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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Deli Mustard Salad and Losing My Car Over and Over

      by , 07-16-2014 at 02:04 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was working at the coffee shop again, but it was much different. The only thing that was the same was that I had the same boss. It was sometime early in the morning.

      I had to fill in this tray with whatever the side item of the day was. There were things on it like potato salad, deli mustard salad (wut), etc. I had to make it so people who wanted to take some could scoop it out of the tray. There was a sheet that said which day got which side. There was another sheet that was laminated that had a description of the meal of the day. The place where the side went was blank, and was meant to be written in Expo marker each day, then erased at the end of the day so the new side could be written in the next day.

      I went to go look at which side item was the side of the day, and it was deli mustard salad, but mustard was spelled weird, like "mustrd". I used a small ice cream scoop to scoop the portions out onto the tray. It looked like chicken salad. I scooped the mustard salad out into a line on the tray. The first scoops I did were kind of small, so I made the last ones bigger. I could only fit about ten scoops on the tray. I didn't feel like that was enough, and some of the scoops started to blob into one another. I imagined people taking the scoops of mustard salad.

      Then, something about being in the shower at the house I grew up in with this girl I met at my old job named Brittani. I was naked, but she had underwear on.


      I was at a local go-kart/fun park. I was inside the building, wanting to get a drink. I looked in a drink cooler, and saw "Diet Mountain Dew Sprite". The bottle was green, like a Sprite bottle. I also saw a regular Sprite, which I picked up to get, but changed my mind and put it back. Ok, the Diet Mountain Dew Sprite sounds good (in IWL, I rarely drink sodas. I never go out of my way to buy them). I took a bottle and went to check out. There was a teenage girl at the check out. I had to either get something else or go look in the cooler, but I put the drink down at the counter and then come back. My drink was gone when I got back, and I couldn't find it. I looked all over the counter. I then saw it had been placed under the counter and opened by the check out girl. I said something to her about it. I don't remember her response. I went to go get a new one. I remember drinking some. It tasted like Sprite. I had really been craving it. I had the taste in my mouth throughout this dream.

      I don't remember what happened next, but the next thing I do remember is walking out in the parking lot, searching for my car. It was nighttime. I could not find it for the life of me. I went back inside, and stopped at the cooler to get another Diet Mountain Dew Sprite. I noticed on the tags in the cooler that they were buy one get one free. But I also noticed that they were all gone. The employees had them behind the counter, saving them for some sort of party they were having later. I saw that they all were labeled with names for the employees. I felt that this wasn't very good for their customers, especially since I also noticed that they had done that with many other drinks in the cooler. I thought to myself that I probably didn't need the drink anyway.

      I ran into Jake at some point later. He worked there, apparently. I told him I couldn't find my car. I remember getting in his car with him, though his was different from the one I remember. It was a used white car, but nicer than his old used red car. He drove me to a different parking lot, and I found it again.

      Except for I didn't really find it again. I zoned out or fell asleep or something, and it was, once again, gone. I went back in and found my husband's band's drummer, or someone who looked very similar. I remember being in a car with him also, but I remember him cradling me in his arms, or me sitting in his lap. This time, we went to a different parking lot from the last two. I don't remember if we found it this time or not. I had another zone-out moment in his car for awhile.

      I went back in, and there was an older lady behind the counter with permed, curly brown hair. She was also kind of short. I knew she was the manager. They were shutting down early for this meeting/party, and I "remembered" that they did that often. I think I said something to her about them hoarding the drinks for themselves. I don't remember what she said, or if she even addressed my concern.

      Jake was in there again somewhere. I don't remember much about that part.

      I was given this tiny red kickball that had monkey arms, legs, and a tail. It was alive. Its purpose was to help me find my car. I described my car to it. I remember it bouncing from car to car, and speaking to me as it did so. It found a car that looked exactly like mine, but it said that the license plate's first three numbers were off. I looked at the license plate, and it said "PPPPPPP". Yup, not my car.

      The monkeyball was explaining something to me as we walked through the parking lot. It seemed like dusk now instead of nighttime.

      I was then woken up by my husband's alarm.


      I know I dreamed of a couple of other things, one before the first dream and one after the last, but I can't remember them right now.

      Updated 07-16-2014 at 02:20 PM by 32059

    2. recall

      by , 07-16-2014 at 12:57 PM
      (First Dream)I don't remember.

