• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. Meeting the Gods

      by , 06-27-2010 at 08:52 PM (Hidden's Dream Journal)
      The first thing I remember is doing a RC. I had a FA, but I kept doing the nose RC, so I realized that I was actually still dreaming. unfortunately my eyes were closed, which is a recipe for disaster for me. I relaxed and tried to DEILD by pulling myself into my HH.

      Eventually I made it into a dream, where I was spinning around in dark water. There were a bunch of glowing red bubbles around me. I surfaced and found myself in a cavern, where there was a line of gods and their animals. I talked to a few of them, asking about their powers and whatnot. One of them, which had a raven on his shoulder, said that his raven served as an extra brain for him.
    2. A few dream fragments

      by , 06-27-2010 at 02:56 PM (My Own Personal Inspiration Bank)
      [Dream in blue.]
      [Lucid in red.]
      [Nightmare in pink.]
      [Non-dream in normal.]


      I was in my computer room with my mom and we were talking about something. I can't remember what. Then I said, "I'll show you!" I closed my eyes, opened them again, clapped my hands and something appeared (I don't know what). My mom asked how I did it and I said I lucid dreamed and made it appear! She was all impressed but when I tried again I failed due to the false awakening


      I was moving away to college, moving into a dorm. Again, I don't remember much, but I remember that once I moved in, my dorm was about the size of our downstairs toilet. Which is about four foot by six foot. And I was being dripped on because the roof was damp and wet.


      For some reason, I'm playing the Sims 3. And one of my sims was writing, but didn't use the computer. Instead, he wrote by hand and there were all these pieces of paper on his bedside table. But the publisher wouldn't have it and demanded he wrote it less fragmentedly on the computer.

    3. Sisterly Circle - And Ancient Origins

      by , 06-23-2010 at 03:25 AM (A World In My Head!!)
      June 22, 2010

      Synopsis: In the first dream my sister is deathly skinny. In the second: After becoming lucid, I leave the giant band party where it rained beer. Two archeologists find me, and they want my help to unlock the secrets of an ancient culture. But bad guys are after us- I mean me! Wait the bad guys are my sisters? We travel back into my ancient history, where I run into future problems.

      Night Time Notes: I said my dolphin dream mantra! And then I fell asleep.

      My Sister is Sick
      My sis walks in my room, asking me what I think of her new clothes. Does she look pretty? When I look up, I'm horrified. She's so skinny, she's nothing but bones and sagging skin. She poses for me anyways, believing herself to be beautiful. She tries on some more clothes for her new raggedy body.

      "How did you get so skinny?" But really I meant to scream, WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?

      Putting on makeup and smiling she says "I got a liposuction. Do you like it?"

      I don't say anything. I don't even know what to say! Suddenly she gets pale, then gray. She's writhing away. Her hair turns white and starts to fall out. The rest of my family gathers serenely around her.

      "What's happening!"

      "I'm sick. It's okay, I'm just dying" She smiles as if everything is fine. And then I wake up, relieved it was just a dream.

      Sisterly Circle - And Ancient Origins
      Actually, it was a FA. And a new dream starts. Me and my sisters are in a giant spacious building, where a big celebration is about to take place. It was like a giant nerdy band party. Dozens of high school bands, colorguards, and other performance groups were taking turns putting on a show. There's no audience, except the other performers. So we are all just taking turns entertaining each other.

      My sisters got tired and went to the grand foyer of this party hall, where things were lot quieter and civil. I should have joined them because the party room got rowdy fast! The adults in charge make a loud announcement, they're going to make beer rain from the ceiling! The band nerds cheer! Ewwwww! I don't drink and I don't like the way beer smells. I stand by the door way so the little ledge can protect me from the rain of beer.

      I start complaining "This party stinks!" Literally. The announcer apologizes, and tells me that this party is actually being held - for me! So he gives me an opportunity to make things right. A computer screen magically appears in the air displaying soda selections. The announcer suggests "How about you make it rain coke instead?"

      Rain soda? Sounded like fun. But then I thought dumping sticky corn syrup on people was even meaner. Well if this is my party, then I'll be a good host. Instead I tell the announcer to give everyone a free coke! Like magic, soda bottles appear in the air and people are guzzling down. It was orange soda.

      There is one last performance of the night - me and my old colorguard. Were getting ready in the grand foyer. When the window catches my attention. I walk towards it, smiling, realizing, I'm dreaming! I walk through the window. It's night, very dark. Just beyond the grassy yard was a rock wall. It's a dream-wall. I fly along the dream-wall following it where it takes me. There's a small village of make shift tents nearby, of vagabonds and witches. Two witches perform a horrifying ritual on an innocent victim. Dark cloaked people with sunken eyes. And the distant shouts and howls of hobgoblins and werewolves.

      At first I thought this dark town would be the start of a fun dream. But I stuck out like sore thumb, and all the DCs were starting to stare at me. Watching me. Sheesh. Forget this! I fly back where I came from. The dream wall was preventing me from getting too far.

      The sky is more like a curtain draped over than a sky. But I fly towards it anyways. Until there was nothing in my field of vision but a black void with twinkling stars. I kept focusing on going forward and forward and deeper into the black void. At one point I thought for sure I would wake up! But every now and then colors would dance and explode within the black void. Like mini-galaxies forming in front of me. I tried to enter one, but I was 'stuck'.

      I fall backwards into the same dream. A strange crystal like formation appears on the rock wall. I know it's man made because of it's colors - it looks painted. But I can't recognize what culture would have made this. I'm drawn to it. I want to merge with it. So I touch it. That's when I notice two guys were watching me. (and I lose lucidity around this time)

      "Sorry to interrupt you, but we were waiting for you to absorb it's information." They introduce themselves and tell me they are archeologists, and they are trying to piece together the history of some ancient culture. They tell me that I could help them because I have connections with this culture. Okay! I go with them, and we enter a new dreamscape.

      Were exploring an old city. There were these flags that mimicked the shape of the crystal structure, but the colors were all wrong. Too dark. The crystal was painted airy, bright.

      The dream gets weird. There's someone after me and my archeologists friends! I don't know who. But I remember at some point that my sisters were the ones trying to get me!

      We were in an old room. The two men were looking for some information, trying to find something important. I look outside the large window. There are fleshy bodies in the water. What? I take a closer look. Decapitated horses were rotting in a river below us. Their flesh jiggling with the motion of the river. I fly down to take a closer look. A shark jumps out of the water and tries to eat me! He's huge! And monstrous! I fly back to the window.

      The shark tries to jump again, into the bedroom. The archeologists pull out a gun and shoot it. "Look! There's a man over there!" They think he was controlling the shark. "Someone is out to get us." "We have to move."

      Sure we run away, and the dream becomes a chase-dream. But running to a different place wasn't enough. I use my magic to send us some place these bad guys could never find us - the past. The ancient past!

      Were standing in a small hallway that leads to a sandy beach, where the dream-wall used to be. (Second time this week I've dreamed of a beach, and still I didn't even think of going in the water) It's beautiful and sunny. And the beach is full of wild flowers. Up ahead, where the party hall used to be is an ancient temple! But it's not ancient, not in this time period - it's contemporary.

      I recognize the temple, and the creatures standing outside. Their gargoyle like form is something I've transformed into before in dreams. They are dressed in mayan like costumes. They welcome me as any other citizen, but sneer at my two human friends.

      "They're with me. Please let them in."

