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    1. In harmony

      by , 10-10-2013 at 12:43 AM
      Date: 09 Oct Entry 2/3

      At this point I just wanted to sleep, so only wrote the key words for this dream.

      LD: No idea how this dream started. I am on one of the streets in my hometown. There are also lots of kids playing here. Having no particular goals in mind, I decide to explore around and get in a shop where they sell crystals, bracelets, etc. My first though is "what am I doing here", since this is an ld and I don't usually do this in lds but non-lds. Anyways, there's some pretty cool stuff on sale - colorful necklaces and I check them out. The shop keeper is a woman that greets me in Spanish. I get a bit confused, does she see me? (I sometimes randomly assume that am OBEing somewhere and the people might be real instead of DCs.)

      I say a few words to her and then she gives me some sort of a wooden board with letters on it. I am thinking this is similar to an ouija board and might use it to obtain answers/info this way. It also looks like a good idea for invention, because I haven't seen anything like this before. There is a text that has been scratched on it (no ink) and I try to read the message, but the letters look like ancient Greek and turn to random ones. I then face her and decide to ask her to give me an advice, anything that can be useful for me. I am hoping of hearing concrete instructions of what exactly I should do. (yeah, I know!)

      She tells me that I have to live in harmony with the surroundings, because everything from the environment (some words I can't understand) changes our DNA.

      I find the answer much more profound than one would assume. I can't believe she just said that. It changes our DNA? She nods yes. Can you repeat this again. (I am trying to memorize it as hard as I can). She repeats the answer again. I want to ask her more things, but at this moment, similarly to inception, lots of DCs - the kids from outside storm the place and I can't talk to her. I tell them to bugger off but the dream ends.

      Almost forgotten short ld.

      LD Frag:I am looking at my feet and decide I want to change my clothes and shoes. Initially, I have the desire to make a pair of purple shoes appear, but briefly see only one. Next, I am wearing a flip flop on one foot and a gray high heel shoe on my other foot. I make some sort of grey leggings appear, then think people won't be very interested in reading this entry.

      Updated 10-10-2013 at 12:46 AM by 61764

      lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    2. Shopping expensive shoes and lucid supps

      by , 05-30-2013 at 08:56 PM
      Date: 30 May

      Dream quality and recall: There was an improvement in vividness, my awareness during dreams today was high, with a possible short ld moment. Recall was slightly better than previous days, but still below my average. There was a dreaming/ld theme so I take it as a positive sign. Postponed writing down the dream, so lost some details.

      Dream00: I just remember some brief moment of lucid awareness during the dream

      Fragment1: I am discussing dreaming with someone

      Dream2: I see a classmate and talk to her. Then on same the street there is an older lady that has some connection to charity. A bit later, I am with the same lady but in a store, where I am trying some shoes. They are slightly uncomfortable, but I decide to buy them. I go to the cashier with the same DC woman and explain something about the shoes. The price has been reduced but they are still extremely expensive. Obviously I like them a lot, and decide they are worth it. I barely manage to gather enough money, but find additional small change in my wallet so I happily make the purchase.

      Later on, a number of times and for some unknown reason, I keep coming back to the place where the DC woman was, but she is not there anymore. It looks like a room full of lockers now. A group of teenagers follows me and they make bold moves, touching my butt. I become annoyed and threaten them with my bf. I continue on my way until I see a nice place where they sell food and other fancy Japanese items. Bf is also here. I briefly talk to the woman behind the counter. The whole place gradually changes and is now more like a highly specialized store, and the thing they specialize in is lucidity! I see a whole section of lucid- inducing supplements, including G, mucuna, lots of books, crystals, etc. I am very happy to have found this place and consider purchasing some of the things. (CL you may have something to do with this!)

      Fragment3: Talking to my aunt

      Updated 05-30-2013 at 08:58 PM by 61764

      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    3. frags for the day

      by , 03-05-2013 at 02:48 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      Some guy was tearing up my car trying to show me what happens when an accident is caused. He was trying to show me that what I did caused the damage, but it was actually him doing it. At some point he couldn't even break the wheel like he wanted to, and I was just sitting there thinking "I didn't do crap to my car, you better fix this".