      (Second Dream)
      I was at my house and my sister wanted to give me cookies in my dream. I don't recall much of what happened though. I did a lot of stuff after that and I think it involved proving I was a capable person for a position. Anyways somehow I ended up in a bathroom with silver colored stalls. I had to pee badly but there was a guy mopping the floors and people kept coming in and out so I left. I walked to the halls and someone with the same outfit from another dream who had medium length hair spotted me and said Hi. He said he saw me before. I thought he was dressed as a hippy or priest but I'm not so sure. I didn't know where to sit and the students were about to debate about a important topic. The guy who said he knew me or another guy took a student and used them as a tool to create another seat space. I sat down and noticed the star of victorious debating near me with the rest about better lemonade for the school. I tried a lemon I saw sliced on the table and suddenly a loud noise occurred. The school was being destroyed by a suspicious character. The detectives showed me a footage of how badly a part of the building was destroyed. Than people started paving in the walls near the lunch room and every where else quickly. I heard them talking about how soon the epic dream sharing battle would begin. Suddenly everything got dark and I saw lots of beds. I was on one and peeked quietly to see a girl fighting a boy on a online game. There was someone saying how the boy would fail cause he's afraid of heights and the girl would just defeat him with her super sound of screaming. Which she did in the game.Woke up after that.
      lucid , non-lucid
    3. “Domino” Explosions

      by , 07-16-2014 at 12:16 PM
      Morning of July 16, 2014. Wednesday.

      Zsuzsanna and our family and I appear to be living on Barolin Street though it seems more like my Cubitis bedroom inside at one point. There is no fence as on Barolin Street and the house is much closer to the road (Highway Seventeen) than the Cubitis house was, so it is an interesting new composite as is usually the case.

      I have this unusual heightened sense of mortality for some reason, especially at one point where I am lying on the bed near the windows. It seems to relate to our bedroom’s closeness to the main road and the steady traffic. However, it also seems to relate to airplanes that fly over now and then. This dream soon seems to be directly influenced and “scripted” by noises outside, including at least two low-flying airplanes.

      The airplane in my dream is flying south (assuming Cubitis - but north if assuming Barolin Street). It is fairly loud and seems to land in an area of town I cannot fully see as it moves down behind the buildings, though it does not seem to be landing in the right area. I hold the anticipatory impression that there will be a crash landing. Even though it is likely in the distance, perhaps two to four miles away, there is an explosion that affects all of the cars on the road just outside, which are also all going south, the explosion’s repercussions being like some sort of domino effect. It is unusual in that the airplane’s explosion seems to mildly threaten our house with debris or fire even though it is supposedly far away. Not only that, each and every car’s engine explodes very quickly and smoothy in a series (south to north) and yet not a single person is hurt. They just get out of their car and look around. Of course, they cannot drive their car anymore at this point. Only the one part of the front of the car looks a bit damaged or different, in some cases, only larger and more squarish.

      This scene repeats a little later but this time with a little more detail. It is almost as if this happens on a regular basis since we seem to know what to do in going into a different room in the house for a short time. After the explosions, I look outside and see all the people standing near the cars (all on the right side) and very similar minor damage to each front, all cars in an even row, equidistant, and all similar models. After I wake, I hear an airplane flying overhead after a short time in reality, thus there is not much to this dream other than RAS mediation triggered by real low-flying airplanes - even though it would otherwise be typical autosymbolism related to vestibular system ambiguity, which is why I also typically “expect crash landings” in the dream state regarding subliminal associations with the usual waking start or falling sensation as such. Additionally, the people on the right of their car relates to waking symbolism most often being to the right.

    4. 00:00 Wednesday 2014-07-16 lots of fun dreams, some nice kisses

      by , 07-16-2014 at 07:48 AM
      + sliding down a super steep sandy hill to an ocean beach where I walk out to catch a glimpse of the special lobsters and get attacked by gangsters. I'm standing at the top of the hill observing the beach/ocean and wondering if I can get down this hill. I run/slide down and decide it's not so hard. I see the water and the shore and wonder if I should swim diagonally from the point near me to the far side of the shore, or just walk along the shore, which is faster, I see a diagonal path through the water. Out on the rocks in the water on the far side of the beach I see two special/prized old lobsters. Some thugs get angry and jump me.

      + jumping through windows in a restaurant avoiding/fighting thugs. I'm indoors and looking for a way out, I see a window with a screen door over a sink, I hop up open the window push out the screen and do a front flip out of the window.

      + the sterling silver tea set is on the ground outside the garage door where anybody could steal it, I move it inside the garage and make space for it. What was it doing outside, anyway?

      + a girl has the remote control for the satellite launch, it takes a few circles overhead before it's pointing the right direction and heads for space. It's about 1 meter square and full of tubes and space-y looking things.

