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    1. Dream Girl

      by , 12-27-2011 at 08:08 PM (Ultra-Rad Dreamage Supreme)
      This dream started out in the halls of the high school I graduated from. I was in my current body, not my high school body, so I was a lot more in shape and confident than I was back then. I was just dawdling about in the hall when a girl caught my eye. She was actually an inch or so taller than me, which is usually a turn off for me. She had a fit body, blue eyes, and short champagne blonde hair just above the shoulders. Usually I'm not attracted to the short, super light blonde hair either, but the way she was wearing it made it very appealing to me.

      I went up to her and started walking/talking with her down the hall. Her name was Eileen, a name I've barely ever heard in my life, but a pretty name none the less. We decided we should go drive around and hang out, and I was ballsy enough to put my arm around her as we exited the school.

      It was evening and we drove around for a while, talking. It's crazy how in depth dream characters can be and how much you can learn about them. She was a midwestern girl, same age as me, and had moved out here with her parents. She loved rock/alternative rock/folk/indie and was into climbing/hiking/skiing; all the same outdoor activities I was into. She was super nice and very down to earth.

      This is the cool part. We somehow made it into a house and she said something to the effect of "You haven't forgotten those promises you made to me, have you?" "Of course not," I said, "I have them all right here so I don't forget." I pulled out my phone (the same one I have in real life) and went to my notes. There was a page titled 'Promises Made to Eileen' with a short list jotted down below. I was confused on how the list got there, as I thought I was meeting this dream character for the first time.

      I then realized that this was not my first time meeting Eileen! I had a revelation that I had met her in a previous dream that I had now forgotten. She smiled at me, extremely happy in my remembrance of meeting her before. We shared a great kiss, said our goodbyes and then I woke up.

      This is one of the first times I've remembered a reoccurring character in a dream, and I must say I am very pleased with her. Now if only I could meet the real life version...
    2. Call Center and Dormitory

      by , 11-17-2011 at 11:55 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was looking for someone. I was in Bacolod, in a building where Quan is near Shopping and La Salle. It was a call center there. Second floor (there are only two stories of the building). A lot of people. I saw a familiar one.

      Somehow, even against my protest, I became an agent. I was on a cellphone, talking to a client, asking about the quality of a product or service. I was able to answer confidently. I saw Calvin again, the familiar face.

      I traveled somewhere with some people. A dormitory? I was asking about the accommodation. The landlady said something about floods, indicating a deep flood, and I told her that some of my companions are girls.

      Walked again, in another dormitory with sis. A familiar dormitory, where a friend (or a number of friends) lived. We ate there. Then we escaped, although we know they won't mind we ate there. Went "home."

      Mom complained about sis's water jug. That's when I realized I don't have mine. I might have left it outside of the dormitory.
    3. Weirdest Birthday Party Ever. November 2nd, 2011

      by , 11-04-2011 at 09:03 PM
      Tried WBTB, no LD. Sorry if this one feels rushed. It's mostly because it is.

      First, there was this Halloween party I was supposed to attend. It was at one of the houses I see on the way to Alec's, but it was Jing was going to be there too, and this other Asian chick who I don't know lived there. I was supposed to go there with Ephraim. I also wrote down "green/red", "strawberry", and "yuigoh", but I don't remember their significance, although I do remember that they had to do with this part of the dream. I also wrote down the word "plants" in quotations, meaning there was weed somewhere in the dream, but I don't remember that either. Anyway, suddenly I was in this other house with Sean, Onyx (school nerd), and some other faceless people. Onyx started talking about twitter to me, saying that everyone in school uses it to remember their homework. I said, "Why would I do that when I could just type it on my phone?" Then I got up in his face and said, "You jelly?" In case you aren't familiar, that's internet lingo for "are you jealous?" Then I realised how stupid this was and went to go sit down, embarrassed. As I went to go sit down, Sean gave off the vibe that he was one of the nerds or something. On Onyx's computer, he had this list of names, and it had something to do with LAN. I saw names like Abe Lincoln, Linkin Park, Sean Connery, etc.

      Then I had a false awakening in my room. It looked like my room, but I still knew that this was before the Halloween party. It was DE that I took a nap before going. I didn't do a RC because my brain hates me.

      At the party, which now took place in this swag mansion/restaurant, there was a guy who was supposed to be V from V for Vendetta, but he wasn't wearing a mask, and he was a well-known DE actor. All of a sudden, when this one guy comes up behind V, V turns around around shoots him. The guy didn't even have any bad intentions. Anyway, one of the shots fired missed, and went outside and some guy outside dodged the bullet. Andrea and I saw this, and we agreed that this was impossible (NO RC? WHY?!?). Back inside, V had his victim on a table, and he just kept shooting him, but he just wouldn't die. He shot him like ten times, then turned around to walk away, but then the victim would muster up all of his strength to raise his own gun and shoot back. Then V would turn around and shoot him again, like ten times. This repeated for a while.

      Then I was in Anthony's living room, but he wasn't there. It was just me, and Dad, and the one couch was on the other side of the room, and everything was white. Dad kept making these comparisons that I didn't understand, like he was referencing things that came before my time or something, and I don't remember what he was comparing, but it had something to do with me. Then I was on Family Guy, except I think I was just watching this part. Stewie and this other character were racing, and they had to race without teleporting. They were in this futuristic looking park, and the whole place looked like a gigantic jungle gym. Stewie, who was sort of me, won, and he said, "This is the greatest moment of my life! Aaaaaand...now it's gone." I guess the feeling wore off quickly.

      I woke up at 7 AM.

      Back to sleep.

      The next dream I had was started a sequence of dreams. I don't remember what I was doing before hand, or if I was doing anything before hand, but I was stuck on the side of the road. It was raining hard, and there were major floods. The side of the road was completely flooded to the point where you could swim in it. In my dream, I don't know if I couldn't swim, or the water was just too violent, but I was drowning. There was a lot of dirty grass all in the water. There was this guy not too far away sitting with some of his buddies in lawn chairs. They had a tent up and they were just enjoying some beers. Keep in mind we are on this desolate road in the middle of a serious weather situation. I yelled for help, and at first this guy didn't want to help because he didn't feel like getting up. The guy also looked familiar, I think he was a teacher at my school. I yelled for help again, and he finally got up, and it was DE that he was only doing this for fame and fortune. There was another person drowning with me, and the guy who saved me, only grabbed my hand, so I thought fast, and grabbed the other guy's hand to save him too. Then the dream told me the tide was low, so I started to walk home. I saw Rocky, my cat, and I was worried about him, so I picked him up and took him with me. As I was walking this group of kids were walking on the right side on the road. I told them that they could get hit by a car on that side since they can't see behind them. However, every time a car went by, they miraculously didn't get hit.

