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    1. Harry Potter, Starry Nights, Gay Strip Clubs and Drinking Battles

      by , 06-30-2015 at 02:46 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      June 29, 2015

      I took the Dream Leaf supplement tonight as well.

      My classmate was working at the library at the school we both did our internship at, but it was like my old high school, with more ramps and stairs and shit. She was walking around the school, and I saw her. I decided to walk with her, and she was commenting on how her job let her use these ramps on all the stairs. She was pushing around a huge barrel of books and whatnot. The kids all loved her and I got to see some of them. They were second graders now, so some of them were in another class.

      The Paint
      I was taking a class with mom. It was a huge hippie experience: we paired up and greeted an (inanimate) object in the room, then wrote a Socratic poem for the room we were in (I can't remember the name of the room... But it had a name). Then we sat in a circle and the leader was all dramatic and we got huge paintbrushes and canvases with different colored base paintings. I had orange of course. We all just shared pots and squirt bottles of different colors and had a huge hippie paint fest. I finished early and asked if I could leave, and walked home. I accidentally left my backback on the trail though, on a castle-wall thing. I had to go back and mom saw my painting; she was very impressed.

      I was with my brothers, in the driveway, turning animals into different animals. We turned a robin into a bald eagle and for some reason it targeted me so I tried to get inside the house without looking like I was running, in case that would make it hunt me faster... It almost got me as I ran the last stretch to the door. I waited inside and was so paranoid because it was still trying to get me for a few minutes. It flew at the windows and tried to get in through the door when anyone went in or out.

      (Took Red Pill)

      Harry Potter's Paintbrush
      I was at an apartment with Anna, Michele, Michelle, Michelle, Mindi, and some other classmates. We were heading out to class, stopping to get food first. But I almost forgot my keys and had to go back. When I caught up to them, a kid was asking for money. I said I wouldn't give her money but I would buy her some food. So we stopped in a store and I let her pick out some food, but she swiped my card. I had a scuffle with her and eventually got it back from her, then she turned into golem... During our scuffle I saw in the back room Harry Potter tied to a chair... I was too busy to do anything about it. I bought at twizzler on my way out of the store and the cashier said she was on my side and thought it was really nice that I was going to buy food for that girl. As I left, Lucious Malfoy was also leaving, and I accused him of raping HP.

      As soon as I left the shop, I turned into Harry. All the lights on the street turned off now and death eaters were all over the place. People were falling left and right so I fell to the ground to make it look like I was one of them and three women were near me. One tried to take a necklace in my hand (it was good, with either a crown or a chicken pendant), I shook my head, clenched the necklace tighter, and offered a paintbrush instead. She seemed very pleased with this and one of the others gave me a different paintbrush in exchange.

      I spent days on the streets. At some point I was sitting with a young death eater who was saying that he knew their side would lose. I was like "you always have to have faith in your side. That's what makes it strong," but I was having so much trouble speaking, like my throat was all crackly or I was out of breath all the time. But then I found out that I was near the border of deatheater-land all I had to do was cross this street I was on, and they wouldn't be able to get me back. So I pretty much just ran for it and I was fine. On the other side everyone was dressed in flowers and veils and flowing light dresses... It was almost as weird as the other side. Very hippie, very full of life, almost a little cultish. I walked to a secret school I was a part of and some vines opened up to let me in. They were magical and would close around anyone who didn't belong at the school. There was a girl behind me and she climbed up a vine to get in, but the vines closed around me, trapping me, and I saw the girl fall... I shouted and the vines recognized me and let me in. Next thing I knew, I was in a large room with 6 bunks. Hermione and Ron were there. Two of the bunks had colorful alphabet letters and one was a half-bunk that was blue and white. Three other people came in, but I didn't know them. Hermione and Ron told them the story, then the dream faded.

      Drinking Battle!
      I was walking through an art museum, and saw Van Gogh's Starry Night. I'd been planning on jumping into this painting, so I'm glad I saw it and got lucid after a quick RC. I pretty much ran at the wall, expecting to get sucked into the painting, and jumped in. Everything was in the texture of the painting, with lines and multi-colored. I looked up and there were swirls moving around through the stars and moon. It was beautiful. There was also a giant dildo in the sky, though. Remembering the second task on my planned sequence, I rustled around in my pockets, expecting that what I pulled out would be an odd seed. I found one shaped like those candies the soot sprites were eating in Spirited Away. It was larger though, and had spots that started pink but were changing to blues and greens, all neon-ish. I dug a small hole and planted it, and willed it to grow. The result was petty interesting. It grew a gay strip club.

      Woot woot!!

      I knew the next thing I wanted to do was clone myself, so I looked into the window of the club at my reflection, and imagined there were two of me. I remembered how this had worked in Zukin's dream. My reflection kept morphing and did eventually show two of me... I looked next to me and there I was.

      I went with myself into the strip club, expecting to find the main men for my next task: Hercules and Dionysus. It was very distracting in there but I had recited the order of things to do so many times before I fell asleep (STD but with C in it for clone lol) that I only stopped to watch the strippers for a little while, clone by my side. I tried seeing through both of our eyes, but we were seeing the same things so I don't think that worked... I tried to get her to come with me to find the God of Wine and his competitor, but she wanted to stay with the strippers. I left her there, and shortly after, in the back of the club, I saw two shirtless men (maybe they were workers there on their break). I asked if they were Dionysus and Hercules, and they said they were. I challenged them to a drinking battle, and Dionysus was like "Sweetie, I'm the God of Wine. Bring it on." He scooted over for me to sit in the booth with them.

