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    1. Night 1, Competition#16: DILD, WILD, Sexual, Re-attemp Moon Flight but Fades Before Arrival

      by , 12-13-2013 at 07:53 PM
      Night 1 of Scionox's Competition#16. I actually planned ahead since my dream recall was fading earlier in the week and came up with a little game plan to re-focus on myself and LDing a little more. The night started off poorly with 2 short fragments and some insomnia around 4am.
      Fragment 1: Me and someone helping others recall dreams.
      Fragment 2: Company approves cat naps for corporate wellness program.
      Fragment 3: Getting mad at my son for seemingly losing his keys and telling me that he knows where they are at like he left them somewhere while out but won't tell me where.

      Full dream 1: I should note for anyone new reading this/via the competition that I don't feel that dream world adventures are unfaithful to WL partners. It's all a dream and you can do many things that you can't or wouldn't do in WL. Anyway, a normal dream becomes a DILD: I eventually got to sleep and I am playing a sport "one on one" (sport withheld for privacy)with K from WL and during one of my moves that was very exaggerated and with a surprising outcome I realize that I am dreaming. I decide to approach K all smooth-like and we begin to make out quite heavily. I have always thought she was cute but never thought of making a move on her for many reasons. After making out for a minute or so the dream unfortunately fades and I find myself back in bed and get up to go to the bathroom and return to bed and have a little more trouble getting back to sleep (not trying to WBTB-so not counting WBTB points, just trying to get to sleep). After tossing and turning for a while and some RCs to double check that I am indeed awake and not in a very realistic FA, I decide I might as well do a few of my shortened/combined SSILD cycles as that sometimes relaxes me and can create that small thread of awareness needed to WILD. This did not seem to take very long and something worked to drift me towards sleep. I got HHs of my wife cuddling up to my back like she often does in the morning before she gets up to get ready. She was also whining while kissing my upper-mid back and I decided, even if she really was I should treat it as HHs of a dream girl to keep my consciousness from returning to my sleeping body too strongly...nudging myself further into my dream body. It does get a little ticklish so I kind of push my back towards her a little and I think this was already my dream body moving because I started to get the vibrations Full Dream 2: (maybe ~6:45am) and then started to be able to see through my sleeping mask which moments before I sensed was firmly in place over my eyes. I could see my wife getting ready all nude but she looked a little different from behind and besides I do that all the time in WL so I decided to try change her into N's friend M. Her hair changed color and became wavy as well and her butt which I have never seen but it definitely changed to what I guess I imagine it would look like. I told myself she would turn around and complete the transformation. The rest I will put in spoiler wrap as it is more explicit:
      Spoiler for explicit:
      I admire my mind's creation for a moment and then decide that I want to go on to some goals and go down the stairs and out the front door. I look up into the sky to pick out the moon and find it a little to the right of where I last saw it IWL and start flying very fast but my dream starts fading possibly half way there
      and I find myself back in bed. I RC and attempt to go back to sleep but I am too awake and I see I need to get up soon anyway and I can ask my wife about the whining and kissing my back. She said she might have been whining a little the night before attempting to get me to roll over but not that night, so definitely HH a little before dream entry (unless she forgot she did this IWL).
      lucid , non-lucid
    2. My First Semi-Lucid Dream

      by , 12-05-2013 at 06:46 PM (My Dream Journey)
      Sorry I haven't posted in a while. There are a couple of reasons:
      1: I was at my grandma's for Thanksgiving.
      2: I wasn't able to record any other dreams.

      This one I certainly remember. It was my first semi-lucid dream. I was flying. I knew I was and I wasn't frightened. I was fly over the ocean and it was night time. The moon was a beautiful shade of purple and it was bright and huge, all of the stars were out and winking at me. I looked at this and then looked at my hands. They were pitch black. Like When you shut off the lights and close the door black. I realized I must have been dreaming. I didn't enhance my level of lucidity because I was afraid I would lose it. So I proceeded to have the greatest dream of all time. I flew for what seemed like eternity. I wish I could have. This journal is open to analysis and interpretation.
    3. Apocalypse Elf; Dwarves and Apartments

      by , 11-22-2013 at 11:25 PM
      Original journal entry dated July 16, 2002:

      There was an elf in my dream, and a big castle, and the castle used to have people in it but didn't any more. So the elf, apparently, kept on living there, even though it was a little kid. Something about one parent being a goddess or something. In any case, I don't know what made all of the people leave, only that they came back and found the elf, and assumed that it was a harmless orphan when it probably could have killed them just by pointing at them. Then there was something about the cellar of the castle, and everything in my dream changed so that it was like Harvest Moon (the game), and for some reason the cellar was massive and there was a lot of wheat, and the characters had to live there for awhile because their own houses had flooded. And then I dreamed that we (we being me and some group of people, or maybe I was the elf this time?) were going through a toy store, only it was all salvaged stuff from before some big apocalypse (something to do with the castle), so it wasn't n horrible condition but some of the stuff was old and beaten up. Then I dreamed that they stuffed me into a toy rocket and sent me to the moon. The end.

      Original journal entry dated July 17th, 2002:

      The first dream had to do with baseball. We were all sitting in a field outside of a baseball diamond, watching the team play. Professional teams were playing the first half, but then the people who were watching were going to take over and play the rest of the game. But when we were going to switch, the professionals didn't want to because the game was so close. But they had to give up the field. I was the first up to bat on my team, and I quite unexpectedly hit a home run. Then I was back in the field for some reason, waiting my turn or something, and Lexa drew a comic strip about how the Desk Monster, who was a sentient pile of garbage who lived in a school desk, took over the classroom. It was very funny.
      Then, for some reason, I was walking through an old apartment complex.
      I was walking through the old building... and it was horribly dirty and broken-down. There was dirt and roaches (both the insect and the other kind) and crack-heads and such on the lower levels. There was the atmosphere of hunger and general hopelessness, aside from the smoke and narcotics.
      But there was a level of the building that I had never noticed.
      When I went up there, it was ten times worse than the rest of the building. The walls were rotted through and in some place there were simply gaping holes in the woodwork. What furniture there was was moldy and dirty, and home to myriad disgusting little critters. There were a few people, but they were all in drug-induced stupors. I think I had someone with me, but I can't remember who. The light was dirty and yellow (well, this wasn't much different than the rest of the building).

