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    1. Sunday, Seventh of the Sixth, 2020

      by , 06-07-2020 at 07:45 PM
      I was looking around in my brother's room, and looking closely at a shelf with some photos on it. He came in and started talking with me, then we both looked out his window to see our Dad driving his car up and down the street.
      Our house iwl is on a cul-de-sac, so the street was completely different as was his room.
      Only it wasn't exactly a car he was driving. I recently watched the 2004 animated movie Steamboy, and I believe this was influenced from that. It was a sort of giant steam engine with regular tires, and it handled like a motorcycle. My brother had made it, so he was annoyed to see my Dad driving it without asking. Debris and bits of the machine were flying off as my Dad did wheelies and donuts around the road. All of our neighbors had their phones out and were recording the event.

      Updated 06-07-2020 at 07:52 PM by 63075

      memorable , non-lucid
    2. 27 Nov: Running from alien monsters in the future with my dad bitching me

      by , 11-27-2019 at 09:11 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      In the future, our society collapsed, but my dad is still pissing me off about how I failed his expectations!!!
      I point out that his expectations were never appropriate for the world I grew up in and that I am very successful in my adaptation to it. And he is alive purely by luck and because I have saved him quite a few times. He is out of touch with reality. At that very moment, a horde of alien monsters who roam the streets is heading towards us. We get an early warning from seeing other people on the run. I chose a path they probably won't take and I push my father into that direction. He keeps on bitching. Something about me trespassing a property, as if that mattered in that circumstance. We escape the alien monsters, which as I expected, keep going through the main avenue. But then we encounter 3 creatures like sheep but who talk. They seem fairly innocent, but I sense danger. It happens they are also dangerous killers and one of them is an assassin who had tried killing me in my bed before, but taking up a different shape. I am not sure how it goes, but I manage to escape from them.
    3. Friday, March 22

      by , 03-27-2019 at 06:16 PM
      I am with Melissa, Dad, and Scottie. I’m pretty sure we’re going somewhere, but right now, we are sitting at a picnic style table right adjacent to a street intersection. Dad has a store bought card for Scottie, and I have made a card for Melissa. It is smaller and looks like a regular card except for its left side being the shape of half of a heart. It’s come out wrong though - it opens upside down or something like that. Scottie comments nicely on our bringing cards. I notice she is wearing a light lime green hoodie. The front is full of a list of ‘anti’ somethings in a white and all caps font; I notice ‘ANTITRUMP’ towards the bottom and the hoodie’s pocket. I think about how supporters would take offense to this, yet nonchalantly be ‘anti’ many things. I’m now walking along a sidewalk, I think with just Dad and Melissa or Dad and Makayla. This neighborhood is not too far off the main road, yet it still feels removed. It feels like midtown/oldtown. The houses are smaller (some are two stories though, I think) and close to this street and to each other. The look somewhat whimsical. I notice an address in number plaques on the house’s wall - 5150 or something like that. I either think or say that I like this neighborhood. We now end up at the bottom of a long hill with a place sprawled across it. The long house/building atop is an off white. There are tall and droopy trees and an older cement pathway winding up the hill. There is a black man sitting outside somewhere here, rambling about something. I notice a few chains with hooks on their ends hanging down from something (the trees probably?). I know that they’re for musicians to attach to when they play. I think I get an image of that scene in my head. I think they swing on them. In fact, the man starts rambling about this. I grab onto one as I ascend this hill and let it go when I reach the top. It must’ve shortened or something, as it doesn’t swing back and hit me. I imagine what it’d be like or feel like if it did. There are circular patio tables and their steels chairs placed all around. The rest of it seems to be a pretty empty cement plaza. I think this place is called The Project, and I remember coming here a while ago and liking it. I am now by another house. This house also has a large grassy area and patio tables. There is an absolute plethora of tables though - I can’t even imagine that many people being here at once. I enter the house, following Lindsey. There is a long closet on the entryway’s left. It is open or partially open, allowing me to see a row of hanging coats. There is a grey and a green one; the rest look like duplicates of either, possibly just in another size. I wonder why. Lindsey sees me looking, and it is slightly awkward for a moment. We’re back outside now, in the back or side yard. I think I comment on all the tables. It sort of reminds me of an Alice in Wonderland type garden party. She and I each drag a chair a ways out onto the vast and lush lawn. She sits and is going to trim her pubic hair, I think with scissors. I think she’s wearing a skirt that she can lift high enough. I can see the very tops of her thighs, but not much else. She asks me to go get/do something, trying to get me to leave so she can be alone. I know what she’s doing, but oblige anyway by joining a blond kid that is running around. He starts to race, and I find myself unable to run as fast as him. I think it must be because I’m not even trying my hardest. I see the Dots game (that I’ve been playing on my phone) is being played in the distance, like it’s projected onto the sky or something. It seems like dusk or twilight.

