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    1. Dream Journal Day 37: Night of Tuesday 12.03.2024

      by , 03-30-2024 at 01:22 AM
      I enter my school's sixth form building late at night. As I head down the hall towards the dining area I can't see anything around. The hall is black carpeted and so is the larger room. The usual round tables are nowhere to be found and the serving counter is lower and farther forward than it is in real life. It's made of smooth white marble. The fridge is also shifted to the left. Though not quite real, the room is easily recognisable.

      Nobody is around, but I get the impression a big gathering has just ended. Everyone else has probably gone upstairs already. (Seems like this is a dormitory in the dream - IRL there are only classrooms upstairs). There are lots of desserts left over.

      On the counter are two large slate trays, each piled with jelly cut into cubes and stacked. One tray holds red jelly and the other, yellow. In the fridge is another tray of orange jelly and a cake liberally piped with cream on the top and around the sides. A few slices have already been cut out. Pitchers of clear juice or squash are on the shelf, one cherry-pink and one orange. I love desserts. I'm thrilled and head over to fill a plate.

      I am really annoyed that I don't remember anything more! I've yet to taste food in a dream, still.
    2. Dream Journal Day 36: Night of Tuesday 05.03.2024

      by , 03-25-2024 at 12:12 AM
      A room in the school with a large oval-shaped wooden table in the centre. Books and folders are around, stacked and leaning inside the filing cabinets which line the walls. I am there, another student (who I recognise) and a teacher. We are in discussion, then we leave to head to assembly, shutting the door behind us.

      She and I enter assembly in the hall. There is a stage at the front of the room with floor-to-ceiling red curtains hanging open at the back. Everyone sits facing the stage on blue mats on the floor, shaped like those foam pool floats (kickboards?) that I learnt to swim with when I was a kid. There are three mats on a thick blue runner which are set aside for us two to sit on. I sit in front of her, but there's not enough space so I end up leaning on her legs a little. I look to my right and see that all the blue mats on the floor around seem minuscule, smaller than my fingernail, like scales.

      As the assembly goes on, I'm relaxing more against her legs when she puts her arms around me from behind. I feel her hair brush my neck. I'm surprised - but it feels really warm, and I take it as affection between friends. Soon she starts lightly kissing my head and neck. I feel my whole face heat up and I'm not sure if this is still just friendly. I can't believe no-one is noticing.

      This actually feels nice, but I don't know how to react, so I pull away from her a little. She loosens her arms and says, "Sorry. I just need this right now." I lean back into her hug again and she kisses my hair some more. After a short while I end up pushing her away with a brief apology. I distinctly remember thinking, 'I better remember this when I wake up...'

      Tags: intimacy, kiss, school
    3. Winter Competition 2024 Night 12

      by , 01-18-2024 at 08:13 PM (The Dream Adventures of MadMonkey)
      I meditated for 45 minutes last night and slept really well.

      Winter Competition 2024 Night 12 (NLD) 01.18.2024

      I am in my reoccurring post-apocalyptic setting and with a group of rebels. A mind flayer was summoned to our world on a mission to kill us all. In the dream we didn't know what a mind flayer was and it was really scary. We just knew it was an alien hell-bent on our demise. We hunkered down in a base and set up traps. I don't remember how that went when it showed up but we defeated it only for a second mind flayer to show up later.

      Somehow the dream transitioned later to a school setting and I asked a girl I had a crush on out on a date.
    4. Dream Journal Day 19: Night of Thursday 04.01.2023

      by , 01-06-2024 at 11:51 AM
      Fragment: I am inside a certain (named) church with some family, looking at some old coloured maps of it. The interior reminds me of a regency building from a period drama, the walls are freshly painted white and I can see in the corner of my eye an antique-style sofa with green upholstery. The exterior is like a Greek temple with columns (the front at least) - which actually looks a lot like said church in real life. Which is surprising since I have never been there. I look back at my sister and it seems we are both wearing regency dresses. Looking out from the entrance at the side of the porch, the church is surrounded by green fields as far as the eye can see. They look like they've never been weeded or mown, the grass is growing up tall and I see many clovers popping up amid the grass. The field is dewy and a light mist obscures the view further out. The weather is fresh and chill, and we are leaving.
      Maybe this is because I watched Sense and Sensibility recently?