      The last dream was sort of weird, in a way. In it, we -- we being a random group of adventurers that I don't know in real life -- were lost in the mountains. It was cold, snowy, and glacial. We were all looking for our master, basically our boss, who had gone to investigate a claim in the area. One of the party members, a dwarf, was hoping that it would be a silver mine, since he was a silver-dwarf - that was his caste, I guess - and he mined for and worked with only silver. He talked about the "gaudy" gold-dwarves, but I think he was sort of jealous. I assured him that silver was MUCH prettier. Incidentally, this is another dream in which I was male. Anyway, after much wandering around and a good deal of almost freezing to death we happened upon a rangers'-station and they took us in, warmed us up, etc., and reprimanded us for wandering around in an area we were unfamiliar with. But our master was there! He was very busy in a back room with something. He was a dwarf, I think. Anyway, the silver-dwarf went to watch him work. He was working on a ring. It turns out that the "claim" he was investigating was a special stand of trees with magical wood. You could forge the wood like metal, and it would become stronger than steel. The only thing you could carve it with was another piece of that type of wood. It was a beautiful rosy color, too. Anyway, he was going to make his magical ring out of this. The plans looked VERY complicated, though, and he called it his "masterpiece". But it turns out the piece of wood he was working on actually had the ring he was envisioning INSIDE of it. I briefly wondered if the ring was evil (a la "Lord of the Rings").
    4. 2 Nights, 3 DILDs, Threesome Watched, Then My Own Threesome, Blurry Moon Visit

      by , 11-17-2013 at 11:13 PM
      (color function for denoting lucid parts not working so use bold instead, sorry) 11/17** 1045 4am fragment about placeholders 1 long the other consisting of couple of smaller brackets but placeholders all the same(meaning unclear). Wbtb dream sign mantra then ssild. I have realized lately that the cycles allow me to not focus on the HI's but when I get a flurry of them I can't help but try to interact and jump into the dream. I'm in a home and there were two sets of keys that belong somewhere else laying on a bed and I grab them to put them back or hide them. I start to think where were they from trying to remember and I cannot so I think I must just hide them so I get ready to take them out to my car and a woman comes out of one of the rooms she looks nothing like my mom but in the dream she is my mom and it's like I'm visiting her she goes to the bathroom to pee or something and I tell her that I have to go and go out to my car and I see that her husband is pulling in but her husband does not seem like my father . She comes out to a balcony above where I'm
      parked and she has a little boy she introduces the boy and her husband to me. The boy is wearing loose shorts and it looks like he is not wearing anything underneath the shorts so I look away, akward. Next dream I'm in a bedroom sitting on a bed next to a couple, a married couple and there's a woman laying on the floor who looks attractive at first. The couple starts talking about having a threesome with the woman on the floor but her face starts changing it looks a little odd it looks like she's wearing too much makeup especially red rouge. I start to become lucid slowly during this scene but the big aha moment was later. Since the couple was not making a move the woman on the floor made her move and straddled the wife started kissing her and at first it look like the wife was a little uncomfortable but then they all three got into it while I watched. It felt like the couple was my friends so it didn't occur to me to join especially since my idea of
      multiple partners does not involve a man. As I'm watching, a woman caresses me from behind and knowing that there was no one else in the room it really locked in the idea that I was dreaming but as she aggressively grabbed me from behind
      it woke me up into vibrations where I try to reenter the dream or any dream but it fades into a false awakening or a non lucid dream. At some point I'm out in front of the house on M Boulevard and I'm acting silly with a portable folding table on my head running around and a car pulls up a small blue sporty car maybe like Fiat. I continue acting silly towards people in the car and I guess I pissed them off because they get out of the car and a couple of them have guns with very small narrow barrels not really like many guns you would see. I apologize and tell them I'm just acting crazy and they say okay well we're going to take inside the house as if they are going to report it to the owners of the house inside which is
      my in laws house. I have enough waking life memory to realize as we're going into the house there is a party that my father in law will not be in there since he has passed away but I do see family friend of ours S close friend of M. One of my dream sign mantras was to lookout for my father in law because that usually makes me lucid funny how I thought of him but did not become lucid, of course I did not see him though. Afterwards they are nice to me and I go with him to a food truck where they are getting some kind of fish sandwich made out of a fish patty I believe. I woke up again around 6 and this was either a second WBTB or an early morning nap. I do my dreams son mattress again and then SSILD cycles and I start to get a lot of interesting HI's. I'm noticing early on that by doing the cycles it helps me tonight focus on the HI's as recommended. Two different times this night I had them featuring a newborn baby and also lots of them with various
      women most of them sexy but clothed. They start to come more and more close together and I start to get the idea that I can enter a dream from one of these. So I was attempting to wild but I lost consciousness at some point but I eventually was in a dream that was related to one of the images but I did not realize that until later. I was standing in a hallway and was admiring a couple of different beautiful women 1 and then later another one that made eye contact with and I tried to make eye contact with her again but as I was following her with my head and eyes my father was standing there...my initial thought was he saw me checking out a woman but then I realized wait a minute he is hundreds of miles away right now so I am dreaming. I walked away from my father (though I wish I talked to him first now as recalling the dream I could have asked him some interesting things just to see what his dream character would say.) I walk down the hall
      rubbing my hands to stabilize but I lose patience and start flying down the hall to the women's restroom. I imagine the kind of woman I want to be in there and I go in and start making out with her. We go into a stall though not my normal chosen venue and we're going at it feverishly and she starts to give me a BJ it feels really good and then another woman comes in and they are both going at me. I finish off and I think about how it feels so realistic and exhilarating and I start to wonder if it also happened in waking life
      and at first I think that it did but later realize it was a false awakening where I "woke up" excited and in this false awakening I thought to myself that I did something that Laberge says doesn't happen in a lucid dream, that I had a wet dream and even get up to clean up the evidence thinking that this has to be something quite unusual to do before later waking up for real and realizing that was a false awakening. I'm quite happy
      with what just happened but a little disappointed but a little relieved that the false awakening was false. I start making some notes then lay back down close my eyes and then turn over and start making some more notes in waking life. One of them involves the different images I was seeing before the dream started and also a reminder for me to look up some other great motionless reality checks. I also think about how I've woken up quite a few times with my lips feeling very wet to the point that I have to wipe them and I wonder if this is happening during false awakenings because my lips are normally quite dry. Possibly another way to catch false awakenings. I also make a note that I should have a decent size drink of water when I get up from my normal first awakening that is usually 4 hours after going to sleep so that I can wake up in what seems to be my sweet spot close to 5:30-6a.m. And be able to do it on weekdays possibly but have to be ready for
      false awakenings involving my wife getting up to get ready for her day. I also made a note that I seem to be able to relax real well while laying on my back if I bend my knees up with my feet flat on the bed and then slowly lower my knees back to the bed.
      Previous night below...
      1130 300 5:05 **Almost lost recall of this lucid dream because it lead into a false awakening and I have two non lucid dreams after the lucid dream before getting up and recording anything...may have lost it if I didn't take the time to record the dream I woke up from and start tracking back the previous scenarios and dreams. The furthest back I can go I remember looking up at the sky and seeing the moon and being reminded of my goal to fly to the moon. I actually thought about this and several other potential dreams signs as I was going to sleep. Without thinking first I took off to start flying but then I quickly land back down realizing that I should stabilize first and I begin rubbing my hands and telling myself I'm dreaming. After I feel stable in the dream I look up to the sky for the moon pick it out and start flying again towards the moon. It gets blurry as I approach the moon and it has a grayish brown color to it and I land. I start doing the bounding around because I thought it would be fun and it was fun but the dream lost vividness during the flight and also on the moon and I was not
      happy with the way the moon looked...the color of the Moon I was hoping would look more realistic. (I plan to go back and re-do it) Th
      e next thing I know I find myself back in bed with vibrations and I plan to reenter the dream or any dream lucid . But I ended up in a false awakening but I did not catch it unfortunately and I was in a room looking down at a blanket with a moon pattern on it which should have reminded me right there I don't understand how that did not remind me! Someone was asking me if I can send the blanket to them, to ship it to them. Perhaps I laid in the bed for a while trying to get back to sleep and eventually just dozed off which led to that false awakening . The next dream, before getting up and writing this in my paper journal, I was in a warehouse & it almost seems like I was there for work but it becomes more like a party setting. A guy walks up with a billy club and hits some guy and I say to him really with a billy club? Then the guy starts coming towards
      me and can't remember if he hit me but I remember walking up to I guess my boss and saying that I will need to leave early. I get confused trying to find the way out to my car there are lots of big bay doors and it seems like my old friend B from childhood was there with me. Someone was leaving with me. At some point the dream transitions to a party or get together in a house and I see roxana and she gives me a big hug and oddly kind of rubs her face against mine like she misses me so much. I also see G who I know from the same place and she is looking at my phone had a picture of the other G that I know admiring the guy that is in the picture with G. Perhaps she has Facebook up on my phone and I told her well you should see her husband, he's a model. A baby walks up to me maybe about 1 year old and I pick it up I think it is a girl she starts to fuss so I put her back down and it looks like she has a twin because the mother is breastfeeding and put
      down the other twin who walks up to me and I pick her up and she does not fuss; perhaps the other one was hungry. The baby has strange high brows and I look at the mom and she does also and she looks more like an alien lizzard woman or something as the features become more and more noticeable. Audio information is playing in the background explaining that children with this condition have flower shaped hands as in fingers around in a circle like petals on a flower and they have trouble gripping things.
    5. 11th Sep 2013 DEILD, Transformation, Causing cataclysm with an reality check, Wild Curtain - Day 32