      I had another where I was in some medical class. Everyone was talking about oral and pharyngeal airways. Some reason I was wrong, and I felt like I wasn't ready. I left class, and came home. I saw two pairs of old shoes out in my yard. I was going to wash them and wear them the next day.
      Tags: class, desire, shoes
    4. Fragments

      by , 01-30-2013 at 05:50 PM
      1. I am in a very posh, large house. I live here. There are other people who live here too, but they are all much older than I. I overhear a man in the next room having a conversation on the phone. Something about the conversation really upsets me, and when he hangs up the phone, he enters the room that I am in. I begin throwing objects from my surroundings at him. I want to hurt him. He keeps asking me to let him explain, but I won''t. I want to hurt him.

      2. I am hiding in the bushes along the side of a road. A car comes by and picks me up. The driver is a DC, but it feels like we've met before. Before long, we are in a chase. Another car is closing in behind us. We are both panicked.
    5. Mall, Paint, Secret Room

      by , 12-29-2012 at 07:07 PM

      The dream picks up and I'm in a mall, I know the stores are about to close. There are three across from me, one on the far left has strange bright colored dresses on display high in the window, the store in the middle looks empty and is already dark, the one on the right has mannequins on the floor in vibrant blue and green shirts. I can't imagine myself wearing anything they have there, but I know time is short and I need to look anyway.
      I go into the store on the right, the floor, ceiling and walls are all blinding white. I can't find anything I want to wear, everything looks strangely shaped. I don't recall going into the other store, but somehow I know that both stores have the same clothing just in different colors.

      In the next dream I'm buying Olympic Maximum Solid Deck Stain ((I don't know, I work for Lowe's in the paint department but I haven't mixed that in a long time....and I don't have a deck.)), I've shared a blue flat cart with another customer and for a minute I'm afraid that I'll get charged for what they have on the cart. It seems my worry is needless, the cashier at the next register takes the other customer's stuff from my cart. For some reason they mix the stain at the register, there's a paint dispenser and everything right underneath the monitor. Unfortunately the cashier can't figure out how to mix it even though I have a 5 gallon lid with the formula on it. I show him the lid, it also has a sheet of paper with my boyfriend's name written on it in sharpie. I have no trouble reading it. The guy dispenses the formula but as he's about to charge me for it he 'accidentally' dispenses 96 shots of white, somehow turning the red I wanted into a grey.
      "Why did you do that?"
      "The machine made me." He says, but I saw how he had just hit keys and instead of it taking him to checkout it took him to the dispense screen. While I'm standing there waiting I look doubtfully down at the 5gal containers, I wonder if I should be lifting them. Maybe I can get someone to do it for me....?
      A guy I used to work with comes up to talk to me. He looks sad, behind him the daylight coming in through the exit doors is bright and warm. The store itself is dark, like it's about to close...but it's the middle of the day.
      "I guess you've heard the news?"
      "Yes," I lie because I feel like I should have heard it. "I was going to call you..."
      "It's alright, I didn't expect you to."
      I'm reminded of an event that happened just after I left that job, how his girlfriend died along with the baby she was carrying because of pneumonia.
      "Things will get better." I say, patting him on the back.
      "They already have."
      I look at the cashier, he's frowning at the bucket of stain. I'm really annoyed, the trip shouldn't have taken this long. I decide I'll go and get another of the base I need. I think I'll only need one, but then he somehow screws up the second 5gal. I leave, cutting back through the store.

      The store is bigger than it should be and when I turn the corner on one of the aisles I realize I'm not just in Lowe's, I'm in a mall. I forget what I'm looking for, I know I've come to this place before in other mall dreams. I stare down one of the vast halls, past all the stores, trying to remember what I was doing. I realize if I just keep going the hallways will circle around to where I started, maybe I'll just explore until I remember why I was here. I see a bookstore, I pass it. I keep walking until I find a wide stone tunnel ending in a domed circular room. The walls are all rough black stone with electric blue sigils carved deeply into them. The only light is a fire next to a muscular dark-skinned man stripped to the waist, wearing black leather bracers, sharpening a sword.
      Straight across from doorway is a stone wall that bows toward me, on either side of it are deep alcoves. Neither of them have doorways. I examine the alcove to the left of the bowed wall. I'm extremely annoyed.
      "Come all this way and there's a dead end?"
      I say this and realize I'm directing it at the man.
      "It's not a dead end, look closely at that wall and you'll see the truth of it."

