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    1. Storm at the Cabin

      by , 04-26-2012 at 07:56 AM
      Tonight I woke up because my wife moved and talked in her sleep. It was only two in the morning. Didn't wake up at four.

      I'm at a cabin somewhere abroad. It's next to a large lake. I have the feeling we live there now. Someone asks what the weather is like around there and I say it rains a lot. It's raining heavily and there are large waves at the lake, a real storm. I don't feel a wind, though. Two people, relatives of mine, get out of the water. "That was close," one of them says. They go to a sauna and I go heat it up. They get there first and apparently know how to heat it.
      Tags: abroad, cabin, sauna, storm
    2. 03/05/02 - Hot, Explosive, Stormy Nights

      by , 03-05-2012 at 10:46 PM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)

      I am in a space ship of some kind, and I am holding a very small explosive device. In spite of its small size, I know it will pack a lot of power if it is allowed to explode. I am trying to disarm the bomb, which is quite difficult considering the size and the fact that one wrong move will make it explode. I am moving a tiny wire carefully through a conduit when I accidently touch the wire to the side of the conduit… and BOO… no… I immediately load a "save game" from before the bomb exploded. Basically I go back in time a few minutes to try again. This time I am successful and I disarm the bomb. I hear someone laughing on the communications screen. There is a man there saying it did me no good, he has another bomb. He holds it up to show me, and it is an identical bomb to the one I just disarmed. He is being quite careless with it. He is shaking it in my face when it goes off. The screen goes blank, and I know the idiot just blasted himself into subatomic particles.

      Fight Night
      I am in an underground are where I am investigating a ring of illegal extreme fighters. They are known for getting fighters off the street and having them fight to the death. Some of the fighters are there of their own free will, others are coerced and forced into it. I am watching a fight, and one of the two combatants punches the other one in the face. The punch is so hard that I can both see and hear that the man's jaw isn't just broken, but shattered. I get in the way before the attacker can finish the job by killing the injured man. The man asks me what the fuck I think I'm doing, this is no place for a woman, get out of the way! I tell him if I can kick his ass, he has to let the other man live. He laughs at me and says if that happens, he'll give up fighting for good. I don't think he really expects me to try it… but I do. I fight the man, using the extra strength and martial arts skill I have in the dream state. And I kick his ass solidly. He and all the audience are stunned, clearly they had all set bets against me. I go over and heal the man with the broken jaw, he says he just wants to get home to his family. He leaves quickly. The crowd is still staring at me, stunned, when I wake up.

      Hawaii Five-O
      I am on a beach in what seems to be Hawaii, or at least it looks like the setting of Hawaii 5-O. Complete with Steve and Danny right there with me. I am staring at Steve, who is Alex O'Loughlin, and he is sooooo hot! I'm not sure what has happened to me, but it seems I am in need of having an IV hooked up to me. Danny is the one doing that, and I notice that the needle hardly hurts at all when he puts it in. I am then given the bag of stuff that has to be put into my body. I don't know what it is, but the fluid is red. It looks like red Kool-Aid. I am not paying much attention to that, just holding it up as Danny has instructed me, and I am staring at Steve. He is shirtless. I wonder if I might be drooling.

      I won't go into detail about this one, but I wanted to make note of the fact I had one of the most intense and memorable sex dreams ever! It was a hot and wild one with Sephiroth!

      Midnight Storm
      I am at the house I used to live in about 15 years ago, and I am sitting at my computer writing a program for a game. I am looking at the code on the screen and trying to find the source of an error. Outside, a thunderstorm is raging on. The thunder is so loud it really sounds more like bombs falling outside the house. It sounds so realistic that I finally get up from my seat and look out the back door, which has a nice view of the city below. I half expect to see the city in flames with bombs falling and exploding. Of course it is fine, and there are spectacular bolts of lightning flashing through the night. I look at the time, it is almost 1:00 in the morning. My mom will be home soon, though I don't remember where she has gone at this time of night. But she will come home hungry. I set to making some breakfast sandwiches. The sandwiches consist of toast with a light layer of mayo, a fried egg, a couple strips of bacon, and a small pancake. I make up two sandwiches for each of us. My mom comes in just as I am finishing. I go to cut one of the sandwiches in half with a knife but I discover it has already been cut. Did my mom do that, or did I do it without really thinking about it?
    3. Dangerous Downtown Storm

      by , 02-23-2012 at 03:08 AM (Second Reality Experiences)
      Ashley, my dad and I were heading downtown in a huge populated city. It was in the middle of the night. We were heading to a club or some large party place. Several times while we were walking, my teeth kept falling out (I should use this as a dream sign...). I recognized a teenage guy on the street who was from the tv show I was watching before I went to bed. I thought he was particularly annoying so I ignored him. The wind started picking up. Everyone outside began to look worried. It began to rain so my family and I ran into a parking garage to take cover. The weather became an awful thunderstorm - except it only lasted a few minutes before it began to die down. It kind of reminded me of the eye of a hurricane. Suddenly everyone began running. I heard someone yell that we had to escape and that once it started to hail we were as good as dead. Before Ashley and Dad could figure out what to do next we saw Rupert Grint from Harry Potter. I ran up to him and called him "Ron" on accident, forgetting what his real name was. I asked him for help. He seemed to think we should stay and take cover inside. That's when my dad bolted. My sister and I ran outside after him. It was drizzling sleet and it was pretty cold. A breeze began to blow. My dad was sprinting and it was really hard to keep up with him. Then it started hailing a little...Shit! The breeze turned into a blasting wind. I followed my dad through a grassy pasture as the dream ended.
    4. Windows

