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    1. 37th Shared Dreaming Attempt - Vesterguard's Dream

      by , 09-26-2011 at 11:53 AM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Vesterguard's Dream

      non-lucid - Notes - lucid

      26-09-11Again planned on doing a wbtb, but this is just not the technique for me unless it happens naturally, which it does quite a lot. My recall has taken a dip, like a massive dip. I only remember forgetting more dreams than actually recalling them.

      My intentions were same as before, decide what to do once I am awake during the wbtb. I only managed to think of Chichén Itzá firmly a couple of times. Anyways here goes.

      “Mountain temple, in my honour”

      The dreams starts out in birds eye perspective and I am looking at the mountains. In the midst of all the dark grey cliff tops covered in snow there is this temple to me, it looks a lot like La Sagrada Famila and there is a small city below.

      I was a warlord or deity/demigod. I had constructed a temple high in the mountains. Some of the walls leading up to the main temple building from the city below looked a bit like the artwork of the original front entrance of La Sagrada Familia. The walls kept growing longer and longer throughout the dream.

      Below the temple there was a city that I had constructed and continued to develop through the course of the dream. The houses were mainly constructed out of brick walls though it looked crude and pelleted and less like actual masonry.

      I am walking through the city trying to find a spot where I can build more homes. The way this works is by me finding a piece of wall and trying to put down a house where I want it to be constructed. I am walking under this bridge, I think I have a brief moment where I think to myself that it is completely illogical that the bridge is where it is. The bridge means that there are only a few selected places where I can put down the housing. The invisible plan I am dragging around for the house lights up in blue when I find a suitable area.

      I can only put two or three rows of housing under the bridge and I abandon the idea and start walking out in the city again. I then look up and realise that I haven't utilised the upper floors of most of the buildings I have already placed. This will be a great way to achieve more space for my followers. I don't think I actually need more, but more space might lure more, which might have some sort of benefit.

      As I am standing contemplating the difficulty of what I am about to endeavour into, Guilermo of weeds walk up to me with a Glock in his hands. He is out to get me, though I can't exactly remember why so, but I know he has a fairly good reason. I look around and see that it will be difficult for me to run.

      A stranger shrouded in darkness comes up and somehow wrestle the gun from Guilermo, think in retrospect he might have used telekinesis because it happened from a far. The stranger proclaims that there is only one shot left in the gun and it is useless or something. Guilermo pulls the trigger into his own finger and one shot is fired but doesn't cause him harm or even pain it would seem.

      I flee back to my flat (apparently forgetting that the temple is for me). And soon thereafter Michael L comes knocking on my door. He has basically assumed the role of Guilermo and is out to get me now. I think I manage to beat him up a bit and wrestle the gun from him.

      I go to bed and wake up shortly after to the sound of Michael and another bloke in the room. We take a trip down strange lane as Michael explains that he has found a neutral party to rationalise why he has a right to kill me. This guy Michael explains is called Jesper and he knows both of us.

      I explain that I don't know him, and then Michael explains a bit more about him. It turns out that Jesper is a good friend of Michael's family and that he has once been in their house with my dad when they were working as builders. So I object to this allegedly “neutral” party and start beating up Michael again. I end up punching the wall pretending it to be Michael's head, which seems to work as I am gradually getting closer to the wall with each successive punch. In the end I have bashed his head into oblivion with my knuckles and I am making holes in the wall.

      I then start talking to Jesper trying to justify my actions, and maybe keep him around a bit so he doesn't go running straight to the cops. Jesper tries to explain that Michael was just disappointed in me. I say “Why did he always bring a gun when he came seeing me then!?” Jesper replies with suspicion in his voice. “It was a Glock” I say. “Shit” Jesper replies. I think he just figured out where his Glock had gone.


      I am talking to Jesper that I bought this car in a second hand shop and that it was quite a good deal. Still in the room as the violence went down. The car came with a purse a rather large red handbag and I am a bit embarrassed about this. I do hope the keys are in there as I am rummaging through the bag. I pick out a bundle of keys and notice that not only are there keys to the car, but also a hell of a lot of other things. I remember one key in particular being fairly wide and blue/green. I was excited in finding out what these keys were for.

      Wake up.