      The first drink had no effect on any of us. The second had none on me but a teeny bit of effect on them. After the third I felt a little silly (placebo?) but they were looking wasted all of the sudden. We all stayed that way for another ten drinks until after the 14th they were both so drunk they started making out and forgot about our battle. I assumed I needed to drink one more to win, so I did. Then I watched them make out, and may or may not have joined them soon after when things got a little heavier. I lost any sort of lucidity
      I had left, though.
    2. #94 - Sharks, why is it always sharks...

      by , 06-30-2015 at 01:45 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Black: non-dream
      Blue: non-lucid
      Red: lucid

      Dream - Shark themed dream
      It was a nice summer day, there were people on the beach nearby, I was talking on the phone to my close friend Matt about sharks which is probably how the theme of sharks got kicked into gear... As we were talking a canoe-like ship washes up onto shore suddenly, the head of it was in the shape of a shark. I said to my friend "why don't you come to the beach, a shark just washed up and it'd be a good example", implying that it was alive even though it clearly wasn't. The canoe-like ship became more boat-like without me noticing, and I heard a dream character shout something like "I wonder how long it'd last", to which another dream character replied "about a day?" as they debated where it could last long at sea. They come to a consensus to push it back off the cliff and into the ocean (sneakily it seems that the beach was now a cliff, which the ship was half-way off of).

      Blurring through this bit, the ship is pushed off and I jump off with it, the cliff was probably 50 metres too. While plummeting care-free I glanced at the ocean, to the left was a beautiful white sand beach and in the water nearby was an Orca ('Killer Whale') and another smaller shark (probably only half a metre). When I landed in the water I quickly scrambled myself onto the beach, fearing the snapping attacks of the little shark and not caring too much about the Orca (I guess I see them as pretty peaceful). Things definitely blur past around here, it was like I was on a field trip suddenly where my marine science teacher at uni had filmed a video of the field trip (this gets done sometimes as it's cheaper than actually taking the class out for a field trip).

      On this field trip it was like we were being shown about the population densities of humans spread out over the world, and in this one country there had been a neglection towards populating it because of native tribes and also because of how the island was structured (I swear it made sense in my dream ). We arrived at some old ruins on this island, it was like we were actually in the video yet the perspective changed occasionally to being an observer. Near the old ruins our teacher peered around and spotted an old submarine shaft or something, she climbs down it as the island begins to flood due to high tide. Next we started our underwater adventure, I think I was geared up and put into a cage-like thing with an opening at the front, this was all underwater and I've no idea how I was breathing either... A 'fake-shark' swims past, it was someone dressed up in a yellow-fabric shark suit who was simulating the experience of being attacked by a shark.. The fake shark smashed against my cage and then thrust its head in and gnawed on my arm. The man inside revealed himself and it was my geology teacher! Steve! Pretty surprised

      Not much else happened after this I think.. but it was a pretty long dream.

      Dream - Aaron?
      I think I had a dream about seeing my old mate Aaron but I forgot it...

      First time trying to remember my dreams in a while, going to try and get back on track with lucid dreaming since I have time now.
    3. Back to Work (30.6.15)

      by , 06-29-2015 at 11:08 PM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Back to Work
      I'm working which is at the home town basketball center. I think it's hafele. I'm where the back of the old courts are, and there was an opening in the back left corner. Its coming to the end I think, cause there isn't much to do. I see a couple trolleys and collect them. The trolleys are miniature. A worker that's doing the same job jokes around and says "get ur own job". I leave the trolleys in his path to collect, but he says "well don't just leave them there, put em away". I put them into there bays. I try and put them in perfectly, but they move around. I check the other bay and notice that they are not neat either, so I just leave mine as is. I wanted it to be perfect for the worker as I wanted to do things right because I was new and nervous. I tell some of the workers about how I used to be on disability pension, and how it got cut due to getting 10 points instead of 20.
      I cranked some tunes off of my phone and left it on a ledge so people could hear it.

      Work must be over cause I'm in a car with people. In sitting in the back with a female, it's dark, so it's hard to tell who I'm with. I think it was Ashleigh Hunt. I soon realize that I have left my phone at work and tell them they have to turn back. I can tell some people are pissed off by the sighs. To my surprise, Ashleigh hands me my phone. It was near me the whole time. I think back and remember placing it next to me.

      I'm back at work, but it's changed to Bunnings Warehouse. I'm near the entrance to depot, looking at cloths. There's a lot of clothes. I think they're all donated clothing, because there isn't 2 of the same thing, and a lot of different sizes. I see a man near me browsing for clothes also. I mention about finding it hard to find the right size. He disagrees with me.
      I see something on the wall. Another worker shows me what it does. It has chicken inside it. He opens it and we start eating it. He told me Daryl paid for his. I'm holding a box with chicken in it. I grab some lemon and squeeze it on, over doing it in the process. I have a bite and its nice.
      I'm standing around and I see a guy that has a English accent. He calls a guy Joe Weller that passes him. It rings a bell that name. As Joe comes over, I recognize him. I say "I know you...."

      Dream Fragments
      I'm on the streets in a Arabian place. There's dirt roads, and Arabian people. I see a car that arrives with a man wanting to sell his fireworks. I imagine shooting a Firework into his car as he drives off, resulting in his death.

      I see a man with an erection. He's showing off his fat dick. The scene changes to him having some kind of strap around his dick. It looks like a bit of leather at the base of it, almost like a little collar.

