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    1. Documentary

      by , 04-15-2019 at 09:43 AM (Into my world)

      this dream is short but for me it was very interesting and strage.

      I'm in a documentary, I see the scenes but I'm not a part of it, I'm the voice that explains the things.
      the documentary is set in the African savannah, and I'm telling you how the man evolved.
      our predecessors were called Eres'al, they were bigger than us, with hair all over their bodies, they had strong arms with big hands and they walked on all fours; in practice we were something very similar to a gorilla.

      This animals became human because some individuals, in addition to looking for food and avoiding being eaten by others, found time to devote to themselves to stop and reflect, this with time led their minds to evolve.
      We can see this big gorilla laying in a field and looking at the clouds that float in the sky.

      The next part of the documentary take place on the bank of a river with a waterfall nearby, wee can clearly hear the sound of water falling from a big cliff.
      there are see a man and a woman, still very primitive and naked, who haven't yet learned to speak approaching for the first time. both of them had never seen a human being of the opposite sex, so they are very shy and wary. they approach slowly and when they are a few steps away from each other they stretch their hands until they touch each other.

      In the last part wee are in an African modern village, there are people who walk among the huts, others who cultivate the fields. then the camera zooms into a school without walls where there are a lot of children writing on their notebooks, the teacher is explaining something and on the other side of the room wee see a cameraman who is obviously doing a bad job because he isn't suppose to be in the scene.


      this dream is hilarious, I'm thinking about how it would be if they really did show a documentary like that on focus hahaha

      Updated 04-15-2019 at 09:47 AM by 96212

    2. Learning from mistakes

      by , 04-14-2019 at 08:45 PM
      Short Ld and failed ap. Slept too late, I think that affected Ld alot. Was overwhelmingly tired in dreams, hard to get lucid. Will add detail to DJ if i want to expand dream mapping.

      Notes :
      Try to sleep earlier

      Avoid heavy mental activity before bed, made me tired inside dream (do it earlier)

      Focus on destination or thing when vibrations, relax though

      Lay still

      Keep it up, youre getting better. I know I did bad but still could get lucid.

      + I think glitchiness and tiredness may be connected. Trauma? Could be a good thing.

      Remember to touch wall or ground when weak.

      +remember to use "rewind" ability in lucid dreams.

      My thoughts maybe overwhelmed = tired. Thought about learning new things before bed.

      SC, donkey kong friend.

      Could just be memories from past that created this. Friend became the game character.

      Class room hanging out with ppl. We eat food and stuff. I need to go to bathroom. vegeta, fused with huge zombie guy, cut him apart. Vegs underling short Alien creates 2 blackhole for him. Talking about infinite worlds inside them. (I think I'm in veg pov towards the end)

      Could be incubated, tried using funny visualization along with mantra to make it easier to remember. Pretty long.

      School was structured like the one in Japan. Bathrooms at both ends of hallways.

      D3 lucid
      Starts out with clear but just visualization, micro wake about subway. Eventually finds a narrow blocked cemented entrance i crawl under and get a little stuck. MA.

      Find myself in a beat up house connected to subway. Figured an old guy lived here but they wanted to build subway here.

      Memory about subway.

      Memory /fear of getting stuck in narrow places.

      Are these 2 separate dreams?

      2d rpg like game ff series. Was in a town with chests. Gets into dark castle. Decide to save and load but get back to town. Chests unopened sad about losing save state. Game glitches. Faces a broken lady with every character max dmg to all.

      Maybe memory of losing save states.

      Glitch in the dream were scary before. This one not really. Maybe getting better.

      I rewound the dream because I felt like it. Did the dream get mad because of that?

      AP fail
      Wake kind of can see through eyelids. Maybe already outside body /FA. Get vibrations, focus was wrong. And just get strong vibrations. Felt good though.

      Should focus where I want to be or what I want to instead.
      Or maybe should have tried to touch wall or crawl during vision

      Updated 04-14-2019 at 09:06 PM by 96162

    3. Walls Meditation, ukulele, crawl, wishbook, mountain

      by , 04-14-2019 at 02:21 AM
      Most dreams were ld. I think I'm really getting the hang of this.
      *Just laid still, on back, scratching is ok, calm breath, calm mantra.

      Dream deild chains

      Friends playing catch in the park, I didn't feel like playing catch. I didn't want to get hit randomly either. I control one person with a controller and catch the ball the way, and I'm thinking playing catch isn't that bad. I try to catch the next ball but the guy next to me gets in front and catches it first. I head towards a direction.

      Wake/transition to next dream

      I think this dream might have signified fears of getting hit by balls randomly.

      Big Walls

      I am standing upon yellow stone ground. It's similar to the color of pyramids kind of. The environment is dry just like a desert area. I look around and I see a large staircase made of the same material, the stairs are wide. At the end of the stairs there is a monolithic wall made of the same stone material and it's closed off. I turn around and look behind me and I see a similar mololithic wall that's slowly becoming closed off. The walls were really gigantic. Porbably would take atleast 50 people to move it? It was more of a sliding door/wall or I guess a gate is more accurate.

      I am lucid and I decide to meditate on the spot. I hear strange whirlling sounds that keep on repeating every few seconds. It gets hot though, I have boots on and I decide to stand up and maybe do walking meditation. I take my boots off and perhaps distracted and lose myself to worry of dream ending.


      I think the sounds I hear during this dream were actualy my heartbeats. I heard it in my dream but it was slowed down to 1/2-1/4 the pace. So time was dilated. Very cool. The closing off of walls could indicate the closing of energy leakages in the body. Healing. This is also the first time I managed to consciously meditate in my dreams!

      Running in empty city

      LucidI head outside, into a big city, but it's empty. I run and keep running, I run faster than I have ever ran. I jump to try to fly up. I keep jumping, keep trying.


      I think the "try" made it difficult rather than just "do".

      Basement crawl


      I am laying in the bed. I look around and it turns out to be a basement room. Things begin to get unclear and I lose my vision. So I try to touch something... reaching. And I touch the wall. Touching the wall made my vision come back. But I wanted to walk around. So I just figugred I'd touch the floor. I decided to crawl like a baby and it worked. It was kind of hot so I decided to take some clothes off. Totally like a baby lol. My dad comes in and says "why you crawling like a baby?" I hang around a little ibt more but


      Old house, violin/ukulele


      I find myself in bed again, upstairs bedroom. I still have some memory of previous dream. I find myself in a room full of random toys and things. I find a violin and I pluck a bit. Wishing it was a ukulele, I begin holding and playing it like a ukulele. I played a song I knew and enjoyed myself really. Before I knew it the violin turned into a ukulele. I hear a voice in the distance, calling me. I'm really unsure whether it's from the dream or outside it. I wanted to prolong the dream so I tried the "stop" from the dream yesterday and I think I had time dilation, lost focus and I think its effect gote weaker.


