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    1. 10/08/2011 - "O Goes to the Movies"

      by , 10-18-2011 at 05:58 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      "O Goes to the Movies"

      I was hanging out with a bunch of people, in a huge lake or pond type of setting, set next to a large, stone building. We would climb up on the outside of the building and do backflips off of the wall and into the water. There was a whole lot in this dream that I don't remember at all, but it was while we were playing here, in the water, that I became lucid. The water was very murky, and you really couldn't see below the surface. Somehow, feeling a little apprehensive about the low visibility, I'd become aware (or just anticipated) that one of my friends was going to try to scare me by acting like there was something swimming in the water with us. No sooner did I get this presumption, than I felt someone brush up against my leg and suddenly grab one of my ankles. Having expected it, though, it didn't really startle me at all.

      Having had my fill of swimming, I levitated myself up out of the water and floated off to another building. The day seemed to change to night, around this time. There is a lot of this part that I don't remember, but there was some chaotic scene going on, involving angels and demons. I want to say it was a battle, but I'm not too sure. However, one particular moment I remember is being on a rooftop and looking at my shadow, which was cast on a nearby wall. Apparently, I had been one of the demons. When I raised my hands up, I could see that I had a pair of huge, bat-like wings and what looked to be horns, in my shadow.

      There was another set of transitions, here, and I remember a short scene, where I was walking up to the front of a house. It was still night time, and I could just barely make out a figure that was lurking around the house. It was a man, and the moment he saw us approaching (I have the feeling I was walking with someone, but I can't remember who), he suddenly bolted to a nearby, waiting car and sped off.

      Another transition (or gap in memory) occurred, and the next thing I remember is being a bbq with family and friends - my lucidity having pretty much left me, by now. There were a bunch of games being played at the gathering, and one of which was a match-making or kissing booth type of game, but I can't remember which.

      The next thing I remember is being in a movie theater, with my friends and family from the earlier bbq. I don't remember exactly what got me back on track, but my lucidity kicked back in, while in the theater, waiting for the movie to start. Someone had asked me if I'd won any games at the bbq, and I answered 'no'. Overhearing the conversation, a bunch of other people started ridiculing me, for having not won anything, and I believe it was this ridicule, that reminded me that this was all just a dream (though I'm not exactly 100% positive that it was that particular reason). I scoffed at them and told them that I didn't care about those games, because I had 'more important skills, than winning at some silly game'. Taking this as the perfect time to show off my lucidity, and wow this critical crowd, I raised a hand to the ceiling and focused on the lights, dimming them and brightening them with a simple, mental command. Everyone was immediately silent with amazement. I could tell by the looks in the eyes of those nearest to me, that it was also making them uncomfortable. I said something like "oh, that's not all," and I rose to my feet, looking up toward the window to the projector room. I focused on the beam of light coming out of the window, and made the entire projection flicker on and off with a few waves of my hand, showing all of the DC's that I had full control over this theater, with my mind.

      Suddenly, a large portion of the crowd started screaming in fear and running for the exit, acting as if I was some sort of evil sorcerer, or something, here to steal their souls. I thought the whole thing was hilarious, and just kind of laughed while the people ran. In the mix of it all, though, there were attractive girls, a few rows down, who had been eyeing me, during my antics. One of them was whispering something to the other, and kept looking back at me, giggling. Finally, she got up and sauntered up the aisle toward me, frightened movie goers pushing their way around her. Having sat back down, I looked up at her and grinned. She smiled back and sat down on my lap, saying that she wanted me, and something about how she was good at getting what she wanted. I laughed and played it nonchalant with her. We talked for a little bit, and my lucidity started fading again.

      The last thing I remember is the girl introducing me to her adorable little girl - who pretty much came out of nowhere. The little girl and I hit it off pretty well, and we were all laughing and playing around with each other, after most everyone else had left the theater.

      Updated 10-20-2011 at 05:49 AM by 2450

    2. 09/27/2011 - "I'll Take My Chances with the Zombies...", "Tonight, We Dine in Hell"

      by , 10-06-2011 at 08:24 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      Dream One
      "I'll Take My Chances with the Zombies..."

      Zombies were attacking. At first, I was in an unfamiliar home, with some chick. I know that we were friends, at least, but I don't know if there was anything else going on between us. Without warning, zombies began breaking into the house, and I grabbed the girl by the hand and tried to help her escape, while she was busy losing her mind about the situation. It took us some time to find an exit that wasn't overrun with the undead, and we eventually made our way to the garage. Immediately, I started thumbing around for any tools I could use as weapons. I don't remember what I actually grabbed (if anything), but we were soon trying to force our way out of the garage and passed the growing mass of zombies that were coming up the driveway. During the scuffle, one of the zombies had gotten a hold of my arm, raking its fingernails across my flesh and tearing open the smallest of gashes. It was just a tiny scrape, and I didn't really think anything of it.

      We continued fighting our way through the streets, and it seemed like the zombies were constantly multiplying, the longer we stayed alive. Dozens turned into hundreds. Hundreds seemed to turn into thousands. By now, my wound had visibly worsened, and I could feel an intense throbbing, slowly creeping its way up my arm. I knew that I had been infected, but I wasn't about to just rollover and let myself succumb. The longer we ran, the more that this girl seemed to be going crazy. She kept clinging to me, begging me not to leave her - even though I made no implication that I was doing so. Then, she started actually coming onto me. She began talking about how we were like the last 2 humans left, and she wanted me to be with her forever, and be her 'one and only.' (She continuously used that exact phrase.) At first, it was just annoying, but then it really began to freak me out. After a while, she could see that I was becoming more stand-off-ish, and she was becoming even more clingy. The clingier and crazier she got, the more I just wanted to get the hell away from her. Soon, it was like she became just as much a threat to me as the zombies, and I began running and hiding from her as well, while she tenaciously tried to hunt me down, attempting to make me want her.

      The last few moments of the dream that I remember, were when I was coming to a T-junction of two city streets. In front of me, there was a horde of zombies walking in my direction. Turning to the left, I could see another large group of them, coming up the perpendicular street. Then, looking back the way I had come, the street was filled with the zombies that I had been chasing me for the last couple of blocks. I was surrounded, and I was running out of concrete, between myself and the approaching hordes. Practically out of options, and feeling the onset of panic, it finally hit me. I was dreaming! Immediately, relieved, I launched myself into the air and flew up to the top of one of the tall buildings nearby. Just when I looked back down to the zombie-filled streets below, I woke up.

      Dream Two
      "Tonight, We Dine in Hell"

      The only thing I remember was that I was in a truck accident, though I don't believe I was driving. Another guy and I actually had to lift this damaged truck up off of a female figure, whom we had struck and was stuck in the undercarriage. I had some vague awareness of the previous (dream) situation with the zombies, and I was convinced that we had simply hit a zombie, but the other guy obviously wasn't, so I helped him raise the tail end of the vehicle, which was surprisingly lightweight. I was surprised to see a young (human) woman, tangled up in the bottom of the truck; slightly battered and bruised, but actually not looking half bad, for having just been run over by a pick-up.