      I am in what looks like a cross between a warehouse and Winco aisle. I am with some others that I think are movie characters but that I know? We are slowly making our way down the aisle, punching packages of soda cans as we go. I punch one repeatedly and it will not break open, so I take out my pocket knife and dramatically slit the wrapping open. One of the guys is by me when I do so and for some reason derives great joy from it. It is somehow like an idyllic scene from a movie. I remark that 80s movies are really good, that 90s movies are okay too, but not as good. It feels like I/we have just been in a few 80s movies. These others agree with my sentiment. We are now further into this building and sitting around a square and fairly tall table. Two of the others are Ashley M from work and McKenzie Retzer. McKenzie is in very small shorts and a tank top. She is sweaty and lifting her arms to check for a pattern/ring of deodorant stain. She has some specific term for it. I can feel sweat all over my body as well, and I check for the same. I think I do have it but can’t see it. Ashley, what is to my right, gives me two barbell weights. I sort of fuck around with them and then start lifting one straight away from my body on my right. She tells me my arms are strong. I am conscious/self conscious of being observed (by her and myself). I say that they used to be, which she repeats sarcastically/rhetorically. McKenzie tells me I’m scheduled for another workout next Saturday. I tell her I’m glad she signs me up for things or else I’d never do anything.
    4. 14 Feb: Wake up in a hostel in a foreign country

      by , 02-14-2019 at 01:40 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      Wake up in a hostel shared room with half a dozen Asian girls, I think Korean. I have no idea how I got there, and I can't communicate with them. I go outside the room, it is a humble hostel in what looks like a middle eastern country. There is a corridor to the street, I pass the reception and get out. The street curves and goes down, like a ramp and then ends up in some vertical wall with a vertical ladder which is the only way to get down to what looks like a lake or the ocean shore. Anyway, there is a beach down there and I see something that makes me really wanna go, like some animal in distress or someone I know (can't remember). But halfway the metal ladder breaks or the cliff crumbles and I struggle to hold on and go back up. I decide to go back to my room at the hostel and try to ask the girls if they know me, but they no longer are there.
    5. xxxiv.

      by , 09-08-2018 at 11:40 AM
      Non-dream stuff - woke up at about 8:30 again, so I know that my alarm is being able to wake me up again. Still didn't have enough willpower to not stay in bed and slept another 2 hours again. Remember one of the non-lucids.

      Dream sequence:
      I remember being in this office/computer room as I am in now to write this DJ, or perhaps a similar room. I remember then being in the kitchen and I was talking to my partner about an appointment I (actually) have next week. In the dream the appointment's location was somewhere in Illinois.

      My partner was somewhat upset because we hadn't made any preparations at all and it was actually impossible for us to drive there. We would need to go an a 6-hour flight (which is inconsistent with the real distance, which would take longer) and then there was some kind of transition.

      I was now in a plane, which actually looked like it had a fair bit of room, but the plane wasn't on an airport. It looked more like it was in the middle of a town and people were all waiting for take-off. The plane had a layout I can't really explain or detail, but it was not at all like it should have been. Some people were complaining that things were falling apart, and I think my dad was there commenting that it was fine and that actually those parts were not crucial.