      + (movie?) a guy is talking about the alien raining-fire attack, he hid under a low platform but his friends were only two wet spots left on the ground because they didn't make it in in time

      + The movie theatre interrupts the movie before the end to announce someone lost a watch, everyone in the theater has to help, I find it, I see a patron dressed up as an alien with boobs on her neck. It's a fairly normal looking and sized movie theater, it's still fairly dark inside when they interrupt the movie it's not entirely clear if it's finished yet, we're looking for the watch, I bend down and peer between various rows of seats, against the left wall of the theater I see a watch on the ground, it's a ladies watch with diamonds in the face and a diamond studded band, I hold it in my hand and look for an usher, I find one and give it to him. I see people sitting in the theather, including a woman with an alien costume which is a strange neck attachment making her neck look very tall and impossibly thin in places, she pulls this down to reveal two magnificent breasts, one on each side of her neck, I look at her a few times.

      + Standing in an outdoor area, I walk right up to the tall, beautiful star, who is standing to the side by herself, she is one of three beautiful stars (of some program?) and boldly kiss her for a while. I take her upper lip between mine and just feel it there for a while sort of moaning in pleasure, it feels absolutely fantastic, I wake up with my pillow between my lips I want to DEILD and just relax and re-enter the dream but non-lucid:

      + re-enter dream and now she's furious with me, she walks into an outdoor restaurant and complains about me to her friend, I see her yelling and pointing/gesturing towards me, when her friend glances back at me I give her a cocky wave, maybe I can get with her friend instead, they stay inside and sit down. I float through to the front observing a strange woman served on white cushions, she demands that everything served to hear is super sterile and clean. She is sitting / lying on a white couch to the right of a round table, there is a mirror image of her or another woman to the left of the table, a round white cushion with beige circumference appears and she moves to sit on top of that, I'm hovering above her looking down she stretches out on the couch with her feet towards the top and some pills appear on the couch in a pattern, she sweeps them up and swallows them.

      I'm back in the outdoor area and encounter the tall beautiful star again, she's wearing different clothes (a nice tight clingy sweater?) she's not angry with me, I kiss her again lightly a few times and decide to move on before she gets angry again, and say "I'll see you later," I'm going to look for one of the 2 other stars, I see one with another guy she seems crazy/mad so I decide to move on.

      + I'm walking in what seems like a lobby of a movie theater or a casino-carnival, I wander into a room with tables of clear plastic-topped packages of food like caviar (orange and black, on bread), I pick a package up and keep looking around, I realize this is a corporate party and it's not my company, I'm concerned someone will notice I don't belong and kick me out but nobody does, there aren't very many people, I see a woman at the front seated at the table preparing some of the dishes, some of them look like big pans of beans and I say "mmmm". I eat the caviar. I'm walking around the lobby and see an advertisement for a "bourbon bar" and think that sounds good but I can't drink because I'm driving. Farther along I see a huge open carnival area with people playing games and making lots of noise in the distance (sort of like a Circus-Circus play area with lots of game booths). I hear/imagine a booth is a girl booth where you can win some girls to take back to your room.

      Walking back I pass a booth with two pale naked Japanese ladies writing around and touching themselves, there is a totally white/pale man there he's the game organizer, I see long hair on the body of the girl to the right but realize it's just hair that has come loose from her hairdo and is lying loose on top of her body, I see the girl on the left is "wide open" and apparently using her fingers.
      memorable , side notes , non-lucid
    5. First Lucid Attempt

      by , 07-16-2014 at 07:42 AM

      First dream I had during the night was a dream of me scrolling the DV forums (wish I did a RC then) and after that I woke up

      Second dream, I went roller skating and saw a guy I know from school in it, one thing I noticed was that I was EXTREMELY short as well. Somewhere in the dream I went off with some random guy with long sandy blond hair, talking about something whilst walking amongst beams and ropes. During our walk, he managed to slip and fall and broke an arm.

      Next, I appeared in a massive house, I had a pet tiger who didn't look like a regular tiger, he was fat and round and had a head was the size of a boulder and he often growled like a dog. Somewhere during that part of the dream, I got upset over something (can't recall what) and I started seeing copies of the same person and I thought they were stalking me.

      Later in the dream, someone gave me a tour of a room where they head heaps of pets (from cats, dogs, a pelican (who was super aggressive). Next I was in my front room of my house with heaps of birds and somehow ended up in my room. I went to turn on a light and it lit up some kind of billboard hanging on my wall and I thought, that's not what the light is suppose to do, tried to do finger through hand, didn't go through, but as soon as I plugged my nose and breathed out

      "I'm dreaming!" I think. I stop myself, since I became a little excited and my dream started fading. I shouted "stabilize!" but the dream faded out

      Woke up in my bed, with my laptop sitting there (false awakening), thought that can't be right, did the nose plug again-

      - I became lucid again. But as soon as I plugged my nose and became lucid, I started falling into nowhere. I saw text flying past me, then it went grey and I just kept falling and falling, I tried to concentrate on teleporting somewhere by imagining a door to the Great Hall in Hogwarts, I even tried demanding vocally "take me to Hogwarts!", which didn't work so I thought what else can I do in a lucid, jokingly thought sex, then a sound of a voice message being activated intruded my dream with someone starting to talk about sex and I thought "I don't want this" and I felt myself losing lucidity as well so I forced myself awake.