      by , 02-13-2012 at 01:00 AM (DC's Dream Journal)
      1:00 am
      Fragment: I'm in a living room with plenty of large windows, and a couch facing a TV. I'm sitting on the couch with my brother, watching a family guy show, something about a morbidly obese chicken.
      Back in time
      At a supermarket, I realize I'm much younger than normal, probably about 10. I see two people I vaguely recognize in front of me, one man and a woman. they are buying alcohol, three bottles of beer. They offered to buy my milk, I think they were trying to confuse the cashier. they accidentally smash the bottom of the bottle, she tries to drink it before it was too late. I try a sip and it tasted horrible lol.. Later on I'm sitting down, the walls are covered in purple and yellow tiles, me and a friend are commenting on how this store has no style. when leaving i notice the trolleys are leaning almost going to fall over.
      a while after that I remember walking down a strange alleyway that feels like death :/ I hear of how an old lady who owned a paint store was murdered around here, I thought I saw her but i dont remember.
      I walk into a food court, to my right I see people standing, one was holding a baby. to my left I see lots of different places to eat, one that caught my attention was a store that made Asian noodles, sweet and sour pork
      Fragment: Me and someone i dont recognize, are doing a presentation in a small window-less room with only 1 or 2 people as the audience.
      7:00 am
      Mini Dream: At an old friends house, playing cards. DH has a magic trick where he can guess what cards I have in my hand. There were plenty of snacks on the table where the cards where. I had something in my jacket, music or something.
      I'm in a building with big windows, outside I can see water. There is a storm but it looks like its calming down. It looks like the mouth of a river or a lagoon. I can see the ocean to my left and land to my right. A man is in the building with me, told me my friend was struck by lightning in the water, and I just barely made it out alive. I realize I wasn't wearing any clothes. I go outside and swim around looking for her, I felt sharp pains for some reason, like the water was charged with electricity? I swim over to land and find water and a cave, I look in there and see minecraft soulsand..

      Updated 02-14-2012 at 10:59 AM by 17430

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. Blur

      by , 01-23-2012 at 11:52 PM
      Driving, lots of it. Specially since I made my cross country trip to see family a few years back. I'd had them before.... but not to this extent (varying environments, once i've not even seen). I'll get aerial views, flowing out of those into me sitting in the vehicle as it goes. Its also weird there are a lot of elevated freeways that seem to be hundreds of feet in the air, definitely creeps me out to see some of the shit I just drive out without hesitation- i get the gut feeling that it may become an "oshit" moment but.... the dream just keeps going.

      I remember driving through mountains roads with fking snow n ice as a earthquake shook/broke it apart, some major o-shit moments there

      I see a lot of hotels/motels as the destinations in my dreams, occasionally really nice homes, or even rarer boarded up home/structures that I hide/hold up in i'm guessing. Occasionally I do notice I'm with a few or even a small group, but rarely anyone i recognize specifically or i can even see the detail of at all.

      I get random shark dreams, which range from me being towed by a submarine at really high speed (like water skiing), to being at a beach and seeing them through the crystal clear water. I had a recent one where my little brother was going so far as swimming out with them (they were all g-whites btw). I remember calling him back in. He came back and then.... there was another large one just floating at the steps (we were on these concrete steps at the beach that lead into the water), my brother just hopped down the steps and landed in the water beside and just... fking pet it like a dog.

      I remember doing one of my "floats" through this bay and just seeing the undersides of yachts, and of course the sharks were there, swimming around all the same.
      There are the occasional floats I do in rivers too which are about the same.

      . . . . . (just got pwned by a flood of more mems) ah another driving, this time with meh mum..... x.x I hate my driving dreams that involve water, those are generally not to pleasant.

      There are the occasional storm ones, where i'm caught in the awe of a tornado, a large funnel that never seems to finally meet a layer of clouds, rather seems to consume the clouds above and just continue widen and grow.

      Zombie dreams thankfully are finally starting to be gone, they were kind of getting old honestly. Can only have so many dreams where your just running around from a mob before it gets old. Maybe if I were lucid and decided to just pwn them all it wouldn't be a problem. Sadly that just never was the case, they were awe-fully realistic in appearance in the scenarios I found myself in. Glad my instinct still manages to keep me alive in my dreams at least though XD
    6. Red Tornado - Calm Beach

      by , 01-06-2012 at 07:13 AM (A World In My Head!!)
      January 5, 2012

      Synopsis: we take refuge from a red raging tornado, lucid, escape military and imagine a new scene - a beach

      Note: I woke up in the middle of the night and tried to recall the dream I just had. All I remember was that it had something to do with someone being healed. Their legs? Ayurveda? I realized now's a good time to try a lucid dream induction. I didn't, I just fell asleep instead. But its the thought that counts!