      by , 09-11-2013 at 03:42 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's WBTB/naps. And new kind of WILD/DEILD entry(for me at least)! Also random fragment i recalled from previous sleep.

      Prev sleep:

      Dream 3(fragment):

      Some kind of factory, molten metal.


      Dream 1(fragments):

      I was doing stuff at home and was typing something on my PC, then i shouted something from balcony and heard some talk outside, then that talk started coming from weird directions.

      Dream 2:

      I wake up and go back to sleep while trying to DEILD, shortly some voice starts calling, and asking me about something, i feel falling sensation and open eyes, there appears to be hole leading into darkness below me right in the bed and i start falling into it while 'glitching out' aka periodically teleporting back to top like some kind of video game lag. Then everything fades.
      I wake up and look at my hands, they are weird so i am still dreaming. I get up from the bed, go into quadruped stance and focus as much as i can while shouting commands, it works out and i start becoming bigger and i feel as my head and neck becoming different and longer, soon i am almost ceiling high. I try to go out through(Pretty big) balcony doorway but dream suddenly fades out and i wake up.

      Dream 3:

      I am in the bed, looking through window outside. I see the moon, and it's daytime, it's grey and it's moving strangely quick. I think that "if i am dreaming it moon should start moving towards me". Moon suddenly transforms into Earth, or some Earth-like planet, not sure, and starts rapidly getting bigger-closer, surely i am dreaming! It crashes into Earth and there are debris and stuff floating outside and massive earthquake too. It also became kinda low/zero gravity. Strangely my room didn't changed at all. I get up and notice two characters fighting outside in the flight, one of them has black wings. I try to phase through window but suddenly curtain appears in front and blocks my way. Dream destabilizes but i manage to force it back, curtain attacks me by literally trying to cover me and my face, i tear it apart a few times but it keeps coming, then dream fades to black.
      Then i wake up, twice.

      Updated 10-03-2013 at 03:38 PM by 59854

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , memorable
    6. Six Dream Fragments

      by , 07-27-2013 at 07:26 PM (Casting Shadows)
      [In search of the time that is good to wake up so that I can remember dreams I am trying out a project. I knew that I wouldn't be going to bed until three this morning so I set my alarm clock to ring at six. I would write down anything that I can remember from a dream, pace around a little, and prepare to take a nap--because I usually have lucids in naps. Unfortunately my dad didn't wake me up at nine like I thought he would and I ended up sleeping from six-thirty to twelve, soooo. . . .]

      1) I must have been in some store, either a general store or a pharmacy, because I was looking at a shelf that had several pill bottles on it. I recall that their tops were shaped somewhat oddly.
      *** this is the second time medicine has appeared in my dream. if it keeps on like this it'll be a dream sign.

      2) In real life CLS is a Christian Camp that I used to attend during the summer for one week, but here in this dream it was slightly different. There were four groups and we were placed into whatever Hogwarts House we were (so of course I was in Gryffindor), and our "levels" were determined on what grade we were in. I was a junior so the year after would be my last year to come unless I became a counselor.

      The place that we were in was sort of like the school cafeteria back in Ucon with a "log cabin" sort of theme. There was a large but old fridge pushed to the side and by collecting food in our bags we would obtain points for our teams. I remember thinking something like, I wish this was a Nano-Fridge, which comes from The Sims 3 in the Nano-Microwave. If the fridge was a Nano-Fridge then it would have been of better quality and would have kept it from breaking. Every time the fridge broke we were instructed to stop running and dump our food on the ground (or on the table, which ever worked better) so that the counselors could fix it.

