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    1. 15 May: Tricked by the devil, finding hidden room in my attic and escaping stalkers

      by , 05-15-2021 at 02:39 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Flood on a village. A stranger picks me up and jumps with me into a well, which strangely is the only dry thing around. We come out on the other side into some fantasy land. He claims it is heaven or paradise and he needs my help with something there. I encounter some ficticious relatives of mine who had been missing because of the floods. They are gathered around a table and feasting. I join their brunch, go crazy on cakes and juice and at some point realize the guy may be the devil and this is some kind of trick. But I wake up.

      Been dreaming of a bigger more spectacular version of my house. With hidden rooms in the attic. This time I go to my attic and after closing the entrance door, here is like a smaller room inside it that I can also shut close, and it feels like heaven, a totally isolated space just of my own. Then I start knocking on the wooden ceiling, as I previously encountered hidden doors with technical and electrical panels and I suspect there are more secret compartments I haven't yet discovered. I come across a large trap door that I remove gently and inside is a grid like covering a ventilation shaft. But on the other side is my cat Yéti and I wonder how long my cats have been going to these secret spots and how did he enter this place. I remove the grid and I climb inside. It is a fairly large tunnel that leads to the secret room I had suspected existed. Inside it is like a library / memorabilia shop, full of rare and weird stuff. There are shelves with political and forbidden books but also a whole shelf of altered fairy tale books, like a whole series of a punk-gothic Snow White. There are also weird costumes and incredible posters and pictures on the walls. I try to take photos of it and start getting the usual trouble that image on camera differs from what I see, but I fail to realize that I am dreaming, besides a slight feeling I might be. Then someone enters the attic, intruders looking for me and I don't want them to find my secret room so I go back and shut the entrance and then find some other way from my inner room to the outside world and start being chased by unknown stalkers trough a city. I zig zag through streets trying to distance myself from them and then enter a huge shop which is basically toys and games but is not like toys'r'us, is more towards teenagers and has a cool edgy vibe. Really annoying employees kick me out from a section of the shop and treat me bad because they have a policy of closing down some areas of the shop intermitently and I should know about it. I dwell for a while in the shop admiring some of the toys. I meet Riverstone briefly there too and I show him some toys I used to play wih as a kid, made from sticky rubber. I throw them at his face and they stick for a while and then come tumbling down and feel like jellyfish on your skin. He didn't know these things and feels repulsed, but it brings great memories to me.
      Then I leave and keep on trying to lose my stalkers by going through a shady restaurant, hoping to get out through a back door. But it seems they don't have it. I ask for the toilets and they are in the back, a really dark and degraded area of the building and there is a long line of people there. But I can't go back to the restaurant as my stalkers are probably there at the moment trying to spot me. So I wai,t disguised in the crowd of families waiting to pee. When I finally get in, there are a couple windows but very tiny and with iron bars, not fit for a person to climb out. So I leave, but then finally find some door leading to a back alley. It was close shut and hidden behind lots of stuff, but I spot light rays coming from a fringe on the floor and I break it open, so I escape my stalkers.
    2. Pterodactyl Model Panning (causation explained)

      by , 05-15-2021 at 08:32 AM
      Morning of May 15, 2021. Saturday.

      Dream #: 19,871-02. Optimized 2 minute read.

      Note; The waking-life model is red. For the image, I made it the same as the predominant color in my dream (though there were other colors). The additional optional outer wing piece is for a torn wing feature.

      My dream begins with me sitting near a river, though the water lowers over time. (This attribute has remained the same for this dream type for over 50 years. One influence is from isolation tank films I saw as a child, though it also naturally corresponds with melatonin mediation and ultradian rhythm.) Typical indoor-outdoor ambiguity (impossible to discern as such in waking life) is predominant at some points, though there is more morphing of the setting than usual. The locational inferences are unknown. I have recall of my real-life identity to the extent of where I recall I have three sons.

      I think of creating a portal so that my sons can see a living pterodactyl through it. We do not intend to go through the portal but to watch different events through it.