      Notes: That stranger surrounded in darkness could well have been another dreamer. I had no idea why he was there or what he intended. I always seem to have a vague idea what DCs are plotting, though this guy/girl was a complete blank.
    2. Earth quake, Tsunam.. Volcano erupting.

      by , 09-26-2011 at 03:17 AM (Visions of the night)
      I had a dream I was standing in a tall building there were other people there none that I could recognize..
      I am standing there having I guess a conference because it was a huge office and we all were dressed in business clothes.. I feel the floor shake and look towards the window ..
      I see other buildings waving violently around and I look down seeing the floor was bending out of shape from the pressure.. I panic and everyone in the office huddles together and we are trying to find a way out.. the whole building tilts over and slams into the ground. We all are digging our way out..
      Scene switches and I am looking out the window I can see the open sea to my left and in front of me is a big mountain and a cliff to my right.. I look past these mountains and see more just behind them.. I smile it was a breathtaking view.. I turn to my right and see just as far as I could see a grey long mist hanging over the water.. it was lined on the horizon but it wasn't there before and I could see the dark shadow line take breaks but to show up seconds later.. I look down and see a beach but it was like a small beach inclosed by these tall mountains and cliff..
      I see an elderly man with a walker go towards the beach and move himself close to wet his feet.. I look to my right again and see a huge wave... it stood tall about the water.. green and blueish light baby colors.. I bang on the glass trying to get the man's attention but he couldn't hear me.. I the tide moved in and only when the first wave knocked him to the floor he realized what had happen and tried to escape but the waves slammed against him too strong and fast each getting more bigger and violent touching the sides of this cliff..
      He disappears and next I see this woman blonde hair and in a black tank looking frantically around.. I opened the window and told her to get out of there.. how the waves were violent.. she too ignores me and sure enough the waves slammed on her tossing her against the rocks.. it was horrible.. and sure enough the waves and sea engulfed the mountains..
      We were told to stay were we were.. and they put the news on I couldn't understand what the woman was saying there was no sound coming from the t.v. Some heavy set man walks over he is wearing a white dress suit and beige pants.. tells us in the room a Volcano in Hawaii erupted and cannot be stopped.. earthquakes and floods were happening all over. People started to cry..
      I woke up.
    3. Liberation

      by , 09-20-2011 at 07:19 PM (Oneiric Mirror)
      I dreamed I was in a place (which could very well be a cross between the Swiss Alps and Scandinavia).
      I was with A. I was a few years older, with a beard covering my face, and a wool cap in my head.
      Me and A were responsible for a kind of station that studied the ecological status of the planet.
      Our house was round, white, and had four windows in front. Near the house was a huge deposit of seventeen feet. Near the deposit, there was a huge pipe that entered the soil. The portion of pipe that was out, continued throughout the landscape until out of sight ... all this were irrigation systems. At the bottom of the landscape there were mountains (four or five) covered with ice.


      Comments: Part of dateless dreams series
    4. The Alien Adventure.

      by , 09-06-2011 at 11:33 PM (Aeolar's Lucid Reveries and other Hoopla)
      I am at this place similar to somewhere in the Sierra mountains, and I decide to go off on an adventure. I then decide to go the long way around and climb this mountain. As I am scaling down it, I see all of these small scale cul-de-sacs that are in the midst of a disaster. As I go further down, they get larger scale, and I see this one figure that looks like Bart but with long spiky black hair. I am now in a gift shop, and when I look out the window, I see Christina. She sees me as well, and runs and and hugs me. I see Dad as well, he comes in and says something to me. Now, the DC's disappear, and an older middle - aged man comes into the shop. He asks me if it's OK, and I say yes (There is a lot more dialogue).

      I feel an unpleasant sensation in my man melons, and feel a moving sensation. During this, I can't see, but I feel a feminine presence over me. Now, I am aboard a flying ship, in a room with the old man. I want to know if I can ask him a few questions; he isn't sure because he should be in NY by now. I ask him if he is an "alien", he says yes. He then tells me the word for when one truly reveals themselves to you, whether your a robot, alien, or whatever, no disguises. He tells me this word. It starts with auto, and I ask again what the word was. I repeat it to myself as to remember what it was, but when I awoke, it was almost as if it vanished. He then showed me these pictures of little children on what looks like a curved piece of white leather. He then tells me that "It's best to come in when they are young!" I tell him that I have 1, maybe 2 more questions. I want to know when we will be able to talk through info packets of thought, and he says when we raise our vibrational frequencies, then I ask when that will be, and she simply says "Soon." I wake up.
      I am at my North Grandparent's house, and Jackie some chick from school is sprawled out on the couch. She tells me to make a portal here, here, and here. I do it, then jump into a portal in between the chair and the couch.
    5. August 19th, 2011

      by , 08-19-2011 at 11:35 AM (Visions in the Dark)
      (There is a "trigger warning" on the content of this dream.)