      I go back to the wall and I notice a hairline crack running from top to bottom. I lightly push on one side and it swings open. It wasn't a wall, it was a door. I step into the room, I decide I want to take off my shoes. I try to do this without looking but even though I complete the motion the shoe won't leave my foot.
      I look down at my feet and see I'm wearing a white dress with tiny bouquets of rainbow colored flowers all over it along with pink beaded slippers. Once I look at them, the action is easy. I peel the slippers from my feet leaving behind hot pink lint, on one of my feet this has also removed a coat of nail polish from the middle toe on my left foot. I know this should concern me, but I decide not to follow the dream. I toss the slippers aside.
      There's a small button shaped like an egg cut in half and sticking out of the wall. It's made of pieces of plastic. I twist the pieces into place so it forms a whole egg top and I push it. A section of wall slides away and disappears, revealing a curving staircase. I can't see what's at the bottom. I know that this is the way to the Room.

      Then I wake up.

      Updated 12-30-2012 at 07:41 AM by 54746

    6. The Best Day at Church Ever

      by , 12-11-2012 at 11:51 PM (The Lab Notebook)
      Awake, Non-lucid dream, [Commentary made while awake]

      [Note: This DJ entry contains discussion of my personal religious beliefs, which are Christian. If, for any reason, you do not want to read about them, please skip over this entry.]

      I'm trying to get from one place to another by bicycle. It's right at or just after sunset on a cloudy, overcast day, so it's somewhat dark outside. I'm bicycling along sidewalks that run between buildings that are each about four or five stories tall and have lots of windows. [It actually bears a strong resemblance to some of the private college campuses I used to walk around when I was a kid.] When I try to turn a corner, a guy on a larger bike passes by really fast right in front of me, and I shout out in surprise and fear. After he has passed by, I turn the corner and go on my way. I'm carrying a large plastic bag hanging from my left handlebar. It is filled with other, crumpled-up plastic bags, as well as a heavy, black, U-shaped metal bike lock.

      I'm in the sacristy [back room where robes and other special equipment are stored] at my old church. I've arrived there to meet up with a bunch of my friends from my old college Christian fellowship, who are all crowded into the room. [I think this might have been the place I was trying to get to on my bike, but I'm not absolutely sure; I don't remember the transition from one dream scene to another. Or they may have been two entirely separate dreams.] We're all there for a special church service in which all of us young adults will be honored. All my friends already have their choir robes on, and I hurry to take mine out of the closet and put it on over my clothes.

      As I'm doing this, everyone starts to file out of the room, because it's time for the service to start. I'm still hunting through the shelves in the back of the closet for my shoes, saying aloud to myself, “I'm not sure if I have black shoes in here....” I came into the room wearing white shoes, which wouldn't go with my dark-purple choir robe.
      [They were the same kind of choir robe I used to wear at the church I attended immediately before my current one.] I find a pair of black, slip-on sandals [a pair I own in real life] on a shelf and start putting on, but I'm already being hurried out the exterior door of the sacristy, along with the rest of the procession of young adults. When we get outside, I cross the sunlit courtyard by shuffling and sliding my feet forward, still working on getting them all the way into the sandals.

      Although this church building is in a different place and has a very different layout than it does in reality, I recognize it as the one I went to as a child. The sacristy door opens onto a courtyard paved with red ceramic tile and enclosed with white walls, and it's a beautiful, sunny day. We walk in a procession along the outside wall of the sanctuary, then turn left and then left again to enter the church through its large, wooden double doors. I'm still finishing up fastening the front of my choir robe as we enter.

      As we enter, there is modern, rock-instrumentation-based worship music playing, the kind we used to have in fellowship meetings. Most of the pews are facing forward, except for the section nearest the front, where they are facing inward toward the center aisle. Beyond those seats is the altar area. The sanctuary is full of people, including my mom, who is sitting in an aisle seat that I pass on my right as I walk up the aisle with the procession. I'm aware that the families of my friends from the fellowship are there, too. We all process up the center aisle and take seats in the center-facing pews.