      We enter the courtyard of the temple, as beautiful as can be. I can see the glowing smiles of my archeologists friends. "Now you can study this ancient culture all you want!" But then they looked afraid, I know what they're thinking. "Don't worry, I can take you back to the future when you're done."

      A woman is escorting us to our dormitories. Everything was going swell until we here a peculiar sound. A cell phone is ringing! Around the corner was a human girl. I can see the glow of her cell phone in her pocket. But she ignores and it pretends it isn't there. She disappears from our view.

      We go inside the bedroom. "Something is wrong!" "This place is a trap!" I don't know how, but they found us! "We have to leave now before they act". How disappointing, I was looking forward to learning about this culture! I fly away, carrying the two men to safety. We hide in the little marketplace just outside the temples walls.

      A tiny flying mechanical disk stuck out like sore thumb against this old village vibe. It must be theirs, like a flying camera trying to find us! We try hard to stay out of it's view. All of this hiding is getting annoying. I decide living in the wilderness is much better.

      I find us a nice wild patch growing near the beach. I settle comfortably down between some giant succulents. But then I have a strange thought...just how ancient is this landscape? I mean...all of it? I turn my head to see that T-Rex was just a few yards away. Oh crap! Within a moment his large face was face to face with me. His beady eyes. The scaly skin. Why hasn't he eaten me yet? He's following my movements like a snake. When I stay still he can't see me. But I can't stand here all day!

      We run for it and hide from T-Rex. This T-Rex didn't growl or roar. He was a quiet stealthy predator. Ancient dinos was one thing. But I can see coming from behind us were the men who have been after us this whole time - except now they look like my sisters. Damn! We quickly sneak away. Trying to find a place that's dino free, and free from my sisters who are after me for some reason.

      We go through room through room through room through room. The day time gives way to night time. The crashing waves of the beach grow darker and darker, becoming a black void outside the window. I take a turn around the corner, running into a narrow hallway, when I run into my sister!

      "Where have you been!"

      She has bright stage make up on, like she's about to perform. I hear a loud crowd, the party. I'm back in the present. My sister looks past the stage curtains and into the other room. She looks confused and frightened.

      "Why are there two of you? You're in the other room and you're right here!"

      "Long story."

      I find my other sisters, the ones who time traveled. We sat down on a table away from the party scene. They don't seem angry at me, they don't even remember finding me in their time travel. I ask him "How long were you gone (time traveled)?" And they answer "A few days" "A few months"

      "Really? I felt like I was gone for a year and a half!"

      And then I wake up!
    4. A Trip to Istanbul

      by , 06-23-2010 at 02:56 AM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      The dream begins in an animated style, borrowing from the Arthur cartoons on PBS. Arthur has just moved to a new city and joined a swim team, but he just lost his swim shoes in the water filtration system. A maintenance man digs for them in the machinery, but he just can't find them. Arthur runs from the swim club in anger, exclaiming that "It's only been four days!" since he moved into the town.

      As he leaves, the dream switches into live action and first-person, and I view a large and bustling cityscape. Streetcars full of people pass by; along their tops are emblazoned the names of famous authors (Marcel Proust, for example) and my friends (text, so YET ANOTHER failed RC). I excitedly hit the streets and head to a nearby cafe. When I stand in line, however, I realize that all the signs are in a foreign script and all the patrons speaking a foreign tongue. Unnerved, I head back onto the street, and in a daze wander to a market. A smog descends on the dream, and I recall exotic (but pleasant) smells from the stalls and headscarf-clad shoppers.

      Luckily, I find my mom also in the market. She clarifies that I'm in the country of Turkey and reunites me with my brother and dad. She also seems to have an excellent grasp of Islamic law, for as we're about to enter a shop where we can see women, she holds us back and goes in first to make sure it's alright. She encourages the family to "act Canadian" and respect their customs (a behavior not at all like real life).

      Updated 08-23-2010 at 02:59 AM by 32914

    5. Hippies Night Out

      by , 06-22-2010 at 05:47 AM (A World In My Head!!)
      June 21, 2010

      Synopsis: Two random dreams I barely remember. In the third I hang out with hippies in the field under the star light. But the night ends on a loud note!

      Night Time Note: I went to bed late, and didn't do my dream mantra

      Two Random Dreams
      More like random notes. Let's see, I scribbled down "jabaneros" "beach flood" "containing" and "family dog". I remember something about some Mexican Cowboys, that I called jabaneros. They were riding on horses. But then the high tide came in - the beach was flooded. And the jabaneros were riding their horses in knee high water. I don't remember the dog?

      In another dream I was watching a comedy. All I remember now, was that I laughed myself awake

      Hippies Night Out
      I'm hanging out with hippies in a field near suburbia. I'm just having a nice time sitting on a blanket, looking at the stars. They're twinkling in a way that isn't normal. It feels like I've been here for hours. But some of the people here weren't all that interested in just enjoying the night sky. Instead they got drunk, wasted, and rowdy. It was past 3am and we decide it's time to pack up. That's when the rowdier members decide to play REALLY LOUD music at the last minute. Like a rock concert.

      They play the music for only about a minute. But really that's more than enough time to wake up the entire sleeping neighborhood! I scream "What are you doing!!" They laugh as they take down their make shift tent. Were going to get in so much trouble thanks to them!

      We all run for it before any cops find us. And to get 'back', we had to climb this rickety iron ladder. It was so rusty, unstable and tiny, I freaked out so much when it was my turn - I woke up.

      Updated 06-22-2010 at 05:49 AM by 6004

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. Dwarven Artificer

      by , 06-22-2010 at 12:21 AM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      This seems to be a dream within a dream; I start playing Dungeons and Dragons at my research station, choosing the dwarf artificer as my character. Perspective quickly shifts to being the dwarf in a fantasy worldscape. I'm heading with my party into a mining town, which has as its access point an impressive tower that lowers into the mines. I enter and begin walking down the stairs to my assigned bunk. It seems to take ages, and as I pass the other adventurers who have already gotten bunks, I notice that their names are written on whiteboards in the style of a college dorm. All of them have names of people I know from my college, as well.
      When I arrive at the bottom of the stairs, I find my real life name written on a board beside a bunk. The space is very spartan, and in the back of my head I wish there were a faucet to wash my hands. When I turn around, lo and behold, there is one! I remember the "turnaround summon" I've read about on the Dreamviews forums, and this reality check lets me realize that I'm dreaming. I get about a second or two of true lucidity as water pours over my hands, but after that I wake up. My eyes are still closed and I try fervently to get lucidity back, but the images I'm conjuring are just like those of a waking daydream and not the full-sense immersion of a lucid dream.

      Updated 07-14-2010 at 12:13 AM by 32914

      lucid , non-lucid
    7. Dolphin Day 1 - Psychokinetic Detective

      by , 06-20-2010 at 07:09 PM (A World In My Head!!)
      June 20, 2010 - I'm up to date now!

      Synopsis: First dream random. In the second dream, after trying to shop for dad I get accused of stealing! Third dream. In a war torn world, I remain the faithful student of a buddha, using my powerful psychokinetic gift to help stop the violence. But me and my partner are considered freaks, and the very city we love to protect turns on us! Only my teacher can help me now.

      Night Time Note: Tonight was the first night I did my Dolphin Dream Mantra. But when it came time to visualizing, it was hard to focus on the ocean.

      Dream Recall
      I woke up. I couldn't really remember my dream anymore. But I just wrote what came to my head anyways. I'm making a painting of a dolphin. There is a rich man, evil man, who hired a hitman. Or someone hired a hitman to kill him.

