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    1. Vacation, Frag Factory

      by , 08-11-2014 at 01:54 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I am on vacation with my family on this tropical island. We have also brought along another teenager who looks alot like me. I can recall us staying in this cabin on the beach that from the outside looks like a straw hut, but on the inside it is this fully furnished, multi story condo complex with room for everyone.
      The other me is on his computer, and my mom is trying to convince him to go outside and have fun on the beach.
      I am on the beach. I see somebody who is an artist with all these drawings around them. One of the drawings almost blows into the water and I catch it. I then ask some elderly dream characters if they would please return it to the artist.
      A storm starts to roll in. I go back to the cabin. For some reason I feel like this has happened before and that we should leave the island because the storm is going to get very bad.

      I wake up. I hear some kind of musical beat as I fall back asleep. I am sitting in a dark room. There is a tray of wet packed sand in it. The sand is grey on top, and just beneath that there is a layer of blue-green sand. I run my hand through it and break the layer of grey sand.

      I am designing buildings in and placing them in a city. I lose control of the buildings and random structures start developing. It feels like I am playing Simcity.

      I am in a meadow environment. There are some trees in front of me. Someone is standing there, too blurry to make out. They tell me to remember the phrase 'Arrow, Arrow, Arrow!'

      I am high above earth's surface in space, 'standing' so that my feet are still facing earth. As if I am on a glass platform above earth. I can feel that something is above me. Can't tell what. I look down at earth and am all but hypnotized by the patterns present in the clouds and landforms.
    2. Some fragments and one more Riff...

      by , 08-11-2014 at 11:05 AM (4th DJ-Attempt)
      .../I'm attending an open air metal festival organized by a friend of mine. It's the last participant band and I see many attenders going up to the hills during the pause. Apparently the show is taking place out of the city. There's no lights out of the place. Lot of people seem to be drunk or high. I don't care. I'm hearing a riff in the background which seems to be very familiar although I cannot distinguish which one is it/...

      * Woke up with the riff in my head and I realize I've heard it before but just in dreams. I hum it into my voice recorder and I hope I won't forget about it. It has keyboards but I don't know how I'm going to record that because I sold mine long ago.

      .../I want to connect my deck to the equipment because I want to record the show but I don't find proper cables, mine are are tangled. I think I could use my voice recorder, but perhaps the signal output could be too much for it. I go on trying to put in order the mess up in my hands. I see a couple of guys using my deck to make a sound test or something like that. I think it's great to have my deck used for the concert. I talk something with them/...

      .../I'm watching a documentary of a black metal show boycotted by punk-rockers, some of them get on the stage and try to pull the microphone off the singer's hands who has his face characteristically painted and hardly tries to keep the pole in his hands. After that, I turn to see the opposite happening at a punk show where some black metal fans are doing the same but with some flags painted with spray, hanging on the sides of the hall. They hang themselves to pull those things down and move along a line that holds all the flags, it looks they are having fun doing it and I follow one of them until all the flags are on the floor.
      At one side, next to the gate, I see a TV playing the trailer of the documentary with Ozzy Osbourne's "Ultimate Sin" playing in the background. Then I see him shaking hands with Madonna and giving her a classic long arm bracer. Then a bride gets out from a plane, she's wearing a very hot transparent tulle wedding dress. She holds a baby on her arms while greeting some public that apparently went to see her. She seems to be a famous Hollywood star, and it looks like it's related to the Heavy Metal scene because of the context/...

      .../I get to the tribe, the cabins have no front wall and they look like market stands, selling clothing. I see some jeans when I hear a voice telling something about Curt Cobain related to the mark of the jeans. I think it's sort of company that earns lot of money by selling cheap things although hiding its real brand. I see the different logos in the jeans, although according to the documentary, its the same producer.
      Then I see a kid at the shore of a river in the middle of the jungle. It looks like the Amazonas and the kid is lying on the floor of the entrance of his cabin. The water sometimes gets into the house taking the kid out of it. I'm trying to take a picture of it and post it telling something about the war and its consequences although there's no war around, I want to start a scam too/...