      A man next to me spoke in my native language and voiced his own concerns, and I tried to tell him that it probably really was nothing to worry about. I remember he had a drink in a plastic cup and then behind me there was some sort of drink dispenser like a water cooler, with more of said plastic cups in a slot. The cups were a blue-hued non-transparent grey. The light coming in through the windows was orange-ish, in a way that implied it was early morning, likely at sunrise.

      Then I remember being outside, either walking around or being driven somewhere when I pass the plane, which is sitting on a street, wingless I think, next to some terraced houses. The plane didn't look like it crashed or anything; it was just sitting there.

      I know I interacted with someone else after that but I can't remember any more details specifically now.

      • I can't remember having many (if any) dreams with planes.
      • The dream context of "travel" is a consistent theme across some of my most common dreamsigns however.
      • It's likely that I had this dream because last night my parents wanted to speak to me and I was feeling too tired so I didn't speak to them; and they presumably wanted to talk about a trip to where they live, which I really didn't feel like thinking about.
      • In dreams I don't particularly feel stressed with travel, but in the waking world, traveling can feel stressful for me if it involves large gathering hubs or if it's highly disruptive to day-to-day life (i.e. if it's a trip away for a considerable amount of time).
      • The way my partner was upset at me about the trip was a bit different to how the reaction would have been in the waking world, which might still have been slightly cross but more forgiving.
      • I still find it odd that even though in the dream I was at locations in the house, I never did a reality check in the dream. Lately I do RCs quite often, even when in the house, so it seems odd that the "habit" of simply checking reality anyway doesn't even occur.
    6. One Full Lucid, A Chain Of Short Lucids, And Some NLs - September 1

      , 09-01-2018 at 08:06 PM (ZAD's DJ)
      Sep 1 2018

      The night started with some visualization of a dream I'm trying to incubate, which lasted probably 30 minutes to an hour. After that, I set my intentions to become lucid and headed to sleep.

      My first dream of the night involved some kind of network TV teenage vampire drama plot, which took place in a neighborhood similar to mine from childhood. In the next dream, I was in a trench coat placing high-stakes bets using a 90's era cell phone. At the end of this dream, all of my cronies were in a room, facing forward in rows, and I was facing backward. We were all peeing on the ground (I think it was a power play).

      Next, I'm in a huge convention center. I had just seen the newest Avengers movie (I haven't seen it IWL). I was ranting to others about how Thanos had all of the Avengers on his side and wasn't even fighting, but was just using the Avengers to fight. The convention center was huge (should've caught that, since disproportionate structures is one of my dreamsigns). We (a couple of DCs and I) were walking through the ground floor when we ran into
      Spoiler for nudity:
      The dream shifts and I'm walking with some old high school friends and acquaintances. We come across M, who's sitting on the floor in front of some people trying to take a picture. We tell her to get up and stop blocking the picture, and she says "This is a picture?" in a way that for some reason made me give out this awful dolphin-like laugh. I remember thinking in my non-lucid state, "stop that, you'll wake yourself up!". Sure enough I did.

      After this dream sequence, I got up as my fiance left for work. I walked my dog so he wouldn't bother me for the rest of the session and drank a little apple juice. I MILDed with "I will become lucid in my next dream" and "The next time I see a person, I will look at my hands and realize I'm dreaming". The first dream had very low lucidity. It was sort of a western setting in a two or three story house. Outside I could see a desert/grassland with tall grass growing and mountains in the background, and the sky was really beautiful (should have RC'd here also, abnormal sky is a dreamsign). I walked around the house and looked out of the windows.

      From this dream, I awoke into a false awakening. In the FA, I was trying to get back to bed to LD (didn't catch this). At some point I opened my dream eyes and saw a shallow, long, white plastic sink on the wall. It occured to me that I was dreaming because that doesn't exist in my room, but it didn't "click" until I got up and reached for the knob. At this point there was a shift in my consciousness that almost threw me off balance, like flipping a switch. I walked to a nearby mirror on the wall and experienced what people say -- the properties of my face were changing and twitching, especially my nose, jaws, and lips. I didn't say "clarity now!" like I usually do, and I really need to stabilize. I had some feeling throughout my dream body, but felt numb, so I started slapping my face and pulling on my lips, tongue, cheeks. I was incredibly focused on engaging my tactile senses. I tried to summon my dream totem associated with stabilizaiton, but for some reason I didn't have pockets. I decided I would summon a DC to help, so strangely I called out the name of an acquaintance from high school (I haven't even consciously thought of this person in years). At first I called aloud, and I could only get out the first name since my voice was garbled as it always is. So I used non-verbal commands! I looked towards the doorway and she appeared! It was awesome to see this work, as it's only worked for me in the past in a semi-lucid. I think I told her to give me a massage so that I could feel my body better. She had a serious face on and nodded agreeably. I was wearing a red t-shirt and a thin, dark blue jacket like the band kids used to wear. I started to take this off, and sat back on the bed as she approached, at which point I woke up.