      A somatosensory phase response (a natural, predictable shift to attention on using my hands toward resolving REM atonia) becomes predominant, and there is a spontaneous flight-related association with the Aurora Pterodactyl model kit from the early 1970s. I had one when I was a boy. In this instance, the process curiously mixes with finding gold coins (also somatosensory summoning), but only as a supraliminal influence. (I do not think about panning for gold in my dream, only recovering all the pieces of a plastic pterodactyl model.)

      After my sons watch a living pterodactyl through the portal (a precursor to managing the vestibular phasing of dreaming) for a few minutes, I begin finding many different sizes and colors of pieces from various fictitious versions of what is otherwise the same Aurora pterodactyl model kit.

      Many parts are smaller than the waking-life kit, but there are no larger versions. I see little cyan plastic wings, but also green, blue, and other colors. There are more outer wing parts than other features. I also notice some small wing connectors; rectangular prisms. I become fascinated by their variety and study their random arrangement for several minutes. However, there is no dream segment where parts of a complete model are collected and assembled.
      Revealing dream content causation:

      I continue to be fascinated by how the same processes and phasing responses (often in the same order throughout my sleep cycle) result in so many unique and engaging narratives.

      This dream’s narrative is a result of my typical familiar lifelong metacognitive status and its management:

      Water induction corresponds with beginning my navigation of REM sleep and is usually the first process depending on my dream’s time.

      Vestibular system ambiguity (vestibular cortex phasing response) is from being in REM sleep and links to my metacognitive pursuit of mind-body reconnectivity, often with flight associations. In this instance, however, the phasing curve favors my metacognitive focus on REM atonia (physical immobility in sleep).

      As is often the case, my dream focuses on managing the virtual division between dreaming and attaining wakefulness. Here, it results in a “portal” (rather than the more mundane summoning of a door) and the mental and physical duality of dreaming that is absent in real life.
    3. cclxvi. Surreal cliffs and old friends, Queen's tour through the subway

      by , 05-14-2021 at 04:54 PM
      10th May 2021


      I'm on some cliff-top in a surrealist environment. There are many cliffs which are mostly straight up vertical and the height of mountains and the cliff I'm on is the same. There's a blue (cyan tinge?) but desaturated sky. I fall down to a lower rock platform on the side of the cliff but then I use drilling tools like the ones from DRG, quickly making my way back up through the rock. I make a guess as to where I'm going (based on some environmental factor?) and there are some parts where there are large swiss-cheese-like holes and openings in the cliff that I avoid.

      I then find and head inside some structure which has some hallways within. There's a clay-like tone to this structure? There are also some window openings in the walls but they are sort of perfectly squared off and have no glass or frame, but I don't recall wind or anything of the sort. There may be some lights inside the structure but I'm not sure. Then, there's a counter just by a hallway corner.

      On this counter-top, I place two kitchen knives. One is like our metal bread knife and the other is like one of the coloured knives, about the same depth, so probably the magenta one? Some dream characters appear behind me and they seem to be passing by, but other characters are just idling around. I interact with the passer-bys and they ask me casual questions, which I answer. They fit into the archetype of some of my black friends from school, but they are not these friends specifically. We just know each other in the same way.

      Then I move away from the counter. Someone shows up, I think AM (mom's friend L's daughter) But her skin is not as pale white as I recall it (don't notice this specifically in the dream?), her hair is darker and more like mine and she's a bit chubby. I say something about waiting "fourty years for my wife" and think about how different she looks. She sits and reclines on top of the same counter from before, her feet are bare.

      11th May 2021


      Something about being with a big group, in a subway. Queen Elizabeth II is with us and is a part of our group. We board a train (looks like L subway) and the passengers who are already inside are staring and openly voice that they can't believe that it's actually the queen. She takes a seat and I sit beside her. I talk to her and tell her some story from my life, from years ago. She doesn't reply to anything I say and I interrupt myself remarking "you've probably heard it all before I suppose", realising that she is just that much older than me and must have heard and known the life stories of hundreds or thousands of people.