      * It's nice to see this jungle again because of it's related to some epic dreams...
    3. Competition night #13

      by , 08-10-2014 at 11:38 AM
      Fragment 1:
      Whizzing around in boats

      Dream 1:
      A loop about lucid dreaming. I am trying to pull off some kind of lucid challenge and keep going back to sleep after not quite managing it.

      I manage to avert a nasty violent argument on the final attempt, a bystander appears to remember the argument that happened in the previous loop and is scared when I turn up but is relieved when I manage to change the story this time around

      Fragment 2:
      Dancing on the sofa to the band outside

      Updated 08-10-2014 at 04:12 PM by 69407

    4. Note: Mind Music

      by , 08-09-2014 at 04:10 PM
      This isn't actually an entry about a dream, but it falls within my definition of dream-like phenomena.

      I was just sort of lost in my own mind when I swear I started just kind of creating a complete and kind of dark metal/rock cover of this song on the fly in my head.

      It actually had a really awesome guitar solo too. >.>

      I hear music in my imagination a lot but it's usually not like this, except for when I'm dreaming. In a dream I can hear the most amazing club music I've ever heard just generated effortlessly, so I know that the mind is capable of this.... I just thought it was worth noting because it happened to me this vividly while awake and it just happened to be kind of random.

      That is all.
      Tags: music
      memorable , side notes
    5. Various audio-related events

      by , 08-08-2014 at 02:08 PM
      Morning of August 8, 2014. Friday.

      The main plot of the dream oddly related to my grandfather George. For some reason, time (as well as location) is quite ambiguous (in fact, he was born in 1871 and died in 1945 - long before I was born), and he is alive and fairly healthy even though I am also aware my father had died, so there truly is some strange new ambiguity I have not had before in that I also do not recall having had George in any of my past dreams either. Even more unusual, he is a celebrity relative to music (particularly in the 1920s) prior to my father and had taught him guitar and such - which is all distortion - my father was the one who was more well-known. The location seems to be the southwest room of my sister’s old house on Loomis Street. Along the north wall (near where my mother’s refrigerator was at one point in the past) is some sort of odd composite of jukebox, radio, and cassette tape player, about chest-high. Sometimes the tape gets chewed by flowing out when the capstan gets jammed (recurring). I am aware that he is in the living room at one point.

      At one point, my daughter is in the room (and my two youngest sons for a time) - not sure which daughter (it seems to be my oldest but several years younger in-dream, though my youngest is not yet two). Somehow, a bit later, her head or only the right side is there but she is not. When looking at “her”, I am able to “remember” that the right side of her head is unusual in that her ear is not fully defined in that there is no lobe or any “other side” of any of it and her ear is actually only the three-dimensional outer shape itself over her skin, which seems regrettably unfortunate and which apparently was some sort of fictional birth defect. This clear but false memory is not a trigger for lucidity, either.

      There were several other random miscellaneous events I do not quite fully recall, a few relating to fictional (or “too advanced”) 1920s audio technology, I think. Odd hodgepodges of fictional “memories” being “relived” is not all that uncommon in dreams.
    6. A weird, recurring day in England

      by , 08-08-2014 at 11:33 AM
      I was in England. A lot of songs were being sung coming from a loud speaker, almost as if it were to distract you from something. Sounded kind of like propaganda. Trains; many trains carrying hundreds of spoons and forks, some carrying pork, all in Ziploc bags. One of the songs that was constantly sung was about spoons and forks, which sounded kind of like it was from CK2. Another was about Porkwood, whatever that is, and had a horse angry guy singing it. "Porkwood, Porkwood, it's good for you. Porkwood, Porkwood, [something else]. Porkwood, Porkwood, [another thing]. We sing our mighty tune!" I also remembered the spoon and fork song, but I forgot it now.