      Side Notes: Day 1 of fast, felt OK. Bed early tomorrow. I RC upon awakening without reminding myself.

      Updated 06-30-2015 at 03:13 AM by 24939

      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    4. The Method Actor

      by , 06-29-2015 at 09:21 PM
      After a night of NO RECALL, I had a night where I only remembered bits and pieces of my dreams. I think I just completely fucked up my sleeping cycle a little bit. I'll try to sleep better tonight.

      06/28/2015 - METHOD ACTOR

      I was hired to do a movie, but I got into character method style, and I was behaving like my character on set. The problem is that my character was a complete asshat, and I proceeded to be an asshat to all my castmates.

      06/28/2015 - THE STABBER

      My crew and I rob a party (I’m starting to think robbery is sort of a dream sign for me), the police arrive. We argue with the police officers (I dunno, maybe my mind is anti-violence, right now?), then we manage to escape somehow. Now, as we’re trying to disappear, this kid stabs a soccer player’s friend and we’re not implicated in the murder. So we have to help each other disappear.

      06/28/2015 - BAD TERMINATOR

      I’m chatting with Emilia Clarke, I think she’s sitting right at her trailer’s door. We don’t know each other very well in the dream, but I feel comfortable enough to be honest with her. Then, I proceed to tell her how choosing “Terminator” as her next film was an awful choice and how she’s 100 times better than that part. She smiles at me, she doesn’t seem offended at all by my bluntness.
    5. I can haz dream guide, and another moving dream

      by , 06-29-2015 at 09:11 PM (Mouka's Mind Palace)
      I woke up into a lucid dream from sleep paralysis, and as I was laying there I saw a blue sky overhead. It morphed into different types of sky, like cloudy, rainy, night, day, etc. I tried getting up, but found myself anchored to my body, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't pull myself out of it. It felt like a rubber band, I'd pull forward and get snapped back. I finally closed my eyes and imagined myself bursting forth upwards, and even though I didn't exactly "burst forth", I still stood up. I looked down at my hands, and a few of my fingers were missing. I investigated my surroundings, because it looked like I was in a different house than usual. There were all kinds of strange things. Rooms that were creepy and worn down, staircases with picture frames on them that whizzed by at high speeds, and other stuff. There were so many doors to open! I kept exploring because I thought maybe the house represented something. As I moved along, I made it a little secondary priority to find Seru, because I've been wanting to make him my dream guide, figuring he could help me achieve my solar kamehameha quicker. I looked behind many doors and called out to him, but nothing. I opened one door and went into the room, and it was a pretty scary place. It looked like something out of Silent Hill. It was completely empty with stains all over the wall, and there was a single tiny window with metal bars over it. As soon as I realized I was a bit scared, I knew that meant something freaky would show up. First I attempted to leave through the window, but I couldn't phase through, nor could I punch out the wall. I heard something coming, so I flew up into the corner of the ceiling and stood still. A weird humanoid thing that shambled along came in, and it had a huge lumpy black thing in place of its head. It was a bit... terrifying. As I floated there by the ceiling where it couldn't get me, I thought "You know, this is a long ass lucid dream, and I'm not going to waste it hiding from scary shit. I'm looking for Seru and I'm exploring this house that may or may not represent my subconscious, so FUCK THIS GUY." and I immediately landed on the floor, marched up to the creepy thing, and said "FUCK YOU BITCH. Now you will tell me where Seru is or so help me I will kick your ass so hard!" ...it stopped shambling and turned toward a direction, so I left it and went off that way. Soon I came across an old guy lazing around on an armchair, so I asked him the same thing. He was absolutely no help whatsoever. Figured. I continued on, trying to control things, trying to summon things, but nothing worked. Nothing's worked at ALL lately. So I just gave up. I slid to the floor and just cried and cried, thinking what the fuck is the point of lucid dreams if I'm always trapped in some house every single time? I felt so friggin hopeless. While I was down there crying, suddenly someone came up from behind and wrapped their arms around me, and I was all "Great, now more scary shit's come to mess with me." But nope, I turned around and it was Seru, yay! Immediate tears-b-gone! He flew me through the house at super speeds and I tried to take in all the things around me, and then we both flew straight through the house and out into the open blue sky. I felt so happy to finally break free of the lucid dream houses. I know the whole being locked in the house thing symbolizes something, maybe one day I'll figure out what it is. But anyway, I totally got laid. Like, up in the sky. HELL TO THE YES. We... um, kinda went at it for a while, and I was thinking I'd wake up before I got awesome dream-orgasms. But I didn't! Then I asked him if he'd be my dream guide, and he gave me this little knowing smile, so... maybe? He seems to be able to break me free from the houses, so that would be nice. Plus possible solar kamehameha tutoring? I guess I'll find out in my next lucid.

      I dreamt I just moved to a new place, but I couldn't get into the house, so I had to sleep in the pod. I climbed up on top of all of the boxes and laid down at the top, so close that my nose touched the ceiling if I shifted. I remember seeing a creepy spider web only inches away from me with multiple spiders on it, and it kinda freaked me out but if I didn't bother it then they wouldn't mess with me. In the morning, my cousin Janessa opened up the pod and saw me up at the top, and told me to get the hell out and called me stupid for sleeping there instead of elsewhere. I was annoyed she was bugging me, but tried to inch my way out, but I couldn't see my path and wound up getting my head stuck, so she had to push me out the way I came in.

