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    1. Talking to my Brother

      by , 09-05-2018 at 08:21 PM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I appear to be coming outside from school and I became lucid. I look around it was bright sunny out and decided to explore. For some reason I felt like this was my old middle school and I roam around climbing on top of the building and being on the roof. I had a desire to find my brother in this dream so I begin to look for him. I then notice while on the roof that he was on the far right building across from me.

      I jump from the roof with the attempt to fly to him. But it didn't happen, instead I landed on the ground hard but I wasn't hurt. I then see my brother on ground and we begin walking while talking. We started to walk to this big house that look fairly expensive. I saw his friends come from inside it and walk passed us. I waved my hand at them as my brother and I enter the place.

      We walk all around the area talking about all sorts of stuff like tv shows we use to watch and how some of his roommates rooms were a messed or what they didn't like to do in the morning. We then soon made it to the balcony and I could tell my time was running low. I turn around and look at him and said I have a question for you. I slide open the door so we could stand outside as it was night now. I look at him and said are you my brother from the future, the person I met when I was 14.

      He tells me no and we both talk about his life while laughing about some of the stuff he has done. I wake up shortly after.
    2. Lots Of Nonlucids - September 2

      , 09-03-2018 at 12:59 AM (ZAD's DJ)
      Sep 2 2018

      I went to bed with strong intentions to become lucid, as well as a solid plan for what to do once I became lucid. I was trying the anchoring method I mentioned in another thread, anchoring positive and confident memories with the sensation of touching my thumb and forefinger together. I had a phrase burnt into memory to repeat nonverbally once I became lucid (to replace "Clarity now!"): "Clear sight, clear sound, clear touch. Grounded. Calm, confident. I can stay in this dream as long as I want" (in retrospect this is extremely long, but I think I'll try it out for a few new nights anyway). I also used my standard mantra "I will become lucid in my next dream"/"In every dream tonight" in combination with "In my next dream, I look at my hands and realize that I'm dreaming". In the future I will stick with only "IWBLIMND" since it's more succint and sets a clear intention for the immediate future, rather than a broad concept of "every dream".

      I awoke at 1:18 am in a somewhat strong paralysis with extremely vivid imagery (not dreamlike, more like imagination). There was a man, possibly me, conjuring lightning circularly all around him. The lightning was blue, white, and green. I awoke again at 2:47 am. I remembered several dreams involving my fiance and my dog. In the first, I was at the elementary portion of my high school (it's K-12) and I swerved my car to narrowly miss my dog, who spontaneously started running out at me in the street. I got out of the car and was rubbing his front leg and paw. I noticed that his paw had too many joints and was curled in too much. Somehow this felt connected to a drive through.

      In the next dream, I'm in a living room with a wrap-around bar counter. I think I've been here in a dream before. I'm watching Bob Ross on TV painting thick brushstrokes -- X's, C's, and U's -- over an already finished landscape. My dog jumps off the counter. I'm trying to remember what to do tomorrow, two important things in the morning and night.

      My next set of dreams came after WBTB. In the first, one of my cousins was referred to as "3". There was an interesting story about diving, and D&D. I vividly remember descending in a well, looking up as the light was blocked out by the silhouette of a monster (Demogorgon?), although I didn't feel fear. Next, I was in an arcade or bowling alley, some sort of indoor entertainment place. I left my fiance to go to an adjoining room from the lobby and get ice cream. There was a girl there who was going in the same direction as me, and called me a "creeper" jokingly. She was trying to be funny or cute in the way she was getting her ice cream. I was friendly but not overly so. I got maybe 4 flavors of ice cream, in sort of a flight. In the next dream, I'm an intruder in a man's house. He has a lot of weapons strewn about, some intricate compound and traditional bows, swords, guns, blowdarts, etc. I go through room after room and find the man, he's in his mid 50s or 60s. He threatens me with a long, thin, metal pole, and I think he threatned to castrate me with it. He transports me back to some memory of 1950's New Orleans with a McDonalds, and a small building with an advertisement to "teleport you to the Science Museum". The visuals are faded, blackish, and all the buildings look like plywood.

