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    1. October 4, 2023 7:17 pm

      by , 10-04-2023 at 06:28 PM
      I dream that I am living with a family in an apartment on top of a big theatre/convention center. I exit the apartment and explore the theatre where everyone working there applauds for me; doormen, wardrobe workers, visitors, etc. my German family is there as well as it takes place im Berlin, It's raining and I start sprinting around the building in laps at a decent tempo, during each lap, someone joins me and we greet each other as we go around, during each lap they all grow and develop, for example one of the guys does the sprint on a unicycle. In the meantime, I'm still the same. Someone asks about my growth and then says it because they're following my journey as a rockstar. The music in the background then has someone grunt in metal style saying "that is a rockstar" as well as inaudible words repeatedly with a guitar riff in the background as some sort of intro. That's when I woke up!
    2. Fragments, The Death of Ninjas Brother, Track Meet

      by , 12-08-2020 at 09:43 PM (Oneironautic Escapades)

      Walking around outside a Walmart I think, I keep finding folded up money on the ground. Only ones and fives but they are all folded different ways. Some of them aren't even full bills

      Hanging out with Ninja and a couple of his friends in a room. They are being kind but one of them is still kind of shady so I keep an eye on him. At one point he comes back from upstairs and tells me my dad gave him this pen and hands it to me. I doubt him because the pen is important to me and there is no way my dad gave it to him. I call him out for it and ninja is embarrassed his friend is being shady.

      Ninjas brother now is being really nice and shows me a bunch of gifts he got for me and my family. They are like Valentine's gift baskets with chocolate and various things in them. It now becomes combined with minecraft somehow and he tells me when I activate a certain point it will build a house for me on top of where we are. I am flabbergasted and very grateful I gather this thing was very important and it's very kind of him to spend so much money on me and my family. Ninja is also surprised.

      The friend is gone and it's just him and his brother now they are both drinking and rather drunk. Ninja warns me we need to look out for his brother cause he is somewhat suicidal. We're upstairs and his brother is being sloppy drunk and they are goofing around each other. The brother wants to dive down the stairs cause he thinks it will be funny. We both say no and tell him not to cause it is dangerous and he could seriously hurt himself. We get him to stop but he's still being sloppy drunk.
      We are outside now and the brother is laying down next to ninja, they are laughing about something so we stop laying attention to him for just a minute. He picks up a small firecracker looking object and puts it on his forehead. He says goodbye to us and lights the fuse. It is a thermite flare and immediately burns bright and downward with great heat and turns his head to ash. We are both taken aback and cannot believe this just happened. Ninja is in disbelief and quite emotional. I try to comfort him but am still in shock about the occurrence.

      I use the little money I have left to buy a tracksuit. Like under armour tops and bottoms. It is cold out so I have a hat and a woven looking balaklava on. I am lining up with tons of other students for a track meet. I am still pretty upset about my friend but feel kind of numb about it, my parents keep trying to comfort me but I act apathetic. Mom tells me she is sorry I had to spend my money on a running outfit. I shrug. We are now lining up with other students who are stretching and getting ready for the meet. I feel like this is my first time running but still feel very capable to perform well. I acknowledge I'm not in the best shape and may not have the endurance but still feel like I may place. I see other people running and competing, I am unsure what event I will be in. I tell someone I've never been in track before (not true IWL) I see a couple kids practicing their baton pass. I decide there's no way I'm running more than 400m without dying. I wake up while talking to my dad who somehow jumped over a chair.
    3. cxli.

      by , 08-19-2020 at 08:01 PM
      7th July 2020

      Dream (somewhat fragmented):

      Some mix of walking and racing around a city. There was a long track that lapped at a military train station of some kind and looped around through a somewhat futuristic city and some mountains and sea side cliffs. I think I lapped around a couple of times at least. The track was a mix of dirt and train tracks along the non-city parts, so the car would transform or something as it went on and off the rail tracks. The moments during which I was driving were all in third person view.

