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    1. Been sick sucks

      by , 04-24-2019 at 08:48 AM (The world of Lyseno)
      Monday 22nd 2019

      I didn’t sleep for long due to been super ill, but did manage to explore some more of the big planet, unfortunately, could not find anyone to fight.
    2. I officially like this planet

      by , 04-24-2019 at 08:48 AM (The world of Lyseno)
      Sunday April 21st 2019

      Nitro! Or looks alike whatever

      I am walking around some plain, or possible just a rock who knows, this place is big as shit.

      Find some place to hide on and then see a bunch of things that look like Nitros from the series Toriko. I am not sure if they really are, so get closer and take a look at them.

      While the things look similar, they are not the same. They ARE birds, so they have feathers and all, their beaks look beautiful and gleam with a black shine. There is also the fact that their arms are not real arms but mostly like some kind of claw that used to be a wing.

      They look pissed that I am here and start to walk towards me, slowly and looking around and circling around myself.

      I try not to mind it too much until they disappear from sight. Turn back and step back while lowering my head to see one claw pass above my head, hit the thing on its stomach and send it flying out then turn and spin towards the ground to avoid the other three and also kick them out of the way then make a spike come out of the ground as my head is hitting the ground, another one comes from nowhere and is about to hit me with its beak when the spike I made sends it flying out of the way.

      I hear a loud scream and then look behind me then block out of instinct and get thrown a few kilometers back… oh who are you!

      Another one of the birds, this one is obviously stronger than the other ones and the black has gone not only to its beak, but all of its body, its beautiful.

      It jumps at me and I block with my arms again, stay my ground then hit it with gravity but something happens with its feathers and my magic attack is blocked?

      I get thrown back a little bit this time and then it continues to attack, I start to get excited but wake up.

      Back to sleep.

      I am sitting next to a big rock, stand up and realize that I am dreaming.

      Once I know that I am dreaming realize that I am close to the last place so teleport to the plains and right away feel threatened.

      Teleport again and see something go through my after image, the black bird! I jump at it this time and start attacking it.

      It blocks my attacks and counterattacks. I try to use magic a few more times but it keeps blocking them all with the feathers on its body. They shine black. SO much fun.

      I jump again at the little bird and we continue fighting. Finally get a little ahead of it and grab its head, then place it on the ground and look at it trying to claw at me. It can block offensive magic but my defensive magic seems fine, as its claws can not go through me.

      Hug the thing tightly then try to let it go. It is still mad and goes again at me, so grow my claws and go through its body, skewer it and then make it become soil fertilizer for the ground before moving on. When that happens the bystander birds start running and they look both mad and sad, was kinda looking forward to them attacking me together but whatever.

      Back to sleep.

      Sleeping next to a… something purple. Wake up and get lucid from the gravity, then decide I should be doing something else, but what?

      I try to not mind my business much and just walk around, but this place is so big that maybe running or flying would be better, but don’t really want to do that and just continue walking until I wake up again.

      Back to sleep.

      Walking around some plains, find out that there is a kind of void? No, it is just a small hole in the ground where a plant is.

      Get lucid while walking over to the small hole and jumping into it, then on top of one of the fruits of the small plant.

      It is purple, and the small fruit is big enough that it contained a big city inside, bigger than the CDMX I go to every day.

      Once I am around the people they ask me if I came from one of the kingdoms outside… uh what? They explain to me a little and I scan the rest.

      Apparently humans are incredibly weak in the food chain and entire armies are needed to fight a small amount of creatures like the ones I fought against before, and they hide in remote places like this one and use weak magic to walk around the planet.

      I try to explain to them but they seem more confused than convinced and stop trying and just start eating from the fruit we are all standing on, which makes them mad! They say I can not eat from the fruit since it is the only thing sustaining our lives, alright?

      Back to sleep.

      Sleeping next to a cathedral. Become lucid when standing and then wonder what should be my next goal. Oh yeah! I need to hunt down more creatures from this planet. I am about to leave when a girl wearing a knight’s armor shows up and stops me.

      She says that I cannot leave as we will be going to war in a few minutes. Why? I ask her if that is my problem and she tries to slap me but stops herself, she says it is everyone’s problem.

      The other warriors tell me how she is super famous for been strong and been able to fight on par with even one of the… uh some weird name for the black bird I fought? I want to tell them I killed one but that is probably the reason why they are coming here and decide to keep that to myself.

      Then she says scouts spotted too, also a red one which seems to specialize in offensive magic and is as powerful as the black one if not stronger.

      I want to fight them so agree to stay and fight. They all still believe I must be a very powerful knight from the kingdom as I do not have any injuries and arrived here on my own and flew down to their fruit.

      I try not to argue with them and help with fighting the brown ones, they want the girl to fight the other ones but want to help also.. how confusing! I just am waiting until they arrive to fight myself and disregard the humans, but wake up before I can go ahead and fight them.

      Back to sleep.

      I am back… but it seems the fight already finished? The whole fruit is in flames, they lost! Stupid weak humans who could not defeat the birds who already left. Try to fly out of the fruits to find the birds and then contemplate that if just the surface of the fruit was as big as CDMX… then the damn fruit itself was as big as half my country, and the three would be as big as the continent, so the hole could hold up probably a planet of earths size. Damn.

      While doing that woke up, which made me mad since I just… didn’t fight the birds.
    3. Me been lazy again

      by , 04-24-2019 at 08:47 AM (The world of Lyseno)
      Monday March 25th 2019

      Already behind again, so will journal quickly.