      The music continues until we are all sitting down. When it ends, one of the leaders of the fellowship starts welcoming everyone to the service and talking about how its purpose is to honor the young adults of the congregation. During this speech, I realize that I accidentally dropped my knitted bag of choir books
      [again, something I had in real life at my previous church] in the aisle, right where my mom is sitting. I stand up and go to retrieve it, but a tall, old black lady beats me to it. She picks it up and brings it back to me.

      The leader who's speaking says that we're going to start things off by playing a team-building game.
      [This was typically how we started off conferences in that fellowship in real life.] I smile; this is going to be fun. I look at the service bulletin and see that just about everything the leader will say is printed on it, like a script. There are even photos of the young adults who are being honored, and a list of the supplies we'll need for the team-building game. As I continue to look through the bulletin, I see that after we play this game, we'll proceed to have a regular church service, the more traditional kind we've always had at this church. I'm also aware that although some of the people in the congregation are from my Episcopal tradition, and others are from my friends' evangelical tradition, absolutely everyone present is not only okay with the idea of having a service that blends elements of both traditions, but is actually happy about it and looking forward to the rest of the service. I am, too. The whole gathering is suffused with a sense of love, peace, joy, and unity.

      Side notes:
      This dream was significant for me because it made me feel better about the past. It made me feel less conflicted and less torn, and gave me hope that reconciliation between those two areas of my experience is possible.
    7. Private Party

      by , 10-15-2012 at 07:37 AM (Voyages of a Skywalker)
      We are at a big party. Amber C. is here and a bunch of other girls I know. It seems that most are girls but there are definitely some boys lingering. We are doing a loft of moving. There is a different movement to mimic/practice/execute in each section of the house. The secret room is here, at least "a" secret room is here. I open the door and there is a fireplace and big stuffy armchairs. It seems no one knows about the room. A second time I peer in, a woman gives me a sneaky smile and locks the door. I intuitively know I can get in though, whenever I wish.

      Upstairs there are men feeding on girls like vampires. I do not spend too much time up here but I don't remeber feeling any fear. Everything seemed normal and not taboo. At one point I cannot find any of my friends. I fear that either
      a) they have left early without me or
      b) ther vampire like men have gotten to them.

      I check the hidden room (reconfirming my aforementioned premonition) and they are not there. So I grab my shoes, which is somewhat of a dillema because at this point I am quite lucid and have to decide which shoes are the most logically fit for a quick getaway. I don't recoginze any of the shoes as mine but am confident that I can have my pick because afterall, I'm dreaming. I pick a pair of checkered tennis shoes that are multicolored and remind me of a pair Amanda C. has. I head outside to put them on, which is very difficult. Outside I sit on a curb to put on the shoes. I feel safer out here in the open. The curb is concrete, white concrete. Mid shoeing, I see my companions come out of the door behind me. I don't understand but I figure that I started loking for them before I as very lucid so I must have just missed them. I decide to ask anyway and find out that they have been in the basement. Amber tells me that there is a whole set of rooms down there. She was in a room working on her core strength.
    8. Whose lucid is it? (LD #12)

      by , 09-12-2012 at 11:16 AM (Lucid Time!)
      By the time my recall picks up, I was already lucid. (My dream recall is worse than my lucidity. ) I was in my family room. The first thing I remember doing was talking with my cat.
      My cat was actually a portrayal of my cousin. I can't remember most of our dialogue but we were arguing because we were in the same lucid dream and we wanted to know who would get to use their powers of dream control, and who would be a bystander. I eventually said to him that I challenged him to a dream duel. Winner keeps the dream.
      I punched the ground near him. He ran away and faded. I got up and decided that I would go outside and try to find my guide or practice some dream control, since the opportunity so rarely presents itself.
      I walked though the kitchen and towards the front door, my parents stood back. They must have realized that I was lucid and wanted to go about it on my own. On my way out the door I said to myself "my shoes are on!". I'm pretty sure it worked but it was kind of unnecessary.
      The dream world was beautiful. The sky was nearly alien with two morning suns poking though the clouds. I can remember there being alot of flowers in our front garden. But one orchid was particularly beautiful.
      I began down the walk when something started buzzing in my ear, like a mosquito. I dusted away from my ear. It was persistent no matter how many times that I swatted or dusted the annoyance away from my ear. My ear began to hurt as I began to slap it and dig my finger into it trying to get the buzzing out. I lost focus and forgot about maintaining the lucid experience. I woke up in my frustration.