      (recall gap)

      At some point I was driving a tank past the check point where the race track supposedly lapped, somewhere in the city. A group of rebels appeared and melded out from the cheering crowds gathered around the city race track. The group of people had guns and they clung to me and demanded "the truth" (not of me, it was their chant?). I was not their ally but not their enemy either. I carried on moving forward and some point I'm me and not in the tank anymore, and I'm going through this cramped and small hall of a sci-fi, neon-lit mall. It's kind of dark but the neon signs made a stark contrast.

      (at some point there's a transition, maybe not instant but gradual, though my recall of it has faded)

      The rather large group of rebels was much smaller now. I was now in a giant cavern and this much smaller (less than ten people in total) group of rebels and their children had been following me for a while now after what I think had been quite some time walking; some of the kids kept holding on to me (in fear?) or clinging but I found this annoying at times since I was trying to move forward.

      In the huge cave there was this giant reptilian alien creature and it was fighting or attacking something. I remember running past its large open mouth and throwing a small nuclear bomb inside. Somehow I made it keep its mouth closed as I moved towards its tail.

      The bomb went off at this point and the light shone right through the scaly skin; there was a certain iridescence to the effect and there were plenty of vivid colour. Because I was at the back at this point, I remember making note that it was a female (based on the genitals) and the creature began to feel weak and was sort of hanging on its knees.

      Then I remember being the same size as it; I sort of rolled it over on its back and then it was a (friendly) dog. I was trying to be careful because some of those people were still nearby and now they were tiny. I gave the dog some kind of pill like a tranquillising medicine, without too much resistance; the giant dog began to look a bit out of it and happy. Then there was some kind of interface to choose how to reset or reprogram the creature's behaviour. There were two columns with a few options each.

      The dream ended shortly after this.

      - Even only after waking up I thought that the general setting of this dream was very interesting. The sci-fi type city and the scenic landscapes are generally appealing and come to think of it, are both subjects I'd like to be better at portraying artistically.
      -- I remember some picturesque sunset views at some point, around the seaside cliff areas.
      - This was one of those dreams that felt quite long, where I feel there are many parts of the dream that I did experience but simply could not recall solidly once awake.
      - The whole thing with the rebels and the city makes me think of the Hunger Games for some reason, though I don't think I'd rewatched it recently at the time of this dream.
      -- I don't remember clearly anymore what was the general emotional state of the rebels and their children when we were in the cave, but my mind says "fear" at the moment; but the way the children were hanging on to me was more playful, in the same way that as when I was a child I might have done when being playful with my parents.
      - The nuclear bomb and the shiny effect were probably in part brought on by playing Borderlands 3 and using a character skill that enables miniaturised nuclear warheads to be fired, and in part probably by Fallout and its Fatman too.
      - Rolling over the creature (dog at that point) was very akin to my experience of having to give my dog medication, though in this case there was actually more willingness to receive the medication.

      Updated 08-19-2020 at 08:03 PM by 95293

      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    4. I'm a Super Detective

      by , 10-11-2014 at 03:51 PM (Sharpshoey's Lucid Journey)
      OK so it doesn't matter if my dreams are up to date anymore. I ma just going to be posting dreams and some of them will have happened the night before and some of them a while ago. Mostly only my Lucids will have happened a while ago because I've been too lazy to type them out.


      #1 - I'm A Super Detective
      I am in my school, except it isn't the school I am currently attending, it was my elementary school. My dad texts me and tells me that I have to leave school and come eat lunch with him. I go to my next class which was some foreign language, I think Spanish. About five minutes into it, I went up to the teacher. I went to the guy teacher because I remembered that I had asked the girl teacher something similar before, and she didn't understand what I was asking. I told the guy, "I know I don't have a pass but can I leave? My dad told me to." The teacher shook his head and said no, but I can't remember the reason for it. I figured out then that he was evil in some way, though I can't remember that reason now. All I remember then is standing outside the front doors of the school and the teacher standing there yelling at me.

