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    1. counting moons dream

      by , 05-04-2012 at 07:09 AM
      i'm at the parking lot of the place I work at. I am with a few friends. I look up and notice how huge the moon is and there are 13 planets lining up. I remember becuz I counted them in my dream. I told my friends and woke up trying to explain it to them.

      I had another dream similar, it starts out with me in my kitchen looking out my window and seeing a bunch of moons in the sky. I counted 9 I think.
      Tags: moon, planet, sky, space
    2. Field Trip To Another Planet

      by , 04-13-2012 at 12:46 AM
      So do to having to finish and edit a speech project by the next day i skipped a night of sleep, needless to say I fell asleep fast the next night and had a pretty interesting dream.

      It starts out with me getting off the bus. Apparently I'm on a class field trip. I'm amazed by my surrounding. I'm standing in a huge city only there is something off about it. Everything looks new and bright. The street is wide ans is brick rather than paved. Looking straight forward you can't see the horizon because the buildings are to tall. You can only see the sky if you look up. There are what seem to be two moons but it's daytime, yet you can see stars, it's like the world paused at twilight. The buildings a huge making my seem very small. Everything is close together. I also see rows and rows of fast flying hover cars going past. To top everything off there if a snake like train that is following the track thought the sky, much like a roller coaster only the track doesn't seem to touch the ground anywhere. I say snake like because was corkscrewing around the track like a snake climbing up a pole. It was all breath taking and I was taking pictures and almost crying joy.

      I'm with my class and they all seem just as happy. The teacher starts explaining that we are on another planet. I look at the people who are walking down the street. They look human but no one has any emotions. They walk on with blank faces. I start to get a unsettling feeling. It was odd to see that we were the only ones talking or showing emotion. Another odd thing is I only saw alien men. There were girls in my class other than me but all the native people were guys, all in suits holding brief-cases. It was a bit scary really. I just shrug this off though and a small group of my friends in my class go off on our own to explore. We go to this really cool looking restaurant. It's inside but when you walk in it looks like your going outside into nighttime. It's really epic. The scenery looks like France or Paris.

      Some stuff happens that I really don't remember well. Then I meet the first Alien women. She is some kind of leader or queen. At first she seems good and shows us around but slowly I start to see there is something wrong with her. There are moments when she does something crazy or mean. Finally I find out that on this planet there are about 5% women and 95% men. The women are like the Leaders and boss the men around who don't seem to have any emotions or thoughts for themselves. And way this women is the leader of leaders and she hates men. She kidnaps on of my guy friends and the only way to get him back is back fighting in this big arena. The arena is like you stereotypical arena by with a future twist. There are future like weapons and you can see hover cars flying over head.

      I woke up before any real fighting. Dang you alarm clock
    3. A Couple of memorable dream fragments 120212

      by , 02-13-2012 at 02:33 AM (My Wapped Dreamscape)
      The first of these was a couple of nights ago on 10th February:
      I remember being on a spaceship heading away from one of many planets, I knew the area was uninhabitable for some reason (black hole, antimatter or something). The next thing I remember was heading back towards the planet, feeling nervouse, with some sort of process in mind to make it habitable.
      The next dream was last night 12 February:
      I felt in a panic as I needed to get something important to a friend or work collegue. I was on the bus heading down the main Leeds road, trying to make sure I had everything only to realise that I'd left without putting any shoes on. Very concerned, I tried to work out if I had enough time or money for buying a pair before we were due to meet up. I decided not to and on turning up had to admit my ommission to which this person said not to worry, he had a pair that would fit. I felt sure they were too small but not wanting to contradict him I put them on, at which point I woke up.
    4. A Polite Lucid Rampage

      by , 02-04-2012 at 08:19 PM (Lyrics to Lunacy)
      I was watching curious George. I was George, apparently. Me and my chaperone walked into a bowling alley in what seemed to be some sort of square or park in an urban town.

      I was now myself. My chaperone turned into some scruffy convict-looking type wearing black and brown. We were sitting at a table inside of the bowling alley. He was looking at screen, it looked like a GPS on an iPad-like device. I was watching a red pulsing dot on the screen, over his shoulder. It was getting increasingly closer to our location.

      "Fuckers' trackin' us," My scruffy companion announced. They're tracking us? Seems more like the other way around.

      "Come on, we might be able to delay 'em." He says.

      I followed him out the door. It was evening now, and there was a man waiting for us on a long motorbike with some sort of cabin, it was like a cross between a mine cart and a motorcycle. He forced us in, and drove off, with a strange respect for the road laws, even though he looked like a gangster.

      "Best paying job yet," The driver commented. "CIA paid me six hundred million to get you guys, eh?"

      Half way to my house, I was transitioned to a van with my family in it. We were still going the same way.

      One long wait at a light later, we arrived at my house, with a government van behind us. We parked in the driveway, and my eyes rose to the sky, full of stars and still red from sunset. There was something weird about it. There seemed to be a giant planet in it. What planet, I wondered. I examined what I could see out of the windshield. It was earth, I noticed. I could just barely make out Mexico.

      I considered Earth for a moment. A bit odd, I thought. Is this a dream? No, it cant be... Oh, wait, except it is!
      I realized, and with the energy of sudden full lucidity, I burst out of the car door and ran around in my family's yard with my brother and father. I came across a mound of dirt that was not there in waking life, under a fully leafed tree, though it was winter.

