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    1. 19 Mar: Reality show, whistleblowing, beating the crap of a racist homophobe

      by , 03-19-2019 at 04:46 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      Watching a reality show to find the best tenant for houses. The best judge is an arab guy, super honest and the only non-racist. He expels an Irish girl that others think is the best option, just because of her ethnicity. But she makes the landlord go crazy, feels entitled to everything, thinks she is an artist although been struggling for years to finish one work with dolls made of corn cobs, accuses fellow competitor of not being an artist, although he clearly is better artist than she is.

      Working at a lab that is taken over by bad guys who hide some nasty truth about some product. I sneak in at night to try to prove it. Almost get caught because the big bad boss is visiting. I have to go deeper into lab rooms and end up finding what I want, a room with corpses and samples harvested proving serious damage. I try to examine them, but the visitors are coming and I have to keep moving. They detect someone has been there, I rush to a back exit. There is a guard and a dog, but I have been making friends with the dog who dislikes its owner. So I escape easily and I go to van with my friends waiting for me. The dog actually follows us and wants to come, so we say "jump in" and he does. Then the guard realizes and comes to attack us, mostly wants the dog back.

      Back to my dojo for training and it doesn't go so well, I am out of shape, but doing my best. Then at the end there is some kind of funds collection for something, everybody donates some coins. And then some weirdos are coming for a lecture. They say it's time that we get political and I think that's going to end up bad, because some of us are left wing, others right wing and bringing politics into the dojo will divide us. But their agenda is to brainwash people to be homophobic and racist and so they show some slides and pretend they are backed by science, talking complete nonsense about supposed physical differences that make some ethnicities weaker than others and insulting gays with horrible prejudices. I get really angry, I get up and tell them that's a load of crap and I ain't staying another second listening to it and if this sanctioned by sensei he just lost a student. And then the majority of my colleagues also get up and leave. Only a few stay. Then their leader comes after me, angry that I disturbed their little campaign and he keeps popping up on the corridors that I go through. I try to go around him and ignore him, but he wants to hurt me, so I decide to face him and I kick him in the face. One more kick and he is on the ground. Then I beat him until he is literally squashed and unrecognizable as a human being.

      Outside there is a large running table and I spot some of my cousins and other family members gathered there. My two uncles look angry and unpleasant as usual, but everybody else seems to be having fun. Then they complain nobody takes their orders but all the pretty girls and younger kids and nice people are constantly making requests that are attended. I think that's karma, because they are so nasty and I don't feel sorry for them.
    2. First

      by , 03-19-2019 at 04:08 PM
      First dj entry hopefully I'm doing it right.

      I had 2 non Ld last night. One about staying over at some guys house, other one was about a survival in some kind of safe house, there was some killing and we had to determine who was the culprit for kidnapping everyone.

      I meditated prior to sleep like I usually do and faced a problem that happened before. I'm just too aware and have trouble falling asleep. This happens most if mediate too long although last night's session was pretty short. But anyways what happens is I do feel my body sleeping, it's going numb, almost like sp, but I don't get into sp. I hear some sounds. Third eye area vibrating alot. This lasts for hours and I kind of get a half rest in it like nrem. I think if I just had a rem during it I would be lucid but instead I'm bored in this state limbo. I tried to force a dream by visualizing this time and managed to get some hypnogogic imagery during it and could manipulate it to a certain extent but it just didn't become clear and immersive enough to be called a dream. It's like an almost a dream but missing a few spices. I sas trying to just fall asleep and lose awareness until I could wbtb but had a trouble with that too.
      non-lucid , side notes
    3. Not Lucid But Mediating Every Dreaming Process Anyway

      by , 03-19-2019 at 10:57 AM
      Morning of March 19, 2019. Tuesday.

      Dream #: 19,083-04. Reading time (optimized): 3 min.

      This incredible dream sequence is long but with the longer second part offset from a vivid foundation where I eventually mediate and viably control several common REM sleep processes understood since early childhood, atypically in the same dream, yet with no emerging awareness that I am dreaming at any time.

      Sky mediation integrated with window (liminal space division) mediation (which is a form of concurrent environmental monitoring with subliminal RAS/cortex gating):

      In the beginning, I am indulging in atypical sky mediation (from indoors rather than outdoors) without viable lucidity. I am in the lounge room of the Stadcor Street house (incorrectly recalled as my present home) and standing near the front windows. This anticipation is low-key. I do not focus on “something coming down from above” as in many past dreams, but I am subliminally manipulating the amount of light and color in the sky. At the same time, I am vaguely aware of an “invisible” video superimposed over one area on the windows, but I focus only on the sky beyond. I consider, without emotion, if the sky represents the “end of the world” (analogous to the “end of the dream state”). Many colors are present, but red and yellow dominates. I gaze at this process for several minutes.