      Father's Day and Thieving at Work
      I'm working alone. Where is everyone else? My sister is here with me to help me pick out some art supplies for my dad. I thought today would be a quiet day at work - but I'm getting swamped by costumers! And, I realize that I'm picking out all the wrong things. These brushes and paints won't do. I need to get the list I've left at home.

      I leave the art supply store with my sister at 3pm. That means I closed the store two hours earlier than normal. I hope my boss doesn't yell at me. I get home and I've got my list. I start flying back to the art supply store. That's when I become slightly lucid and remember - wait - it is Father's Day. Were closed today! So I opened the store and suffered annoying costumers for no reason.

      But I didn't come completely lucid. I still thought I could buy my dad some presents within the dream.

      I get to the store, and all the other employees are here. What's going on? My boss frowns and explains this costumer wants to sue the entire store, for millions! She claims that I STOLED her anatomy art book. Me? What? I didn't steal anything!

      I can hear her mouthing away with the cops. Painting a story that were horrible employees, doped up and drunken, and how I'm the worst one having stole her anatomy art book. Now the millions she's asking for would close this store for good! I tell her frankly - You're a lying bitch!

      This whole dream was getting ridiculous. The cops approach me and
      I tell my side of the story. I did bring an anatomy art book home, because I brought it to work. It's not mine, but it belongs to my dad. They want proof. FINE! I storm out to go get my anatomy art book. Then I wake up. Remembering I wasn't going to buy art supplies for dad anyways. Stupid dream.

      Psychokinetic Detective
      It's the 1940's, it's the second world war. And everyone has a thick New York accent. Me and my partner are detectives. But because of our unique background, we are not well liked. Thanks to my teacher, I'm gifted with psychokinetic powers - all for the name of peace of course. My partner is actually my pupil, as well as a good friend. (reoccurring dream character)

      You can find my mysterious teacher in our equally strange apartment. Everything in our apartment is shimmering, and sparkling, a cross between pearls and slug slime. Bright colors. And glowing bubbles are coming from the bathtub. where of all places, is where I meet my teacher. He's this glowing presence standing in the center of my bubbling bathtub. I only see him once in the dream before heading out on my adventure.

      There's a nasty war going on. Enemy tanks parade the streets. And our idiot government thinks blasting them away with aerial bombs is the best defense. As if the aerial bombs don't destroy our city! A timed series of blasts, earth shaking, the sky lighting up. Some where another part of the city has been blown up.

      I'm flying in a helicopter with my partner and other city cops. Normies, I call them. We're surveying the area.


      In a ghetto part of town, enemy tanks were lining up. I could hear the cops calling in the find, so the soldier boys can drop their damn bombs. I had to do something!! I hold out my palm, and using my powers I move the tanks! The tanks roll over, upside down, rendered useless. I moved some of them too quickly, and you can hear the sound of steel crashing. I hoped I didn't injure the men inside, even if they were our enemies.

      When we land, some of the cops and soldier boys seemed annoyed with what I did. My gift makes them uncomfortable. As we survey on foot, we run into more enemy tanks. And again, before the boys can call in the find, I move the tanks and render them useless. It's not always easy for me, so I'm glad the tanks move slow. The normies are sneering and sizing me up!

      I ask my partner "Did I do the right thing?"

      He smiles warmly and says "Yes. 'Teach would be proud."

      That's right. I had to keep reminding myself who my teacher was. A pacifist, a buddha, my teacher wouldn't want me to use my gift any other way. I had to be careful when moving the tanks not to use too much force.

      Were done patrolling! All the enemy tanks have been destroyed, or rendered useless thanks to me. The government declares the war over! Victory! And the once empty streets are starting to fill with people. But as we walk back to the station we pass by one very tiny overlooked street.

      We ran into one last enemy tank. No big deal, just one tank, and it's a tiny tank too. We'll get rid of it while the city celebrates. But before I could even hold out my palm, the tank races towards us. It was coming so fast - we had to run or be run over! I had no idea a tank could move this fast! Is this the enemy's new secret weapon?

      The cops pull out their guns but they're useless. My partner runs too slow and the tank attacks him. He's down! Damn, I have to do something. I stand in the middle of the street and hold my palm. I know by the time I can focus on moving the tank, the tank will fire. The tank flips overs!! It's energy beam hits me! But it feels like sticky taffy? What is this? My partner gets up and wipes himself clean.

      We recollect ourselves and run around the corner. Checking every street, waiting anxiously for the next dangerously fast tank. Nothing.

      The General comes, I quickly warn him the city is in danger. He drives me to the hospital himself. I assumed it was to make sure this sticky goo didn't infect me with something freaky. But when I get there I realize, this is a nut house! The nurses and clerks look at me with distaste. The cops who escorted me look pleased. They've probably have been waiting for the day for a freak like me to be locked up.

      "What's going on!" I demand as the cops sign me in.

      The General comes in and explains"I'm sorry. But I had to do this. I talked to my boys and they said there was no tank! There is no enemy secret weapon."

      They look at me with those eyes. The eyes you use to size up a crazy man. "No! You're men are lying! They've been waiting to lock me up!"

      They drag my partner in with handcuffs, he looks defeated. I yell "Ask him! Did you see the tank?"

      He looks up with sad eyes "Yes, I did!" And they take him away to a cell.

      I slam my hand on the table. "Dammit General!! There were four people out there. Now me and my partner say we saw a tank. Your boys say they didn't. That's two and two. That's a 50 and 50 chance the tank is and isn't real. You have no choice but to investigate yourself! That tank fired something strange. It would have left a residue. Look for it!"

      The General storms out of the room with the rest of the cops. The clerks tinker away with their paper work. I'm sure they're trying to find me a room. Well, hopefully the General will do the right thing, and realize the city is in danger. Tap-tap-tap.

      I can see the General's head peaking from the back door. I sneak back there and he opens the back door for me. "I know you're not crazy. But the city is in denial. We'll have to work in secret."

      He leads me away. Where once were long streets of the city, are now long corridors and hallways. We've set up in the corner of the hallway. Waiting anxiously for the next dangerous tank. I've left my partner behind, he could use a break. The General and some ladies go through piles of paper work. Looking for clues of an enemy experiment. When they find something unsettling.

      It's a newspaper clipping years ago, about a mad scientist trying to create psychokinetic monsters. The ladies look at me with those eyes. I shake my head "That's propaganda!"

      Something catches my attention. My spider senses are going off! I look down the hallway. "General, something is coming." It's outside. Coming closer and closer. My heart is beginning to race. "What is it?" I look passed the hallway, passed the exit door. It's a mob!

      "A mob of angry people are coming for this building. They have no weapons, only their bear fists and grinding teeth." I can see them on top the hillside coming closer and closer. The General stands up. "Who are they? Can you read their minds? Are they our citizens? Are they the enemy?"

      The General wants to know whether he can open fire on them or not. But I can't allow him to fire either way. "I don't know. Theres too many minds. All I sense is their anger and hatred! They're coming!"

      The exit door bursts open! I jump in front of the angry mob, leading them safely away from the General and the others. I let the mob chase me after hallway and hallway. There's so many of them! I use my powers to knock one man off his feet, trying to slow the mob down. But they trample him to death! Crap! My teacher isn't going to like that.

      I fly! I fly faster and take a sharp turn. Losing the mob. I hide in a room. What should I do? I look outside the window. I know what to do, I have to lead them back outside. The mob has dispersed. Attacking anyone they run into. I fly into a clerks office. She is a black woman with curly hair (reoccurring dream character). She doesn't like me very much.