      Then I was at the old house. I'm pretty sure Avatar: The Last Airbender was on TV. The show's plot had something to do with the planet about to explode, and Aang went into outer space to-I have no idea. Anyway, Anthony, his mom, and his sister, Alexis were there, and suddenly, I was in this room with Alexis. I was supposed to talk to her because for some reason, Anthony, and their mom couldn't get through to her, which would never happen in real life. We were in this room (sort of DE that it was inside the TV, but not really) that had plain walls, some art tables, and a door leading out. There was a clothes line that was holding up some papers with art on them. Anyway, we were talking about her interest in art. She was saying that she likes art, but she doesn't see the point in going to school for it, since she knows how to paint. I told her that she may think she knows everything there is to know, but she will get to school and realise that there is so much more for her to learn. As I was talking, I saw Anthony and his mom walk past the doorway to the room, so they could peak in to see how I was doing. This part of the dream could have paralleled my predicament in music, which was similar to Alexis's in the dream.

      Then I was back on the road still walking home, except now, I wasn't there, and I was replaced by Alann, and some of his friends. They were late for a party that I was already at. I went inside the house for the party, and I was pretty nervous because I didn't know anyone. I remember it being very sunny outside, like after a storm, and there was a brilliant garden out front. When I walked in the door, there was a room to the left, and if you walked forward, you found the kitchen. Jimmy Neutron's mom was the host of the party, and when I walked in, she offered me this cake that had chocolate on top, vanilla ice cream in the middle, and Oreo cookie on the bottom. It was DE that the father was going to be late for his own kid's birthday party. The father in question was Alann, but now he was some other guy. The dream cut to this guy, who looked like a modern version of Fred Flintstone. He got sidetracked on his way home, even though he was like a block away, and he went to this amusement park. The only thing at the park was this roller coaster that had three or four different tracks, so that four different trains can ride at the same time. Suddenly I was on this platform at the top of the roller coaster, and I saw Rocky on the tracks. I was worried about him again, and I climbed onto the roller coaster tracks to save him. The tracks were very thin, and I could sit on them, as if sitting on a horse. I looked down, and I realised that I was very high up; all I could see were the very small tops of the trees of a forest down below. For some reason this didn't bother me, as I had to hop from track to track to avoid the roller coaster as they went by. The trains were only one car in length.

      Anyway, we all get back to the party, and the dad got there JUST in time. Then, we all ate. The host was suddenly Anthony's mom, and I kept dropping food on my lap, and looking over out of the corner of my eye to see if she noticed. I saw that she did notice, and I was pretty embarrassed. The food we ate were these very large trays of steak, peas, carrots corn, and various meats. The vegetables were scattered all over the whole thing, and the steak was in cupcake form. The tray next to that had a bunch of meat that looked like sushi, and it also had these circular rolls of ham (it was DE that they were like my mom makes, although she doesn't make rolls of ham lol). Someone on the other side of the table told me that there was also ham, not just steak, so I tried some of it. This food was the best thing I have ever tasted in my entire life. It was so juicy, and tender, and it just tasted so amazing. Everything at the table tasted great, and when everyone else was done eating, and they went into the other room, I was still at the table eating. Since it was a dream, I couldn't get full, and I just kept eating for a while.

      Then I met up with everyone in the next room. There was this robot on the couch, and he had a yellow, pointy head, with a visor over where his eyes would be. He had a round body, and was pretty short. The host of the party powered him up, and we all became miniature, and we went inside this robot dummy. It was supposed to be a simulation of a real body, but for party purposes, it was a rental robot. Inside the body, which reminded me a lot of Bowser's Inside Story, there were there monkey bars made of organs, and there was this ball pit and slide made of organs that all the kids were playing on. But then, I realised that we were trapped. There was this one exit to the body where we were suddenly under this surreal (think Little Big Planet) ocean, and the water was too high (because of the flood in the beginning) so we couldn't leave. I try calling Plankton for help (from Spongebob) on this phone, but it didn't work. Then I went back into the meaty, organ room that we were all initially in, and I saw that everyone else was still having their fun, oblivious to the fact that we were stuck in here. The host, at this point, now morphed into a pink fish. I realised that we needed to call Plankton so he could save us. And I also realised that if you ate this certain kind of food, it changes your urine, so that it can power the phone. A lot of the parents there were suddenly bloopers from Mario (the squids), and their urine would be the most potent. While they worked on this, I went back to the under-sea spot. I found a giant metal pole that I tried to stick out of the ground so that this spider that was on it could crawl up, then onto this tree, and go get help. When the spider was crawling up, I could feel the vibrations through the pole. It was pretty weird. Debbie, my mom's friend, was suddenly there next to me, and she was worried that we wouldn't get out. Then the tide was low again, and I walked out. I walked towards the ocean, which was now an under-sea beach, and to the left, and up a hill. Everyone was disappointed because they ate all of that special food for nothing. When we were out of the body and back at the house, I realised that the host fish had this slot on her stomach. It was for a pole attachment, so I took the pole, put it in the slot, and held up the fish, like a balloon. I showed her around the house, as if she was a guest. Then I showed her outside, as if she was unfamiliar with our world. The seasons changed right in front of us, so I could show her each season.
    4. October 27th, 2011. Batman's shame.

      by , 10-29-2011 at 01:31 AM
      No lucid dreams. I fell asleep while trying MILD, and I did the WBTB earlier than expected, because I forgot to take out the trash last night.

      Before I woke up to take the trash out, all of my "dreams" consisted of these faux "reality checks" on loop. It's like my mind was just running through them over and over, but it really wasn't a dream if that makes sense. I wouldn't call it a dream anyway. If I did call it a dream, then the entire time leading up to the WBTB was a constant loop dream of my checking my hands as the reality check. Maybe I need a good night's rest? At least they are happening A LOT in my sleep now, so there's that.

      When I went back to sleep after the WBTB, I really started to dream. Perhaps my REM periods were too short in the time leading up to the WBTB, and maybe that's why I had these "dreams." But ANYWAY...

      The first thing I remember is walking with Maria to some place. I think we were seeing each other or something.