      Updated 12-28-2013 at 05:15 AM by 53527

    9. A Misplaced Word and Being Inside a Video Game

      by , 09-08-2012 at 04:42 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was reading a poem which was about three other poems, one of my poems being one of them. I was very honored that someone would pick one of my poems to write a poem about. The only thing I saw that was weird was a misplaced word, "yay", being in there.

      I then remember reading it from a different angle, like it was all in 3D. All the letters looked like they were encased in glass. Inside one of them was a reflection of the word "yay" in a light reddish-purple color. I supposed that the author of the poem-about-poems saw that and thought it was part of my poem, when really, it was only a reflection of a word from another poem.

      Then, there were all these shoes on this stage, and something happened depending on how you had them laid out. I kept moving some and knocking some over to see what would happen. There were black high heels, grey high heels, black knee-high boots, and probably more that I can't remember.

      Throughout this dream, my mouth was terribly dried out. I would try to drink water to wet it, but it was like the water wasn't even touching my bone-dry tongue. I couldn't even feel it enter my mouth.

      I woke up with my mouth being extremely dry from breathing through it, my nose being too stuffy to breathe out of. I cleared it out, had some water, and went back to sleep, finally able to breathe through my nose again.


      I was inside of some video game, one that I had beaten before, apparently. Jake was with me.

      We came up to Cinderella, who was somewhere outside, just standing in some grass by the road (which looked like a road close to where I live), and talked to her. She was dressed in her ball gown. She had this mission that she was on, saving people who were less than fortunate; they were tiny and deformed, not even really people, I guess. It was so weird. But anyway, she asked us to get this kitten in the room the tiny people were in, which was actually the bonus room at my house. She called the tiny people "middle class" something or others, I can't quite remember.

      So we got the kitten, a black and white kitten with these small black balls on the tips of its whiskers. It looked like my brother's girlfriend's kitten, save for the whisker balls. Well that room was where my cat, Belle, likes to stay, and she doesn't like other cats. The kitten just wanted to play, but my cat wanted no part in it. I then saw the tiny people come out from behind the couch. They were basically just heads and legs, reminding me of Mr. Saturn from Super Smash Bros.

      Then, Cinderella said something about how one of the tiny people had gone missing.

      Jake and I were then going through this glass tunnel. We went into this room, one that we were supposed to get for either Belle or the black and white kitten, and there was a boss to beat in there, this small, green monster that kind of looked like the Cheshire Cat. It had black stripes on its back. I wasn't ready to activate it yet (we had to talk to it or hit it or something to activate the battle), but Jake went ahead and did it anyway. I said
      "Alright, you can beat him then," and gave him a lightsaber that glowed red when drawn.
      He said something like "This is easy" in response.
      I watched him hit the creature over and over. When he was about to deal the final blow, the boss looked at me with the exact look my cat gives me when she's pissed, with ears back and eyes wide. I shut the door to the room that Jake and the boss were in and walked back down the glass tunnel.

      Then, I was in a kitchen, sitting in a chair at the table, and these two people, a mother and father, were talking to their little girl. Her parents were telling her that her grandparents and I were leaving the next day in the morning. The girl looked very sad. Then, her parents said they would leave after breakfast, and she perked up a little and said
      "Well at least I still get breakfast!"
      I was wondering how in the world I was related to this girl, because apparently I was. I looked at her, and that's when I noticed how much she resembled Honey Boo Boo from the reality show "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" (in my defense, a show I've never watched, and never plan to IWL). I was then trying to get out of the chair I was sitting in, but for some reason, one of my legs was kind of stuck between the table and the chair. I kept saying "ow" trying to get it out, even though it didn't hurt. I finally freed it.

      Updated 09-08-2012 at 07:09 PM by 32059

    10. Dragons and Lightning!

      by , 09-07-2012 at 01:55 PM
      I haven’t had any dreams that I can remember for the past few days, but I finally had some memorable ones this morning. And I was lucid during one of them!

      Or well, it was kind of like one big dream but with two parts. And one of them was like, a dream within a dream. So yeah.