      Red Tornado - Calm Beach
      I'm walking with a group of friends in the industrial part of the city and were just having a good time. That was until I saw the red storm. "What is that? Do you see that?"

      A massive thunderhead was sweeping down in a funnel shape just next to the lake under the highway overpass. The storm was glowing red. And as the funnel became a tornado it was like the red was a shaft of light in its center.

      "We need to take cover!"

      There was an abandoned warehouse like building nearby. But it was also right next to the path of the red tornado. As we ran inside I thought it was strange that the red tornado was stationary. It didn't seem to be moving and it was silent.

      The inside of the building was weird. It was mostly empty, with dark concrete walls. Dark because of the lack of lightning, kind of like a parking garage.

      "There's a basement level, that'll be the safest spot" said an older man who was now leading our group that grew into 20+ people.

      We ran down the flight of stairs, which were really abstract. When we got down there I looked out the windows.

      "Why are we on the third level? I thought we were going down?"

      Its true, some how running down the stairs took us several floors up. We examined the staircase and determined it was missing a level or somehow that level was twisted the wrong way. We can see the ground level with the cars from way up here.

      Back up we go, which takes us down. All is quiet now. There's only one light on in the "living room" of this vast empty basement. Without the company of friends, this place is creepy.

      I don't remember why but I went down *back up* by myself - to get something or look for something. When I came back up to the basement everyone was gone. There was no way they could leave without me noticing, there's only one door and I crossed it going back up.

      They vanished.

      "Hello? Hello?"

      I get that strange feeling I've gotten before, they vanished because they never were. I don't want to stay here anymore, the place only feels darker. I quickly run out of the closest window, lucid. The storm is gone. Excited that I'm dreaming I observe my environment. I start with the items closest to me. The brick wall. I touch it, its gritty. There's a vase on top of a post.

      So shiny it looks so real! I tap on it and it makes a hollow sound. I put my palm on it and try to merge my hand into it but I can't. It feels too solid. I realized I do this a lot as a RC in waking life, and that its not a very good reliable RC for me.

      The military show up on the scene. What do they want? I just try to mind my own business and go the other way, into this weird cityscape that looks like a bad video game layout. But they follow me. I try to lose them and they give chase.

      They chase me into an area that looks like the isles of a walmart were tossed into a field, and lots and lots of boxes. Dream characters start to shout at me as the military men get closer. They're blaming, they're telling me how horrible this dream world is and its all my fault.

      "Get her!"

      I finally lose them in the field of isles and boxes. I hide underneath a table hidden by cardboard, I hope they didn't see me. I want to change this dream scene!

      I close my eyes and imagine the ocean instead. At first it feels like nothing is happening, I swear I'm still just underneath this table. But I give it a few moments, waiting for a cue. There. I felt it. I dunno, it just feels different. I open my eyes to a sandy strip with Hawaiians and tourists dancing.

      Cool. I saw people I recognized from waking life. Happy I shouted "were dreaming! were dreaming! hey, are you listening? this is a dream!". But they just nodded their head at me. I couldn't remember where I met them from, so my dream gave me dream-memories. I remembered them from a strange class.

      The dance is over and everyone is gathered by a stone wall. My vision blurs in and out. I can't feel the ground. There's almost no sound. I figured this was sign I could wake up anytime soon. So I didn't feel like sitting by the wall listening to some old bearded man yap on.

      I saw a tree with huge candy fruit of every color. I take a huge bite, but instead of something sweet, its more like a mild lemon.

      I woke up. Its a FA actually. I tell my sisters about my dream. My room is totally facing the wrong wall. And then I wake up for real. (or did I?)

      Updated 02-16-2012 at 09:33 PM by 6004

    7. Solid Three Dream Night - Slaying Kittens

      by , 01-04-2012 at 02:13 AM (Jakro Goes Hardcore Into LDs)
      Last night was okay in terms of recall, so for once I don't have to resort to posting my old dreams. None of these new ones are lucid. Without further ado let's delve into them:

      There's a storm forecasted to come here soon IRL. So tonight I had a dream where I went outside and the winds were really blowing hard already. There was plenty of snow also, as opposed to real life where we haven't gotten much snow so far this winter. So the wind was blowing the snow in the air and the same shed, that almost burned up in the last night's "classic" suddenly blew snow with huge power within it. Yet I walked right into the blowing snow. My brother was around once again and he was like "whoa, dude" because of doing that.

      I went back inside and I have no idea why I did that walking thing. Anyway, knowing that the storm had arrived I fully expected that the electricity will go out soon. In the last storm few days ago it was out for a night and the internet was out for full day. So I knew I had to hurry to write my 750 words on 750word.com, so I wouldn't again ruin my streak. I started writing but kept getting distracted.

      Crazy Shit
      Yeah, that's what I'd title this dream. I was "playing" a game that reminded Dungeon Keeper. Except that it wasn't a game, it was like real life and it was completely fucked up.

