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    1. Log 862 - Summer-ish Lucid Dream Competition 2017 - Day 7

      by , 09-08-2017 at 10:54 PM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Got two near-lucid dreams and a scrap to note. To be honest, I'm kinda embarrassed to post this up. I woulda just paraphrased it, but I think maybe it won't be so bad to open up to these things once in a while.

      Scrap Group 1

      Barely recall something of dealing with a sleazy realtor.

      WBTB for 15 minutes before a WILD attempt. No insomnia, but no awareness either.

      Dream 1 - Summer-ish Lucid Dream Competition 2017 - Day 7 - Part 1

      REM Atonia unwittingly transitioned into a dream. I imagined my guide, E beside me in bed, and though I couldn't see (eyes closed), I did sense her presence nearby. Spent a moment just relaxing, when she suddenly began, uh, licking my face. Just her weird way of showing affection, I thought. Only, she goes on for minutes on end, and even began drooling uncontrollably. Random thoughts of rumors about large pet predators whirled in my mind, where certain instincts would drive these animals to see their owners as prey, and they'd then starve themselves before attacking... wait a minute. Was my guide trying to eat me again?!

      I reactively opened my eyes to the sight of E's salivating grin. Unnerved, I asked her to make space, only to have her hold me down tighter. I somehow slipped away from her grasp. I then tried fleeing, but couldn't get far enough. No choice. I had to fight. Using the ancient (fictional) art of Hokuto Shin Ken, I struck her belly and then temple with my finger, causing instant paralysis. Spent a good while thinking up a flashy name for the attack, though only lethal maneuvers came to mind. So, I just left things as is.

      Things get unclear. I went to the living room, where dad's watching TV, then I began floating around. Not much else until the dream ended.

      Dream 1 - Summer-ish Lucid Dream Competition 2017 - Day 7 - Part 2

      Similar REM Atonia transition into a dream. As before, I had E show up, and again, she starts licking and drooling over my face. Suddenly, she whips herself into a frenzy. I tried escaping, only to find myself shrunken down, and I just barely avoided my (from my perspective) colossal guide's immediate onslaught. This chase was quickly exhausting me. With my last bit of strength, I rocketed off as far as possible. But, incredibly, I'd somehow pathed directly into my guide's gaping mouth! Horrible moments were spent getting violently tossed and pressed between her tongue and roof, yet despite as much, I remained unharmed. I even outright mentioned that if I were lucid, I would've likely gotten points for invulnerability (D'oh!).

      Woke up not long after.

      Updated 09-09-2017 at 01:29 PM by 89930 (day 7; oops)

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. Log 705 - April 2017 TOTM Bonus Task

      by , 09-08-2017 at 10:51 PM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Tuesday 04 April 2017

      EDIT: Whoops. Left this in draft mode for the longest. Time to publish it fully.

      Oof. Feels like forever since I last posted here. Anyway, I've got two or three DILDs to note, and got this month's bonus task done. There's a large non-lucid portion I can't recall for the first dream, and I generally don't have much to go on for the last two dreams.

      Spoiler for kinda long:
    3. Crazy nightmare and one or two other dreams last night

      by , 09-08-2017 at 09:30 PM
      I listened to a YouTube guided meditation video for lucid dreams. Soon after I started listening I fell asleep and had a lucid nightmare. I don't want to give a description but I didn't like what was going on I heard like a growl as if something was talking. I stayed up after I got frightened then had another not so good dream but better than the one before.
    4. Dreams from the past

      by , 09-08-2017 at 09:29 PM
      Some I posted on a Subreddit, decided to post them all here in one go. Back at a time when I had many naps throughout the day and plenty of time to dream

      Spoiler for May 17th Dream 1/2:

      Spoiler for May 19th:

      Spoiler for April 5th Dream 3/3:

      Spoiler for April 3rd Dream 2/3:

      Spoiler for April 1st Dream 5/5:

      Spoiler for March 30th Dream 9/9:

      Spoiler for March 28th Dream 1/1:
    5. It's about friggin time

      by , 09-08-2017 at 07:41 PM (Just Another Dream Journal)
      I took a nap from 12PM-1:44 PM. It felt like the best sleep I've gotten in a long time.
      Yet, my Fitbit tells me it took me 41 minutes to fall asleep ( ) and that I spent 60 minutes being restless. SO, I actually only got 44 minutes worth of sleep.