      The first thing I did upon waking was an RC (I've been trying to train myself to do these at each waking), but it wasn't a dream. I was really pissed at myself for not thinking of the ways I've stabilized in the past ("clarity now!", breathe in and focus on senses, pry eyes open, etc.), but I was happy to have an LD after about a week-long dry spell. I reflected on what I could have done better and visualized it, then MILDed again and went to sleep.

      I had a chain of FAs/DILDs at this point*. In the first, I was in a lit version of my bedroom. I got up, became lucid, and walked around briefly before losing lucidity. In the next, I'm in a grocery store on a higher staircase. I see a lot of DCs around the corner of the opening, and I look at a clock that says "08:00". I become lucid, feeling off-balance like before, and walk around the display, looking at some bread before losing lucidity. In the next dream, I'm on the street of my childhood home looking at a large white column in the middle of NOG's yard (one of our neighbors). There's moss or dirt up to about shoulder level on the column. My sister and mom are behind me and commenting on the small car parked in middle of the yard, trying to make out the license plate. I become lucid and start looking at some huge leaves on some plants that appeared spontaneously. We're looking through the leaves, arguing whether the license plate is UWP 117 or 116. The dream fades slowly out and back in, then fades completely.

      From here I had a series of longish NLs:
      I have a collection of wood carvings/sculptures. One in particular is of Spyro, the others are small people. The house I'm in reminds me of a previous vacation house.
      There is a mouse running around the backyard at my childhood home. It runs up to the door and allows me to pick it up. My parents' dog and mine both just sniff at it when it approaches. It's almost cartoon-like, but is very real. We all fall in love with the mouse. At some point my sister finds a "water snake" which looks like it's breaded with panko bread crumbs until she places it in a bucket full of water and cleans it off (now it looks like bread dough). There is a 1ft dark green toady that walks through our back porch in the midst of all this, as well as some small slugs. My mom is sad/angry, lashing out passive agressively (this is practically a dream sign).
      The next dream is in an urban fantasy setting (by this I mean full-out fantasy that just happens to pass through some urban sections, not vampires and werewolves in modern clothing). I am tasked with delivering something. I have to walk around these long, curving, somewhat cyberpunk blue corridors in the middle of the city. I'm wearing peasant's clothes and have a sword. Whatever it is I'm delivering is in a brown sack (possibly the remains of something or someone?). I have to double-back at some point (this could be a dream sign, going down the same path twice). Eventually I arrive at the base, which is a fraternity or sorority house. I meet with the buyer/receiving party, and they say that it's not what they expected. Don't remember much after this and my pen ran out of ink, so the world will never really know.

      Overall, it was a pretty good night! Summoned a DC and learned to use non-verbal commands. Will need to practice and visualize how to stabilize VTA (visual, tactile, and auditory) senses more.

      *Because of their short nature and the fact that they were pretty much chained together, I'm going to count all of these short lucids as 1 in total, for a grand total of 2 LDs tonight.
    7. 29 Mar Street

      by , 03-30-2018 at 10:24 PM
      Fragmented sleep with lots of wakes in hrs prior to final wake

      The dream begins in a version of our current home, FA style. I wake up and look out the window seeing the new day begin. Some unusual transportation already on the move.