      I had a bunch of 'dream bits' as I started waking up in the morning. There was a group of people I was a part of, and we stole a bunch of gold, enough to fill up the entire trunk of a car. We were all excited and everyone left, leaving a girl and guy to watch over it. They kissed and took all the gold and fled. Then later I was at some restaurant to meet someone, it was some kind of shady deal. When I got there, the waiter at the front was embarrassed and said some other man who was at the table I'd reserved hadn't left yet. I realized it was probably who I was meeting, so I said it was okay and went over to sit down in the booth across from him. He was kind of shady looking with a business suit, and we waited for the other guy. The other guy came, and he was super handsome with blonde hair and a chiseled face, and was also wearing a suit. I don't know what we discussed. At some point, someone died. I think it was one of the people from the trunk gold.
    6. Epic Dance Battle

      by , 06-29-2015 at 08:24 PM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      June 25, 2015

      Tonight I took a dream supplement called Dream Leaf. It involves two pills; a blue one before bed, and a red one after about four hours of sleep. Even before the red pill, I was having uh more vivid dreams than unusually do, and I remembered many more of them:

      Spoil Sport
      Zukin really wanted to go do something with me but I had already taken my red pill and was like sooo ready to sleep and I ignored her texts.

      Neat Fridge
      I was at home, My little brother was there, and we had a whole slew of things in the fridge all neatly organized, like egg salad sandwiches. I spent prettying the entire dream exploring this new high-tech fridge and then ate a sandwich.

      False Red Pill
      I took my red pill with a bottle of water Ginger (Zukin's man) brought in and hung on a hook on my wall.

      Crazy Car
      I was In a grocery parking lot and the van suddenly started going in its own and I was trying to stop it, though I have no idea how I would do that. It kept hitting people and cars and I panicked and called my dad, who was in the store, hoping he could help. I somehow realized (or at least had an inkling) I was dreaming but woke up.

      (Took red pill)

      I Got Them Moves Like Jagged
      I was at my old elementary school, at some sort of information night, and saw a lot of my old teachers. My 6th grade math teacher, Mr. M, gave me an envelope with names on it, and I was like "omg interview!!" A and M (two classmates of mine) were now with me and we were leaving.

      I was standing there and suddenly realized I was dreaming (didn't even have to do an RC), and got really sad because that meant I didn't just get an interview at my old school. I told A that I was dreaming and she said, "well I'm not dreaming so how are you dreaming?"

      We got in the car and I decided to drive. The school was definitely my elementary school, but in the spot where my old middle school is so I drove down a couple roads until I got to my house back home. I knew I was dreaming so every time I saw a person or car in the road, I decided to run them over to see what would happen. Fireworks is what happened. Every time i hit something, the car went right through then and sparks and fireworks shot out of the spot. It was so cool.

      I knew that when I got home there would be a mirror to look into (wanted to stare into it for the TOTM). I got out of car and entered my home... There was a mirror on the floor and M (a different classmate) was sitting in front of it. I watched her reflection; I could see her in the corner of my vision as well. She was arguing with herself, and the reflection was getting very angry, her hair was growing out and she was growing fangs. Then M disappeared but her phone was there. I told her reflection to calm down or she would be stuck in the mirror. She did calm down and returned to normal and then she was back to being out here.

      I wanted to find the Pegasus next. All of a sudden Sensei and Ophelia were there. There was almost one of those cartoonish POPs and smoke as they appeared. Sensei pointed to a white board and told me I had to pick a spot to find the Pegasus. I thought I would find him in the clouds and Sensei and Ophelia both said that was a good idea. Sensei also said I would get to pick what happened when I met Zeus, and I was thinking, "of course I do, it's my dream." Then Ophelia talked about Bernie from TBBT winning awards for lucid dreams. I was amazed that Bernie was into LDing. I sat on a bed and let myself drift off into a sleep, I was aware of myself rolling off the bed and landing in someone's leg/foot (I think it was A [a housemate], he was also on the bed beginning to LD).

      I was in the clouds next, just floating. I still knew I was dreaming. I looked around for the Pegasus, expecting him to be there. In the meantime, it was so beautiful. I was in a sort of tunnel of clouds. I heard neigh behind me and turned to see the beautifullest white horse with gleaming golden wings. I told it we needed to find Zeus and take his bolt, and it let me on its back and we zoomed off. After a few minutes, I spotted a cloud that had a part that stuck up, and looked like a castle of sorts. I assumed this was Zeus's home, Mt. Olympus. We landed on a pillar, and suddenly it was stone as the clouds dispersed dramatically. We were on a huge mountain that had stuck up into the clouds. (Way cool!!) Someone saw us, but didn't seem at all surprised or alarmed. So I told him we were here because we had an appointment with Zeus. The man nodded and led me through a door Pegasus couldn't fit through, so it waited for me out there. A lot of people were inside. But there was one person on a throne at the back. He looked very Zeus-y. I walked through the crowd and shouted at Zeus, "Give me your bolt. I don't want to have to take it by force." He refused, but said I could have it if I won a dance-off with him.

      He started. He looked like a floppy fish, though. Like I couldn't tell what he was trying to do. At some point his arms detached and flew a few meters to either side, then swapped and reattached on the opposite sides. I rolled my eyes when he passed the dance to me, and just sorta let myself dance, expecting that it would be fantastic. Funny thing is I danced like I usually dance (which isn't all that great), but when I stopped, the crowd went wild and Zeus fell back in his chair, defeated. He handed me the bolt, yelled that he wanted a rematch next week, as I left and found Pegasus. I wanted to go find The Face next but the dream started to destabilize and I just flew through the clouds until I woke up.