      - The night before the 10th, I was practising anatomy drawing and there was a woman in a reference image that fit the same typical appearance as what AM appeared like in the dream.

      - In the fragment's dreaming context we were on some kind of tour and the subway was a connecting point to get to somewhere else.

      - When I woke up, I think I had lingering feelings and found myself surprised at the dream passengers' shock for seeing the queen. In the dream the whole context felt absolutely normal and day-to-day.

      - I don't think I've dreamt of Elizabeth II before. In the dream she was much like my paternal grandmother in some respects, possibly even physically, but as a character she seemed tired, worn out.
      -- This probably comes partly as a result of having heard of the prince's passing but also a general curiosity about old age, partly mixed with my own feelings about how it must be very wearing to lead a life that is meant only for duty.
    4. Harry Potter once again | [13.05.2021]

      by , 05-13-2021 at 02:43 PM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Harry Potter once again
      I am on a broom with someone. We're flying around this rural and foggy area, and it appears lord Voldemort is chasing us. I act as a guide, and it appears this is a video-game-but-not again, and I tell the other guy on the broom that he should use the neon rocket ability thing from inFamous: Second Son (the R1 button thing for neon) and aim at Voldemort's head. He seems to be pretty bad at aiming and I get annoyed by him not just firing at certain points at which he could've hit. The environment seems to be like the area where a tunnel in Just Cause 3 is, where you fly your first wingsuit course, but, instead of the tunnel, it's just a road on a cliffside, on which there is nothing to tunnel through. There's also a bridge above some sort of foggy mudflat, being devoured by the tide. It looks like the golden gate bridge, just way smaller and the colors quite desaturated. Around the bridge, I told the guy with me to fire the rockets. I also had the Second Son UI pop up as he tried to do that.

      This game includes so many different things from media that I probably have to hope it doesn't get copyrighted. And why Harry Potter again? This is also a rare occurrence of dream characters actually existing, and even behaving like they're human. But good that I've managed to recall this that much.
    5. 9 May - Defying gravity

      by , 05-12-2021 at 09:13 PM
      Sunday is my WILD night. 10:35 five minutes WBTB, then WILD attempt but I wasn’t in the right mindset, I had problems with both concentrating and falling asleep. After some time, I went to sleep normally (setting the intent for watching for the dream and my favourite “if I see something = dream”) but had problems falling asleep.

      I am running from someone, I think it’s my brother, but I don’t remember why. I try to be smart - choose a different direction than he expects and changing direction often. I am running through some town, keeping my pace.
      Then I get to some kind of club, I am in a room and there are people. They are hanging six persons, they all already have the rope around their neck and they are told the sentence. I think they are traitors. But in the last second, the execution is stopped and they let them go, it is like a learning experience for them.
      I really like the club. They meet every week and I think I want to visit again next week to become a member.
      They leave and I am alone in the room. There is a huge duvet, filling a large part of the room. My brother appears and I try to hide in the corner, behind the duvet. He can see only the top of my head but he notices. I try to tell him something and I tell him about that club.
      Then there is a woman on a mattress. I don’t know why but I think she’s evil.

      Getting lucid
      I suddenly notice that I am doing something, seeing something and not trying to fall asleep anymore. Obviously, I am already sleeping and dreaming. And I can see that this isn’t some shaky half-dream, this is perfectly stable. Time to have fun.
      I want to leave the club room but the evil woman is still there, holding my hand and preventing me from leaving. With my other hand, I reach behind me, like trying to reach for something that could be used as a weapon. I can’t see anything in my hand but I try anyway and stab her. It works, she looks hit and in pain, holding her stomach. To be sure, I stab her again (and it works again, although slightly less this time) and I leave the room, entering a corridor.
      I go down the corridor, I walk very quickly, much more quickly than humanly possible. I don’t worry about the stability of the dream at all but when things get slightly blurry from my speed, I slow down and touch the wall. I notice that I wear gloves and can’t feel much but it doesn’t matter.