      Woke up, and saw the remains of my dream being sucked away right before my eyes at the speed of light. It was a failed attempt at controlling, I'm still unsure if I dreamt of being lucid at one point, but I definitely became aware at some stage. The only good thing is that I managed to get a RC into my dream, which is something I'm quite proud of. It means I'm getting there . Will try again tonight.
    6. The Sacrifice

      by , 07-16-2014 at 03:48 AM
      A large group of people, including me and my family, are going to battle. We are on a cliff, and far below us is a rapidly flowing river. Across the river on a cliff opposite us is the enemy. I have several wooden spears which I throw with all my might, but fall short of their destination and into the water. Frustrated, I pick up a bow and arrow. I have trouble loading the arrow, so I duck down for protection as sharp objects come showering down around me. Soon I am ready to shoot, but I never get the chance. A dark, strong man whose face I never get a good look at is on our side of the cliff, even though I know he is the enemy. He's asking around, and looking for certain people but I don't understand why. He finds Hiro Nakamura (I was watching Heroes last night), and starts stabbing and slashing at him with his sword. Hiro's terrified screams leave me paralyzed and unable to think. This happens to be a very inconvenient moment for my mind to go blank, because the man stands up and walks toward me. He stops right in front of me, and looks down. I realize I'm the person he's looking for, but when I deny it he turns to my sister. He draws his sword, and when I realize what he's about to do, I rush over to her and beg the man to take me instead. I can't let my sister get hurt; especially not because of me. His response to my begging is, "You'll do." His words bring me relief, and then horror as I realize what's about to happen to me. He makes me lie on my stomach and then I feel the sword cutting through my arm. The feeling is not painful, but more of a cool, tingling, burning feeling. I decide that the knife must be so sharp I can barely feel it. It's still not a pleasant experience at all and I'm relieved when the man leaves. I go into the bathroom and start speaking french. A lady is in there, and gives me a funny look. The bathroom is bright, neat and cheerful with walls that are painted red. I see a mirror in front of me, but I don't look into it because I don't want to see my injured arm. I worry that if I see the extent of the damage, then I will start to feel the pain that should come with it.
    7. The Broken Pillar, Dream Fragment, Side Note (16.7.14)

      by , 07-16-2014 at 12:40 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1
      Recorded at 9;00am

      I'm at the end of Blaxland, near Roberts house. I may be with someone not sure. I either say out loud or think about, this is where Robert got his rape on, jokingly. I lift up the concrete pillar which is covering the hole to a sewer. As I lift the concrete pillar if breaks in half. I try and put it back together how it used to be and hope that it wouldn't cave in if someone was to walk over it. I push into it to see if it could handle my weight but it starts to cave in. It's now in multiple pieces and can't be fixed. I still try and put it back together as well as I can so people that are walking will know there's a hole underneath the broke pillar.

      I'm walking back to Blaxland house and I see my brother in the distance, he's walking towards me and has something in his hands. He is taking it over to Rita and Bruce's house, which isn't in this street In RL but is in this dream. I see my cousin Jackie walk over and my brother has a short convocation. They were talking about something that happened earlier between the two.

      Dream Fragment
      Recorded at 4:40am

      On the UG forums and someone has made a thread that will probably get deleted due to rules and regulations.

      Side Notes

      I awaken to let the dog outside and am up for about 10 mins. As I go back to sleep I add SSILD to my routine. I don't get lucid, but the dream seems a bit different then normally, not sure what it was though.

      Updated 07-18-2014 at 12:48 AM by 24939

      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    8. Kendra Got Mad

      by , 07-15-2014 at 10:13 PM
      I'm with Kendra and Karim. Kendra's wearing a gray hoodie and has blonde streaks in her dark hair. We're all talking and enjoying ourselves. I must have said something because Kendra got incredibly mad at me. I've never even seen her mad. She yelled at me. I walked away in fear. She rushed after me, and pins me up against a wall with a pipe. I cower in fear. She gets close to my face. I squirm, and escape her grip.
      I run into a building, all the way to the top floor. I can hear her coming for me. I open a window. Hanging between the building's rooftops are green sheets pulled tight between the buildings. I grab one and climb across to the other building's open window. I begin thinking about asking Drew when he saw the movie "Submarine". I don't dare look down. I climb through the window and look back. Kendra's at the other window, seething.
      Then, I wake up.
      Tags: friends
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. The Quest for a Movie