      3) In The Sims 3 for console there is a particular character called Willow Lynd, and she lives with the other local Goths. I was sitting with her in what I would assume to be a library (though to be honest it was really as though I had been sucked into the living room of The Clique house--the house that she originally lives in in the game. The walls are red, the carpet is red, the chairs and sofas are red, and the windows are big. Someone distrusted Willow due to her "Goth" status--I think it was an authority figure, but I can't be sure--but I can't recall how she felt about that.

      At some point during that dream I stood up and walked over to them, though. There were a lot of people in the room over.

      4) Another effing Sims dream. Each Trait you choose for your Sim would open up a different "Challenge" (or story line). The ones that I were looking at were technological, so I was probably thinking about the Computer Whiz Trait. Also, I caught a glimpse of the daughter on there turning into a Teenager.

      5) Nothing but crystals in a cavern. The crystals had a blue tint. . . .

      6) Jarvis and I were playing some sort of video game with one another. I'm not entirely sure but it seemed that the objective was to become a leader over a land by recruiting people. My character was a female and she was going to some area that almost looked as if though it had been abandoned. The stone bridge was crumbling, the grasses were growing out of control and trees' branches had fallen onto the trail. She kept persisting through the wilderness and eventually reached civilization. I'm not clear on what happened but I don't think that she was welcomed with open arms.

      She escaped through the pipes during the night. It was a full moon.
    7. Moon rising too fast, almost lucid!

      by , 07-13-2013 at 12:54 AM
      OH quickly, write down details!

      Moon rising fast, pole with bucket, climbing pole with bucket, star party, venus, questionable reality, hills, cousin's backyard...

      Ok that should be enough. Sorry, I just recalled a dream I had tonight, had to write it down fast. So.... here's the full thing:

      Length: ~ 1 hour
      Type: Non-lucid

      It started out in my cousin's yard. Their house wasn't there though, the only thing there was a pole with a bucket, I climbed up it and swung around in the bucket. The people that were there with me, were:
      My neighbor Jerry and one of his hillbilly friends
      My brother (who didn't enjoy this)
      My mom

      We were in the middle of what Jerry likes to call a "star party". We basically get out at night, take some homemade telescopes, and go right ahead. We were doing that for a couple hours when I started thinking "Man its getting late, this will ruin my dream recall, but its worth it!"

      Yes, I thought about dreaming in a dream.

      After that the one most memorable thing we looked at was a globular cluster. I had seen the exact some one in waking life, and it looked the same.

      Then the sun started to rise. Well, not really, but when the sky turned pink-ish the Moon began to rise. Only it raised very fast. I think this is because I had watched a time lapse of the Moon rising before I went to bed, so it was in my mind. None the less, I began to question the reality of this all, but then dismissed it (I should've done a reality check god damn!). After that...

      The dream ended.

      Updated 07-15-2013 at 05:15 PM by 63516

      non-lucid , memorable
    8. Past lives and moon construction

      by , 07-12-2013 at 12:07 PM (Floatinghead's dream adventures)
      This is nice, the vibrations are strong as I fall asleep. I note that it is almost a mechanical bodily function that feels so natural. But, as with previous times, I cannot find the correct way to exit. I wonder how long I should wait - but this is it, this is the peek of the vibrations right? So I roll out, out of my bed and onto the floor. It's nice and easy, no drag or slowness. But, everything does seem to be kinda blurry, not properly formed. No worries, I walk over to the bedroom window and take a look out. I want to note the differences, I don't think this is a true OBE, I think I exited all wrong - when I look out the window everything is different, but somehow familiar. This is ME isn't it? just projections of a familiar self, my home inside my head. There seems to be constructions going on all around in the distance, everything is growing. My back garden looks different but somehow feels the same, it's a combination of my current garden, previous houses I have lived in and even has a sprinkle of my grandparents garden in there for good measure.

      As I go to the front of the house to look out the window I see the same thing, different but familiar. This is the dreaming.

      What did I need to do? Ah yeah! I needed to help my daughter construct our moon base. For some reason it is at another 'moon' location to Raven and Nomad's moon. But nevermind, I will focus on this one for the time being then perhaps try to merge with Raven's moon. I walk over to a wall and focus on creating a portal to the moon, nothing happens to the wall, no obvious signs in anycase. I don't want to jump right through as this usually results in a random placing. So I kind of poke the wall, it wobbles like Jelly as I poke it. I prod some more and notice that my hand is able to pass through - so I take a deep breath and walk through the portal.

      The moon: ah yes, she has been hard at work. The surface of the moon is littered with large contructs and building that are halfway done. She doesn't seem to be here though so I head back through the portal

      Back at home and I am surprised that I have been able to stay lucid for so long. I decide that I want to figure out what I was in a previous life. So I go over to a random wall in my house and focus on creating another portal. The same curious thing happens to the wall as last time - so I wobble the wall a bit to make sure it has worked then pass though

      Darkness permeates everything, I get a glimpse of a time in Japan, but which dissapears in less than a second.

      Suddenly everything has gone into sharp focus, my mind feels 'deeper' (within the 'dream' but also allot sharper. What I am presented with I have no idea what to think of. It is somekind of a card that has something to do with advertising to vote for president.

      The three words I can remember very clearly are' VOTE', 'OKEE' and 'PRESIDENT' it seems that the card has been made as somekind of a joke, it has pictures on the back of past presidents, and the picture on the front (who it is in support of) is of a friendly old white guy with a big bushy white beard. It also 'feels' Like I am in the US.

      Then I wake up, very confused
      Tags: moon, past lives
    9. Dream Journal Entry 8: More dreams. -04-15-2013-

      by , 04-15-2013 at 10:17 PM (The Land of Dreams - SilentEternity's Dream Journal)
      I fell asleep at...around 12:30AM-12:45AM after going to bed at 10:15PMish. Yes, I have some difficulty falling asleep.

      I woke up at 3:40AMish to scribble these down in a physical DJ I now keep by my desk.

      Dream 1: I was playing Kerbal Space Program, and had a simple rocket. I was in some kind of tutorial, doing a moon landing. Everything was extremely fast, as if it were at 250x speed or so - even faster at times. I rapidly landed on the moon, then time reversed and I suddenly sped back to the planet.

      I then found myself in space again, and did another superfast moon landing, this time onto a large concrete structure. The "moon" seemed to be about 250 meters across, but the scale wasn't very consistent - the platform seemed to be much larger. Must be just a trick of perspectives in dreams.