      My opponent was this wizard guy. He kept creating kittens to fight for him. I know, fucked up. I guess they were meant to level up as they fought battles, I don't know. I took my kitchen knife and started slicing through the kittens. I know, that's brutal. Also doubled-up the fucked-upness.

      In the end, I started striking the wizard with that lighting thing from Star Wars, I guess it's called Force Drain. But that was not enough. When I thrust my hips forward, laser beams shot out of my groin and exploded the wizards eyes. I swear I'm not making this up. I can come up with fucked up shit, but nothing near as fucked up as this.

      So in the end I beat the wizard and won the battle.

      The Cyclist
      I was walking in some kind of a camping area. My mom was leading the way of some group. I was with them, but sort of walking on my own behind them. She went to some shack and told that some poor-ass cycling group vacated there.

      Soon I was walking away from there alone. Some cyclist that apparently was late from the rest of his group cycled towards me. He was talking on the phone. As he passed me, the handle of the bike hit my shoulder and it hurt.

      I got pissed of and told him to learn to drive that bicycle. The guy turned back to look at me and accidentally fell down a steep and deep ditch that was by the road.

      I couldn't help but to rub it in the dude. I felt that his falling off there was karma, or something. I went by the ditch told him that he got what he deserved. As I was walking away from the ditch, the soft sand beneath me let off and I accidentally caused all the sand to slide on him. There was some mud as well with it. There was no way that looked like an accident and the guy was pissed. He got up covered in sand and mud and started chasing me.

      I ran to my parents. God, what a pussy I am (it seems to shift a little bit in my dreams - sometimes I'm crazy brave, sometimes a total coward). I'm 23 for God's sake and I run to my parents when things go sour?

      Anyway, at least that was a bit fun. That's all for last night. Gonna hit the hay soon.
    8. drunks on a cruise ship; hands-all bathrooms; star-fights and baby

      by , 11-01-2011 at 03:07 PM
      Good morning, ,everybody.

      Dream #1

      A gigantic cruise ship like the Titanic was out on the sea during a huge storm. There were a lot of people in the main dining room. The dining room was big and bright, with low ceilings and small, round tables draped in white tablecloths. The dining room may have had doors, and possibly even windows, right out to the deck.

      People had been warned to stay inside the inner parts of the ship during the storm. But one of the men actually opened one of the doors or windows out to the deck. He may actually have gone outside, on the left side of the ship.

      The storm blew the man back through the door and out another door on the opposite side of the ship. The man could be seen clinging onto an old-style, wooden mast, his body being blown pretty much horiztonally by the storm, like a flag in the wind.

      I was now back in the dining area. But now the place was almost totally empty. It was also very dim and full of heavy, wooden tables. I sat at a rectangular table for six or eight people. A beautiful woman sat across from me. I myself was a beautiful woman.

      One man had just walked away from us. He may have been my boyfriend, or he may have been the woman's boyfriend. But there was also a man slumped down in his chair to the woman's left. He seemed to be the woman's boyfriend. He was so drunk that he'd passed out.

      The woman was upset about the man having gotten this drunk again. I, possibly as the woman's friend, was trying to comfort the woman.

      I encouraged the woman to have a drink. I said it might make her feel better and make her feel like she'd equalled things up between herself and her man. I told her the drink would be on me.

      But the woman, hearing that I was buying her drinks, suddenly became greedy with drinks! I don't know where she was getting the drinks from, but she kept pounding them back, sometimes even two-fisting it.

      The woman was drinking gin in something like a baseless wine glass. And each time she'd finish a drink, a little green scoreboard over her left shoulder would count the drink off.

      Finally the woman stopped drinking. But it wasn't like she was drunk at all. Both our men were back. But my man was already in bed. The woman's man was still passed out drunk.

      I figured both men wouldn't be much good for sex tonight, but I told the woman that she could probably find some way to make her man please her. I had an image in my head of either the woman or me sitting up, still in a dress, while one of the men, so drunk he couldn't even sit up, lay on his stomach and performed cunnilingus on either me or the woman.

      But what I was really interested in was trying to prove to the women that her man was so drunk that he'd be no good at all for the night. Then we could find some way to get rid of the man for the evening. After that, I'd convince the woman to have lesbian sex with me.

      But now we were carrying the man back to the bedroom, which was apparently down a short hallway just past the dining area. The woman had the man's head, and I had his feet. The man seemed really sick. I was afraid he was going to puke all over me sooner or later.

      Dream #2

      A man was telling me and a group of friends about how he and a woman (who sat beside him) had lived in a mansion for a while. Someone else may have lived there with them. The other person may have been really rich. The man and woman were well-off, in fact they looked like a glamorous couple from the 1920s, except alive today, but they weren't rich.

      So while the rich person had one portion of the house, the couple had the maids' quarters, which themselves were huge. The man said the couple didn't have to do any maid work. They just liked the quarters because they were so big and they felt kind of old, like an old castle or monestary.

      As the man spoke about the maids' quarters, they materialized around us. Everything seemed to be made of concrete, painted over, like a public restroom. In fact, there was some huge restroom just behind the man, not divided from our room by a wall, but by a concrete seat, in which the couple sat.

      The man told us, "We even used the hands-all bathroom while we were there, which was huge."