      I also had some of the best/most vivid dreams I've had in a long time. Too bad they were scary.
      In the dream, I was standing in the driveway, talking with my husband. The sky was lighting up with lightning. Hubby kept missing it because it was behind me (lol). Just as he finally noticed, fire and fireballs started raining down from the sky in the distance. I ran for the house. Hubby seemed unconcerned. I wanted him to come inside, but he wanted to go back to his house.

      The next thing I recall is of being in the car with Paula. I was telling her to buy as much non-perishables and water as possible because who knows how long a war would last. She scoffed and said it would be over in 2 weeks. Then I saw massive infrastructure and crop damage and I told her those no way to know how long it would take for repairs and to be prepared.

      Then I was in my yard. The outside was an apartment complex I lived in a long time ago. The inside of my house was a weird mesh of mine, my hubby's, and my grandmothers homes. In the yard were 2 snakes. I was worried about them, so I brought them inside. I found out later that the big one was a python and the small one was poisonous. There was a little girl and many animals with us and I was afraid the snakes would kill them but I couldn't find the reptiles to bring them back outside.
      We did find a cockroach though (major phobia of mine). There was another couple with us and they helped me look for and squash it.

      Then, I found the python. I had a cane of sorts and he went right on it. But went back and forth across it, toward whichever hand was holding it at the moment. When I brought him inside, he was brown and yellow colored. As I dropped him off at what looked like a decaying whale tail in the weeds, he was purple and blue.

      In another dream, I was walking the mall with my family. My (deceased) grams was there. I went down a couple water slides- the slides of which that formed with the push of a button at the start... then the dream transformed into a sort of Sonic the Hedgehog game. I was a character, racing around a board, fighting bad guys and finding secret levels which were like the Sonic loops. You'd have to time everything perfectly and jump off the heads of the bad guys to platforms above them. I kept dying and losing my weapons lol.

      I made it out of the game and was in a locker room. There were shower supplies in ziplock baggies and the toothbrush was extra long because it doubled as a loofa holder to clean your back with I was extra sweaty and my nipples ripped holes through my shirt so I was trying to discreetly cover them.

      A phone call and the heat from my bedroom woke me up. But that's for RRCC
      non-lucid , memorable
    6. Pink Energy

      by , 09-08-2017 at 06:44 PM
      Pink Energy

      Hrmm...From what I can recall I was talking to someone in my family until I was told to escort someone into an elevator. While in the elevator i felt the floor collapse a bit so I quickly got off. Others who were old famous Nickelodeon actors stayed so they could get to their destination quicker though. Unfortunately the elevator ended up taking them to the woods where they got lost and were apparently not seen for hours.

      I became lucid when I was about to go help look for them and jumped off the stair railing to the floor below. As I continued moving around the place I ended up in a mall where a group of monsters had appeared. "I dont like how I ran from my fear in my last lucid. So I'm gonna take the opportunity to do something better". I made pink energy come out of my hands and flew towards a monster to grab it with the energy. Once I had the monster I shocked it than continued fighting the others. I woke up after that.

      non-lucid , lucid
    7. 9/8/17 | Tornado, Mars, Seattle

      by , 09-08-2017 at 03:33 PM (Fantastical Adventures)
      -1-At the B.h., I saw something on the radar, so I looked outside to the north and saw a wedge tornado. I got out my phone to record some of it. It was an F5.
      -2-I was on a section of road and grass, floating in space in front of Mars. Suddenly, I was falling; skydiving on Mars. Since a parachute alone wasn’t enough, I was given “compressed air pads” to soften my landing. They were made of Styrofoam. I landed safely using the pads.
      -3-I was walking around a flat area surrounded by a perimeter of trees at the edge of the small plateau. On the other side of the water was a very close Seattle, with an additional huge hill with high rises around it, like in Hong Kong.