      "Anchor dream," I cheered. My father snickered at this. I looked around the yard.

      I decided to run out into the road and talk to some DCs. It was suddenly morning. I saw several friends from my school roaming the streets. They didn't live here. I met a friend near a tree.

      "Hey, guess what?" I said.
      "I'm in a dream! But not in your head, my own, so it doesn't matter that I'm telling you this!" I laughed.
      They rolled their eyes.
      "Anchor dream!" I yelled at them. I then ran off down the road.

      The dream shifted into me standing in a line of students somewhere in the second level of my school. I was still lucid. I threw the assorted objects I had in my hand aside into assorted machinery, nobody cared but the guy behind me, be cause he was trying to steal some of it. I stood in line for a while until I figured something out.

      "Oh wait," I said. "Screw this. Anchor dream." I walked out of the line, around some machinery, and into the next room. A teacher had given me papers as I passed, I threw those aside, too. I scattered all over the left side of the next room, which was only storage. I proceeded.

      This room had three teachers trying to stop me inside. They were maneuvering around a pile of boxes.

      "Is there somebody you need to see?" One of them asked, still trying to get to me.
      "Nope," I pushed past them.

      I now came into a similar, but larger room. It had large windows for me to jump through, but before I could reach them I awoke suddenly, too awake to DEILD, but I felt satisfied.
    5. Jan 21

      by , 01-21-2012 at 05:54 PM (Doctor's Dreams)
      Second Earth

      This one was really cloudy. It started out and we were on a different planet but thing thing was it was pretty much identifiable to Earth. The part of the planet that we were on was a mountainous lush green grass covered, treeless expanses and we were in the middle of a bowl with some mountains surrounding us. Now the weird thing was that if you looked straight up, you could see the exact same landscape upside down a long ways up above us, kinda like when the girl folds the world over in inception. I was there for some kind of art camp. I remember looking up at the upside down version of where we were, which in the dream was supposed to be the original earth which meant that we were on some replica earth that was literally floating less than a mile over head with the exact same environments.

      Like this but without the water. and an identical place from "Original Earth" hanging upside down above us.

      The most beautiful thing that captured my attention while loo was that birds were not subject to gravity. There were flocks of black birds that would fly in between the two worlds constantly and it was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. I stared for so long.

      At one point I had to get some kind of art supply for my teacher...also my friends were there (frankie and them) and we were all sitting at several wooden picnic tables scattered around the landscape. SO now I had to go get the art supplies. There was one part of the landscape that wasn't pretty and that was an old rusty building that looked like something out of biohazard. A replica of this was not on original earth. I climbed up a ladder and entered the place. The inside looked like a warm and cozy house on the slightly high price range. I took out my knife and held in reverse in my right hand. I didn't forget that I was on a strange land and that there could be aliens. For some reason I was very convinced that I was gonna run into an alien cat monster. I was walking through the place carefully, and I saw a giant swiss army pocket knife that I wanted to steal but didn't. I kept walking and passed some humans so I let down my guard a lot. They were sitting on a couch watching tv and chilling out. I kept walking through when I saw another one of those knives. I picked it up and a kid who saw me said that it was somebodies. I said that it was alright and I'll just get the other knife that I found a while ago. He smiled maliciously and told me that if there was another knife than the one I was holding should go to him and that I should get the other knife. I smiled and accepted this deal. After I gave him the knife, I wandered back with him following me to the couch area. I think the couch was now more of a love seat configuration and that there were 2 of my friends, both girls (mad mod and sarah h) I sat down and started watching tv with them. There was some strange music on and we were watching a sonic the hedgehog-esque character and I started scatting a melody over the boring music in the background. I made a grand show of it and was kind of looking for a compliment. Never got it.
    6. The Sci-Fi One...

      by , 01-12-2012 at 09:35 AM (My brain and I)

      30th of October, 2010

      Humans had settled on Titan and turned it into a holiday destination. I'm not sure it was actually Titan, but that's what we called it and it was some distant moon, so we'll pretend.
      We travelled there on this humungous mother ship and when we got off I just lay down and looked at the sky and yelled in utter joy.

      This place was spectacular. Amazing. Totally alien yet utterly beautiful.
      There were enormous super-highways high in the sky, which in itself was breathtaking; a hazy yellowish green with a constant red tinge. The selling point was the fact that this was a moon, and as such an enormous potion of the sky was filled with a planet that looked a lot like Earth.
      I played around on Titan for a while, running through the beautifully architectured streets and incorporated rivers of shimmering liquid. All around people were driving strange automobiles and most tourists were walking around in just as much awe as myself. I played hide and seek with some locals.


      I sold my car and while on a train saw a huge (I’m noticing while writing this that a lot of things in my dreams are described as “huge”- I need a new adjective) alien ship in the sky and started shouting about it in panic. We turned a corner and saw a while city was under attack. In the city, police were trying to keep order but people were mutating into these fierce alien monsters. I got chased by mutants who were tearing people apart left right and centre before running back to the place where I sold my car- a strange workshop with a big lift in the centre. I went down the lift into a bunker that was built into the side of a mountain, kind of like those pillboxes that machine gunners sat in during WWI, except several hundred meters off the ground. There I listened to the radio and heard about a resistance group.
      While keeping guard with a bunch of new additions to the group, a helicopter came. We weren’t sure what it was so we hid. My friend threw a grenade at them before we realised they were the good guys. I got in this giant plasma gun and started firing into the valley. The alien ships came and caused the cliff to collapse so we jumped into these mech things and strode around tearing shit up.