      Two of my sisters and I are sharing a room together, and the room only has one bed that we all have to sleep on. It’s the morning, and two of my sisters are arguing because there’s not enough room on the bed. One of them gets out and lies down on the floor instead. I curl up at the foot of the bed and I’m like, “I’m going to have a lucid dream now.” And then I fall asleep within the dream and have another dream. A dream within a dream. Oooh.

      So anyway, during this part of the dream I was aware I was dreaming and could control aspects of the story. I was sometimes a character in the story and sometimes just an observer.

      So, there’s this guy and this girl who are a couple. And they have a pet dragon because … that’s cool. The girl wakes up in the morning. They live in this small wooden house, where sunlight streams in between the planks of wood. The girl walks out the front door, and the dragon is waiting there. It opens its wings––which kind of look like they’re made of lace. That is, they’re black and have this cool transparent pattern on them. In the background, the sun is rising and the sky is red and cloudy. And the girl is like, “Ooh, pretty.”

      The guy comes outside to join her. They have some conversation where the girl is like, “Mehhh I’m so ugly!” and the guy is like, “I think you are very attractive!” and whatnot. Then they decide to fly around on the dragon for a while.

      So, they get on the dragon and take off. But then suddenly there’s a storm, and they get struck by lightning and fall out of the sky. The guy and the dragon are okay, but the girl goes missing, and all the guy can find are pieces of her shoes.

      Back at the cabin, the guy just sits around and cries with the pieces of the girl’s shoes all around him. He has a friend who also lives there, and that guy is sitting by a wood stove and pretends to be crying whenever people stop by so that they’ll leave him alone, or … something. I don’t really know what the logic is.

      There were two other parts of the dream, but I don’t remember which part of the dream they were part of, or what they had to do with anything at all. In one part, I was watching this weird steampunk golf tournament on TV. And in another part, I was a man who had to dress up as Dorothy from “The Wizard of Oz” for some unknown reason.

      So yup! That’s all, folks.

      Updated 09-07-2012 at 02:53 PM by 53178

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    11. Bike store, shoe thief

      by , 08-27-2012 at 11:15 PM
      Walking in the city (dream-geography) on a Sunday. Happen upon a bike store with a closing sale. Browse in shop, which is kind of bare. Shopkeeper asks if I'm interested in Trek bikes. I say no, and he proceeds to take me to see some bikes. I was thinking "I bet he'll show me a Trek bike just because he's a salesman." He didn't, but showed me a MTB of some other brand. He tried to convince me that I should have the seat low enough that I could rest both feet flat on the ground while seated, and just to be polite I pretended to agree. He asked if I would be more interested in a road bike, and I said that I ride a fixed-gear road bike. Somehow he knew that I ride 30km (20mi) to work, and was impressed that I ride a fixie. He showed me a weird road bike with a removable rear triangle, which could be re-attached with different lengths to change the wheelbase. Not sure how the chain worked(?). While he was showing me this, two suspicious kids walked in and looked around. I was tempted to talk to them, thinking I could convince them not to steal, but then I got the feeling that the shopkeeper didn't want anyone to do anything, so I watched. They picked up a pair of bright blue ankle-high shoes and walked out. The shopkeeper joked that it would have been impossible to sell those shoes anyway.
    12. August 13th 2012. 1st dream of the day. Back to daycare. WTH??!?!?!?

      by , 08-15-2012 at 05:50 PM (Into my subconscious.... WTF type dreams.....)
      I am sitting on the floor in an old daycare that I used to attend when I was 4 years old. I am about the same age I am now (26) and a girl that I used to be best friends with when I was in junior high, Amanda, is there with me. She is sitting to the right of me. We are both sitting like children sometimes do, with our legs spread out to the sides in a V shape. We both have a giant piece of paper in front of us. My task is to write something about the person I am today. I feel unsure of what to write and I don't want anyone to judge me so I don't write anything. Instead I sit there and rip a piece of the top right hand corner off and play with it for awhile. I look to see if Amanda has written anything and she hasn't either.

      The room is laid out exactly how I remember it in real life. The teachers desk is diagonally to the left of me. The back door to go outside to the playground is to my immediate left. The cubby room is right behind me. The bathroom is right behind Amanda. The classroom door that enters from the hallway is on the other side of the room to the right. There are lots of little kids in this classroom and we are way too grown to be in here with them! It seems a little strange to me but I don't think about it too much.