      Dream (this is also quite vague and fragmented):
      I am inside the school common room. The space feels much more enclosed and cosy than it is in real life. It feels warm and welcoming. I am sitting working on something when I get up and go outside. Outside the school is a wide grassy field, much like the one described above - except there are trees here, too.

      There is a high wooden table standing on the grass where two of my friends sit on tall chairs. One is a real friend of mine but the other I don't know - a dark-skinned boy with dark straight hair. They are talking over (I think) her current sewing project, and I mention that I do some sewing, too. We show each other some photos of our work and talk for a while longer.

      After some time I begin to feel like I'm being called - there's somewhere else I need to be. Then I remember - I've got to go now. I take my phone and rush away from my friends but leave my bag behind on my seat.

      Next thing I remember, I'm boarding a plane, though I only remember seeing it from the inside. The plane is very long. The low light level compounded with the grey-black carpet, upholstery and even walls make the interior
      extremely dim. I hurry past rows of seats (all facing to the front of the plane) until I reach in the middle of the plane two rows of fold-up seats facing one another. All the rows behind are also facing the front of the plane - only these two are strange.

      A music teacher is standing in the aisle telling some other students where to sit. She mentions my stranger friend (who is not with me) and says there is room for him, too, pointing to where I am standing in the backwards row. Then she tells me to sit down. I hurriedly fold down the seat nearest the aisle and sit, clutching the edges of the seat for balance - since there are neither armrests nor seatbelt. I feel uneasy. My friend hasn't arrived yet and the plane is about to take off. Then a real-life memory comes through: I remember that my phone has only 30%, it won't last long and I've forgotten my bag and portable charger. Frantically I tell the teacher about my bag, but she turns away and ignores me. I jump up and am about to turn and run out of the plane to get my things. But...

      I glance to the side and am shocked to see trees rushing past the window, blurred. The plane is already racing through the field and I didn't feel a thing. It tilts up, about to take off.

      Went to bed at 11:14 PM; began lucid attempt at 11:37 PM. Lucid FAILED and woke at 6:20 AM.
    5. Dream Journal Day 17: Night of Friday 15.12.2023

      by , 12-31-2023 at 06:18 PM
      It's a blue, sunny morning and I am following my school librarian through the city. I don't think she knows I'm behind her. She's wearing low heels and a flared below-the-knee dress with a book pattern on it, a bag on one shoulder and no jacket to cover her wavy brown hair. Cars are driving past while the sun glints on the glass exteriors of office buildings, cafés and small shops are opening up.

      We turn away from the main road and down a smaller street. I recognise it; I took a photograph of it once. The street is perhaps poured concrete and is uneven, with imperfections here and there as though it's been pierced with a fork or blown up by a big bubble. Looking down it the buildings shine and seem to merge with the sky beyond, reflecting the blue and the white clouds. At the top is a stop sign: EXCEPT CYCLES.

      Some ways down the street she turns and enters through the double doors of a green-blue glass building. Inside the lobby there's a glass reception office, empty, containing a shiny black desk and a window to allow visitors to speak to the receptionist. The floor is that kind of carpet with metal ridges in it. She enters the office and sits at the desk - looks like she works here. But I realise this isn't where I'm meant to be. A crowd of girls in a dark-coloured uniform different to mine spill into the lobby from within to greet her.

      I feel confused and register that she should be working at my school. I ask her about this and receive some explanation in return. The thought vaguely enters my mind that I am late to school.

      Lately I haven't remembered many dreams because I've lost control of my sleep schedule a bit. Tonight's New Years but I do intend to start going to sleep at the right time again. I've begun studying some lucid techniques and will update my workbook very soon!
      Tags: city, morning, school
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. Night of Monday 12/4/23

      by , 12-06-2023 at 08:11 PM (Dreamlog)
      Mother Eater:

      I'm on a gloomy, dark, rainy street.
      There is a monster down the way. It has eaten a sort of mother figure.
      There is a cave area, with three couples of people together.
      The monster is there and the couples are giving up to it.

      Searching the School:

      I'm walking quickly through my highschool with an unexplained sense of urgency.
      I'm looking for someone.
      I see one of my old roommates from college in the stairwell. I go up and down different stairwells at different parts of the building in my search.
      I pass an old classroom of mine, and one of my old English teachers from back then, Mrs. F.