      It gets a bit hazy after that, except for the final revelation: The aliens turned out to be black people.

    7. 50th Shared dreaming attempt - BiscuitHappyz's dream

      by , 01-02-2012 at 03:11 AM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Happy New year everyone!

      I was watching curious George. I was George, apparently. Me and my chaperone walked into a bowling alley in what seemed to be some sort of square or park in an urban town.

      I was now myself. My chaperone turned into some scruffy convict-looking type wearing black and brown. We were sitting at a table inside of the bowling alley. He was looking at screen, it looked like a GPS on an iPad-like device. I was watching a red pulsing dot on the screen, over his shoulder. It was getting increasingly closer to our location.

      "Fuckers' trackin' us," My scruffy companion announced. They're tracking us? Seems more like the other way around.

      "Come on, we might be able to delay 'em." He says.

      I followed him out the door. It was evening now, and there was a man waiting for us on a long motorbike with some sort of cabin, it was like a cross between a mine cart and a motorcycle. He forced us in, and drove off, with a strange respect for the road laws, even though he looked like a gangster.

      "Best paying job yet," The driver commented. "CIA paid me six hundred million to get you guys, eh?"

      Half way to my house, I was transitioned to a van with my family in it. We were still going the same way.

      One long wait at a light later, we arrived at my house, with a government van behind us. We parked in the driveway, and my eyes rose to the sky, full of stars and still red from sunset. There was something weird about it. There seemed to be a giant planet in it. What planet, I wondered. I examined what I could see out of the windshield. It was earth, I noticed. I could just barely make out Mexico.

      I considered Earth for a moment. A bit odd, I thought. Is this a dream? No, it cant be... Oh, wit, except it is! I realized, and with the energy of sudden full lucidity, I burst out of the car door and ran around in my family's yard with my brother and father. I came across a mound of dirt that was not there in waking life, under a fully leafed tree, though it was winter.

      "Anchor dream," I cheered. My father snickered at this. I looked around the yard. Oh, right, I remembered. IOSDP tonight. I thought about Chichen-Itza, but remembered we weren't doing that any more. So I tried to focus my attention on shared dreaming and the IOSDP and whatnot. After 15 seconds of trying, I came to the conclusion that it was to hard and stopped impulsively.

      I decided to run out into the road and talk to some DCs. It was suddenly morning. I saw several friends from my school roaming the streets. They didn't live here. I met a friend near a tree.

      "Hey, guess what?" I said.
      "I'm in a dream! But not in your head, my own, so it doesn't matter that I'm telling you this!" I laughed.
      They rolled their eyes.
      "Anchor dream!" I yelled at them. I then ran off down the road.

      The dream shifted into me standing in a line of students somewhere in the second level of my school. I was still lucid. I threw the assorted objects I had in my hand aside into assorted machinery, nobody cared but the guy behind me, be cause he was trying to steal some of it. I stood in line for a while until I figured something out.

      "Oh wait," I said. "Screw this. Anchor dream." I walked out of the line, around some machinery, and into the next room. A teacher had given me papers as I passed, I threw those aside, too. I scattered all over the left side of the next room, which was only storage. I proceeded.

      This room had three teachers trying to stop me inside. They were maneuvering around a pile of boxes.

      "Is there somebody you need to see?" One of them asked, still trying to get to me.
      "Nope," I pushed past them.

      I now came into a similar, but larger room. It had large windows for me to jump through, but before I could reach them I awoke suddenly, too awake to DEILD, but I felt satisfied.
    8. Parallel Dimension Planet: Namusiki

      by , 10-04-2011 at 05:43 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Parallel Dimension Planet: Namusiki (DILD)


      I had a space shuttle travel for some reason I do not recall. I landed in a planet that was deserted. I did not know what I was going to do, as I was alone, in the middle of nowhere and without supplies.

      I passed out and awoke in a hotel. It was a small room and it was sunny out. I knew that I was still not in planet Earth. I was very excited about being in a different planet that looked alike Earth. I pulled my phone and I was surprised it worked. I was so amazed that Verizon Wireless had coverage in a remote planet.

      I started to investigate this planet. The inhabitants were humans as well, but slightly shorter. I entered inside a pub and wanted to get a drink, but they did not want my cash.

      I started to wonder about this planet, how did I get here and its history if any. I then wanted to call a friend and share about it. Suddenly, a huge storm started to happen. The sky got very dark and it rained very intensily. In matter of seconds, the rain stopped. The sky was blue and very sunny once more.

      I drove a car I had access to and parket in a non pavimented area. My car as well as other cars would move backwards even on park. I was told that that section of the planet had small quakes constantly, so I decided to park further ahead.

      As soon as I did, I started to wonder how the roads, freeways and other stuff were in this planet. I saw a taxi driver and planned in asking him to drive me to a museum and check it out.

      I realized I was in a dream and wanted to find out more.

      I asked the cab driver about the planet. He told me that the planet was called Namusiki. He explained to me that the planet was located in a paralell dimension, right behind Earth.