      Class ??? ???

      lucid, have trouble reading handwriting lol.

      says class/ded?/ hor?


      lucid, waking in bed, heading out to the hallways,

      wake->transition to next dream

      Wish book

      I am in the school hallways, walking around. Losing lucidity. I hang out with these dream friends or schoolmates. I find one child who's in a bad spot. He likes book or something I think. So I decided to grant his wish. I gave him a wish book, a kind of a novel that would grant all of his wishes. His wishes come true

      Time rewind. Or just a different day in dream. He no longer has the book. I ask him about it and he said yeah there's a comic book with the same story like that! Guess he wished things back to normal.

      I was in a similar school to last dream, not sure if its the same but similar struture. I think this one was more of a highschool, while the last one was middle-elementary school.

      I am hanging out with some kids I have some trouble recalling earlier parts of the dream. I have some powers so I'm recruiting kids or they just begin following me. I think something cool to make them follow me, forget what though. Later on I find everyone in a classroom.

      I find a mountain that you could see outside the window in the classroom and there's a girl who's from this class that's gone missing. I tell all the kids in the class that we should go on an expedition to save her. I can use my clairvoyance or something to see that she's indeed in the mountain, alive and pretty well. She's level 80 or something for some reason. I'm grabbing random tools and items from a stash and hands it out to them and as we head out.


      School interior similar to an elementry/middle school I went to. Perhaps memory of that. Just not good times though.


      6 ld total, 2 were muddy, or hard to recall so I'll count as 5 for now.

      "stop" worked for time dilation

      meditation works as time dilation, I should maintain it instead of moving away and getting distracted.

      Calm breaths, relaxed mantras work well

      Stay still! Scratching is ok but go back to position

      Crawl! If nothing works!

      Numerous LD daily. Getting regular? I decided to sleep longer and wasn't lucid in last dreams. If I didn't sleep in then it's pretty much all lucid dreams!!!!

      I'm noticing more control in my dreams.

      Keep Practicing! GRC MILD, Shadow work, write, meditation!

      +day 17 of grc actually, told myself 14/15 days for big change. I think that was “ripening"

      Always Omnilucid!

      Updated 04-14-2019 at 03:20 AM by 96162

    4. Tiger in the Hottub

      by , 04-13-2019 at 10:00 PM (Cities in the Astral)
      04/12/19 I decided to attempt the remote viewing game by asking for clues to come in a dream. We will see if any of it makes sense. I am doing stuff like yard work in my Grandma's back yard. My wife calls over to me, "Hey, there is a tiger in this hot tub!" I think wow, that is just silly talk! I go over and there is an empty hot tub with a cover on it, now pulled part way back. As I get close, sure enough there is a full grown tiger hiding in there! I back up and tell my wife to go inside. The tiger jumps out and starts towards me. I try to stand my ground but am very afraid. I sternly tell the tiger no and stop it. The tiger sits down on the grass. I go inside and am looking through the glass on the door at it. My grandma and sister are in there. I tell them we need to call animal control, and that it must be a pet tiger that has gotten loose. I look back out and see a few house cats out near it. They do not seem afraid, but I am sure the tiger could eat the cats. Next I see 4 baby tigers are now with it. I am more afraid now. I get the phone book out and try to find the number for animal control, but the book is very confusing. Nothing is in order and I have a very hard time reading anything. I ask for help, but no one seems to help. I finally get mad and decide I will call 911 emergency. I get out my cell phone and it also does not make sense. The numbers are very unclear and I can not get the phone to work.
      I am not sure this has anything to do with the game, but it was very vivid and memorable the same night I asked for clues in a dream.
    5. laying still

      by , 04-13-2019 at 06:08 AM
      Had a couple of nlds and lds. I triedl aying still like DC said last night. Had trouble sleeping, may have to switch bedroom temporarily or something since I used the phone on the bed too much.

      Dream pokemon

      I have trouble recalling the dream. It was pretty long but I only remember bits of it. Towards the end it had mew2 from pokemon and it was confronting misty who was with mew. It was in a laboratory setting. The initial bits of it were unrelated to pokemon. Could just be trace memory. that pokemon film from loooong ago.


      Looking for parents. Parts unclear, was very tired during earlier sleep stages.

      dream may be about getting lost in supermarkets as a child

      Dream karaoke
      Was in an apartment, could be connected to the previous dream. I entered an apartment that looked like the one I lived while in Japan. However the interior of one of the rooms were much larger. The width was about the same but it kept going inwards deeper and deeper. There was a karaoke machine, I sang on it but it did not carry many songs so I was disappointed. Family acquaintances came over, they are trying out the karaoke machine. I think the mics have trouble working. Towards the very end of the room, which went very deep, maybe 1000ft into the room? There were friends and some people hanging out on a couch. We were doing something I am still recalling.


      About not having enough songs on the karaoke machine, could be memory of not having enough songs on the machine when getting it, also the mic issues as well.

      LD/AP WILD+ DEILDs + FA dream (I think 4 total, but 1 not clear, since I focused more on deild instead of noting it on DJ, order of some slightly mixed. End of it was a FA dream, which was pretty long and affected the recall a bit. maybe 1-2 AP like, 2-3 LD like, one of the AP like transformed into LD. I'll count the 3 since I remember I had 4, but have trouble remembering 1) stayed still

      I was getting some sensations and that "feeling" that I could leave the body or do a wild ld. The feeling might have been weaker than prevous times, however I felt confident since I have more experience and I managed to succeed a lot lately when I had that feeling. I just focused on the very gentle vibration. Almost felt like I lost it but I kept at it, I felt confident that I could do it. I think the confidence let me do it. I had slight worry but I believed I could do it and vanquished that thought. (focused on light and sound)

      I see kind of a scene inside the house I think, left eye open but right eye closed. This happend before and usually happens when I am tired. Before I would focus on trying to open the eyes more but that didn't work. So instead I just tried to relaxed and believed that things would get clearer and it did. I look around a bit I think, the house was kind of empty. I think around here


      Started as AP, tried to re-enter, became more ld like and explored a bedroom and woke?


      I stay still to re-enter.