      This dream takes place in a sort of Medieval fantasy world, much like Lord of the Rings. I am my dream incarnation Kalima, who has orange hair and wears a white and violet dress. I am in the center of a large valley of some kind. I am on a flat plain surrounded completely by large snowy mountains. It is cold and dry and it is either late autumn or I am far north, though there is no snow on the ground.

      I know I am trying to find my way to a certain land, but I do not know how to get there. I am in the process of escaping another land where people are trying to kill me because I have been accused of witchcraft. A while ago I was being pursued by a group of men dressed in furs who were riding black horses, but somehow I avoided them and ended up in this valley. I am nervous because there are no trees or large boulders to hide behind and if the horsemen make there way into this valley, they will surely see me.

      I head for the smallest range of mountains and try to traverse over it, but I lack supplies and I am starving, I am too tired and it is too cold. I collapse and some travellers find me and take me to their cabin on the other side of the mountain. I sleep for a long time and when I awake I am in a trance like state and I start drawing maps because for some reason I am unable to speak and cannot tell my rescuers where I am trying to go.

      Some of the older men in the family recognizes the land I have drawn in my map and they gathers supplies to try and take me there. We travel for a long time and are almost at my destination when the horsemen find us and attack us. All of the men I am travelling with, except one, are killed and we are taken prisoner. We are taken to a camp set up by the horsemen and I am interrogated and tortured because the horsemen want to know where I was headed, though for some reason I am still unable to talk. Late in the night thw lone survivor of the men I had been travelling with is tortured and killed. After his death some of the horsemen gang rape me repeatedly.

      Dawn comes and I am traumatized and exhausted and am looking forward to the horsemen killing me for witchcraft because I do not want to live anymore. Before they can assault me further the horsemen's camp is attacked by elven warriors and the horsemen flee or are killed. I am overhwelmed by everything that has happened and pass out.

      When I wake up I am in a large palace somewhere and there are beautiful elven people walking around and whispering softly in the grand halls. My wounds are dressed and there is fresh fruit and bread on a table near by soft bed. I am still traumatized from the torture and rape, and still unable to talk, yet somehow I know that I have arrived at my destination and I fall back into a such deep sleep that I do not know if I am just asleep or if I have died.

      Updated 08-21-2011 at 09:55 AM by 6048

      non-lucid , nightmare
    6. Acrobatic butt-painting (the butts are doing the painting)

      by , 08-09-2011 at 04:44 PM (Exploring the Unconscious - Bob's Dream Journal)
      Inspired by 'America's Got Talent', one of my first dreams was about some wily buddies of mine doing an acrobatics stunt show. We were all in a matted red-floored arena. We were doing acrobatic butt-painting: not that we were painting butts, instead, we were painting WITH our butts.

      It went like this: buddy number one would dip his butt in paint, and then do this super diving board stunt that would launch him hundreds of feet into the air. On the way down, he'd smack his painted butt onto a canvas and make a big ol' paint smear. Everybody would start cheering. All things considered, it was very impressive and clearly required some highly exacted and specialized skill. Go him.

      Next thing I know, I'm in the mountains with my Dad, and we're hunting these cool birds that look like gray pigeon-parrots. I'm shooting a shotgun with dense rounds of bird shot. The gun is hard for me to handle at times, and at one point I get afraid of its weight and power in my hands and discharge it into the gray mist of the forest. Soon after, my Dad and I see one of the pigeon-parrots fly towards us with what seems to be a broken wing. We go to rescue it.

      While standing next to the pigeon-parrots, the scene morphs, and Father and I are on a truck in a small mountain road. Some guys in the car next to us ask about the way to Camp Chawanakee, an old Boy Scout camp I used to go to every Summer.
    7. Billy Elliot

      by , 07-29-2011 at 08:00 PM

      I somehow had a strong connection to the Billy tour. I was hanging out with the kids in the show while the show was still in progress. My dad saw the show once without me and saw Daniel Russell. There was some weird (mountain?) stop I went to with them.
    8. Lucid fractal tree

      by , 07-27-2011 at 12:24 PM (Mindscape of Xaqaria)
      Yesterday morning I had a short lucid.

      I remember becoming lucid and deciding to just work on stabilization. I go out the front door of whatever house I had been in and I am on a brick patio in a rural/wooded surrounding. I feel the breeze and hear birds chirping. I sit down on the brick and focus on a tree. I can see every leaf, they are very uniform in shape and have the appearance of succulent plant leaves, but are shaped like very triangular deciduous leaves. The entire tree is the same shape as the leaves and very conical, like an evergreen. I try to focus then on the mountains in the distance and try to see individual trees/supernatural close up but I cannot and start to lose focus on practicing stability. I wake up soon after.
    9. car crash and burnt body

      by , 07-22-2011 at 12:19 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      It was night. I was in a car with either my mom or my sister. We were going through some mountainy area, probably just outside town. My mom or sister was probably the one driving. We were winding up some hill on a wide road.

