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    1. 2017-08-12 Standard chase/escape, and an interesting one I don't remember

      by , 08-14-2017 at 05:38 AM
      Pretty normal adventure/escape kind thing, not particularly violent, just getting away. Fun dream, I don't remember much detail.

      After that I had a nice long dream, but I started thinking about WL before I could get a handle on it. I just remember that it was good.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. YAY another lucid!

      by , 08-14-2017 at 04:12 AM (Awake to take in the view...)
      It's been too long since I've had one!

      The first dream I had last night was non-lucid. I was back up at school, trying to find my new apartment. This will become a reality in a few weeks.

      The second dream was where I was in a church, and was going to go on another mission for my church. Well, I've already done that, and you generally don't do that again. The sheer absurdity of the premise clued me in to the fact that I was dreaming. Unfortunately, my level of conscious awareness wasn't as high as it could have been. The people in the front of the church building were really buddy-buddy with each other, definitely not professional and all, and one guy told me all of their names. I can't remember if I did anything cool as a result of my lucidity, though. :/ Work in progress!
    3. The Red Whale Expedition

      by , 08-13-2017 at 11:46 PM (Dimension X)
      Most of the beginning escapes my memory, but the earliest I remember is being on a small boat with some old man, as he paddled it through the ocean. I was telling him a story about a particular whale that had destroyed something of mine, or had a significant impact on my life somehow. He began to tell me a story about how a giant red whale destroyed his ship and killed his entire crew.

      Well, that's unsettling.

      The air was very foggy, and it was raining slightly. It was cloudy and almost dark. Maybe a storm was approaching?

      We were on the little boat for quite some time in the dream with not much happening.

      When we finally made it to land, the sun began shining and he dropped me off onto white painted docks. The paint was worn and peeling. He then got back into the small boat and paddled away. There were multiple different elevations of the docks close to each other, with stairs and such. There were many tables with people eating at them, and the tables had umbrellas. I've only ever seen so many dream characters once or twice. There were a lot of people. They were dressed fancy, and there was even fancy music playing while the people ate. The main restaurant counter was on the docks too and almost formed a wall, preventing people from going onto the actual land behind it. I remember sitting at the counter, but not having enough money to get anything, despite the prices being very low. (85 Cents, 65 Cents, etc.) Looking back on it now, maybe the old man dropped me off temporarily, and I was waiting for him to return? I really have no idea. No idea why I would've stayed there either.

      The rest is a blur... There was something about me getting a bottle of water, and...

      That's all I remember.

      Pretty weird.
    4. superhero mainia

      by , 08-13-2017 at 05:55 PM
      (before I start I must say that the quantity of dreams I'm remembering is getting higher and higher and the most dreams I've remembered was 4 = a false awakening)also the quality of what I remember is getting lower so I have something I'm going to start doing I am going to write in my dream journal first than later in the day I'm going to type it out starting tomorrow)
      1st dream- (It was a pretty big dream but I don't remember to much) - I am somewhere, I am in a building, I don't recognize this place It is kind of like an office. I am a super hero. I have a move list, literary a move list that pops up when I want it to the whole thing is blue but the words and symbol's are black. After that I'm at the next scene that I for sure remember. I am fighting a villain his looks? All I remember is blue, but we start fighting before I do that I look at my move list and I use the first move I see. All It was is that I flew In and punched him in the face. Surprisingly It knocks him out. Next scene I'm in school I don't remember the rest
      2nd dream - fragment - I remember a music in the background I can't describe it well but oh well.
      3rd dream - not remembered (have you ever know for a 100% fact you have had another dream but you can't remember anything)also can someone please explain the quality quantity situation and how to fix it if not then I will probably do the dream journal than computer thing but I need help)
    5. Dream - Frantic Farm

      by , 08-13-2017 at 01:58 PM
      Date of Dream: SUN 13 AUG - 2017

      Dream No. 177 - Frantic Farm

      I don't remember what exactly happened for the majority of this dream. From where I do remember, I was at some random farm with my mum and brother. We were visiting someone but I forgot who it was. My mum and brother went inside the house but I was still outside. I was running around the block of land but saw no entrance into the house. After a few laps, I started thinking about Dreamy WB for some reason but never got to calling her. I never found an entrance into the house.