      I think I am in a bullet train. Quiet and low-noise train with 4 seats facing eachother instead of one directional. There is a girl sitting in the seat opposite to mine. Asian, black hair, round face. She comes close to me, way tooo close. I am lucid. But she is still waaay too close and just keep coming closer. We are so close that we are now touching. I am just rubbing her skin for a few moments, inspecting, feeling the sensation of this dream and really am impressed . So I take a look around and I see an agent coming out from the automatic door. Russian spies or something. I begin to get away and the girl follows me. I raise my hand towards an agent and say "stop." I either stop the body function of the agent, or the time that surrounds the agent. I push him away. As we head towards the door on the opposing side where the agent came, another agent comes out the door, again I raise my hand, say "stop", stopping and knocking away. We take a left and the door leads somewhere else not inside the train anymore.

      Either woke, teleported to the bedroom, or a diner.


      Long dream. I woke in a bed. The dream gave me a backstory. I was an old man, maybe 70's white hair, wrinkled and thin. I was a LD teacher and was teaching them kids how to LD and stuff. I head outside to go towards the cafeteria. It was in a futuristic place, people just dont' work like before. I think this place could be a spaceship of sorts, either that or an enclosure bubble that protects you from the harsh outdoors that the earth has become or something.

      Some stuff happens here. I believe I find myself a fortune teller woman.

      I am at the cafeteria. I found myself sitting in a seat. There's a black boy right there he spilled soy sauce all over my food! Everything is too salty. I was trying to hack or repair a phone and I ended up breaking it. The boy tries to help me but no avail. I'm still just wandering around trying to find somene who could help me fixed it or something. Suddenly there's like some authority figure who calls everyone towards him, he's gonna assign random tasks for people to do. I didn't feel like it really. So instead of following the dream plot I just decided to go the other way. There's a security woman there, so I grab my broken phone and parts, put them in a box along with some other things laying around. I tell her "i'm doing the maintenance, let me through." So she does. I am walking through the hallway and eventually finds myself inside an airport. I'm really feeling lost. Dementia? I got my box of stuff and keep exploring feeling even more hopeless, and I find a young man with sparkling eytes, long brown wavy/curly hair. He's an aspiring magician but he's broke and starving. So I find some tomatoes in my box of things and feeds him. He follows me and we keep walking...


      The feeling of dementia, or loss of memory is very interesting. It's like I knew that I should remember to do something in the dream. I know that I would know what to do, that something is off had my faculties were sharper. Close to lucidity. The earlier part of this dream I thought about DEILD or WBTB to another dream, but I was not lucid. So close!

      +I think the discomfort and confused feeling was me questioning why I was here. Close to lucid.

      So broken phone could just be memory of breaking a phone and salty food is just eating oversalted food.


      Lay still

      Believe it will work and it will work

      The dementia feeling or maybe amnesia is the state of nld I believe. I perceived it as "odd" and scary kind of.

      Am I changing? Like I am beginning to perceive the state of non-lucidity as something that's "strange" and lucidity as the normal state of consciousness? This could be a very large growth indeed.

      Improve GRC, do mild and meditation.

      Feeling something big coming. Just a really strong feeling. It's coming!

      Writing stuff down works.

      Maybe use "stop" to stop time around you. Time dilation.

      Always omnilucid

      Updated 04-13-2019 at 06:52 AM by 96162

    6. Song writing, ripening omnilucidity

      by , 04-11-2019 at 11:47 PM
      Did not sleep enough for too many dreams. 2nld 1ld. May have been another dream. May have been able to get more Ld!

      Rubicks cube during wake session woke me too much. However it may have helped visualization dramatically. Writing down mantra was very effective.

      Dream 1 catching ride

      Still trying to recall the earlier part of this dream. Me and a friend and a child emperor are trying to catch a ride. We get on the car share like thing.


      Could be related to missing bus rides in school.

      Dream 2 wonderful music***

      I really really really loved this dream. May be connected to dream 1 as the destination. I ended up in a music hangout or kind of place. All the musicians would write songs and sing and just hang out. I was writing down songs on my DJ. At first I had trouble writing but I got better and better as the dream progressed. (writing got more elegant as songs got better ) Made mucho good friends in that dream. In the end I made music that was out of of this world... It was amazing I wanted the dream to continue!

      Made friends with this really cool big afro haired dude, I loved the song he made and sang it daily within the dream, while he sang my songs daily too. Also met a long dark haired girl, skin pale as the moon, she was very cool. Somehow she could read my very messy lyrics from the start of the dream that I wrote but couldn't read myself and sang them.

      Her voice... So powerful and strong towards the end it resonated through my heart and I..


      This dream! I wish I could have stayed longer. It was wunderland. It was so amazing, so beautiful. It was so fun. What would it be like if im lucid in this dream?

      Writing getting prettier from writing down mantras, very fast incubation.

      Lucid dream class room, ripening omnilucid

      I was sleeping or napping in class. The teacher was a math teacher that all the girls found hot back then. I felt like his heart was much bigger than his looks from my memory.

      I was exhausted in my dream and trying to sleep and I looked around the room. There was a friend Greg, who asked me stories about my lucid dreaming journeys. I found a guy and he let me try out my moves on him. I kicked! A few times and then he helped me improve hand to hand combat. People are leaving the classroom gradually

      I see a guy in the class staying put and I remember about a dream goal.

      I think I'm suddenly lucid around here.

      I ask him about omnilucidity. He says "you can but..." and something in another language that doesn't make too much sense. I keep pressing him futher and I


      Upon waking up what he says kind of makes sense. If I translate what he said it's, "you can, but time spent laying too green."

      So what i thought of immediately was that, Im getting it, but the time is not ripe for picking yet. Or that it would take just a little longer for my body to make all the minute adjustments for omnilucidity.

      Or it could mean my time sleeping is not enough:

      either need more sleep time daily, or

      The total sleep time needs to be greater, perhaps the body adjusts itself dream wise only when you are still or sleeping.

      This dream could also be a memory of school, when i used to nap in math class didn't study and still had the best grades in class. But maybe trauma of when my dad forced me in a room to study grades dropped after that. i think he made me do a homework and wouldn't let me go to sleep because I got one problem wrong or something like that.

      Also might be related to insomnia I had back then, if I knew about polyphasic sleep I wouldn't have been worried about 2 or 3 hrs of sleep daily. Went to doctor but he gave me a tranquilizer (I thought were just sleeping pills) , it may have damaged brain, likely also the cause of dropped grades back then. I think my brain was numbed and nothing would just go in. Maybe the rubicks cube helped activated that slugged area along with Ld practice, reviving the neurons back then. I'll put em to use for Lucid dreaming!


      Very cool dreams

      Rubicks cube very good for visualization, but perhaps not on bed.

      Writing mantra is excellent. Also get to practice cursive too.

      Keep up meditation, grc and shadow work!