      I'd Like to Have Sex With You Too
      I was at auditions / interviews for jobs at my hometown, and there were also lessons of some sort. This is a week long thing and I got to know one of the guys pretty well, he seemed to also like me (I think this was the subC version of a guy I recently met haha). There were like five performance days as well, where we performed a play in the grass, but under a sort of awning with arches. During the last few days I met A (a really close high school friend), she was working at the concession counter haha. That same day I met a girl with one very blue eye, and one very green eye. She knew me already but I couldn't remember meeting her. She did seem familiar though. She gave me a free rice crispy treat covered in chocolate.

      During the performance on the last day I wasn't a part of it so I was sitting along the wall at the back of the "stage" and writing in my note book and before I realized what I was writing it was something like "have sex again -> want to do it with me?" It was about the guy I had met. I got embarrassed and covered it up but I think he saw it and he came up to me after the performance and basically said "I'd like to have sex with you, too" so we snuck off to a closet.

      Cool Outfit
      I was in my game, I think an older Pokemon game. I was in the middle of a mini game with the guy I met at the last dream I think. It was a series of puzzles involving candles that I had to light. But after the first level cleared, I couldn't use the light candle spell anymore (why there were spells in Pokemon I do not know). The huge fire beacon thing in the center was calling to me and I clicked A at it. I was in a selection panel where I could pick a brand new, really cool outfit for my character. The one I really loved was a little like Elsa but all red/orange and flamy. I picked it and my character was pulled into the flame, and I was worried at first that it was a trap, but she got spit back out after a few moments. I picked her up physically and untied her from the smoldering ropes that bound her (dunno WHY they were binding her...) and woke up after noticing my character looked like a young child now, and would have to grow up before the outfit would be epic.
    7. Puppets

      by , 06-29-2015 at 05:07 PM
      I was talking to some guy from Denmark about Interior Design. I was telling him that my sister did that and he seemed unimpressed and talked about how difficult the industry was. He left to lead some kind of presentation. Suddenly I was in a huge room that was filled with maybe 100 people that were all sitting in chairs, watching some DC at the front of the room give a speech. I noticed I was holding a crayon in my hand and I jokingly held it up in front of my eyes and pretended that I could control the presentation screen with my mind. Suddenly the screen started to act weird and I really could control it with my mind. For a minute I thought that I was super awesome, but then I realized that it was really just a dream.

      I decided to play puppet master with some dream characters while I tried to remember some tasks. I stood up, raised my hand, and made 5-6 female DC's stand up and take off their clothes. I noticed that they were all Quite hairy. I remembered that I wanted to do the taste the rainbow task, but then I got worried about waking up and immediately woke up before I could go look for a rainbow.
    8. A Magical Flying Car Ride with Dorothy

      by , 06-29-2015 at 04:57 PM
      I became lucid while driving some lady dream character around. She had brown hair and pale skin. She also looked extremely innocent and sweet and she actually kind of reminded me of Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz. I decided to take her on an adventure!

      I made the car take off from the ground and fly through the air. We were soaring over a beautiful landscape that had snowy fields and trees scattered below us. The air was cool and fresh.

      I made the car do giant loops in the air for fun and then I made it dive down to the ground so that we were flying barely above the surface of the earth. The Dorothy DC reached out of the car and let her hand run through a field of snowy flowers that we were flying past. She was in awe, mouth gaping open wide. I landed near a farmhouse that I guess was supposed to be her home.

      I then told the Dorothy DC that everything she experienced was a dream, entirely created by her. I tried to convince her that I had actually driven her down a road and everything was quite normal. She was amazed.
      I explained to her that we are constantly creating our realities and that we can make even the most mundane of journeys seem fantastic and magical by altering our perception of it. I said that we are the creators of our dreams and that we can make them so beautiful, that we only have to be more aware of what it is that we are creating.

      There was more to the dream but I can't really remember it that well, I just remember some creepy pig guy was in her house and I had to protect her from him.
    9. The Blue Light

      by , 06-29-2015 at 01:06 PM
      I am in a house with a couple of female friends I don't recognize from waking, and I'm semi-lucid. We're all standing in the kitchen which reminds me a bit of my grandmother's old house. Suddenly we begin to move towards the back room and I realize we're in a little train on a track. The train approaches the door, which opens automatically. On the other side is the outside world which drops far far down to the ground below. The metal tracks are suspended over it. Another track is merging with ours from the left and beyond that the tracks just end. It looks like it was built that way, but I "remember" that it wasn't that way before and this makes me nervous. The train is going too fast and I call to my friends to try and slow it down. I use the weight of my body to try to help. We slow down a little, but as we hit the bumper at the end of the rails, the train starts pitching forward, doing a front flip.

      Somehow I get out of this situation and back into the house, feeling more lucid. I think my grandma is standing in the kitchen now. I try to leave the house and the doors keep closing on me. The front door is sliding slowly closed like elevator doors as I approach, but I manage to stick my hand in at the last second and stop it. I float out and up, fleeing this madhouse of falling trains. I feel like the situation is pursuing me, so I angle more up, hoping to get into open skies, but instead of seeing sky, I see flat blue light covering most of my vision. It feels good though, so I plunge myself into it, letting it surround me. I no longer feel my body. I just let go of everything, including awareness unfortunately, and let myself BE in the light. Not sure if this ended when another dream began or ended on awakening.