      Updated 09-09-2017 at 03:51 AM by 67050

      Tags: city, mars, tornado
    8. Search for the legendary sword Sty: Gathering information

      by , 09-08-2017 at 03:05 PM
      It was very early morning as I wandered down a small street with some trees at its sides. The atmosphere was definitely typical for my dreams. Many people were heading the streets up and down minding their own business although it was so early and somehow I noticed that this was nothing but a dream. It wasn't a sudden enlightment but a slow process of understanding the nature of my surroundings. Right from the start I knew what I had planned to do: Searching for the next legendary sword, the third in my collection. Of course, I had no idea where it could be, what its specialities were or how it even looked. All I knew was that it existed. The best I could do was walking around and asking people about it.

      The first I asked was a man in his 40s-50s who seemed to be on his way to some kind of work. I took the right to disturb him for a short while and asked him about the sword. Sadly, he didn't know anything which was to be suspected as he was just a normal man having normal things on his mind. When searching for another person to interview my eye got caught on a troop of men with a wagon full of ancient stuff. Well, THAT looks promising. An elderly man could give me at least a tip, saying that an old woman further up the street might know about it.
      As I approached her she smiled as if she had expected me and had been looking forward to it for a longer time. Finally I got some really helpful answers!

      "The legendary sword Sty which is able to blow up a whole car with one strike but was never actually finished."
      That was an interesting result. I knew the swords name, its power and that it has not been finished. The creator had a recipe and the materials but for some reason he never actually started creating his greates work.

      Time to find the exotic materials needed and the actual guide on how to build this thing!
    9. Doing a Favor

      by , 09-08-2017 at 01:40 PM (My Dream World)
      The dream begins, once again, in my grandmother's apartment. Seems like its been a common theme in the past few dreams. I remember being in my grandfather's room and he's having trouble with the computer. Later in the dream (there are a few gaps in my memory of this dream) he is in my brother's room, using his computer. I observe him and he is furiously downloading different things (as he does in waking life, however it was exaggerated in the dream) and installing many dubious programs, with pop-ups showing up all over the place. I'm really annoyed while seeing this.

      The dream skips some more and I'm in the bathroom. I can hear my stepmother outside talking about how her cellphone stopped working and I shout asking something about how can they have so many problems with technology. After I get out of the bathroom,
      I get lucid.

      I begin flying towards the living room and my aunt is sitting on the couch. She asks me to get a cellphone battery that's in the other room. I decide to go fetch it because I think "Complete a DC's task" is one of the tasks in Spellbee's competition. I fly over to the room where my father is lying on a hammock while watching TV. While floating all over the room looking for the battery, I wonder what my father thinks about me flying around. I find the battery and go back to the living room.

      I give my aunt the battery and she thanks me. I think she explains to me what she was gonna use it for, but I cannot remember what she said. I fly towards the balcony and have a moment of heightened lucidity. I have practically waking-level lucidity and memory, and I stop to remind myself of my goals,
      however I think the dream ended shortly after or I lost lucidity because my memory of the dream stops there.
      Tags: floating, flying
    10. Summerish Competition - Night 7 - Finally Lucid

      by , 09-08-2017 at 01:00 PM
      Finally i manage to get lucid again. i really started to worry about the fact that i just dont get lucid at all. the break i had really seem to erase most of my skills. but tonight i finally had a proper lucid like old times where i manage to do things and remember my goals. so here we go:

      i ride a bus. i seem to notice i am dreaming because i want to change some numbers on a busstop. i wink an older woman.
      i ride a bicycle and wear sunglasses. i see a friend and drive in his way and block him. he dont recognize me. i make a fun out of it and say random things in a different voice. after some time i put away the glasses and show him who i am. he tells me he didnt recognize me and thought i am a random girl. i remember that i was dreaming and do a nosepinch and yes still a dream. i tell him i have stuff to do. first i want to finish my 3 step tasks. so i turn around and see some trees. i approach them and run straight thru them. good now some fire. i turn my hand several times until finally i see a small but steady flame in my right hand burning. i throw it on a group of people but the flame only reflects and falls to the ground instead of burn them. well who cares. i turn around and see two women. i want to make on of them disappear. i wave my hand in front of my sight as if i want to erase her. but the other one disappears. good enough i think. i want to make her appear again but i cant do it. i guess because i dont know her or her looks. i move on and see a fire alarm box in a building and make it also disappear like the woman before.
      i enter a building i want to summon someone in my field of view. i pick up a piece of newsletter or commercial or something where a woman is printed. i look at the picture and want her to materialize. a random guy is standing around and irritating me. i tell him to go but he refuses. i go to him hold his shoulders and gently but firmly push him in the direction of a wall and push him thru until i dont see him anymore. i go back and look at the picture of the woman. i focus my eyes on the picture and wave with my hand until i see the woman materialize infront of me. i feel like everything is blurry or pixelated but i guess its because she is from a magazine. i thinking about having sex with her but it feels to early i still have stuff to do and dont want to go caveman and wake up. so i try to summon myself the same way but it wont work. i turn around expecting to find a picture of me and i do. i pick it up and try again but again no success. i look at the pictures. there are some folded into each other. i seem to remember the pics of me. i think about if this is really like accessing old memory or false memory. i wear a tophat. one girl especially seem to feel familiar like if i had something with her. [it was false memory]. i want to continue and turn around. i dont think about the woman anymore and approach the first room. i make a fireball again. it is small. i see my thumb ring. it is black. with my left hand i turn him and the flame gets bigger and seem to drain energy from the ring. i put both hands together and make the fireball even bigger. i throw it on a box with wood and paper. it burns. also does the table nearby. i leave the building with the intention to make it rain outside. but its already raining. i feel very powerful. i cross a street and point on a cardriver and demand him: bring me a magic lamp. he honks and starts driving. i demand him to do fast and he honks again and disappears. i walk over the street and point on some cars driving in my direction "STOP!" and they do a full break. i see a woman standing around with an umbrella and tell her to put of her cloths and she starts undressing but i keep going and dont even look there. i point into the sky and command to stop the rain and it stops raining. some dropps here and there like from trees still fall down and i feel them i again command "stop completely" and the sky gets brighter and no rain at all is there anymore. i move by two women standing next to a car. i approach them and tell them "hey in your car traunk there is the magic lamp right? she denies but the other one seem to want to open the trunk and i open it and she points at the lamp. i pick it up and tell the first woman to not lie again to me. she explains that she understands something else. i start rubbing the lamp but no genie comes out the lamp.
      i sit at a table with friends and talk. i do a nosepinch " i am still dreaming.... excuse me i have another totm to do" i stand up and want to go to the next room and play some pinball or something but i notice there is a computer in this room so i approach it and see that there is a game active. it has some similarities with mario and another game i played once iwas small. i start playing there are a lot of options but i skip them all. i spawn in a forest. it is more or less 3D. i only can walk on given ways up and left. it seems very simple. i am inside the game but still i notice a girl stands next to me and tells me the game is boring. i run a way and even tho i only can run right the character leaves the way and falls down a cliff. i think i loose lucidity shortly.
      i find myself in a floor. i am semilucid and i still want to do the bonus task of the month but first i seem to want to go to a toilet. i sit down and think about the task and wake up shortly after?
    11. A short lucid

      by , 09-08-2017 at 12:55 PM (Nef's dream journal)
      Became lucid. Was unstable. Tried to open a portal to N but failed
      lucid , dream fragment
    12. Five shorter dreams, including a snake in a cake

      by , 09-08-2017 at 09:46 AM
      Morning of September 8, 2017. Friday.

      Instead of making a separate entry for each of these five dreams of today, I will, at least for now, include only their summaries in one entry. (These are not all of today’s dreams as I sometimes remember fifteen or more, rarely ever less than five or six, not including the hundreds of short hypnagogic sequences, though those are usually of apex lucidity and too personal to post.) There were other dreams both before and after this sequence of five.