      In the next dream, I'm at Sonic at night/early morning with my fiance. She's handed me a cup, but I threw it away; there are two crumpled cups beside it. I understand it to be sonic, but it's more like someone's backyard, there aren't any lights or servers or menus, just the standard sonic table and trash can, as well as an overhead cover. A group of foreign men walk by, talking about wanting some cervezas. In the next dream, I'm going over some train tracks covered in water, in a swamp (I've been here before as well). The waves are rounded like tiled hills -- at certain points they are covered in grass, at other times they're just water/waves. I see the sasquatch.

      My old boss is giving me cryptic hints about something, laughing about it. We're in the woods, sort of. Something about eating a spider/the dust that comes out when you crush the spider. Possibly my fiance was warning me not to eat it. I eat the dust, and then eat the crumpled spider husk too.

      Next I had a dream about DreamViews! It was something about inline comments/spoilers; I remember red and purple text. There were other sites too -- DreamBattles and DreamWars (reenactments, maybe I read about this before).

      *Slept for a really long time hoping to get lucid, and kept trying to go back to sleep. After this frustration, I decided to not get bummed out when I don't get lucid. It doesn't help. And there's always tomorrow night
    3. Why did I die?

      by , 08-12-2018 at 08:53 PM
      Two dreams

      My dad, brother and my foster-brother said that men are better than women on everything. My sister and I got very upset but didn’t had a chance to tell them off. So I poked my brother with a stick in his stomach and yelled: ”Too bad it wasn’t a harpoon!” Everybody laughed and my sister told me I had a sassy comeback as always. Then we tried to do everything to prove the guys wrong.

      I was in Italy, just paying a visit to my old school there from when I studied abroad. I had a looong conversation with the principle who asked me questions... strangly in english but I liked it. We had a really good time. She asked me what I wanted to do with my life and I was thinking really hard to come up with a good answer.
      The principle wanted me to come back, but not sure how tho. She was talking and talking and talking. I realized that I no longer really knew where I was. Wasn’t it a part of my own hometown just right outside the window? I wanted to end the conversation but principle seemed so determinded to keep talking about things I could do if I wanted to stay there, Which I didn’t want.
      She wanted me to dye my hair blonde but I didn’t want that. She took me outside to a balcoony and asked me if there were any guys I would like to date but as soon as I looked. I only saw guys that I already knew. Some even from kindergarden. I refused and told her that I already knew these guys and didn’t want anything to do with them. She became very angry and headed inside again. It was time for her to have a lesson. So I decided to run with my old friend’s younger brother, who I never really spoke to.
      We quickly ran away from the school and tried to get to a bus stop. Suddenly I could hear the principle’s vocie behind me. She was furious!
      I wasn’t far from the bus stop when I stopped running and looked back. The young brother was gone but the principal stood there instead, looking at me with sadness in her eyes. First I thought she was going to beg me not to go but what she told me made me go insane. The younger brother was hit by a bus... the very same bus we were supposed to take to get away from this place. I ran away from the bus stop and kept going until I was hit myself by a car.

      Suddenly spirits appeared on the streets, singing and laughing. But not I, because I cried. I covered my face with the hands and cried as loudly as I could. Until I heard my mother’s voice. She wanted someone to hold the dogs’ leashes and take them to a field. I gladly took the dogs over there and found three presents for each pet. The cat wasn’t there tho. I opened the first gift. It was a perfume bottle... MY perfume. I glanced at my dog that was sitting down and paying attention to the bottle. I realized that I had chose the wrong path and cried because I wasn’t there for my dog anymore. I could not pet him, feed him or talk to him. He couldn’t even see me! I couldn’t help but to cry even harder. I just wanted it to be a dream.
    4. Many dreams and less info

      by , 08-07-2018 at 04:04 PM
      I remember more dreams today than yesterday.