      He told me that it was a very small planet, with a day of 4 hours and a night of 3. As he shared this with me, the sunny day changed within seconds into night. The taxi driver shared with me also about the weather of the planet and invited me to come visit other time. A little later, I woke up.
    9. 39th Shared Dreaming Attempt - Mayatara's Dream

      by , 10-02-2011 at 12:56 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Mayatara's Dream

      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      Female guardians of the universe
      I am an agent of a universal force for harmony in the universe. My playground are the galaxies. I have fun dancing in the middle of some pretty planets orbiting a sun. I have no shape or size. I am formless.
      There is an inhabited planet somewhat similar to Jupiter and I grab it in my "immaterial" hands and play with it as if it is a ball. In the end I blow it up as if it is a balloon. It was time for it to go.
      Once in a while I take the form of living beings and I go among them for specific missions.
      This time I am supposed to come to planet Earth in the human form. I approach Earth and as I enter its atmosphere and fly over green fields, villages and people, I start adapting myself to the dimensions of the human realm. As I land on the ground, I materialize in a naked female body. I walk through the fields and I find a clothesline and grab a white sheet that was hanging to dry. There is a stone wall separating me from a road to the nearest town and I fly to the top of this wall as I wrap the sheet around me. I don't know there was a van with two guys inside it, right on the other side of the road. They see me appearing out of nowhere, semi-naked and flying away and their jaws drop. But I can't worry about them now.
      I arrive in the town and I somehow manage to rent a room in a kind of inn. It is a really nice place, full of artists and bohemians spending vacations in the countryside. There is a group of half a dozen sitting on the floor at the entrance of the inn, discussing cinema. I am looking for a particular group of researchers on that town, who are developing technology to control the elements, just as we, universal guardians, do. The danger with that is that the poor ignorant humans don't have the subtlety or the wisdom that we do and they risk causing massive disasters on their planet with this technology.
      Unfortunately, in the human form, I don't have the power of omniscience, so I have to investigate as a human would. I wander around and ask some questions, knock on some doors.
      I am getting closer and closer to the right people, when one day returning to the inn, I notice a woman at the living room/library with a strange energy signature. She tries to deceive me, pretending to be someone she's not,
      but I she is a demon which is there to sabotage my mission. She is just trying to get me on a moment of distraction, but I know exactly what she is and don't let my guard down. She finally attacks me and I fly to the ceiling to escape. Her neck extends and her mouth opens, showing shark-like teeth. She almost bites me, but I do evasive maneuvers. She is a though demon and I have a really hard time escaping her attacks. I don't feel so lucky and I don't see how am I going to escape. But then I have a single opportunity, when some movie projector lights up by accident and she is blinded by the light for a second. I strike her a blow with a powerful magic spear and she dematerializes. She is not "dead", I will see her again, but she is gone for now.
      Next day, I finally find the scientists, at the exact moment when they are turning their machine on for the first test experiment. The town was struggling with lack of water and they go to a nearby spring, from where water should be flowing in a cascade, but there's only a very small stream. They program the machine to generate a flow of water to the town, but it goes horribly wrong and they create an unstoppable destructive torrent. I knew it...
      They are dragged by the water and the town is flooded violently, but I stop it soon after, so the damages are restricted and no one actually dies. One of the scientists saw me and realized what I had done. When everybody is recovering from the shock, trying to figure out what just happened, he comes to me and he offers me cake at his house. I find it funny and accept. His house was flooded, but he still sets a table and prepares a tea. He asks me who or what I am. I don't reply, I just smile and he tells me to thank my boss. I say "My boss?" and he says "Yes, the lady in charge. Thank her for having sent you to protect us." I laugh. "How do you know she's a lady?" He replies "She can only be a lady!"
      I agree with him, we are indeed what you could call "female energy" beings.

      As I fell asleep I started dreaming right away and I was like "Cool!!! I'm having a WILD!". I am at some village and I fly up in the air to see from above where exactly I am. Amazingly, it looks a lot like Yucatán in Mexico, so I am on the good track. There is the ocean to my left and small to not so small towns, interspersed with hills and forests. But where is Chichén-Itzá? Should I teleport or look around? I decide to look around. I fly very fast, hoping to see it sneaking behind some trees, but I'm not having any luck, so I stop again at a village to ask someone. I find another guy who is also looking for Chichén-Itzá. Stupidly, I forget to ask his name. We speak to some villagers and a family takes us across their house to the base of a hill on their backyard. They point us a way they say is a shortcut to there, going through some other archaeological site.
      We have to jump over a metallic fence. We find a giant Mayan head sculpted in a rock wall. It is gorgeous! My companion notices that it has a sculpted necklace with encrusted diamonds. Then I notice, there is a group of about 10 guys who seem to be there to steal the diamonds. They see us and they attack us. I have no time for this, so I just fly to the top of the giant head to keep going up hill, but my companion doesn't do the same and he stays behind fighting 10 guys. I find that inconvenient, but I feel I should help him. A bit upset I go down there to rescue him. I just grab him by the shirt and fly away with him. No time to fight bandits. Just behind the Mayan head, we find an entrance to some underground structure. Once inside it, I have the impression this is a subterranean pyramid. With luck, it may well be an underground entrance to Chichén-Itzá. I go up several floors, hopeful to reach the surface. I start calling for WakingNomad and WhiteRain! I wish that they come to meet me here!
      The stairs become increasingly steep, until we come across some old couple who is blocking some narrow wooden stairs, afraid of continuing either up or down. I help them coming down a few steps and my companion helps them the rest of the way down and I don't see him again. I hear voices on the upper floor and rush up into it. I see two guys on the opposite side of the room. One disappears in the back of some wall and the other comes in my direction. I ask him if he is WakingNomad, because he kinda looked like him and he says "Sorry, no!" and leaves. There's one last set of stairs to the last floor. I realize that the last floor is probably the beacon room on top of the pyramid, with exits to the outside and I am decided to go there, light up the beacon and keep sending calls for my dream partners to meet me there.
      As I put my foot on the first step, someone appears at the top of the stairs: it is George W. Bush Jr, pointing a black revolver at me. I laugh, but he has a smirk on his face like he is dead serious. I ask him "Why the hell are you wearing that avatar? You're not Bush." and the guy says I'm right and transforms into a regular looking guy, but still pointing the gun at me. He says he won't allow anyone to go upstairs and he'll shoot whoever tries. I tell him that's not cool and it's totally unnecessary. I tell him we're supposed to be having fun with this game and that there's so much more he could be doing to amuse himself than shooting dreamers. He looks at me with a sick smile on his face and he says "Yeah, I can actually think of a few things I wouldn't mind doing with you!" Then he grabs me and sits with me on his lap. He asks me if I wanna have fun with him. [warning: sexual content ahead] I feel undecided: at first he kinda disgusted me, but now he starts feeling familiar to me (I wonder who he really is). He fondles my crotch and unzips my pants. He gives me pleasure. I let myself go. He undresses my pants and underpants. He starts doing oral sex to me.
      I totally surrender.
    10. 1 Oct: Guardians of the universe and Chichén-Itzá