      I also remember my family being in my house. At some point in the dream, I remember seeing a Vietnam-War-esque army base, close to a jungle. It might have been a flashback. I also remember having to work with a powerful cop, then when he got to my basement, he turned on me, stated that I knew too much, and proceeded to order the soldiers that came with him to kill my entire family, as they went downstairs to the basement on their own, for some reason. I would then fail in killing him, and probably die (I forgot what would actually happen to me). I would then respawn at the point where I had to work with the cop. This time, it was a different cop, but the exact same thing happened. This kept recurring until the dream eventually ended. The excuse for it may have been time travel on my part. I should have realized that this was a dream then.
    7. Music

      by , 08-05-2014 at 01:50 PM (Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness)
      Standing in my kitchen, I start to hear music in my head. Really good drumming and guitar. I'm actually thinking it, but hearing it simultaneously, and enjoying it too. My unconscious mind starts getting fancy with the drumming, and I really like it. I first start to worry that it won't stop, but since it's so good, I'd be okay with that. Then, I worry that it will stop. But it just changes a bit every now and then, sometimes with a drum solo, sometimes a guitar solo. So, I just stand there and enjoy it for a while. I listen to see what instruments I'm playing. Just the drums, electric guitar, and bass guitar, although I don't hear the bass guitar very clearly.

      On the kitchen counter is my laptop, right next to my MP3 player, and the laptop has a bunch of music I lost about 5 years ago that I really enjoyed. Now's my chance to transfer it over! I plug it in, and wake up.
    8. Dream Fragments (5.8.14)

      by , 08-05-2014 at 12:13 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream fragment:
      1. Holly's bf pushing her daughter on billy cart.

      2. I'm with Dad at the parkway shops and we are loading stuff into the back of our car. I see Dean's ute park near by. Dean and GGrant walk over and GG says something to me.

      3. I can hear eminems music. Myself and brother are In a room.
    9. 7/7/2014

      by , 07-27-2014 at 11:22 PM
      I was on a kayak with a girl in the middle of a jungle. I had the idea to go explore the third wold countries that were around there so we set off in the kayak. We arrived in a small dark town surrounded by water. There was only one car, one gas station, and a few houses. The town was pretty flooded so we were on water most of the time. Suddenly, we hear what I know are leeches coming. They sounded like people screaming so we got ready. When they got there, they started attacking us and I asked the only girl with a car, who was an old lady, how to get them off of me. She said to go out into the wilderness so I ran away with Ace. We got out of the town but in my haste, I left my wallet behind. I had my belt along with my gun and my AR15. Ace and I started running but I let go of his leash and he jumped a fence into a backyard where there was a huge, muscular dog. The dog attacked us and I started shooting it and after about 10 rounds, I shot his leg causing it to come off, killing him. I grabbed Ace and spanked him for running away. We finally reached a city and people looked real strange, but there were more cars. I had to go back to the little town to get my wallet and was looking for someone who could help. I passed a few people and when I turned down an alley, I saw a group of those huge dogs come out. I turned around and saw 2 more groups walking towards us. I worried that I might get hurt so thinking it was a dream I tried to use fireballs. Nothing happened but a few people came to help me, along with some cats. I put my hands out to my sides and everything turned to slow motion as the fight started. I pulled out my AR15 shot at the animals. At times, I shot some of the cats but eventually killed of the dogs. The group of people said they were tying to get to the American Airlines station and I asked to be taken to the village for my wallet. Someone said they'd help me and I checked the magazine of my AR. The next round was gonna jam so I worked on it. After I did, the song Be My Rescue by Nichole Nordeman started playing. I looked at the skinny blonde girl who put it on and told her I loved that song.
    10. The Mining Song