      This light experience was had by Robert Waggoner as well, in a somewhat different way. I think I'll try seeking it out again sometime!
      Tags: blue light
      lucid , memorable
    10. Really Vivid LD where nothing happens (#219)

      by , 06-29-2015 at 01:04 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I am in the car with my parents. We are going to my cousins birthday party late at night. Then my parents started to disappear and I was left alone in the car that continued to drive itself.

      I get scared.
      I become lucid because I recognize this sort of odd situation in a car as something that would occur in a dream, but it takes a few minutes for me to get anywhere. Fear and hopelessness turn to anger and irritation, its a weird transition to go through. Eventually I get myself to have a false awakening in my own bedroom.

      I got up from my bed, did a nose pinch reality check and decided it was dream guide time.

      "Manei, Kuansen Axio Sosumbule."

      I look around. I open the doors to the bathroom and the guest bedroom and find no dream guides have spawned there.

      "Manei, Kuansen Axio Sosumbule!!"

      *Car horn honks outside*


      I turn and look outside. She is sitting in this black sports car/convertible. In the dream I recognize having seen her drive this car (or one very similar to it) in early lucid dreams. (I might have to draw a picture of this car at some point, but for now, have the Google image approximation)

      Dream guides know whats up.

      I head downstairs and outside and get in the passenger seat. The car seems to drive itself. We greeted one another in a strange way that I cannot recall. I also recall it being cloudy outside.

      When I got in I saw the roof come over us. The way that it came over-top was odd, as if it were transforming or slowly assembling itself. Even the windows came in about a dozen parts and slowly fused together and the seams disappeared.

      I laid down a stabilization telling myself the dream wouldn't end until I accomplished what I wanted to do. Obviously flawed since I didn't seem to be going anywhere with it to begin with. (I should work on this, I have some more goals in mind that I should try to pursue.)

      We wound up striking a conversation about my friend C. I had pointed out that she had made herself look like my friend C, intentionally or otherwise. She told me that this was just being lazy about appearances once more.

      I brought up that my parents thought that I was actually in a relationship with her. I went on a bit of a rant about how my parents have a bad habit of shipping me with my close friends. Heck, they even thought I was gay at one point because I was so close with one of my male friends. (Yes, all of this actually happened.)

      "If they knew about you and me they'd never let me hear the end of it..."

      *Obnoxious Mutual Laughter*

      I decide that we should go somewhere interesting. The car is turning out of the subdivision. (Perfectly following reality still, save for the fact that none of the trees have leaves.)

      "Car, Engage the hover jets and take us to Alpha Centari"

      *Pining sound like Siri*

      "Auto-Pilot Disengaged"

      "Alright. I'll do it myself... Where is the holographic screen?"

      Well it turns out there was no holographic screen, just a little LCD display in-between the two of us. I remember thinking to myself how vivid and functional these computer menus seen. I remember entire rows of buttons wouldn't change. I went into a directory and did 'find destination'. Typing was hard though because the keyboard was small.

      I remember before I started my search in the search bar, there were other star systems, Sirius and Pleiades. Okay, so I know this thing can go into space. I entered 'CE' but no alpha centari came up. Just a couple random destination that I cannot recall.

      Then the computer system got a blue screen of death and Manei had to start driving. I lost the dream around here.

      I have some backlog that I'm gonna backdate and put in in a bit. I've been on a camping trip these past few days, though my recall is about as mucky as the river we were camping on.
    11. Some fragments

      by , 06-29-2015 at 09:39 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I recall only some fragments. First, I was somewhere on a stadium, wearing sports outfit. We were preparing for a football match. Second fragment showed me surrounded by curtains, pissing on the floor for some reason.
    12. The betrothed princess, Majin Buu, and a bigfoot episode of Supernatural

      by , 06-29-2015 at 05:42 AM (Mouka's Mind Palace)
      I was a princess, the daughter of some super rich king who wanted to marry me off to some prince I'd never met. On the day we were supposed to meet, the king hired all sorts of people to doll me up, hair stylists, makeup artists, fashion experts, etc. First I was sent to the hair stylist, who was this young lady with light neon blue hair up in two ponytails on either side of her, and her hair had streaks of other colors in it, mostly pink I think. I was so in love with her hair and asked for something similar, so she gave me the same style but made mine super colorful and rainbow-y. After that, they sent me to the makeup artist, and I was really nervous because for some reason I thought I had guy-stubble on my face and I was afraid the artist would get weirded out and not cover it up, but she said she could do that easily. After that, I worried over the dress selection, because I seriously badly wanted a Victorian style dress that poofed out at the bottom, and I thought they'd give me some ugly straight one. But they had a huge dress selection to choose from so I felt better. Later on, the king told me the prince didn't really like me, but that wasn't the point. The point was to marry so they could combine kingdoms. I got so upset and told the king that I refused to be just some object he could use to take over countries with, and I ran away.