      Then, there was this dream where it was Sean's birthday. It was actually his birthday in real life on the 26th, so that makes sense. For his birthday, we were getting him this really expensive chocolate, which sounds pretty depressing now that I think about it. Anyway, before that we were having really expensive pizza, and we only had one. It was like we were running out of pizza fast, and we were worried we would have to pay for another, or that the other one wouldn't come in time - oh wait!...it was that we were running out, and we paid for the other already, but we were afraid that it wasn't coming. Then I had to go get the chocolate. It was in the closet of this room that I would be in in a later dream. In the closet, there was this big machine, not unlike a coffee bean dispenser in a supermarket, except this one was a lot more futuristic and electronic. The chocolate was shaped like pumpkin seeds, and the pricing was $75.87 to start. You needed to put that much down to buy any in the first place. After you were going to buy a certain amount, the price started going up. I couldn't figure out the stupid machine, because the interface was horrible. There were three buttons placed on the machine so that there was one button on top of another, and another button next to the bottom one. The top button went through the selections, and the bottom button went back, but if you pressed the bottom one, you had to press the button next to it to make it so the top button would be set to cycle through the selections again, otherwise it would now be the "confirm order" button. Anyway, I was getting annoyed, and my mom came over, I'm now guessing to ask me what was taking so long. When she was helping me, we were in some weird train station with the same machine. I have no idea why, it didn't have to do with anything, and we ended up back in the room right after this whole thing. I tried messing with the machine again, and I finally found the one we were going to get Sean, but I accidentally hit the "confirm order" button. So we bought one piece of pumpkin seed sized chocolate for $75.87. I said I was sorry to my mom, saying it was because of the bad interface. I had to explain what an interface was to her, and we were both getting annoyed.

      Then, it was DE that we were back at the party, but it wasn't the party, and it was in our old house now. I remember seeing the porch, but I don't remember what happened there. Then I had to get something that was in my room. My room was the room that is in my current house. When I got there, I couldn't open my eyes, so I couldn't see, and was blindly searching through my room. I finally got my eyes half open, and I looked in the mirror to see what was wrong with them. I could see that they were blood shot, and I could see in the mirror on my ceiling by the fan, was this wild and swift smoke that moved across the ceiling towards me. I freaked out and went downstairs to the dining room. The dining room was DE that it was my old house, but it looked mostly like my current dining room, with some minor touches here and there that hinted at the old house. There were a bunch of girls there, and I was explaining to them that there was a ghost in the house. Then I walked out onto the back porch and there was a lot of dudes that took off on their bicycles like it was this big tradition. I went to sit down at the table on the porch, and suddenly I was at the beach with Chrissy/Cassandra. I don't know exactly which one it was, and it may have been DE that it was both in the same body. We were watching videos on my phone, but I forget what they were, but they may have been the video I saw in my next dream.

      I was in the room that had the chocolate machine in the closet. Now that I think about it, this room was a lot like the room I stay in at Dad's, except there was only one closet. There was only one bed in the middle of the room rather than two beds on both sides. I had my keyboard on the bed with me, and I think there was another machine there too. The keyboard was playing this extremely loud drone music, and it was fricken amazing, and I don't even like drone music. Then I looked at the TV, and there was this movie or something on. Ben Stiller was the main character, and the part I saw was that he was at the site of this big fire, and as he's walking, he comes up to Batman, and Ben Stiller was like, "Wait, but you're a good guy. What are you doing here?" Batman looked down at these pencils he had in his hands and said, "I was hoping the cameras would see..." It was like he needed the world to know that he can read and write like a big boy, and he was ashamed that he was doing such a selfish thing. Ben Stiller walked along a little more and came to an evil Batman, and said, "Wait, but you're the bad guy. What on earth are you doing here?" The evil Batman took one look at Ben Stiller and said something along the lines of, "BBLLLAARRRGGH!! I'm gonna kill everyone!" Or maybe it was, "BBLLAARARRRRGGHHH!!! I'M GONNA EAT YOU!!!"

      And that was what I woke up with.
    5. Headphones for Cymbals (Oct 23, 2011)

      by , 10-27-2011 at 08:56 PM (Realm of Insanity)
      The dream starts off in my old middle school, I ask my teacher ms. Mcgaw if I can let the students waiting outside in. She says that I can, so I open the door to the classroom and wave them all in.
      The classroom has a smart board in the middle of the room and bleachers set up near the door. All of the students find a seat, and I happen to sit next to a pair of cymbals.
      (I happen to be a percussionist in real life so this is probably where the cymbals came from)
      A African American teacher, looks to be in his forties or fifties walks into the room and begins to teach. He is talking about teen couples that have babies in high school.
      I forget the names of the couple who he was mainly focusing on though. As he is speaking my leg whips out and accidentally knock over the cymbals causing a barrage of sound.
      Even as I pick the cymbals up and place them back onto the bleachers, they are still making a ringing noise. The noise then stops completely and the man resumes teaching.
      After a passage of time the ringing noise appears. The man stops teaching one again and speaks to me.
      "Maybe you should go to the main office and get some headphone for those," he suggests.
      The dream ends with a view of the main office.
    6. October 25th, 2011

      by , 10-27-2011 at 07:39 AM
      No WBTB, or MILD. I tried DEILD but forgot. I will try all three tonight.

      All of these dreams seemed related, but involved different characters. It was as if the characters morphed into different appearances.

      To kick things off, I was in the old house in my mother's room. I was lying in bed with Anthony just having a chat. Mrs. Gunther-Brown, my music theory teacher from high school, was there and the three of us got into a discrepancy over her ability to sing certain genres, or something of the like. Anthony was on my side, and obviously she was on hers. The argument was only DE, but afterwards, she went into the bathroom to get a shower. While she was in there, she started singing. What we could hear in the room was not just her vocals, but a whole accompaniment of various instruments. Anthony and I started complaining. I used a pillow to cover my ears. I discovered that I could change the sound of her singing by bending the pillow, as if the sound waves were wrapping around the pillow in a different way. Bending the pillow more made her singing sound more tinny, and a flatter pillow meant a more crisp sound. I made a comment about it to Anthony saying something like, "isn't it funny how something so simple like this can make such a big difference?" He replied with, "She's still horrible." I was about to agree when suddenly the song changed. It sounded like a jazz/funk fusion, not unlike Hiromi Uehara's work. I said, "wait, this actually sounds pretty good." I got up to go to the bathroom to apologise about Anthony and I making fun of her. She wasn't there. And my bathroom looked very different and unusual. Instead of the normal beige walls, tile floor, and small size, I was greeted with a fairly larger (although still pretty small) room with wooden floors, and a strange looking sink with nothing in it. There was a white shower curtain behind me, which I never actually turned around to see, and where the toilet usually was, was now just a wooden floor, and across from it where the sink goes were these wooden swingy doors, like in old west saloons. They may ave led to a toilet, but I don't know. The sink was on the left wehn you walk into the room. In between the sink and the saloon doors was a strange contraption placed on the floor. What I was about to do would start a plot that would unravel in the dreams to come. I cannot describe the contraption, mostly because I don't clearly remember what it looked like. But I also cannot describe it because it didn't seem to take any definite shape. It was a solid object, but it was so conjumbled, as if someone went on Microsoft Paint, made a bunch of lines, turned them into wood, and put it on the floor, but at the same time it looked nothing like that. There were tiny, mini people on the floor by the contraption. They seemed to be hindered by the contraption in some way, so I fixed the contraption so that they could be...for lack of a better word, better. As it turns out, my teacher set up the contraption so that these mini people, who were evil, would be trapped in it forever. I messed all of that up.

