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    1. On the Run and a huge, gorgeous Snowy Owl

      by , 03-29-2015 at 11:49 PM

      My husband and I are trying to get away (from what I have no idea) and we're running behind houses. There's a helicopter with lights chasing us. My husband gets caught and I watch where he goes and I run to get help. I hug a lady I used to work with and another old friend is there but they don't seem to be moving or doing anything to help us. I see a HUGE, beautiful snowy owl on a front porch. It was so beautiful I stopped for a moment to admire it. He was at least 3' x 3' and filled up the small porch. I was starting to contemplate the massive size but as I was considering this I knew I had to leave to help my husband.
    2. Bathor

      by , 02-23-2015 at 01:11 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      The word "Bathor." Probably reference to "Hathor."

      A fight with some people. Unclear.

      I was at home. Darkish but visible. I was supposed to join a marathon or some kind of running event, but I am in a rush. I was looking for stuff (socks?). My sister was there. I think she was supposed to join me. There was a nosy kid there, annoying but somehow friendly and familiar. He gave me a phone/mp3 player. I was supposed to go to the bathroom but the first bathroom was being used. The next bathroom was about to be used by the kid. I ended up in the room next to it and just told the kid to hurry up. Yellow/Reddish color. The doors are open. The rooms are connected by doors and they each have a door to the corridor/hallway. I went out the hallway, and there's a rail right in front. I was on the second floor. I teleported on the ground floor and used the bathroom there. Blueish color. Just as I was about to close the door, Rob almost walked in. He said something incoherent, I think about using the other bathrooms. I said something about the ruined lock of this bathroom. I needed to take a bath before running.

      I was climbing up the stairs inside what felt like a lighthouse. I reached the top level. It was grey outside. Rainy.

      It was night or almost night but the surroundings are still visible. I'm on the railroad tracks that are still being built. Something about a bullet train in the country. One of the guys there (I think we are 4 total) said that the width might be too small. I looked at the tracks and some just criss-cross. As I watched, a small bullet-shaped train ran along one of the tracks. I had the idea that this was the future in our country.

      I was on the road riding a jeep. I was thinking of going to... Cubao? Somehow, I ended up on the road along Quezon Ave. (or somewhere out of the way). I missed a turn. On the road, I saw a monkey-looking creature attack a lion. I felt excited. I watched as the monkey creature knocked out the lion and dragged it back somewhere on the side of the road. A house? A scuplture area. The jeep was high enough that I can see over the walls. I saw a big sundial(?) on the ground. Then I saw the monkey creature walk with a few other monkey creatures take their position near the walls and turn to stone. A thought came to mind about Lico talking about a practitioner near along this road.



      - I went to slept listening to the Dream Lotus by LaBerge.
      - When it finished, it played one of Sam Harris' meditation audio. I had to wake up and turn it off and play the latter part of the Dream Lotus.
      - Went back to focusing on the lotus light.
      - After a while, I felt aware of my body but not quite there. I didn't know what to do to jump into the dream.
      - I decided to just hold my breath (not sure if after I breathed out or after I breathed in).
      - I felt the powerful tingly sensation. I knew I was in the dream.
      - I slept at around 5:30 p.m., set alarm to 1.5 hours.

      Updated 02-23-2015 at 01:12 PM by 47454 (Add notes)

    3. Character Narration (EILD)

      by , 02-20-2015 at 06:41 AM
      Ritual: wtb 3am, around 9am set vibrating alarm for 36 minutes. The first time it went off, I felt like I was already awake, that I had been lying awake for several minutes before I felt the vibration. In retrospect I was quickly suspicious that this was a false memory, but the consequence was that I woke up for real. I reset the alarm to go off in 28 minutes, and went back to sleep.

      EILD: I felt the vibration again, and at first I thought it was another failed attempt, that I was wide awake again. But this time I convince myself not to give up so easily, to lay still and explore it. I wiggle my fingers. Actually... that feels right, like dream movement. I wiggle the fingers of the other hand and gradually start to engage my whole body, but soon, no, I can still sense the dream body but I'm convinced that I'm accidentally moving my real body too. (In retrospect, it seems likely that my impressions of moving the physical body were false, as this surely would have broken aphasia.) It feels like the two kinds of sensory awareness are layered together. My dream sense is not broken but I need to find some way to desynch from the physical, to move unnaturally in a way the real body can't follow. I try to bend my arm the wrong way at the elbow, down into the mattress. I find this a bit difficult for some reason, but something else happens: I start to understand that I am creating all this difficulty in my own mind, that it really doesn't have to be this complicated. Upon this realization I simply find myself standing next to the bed, fully in dream. That certainly makes things easier!