      by , 07-25-2014 at 03:24 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I am playing Minecraft. I load in a new world and instantly recognize it. It is one of the old worlds that I played perhaps two years ago. There was a large flat peninsula covered in trees. I built a castle on the end of it in my time playing. But the world is devoid of any man-made structure, as if I had just re-used the seed.
      So I punch a tree and craft wood tools. I then go to a cave entrance and upgrade to stone. I then (I do not recall this being part of the world.) Fell into a deep underground ravine. The fall was so far that I only had half a heart left on the bottom. I turn around, there is a zombie and a creeper approaching me. I fight both of them off without taking any damage.
      My health starts to regenerate and I notice that the creeper dropped a strange object. A gold coin with a clown face on the front of it. I walk over and pick it up. The game says "Minebucks Coin Added"
      Then I 'remembered' that these coins were part of the newest update in Minecraft. And they were a way of saying 'thank you' for playing our game. Every time you get a Minebucks coin, you earn a dollar in real life.
      I explore the cave for a bit, trying to find a way out. I come across another player skin, but he has the clown face from the coin as his face. I kill him and get a second coin. This appears to be some new type of hostile mob in the game. I kill four or five of these guys and get a coin from each one.
      Then this musical beat kicks in. I lose control of the character and watch as somebody else plays. They start mining. The song is one of those where there are two singers almost having a conversation with one another. One singer is the kid's mom, and the other singer is the kid playing.
      I can't recall the lyrics but the mom was singing about how her child should play Minecraft all day every day and make the family rich through these coins. The kid starts singing about how he wants to do other things as well.

      I wake up.

      Updated 08-06-2014 at 09:36 PM by 53527

    11. 6/22/2014

      by , 07-23-2014 at 01:29 AM
      I was driving around and did a reality check. I counted 6 fingers but didn't snap to it. I counted my fingers plenty of more times but still didn't snap. Some old lady, which I think was my grandma, went to my car and yelled at me and even opened my door. I pushed her around and was gonna beat her up but then she got in her car and drove away. I was then in an underwater base when the world first started according to evolution. I was with a few people and we were singing around getting food and stuff. While we were eating, Ace showed up so I ran out and saw Christa's car leaving. I went to get my phone to call her but woke up.

      I was walking down a street and into a parking lot where there was a huge gang of Bloods with their red hoodies and uniforms. I was freaked out because I was the only white guy so I said "I don't want any trouble" and kept walking. I saw another gang but with orange colors. I took out my phone and they all started fighting so I recorded the brawl and saying "World starrr". The guy that was winning the fight got jumped by some fat black girl and he slammed her to the ground twice. Some guy yelled out that the cops were coming and everyone split. I ran into a nearby Walgreens store. The door to the Walgreens was open but the shutters were down, so they were just barely about to open. I looked at the time and it was 7:50. I grabbed a cart and started getting stuff and heard the manager talking crap about me saying I could get hurt by the equipment they were using. I told him I wasn't going to get hurt and that I just wanted to get my stuff. As I was shopping around, I started humming a song. It was Alejandro by Lady Gaga. As I would sing a verse to the song, an employee would sing the next verse and then the manager sang the next verse. My turn came up and I sounded amazing. The song started playing on the speakers and we would sing along with it, each with their respective verse and turns. The bridge to Hips Don't Lie by Shakira started playing and I sang what I knew of that part. A black guy came up to me and high fived me saying I did great

      Updated 07-23-2014 at 02:11 AM by 67773

    12. Butterfly Transformations

      by , 07-22-2014 at 09:30 PM
      Ritual: wtb 3:15am, last wbtb 9:15am, woke 10:38am, SSILD: WILD

      Last sleep, last chance. It was already 9:15am, but since I'd gone to bed so late, and all my previous attempts that night had been without real motivation and had resulted in falling asleep before completing a single cycle, figured I could try once more. SSILD: tempted to mix it with other techniques, but if I was going test this properly, ought to do it straight up. My timing was messy and uneven, but remembered that was okay. Did maybe three cycles on my back, uneven length, afraid of waking myself up too much, given that it was already mid-morning, so turned on my side and prepared to let myself sleep. A few times I ran through the cycles very lightly and quickly, just to get back in touch with my senses. At some point in this process the cat jumped on the bed. I was getting closer to sleep but figured I could work with this if he settled down and didn't just start yelling. Fortunately he decided to sleep on me, and I was able to work that sensation into my rotation. I wasn't cycling regularly, just randomly once in a while when I felt I might be losing touch.