      Everything that happens next may be out of order.

      The saloon doors morphed into a TV, and I was watching a bunch of child actors, one of which I knew as my childhood friend, Tyler. They gathered around this table, and suddenly I was in TV, in the setting of where the children were. Except now I was on in a field. What was taking place in this field was a situation similar to the Holocaust, and I was on the bad side, and a major figure. We weren't going after Jewish people, in fact, I don't think there were any distinctive features about the people we had captured, but they were all wearing red shirts, and my side was all wearing blue shirts. This field was grassy, and had a hill to the right. There was a path leading to the hill, and that same path, going in the other direction, went and circled around a section of the field. We were walking across this section of the field. I was with another person in a blue shirt. He was talking to someone in a red shirt, as if trying to calm him down. As we neared the other side, the blue shirt said for him to go now, because we had to be somewhere. As the red shirt went towards a group of red shirts, I patted him on the back, as to grant him some form of solace. As I neared the other side of this field with the other blue shirt, I saw on my left, a mother saying "goodbye, I love you" to her daughter. There was also this strange, carnival-like booth on wheels (they exist in real life, but I don't know what they are called). We passed this and kept going straight to another hill. We started to climb it.

      The next thing I remember is this explorer character (I was merely observing this entire part), like a video game character, running around this cave fighting enemies, getting points. Then he was climbing these strange pipe-like objects with ladders on them. They were all orange, each one taller than the last, and they were in a row. At the top of each was a traffic light with four light bulbs. At the bottom was endless water, as far as you can imagine. The traffic lights were black, and only the bottom light was green, with the rest being red. The lights were timed so that when the green light came on, there was a yellow beam of light shining down from the traffic light onto the top of the pipe, covering the entire space. When the green light came back on again, the yellow beam of light turned off. The traffic lights on each pipe was in an opposite pattern so that one would be off, while the one next to it would be on. The explorer climbed the first pipe on the right, and had to time things right because for some reason he couldn't be in the light. This was a game-like scenario after all. So when the green light came on again, and the light turned off, he climbed on top. Then he turned to the pipe next to him. This dream was in third person, so he was facing my left, to the taller pipe. It really was a lot like a video game. Since the beam of light was on pipe, he waited until the traffic light was almost green. He jumped off his pipe at the last second as to avoid the beam of light on that one, then he changed direction in midair to catch the ladder of the next pipe. He repeated the process, but failed this time. He fell and landed in the water below. The water behind the pipes was dark, and deadly (think Spyro) with sharks. The water elsewhere was clear, safe, and clean. The two waters were right next to each other, and separated right down the center. The explorer landed in the deadly water, and quickly swam back to the safe water. All of a sudden, he was on top of the tallest pipe, which had an opening at the top, and was filled to the brim with water. The explorer had to swim down into the pipe, and under the deadly water to reach an island on the other side of the deadly water. It's important to know that for the past week I have been practicing MILD with the chart that gives you circumstances every day in which you should do a reality check. Doing a RC when you see a traffic light was the one for the day before I had this dream. So when I saw the traffic lights in the dream, I thought to myself, "Too bad I didn't see this yesterday, or I'd be doing a reality check." Well, fuck.

      Then I was on 4chan as a girl. This version of 4chan was very civilized. It was implied that they get different privileges on 4chan, and so everything was different. Everything was multicolored in a psychedelic fashion, and I had to hack this girl's computer to get an IP address and password.

      After that, I was on these railroad tracks, which may have been at the top of the hill I was heading towards during the Holocaust dream. I was with Mom, and she was making a comment on all of the strange things going on recently (set in motion because of my meddling in the bathroom). She said it was the apocalypse. She started mentioning the seven signs of the apocalypse, which were somehow related to the 4chan thing, because I was looking them up or something. I wish I would have written down these signs, but all I wrote down to remind myself was "7 signs of apocalypse." I know one dealt with having seven waffles in one sitting. I thought to myself, "Let me guess, the seventh sign is that I'm dreaming, huh crazy Mom? Jeez, I really MUST be dreaming." Well, fuck. Again.

      Another part of this weird dream was that there was this really futuristic purple hover car, and Superman was driving it on this road (the road also could have been at the top of that hill) with this chick. The road was long and straight, with green pasture on either side. The girl looked exactly like a dude, but had a girly voice for a few seconds. So it was a dude down to the last detail, but it was DE that it was a girl. They got to this building, which was the only building for miles, and went in. It was like a hotel, except it lead into my house.


      I'm grabbing this fat chicks boobs. She's really old, I don't want to, but she's really desperate, and I make out with her a little bit. This is taking place in my old house, but not in any existing room. Then, I see Ms. Magro (student teacher from art. Cool gal) come in from one of those futuristic *schwop* doors. The door was on the landing on the step, where the china cabinet usually went. She says something like, "Do you guys have any important information?" I took one look at the fat chick, and said, "Yes we do." We didn't but I wanted Ms. Magro to come in the room so that I wouldn't have to make out with this old lady anymore. The information she was referring to was about some person that went missing, but is vital to winning in this battle for good that has been going on since the incident in the bathroom. Magically, we had important information to tell her when she came in, although we didn't when she asked. I said, "Yes, we know where he is." I got a hold of him on the phone, which was purple and futuristic like the car. The person turned out to be Rainn Wilson, and he answered his phone. The dream cut to a view of him driving the futuristic car on the straight road to no where. He looked at the caller ID, and seeing that it was Ms. Magro, answered the phone saying, "I told you I don't have anymore time." He then hung up, and it was DE that we couldn't call him anymore. It was also DE at this point that Rainn and Magro are ex-lovers. So it was a big misunderstanding, but now we have little hope for the good of humanity.