      After removing the woman from the undercarriage, we began to walk with her down the dark, deserted stretch of road. After some time, this enormous RV pulled up behind us, apparently offering us a ride. A wholesome-looking family beckoned us inside, and we happily accepted. However, the moment we got on board this mammoth vehicle, we were greeted with the business end of a double-barreled shotgun. An old, conservative looking man was behind the trigger, and his face was stern, yet calm. There was a young boy standing beside him, and they - and a couple more members of the family, looked us over for a moment. Then, the man suddenly said something like "looks like you joined us just in time. We were just about to eat dinner..." he then motioned to the little boy, never taking the gun off of us. He said that the little boy was their hostage, that they were about to eat him, and that we were either going to partake in the meal, or he was going to kill us all, right then and there.

      The last thing I remember is doing my best to stall him with some nervous banter, while frantically trying to get enough awareness of my surroundings to devise a way to get us the hell out of there.

      Updated 10-07-2011 at 02:48 PM by 2450

      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare
    3. 09/15/2011 - Fragments, "Friends 'til the End...and Then Some", "The Undead of Winter"

      by , 09-28-2011 at 01:22 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      Dream Fragment One
      All I remember was that I was in a house that I thought was my own. I walked outside, and it was night time. Looking to one side, I noticed that the outside of the house was definitely not my house. For one brief moment, I realized that I had no idea where I was, and that this had to be a dream. Unfortunately, I woke up immediately after this realization.

      Dream Fragment Two
      I was driving around, downtown somewhere, with MJ. We were just hanging out for a while, but I don't really remember too much that went on.

      Dream Three
      "Friends 'til the End...and Then Some."

      This was a really strange dream, and I'm not sure if I can remember the exact details, because it was kind of confusing. I was not actually a participant in this dream. I just seemed to be watching it. Apparently, there were two middle-aged women, who were extremely close friends. One of them - a brunette - really reminded of Rosanne Arnold. The other woman - blonde - was being abused by some deadbeat dude, and ended up getting critically injured by him. (I don't believe she died, though.) Later, her friend had done something to the man, in order to get revenge. I can't remember what it was, but she definitely put him in his place. She might have killed him. I'm not sure.

      However, the twist came when the brunette woman was sitting in her home one night, and she picked up the phone to call her friend. My disembodied perspective came in on the conversation, as she was sitting on her bed and explaining to her friend about how she avenged her friend and 'got the bastard' that critically injured her. Suddenly, I could hear her friend on the phone. Her voice was filled with sorry, and it seemed so much more like she was talking to herself, rather than talking to the friend who was telling her about how she's gotten the man back for what he'd done. I could hear the blonde's muffled voice through the phone, sobbing to herself about how much she misses her friend (the brunette), how she wishes she was still alive, and how she hated the man that killed her beloved friend.

      The brunette was visibly shocked by this. She called into the phone "hello?? hello??!", trying to get clarification, but it seemed that her blonde friend couldn't hear her. It was if the phone call was not actually happening, and she was just somehow listening to her blonde friend talking to herself. Then, the brunette began to piece together what was going on, and my perspective followed her recollection as if it were a movie flashback. It showed that the brunette was actually the one who was attacked by the man in question. I saw a quick flash of her getting struck down by him, and then another flash of a funeral service. The brunette woman was in an open casket, and her blonde friend was standing nearby. My perspective then switched back to the brunette, in her room, still clutching the phone. The realization came to her (and me, of course), that she was the one who had been killed, and that everything that had happened after her death (killing the man, talking on the phone to her friend) was all just fabrications of the afterlife that came with her apparent inability to accept the fact that she had died. My recollection of the dream faded as the woman was just sitting on the bed with the look of complete shock on her face, trying to make sense of just what the hell happened to her.

      Dream Fragment Four
      I was laying on a couch. On the couch with me was the brunette from the previous dream. The blonde was sitting on a nearby loveseat. Having no idea that I was still dreaming, I was explaining the previous dream to the two of them, as if they were my waking world friends. They listened intently, while I recounted all the details.

      Dream Five
      "The Undead of Winter"

      (Another crazy one, and I have the feeling I'm missing a lot that went on, before my initial recollection of the dream begins.)

      I was in an enormous mansion, along with some friends. The first thing I remember is that we had done something we weren't supposed to do, and ended up unleashing a horde of zombies from deep within the mansion. Once they were unleashed, they just began streaming out of every door and hallway, in absolutely insane numbers. We all ran for our lives, trying not to get lost in the building. I remember the final stretch of hallway, leading toward the exit, and ducking and dodging all of the flailing, undead arms that were reaching out for us as we passed.

      When we finally made it outside, we found ourselves in a snow-white clearing. It looked like this mansion was secluded out in the Alps, or something, with the tundra-like setting all around us. The zombies continued to flood out of the mansion by the thousands, and we had something of a stand-off, out here, because it seemed like all directions were blocked by impassable landscape. I remember having some sort of contraption in my pocket that helped point me out to where any potential weapons were. However, with the zombies beginning to box us in, there was no way that I could get to any of them. They eventually closed in on us, and I remember dying at least once.

      Before I knew it, I was back inside the mansion. We had just accidentally set the zombies free (again), and they were filling the mansion again, while we made our second escape. With some awareness of what had happened, the first time, I pulled out my 'weapon-finder' much earlier, on this second run. As soon as I exited the mansion, I took a sharp right and dashed toward a crowbar that the gadget had directed me to. I picked it up and began bludgeoning the creatures back, as best I could. There were far too many of them, though, and they just kept on coming. We continued to be pushed back to the rough terrain, as we had before, but we somehow figured out that these zombies only advanced on us when we were looking at them, and whenever we would turn our eyes from them, they would either freeze up, or wander about aimlessly. (I also remember something about music being involved, and how music being played also caught them to wonder around at random, instead of toward us. It all felt like a zombie-apocalypse game I tried out the other day on the PC, where the zombies wouldn't come close to you, unless you were moving around and drawing attention to yourself, but a little different. Can't remember the name of the game, though.)

      Using this knowledge of how to stun them to our advantage, the last thing I remember is our group working together to stun them and toss grenades into the fray, when there were enough of them in a single spot to maximize damage to the horde. However, we knew that we just did not have enough resources to take them out, and they continued to stream out of the mansion in numbers that didn't seem to show any signs of dwindling.
    4. 09/03/2011 and 09/05/2011 - Untitled Fragment, "From Supernatural to Superheroes"

      by , 09-22-2011 at 09:12 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      Dream Fragment

      I don't remember very much of this dream at all. I was being held at gunpoint, by a group of women. We were in some old treasure room, with ancient maps on the walls, and all kinds of trinkets on the table. I remember that I had knowledge of a key which opened a secret compartment of this room. While the girls were trying to find the way to get to the next section of their scavenger hunt, I discretely checked any nooks and crannies for something that might have held the key.