      Amanda and I are now in the corner across the room playing around two desks. We seem to have built a 'fort' with our personal belongings, just like little kids often do. We decorated this area with our handbags, sunglasses, shoes and lip glosses.

      Pauly D from jersey shore is in the room with us too. He is sitting on the floor near the door in a circle with about 3 other little kids. Next to them sits the teacher on the floor with the rest of the classroom sitting with her. I can feel Amanda's negativity towards me, like always. I pull out my iphone4 and suddenly a loud voice is heard from my phone saying, "annyeonghaseyo". It is my Korean language learning app and I am embarrassed. I quickly try to shut it off and suddenly Pauly D repeats it and then starts singing the entire Korean alphabet to me! I am impressed. He comes over and I ask him where he learned to speak the language. He tells that he works for the night club, "Bleu", and his manager made all of the employees learn to speak it. This excites me. I smile and say, "that's because a lot of Korean people must go there!!!!!"

      Amanda starts feeling jealous that Pauly D is paying more attention to me than her so she begins to compete with me for his attention. She leaves me to go play poker with him and the other kids. I want to join but I am a little rusty on my poker skills and I am afraid if I play I will loose and look dumb. I sit behind Amanda and watch. The teacher says something to me but I forget. Amanda is flirting hard with Pauly D and totally ignoring me. I feel like I need to pee so I tell Amanda I am going to put my shoes on before going into the bathroom, because walking into the bathroom without shoes is just nasty. She looks at me with a vague expression and I get up and walk over to the corner where I left my shoes.

      On my way I pass the bathroom. I look in and realize their are no doors or curtains, and the toilets are little tiny baby toilets! I decide I'd rather hold it than to be embarrassed by someone walking by and seeing me with my pants down. I put my shoes on and clean up all of my stuff so I don't loose anything. I feel excluded. I hang out in the corner by myself and decide I want to roll myself an ice cream cone. I end up rolling two. I use waffle cone wraps that are soft with vanilla ice cream. Pauly D walks over and asks if he can have one. I give him the 2nd one I rolled which is less pretty than the first. He stands there talking to me and I can feel Amanda getting extremely jealous and upset.

      Updated 08-16-2012 at 02:15 AM by 57320

      memorable , non-lucid
    13. This is what happens when i don't do reality checks!

      by , 05-11-2012 at 02:54 PM (My Dream Records)
      Black means non lucid
      Red means dream characters talking
      Orange means semi lucid
      Blue means lucid
      Purple means possible shared dreaming person
      Green means notes

      Im sure you got it, so i won't bother saying it. Oh, this will be short...

      Now usually i say enjoy my dreams and so forth. But today, is a little different. Why different you ask? Well, first of all...I did'nt get anything that i wanted, secondly i did everything half ass yesterday, and third...Ah, who am i kidding. I MISSED A TON OF REALITY CHECKS!!!

      Now, enough talking here it is!

      Dream #1 Neil Patrick Harris.

      In a mall with Neil patrick harris. He is explaining to me about how he loves to steal cookies from the ice cream shop on a good tuesday? (1ST MISSED REALITY CHECK) We are now in the ice cream shop and he strips down ass naked in the ice cream shop and says everybody drop there guns??? WTF!? (2ND MISSED REALITY CHECK)

      Dream #2 Sniff her shoe?

      Im now with Noemie Lenoir (a French supermodel) We are sitting down at a cafe and asks me if i would like to sniff her shoe? (3RD MISSED REALITY CHECK) I remember telling her that people were around and i might get in trouble (WHY WOULD I EVEN SAY THAT!?!?!?!?!?) She puts her shoe on the table and says something about the birds will smell it later. WTF!? (4TH MISSED REALITY CHECK)

      Dream #3 Charlie Sheen.

      Im with Charlie Sheen in a hotel, and he mentions to me that he has Kristie Ally tied up in the back room about to tickle her feet. WTF!? (5TH MISSED REALITY CHECK)
      We head to the back room where she is tied up in a chair, and he just starts tickling away at her bare soles. I watch the dream fades and i wake up.