      by , 10-02-2011 at 12:39 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening


      Female guardians of the universe
      I am an agent of a universal force for harmony in the universe. My playground are the galaxies. I have fun dancing in the middle of some pretty planets orbiting a sun. I have no shape or size. I am formless.
      There is an inhabited planet somewhat similar to Jupiter and I grab it in my "immaterial" hands and play with it as if it is a ball. In the end I blow it up as if it is a balloon. It was time for it to go.
      Once in a while I take the form of living beings and I go among them for specific missions.
      This time I am supposed to come to planet Earth in the human form. I approach Earth and as I enter its atmosphere and fly over green fields, villages and people, I start adapting myself to the dimensions of the human realm. As I land on the ground, I materialize in a naked female body. I walk through the fields and I find a clothesline and grab a white sheet that was hanging to dry. There is a stone wall separating me from a road to the nearest town and I fly to the top of this wall as I wrap the sheet around me. I don't know there was a van with two guys inside it, right on the other side of the road. They see me appearing out of nowhere, semi-naked and flying away and their jaws drop. But I can't worry about them now.
      I arrive in the town and I somehow manage to rent a room in a kind of inn. It is a really nice place, full of artists and bohemians spending vacations in the countryside. There is a group of half a dozen sitting on the floor at the entrance of the inn, discussing cinema. I am looking for a particular group of researchers on that town, who are developing technology to control the elements, just as we, universal guardians, do. The danger with that is that the poor ignorant humans don't have the subtlety or the wisdom that we do and they risk causing massive disasters on their planet with this technology.
      Unfortunately, in the human form, I don't have the power of omniscience, so I have to investigate as a human would. I wander around and ask some questions, knock on some doors.
      I am getting closer and closer to the right people, when one day returning to the inn, I notice a woman at the living room/library with a strange energy signature. She tries to deceive me, pretending to be someone she's not,
      but I she is a demon which is there to sabotage my mission. She is just trying to get me on a moment of distraction, but I know exactly what she is and don't let my guard down. She finally attacks me and I fly to the ceiling to escape. Her neck extends and her mouth opens, showing shark-like teeth. She almost bites me, but I do evasive maneuvers. She is a though demon and I have a really hard time escaping her attacks. I don't feel so lucky and I don't see how am I going to escape. But then I have a single opportunity, when some movie projector lights up by accident and she is blinded by the light for a second. I strike her a blow with a powerful magic spear and she dematerializes. She is not "dead", I will see her again, but she is gone for now.
      Next day, I finally find the scientists, at the exact moment when they are turning their machine on for the first test experiment. The town was struggling with lack of water and they go to a nearby spring, from where water should be flowing in a cascade, but there's only a very small stream. They program the machine to generate a flow of water to the town, but it goes horribly wrong and they create an unstoppable destructive torrent. I knew it...
      They are dragged by the water and the town is flooded violently, but I stop it soon after, so the damages are restricted and no one actually dies. One of the scientists saw me and realized what I had done. When everybody is recovering from the shock, trying to figure out what just happened, he comes to me and he offers me cake at his house. I find it funny and accept. His house was flooded, but he still sets a table and prepares a tea. He asks me who or what I am. I don't reply, I just smile and he tells me to thank my boss. I say "My boss?" and he says "Yes, the lady in charge. Thank her for having sent you to protect us." I laugh. "How do you know she's a lady?" He replies "She can only be a lady!"
      I agree with him, we are indeed what you could call "female energy" beings.