      ☆ School. Teacher hating on me for not being or acting like the other students. Got some things to do but threw them away in a bin and kept on working with my own project. Highly disliked by the teacher tho.

      ☆ Fighting with other girls for survival. My opponent knew everything about me but I didn’t know anything about her except for being from the ancient Rom.

      ☆ Gave all my christmas things to my little sister so she could take care of next christmas without me. She wanted to make a change and I didn’t really like it but accepted it.

      ☆ A man that was a good salesman but he wasn’t on the right side of the law. He took drugs and shit but was a really nice man. His skillz was amazing with selling things. I was really impressed.

      ☆ A map with flowers on it instead of rivers and no names written.
    5. A few non-lucid dreams

      by , 07-24-2018 at 02:39 PM (Exterminate)
      I used to deliver newspapers when I was younger. I visited the city I used to live in and started doing an old route I used to have. I walked to the end of town and talked to a store owner. I asked him if he still got the paper after all these years. It was of my memory that he usually only got 1 paper and it was always there the next day. No customer ever bought the paper from him. He had to think for a moment, as the normal carrier would just drop the paper down on the counter and the store owner wouldn't think about it. He looked in his records and asked me for what reason he would ever need to cancel the paper delivery. I suggested possible cost, disinterest, lack of people borrowing/purchasing said paper, etc. He confirmed that he was indeed still subscribed. I took a paper out from my side pocket and handed it to him and went on my way. I then tried navigating through the route while reading what looked like a big atlas. It was supposed to be the guide to delivering this route, but it wasn't accurate. I ended up walking through a school as a shortcut around a large corner, but then I got lost.
      I was looking for 4th street, but I started seeing 8th, 9th, and then other random street names. I was lost. I went back to the school and exited the main entrance instead of the higher 3rd floor exit I did before. It seemed to put me on the right track. I was supposed to go West and I was going South.

      I was driving with my oldest brother down a road looking for my mom and older brother. We accidentally drove past them so we turned around. Their car seemed to vanish so we pulled into a nearby mall parking lot and went looking for them. I had the idea that she was going to a specific store to return a poor fitting dress. Eventually we found each other. We all then went inside the store again to retrace our steps and see how we had missed each other. When we returned back to the car the side door was left open. We then saw someone standing at the front passenger door snooping through our belongings. He was browsing through a wallet and had a phone in his hand. When we walked up to him he casually put the items down and was going to walk away but then I noticed he had a flash drive and another item of ours in his hand. I grabbed them away from him and he ran off.

      There was a video game based on the fnaf series. It was a hallway with 3(?) doors. One next to the player, one in front, and one in back guarded by the marionette. The marionette was mutated, it had like 2 or 3 heads and was very alive. I, as the player, had also chosen some sort of puppet mask to put on. I walked up to the beast and it did its jumpscare, but then it disappeared. I must have been the one to scare it off. I opened the door it was guarding and saw some moving pipes. It seemed like a time challenge. You must squeeze past the blue pipe before it presses against the roof and squishes whatever is between it. I slipped past with a partner of mine. There was two cots and a pillow. Underneath the pillow was a pillow case filled with goodies. We poured it out and inside were a whole lot of 'nilla wafers, chocolate sticks, a few other assorted candies, and dice. The dice were somewhat of a mix between normal dice and craps dice. they were medium sized, and rounded. There were 4 big piles separated by color. One blue, one red, one yellow, one green. I sat and wondered what it all meant until the next dream came 'round.