      I was talking with my not friend the wolf. He explained that the war had broke out and asked me to stay out of it… why?

      I asked him the reasoning since he did say I should have been on the war before, but he said that I am an outsider to their world and if anything, he would like to give me a much harder task.

      I get excited and say yes, then he reveals the super secret high difficulty task! Which is only to go ahead and protect all the war refugees.

      I am supposed to make a special location for them, so only those who want to go to war will actually fight. So I make a giant underground maze and set up a few guardians then teleport everyone inside who is not pro war.

      I also find that some places will not allow me to teleport so have to go there manually. Do get a few fights but nothing I would greatly enjoy.

      Tuesday March 26th 2019

      Same thing as Monday. This time I had issues with the refugees because they were children who did not want to leave their parents.

      Not like I cared, basically forced them out of the war zone and for some reason, some of the people I had saved before… well races, decided to go along with me and help me with the kids.

      Wednesday March 27th 2019

      I was again protecting the war refugees.

      At some point we got attacked by some group of mages, but I just beat their ass and was chilling there. Some people were happy with me, while I was mostly just doing nothing at all and getting bored.

      Thursday March 28th 2019

      Barely slept at all.

      Only remember making more buildings on my underground maze.

      Friday March 29th 2019

      More remodeling the maze and getting bored, watching the war from the sidelines. Too bad I always keep my word, otherwise would interfere but wondering if they are going to take too long… might as well go and fight them.

      Saturday March 30th 2019

      Still was working with the kids and trying to keep them secure, but my impatience was growing larger and larger and was getting annoyed at just waiting. I think a few people agreed with me but wanted protection for the kids more than anything.

      Sunday March 31st 2019


      A lot of dreams but not enough time!
      Basically, finally had it with taking care of the kids and decided I would actively participate in the war.
      Remember first teleporting to my not friend wolf who wanted to tell me it was the wrong idea but I told him that since this was not my war I would just fight however I deemed needed to be fought and he just agreed when he saw I was not going to back down.

      I finally teleport to the front lines of each race and start to fight them.

      The first one I visit is the humans with their weird technology, who start to shot me as soon as I appear.

      This time since I do not want to delay the fight, just start by teleporting to the robots, they detect the missing shots and try to adjust but already compressing the robots with gravity before moving on to the next target. I think they were in the middle of battle because I can see beastmen behind.

      I kind of like beast men so don’t kill them, just knock them out and then instruct them to pull back before teleporting to the next place.

      This time arrive at some kind of temple, and a lake. I don’t know what is going on but see a lot of fireballs and water towers here and there. Seems like a fight between mages and the beast men… wait what, did the humans and the mages make an alliance?

      I didn’t know anything about it.

      Go into the fight and start taking out the mages. The ones who are casting I bind them down with water and then encase them in ice while the ones healing on the back get dig down on the now swamp environment at their feet.

      Before I know it the night is over and I stopped several fights, which is good but I wanted to continue fighting.

      Monday April 1st 2019

      I was again at the lake with the temple, but there were not only mages but also dead beast men… did I not stop this fight last night?

      I try to find a solution and end up taking over the body of one of the dead soldiers.

      First of all, it seems like they deemed me to be their ally, well the beast men.

      Second, they deem me to be one of the secret weapons so they take out theirs too and the fight becomes more violent and third… someone has been watching this place the entire time?

      Someone jumps atop the soldier I am possessing and tries to kill him again. I just take over their body and then another mage comes over to try and kill the new body.

      I take my own body and then some smoke comes out from them and tries to bind me. I absorb it and then attack them with it.

      They seem surprised and prepare to attack again when I take over one of them, kill him from inside and force him to fight his companion before having to wake up for work.

      Tuesday April 2nd 2019

      I was in the facility with the kids, played a little bit then saw the other adults wanting to fight since I went myself.

      I went to check on the fights and saw several of the super big machines from the humans, ended up destroying one before having to go to work.

      Wednesday April 3rd 2019

      More fighting for the war, this time took out some archemages. But also spent a lot of time travelling in one forest I found which caught my eye…

      Thursday April 4th 2019

      Don’t remember anymore, as I barely slept.

      Friday April 5th 2019

      Too much work at the bakery with husband, no real sleep.

      Did have a lucid in public transportation, fell asleep and was looking through a weird glass.

      Saturday April 6th 2019

      AP attempt (WILD)

      I was tired and could feel myself drifting off quickly
      So just got in a comfortable position and waited to get into partial paralysis
      Then when I felt paralyzed started to let it spread, closed my eyes and let the HH begin
      It took a few tries since I haven't done it in a while
      But finally got to a point where I could dissasociate at least my hands
      Then when I was trying to pull myself, this black thing grabbed my head and suddenly I was next to myself but tied down by a dark aura coming from that thing
      I tried talking to it, but it didn't say anything and proceeded to slowly start biting "something" on my body in bed

      Also did some some fighting again in dreams.

      Sunday April 7th 2019 – April 12th 2019

      Finished the war, but it was so long ago don’t remember properly. Do remember however that I managed to destroy all of the powerhouses, ie the black thing and also the phoenix from the beastmen.

      I also remember talking with my not friend from the beastmen several times, he was always angry about me intervening like I did during the war, so I just scolded him because that prevented thousands of unneeded deaths and also prevented the leveling of zones where a lot of flora and fauna was alive at.

      He did ask me what my next goal would be, told him that I would be going to another world and he agreed, but would like if I could stay for a bit longer or come visit every so often. I just thought that was stupid and ended up going to a lonely location by myself before waking up.