      Anyways, I landed, and the tutorial guy (who was suddenly present and voiced) said "Almost done, but build me a rocket." I found a bunch of parts just lying around, and the tutorial guy says "put your finger on that part at the top" which was a floating Mk3 cockpit.

      At this point, the tutorial guy started laughing like crazy, as I start assembling the "rocket" or "shuttle" or what have you. The tutorial guy had his own character at this point - running around like a typical idiot in gMod (in fact, we both had physguns). I attach two parts, then attach some kind of "suicide part" which was apparently a self-destruct for whatever part it was attached to.

      Then, I opened a menu of some description (which was a light blue) and it said I had four "Battle Rifles." I go to select one, but the dream ended.

      Dream 2 (fragment): There was something about a murder - someone forcing people to take suicide pills. Similar to the pilot of that Sherlock Holmes TV show (the British one) which I watched earlier that day.

      Dream 3 - I was in a restraunt with a IRL friend of mine. It was night out, and the lights in the buildings across the street were out - making it appear that the windows were pitch black. Apparently, someone was killed in one of the buildings, and he was caught on a traffic camera. The murderer exits the building, wearing a blue jacket with a hood. My friend and I get up and chase him, but lose him in a crowd.

      At some point, we pass by what vaguely resembles my home from the side - despite never leaving the street and such.

      We were walking down a path by a calm lake, and it was a clear night sky with a large, full moon out - perfect for a romantic night, if A) My friend was female and B) We weren't chasing a murderer. We eventually came to a dock, with two "canoes" (which resembled a simple wooden boat with a few seats) and lots of people.

      Four of these people had the blue jacket the murderer was wearing, and three of them were Asian. I noticed this and pointed out that "statistically, the killer is one of them."

      Note - I have nothing against asians, nor any minority. I evaluate others on an individual basis, and hate everyone equally until proven otherwise. That is, I am neutral towards them.

      We get into a "canoe" with about ten other people, and take off - but almost immediately, something happens and I fall into the water, sinking just beneath the surface.

      I'm floating underwater, which appears perfectly clear as if it were just air, I can breathe normally, and above me is the boat and the surface. The dream ends at this point, but I remember there suddenly being 3 boats.

      Dream 4: There were rock people/golems present, apparently called Gorons, but they were definitely not Gorons, and just some kind of golem. We had built a golem/robot as some kind of gift or replacement for them. Both it and the "Gorons" appeared roughly humanoid, with distinct joints and made of a brown rock. The golem we built rolled/jumped/moved/? donw a path, jumping/passing over seven wooden gates, each decorated differently. Each time, it changed appearance slightly - some change in color. I remember either the fifth or sixth being green - likely sixth, if I recall correctly. When it reached the bottom, it was brown, and had a facial expression of >:| .

      We said something along the lines of "It's not perfect, but it'll do."

      Note - "We" being "my group" despite me not remembering a group - just that I was part of one.

      Anyways, there was a montage of the golem we created showing off - it could fly through the air with its' arms extended, and there were several bird-like creatures made of rock flying alongside it, which were hit by falling lava and killed/destroyed/?. The golem flew into some cave or pit and dived under lava, starting to travel in some lava-filled tunnel.

      At this point, I remember seeing some lava dripping down a stalactite at the left of the tunnel - which was still under lava.

      Dream 5: This might actually just be a scene change of some description from the previous dream - I do not recall any distinct "cut off" beyond a scene change. I was walking down a cave, with a reasonably wide stream beneath me. It was shallow enough that I could see the rocky bed beneath it, and light was shining down through cracks in the roof. At one point, the water rapidly drained - passing through the rocks. I started running, and exited the cave and found myself on a tiny beach. To my right, there was a small hill of wet sand up against a cliff, which merged with the cave entrance. I notice the waves getting larger, and hear someone shout "Flood warning!"

      I started to climb up the sand hill to escape the flood, but even though it was barely two meters tall (and even though I know I never would have climbed up such a thing in the first place to escape a flood), I could not get to the top, as I kept slipping down. It also behaved as though it were a solid object, despite being made of sand.

      I went back to sleep some time after I finished writing this - Likely around 4:30AM, as I finished at 4:10AM.

      Updated 04-16-2013 at 09:57 PM by 62260

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    10. Michael can fight

      by , 04-13-2013 at 12:14 AM (My Lucid Dreams)
      So I' m very exited because I had my fourth lucid this week and it' s not even the week end yet ... whoo !
      Anyways, I find it pretty interesting because it's one of my most vivid lucid, and the second one in which I actually feel pain !


      Lucidity : 8/10
      Control : 6/10
      Vivacity : 9.5/10

      I've been trippin' to the moon for a while, going back and forth between Earth and its satellite; our mission is to find a village "LOST" style :
      We get there, it' s been our second trip on the moon, we were supposed to have one more.
      It' s dark, but I can feel grass under my feet, it' s all dead, and so are the trees; they have no leaves, they' re all weird ... but not the forest surrounding the village, nah, that' s all healthy
      I inspect a gilder, until I realize my second lucid dream was in the moon too . Well, here I am now ... lol. After some time of reflection, I get that it' s safer to check the state I' m in ...
      Oh well, I guess I' m not on the moon then . I get my thoughts back together and realize it' s cool anyways, I mean, it' s a lucid dream, right ?

      I somehow ended up on a roof, I look around me and see a city, mostly composed of tenements that extend all the way to the horizon. I rub my hands together. I wanted to do something back in reality ... it has something to do with touching the floor ... that' s it ! - I thought it was punching the ground to break it, but it really isn' t *.
      I run and try to fly to another roof but that' s seemingly not what I' m supposed to do. Ok then, I' l just climb it ! when I got there I already forgot what I "wanted" to do; I do remember I couldn't fly. Never mind, I' ll just jump. So I do, but I land a bit closer to what I wanted.
      I do the same thing several time, going lower and lower, each time aiming for a longer jump ... until I fail my jump and land in a tree; its branches stabbing me repeatedly . I land on a bigger branch, holding my legs ,man that hurts like hell !.
      After some seconds I just forget about the pain and jump off the tree; I' m in a court, a whole bunch of needles are on the walls, pointing up . I could climb it easily, but right now I really don' t feel like doing so, I beat myself up enough for tonight. I get in a building instead, but there' s a creepy guy inside.
      He goes : "Micheal Jackson is the best fighter ever"
      And like an idiot I answer : " Better than Elvis ? "
      He gets mad and challenges me for a fight, but right now I' m not in the mood, I run away.
      I notice a rock coming out of a wall, that' ll do it. When I get near to the wall the creep gets in front of me, I try to fly past him but I just rub my head against the floor.
      Pain .
      I get to another wall and try to get over it, but the needles are still there.
      I have no choice, I' ll beat the heck outta him and that' ll be done. We somehow come back in the building and the fight' s rules come into my head : if someone is close to passing out, we gotta stop fighting, the conscious one wins.
      We begin fighting ... using dance moves . At some point we see our shadows fighting; I' m Elvis he' s Michael .
      I beat him but a friend of his comes. I' m kinda pissed off and stop dancing like a dumb ass; I begin hitting him like a boss, using mostly my right elbow, small but fast strikes to the head in pretty much every direction, until he falls on the floor.
      I' m about to get outta here but
      I wake up before I do that .