      My WL awareness was somewhat confused throughout this whole process, since during the whole time I was lying in bed I had the impression that I could overhear a colleague from work talking to her daughter (who I have never met). They were discussing a humanitarian volunteer program that the colleague was doing in another country, maybe Africa. I listened with interest since I had not been aware that she was involved with anything like this (there is no RL basis), but it made sense since she is a very kind and generous person. She was talking about some kind of environmental crisis and said that the local people trusted the "agents," that is, the field workers of this organization, like her, but not the administration or the experts that were sent in to instruct them. The challenge was teaching the locals new ways of environmental management so they were no longer unsustainably exploiting their natural resources. I think it was targeting water usage.

      After I was fully transitioned into the dream, I remembered that I had reset my vibrating alarm to an interval of only seven minutes, so I would have to work quickly before it went off again, waking me up. Curiously, now I'm not sure if I really did reset it, and suspect I dreamed that part too. The nice thing about a device like this is that it actually provides hard evidence against which to check my unreliable memories. Nope! It's still set to 28 minutes. So there was one point this morning where I definitely did reset it from 36 to 28, but the later memory of resetting it to 7 minutes—for some reason convinced that I would be able to fall asleep within that time frame—turns out to have been an FFA (false falling asleep), evidence that I was already asleep.

      With (so I mistakenly thought) only seven minutes to work in, minus whatever time I had already spent transitioning, I walk quickly through the house and toward the front door, ready to plunge into deeper dreamspace. As I pass through the living room, something bumps into my leg from the pile of wood stacked near the fireplace. At first I plan to ignore it but then I wonder if the dream is trying to get my attention, so I glance down and see a pair of scissors. I'm not sure what to make of this but I grab them and take them with me. I go outside, where the sky is cloudy and half-lit as though it were dawn or dusk. I realize that this is wrong, and recall that it must already be after 9am in WL.

      What was my task? I have difficulty remembering, so while I'm thinking about it, I decide to do something spontaneous. I'm still holding the scissors... I know! I'll cut off my hair. As I walk I reach awkwardly behind my head and randomly lift locks of hair with my left hand, cutting them near the scalp with the scissors held in my right. This all feels surprisingly lifelike, which makes me think momentarily: I had better be right that I am dreaming! But then I figure, what's the worst thing that could happen if I accidentally cut off my real hair? I'd have to shave my head? Not a big deal, I even did that once in college.

      All this time I'm still trying to think of the tasks I had planned—why is it sometimes so hard to remember? Finally it comes to me. Right! I was going to try to roleplay a familiar character. I decide on Shriven, my WoW character, since I've played her the longest and also the most recently. My tabletop characters are much more psychologically complex, but I think I should probably start with something simpler. Okay, how do to this? I remember that I was going to try the narration technique. I start with something really basic: "Shriven is running," I murmur. My stride changes as I think I remember what her run looks like, becoming more mechanical. That part makes sense, given that she's digitally rendered. I don't have the impression that I look or feel any different, though. I keep trying, and although I don't recall my narrations in detail, I have the impression that they were extremely bland.

      I'm running through city streets now. At one point I notice that the buildings all seem older, eighteenth-century maybe, though this still just looks like one of my typical dream cities rather than a more appropriate setting for what I'm trying to accomplish. I'm still cutting my hair as I go—having started, I feel like I should finish the job. When I finally slice through the last tress, I stop and gaze at my reflection in a store window. Not bad! Although short hair never really suits my features, the haircut itself turned out alright, kind of punk/pixieish. In fact, it even reminds me of Shriven's hair, which is short and spiky and irregular. However, there is no real resemblance, and in all other respects my reflection looks unusually like my WL appearance: same eyes, same face, same hair color. Usually in dreams I see a lot more distortion.