      April 13th 2019

      I remember training some since I was done with the war, in between that tried to do the highest I could go for destruction at the time after activating time compression, I was able to make a supernova with ease and pocket dimensions where I could hide myself.

      April 14th – April 20th

      Finally moved to a new planet, this time I was kinda disappointed because there seemed to be nothing new on this planet.

      That is until on Saturday (The 20th) finally realized that I was just in a small portion of the planet.

      Started flying outside of the place where I was located at and then found something quite interesting.

      While I was in a “big” place, as big as the state where I live at, it was but a small puddle in the middle of a mountain range, which was as small as the trail of fangs left by some creature that passed casually through.

      I went higher and higher until I found out that it was just such a big planet, that most creatures here were big as hell, even though a good deal of the strongest ones are as small as humans and the other ones were just big.

      Did find a few big ones as strong as the small ones, if not stronger, obviously that lead to me going to search for said creatures, starting with the smaller ones.
    4. AP Spinning dive, meditation, chinese garden

      by , 04-24-2019 at 04:20 AM
      5-6 AP.i slept in 90 min intervals. 1,3,4th were naturally 90min, I was worried I might oversleep on 2nd cycle so I did set an alarm for it. Overall 90 minutes were natural to me. I watched some Japanese videos regarding LD, since the japanese term for it randomly came up, it was a sign. I watched several videos and LD is not very popular in japan. However there were some naturals who didn't follow the conventional techniques and I got some cool perspectives regarding it.I also held a rubix cube as I went to sleep. Slept diagonally without pillow on 3rd sleep. I also read RR novels from different genre than usual to get more visualization training.

      So there were 5-6 ap in on the 4th sleep cycle.

      1. I felt the "feeling", had some vibrations, I focused on it but had doubt whether it would work. Failed likely due to belief. Went back to sleep.

      -need confidence

      2. Felt it again, this time I visualized with eyes closed. I had memory for one of the japanese LD video I saw.

      It was a scary one where a guy got followed around by a ghost girl like the one from the ring. He exited his dream but kept having FA with her following him. I had the memory of that in the back of my mind.

      I had some fear and it intensified as I focused on the vibrations. It's the fear of sleep paralysis feeling. But I know I could overcome it. I had DETERMINATION. I told myself I was EXCITED, that I only had to leave the room for a cool experience. So I was up and about, saw the blurred vision of the bedroom. Rubbed hands to stabilize. I tried to jump through the window behind me that was beside the bed. I failed (this part might seperate into 2 AP)

      I tried again, I was repelled the first time but I knew I had to really want it. I stopped caring whether I would break the non-physical glass. I went with all my might and I broke through.

      I was out in the backyard. It was like the usual backyard. But it was snowing. It was somewhat warm though. I rubbed hands to stablize. I began to recall an action I wanted to incubate prior to sleep. I wanted to meditate in my dream again.

      I quickly entered the meditative state and sat down. It was very serene. Time began to slow down. Each petal of snowflakes gently floated down ever so slowly. Time was dilated. It was beautiful. I decided to stand up maybe explore. I just watched the slowness of my surroundings and just being in awe.

      -Determination won out. Meditation is still awesome.

      3.I was back on bed, I thought it was over but I had felt something. A feeling I could do more. I stayed still. Soon I was back in. I juump through the window behind me again. I was diving in forward with a spiraling motion clockwise to give it an extra oomph to break through the window. I broke through.

      It was a breathtaking serene garden. The air was gentle and moist, clean. There were water running in mini stone waterways/canals about 1m tall, perhaps 1ft wide, that ran through the whole place. throughout the garden that gave it that dampness in the air. The stones were grey/black from age and the wetness likely making fungi grow. I could sense the stones were shadow of brilliant bright white shine that would have lit the whole garden alight upon initial construction. The dimness of what was left now was peaceful in its own way however. It also had small square stone ponds that had loctus. With plenty but not a overbearing amount of lush greens that gave it a pleasant scent. It was like a garden of the emperor in the dynasty days. It was pleasant.

      I looked to the right and I saw a middle aged, maybe 50-60 years old asian woman, with black hair pumpy face. We exchanged a few glances. I walked past her afer a bit. I walked past her and saw 2 old Chinese men there.

      Could just be influenced by movies.

      4.I was back in bed. This time I decide to head through the bedroom door that was to the front and to the right. I Acted immediately. I went through the door and through the hallway towards the doro to the back. After I went through I was back into the garden from the previous dream.

      To my right near where the old woman was before, I saw a little child that perhaps reminded me of me. I gently pinch the child's cheeks, they were too marshmallowy ok!

      I walked towards to the right as I did previously and I just decided to meditate. I closed my eyes. But I could still see through my eyelids. A little more blurry than before though. I saw I think an old man and two young women, that looked very wise and and beautiful respectively. I decided that I could maintain my meditative state and do walking meditation as I approached them. As I am approaching them, I rub my hands against each other then touch the stone waterway to immerse my senses there. I keep approaching them. They were expecting me.


      5. I am back in bed. I hear my parents argueing. I realize the sounds were not real. They keep argueing though. There is a happy tune playingi n the background, spongebob-esque cheerfulness. I try to jump through the window to the left side but I fail.

      6. I am back on bed again. Still hearing bit of arguments. Not interested. I aim to jump through the same window. Spinning-dive. I did it! But as I break through the scattering shards of glass, the argument also reaches its climax. My mother yells "I'm leaving!" I think this unstablizes my emotions and awakens me finally. The happy tunes were strong and clearer than before though!