      * Instead of punching the floor, I was supposed to try my new technique to get in a friend' s dream.

      Updated 05-27-2013 at 06:14 PM by 57825

      Tags: moon
      lucid , memorable
    11. 30th Mar 2013 Bar on the moon, Cartoon characters, Destroying enemy base in the tank

      by , 03-30-2013 at 07:31 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream 1(fragment):

      I recall outdoors area of some kind.

      Dream 2:

      There was bar on the moon and various cartoon characters were gathering and hanging out there, i recall some cats, dogs and mouses, possibly Tom&Jerry among everyone else too, some were entering the bar right in the cars since there was special entrance. Many were having fun in the bar, some were getting drunk, there were a couple of gentlemen which were mostly talking to each other. Others were here to search for female counterpart. Some were just watching others from their cars. But in the end, many got drunk and there was massive fight, then dream skipped.
      I was on the moon and i was controlling a tank, which looked similar to M1A1 Abrams, except black colored, and there were some more tanks on my side and we were attacking enemy base, which looked like a big rectangular building. While others were distracting enemy tanks i found a safespot near base that was not guarded by stationary turrets and was out of sight of enemy tanks and was shooting the building, tank's projectiles looked like graphically enhanced version of shockwave from Warcraft 3, part by part i was bringing the base down and shortly i had to move since safespot was exposed after destruction of part of building. But in the end we destroyed the base and we were retreating back to our own base.
      In the base i was writing some dream journal entry for some reason, and it was about hiding from something, then dream ended.
    12. Vacation On The Moon Goes South

      by , 02-12-2013 at 12:13 AM (Golden Tales From The Dream World)

      This was a pretty cool dream, you know, being on the moon and all.
      But it got a bit scary with all of those pesky tidal waves.
      My theory for why they were so large was that, since the moon has a pull on earth's oceans, the earth would have a pull on the moon's oceans,
      and since the earth is much bigger and has more gravitational pull,
      it would obviously cause high tides and tsunami's WAY bigger than anything seen on earth.
      Well, at least that's what I figured.
      Whose bright idea was it to put an ocean on the moon anyway?

      Febuary 7th 2013

      I'm on the moon for a short vacation, maybe only a day or so.
      The moon has been terraformed, there is an atmosphere, a magnetosphere, even a near by ocean,

      (however, unlike wakingnomads green moon, the terrain was still rocky and desolate).
      I'm visiting a friends house there. It's pretty large, has a lot of floors, plenty of rooms, and I'm not the only friend over to visit.
      About five other people I know are there as well.
      Were downstairs on the first floor talking.
      I'm taking in the amazement of being on the moon, something I never imagined being able to do in my lifetime.
      At this time I just now just notice the ocean.
      It's huge and beautiful, sparkling in the sunlight.
      I look back to the others.

      "Have you seen that ocean? It's incredible."

      "Yeah it's cool isn't it?" One of them replies.

      In the moment of our gushing the sea levels of the ocean rise greatly, burying the first floor in water.
      Of course the whole house is air sealed, so at first I merely brush off the event and comment on how funny it was that that happened just when we were talking about it.
      Then I realized that there were still a few people out there.
      They were struggling around, trying to get up above water, but even with the low gravity the currents were too strong to climb out of.
      One man was too fat to get himself up, the moon dragged him down further and further as he drowned.
      One of our friends reached for the door to let him in. I couldn't believe it.

      "What are you crazy?! Open that door and were all dead!"

      He had a grim look on his face, but then backed away.
      We decided to all go up stairs and wait for the tide to recede.
      We started watching something on Tv, something to do with animals I think.
      It was then that I noticed something out the window on the ocean.
      A tidal wave, no, a super tsunami, so huge that it covered the horizon.
      It must have been 3km tall.
      I alerted everyone and we all started to panic.
      We decided to go to the very top floor, maybe when the wave would lower enough to the point where it wouldn't hit it.
      Of course that was a fleeting hope, we'd all but accepted our fates.
      Then whilst bracing for the inevitable, it began to rain, which was odd considering there were no clouds.
      It was then that I realized, because the tsunami was so tall, and the gravity was so low, it had reached a velocity where it's apoapsis went right over us, it would then land somewhere else.
      The wave had broken off over the ocean, and was now just sailing over our heads.
      We were incredibly relieved.
      Tags: moon, tidal waves
    13. FA's Brief Lucids and one Hellacious DEILD chain

      by , 01-27-2013 at 04:51 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      pre-bed 9:00PM
      2000MG Fish oil - (some posts suggest better dreaming)
      100MG 5-HTP
      Bed 10:00PM
      WBTB alarm 2:30AM but I woke naturally at 2:19AM
      2ish MG Galantamine (poured half capsule out on a dish and just licked it off. )
      250MG Choline
      600MG GPC
      0.5MG Melatonin


      +1MG Melatonin at 3:00AM
      +2MG Melatonin at 3:30AM

      Dosed off a bit brief DILD that I can't now remember. It was a crap dream anyway.
      Short WILD with vivid Rainbow colored static and geometric shapes. I haven't tripped that hard since High School!

      Finally fell asleep
      I woke up about 5:30AM from a NON-lucid. Something about me and another man playing with our sons. We have Lord of the Rings action figures and bicycles. Aragorn against a goblin, orcs, some shrimp like creature, and Uruk-hai. The funny thing is the action figures were actually talking to each other.

      #125 FA's Brief Lucids and one Hellacious DEILD chain

      I don't know how long this entire dream segment was. I feel it was probably around 30min. Maybe longer. I am not sure. There are a few memory gaps in the beginning but this is the best I remember.

      Ex in-laws
      I am staying at my ex in-law's house. My ex wife does not exist. My current wife and my ex's brother brother is there. There was some long dialog. Something about his birthday party. I sit and listen to the convo. I go into deep thought like I usually do. I feel dislike for this guy (I never liked him IRL). I think about why I am even here. I remember that I dream this a lot.