      "I know I know. This is my mess. I need you to do something. Tell the angry mob that I'm waiting for them outside."

      "And you think they'll just go?"

      "Of course, they're here for me. Go and tell them!"

      She tells her assistant to carry out the task instead. The assistant does as told.

      I fly outside. I need high ground. So I fly to higher roof. And a higher roof. I call to my partner to help me. He flies to me and stands by my side. The first angry mobster comes stumbling out of the building. He flies up to where I am. I had no idea normies could fly! He snarls and hisses like a beast! I focus energy into my hands, when I do, my partner disappears (reoccurring theme).

      He attacks me! I grab his face with my hands, and draw out the evil energy possessing him! "Be free!!" Lol..exorcism. The man is free from the evil within him. He goes limp, and falls to the floor. Two angry mobsters come out. And I have to act even quicker. But the next group was about ten angry mobsters. Crap. Too many. I can't handle them all!

      I fly away and I fly even higher. But they keep up with me. Screaming, taunting me. Without realizing I had flown all the way back to my glowing iridescent apartment. That's it!! I can't handle them, but if there is one person who can heal this angry mob it's my teacher.

      The glowing magical bubbles surround me. The angry mob gets closer and closer, hissing, snarling, cursing. I start to sing a lullaby to lure them in. . . . . "Oh holy room of wonders!"

      Then I wake up

      Updated 06-20-2010 at 07:19 PM by 6004

      non-lucid , memorable
    8. Sun Sets Over Ocean

      by , 06-19-2010 at 05:57 PM (A World In My Head!!)
      May 20, 2010

      Synopsis: My fail to RC as I dream about lucid dreaming. A very peaceful dream as I watch the sun set.

      Sun Sets Over Ocean
      Water is still showing up in my dreams. I dreamed about lucid dreaming. *I'm so dumb!* I was on the beach trying to observe every little detail for my dream practice. I found giant awesome shells, bright bright colors. I couldn't believe that no one else had grabbed them yet! I mean, the biggest one was as big as my head. I imagined the reason why no one grabbed them was because there is some law protecting the shells here.

      People were happily swimming in the ocean as the sun was setting. And they were starring at me funny because I refused to take a dip. Believing this was reality, I was actually disgusted that people would go in the water! This was the gulf coast after all, there's something slimy and not so nice in the water. But I told myself, that I should dream of the ocean instead *me tard*. This way I can go in the water without fear of catching some disease! (Last time I went to corpus there was a giant sign that read "BACTERIA LEVELS ACCEPTABLE"...what does that mean? That some days it's not?

      While the sun sets every day, to us on the beach it's like watching the sun set for the first time. As the sun nearly disappears over the horizon it gets very very dark. I could barely see! I quickly horde my sea shells and some random wooden artwork that drifted ashore. I take a quick look at the horizon to see an orange speck disappear.
      Everything goes completely black. It wasn't like a real sun-set, more like a switch being turned off. It felt completely natural to be in this blackness around me. I could still feel the summer warmth and sense the people around me on the sandy beach. After a while light comes back as the stars starting flickering on. I quickly run back inside like a pack rat with my stolen goods.

      I missed a good swimming opportunity
    9. The Part of Me That Will Never Forget You

      by , 06-19-2010 at 05:35 PM (A World In My Head!!)
      May 18, 2010

      After so many years I finally learn why I dream of high school, years after I've graduated. Lucid, I tell my DCs that this is a dream, and they dissolve back into me. Later, I dream of a boardwalk with a spectacular scene of water

      The Part of Me That Will Never Forget You

      I'm back in high school, getting ready for a big colorguard competition. This is a familiar sight! I've been here before, years ago. I know I've graduated from high school, I know I shouldn't be here. But I don't realize I'm dreaming yet. My team assembles and we perform over a large audience. I'm freaking out! I only remember half of the routine, what do you expect? It's been years!

      After performance I talk to my captain "Lets go over the routine again". I know she's graduated too, so I'm sure she's having trouble remembering. She agrees! Were all rusty and could use some rehearsing. But right now it's break time. In the down time the team separates into their individual cliques and circle of friends. That's when I walk around and really realize something is completely wrong here.

      This team is composed of EVERYONE who I was in colorguard with. But that can't be right. How could this team have seniors from when I was a freshman, and freshman from when I was a senior? The two age groups never went to high school in the same time period! And why am I here? I start to do the math. When I graduated from high school, when I graduated from college, this is insanity! I'm dreaming!

      I quickly run to my closest team members who were off in their own room. I wanted to show them something amazing. To be honest, I was hoping in some way they weren't just dream characters, that I was some how dreaming with my old high school friends. I interrupt their gossip "This is a dream! Let me show you!". I start to levitate in front of them. At first they look at me as though I'm insane. But then they smile and giggle girlishly.

      "It's a dream!" I grab my friend by the hand so I can show her dream flying for herself. I take a quick turn around the room! But when I look at my hand, it's not my friend I'm holding, but some random object. I look around in the room, and all of my friends have turned to objects.

      I know this, I've seen this before dozens of times in dreams. Suddenly I'm talking to a dream character, half way in our conversation I become lucid, I want to continue the conversation now that I'm lucid, but the dream character transforms into some plain old object. Sometimes I ignore the dream transition, and keep talking to the object. . . . . But then it just feels like I'm talking to myself. . . .

      I'm disappointed that my friends aren't dream characters anymore. I just wanted to fly with them.

      I run into the hallway where the rest of the team was assembled. My captain starts talking about our next performance. I shove my way right between all of them, and I levitate.
      "Ahem. . ." My captain seems annoyed that I'm interrupting her all so important lecture. "Look at my feet!". I dangle my toes wish were freely in the air! The freshmen start shouting "Wow!! That's so cool!" But the older members who've known me longer seem really disturbed. Angry, confused, terrified.

      "Whats going on?" The older members ask

      "This is a dream! Don't you see! It's a dream!"

      I wanted so much to dream with them, to make them all lucid and we could all go on some colorguard dreaming adventure together! They look at each other, and suddenly they seem to understand this dream nature. Maybe more than me.

      My captain asks me "If this is a dream, and you're the dreamer, then who are we?"

      The room gets quiet. The whole team waits for my answer. Quiet faces. Happy faces. Anxious faces. I looked into their eyes. My throat tightens up, I could barely say what I'm going to say.
      "You are the part of me that will never forget you."

      The room lightens up! Everyone seems happy! It didn't matter who, or if they were members I didn't get along with, or superficial cliques. In this tiny fraction of time, we were all here together and happy! I wanted so much to dream with them, to have a dream adventure with them. But then instantly before my eyes, they all turn into dolls and animal plushies. 'They' were 'gone', and I was all alone in an empty band hall. With no one to talk to, or be with, except maybe the only person who I have ever talked to or hanged out with in a high school dream -

      For the first time, I understood why these dreams seem to haunt. It's simple, I'll never forget them. And these dream character are the part of ME that remind that.

      I leave the band hall and fly outside to find a new lucid dream adventure. But I was still sad at the lonely nature of my dream. My dream becomes a black void, and I don't remember after time.

      The Boardwalk
      After what feels like a long time I'm in a new dream. I'm walking along a huge boardwalk. Water takes on a spectacular scene in front of me. It's as if in the middle of the ocean, there's a water fountain the size of an Egyptian pyramid. The water was pouring from this structure. I can't make out the structure, because the water is pouring from the very top, and veiling it. I watch a giant bird land on this watery structure. Then I realize that's no bird but a dinosaur! I watch another spectacular scene, as a massive boat sails right through the water-pyramid. The boat, still submerged under water, sails right under the boardwalk! I run to the other side of the boardwalk to see it as it passes.