      Somebody, possibly I, asked what a hands-all bathroom was. The man said he didn't know, that he'd never asked to find out.

      I said, "I think 'hands-all' is like when you say 'all hands,' like when people say, 'all hands on deck.' I think it was a huge bathroom that all the servants used at once when they were suddenly called to duty, so they could all get washed up and ready at a moment's notice."

      A woman said, "Or, what I was thinking is that it was for the smaller bathroom. Because that one had a mini beauty salon in it." A small bathroom, with something like a barber's chair and a mirror with lightbulbs around it, appeared in a room two or three rooms down, behind the woman.

      The woman said, "I think 'hands-all' meant something like 'the works,' like if you went into that bathroom, you'd get 'hands-on' treatment -- a full makeover. And all the maids would take turns giving each other makeovers."

      I was pretty sure my idea was right and the woman's idea was wrong. (??!!) But I didn't say anything. Instead, my vision seemed to focus on the huge tub in the huge bathroom. It was like I was right there. The bathtub was full, almost to overflowing, with very warm, but not hot, water.

      Dream #3

      I was in outer space, speeding upward and away from the earth. I must have been in a small spaceship, but sometimes it felt like I was just out in space, in some space suit.

      Another man was out there, even though I don't think I ever saw him. The man spoke about another man who had taken a dimensional transport to another universe. He had done this as part of a battle with a group of aliens trying to destroy the world.

      The man told me that the aliens could actually use the shockwaves of dimensional transport to destroy the earth. But the use of shockwaves and dimensional transport in flight was also the method of fighting that the aliens normally used in their battles.

      So, the man told me, the other man had gone into another dimension and was conducting these kind of shockwave battles with the aliens. I imagined orange, kind of traffic-cone-shaped spaceships fighting with each other.

      The man said that the other man would be back soon, as soon as he'd accomplished his mission. But now this man seemed to be going somewhere as well. Perhaps I was going somewhere, too.

      We, or I, sped upward through space. I encountered a dimensional shockwave, from where alien spaceships had been. As I blasted through it, the sky of stars became filled with many more stars, some of which were different colors -- gold, purple, red, pink. There was also beautiful, brilliant nebular dust everywhere.

      I was amazed by the beauty of the sight. But, suddenly, the sun (?) was eclipsed. The darkness of the sun (if it was the sun) revealed an even deeper layer of beauty in this universe. I was astonished!

      I was now in a hospital. But the part of the hospital I was in was more like the control room in some kind of military base. All the people in this control room seemed focused on taking care of some procedure for one little girl. The room was small and crowded, with four or five rows of computer-embedded tables, each row split into two slanting aisles.

      One man was in charge of administering painkillers to the baby girl. But he said, "That girl's had enough stuff to mess with her system. I'm not putting anything else in her." A black man, somebody like a nurse or a janitor, sat to the man's right and heard him say this.

      There were two or three men standing before a screen at the back of the room. The main man was something like a head surgeon. He may somehow have been controlling the procedure being done on the baby girl, who was in another room, through something like remote-controlled robots.

      But suddenly the screen shot of the baby girl cut to a sign (in kind of cheesy, 1970s style, "high-tech" lettering) saying "INCONCLUSIVE." This sign stayed on for a few seconds.

      The head doctor was panicked. Something had gone wrong in the operation. But he couldn't figure out what had happened!

      The screen now switched to a sign saying "INCONSCIOUS," which I guess was supposed to mean "unconscious." It meant the girl had slipped into a coma and was probably dying. This sign was flashing on a lot of different screens, now, and it may have been accompanied by buzzing alarms.

      The head doctor shouted, "Dammit! We're losing her! What went wrong? Does anybody know what's going on?"

      One of the other people shouted, "Her pain levels are really high. Her body couldn't take it anymore. It slipped into a coma to shield itself from the pain."

      The head doctor yelled, "Did somebody forego painkillers before the operation?"

      The black man, who had been sitting next to the doctor who'd decided not to administer painkillers said, "Yes! The doctor said he wasn't going to give the girl anything! I saw him! I was right here when he said it.!"

      The head doctor seemed relieved. Everybody did. I saw from somebody's point of view, as if I were now actually in this scene. I was looking at the screen of the doctor who hadn't administered painkillers.

      The head doctor said, "Start giving the baby girl some painkillers. As soon as they start to take effect, the girl should slip out of her coma. We'll start the operation over after that."

      I was already putting in the commands to administer painkillers.
    9. Old Storm/New Storm (Between August 20 2011 and August 21 2011) --- Second Dream

      by , 10-29-2011 at 02:09 AM (Oneiric Mirror)
      I'm at Charles Xavier´s mansion. I´m an X-Men.
      I'm Wolverine.

      The mansion is white with brown doors. It has tall columns, white as well.

      In a room is Gambit and Storm . In another room is a younger Storm.
      She wants to be the successor of the older one.
      The older Storm, doesn´t think the new one is good enough to succeed her.

      I decide to test the new one and we both go to the Danger Room to train.

      She flies a bit and then lands in front of me.