      As I fell asleep I started dreaming right away and I was like "Cool!!! I'm having a WILD!". I am at some village and I fly up in the air to see from above where exactly I am. Amazingly, it looks a lot like Yucatán in Mexico, so I am on the good track. There is the ocean to my left and small to not so small towns, interspersed with hills and forests. But where is Chichén-Itzá? Should I teleport or look around? I decide to look around. I fly very fast, hoping to see it sneaking behind some trees, but I'm not having any luck, so I stop again at a village to ask someone. I find another guy who is also looking for Chichén-Itzá. Stupidly, I forget to ask his name. We speak to some villagers and a family takes us across their house to the base of a hill on their backyard. They point us a way they say is a shortcut to there, going through some other archaeological site.
      We have to jump over a metallic fence. We find a giant Mayan head sculpted in a rock wall. It is gorgeous! My companion notices that it has a sculpted necklace with encrusted diamonds. Then I notice, there is a group of about 10 guys who seem to be there to steal the diamonds. They see us and they attack us. I have no time for this, so I just fly to the top of the giant head to keep going up hill, but my companion doesn't do the same and he stays behind fighting 10 guys. I find that inconvenient, but I feel I should help him. A bit upset I go down there to rescue him. I just grab him by the shirt and fly away with him. No time to fight bandits. Just behind the Mayan head, we find an entrance to some underground structure. Once inside it, I have the impression this is a subterranean pyramid. With luck, it may well be an underground entrance to Chichén-Itzá. I go up several floors, hopeful to reach the surface. I start calling for WakingNomad and WhiteRain! I wish that they come to meet me here!
      The stairs become increasingly steep, until we come across some old couple who is blocking some narrow wooden stairs, afraid of continuing either up or down. I help them coming down a few steps and my companion helps them the rest of the way down and I don't see him again. I hear voices on the upper floor and rush up into it. I see two guys on the opposite side of the room. One disappears in the back of some wall and the other comes in my direction. I ask him if he is WakingNomad, because he kinda looked like him and he says "Sorry, no!" and leaves. There's one last set of stairs to the last floor. I realize that the last floor is probably the beacon room on top of the pyramid, with exits to the outside and I am decided to go there, light up the beacon and keep sending calls for my dream partners to meet me there.
      As I put my foot on the first step, someone appears at the top of the stairs: it is George W. Bush Jr, pointing a black revolver at me. I laugh, but he has a smirk on his face like he is dead serious. I ask him "Why the hell are you wearing that avatar? You're not Bush." and the guy says I'm right and transforms into a regular looking guy, but still pointing the gun at me. He says he won't allow anyone to go upstairs and he'll shoot whoever tries. I tell him that's not cool and it's totally unnecessary. I tell him we're supposed to be having fun with this game and that there's so much more he could be doing to amuse himself than shooting dreamers. He looks at me with a sick smile on his face and he says "Yeah, I can actually think of a few things I wouldn't mind doing with you!" Then he grabs me and sits with me on his lap. He asks me if I wanna have fun with him.
      [warning: sexual content ahead] I feel undecided: at first he kinda disgusted me, but now he starts feeling familiar to me (I wonder who he really is). He fondles my crotch and unzips my pants. He gives me pleasure. I let myself go. He undresses my pants and underpants. He starts doing oral sex to me. I totally surrender.
      At the end, I noticed there were two new figures in the room with us, but I was waking up and can't say anything about them.


      Updated 10-03-2011 at 05:03 PM by 34880

      lucid , non-lucid
    11. 10 Sep: Mutants and complex in the jungle

      by , 09-12-2011 at 11:25 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream lucid false awakening


      At a fancy hotel. I enter an elevator with another 3 or 4 people, to got down to the lobby but it goes down faster than normal. It doesn't free fall, but it doesn't stop on the lobby either. It takes us to a very deep underground level. A couple, who says this happened to them before, is very concerned. They say it may take hours for someone to notice that the elevator is broken and that we're down there. They say last time they were almost running out of oxygen whey they were rescued. But I don't accept to be stuck there for hours, so I open the electronic panel of the elevator and manage to fix it. As it takes us to the lobby, they thank me.
      Apparently I had just arrived at the hotel and I was supposed to join a group on the lobby who's going for a guided tour to the hotel itself. At some point we end up at the rooftop where there is a suspended garden. It is a bit difficult to walk there. The passages where we can walk are made of an irregular metallic mesh, but the alternative is walking on the soil which is too soft and hilly, or on the grass, which is wet and slippery. But all in all, it was pleasant and the view of the street was pretty amazing from up there.
      Later on I go to a supermarket to buy some food, but it's almost closing time and I'm asked to do my shopping quickly. I go straight to a stand with veggie cheeses and salami. They have some things to taste before buying and I get distracted trying all those flavors. There are some bread sticks that I let fall on the ground, but I catch them, blow them and they are just fine to eat. Some lady who is passing by makes some comment on how gross that is and we start an argument in which I point out a number of much more discussing things she certainly eats everyday without even thinking.