      Then I was downtown. There had been a murder and I was a detective on the case. There was a bus over a grate heading down to the sewers and I said that we had to get that open. My theory was that the killer had everyone fall into those holes because at every scene there was an opening into the ground. We started opening it and everyone around started looking at us. Then I was at school again running up the hallway. It was slowly inclining towards a door, which was my Spanish class (I can't remember if that happened before or after the crime scene). I am then at a track meet. My Spanish teacher is there and we seem to have made amends. I see the Central team and I walk towards them. My old friend sees me and comes over. I tell him that I had gotten this one girls number, and he says that I have to stay away from her. "Why?" I asked. "First, because I'm going after her. And second, everybody fricking wants her." He replied. I thought this was a little weird because I thought he was currently dating someone but before I could ask he got called back over to his camp. (If I would've asked I probably would've become lucid.

      I walk back over to the track and my coach is waiting. Right when the race is about to start, the killer shows up and takes away a girl. Then all of a sudden, I figure it out. My mind has flashbacks to all the crime scenes, even ones I hadn't visited in the dream (like in Psych). I then realized that each murder took place at a construction site, and that each person killed was a worker. Using this info we are able to stop the girl from being killed. I didn't understand why the killer took the girl, my best guess was that she was a worker's daughter.

      #2 - Half-Dream in the Morning
      I woke up and realized it was still early so I tried to go back to sleep. I was half asleep and I drifted off to a little dream. I was in my school's lunch room. Me and a few others were getting a drink out of a Gatorade container. It said it was Gatorade so we all took that instead of water. Some people got water from that container and were angry because the thing had lied. I got Gatorade though. Then a lady was there and said, water tastes weird after drinking a base liquid. I took the base liquid to mean Gatorade. (I had an even shorter mini dream before this one but I can't remember what it is.

      Updated 10-11-2014 at 06:56 PM by 70090

    5. Apartment Above Bagel Store, Track, Halo 5, City Chase

      by , 09-02-2013 at 12:39 PM (The Redeeming Dreamer)
      9/2/2013, 10:00-7:10

      I woke up twice. From 3:26 to 3:30 I was up, and drank some water. I also woke at 4:55 till 4:59, and also drank some water then. I did a mantra the second time: "I realize I'm dreaming when I'm dreaming." I had three dreams and a possible dream fragment:

      Dream 1:

      I moved into an apartment above the bagel shop in the town I live. It kind of looked like a hotel I went to once on vacation in Virginia. It was dark and a little dirty. Dad, Mom, and J were there. There was also music playing, too. I forgot the lyrics I heard.

      Dream 2:

      I was at N's house. We were playing a Halo game. It didn't seem like anything I've played before, so it probably was an imagined Halo 5 game. I don't remember what we did. After going to N's, I apparently visualized the track at school and started running there.

      Dream 3:

      I was in a giant city. The streets were vacant, though. I was being chased by the police and probably the military. I found many very awesome vehicles lying around the city. One was a "hover cycle", with a giant gun on the front! There was also a jeep, probably. I also eventually was able to hijack a tank from some guys, Mercenaries style! I remember skyscrapers around the area with the hover cycle and jeep, and residential suburb buildings around the place I hijacked the tank. The military and police were constantly shooting at me and following me, too.

      Dream 4:
      (probably 4:59-7:10)

      I remember something about a water park.

      Updated 10-16-2013 at 07:48 AM by 58207

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    6. 6-19-2013 Football

      by , 06-20-2013 at 12:41 AM (Subjects' Dream Journal)
      Legend: Dream , Semi-Lucid , Lucid , Side notes.

      Left 4 Dead:
      I'm on the back of my farm, and i'm with my sister and maybe my dad, hard to remember. Anyway, everything is covered in snow and my sister wants to explore so i lead them into the woods. As we go into a Radio tower like building , the concept of the dream changes to L4d2
      ( a video game ). Before i know it, i'm in an abandoned operating room and we accidentally summon a tank ( a really big zombie ). So we run back to the starting area and complete the mission just in time by turning in a ticket of some sort.

      I'm inside the garage of my house. I apparently signed up for football
      (american football, and no, i would never do this irl, i hate football xD ). But either way, the team is practicing in my garage, i'm #19. I tell the coach i don't know how to play and he looks angry. Next thing i know, The team is at a track. The track has a lot of buildings around it and inside the track ring. We are practicing running. I start running and see one of my friends. I have some weird conversation with him. As i'm running, i notice i don't even have to think about it, my body is automatically running, pretty cool!.