      The last thing I remember, and this part was VERY dramatic, and engaging, and engrossing upon waking, is being back in a building that had the bathroom from the first dream. It wasn't my old house anymore, and there was really only three rooms. One room had bunk beds, and dressers, and was pretty normal, except it had the same wooden style as the bathroom from the first dream. You could leave that room, and there was a DE hallway that I never saw. It led to the other two rooms. One room was the bathroom, and the other was this very strange, morgue-like room. The part with the TV and child actors might have occurred here, but I'm not sure, and pretty doubtful. Anyway, the characters in this part of the dream are four people. Two were the same person, which was some little boy with a come-to-the-side haircut, a white button-up shirt, and black shorts. He had brown hair, and I never got a good look at his face. The other two, have a great deal of mystery surrounding them. One was that weird-looking doctor with the white hair on the cover of the box for Operation. I leave the fourth character's description void for now. The boys passed the bathroom, and got to this weird morgue-room. It looked almost exactly like the bathroom, except there was no shower, no sink, no nothing, except for the drawers with the bodies in them. The non-main character boy saw the doctor open one of the drawers and take a body out. The body was the fourth character and was seen briefly and from behind. It was almost DE that it was the non-main character boy, but I'm unsure. The non-main boy, panicked, ran back to the bunk bed room, and started packing bags to leave because he was freaked out. Suddenly, I was in the place of the main character boy, and I asked in a panicked tone, "Calm down just tell me what you saw." I knew he saw the body, but I needed to know who it was, because this would decide the fate of the Good vs Bad war that I started way back in the beginning, and he uncovered some sort of evil plot. I thought he could have seen himself, but I had to be sure, I had to confirm it. I said again, "You need to tell me what you saw." It was all very rushed and urgent. He took one look at me, with his faceless face, and that was it. I woke up. This is one of those dreams, for me, that leaves you wondering, like the answer would have been this life changing thing. Although it doesn't compare to the secret basement door, which I will forever wonder about. Perhaps someday, I'll open it, and see what's on the other side.

      The characters seemed to morph because me and the other blue shirt during the Holocaust was also Superman and the man lady, and me and the old lady, and the two boys.
    7. October 23rd, 2011

      by , 10-26-2011 at 01:35 AM
      No WBTB or LD this night. I gave WBTB a break.

      We'll go from leas tamount remembered to most.

      First, there was something about DBZ, with Gohan (adult) and some fight with Frieza.

      Before that, I was in a car, and there was a guy with a gun. I knew he was a threat, and he went to shoot me, so I tried to get the gun away. He ended up shooting my hand, which made me lose grip, and then he emptied the clip on me. It hurt like hell. It was only like 6 or 7 shots, but it felt like forever. The impact of the bullets was a lot of the dream experience. It was indescribable.

      Then, I was at school (maybe it was boarding school, but all the same people). There was one part where I was looking for a new phone, and I was digging through a bunch of phones, and it turned out that Jenn had he food was in a wooden basket, and the was one person to each side of the basket. In the basket, there was Japanese cuisine and other weird things. For some reason all of he food was still alive. I ate a tiny little snake, but I didn't realise it was alive, and it also tasted horrible. I remember trying desperately to get the snake pieces out of my mouth by pulling a bunch of body segments out that were attached to other pieces.

      After that, I was in this really unstable and shaky trailer. The trailer was huge and was about the size of a normal house, and all the rooms were made of really thin wood. I remember a dirt road leading up to it. Brian said something about staying there or fixing it up, and I was not too happy about having to do that. Grandmom and Grandpop were there (Mom's side), Ashley was there, and Mom was there. I remember thinking that Grandpop shouldn't be staying in a run down trailer like this. The room we were all in was in from the hallway, where you could see other rooms, and there were shelves and trinkets all along the walls. There was also a window by where Grandmom and Grandpop were standing. I mentioned the trailer was shaky and, because of that, Brian walked over to the other side of the room where Grandmom and Grandpop were, just to have the trailer shift. It was like the whole floor tilted to slant towards Brian's side. Then, even though this part wasn't really trailer, but still part of the same dream, I was reading piano music in this big room that looked sort of like the music theory room, but you could kind of tell it was still in the trailer sort of (DE). There were numbers next to a lot of the chords, (by the way, the sheet music looked kind of weird) and I was confused whether the numbers indicated which chord based on the key, or the inversion of the chord. Aunt Cheryl was there, and she tried to explain it to me, but she was only telling me stuff I already knew, like what an inversion is rather than what the numbers indicate.

      Next, I was Spongebob in this gladiator place. I think there was stuff before this, like build up to it, but IDR. It started out with me landing in the Colosseum, and I had to find a weapon. First, chose this blue sword, which broke when I picked it up because it was so old. It's important to mention that it was DE that I had been here before, and that I skipped out on them while they were waiting for me to fight in this Colosseum, and that that was hundreds of years ago. I then picked up another sword, a red one this time, and it started to fall apart, but held in place. I went to go battle these crystal lions that were popping out of these gates. I battled them by taking the sword and spinning it so fast that if they touched the sword, they would be destroyed. After only a few hits, my sword broke and I had to retreat. After that, this dog god appeared. This god looked like Suicune and was supposed to be the person running the show, and the person I skipped out on all those years ago. The god started raining down ice crystals very fast and I tried running from them. I wasn't fast enough and a lot hit me. I finally figured out that I had to run in a zigzag motion to avoid all of them. Then, I was in this hall (still in the Colosseum and ready to fight) and the god was dropping more ice crystals, but there were much bigger this time. The hall turned out to be the walls of the Colosseum, and we were on top of them. So I had to run around the rim of the Colosseum. I had to time things right because there were these large, long tent-like shelters that were along the wall in some spots. I had to run when it was clear, and hide under the shelter when the ice crystals were falling.

      Then, I was at this place with Brandi and Ashley. The place was very modern, and looked like a new house. The main room we were in was very large, contained two couches, a bunch of chairs, a fridge, two TVs, and a lot of candy. The room was set up so that all of this stuff was in the center of the room, and there were stairs on either side of the room that led downstairs. There were also stairs or something in the middle IDR. On the fridge were magnets holding up bags of Reese's Pieces, another candy, and bite-size $100 Grand bars. They were coated with a candy shell like MnMs, but they were $100 Grand on the inside. They were the same color as the Reese's Pieces. They should totally make those. I never opened up the fridge, so I don't know what was in there. On the left side of the room, there were the steps, and also more steps going up that led to a bathroom. Downstairs, there was another fairly large room that I don't remember all too well. I just know that the stairs leading up to the large room had tiny doors at the top that you had to crawl through, and they gave no resistance, as if they didn't have any door knob thingies. I remember hiding from Ashley and Brandi because I was messing with them and they were looking for me. I kept hiding in the opposite room they were in. Then I tried opening the door to go downstairs, and then not going, so I could fake them out. It worked. I went back into the room and hid behind the couch, but they still found me. I remember Pokemon being on TV at one point (or it may have been the DBZ part) and I was trying to explain it to Brandi. The last part of this that I remember was that Brandi had to go to the bathroom, and she said to me "Chris I have to use the little girl's room, but it's not number two," even though it was DE that it was, "so could you go play guitar or something?" It was DE that the guitar would drown out the noise so that I wouldn't hear her, and she wouldn't be embarrassed. I said that I'll just go downstairs, and she didn't believe me at first, but she did eventually.