      The dream scene shifted to me browsing on Instagram. I went to WB's page and saw heaps of junk posts on there, she even posted some pictures of Jeffy from SML. Then I was in my sitting room and there was this parcel from Logan and Chilly. I opened it and found that it was these cucumbers and zucchinis chopped up in an interesting way. Apparently Logan and Chilly wrote that I could use the veggies to put into a salad. After that, I was in front of the fireplace and was singing to a soundtrack song from Spyro The Eternal Night. That's all I can remember about this dream.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:

      - None
    6. Dream - Music Practice

      by , 08-13-2017 at 01:56 PM
      Date of Dream: SAT 12 AUG - 2017

      Dream No. 176 - Music Practice

      There wasn't much that I remembered about this dream. The only thing I remember is that I was singing harmonies to a pre-recorded Croatian song that I was preparing for my TAFE's cultural day.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:

      - None
      Tags: event, music, song, tafe
    7. Dream - Graduation No Fun & Volcanic Panic & Class Already Started & Spying Into The House

      by , 08-13-2017 at 01:54 PM
      Date of Dream: FRI 11 AUG - 2017

      Dream No. 175 - Separated Sections

      Dream 175 A - Graduation No Fun

      The class of 2017 graduation was taking place at some unknown external venue, somewhere near the city. I was trying to congratulate each year 12 that walked past me but Ms L would constantly be talking over the top of me. I felt like I wasn't a valued part of the school community anymore. I then noticed that WB hadn't arrived yet, and I was waiting especially to greet her.

      I saw that family photos were taking place across the road, right on the nature-strip. One group had just left and the next group that were coming appeared to be WB's family. The mum and dad did not look familiar at all, WB had dusty ginger hair and there was a little boy with them. As they walked across the road, I got into position to meet them. I frantically waved at them but they power-walked past me, without smiling.

      As the dream progressed, I actually got lost and drifted away from the venue. Eventually, I was doing something with Jasmine and her sister, with some dog near by. I was then walking around on my own, trying to find my way back to the graduation event but would still feel lost. The dream scene then shifted to my bedroom, as if I would wake up in the morning, sitting up in bed, the room was light like sun was coming through the curtains. This part of the dream actually did feel like I was waking up in real life.

      But then I sit up, look towards the window, closed curtains, and use the exact same sequence for requesting Dreamy WB's help like in Dream 167 A. The first two times, I use a standard speaking voice to say “Dreamy WB” and the third time, it's her alternate name, “Miss T”. After that is a very slight whisper of “Dreamy WB...”.

      The dream scene then changes back to searching for the venue. It appears that there is now this strong, invisible energy guiding me towards the place. I know I am near because I see two teachers standing beside a set of escalators but they didn't really talk to me, rather I listened in on their conversation. I then continues towards where I thought the venue was. I can't remember what else happened in this dream.

      Dream 175 B - Volcanic Panic
      I don't remember completely what happened in this dream, only a small amount. There was this volcano right in the middle of suburbia that I approached. There was this poodle-like dog there and the volcano was about erupt.

      Dream 175 C - Class Already Started
      The dream started off with me in my bedroom but very quickly shifted to the scene of a classroom. It showed that I was already in the company accounting class. Throughout the whole dream, I am saying to myself, “How am I expected to be in class if I am still sleeping?”. I don't remember what else happened in this dream.

      Dream 175 D - Spying Into The House
      I was walking around the streets when I caught sight of Jure's house. I was curious to know what was going in there and so snuck to the side of the house and stuck my head into the window. There I saw Jure, sitting on a couch facing towards the kitchen and he was reading a newpaper. I then catch sight of his wife who looks shocked when she sees me. She points a finger to me and speaks to me, still with the window shut, calling me a pervert. That's all I can remember for this dream.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:
      - None

      I only had enough time in the morning to write the majority of Dream A down, hence why there is only little detail on B, C and D.

      Updated 04-25-2018 at 01:29 PM by 93119

    8. Dream - Mambo On The Loose

      by , 08-13-2017 at 01:46 PM
      Date of Dream: THU 10 AUG - 2017

      Dream No. 174 - Mambo On The Loose

      I have forgotten most of this dream. From where I can remember, the dream played the following scene many times. My family would be going somewhere and in the car was mum and dad in the front and then me and Nic in the back. I would have to move to the middle as I discovered that Dreamy WB was coming with us. In all two or three repeats of the scene, Dreamy WB had solely a feminine energy, the most out of all dreams, and a very glamorous appearance. Throughout the whole drive, I would find myself getting close to her and rubbing myself against her as she placed an arm around me.