      I must have been already dreaming without knowing it, because I thought I was only thinking, and it never occurred to me that the presence of sustained visuals suggested otherwise. I was replying to posts on some online forum made my a friend—nothing to do with DV, no one even connected with dreaming, just an old friend I haven't talked to in a while (AS). He was posting something about falling asleep a certain way and used an acronym like "TILD," and I wanted to reply snarkily with something like, "Does TILD stand for 'talking to yourself in bed'?" At the time, I was convinced this phrase perfectly fit the acronym, so I was apparently already touched by dream logic. So I was trying to type out my reply, and I simply could not type "TILD" properly. I tried over and over, and my fingers kept slipping and hitting everything else on the keyboard. Technical difficulties like this are one of my dream signs, but since I was convinced I was still awake, it didn't occur to me to RC. On the contrary, I thought I was having this trouble typing because I was getting too sleepy! This was precisely the opposite of a false awakening: instead of losing dream awareness by believing I had woken up, on the contrary, I failed to realize I was dreaming because I thought I hadn't fallen asleep yet! (If there's no acronym for this yet, I propose FFA for "false falling asleep," as it pairs well with the more familiar term FA.)

      Around then the music started. I could hear a Pixies song. At the time I was sure that it was a song I knew, and it was playing perfectly down to the last note, even though I hadn't heard it in years. (I can't remember now what song it was, if it was indeed a real one.) I knew the music wasn't coming from outside me, and figured it must just be hypnagogic activity. The whole time until now I had been aware of lying in my bed, which was part of the reason I thought that I hadn't quite fallen asleep yet. After the Pixies song played in its entirety and then concluded, a new song started. This one intrigued me even more, because I was sure it was a song I had never heard before. It was lively enough to make a good follow-up to the Pixies, but the singer had an accent that sounded African. It reminded me of the song "Rise" by Seun Kuti, one that I downloaded free from Amazon and put on my running mix—but I'm not familiar with his other work. This song, like one before it, was crystal clear... like so often before I regretted that I am not more musical in waking life, because I felt sure if I were musically literate I could wake up and recreate it. But I didn't feel like rousing myself and trying to hum the melody into my iPhone when I hadn't even gotten to sleep yet.

      WILD: At some point around here the transition finalized, and I realized, hang on, I think I am asleep now! I'm in my dream body! I could probably just 'get up' without disrupting anything... so I got out of bed, and even though everything felt extremely lifelike, there was a lightness to my body that I was sure meant I was dreaming. I was impressed how bright and clear everything was, and how mobile I felt, unlike a lot of WILDs where it's dark at first and I'm crawling over the carpet trying to get traction. But perhaps integration wasn't perfect yet, because hardly had I gotten out of bed when I was disturbed by a loud rhythmic noise that threatened to disrupt the dream state and wake me. At first I thought it must be the mailman knocking on the door, because I'm expecting a package. But as it continued without abating, I realized it must actually be construction on the house up the hill. How foolish it was, I chided myself, to do my dream practice so late in the morning! The world wakes up and starts making loud noises; at least during the night it is quieter. (RL: It turns out there's nothing at the door and no construction going on outside, so despite these very reasonable hypotheses about bleedthrough stimuli, the sound appears to have been largely or entirely internal.)

      The sound was extremely disruptive and I felt alarmingly close to being woken by it. But I had just gotten into a perfectly good dream and had no wish to lose it so soon (like that time recently when I was woken from an otherwise fantastic WILD by my own snoring—come to think of it, this is another possible culprit for the sound!) How can I deal with this and remain in the dream? The answer occurred instinctively: dance! So I started dancing to the noise. It was a bit like dancing to the sound of hammers, and my dance was correspondingly jerky and spasmodic, but it did the trick! After a while I felt that the dreamstate was no longer threatened, so I paused and looked at myself in the bedroom mirror. Once again, as in the last SSILD, I was impressed how much like my waking self I looked: the hair was different, shorter, but the same face, same eyes. I smiled at myself and could see the smile in the reflection. Interestingly, even though it was a full-length mirror, I have no conception of what I might have been wearing. I wasn't curious about it at the time I was looking, so I have no impression of it now. If I had to guess, I would suppose it was a loose white summer dress of the sort I've been wearing around the house lately (I don't wear these to bed though).