      Keep practicing!

      Ripening omnilucid dreamer

      Updated 04-12-2019 at 12:00 AM by 96162

    7. All my 5/5 dreams

      , 04-11-2019 at 07:14 PM
      NM = Nightmare, LD = Lucid Dream

      A list of dreams that are/used to be 5/5, oldest to newest. Italics: used to be 5/5 and are no longer.
      Big font are the best, and (**) are especially unique.

      Events that occur in these dreams can be found here. my full journal is here .

      I have also included the genres to see further patterns.

      2013 and before (first LD ever was after Great Adventures)
      (5 NM with 2013 and before)
      • Fish and Superheroes (now 3/5)
      • My Heroine (now the first 4/5 dream)
        -- second half of year--
      • Nice Meal With Sister (SIX star, Slice of life)

      2014 (near end of the year)
      The Two Great Adventures [LD] (action, fantasy, romance)

      2015 (LD = 14)

      (One NM in Feb. with only 4 dreams.
      March onwards)
      1. Beautiful Garden and New Telekinesis (slice of life)
      2. Fun Place (slice of life)
      3. The Grand Exploration! [LD] (adventure)
      4. Incredible turn-around [LD] (action)
      5. No One beats me to the airplane! (two in a row, romance)

        -- June onwards (two NM this month) --
      6. The Sport of Sticks! (Action)
      7. SLEIGHT OF CARDS ** (first 5/5 in a dark location, thriller)
      8. Chronantagonist [LD] (two in a row, action suspense)
      9. Getting the girl (romance)
      10. Getting the lunch box! [LD] (slice of life)
      11. Art of Monarchy (two in a row, adventure)

        -- July onwards --
      12. The Dream Guide [LD] (slice of life)
      13. SERENDIPITY [LD] (SIX star dream, romance sci-fi)
      14. Inside (and) Out [LD] (drama)
      15. Doctor Who; Konami Code; Cloud Castle [LD] (adventure)
      16. Villain of Three Challenges (action)
      17. Insnow Out! [LD] (slice of life)
      18. Extraordinary Ice Skating; Poor Car Stopping (slice of life)
      19. Space Adventure (science fiction)
        (one nightmare in August's end)
      20. DJ Deathbattle (action)
      21. Cruise With Sister (slice of life)
      22. Of Mice and Women (romance)

        -- (October, which had seven 4/5 dreams as a side note) --
      23. Game Against the Subconscious [LD] (action)
      24. Detective 9spaceking [LD] ** (mystery)
      25. Helpful Subconscious (adventure)
        (end of October)
      26. OZ&SHIOM [LD] (SIX star dream, adventure)
      27. Master of Sports (two in a row, action)
        (one NM in Dec., with the most recorded dreams — 43)
      28. School of Two Trees [LD] (slice of life?)
      29. Ridiculous School [LD] (slice of life)
      30. Equestria!

      2016 (LD = 7)
      (One NM in January)
      1. Grand Adventure of Tasting Meat
      2. Subconscious's Attempt [LD] (two in a row, SAME NIGHT! Adventure)
      3. Fighting and Bending [LD] (action)
      4. Drive for Science and The Flower I Nearly Forgot That Day (slice of life) {400th recorded dream}
      5. DJ's Attempt [LD] (adventure)
      6. SOAR [LD] (SIX star dream, adventure)
      7. Fighting for JUSTICE (action)
      8. Romantic Reunion
      9. DEJA VU (romance)
      10. RISING AGAINST THE DARKNESS [LD] * (slice of life)
      11. My X-Rated Fantasy Musical Adventure [LD] *
        (NO 5/5 in May, two 4/5 and 0 LD, the following is in June)
      12. SPORTS-FECTION [LD] (1st 5/5 to have same date as a prev. year's -- The Sport of Sticks! -- Action)
        (NO 5/5 in July-- two 4/5, 1 LD-- or August-- two 4/5, 3 LD)
        --November onwards--
      13. To the Sun (romance)
      14. Haunting x Moonlight ** (horror)
      15. CHARISMABBY (SIX star dream, romance)
        (NO 5/5 on December, only one 4/5, 2 LD)

      2017 (LD = 3, I blame it on failing relations)
      1. Predetermined Perfect Plan (science fiction)
      2. ELEMENTS; Iron Defense [LD] (action)
      3. Meticulous Planning (suspense)
        (No 5/5 in April-- two 4/5, 4 LD, May--one 4/5, 1 LD, June--two 4/5, 1 LD, and July-- three 4/5, 1 LD)
        August onwards
      4. ACTION! ROMANCE! [LD] (SIX star dream)
        (No 5/5 in September -- two 4/5, 2 LD)
      5. A Pawsitive Journey ** (slice of life)
      6. Critical Condition: the Woman and the Army (drama action)
      7. SIMPLY MAGICAL (adventure) {900th recorded dream}
      8. TRUE SYNESTHESIA [LD] (night after a nightmare, experimental)

      2018 (LD = 9, but had a massive 32 LD’s in only two months.)
      1. Bittersweet Love Story * (1st 5/5 dream on my birthday)
      2. Ghost, Santa, and the Performance [LD] (suspense slice of life)
        (One NM in January, following is February onwards)
      3. Assassination Classroom [LD] (slice of life)
      4. A Piano Battle of Fire and Ice [LD] (SIX star, b4 this, had my worst. Adventure) {1,000th recorded dream}
        (no 5/5 in March -- four 4/5, 6 LD)
      5. IT COULD HAPPEN (same date as Grand Exploration! Adventure)
        (no 5/5 in May -- three 4/5, 1 LD)
      6. THE CONCERT (action)
        (From June 23rd, two months of LD streak)

        July onwards
      7. Badass Soul Mate [LD] (romance)
      8. Cheat Flying and Soul Mate [LD] (romance)
      9. A Fight and the Planets [LD] (action)
      10. Ice, Icy Baby [LD] * (two in a row, same date as Insnow Out! Adventure)
        (lucid-dream streak ends)
      11. Between Worlds (science fiction)
      12. Island of Wonders [LD] (adventure)
      13. Sleeping Beauty (action) {1,200th recorded dream}
      14. DEJA VU II [LD] (same date as Of Mice and Women, romance)
      15. The Renaissance (action)
      16. Feelin' Good (Drama)
        (no 5/5 in Oct. -- three 4/5, 6 LD, Nov.-- nine 4/5's, 5 LD's, or Dec.-- three 4/5's, 2 LD's)