      Updated 12-14-2023 at 09:05 PM by 99808

    7. Monday, August 7

      by , 09-16-2023 at 09:31 PM
      I’m in what looks like Dad’s neighborhood with Melissa. We are walking Stella down towards Brown School. A person walking a small dog passes by and Stella does not react. We comment on this to each other. Now, we are going into the school. I think that it’s my childhood school. We walk through the hallways - it seems to have one main square of hallways - and I thought we’d be alone because school isn’t in, but there’s a group of kids in here. They seem to be some kind of program. We pass by a few different large rooms in search of the library. I think I’m planning on taking a book home. I don’t think we ever find it, but we end up walking past a lady or two, each holding up a few books. Others are here, walking past, grabbing a book as they do. Ben from work is here and grabs a Don DeLillo before I can. I thought the one I grabbed was also DeLillo, but I look at it and it’s a book of medium to longer length by an Indian author. I think it might be fun to read it without knowing anything about it.
      Tags: book, school, stella
    8. Wandering Aimlessly DILD

      by , 09-02-2023 at 08:17 AM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      The dream transition from a treasure hunting mercenary scene to a scene where I ended up tangled inside what appears to be recycled trash. The sky was grey and cloudy but without rain. I was having to maintain my balance as I continue walking on top of these spiral like vents in order to make my way out of this trashy labyrinth. As I'm doing so I begin to realize that I am dreaming and ask myself why I ended up here.

      Once i made it with the help of my lucidity. I began to think of what I should do as I could see now that I was out in the streets seeing a few other people wandering aimlessly. I decided to do the same right before I clench my hands together tightly and rub them together. I stated I am lucid dreaming a few times to not forget while stabilizing the dream. The grey cloudy sky had now become dark as night with a few clouds still being as clearly visible as they were in the beginning of the dream.

      I began to walk alongside the other dream characters. One of them being a woman dressed in yellow with flowers printed from side to side. She had spark a conversation between us and asked how I was and where I was going. I told her it is nice to meet her while we shake hands. When I looked into her eyes it was odd in a way where she seemed to have frozen in time and became unresponsive for a brief moment.

      I told her I didn't know and was simply exploring the environment. Her friends then laughed and the scene began to change again to a new place that seemed similar to a classroom hallway in school. When this happened I made sure to clench my hands together and rub them again to reinforce the thoughts that I am dreaming currently. I overheard a few people talking and followed the voices.

      It led me to a door and one student told me to open it. So I did then only to lose lucidity.
      Tags: school, wanderer
    9. Dreaming Club

      by , 07-27-2023 at 03:38 AM (The Dream Adventures of MadMonkey)
      Dreaming Club (DILD) 07.26.2023

      I fell asleep into a nap at 4:00 PM and woke up at 7:00 PM The first part of this dream is fuzzy. I was with my family on vacation and I really wanted to do something (not sure what) and wasn't happy that I wasn't able to. I must have picked up on the dream signs because the next section was lucid.

      I am on the first floor of a multi story building. I hear my friend RH's voice but I don't see him around. He says this is the dreaming club and I see there are pamphlets and books about dreams for sale. I say I want to join but I eventually wonder what's outside so I leave. It is dark out. I am in my childhood neighborhood and walk to my old college. The enterance is ropped off and someone standing nearby says this enterance is not being used by the public.

      The next thing I remember is I am learning about masonry and a Greek man tells me he will teach me how to use a stone lathe. I ask if he can show me how to make a stone icosohedron so he brings me over to a giant lathe and puts a big slab of grey stone on it. First he starts on it with a grinding bit making it into a sphere. He then changes out for a cutting bit and starts carving away at it to make faces. I see now that it is only half a sphere and when ever he moves on to cut the next face the stone jolts as if its about to fly our of the lathe.

      My sister and some of her friends are nearby they say that the ceremony is about to start and the man leaves the lathe. The next thing I remember I am in a book store combined with a coffee shop. The shop has a beautiful view into a large room like a church with stairs leading down into a section that has chairs in the middle. I walk to the pulpit and observe that the walls on either side are black glossy stone that rises high up an then between them there are bas reliefs and flowers that rise even higher. I look in the left corner and see the lathe is actually in this room still with the stone in it. A woman in a chair next to me says to sit because the sermon is about to start. I figure this is reasonable since it's about 6PM on a Wednesday but I don't feel comfortable because I haven't been in a church service in ages. I walk back to the coffee shop and find a black curtain and I am curious what is behind there. I go behind and find another roped off section leading to the college parking lot. The barista lady comes through the curtains and says we aren't supposed to go this way. Then a lady shows up behind the ropes to confirm that we need to leave. Then I wake up

      Then the craziest thing happened. I texted RH and told him about the dream and he responded that he actually is part of a dream club and asked me to join!