      I was exploring this city. It was the last of its kind, sort of like an easter egg in a video game, or a last bonus round of sorts. It took place after the main story line. The lore of this level was that all the inhabitants of the small city were "bottled up and stored away." Whatever that means.. I looked around and noticed people were vanished in an instant. Whatever tragedy had struck, it all happened very suddenly. There was an oven with time remaining on it. There was a meal cooking on a stove that was still warm. (Looked really good too! It was a big pot filled with cheese and small pepperoni squares from what I saw). Toast was popped up in the toaster. I walked around this store and had the idea to take whatever I wanted since nobody could stop me. I looked for a knife you'd see behind a display counter but I couldn't find any. The whole setting was both eerie and sad.
    6. Cycling | Spaceship in a void + LD | DEILD Basic TOTM and more | DEILD a man with a moth stand

      by , 06-11-2018 at 10:15 AM
      I've been trying to became lucid after last Wednesday, but these last days I've only recalled one or two normal dreams/night. Until today, when I finally became lucid. I got two normal dreams and three LDs. One dream was both. I also succeeded in a TOTM, the basic one about complimenting a DC. Here are my dreams:

      Normal dream 1: I am cycling in my neighbourhood. I'm using my phone to watch YouTube videos at the same time. I don't remember what I was watching. There is a forest by the road. I see boys my age/older. I cycle the same route over and over again. The dream is foggy?? and I can't remember it fully.

      Normal dream 2: I can't remember the start of the dream fully, but I was in some kind of ship and was in danger of bombs or something. We have to go to the deck or atleast somewhere up to escape the danger. I find my three cousins and my aunt from their room. The walls are red. I tell them that we need to go. My aunt and the oldest cousin come and my aunt is already rushing up. I tell my other younger cousins to hurry up. I'm scared of a bomb. They come and we go to the deck (different scene). I think that we're safe. We are in space/ a dark and purple void?? You can fall of easily, there's no fence or anything. It's hard to describe. I see another ship in the dark. I think we are going towards it. I realise that it's not safe after all, because that ship is our rival and whoever is commanding our ship wants to start fighting with it. The other ship has canyons. I almost go back inside to find a safer place. I don't want to fall into the void. I'm scared but calm myself by remindig that I can just wake up if something bad happens. I know it's a dream and became lucid.
      Lucid dream 1 (DILD): I don't do a RC. I try to teleport to a safer place by closing my eyes and thinking of another place. First I think of my neighbourhood but decide that I don't want to go there and switch to my school. I wake up accidentally.

      I stay still and imagine my school. Soon I'm inside a dream.
      Lucid dream 2 (DEILD): I'm in the school yard. There are lots of people with dogs. I'm a little above them for some reason. In the dream I think that they are there because of a dream I just had, but it's not actually true. I remember wanting to compliment a DC because I have thought a lot about it when awake. I say (in Finnish) "Your dogs are nice and cute. Be proud of them." I said it to the crowd and not one DC. At first they didn't react at all and I became worried, but then they said "Thank you", as if they were just one DC. Then want to stabilize the dream. I forgot to do it in the beginning. I touch the ground (I'm not above the DCs anymore). It's sand. I take some of it and brush my hands against each other. The quality of the dream is kinda good, but not as great as last Wednesday. I wish it was better. I remember reading about how you are more likely to recall the dream in the morning if you try to remember things from the waking life. Or something like that. I remember my whole name. I try to remember things about last week, because a YouTuber had said it would be impossible in a dream. I remember that last week was the first free week after school ending and that I ate certain food. I don't think I could have remembered the food thing while awake... Then I look at the sky. Another Youtuber had said that it should look like a painting and I wanted to prove (to myself??) that my sky was normal. Well the sky isn't a painting but there's a message. It looks like it's written by hand. I'm afraid that it's something creepy. It's in English even though I speak Finnish. It said "Hey I'm the one reading your diary. -You" or something. It's clearly a direct message from my subconsciusness...It isn't as creepy as I thought it would be. Instead I find it super cool. The U in "You" was unfinished. I wake up.

      I imagine the school again.
      Lucid dream 3 (DEILD): I'm closer to the actual school than last dream. I'm flying. There's a stand and an old man. The stand is about a moth. It has a forest backround and pictures. I'm scared that it's something dangerous or creepy. The man shows me the moth. It's a green moth until you flip it and it's a blue btterfly. In the pictures it's only a blue moth. It's big. I don't fly away because I'm losing lucidity. The man convinces me that the moth is harmless and I let it fly to my chest. I don't control the dream enough and the dream unstabilizes. I wake up.