      -In the back of my head I also wanted to wake, to write it all down, could be the primary cause of things ending here

      -perhaps this was a repressed childhood memory or something

      few failed LD after this


      Meditation in dream is awesome

      90 minute sleep cycles are very good for me.

      I think I'm lacking rem, will probably rebound with more dreams tomorrow.

      I had the tingling on my third eye wake me during the xx last few failed ones. I just awoke before i could do much each time. I think the best thing to do during these times is to
      that worked before and gave me long LDs.

      New MILD mantra.

      Holding rubicks cube in hand

      Practice 3rd person, visualization, reflection, act out

      +Next time I will conquer the inception dreams.

      Master the "feeling" induce it whenever.

      90 (+alarm afraid of ovesleeping)
      90+(connected to next, awake short, 2 min?) 2:20(total)

      Always know that I'm dreaming.

      Updated 04-24-2019 at 04:28 AM by 96162

    5. Asking Permission

      by , 04-24-2019 at 04:04 AM (Cities in the Astral)
      04/23/19 Got in trouble last night, but do not seem to be locked up. Had many small lucid adventures, then seem to have gone astral again. The transition started as far as I can tell in the car ride. I get into a car and the woman who is driving says she is taking me somewhere to meet her friend. I weather is frozen and snowy. She is driving us through slush and I tell her I would like to change the weather. I exert control and bring ou the sun and change the scene to more of a lovely southern Cali setting. We end up at a cool swimming pool. I enjoy the feel of the water. I dive down to the bottom and look up at the surface from below. I go back to where the woman is sitting on the edge. She is sexy looking and I want her to be topless. I remember getting in trouble the night before and the advice. I explain to her my situation and politely ask her if she would let me play with her naked chest. She has no problem with this and I proceed. However, I feel the dream start to destabilize and must use a sensory reduction method to bring the dream back. I try again and it is very sensuous and realistic. The dream starts to destabilize again and I realize the problem is my body is becoming stimulated and my heart rate has increased. I stabilize again and decide to just swim. I go through many more scenes with the woman including on where I mention that I am actually dreaming and have a body somewhere else. She smiles and says, "yes, but the question is, am I also asleep somewhere and dreaming?" I do not know the answer to that, having assumed she was native to this place. Later we are in a casino and one of the card dealers is a sexy woman in a bikini top. I am tempted to touch her, but again remember myself and do not. I decide to ask her if I can touch her. She says yes, but to come with her to some place private. She takes me to a lower level and allows me to touch her. I again have trouble keeping the dream stable so I thank her but explain I do not seem to be able to stay astral and deal with the stimulation. I do not remember what all happened after that. The whole sequence seemed over an hour long. I am making progress in fitting in and niot getting in trouble.
    6. Dream Police

      by , 04-24-2019 at 03:46 AM (Cities in the Astral)
      04/22/19 Very eventful night. Had been screwing around lucid for many small adventures when things got intense. I was out flying around and saw the coast off in the distance. Tried flying ultra sonic in a superman pose. Got the scene zipping by. Making progress on my jet speed while maintaining scenery (not simulating by blurring) and flew past the statue of liberty and out over the ocean. Came upon a weird fortress on a rock that rose out of the sea. Things shifted and I became aware that the dream now seemed to have a feel of astral travel. Interesting. I float around examining and land on a ledge finding my way inside. Explore halls and it first seems like a medical building. I try to avoid detection, but eventually there are too many entities and I can not go un-noticed. I now see this more as some kind of mall or something. I try to influence the actions of a couple people sitting at a table, but it makes them unhappy. This is unclear if i am in an astral zone or alone in my mind. Normally I can control DCs flawlessly. I wander around and approach an attractive female who freaks out and yells for me to get away from her. She is basically calling for help. Oh shit. It does seem I am no longer in my head and the entity is frightened. I go back out to the exterior of the building and float around to the other side. I go back in to an open area like a car garage or something. I see weird tree like formations and while examining it meet a weird weasel looking creature. I pick it up and carry it inside. There is a giant koi pond like thing. I wonder if the weasel would eat a fish. I use TK to catch out a fish, but the weasel has left. I realize I have entities trying to surround me and they look unhappy. I try to evade them but end up cornered. I can not phase away and they take me to an office lie space. I am being scolded for showing up in their peaceful area and acting like a jack ass. I realize the woman who called for help felt I was being a creepy perv and only after awaking figure catching a fish and leaving on the ground probably did not help. I have a calm conversation with them trying to defend myself. I explain that as I am not an astral being, I only reach their areas while my body is asleep. I explain that while in this state I do not have the best judgement. I clearly do not make fully thought out judgments almost as if I am drunken. I express I do not want to end up band for good from this zone, but can see that I have often made a horrible freak out of myself. I also express that I have trouble with telling the transition from my dreams to places like this. I can touch women in my own dreams, and will as I am a male ape. It is not intentional so much as instinctual and the seeming intoxication or limited faculties I posses in this state make it difficult. I would never sexually assault a conscious living being on purpose. The main guy actually gives me an instructive lecture on how I can tell an entity from a dc. It does not translate well and comes across something like "see this person and the fine detail in their appearance? Notice this, notice that. Now look at this person, see how such and such. You must learn to be aware at once when you have transitioned to this place. We can not have you assault any more people. In the future I recommend you ask permission from any person you see before touching them or doing anything to them. This should be a policy even when you are in your own mind." I am taken to a location outside of the building when I realize a much more aggressive group of people is coming. I am instantly afraid it is some sort of police or military and that they will remove all my powers and incarcerate me as has happened twice in the past. I ask how I can get away and am told not to. I take off from the guys before the authorities can grab me. I can not change the scene or anything like waking up. I fly along the ground away from them. Soon there are people coming from in front of me also. I take to the sky, but dense clouds push in my way and seem solid. I use huge energy blasts to get through. Before long I am tired and realize I have not got anywhere. I am just outside the building where I began running. I head inside and around a corner. I am surrounded but duck inside what looks like a storage closet and hope they will miss me. At this point my alarm goes off and I am able to wake. I calm myself, and push the snooze button. I try to picture a new scene, but reappear in the storage room and am already in custody. I manage to force myself awake. I really was afraid that I would now spend weeks in a lock up like the first time, going there every time I fell asleep with no access to dream control powers. The next night I was free and was back in the astral environment. It seems I had not actually done much to get in trouble and got off with a warning, this time.
    7. 23 Apr: Bullies, babysitting and a sexual fantasy with Eva Green (graphic)