      2019 (LD = 5)
      1. True Path to Victory [LD] (romance) -- best dream of this year
      2. Flight (adventure)
      3. Dream Hotel (same date as ELEMENTS; Iron Defense, adventure)
        (One nightmare in March)
      4. Buddha and the Ship [LD] (adventure)
      5. Violin Fantasy [LD] (action)
      6. Deja Vu V [LD] (romance action)
      7. Hidden Falls [LD] (adventure)
        (no 5/5 in June -- six 4/5, 4 LD, no 5/5 in July -- one 4/5, 3 LD)
      8. Dream Instructor [LD] (action)
        (Only 6 dreams recorded in September)
      9. Purrfect Defense (action)
        (None in Oct., one 4/5, 4 LD, nor Nov., one 4/5, 1 LD, nor Dec., two 4/5, 9 LD)

      1. Mastermind’s Attempt [LD] (adventure)
      2. Art of Life [LD] (adventure)
      3. Virsieras’s World [LD] (xxx)
      4. World Two: Two Worlds (suspense)
      5. E N I G M A [LD] (mystery, SIX star dream)
      6. Dream City [LD] (adventure)
      7. Ambition: Deduction! (mystery)
      8. The Demonstration ** (horror)
      9. 9sk - Hypothesis [Official Music Video] ** [LD] (experimental) [inferred contin. of Demo]
      10. Sanctuary [LD] (slice of life) [inferred contin. of Hypothesis]
      11. Breaker (action)
      12. Princess Cliche (experimental drama)
      13. Music Maestro (musical)
        -- July Onwards --
      14. Splash Free! (romance)
      15. Sacrifice (tragedy) [LD]
      16. "L" (experimental) [LD, same day, SIX star dream]
      17. ~Tasty Dungeon~ [LD] (adventure)
      18. Gathering an End [LD](experimental)
      19. The Epic (drama)
      20. Dream Competition [LD](adventure)[inferred contin. of The Epic]
      21. Nostalgia [LD] (adventure)

      1. Sentinel's Abyss (adventure)
      2. Lucid Dream [LD] (slice of life) [two in a row]
      3. Miraculous Ladybug [LD) (adventure)
      4. AQUARIUS (adventure) [SIX star dream]
      5. Alter Ego (Action)
      6. Ingenious Gauntlet (slice of life) [LD]
      7. True Sight (puzzle action) [LD]
        (No 5/5 in June, two 4/5, one LD, nine dreams)
      8. Dungeons and Dragons (adventure) (seven dreams this month)
        (No 5/5 in August, one 4/5, only three dreams)
      9. Wuxia World (adventure) (four dreams this month)
        ( No 5/5 in October, 4 dreams)
      10. Under the Sea (adventure)
        (No 5/5 in December, 7 dreams)

      (No 5/5 in January, 7 dreams recorded)

      Reoccurring characters (3x or more):
      Jamie: SERENDIPITY, Of Mice and Women, DEJA VU, True Path to Victory
      Abby: To the Sun, Charismabby, Action! Romance!
      Clarity: My Heroine, Badass Soul Mate, Cheat Flying and Soul Mate, DEJA VU II, Deja Vu V
      Virsieras: Oz&SHIOM (inferred), SERENDIPITY (inferred), CHARSMABBY (inferred), Virsieras’s World, Dream Competition
      D J : The Dream Guide, DJ Deathbattle, DJ's Attempt, Piano Battle of Fire and Ice
      Subconscious (not physically): OZ&SHIOM, Game Against Subcon., Helpful Subcon., Subcon.'s Attempt, The Demo
      My Sister: 9sk - Hypothesis, The Demo, Nice Meal With Sister, Cruise With Sis

      Updated 02-13-2022 at 04:41 AM by 92249

      memorable , side notes
    8. 3 Hour Lucid Dream with my Dead Friend

      by , 04-11-2019 at 08:56 AM
      (Side Note) I've been drinking Golden Lung Take It Easy Bedtime Powder every night this week. It has had amazing impact on my dreaming. I've drank it before and I notice the effects the first night and every night that I use it, but I was extremely lucky because the guy selling it was having a by 1 get one promo so bought 2 and got 2 freebies so I haven't been worried about being too liberal and using large spoonfuls in my tea right before bed time. I don't know what this guy puts in it that is so potent but this has been some seriously Shamanic grade awakening stuff and it is like a key or something. I am not writing this in my dream journal as some kind of an advertisement, I am writing it in my journal because I am going to insert it into my journal (DT) every time I have it and I LD that way I can see if it is correlating to the LDs. (Dream)Last night I fell asleep late at about 2:30 am and this morning from 8 am - 11 am I had the most vivid ,longest dream where and old friend that has been dead since 2006 came to see me. My parents didn't like him so I tried to keep him away from them but he wanted to talk to my mother and change her mind about him. I thought about letting him try but I wanted to spend time with him and not cut it short with my mother fighting with him. The really special part of this dream was that I have been wishing he would visit me in a dream ever since he passed away but I have only seen him for very short very foggy periods that didn't give us much time to connect. This time we spent about three hours just hanging out and talking, I kept making excuses with my family about how I was staying out because I was trying to figure out how to drive him home which was about and hour away and still make it home in time for when my family (my parents) came home. I guess our relationship was frozen at around the time he died because I wasn't worried about my husband, I didn't seem to have children, my parents weren't worried about me staying out with friends and spending the night somewhere. I guess in my dreamworld I was in my early 20's. This means I was in the Deepdown. That is exactly where this powder ALWAYS takes me. I didn't even use Binaural Beats or trigger sounds such as cricket song. I just drank my tea and finally fell asleep. I woke up in the Deepdown where you never age, there are no addictions, parents are young, no one is dead but you do try to work through some issues that are related to that time in your life and everyone knows you- like intimately knows you, even if they don't lok familiar they seem familiar and you know that you do know them and they know you. I had picked up David at his house where his mom was at and he had a bedroom like a teenager would have, or a man in his early 20's that lives with his parents. It was an apartment building and it was kind of run down, but when he was alive they were poor and he had a lot of problems with addiction and kind of acted like a thug. I knew him as kind, smart and sweet but he tried to be gangster in our little town. In the Deepdown he still dressed like that but there was no drug or alcohol addiction, we just genuinely wanted to hang out. So we drove to my parents hotel room while they were out and we hung out. There was an underlying sexual tension, but it never really got strong enough to do anything about. We had dated IRL and while we had sex once, the real meat of the relationship was based on a trust and friendship, just really liking to be around each other and support each other. It was a bit Romeo & Juliet, I was a rich spoiled kid and he was constantly in trouble and didn't have a very stable life so we weren't allowed to continue our relationship. My parents absolutely hated him but they didn't even know him, they just didn't like the aesthetics he presented, they wanted my to be with a "winner." It was a sad and frustrating situation but I was only 15. I longed to at least talk with him when I was older but he had a couple of kids and a girlfriend that I couldn't stand. He got into drugs later and then committed suicide. We never really had a chance to tell each other how life had been or how we felt, one day he was just gone. After that I prayed he would visit because I have vivid LDs. Then the LDs went away too. A few years later I found this supplement and it's crazy how it really works I tried other ones but they weren't as effective or constant. Seeing him for three hours this morning was very healing. There was still that silly element that it was inside of a dream world construct but the colors were vivid and he felt like himself- his energy was very genuine, it felt like my friend was actually there. I believe he was. I was still deciding if we wanted to go out dancing and then I could take him home, we went for a walk through a park and talked about our feelings and how they never really were allowed to be realized but that things happened the way they did for a reason. He has two children and that wouldn't of happened. We held hands and we just basked in the energy of each other as true friends. WE went back to the house and I heard the phone ring and I thought it was my parents. But I kind of came out of my dream and realized it was the real house phone, so I went to answer it but I missed the call adn came back to bed. I wasn't ready to say goodbye yet so I just thought the intent of goign back to the room with him and there I was. It was that smooth. We talked a little about maybe me driving him home, then I heard dogs barking and my kids talking and I woke up. I think if I had intended to go back in I would have gone right back tot hat place again but it was time to get up and be a grown up again so I did. I don;t feel like I got to say goodbye but I do feel like this was the clearest, more vivid, most energy filled dream I have every had since he died that he has visited me in and we actually were int eh presence of each other. It was a really amazing dream.
      lucid , memorable , side notes
    9. Magic school