      Updated 07-27-2023 at 03:49 AM by 32125

      lucid , memorable
    10. College Again

      by , 07-03-2023 at 06:10 AM (The Dream Adventures of MadMonkey)
      College Again (NLD) 07.02.2023

      I am in the animation drawing class at my old college except instead of rows of computers there are normal desks with seats. The professor is MF and he says we have to design space craft for this assignment. I look in my portfolio for a blank piece of paper and pull one out. After I start drawing I realize there is already part of a drawing drawn in ink and it clashes with what I have drawn in pencil so I need to find a different paper without anything on it. This is when I start to question why I am back in college. After all, I already have my degree. This is a common dream sign but the dream logic keeps me from doing a reality check! Instead I walk up to MF and ask if I am on the list of students. He takes a look at his notes and says I am indeed enroled in the class.

      After the class is over I go to the information desk because this just doesn't seem right. I walk up to one of the people at the desk and ask if they can tell me if I am enrolled in clases. "You see, I often have dreams I am back in school and I just want to know if I'm enrolled." They make up excuses of how they don't have access to this information. "What is my current GPA?" I ask. "You have a 2.2 from missing so many classes." I was an honors student so this stresses me out and I still don't become lucid.

      I go outside and there is some sort of game where you walk around a square shape made of squares drawn on the pavement in chalk. I get hung up in playing this game where you walk around the squares and things happen depending on where you land. This part of the dream is fuzzy now and, of course, I don't become lucid.
    11. Dream Fragments 6/18/2023

      by , 06-18-2023 at 06:24 PM (The Dream Adventures of MadMonkey)
      I don't remember the full dreams but here are two fragments.

      Fragment One: I am living with my mom except we are wealthy and have a very big nice home. I am working with my internet friend, KS, on a project. Later on, my mom is out of town and I invite KS to visit to work on the project. KS goes into some sort of psychotic break and starts rearanging the entire house and even spray painting on the walls. I am powerless to stop him. When my mom gets back she is furious and I am forced to kick KS out.

      Fragment Two: I am in school again, which should have been a good dream sign but that is lost on me. A woman comes in with very red hair. Apparently she is dropping off her daughter who in the dream I remember from going to highschool with in waking life although I can't remember her now that I am awake.
    12. Sparing With JadeGreen One

      by , 06-17-2023 at 07:08 AM (The Dream Adventures of MadMonkey)
      This dream was during a nap. I took a nap even though I slept in today because I wanted to procrastinate on programming.[/SIZE]

      Sparing With JadeGreen One (NLD) 06.16.2023

      I am in a classroom at a college and apparently there was more I was supposed to have done even though I already have my Bachelor's degree. To make things worse, my gpa has gone down to 3.20 from never showing up to those classes. The next scene I was talking with my mom and telling her about the problem which triggered some small
      amount of lucidity since being back in school is a common dream sign in me. However, I did not gain enough lucidity to not follow the plot of the dream.

      There was another scene or two in the middle here in the middle. Maybe something to do with fishing? I can't remmeber.

      The next scene I remember I am in the hallways of the school and I seem to have some amount of control because I summon a ball of kenetic sand and play around with it using telekinesis. I can feel the unique properties of the material through the telekinesis. For me, doing telekinesis is like flexing a muscle that pushes against the gravity of the scene. How it feels for me to fly is similar. I make the sand into the shape of a sierpinski pyramid. I summon a mirror that I hold underneath the sand, I think so I can see it from both sides.

      Someone is walking down the halls who I somehow know to be JadeGreen! He doesn't look to be in his hade form but I somehow know it's him. He looks like a younger version of me, before I gained weight and his face is blurred but I know it's him. I float the sand over to him and he shapes it with telekinesis too. I hand him the mirror and make one side of it some sort of pattern, maybe as a way of calibrating the telekinesis? He starts to walk away and I remember we are supposed to spar! I tell him to come back and we both summon bo staves. Right as we start the fight I lose stability and visuals but I feel the distinct feeling of his staff hitting my right leg. It hurts! I find myself in a new dream scene and I pull out my phone and discord message him "Ow!" to acknowledge that he won. He responds back with 3 Superman logo emojis and I wake up for real.
    13. Night of Tuesday 6/6/23 (Comp Night 6)

      by , 06-07-2023 at 06:37 PM (Dreamlog)
      Pre-WBTB (Targeting End of Sleep Cycle 4)

      Hermione's Date
      Hermione Granger has a date with an ugly guy. She has her Yule Ball dress on, the scene matches from the movie.
      I'm familiar with the ugly guy since I had heard about him online.
      They are having a light argument about something, but I can't hear them.
      Later I'm in a Taco Ball parking lot near my regular gym. I'm checking "Hermione at Yule Ball" off of a checklist app on my phone.