      This next dream was the most vivid and logical I've had in a while. It started out as a regular TV show. With the camera on the announcer. He was saying something along the lines of introducing the next comedian, and then saying their name was Josh Perushio or something. This was supposed to be a joke, and he corrected himself, saying "Please welcome, Josh Peck!" I remember my reaction was like "hey I didn't know he did stand up." It turned out that I was in the audience, sitting with CJ, and my book bag and another bag or something. The whole place was very bluish, and the stage was even more. When Josh came out, he looked pale and fat and like an old man with grey hair, wrinkles, and everything. I was confused because I thought that he got in shape, which he did in real life. I guess I hit the proverbial info button because the info popped up on my vision and I found out that this all happened in 2002, before Drake and Josh, so that's why he was fat. I didn't question why he was old. He started out making jokes that were kind of funny, but he wasn't doing too well. He wasn't doing terrible either, but it was just alright. Then, this kid in front of me turned around and started staring up at the top of the audience. I said to him "You're doing it wrong, Josh is over there," or something along those lines, and I pointed to the stage. He turned to me and said "Dude, there's two chicks making out up there." I turned around, and I tried to see. Sure enough there were, all the way up top. I turned back to him and said "Good call, you're off the hook." This whole part of the dream, from that point on had a vibe to it as if the whole thing was a school assembly with no adult supervision rather than a comedy special. A vibe like everyone in the audience were good friends, and we were all just ripping on the show the whole time. Anyway, the kid that was in front of me (by the way, the seats were tiered) got up and sat next to me. I moved my book bag so he could sit. He was drinking Arizona iced tea, and this lady walking around said "Hey, you can't have beer in here." We ignored her for a while, then looked around at virtually everybody enjoying a beer. She said it again. Then I said "It's not beer, it's iced tea. I thought it was beer too, the first time I saw it." She believed me and went on her way. Then my phone rang and I looked at it and it was Dad calling, I didn't answer it because it was too loud there. Next, there was this chick, who may have been Dana, who was playing the piano, but she had one leg on top on the piano, so that it was supposed to be impressive that she can stretch that far and still play. Then, all of a sudden, most of the people in the audience disappeared except for me, CJ, the kid next to me, his friend, and random people scattered in the audience seats. The stage curtains closed and the lights went on. After a little while, the stage curtains reopened and there was a bunch of people on stage. It turned out that part of the show was that the audience involuntarily learns an act and goes on stage with it. The act they were doing was that they all dressed up as animals. They were wearing plastic, white costumes, and they were holding onto objects, like a bunny was grabbing a balloon, etc. The rest of the audience was lined up on the sides of the room, like if the stage extended that far, and were dressed in can-can outfits. I'm not sure if they ever did the can-can though. The audience on the center stage was acting out when animals get shot. The whole thing was very quiet and silent and very pathetic. You wouldn't even hear a gun shot. It was only DE. But when they were shot, they'd go limp in this weird slow motion. That creepy kid Joe, or whatever his name was (DJ Yankee) said it was involuntary that the audience did this. I got up and said "Well that's too bad because I'm not doing it. This is stupid." I got up to leave, and walked towards the left side of the room, where the can-can dancers were, but now they weren't. There was a silver curtain there, and behind it was a piano. Then, all of a sudden, this one celebrity was there and I was back in my seat I think. The celebrity looked kind of like Martha Stewart, except very attractive and it was DE. Her talent was the piano. As she started to demonstrate her talent, everything went to hell. The audience was ripping on the whole act, and she wasn't very good. She didn't even really play the piano at all. She just did this weird interpretive dance with random audience members, and this giant piano. Eventually, She picked up Lindsay, who was wearing this black dress (so was the celebrity) and she walked over to the piano, and held her up high. She starting playing the piano while putting one foot on top, saying "This is what she was trying to do earlier." although she wasn't too good either. The way she was holding Lindsay up was so that the dress wasn't exactly covering her. She wasn't wearing any underwear, and CJ yelled out "WE GOT A CROTCH IN THE HOUSE!" It was pretty hilarious. It was DE that I knew that we dated, but this all happened before that. Lindsay got embarrassed and yelled at her one friend who behind stage, who I'm guessing was apparently making fun of her. She said "Jake!' or whatever, and then ran off stage to the right (towards the side of the room because the stage was so big). For some reason there were a lot of dancers, that were carrying chicks above their head. Most of them had underwear. Another didn't, and I noticed. I said to CJ, in a response to his "we got a crotch in the house", "two of 'em." Then he yelled out "TWO OF 'EM!" All the characters involved became embarrassed. The DE celebrity became one of the well-known Simpsons characters (DE), as if she was doing this because it hides her shame. Another person, I think someone I was sitting with, maybe that kid IDR, became another one (DE). The celebrity's character was blonde, and old. The other kid's character was black, blind, had bad teeth, and was very crazy yet charismatic. He was also dressed like Apu. This is all I remember and I woke up shortly after.
    8. October 22nd, 2011

      by , 10-26-2011 at 01:24 AM
      I will give WBTB a break for a little while, seeing as I'm having a hard time remembering any dreams.

      When I woke up for the WBTB, I wrote down "voices" in my dream journal. I don't remember what for.

      First, there was a very insignificant dream where I was in a spinny chairs in the living room. Mom was on the couch closest to me, and Brian was on the couch by the rocking chair. I was in between the piano and the table. There were papers strewn about everywhere, and something was on TV. I was trying to show Mom that I can spin without kicking the table or anything. Every time I got it, she wasn't looking. Eventually she saw. I spun by sticking one leg out, and pointing my feet while flexing my ankle muscles. Weird.

      Then, there was a part where there were a bunch of Christmas presents in this new dresser by where the air conditioner is. The dresser was cream color, and all the presents were for RJ I think.

      Then, I was at some sort of party. I could go into detail about what the room I was in looked like, but I'm feeling lazy. On this one couch was this one blonde chick, and someone else. The other person left, and I sat next to this chick. There was this weird vibe in the dream, like she was condescending, or maybe I thought she was joking, but we ended up making out.

      Then, there as this one part where I was at a different party (or it could have been the same). It was a party for me, and I was getting presents and money. It took place in this big, pale-blue hall with tables on both sides, like the lunch room in Carson. All of my money and gifts were in my pockets. Then these black kids came in, and shot me (it didn't hurt) and then took half of everything. Then there was another segment where I was on the phone with Alec while sitting on these front steps (blonde chick may have been there). He was telling how "Oh man, that must really suck", referring to what happened. I didn't know what he was talking about, like I didn't remember. I think maybe the phone conversation happened before the shooting dream, I'm not sure.
    9. November 14th, 2008

      by , 10-26-2011 at 12:12 AM
      Don't remember much. In Anthony's room, his internet was on the TV. When he was done, he tried to show Ashley's grandmother how he usually deletes the history, but I kept stopping him because then she would "know about the porn, man."