      by , 04-11-2019 at 05:04 AM
      Almost forgot to post DJ.

      I slept late.. Very late. I think it affected Ld alot. I das reading some books to help with visualization and other stuff but got a little carried away.

      Dream 1 magic school

      I dreamt that I was attending a magical institution. Apparently I was an expert but decided to attend anyways for fun.

      So I was a mage and our class was forming a party of 4 for a project that we would do. My plan was to get 1 mage, 1 warrior, 1 rogue sort of party for balance. I found a lady with a pretty high int stat and added her to my party. I head back home once to rest and me and her get into an argument regarding the rest of the party. Worked out OK in the end.


      Dream dead bird

      A bird flying around the house into a closet. I try to find something to catch and release it but when I came back it was dead.


      Dead bird is a memory of when I killed a bird when I was young and scared probably. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Love you. Have fun in a better place.

      had maybe a failed ap or wild something here. I just felt a little bit of the feeling and didn't attempt to separate or visualize into wild. Moved into different position.

      Vision quest
      I was just visualizing and the images stayed to become a film and more realistic just lacked other sensations. It began to form a story about going to a office. Very close to wild Ld I think. Just got a little too excited I think. Perhaps could have worked if I retried and stayed still. Don't think I'll count it as Ld, but will note that I was close.

      Might be a wisp of memory of when I visited my dad for work long ago as well.


      read too late, reading too much on bed is no good. I think i lost too much awareness or lucidity in waking. Reading a little about LD right before bed it ok i think.

      Magic school was something I wanted to do in Ld. In LD! Haha. Incubated. Things keep getting incubated.

      Next time I should probably stay still and try on apparent fails. It's pretty close to transition between sleep and wake.

      Also just bought a rubicks cube to train visualization and things. If I get better I can just visualize a cube or something to play and exercise.
      *might have played it too much on wbtb, perhaps too awake

      Just read a little about Ld or ap on wbtb if desired, helps incubate and doesn't wake you too much.

      Also bought a rewritable board for writing down mantra today or jot dream keywords I think it will help and save paper too.

      Read a book regarding hermetics. It was pretty good reading, about balancing visualization and other senses.

      How do I get lucid on earlier dreams?

      **should have tried to engage other senses in the vision, that would turn it into Ld!

      Keep up grc and mild! Do shadow work!


      Updated 04-11-2019 at 05:08 AM by 96162

    10. medical check

      by , 04-10-2019 at 09:59 PM (Into my world)

      I'm in a city near were I live, and I'm walking and chatting with my friend Lucia (it's a random name) when we both receive an email that tells that we have to go for a medical check.
      So we go to the hospital, it's full of people, we almost can't move. We walk down the corridors and arrive in a waiting room where a nurse gives us notes and tells us to sit down and wait for our turn.
      So we sit down; I'm dressed in black sweatpants and a slytherin sweatshirt, I have my phone in my trouser pocket and when I sit down it slips to the floor, I pick it up and put it in my sweatshirt pocket.

      Then I look at the card I was holding in my hand: it's big and in the upper part there is an image with a written part underneath, I thought the written pat said what I had to do, and instead it's just a quote form someone.
      form the door that in on the other side of the rook, in the left corner, comes a man who is the doctor who would have visite us.
      He calls Lucia and she goes in the studio while I wait. after a while she goes out and the nurse tells me it's my turn and when I go into the room she follows me too.

      I enter the room, witch is very small, and I see a cot on my right leaning against the wall that was edged, with a piece of forniture beside it and a strange machine on it, and in front of me there is the doctor's desk.
      I approach the doctor who is on his back and after having taken a step he suddenly turns around and plants a syringe in my neck injecting something white, it hurts a little but not so much. then he puts something inside the machine that is on the cabinet, probably my blood. the machine is a cube with a screen on it that gaves the results.

      As wee wait I say " you did as in that movie..." and he concludes "doctor house", "yes,that film".
      then the machine gives a result tha corresponds to a big colored question mark, so we have to re do the test and at this point a correct result comes out. after that he makes me another test and injects me again with the white stuff in the other part of the neck. while wee wait he sais that there are so many muscles in the neck and he names one that passes from the neck and goes down n the chest, I wanted to tell him that I was studing them, bue then I staid silent to avoid making a bad impression.

      when the result comes out he tells me that everything is okay and that a ould go, I wanted to tell him the fact that my nose gets stuck at night, but in the end I didn't and I went out.
      I go to lucia, we take out backpacks and head for the exit. to go out we have to go throught a sort of checkout where we have to pass our smart card, there is always the doctor who visited us and he isn't very practical. I give him my card, he strips it, and here I have it again but broken, all the plastic that covers the chip has been removed.
      I pass and then the chest also breaks, the doctor doesen't now what to do and goes a bit in panic bcause a line of boys has also formed behind us.

      somehow we make it and go out. now we are at the bus satation and I ank lucia if she wants to go with me, but she replies that she had to go home so she leaves me.
      so I take my phone and look at the trains to get back home, the first train to pass is in over one hour, I have to wait, then I starto to move slowly towards the station.