      by , 07-15-2014 at 10:05 PM
      I'm in my living room with mom and AJ when a commercial for "Wolf Children" comes on TV. It mainly showcases clips from the snow scene. It showed them howling. It was dubbed in English! A better dubbing than the original English! "Why are they redubbing it in English?" I ask.
      "Why are they only showing the snow scene?" AJ asks.
      "I like this one better!" I say. "Let's go get it!" I look at mom; she smiles and nods.
      The scene cuts to a mall. There aren't that many people around. I'm standing at the entrance to the store that sells the movie. Before I go in, I look back at mom, who had fallen behind.
      I go in without her. There's a long, windy hallway I walk through before I step into a small room.
      It's decorated oddly. There's a case with a glass front and a chair behind it, but that's the only normal thing here. In the corner directly across from the case is a glass tank built into the floor. A half-capsized rowboat sits in the smooth water, not creating a single ripple. Fake waterside plants line the edge of the tank and a partial tree looms above that! In fact, fake plants practically fill the room!
      I found it fitting seeing as Wolf Children features a lot of nature. I also think it's creepy, as an alligator could call this room home.
      I walk to the case and peer in. Sitting upon other things I didn't care about, was the movie. I grabbed it, and started to walk out when I noticed a chubby, balding, bespectacled man in the doorway, slowly walking towards me with a creepy grin on his face. I easily walk around him. The man follows me down the curvy hallway. He's catching up too!I quickly run out into the mall with my prize in hand. Mom catches me and says "Let's go." worriedly, as if she knew a creepy guy was chasing me. I look back to find him in the doorway. He's not smiling any more, now he looks angry.
      Then, I wake up.
    10. Plans in motion [15/07/14]

      by , 07-15-2014 at 09:49 PM (My lucid comeback!)
      Okay guys, last night I had quiet a clear dream which was really detailed.

      1. Premiere

      I'm with some friends standing in a cinema and it seems the whole school is there too, we're watching a new film that just came out and I'm curious which film it is. I look back and see a large sign: "THE EXPENDABLES III", what follows is a conversation with my friends. (little back story, IRL about a year ago when I was returning home from a week in England with school we saw the film 'The expendables II' and I joked with a friend about how silly and predictable the story was.)

      Me: "Really? Man remember last time we watched one of those movies? It sucked!"

      Friend: "Yeah, it was so bad... I can't believe we're watching this again."

      Me: "You know, I bet the story is going to be almost identical to the first two."

      After that we got inside and we took a seat, the room was enormous I'd say it was a football field wide and deep. I sat next to my friends somewhere on the left side high and I noticed my mother sitting some rows behind me. I acted like I hadn't seen her and tried to do things that might impress her, like having a talk with some of the teachers or something. Suddenly a teacher stood up and gave some of us a heart, it looked like a piece of grilled chicken and had it in my mouth before I even knew what it was. When he said we had to dissect it I took it out of my mouth but half of it was already bitten away and I felt ashamed I wouldn't be able to impress my mother.

      2. The clean up

      I'm somewhere in an office building and know that I've done some bad things and the police is behind me. I think I was involved in a shooting with the police before where an officer was killed but my friend had shot him, he was gone and the police thought I had killed him. I run around and get in a small office without windows and a single computer against the wall. I don't know exactly what I did but I think I was trying to clear my name of any convictions and evidence before the police would arrive.

      I think I will set my alarm one hour earlier tomorrow as I now can sleep quiet quickly and I think I need a bit more time for techniques like SSILD/WILD/DILD and falling back asleep again in the morning. Alarm will be set at 06:00.

      Good night everyone!

      Updated 07-17-2014 at 01:32 PM by 69433

    11. Apparently We're NOT Going to Church

      by , 07-15-2014 at 09:19 PM (Death's Other Kingdom)
      We're Apparently NOT Going to Church (Non-lucid)


      I'm sitting on the front lawn of someone's house with my dad and a bunch of his friends. They're all drinking and acting stupid. It reminds me of King of the Hill, so to pass the time I assign each of the characters to one of these men based on personality.

      Suddenly, an old woman walks up to the very front of the yard near the road. She pulls down her pants and begins to pee. "Oh, no," I exclaim, turning away and shielding my eyes.

      "OH NO!" the men echo. They jump up and run away.

      Shaking my head, I stand up and walk in the general direction they scurried off to. On the way, I come across my aunt. The tone of the dream completely changes here. Despite the fact that my aunt seems estatic about something, there is an unsettling atmosphere that I can't quite shake. "I just saw your father!" she tells me.