      Alaric called and wanted to know something, but I couldn't hear him because in real life, my nose was stuffy and was making too much noise. I held my nose shut so I could hear, and I'm pissed off at this, but I realised that I was still breathing and making noise. I thought it was weird, but I DIDN'T HAVE A LUCID DREAM. BUT, later on in the dream, something happened. It was a lucid dream, but at the same time, a regular dream. It felt real, had great quality, and I had partial control I think. But, I don't remember it all, I had little control, and it was completely random. No RC took place. At any rate, the dream was that I was in some sort of weird school with bright red walls. Suddenly, I was "aware". I ran out into the hall, passing Madame Arcusi on the way, and "grabbed" some chick in the hallway. I remembered (although it may have just been dream-established) I wanted to fly, and suddenly I was outside. I took off like Neo. It felt real. I flew around for about ten seconds and woke up. Now that i think about it, I have wanted to take off like Neo in my next LD. This leads me to believe it wasnt a LD, but rather a dream of desire?
    10. Interruptions

      by , 10-17-2011 at 03:51 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was in what looked like my 11th grade English classroom. The teacher handed us back a test that we had been working on before, but hadn't finished. I started to pick up were I left off as I talked to the girl sitting beside me.

      Then, I figured out I had a choir concert that night. One of the girls in the class, a black girl with pretty, short hair said she wasn't going to the concert and that she hadn't been to any of them (apparently she was in choir too). I couldn't decide if I wanted to go or not.

      Then, I was in my car, driving down the road one of my good friends lives on. Her neighbor, Nick, the first guy I ever had a crush on in waking life, was outside by the mailbox. He had his back turned to me. As I drove by with him on my right side, I slowed down, reached my hand out the window, and touched his back, kind of rubbing it to get his attention. I noticed that his green shirt was very soft. I then kept driving down the road. I didn't look back to see if he turned around or not.

      I was then at my house in the kitchen, debating on whether or not to go to the choir concert or not again. My mom was all dressed up and ready to go. I then noticed the time. 7:30pm. The concert had already started. I told my mom I wasn't going to go, and that it was ok for me to be missing the concert. She said something, but I can't remember what.

      I was then in my room on the phone with Nick. He was trying to tell me about his memoir that he was apparently writing. I was listening, asking him where I could find it to read it and such, when I got interrupted by my brother. I told Nick to hold on and for my brother to go away. I then got back on the phone and kept listening to Nick. The interruptions kept coming as soon as Nick would get going telling me about his memoir. I kept having to tell him to hold on. I felt really bad; this had to be getting annoying for him.
      Tags: car, choir, phone, test
    11. Riot !!!!! (Between 20 th August 2010 to 21 th August 2010)

      by , 10-08-2011 at 06:45 PM (Oneiric Mirror)
      I dreamed I was in F. F. in the bedroom of my grandparents.
      He had come from a all-night stand (work or play, I do not know), and needed to sleep.
      There was a lot of people in the bedroom, my mother, my grandmother and my father.
      I sent everyone away so i could get some sleep.

      After sleeping a while, i got out of the house. It was night time again. I walked for a while and stopped near a water fountain. I lay down on the grass that surrounds the fountain.
      Herein comes G , T (peaceful-looking) and M and ask me what I was doing there. Suddenly there is more people around us, some of them are my acquaintances, others i don´t know.We are all having a party near a hot dog stand.
      I was talking with Omnio.

      I asked him if there was a way to speak between all network operators through messaging, and he replied:
      "Yes, there is...it´s called mobile Messenger... in America."
      As he was speaking, he was messing with a Nokia phone.

      After I talk to him, I laid my blackberry touchscreen over a hood of a jeep and started talking to someone, I do not remember who.

      A gang member approached me, and gave me a friendly punch in the right leg.

      M begins to speak with him in Creole, and after talking to him, M turns to me and and says:

      "Well, let's take a walk? This guy´s gang just want to get in trouble with us, and I don´t feel like it tonight. "

      As the gang member steps away from us, the turns to M and says:

      "You bounce, only when you´re with your friends!"

      Me, T and M go for a walk through what appears to be narrow and old big city streets.
      When we return to the hot dog stand, we saw a crowd in front of us...it was a riot! Two factions against each other. Our friends against the gang from the guy to whom M spoke.
      One of our friends saw M, and said to him:
      "Come, come, let us beat the hell out of them!"

      M began to run towards the enemy faction.

      The crowd grabbed him and I saw his arm disappearing into the crowd.
      T and I started to "smash heads" to see if we could rescue M.
      I grabbed a long black hair guy (looked like a typical heavy metal fan) that was grabbing the arm of M and started kicking and biting the arm of that guy. I pushed his hair until a little bit of the scalp of his head came out...he let M go.

      I started to feel an electrical vibration through my body, and i teared his skull apart with my bare hands, i felt pieces of flesh from his scalp between my hands...my hands were covered in blood.
      Before he died he said:

      "This must be the new way to enjoy this scene."

      The whole scene happened to the sound of Deftones - Back to School.

      Only I could hear the music.
    12. Parallel Dimension Planet: Namusiki

      by , 10-04-2011 at 05:43 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Parallel Dimension Planet: Namusiki (DILD)


      I had a space shuttle travel for some reason I do not recall. I landed in a planet that was deserted. I did not know what I was going to do, as I was alone, in the middle of nowhere and without supplies.

      I passed out and awoke in a hotel. It was a small room and it was sunny out. I knew that I was still not in planet Earth. I was very excited about being in a different planet that looked alike Earth. I pulled my phone and I was surprised it worked. I was so amazed that Verizon Wireless had coverage in a remote planet.

      I started to investigate this planet. The inhabitants were humans as well, but slightly shorter. I entered inside a pub and wanted to get a drink, but they did not want my cash.

      I started to wonder about this planet, how did I get here and its history if any. I then wanted to call a friend and share about it. Suddenly, a huge storm started to happen. The sky got very dark and it rained very intensily. In matter of seconds, the rain stopped. The sky was blue and very sunny once more.

      I drove a car I had access to and parket in a non pavimented area. My car as well as other cars would move backwards even on park. I was told that that section of the planet had small quakes constantly, so I decided to park further ahead.

      As soon as I did, I started to wonder how the roads, freeways and other stuff were in this planet. I saw a taxi driver and planned in asking him to drive me to a museum and check it out.

      I realized I was in a dream and wanted to find out more.

      I asked the cab driver about the planet. He told me that the planet was called Namusiki. He explained to me that the planet was located in a paralell dimension, right behind Earth.

      He told me that it was a very small planet, with a day of 4 hours and a night of 3. As he shared this with me, the sunny day changed within seconds into night. The taxi driver shared with me also about the weather of the planet and invited me to come visit other time. A little later, I woke up.
    13. Zombie festival

      by , 09-25-2011 at 09:59 AM (The first foothold of Arch.)
      Yep, another festival dream, wow this one was odd, I have no idea what in my life provoked this dream...
      My recalls pretty poor on this one.