      The dream scene then changed to my other grandparents' house, all in their front yard. One of my relatives, who was of a similar age to me, always had a mean and cold disposition about her and would even act weird at times. I heard a “baa” sound and saw a little white lamb running down the driveway. I was calling out “Mambo!” in distress while running after it. I almost had heart failure as I thought Mambo was going to run out onto the road. But he never ended up going onto the road, almost like there was an invisible barrier that he was running beside. I don't remember anything else about this dream.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:
      - None

      Updated 01-15-2020 at 02:42 PM by 93119 (Shouldn't be a number in the title)

    9. Dream - Moving Out & Scaling The Tower

      by , 08-13-2017 at 01:43 PM
      Date of Dream - WED 9 AUG - 2017

      Dream No. 173 - Separated Sections

      Dream 173 A - Moving Out
      I don't remember exactly how the dream started. In the first scenes, I was living with Logan, who was strangely in Australia, not America. He was talking to me almost like a father would, at the current moment telling me to pack my things because my mum was coming for me. I was apparently there with him and Chilly for a few weeks... I told them “I don't want to leave”.

      The dream scene then changed to me being at my own home with my mum. She said she called me home because dad was already leaving to America, where the rest of our family was going to move to soon. I was told to find my suitcase but I never could. The taxi had arrived for my dad and so I went downstairs to see him off. I then went back up to continue packing myself. I looked in the laundry mirror and saw the outfit that I was wearing in the dream. I was wearing six Review cardigans, neatly layered so each one could be seem. The colour scheme from outside to inside was red, mustard, lime, dark blue, purple, and then seafoam. I don't remember what else happened in this dream.

      Dream 173 B - Scaling The Tower
      I don't remember the first bit of this dream. My grandmother, brother and I were driving to Forest Hill Shopping Centre with the roads being weirdly curved with excessive turns and bends. It was a tower on top of a car park again. The only way to access the shopping centre was to go up in the lift to ascend the tower. My grandmother and brother were forcing me to go in. As soon as they pushed me in, I blindfolded myself. The lift didn't move and so I managed to get out and escape. They were going to go up another way but they were stopped until I fought off the boss standing in the way; this happened a few times. I don't remember anything else about this dream.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:
      - None
    10. Dream - Not Happening Today

      by , 08-13-2017 at 01:24 PM
      Date of Dream: TUE 8 AUG - 2017

      Dream No. 172 - Not Happening Today

      NOTE: A section of this dream does have some mature content, please do not continue if you do not feel comfortable with such content.

      I don't remember the majority of this dream. From the part I do remember, the dream took place at my old house. I thought I was going to see NN at his workplace because I called him and he said he would be there from 3:00. As the day went on, I discovered that it was the start of my menstrual cycle. My mum said that I wasn't allowed to go now because my period had started. That's all I can remember about this dream.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:
      - None
      Tags: friend, house, visit
    11. Dream - A Road Not Travelled

      by , 08-13-2017 at 01:21 PM
      Date of Dream: MON 7 AUG - 2017

      Dream No. 171 - A Road Not Travelled

      In the first scene, some family friends were over at my house. They had brought with them some sort of pavlova cake but there was only enough for my mum and grandma to try, they didn't let me try any of it. I forgot what else happened in the first scene. I was then in my bedroom with plush toys of Mario, Luigi, Sonic and Toad.

      I ended up taking a walk down the local street and noticed that there was this road that didn't exist in real life. I was subconsciously aware that the dream caused this new street but I was nowhere near becoming lucid. So I walked down that street and soon approached a dead end. It was the “myotherapy centre” and the only way to continue was to go up the lifts, which I didn't want to do. I was just about to head back towards the main door until a man rushed infront of me and slammed it closed in my face. I was now panicking and was literally screaming for Dreamy WB as fast as a broken record. After so many times, no response and so I was now clambering at the locked doorknob, trying to dismantle it myself.