      I suddenly remember that my dad is dead. How was I just talking to him? I have vague thoughts about it being a dream, but for some reason I don't seriously question it. My aunt tells me that she believes God has sent him here so that we can see him again. Since I don't believe in God, or at least not the one she believes in, I'm a bit more skeptical. "How do you know it's really him?" I ask. "What if it's the Devil?" I don't believe in the Devil either, but I do believe in dark spirits and I want my aunt to be cautious.

      "Pfft! Why would he be the Devil?"

      "I don't know. You said yourself that the Devil likes to try to hurt people."

      We walk over to where my dad is standing and begin to talk to him. "So," I begin, "What's it really like out in the great unknown?"

      He grins. "Oh, it's a real tea-bake," he says with a laugh that makes me think he's referring to something inappropriate to annoy me.

      I stare at him blankly. "I have no idea what that is."

      He laughs louder. "It's a lesbian joke!"

      I have to refrain from face-palming. Is now really the time for this kind of game? "No, for real! What's it like?"

      "Okay, okay. I'll tell you." He pauses and tries to look serious. "The Night Team and the Day Team run around shooting each other with Nerf guns!" He laughs at his own joke as I groan in frustration.

      "Why can't you just give me a straight answer!" All of this seems exactly like something he would do, but I'm still not 100% convinced that this is really my dad.

      We've been walking as we spoke. There are other people walking with us now, people I don't recognize. I assume they are my dad's friends. They're all crying at the sight of him. I haven't been paying attention to where we're going, but now I see we're coming upon a small white church with a long line of people outside the open door. I think I ask where we're going.

      My dad says, in a weird run-on sentence that confuses me, "Guess where we're not going to the chur-uurrch!" The last three words he says in a somewhat creepy sing-song voice.

      Bewildered, I repeat, "Guess where we're not going---?"

      He interrupts, again in his sing-song voice, "to the chur--uurrch!"

      The unsettled feeling I've had since coming across my aunt grows even stronger. I can tell that something big is about to happen.

      But suddenly my alarm goes off and it's time to wake up.
      non-lucid , memorable
    12. Missed Lucidity cue!

      by , 07-15-2014 at 06:49 PM (Threecat's Dreamtime)
      Quick note: I think I have been using MILD as a dream incubation technique, and that using it actually causes my dreams to be weirder, as well as inserting elements that are meant to be incongruent. For instance, focused on the statement, "I want to be lucid in my next dream" and fell asleep. First thing, a friend of mine approaches with a book on "How to be lucid in your next dream." I promptly ignore this information and proceed along my non-lucid path to delusion.

      Updated 08-16-2014 at 04:44 AM by 69552

      non-lucid , side notes
    13. WoW, Grandcharles, Vonnegut

      by , 07-15-2014 at 06:02 PM
      I have a fragment that exists before my actual memories. I'm going down a road, and meet a vendor, and he asks me if I have a particular mount already. It's a polar bear mount? I tell him that my Draenei could use it. I was up on a ridge. It feels oddly, in retrospect, like I may have been in Feralas?

      The earliest point in the dream that I can truly say I remember is me walking down a road, in a grassy, urban area in a large valley? I recall red rocks. Anyway, I eventually came to a small station, which looked perhaps like a gas station, but wasn't, exactly. There were three gnomes there, and it became readily apparent that this was a quest hub. They had daily quests available, but I was able to turn them in, as I had done them in the past. So I turned them in, and it activated a teleporter that took me to a place called Solitude. It is irrelevant, as I don't really remember the location it took me to.

      The final phase of the dream (and the only other part I remember) took place in a car, and I was driving around what appeared to be the same geographical area. Red rocks, lots of grass, valley, roads. My grandfather, and some other people were there. Man, this took place after a long and intense dream segment that's related to both of these, but that I can't remember. Anyway, I was riding in a car with grandcharles and some students. He was soon to be taking a class on Kurt Vonnegut. Or maybe teaching it? No, taking it, because I later found out that Shelly Huth would be teaching it. ANYWAY. Someone made some statement about the book (Slaughter House Five, I think) that I didn't agree with at all, but instead of attack the viewpoint, I was going to direct grandcharles to a quote in the book itself, something for him to focus on while reading. I paraphrased the quote, but someone else (another future student in the class, I assume) said that I had it all wrong, and insisted we look up the quote. Turns out it wasn't where I thought it was, it was in the back of the book, buried in fields of other quotes and pictures of space. I didn't get it just right, and when grandcharles read it, he stated that it probably referred to the marriage ritual Vonnegut had created for him and all of his descendants (no such ritual exists, to my knowledge). I remember claiming that it could be viewed as a companion quote to something that exists in the opening of Cat's Cradle. Then, my girlfriend woke me up.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    14. Dreams and Nightmare

      by , 07-15-2014 at 05:06 PM
      (First dream) I don't remember.