      by , 04-23-2019 at 09:28 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      I watch a friend bringing his gay boyfriend home for a dinner with the family. Family is unaware they date, and maybe even that he is gay. So it comes as a great shock when they casually mention it. Also, the guy had a recent drug problem and his parents are highly controlling it and all hell breaks lose when he shares that his boyfriend is a meth addict in recovery. They leave the dinner and go to the train station, it is raining and they kiss and make out. A train arrives and some guys that usually bully them get out from it. The couple decides to walk away and avoid them.
      Then I am caught in the action, as I stand in their way to allow the guys to escape. The bullies get pissed at me. I escape, but later I am in school and they bully me at the sports field. I don't feel fear, but I want to expose them, so I find a way to record them bullying me. They mock me, force me to do push ups and other silly things as they say intimidating things and somehow I end up naked from waist up. But I feel pleased because I got footage of it and pictures of the 4 guys. I run to the house of a friend. At her window is Conan Osiris (the musician) who is apparently her friend and looks surprised to see this girl running in topless. They borrow me a blanket that I use to cover myself and then everybody feels more comfortable to hear what I have to say. Then we make a plan to show these images the next day to some teacher or the director.
      But the next day there is something going in the school behind closed doors at the auditorium, some presentation or so. Outside in the lobby there are many strange machines like ATMs and we are told by a lady at a desk to take a machine with us and join the presentation.

      Late night with my mom at a retail shop to buy a blanket for some baby. The shop closes and we are the only ones left. I am actually excited we might spend the night in there, but a worker spots us and tells us to go towards the exit. We argue we haven't yet found the blanket and because it is for a baby, she feels moved and helps us finding it. Then we take it home to the baby, which we are just taking care of and I have no idea who the mother is. I fall in love with the little one, but I get disappointed that he rejects all the food I give him. My mom feeds him chocolate desserts and it's the only thing he'll eat. I argue against it, but she says it's too late to break the habit. I say if it was my kid I'd cut all sugars.

      Watching and then taking part of a Tarantino movie, so excited with how awesome it is. I am walking into a heavily guarded compound to talk to some bigshot, who happens to be played by Eva Green. I have to exit the building to an interior garden and have to meet her at the garden house, which is also heavily surrounded by guards. I am led by an attendant. First the girl goes in with a dress to hand over to Eva. I hear that she doesn't like as much as she likes the attendant's own dress, but accepts it anyway. Then I am allowed to go in and my first thought is how incredibly hot she is and I hope she changes the dress in front of me. She doesn't but anyway we don't talk much.
      I simply go towards her and grope her. I grab one of her breasts and suck it through her thin clothes. (I'm not a lesbian, but I just find her the hottest and most beautiful woman and I would definitely do her ). Then something bizarre happens and I become her! Now I am horny for myself. I start to undress in front of a mirror and I suck my own breasts (a dream ability I have!). I touch myself while admiring my goddess-like beauty. I am not Eva Green anymore, I transformed into a Buddhist deity, even more beautiful and irresistible. I can't hold up the hornyness anymore and I find a rubber toy on the table and I use it for my pleasure.
      Some guard comes in and sees me, but I am not disturbed by it, nor do I feel like having him join. He feels awkward and slowly walks out in silence. I continue pleasing myself in front of the mirror and I climax gently and continuously and feel an amazing sensation of well-being rushing through my veins (not just in the dream, I actually had an orgasm in RL).
    8. Grandma pirates

      by , 04-23-2019 at 12:42 PM
      Recall was not the best, was tired.

      About things somehow all working out.

      Incubated by a thought the night before.

      driving a car with kids, going somewhere. Likely downtown t.

      I haven't gone there in a long time. Likely connected to previous dream.

      Dreamed about game wc3 at first. Eventually encountered pirates along a hall. Engage them.

      Incubated from: playing game, had too much time from polyphasic. Pirate likely by the icon of a dv member after replying to post before sleep.

      I tried to record my DJ really hard in the dream. Was in dream bed. Exhausted. I did manage to write it. I think I was in the old house #34. I went to basement looking for something. I found my grandmother who is deceased. Just hang with her a while. There's a doorbell and I'm expecting a package from Amazon the mailman hands me the package.

      Incubated by :
      I think my grandma died while I lived in that house.
      Trying to record DJ hard... I think i can put the energy to better use. Perhaps to rc, or aware/mindful would be definitely lucid.
      Amazon, ordered something from Amazon. Also wanted to buy something. Was a little disappointed when I realized I didn't order anything to get delivered lol.