      The End of the World
      I'm in my gym's parking lot standing near a desk setup outside. I'm working on some type of model generation software.
      I can roughly draw with my hands in mid-air, and a smoothed-out shape snaps into view in 3D in front of me.
      I'm working on a dress for a female model.
      The female model is off-kilter with a projected x-y-z coordinate axis.
      I'm trying to move the dress on the model so it snaps into place, but the image is translated off some value.
      There is somebody else next to me. Might have been a coworker from WL.
      A female AI-person approaches me.
      She's visibly spooked, and needs to tell me something.
      She doesn't trust the other person, so she goes to write it down.
      Her handwriting is bad but I can read it.
      She's telling me about the end of the world.
      About how the world starts and ends in cycles with a calamity.
      And it is about to happen again.

      Hand-Eye Coordination
      B from work is telling me a story about how he entered the military at a young age.
      He says he ended up here in engineering because he had bad hand-eye coordination.
      He gestures to a ledge high above that isn't normally there and tells me that he once accidently hit it with a machine gun.
      He's talking to a group of older cohorts who remember those older days.
      B makes a joke to a 3D animation modeling person that the ledge should probably have been addressed by this many years.
      I tell B that my hand-eye coordination is very good, but I am still here anyway.

      Post-WBTB (Targeting End of Sleep Cycle 5)

      High School Well-Being
      I'm back in highschool, but I'm with Max from Stranger Things and H from a band-group I formed a few years back.
      I brush by Max with my backpack and accidently hurt her nose. I apologize profusely for hurting her.
      She reacts by giving us a lecture about how H and I are too concerned for her well-being and she can handle herself.
      I see some other people that look like jocks. I think about how they will probably go into marketing or sales someday.

      Updated 06-07-2023 at 07:35 PM by 99808

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    14. May 23, 2023 8:25 am

      by , 05-23-2023 at 01:49 PM
      I was at primary school when we went to gymclass where we were all strapped onto some chair like those swing carousels had, I was at the front and was the first to leave, it was some sort of underground rollercoaster. When I was done, I didn't bother waiting for the rest of the class and snuck off to the classroom, grabbed my stuff and saw this kid from my primary/middle school who used to be a class clown back in the day and now does nothing but smoke weed all day, he suggested we ditch the class and he snuck out, I was about to follow him but my high school sociology teacher stopped me, he sent me back to the classroom and I was waiting for him to leave so I could sneak out but woke up instead
    15. Field Trip

      by , 04-12-2023 at 06:34 AM
      Another patchy dream, really can't recall much of a cohesive story for this one either

      I'm sitting on a white bus next to a friend of mine, and we're on a school field trip. The bus has divided sections for each set of seats, like a caterpillar. I look out the window and see we're driving along a tree line that separates us from a beach. When the bus comes to a stop and we get out, I start arguing with the friend I was sitting next to about something. The next thing I remember is standing in front of a very small model house, before being told to go inside. Then, I'm locked in. I'm pretty sure this miniature house is some sort of escape room.
      The next thing I remember is opening one of the doors and a cardboard cutout of a zombie jumps out of the wall and scares me, like a haunted house. (Second dream in a row that has something to do with zombies!) Some other things that I can't recall happen, and then I remember being curled up on the floor of the starting room of the escape house, hugging my backpack and crying. I guess I really didn't want to be there.

      The next morning I wake up and realise I'm the only one still there, and I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere in this escape room while the rest of my class have driven back to school. I freak out and call my Dad to pick me up. When he gets there, I walk outside and see my classmates are there, even when they weren't a moment before. Something else probably happens after that, and then I wake up.

      First mostly nonsensical dream I've had in a while, I've really gotta stop consuming zombie media or else it'll be the only thing I dream about.
      Tags: dad, school, zombie
      non-lucid , nightmare
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