      Later, I remember being on rooftops, in the city. For some reason, I (and a few others) were having to glide between these rooftops with parachutes; essentially 'hopping' from rooftop to rooftop. I can't remember what for, though.

      "From Supernatural to Superheroes"

      (I really wish I remembered more of this one.)

      I was with one of my exes, in a hotel. There was a lot of normal stuff that went on in the beginning of this dream, but I don't remember very much of it. Soon, though, we were getting attacked by werewolves. I remember then charging into the various hallways and rooms of the hotel, and then anyone who was mauled (but not killed), would become one of them. I also had a dog. Something like a lab, I believe. It stuck with me, throughout the dream, but one of the werewolves ended up getting it's hands on the animal. I remember the werewolf's face as it sneered at me and bit into my dog, ever so slowly, glaring at me. It was actually taunting me, slowly sinking a single fang into the dog - just enough to where it was sending the message to me that my dog would be turned into one of them.

      Later, I was back up in the hotel, and the werewolves were no longer in the picture. Instead, a giant robot had torn the roof of the hotel off, and was attacking us all from above. The robot was huge, and resembled a Sentinel, from Marvel Comics. My mom was in the scene now, and she was trying her best to hide from the metal giant that was tearing our room apart; ripping through the concrete foundation as if the building were made of tightly compact dirt. Finally, I realized that I was dreaming. Even though I knew she was a DC, I couldn't stand to see my mom so horrified. I threw my hands up above us and creating a green dome of energy, which acted as a force field. The giant made a couple of attempts to attack, but could not get passed the barrier. During this stand-off, I had somehow gotten word that the Avengers (or various Marvel superheroes) had arrived, to help fight the metal colossus. I heard one of them talking about how Spider-Man was inside the robot, tearing it apart from within. I thought this sounded like an awesome idea.

      I moved to the massive hole in the wall, still on some high level of the hotel. Not quite caring whether or not there was something to anchor myself to, I flicked my hand out like Spider-Man and visualized the web leaving my arm. It worked without effort, and I swung across the gap between myself and the robot, and drove my feet into its chest - smashing my way into the belly of the beast. Inside, the first thing that came to mind was Spider-Man's 'Maximum Spider' hyper combo. (I had been watching Marvel vs. Capcom 3 vids all day. Lol.) Mimicking the movement, I shot myself all around the inside of the robot, tearing through wires and parts, bouncing around within its center, like a BB in a tin can. Once confident I had done enough damage, I jumped down into the street, where a bunch of people were standing around in the hotel parking lot, watching the mayhem. I went over to talk to some girl, when a car suddenly came speeding through the parking lot, skidding around corners and almost hitting all of us. I noticed that the man had a toddler in the backseat, and this instinctively pissed me off. (Just the other day, I saw a guy blow through a stop sign with a toddler in his car, after peeling out of the liquor store parking lot.) Using telekinesis, I slammed a downward force onto the hood of his car from a distance, trying to stop it, but only causing it to bounce. I did it again, more forcefully, the car bouncing even more violently, seeming as if it were about to shake apart. Throwing my fist down toward the ground again, I gave one more forceful TK command. This time, I guess it was more intense than even I had intended. Not only did the car's front end smash down into the concrete, but the entire car burst into flames, as if I had purposefully lit it on fire with pyrokinesis.

      The last thing I remember is having a distinct sense of 'oops', before waking up.
    5. 08/26/2011 - "Battle at Death Bus"

      by , 09-10-2011 at 03:52 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      "Battle at Death Bus"

      I was on a bus - like an old school bus - but I'm not sure where we were headed. It was night out, and we were driving down some lonely, back road with nothing but trees around us. After some time, the bus had broken down, and we were now stranded in the middle of nowhere. A group of people on this bus, rather randomly, turned out to be self-proclaimed 'paranormal investigators, and after we had been sitting on the bus for some time, they told us that they were beginning to get 'readings' of paranormal activity, surrounding the bus. Most of us were skeptical of their work, but we allowed them to go about their investigation of our surroundings.

      I, and a few of the other passengers, had followed two of the investigators outside. Looking over one of their shoulders, I could see into the screen of one of his gadgets as he scanned the darkened woods around us. The screen showed small blips of small figures scurrying through the brush. At first, I thought it was just infrared images of the local wildlife, but the P.I. said that they were actually the images of the ghosts of dead animals, and that this area was - for some reason - a hot spot for them. I wasn't really prepared to believe him, until I tracked some of the images right up to the roadside and - when looking off-screen - saw that there were no animals visible to my naked eye. That's when I started to get a little nervous. Soon, we were back in the bus. We'd come to find out that these invisible creatures were not confined to the outside, and were finding their way onto the bus with us. I was still sneaking a peek at the monitor, and could see the white silhouettes on the screen; little animals that might have been rats, moving around about our feet and over the backs of our seats. I was still a bit skeptical about the whole thing, though, and wondered if the readings were being falsified. Apparently, that wasn't the case...

      The people on the bus suddenly began to get restless. There was some kind of commotion going on, but I couldn't see anything as being the cause of it. First, it seemed like some force was simply pushing people about, as if they were being shouldered out of the way as they stood milling about. Quickly, though, things turned much more violent. Unrest turned to terrified screams. I could see blood spraying about the aisle, and people began trying to hurry off of the bus. There was something definitely wrong, but I could see no threat whatsoever. Another one of the P.I.'s had a different kind of gadget, one which showed everything through a lens that looked just like a regular pane of glass. However, it was also able to detect these ghostly entities,and actually show them, as they would look to the naked eye, if we could see them without equipment. I caught a flash of a translucent figure. The tattered image of an apparition appeared through the glass. This thing was going absolutely nuts at the front of the bus, and ripping and slashing at all of the horrified passengers. Everyone was panicked, and we all streamed off the bus as quickly as possible. (The tech reminded me of the glasses in the movie 13 Ghosts.)

      Over the next few moments, even more of these vengeful spirits began to 'show up,' and join in on the attack. That's when all Hell really broke loose. These invisible forces began swarming us around the bus. People were getting maimed, by seemingly nothing at all, and it was absolute chaos. Many of us were trying to scramble to get our hands on whatever technology we could, so that we could at least see these things. Before too long, though, this turned out to prove unnecessary.