      Incubation period almost instant still. What would be the best thing to incubate for Ld?

      Master that "feeling"
    9. 22 Apr: Golf with Trump, flying car, all-I-can-eat and dog killers

      by , 04-22-2019 at 10:05 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      At some place, playing with someone's toys and I see a gorgeous realistic doll. The owner says it is for sale and not very expensive, still it's 39€. For this type of collectible it is cheap, but still is 39€ for a doll, so I get really divided and can't decide to buy it.
      Meanwhile, Riverstone comes along and he asks me for some money and I go to my wallet and have packs of money. I start taking all the bills out for counting and ask Riverstone to help. He starts counting and I need to go do something else but I more or less evaluate how much money that was from my week sales and it is quite a lot. I feel glad.

      Dad invited for some event with VIPs. He takes me along. He joins a bunch of old white people who are down in the garden playing a kind of mini golf and Trump is among them. When it's Trump's turn, he does some weird trick and my dad is under the impression he cheated. But from my viewpoint I don't think so, so I tell him that. My dad gets upset that Trump might actually be a good player. Anyway, as I watch closely this group of old pathetic weirdos, all sucking up to trump, I just feel compassion for the poor fucks, including the Donald himself who simply looks like a clown unaware of his own ridiculousness.
      Meanwhile they are being watched from afar by a group of younger people and I notice some dude staring at me and quite a few others also looking like wondering who am I and why I am among the old geezers. Then I get a big smack in the face. It's a girlfriend that just saw me there and is totally surprised to see me there. I wonder the same. She confesses she is around for something else and spotted me with that group and had to come and check.

      Back home (childhood home), I am with my dad and my three cats. My mom has a friend and some family coming over for a dinner and she got drunk on some liquor. I ask the name of it, because I also try it and it is really tasty. When the family members leave, my mom goes out with her friend. My dad is at the bathroom and when he comes out he gets really scared at something. I heard a noise, but I see nothing strange. Then I see the front door completely open and ask if that's why he got scared. He says no, but also doesn't explain, just goes to get some tools to fix something. I close the door and immediately go check on my cats. One by one I find them deeply asleep in different rooms. I feel relieved.

      Parking one of my cars at home (the farm), I notice something weird: my van is not a van, but a second small car. I go check and it is a flying car. I take it for a ride through the country. People walking below get scared but I am high enough not to be a danger. Then I slow down at the next village and an old neighbor who is walking his dogs makes several complaints. We discuss back and forth, but I tell him not to worry. If we conclude the car or my driving are dangerous, I will stop it. So the grumpy old man and I depart in good terms. Then his son comes along, arrogant, no respect for anyone and he wants to sue me. He carries on bragging about his properties and his rich inheritance as if it had anything to do with this situation.

      Doing a Buddhist retreat, staying at some big hostel, several floors high. I find my room, I am tired and just wanna go to my bunk bed. I start dressing my pajama pants, but my neighbor from the bed below invites me to go to the cafeteria for a while. I have very little money that I can spend but I am definitely hungry., so I accept. She actually needed someone to talk to. She says she gave an interview to some media and she is afraid she might have said too much about our retreat. I tell her I always share just the basic and other things I refer to my teachers and if they need, they can ask them. She orders something to drink, I order some kind of yellow thin pancake, the cheapest thing in the menu and then some generous folks come buy with plates full of food, leftovers they want to share, toasts, pasta, sponge cake... I am so happy and don't want to look greedy but I immediately dive on these plates and eat from all of it.

      Some guy who's into booze comes to find his drinking bottle grew and stretched into the sky like the bean stalk from the fairytale.

      Some graphic news on tv about a lady haidresser and her boyfriend who became dogs serial killers, because supposedly she was going through difficulties and started eating dog meat and cooking it to sell to others. They show graphic footage of her cooking live puppies in a barbecue and cutting the neck of a grand danois.
    10. The dead and flying in the void

      by , 04-22-2019 at 06:40 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #527 DILD

      I am in some church service. I feel so tired and dosing off. I feel I am holding someone’s hand. I think it’s my wife. I open my eyes and see my FIL reaching across my wife and holding my hand. He’s smirking. I remember he’s dead but I think I must be half dreaming. The next thing I know I wake up and the service is over. I still feel out of it and can hardly open my eyes to see where I am going. I see my dead grandmother following me. I know she is dead but again I think I am half dreaming or hallucinating. After a moment, I stop and hug her knowing people must see me hugging someone invisible like she’s a ghost. In the parking lot some people finally notice I am having a hard time and start asking me what’s wrong. I say I don’t know I think maybe I need to see a doctor. I wake up.

      Later, I dream that I am running an electrical test on a wire harness from but I am hooking up the washer and dryer at my house somehow. I walk away because I need some alligator clips. I am at work now and I run into Ryan. I get pissed because he’s installed some extra software on the computer and I have no idea what I am looking at. I think about going to IT but I just decide to leave. I wake up.

      Some fragment about how I am able to fly and hover easily. It feels natural. Just a thing I can do.

      I wake up determined to get lucid as I watch HI. After some time, I notice I am on a skateboard and have stopped to look at a loose bolt on the trucks. I realize I am in a dream and I float away. I fly high in the sky and see some blue sky and clouds but the dream turns mostly dark. I don’t get caught up on the lack of visuals. Instead, I enjoy the physical sensation of flying. At one point it feels like I am swimming super-fast in water. I laugh and deeply enjoy it for as long as it lasts. Suddenly I feel the chemical change in my head. I know I am waking up. I try to hold on. I get a visual of my shoes where I left them in the hallway. I wake up.
      Tags: dead, fil, flying, nanny
    11. Polyphasic

      by , 04-22-2019 at 02:40 AM
      I decided to go polyphasic. I'm keeping up my practices with all due diligence.