      Identity mediation integrated with doorway mediation (as sustaining the dream state) as well as subliminal dream state awareness (the presence of the beds).

      I find myself in the King Street mansion in the second floor’s middle room of the east side. I have a false memory of the landlady having changed the way she rents rooms. She now has it so that two people have to occupy each apartment, each paying twenty dollars a week instead of one tenant paying that amount. My false recall is ambiguous, but I consider that she has done this to make up for me having lived there without paying rent for so long. Leonard is sharing the apartment with me. I walk across the hall and see a young platinum blond male in his room near the right side of his bed. He is unsure of who he wants as a flatmate. I suggest my friend Rick (saying his full name) but then consider that Rick might be too old to live with this person and state as such to him. (This does not make much sense, as I perceive Rick as being about twenty years old, even though in reality he is in his fifties as I am.)

      I have several different types of keys, one a skeleton key that I joke about with Rick, to determine which one works with the door of my room. There are little keys as well as more obvious house keys. I eventually find the correct one. Rick now seems to have taken Leonard’s place.

      From here, I go downstairs (transitional vestibular system correlation). The landlady seems cheerful. Two unknown people stand in the unlit foyer talking to her. I hear the woman say her name, and her last name is the same as mine. I comment on this as I leave the house.

      It is now daytime. It turns out that the woman, now a young girl, is my niece. I walk atop a fence (linear vestibular system correlation and mediation of liminal and enigmatic space), and she becomes the vestibular system simulacrum (personification of vestibular system adaptation). She continuously cheerfully talks to me about how I should walk atop it, regarding balance and distance of steps, which now becomes a series of fences. She is usually on one parallel to the one atop which I am walking. I now get the impression that we are walking to school (relearning emerging identity and subliminal cortex awareness).

      Two nieces and two nephews (on my father’s side) are present, though they are much younger than they should be. After becoming aware of this scenario without full current conscious self identity, I walk down the sidewalk near the front of an unknown house where two of my nephews are standing. The oldest is talking about how much fun he had surfing recently (a result of reinduction processing which does not continue). I tell him that I saw him surfing in a photograph as if to validate his experience (which seems like a false memory) and he seems puzzled by this as I consider I may be mistaken. The process fails (water not moving, melatonin flow stopping, similar to water lowering waking autosymbolism), and I then meander around the unfamiliar neighborhood until I wake.

      Tags: fence, keys, sky
    4. Monday, March 18

      by , 03-19-2019 at 06:41 AM
      I am in what I think is a Kohl’s (though I’m not sure it really looks like one). I’m with a familiar? guy and bringing some clothes to the fitting room to try on. They seem to all be on hangers. The fitting room is a stall set atop a little raised platform. The door is sized so that one can see the occupant’s feet as well as just above their head. For a moment, I am watching either myself or someone else; the clothes can clearly be seen hanging. I ponder the result of this on theft, thinking it probably lessens it. I don’t think I end up getting anything.

      I am in what I think is a movie theater. It seems like it is a much older building, or like I am in the past. There are mostly middle aged hippies filling in and into the theater. I’m in a sort of hallway outside the theater; I pull back a curtain over an opening and get a glimpse of the theater. I then go find a seat. Looking around, I’m very surprised I don’t smell pot. It does look hazy though. This film that is being shown is very psychedelic, not in an overdone or hackneyed way, but in a very synesthetic way. The clips or scenes are disjointed and cause visceral sensations. It seems the film is being shown to elicit collective response that becomes the spectacle itself. The whole thing is very phantasmagorical
    5. Tuesday, March 12

      by , 03-19-2019 at 06:39 AM
      I am somewhere and by Brad Zugle (with short hair). He is saying something about my online application to BaseCamp. I do recall an image of what looks like a Facebook posting. It says something about ‘Ryan’ (it being hyperlinked), but there was no last name, so I wasn’t certain if it was about/for me. It also seems like it was a while ago. I just ask him the best way to submit it. Now I am in the climbing gym?, though it looks more like a small living room and/or Rocksport’s foyer. Brian Sweeney is here, and I talk to him about it. He just seems aloof. The team is here too. I’m doing some pull ups on the hangboard, then I have someone help me with leg throws. I end up doing more than I thought I would, pushing past the burn and really trying my hardest. I want to get back into it and back into shape starting today. I think that I’d be in the climbing gym until about 7 and then have some free time after that. I am now with the team at a park. It seems dim out. I am supposed to be watching over them. Right now, they are running around. Someone has some remote controlled object that flies around. It looks like a cup? but comes apart into many little, connected pieces and then imperceptibly back together. One of them has climbed up pretty high on a fence. I’m thinking about how I should have them come down or it could make me look bad.