      We passed a car crash, which was just to my right. The car looked pretty huge, like a van, but maybe twice the size. It was completely wrecked, smashed, and burnt. It may even have been upside down. I may have thought that it was smashed almost completely flat. The car was surrounded by huge police or medical vehicles.

      As we passed the front of the vehicle, I tried to see inside. I couldn't see any bodies, so I assued that the police had pulled the people, living or dead, out of the car by now.

      But then I saw a body with its top half laying out of the driver's side (?) of the car. The body was burnt beyond recognition. It looked all skinny, dry, and featureless. It had a greenish-brown color, and its skin was more like ashy rock than skin. Its eyes were just slits, and its mouth was a gaping hole. The body was probably still smouldering and smoking.

      I felt like we had known the person in the car crash. The person may even have been a family member. I felt like we should have determined whether this was the person I'd thought it was. But we kept on driving.

      We were probably heading toward some kind of suburban neighborhood or residential complex in a small town in the hills just beyond us. We may actually have pulled into this neighborhood.
    10. Reacuring Mountain Scape, Locations and a new Plaza 07/11/2011

      by , 07-10-2011 at 03:56 PM
      6:30 AM
      Poor Recall

      Quick notes on these recurring locations.
      There are basically two overall settings in this dream. Both are massively large and "arcing" settings outside either end of my childhood hometown which is a small country town in the Sierra Nevada foothills near Yosemite National Park. The two settings are connected in some way(not just physical transition). The two can mostly be distinguished by the types of "out of place" locations that get mixed in, DC that I see, and % of time I spend looking down compared to being near to the ground.
      The lower end is further away and mostly West South-West. The upper is closer and located between South-East and North-East. I almost never wonder outside of these areas while in these settings.

      OK Dream Bit One
      Outside east end of town a new plaza is constructed, could be open but I don't see any many cars and there is a line of confusing road signs all cluttered and blocking. I think I was headed to the plaza for some reason but I'm not sure why. (note: this may be representative of my waiting to hear back after a job interview.)

      Dream Bit Two
      Some points during dream I get areal views that transition me from specific to specific location(but I'm not flying).
      Outside the west end of town a long dirt road comes down a mountain side curving slowly and steep around through the sparse trees... I transition and wind up at a Large familiar river that is not near my hometown yet somehow resembles a ditch that is. (This mixture of ditch and river is pretty common but always takes a slightly different form.) Today the river was pretty full from a couple tributaries that added to it and was pouring down from a small water fall that I was looking over towards. Good feeling here today.
    11. purple sky telepathy; lance loud fired; strieber to die; duvall's interview; talking schwarzenegger

      by , 06-19-2011 at 01:14 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I, possibly as a little boy, stood on what looked like the crumbled walls of ancient American ruins below a purple sky. I saw myself from behind, and maybe a few meters away. The walls I stood on were less than a meter tall, and they seemed to have all been cleaned out and made presentable for tourists.

      The purple sky almost looked like a stage sky, or like the screen-dome of a planetarium, shaded purple. There was a form in the sky, maybe up from the horizon at about a 30 degree angle. The form was almost elliptical, like a half-open mouth. The form was full of black and grey circles and circles within circles. It was almost like gravel.

      I knew that people used this form in the sky as a kind of transmitter for psychic messages. I may have used the form. But mainly it was older men, who may possibly have been known as wise men.

      I thought it was kind of silly that people were using suchs a complicated method of psychic sending, a big transmitter in the sky, and psychic reception. I cynically reflected, Haven't these guys ever heard of cell phones?

      I then felt bad. I didn't want the wise men to think I thought they were stupid, and I didn't want other people to think I was stupid, just because we hadn't thought of doing something simple like using a cell phone, which everybody else already did.

      Dream #2

      A view of a parking lot with a trailer-office, like for a construction site. Lance Loud from the 1970s reality show "An American Family" sat out on the steps of the trailer-office. Lance looked to be maybe 12 or 13 years old. He was resting his chin in his hands and his elbows on his knees. His dad, Bill Loud, was inside the trailer-office.

      The view closed up on Lance. He had been sitting alone. But now there were a couple of other boys sitting on the steps below him, and maybe standing before the steps. The boys were all in line to see Bill. But Lance was first in line.

      Lance looked really depressed. It suddenly occurred to me that Lance worked for his father, and that he was now anticipating getting fired.