      Dream one: “Sighting a Red-winged Blackbird Near a Bus Stop”. I am in an unknown area in an unknown city, though I do not consider it as unfamiliar or how I got here. A kindergarten teacher is trying to get all of her students to gather together in one area, possibly near the bus stop. (She reminds me a little of my own kindergarten teacher from my childhood.) They may have been on a field trip. The streets have mostly commercial buildings. There is an open area which is mostly like a park on the opposite side of the street from where I am. I see one bird walking about on the short grass. It is a red-winged blackbird. As it slowly moves away from my view, sometimes hopping or flying a very short distance, I notice that the spot on its wing seems different at times, either more red or more yellow, but I consider that this relates to how its wing is positioned. It faces to the right at times. I point at it and cheerfully say that it is a red-winged blackbird. The teacher acknowledges me briefly but seems more interested in gathering her students together. (This is a typical combination of return flight waking symbolism mixed in with coalescence waking symbolism, with the bus stop analogy of returning to wakeful consciousness. The preconscious - the teacher - is passive here as it is not my last dream of the sleeping period.)

      Dream two: “Shaving with a Guinea Pig’s Shaving Cream”. I am with an unknown male in an unfamiliar bathroom, though I seem to be him at times. The other male is in the bathroom to shave, but he uses shaving cream which belongs to the guinea pig. The “guinea pig”, who actually seems mainly like an ordinary male human, stands off to my left and warns about a human being using it as it may be toxic to them or unsuitable at best. I shave slowly and carefully while looking in the mirror as I am seemingly now the other male. The detail is very clear and vivid. After this, with mostly smooth skin, guinea pig hair seems to grow out smoothly and cleanly from where my shaving occurred, mostly around my chin. I am not that concerned as this is apparently happening to the other male and not me even though I presently seem to be him. (This is partly related to removing most of my facial hair recently. Our guinea pigs are sometimes presently kept in the bathroom because of the cold weather, though in a fully-enclosed cage with a solid bottom.)

      Dream three: “Stolen Dimensional Gateway Emerald”. I am with a few unknown males. We enter a large room that has an unusual glass structure in the center which is higher than our height but only about two-thirds the height of the room. It would be cross-shaped if viewed from above. There is a glass room in the center, with four smaller rooms of slightly lesser height coming out from each direction. Each room’s walls are transparent. Here and there are multicolored rocks of the type found near some railroad tracks. I am aware that the emerald used to control the dimensional gateway is missing. In fact, I consider that I may have taken it. There is a vague sense of amusement as another male is annoyed that he cannot use the gateway. I look over a few of the interesting railroad track rocks and mention how the gateway emerald could be replaced, not to actually be usable, but so that other people do not know the real one was taken. “They don’t have anything like that at Walmart,” says the other male angrily. (This is some sort of distorted and failed reinduction - that is, dream reinitiation attempt, my dream self coalesced with the preconscious and my subliminal will projected as from another character.)

      Dream four: “Snake in a Cake”. There is some sort of party (possibly a birthday party) in a mostly featureless room that mostly only has a very large three-tiered pink cake that is about a foot higher than me. I get the impression that it may be taking place in the house on St. Cloud Street (where my older brother Earl lived for a time years ago). A lot of people are present, most unfamiliar, some relatives. After a time, a very large snake crawls across the floor. I relay what I see to the crowd, some people trying to leave, but there are too many people pushing about. I watch the snake smoothly crawl into the base of the cake and disappear. The imagery is mostly in pinks, oranges, and yellows. I relay how the snake has gone into the cake. Someone, an unknown male, says that he is not eating any of the cake. Later, the cake starts turning like a merry-go-round, which is caused by the snake’s actions. The cake eventually falls apart but there is seemingly not that much of a threat from the snake. (This probably relates to becoming dizzy in the past presumably from too much sugar, but I have not had problems with that lately, and I no longer drink cola at all. The snake was not rendered very realistically - more of the “War of the Serpents” mood and style from my childhood, so not serving as a vivid and more dominant waking prompt in itself as in other cases. Pink of a specific hue is often related to mild indigestion in sleep, based directly on taking Pepto-Bismol a number of times when I was young.)