      It was moving at such an incredible speed for such a massive ship, the water around it bubbled up and moved out of it's way! A dream character shouts "Did you see how fast that ship was moving? That was unreal!". It was unreal, it defies the laws of physics!

      I woke up shortly after.
    10. A Jewish Rebellion And Monsters

      by , 06-19-2010 at 05:08 PM (A World In My Head!!)
      May 6, 2010

      Synopsis: First dream. A country is divided by war, and it's my mission to destroy the man made monsters. I join the Underground and find a monster. But this monster makes me abandon my mission

      A Jewish Rebellion - And Monsters!
      I don't remember the first half of the dream, but I do remember that the first half of my dream explains why I'm in this situation! I'm following an angry Jewish mob protesting in the city's streets at night. This could get violent, for both parties concerned. I belonged to neither group, and found both groups to be largely made up of innocent - if not confused and angry - civilians.

      A little boy standing outside his apartment watches the moonlit protest pass by. Oh crap! That boy is from the opposition and I have no idea how irrational this crowd has gone. I quickly hurry the little boy inside before anyone noticed him. I tell him to get his parents and hurry. The boy understood what I meant. I watch over the boy and the family from a birds eye perspective, as they quickly go from one room to another. Locking the door behind him. They continue to go from room to room, deeper and deeper in the apartment building. I could hear noise coming from the other rooms they just left!

      I hurry them along and help them by locking the doors for them. Finally they reach the last door, which led to the Underground. The Underground was hot, noisy, and filled with people. Guards directed newcomers to food, shelter, clean water, or signed them up to become soldiers. Though honestly most people here just want shelter, a place to hide from the scary angry mob.

      There was a problem! There was a large pool about 30 yards long. This is bad news! The first half of my dream explains why open bodies of water is bad. People started creating monsters for their own selfish reasons. The monsters rebelled against their creators and now hide in water. Finding these monsters and their watery hideouts seemed to be what my real mission was about.

      Everyone should know about the monsters by now! I get angry and yell at the leader. "What are you doing with this large body of water?"

      "It's good water that the people could use". But that didn't seem right. No one was using the water. No one actually would even stand close to it.

      "Have you forgotten about the monsters?"

      "No. . . but there's no monsters in the Under-"

      Of course like a movie, a grotesque horrific mutated unsightly thing leaps out of the water. He roars and spots his next victim, which was me. I wasn't prepared! I try to think how I can fight this abomination against nature. But then a women behind me with a deep strong voice says
      "Stand aside"

      She looked like an African Goddess. Perfectly tall, big wild hair, robust feminine body, and strong muscles. She's a black amazon from greek myth! She lands a single punch on the monsters oozing face. The monster is thrown backwards twice the length of the pool, smashes into the wall, breaks the wall, is crushed by the fallen wall, and he doesn't ever get back up.
      <- That's what I looked like!

      I turn around to get a good look at our heroine, but there's TWO of her. Then I realize one is an average perfectly normal, not so super, human. The other, is the monster she created.

      "You created her?"

      "Yes, I did.
      She is a monster."

      It was my mission to track down all the monsters so they could be exterminated, but this was an awkward situation. Sensing my mixed emotions, our monster/heroin/black amazon explains. "Don't worry, my creator created me to protect the people. I enjoy protecting them
      and I always will."

      Well, I'm sold!

      I help the people clean up this old hallway, to make this Underground more livable. But there was one thing they decided not to remove, it was a clock sometime cemented into the ground. No one knows who put it or why. But it's counting down, and there are only 26 hours left!

      I wake up and fall back asleep before I can even jot any of the dream down, which is why I forgot most of it
    11. I Can Fly! Time to Visit Dannon

      by , 06-19-2010 at 04:43 PM (A World In My Head!!)
      April 29, 2010

      Synopsis: I think I'm dreaming. I test it by trying to fly! Lucid, I remember my dream goal of trying to dream share with Dannon

      I Can Fly! Time To Visit Dannon
      I was thinking about how lately my dreams have been tricking me. I was just minding my own business staring at the wall wondering, what if this is a dream? It doesn't look or feel like a dream.

      But as I walked around and stared at the living room, something felt out of place. I had to be sure! What if I'm dreaming? I get a crazy idea to go outside and try to fly. I run down the steps and stand under the street light. I think about flying but nothing happens. Mom runs outside yelling at me, asking me what I'm doing! It's pretty late and she doesn't like me outside alone after dark, I can't blame her, we do have a lot of car thieves in this neighborhood. But I had to go outside! I had to double check.

      I tell mom "I'm trying to fly". . . "You're trying to fly?" . . . "Yes, in a dream I can fly. What if this is all a dream?" Mom seems star struck, and just looks at the sky wondering the same thing. I walk forward while staring at the sky. This makes me trip when the ground level changes. I land in muddy water and scrape myself pretty badly. Mom runs over, helps me up and yells at me again.

      One side of my head is lecturing me "See, this isn't a dream! You're going to get seriously hurt if you keep this up." But the other side of my head was whispering
      "Why don't your scrapes hurt?". I wasn't in any pain at all!

      There were 12 year old boys hanging around outside, like a gang patrolling the street. They ask me and mom what
      we are doing. Mom blurts out "She's trying to fly!" "She's trying to fly?" They were 12 year olds after all and they seemed pretty dumb. They looked at me as though they were encountering a super hero. "You can fly?" "In dreams I can fly. What if I told you this could be a dream?"

      Now that I had everyone's attention, they all wanted to see me fly! They wanted me to prove to them that this was a dream. There's a small creek nearby and I start with that. I run and jump clear across the creek. I just jumped 20 ft, I have to be dreaming! I start to float, then I fly and loop around the small creek as the troop of boys cheer me on. Everyone seems pretty happy to know that this is just a dream. Me too! I haven't been lucid in a long time.

      I quickly remember my goal before I fell asleep. I fly away into the city. It's dark and dreary. I want to dream-share with Dannon but I really suck at creating portals. I try to make a few short calls in the dream, but my voice is weak and nothing is happening. So instead of trying to create a portal, I decided to fall into Dannon's dream. I fall backwards while keeping that intention in my head.

      When I open my eyes the new dream is just as dark. I can make out something sitting in front of me. It looks goblinish, with glowing eyes and pointy ears. But then I realize it's just a cat! I pet the cat and it purrs sweetly as it lays back down to sleep. Now that the cat is my friend the dream seems to explode to life. I can see everything vividly and in full color. I'm in a living room. I assume it's Dannons because that's who I'm trying to visit. The light is off, but there is a light coming from somewhere illuminating the kitchen.

      I call out Dannon's name, but no one answers. I stumble around the place, past the kitchen, until I find a small room where the light was coming from. Dannon is there, bundled up in a blanket, sitting on a comfy chair with the glow of the TV light on his face. Either he's watching a really good show or he's lost in his own thoughts, because his eyes were glazed over.

      "Dannon!" But he doesn't respond. I wave my hand over his eyes but he doesn't respond. It's like I'm invisible! There's a clock in the room that says 5:30 am. I wonder if that's supposed my time or his, and if his lack of response means he's actually awake. Well, I came all the way over here! I poke his face. He looks startled that something just touched his face, but when he looks around he sees there's a fly buzzing around. So maybe it was the fly.