      The trailer door had been closed. But now it was open. From inside, Bill called, "Lance!" Lance slowly stood up as Bill continued, "Come on in here! Death march!" This confirmed that Bill was going to fire Lance.

      Lance walked into the trailer-office. My view was still from outside the office, at the bottom of the steps. Bill's desk was just inside the door. Beyond the door, the trailer-office seemed as huge and full of people and activity as a large factory. There even seemed to be huge cranes and heavy-duty fluorescent lights inside!

      Once Lance stood before his father's desk, he was about 20 years old, about the age he is in the TV show. Bill had some kind of discussion about firing Lance. Lance didn't seem to care that much, although he may have said some semi-nasty thing to his dad.

      Bill apparently felt bad for firing Lance. But he himself was also depressed. He had just gotten divorced from his wife, Pat.

      Bill was now in the living room of one of his good friends. The living room was huge. It had three large couches in the center, arranged in a backwards "C." Bill sat at the right end of the top couch.

      Bill's friend and the friend's wife seemed to change positions. Once they were both on the right end of the right couch. Then the wife was still in that position, while the husband was on the right end of the bottom couch. Then they may have switched positions. Then they may both have been on the right end of the bottom couch.

      Bill was trying to talk for a bit about how he was depressed over his divorce. But the wife started talking about how she and her husband had gone to some kind of store like a K-Mart or a Walmart and picked up stuff like gardening supplies. The store may have been called Libby's. Something about it had a Mexican feel.

      Bill seemed at first to wonder if the husband and wife were trying to ignore or belittle his depression by talking about shopping. But he eventually seemed to decided they were only trying to distract him from his depression and cheer him up that way.

      So Bill joined in on the discussion about this store. He said to the wife, "You know, Libby's always had that great feel to it. You could just walk in there and it was great. Is it still like that?"

      The wife said, "Well, you know, the service at Libby's has gone downhill a lot since you've last been there. I don't think it will be what it used to be ever again."

      Dream #3

      Whitley Strieber was driving in a car with two other people. A man sat in the front passenger seat. Another person, probably a really pretty, blonde woman, sat right in the middle of the back seat. My view was from just behind the woman's head, as if I were a camera stuck on the inside of the back window.

      The car was a big car like from the 1970s. The car drove through some nice valley of green and tan grass between two pine-covered mountains. The road was pretty straight. We were just heading down a slope away from the first mountain and toward the next mountain.

      I could see either a very small town or a large estate just up the slope of the next mountain. Strieber's house was there, just around a left curve.

      I only saw the people in the car from behind. Strieber had a thick head of brown hair in a bowl-like cut. It was a really nerdy, 1970s-style cut. He also seemed to be wearing a blazer that looked like tweed, but which was of a chunkier, nerdier fabric.

      The man and woman had picked Strieber up from the hospital, apparently. He had been at some kind of speech or presentation. Then he ended up in the hospital. Now the man and the woman were making sure Strieber got home okay. I think the man may have been wondering why he was letting Strieber drive, right after he'd gotten out of the hospital.

      Strieber now spoke in a really thuddy, low, dull voice. He said he was at the meeting when, "I just couldn't see straight anymore."

      I could see as if through his memory. There was a person in his view. The person split into a few different images, which were all glimmery and white, surrounded by rainbows, somewhat like looking at something through a blurry prism.

      Strieber continued, "That's when they came to me. They told me. And from what they told me, I knew. I have only 15 days to live."

      Dream #4

      Two women were in a TV studio which was colored orange and yellow, and styled very much like a TV studio from 1960s or 1970s. The women sat in plasticky swivel chairs with metal bases. Between them, on the wall, was a TV screen. Shelley Duvall was on the screen.

      One woman was an older, classy, experienced interviewer. The other woman was young and very pretty. She was actually a model, not an interviewer, although she was apparently going to help the older woman on her interviews from here on. The younger woman may actually even have been holding a teddy bear.

      Duvall was maybe in her late forties. She looked really pretty, but not quite like herself. She was tan, and she had freckles. Her hair was dark and really silky. Her skinniness was over-accentuated. And she had dark, dark eyes. In fact, her eyes may have been all black. She wore a red dress with white polka dots and lapels.

      The interview seemed to be going well. But then, suddenly, the younger woman interrupted Duvall and asked, "So, wait. Are you, like, an actress, or something?" This question had been posed half in ignorance and half in the young woman's attempts to hurt Duvall in some way, just because she was older than the young woman.