      Pre-historic monsters
      I'm merely observing the dream without taking part on it.
      There's a lady, maybe a marine biologist or something like that, who is snorkeling near some rocky caves close to the beach, while her kid is splashing on shallow waters with more people enjoying the sunny weather.
      She finds a decomposing body of a whale or some other big marine animal, stuck on the rocks. As she tries to identify it, she finds herself face to face with some big jawed reptile like animals, slashing meat from it. She is in shock. She doesn't know what these creatures are, but they are clearly dangerous. Fortunately they don't attack her. She gets out of there as quickly as possible. But at least one of the creatures became interested on her and started following her ashore. When she realizes it, she speeds up and shouts to the people on the beach to run away. The animal also speeds up and bumps into her. He is now more interested in all the people on the beach that in her. Someone is attacked and screams. People run out of the water in panic. It looks like a scene from "Jaws".
      Then I watch some later scene where this biologist and other colleagues conclude these are some pre-historic animals once considered extinct. They also conclude that the ones they saw were just juveniles and that at least one much bigger animal is out there in the sea.
      In the following days, even stranger things happen. Another planet appears in the sky, very similar to Earth, with oceans and continents. It causes a solar eclipse that lasts for days. Then nature starts to change on a massive scale, with animals mutating. People first notice that their chicken are laying different eggs and soon they are regressing to an ancestral saurian version. That's just the start,


      Military complex
      I'm living on a military complex in the middle of a jungle. I'm part of a team, which includes 2 or 3 chunky black guys, 1 or 2 chunky blond guys and one bad-ass asian lady. She is taking most of the guys on some mission outside and I stay behind with one of the black guys and another white girl.
      These two are having a secret affair, which I know, but they don't know I know. So, they soon disappear in the jungle to have more privacy, leaving me alone in the complex. I'm worried that they are taking so long to come back, but I keep doing my job, certain that everything is just fine. I go wash some clothes on a sort of dammed lake nearby. It's a privileged position as from there I get to see the complex without being seen. And I observe a suspicious scene that puts me on alert. Our asian boss is back, but she comes alone and is moving as if trying not to be seen. She disappears for a while and then reappears, stretching a wire, from inside the building to the jungle. I realize she just installed some kind of explosive and is going to blow up the place. But why? I go back and confront her. We fight and she is loosing, so she escapes to soon bring along some big guys to get me. But I didn't stay put. I went back to the dam and I open it, flooding the entire complex. They are dragged down by the waters.


      Updated 09-24-2011 at 09:50 AM by 34880

    12. "Reality" the movie.

      by , 08-31-2011 at 01:38 PM (The book of mars)
      i am in the grocery store shopping with my mom and heather.
      we need stuff for a picnic kind of thing.
      beside a river, under a hill a ton of people are eating in scattered groups all down the waterside.

      i'm in a room with a lot of people. on the wall, there are funny parodies of every movie you can think of.
      heather and i look at a harry potter parody. the harry potter actor is really ugly.
      off to the "side" of the scene, more like the "side of the dream" (unexplainable), a man beckons me.
      i question my surroundings, but fight knowing the truth. this is a dream...but i like this dream.
      i know this isn't real. he keeps asking me to come thru, wake up, c'mon.
      i disassociate from the dream and the entire scene feels like a veil has been lifted.
      a white screen remains where i thought reality was. he pushes the screen away.
      now i see "real" reality. i'm in a big lab with a ton of computers.
      there's a lady and her daughter (5 yrs old probably) messing around on one.
      heather is on one too. i'm told to go play on one.

      i have to "log in" with any name. make it up, etc. put your own in, someone elses, it doesn't matter. each name combination will be different.
      i don't remember what name i put in. on the screen, a model of the entire universe appears. it's the person's universe, as each person in our "Reality" has his or her own. this is how you can view them.
      using the middle scroll thing some mouses have, i zoom all the way in. it's earth, the persons perceived "home" or "center of the universe".
      as i scroll out, the seemingly circular planet (rendered 2D because its just a computer) spins and twists clockwise, unraveling and becoming the periodic table of elements. this is represented by a long line of blocks that turns several times, showing thousands of elements. the line keeps going crazy in every direction, in different shapes as it makes molecules, atoms, etc.
      supposedly, i am scrolling "out", aka trying to get the larger picture. confusing.

      i stop playing this game and go over to the man behind it all, the man who beckoned me.
      he looks friendly, just a cool dude maybe 30 or 35.
      "can i talk to you about the film you made or are you sensitive about criticism?" i ask.
      he laughs and says go for it.
      "i hated the part where i was looking at all those movies. it made it seem so real, which sucks because it was a stupid part."
      i talk like my entire life was a movie.
      he laughs about it and says some movie award organization said that's why he didn't receive some award for it.
      we talk about "making movies" and stuff, but all the time we know we mean making "reality".
    13. Exploring Space - 500th Dream recorded!

      by , 05-16-2011 at 08:23 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Exploring Space (MILD)


      The 500th dream was coming up. I was aware that with 500 dreams I would get the "Epic Dream Journal" award. I wanted to have an epic lucid dream and I knew it was a one lifetime opportunity, so no chances to make it wrong.

      I was living with some friends for some reason. I had a girl friend instead of a wife. She was very different from my wife as well. We went to the beach and we were going to have sex. She told me that she would meet me later after doing some assignment I had. She was very happy to see me.

      I realized all the nonsense of the dream and turned lucid. I decided to take a flight to make my dream very stable. I flew over a huge town. It was night and I could see the whole town lit. I was happy as it was a high quality lucid dream.

      I flew over a lake between the tall buildings. I could see boats floating and also, submarines. In addition, I saw like stores that were sunk, but they were supposed to be like that, as I could see customers inside (it was made out of glass)

      Double consciousness triggered. I could feel one of my cats and the dream quality dramatically fell. I needed and epic dream to celebrate my 500th dream. I grabbed a piece of bush and started to squish it with my hands, so I would stay anchored to my dream. It worked fine, double consciousness ended and the dream quality skyrocketed once again.