      Eventually, I perceived Dreamy WB's energy as the door swung wide open when I was still shaking the knob. Then I ran out of there, never looking back at the place again. The dream then went back to my house where I was going something with the plush toys. I was making some sort of plush movie, but more in the style of Tito's rather than Logan's. I can't remember what else happened in the dream.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:
      - None
    12. The First Bit of Lucidity in a While

      by , 08-13-2017 at 10:57 AM
      Fluffy cats are curling up together on the other side of a wooden fence while my boyfriend and I watch. The man who owns the land gives a signal and many animals start to run around the yard, including a gray horse and a brown horse. A young man tells me that his dog has been over there for a while now. All the lost animals like to congregate in the man's yard for some reason but my cat is not there.

      My parents have driven all the way to Colorado and are in the process of buying a house here that is not far from my apartment. The house is currently a house and a restaurant and the people are still there serving breakfast. My parents are wanting me to move in there. I start to walk back to my apartment using Google Maps but I get lost anyway. I wander through a warehouse with trucks and truck parts in it and I wander through a school and I wash some dishes in the park and other strange stuff happens and I become lucid. I want to jump off a balcony but am afraid I may have awoken. It's night and the stars are sparkling and really pretty so I try to fly to them by flapping my arms. I'm really high up but not into the starts yet so I try to get there by flying up on top of a nearby building first. I can't get to the building and then next I am no longer outside, but am inside my parents' former house banging my head against the ceiling because I am still trying to get to the stars. I am afraid I will wake up my parents so I stop and start trying to walk back to my apartment.

      I've lost lucidity and am lost still. I accidentally walk through portal things that transform me into cartoon animals so I change my path but end up back at the house my parents are buying in Colorado. I lost my cat somewhere along the way but I call his name and he is running back to me now.

      I am at my apartment on the balcony. A man says he is chopping down a tree and needs to get on my balcony. He climbs on the balcony. Then a bunch of neighbors are on the balcony and two men are fighting while the other neighbors watch. An old woman tries to discourage them from fighting. Another is chanting "Fight, fight." My boyfriend cracks open the door and tells everyone to come to the front door if they need anything and to never climb onto the balcony again.
      lucid , non-lucid
    13. Aerial fight in Israel

      , 08-13-2017 at 03:39 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      I'm in a room, looking at the window. Bad guy is there, aiming at me. I aim at him with my long rifle, get him in the scope and blow his head off. I'm pleasantly surprised that the gun actually worked.

      I'm in Israel. Visiting in some kind of official capacity. Walking through a town, going up a path. Light streaks appear high in the skies. I realize they are missiles. I ask a military pilot, if it's some kind of an exercise. By then I clear some brushes and I see some alien looking flying objects attacking, and getting hit by the missiles.
    14. When in search of a job