      Duvall stopped what she was saying. She said, "Yes. I am an actor." She held up a color headshot of herself. It may have alternated between a rather pretty and colorful shot of herself and some shot that had to do with her playing Olive Oil in the movie Popeye.

      Duvall may have scolded the young woman a little bit, angrily. She may then have continued on with whatever she had been talking about before.

      But, again, the young woman interrupted. She started asking Duvall for advice about some kind of life problem or professional problem she was having. Duvall stopped talking about whatever she had been talking about and started giving the young woman advice in a very caring manner.

      Dream #5

      No, or few, images. A few old, rich people, possibly including a couple of old ladies with grey hair and blue-violet colored hats, were talking.

      One said, "How are they doing after the breakup?"

      Another said, "Oh, well, Arnold is still depressed. We try to cheer him up and get him out of the house. He's only just now started seeing people again. So maybe he's about to turn the corner."

      Another said, "But Maria! She's just throwing all kinds of wild parties! And they just get more and more lavish!"

      This was said as if Maria were breaking some kind of rule. It was like people thought she should have hidden herself away in depression. Since she was doing the opposite, she was apparently a bad example of womanhood.
    12. Silent hill

      by , 04-14-2011 at 06:43 AM
      started at the entrance of a hotel, it was dark and had an underlying sinister feel to it.
      i ask for a single room, the indian guy shows me through to the stairwell, i realise the stairs have no banister and there are no lights, a thick black scum is visible on the walls, like blood had been left there for years, he just says, go right down to the bottom and then take a left.

      I go, as i approach the room i notice that they are small boats (each individual room)

      I go back to the reception to meet Elise, i she seems upset, we continue to the room. when we arrive i realise the sliding door to the room does not lock correctly. i sit down with elise and i want to hold her tight, but she tells me that she no longer wants to be with me, i begin to cry louder and louder this feels so real. real emotions were going through me.

      during this i notice the boat starts to rock bacwards and forwards, increasingly unsteady, itr gets really bad, i go outside onto the deck to see what is going on .

      I look around to see that we are in the middle of a huge ocean, with other boats, the sky is dark, i fall out of the boat, the water isnt too cold. i just manage to get back onto the boat and the water settles.

      I go inside to find elise writhing in pain on the bed, i start to hear strange noises coming from all directions. i am holding elises hand tight, as i turn to hold her body, she dissapears! i quickly get up, the room has changed somehow, its bigger and the sky is brighter outside, i notice strange zombie like beings entering the room. I punched one 3 times till it dropped to the ground where i stamped on its face till it was a bloody pulp, each time i kicked or stamped they let out a violent high pitched scream, non human scream.

      i escaped out the side of the boat, however it was no longer a boat but the side of a building.

      I followed the path killing any wierd thing on my way, i remember the sounds they made when i killed them, a strange echoing scream, really high pitched.

      Suddenly i am on another boat, something like a boat tour, we were looking for a special cave inside a mountain like some form of treasure (something magical) the sea was very choppy.

      Me and one of the staff get off the boat and begin ti hike up this steep hill, it was green at the bottom with trees and plants, as we progressed up the hil it bekame steeper and steeper as the quantity of trees also decreased.

      It became almost impossible to climb, i nearly slipped a couple of times. this didnt stop me, we were so content on getting there. as we rounded the corner i noticed we were up extremely high, and we coulod see the boat down below, the sea was really bad at this point!

      We plan our next move it is a big jump accross a gap in the mountain, the gap drops down to solid ground. i went first, i just about made it.

      The other guy gives it a go. he starts to scream and shout, he almost missed it, but now he is holding onto the ledge with one hand, he drops... i think i remember falling off, but i am not sure.

      I remember a huge struggle and a couple of people were lost at sea, and there were huge tidal waves.

      But i managed to survive and was returned to my hotel room.

      The rooms had changed again.

      This time all the floors were wood, a huge area open to the sky completely wooden floor, the sun was out but strangely the sky was thick grey .

      each individual room had only a sheet hanging down as a door i felt very melancholy being here, although it was bright and sunny it just felt strange.

      i went inside the room to find elise there, i was so happy i thought i had lost her forever!!

      we decdide we need to leave straight away. I grab her hand and we start running.

      as we run a strange man steps out of one of the rooms, i dont know how or why but they could read my mind and speak to me telepathically.

      He asked me where she has gone? i realise that elise had vanished again, i can hear her, crying from another room but everytime i get close to that room i hear her crying from a different one.

      There were more than one of these wierd bald characters with scarred heads that could mind read.

      Eventually i found her and we ran out of the exit, up the stairs and out !!!!!!!!!!!