      I use the scissors to make a few finishing touches to the haircut before realizing that it is pointless to be so finicky in a dream. In fact, I'm done with the scissors now... I'm just going to drop them on the ground! This always feels so liberating, since I would never do that in WL. I continue running effortlessly down the street and when I come to the end there is a ten foot gap to cross to reach a platform or walkway. Jump—you can do this! I clear the gap, just barely, and feel proud of myself as I land.

      Still, I don't feel like I'm making much progress on my task so I try to figure out how to improve my approach. What does Shriven do? Well, she often summons her mount, an undead warhorse. I narrate this to myself, but nothing happens. Every time I do this in game the horse makes a distinctive shrill whinny, so I try to use the sound as a focal point. I find it becomes ambiguous whether I can hear the sound in the dream or if I'm just remembering it.

      As I pass through a T-intersection, a blinding light directly ahead causes me to swerve. It is so bright that I assume it must be bleedthrough from RL. I remember the conversation between my colleague and her daughter that I overheard during my transition; with true dream logic I never questioned the impossibility of that taking place in my bedroom, and so now I assume that one of them must still be there, taking flash pictures. Instead of going straight into the light, my initial direction, I turn and take the street on the left, even turning my face away so to diminish the brightness. I can hear a voice from the direction of the light saying, "Don't shoot! Don't shoot!" So I was right about the camera, I conclude. At no point do I recognize the absurdity and error in my thought processes, but I do reflect that it is interesting that the environment made me change the direction I was going—is the dream trying to control my movement?

      After this interruption, I go back to trying to summon the undead warhorse. It's still not working, but then I notice that the shop just ahead of me seems to have horse skulls hanging on the back wall. That's an improvement! I go into the shop, which is now a tiny space almost completely filled by a large bunkbed. A bearded man is lounging on the lower bunk, eating a meal and watching TV, while the upper bunk is shacked with sheepskins. I ask the man about the horse skulls.

      "That's not a horse skull," he responds.

      I realize he must be referring to the giant animal skull on the floor at my feet. It must be about three feet long. "What is it?"

      "That's an academic-size magic detector," he answers, hardly taking his eyes off his TV program. Not sure what to make of his words, I look at the skull again. I realize it must have come from some kind of giant lizard, like a crocodile, but it has a small horn at the snout like a rhinocerous. As I study it, I see that it is now green and sparkling, the color offset with pale stripes. I am tempted to compare it to an Elvis suit, but fear that the proprietor might be offended.

      FA: I wake up and start taking notes right away, starting from the last scene and moving backward. Fortunately I don't get very far before I realize I am writing on dream paper. I wake up for real and record my notes on my laptop.
    4. Red M&Ms

      by , 02-16-2015 at 12:38 AM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #413 - DEILD - 9:40AM

      I have many dream late in the morning with several lucid moment that I forgot until this one.

      I DEILD and enter heavy HI that turns into a dream scene without losing awareness. I am standing in front of a really large mirror at the bottom of a grassy hill. In the mirror, I see two red M&M people standing at the top; One big and one small.

      Dreams inside of Dreams-mm.jpg

      I step to the left and still see the M&Ms at the top of the hill waving at me. This confuses me because the view in the mirror is slightly different and I have no reflection. I'm not sure why this is happening so I move back and forth from the mirror finding the effect is the same. I feel that I have a funny look on my face as I say, "Well, I am dreaming." This confirmation sets me into action. As I run fast up the hill at the larger M&M, I hear a mental voice telling me to eat the M&M. It's reminding me of a task that someone told me about. I am not sure if this is a false memory or I read it on lucid dares, but I decide to go for it.

      As I rush up the M&M rushes down to pass by me, but as he does, I am able to take a huge bit out of him. I note the taste is just like it should be and continue running for a bit until I stop at the top of the hill. When I turn around, I see the smaller clone of the one I bit come running back up the hill. He looks to have a large football in his arms and I decide to tackle him. I jump on top of him, but he doesn't slow down. I look up the hill and notice vision bouncing from the rough ride as I cling to the little red M&M. I appreciate this little detail as I wake up.

      Another little segment of lucidity. Time unknown.

      I see S leaving work. I decide to.. ehem... "talk to her". (curse you menthol!) but she walks away quickly. I call out to her, but she continues to avoid me. She enters and exits several outdoor structures changing appearances as she passes through. None of this fools me and she looks more and more attractive each time. I continue to chase after until I wake up feeling like a douche.