      The tv was blank, nothing was on. Which disturbs me. I have to get his attention some how. I grab a box of kleenex sitting near him and toss it across the room. At first he seems curious as he gets up to find the source of the noise, but when he realizes his kleenex just flew across the room he looks freaked out.

      Dannons eyes scan the room for some malicious entity invading his space. He looks serious now! Like he's about to do some banishing ritual on me. Well that didn't work. I decide this dream isn't working out. I need to re-try teleporting to Dannon's dream. I think this Dannon might just be a dream character, I tell him goodbye anyways and that I'm going to try again!

      But that's when I wake up
    12. Slow Magic

      by , 06-19-2010 at 03:49 PM (A World In My Head!!)
      April 10, 2010

      Synopsis: First I dream of mutant rats attacking people, then I dream of a desert city. Where a greedy rich man has a chlorinated pool large enough to be a chlorinated lake. Then I dream of magic. A young witch with green hair discovers the true nature of her power

      Mutant Rats
      The rats have mutated into something more like grimlims. I'm in an old house, trapped with several other families. It's very dark, maybe the mutant rats ate/cut through our power supply? Me and my sister barricade ourselves in a bedroom. The hallway is long and big, the living room is huge, and the kitchen has two entrances. Meaning, the rats could be coming at you from anywhere!

      I don't know why, but mom insisted in staying in the living room! And my other sister was just loafing around in the bathroom, with the door open. We kept trying to tell them it wasn't safe! But they wouldn't listen, even though the rats had already attacked several people.

      Now, the rats, they did eat people. But the real problem was they couldn't kill you instantly! The mutant rats were hunting as a pack, and it takes about 20 of them to take down a human. And it's a slow painful process filled with lots of bites . The other problem was it only took one bite from a rat for you to get some nasty plague.

      Me and my sister liked holding up in the bedroom, because we could see the corners of the room easier. I watch desperate people trying to escape the property from the window. But there were more mutant rats running outside than in! I couldn't see the rats from the window, only the people screaming as something hidden from my view snatches them by their feet, and drags them away. There was also a large wall about ten feet high surrounding the entire property. I realized past this wall was freedom! I almost became lucid as I thought about jumping out the window.

      But my sister stops me, telling me there's no way we can make it to the wall without the rats attacking us. And even if we did make it too the wall, then what? Do you know how to scale a ten foot brick wall?

      Suddenly a mutant rat jumps at me! I instinctively grab this piece of wood next to me, I think it was supposed to be a ruler, but it's all broken. Even though I'm terrified, without thinking, I kill the mutant rat. The wooden ruler is sticking out of it's throat. My sister changes her mind. If I can kill a mutant rat, then these rats aren't so tough. We need to somehow sneak past the kitchen to get to the front door. The kitchen is the most dangerous, because obviously, rats like kitchens.

      We decide that on our way through the kitchen we can pick up some knives, in case we have to fight out way through before reaching the brick wall.

      My dream fades away into a new one

      I'm flying over a city. But even though I'm flying over a city, it feels more like a 3rd perspective dream where I'm observing the dream rather than taking part of it. As I fly over the city, I compare it to the others next to it. In comparison, this city is disgusting! There isn't a single tree or anything green growing. Concrete, asphalt, steel, pavement, large boring colorless buildings. You could say this city feels cold and uninviting. But it wasn't just cold, it was boiling hot. The streets were sizzling underneath the blazing sun, like a Walmart parking lot.

      Further north in the city lived the richest man, you might as well call his private house a PALACE. Mansion does it no justice, this place was HUGE. It was nice architecture, I'll give him that. But he only had three small children living with him, why does this place need to be so big? He had a pool.

      I wouldn't describe it was a pool though, at 25ft deep, 50ft wide, and wrapping around the entire estates, it was a lake. It even had waves. The pool, in a venice style, was right up against the palace. Dragon water fountain spouts jut out from the palace's walls pouring into the pool. When I looked closer, the dragon spout itself was water! A magical enchantment? The pool was both beautiful and hideous. Hideous when you realized that all of this water, in this asphalt desert, was chlorinated and undrinkable to any living thing.

      My dream fades away and I have a new one, which starts in a small pool

      Slooow Magic
      The kids playing in the pool were young witches and wizards, all about the age of 12 (when kids are most viscous!). Some of them had no magic of their own, others were naturally gifted. One young girl not only self-proclaims to be the most powerful young witch of all, she also self-proclaims to be the most popular girl at school. Though, I'm not sure if everyone being afraid of you is popularity . There was no doubt however that she was powerful. Her powers were INSTANT. She didn't have to chant. She didn't have to cast spells or use a wand. They were like the crack of lightning, when she willed them, they happened!

      She bullies another girl in her class, who looks a lot like Hermione from HP, except her hair is green. My young green-haired witch, got tired of being made fun of, and grabs her young male friend, and the two of them storm out of the pool party. The two of them have a crazy adventure (that I don't remember) in an old english city. Even though they kept running into trouble, their trouble would always transform into good fortune!

      My green witch kept getting water dumped on her head! Maybe from someone dumping from a window, a car splashing, or what. But it just kept randomly happening. Like, water being dumped on her magically just because she opened a door. She gets annoyed and snaps at her friend "Stop tossing water at me!" He responds meekly "It wasn't me! I swear, I didn't do it! That door did it!"

      It seems kind of silly to think that a door would splash water on you just because you were opening it. She looks at the door and there's a note attached. It reads something like "It's time to dip in the water and get wet! Sloooow Magic is the strongest!"

      My green haired witch smiles slyly as she holds the paper. She understands now why she was born with green hair, she's a nature witch. The power of nature incarnate. She may not have flashy dazzling powers like the dark haired freak (the popular girl). But her slooow magic is strong. Like taking a slow deep breath - good fortune comes her way. My green witch sets off to find a lake to take a dip in - which I felt was some sort of rite of passage for her.

      My dream becomes some random nonsense dream about dogs who can't swim in pools, and then I wake up

    13. Panther Demona vs Insane Man

      by , 06-18-2010 at 11:56 PM (A World In My Head!!)
      No Foolin Day 2010

      Synopsis: After asking a guru some questions, my dream transforms into an adventure. I am panther-gargoyle being helping to track down a murderer, who calls into question my sense of justice.

      Night Time Note: I roll over in bed and remember some random dream scene, and I tell myself 'just another uneventful dream night'. Wait a minute, not it wasn't? I remember something. I close my eyes and wait for the images to come back!

      Panther Demona vs Insane Man
      I'm in a stuffy little room, talking to some old guru. He has a long white beard and I think he smells funny, because I don't think he's showered in days. I don't remember our conversations, but I did ask him a few questions. . . .

      I'm on the road, traveling with a group of people. We pass by a murder site by the university. She was just a young teenage girl, poor thing. You see, there's an insane man on the loose and he's murdering teenagers and college kids left and right for no other reason except that he can!

      We hear a gun shot by one of the main university buildings! Yet I still see two students walk undisturbed to class. "What's wrong with them?" I said "Didn't they hear the gun shot?" My friend says "They did. Can't you see how scared they are?". I guess they did look scared. They kept to themselves and stared at the floor as they walked silently to their classrooms. The university was very very lonely. It looks like a good 90% of the students decided it was too dangerous to come now that some psychopath is here.

      It turns out me and my friends are a secret police force, each with unique abilities! I transform into a black panther anthro. We chase down the murderer through the long corridors. I don't remember much of this chase scene, but it was nice for once to not be the person on the run! We lose him in large auditorium like building. We quickly separate to cover all the exits and windows. "There he is!" He was trying to sneak out! He's on a ledge too far for my pantherness to jump. So I grow wings instead and take on a gargoyle form (like Demona).