      Couple of moments later, I find myself walking down the street with much higher awareness. I decide to act out this moment as if it were real life, creating a continuous stream of awareness from the dream to waking and the actual walking on the street much later. I look around, soak in as many details, also looking at DCs passing by. A woman with a red leather jacket stands out. My bf's DC is also accompanying me. We continue our walk down the street to cross when some cars speed towards us. I feel like I need to quickly jump ahead to avoid the impact. The motion seems to destabilize the dream or it could just be the fragmented sleep and the dream soon fades.

      After waking up, I initially forget my dream idea to hold that awareness on my way to work, but recall it later on. As I go out, it's a beautiful cold sunny morning and I take in all the little details around me. With this state of mindfulness, it feels the same way it did when I had the lucid dream walking down the street.
      lucid , dream fragment
    8. Like mesas and sunsets, but more so

      by , 03-03-2018 at 11:41 PM (The Fourth Factor)
      Once again, my memory only picks up partway through what seems to be a large, complex plot mostly full of unfamiliar people and settings. This setting, from what I recall, visually resembled an exaggerated version of the American Southwest—think mesas and sunsets, but more so— although the action and characters didn’t seem to match up with it in any discernible way.

      My friend Ona and I are swimming in an indoor pool when two men we’re acquainted with who are cousins arrive and say that they’ve reserved it for a period of time, starting now. I can see from a chart with colored boxes on a grid that they have, so Ona and I get out and sit at a table in a sort of an adjoining area overlooking the pool. There’s a hint of past antagonism or rivalry with these men, one of them in particular, having to do with things from the earlier part of the dream I forgot.

      After a little while, the other man comes over to the table. He has something for us: some ara and a loaf of fresh bread, which we accept. He doesn’t say it, but this seems to be a sort of apology for us having to leave the pool.

      Somewhere along the course of us sitting there, the area transforms into an ornate theater, where people are starting to come in. As before, we’re in a sort of raised area, this time above where the stage and the lower seats are, but there are other seating areas wrapping around it in a semicircle. Many of the people seem to disapprove of us drinking alcohol, which doesn’t really bother us, and, in any case, has happened plenty of times before. But we aren’t bothering anybody, and if they don't like it, that’s their problem. But still—even though I want to like the guy who gave us this and believe that it was a sincerely meant gift, there's also the possibility that his beastly cousin put him up to it because he knew we’d get flak for it. I examine the glass: it’s quite pretty, with some transparent colored parts in an art nouveau-like abstract pattern—and above that, a silhouette of the Prague skyline. The golden city and one of its golden ages. I briefly wonder if he has a whole stockpile of these just for giving away to people.

      The next part of the dream involves the production itself, which doesn’t seem to be taking place on a stage, but rather along a street—a straight, flat dirt road with low buildings on either side, again, with a Southwestern vibe. The audience and actors alike are here—or some of the actors, anyway. The protagonist, a woman in a green dress, will be passing along here and looking into some of the shops, having some improvised dialogue with the shopkeepers, but she isn’t here yet.

      I know this actress personally and find her unpleasant—this also seems to go back to the earlier, forgotten parts of the dream—so I’m going to mess with her a little bit. I go to one of the shops, which is selling art, and rearrange it so that a collection of pictures titled “Halloween Bestiary” is on display on a small stand outside the door. I then flip the latch on the shop door, which is hanging open, so that the it will lock automatically the next time someone closes it. I then make sure I’m out of the way by the time the actress playing the shopkeeper arrives.

      The woman soon notices the door and is alarmed. If she can’t take the woman in the green dress inside to look at things and is stuck with the Halloween Bestiary pieces outside, the script would require her to pretend to like them, which would irritate her to no end. She is relieved that it’s still open—but just then, my aunt steps out of the shop and closes the door behind her, oblivious to the trouble she’s just set in motion.

    9. 18-02-24 Remote Viewing Events

      by , 02-25-2018 at 12:41 AM
      Had two or three dreams that were kind of like remote viewing events. I just saw a street, and a car driving. I think it was an Audi. The scene looked so normal and real, like I was somehow seeing a real place somewhere.
    10. Up & Down the Street; Whose Dogs?

      by , 02-08-2018 at 07:00 PM (The Fourth Factor)
      I can’t remember how the dream began, which means that I can’t be sure whether I had realized I was dreaming and decided to fly around for a while or whether I had somehow realized that I could fly and stabilize my surroundings but not the full implications of it. But either way, that’s what I ended up doing.