      Updated 02-16-2015 at 12:41 AM by 5967

    5. Fly and running down the city during a nap

      by , 02-06-2015 at 08:20 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Fly and running down the city during a nap (WILD)


      2nd WILD (+5 pts)
      Full Dream (+1 pts)
      L-DEILD (Chain) (+2 pts)
      Stabilize (+1 pts)
      Advance Flying (+10 pts)
      Eat something (+4 pts)
      Invincibility (+7 pts)
      Phase through objects (+8 pts)
      Interact with a DC (+2 pts)

      Took a big while to perform my WILD, struggled for this one.

      Suddenly, my meditation reclining chair started to shake and I realized I was in a different room, knowing the WILD worked. The dream had a terrible quality and as soon as I tried to save it, I felt myself innevitable waking up, so I focused on L-DEILD to recover it.

      A few moments of darkness, I found myself next to a small city, with a few houses down the road and with huge gardens. I had crystal clear quality but I still wanted to make the dream stable, so this time I grabbed a branch and rubbed it within my hands. From there, I took off to fly. It was very warm and very sunny (while in waking has been cold, windy and rainy) so I decided to fly at super high speed through the clouds and feel the breeze.

      After flying for a while, I wanted to try super speed and run very fast, but for some reason I was afraid I would hurt my self or something, so I started looking for a star to give me invencibility:

      After a attempting on a few garbages around, I did find one and I ate it. It tasted like a marshmallow and I felt stronger, so I decided to run at very fast speed and tried to walk through the buildings. I was able to run through one building, but the entire building, was thick brick instead of being hollow on the inside (rooms, furniture, etc) The other buildings, I think broke as I hit the wall.

      I suddenly saw a cop saying that I was making a big mess and I had to go with me. I said to him that he could mind his own business and took of flying again.

      I wanted to do more stuff, but I either do not recal (I doubt it) or I just woke up, because I felt there was a lapse of nothingness followed by awakening.
      Tags: city, cop, flight, running
    6. New Job - Work Shirt and Corporate

      by , 01-09-2015 at 04:43 PM (Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness)
      Working at some new job involving answering the phones and a square table with a few people standing around it. We are putting parts together sometimes, answering phones other times. I decide not to wear the uniform - some tan shirt with a collar. There are some other people out of uniform also. We get to talking a bit, but don't get along. Then I find out that they are the highest corporate bosses in the whole company, and they are upset about me not being in uniform! I tell my coworker if he thinks it'd make a difference to get in uniform. He's not sure. I tell him to wait here and I'll be right back then take off sprinting to my locker. I'm not sure what my locker combination is. I think it's 27, 3, 33 or something with a 17 or a 29 in it. I manage to get it right, and open the locker. Inside, no uniform. It must be in my other locker... I leave the lean-two locker room and run across a field at night to another small lean-two with lockers inside behind a small counter / cafe / bar where someone is serving food or drink. This time my locker is not even locked. Inside is the lock, with the combo set to 1337. I leave it inside and grab my shirt. It someone takes my lock, I don't really care, I just keep my work shirt in here. I put it back on and return to my post after what seemed like 20 minutes of trying to get the first locker open.
    7. Jogging

      by , 12-19-2014 at 02:05 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      In the city

      I recall jogging in a big city. It was early morning, and it was still dark. There wre lots of DC's. Whenever I get close to one of them I shouted I'm going to hav a lucid dream tonight!

      Run for fun

      It was early evening. I got out of home, and started to run. I was running through my backyard, to the city and ending in the forest valley. Everything had that bright, warm feeling caused by glow of the sundown. In the valley, I met my old pals. They seemed to don't care about my presence here.
    8. 11/21/14 2 DILDs Currency Discrepancy DILD, Boldness DILD

      by , 11-21-2014 at 10:17 PM
      Trying the "picture says a thousand words" style DJ entry again...Yesterday's entry took too long.

      Count again...this time some of the currency is black...I'm dreaming.

      Look up, quite vivid vast sandy parking lot or similar with a monument way off to my right.