      by , 08-12-2017 at 10:34 PM
      August 12, 6am-9am-4pm:
      Was running out of money and willing to take another job, so I grabbed all my notebooks and got my phone, left through my old room window because last night I'd heard someone tapping on it. I found some weird papers scattered and figured I could figure out what they meant in a better area. So I jogged out to the road and a kind family, mother, father and son let me take a ride with them. They had no problem dropping me off at a coffee shop. Conveniently I met a girl there that pretty said I could come home with her, she had been looking to see her dad anyway. She didn't give her name but she was a teen who looked tomboyish. So I was like okay and we all bundling into that car, the parents drove us and we finally came across the girl's home. It was huge, slowly driving down the road to it we saw a bunch of red farm sheds on the opposite lot. The manor or mansion, was reddish brown and was one of those place with two long sides to it and the middle being taller than the rest. Infront of the plain fence were beautiful flowers of pink and purple clinging on by the vines they grew from. The girl said the parents could take the car around, the three of us teens got out and walked to the probably better suited word would be estate. Along the way she made it known that her family was rich and British, which I didn't think twice about but atleast for her case it seemed like they'd done a great job getting that american dream or fitting in. It even had a fountain in the middle with a path going around it to the house. However grand it seemed outside though, it lacked inside because the inside looked almost exactly like my grandma's small home. We entered into the living room and had a look around as the daughter introduced us to people there, the only one that stuck before her father was her uncle whom I saw looking like a giant melted rock on a sofa and watching tv in what would be my grandmother's guest bedroom. After that brief hello, someone else walked into the room and it happened to be her father. He happened to look like Aurelio Voltaire, which I did mention by saying he seemed like a British Voltaire. His medium length ponytail was dark and his skin an unhumanly pale pale colour that shined like in oblivion when white skin gets any light upon it, it just appears to glow. His tilted top hat was grey and his suit also along the same grey colour scheme, pulling it off lighter or darker here and there. Like the sims 3 vampire formal suit, coming from the collar and heading in an upside down V shape to create coat tails and expose the shirt underneath. The thing that amazed me as the uncle watching grumbled at us to salute and bow in greeting, was that his height was tall. Much taller than me and I would have been more frightened had the daughter not already said her family was nice, which of course why would I have any reason to doubt her? A man being handsome and standing at a height of over 6ft, while dressed very well for his lean muscle body, was really no reason for doubt. However it was a reason to be wary, the son of the family we got the ride from currently stood infront of the man of the home, as we shall call him, and faltered quite suddenly as the eyes were turned on him when he attempted a salute to the handsome giant. It was quickly returned and the daughter said this was her father, once again easily finding away around giving information you need but not the information you want like names. Honestly I was with the son, who actually looked like he was about to faint and probably for good reason considering he looked like a younger and more human version of the father, it was like he met his idol and was melting into a pile of fanboy mess. I wasn't faring any better next to him, I completely forgot the uncle's order and turned into a strange touchy, my-brain-was-replaced-with-fluttering-hearts, kind of girl. I awkwardly bumped into him and then felt excited but also shameful when I mumbled a sorry for poking at his clothes. He was actually really pleasant though, I guess he'd dealt with his fair share of girls and maybe boys becoming blubbering imbeciles when confronted with his looks. However the mood was quickly ruined when the uncle said now we just had to meet the mother, which I immediately felt worse about and I'm fairly certain our little quivering fanboy had just gone into shock upon hearing such news. What was strangest though was the daughter's outburst of "what!?" she seemed truly shocked and outraged that her father had a wife, which in his defense would seem criminal to let such good looks go to waste on petty fans who'd much rather drool on him than listen to him speak. I might add that he seemed the quiet intelligent one whose looks more often than not obstruct the view to his brain. He didn't look sternly at her, but instead he seemed content to smile as he crossed his arms over his chest and turned to leave as though he'd gotten a wife to spite her. I couldn't help myself it seems and sort of hopped infront of his path to say that he really shouldn't use such white makeup on his skin, and that he'd look much better with a dulled greyer look instead of luminescent white. I guess I spoke out of turn because he gave me an annoyed look and walked off to the kitchen. The three of us went into the living room and crowded around one chair that the daughter had taken to sit and think in. I said I didn't want her to take it badly but her dad was kind of handsome in my eyes, she didn't respond though so I just left and went toward the kitchen. Coming over to the area, I overheard a conversation between the father and someone else. He was saying how the other one should stop changing his form and that he didn't want to frighten his guests or increase the reputation of being pretty much a rapist. I was amazed at this new information and saw that indeed his friend had changed into a green blob monster thing, but they saw me and I walked away as he told the other one to change back. I didn't really know what to do, it seemed nobody here was human I guess? Which made me wonder briefly about what happened to fanboy's parents because I hadn't seen them. With this new knowledge, I decided to head into the kitchen and figure out anything I could about this guy's wife. I did so when they left of course, then I casually made my way over to the lit area to find pots boiling away and nobody watching over them. I looked in the freezer and saw bread, I wasn't sure what was in my pot but something triggered a thought in my head. That her father was the wife, that he took on a female form every so often in order to make people believe such stuff. It actually made sense to me but I also had a thought that fanboy's had probably been eaten. Then as I was crossing over to the living room to tell my friends, I noted the father coming our way and then I awoke.

      Updated 08-13-2017 at 04:07 PM by 93546

    15. dinner with the family-fragment

      by , 08-12-2017 at 01:43 PM
      I am at my house and I wake and have a false awakening, but I go to the next scene right away. my family and I are at the dinner table. Now this food looked great, let me start with desert It was three mini Ice cream and there is strawberry short cake from another day that mother made. Then we have dinner it was I am not extremely sure but I think it was stir-fry. But this is horrible I didn't get to eat I just woke up.

      (and I don't know If I woke up early or if my wake up time is getting better but It is 7:41 right now and yesterday I woke up at 9:29)could just be schedule getting better)
      Tags: dinner, fragment
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