      I got to a more quiet place of downtown. However, it looked more like a low end neighborhood. I found a dog that needed to be walked either on the dream or Astral plane. I was going to walk the dog and see if it changed the physical plane and actually walked the real dog. I realized it made no sense what I was saying.

      I decided to enter a building and see what my mind created. There were a few people, but they were acting very dumb. I found a container with Cola Cao (chocolate powder) so I opened and tasted it. It looked like blue crystals, but it tasted like the real thing. As I was about to exit this weird house, I saw a giant yellow plastic duck next to me. The nonsense surprised me.

      I looked up to the sky and saw the moon. I decided to fly to the moon, however, when I started to reach it, it fell! It started to melt until it vanished. I was wondering what could I do by then.

      I decided to have a flight in Space. I was sure another moon was going to spawn. As I reach to space, I saw several black holes and explosions

      Different shapes and a lot of colors were seen during this flight. Some of these happened right on my head, but I did not feel anything and it did not changed the path of my dream.

      I saw a wormhole and decided to enter it. I started to travel at high speed until I got to a different dimension. All I could see was nothingness... a few seconds later, I saw a lot of starts and different colored letters... as weird as it sound. It looked freaking like Sesame Street!!! Each time I stepped on one of this letters, I could hear the sound of it.

      I stayed there for a few moment and decided to take off again. I saw another wormhole and entered it. I got to a different planet. It looked like the Earth, there were humans and everything, but the sky had three suns and it was red.

      I entered a building and suddenly, the daylight turned into night. I decided to exit the building and fly to keep the dream stable, but I was loosing it fast. I got to the top to a building where there was a restaurant. The tables of this restaurant were round and they had white cloths. There were two servers who were dressed up in business professional. I also could hear a violin playing. It looked very upscale. My dream was almost gone, so I asked the server if I could borrow a towel. He told I could, they had spare ones. I started to rub my hands with the towel and my dream got stable again.

      I once more entered the building to explore. It was pretty similar to what I explored before. I even found the Cola Cao again, and once more, it was made out of blue crystals. As I exited, I found the same plastic duck too.

      As I exited, I saw the sun and decided to fly to it. It was very cloudy and I felt like not flying through the clouds or I would wake up due blurry vision, so I flew at super high speed. Soon, I was in space again and I could see the Sun. As I approach it, the dream ended extremely abruptly.

      I had a FA and I wrote down the entire dream when after I while I woke up for real and almost forgot the whole dream.
    14. Another planet

      by , 12-22-2010 at 01:01 PM (Eonnn's Akashic Records)
      I found myself on another planet. I was lucid as soon as i saw the sky... there were 2 planets in the sky, one similar to earth, and the other was purple with a ring around it similar to saturn. There was also a large bright full moon and what looked like aurorae in the sky. It was also dusk so there were orange clouds and i was seeing all this while looking out on a calm lake, it was so magnificently beautiful that for the next couple of weeks after this dream, if i were to just picture this image of what i saw i would instantly feel happy and peaceful. words just don't do it enough justice. Anyway, I was surrounded by village people, some were in the forest getting wood, some were just playing around and others were helping construct new buildings. The buildings were made out of bamboo and vines used as rope to tie the bamboo. They actually had a 2 story building that was quite long made out of this bamboo and wood. In front of the building was a pathway going down the length of the building and next to the pathway was a small man-made river/mote thing. There were people jumping off the 2nd story using vines to swing into the mote, and there was also a couple of vines that were used as a means of sending supplies across the length of the building, like a pulley system or railway system about the same level as the 2nd story. I had a few swings going into the river, then walked up further and found an area where everything was ice, i didn't question it, i just decided to have some fun sliding along the ice like i was ice-skating. I flew back to the lake where i was at the start, and there was a small one storey house there which looked a bit more well built. it was made out of clay/bricks, had a wooden door, had holes for windows but no actual glass or anything, with a straw hut-style roof. I was talking to the person living there when suddenly they got scared, i could see them looking at something so i turned to look and there was this weird type of creature flying in the sky about the same size as a bird but it looked like a giant bat. It started flying towards us in an unfriendly manner - i could tell it was going to attack us, so we ran inside and closed the door. we went to the window to have a look and it came flying in and leeched onto me, like it was biting my chest and taking my blood. Thats when i woke up. It's a shame because i wanted to look at the sky some more
      Tags: planet
    15. Another Planet

      by , 12-22-2010 at 12:59 PM (Eonnn's Akashic Records)
      In this dream, I was on a different planet. It was very similar to ours. I can't really remember much about this dream because it wasn't all that exciting. I remember seeing a spaceship which was being built, it had lots of people working on it and i went inside to check it out. The space ship was shaped like a small pyramid. I started talking to someone working on it, and i asked them "how does it work?" they wouldn't answer me. I said, "is it anti-gravity?" they said no, i said "does it use magnetism?" they replied no, i said "does it use the cosmic force of the universe?" they said no. I said "well what does it use?" they again didn't say anything. I was getting so frustrated, finally i said "does it use the power of the mind?" and they replied "yes". After that i got out of there and ventured into the city/town. Didn't really see what the city looked like but it was just an area of built up buildings. Can't remember what i did exactly, think i just talked to a few people and ate some food.
      Tags: planet
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