      I run then fly there

      DILD #2
      Spoiler for risqué picture:
      (picture seems pg-13 rated...hope okay) other women around...explore foggy house with sexy women all around

      234 & 235

      Updated 11-22-2014 at 01:16 AM by 61674 (add spoiler for risqué picture)

    9. Wolverine's Brother and Sticky Face

      by , 11-16-2014 at 09:29 PM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      November 16, 2014

      (Happy birthday to me!)

      Being Chased

      I was being chased through a flooded school building. I was terrified, because it was Wolverine's brother who was chasing me, and he wanted to fucking KILL me. I tripped at some point and found an old yearbook of some sort, that had an old picture of my mom and her youngest sister when they were teenagers.

      God, just PEE on him already!

      I was walking around town and met this super patchy but suave guy with a singsong voice. He asked me to go to a fancy dinner with him, and it was amazing. He took me to his top-floor penthouse apartment and was showing me all the fancy remote controlled gadgets in the rooms. Even the bathroom had a remote control for everything. The shower was huge, and luxurious, and there was a pool and hot-tub in the bathroom. Also a hot tub in the bedroom, which is where we went ;D

      I thought it was going to be a one-night stand and he would kick me out tomorrow morning, but it turned out he was actually very devoted to me. He kissed me at the door when I left the next morning to go to my classes, and asked me to come back as soon as I could, and gave me the spare key.

      When I went back to his place later that day, he wasn't home, but I went inside and was messing around with all the remotes. I took a really long shower and discovered that I could basically snap and switch genitalia. I was shocked but excited, and I realized this was a strange thing to be able to do, and when I looked at my hands I realized I was dreaming.

      The suave man with the singsong voice got back right after that, and I realized it was The Face. "I haven't seen you around lately," I told him. I was naked and still in male-genital-form (the boobs were still there, no matter which form).

      "Sure you have. You just don't remember." He came toward me and started rubbing me. He asked if I wanted to know what a man's orgasm felt like.

      He suddenly stopped though, and decided to first teach me how to pee. It turned into some kinky shit. He handed me like three huge glasses of water and basically said he wanted me to pee on him and then do him in the butt. I was losing my lucidity a bit at this point, getting swept up in his pace. I was just getting to the point where I felt like I had to pee, when a crazy couple busted through the front door. They were trying to get our attention and The Face and I were both pissed, because things were just getting good. We threw them out the window at some point, but the man showed up again. At this point, the intruder was getting dangerous, and threw a knife at me. I was still lucid, but I still flinched, and I saw a panicked look on The Face's face, and he caught the knife. "Don't you hurt her," he said and seemed really angry. I thought, Huh, so he actually cares about me a lot more than I thought.

      I was barely lucid at this point, and I remember thinking, God, just PEE on him! That aughta' make him leave!

      So I peed on him. I saw The Face's jealous but amused look and remembered I was dreaming. I closed my eyes, and willed the annoying intruder to disappear. When I opened my eyes, he was gone, and The Face was coming closer, looking super duper horny.

      But then I woke up. And REALLY had to pee.
    10. 11/2/2014

      by , 11-14-2014 at 04:11 AM
      False Awakening

      I was running some sort of time trial course at work with some people. Some guy was arguing with Adam telling him to chill out. We kept driving and some asian dude started arguing and recording us. I told him "We're not cops, so I don't care if you record!" Me and the other guy got in the driver's truck and sped off as the asian guy kept recording. Eventually, we came to a bridge where I saw a girl on a bicycle with a Spanish flag, because they had just won the world cup. I went through some stuff and when I came up to a broken bridge that was over some rough waters, I saw people jumping across to the other side. Some people failed the jump, even my grandmas. I stepped back and felt that I had boots on. I ran and jumped at the last second, which is when the bridge started to fall. I ran through the falling bridge and jumped onto some closed sci-fi looking doors. Too late.I knew I had to do it all over again so I grabbed my pistol from my belt and shot myself, falling into the water as my sight slowly turned black.