      After i run a lap, i hear a warning for a coming storm, it then starts to rain. I walk by the buildings at the track center. I look inside a place that's about to take off, i see people and wonder what they're thinking. I also look into a medical building and see a man that's about to die of a heart attack, he smiles at me, his jaw has been crushed somehow but i admire him for his ability to smile at death. I then decide to leave in a plane to, so i go into the airport but find i can't get a ticket because i have been accused of hacking security or something. I'm kicked out of the airport. So i then go outside and talk to a witch (A special infected from left 4 dead , Hmm geez, lots of left 4 dead, kinda odd ) i'm apparently dating her, but i come back with a flashlight and the light kills her and then i loot her body. ( so much for that relationship xD ).
    7. A movie on the race track.

      by , 04-05-2012 at 03:01 AM (The Realm of the Child)
      Type: Non-Lucid.
      Mood: Strange, relaxing, and somewhat happy.
      Setting: On a race track, somewhere.
      Characters: Unknown.

      The beginning of the dream is quite out of my mind at the moment, but the main part is still very much there. Basically, I was in a race track, one that had dirt roads, ones that might be used in something like racecar driving, motocross or monster truck derbies. Still, there was something strange about the night, maybe it was the fact that there were two huge projector screens that looked like were going to show a movie. The rest, is sadly, much less detailed. I don't remember the movie we watched or who I was with!
    8. Poor Girl, Everyone is Afraid of Her

      by , 02-19-2012 at 12:21 AM
      While doing the laundry, I find out the machine came with complementary detergent. I press the button to dispense it. I get one large and three small jugs of detergent.

      A girl I haven't seem since elementary school whose name I like is in my English class.

      My mom is sleep-talking something about being suicidal. It's kind of disturbing, but it's still just sleep talk. She sticks me with the dog for my vacation. It's a large white poodle that looks neglected (my mom hasn't actually got a dog).

      I arrive at the hotel room with the dog and my bag. I just booked my flight for tomorrow after getting here, but there's something else I need to do. For some reason I need headphones, but the only ones I can find are broken. I'm sure I packed working headphones. I make a mess while I'm looking, pulling everything out of my bag, but I don't find them. All of my stuff is so unorganized. It really bothers me. I go out to see if I can find some new headphones to buy, but I don't find anything.

      When I get back, my things have been moved and I find two other people in my room: a man and his mostly grown daughter. We talk about random things while I try to put my belongings in order. I tell them I am going to Hawaii and that I have a couple of friends that go to college there. They say "no way!" I try to tell them the name of the university my friends go to, but I can't remember it.

      It occurs to me I forgot about the dog, and I don't see him anywhere. I find him in the bathroom. Apparently the hotel staff put him there while I was gone. The other two people in my room have a dog, too. My books got put on the shelves, which are collapsing, and my books are all mixed in with the hotel's books. Several stacks of books fall onto the floor. It really, really bugs me to see books in that condition, but I have too many things to deal with right now to fix it. There is so much extra stuff in this room that I can barely move. There is a set of coins on the table that I didn't put there. The hotel staff left a barrette and a bunch of other crap here (I can't tell if it's complementary, or they charge you if you take it- regardless, I don't want any of this junk). I'm trying to ditch the unnecessary Hawaiian shirts I packed and get my bag ready for the flight tomorrow. I haven't even gone through it and made sure I didn't leave a knife or something in there by accident, which I am always afraid of doing anytime I have to deal with airport security.

      I wake up. Blah, what a nightmare, having so much to do and not enough time and everything got messier the more I tried to organize things. I have enough of that sort of stress with going to college. I could do without in my dreams

      I fall back asleep.

      I'm playing Minecraft. There's a skeleton glitching through the wall (in a corner). I was on the other side of that wall earlier. I try to kill the glitchy skeleton, but I destroy the wall instead. I quickly finish off the skeleton and try to rebuild the wall. I don't have enough stone or cobbles. I frantically look through what I do have, to see if I can find something to finish patching the wall with. I almost use coal ore blocks, but then I decide to use planks instead.