      I pass near a playground where there are three kids on the swing, they have reised it a lot, they will be at least three meters from the ground, I hear them laughing and I think they are idiots.
      I walk in front of them pretending to use the phone and whene I'm in front of the last person I turn my head and I see on the swing a fat guy, all brown, chocolate-colored, in fact it seems to be made of chocolate, and his face is big nad plump and he stares at me with a large smile, and on his shoulders he carries a little kid.
      he is very disturbing, I feel very uncomfortable and I go away as fast as I can.


      this is the longest, vivid and more detailed dream I had since I started writing them in my journal, I'm so proud of it even if it's not so interesting
    11. Monday, April 8

      by , 04-10-2019 at 07:10 AM
      I am in what I think is a smaller climbing gym inside a shopping mall. I am going to climb, and I feel good, like I’ve been back in it or something. I notice one other guy, sort of larger guy with longer back hair. I think his shirt is off. I think his presence makes me self conscious. I am climbing but it is also like I am clocked in as security at JCPenney. I start moving quite a few shoe boxes that turn out to be empty. I can’t believe that many would be stolen. I have my radio on, and I’m getting called to do something. Entering the shopping mall, I am running. I clear a few longer steps quickly and then slow down self consciously. I think I am following the middle school boys (what stole watches and socks the other night). I enter another clothes store and am walking around inside when I notice their security or associate following someone. He simply asks the person if he is going to buy something. At this point, I think I’ve lost who I was following or they are no longer an issue. Now, I am in the shopping mall, probably in a little communal area, with some unfamiliar? others. They are asking me if I got dirty or something like that. I look at the back of the pant leg on my Levi’s (that looks like mine but a little darker and newer) and there is a little bit of caked on mud. I think I’ve just washed them though, as the rest of them look clean. I glance up and notice that everyone in my view is wearing blue jeans of the same darker blue jean blue. Now, I am in some dim amphitheater-like room. There are large steps of stone and pebble that descend and end at a very small pool. I am running down these steps as well (possibly in slow motion?) At the end, I jump into the circular pool. While in midair, I had humorously asked if there were rocks at the bottom of the pool (concerned about my landing and impact). This pool could probably only fit four people comfortably, and it is between warm and lukewarm. There is a baby (in a diaper, I think)and one other in this pool. Now, I am driving. It looks like S. Virginia under the overpass, right before McCarran. I see multiple people in the street in front of me. They’re walking this way. Slightly annoyed, I’m going to change lanes to go around them to the right. Before I can, they sort of separate to give me room to get through. I notice that they have brooms or mops, so I slow to a stop by them and crack my window. The guy wants to wash my car. I say no and gesture by waving my hand in front of my neck. When I start to drive away, I see the rest of the group on the side of the road to the right. They look very sketchy, like prison-hardened. This impression is based on their face, neck, hand, and everywhere else tattoos, clothing, and also the look in their eyes. I feel bad for saying no because I don’t want them to feel bad or like I’m judging them. As I am driving off, I look at my hood and see that it is a little dusty but not really dirty. I am now on a more rural/residential road. There is snow, only on the houses and yards and not on the road. The area seems somewhat lower income; the houses are smaller and just slightly dilapidated, but nice enough. They are spaced nicely apart. It is sort of like I don’t really know where I am but do know where I’m going (or vice versa?). I now pull into the driveway of a house. This house is definitely unfamiliar, but I am walking up to its door and I have pliers or some sort of tool in my hand. There was a walkway in front of the house, to the right of the garage, leading to the front door. I don’t know what lives here, but I am going to go in. I think I am about to use the pliers when I hear someone coming to open the door. I throw the pliers to the side lawn as the door is being opened. The door opens, revealing an old woman. I am hoping she doesn’t notice the pliers lying on the grass. I am going inside with her now, and it is like she knows me. Behind the door she let me through is a foyer/entryway type area that seems to be outside but covered. It sort of then blends into the inside. She starts talking to me, and I think she thinks I’m her grandkid. I’d feel bad if that was the circumstance, but it almost feels like I am her grandkid. There is an old man in here, sitting at a computer. He says hi to me like he knows me too. We talk a bit, and I then realize it is Opa. I notice his eyes, and I notice his voice is the same. He is wearing blue sweatpants and has his feet up on the swivel chair. His mannerisms are exactly the same. I am about to leave now, as I think there’s something I have to do (write down this dream?), when Granny?/Reta shows up. Now I am kind of stuck here. We all talk for a bit until I can sneak outside. I walk outside to my car blocked into the driveway and Makayla just getting here. I notice Dad’s truck. The right side of the driveway is a bit more open, but I don’t think I could get out. Jon shows up now, wearing a sun hat, shorts, and a button up short sleeve. We’re all inside, a gathering of everyone, and I think I’ll be here a while.
    12. Saturday, April 6

      by , 04-10-2019 at 07:03 AM
      I am at the Alibi brewery with Melissa. It looks mostly different though - the bar area is smaller and seems shorter, with seating at the counter. It faces the chalkboard tap list and wraps around the end at a 90 degree angle, which is where we sit. It is not very crowded, but there is a fair amount of people, probably right before it gets busy. It is dim and laid back. Right away, a blond girl in her early 20s comes over to get our drink orders. Naturally, Melissa wants a water. She then looks to me, but I haven’t had enough time to choose a beer. I know there is one that I want, but I can’t think of the name. I say “uh…” while looking at the list, hoping she’ll help me out a little. Instead, she just says something like “wow, you do hate me/why do you hate me?” It could’ve been a playful joke, but with the way she said it, it came off as serious. She leaves and them comes back later for a food order. Melissa gets chicken strips. I’m still pretty turned off by the girl’s comment, so I don’t think I get anything, and she doesn’t seem to care anyway. Melissa now has her chicken strips, and they have brought me a beer. It’s only about ¼ full. I sip it, and it is the one I was thinking of (it tastes like some German style, maybe a doppelbock?) and tastes good. I just can’t really believe they served it that empty, so I snapchat it to Brittney. The bill is $40, $20 a person I figure. I want to tip her absolutely nothing, and I don’t think it would be unjustified. I consider writing her a note on the receipt as well.
      Tags: beer, brewery, food, tip
    13. Tuesday, April 2

      by , 04-10-2019 at 06:57 AM
      I am in a casino with Mom. We’re on what seems to be a longer and slightly raised section. There are slot machines interspersed up here, and I’m not entirely sure what’s on the lower section. Mom is gambling, and I’m walking back and forth for some reason. I notice that I’m wearing a tie dye Grateful Dead shirt. I walk past a couple and notice that they both have GD shirts or at least tie dye. The woman has lightly tie dyed and flowing pants. They both have brown hair and are probably in their late 40s. When I walk past them again, ‘Might as Well’ is playing and I am singing along to it. I look to see if they are also, and I don’t think they are. I also wonder casually they’ve seen my shirt. They seem to be looking at something off in the distance. I meet up with Mom now, and she’s holding a voucher. She’s telling me how she was up but then lost some money right at the end.
    14. buff guy, John C training awareness

      by , 04-10-2019 at 04:21 AM
      Had some nld and ld.