      An evil man kidnapped me and locked me in his house. It was kind of a shitty house, and I remember seeing a round wooden table next to glass patio doors. I was so scared but determined to escape. I acted really nice to him so he would wind up trusting me, and then I secretly opened the patio door so his pug ran out. He was freaking out over his dog escaping so I told him I would go out and get it. So I ran out into the yard but instead of chasing the dog I ran along the fence until I found a spot low enough to climb over, and I did and took off running frantically. I knew I wasn't a very good runner but I tried, and by the time I got to his front yard, he intercepted me and held me in place, smiling and laughing all creepy-like. He told me he didn't care if I screamed because anyone passing by wouldn't bother to help anyway, so I started screaming and reaching my hand out to people walking down the sidewalk, and they just turned their heads and kept walking. The neighbor did the same thing but went into his house. I felt so hopeless and desperate, and I couldn't believe nobody would help me, but the man kept holding me and laughing. But suddenly this Worgen guy from WoW came up and told the man to let me go, but he didn't. He acted all nice and invited him in for tea, so the Worgen said okay and said he'd save me afterward. I told him to be careful because he was only level 98 and the man was level 100, but he didn't care. The creepy man wound up catching us both. After that, I was saved by Majin Buu, who flew me away on a cloud. We were both sitting on the cloud and flying through the sky, doing loops and such. Suddenly we saw another person flying towards us on a cloud that also had Majin Buu sitting on it, so we stopped and said hi to each other.

      I was standing in a house by the window, looking up at storm clouds. There was a serious amount of rotation, and I saw one cloud close to the ground start rotating pretty fast. I made a joke that it would turn into a tornado... but then it actually did. When I went out onto the porch there were tornadoes everywhere, but it looked like that one was heading away from us, and as soon as I pointed that out, it turned around and came toward us. They told me to get back into the house and hunker down in the hallway, but I was like 'fuck that shit' and made a mad dash out into the road for some reason. They called me insane and said I'd die, but I kept running and running, hoping to find a safe place before the tornado caught up with me, I felt scared but at the same time confident I'd get away. I saw a big school and ran inside quick, and the school was empty and dark. On the floor was a small window, like the kind you see on the bottoms of houses that lead to the basement, so I hoped it was also a basement. I could hear the tornado close and dived into the window, squeezing through. The basement was huge with a concrete floor and a sloped roof like an attic's, and I grabbed at random plywood boards in an attempt to protect my head. Then I saw another person down there, but we didn't say anything to each other, we just nodded in approval like 'I see you were smart enough to come down here too'. When the tornado finally hit, I realized I'd left the window open, and it was trying to suck me out, so I grabbed onto a rafter and held on tight, and survived.

      Sam and Dean saw an article in a paper about bigfoot terrorizing a small town way in the forest, so they went to check it out. The bigfoot was killing everyone, people were dying left and right, and there was blood everywhere. They did some investigating and were up on a wooden porch when they found a glass jar filled with congealed blood, so they had it DNA tested and found it belonged to nearby people who hadn't died yet. They went to check them out and found two terrible teenagers with skin the color of a corpse and crazy eyes. They realized there was no bigfoot, it was just the bloodlust of the two evil teens, and they made up the bigfoot story to the sheriff to hide their own murders. Sam and Dean were kind of pissed it wasn't 'their kind of case' after all and left the teens to the cops.

      Apparently I lived in an apartment complex that was in some city that Seru destroyed before his tournament. Everyone was dead and the complex was falling apart, and there was a flood that went up halfway to my knees. But I was happy and excited, and spinning around through the parking lot singing. I was going to go see him. The scene cut to a news station surrounded by debris, with the only road leading out going directly to Seru's arena, so the reporter just said 'fuck it' and they got in their van and decided to go out there, even though they knew he already killed a bunch of reporters. The dream never finished their story, so I have no idea what happened to them. After that, it cut to me at the arena, and I remember seeing him standing there looking all passive but... I can't remember anything about our interaction. Thanks brain. Thanks for making allllll my other dreams super-detailed but completely forgetting the one part I'd want to remember most from this one dream. Ffffffuck that.
    13. It's Tradition to Dress Like a Women, My First Pump at Shelly's (29.6.15)

      by , 06-29-2015 at 12:13 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      It's Tradition to Dress Like a Women
      I'm with Daryl and I think Ben. We're in South Africa and decide to visit a infamous spot. As we enter the restaurant, I wait for my turn to get given women's cloths to wear. She gives me a Red and Black flannelette and denim genes. I don't mind the outfit, it could have been a lot worse. I'm a bit hesitant to grab them off the counter because I didn't want to get in the way of the employer. I think I put them on. I see Daryl in the distance, sitting at a table with Ben. He is starting to look impatience, as he waits for his food. I think this place does homemade cookies or something.

      I'm now sitting down next to Luke Ray, and we're talking about the tradition of this place, of how you have to wear ur women's cloths for a whole day and night, sleeping with them on and all. That convocation moves onto me talking about how Kayley's pension got cut. Luke gets up and has to do something for the moment.

      I head over to Daryl and Ben, and I notice that Luke is still not back to his original spot where we were sitting. I get up and head over to the counter where you order your food. I felt I needed to order now because it's taking a long time to get it once served, so Everyone is going to have to wait for me now, which sucks. I double check Daryl and Bens order. The employer repeats it too me in a odd way. Talking slow and long. I struggle to remember what he is saying, and was hoping to relay it back to Daryl and Ben. As she's telling me, I'm pulling cards out of my wallet, it has symbols written on them, and the lady is telling me about them. It's pretty much explaining what they ordered. One of the cards was my pension card. I look over to what's cooking and notice all the food. I think I might have a chance of getting my food on time, as its a new batch that has just been cooked. I second guess myself.

      Luke and I are sitting back where we were earlier, talking about the fact that smoking is banned. Either myself or Luke sides with it being wrong, due to it being a tradition in this part of the world. Employers come to the table and they seem to be angry or threatening toward me. I feel as if I'm about to get robbed. I try to figure out if I have my wallet in my pockets, without checking. I replay the scene to see if they were coming off that way.
      I see a block of cheese in its wrapper. As if unwraps, I'm either saying or hearing someone say it's falling to the sky or something.