      So those were my dreams last night. Now that I am awake I realised that the man in the last dream was in one of my nightmares... He had a stand (I hope it's the right word) in that dream too... That nightmare is in my DJ here if you're intrested. I need to talk to him next time I see him.

      Updated 06-11-2018 at 10:32 AM by 93459

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , task of the month
    7. Day 110: Breaking the System

      by , 05-31-2018 at 02:53 PM (An Insomniac's Dream Journal)
      Fell asleep at: 12:00 AM

      Woke up at: 7:30 AM

      Dream 94: securityguard.exe has stopped working

      School cafeteria; daytime, in line for lunch. I remember it perfectly, macaroni and cheese, bread, corn, and PB&J. The line was getting shorter by the second until I reached the register. The PB&J morphed into a grilled cheese, something I thought was odd but never acted on it.

      Approaching the register I see not a lunch lady, but a female security guard (One that I'm familiar with). She tells me that I couldn't have the grilled cheese because I already grabbed a mac & cheese. This made no sense to me seeing as I saw three kids walk by her with both a grilled and mac & cheese.

      Then she says I will only acquire both food items if I prove to her I'm a true Christian(?). She asks me a couple pretty easy questions but one ends up tripping me, "What is one famous Christian Russian philosopher?" I don't happen to know any Russian Christian philosophers myself, so I end up guessing.

      Then she breaks.

      For whatever reason, her face is frozen with her mouth wide open, and speaking in tongues. Her gaze is locked straight on me as I try to get away from her. She doesn't move an inch, but she's still speaking in tongue. I end up leaving the school building with my lunch.
    8. Day 106: (Clever Title)

      by , 05-27-2018 at 03:40 PM (An Insomniac's Dream Journal)
      Dream 89: Not So Lethal Lava Land

      The whole dream was in this faux 2D perspective. Sometimes I could see the environment in first person, and others I saw from third person. The entire dream looked like a video game. Everything was a sprite, from the foreground to the background. At the end of the dream I remember getting cornered by a bunch of purple dragon things and being eaten alive, so that's fun.

      Dream 90: You Said Room Temperature, Right?

      Daytime, grass covered yard in between my house and a neighbor's. I'm talking with a friend about the pink gecko I have outside my house (True story, geckos often like to clime on my windows). I told him/her that I managed to keep one as a pet, and made it a little dirt home.

      When I got to its little home, I saw that it had died inside of the water. My reasoning within the dream was that it was too cold for the lizard and it died of hypothermia. Its eyes were glowing a light green.

      Dream 91: Fragment

      Another school fragment. Nothing much to talk about here.

      Updated 05-29-2018 at 03:59 PM by 93490

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. Day 105: Time Skips Are Fun

      by , 05-26-2018 at 04:12 PM (An Insomniac's Dream Journal)
      Whoa, did not expect to be gone for 26 days (Around that anyway, I don't care). And I missed my 100th day anniversary, so that's a shame. But enough of that, let's get started.

      Dream 87: Bus

      Just a fragment. I remember sitting on the window seat of a bus while looking out through the window. It was sunset, and there were two girls in the parking lot, a couple. I stared at them for a couple seconds until the taller one with the shorter hair looked at me and I looked away.

      Dream 88: Educational Hijinks

      Except there are no hijinks to be found. I was just getting from one class to the other--not very interesting. This was also a pretty dull fragment.
    10. May 14, 2018 Non-lucid

      by , 05-14-2018 at 07:50 PM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      The dream scene was in this massive building that served as a school but it also seemed like it was a getaway or vacation place for a group of students. One part of the dream was held in this auditorium where a teacher was lecturing and we were taking notes. The class ended and we walked down some stairs and through rooms. I went into a room that was like a study space with bookshelves but was a hangout spot too. In my head I remember that I had bought this space from the school for 300 or 400 dollars. The dream goes to other spots in the building. Back to the auditorium at some point but this time it's fairly empty except for a few people sitting in the back. I walked out of my place and saw a pool there. Someone was close by so I told them about the space that I bought.