      Was in emotionally pretty rough spot. Just old emotional trauma? Triggered and replayed. It was tough. I could have just ignored it or glossed over it with other activities but I didn't want that. Because if I did that... I wouldn't be lucid in the moment anymore. I could have lashed out at someone else, but I wanted to be better than that. And it was so tough. The emotional pain just wouldn't go away. I needed to take care of this emotional burden on my heart. It was rough. I didn't know what to do. Tried meditation, tried praying, tried and tried. I wanted to badly just to do something to numb my brain, but then I wouldn't be lucid in the waking, which would reflect in my dreaming. Just randomly decided to do shadow work on that feeling. Wow it worked.

      started with hypnogogic images
      4 awakenings,
      saw a large manor near the shore
      + something about magic kingdom
      (couldn't sleep well before, just emotional distress)

      did shadow work around here

      dream FA + deild lucid
      I was in downtown area of T, was going to visit a relative or something. My mother wanted to buy clothes. I went but decided to go elsewhere. As I'm heading down the stairs, I see my dad there, he begins to repair something, I forget.

      I wake or have a FA and decide to go back to dream

      I'm back to the same place. Just seeing people going own the escalator and stairs. I'm trying to record my dream journal in my dream.

      wake or FA here again I think and go back still thinking about DJ

      I'm back in the same building but on upper floor. Lucid around here. Maybe it's a parking area or something but the wind from the outside is blowing apart my DJ. I try to push away the wind with my right hand but it didn't work. A middle aged lady looks at me weird lol. I still try to cover the wind with my right hand.

      Wake/FA deild backed

      Back but indoors now, a waiting area with bunch of chairs. I'm recording my DJ, perhaps lost lucidity a bit. I see a really buff tall guy pretty tan reminded me of the rock, kind of intimidating. So I just remark how nice his muscles are with gestures. He smiles and carries me off and I'm like "noooo". He takes me to a private bathroom and we fool around. More lucid. It was.. quite pleasant actually. My emotions were pretty stable and I stayed in the dream a little while after that. Good guy.


      I'm exploring an outdoor mine or something with a bunch of friends, and we fall into a pitfall. We enter an underground mine dungeon and some memories aren't clear here. But we are defeating goblins or something. One of us is a chosen one of some sort and we need to help the blonde elf guy save the elven kingdom that were being invaded by goblins or something.


      This one might be connected to last one maybe. We are in a basement house, just hanging out with some people(maybe relatives from first dream) we know. The room next to it piques my interest and I find John Chang, the healer in the next room. He's training us and I need to jump on floating square white platforms above the water and cross to the other side, then cross back. I complain that it's unfair, how others got a head start before I came in! JC tell me to look at the scoreboard, and the scores are mostly zeroes with a few 1, 2, 3. I realize that going around the lap isn't what the score's about and I look under one of the rocks. There's some secret inscriptions about techniques of sort as I memorize them. Others are still walking around and I realize I have to keep going. So the score is based on finding out secrets stuff around the platform, training the awareness while moving. I realized I was being trained for awareness within my dream.



      Emotion more stable from the shadow working on waking, more stable ld. MORE STABLE!

      Could not tell if I deild'ed back to dream or just teleported from FA bed to previous dream scene. I believe there may have been both. Bed was little strange on one awakening?

      DEILD is awesome, I'm getting better

      Training awareness in dream is a good thing. Dream trying to teach me to LD betterm maybe training in dream is more effective than waking. Getting trained by John was a goal of mine so yay.

      Dreams all were sort of connected. Persistence?

      I really WANTED to make sure I wrote my DJ down during my mini awakening. Perhaps I could have INTENDED for something I wanted to dream, then it would have been incubated really, really quickly.

      Really fast incubation.

      Always Lucid dreaming!

      Updated 04-10-2019 at 05:01 AM by 96162

    15. a little recall.

      by , 04-10-2019 at 02:30 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      Longish dream. Begins where I am walking my dog at night through a park. I am with someone who is maybe xereniak. I see an angry looking kangaroo down the hill. I don't want my dog to go after it so I keep walking and holding onto my dog's leash. We wind up in an abandoned building. My dog is gone now but I don't seem to notice. I say this place is cool I would love to film it for a youtube video. Xer says that's not possible as this place will be torn down soon. We go down some steps when we hear other people in the building. Xer says the ritual is starting soon so we have to hide in and change clothes in order to fit in. We hide in a closet and quickly change our clothes. I have to get into the strange mormon underwear that its your entire body. I think this is silly. We finish changing and enter a chamber with a bunch of mormon kids. I forget the rest.

      Jamie sends a message

      I dream I get a really long facebook message from Jamie. she explains what she's been doing the past few years. she lived in various places and was in various relationships. But there's no mention of if we are on good terms again or not. She doesn't say whether she would like to continue with me or not. I wander a city landscape wondering if I should reply back. Should I say, "I'm always here for you no matter what."? I decide against it. She seems in that frame of mind where we are not good with eachother. Me doing anything will not work. And if there is anything I really hate it is the feeling of sending her a message and not getting one back. I hate dealing with that so I don't send a message back.


      so in waking life. I get a sudden facebook notification that I am apparently a Bjork top fan. I can now leave comments she can see. Then the next night when I sleep bjork is screaming at me, "Why aren't you doing anything?" Maybe because it could be just a coincidence? Am I supposed to leave creepy comments like, "Hey it's me, that weird dream guy? Please, lets talk about it?". Still really skeptical If I was ever sharing dreams with her. Not sure what I am supposed to do here.

      Jamie in jail.

      A dream where I see jamie being locked in a jail cell.

      more jamie dreams

      I had one dream where we were kissing, and another... more checkers.

      One dream that made me laugh: I ran into a blond haired co worker. Jamie was in the distance and seemed jealous. Jamie ran up to me and hit me really hard on the arm. Just because I found it funny doesn't mean I ever condone hitting.

      Other various dreams where I am looking for Jamie but can't find her. She is tapering off again.
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