      My memory of this part is so fuzzy now, but I know I was lucid. I realized I was dreaming, somehow. There was a guy in a red plaid shirt. I almost forgot it was a dream, walking past some wood tables and chairs, but I reminded myself that it is a dream. At the end, there is a girl with special powers. Everyone is, or wants to, hold her captive because they are afraid of her.

      I think I woke up, but it may have been a false awakening. It feels like I'm in SP now. I'm lying on my back, unable to move. My body rotates (or, depending which way you look at things, the room rotates), and my legs end up going through the wall nest to my bed. My body keeps moving, and I end up going all the way through the wall.

      I'm in a car. It's very vivid. I take a minute to admire the details: the feel of the seatbelt, the soft interior lining. Kiki (from Sluggy Freelance) is here. I get out of the car. It's parked in a parking lot with construction materials, on a bit of land mostly surrounded by a lake. I tell Kiki to come with me. She jumps out of the car and scrambles up my shoulder. Everything goes fuzzy.

      I feel like I'm in SP again. There is a slight but uncomfortable pressure on my midsection.

      Now I'm on a sort of rollercoaster. It's a track twisting all around a pole, over this shallow elongated pool of cheesy muckiness. I don't see a rollercoaster car that I am in, but I am going along the rollercoaster. It's like I'm pulling myself along the tracks. My point of view ought to be rotating as I'm going along this twisting track, but it doesn't. I get to the end of the twisty part of the track. Now it goes straight, but I've somehow ended up on the underside of the track. This isn't right.

      After the weird track thing, I walk across a bridge. I'm walking down a corridor and see a kid with short platinum blond hair that has a bit that sticks up. He reminds me of Harry Potter. I turn left, walking in his direction. There's a door here, different from all the other doors along the corridor (this place feels like a dormitory). The one odd door looks like it could be sealed from the outside, like a vault. I open the door and look inside. A girl with long black hair is in there. They fear her because she is a summoner. She's my daughter?
      My alarm goes off.

      Updated 02-19-2012 at 12:25 AM by 51129

      lucid , nightmare
    9. 50th Shared dreaming attempt - BiscuitHappyz's dream

      by , 01-02-2012 at 03:11 AM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Happy New year everyone!

      I was watching curious George. I was George, apparently. Me and my chaperone walked into a bowling alley in what seemed to be some sort of square or park in an urban town.

      I was now myself. My chaperone turned into some scruffy convict-looking type wearing black and brown. We were sitting at a table inside of the bowling alley. He was looking at screen, it looked like a GPS on an iPad-like device. I was watching a red pulsing dot on the screen, over his shoulder. It was getting increasingly closer to our location.

      "Fuckers' trackin' us," My scruffy companion announced. They're tracking us? Seems more like the other way around.

      "Come on, we might be able to delay 'em." He says.

      I followed him out the door. It was evening now, and there was a man waiting for us on a long motorbike with some sort of cabin, it was like a cross between a mine cart and a motorcycle. He forced us in, and drove off, with a strange respect for the road laws, even though he looked like a gangster.

      "Best paying job yet," The driver commented. "CIA paid me six hundred million to get you guys, eh?"

      Half way to my house, I was transitioned to a van with my family in it. We were still going the same way.

      One long wait at a light later, we arrived at my house, with a government van behind us. We parked in the driveway, and my eyes rose to the sky, full of stars and still red from sunset. There was something weird about it. There seemed to be a giant planet in it. What planet, I wondered. I examined what I could see out of the windshield. It was earth, I noticed. I could just barely make out Mexico.

      I considered Earth for a moment. A bit odd, I thought. Is this a dream? No, it cant be... Oh, wit, except it is! I realized, and with the energy of sudden full lucidity, I burst out of the car door and ran around in my family's yard with my brother and father. I came across a mound of dirt that was not there in waking life, under a fully leafed tree, though it was winter.

      "Anchor dream," I cheered. My father snickered at this. I looked around the yard. Oh, right, I remembered. IOSDP tonight. I thought about Chichen-Itza, but remembered we weren't doing that any more. So I tried to focus my attention on shared dreaming and the IOSDP and whatnot. After 15 seconds of trying, I came to the conclusion that it was to hard and stopped impulsively.