    13. reflecting on dream; driven by mom; friend and bed

      by , 03-29-2011 at 11:43 AM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was with my family in some kind of parking lot in the mountains. It was early morning, with pastel blue and pale gold light of dawn and cold dew still coating everything.

      The parking lot was set in two levels. But the levels were separated by a big hill. My motheer had driven me, my brother, and my sister here. We were apparently waiting for something else to happen before we left the parking lot.

      But somehow I was now in another car, driving around in the upper parking lot while the rest of my family was driving around in the lower part of the parking lot. For some reason, I felt like this whole thing had been dreamt, and that I was now awake and out of that dream.

      I rehearsed the elements of that dream in my head while I looked down at my family. My family drove past some kind of small path which had a little foot-bridge that went across a tiny stream.

      Dream #2

      My mom was driving me through some neighborhood at night. My mom was probably taking me to the airport. But we ended up driving in some weird pattern that took us up into some totally wrong area and then back to where we'd started from.

      My mom mentioned something about six hours, like it would take us six hours to get to the airport, or like my flight didn't leave for another six hours. My mom stopped at a fast food restaurant. I may have stayed in the car while she went in to grab the food.

      Dream #3

      My friend H and I had been driven to some place by a man, possibly my old friend D. The place seemed to be a cabin or shack out in the middle of a huge lot of barren soil, possibly somewhere in the mountains. The sky was grey, and the air was chilly and damp.

      H and I were in a bedroom in the cabin. We were in bed. We'd just arrived here, but the man was thinking of taking us out somewhere, either for a fun dinner or to pick up some stuff we needed. But now H wanted to have sex with me.

      I was already laying on H, making sexual motions with her. But I told her we couldn't just up and have sex while the man was waiting outside for us.

      I was now outside, by myself. I realized that H was still inside. The man was now somebody like H's old boyfriend, C. I realized that H could be mad at me for not having sex with her. She could end up convincing the man to have sex with her, just to spite me.

      I was walking on some kind of line that had been drawn on the soil between the two cars. The line was a double-line, like the yellow lines in the center of a road.
    14. Lucid Dream 204: Human Kites

      by , 03-26-2011 at 04:13 PM (KingYoshi's Dream Journal...My World is Different)
      March 25, 2011
      Lucid Dream 204: Human Kites
      Series: Friends, Episode 9
      around 7:00am

      Me and my friend Mike D are walking through Wal-Mart. We walked back to the alcohol section and I grabbed some strange bottle of alcohol. It looked like milk. Mike D looked at me and said, "What kind of pansy sh** is that?" I then noticed his bottle was even worse. He had grabbed a bottle of some pink milky alcohol. I laughed and said, "Yours is twice as pussy as mine. Its a pink b**** drink!" There was a row of hot chicks sitting on a bench inside the store. They heard me make fun of Mike's drink and they all began laughing and pointing at him. Mike freaked out and grabbed his bottle. He held it above his head and shouted, "You want to f***ing laugh! Laugh about this!" He then slammed it down on the ground and it shattered. Everyone around was looking at Mike like he was crazy. Mike walked over to me and I couldn't help but mess with him some more for freaking out like a crazed man. The manager of the store came storming up to the mess and demanded to know who did it. I think everyone was afraid to point at Mike, so they all pointed at this shy looking girl walking behind us. The manager stormed over and told her to leave. He then walked up to us and said, "You two hold it right there! I know it was you!" I acted confused and said, "How could it be us when it was the girl behind us?" The manager told us that we were in "cahoots" with her. He then went looking for security.

      Me and Mike took off running toward the front of the store. Once we reached the front of the store it had now turned into my old high school. I saw the manager enter the auditorium door and began shouting for assistance. Mike said, "He is getting the all-state track team to chase us!" I thought, "Oh shit!" We hauled ass out of the front door. Rack was in a truck waiting to pick us up right in front of the school. We tried to run as fast as we could, but we were moving at a snails pace. I kept getting slower until I finally reached the truck and hooped in. I saw the track team sprinting out of the front door. Rack punched the gas and we took off. Me and Mike were suddenly floating in the sky behind the truck.

      I looked at Mike and said, "Dude, we didn't make it in the truck!" He pointed at the truck that was about to turn out of the front driveway. I lunged forward and we flew up to the back of the truck. I grabbed a long coiling hose that was hanging off the back of the truck. We held on as Rack drove off the hill. I realized how ridiculous this scenario was and became lucid. We held onto the hose and mike asked, "Shouldn't we go do something...we are dreaming right now right?" I confirmed his assumptions, but told him that we should just see where he takes us. We were high up in the air and being pulled around like kites. We had to dodge power lines for a while until we got out of town. We were now in a giant field driving toward a mountain range. We were very high above the ground and Rack was no longer in a vehicle. He was running and holding onto the coil, pulling us like kites. I lost lucidity somewhere around here.