      It seems to be early evening, and I’m on a street where all the buildings are lit up with small, multicolored lights. The street is steep and winding—a little reminiscent of Nerudova Street in its topography and architecture—and it has a vibrant and exciting atmosphere, as if it’s a Saturday night and this is the place to go on a Saturday night.

      the adverse effects of B6-nerudova-ulice-prague-1909.jpg
      (Click to enlarge (because I can't figure out how to make it bigger here))

      I fly all the way up the street and then turn around and fly back down again. But it doesn’t feel quite as real as I know it could be. I focus harder, and I imagine hearing music as I fly along, and that seems to help—this time, it feels as if I’m actually there. I fly back again, and this time I try it while spinning around—something I’ve never done before. It turns out to be a lot of fun, seeing the ground change places with the sky.

      Sometime later—in another dream, probably—I'm on a bus on some kind of a trip. I’m with a large group—many young children, some teenagers and a couple adults. There are also some children and teens there who are exchange students from another country. I have the impression this is a trip for the kids, and the teens and I—not sure of my age in the dream—are there to help out with it.

      At some point, we make a stop at a large grocery store—the sort that’s often still open in the middle of the night, which it seems to be now. A group of us, including me, goes in. But a woman—maybe the person in charge—asks me if I could take the dog outside for a bit so she can have a chance to burn off some energy before we’re back on the bus. She has the dog there—a big, black dog, female, I think. I agree to it.

      Once in front of the store, the dog goes sprinting off in a big loop, eventually coming back around to me. She immediately runs off again, and this time she returns carrying a stick in her mouth. Looks like we’re going to be playing fetch. But just then, I hear barking coming off from to my left. Two smaller dogs are there—neither one on a leash, I note—and the one that looks like a half-size pit bull is barking up a storm. I am instantly on alert: I have seen scenarios like this one end with furniture being toppled. But the black dog is not acting threatened or aggressive, and so it seems unlikely that a fight’s going to break out. I have a vague impression of the dogs’ owner nearby—but just then, my alarm wakes me.

      Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails the adverse effects of B6-nerudova.jpg  
    11. [23/24-01-2017: 10th & 11th competition night]

      by , 01-24-2017 at 04:41 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      The lonely path

      It was evening, dark and cold. I left my house and wandered far away to mountains. There were two paths leading through them - the easy and ordinary, and much more dangerous and remote "The lonely path". I instantly chosen the second and started walking up the path. Suddenly I found myself back at a valley close to mountains, in place where one path split in two (the ordinary and lonely). I chosen lonely path again. Then I found myself back at my house, thinking "Each time, despite different circumstances, it leads to the same decision and outcome. Each time creating a separate universe." I ran to the road and saw a few cars passing by. I made a decision just before reaching the road - I'll chose the lonely path.

      The prom

      It was my prom made second time, as most of people wanted to repeat it. I was hesitant, but did appeared there. I was bored and wanted to leave. Everyone gathered outside the local - it was a busy city street. Everyone was talking about other participants of the party. Someone even called me bumptious.
    12. Spellbee's Splendid Competition Night 6: Flipipping a Car

      by , 01-19-2017 at 01:39 PM (My Dream World)
      I don't remember the non-lucid part of the dream, but I suddenly got lucid. I was in the middle of some large street, on some crosswalk. There were lots of car. I started walking fowards. There was a car in my way, so I decided I wanted to flip it. I put my two hands beneath the car and effortlesly flipped the car like a table. I continued walking until I reached the other side of the crosswalk, when I remember the three-step tasks. Luckily, I managed to reemmber the first one, telekinesis. I saw a woman across me and decided to TK her towards me. I extended my hands towards her and made her levitate and brought her into my arms. I let her down and continued walking on, until the dream started to fade. I tried RCing and touching stuff to stabilize, but lost the dream and woke up.