      (Second dream)
      I was outside in the city about to cross the street. I was waiting for the right time and I think a girl passed by me so I crossed. Somehow I met a man who wanted me to try eating different things I think. Maybe it was a competition...I'm not really sure. After that I was at my house living room and my brother and cousin was there. I was laying on the couch seeing images of sword art online characters and the word wataoumote Episode 1 The kiss showed up in front of me. I think I heard Japanese music playing until I noticed there were people outside the window near the house. I tried to hide but I was too slow. A man came up to the window and took a picture of us and showed us the picture inside the camera. I saw us but we were mini people on motorcycles. My brother said maybe they could get us on TV. But i said maybe not cause they like perfect faces on TV, xD

      (Third Dream)
      I recall being on a small platform high in the sky that was high in the sky. Disney XD characters were there and the star from kickin it fell off it. I tried pulling him up but I gave up on him and let him fall. Anyways... the platform went down and I slid down the slide. I was now in a park where half people sized colorful teddy bears were fighting people. I ran up to one and tore off its arm. Than I used it to hit the other teddy's head off. It was fun and funny to see what was happening. I told others to do what I did but as I was walking I left the scene. I was now in my kitchen with my cousins and younger brother. There was a boy sitting on the counter staring at my cousin cause he wanted to have it with her. I got mad but when I noticed my brother I hugged him and was happy again. I left the kitchen after that cause my sister came and she brought cookies. I ate 3 and than my cousin said she was leaving. I was surprised she was leaving and in the dark too cause she lives with us now. But I said OK and suddenly the scene changed. I was now in a house that was bright but was somewhat similar to my house. There were doctors and military police officers sitting on the table trying to get info out my dad. I was shocked. One of the men told my dad to pull out a camera laptop that was hidden under the couch. I left the place to let them take care of their buisiness only to find my parakeets missing from their cage. I screamed at my dad and everyone to tell me what happened. Especially since I saw the windows were open. However when I went to the bathroom they were there in a dirty cage. I took out their dirty water cup to wash it but stopped cause my cousin shouted that my dad was having a heart attack. My other cousin was mad cause she said I shouldn't have been told that. I was praying my dad would be OK as I walked to the crowd of doctors and military police officers and saw my dad sit up. The crowd of experts said he would be OK. I was really happy and thought that there was really someone looking out for me. But I also was confused cause in the dream my dad looked way older like in the 60s maybe. After that I left the living room to wash the cup but noticed I was naked with poorfy hair. DX I told my cousins to stop following and staring at me but they said they were girls too so It shouldn't be a problem. I went into a room and lost them but another girl came in naked so I screamed and told her to get out. She apologized for freaking me out than left. I started thinking about anime to change the scenery and appeared in a room with my mom and other ladys who were customizing Japanese game characters. I pointed to the screen to show my mom how I could read the hiragana but not the kanji. One word was maiagarou. She said why would you- to me after I said that and I woke up. I think the dream cut her sentence off.

      (Fourth dream)
      I was trying to stop a boy from killing his sister. I tried flooding the house but I don't think it worked. Later in the dream I had a false awakening where my sister woke me up and offered me cookies. I checked the calendar after that than noticed some messages on it than woke up.

      Updated 07-15-2014 at 05:24 PM by 67570

      lucid , non-lucid
    15. Almost Lucid but missed it tonight. Semi-nightmare, My house, inside a theatre, etc.