      Dream five: “Earl’s Puppies”. This is fairly vivid. I walk into a room that is mostly featureless. Earl (older half-brother on my mother’s side who died in November of 2007) is standing in the room. There is not much light. He seems healthy and appears mostly as he was in the 1980s. I am aware that he has at least three puppies (perhaps four) inside his abdomen. I hear them whimper a few times and there is movement on his skin’s surface. (His shirt is up.) I am not sure if he had (either deliberately or accidentally) swallowed them whole or is willingly to be some sort of surrogate mother. I ask him if he is concerned about being bitten internally or if it might hurt. He seems cheerful and resolute. (This is likely a result of mild indigestion mixed with hearing the dog next door whining in real life through the veil of sleep.)

      There were a number of other dreams, a couple of which I may post separately at a later time or date. These dreams in order of vividness and clarity were five, two, one, three, four.

    13. Log 861 - Thief-Seeking Missiles

      by , 09-08-2017 at 01:09 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Got that DILD and a fragment to note.

      Dream 1 - Thief-Seeking Missiles

      The visuals were clear. I was wandering around the streets at daytime. Eventually, I stop by at a gas station, specifically the same one I used to work in. There were some major renovations since I've been there, including the registers being in the opposite side of the store. Maurice, one of my old managers, was busy with some customers. I considered talking to him, though I backed off. It's been so long, I doubt he even recognized me anymore. Later, at an unknown site, I build up enough nerve to call there for a chat.

      Time skip at night. I'm back at the gas station, this time as a worker. Three other employees were there as well. Of them, I recognized Maria. Another was an older, large African descended woman, while the last a skinny, aging, clean shaven Hispanic man. I take a look around, and find things were now arranged much more similarly to how I last remembered. There were, however, more selection of hot foods. I thought to sample some, but reconsidered when I found the pastries had long been shriveled into an overbaked husk.

      I worked the register for some time without incident, besides some guy having concerns of having been overcharged out at the pumps.Then, later on, a big, loud black woman shows up to bicker with my like-skinned fellow employee. Tension builds up to the point of violence. I overheard their being "friends", though how one could tolerate such vitriol under any circumstances is beyond me. Anyway, this scene distracted me from looking around the store. Before I could react, I found that some jerk had gone on and stole something in plain sight. The bickering had finally resolved by that point.

      After that, a mess of customers began piling up. In fact, this left me so preoccupied, that shoplifters came out of the woodworks to snatch something or two. I later had to deal with a drugged out woman, another of my coworker's supposed "friends". There was some confusion over the money she gave and what she actually owed. As I counted the funds, the woman ran off with whatever she had in hand, and I just knew I got the short end of things. Concurrently, some teen girl rushed in, swiped some DVDs and snacks, and ran off in one fell swoop. And if that wasn't enough, both previous madwomen returned to cause another commotion. What a night...

      While that happened, I caught sight of underaged punks going straight for the alcohol coolers. And sure enough, I overheard one or two muttering about a beer run. I was, by then, infuriated enough to look for trouble myself, so I went to the front door and waited. Still, I was of mind to reflect on that unreasonable theft rate. I made a reactionary hand test, but no matter the result, I gained awareness.

      Vengeance still filled my thoughts. I immediately blasted the punks with an energy blast, then followed up with an explosive beam split and directed to those two rambunctious women (of course, all with precautions to not accidentally hit anyone else). I then stepped outside the lot, hoping I'd find any other previously encountered thieves and scoundrels, though they were long gone by then. After thinking it over, I figured a homing attack would let me get even. I fired a golden ray into the sky, which I divided into a dozen or so other beams. These arced and spread out all over town, until they eventually exploded one by one at isolated, distant locations. Couldn't help but guffaw in triumph.

      With that done, I tried conjuring my guide, E, imagining she'd appear standing around the sidewalk. Unfortunately, I lost focus, and collapsed the dream entirely.

      Scrap Group 1

      WBTB for 15 minutes to write some notes and stretch for a bit.

      False awakening. Mom comes barging in the room, demanding I get those hurricane shutters installed despite not having a ladder.

      Updated 09-08-2017 at 03:00 AM by 89930

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , dream fragment