      My First Pump at Shelly's
      I was Shelly beach. I catch a nice size wave and surf it with ease. As I'm surfing the wave, I decide to do something I don't usually do, and that's to pump down the wave. I notice the wave beginning to close out, but squeeze every bit of surfing out of it. I was a little cautious about surfing it to the shore line, due to the shallow reef. As I paddle back out, I'm feeling pretty stoked with the wave and how I surfed it. I was excited to tell Josh what happened if he hadn't seen the wave. I see 2 surfers in front of me, kinda in my way, so I weave my way through them. I think I end up telling Josh and I think another guy about what happened.

      Dream Fragment
      I notice that Claire must have slept with Chris Brown. I was thinking about how she could take that dick.

      Side Notes: EFT seemed to work well. Will continue with same phrases.
    14. Meal tickets

      by , 06-28-2015 at 08:48 PM
      Dreamed I was in grade school, but I was in school in Japan.They had started painting murals all over lunch rooms "to encourage kids to eat all of their food." The administrator in charge of planning this said not everybody would like all of the murals because "some are very soft".

      The administrator is standing in front of one of the murals, speaking about it. The light is bright, artificial indoor lighting. The mural is a goofy cartoon version of a kid running - but more like an American Peanuts-style cartoon than a Japanese one. The colors are bright; the kid's skin is a peach color. When he talks about the "softer" murals, I can't see them, but I imagine what one might look like, and it is a pink fuzzy blob.

      The lunch room has tables like a standard American lunch room (the long brown tables with benches) and the kids are sitting down and eating at them.

      They also implemented a new program where they would give kids "tickets" for lunch item menus like meat, salad, dessert, etc. They warned kids not to use up all of their meat tickets at the beginning of the week, or they'd end up eating salad the rest of the week. One particularly enterprising kid bought tickets off of the other kids and "sold" them in exchange for doing his homework, etc. The teacher found a hoard of salad tickets in his desk because nobody wanted them.

      I see his desk full of salad tickets. I imagine the child as a husky little boy with short, messy brown hair. Perspective shift - I see a child in line, handing a lunch server a meat ticket, while there is a voice-over of the teacher explaining about the tickets.

      The dream shifts a little. I'm still in Japan, but now I am an exchange student with the ability to alter reality to suit my whims - just a little bit. While walking up the steps to a one-story brown brick building (the school), I change the color of another kid's shoes. I walk through the door after him.


      Then I dreamed about eating at a restaurant that included a shower with the meal. I ate a seafood meal that is basically calamari, mussels, and clams mixed together and sauteed. The inside of the restaurant was a bit dark, and the seafood was just sort of plunked down on the plate (and a little tasteless).

      Then I took a long shower, but it became so long that I worried that the restaurant's owners would be pissed. The shower was a stand-up shower with no tub and a sliding door. I had a blue-green loofah.


      I dreamed I bought a house right off of the highway. It was supposed to be very close to where I currently live, just a little bit further out and with a much nicer yard. It cost me about $500,000. When I showed it to my mother, she liked the yard. I decided that we needed more space, and there were 3 empty undeveloped lots behind and off to the side of it, so I bought those as well - my reasoning being that we could plant a garden there. They made kind of a "U" shape around my neighbor's house, and I got nervous that there would be some conflict over who owns the land since up until now, the neighbor had just sort of used it by default because nobody owned it/was using it. I was also unsure if it was too much space, and if my mother's garden would really extend beyond the original house's garden.

      Anyway, the house was up on top of a steep hill, with steps up to it. It was a little one-story house with light blue siding, plenty of windows for natural lighting, and lots of foliage around it. In the dream, it was summer and the sunlight was bright. The whole thing seemed very cheery. There was a patio in back with a few patio chairs and a table, and the yard behind it was lush and full of trees and flowers. The predominating color of the foliage was a light spring green, and you could hear birds in the garden. I told my mother that if you went down the steps to the sidewalk, you could walk into downtown. I apologized about the noise from traffic but explained that it was a great house and the traffic noise had brought the price down to make it more affordable.
      Tags: food, garden, house, school
    15. I Climbed a Tree! :)

      by , 06-28-2015 at 05:38 PM
      I was having a non-lucid sex dream that had just ended. I walked away down the street and slowly realized I was in a dream. The first thing that I thought to do was to do a lucid dare...get naked in front a DC, I thought. I was half naked in front of two women that were sitting on a park bench when I realized I had already done that dare 3 times before. I continued to get naked for fun. While I was flopping my dick around in a windmill pattern in front of these two nice lady dream characters, I remembered that I could climb to the top of a tree for a task!

      I walked down the street and came to a forest clearing. There was an enormous tree with a flat top that I decided to climb. I started to run up it at full speed, but slowed down as I neared the top. I had to climb the final stretch with my hands. When I got to the top, I saw this glorious valley below me and the rocky mountains all around me. I felt peaceful and happy to be around mountains again. While I was sitting there, just minding my own business, the tree suddenly took off flying of its own accord. It was going really, really fast too. I tried to slow it down, wouldn't work for awhile. I eventually got it to stop and I landed in some bedroom where there was a hole in the ground. I put the tree in the hole, and I heard a robotic voice that said something like, "Tree accepted, thank you". Then this metallic flower opened up. I realized I was in my parents' bedroom and then woke up.
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