      I fly towards him and land on the ledge he's on. He's a black shadowy like figure, with no face, except for a wide white smile. He's dancing to the rhythm of his own music and he screams "I AM A GOD!". I bite him and rip a chunk off of his arm, and spit the chunk over the ledge. He's like car tire rubber, there was no blood. "A god? Well I just bit you!". He doesn't even seem upset that I bit him. He doesn't even try to hurt me. He just continues laughing. My friends quickly come to my side and since they were big guys, they restrain him and carry him outside. He's still laughing as they drag him away.

      I took a while longer to meet my friends outside. When I do go outside, I see the psychopath is being hung upside down with two strange men laughing up a storm. I didn't see my friends anywhere! I didn't know who these two guys were, but I didn't trust them. Either they were tormenting the psychopath, which in the name of justice, I couldn't standby. Or, they are only pretending to keep the psychopath captive and are laughing because they intend to release him and watch him murder again.

      Whatever, I POUNCE THEM! They scream! They're just puny humans compared to me. I grab the psychopath and find my friends around the corner. They ask me "What happened? We left him with with two police men from the office." "Oh, is that who they were?" Hmm...now that I thought about it I did recognize them from the police office. They don't seem like good cops anyways!

      What should we do with him? As we hold him down, terrified students nearby scream and run away. We put him in a giant water tank. The water is freezing. After a while I noticed he went completely limp! I touch his face, he's ice! Our job wasn't to torture him slowly to death. "He's going to die! We have to take him out."

      "Shit. Okay fine. I'll call the general." My friend gets on a cell phone and calls the general and tells him to bring an ambulance and something to warm him up. The general seems confused but then obliges. We take him out of the freezing water. His legs are limp, so we have to help him stand. The ambulance is waiting for us in parking lot, and if you know your MEGA UNIVERSITIES, that's like MILES away. "LET'S GO!" We start to run towards the ambulance. But our running only excited the psychopath, he was warming up. He's got the metabolism of a cold blooded lizard.

      "STOP!" I yelled "At this rate he'll gain back his full powers again."

      Annoyed my friend calls the general again and ask him to bring fire extinguishers. The general is even more confused! Are we trying to warm him up or keep him cold? "BOTH!"

      He was too warm for us to control. He breaks free from my friends grip. We chase him again, but this time he's found an axe! He holds the axe high and threatens to smash my friends skull open if we come any closer. I didn't want to see anyone get hurt so I yell "Stop! Please stop!". He looks at me..........and he drops the axe.

      The general and the rest of the police department come onto the scene, and they take him away, handcuffs and all. The general decided it was best to keep him in a large cool water tank to keep his metabolism slow. I wasn't happy though. I felt this man was really insane, suffering mentally, and that our justice system just didn't know what to do with these kinds of people except lock them away. Only fueling their insanity. I didn't warn the general, but I was certain that one day he'd break free from his watery cage.

      I woke up after that.
    14. UFO - Omen of the End

      by , 06-18-2010 at 11:00 PM (A World In My Head!!)
      February 25, 2010

      Synopsis: Chaos spreads! I adopt an innocent child, a victim of this mindless war. And an ominous UFO threatens to destroy everything!

      Night Time Note: I asked to dream of my new job. Some how I don't think this dream relates

      UFO - Omen of the End
      I'm in a room. Its large and dark and filled with people. A huge fight breaks out as others come into the room. All I remember was that these 'others' were the enemy of the people who were already in the room; the others were blacks, they were muslims, they were homeless! The fight became nasty between the others and the regulars. The 'other' children watch as their parents were murdered right before their eyes.

      I was honestly horrified and found the entire fight senseless! The children scream in horror! Most of the children become enraged and continue the fight. But they are so young and frail, how could they win? I try to stop the madness by yelling at the regulars for mistreating the innocent children "Stop! Don't you see you're only making things worse?". But the regulars have lost all sanity, even if they were supposedly the 'good guys', what ever!

      A little black baby girl is crying, I think she's Haitian. Parentless, I pick up the poor thing and adopt her as my own. She quickly clings to me and seems very happy to be in my arms. She has adorable hair with double pig tails. I run outside to leave the fight. Though really, it had dwindled down at this point because so many people were either injured or dead.

      I don't remember what happens next, only that I spend most of the dream hiding from some evil goonies who were specifically after me. Me and my child have almost left this chaotic city. I'll admit, the architecture of this strange city was beautiful. But it was madness incarnate. To make matters worse, a giant UFO appears in the sky!! No one seems to notice it because they are so busy fighting. I hide behind a wall and peek out from the corner to glimpse the giant UFO, not wanting the aliens to notice me.

      This is bad! This is very bad, I know this UFO from a previous dream! It can destroy an entire city instantly! I didn't even feel that I had time to warn my family. There was no time, in a few seconds everyone in this area will be dead. Holding my baby girl, I fly! No time to open doors! I simply fly through wall, after wall! I even flew through a bedroom where the goonies who were after me were sleeping. Hopefully I flew too quickly for them to notice me. I don't want to find out if they are right behind me now. So I just keep flying.

      I'm a far enough distance from myself and the UFO. But this area of the city is flooded. The buildings are desolate. And even though the sun is shining brightly now, it feels lonely and dead. My mother is in this flooded rubble as well. Carefully maneuvering my adopted child onto my back, I swim with my mom into a massive building. I think maybe it was once a cathedral?

      My dream gets pretty abstract now. It's like me and my mom have shrunken and now all the furniture and objects are easily five times larger. This room is the source of the flood, and there is something I need to do to fix things. My mom thinks she knows what to do and enters one of the giant furniture things. I yell at her that her efforts won't help! She doesn't hear me so I go off on my own. I think I remember what to do now. I have to find a golden staff/septre and bring back some order to this chaos!

      Then I wake up
    15. Dream Wheel Day 6 - The Mystery is Consciousness

      by , 06-18-2010 at 06:53 PM (A World In My Head!!)
      February 6, 2010

      Synopsis: Lots of dreams! First an Akira dream. Then a hot shower. Then I run around in a building of bedrooms, I've been here before. In the last dream I'm at school, I pose a question and get an interesting answer. Consciousness. Bad guys come but I eventually become lucid. Lucid I enter a new dreamscape, and communicate with my subconscious. Dream Wheel dream.

      Night Time Note: I forgot to do my MILD. But I did work on my dream journal just before going to sleep.

      Kaneda's Apartment
      The first dream that I remember involved me driving home with mom. Eventually that scene completely changed, and I'm just good old Tetsuo riding a motorcycle. It was late at night, and instead of it being Tokyo, it was just out here on 410. Gang members were after me, but they can't get me if I levitate myself and my bike.

      On the street I meet up with Kaneda, who tells me he has an apartment. Though he doesn't live there since he just crashes with Kei. We fly up to his apartment. It's clean and livable, kinda up scale actually. But it's also creepy and lonely. Being myself again, I decide I don't want to live here. And before flying out the window again into the dark streets, I quickly turn off the apartment lights. Only the time on the microwave is glowing.

      A Hot Shower
      Once back on the street my dream seems to fade. I'm back inside another apartment. It's not mine, it's families. I want to take a shower and I remember I have to choose the shower three shower stalls down. It was a weird merger of a private and public restroom. Getting the shower to actually work was even weirder. Not gross weird. It was just technically weird. But the water was actually hot! Which was refreshing. There's no shampoo or conditioner, so I reach outside the curtain and grab the first thing. But it was hair dye.