      I am with Sage and Guy. We’re on our phones, and there’s something about not hearing from Skye and/or her not posting anything. I am fairly certain she has died, though I don’t really want to say it. I feel a very real pang of sadness.
    6. Sunday, March 10

      by , 03-19-2019 at 06:35 AM
      I am in the garage of some unfamiliar house. I have just come down here, and I notice that it’s fairly cluttered and dim (it almost looks like/feels like it could be very late at night). I notice some empty beer bottles here and there and Dad standing by a fridge. He sees me, is silent for a moment, then starts uncontrollably giggling. He is also by a case of Vienna Lagers. There’s a palpable sadness at observing him like this at this hour. (There was also a blue armchair that I assumed he sat in down here).
      Tags: beer, chair, garage, house
    7. Thursday, March 7

      by , 03-19-2019 at 06:33 AM
      I am doing an escape room with Melissa, Brooke, and possibly Breezy. This place looks like an actual house, with a few rooms that we can go into. The house seems very tidy and sort of minimalistic, though not without adornments, and has an antiquated feeling to it, as if lived in by an older person. I get the sense of some sort of travel theme, aided by a huge map of the world taking up almost a whole wall. We are trying to escape now, and it seems like I’m doing a lot of it. It’s not that they aren’t or can’t, it’s just that I can excel in a small group of familiar people. I end up moving a bunch of hanging paintings. One has a clue written in red ink on its back side. Many reveal a tiny, circular light bulb protruding from the wall behind. I imagine that these will all light up later and serve as a clue one way or another. I like that the clues flow easily, even if somewhat too easily, and aren’t disjointed. I had moved a small realistic painting of a brown bear (the bear on a slight incline, seemingly in motion, very realistic, and cropped fairly close). One clue mentioned something ‘dreary’, which we noticed with some excitement was referencing a very large and impressionistic painting of people that looked dreary indeed. (*As I write this, I think it may have been moving this painting that revealed the map). I think we are supposed to place small pins in certain spots on the map. The map is now gone? and there are just little holes in the white/tan wall. There seems to be three different clusters of holes, and I think the pin needs to be placed in the correct hole. Melissa guesses the first placement correctly, after which a recorded voice from a speaker tells us we’ve gotten it correct. We try the other ones but never get a response. I end up telling our situation the female employee on the other end of the radio. She’s quiet for a second and then I hear her say to someone else “I have no idea.” I also don’t really know what there is for them to do when a piece of the game simply isn’t working. At this point, I’m thinking we’ll just have them tell us the answers to this part. I also notice that Melissa and Brooke seem to be off doing something else. I hear them talking and laughing in another room. Then it becomes more quiet, and I go look. Melissa is laying in a small bed in an alcove in the wall just big enough for it. I notice a gap between the far and the wall along the head of the bed (which is reminiscent to me of the sleeping quarters on a boat). Melissa looks grumpy, her face sort of flushed and pouting, her gaze diverted. I go to kiss her but she moves so that we kiss each other on the cheek instead. At this point, I notice that her eyes are a little misty. I was what’s wrong and she keeps saying nothing, etc. I finally get it out of her that she’s upset that the puzzle room is not working as it’s supposed to. It irritates me because it’s such a trivial thing to let yourself get upset over. I go back into the other room now, and I don’t think we even have radio contact with this girl. She said she was going to call the shoe room? This room is behind the other. There’s a writing desk and an old corded phone that I see but never hear. While waiting, I start opening drawers, but find nothing. I’m wondering how much further this puzzle room will go into the house. I notice a bathroom and a room or two off of this one. I never do hear the phone. Earlier, I noticed a timer with a green ‘70’. I thought that meant we were doing really well on time.

      I am at Walmart? with Melissa, buying only two things. We are at the end of what is apparently the only line, behind a family of four that looks nice enough but also a little privileged. The woman notices how we only have two items and offers for us to just throw it in with their stuff. I was going to use a gift card, and I’m not sure how much is on it exactly, so I’m not sure how that’d work.

      I am outside of a grocery store. I run up to the entrance, pushing a cart, and ask the younger looking boy employee if they do valet, with an absurd touch of humor. I then leave the cart and run inside to retrieve what I’ve forgotten.

      I am watching (on the news or some kind of video?) cars driving in both directions on a freeway through a snowstorm. Someone is commenting on how it’s almost been the worst winter when, sure enough, a car starts to drift and ends up impacting a school bus. Then school bus then takes out another vehicle and the whole thing exponentiates into an event that just made it the worst winter to date.
    8. Fragments

      by , 03-19-2019 at 03:56 AM

      We were at some place playing some game or something, I think it was tennis. I don't remember most of it.