      I am at a festival with my friends, Tom, Alex, Zak, Joe, and a few others that I cant remember. (Jack comes into it later).
      The main event of the festival is that you can play this zombie game, I say a game but it's completely realistic.
      There are two parts to the map, the sewers, and the campsite, the zombies are allowed to run around in the campsite as well! The start area (there is two) is the checkpoint where you get your guns, ammo, but it is also where freshly turned zombies (with some control) go to get revived, which is where human players bite them on the arm and turn them human again.
      Bit of a description here of the zombies, they are like rotting humans, blood splatters everywhere.

      *Fragment* I don't know where this comes in but I remember being at home watching a film, and couting my money, I have £10 left because I spend £2.50 on a call, and like £5 on a kitkat.*

      We head up to the checkpoint, the game is about to start, we are planning to head to a certain area of the sewers to fend the zombies off. At the checkpoint I ask for a gun, he hands me a real M16, it's awesome.
      Heading out into the sewers, I remember joe gets bitten fairly early on, I run back to the checkpoint reviving as many people as well as him.
      Back with my friends we have decided to go to area 11G, they are about to go around a corner when I get attacked from a zombie, I kill it fairly fast but when I look around they are gone, no where to be seen.
      I begin to wander forwards, check my phone, no signal, I get to this area where there is a couch in the middle of this massive opening, a zombie comes to attack be but I just run around the opposite side of the couch to her. My gun raises and I kill her.
      This goes on for awhile, I manage to get outside and call Alex, the call is horrible, and I finally after much effort we manage to set up a location to meet up.
      Back at the checkpoint we decide to go in again, I've run out of ammo so I go to the checkpoint and ask for some more, they hand me this crappy machine gun.
      We head in but it seems the game is already over, I meet up with Jack and he tells me how good it was in this certain area.

      Back in town we are all sitting down, one of my friends shouts at another about having an accent.
    14. chinese missile; g-dragon album; laruku song

      by , 09-24-2011 at 01:46 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      The new designs for the Dream Views site are pretty cool!

      Dream #1

      A TV show. A missile had been launched over some part of America, possibly on the west coast. I saw what looked like some landforms in a huge river or else some chain of islands in very shallow water. I saw this from a couple thousand meters in the sky.

      A man then discussed what he had seen. The man seemed to be in maybe his late thirties or early forties. He was pretty tall, kind of overweight, and kind of pale. He had wide, blue eyes, and a kind of long, walrus-like moustache. He wore a black t-shirt and a baseball cap.

      The man had apparently worked at some point in his life as a missile expert. He began discussing some of the contrails he had seen coming out of the missile.

      The man knew, from the contrails, what exact kind of chemicals were in them. The man listed the chemicals. From the chemicals, the man knew this missile was a Chinese nuclear missile. But the man was less concerned with the fact that the missile was nuclear than with the harm that could come from the contrails.

      There was now a view, which the man had apparently prepared, of the missile rising up over the landscape I had previously seen.

      The contrails were visually altered by the man, so that they now appeared blood red. The man had colored the contrails red so they would be easier to see. The man wanted people to see something very specific about the shape or the motion of the contrails.

      Dream #2

      I was in a record store. I was at the front end of the store, looking through some kind of bin attached to the wall. I was flipping through a bunch of CDs.

      I found some CDs by the K-Pop rapper G-Dragon. There was some new album that I found by him. I wanted it. It may have had a price tag of $49.99 on it. I may have been holding some other CDs. I took the CD I wanted to the register, at the back of the store.

      The man at the register sat down at a desk like a receptionist's desk. The top was higher than the cashier's actual desktop. The man pulled out a "for sale" copy of the CD I'd wanted. There was some price on it like $129.99. I thought that was a horrible price to pay for a CD.

      I told the man that I probably didn't want the CD after all. I'd thought it was a lot cheaper. The man didn't seem to quite hear me. He was now opening up the CD case and fumbling through the contents of the CD. There were a few different sleeves, like from G-Dragon's old albums.

      I thought that perhaps this CD was actually a collection of all of G-Dragon's albums. But I didn't think he'd actually made enough solo albums to justify a CD for $129.99. Then I realized that G-Dragon had actually made six solo albums. So $129.99 seemed like an okay price, even though I still didn't want the album.

      I may have told the man that I'd go back to the front and get the album I'd seen and wanted -- the cheaper album. I then somehow got talking to the man about how I liked G-Dragon. I may then have discussed Big Bang, the band G-Dragon had been a part of.

      Dream #3

      I was walking down in a tunnel of a subway station. It was a long corridor between different platforms. It was wider than a lot of corridors -- almost as wide as a street and sidewalk.

      I walked past a little rock band that seemed to be made up of middle aged men. The band was playing a song that sounded very familiar to me.

      I was either the only one or one of the very few people walking down the corridor. But as the band stopped playing, a man and a woman may have walked past the band. They asked the band who had made the song they'd been singing. The band said Sting had made it.

      But I suddenly recognized the tune from a L'Arc en Ciel song I liked a lot. In my dream, I mistakenly thought it came from the album SMILE. I had walked past the band. But now, realizing the tune, I turned around and ran back to the band.

      The band seemed to be breaking apart, as if they were done with their performance. There seemed to be a couple of Latino guys and maybe an Asian guy, a black guy, and a white guy. I got their attention before they all walked away.

      I asked them if the song they had been singing was by L'Arc en Ciel. One of the men told me no, that the song had been written by Sting.

      I then told them I thought the song was a lot like a L'Arc en Ciel song on the album SMILE. I told them I would play them some of it from my phone. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and began scrolling through what I thought was my list of albums.

      But instead, I was getting nothing but a bunch of photographs of SUVs. There were green, red, beige, and steel-grey SUVs. I had nothing on my phone, apparently, but photos of SUVs.

      I was kind of panicked, and I tried to tell the band members that I had completely forgotten how to pull up the songs on my phone. All I could do was pull up photos.

      One of the men said something like, "That makes sense. You're down in the subway. You can't access sound. You can only access images."
    15. GTA4 and College

      by , 09-23-2011 at 12:29 PM
      Dream 1

      I was in a mix of Liberty City and Baltimore and was scoping the city, like a camera in a movie. I went to the top of a building and Niko Bellic was there, he jumped off the building and died it went black and white and into slow motion. Just like the videogame.

      Dream 2

      I was sitting at lunch with my friends. Then I got up and did something, when I turned around I was in the main hallway. I saw a box on a bench and opened it there was a phone in it a really nice one too. I was going to show my mate but I remembered what happened the last time I showed a friend a phone I found. I didn't know I was dreaming so I put it near a bin after looking around to see who it could've belonged to.

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