      Titi Jeja was there, and she says hello. I guess this is her apartment. Later on in the kitchen, grandma presents to me a baby. Who I kiss on the forehead. I tried to kiss the baby closer to the lips, but he was too much of a slobier mess. I got the impression this baby was close family. Maybe even sis's child. I wake up soon after.

      A Building of Bedrooms
      In my next dream I am exploring a park. The layout is familiar, I've seen it before in dreams. Very old tall trees and wide passage ways. Me and my sisters friend do something retarded! And the park security wasn't too far behind. Before we can get caught we quickly run into a building. Which, we are not supposed to be in either.

      This building is a series of bedrooms strung together. It too was reminiscent. I knew the way out! This way, I told 'Cristy'.

      They were doing construction in the last room, some sort of coming attraction. The employees are startled to see us, they thought we wanted a sneak peek. Christy shields her eyes as we run out the door I led us to. It was wide open for us and flooding in the sunlight. Outside, we come to a busy pedestrian friendly street. It reminds me of New York. We giggle at our silliness as we walk away at a calmer pace now.

      The Mystery is Consciousness
      Later on, or in another dream, I'm not sure, I'm flying around a large school. Perhaps UTSA. The architecture is large and heavy, and students have their own areas to hang out in. After flying around a nerdy looking girl catches my attention. She's complaining about a parallel bar she bought at art supply store, she's asking me if she really needed it. I told her the bar cost $200, and none of the other students were willing to pay that much, might as well go back and return it.

      Now before my dream descends into work meaninglessness, I shift my thoughts to the park I was at earlier. Then I think of something strange, how do creatures move? It seemed to me at the time that this was a complete mystery. Sure they had bones and muscles, but what moved them?

      Lucky for me I remember passing a snooty physics group, inspired by a few dreamviews members . I fly back to the group who were hanging out in a massive exterior hallway. I interrupt them and pop the question "Does science really understand how animals move?". Most of them laughed because my question seemed so obvious. But one member elegantly rephrased my question to the group so they understand the mystery I was trying to get it. And then he answers my question "The answer is the mystery of consciousness"

      I go back inside the largest building of the school, transforming my university into something more like a high school. I remember that we, the students, all knew that official type people were coming today. But no one was really bothered by it. After flying around a bit, I had made it to the third floor. From my vantage point I can see the first floor. And I could see that the officials were out to get us! I shout into the crowded hallways "they're coming to attack us!". And just like my previous dream, chaos ensues! All the students scream and shout as the cluster fuck tries to squeeze out one emergency door.

      I'm thinking, I don't want to follow them! They're too obvious and loud! While the sheep run away, I fly up into the fourth level, which was literally on top of the third floor rooms. That is, there was no roof separating the two, they were just stacked on top. The fourth level was dark, all the rooms had their lights off. There was a teacher hiding in the same room I choose, and we can hear that the hallway below us was beginning to clear out. I ask the teacher if it was really safe up here. And she reminds me that there is really only one way in, and one way out. It could be safe or it could be a mouse trap!

      I didn't like feeling boxed in, so I flew out the room, back to the third level. The center of this building was an open courtyard. All of the inner most walls of the building were actually large glass windows. So from this third level that I'm on, I can see down into the courtyard, and into the first floor. Which was why I can see that the bad guys were close. Not wanting to go the way of the students, I flew out into the courtyard instead. This could be a mistake, I'm surrounded by 'school'!

      Officials who were out here who harassed me! I tried to stay out of their reach by landing on top of a tall drawer (yes a drawer in the courtyard). The black man who was put in charge of watching me acted threatening. The truth was he couldn't even reach my feet. But then someone walks into the courtyard and says "we need help outside....now!". The black man moves the entire drawer, I'm amazed I don't fall down - not really realizing yet I'm weightless because it's a dream. And he says, pointing his finger very sharply at me "You stay HERE! I'll be back!"

      The courtyard is empty now. I'm all alone and the black man has conveniently put me in front of a large window leading outside of the school grounds. I want to quickly shift through the window before they return, but there isn't any clean or clear spot to do so. The window was so thick, and dirty. And it had bars on it, making shifting so hard. Instead I peel back the layers, to creating a fist sized hole in the window. The hole revealed a brilliant green pasture on the other side!!

      I place my face closer to the hole hoping this works. Eventually the hole becomes my entire point of view and I fly outside! I land on the soft and wonderfully green grass - LUCID! I quickly remember to say "I now bring clarity and awareness into my dream!". But I think, how silly. What was the point of that. Everything is already so vivid, yet strangely surreal. I remember the dream wheel, but first I observe my environment.

      There is a wall on my left hand side. A strange architectural structure to my right and possibly a field beyond it. In front of my grassy field was an ocean with perspective issues. And inside my ocean was a ruined Colosseum. Awake, I don't remember this scene at all. But in the dream, I knew that I've been here before!! If not, lots of times!!

      Then a notice a male presence standing somewhere in my ocean. I get the impression I was now in direct communication with my subconscious. "Are you my subconscious?". His answer was sentient, conscious and frightening because of how real it was. I don't remember now the exact words he used. But his voice was deep and booming like the ocean. He greeted me and seemed to be expecting me.

      He comes onto the shore, which was nice because now his voice was much friendlier here. Actually, he became friendlier as soon as I thought of him as frightening, as if he understood. I ask him "Then you know why I've come here?" And he regretably answers "Yes..I do.". I've come here for the Dream Wheel, to learn how to link properly with Captain Sleepalot. But my subconscious seemed disappointed. And I understood why, I had sooo many questions I wanted to ask, it was almost hard to keep my focus on the original task I gave myself!

      I take another moment to absorb all of this in. "All of this here....is.......my subconscious.....me?". My subconscious jokingly kicks up some beach sand. I squint my eyes as if it'll burn, but then I realize the sand can't hurt me because I'm dreaming. "See?" He has a huge smile on his face now. I notice there is another male character inside the strange architecture. But I figure I don't have time to ask who he is.

      I only consciously think about the Dream Wheel task now, I don't even say a word. My subconscious knows and says "Go on then! Dream share, let me see you try." He stood over me as if some sort of critical teacher. "Okay" I answered, but now that I'm here and consciously aware that I want to dream link with Captain, I had no idea what to do, or what's going to happen!

      I close my eyes, take a deep breath. "I now ask my subconscious to.." He interrupts me. "No! No no! All wrong!" His hands were really animated. I realized how silly what I said was since my subconscious manifested in front of me. He continues and explains in a firm voice

      "Use your conscious -

      And then I woke up. The word conscious had such an effect on me. It was like opening my eyes within the dream, so much I opened them in real life. I felt I was spat out of my dream, since I was still extremely sleepy. And I didn't feel he was done talking to me, I felt the ending of his sentence was intention.

      Within moments I already forgot what he had originally said to me. I only remembered the impression of his voice and that it felt like I had heard it with my ears. And I couldn't remember this place at all. It was such a neat lucid experience! But at the same time I'm disappointed that I woke up.

      After Thoughts: A consistent theme throughout this entire dream was that of familiarity. The scary apartment, the building of bedrooms, the park I've been in before, even the courtyard in the center of a large building, all dream places I remember. Another important note, was that I took a nice hot shower! And although a dream character tempted me to fall into a meaningless dream about work, I managed to stay just conscious enough to realize I'm not at work. . . . And what on earth made me think to ask that question? What makes creatures walk?
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