      She raises her hands and I see, from the the tips of her fingers, yellow rays coming out in cascade.
      I think that the visual effect is very poorly done.
      We struggled a little, and I think she's got enough technique.
      The wooden door separating the room of Gambit and the Danger Room is closed, and suddenly it is covered with a metal door that closes and locks us into the Danger Room.
      I look at the window and i think:
      "I'm Wolverine,i have mutant healing factor, so I do not think it will cost nothing if i throw myself through the window.
      I think the pieces of glass will not hurt me at all."
      I run towards the window and run through it. I Land on the other side, the porch, without any pain.
    10. You'll Never be Good Enough to Use Mjolnir!

      by , 10-04-2011 at 06:54 AM
      This is one of my
      Five-Star Dreams

      Type: DILD.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      This dream was totally badass. And I never use that word. The weight of the hammer, and the force generated by swinging it and flying with it, was unbelievable. The sensations were realistic, not to mention the action was some of the best I've ever had in a lucid. Guys, if you want epic flying, speed and power all in one dream, use Mjolnir!

      At the start of the dream, I was in an area that looked like an abandoned town straight out of a Western film, but it had a slightly spooky vibe to it: there were decrepit wooden buildings in two (very straight, neatly-arranged) rows going down a flat plane of rocky, gravelly land. That was often typical of Western locations in film. An interesting twist was that in this town, there were shiny barbed wire fences connecting the sides of the buildings from one to the next, and the coloration of the dream as a whole was very pale, getting dark but not quite midnight, and blue-gray. There were some pale darker browns here and there, too. I saw a few tattered smoky white-colored flags hanging on a slightly upwards angle from the very top of a couple buildings. These flags were pretty small, probably only a foot long.

      I was walking through the town closer to the buildings on the right, traveling a bit slower than normal. I wasn't creeped out and I didn't have the ominous feeling that the dream could turn into a nightmare, but I was just slightly unsure for some reason, being cautious as I walked through the town. My gaze didn't move and I just looked down towards where the town ended, which as a whole was probably only 300 feet long. At the end, spanning from the last building on the left to the last one on the right and blocking the exit, was a large pile of shiny dark grey mud that was probably taller than it was wide, at around ten feet tall. There were large chunks of dried dark grey mud in it which were also fairly shiny, and I saw a few large black garbage bags buried amongst the gunk too.

      I walked towards this pile for a minute or so, and got within forty feet of it before I saw two men walk up to me from behind the third- or fourth-last building on the right. One of them was dressed in a red RCMP uniform and had shorter black hair, along with a black handlebar mustache. He had a long, completely silver rifle slung over his back; the strap being brown leather. The other man was in a pale green military jacket and jeans; I wasn't looking at him too much so I don't remember other details. The RCMP man looked at me intently while the other guy just started veering off, running over to the left and completely out of the picture. He probably went into a building or something.

      I stared down the man for a mere few instances and, most opportunistically, became lucid.

      It took me a few moments longer than normal to realize the extent of the fact that I was in a dream. I kind of just stood there, wide-eyed, but then I smiled and said out loud while fist pumping, "fuck yeah! Now that's what I'm talking about!"

      I looked around and felt no need to do an RC, but I did rub my hands together and walk over to the right, attempting to look at one of the buildings in detail. When I wasn't lucid the buildings all appeared normal, but upon closer observation they looked kind of funny. The building was made of lighter-colored wood logs, almost like a cabin, and was composed of two stories; the second story had a balcony with two supporting columns underneath it. The columns were not smooth, almost as if two trees had been stripped of their bark and simply placed under the structure. The balcony was not three feet above my head, making the entire building relatively short as well.

      I turned away from the building after less than a minute, and looked around. The entire location had a slight halo to it, like objects get from the mist when it's raining heavily outside. This caused things to be slightly blurry, but I was confident that the dream wouldn't destabilize because it's never happened before, even in intense, high-speed or simply exciting circumstances. The area had also taken on a slightly bluer tone; now most of the pale browns were only in the ground. I didn't notice when the change occurred, but I did notice the difference.

      "Huh! That's so cool," I said to myself, sounding interested as I scanned the area.

      The buildings were also looking a bit more destroyed than before; sort of like the ones in limbo from the film Inception. They were still made of wood, but the wood was very pale blue and broken up into lots of irregular fragments, as if they could've crumbled at any moment. All the buildings were probably only an average of ten feet tall, without more than a two or three feet variation in height.

      I then realized that I should probably do something fun. Being me, I forgot about my dream goals once again (lacking memory - I had tried to remember them but then just thought, bah, never mind, nothing good will come of that). So, instead I decided to summon an object; this object of choice was a super-powerful hammer from the film Thor called "Mjolnir" (mole - neer). I first looked back to where the man in the RCMP outfit used to be; he was gone. This spooked me a little but I shrugged and started to turn around, walking slowly down in the opposite direction. I kept my gaze up, level, and didn't look down at the ground at all, paying as little attention to it as possible. I then stopped, put my weight all on one foot (it felt like there was much more 'weight' on it than there should've been), and leaned over quite a bit. I reached my right hand down towards the ground, propping it on top of the newly-summoned Mjolnir. I felt a slight upwards pressure against my hand, as if the hammer would simply blast away if I took my hand off it. I looked down at the ground on my right-hand side now, and there it was; it was a good twenty inches long, with a slightly more elongated handle than it should've had, but it looked pretty awesome!