      My sleep was naturally leaning towards polyphasic lately and the harder I tried to resist the more it swayed apart. I had signs? To go polyphasic.

      Only had 1-2 dream due to reduced sleep time. Rem should come faster and sleep should become better, with more lucidity.

      First sleep i had was around 11-1? Had a tiny dream. Second sleep I tried to take a 90 min nap, however was awake. Or perhaps aware but body asleep in sws. I meditated before that nap and i did feel rested after 70 minutes. Just was conscious 99% of time. Likely lucid if it was rem. Second nap Das 20 min, did not sleep. But by the third one 20mim I did some hard work and I was exhausted. Slept quite well, however perhaps could have slept more.

      If the polyphasic succeeds that's cool. And even if i fail it'll correct the sleep pattern like before.

      I was on a computer. It was an all in one sort of pc. Google was collecting personal data from everyone and this time it wasn't anonymous data. You had to opt out of it manually. I was doing that and after I finished, the computer was really hard to use. The background was in black while the font was in tiny dark blue. Neigh impossible to read.

      +perhaps dream related to a random YouTube video I watched regarding history of hacking Nintendo console etc
      End dream

      I need a new productive or inspiring (also fun ) hobby with the extra time. I recall last time I gave up on uberman because I had too much time. I will sleep more than uberman this time though. Well it'll all work out. I'll do what's best for me.

      I'm awake in my dreams.

      Updated 04-22-2019 at 02:49 AM by 96162

    12. Wondrous Cruise Liner

      by , 04-21-2019 at 03:58 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Haven't had anything worth sharing/not too personal to post in quite some time...

      Spoiler for Wordy, as usual:

      Updated 04-21-2019 at 04:58 AM by 89930

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    13. omni zombie sony

      by , 04-21-2019 at 02:35 AM
      The first dream consisted of me researching omnilucidity. It was pretty much mostly me reading/writing my DJ or some LD articles and such. lol

      End dream

      Mom somehow became the president of USA. We were under attack by zombies and a bunch of people (about 40) were all staying under a fortified small place. It had some lockers and whatnot and it was generally safe. I guess it just looked like a gym locker room. I had some books in my locker. But people left or were forced to leave one by one because they weren't patient enough and this kept going for a while until there were about 4 of us left.

      We were now under attack by a fat middle aged man zombie. I was looking for a weapon and I told the girl beside me that shovels were awesome. So we grab some shovels from one of the lockers and I shove the shovel against the zombie. He's pretty powerful and and stuff even while looking pretty unfit. He had some skills, parrying my attacks with his shovel. After the fight I my mom is missing. 3 of us left.

      This dream lasted an afternoon or a day.

      End dream

      Sony the company, is getting back to its feet and buying back its company shares and getting back some company land or something from another competitor company, I think it was konami or namco or something, but not nintendo.

      The thing that we got back was like a lake or a river or something. It had one of those old fashioned boat trip things where you would be served delicious food and wine, etc while boating along the river with its views.

      I am tagging along a shareholder or one of the founders of the company into that competitor's highrise as we are looking to meet with the CEO. We are waiting at an office or maybe it was the secretary. The secretary... I believe was an older woman in 50's with grey hair and she was chubby. We got through her and went into the conference. They were brainstorming an idea for a new product or something in the board room. Meanwhile we just casually stroll through and just give them some bentos - lunchboxes that we had in hand and just begin just hanging out with them, while waiting for the CEO.

      Replay scene. The above scene replays once, everything is slightly different. But overall the same plot and things. This time we are heading into the CEO's office and have a meeting with him. We meet up and have some food and whatnot. Just casually chatting along and things. We decided to leave and say our goodbyes.

      Heading down via the escalators now. Many floors down. I think I accidentally ate a chicken butt or something that had a very strong turmeric taste that made me

      Lasted 2 afternoons I guess



      Well, dreams scenarios were painted by what I did during the wake period in between sleep I think.
      -incubation period short as always

      I'm getting dream of myself trying to be omnilucid.... lol. I guess it needs to be modified a little. Need to just BE OMNILUCID.

      I have no idea what the zombie movie came from. Perhaps its one of those zombie films I watched when I was 4 or something. I recall I had a scary zombie nightmare when I was around 6 that was super vivid. Where my relatives, friends, all became zombies and were chasing me down. I was protecting a candle from them I think.

      I'm tempted to try polyphasic sleep again. But should I? I know that uberman is a guarantees lucid dreams... It works from my experience. But it's just way too much time. Is there something better?
      Show me the path to-

    14. Super AI Milk

      by , 04-20-2019 at 01:00 AM
      I was heading down the long pathway down the large hill. It was a path I took as a child attending a certain elementry school while in Japan. The path was about 8 km. I was heading down this path with myself and two other kids. The two kids were the grandchildren of some music and artists people. We headed towards the school.

      After getting there I was in a classroom. I think I had trouble writing out the character specified by a teacher. It was the character for "east." MA. The teacher was talking down on me. I reprimand the teacher, telling him how they'd have similar trouble if they were to learn english.

      Anyways I have makeup on or something. It's way too much and orange/yellow themed. It's too drying and a DC tells me that it's bad for your skin. Also told by DC to moisturize.