      We'd come to realize that these ghostly entities were actually becoming stronger, with each passing minute of their attack. The stronger they got, the more tangible they became, onto our plane. Soon, we were actually able to see them, without the equipment. They went from completely invisible, to translucent apparitions of zombie-like men and women, and after even more time, became about as solid as all of the rest of us. The major downside to this was that their strength continued to increase as well. Whereas they were once only able to scratch and claw at us, they were now dismembering people with their bare hands. The stronger these things got, the more they would start to mutate, physically, until we could hardly even recognize them as former humans. They were becoming ugly(er) monstrosities.

      This was an all out war, and it waged on into the morning. The scenery had seemed to change, now that it was daytime, and it actually looked like the bus was parked in the dead center of an arena or stadium. Somehow, we had gotten hold of fire axes - as if they were placed on the bus for safety - and were using them to fight back as best we could. We were able to take some of these ghouls down, once they became tangible enough for us to actually hurt them. After hacking away at most of them, there were only about 3 of them left, in total. By this time, the action had just gotten completely insane. It was almost like a live action anime. The last remaining ghouls were now extremely fast an agile, due to their continuing 'evolution', and we survivors were now practically fighting like ninjas as well. Eventually, we wore the opposition down to one final ghoul. It had mutated so many times that it was stronger than all the others had been. Part of the battle, here, had switched to 3rd person perspective, and it almost seemed like I was playing a game, where I could move the camera around to where I wanted. There were a lot of slow-motion attacks and dodges, while I positioned the camera about the action. Things had a very Zack Snyder-ish feel. At one point, I was on the roof of the bus and had done a back-flip off of it, while moving the 'camera' around the slow-mo acrobatics.

      This thing just kept evolving, though, the more I thought I 'killed' it. In the end, it was beginning to turn into some weird, fleshy being with an emerging head made of metal and glass. The top half was actually starting to kind of look like Canti, from FLCL. I'd still had my regular fire axe, but this thing had a huge battle axe that looked like it was made of gold. He used it as a throwing axe, and when it flew through the air it had this distinct, almost mechanical whistling sound to it. I vaguely remember it coming back to him whenever he threw it (I had watched Thor again, last night), but I'm not entire sure about that.

      I don't remember the outcome of the fight, though.

      Updated 09-10-2011 at 08:02 PM by 2450

      non-lucid , memorable
    6. 02/19/2011 thru 03/03/2011 - "Call of the Reaper", Fragments

      by , 03-19-2011 at 02:32 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      Dream Fragment One:

      I was in some kind of Predator / Dutch situation, along with a friend of mine. Not sure who it was, though. There was a long chase between us and the alien, which I don't really remember too much of. I do recall rolling off the high, rain forest cliff - like in the original movie - and landing in the lagoon at the bottom. And - just like in the movie - I got out of the lagoon and crawled across the mud, inadvertently covering myself in it and hiding myself from the creature's view.

      Later, we were back in the lagoon and there were girls with us. We were all play-fighting and just having a good time in the water. At times, though, we got a little rough with each other, and there was real danger of us drowning.

      Dream Fragment Two:
      Naturally, the next dream I recalled was about Xenomorphs, from the Aliens series. All I remember was running through a long hallway with an endless onslaught of them coming at me from all directions. I kept mowing them down with an assault rifle, as I ran, but more of them just kept swarming in, out of the wood work. I have this feelin that someone was nearby, fending off the beasts by his/her own means.


      Something about a cop that stopped me for a DUI or something. While I sat in cuffs, he just drove me all around the place, doing whatever he wanted. I watched him make drug deals out of his squad car, and all kinds of other crooked shit. I kept asking him to just let me go, but he seemed to be having a grand old time, just dicking me around while he ran his illegal errands.


      Somehow, I was home, but watching JC and someone else ride their bikes home from school. (I was either watching it on T.V., or just as a disembodied spectator. I can't remember.) I was going to drive my truck up there to meet them, just because I felt like going on a bike ride, and I was going to ride home with them, even though that really makes no sense, now that I think about it. While I was "remote viewing" them, I saw them fall off a huge hill, in front of the old Greenwood Library (a hill which doesn't really exist). Later, I remember watching an old show that had the Esther character from Sanford and Son in it, and some show with battling breakdance crews. They were doing some sick tricks and illusions that made it look like some of the crew members were levitating - sometimes upside down while rotating like a top.

      Dream One:
      "Call of the Reaper"

      I was with some girl in a large office building. There was a black cloaked figure which kept showing up - looking like it might have been a Reaper - and it was apparently after the girl. The girl and I would be moving quickly through the building, trying to escape this thing, and then she would suddenly veer off in another direction. The 'Reaper' was somehow controlling her mind, making her wander blindly toward its telepathic call, like a moth to a flame. Whenever this would happen, I would have to chase her down and get in between them, keeping her from straying within the creature's grasp. This thing would just appear at the most random of times, in the most random of places.

      Instead of a scythe, it had this really bad-ass, ancient sword; a great sword or claymore. Once, the ghoul popped up behind a set of opening elevator doors, beckoning the girl toward him. I rushed in and stole the 'Reaper's' sword, hacking and slashing at him, ultimately causing him to disappear again, in retreat. This went on for quite a while, the ghoul having followed us back to an apartment. By this time, I had become lucid. I still lugged the huge sword around with me, practically looking forward to the next time the 'thing' showed up. I had no more anxiety about our confrontations, and it had become somewhat of a game. Every time the 'Reaper' would show up, I would just kick his ass with his own sword. Good times.

      Dream Fragment Two:
      I was visiting someone and got bombarded by all these cute little wolf pups. They kept grabbing onto me with their teeth and trying trying to pull me down by my limbs and clothes. There was no pain, though. It was rather adorable.

      Updated 03-21-2011 at 02:36 AM by 2450

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. Old-06 | nonlucid

      by , 03-13-2011 at 01:53 AM (Short Stories with Tragic Endings)
      I am at some sort of massive school. I outside and there are about twenty other people my age.
      There is a massive wooden playground set that is about the size of a million-dollar house. The
      playground set is a complex mesh of wooden beams and platforms. Somewhere in this massive
      structure, there is some sort of amethyst stone about half an inch in diameter. The stone apparently
      gives the holder supernatural abilities. I and the other twenty people begin searching for it. It is
      a race. Everyone wants it. I start searching through the huge maze of wooden boards. I get up high
      in the structure and finally see the stone resting on one of the far out beams behind a web of trusses.
      I carefully climb out onto the wooden beam. I manage to grab the stone. Immediately, I fly off faster
      than I have ever gone in a dream. I touch down by a fence away from the play ground. The others,
      realizing I had found the stone, start chasing me. I float there and fight a couple of them off telekinetically.