      Next, we're on a bus, leaving. I'm trying to find someone to sit next to. I try to sit next to several people, but they tell me the seat is reserved for someone else. Finally, I sit next to James, but he won't let me sit there, he's saying "my bag is here etc."
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. Log 1418 - Shin Shadowrun Tensei

      by , 03-19-2019 at 01:49 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Monday 18 March 2019

      Got a dream and some short lucid dreams to note.

      Dream 1 - Shin Shadowrun Tensei

      The visuals were dim. I was creeping within the hallways of an industrial facility, pipes exposed in parts of its steel-paneled surfaces. Save for some blinking panels and emergency exit signs, the place was completely unlit. I "remembered" why I was there: I was a Shadowrunner, one of many mercenaries/career criminals contracted for dangerous (often less-than-noble) deeds. My current assignment was to steal some documents, plus whatever else I could make off with as "incentive pay". This all somehow involved facets from Shin Megami Tensei, and indeed, much of the surroundings wouldn't be out of place in that game.

      Minutes in, I arrived in a series of winding corridors. Most proceeding exits led into closet-sized rooms. The exemptions were a vault-sized door, as well as an elevator nearby. I figured a "boss fight" was beyond the vault. There wasn't much reason to take that quite yet, so I surveyed more of the structure. I paused at various intervals to become invisible, imitating Chipp Zanuff from Guilty Gear to do as such. That is, yelling "Find Me!" or generally screaming at the top of my lungs. Regardless, it actually seemed to work. But, the moment I laxed, a video-game-esque random event occurred. A command-line screen notified my getting caught by heavily armed and armored guards. I was taken into custody without prompt.

      When I come to, I found myself back at the corridors. I was strapped on a gurney, and was being hauled off into the vaulted door. Two guards with futuristic armor and gear stood by the entryway. But, before the door opened, I was suddenly set free. I looked back to my liberator. He was a man with long, brown hair, his face and form mostly concealed by a heavy filter mask and a leather duster, respectively. Before I could speak, he vanished. Not that I had the luxury, for the guards quickly took notice, demanding I stay put. My viewpoint changed to a profile-level, third-person perspective. I hurried off to an exit. Oddly, the guards casually remained in place, glancing elsewhere as I shut the door behind me.

      First-person view again. Once I thought I was safe, I investigated my belongs. I discovered I'd lost all of my credits, over 200k's worth, along with some expensive gear. Dismayed at such, I opted to simply "reload" a previous save.

      Rewind back to the corridors, my gear recovered. I take the elevator to an upper floor. After some scouting, I found an office workspace. Rows of desks, cabinets, and computers narrowed the otherwise wide room; there wasn't even enough room to partition the place. I looked through every cabinets, diligently prying through the sparse filing folders I'd got my hands on. The target documents, I assumed, were stored in a small red USB stick. But, I found nothing of the sort; each folders were completely empty.

      Minutes later, I sensed someone approaching. I changed invisible (loudly, once again). Soon, a janitor arrived, a guy with a black mustache. He didn't suspect anything was amiss, that is, until I moved around him. Still, I was able to go past him without further alerting him.

      Then, I stumbled into a waiting/meeting area. It seemed several employees were staying the night, no doubt to catch up on work. They even had sleeping bags and dried food prepared for the occasion. I re-cast invisibility, just in case. But, someone took notice of such, a man with a long, high-bridged nose. He yelled an alert to the others, speaking with a distinctive Australian accent, and gave chase.

      I hurried full-sprint back out the office and into an unexplored hallway. The office man was still able to keep pace. Eventually, I made it through a door and to a stairway. In haste, I jumped into a dark corner beneath the ascending stairs, where I again used my powers to fade. The long-nosed man rushed upstairs none-the-wiser.

      I decided to wait there until the heat died down. Or, I would've, if the dream hadn't vanished not a minute later.

      Scrap Group 1
      At a dimly lit hospital room. Soon, a flat-line was heard. I trembled in distress from what that may imply. I then got aware. To relieve myself of tension, I converted that unnerving sound into music. Specifically, Quicksilver from Guilty Gear Isuka. The dream soon collapsed.

      False awakening in bed. Only semi-aware (thought this was just a near-dream state). I found I was cuddling with my dream guide, E.

      Walking around city streets at night time, the roads illuminated by warm lights. Vehicles passed through occasionally, going to and fro from a small bridge in the distance. Palm trees were lined on grassy median bars in the road. Noticed I was only in bed clothes. I was aware from the start. Took a moment to rub my hands, then to feel out a picket fence randomly placed nearby. Unfortunately, I was too overeager to do crazy stuff. The dream collapsed about half a minute later.

      Updated 03-19-2019 at 03:13 AM by 89930

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment