coming back."

      He gives me a you're-so-stupid look and walks off. What the hell is his problem today?

      "Wait!" I yell, chasing after him. "Can you at leas heal my shark?" I hold out Pete, my pet shark, who is still bleeding profusely.

      Leo rolls his eyes and waves his hand over the shark. "There, he's healed." He hurries off.

      *time lapse*

      I am now Melinda's daughter again, approaching the demon's greenhouse. She is accusing my other brother, Peter, of using telekinesis to ruin her roses. He looks terrified, and is obviously not the culprit. I wonder if I did that unintentionally? Concentrating, I try to lift a garden hoe with my mind. It flies up and hits my mother in the face. Oops!

      I then use telekinesis on myself and sit in the rafters. (Rafters, in a greenhouse?) Alex, who is now a bloodied, severed foot, joins me. "Dude, maybe you should get Leo to heal you. It's sort of creepy with you just being a foot."

      "No way," the foot says to me. "I like it like this!"
    15. #4 Corruption

      by , 08-08-2010 at 09:14 PM (East of East St. Louis)
      dream lucid not part of dream, but talking about it


      I am looking through something and I find two small pocketknives. One is a blue color that changes to green in the right light, one is green that changes to blue in the right light. I hear someone behind me and I turn to look.

      There's a man in the door and he looks like some kind of law-keeper. He looks like a cross between a sherrif and something out of the Robin-hood era stories. He says something about rats getting into the stores, me being the rat.

      He pulls something out, a gun or a bow and arrow, I can't remember which, and aims it at me with intent to fire without even giving me an order to stand down or anything. I pull out the knife and think about attacking but it's handled for me.

      A kid that can't be older than fourteen tackles the lawman. I toss one of the knives to the kid and take mine, lunging for the downed man. I press the knife to his neck, drawing lines of vivid red blood, but I can't find it in me to kill him. The kid and I get out as fast as we can.

      There are stone walkways all around us, and below us as well. The boy gives some kind of call, and before I know it the walkways had dozens of people on them, the majority of which were men.

      I see a person from Criminal Minds - Garcia. I tell her what's happening - some kind of arena type fight will be going on, and I'm one of the fighters. Our little merry band of misfits has been trying to put a stop to it, but for some reason I must compete.

      Next I know I'm in the arena, fighting another person from Criminal Minds - a young Hotchner. For some reason my mind seems to realize that this isn't quite right, and he keeps switching between a young Rossi and a young Hotchner. (Like, fourteen or so.)

      Rotchner's swinging an ax and I try to keep my distance, since I know that that's really the best idea. Not much defense against an ax. Eventually it becomes stuck in the ground and I attack, kicking him in the chest and sending him flying backwards.

      The dream got very confusing after that. I was in a house that looked filthy and had these other mean looking children in it, and the knives came back into the dream, where the boy and I were trying to figure out whose knife belonged to who.


      not really coherent dream, although it was very vivid. I don't think I did a good job describing it, because my mental state isn't all that good right now and I had some unfortunate things happen yesterday/early morning. I don't know the people on this site yet all that well so I don't know how much people would want to hear.
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