      I decided to run out into the road and talk to some DCs. It was suddenly morning. I saw several friends from my school roaming the streets. They didn't live here. I met a friend near a tree.

      "Hey, guess what?" I said.
      "I'm in a dream! But not in your head, my own, so it doesn't matter that I'm telling you this!" I laughed.
      They rolled their eyes.
      "Anchor dream!" I yelled at them. I then ran off down the road.

      The dream shifted into me standing in a line of students somewhere in the second level of my school. I was still lucid. I threw the assorted objects I had in my hand aside into assorted machinery, nobody cared but the guy behind me, be cause he was trying to steal some of it. I stood in line for a while until I figured something out.

      "Oh wait," I said. "Screw this. Anchor dream." I walked out of the line, around some machinery, and into the next room. A teacher had given me papers as I passed, I threw those aside, too. I scattered all over the left side of the next room, which was only storage. I proceeded.

      This room had three teachers trying to stop me inside. They were maneuvering around a pile of boxes.

      "Is there somebody you need to see?" One of them asked, still trying to get to me.
      "Nope," I pushed past them.

      I now came into a similar, but larger room. It had large windows for me to jump through, but before I could reach them I awoke suddenly, too awake to DEILD, but I felt satisfied.
    10. Track Frag (Nov 20, 2011)

      by , 11-21-2011 at 04:17 PM (Realm of Insanity)
      It is night time. I"m at a track in the middle of a forest. My coach from last year is there and he is coahing his team and talking to me.
      Tags: dream, frag, track
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. Track Frag (Nov 18, 2011)

      by , 11-19-2011 at 04:31 PM (Realm of Insanity)
      I'm watching a conspiracy theorist talk about track and how he says that how everybody who runs track when you connect where they live it makes a triangle.

      Updated 11-19-2011 at 05:26 PM by 50683

      Tags: dream, track
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. Track Mixed With Band? (Nov 8, 2011)

      by , 11-08-2011 at 01:13 PM (Realm of Insanity)
      I was outside of a school, it was dark an in front of me was a track an the people running on the track were from band. (Just the day before I had track tryouts at school so I know where this came from.) As we were running, our coach (who sounded like one of my previous coaches) came over a bullhorn and was shouting at us, that we did not get to eat if we did not show better work. The dream scene switched and we were now inside. Mostly everyone was sitting on the ground while I was standing up and we were all eating pizza. We were watching something on tv that I didn't see but could hear and I think that it was "I Survived." After this I barely remember me going into the main hallway and having a conversation with two ladies sitting in chairs with an umbrella over them.
      (All of this dream I was seeing people that I know which is one of my dream signs and the fact that they are all from band, which is another one of my dream signs but yet my brain still does not recognize this fact and it makes me miss out on a lot of lucid dreams because just about every one of my dreams has a person I know (or I'm in a band area.), in a place or situation they would not normally be in. Hopefully this gets a lot better. )
    13. friends, track, and comics; new york budget stars

      by , 07-19-2011 at 11:57 AM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      It was night. I was walking around something like a running track, which seemed to be in a big stadium, but which also may have been indoors. The track itself seemed weird. It seemed to be made up of something like quilts or baby blankets. There was a lot of pale or pastel blue and green. But there was also something like white, fluffy material and kids' toys and books.

      I met up with one of my old friends, M, who was hanging out around the back curve of the track. Then another old friend, R, showed up. We were right next to a house, which was apparently R's house. The house seemed like a mix between some kind of gingerbread house and a double-wide trailer.

      I was supposed to have met with R for something like a meal. But I really didn't want to. I made up some excuse for not being able to eat with him. He said that was fine. He'd actually had to go meet with someone else who was helping him with some kind of artistic project.

      I thought of my friend M. He was going to a cafe with a bunch of our mutual friends. But he hadn't invited me. I kind of felt left out. I knew where they were going. I thought I would just show up there. After all, I always go to cafes. So what if I just went to this one?

      R was kneeling over some long, short beam of wood which was serving as something like a work table. The beam of wood was also covered with blankets and padding. R wanted to show me something at the "table," so I came over.