      by , 07-15-2014 at 04:18 PM (One Up Seeker)
      1. I was outside of a house on the corner of my street, I had seen this house before, so nothing seemed unsual. I walked inside the house and found myself in a theatre. Everyone was sitting down waiting for something to begin. I sat down next to some guy wearing a mask, from a movie. Then an announcer came in and told us someone special was among us, and that it was the actor guy wearing the wierd sci-fi mask. Everyone turned and looked toward him, at this point I became the guy in the mask. The announcer told me to talk in my creepy alien voice. I got up and stood on a seat so hopefully everyone could see me. But not everyone could so the announcer told me to wait and I could go around and talk in my wierd voice to everyone in a second. So I sat back down and seconds later, the real actor and owner of the mask came to me and told me he was going to be going around talking to his fans. I said ok and tossed him the mask. The mask was orange and looked like an alien for star trek or something, and it was also slimy. After I gave him the mask I decided to walk out of the house. I wasnt the only one who left, a whole group of people left as well. I stood on the sidewalk in front of the house and talked to the people outside for a minute. After that, they all left and I was on my way leaving as well. Upon leaving I remembered that I had left my snapback in the theater, so I walked to go get it. As I walked back I wondered what a beautiful day this would be if it were a dream. haha. I ran inside and found that the theater inside had turned into a regular interior of a normal house. I looked around, there were many rooms, each had a small staircase so you could get to them. I yelled out "Anyone home" because I felt intrusive being in someones house I didnt know. An answer from a man saying, "Yea who's there" returned and I explained that I came in to get my hat. I entered a room and found my hat and the owner of the house along with it, he made sure I got my hat and then made sure I did nothing else. I walked out and went back to my house to chill. When I walked inside a small black dog was there waiting for me. I played with it but then it started getting aggressive so I decided to leave it. I walked away but the dog followed me and continued biting me. I remember at some point asking the dog why he bited me, and he said, "Because I like rock music." [WTF??] But anyways, I tussled with this little dude for a while and eventually I pinned him down on his side after he gave me a good deep bite. I held him there and watched him squirm. I think I eventually let him go. But then he started biting me again. Just then I looked out the front door and saw an old grandma sprinting towards my back door. I became a little scared and waited until the old lady had opened up my back door, then I opened the front door and ran out. I ran to my neighbors house directly to the left of mine and just ran in and told them what was going on. I closed the door and explained how some old lady was on the loose and after me and told the girl I was talking too to lock the back doors. She went to do so. I glanced out the front door of this house and saw again the old lady sprinting towards the back of the house. I locked the front door and told the girl I was talking to a second earlier that the lady was coming and to lock the doors quick. I ran to the back of the house to make sure she did so. Once I got to the back door I locked one side. The back entrance was two doors wide. But the girl couldnt lock the second door. She decided that it would be a great idea to instead open the door and proclaim that she couldnt lock it. The old grandma ran in and seized me with her car keys. It was my grandma, she told me if I ever ran away again that she'd "have me". She even stabbed me once with her keys. Any who once that resolved I found myself listening to the girl and how she hated this house and didnt want to live in it, I asked her why. She said she was being forced to watch movies with these 2 old men, and then they came over to the kitchen where we were. The old men told me about how they were watching old vietnam war movies and listening to rock music. The one old man was tall and was wearing panties in see through spandex. I was disgusted but kept it to myself. The old men continued talking and I began eating these chewy gummy like candies while listening. This is where it ended.

      2. I was following my dad by going through a secret passage to get into my house. I climbed in an opening in the floor and tried to get out but got stuck. I immediatly blamed my sister who walked over the door lock right before I emerged out of the floor. She apologized, but I was still stuck halfway in the floor. I decided to remove some tiles so I could crawl foward and get out, and I did so. However I removed too many tiles and took some tiles from underneath the fridge. I replaced them quickly, my dad noticing none of this.

      3. I was in my room and was hanging out with my friends patrick, dylan, and trey. We were all chilling in my room and I was trying on some of my shoes. I had new shoes that I had never seen before, but it didnt occur to me. I was talking to patrick while putting on a pair of green high tops, and he was telling me about how something was fair. Once I tied on the shoes I stayed sitting down and talked. I remember going into my closet again sometime and seeing alot of new stuff.

      4.I was in a dark alley, planning to save someone with the real batman, and batman beyond. It was kinda wierd really because Batman Beyond in this dream was old and crusty and was wearing a blue suit instead of a black one, and he didnt have a mask. We devised a way to save someone and kill these hostile guys. At one point I insulted batman beyond in a way I didnt mean too and he told me, "Hey, Im the batman that came out of a trunk with no parents." I didnt reply, but instead agreed with him in my mind as if, "oh yea thats how his story line went".

      5. I was in Kroger with my mom and sister. I was quite hungry so I looked around for something good. My mom came to me out of no where and recommended that I get these spinach enchiladas with cheese. I told her I was good and instead focused on some fresh cut salmon from Private Selection<<< a company.

      6. I was in an underground system of tunnels. I noticed my sister wasnt following me anymore. I looked ahead to the tunnel infront of me and noticed that walls were building themselves inside of it out of cement blocks. I ran inside the tunnel and jumped over 3 or 4 walls until I couldnt go any further because the walls completed themselves. I looked back toward the entrance trieng to see if anyone was there, but there was no one. I remember somehow making it deeper into the tunnels, and then my sister appearing. We re united and made our way down ward 90 degrees down ward in fact, so basically a hole. As we went down it an enemy attacked us and was about to kill my sister when I finally killed it. Once I did, I saw that my sister was extremely low on health, and she said that she wanted to leave so she wouldnt die, I said ok and we made our way out.

      * Dream recall improving, Im starting to remember really early dreams that I had in the beginning of the night.