      It was sitting on top of a small mound of gravel and rocky ground. Actually, it was halfway stuck into this chunk of earth. I didn't move my head or body, but my eyes darted to the right, as if I was hearing something behind me. With a determined and pretty damn pissed-off look on my face, I pulled up Mjolnir in a sudden motion from my right arm, powered mostly by my shoulder. I proceeded to swing it around to the left which passed it directly in front of my face, and spun the rest of my body around, flinging it into a man I expected to be about ten feet away, but I didn't visualize him beforehand (he was dressed in a large black hoodie, the hood pulled over his face, and had a loose chain around his neck. My arm ended pointing where the hammer flew, in a straight line towards him, and I was leaned over quite a bit, with my feet firmly planted in the ground. During the swing I felt the hammer's weight, which would've been a good 20 pounds in real life - the funny thing is, it felt that heavy when I hurled it, but I didn't get a sore arm and the throw itself was pretty effortless. It was a very strange sensation; usually these two sensations don't go hand-in-hand. I guess tiredness and muscle strength isn't a factor in dreams... But still.

      The hammer whizzed right into the man at breakneck speed, going at least 100 mph if I were to guess, and I didn't see the actual impact; the man just curled backwards as the hammer hit him in the stomach and pushed him through the air at the same speed I originally saw the hammer going. There was no slight slowdown in speed on impact. Mjolnir disappeared, along with him, in an instance.

      I immediately raised my head to look up into the distant sky, off to the right, just above the buildings. Then I looked behind me a bit, turning my neck minutely, then spun around again to catch the speeding hammer that I had expected to have been racing back towards me. I let my arm drop and once again felt its weight; I noticed that the handle was a bit shorter than before when I looked down at it with a contemptuous and vengeful expression - not directed to the hammer, but the group of shady individuals I wanted to summon around me - they were here to exploit Mjolnir and take it for themselves.

      "Piece of cake," I told myself. I looked up to see a big mass of dark clouds in the distance; the sky wasn't entirely dark after all, so shapes were still discernible. The clouds were rather thick and covered a lot of area over the horizon. But my immediate vicinity was to be filled with ten or twenty 'bad guys'. I turned around, facing the same big pile of mud and garbage bags as before (but further away this time as I'd been walking away from it a bit). As I turned, I pictured a mass of people with guns, wearing the same military jacket as the guy I saw when I wasn't lucid - this was a first; usually I don't remember things from before hand.

      I ended up facing about seven or eight men. They were leaning forward a bit and looked intimidating, but their clothing was off; they were wearing regular military camo outfits, and all of them were very dark grey with barely noticeable lighter patches (to make the camo pattern). A few of them were holding tasers, but they all appeared to be frozen and not moving that much.

      "Come on!" I goaded them. "You think you deserve this, but you'll never be good enough to use Mjolnir."

      When I finished my threat, I quickly brought Mjolnir over my left shoulder and, once again, flung my right arm back out towards the group. Instead of simply letting one person get hit, I was going to imagine a burst of light blue and white, semi-transparent energy to explode from it. As soon as I let go of it for the throw, I extended my arm and held my right hand out briefly - jazz hands style - and slightly curled my fingers and thumb inwards, tensing up, and then releasing the tension quickly. A pale blue, fairly transparent curtain of smooth energy burst out in a rather flat disc (not what I'd expected, but oh well...), outwards to the left and right; it reminded me of a miniature spiral galaxy. The men dissolved into thin air, but I wasn't done yet; I wanted to fly.

      "I can hear you behind me!" I called, still facing the same direction. "But you'll never fucking catch me!"

      I maneuvered Mjolnir, again held in my right hand, waving it above my head and bending my elbow so that it was now right on top of my right shoulder. I turned my head around and saw a very dark, hazy person running towards me, in a rather scary fashion - I heard quick, omniscient shuffling noises that were growing louder and louder, even though he wasn't running fast enough to make the sound level grow like that. I scowled and stomped on the ground with my right foot, which caused the hammer to suddenly begin flying upwards at about a sixty-degree angle; it went from being right above my shoulder to a few feet in front of my in a matter of moments. I was almost immediately off the ground. My grip on the handle was firm but I didn't feel all the muscles in my hand working; I just felt the surface of it Mjolnir accelerated fast and I felt the air rush around the front of the hammer, along with some very realistic air resistance, as if it was fighting against the sky a bit. It didn't slow down though; I trailed behind it, but I wasn't really following the hammer after getting off the ground anymore. Initially I did, and I had to hold on, but now it felt like my dream body was pushing more towards the hammer, and the hammer was being pushed forward by me. I expected this force to even out, and it did.

      I flew in the sky, feeling the air and wind circulate, and I could've sworn I also felt slight coldness at one point. I had flown almost straight upright for about ten seconds at first, then I pressed my hand's grip on the handle down so the hammer changed course; I met some resistance because the hammer was set in its course, but it wasn't too bad. I tilted it down and I was now curving back towards the ground. I steered like this and after about twenty seconds I summoned a storm around me: a relatively transparent tunnel of clouds encapsulated me which obstructed my vision a bit, but then I imagined myself creating a burst of invisible energy; this made the clouds in front of me dissipate.