      I remember some SP but my focus was low

      Downtown event
      I have a FA. My wife and I are leaving the ex in-law's house. First we were driving now we are walking. My wife tells me that her "brother" R is going to give an anniversary surprise during his birthday party. I feel disgusted and want no part of it but say nothing.

      It is really early in the morning and still dark. It looks like we are downtown Webb City. There are a few curbside bistros open and large groups of people are flocking to them. Most of them are nicely dressed in evening dresses and suits. As we are walking through I comment on this to my wife but decide there must be some event going on and these are famous places to eat. Anthony Bourdain comes to mind.

      I sit in a folding chair next to some woman in a black evening dress. I look around and notice my wife went into a building. I just *know* that she had to use the restroom. This woman looks familiar to me but I don't know her. I felt an indescribably strong connection to her. Like a close friend or a family member. She is older with shoulder length gray hair. She is well kept and beautiful for her age. I get the feeling that she is ultra rich and well known. In spite of that, she is super friendly and down to earth. We have a really long conversation. I forgot almost all of it. I can only remember telling her that I was really confused. I told her that I had a brief lucid dream and I just woke up. I told her I wasn't sure what was going on. I felt really sleepy still. I don't remember her reply if any.

      I start missing my wife and look behind me. I see a bunch of folding chairs set out full of people and a woman at a podium. My wife is taking a seat in the middle. The woman at the podium says something about a church service. I feel annoyed. I just woke up. I am tired and I am in no mood to sit through some church service in the middle of the street. I march over to my wife. I sit beside my wife, put a hard hand on her shoulder and ruffly whisper in her ear, "What is this bullshit!?" The woman turns to look at me. It is some blond woman. She looks shocked an a little scared. I feel extremely embarrassed. "OH! Um sorry. I thought you were..."

      I run off to find my wife. The shock of this triggers lucidity. I remember that I took G and was trying to get lucid.

      I am in bed with vibrations.

      Memory gap

      I have another brief FA to lucid here but I can't remember enough to record anything.

      Blanket Attack

      I am back in bed with vibrations. This time I feel like a retard. I very quickly remember the dreams and how I was so close. Now I am more focused and determined.

      I transition out of bed but I am unstable. The blanket suck to my head and I can't see any more. I try to fight it but my hands can't feel anything. I give up and turn to leave blind. I am thrown back into SP.


      The Colosseum - Another failed attempt at TOTY

      I transition out again. This time it is better. But I am blind. I feel my way out of the bedroom. I try opening my eyes for a bit but I realize that I keep opening my real eyes. I see the dream and see the waking world. Finally I stop and focus seeing through my eye lids. Now I can dimly see. This time instead of heading to the front door I wonder what the back door will be like. My vision improves once I reach the back door and have a hand on the door knob. I try to visualize a Colosseum. I think of the line I used last time. I open the door but I see a moon lit back yard. I close the door and try again. Still the same. Not wanting to push my luck and wake up I walk out side. At this point part of me wonders If I am sleep walking. As a RC I try to float. I see me feet lift off the upper level of the back deck. Yep it's a dream. Now, I uncontrollably float over the rest of the deck and do a nose dive into the ground. I flip and roll end over end. Undaunted, I get up and brush myself off. (Brush myself off? lol) It is still really dark so I look up and ask the dream, "I need some light here" Oops I forgot to be polite. "Please." Nothing happens. "Can I please have some light?" I look around sort of wildly. I see a full moon and some stars. I try to focus on the moon but it is like looking through unfocused binoculars. It is really unstable and blurry. I look to the east and see the sun is just beginning to light up the sky.

      Encouraged, I decide to fly to Rome. I "feel" like Rome is to the east. My flying stinks but I remember a trick I learned from Robert W.'s book. I see the closest tall tree and focus on the tip. I go into warp speed. I see the small focused point of the tree but my peripheral vision is a blurry mess. I sort of lose vision for a sec but feel the tree branches smack into me. I blindly grasp and feel something small thorny branches. There is a dull pain but I don't dare let go. I see another tree in the distance. I repeat the exact same thing.

      Will.i.am is now 18!-tree.jpgWill.i.am is now 18!-mountain-warp.jpg

      I look farther out. I see a tree covered mountain range. The sun is rising behind it. The mountains look really far away. They are small and on the horizon. I pick a spot with trees and focus. I fly/teleport. Again, I grasp branches and hold on. I lose vision briefly again. I think that this has to be far enough.I let go and drop to the ground. I land hard.

      I pick myself up off the ground and notice the sky is dark again. I try to imagine the Colosseum again. A huge spot light comes on be. I begin to hear a roaring crowd chanting something. I think, This is it! I pretend I have a sword sheathed on my left side. With my right arm I make a drawing motion. I can hear it come out but I feel nothing. All I can see is my shadow on the ground in front of me. I am a bulky muscular man with a Gladius in my right hand. I am in a fighting stance and ready for battle. At that moment the dream collapses.


      DEILD back into bed. This time I give the SP a little more time. I focus on the feeling and relax. I just wait and watch like I do when I have HI.

      I begin to see a bright blue blob of color. I focus on it. It looks like some sort of animation on a computer screne. I sit up and reach for it. It becomes a tablet in my left hand. I continue to watch the strange blob. I ask the the dream, "What is this?"
      I hear a reply in my mind, "EVIL..... THIS HOUSE IS HAUNTED."
      I become afraid. I shout. "YOU FAGGOT! SHUT-UP! NO IT'S NOT!" (faggot? really? Sorry folks, I never use that word IRL) Then I realize that I pretty much just called myself a faggot. I think about stupid it was. The dream collapses.

      The Creep In The Mirror

      I DEILD again and remain calm. I sit in SP again. I am beginning to realize that if I give SP some time and not rush things I will be able to see better. After some time I can see the room. I get out of bed. This time I try to focus on using the bathroom door to teleport to the Colosseum. It is the closest door. I remember the non-lucid awhile back that when I opened the door it led to a park outside. I try to visualize the outline of wall again. I open the door. Nope. Normal bathroom. I try again and the room is a black void. I feel encouraged and walk in. I imagine a Gladius in my hand and try my WILD tech in dream. I make a repetitive chopping action with the sword and wait for the Colosseum to form.

      Suddenly the lights come on. I am just in my bathroom. I can see the sun coming from the window. The light is bright and warm like noon in the summer. I decide to just play around now.