      Even though I had come to terms with the noise, it was still loud and annoying, so I decided to leave the bedroom and move deeper into the house, hopefully away from it. It might have diminished slightly by the time I got to the kitchen, but only a little, so I keep walking through to the living room. I notice my fluffiest down comforter is heaped up on the couch for some reason. I pull it off, and as the folds of cloth open I see the dark silhouette of a butterfly within them. I am momentarily confused: is butterfly a dream figment, or is it real? That is, just as I thought the sound might have a source in waking life, it didn't seem improbable at that moment that a butterfly might have accidentally made it into the house. Dream logic prevented me from realizing that, even were that so, how would I realize it when I was asleep in my bed? The butterfly flutters up and flies into the kitchen, so I follow it. Around this time I am too distracted to notice the noise anymore, being completely engrossed in the butterfly. When I enter the kitchen, I notice that in place of the little black one I followed, about the size of an ordinary monarch, there are now two very large butterflies, their wingspans about 16 to 18 inches across. One is slightly larger than the other, a very pale greenish yellow. The other one has the same base color, but its wings have black borders.

      I am reminded of the task I had been intending to work on next, "creo animál." However, it seems that the dream has jumped the gun and already created the animal for me, so I roll with it and decide to experiment with "rego animál" instead—apparently forgetting I've already done this one numerous times. I know I should try "intellego animál," as I've never tried anything with that technique, but I'm not sure how to go about it, so I decide to put it off until later. I hold out my hand and command "Rego animál," focusing on the larger, lighter-colored butterfly and intending for it to land on my hand. The butterflies flit around and ignore me. I try again. Doesn't work. What's the problem? They are "animals," aren't they? I mean, in the broad sense of the term, I'm pretty sure insects count. Do I need the "auram" sphere for this, as they are creatures of the air? But I've worked with wind before—I've found it quite straightforward to conjure all the elements directly—yet somehow this is harder. I'm forgetting all the times I have commanded animals very easily in other dreams, and am probably just making it harder for myself by all the Ars Magica rigamarole, but truth be told I like rigamarole... it's more stylish and satisfying than just making things happen in a perfunctory way. I conclude that the main problem is that I'm just not putting enough focus into my intent, and so the third time I sing the command. For some reason, I always get the best results in dreams when I sing to shape them, and sure enough, now the butterfly comes over and lands on my proffered hand.

      What next? I walk the few steps back into the living room, and command the butterfly to fly up again and go land on the small table by the window on the other side of the couch. Again, it takes me a couple tries, but the butterfly finally obeys. As it lands there, it turns into a young light-haired woman. I am distracted from this transformation by a young blonde man who is now at my side. He is not the second butterfly, the one with black-bordered wings: around this time she transforms into a dark-haired woman who is standing near the closet. With all this transformation going on, I am inspired to try "Muto animál," so I direct this command to the young man, intending for him to turn into a butterfly. He stands there looking a bit obstinate or confused, so I sing the command in what I intend to be a very persuasive manner, and he finally complies—sort of. He lies down on his right side in a fetal position. He is not lying on the floor, but on some platform a few feet high that doesn't exist in RL (there would just be a wall there). He produces a bundle of red yarn that he stretches along the length of his spine. I watch, waiting for the transformation, but nothing happens. I command him again, and he respond that he is doing his best, but that it will take a very long time—maybe up to a year!—because the timing isn't right.