      R showed me a book which displayed a selection of really popular comic books. But each comic book was only exemplified through one strip of maybe three frames. All the books were done in color. The color was really plain and blocky. One image stuck out for me -- a kind of big, muscly man, kind of like Wolverine, standing before a red fire. The man seemed to be naked. He had long hair, which was blowing in the wind.

      Dream #2

      I was in some place like a City Hall. The place was crammed full of people. I sat or stood somewhere near the back, possibly under a balcony.

      A meeting was going on discussing New York City's debt. The lawmakers were trying to decide on something like raising the debt ceiling or just putting in more funds somehow. The main person talking about this was MM, a big, overweight white man with white hair and a kind of reddish face.

      After MM gave a really heated speech, a row of people in seats above and behind him began speaking. They were all kind of second-rate celebrities. They were doing something more like giving Hollywood Squares-like banter and jokes. I understood somehow that the people attending the meeting were more interested in the celebrities' banter than in the debt problem with New York.

      A female celebrity sat in a lower row. The area all around her was empty. The woman kind of looked like a mix between Gloria Steinem and Annie Hall. She wore blue jeans, a white blouse, a tan vest, and green sunglasses. She had her feet up on the back of the seats in front of her.

      The woman said, "I can understand what the politicians are saying and I'm not bored by it. It's important. So why don't we talk about it instead of having all these jokes?"

      A man a few rows behind the woman and off to her right said, "Well, fine. I can understand it, too. And I'm not bored. So why don't we just get down to business, if you insist so much?"

      The discussion was apparently about to begin. But now everybody was walking out. It was like the meeting was adjourned so that people could get prepared to discuss things seriously.

      I was walking in front of a huge crowd of people, many of whom were celebrities. One of the people was DD, a person from my old office. I apologized to him, "I didn't record yoyr jokes or what you were wearing, like you asked me to. I was too busy trying to hear what the politicians were saying."

      We approached a staircase down to a door that seemed like a door and staircase out of a trailer that might be used for an officed on a construction site. It was really bright and sunny outside. DD said not to worry about it, as long as I had been working on getting some kind of info from the meeting.
    14. dirty comics; freezing up at track meet

      by , 05-07-2011 at 01:15 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I read two comic book stories which had an American comic book style, but which were put together in a manga-like book. But I think the book read from left to right, not from right to left. Both the stories involved a woman seducing a very young girl.

      The first story I read was near the back of the book. It was very colorful, and it seemed to have Buddhist images somehow, something like mandalas or tankgas (?).

      The second story I read was all done in black and white. It looked almost like a Love and Rockets comic. In this story, a woman had a little girl lying on the bed on her back. The little girl wore only a miniskirt. The woman holding something that looked like a small tea pot.

      At some point the woman darted her body closer to the little girl. I could almost see the woman's movement, and I heard a sound like steam.

      Dream #2

      It was a clear, sunny day. I was running on a track with a group of other people. Almost all, if not all, of the other people were black. We were probably all in a race, although nothing about the race felt particularly focused.

      At the first curve of the track I may have been in glaring sunlight. The track may have felt large and wide, and it may have felt like there were large grandstands on the final stretch of the track.

      At some point there may have been a man behind me, taunting me and trying to intimidate me with his movements. I decided to run even faster (although we may hardly have been doing little more than jogging in the first place) to get away from the man.

      I hit the second curve. The fist part of the second curve was shaded by tree canopies. The second part, going into the home stretch, was sunny.

      The activity of the people on the track became even more unfocused, or more relaxed, than it had been before. There were some people just running back and forth across the width of the lanes. Other people were stretching or warming up on the grass.

      I found myself being passed by a lot of people. I may have been wondering why I hadn't been running fast all along. Now I'd slowed down again, and I was mad at myself for having slowed down. I tried to speed up, but my legs were frozen. I could barely move them, and it was getting harder and harder to move them.

      A woman passed me and ran through the end of the curve of the track, to the final stretch. She was tall, with light brown skin, a mucsly frame, and pale red-brown hair. She wore a white, bikini-style two-piece running suit. The bottom seemed a little loose on her. As she ran, her buttocks flexed really hard and became like big, tight spheres.

      As I reached the end of the curve, I may have seen a shiny, silver UFO in the sky. It may have looked like a flying saucer with a silvery lighthouse-top attached to it. It may have shot out an orange-red ray.