      At this point, the dream ends.
    8. #182. Chupacabra

      by , 01-28-2011 at 06:01 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)


      It takes fifteen minutes of standing on the train tracks and yelling before the chupacabra shows up and dies and is recorded onto a tape so that its soul is sufficiently trapped for eternity (or until the sequel); I'm late for work and Dean's hit by a train, but we get better.

      Chupacabra. Chupacabras? Scare Factor: 3.
    9. 12/31/2010 - "Live Fire"

      by , 01-07-2011 at 06:31 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      "Live Fire"

      This dream was basically a live-action first person shooter. It was 100% realistic - as in; I was running around, in real life, literally trying to stay alive, and not just playing some video game. It was also very intense. Along with your regular, gun-toting bad guys, there were supernatural elements thrown into the scenario as well. Not only that, but I also had to square off against "bosses" like the Terminator and RoboCop. Throughout the ordeal, I was sometimes forced to ride around the suburbs, stealing cars and whatnot, to get to my objectives. I remember that of my missions had something to do with someone's family. I went to their house, armed with some kind of sub-machine gun, I believe, and showed up just as the wife was putting her kids in the car. While I was coming up the driveway, she turned and spotted me. Immediately, as if on instinct, the woman swiped her hand down, snatching up a handgun from her side, and just started blasting away at me, forcing me to dash away for cover.

      Later, I had to face-off against RoboCop, although it wasn't the original RoboCop. It was my cousin, Mario, walking around as RoboCop. Not only did he have the trademark armor and automatic pistol, but he also had a shoulder cannon with the red, triangle-shaped, laser sight that the Predator uses, its three beams clearly visible in the air, whenever he was surrounded by smoke. There were also these "ghosts" or "reapers" or something, I had to fight against. They were see-through spirits, which floated around with scythes, which were the keys to their power. With the scythes, they could control time and space, and the weapons would essentially grant wishes for whomever was good enough to steal one of them. The wraiths used them to rewind time, whenever I would kill one of them, bringing their brethren back to life and forcing me to try and kill them all over again.

      Updated 01-07-2011 at 06:37 PM by 2450

    10. #165. The Long Haul

      by , 10-31-2010 at 09:58 PM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)

      I finally got to move away from Saskatchewan, so I'm happy about that. Haven't really been concentrating on my dreams, though.

      Also, Halloween is the best holiday ever.


      An angel and I talk economics.

      "You gambled my soul away in a poker game?" Bobby growls, his voice growing louder with every syllable.

      Balthazar raises his hands in a peaceful gesture, as best he can while I have him held up by the collar of his two piece suit.


      "Look at that man over there," says Balthazar, pointing across the street. "What do you think would happen if you said to him, 'Give me your soul, and you can have anything you want in the world'?"

      The sun is shining down on us; the crisp autumn breeze brushes leaves through the gutters. The man pulls his overcoat more closely around himself, hurrying his steps towards the church on Eleventh.

      "He'll say no." I say in a low voice, my arms crossed over my chest.

      "He'll tell you to fuck off, is what he'll do. Pop culture's done more to harm the trade than religion ever did. He probably doesn't believe he has a soul, and he still won't sign it over." Balthazar takes a breath, grins. "Look, the trick is to ask for something smaller."

      The man is out of sight, now.

      The trick, apparently, is to plan for the long term. Get someone to agree to a small price, a small favour in exchange for their needful thing. These agreements, they're bound to the bloodline. If the man doesn't pay back the favour, rest assured that his children will.

      Chances are, we'll get our soul eventually.


      When Dean comes to, he's leaning against a concrete wall in an underground parking garage. He doesn't know exactly where he is or what he's doing there, but he knows it can't be good.

      Dean stumbles up the exit ramp, blinks a bit against the cool night air.

      Click. Look up.

      Sam's at the top of the ramp, pointing a gun directly at his brother.

      "Sammael," says Sam Winchester, his voice cold.

      Dean fades to black, and I smile up at Sam.


      In which I try to solve a puzzle involving time travel.

      Standing at the ticket counter, drumming my fingers impatiently against the arborite. The ticket-seller has my passport in her hand. She glances at the name, up at my face, at a poster I can't see behind the glass, and her face goes white. She hands me back the passport, slides two tickets under the glass, and tries not to meet my eyes. I smile and thank her, and I take my thinks and walk into the parking lot.

      I open the driver's seat door to an Oldsmobile, my parents' car when I was younger, and start the engine. Zoe is sitting in the passenger seat.

      "They're already onto us." I tell her. "Buses aren't running, cops'll be all over the place within an hour. We have to drive."


      And now it's real life, and I tell Zoe I'm leaving Calgary. It's two years into the future, and I've been in one place too long.


      "Where are we?" I demand. My voice is quiet, but the threat is there.

      Daniel smiles, suddenly nervous. "This is one of the last human settlements on Earth."

      "I'm waiting."

      "From your point of view," he says slowly, "I suppose this is the future."

      Zoe stands quietly behind me.


      I step through the sliding metal doors, out into an oasis of footpaths and greenery, quiet places for meditation and training. Above us is a dome, given away by the subtle waves in its surface, the way it refracts the light from the bright skies above. Beyond the dome is the endless desert that the earth has become.


      "When you say this is the future," I ask Daniel, "Exactly how far do you mean?"

      He hesitates. "Well, it's been at least... it's been tens of billions of years."

      He's expecting me to freak out, but I simply nod, having had my suspicions confirmed. "And physiologically, humans have remained the same for the last... tens of billions of years?"

      Daniel frowns, and looks at me, searching. "Physiologically? You mean evolution."

      "And there have been no significant changes." I state, daring him to contradict me. "You know what this means?"

      "Someone's been breeding us."

      Scare Factor: 2/10
    11. #146. Arcades

      by , 09-14-2010 at 06:54 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)


      This is a building with no windows. The walls and ceiling are black and plasticky, and the dark tiles on the floor are smooth and glossy. Neon signs and arrows are laid out tackily along the walls, advertising the various games on display and giving directions that I can't read.

      I'm in a small alcove, playing one of the arcade games stuffed into the small hallway. The place I'm in connects a larger hallway (which leads to a set of elevators, and the lobby of the building) to a large, open room, the entirety of which is pitch black and shiny.

      I keep moving along the wall and towards the room, switching games as I go. I'm trying to stay out of the way of the janitor, who's coming from the elevators. He's driving a rainbow, glowing lawnmower with various mop-like attachments which simultaneously clean all surfaces of the room. The mop cleaning the ceiling is spinning in circles and whipping across from side to side. The side mops are giant spinning things, reaching out to the edges of the hallway. It looks like a demented, inside-out automatic car wash from an alternate dimension.

      I haven't actually seen it, though. I'm just quietly moving towards the black room.

      - discussing what's happening in the big bang theory tv show on the big screen tv in the black room with someone or other -

      I'm playing air hockey against myself (neon, of course, lighting up the room), when He finds me. I roll my eyes. I was really hoping to avoid the Arcade's mascot.