      The other part of the dream was still near this giant building but in another section that had a giant ballroom with stairs that led outside to a beach area. It seemed to be nighttime and a lot of people were drinking. I was going between the ballroom and outside. I remember shelby and zoe were there. I had gone and talked to shelby a little bit about something. I went back to my space and then came back down to the ballroom. There were a lot of kids underage drinking on this trip. Abby b and someone else came up to me and said they had come very late to the party.
    11. May 7, 2018 Non-Lucid

      by , 05-07-2018 at 04:38 PM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      In the dream I'm in a huge room in some sort of factory or school. There are desks leading up to a chalkboard and the ceiling is very high up. I'm taking a final exam and I'm the last one to finish. Everyone else is walking away like they're finished. There's a metal structure at the back of the class. People are on the other side with the professor going over the exam. I was walking up to the teacher when I overheard her discussing answers. I started copying down the answer. At some point she was going over a question and said it could be true or false she'd give credit to anyone. I wrote something down. I went back to my desk and people started coming over to me surprised I wasn't done. I unfold the test into this massive 5 by 8 piece of paper with the exam pages spread out.

      I had another dream I was at the pool lifeguarding but I can't remember anything beyond that.
    12. School and marriage

      by , 04-06-2018 at 06:44 AM
      I had some really vivid dreams last night..!

      The first one was set in a school. It seemed like an all-girl's school, where we were split into groups. Then had to work in pairs saying; "1 - 2 - 3 - 4, etc" back and forth for some reason. The girl who paired with me was really nervous, and was not physically sick, but she felt it. So the teacher (not any teacher from my real life school) told me to take her to the nurses office. I walked with her, and we somehow got lost..! (This wasn't any surprise, since I always seem to get lost in real life xD), all the other students found that highly amusing, and were chuckling..!

      Then I had a weird dream where a salamander was asking my boss, I guess it was supposed to be my work boss (but didn't recognise them), if he had permission to marry me..! It was very strange!
    13. April 1, 2018 Non-Lucid

      by , 04-02-2018 at 08:19 AM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      I was supposed to take a test for a class in which I did not prepare. I was quickly trying to read my notes in the hallway and then entered a room. The room had computers lining the walls and desks in the middle. There were students filling both places taking the test. I thought I had a few more minutes so I was stalling, but then it was time to start so I did.

      Another dream I had this very crazy and interesting experience. There was something going on before the dream, I was in a place that looked like a skate park in the day time, but also some sort of classroom. There were five or six of us. My vision was third person mode, I was watching myself interact with these people. I'm not looking very happy and I'm walking around a bit weird. I'm acting weird altogether. At some point I think I look at myself directly, meaning the Grey I was watching decided to take a look back at me the observer.

      The dream turns and I'm not on this fun roller coaster that is going up and down, flying through many bright colors and scenes. It seemed to start in some sort of movie theater and then go further back into a cave. The ride was flying through lights and it seemed like I was controlling it a little bit. My hands were up as the coaster loops back around and I fall off the ride, hanging under it with my two hands hanging onto the cart. I was able to eventually get back up onto the ride.

      Later in the dream I'm on the back of a school bus of children looking at my forensics teacher in the face as he's telling me there's a danger but we can't tell anyone because it would freak everyone out.

      I had another dream about World of Warcraft where I'm in from of the auction house in Stormwind.
    14. Day 46 & 47: April Fools...

      by , 04-01-2018 at 10:31 PM (An Insomniac's Dream Journal)
      Nothing much happened on Day 46. I fell asleep at midnight, and woke up around 9:00 o' clock. I do recall some dreamlets, so let's bump up that counter to 57.