      I go to the sink and look in the mirror. I notice the medicine cabinet is all wrong. It has a sliding glass door rather than a hinged one. I look really creepy and distorted. My body is all jittery and wavy like I an underwater. I focus on my face. My eyes look bloodshot. My goatee is gone and I look like I am 16 again. I gasp and let out a laugh. When I do that there is this strange zooming focus effect in the mirror with the background behind me. I am taken aback. I focus again on my face. I am making crazy faces at myself. I am still wavy and jittery. My reflection give me a half smirk. It looks like someone is photo editing my mouth in real time with a smudge tool. I realize I am not smiling. Then I notice that I have a black, smoky aura around me. I gasp and again the strange zooming effect. It was almost like reality bent and flexed around me. I focus on my face once more and it looks sort of normal. I feel really creeped out and decide to move on.

      I think about going outside so I look out the window. I pull back the blinds but find that I can't see past the screen. Its just really bright light coming in. I decide to head to the front door.

      I walk through into my son's room. And become distracted. I see him asleep in the crib. I lean over him and say "BOOOO!" He makes a face and puts his hands to his mouth. He looks like he is about to cry. I feel really bad that I scared him. I try to comfort him and kiss is forehead. Then I wonder if I am really astral projecting and worry that I am waking him up. Then I get an idea.

      I rush back into my bed room to try and see myself. I go back through the bathroom. There is breif darkness. Then I an standing next to my bed in the dark. My wife wakes up and half-way sits up. I see my body lying in bed in my right side with my legs slightly bent. I notice that MY HEAD IS MISSING. I jump in the bed next to me. It feels like a plastic dummy. It has a shirt and shorts on. I reach into the neck of the shirt but it feels like smooth skin. I remember the headless boy dream the scene destabilizes.

      Concentration is Lost

      I begin to DEILD again. I feel the vibrations buzzing my body. This time I become distracted. I realize that have had a long dream. I feel like I am going to forget is all. I try to think back while keeping the SP going but this much thinking fully wakes me up.

      The time is exactly 7:00AM. I feel a little confused because the room is so dark still. I swear to myself that I am still dreaming but after several clock RCs and awareness checks I quickly realize I am not. It is just cloudy outside.

      Updated 03-30-2013 at 10:43 PM by 5967 (Details...)

      lucid , false awakening , memorable , task of the year
    14. Flying over the Lake at Night

      by , 01-03-2013 at 06:48 PM
      Dream 1:

      I was flying over a lake at night. Everything was so beautiful. I was skimming right over the surface of the water occasionally barely touching the water. I had my camera. I was trying to take pictures. I was trying to get the perfect shot of the moon peeking out behind a cliff...then this truck that was sitting in the shallow part of the water. But I was wearing gloves and I later found out that I was pushing the wrong place. My camera looked more like my mp3 player. I was frustrated because I had wanted all those cool shots. And then I was having trouble manuvering and was almost bumping in to rocks and other things poking out from the water. I also started getting more wet.

      This is the kind of dream I would have while lucid. But in this case, there was never any lucidity.

      The truck in this dream looked just like the one we hiked by two days ago.

    15. 12/26/12 Assassin's Creed

      by , 12-26-2012 at 10:11 PM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)

      Moon Templars
      I am in my Fire Valkyrie in space, approaching the moon. I land on the moon and get out of my ship, not concerned with a space suit since it is a dream. I walk on the moon for a while, just looking around, not considering any of my dream goals right now. I spot something strange on top of a small hill not too far away. It looks like a laser of some kind, and it is pointed into the sky where I see the Earth shining like a small jewel in the vastness of space.

      I wonder what it is there for, is someone going to shoot the Earth? I decide this is worth checking out and I approach the site slowly, keeping out of sight. I realize I am dressed in white Assassin's robes which look more gray in the dim light of the setting sun, which gives me good camouflage against the gray surface of the moon. When I get closer I see that there are people around the laser, they seem to be working on it. I wonder what their goal is. As I approach them I see they also have uniforms on, and I see the symbol of the Templars on the shoulders of the uniforms where an astronaut would have a flag. Templars… I figure they can be up to nothing good. Well, apparently I'm an Assassin… so it seems pretty obvious I am there to put a stop to whatever they are doing. I hear them talking amongst themselves about the ray, and I gather that it is some kind of a mind control ray that will make people more compliant and less likely to resist changes they would normally protest. I manage to sneak right over to the beam, I look at an access panel. I open it up and look at the wires and stuff inside, which makes no sense to me… but breaking it doesn't require understanding it. I pull out a bunch of the wires and sparks fly from the access panel. That gets an immediate response from the Templars. They start shooting beam weapons at me. They just hit their own laser weapon, adding to the damage I have already done. So I respond by summoning my Witchblade sword and fighting back. There are only three Templars working on the weapon, and I take them out quickly. I then use my sword to cut right through the beam weapon, leaving it as a pile of rubble on the moon. I look up at the Earth in the sky, thinking it sure is beautiful from here… then I wake.

      Assassin's Creed
      I am in a strange city; I do not recognize it at first. I walk for a short distance until I see something I recognize, but I don't recognize it from my waking life, I recognize it from the video game Assassin's Creed II. I am quite certain that I am standing right next to Leonardo Da Vinci's workshop in Florence.

      I am just walking along when I realize someone is chasing after me. I hear them calling that they see me, kill her before she catches up with someone I didn't realize I was chasing. I turn to face my pursuers, Witchblade sword ready. There are five of them. I am outnumbered. But I find out that if I wait for one of them to make their move and then dodge the attack I am able to find an opening to get in a counter attack of my own. Using this technique I am able to take down four of them and the fifth decides he'd rather not fight, sheaths his sword, and runs for it. I see no reason to go after him, and I have the idea it is important for me to catch up with the person I have been chasing. I hurry along the street in the opposite direction that the guards came from, figuring if they were chasing me I must have been going this way. I spot the guy I am after, it seems he was actually stupid enough to stop and watch the fight when he could've been using the opportunity to escape. He has seen that the guards have lost the fight and now he is running away again. He must be the Templar I am after. I chase after him up the side of a building and into a small garden where I have him cornered. He is cowering in a corner and begging for his life. I wonder how someone that pathetic could be a threat to anyone. I tell him he isn't worth the trouble to kill and turn away, thinking if he is a main target I probably have to kill him no matter how pathetic he is. I see movement behind me and I turn just in time to catch the loser trying to stab me in the back. I stab him with my hidden blade before he can stab me and he dies. I leave the garden quickly before any more guards show up and realize I have completed my mission. I am back around Leonardo's workshop when I wake up.
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