      I woke in a room with my sister. She was playing with one of those cup and wire phones and I told her she was doing it wrong, as I tried to write down my dream. My aunt was trying to sleep in the other room and the noise Valery was making through the phone made my aunt come into the room and start yelling.
    11. 10/22/2014

      by , 11-14-2014 at 04:04 AM


      I knew I was dreaming while I was in a large, city-like supermarket while a huge vampire lord started attacking people. Everyone started running and some people fought the vampire. The vampire flew at me as I tried summoning water from my finger tips to fight it. It wasn't working so I ran away. I ran behind L. Hernandez because he knew where to go to hide from the vampire. As I ran, I could hear my boots hit the ground and I could feel the coldness of the floor the times I touched it when rounding a tight corner. I tried to feel tired by running but it didn't work. I lost awareness at times but I managed to gain it back. I tried summoning water but nothing seemed to work, making fall behind and lose sight of Hernandez, but found a young girl in a corner with a bandage on her arm. I went up to her and put my hand close to her wounds. Eventually, we could see her wounds light up under the bandage with a yellowish color which slowly faded into a dark red, sort of how blood looks.
      The girl, who had a cute round face with a small nose and short light hair, thanked me. I started to leave but she asked how I healed her. I said "This is a dream!" she seemed confused at first but after pointing a few things out, her eyes widened and she finally realized it was in fact a dream, saying "Ohhh yeah!" As we walked, I saw the exit, the sun shinning brightly on the outside. I told the girl, "You can imagine your mom walking in right now" but she said "I like Miley Cyrus". I looked at her and replied "On three, Miley will be singing a song behind that counter" and pointed to what looked like a costumer service desk. "One, two, three" We looked and saw a girl that looked just like Miley Cyrus before she cut her hair. The young girl got excited and gave me her number. It was long, maybe international but it had to have been in the US because it started with a 1. I told her I wouldn't remember that and as soon as I said my first three digits, I woke up.
    12. Demon Hordes vs Google's Laser Cannon Robot

      by , 11-10-2014 at 05:38 AM (Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness)
      Traversing a rocky landscape with a friend, we descend a slope, scramble past some boulders and find a massive hole. Hundreds of feet wide, it has no apparent bottom. My friend urges me to taka closer look to see how deep it is. Nearly slipping on the steep rocks in the dark, I amble my way closer until I am right near the edge. With a flashlight, I attempt to light it up to get a sense of its size, but this doesn't work. I step even closer, dangerously close to the edge, and risk my life to look forward inside.

      Far down below, what seems like a mile, I see Buddha Avalokiteshvara run past, glowing with radiant white light. Wishing to be closer to Buddha, I jump into the massive hole. Landing on the bottom, it is a labyrinth of cave tunnels, filled with demon beasts. Most of them are asleep, but those immediately next to me are awakened by my mere presence. I run before they fully awake, but the caves are thick with demons, hardly even a gap to step my foot. I know Avalokiteshvara is in here somewhere so I call out his name continually as I run, waking up a massive horde of beasts, just at my heels now.

      I reach a large chamber and am spontaneously armed with a gun. I shoot many of these demons and free up some space, but countless more keep coming. I shoot to keep them at bay rather than to kill, partly out of compassion, and partly to save ammo and time. Even so, my situation starts to look hopeless as I am losing ground against them, even as I run and shoot like the best gunman who ever lived.

      My meditation teacher appears around the corner where I expected to find Avalokiteshvara, and at the same time as daylight quickly dawns. He is operating a flying robot, built by google, using facial recognition software, motion sensors, and laser cannons. This machine easily obliterates all the hostile creatures in an instant. I only notice it now mopping up the few stragglers who run at us from around the corners. Really confused by all this, I notice that I feel more peaceful now that I'm not running for my life. But those demons... Were they living beings or just personifications of something abstract?

      Updated 11-10-2014 at 05:43 AM by 19229

      memorable , non-lucid , nightmare
    13. Tour de France (NLD)

      by , 10-26-2014 at 04:07 AM
      I was participating in the Tour de France, except there were no bicycles involved. At first I was swimming in a river. There were other people swimming around me, including little babies and their mothers. The babies were eligible for a special award if they could swim well on their own, but in one case we noticed the mother secretly helping her infant by supporting it from under the water, so it was disqualified.

      I didn't like being stuck in a group of people, so I exerted some effort to swim ahead of them and find my own space. It made me think about the huge variation in human athletic ability. In a long distance race like this, some people were already hours ahead. I figured I was probably somewhere in the middle, and I was sure that there would still be people hours behind me. I didn't feel any pressure to compete against others or try to finish the race quickly; it felt like the sort of event that one could complete at one's own speed.