      Day 47:

      Fell asleep at: 2:00 AM

      Woke up at: 9:30 AM

      Dream 58: The Ultimate April Fool's Trick

      Happy April Fools, SubC, I hope you like it.

      So, the dream starts out with me in a classroom. The lights are on, though I still have trouble seeing. I have an enormous sense of presence within the dream, what with it all taking place in the first person. I lose myself in my train of thought as I'm exiting the building--something about a detective and his status.

      Once I do exit the building though, a little, teeny tiny thought comes into my head. "What is so dream-like about this? What shouldn't be here?" And so I look around.

      To my right I see two busses on top of each other blocking the entrance, to my left I see a guy in a clown costume wrangling a half-rhino-half-antelope thing by its leash. The Rhinocerope is tugging really hard on the leash, and the clown can barely hold on.

      For some reason, THAT doesn't trigger any lucidity. I then went over to the area in front of the band hall, and I see my dad talking to about two or three people. The dream ends soon after that.


      1. I had a very apathetic feeling throughout the entire dream. Though my sense of presence that I achieved is honestly unprecedented. I hope I can get that feeling going so I can achieve a proper DILD next time.

      2. I tried using MILD before I went to bed. Repeating the phrase, "I am present in my dreams" and (I believe) "My dreams are vivid" before going to sleep.

      Updated 04-01-2018 at 10:34 PM by 93490

      memorable , side notes
    15. Day 35: Dud

      by , 03-22-2018 at 05:36 AM (An Insomniac's Dream Journal)
      Day 35:

      Fell asleep at: 11:00 PM

      Woke up at: 6:30 AM

      Dream 42: Zombie Run

      Daytime. School grounds. My vision is slightly impaired as the dream is noticeably more "cloudy" than the ones that came previous. Though that lies more in the fact that I had woken up and went back to sleep afterward. My mom goes inside the office building (Which is in the exact wrong location by the way) and tells me to stay outside while she holds a meeting.

      I divert over to the side of the building, going straight, when something alarming catches my eye. Four guys wearing zombie makeup and carrying machine guns are standing right on top of the roof of the school. I'm a bit frazzled by this, and I'm stuck in the middle of asking why they're there and just plain wanting to get out of there.

      I ask the one closest to the edge, "Hey, what's with the getup?'' And he responds, "The Zombie Run, dude. It's going to start in a few hours, we're thinking we could...give them a good scare." For some reason seeing four shady looking guys armed to the teeth with explosives doesn't immediately make me want to run away, instead I just say "Oh yeah, that thing." and we went our separate ways.

      I come across two ginormous 18-wheelers behind the building. It seems an old man and his grandson are bickering about something. The grandpa in particular. As I approach him, he gets off his truck and asks me to help set up for the Zombie Run. Seeing no way out of this old man's request, I respectfully take his offer. He then hilariously scolds his grandson, telling him that this 'total stranger' was more willing to cooperate with him than his own grandson.

      I would then come to realize why his grandson didn't want him around.

      Later that night, he and I took a ride in his truck. The street looks vaguely similar to the one in my town. The grandpa is now completely hammered and is now taking the wheel, with a random student in the passenger seat. He is completely out of it, almost bordering on falling asleep, when I realize we're headed straight for another truck.

      "Right! Go right!" I yell in his ear. He just barely woke himself up and swerved to the right, avoiding a collision with said truck.

      Dream 43: Billiards

      I'm at what's "supposed" to be my house, a large wooden building that looks more like those 'things' they have at certain parks. I can't quite remember. I'm wanting to play video games on the large flatscreen TV in the living room, but my sister pulls me aside and says she wishes to watch home movies. Due to some personal reasons I won't get into, I deny it, and make up an excuse as for why I should get to play in the living room. Her request unlocked a sort of hate/sadness emotion within me, and I just wanted it to be over with.

      She is getting visibly more irritated as I go on.

      I say, "How about some gambling, huh? Every time you come over you just 'have' to bring a chalupa board with you do ya?"

      I finally get the memo, and just decide to plug in my stuff elsewhere.
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