      It's a clown, of course. He dances around spastically as he approaches me. I cross my arms over my chest and the colourful clown turns the pitch black of the walls and starts to disintegrate. I hear the employee - the man in the suit - decide that he doesn't get paid nearly enough for this.

      In another dream, I'm talking to one of the actors from Supernatural, Jensen Ackles. The surroundings are plain and the carpet is brown. Ackles is complaining about his insane fans, and I decide not to ask for an autograph.

      Scare Factor: 2/10
      Rating: 4/10
    12. #126. Claustrophobia

      by , 08-08-2010 at 11:26 PM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)

      I'm part of a story in a familiar seeming place. Everything's happening out of order, events and dialogue added where I think the story needs it. As I wake up, I see the story written out on a word processor.

      I wake up. As I fall back asleep, I enter HH. I'm a younger version of Dean Winchester, and there's something I still need to do. I'm still lucid, but I don't want to wake myself up, so I fall into the dream.


      I'm a giant, fighting a tiny man as we climb up a water tower. I try to kick him off my foot, but he's holding on, trying to stab my toes.


      I'm in prison. I'm sitting with a group of people, all handcuffed with zip-ties, our hands wound up in green mesh. My mom and dad are there, part of the dozen or so people jammed into the cell, sitting on the wooden benches where there's room.

      Despite the lack of space, I'm not crowded on the bench. I'm also pretty much ignoring everyone in the room, now that the guards are gone. I'm concentrating on removing the zip-ties. I think I might have been chewing through them at some point, but with a flourish, I have them off my wrists. I hold onto the mess of plastic for a second, think about pretending I'm still trapped, but I let it fall to the floor. I'll take my chances.

      Finally, we get our own cells. All of the doors are open, so I calmly walk over to the cell by the window and sit down on the bed. Originally, we were supposed to be sharing cells, but there aren't any bunk beds. There is no privacy; everything that isn't an outside wall is made of narrow bars, four inches apart. My mom takes the cell beside mine.

      Lights out. A guard comes over to check that we're in bed. He stands too close, but I'm not worried. I sense no malevolence in him.

      Which is fortunate, for his sake.

      The guard shuffles away and I stand up, moving silently in the shadows. The locked door to my cell swings open of its own accord, and I walk, unnoticed, right out of the building.


      I'm a hunter. Female, with long, curly black hair. I'm interviewing witnesses, trying to figure out what's going on in this town. Someone recognizes me from an earlier hunt, and claims I'm a cop.


      Two versions of Dean Winchester sit at different tables at a restaurant. One is just barely older than the other. The younger one approaches him.

      "You know, I've had a hell of a time since you got the cops after you again."


      There are two versions of Dean Winchester, but the age difference is exaggerated. One of them is a child, and the other is an old man.

      They're at the entrance of an old quanset on a farm, when I see a flash of something happening in the distance. Six plumes of light grey smoke fly from the ground and hurtle toward us.

      Sam and Dean, about five and nine at the moment, are outside. A little piece of narration goes off in my head.

      They're after the kids. Demons who steal away children that wander off on their own. It's part of the local folklore.

      I'm hardly there at all, so the older Dean has to decide who to save: the younger Sam or the younger Dean. Of course he goes after Sam, and I stay inside, waiting, as the demons approach mini-Dean.

      When they grab him, when they go hurtling through the air towards their base, I phase through the wall and take off after them.

      "Omnipitus omundi patronus," I mutter to myself, sneaking into an old farmhouse. Wait, Patronus?

      Just like that, I'm lucid. I smile, and crawl into the small entranceway. Bits of dust flake off of everything I touch, and I find myself crawling as the hallway gets smaller and smaller.

      A woman attacks me out of nowhere. By all rights, I shouldn't be able to move in the small hallway I've wedged myself into. I won't consider myself trapped, though. I lash out, grabbing the woman by the jaw and the back of her head, and I twist.

      The woman falls to the floor, her neck broken.

      The house is normal sized again, and I walk into the bedroom, see the young Dean lie sprawled out over the bed. "Omnipitus omundi patronus," I repeat, but nothing happens. I sigh, and pick the boy up, ready to run him back to his brother and older self.

      Claustrophobia. Scare Factor: 2.
    13. #123. Deals

      by , 08-05-2010 at 07:57 PM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)

      I hardly remember anything from last night. The first time I fell asleep, I experienced a few hypnagogic hallucinations, one of which formed into an actual coherent scene. I was talking to a recurring DC, although I don't remember which one, and I remember agreeing to something that I probably shouldn't have.

      I snapped out of the hallucination, but couldn't remember any details.

      The only real dream I have a vague memory of was talking to Castiel, who seemed a bit stressed out. A few flashes of wandering around a sandy-coloured city.

      Deals. Scare Factor: 3.
    14. #120. Mansions of Silence

      by , 08-04-2010 at 06:07 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      Behold, my massive HvZ/Star Wars/Fable/White Collar/Inception/Supernatural/Good Omens crossover dream. Includes characters from Inception, but no spoilers.


      My brother and I are sneaking into our cousins' house, playing a game of what amounts to Humans vs. Zombies, but with more humans trying to "kill" each other.

      My aunt catches us in the house. Her face is red and she attempts to loom over us threateningly. "You're trespassing, you know."

      "I don't think that's against the rules." Ben says, considering.

      "But we are sorry. Truly, sincerely sorry," I lie. "Really. We should go."


      I look around. I'm in a mountainous region surrounded by pillars of ice and concrete bunkers. I'm close to the top of a mountain, on a snowy path.

      I pull out my phone and look at it. If Hazel's speed dial "8", I could probably reach my brother the same way. I press "1".

      The line picks up.

      "Hey, Ben. What the hell happened to you?"

      "Kkkshhk...separated...zombies...meet up...later."

      The line goes dead.

      I shrug, knowing that Ben can take care of himself. I look out over the snowy plains, at once clouded and sunny. It looks like a video game environment. Paths leading to certain places, all of the corners rounded and indistinct... If I didn't know any better, I'd say I was on Hoth.

      "Hands in the air," says a voice, crackling and metallic.

      I turn around slowly, pasting a smile onto my face.


      Leaning against the concrete wall of the control room, I remain nonchalant as two of the guards keep their weapons trained on me. I was surprised when I realized that they weren't Stormtroopers, and weren't Rebels either. The group that I've let myself be captured by are dark-siders of a different sort, and I haven't yet figured out who they're working for.

      The human male in the corner is force sensitive, but not trained. He has short black hair, plain dark clothing, and is probably in his late teens. He's either looking at me with distrust or he's sulking over the pot of cold coffee on the counter. I haven't decided.