      Im obviously very dissapointed at myself! I don't even feel like even writing the other nonsense i dreamed about. Lets just say it was even more stupid then this shit i dreamed about! Damn...well some intense subconscious training, and plenty of reality checks are in the works for me tonight!
    14. 5/11/12 Thieves

      by , 05-11-2012 at 07:50 AM (Sydney's Nightly Adventures)
      I was with my friend Julia and a couple of others. We were staying at some kind of hotel apartments. Around the hotel, there were some restaurants. One was McDonald's. I was kind of complaining that it didn't have any breakfast restaurants, like Huddle House or I-HOP. I remember walking down to a sort of tent thing outside of the building and sitting on the top of the jumpy surface. We leaned over and saw some kind of huge pot with what looked like yellow foam in it. I met some more friends from my class here.

      Once we were done, we walked back to the building. We entered what looked like my garage. Julia went through the door in front of me first. Suddenly, I dropped all of my shoes. Apparently I was holding them in my hands.

      I stooped down to pick up all of my shoes that dropped. I set my three bags on the floor; my purse, backpack, and a yellow duffle bag.

      I decided I would put a pair on, but struggled. I chose the flip flops; but I still couldn't put them on easily. So I just decided to grab all three. Julia was waiting for me inside the door, so I better hurry.

      I felt like someone was watching me. I looked up. Sure enough, a boy looked at me from around the corner, then hid his face. Before he could walk away, I ran in front of him. He smirked at me. He held my backpack and duffle in his hand.

      "Hey!" I yelled, lurching for my bags. He stepped back.
      "You don't want to do that." He smirked again.
      "And why not?"
      "I have a bomb here," He pointed into something in his pocket. "That could go off at any moment if you try me."
      I turned around, looking for something to hit him with. But when I turned back around to face him, he was already out the door. I started to run after him, but another boy, a much taller, stronger than the other, stepped in front of me.

      "Seriously, don't." He said.
      I tried to hit him, on the neck, hopefully that could stun him. I missed because he dodged.
      He held up what looked like a chalkboard eraser. "Nested inside here," he said, "is another bomb. Don't mess with me."
      I hesitated. Then I heard the door open behind me. Julia came running out, and started trying to hit the guy. We both were trying to throw punches, but he kept blocking them with his strong arms. Eventually we started kicking him, and he eventually ran away. They still had my bags though.
    15. The Long Walk While We Were Being Pricks.

      by , 04-15-2012 at 08:04 PM (The Realm of the Child)
      Dream Type: Non-Lucid.
      Dream Mood: Bland and Stupid.
      Dream Setting: My Hometown.
      Dream Characters: My Friends.

      This was a short dream, though I didn't quite like it either. It made me feel like a jerk to other people. I was walking home from school, apparently later than most times due to the amount of other people walking home at the same time. Still, I came across a few friends and whatnot, and joined them. We talked about random stuff, and for some reason, we went to walk on the freeway of all places. How we walked home was by simply walking across the freeway, though strangely, the freeway began to look more and more like a bunch of skin with hair. As soon as we noticed that, we all suddenly began to make fun of Armenians with racist remarks and whatnot. I rarely ever make racist remarks, so this was strange. One of my friends from a further off town came up next to us and introduced himself with my other friends. They said that they liked him, though he had to move forward, and we just walked down a spiral path in the freeway to a 7-11 convenient store. We went inside and I don't remember what we did there, but surely enough we were outside again before long. I realized that I had lost my shoes somewhere, and I was very worried. We had a new friend all of a sudden; an artistic girl who dressed in a black coat and black baggy shorts with boots and had dyed blonde hair. Looking at her now, I find myself thinking that she was quite attractive. We snuck onto someone's back porch, where I thought I had found my shoes, but did not. The girl then said "Come on... wake up!" and instead of waking up, I was at the 7-11 again, where there was a pile of shoes there, and I had to find mine in that pile.I did find them after some searching, and asked the man if I could just take them and be on my merry way, but he said no and that I needed proof that those were mine. I got mad, very mad, and I threw a fit. My dad eventually came in to prove the purchase, and because he saw me in my angered state, I started crying for some reason, and he hugged me. He'd soon release me and I'd look over to the counter, where they were happily arranging revolvers for some reason, and then I woke up.
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