      I woke up when my alarm went off.

      Updated 05-19-2023 at 04:07 AM by 28408

      lucid , memorable
    11. Parallel Dimension Planet: Namusiki

      by , 10-04-2011 at 05:43 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Parallel Dimension Planet: Namusiki (DILD)


      I had a space shuttle travel for some reason I do not recall. I landed in a planet that was deserted. I did not know what I was going to do, as I was alone, in the middle of nowhere and without supplies.

      I passed out and awoke in a hotel. It was a small room and it was sunny out. I knew that I was still not in planet Earth. I was very excited about being in a different planet that looked alike Earth. I pulled my phone and I was surprised it worked. I was so amazed that Verizon Wireless had coverage in a remote planet.

      I started to investigate this planet. The inhabitants were humans as well, but slightly shorter. I entered inside a pub and wanted to get a drink, but they did not want my cash.

      I started to wonder about this planet, how did I get here and its history if any. I then wanted to call a friend and share about it. Suddenly, a huge storm started to happen. The sky got very dark and it rained very intensily. In matter of seconds, the rain stopped. The sky was blue and very sunny once more.

      I drove a car I had access to and parket in a non pavimented area. My car as well as other cars would move backwards even on park. I was told that that section of the planet had small quakes constantly, so I decided to park further ahead.

      As soon as I did, I started to wonder how the roads, freeways and other stuff were in this planet. I saw a taxi driver and planned in asking him to drive me to a museum and check it out.

      I realized I was in a dream and wanted to find out more.

      I asked the cab driver about the planet. He told me that the planet was called Namusiki. He explained to me that the planet was located in a paralell dimension, right behind Earth.

      He told me that it was a very small planet, with a day of 4 hours and a night of 3. As he shared this with me, the sunny day changed within seconds into night. The taxi driver shared with me also about the weather of the planet and invited me to come visit other time. A little later, I woke up.
    12. On a boat in a storm.

      by , 09-18-2011 at 10:06 PM
      Me and my family were in what looked like a port town. We were walking along near the beach. Suddenly a large storm started. The storm was humongous. The waves in the ocean were gigantic. Me, my family, and everybody in the area to get on a large wooden boat. Once everybody was on, it started to move along the coast. The waves started to make the boat rock back and forth. At one point one side of the boat started to lift up and everybody ran up to it and grabbed the rail, however, I wasn't able to make it and i fell. Before I hit the water, I grabbed the other rail. The boat flipped completely, we were all briefly under water before the ship turned right side up. The ship kept rocking for a while before it broke and sank. Me and one of my sisters swam to shore. It was sunny and calm. We were in front of a house that was apparently ours. We couldn't get in becasuse it was locked. We waited outside. Eventually our dad showed up. We went inside. I cannot remember what happens after this.
      Tags: boat, hurricane, storm
    13. Celebrities, Lights, Crazy Mail, Love Letter, Future Photos

      by , 09-08-2011 at 01:00 PM (A's Night Lives)
      1. I am on a movie set and catch the two main stars of the flick messing around together. The guy merely shrugs it off. He lets me take photos of he and the female star as his way of confessing to the world that he is in love with this woman.

      2. I followed what looked like a miniature comet through the darkness. I ended up at my grandmother's house. The light disappeared into a hole in the wall. I looked in and found an old notebook, my grandmother's diary.

      3. The northern lights were out on the south side of the night sky. A storm with brilliant multicolored lighting was to the north. I found the red lighting to be threatening.

      4. Walked to the Post Office with my mother to pick up a parcel. We arrived to discover that the building had since changed into a mental hospital/post office.

      5. I was helping a teacher friend of mine set a display table at a school. A few kids ambled by. One dropped a piece of round paper. I picked it up to discover it was a love letter. It reminded me of a love letter I received once in grade 3.

      6. I possessed a camera that took photos of the future. All I had to do was point it at a person, fire off a shot and the camera would reveal a snapshot of that individual's future. People began coming to me for future photos.
    14. Big Storm, Cosmic Jumping

      by , 09-04-2011 at 04:12 AM (Typho's DJ)

      Updated 03-19-2012 at 04:31 AM by 44350

    15. Snakes, Storms & Lost Again

      by , 09-01-2011 at 12:47 PM (A's Night Lives)
      1. I was in a hospital to visit a sick friend. A small red snake was terrorizing the hospital so I took it upon myself to catch it. In the process I was bitten 3 times, once on the hand, once on the pinky finger and once on the ankle. I handed off the snake and it was killed. No one cared that I was poisoned.

      2. A storm swept in at night. Whenever the lightning flashed the room was illuminated in a creepy red glow. I had the feeling that the end of the world was near. I just waited for it to come. Others were running around the house looking for places to hide.

      3. The buildings in the city were old and crumbling. I felt this place was familiar though I was entirely lost. I kept walking. Sooner or later, I believed, something would look familiar and I could find my way back home.
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