      -likely memories of the pathways
      maybe dream telling me to moisturize

      I am doing a team sports. Kind of like soccer. I am a talented young boy who is playing that sport. But I do not show my true abilities since there is someone who is suppose to be the ace to I try to make them shine instead. We lose though. There is a hulky stud on the team I'm suppose to be in love with. He is mad that I am being emotional and not analytical in the sport. We play a couple more matches. Loses.

      MA transition

      So me and the guy we are trying to get away or something. It's like everyone else is an enemy. Everyone is trying to rid of eachother of sorts. I forget what exactly but we could absorb talents or knowledge with something. So we do.

      I am transferred into the body of a cat and we escape from the mob.We are going through long pathways that's kind of like the 2nd floor of a small. We absorb stuff from stores and whatnot. Eventually Does it become 3rd person? Strange stuff were absorbed and the MCs become like zombies. Just wanting to eat icecream. After eating icecream, they'd get a brain freeze, then eat icecream again,, then freeze... etc

      -memory of like a mall, perhaps team activities, sports, gaming team.


      Trouble recalling. About a man who creates clay children. Children made of clay.


      I am in a scientific lab. It's a large lab that could fit a hundred researchers and I'm one of the scientists there or something. The team leader is trying to figure out a way to improve the lab, to take it to the next level. He orders a super power supply thing that would power up an AI or Super computer that can take usto the next level. However there is trouble running it. Itt would take the power of the whole city or something to make it run.

      So I head out, going around the research building looking for a way to improve the situation with couple of others from the team. We do this for a while and look around rooms that kind of look like rooms from school.

      One friend, Alison, wants to buy some used supplys, equipments tools and etc... To move and use. I agree to help her and I want one of the equipments too, I think it'lll help our lab. So we begin moving the equipments.

      We move the equipments 3 times since the dream replays the scene 3 times. Perhaps we failed couple of times. But on one of the times, there was a evil fat and ugly blond guy. I just tell Alison he stole something from her and she kicks his butt. Lol. Sweet.

      But anyways we are still moving the equpment. What I'm moving is a somewhat antiquated electrical system or old computer that is about the size of a large bookshelf. We are moving the stuff through the building and putting them into different rooms throughout to each person who wanted them and eventually I get back to my lab.

      I'm moving the thing back to my staion and I see something marvellous. Large piping that could withstand the power supply going up into the supercomputer. Did it finally manage to solve the problem? It did. The super AI created a sort of milk, it had created it from stuff it had on hand and said it's the solution. No one dared to drink it though.

      So I went ahead and drank it. It tasted like milk, at first. But eventually it began tasting very metallic and battery like. It had an electrical tingle that numbed my tongue. It was so cool.

      DV Members as Animals-document-20-apr-2019-03_10_3.jpg

      After drinking the milk I transformed! I was magical. Lol. Maybe was researched.

      -memories of rooms in school, some people,
      -magical milk!

      Last couple of days I had some feeling of something big coming. A big change.

      I am noticing I am becoming more verbal in my dreams.

      I partook magical milk of omnilucidity! I am now magical!

      Updated 04-20-2019 at 11:14 AM by 96162

    15. Buddhist temple AP

      by , 04-19-2019 at 05:49 AM
      Training in Buddhist temple x2

      I was attending the buddhist temple to train to be a monk. I've given up on my worldly materials and whatnot and changed into the monk robe. I washeading into the depths of the temple and there was a large pillar or something that I had to climb and I did. But I was stuck in the high altitude and no one would help me! I was furious and I wnted to quit begin a monk.

      I was heading back to the reception office to find my clothes and money. I began getting tense once I wore my regular clothes though. I was looking for my $20k, they took it! I'm asking them for my money but eventually my mom and a few acquaintances show up. THey tell me that I've changed and that there's an aura or something around me. I head into 3rd person POV and see that this indeed was true.

      I had a halo of warm comforting light that surrounded my head, body and etc. So maybe it's not all BS. I take off the clothing I had and go back with only the robe. Tensions gone. I realized that I felt better.

      WTF? This is dejavu. Years and years ago.

      I am heading into the bathroom, change room area. That sort of look like the changerooms of gyms. I'm going there because there was a nun/main kind of lady who was trying to guide me. So I was following her to the area to change. I find another monk, he was a stout guy, darker skin. He also had a nun following him. He tells me to follow him so I did. We head outside and towards a river or lake. There are couple of small tones that are floating down the way. He tells me to follow him and swiftly he hops onto the stones and to the other side. I copy him and do it even better! He is impressed. We go through a series of rivers like this for my training.

      Wake/Change scene

      This time I'm or 3rd person MC, is a fat monk. Pretty round and the abdominal blob had blob on top. Been slacking on the training for the past 2 years and hadn't taken things seriously. As I/he head back towards the changeroom there ia a commotion going on an two boys are afflicted with something sinister. They were afflicted with sort of sexual deviancy parasite. Infact they were not kids, they were in their twenties but the parasite had affected them and made them not grow. So I/he pull out the parasites with the chi or something and they come out of the nose or ears. Huzzah!.

      -perhaps facing my fear or heights in dream, glowed after.


      Failed ap heard kids playing likely in dream.

      I was having the sensation of beginning of an AP. I was focusing on the vibrations as it began getting stronger and I focused on it. Perahps ther was a little doubt in my heart of I was unsettled. But I began to hear children playing outside and was a little distracted or irritated and took me off my concentration. I failed the AP

      However there were no children. It was likely the sound of AP/Dream. Perhaps I've already succeeded and the frustration feeling had caused a frustration.

      Updated 04-20-2019 at 01:46 AM by 96162

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