      (Side note: I'm kind of doubtful about the image of the UFO. In other words, I'm not sure if it was part of my dream or something that came in after I woke. But the image was so strongly "there" that I put it in my journal.

      Last night I went to bed reading the book Measure of Madness by Cheryl Paradis. It's a series of stories from Dr. Paradis' career as a forensic psychologist. In one of the stories, a man shoots a couple of sanitation workers because he thinks they're aliens.

      I think my sight of the UFO in or after the dream was somehow influenced by that story.)
    15. 9/17/10 Athletic Jail, Where are they?, Dream FA or Dream DEILD, Dream FA or Dream DEILD #2

      by , 09-22-2010 at 11:56 PM (Sydney's Nightly Adventures)
      Basically, most of these dreams were about me dreaming that I was DEILDing and dreaming that I was dreaming lucidly, when I actually wasn't.
      If this got confusing, I wasn't lucid in these (at least I don't think so).

      Athletic Jail
      I remember a dream in where I wasn't in, but I was looking at (like a TV) There were these men that were probably in jail and had to do hard labor or something. Everyone was outside at this time. it was nighttime. The guard was standing at the gate, the only place for escape. The setting looked like a football field/track. The guard left for one minute, and when he came back, he saw all the prisoners jumping over the fence and running away. He yelled at them angrily.

      Where are they?
      My siblings and I walked up to a place that looked like McDonalds from the outside but a normal house on the inside. We walked in to a big living room. We were waiting for our mom to show up. I was standing behind the couch. In the corner of my eye I saw a guy-about 16 (who must have been their son)- standing in his doorway. I turne dmy head towards him but then he vanished.
      A few minutes later the father came around the corner and stood in the doorway of the livin groom. He was bald but had a mustach and glasses. "Hey." he said. I said hi, and told him my name. He wanted to show me something. So we went up to the master bedroom. I saw a pair of shoes and some trash on the floor. He showed me a view out the window. That's really all I remember. Also I recall hearing his wife say "I don't shop, I ____. (can't remember)" (meaning: instead of shopping at regular mall stores, she shops at Goodwill and thrift stores)

      Dream FA or Dream DEILD
      This dream would seem like a false awakening, but I don't think it was. I was actually in 3rd person in the dream, so I was basically like dream DEILDing or WILDing.
      Anyways, I "woke up" in a different bed in the dream (still at my house, still in the same room, just different place, position, and style) and I rolled over in bed. Before the dream "FA" I had had a dream about iCarly so I decided that I would DEILD (I was really dream DEILDing) or something.

      So a minute later I was back in a "dream" as I thought it was. I probably was lucid in this, or I dreamed that I was lucid in the dream.
      I remember being in 3rd person looking at myself and a group of girls I was singing with. We were dressed in these cool pixie-like costumes.

      I started dancing. By this time I realized that I was actually on a computer looking at myself. (Well, I didn't realize, but once I woke up I did.) I saw the whole screen like I was there, but I remember the feeling of controlling a mouse and clicking on some buttons.

      At the end of the song we all jumped up and did these twisty moves with rainbows trailing behind us. Yes, it was that weird.

      Dream FA or Dream DEILD #2
      The same thing happened again. I must've had another dream about waking up and DEILDing. Again, I was in the same different bed. I was also in 3rd person again. I remember wanting to have that previous dream. I rolled over; and a few minutes later I was back in a "dream". Instead of the same drea, I was at my school trying to find the lead singer. I wasn't lucid in this, because I was dreaming that I was dreaming lucidly (I guess; darn this is confusing).

      I was on the playground of my school. I found her and starting chatting with her. All of a sudden we heard a low rumble noise. She and some other kids ran into the school and I followed. I turned around once we were in the hallway and looked out he door. I noticed that there was sand covering the pasture land beyond the playground. There was still some kids playing outside, unaware of the sand cyclones in that area. I saw my friend try to run on a wave of sand as it was being blown. l0l.

      Once again: "Basically, most of these dreams were about me dreaming that I was DEILDing and dreaming that I was dreaming lucidly, when I actually wasn't.