      Me and my family were staying in some huge, fancy hotel. I woke up a little late (I think about 9 A.M, almost 10) and decided to go get breakfast. I went into the elevator (which was huge, it had tables and chairs in it for some reason) and it started going down. I noticed I was wearing jusjt a shirt and boxer shirts, but decided I didn't care anyway cause it was breakfast and everyone was probably in their pajamas. I also remember some little kid being in the elevator. I them realized it was too late and they wouldn't be serving breakfast. When the elevator arrived at its destination, I went down some stairs and there were some bakeries where I could buy stuff. I got lucid at some point but everything was already fading away and I was feeling faint. I walked along some wall, touching it for stabilization but woke up.
    13. Dream street signs

      by , 10-29-2016 at 06:54 AM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      I woke up after another dream and quickly drifted into this dream, I assume it was a DEILD but I can't quite explain how I got into this dream, I suddenly just was in it.

      It was pretty short and I don't remember very much either. I was walking on a street, outside, it was nice weather. The most notable thing was me looking at some street signs. I have a very rough image of them left but... I could hit my past self for not immediately noting down what was on them. There was some kind of explanation for something.

      Updated 10-30-2016 at 10:44 AM by 48127

    14. Fragments after The Sea of Mist

      by , 10-07-2016 at 09:25 PM (Cinder's Dreams Gallery)
      I woke up and wrote down my dream earlier. Since it was my day off and I was sleepy, I went to bed again. I had a few fragments, but most of them were too vague to write down.

      I recall being antagonized by a loudmouthed man in a wifebeater as I sat in a blue metal chair and blue metal table at a food cart on the street (these are common in Thailand), at night, with a few other people around sitting on the chairs and eating. (I think it was a food cart? I recall working on a painting and I recall people eating food.)

      I recall having a false awakening where I didn't bother getting up, which was why I didn't perform my reality checks. I was in a bed, which presumably was big, and back in my mom's city apartment, cuddling with her. I dozed off within the dream.
    15. Nuclear blasts, a floating city, and I successfully overcame a false awakening

      by , 04-23-2016 at 04:18 PM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      I was in a house, it likely seemed like one of my earlier homes, the house my family used to own. There was someone else with me but I don't know who it was. I looked out of the window, and the scenery was a lot different, I saw mountains and plenty of green out there.
      The sun was about to rise and we saw it, but we also saw light of... nuclear explosions, 3 or 4 in total.
      (I think it was around here where I got lucid but oddly enough I'm not sure, maybe I already was lucid)
      I pointed out the explosions to my companion, expecting some sort of shockwave to hit us, but it never did.
      After that a scene in some kind of floating city came, there were many fragments floating around, some with buildings and/or plants. For the life of me I can't remember the transition from the house to that city, even though I think it was only 1 or 2 minutes in the dream. This floating city had mostly dark gray elements and some orange, and I know that orange was the most prominent color all around us, partially from the sunrise, maybe partially from the blasts. It looked a bit medieval and fantasy-like, probably inspired by some game. I moved upwards with strong jumps, like in a platformer. On a slightly larger island, where 2 or so buildings and some plants were, there was a group of people in dark clothes. I went to them and talked about something, I don't remember everything. What I do remember is that I explained the game Sonic Riders to them, and how I would love to have a pair of those floating shoes and how I liked the idea of them more than hoverboards.

      Then everything went black and I felt the dream fading, and as usual I struggled against it. It seems I was out of the dream for a short moment but this time I managed to hold on to my consciousness without completely waking up. I'm pretty sure this would've become a FA if I hadn't manage to hold on to my consciousness by a thread.
      After some time of focusing and struggling I saw light, and quickly noticed that it was kind of like the light you'd see coming from under and around a door when it's bright outside and you're in a dark room. I reached for the door and opened it, just to see the same thing again. Then another door, and another one. Then, after I think I opened 4 or 5 doors I actually got outside and had full visual input from the dream again. It was cloudy but bright outside, and I was in some kind of village with broad streets and little to nothing happening. I tried to fly, but was only able to float. The last thing I did was changing the sky into a clear night scenery with tons of stars, which looked and felt beautiful, but alas then I woke up for real.
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