      It's possible that the guy is just dicking me around, but he seems sincere, and he does offer that he could transform more easily into a goat. (OMG! I hadn't even realized until I wrote this that my first SSILD also involved a goat... odd coincidence, as I don't remember dreaming of goats under any other circumstances.) I say that this would be fine, so he gets back up, discards the red yarn, and transforms at once into a brown goat of ordinary size. He warns me that when he is a goat, he speaks in a strange high voice—which seems contradictory at first, because he has already turned into a goat and is still speaking in the same voice as before. However, after delivering the warning, his voice does change. From his description of a "high voice," I was expecting him to start speaking in falsetto, but instead he sounds more cartoonish, like his voice has been sped up. With his new voice he introduces himself to me, telling me his name is "Hemm." I find myself wondering how this is spelled. I imagine it with two 'mm's, but having only heard it spoken, I can't be sure. Should I ask? Well it can't hurt, and might help me remember the name better. "Is that spelled H-E-M or H-E-M-M?" I inquire. He replies that there's no way to know: he was just a blacksmith's son and never saw it written down.

      I realize that I should get the names of everyone in the room, because then I'll be able to write a more detailed report when I wake up. So I turn and ask the girl sitting on the small table, formerly the pale butterfly. She tells me her name is "Anna." She is now holding a painting, a vertical rectangle about 24x36 inches, and turns it around to show me the back. "And his name was 'Jakachibe', he was a Japanese thief." I gather that the guy she mentions is represented on the front of the painting, but I barely had time to glimpse the image before she turned it around, and now she is just showing me the back of the canvas, where something like 'Jakachibe' is written in large sloppy pencil letters on a wooden crossbar. I say "something like" because the transliteration of the name is even worse than what I've rendered here—there was another 'h' in it somewhere, maybe even a 'q', something more like "Jaqhachibe," but I can't remember precisely—and I have to bite my tongue to refrain from telling her that "Jaqhachibe" doesn't sound like a proper Japanese name and even if it were, it certainly wouldn't be spelled that way in English. I just smile and nod, then turn to the dark-haired woman who has continued to stand by quietly. She tells me her name is "Caroline." After I hear each name, I am repeating it aloud, to better impress it on my memory.

      After talking to each of the women in turn, I notice that the young man who had transformed into a goat has returned to his former human appearance. He is of average height, with wavy blonde hair, short but not too short, a bit tousled, and he has a pleasant, open face. He volunteers that his name—in this form—is "Viryec." Or at least, he says something that sounds like that phonetically, but is probably spelled very differently—"Virjece" occurs to me as the most likely possibility—so I start inquiring more about it. He tells me that his name means something like "sincere effort." This rings a bell—both in sound and meaning, it reminds me a lot of the Pali word viriya, which has been on my mind lately, so I ask him if that term has any relationship to his name. Although he and his name both strike me as coming from northern European stock, perhaps there is some ancient Indo-European etymological relationship with the Pali... but before he can reply, I wake up. I don't know why my dreams so often seem to end just before what promises to be some interesting revelation, but here we are again. Still, I'm not that disappointed because I have so much to write down!

      Updated 08-02-2014 at 10:49 PM by 34973

      lucid , memorable
    13. 7.10.14

      by , 07-11-2014 at 02:10 AM
      Dream 1

      I'm walking through the school with C, I, and a couple others. C keeps putting her arm around my waist. I put mine around hers a couple times, and when I do its like she's wearing a short shirt or something because I can feel skin, warm and soft. I put a cloth on her head and call her my 'Mormon Egyptian friend'.
      We are now at a door that opens to the outside. We open it and a violent gust of dust blows in. There is a sandstorm outside. After it clears up inside, we open the door again. It is now raining or snowing. I walk outside and my friend are gone.
      Trying to find them, I end up back inside, in a large, crowded hall. It seems like something bad is happening outside.