      The apparent leader is a female Zabrak. Her dark hair is cut in a short bob, and she's going through my personal effects. Finally, she picks up my dual lightsabers in each hand. I shift my weight to my other foot. One of the guards hisses a breath and clutches at his weapon tightly.

      "Twitchy, twitchy." I say, eyeing the terrified guard. "Someone could get hurt."

      "I'd be careful, Jedi," the leader hisses at me, still holding my lightsabers. "We have you at a disadvantage."

      "Do you really?" I ask, amused. I motion with my hand. On the other side of the room, the coffee pours upward into the air, forming an amorphous blob and flying into the face of the sulking teenager. The boy starts to curse, but the woman in front of me barely seems to notice.

      "There's very little difference between the Jedi and the Sith."

      "You're telling me." I say, "One of those lightsabers is red, you know."

      A blood-curdling roar is unleashed from outside. The bunker shakes from its very foundations. Outside in the darkness, I can sense the fury of the beast, aimed at the creatures encroaching on its territory. Us.

      "I wonder what happened to the Imperials that built this station." I say quietly, meeting the eyes of the leader.

      My dual sabers are in my hands and light up in the next instant, glowing red and blue (and I'm my female Exile character from KOTOR 2). The woman raises her hands. I watch as the blades are folded up into sheets of blunt metal, and look at the woman mournfully.

      "You are no fun at all," I say, yanking a pistol from a guard across the room. "Try not to die."

      I see a flash of red through the blinding snowstorm. I aim my pistol and shoot three times before it disappears. I hear a roar through the storm, and can barely see the outline of the monster's arms raised into the air before I'm dashing across the arena, dodging the cracks that appear in the ground.


      "Coffee?" I ask brightly, pushing a cup towards the teenager. He scowls but takes the cup.

      "That was a mean trick," he says, "I like coffee."

      "No, messing with someone's lightsaber, that's a mean trick." I pause, "The coffee was just funny."

      He's still angry, but he seems to be hiding a smile as well.

      "Master Kenobi. In my study, you will meet me," says a voice over my comlink.

      "Of course, Master Yoda."

      Yoda shows me over to a glass case filled with crystals and gemstones. He motions me to look at them. I find myself drawn to a black piece of rock the size of my palm, smooth and glassy, with waves rippling over the surface. I stare at it, intrigued, and look back at Yoda for permission.

      He nods.

      I feel for the orange piece of Carnelian in my left pocket, reassured when it's still there. Turning my attention back to the shelf, I pick up the rock carefully, touching it only with my fingertips, and turn it to lie flat on my palm.

      I breathe in, allowing the power in the stone to ground me. I feel...

      "There's a darkness to this," I say, as if I'm in a trance. "It has a history with death, it's beautiful, it feels cool, the temperature, I mean. I can feel it echoing through me... ignacious, born of fire and now... cold, complete, rational -"

      "Back on the shelf, you should put it," says Yoda sharply.

      I set the rock back on the shelf, drawing a shaky breath. I want to pick up the rock again, feel for the green crystal that I know should be there, break it in two and give the other half to the person who should have it... Stop it, you're supposed to be Obi-Wan.

      "See, you do, the power inherent in these crystals." Yoda says, "Yours, one of them will be, should you take on an apprentice."

      I smile, leaning against one of the white walls. I'd wondered why the force-sensitive teenager felt so familiar. Amon?

      I shake myself. "We have a mission," I say reprovingly, "Are you trying to distract me, Master Yoda?"

      "Hmph. Dream of it, I wouldn't."


      I take on the guise of Neal Caffrey, all smiles and warm handshakes as we bluff our way into Saito's mansion. Ariadne and Scott Summers back me up, along with four men and women in suits that follow us demurely.

      Our whole group is surrounded by Saito's bodyguards, and my companions are feeling intimidated, grouping together until they're nearly touching elbows. I pretend not to notice, and focus on the conversation with Saito as he shows us around his mansion.

      We stop by the swimming pool. We're more or less openly flirting right now, and I'm drawing on the Neal Caffrey personality in order to distance myself and appear more outgoing. My form is flickering now, male to female and back again, through half a dozen personalities before settling back on Neal. No one seems to notice.

      I fall into the water, pleased to feel the shock of cold on my skin. It feels wonderful, and I let myself sigh in pleasure before I force myself to concentrate. I climb the steps up onto the deck, my clothes holding none of the moisture.

      Saito is yelling at his guard for jostling me, and apologizes. I tell him not to worry, but that I need to talk to my doctor, as I may have broken one of my ribs. The man points out the change rooms on the other side of the pool.

      "Doctor?" I say, holding out an elbow for Ariadne. She looks surprised, but catches herself and nods. She threads her arm through mine and we walk towards the change rooms.

      "Doctor?" she hisses.

      "It's improv, Ariadne." I say, smiling. "Just go with it."

      We round the corner and Ariadne steps away, brushing at her arm. I flirt with her as she touches my temples, exposing the wiring there.

      "I need to upload the schematics to your mind," I tell her, "So that I can stay behind while you get Xavier the information."

      "And why is it you're staying behind?" She asks, skeptical.

      "There's something bigger going on here," I say quietly. "I need to convince Saito I'm on his side. You get the others out, and I'll figure out what's going on."

      Ariadne steps back, nodding reluctantly.

      I decide to give Cyclops the information, since his visor will work as a direct transference point into his temples. (What?) A quick shock, and he's ready to head back home.


      "Not so fast," says Saito.

      We're standing outside in a courtyard, surrounded by enemies. The DCs in business suits are entirely useless, and for some reason, I have to keep them alive. Guards have automatic weapons trained on us, and I'm practically staring down one of the barrels as I raise my hands slowly, ready to talk my way out of this. Ariadne shoots me a look, clearly worried. Cyclops is ready to start a fight.

      Saito is overconfident. I can use that, but I need to get the others away first. I need Yoda and Xavier to owe me a favour, dammit, and that isn't going to happen if I get their people killed.

      Bright white light explodes from the far end of the courtyard, and a shockwave knocks the guards to the ground and disarms them. Not limited by human sight, I swing around to face the four pillars of light materializing on the ground before us. One of the pillars is wreathed in red flames that fan outward, scorching the earth around it.

      The light coalesces into four human figures, three of them standing in a ring behind their leader.

      He is never going to let me live this down.

      "Castiel." I greet him, but the angel is already barking orders to the other three, sending them into the fray to grab my people and transport them back to the compound. Ariadne catches my eye as she disappears, and I can see all of the questions written across her face.

      Until the only ones left standing are me, Saito, and Castiel. I let my false face fall away, and I turn to say something to Saito.

      The dream fades.

      Mansions of Silence. Scare Factor: 3.

      Looks like Castiel and I are 1:1 for rescues.