      Under the water I could see seaweed in a form that resembled bundles of thick green ropes, stretching endlessly in the direction the river flowed. They looked like they were flowing along too, so I grabbed them to see if I could catch a ride, but they were moving slower than I could swim on my own so I let go again. The race course led me out of the river and now I was running on land down a quiet little house-lined street, like a small village.

      I was still thinking about that strange ropy seaweed. It had reminded me of thick cables of the sort that might carry electricity or another kind of signal. What would it be like if our society used biological materials like this for our technological infrastructure? I decided to try out the material, so I manifested a hand made out of the same stuff as the seaweed. It resembled a human hand in shape but was not connected to a body, and was light green in color. Mischievously, I made the hand crawl up the porch of the nearest house and pull the string of the bell that hung on the doorframe.

      The door opened, and inside I was surprised to see that the one who opened it was not a human but a chicken, an ordinary-looking hen. She must have been a Plymouth Rock, judging from her black and white barred plumage. It reminded me of a silly line I'd heard somewhere, so I joked, "There's nobody here but us chickens!" She didn't make any response—maybe she didn't know that one?—and I was still running so I soon passed by.
    14. Drinking and Flying (LD #6)

      by , 10-14-2014 at 02:16 AM (Sharpshoey's Lucid Journey)
      Me and some people I know...L, K, and another chick are all staying at my house. L and the other girl are in the bathroom having fun , so I have to use my parent's bathroom. The bathroom was way different and fancier than their bathroom IWL. As I was peeing, I thought it was strange how I was in my parent's bathroom. I asked myself if I was dreaming but I was pretty certain I was awake. I did the nose plug RC and I could still breathe! I literally jumped back in shock and let out a little yell. I forced myself to calm down so I wouldn't wake up. I remembered that I was wondering if all my RC's actually worked, so I looked at my hands and sure enough, there were two fingers for every one finger I should have. I also tried the finger through the palm RC and that worked as well, just as I imagined IWL. It was really weird seeing my finger go through my palm. When I looked in the mirror, my mom's face was floating behind me but when I looked back, she wasn't there. This sort of freaked me out a bit. I remembered I wanted to try and fly so I left the bathroom and turned right, and I was in my front yard. I remember hearing that shadows don't appear in LD's and when I look I notice there are shadows. I try different techniques to fly, all of which don't work. Then I remember that Sensei once use a red bull to fly. I checked my pockets and this time it was actually there! Accept it was in a Brisk bottle and was blue. I opened it and took a sip. I ran down the street while jumping, hoping that will help me to fly.

      A DC comes behind me and asks for the drink.(maybe it was a red bull before and only now just changed to a Brisk but I'm not sure) It was also ice cold. I say no and run down the street.The DC comes after me and suddenly he had buddies with him. They all surround me. They say I can stay Lucid if I give it to them. (they were going to beat me up until I woke up if I didn't) I gave it to them because I didn't want to lose lucidity. One of the DC's try to touch me under the armpit. I somehow know that would wake me up so I move away. I then grab the drink and run. They chase after me and I think I'm done for, so I do the only thing that comes to my mind. I pour some of the drink out. Immediately they stop coming towards me and I can tell they got a little weaker. I then proceed to pour the rest out before they can get to me. They all freeze on the sport n the middle of the road. A couple cars drive by and crash into them making them shatter. I go back to my yard and start climbing a tree, hoping that if I jump off it will be easier to fly. As I climb, the dream gets brighter and brighter until all I see is a very bright light. I try to hold onto the dream but I end up losing in the end and
      wake up. (I wish I would've remembered the DEILD technique. Maybe I could've gone back into the dream.
    15. 9/29/2014

      by , 10-08-2014 at 07:25 AM
      False Awakening

      I was jogging up a hill on a sidewalk with cars passing me. When a truck passed me, I didn't hear any sounds from it so I figured I was dreaming. I woke up and said "Damn, it's too late" and the scene changed back to the hill. Everything was very vivid. I arrived to an Air Force base where I met a recruiter to send me to boot camp. I would be in 1b 1b 1b, and found out it was a haunted dorm.
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