      Dream 2

      Im at a concert. I never hear this band's music but I know they are metal-core or something. The male singer is telling the crowd to 'jump like walruses' and gets really mad when we don't - he reminds us a lot. I decide that I don't like this band.
      A new band comes out. The drummer starts playing a slow intro with heavy beats. The long-haired male singer comes out, his eyes rolled back into his head. He does slow, heavy metal growls. I like them.
      Now, I find myself in a bathroom. It's very crowded and I only find one empty stall. The seat is so dirty that's it's completely yellow. I start scraping it clean and sit down. The stall door is open and I notice that everyone else's door is open. I also notice that girls and boys are in here - I don't find that extremely odd.
      I hear some guys talking about how they were able to go to the concert. One says all he had to do was say "I'll be right back".
    14. Frag Collection

      by , 07-06-2014 at 03:18 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I am in a pizza joint with S. I am naked except for a shirt that I am wearing. It is a long white T-Shirt with some graphic on it that goes down past my knees. I am worried that somebody will find out that I have no clothing on underneath.

      I am in a school environment with perhaps 12 other students. The instructor breaks us up into groups of four and asks us to do a project on animation. Nobody in the group takes the project seriously (Including me) and I log onto Dreamviews and read the forums.

      I am lucid. No context to the situation, but I do know that I was briefly lucid at one point last night.

      Dream Music: This time it was a drum beat, and it was very clear sounding and actually startlingly loud. I was lucid here to.

      Probably the coolest dream. I was attempting to create a planet. I was in a planetary system that had a large earth-like planet in the center. There were two or three moons orbiting the planet. I spawned my moon that was red and purple. It was medium sized with regards to the other moons. It was also very low over the planet's surface.
      Then a projection of the orbital arcs showed up and it showed that my moon was actually going to fall into the planet. I could not find any way of correcting it, and I watched as my moon crashed into the ocean and sank.

      It occurs to me that I nearly did two TOTMS last night. But i would have had to be lucid. At least my recall was decent.

      Updated 08-06-2014 at 09:43 PM by 53527

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    15. A Personal Lesson in Reality Checks

      by , 07-05-2014 at 06:36 PM (Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness)
      I am listening to one of my favorite bands through earphones, and take the earphones off to do something else, but the music remains at the same volume. I check, and I am still wearing the earphones. I take them off again, being extra sure that I removed them. Holding them in my hand, looking right at them, the music is still at the same volume. I also feel them in my ears at the same time. I drop the pair I'm holding and feel another pair in my ears again.

      My room mate comes up to me to tell me something, but I can't hear her over the music. I take the earphones out, but the music is still just as loud and I can't hear her over it. I focus really intently on reading her lips, but only get part of what she's saying this way. I take the earphones out several times as she is speaking, but the music never gets quieter.

      Maybe I'm dreaming? I pinch my nose and cannot breathe. I look at my frame of reference, notice my nose is slightly visible as usual, as well as my face around my eyes. I try to put my finger through my hand, it won't go through. I look at my hands, I have the normal number of fingers: 4 and a thumb on each hand. "I guess I'm just going crazy then" I conclude, still unable to stop the music. I wonder if I am just unable to remove the headphones and am hallucinating my attempts to get them off, or if I am just hearing the music in my head without headphones....

      In either case, the music is awesome, so I don't really mind it at all. I sing along for a bit, realizing I don't know the words, I let the song continue. I figured I would know the words if it's in my head, but I don't. I keep taking the earphones out, only to hear the music just the same, and to immediately find the earphones are still in my ears.

      A large dog is sleeping nearby. Now it is a horse, the size of a huge dog. It has wedged itself comfortably behind some furniture and wants to get out. I move the furniture a little, and it squeezes through, now in dog aspect again. Turning around, it squeezes back into the furniture, between the frame of a table with no top. It is a large fluffy dog at this point, it lays down, completely comfortable and relaxed. I feel relaxed just looking at it curl up over there.

      I wake up and realize I fell asleep with my headphones on, playing the exact same music. Complete continuity from the dream music to the music I'm hearing now.

      Maybe I woke up briefly for the RCs, and due to the continuity of music, didn't know I was awake? A crucial element was missing from my RCs however: Truly believing this might in fact be a dream. Instead of this, I was merely wanting it to be a dream.
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