      Updated 08-04-2010 at 06:18 AM by 31096

      non-lucid , memorable
    15. #119. A Dalliance With the Damned

      by , 08-03-2010 at 07:08 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      Apparently, this dream follows directly after #118. Also, I'm stealing titles directly from Mike Carey's Lucifer.


      Sam and Dean want to kill the devil. I "help".

      Sam climbs into the passenger seat of the Impala and slips on the pair of sunglasses resting on the dash. He lets his head fall back onto the seat and rubs his temples. (I marvel over the strange purple glow of our surroundings.) The driver's side door slams shut, and he lifts up his head. Dean has his hands clenched tight on the steering wheel, and stares into the desert horizon with his jaw clenched. Frustration seems to roll off him in waves.

      They're back on the road before either of them says anything.

      "So," says Dean, "We can either drive to Death Valley, or fly to the Himalayas." His tone makes it clear what he thinks of the idea.

      "Death Valley's closer."

      Dean raises his eyebrows, "With our luck, do you really think the devil managed to stay stateside?"

      "I'd rather go to the Himalayas, personally." I say.

      The car almost lurches off the road. Dean twists around in his seat to look at me. "Don't do that."

      "We have wooden stakes in the trunk." Sam says mildly. "Trickster."

      "When has that ever worked?" I ask. "Anyway, why are we going to the Himalayas?"

      "We're not." growls Dean. His eyes are back on the road.

      "We're trying to kill the devil." Sam says reasonably.

      "Oh," I say, nodding along. "Why?"

      "You know," says Dean, "Prevent the apocalypse, save humanity, that kind of thing?"

      "There's a system of doors in Tibet that lead into other worlds. A psychic we talked to said that Lucifer left traces in the mountains that are somehow tied to these portals."

      "The Nevernever." I say. "Yeah, we should check it out. Keep an eye out for vegan faeries."

      "Right, I'm sure they're vicious little buggers," says Dean.

      "Oh, they are. Somehow, human flesh satisfies the parameters of their diet."


      "Nice office," says Dean, flopping gracelessly onto a black leather chair. He puts his feet up onto the desk. Bits of dirt flake off of his shoes onto the polished surface, and I hide a grin.

      Sam just looks annoyed.

      "Most of the objects in this room move along certain paths," I say, "Like levers. Get the right arrangement and the door will open right up."

      "Unless, of course, you know a shortcut." The voice is British, and female, and I turn around to study her.

      "Bela." says Dean. "Back from Hell already?"

      "Someone had a job for me," she says, holding up a gun and pointing it at him, "And I am very good at my job." She smiles. "By the way, you might want to hurry. I informed security you were here."

      Our eyes are drawn to the other hallway, where we hear a door click open. I look back. Bela's gone.

      "God-fucking-dammit," says Dean.

      "You figure out the combination," I say. "I'll distract him."

      I stride into the hallway without looking back. Standing there, looking livid, is a man in a business suit. He's big and round, and his hair is white where he still has any. He slams the door behind him.

      "Do you know who I am?" says the man, furious, "Do you know what I could do to you?" He pulls out a gun and points it at me.

      "Not much?" I say, pretending to consider. "Relax. We need your door to the Nevernever, and then we'll be out of your hair."

      "Impudence!" He snarls, "Just like my youngest son! I'll have you all killed!" He starts ranting about his plan to have me implicated in a gay affair with his son, followed by an elaborate murder-suicide.

      I peer around the corner into the main office, since he's not actually paying much attention to me. Like I'd hoped, the Winchesters are gone. I turn back to the man, who by this time is ranting incoherently. I cough politely, hoping to get his attention.

      He stops, panting.

      "While that's a very... impressive evil plan (and you wouldn't have much trouble framing those two for anything) there is one tiny little flaw."

      "And what is that?"

      "I don't die."

      The old man laughs and raises his hand - only to realize that he's no longer holding the gun. He freezes in shock and I wave a hand, banishing the Corrupt Corporate Executive to the late 51st century. He really won't like it there.

      I take Bela's shortcut into the Nevernever, circumventing the need to play with furniture again. I appear at the top of a cliff covered in vegetation, which overlooks a hotel swimming pool and hot tub.

      Sam and Dean stand on one side of the pool, facing off against Bela on the other side. I look for a way down, but there isn't one. I resign myself to jumping the fifteen-odd meters, knowing that there's no way for the fall to hurt me. I aim for the tile floor -

      Only to land on the very edge of the pool. My feet impact the edge of the tile floor and slip off the edge into the water. I grit my teeth, feeling my dream-body reset itself, and I pull myself back onto the deck.

      "You okay?" Asks Sam.

      "Fine," I say, standing up and composing myself. "I don't die, as a rule." I notice Dean's weapon is trained on Bela. "Neither will she, you idiot."

      As if in response, Bela spits a gob of blood onto the tile.

      "Oh," I say, "They gave you a time limit."

      "Apparently we're looking for different things," she says, her voice low, "Don't get in my way." She turns around and disappears into the cave system on the other side of the room.

      There's a collective breath of relief.

      "So," I say, turning to the boys, "Did you have a plan?"

      "Find the devil," says Dean, "Shoot him in the head?"

      "So, where is the devil?" asks Sam.

      "I don't know," I lie with a shrug, "You guys said you wanted to go to the Himalayas."

      "You said the devil came here!"

      "It's what I'd do," I say innocently. "Anyway, plane tickets are in Sam's backpack. I have to run."

      When I disappear, Dean is looking a little green.


      I find him in a warehouse, beside a cracked-open wooden crate. Empty green wine bottles litter the ground, and Castiel himself - back in his original vessel - is sprawled out on the ground, leaning against the box. He has a half empty wine bottle in one of his hands.

      I appear next to the crate, eyeing Castiel thoughtfully. I grab a full bottle and sit down on the concrete, popping the cork with a thought. Castiel's eyes roll up to look at me.

      "Bad day at the office?" I ask, clinking my bottle of wine against his.

      His face twists into a frown. "Being rescued by Lucifer didn't exactly set me up for a promotion."

      "Well, I'd tell you they'll get over it," I say, taking a sip of wine, "But this is Heaven we're talking about. That lot can hold a grudge into eternity."

      Castiel snorts. "You're not helping."

      "Should I?" I ask, genuinely curious. "You wouldn't accept any advice from me. I'm the Deceiver, after all."

      Castiel is quiet for a long time. I go steal chocolate bars from another section of the warehouse.

      A Dalliance with the Damned. Scare Factor: 3.

      WakingNomad provided the narration for the warehouse scene. Somehow. I think Microsoft Word was open in another window while I was experiencing the scene itself.

      Also, I've somehow rewritten Season 4 of Supernatural subconsciously. So yeah.

      P.S. I make up most of my dialogue. I don't remember the exact wording, so I improvise. I am a vile, evil attention-monger, I tell you.
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