      I noticed a creature off in the distance. As we approached it, I saw it was a baboon. I started telling Mike how violent and crazy baboons were. He didn't believe me because Rafiki was nice and he was a baboon. I argued that Rafiki was a mandrill, but wasn't entirely sure. I suddenly noticed that we were very close to the ground and quickly approaching the baboon. As we got closer, the baboon let out a death squall and ran at us. It tried to jump and grab my foot, but I managed to pull them up out of its reach. Instead of Rack, Mike B was now pulling us and he was walking. I yelled at him to get his ass in gear, because the baboon was going to kill us. Mike took off running and we gained altitude once again. Soon we approached a large wooden fence with a door. We landed on the fence and climbed to the other side, just as the baboon dove and hit the fence.

      I immediately gained lucidity on the other side of the fence. We were in the backyards of a small neighborhood. There were several houses in the vicinity. We told Mike B that we were lucid the whole time and he said, "So we could have just flown here?" I responded, "Well...WE did." Mike called us bastards and then told me to fly as high in the air as I could. I told him that I wasn't in a space mood. I attempted to fly over to a nearby pond, but had trouble staying airborne. I felt the dream slipping and I prepared to DEILD.

      Since the DEILD didn't last very long, I'm just counting it as an extension of this dream and not its own unique dream.

      I felt myself waking up and then falling immediately back into the dream. I felt my body roll over on its own and into the dream. I was back in the exact same place that I had woke from. Mike and Mike were even in the same general areas that they were when I lost the dream. I heard a noise behind me and the baboon came barreling up to me. I grabbed it with a hand on each jaw and pulled hard in the opposite directions. Its jaw snapped and it broke his top and bottom jaw. It fell over and Mike proclaimed it to be dead. The baboon immediately jumped up to attack and I grabbed him, slammed it on the ground and launched it high into the air. It fell to the ground and broke its neck. I told Mike that he should join me in my flight into space. I was showing him how to keeping gaining altitude, when I felt the dream slipping. I attempted to DEILD, but my hand was now directly in front of my fan. It was very cold and I knew I wouldn't succeed, so I woke up and wrote down the dream.

      Series Details
      In the dream series, "Friends," I join the DC counterparts of my waking life friends and tackle the dream world. You never know what we will be up to next, but I guarantee it will be one hell of a time. Stay tuned for more entries to the series!

      Updated 05-01-2011 at 07:26 PM by 22654

    15. " I would break every bone in my body!"

      by , 03-08-2011 at 02:49 PM (Somnium)
      Comment Dream Lucid
      Amount of sleep: 10.5 hours
      Supplement before sleep: Fanta exotic
      Epic: 8.1/10
      Real: 6.5/10

      I was in a house that felt like being on top of a mountain. I was at a guy who had injured himself. the house was designed as a large aircraft. I knew none of those who was there.
      The house was almost like our cabin only reversed, it was stairs going down instead of up, the rooms were almost the same place, and the kitchen and living room was where they should be.

      Later I went skiing or something in a high mountain pass, it was a dive on one side and a large frozen lake on the other side. (Clear references to our cabin and the cabin area of these dreams) I was with a large group, I would see off the cliff next to a stick that was sticking up with a red banner on it. (Just as those who show the way in the desert in the game Ocarina of Time) I slid down, but no one helped me up, but I got myself up. there was a lady (with dark hair, but not the same woman as before) who said that I should slope down in the hill there. I said that I would break every bone in my body. she said what and I said then we would have to go to the hospital. On my way up I saw a red banner over the lake.(Maybe showing me another path here) The whole group was heading towards a cave, right by where I slid down. (It was more of the banners farther away, I drew a drawing.

      I landed at an airport. It was like the airport was high in the sky also, the gates floated, and it looked like a space station. Then suddenly I was down under the platforms (the gates). It was a football field. I think it was a local team playing. The arena was bigger than any football court I have seen, but there were no people in the stands, for there were no spectators, only big fat walls. I sat down in a staircase. the walls were blue, and of plastic, as were the stairs, just like you'd expect in a swimming hall. but the color of the stairs was gray. there were white lines under the blue. Some of my buddies walked towards me, so then I ran up the stairs, and was on top again.

      I was high in the sky all the time in these dreams. I dunno why. I also dreamt that I got my paycheck somewhere in those dreams. I wonder if the numbers are correct with what I actually get.
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