      Doing magic
      The corridor gets wider and I want to do my goal - magic. I want to do two spells, inspired by the books I am reading at the moment.
      For the first spell, I use the word “Lux” and a simple gesture with my hand, it should result in a werelight hovering above my palm. I try it for the first time but I still have the gloves, so I take them off. I try for the second time, nothing, for the third and fourth time, nothing. I remember that the hero in my book had to practice this for a long time, I probably just need more practice too.
      For the second spell, I try “Impello” which is basically telekinesis. I use it on a small ball and it levitates approx. one meter above the ground. I realize I have to use my willpower to keep it floating and to guide it, it isn’t just the word and the gesture.

      More magic and Jedi mind control
      I have a memory gap here. I took everything too quickly, locations shifted quickly and I don’t remember all details.
      I remember trying the impello spell again. This time, I shouted the word and focused on the gesture with my hand. I moved a ball (or something else, bigger?) up, then to a side, and then I lost control or overdid it a bit and it flew with a great speed maybe twenty or thirty metres from me, falling on the heads of some DCs. I found it funny. I guess I need more practice with this too.
      I also remember trying some Jedi mind control and the moving the hand thing on some DC but I don’t remember why. He said “these tricks” but did what I wanted.

      I am on the stairs of my school and I think I could fly, maybe jumping from the top landing. But I am not sure.
      Then I am in a large hall, it is a mall or a marketplace with a roof. I want to jump from somewhere but all higher spots and the upper floor with a gallery are not accessible. So I try the superman style, with my hand up.
      It works and I can touch the ceiling but then I look down and it’s like in those cartoons, I am looking down for a second or two and then I start falling. I fall on my legs and partially on my hands too, cushioning the fall, the impact is a little bit hard but ok.
      I try again but this time it’s different, it’s like I am teleported to the ceiling and I levitate there like no gravity exists and I can examine a chipboard tile in the ceiling. I can remove it but decide to stop damaging the building and get back down on the floor - I am there instantly.
      I am not sure how much time I have left but I suppress the thought. Surely, I have plenty of time. No reason to think otherwise.

      Passing through a wall… or a gate
      The next goal on my list is passing through a wall. I don’t like the walls around but there are big doors, more like a gate and it is closed. Good enough.
      I try to pass through the gate and I can feel its solidity. I tell myself “there is no wall… or gate” and continue the movement. I don’t pass through but the gate opens like it was never closed and I am on the other side.

      There is another hall, this time with many small shops and stalls. I am running out of ideas on what to do… I know, I want to eat some food.
      I go around the stalls but it’s all just clothing. Then there is a table with packages of tights or some underwear and among them jars of pickled gherkins. I casually open one of the jars (a woman DC with a kid, standing nearby, throws an offended look at me but I don’t care) and take the longest gherkin.
      I continue to walk and bite a piece of the gherkin. It tastes as it should but it’s also weird, like eating a gherkin first thing in the morning, just after brushing your teeth. Very sour and somewhat off, I don’t like it. I want to find something better.
      There is a small shop with vegetables. I walk in, seeing some carrots (small, raw, and dirty) and potatoes. It is very small there, there’s a fat middle aged woman shopkeeper, a counter and space for maybe two people. I can see they have some salads behind the counter and I decide to get some.
      I remember the discussion I recently read online about “can I get” vs “may I have” and choose the proper version “May I have a small salad” (in English, which isn’t my native language but I use it in dreams often because I live in an English-speaking country).
      The shopkeeper nods and asks me something which I have problems understanding. She wants to know if I want something else. I say “No, just the salad.” She asks if I want ketchup with it. I say “maybe some dressing” but this time, she doesn’t understand me, so I say “just the salad”.
      While she is putting grated carrot and something else into a small plastic cup, I notice there are some cakes too. I would prefer them over the salad but too late. A big fat man appears behind me and I don’t like it because he blocks my exit and my plan to take the salad and leave without paying could fail.
      The shopkeeper puts the cup on the counter and asks for money. I know I don’t have any but try to find some in my pocket anyway. Nothing. I want to leave but the shopkeeper and the fat man are angry.
      The vegetable in the cup changes into water with red sugar and starts to boil. I know I am doing this but it wasn’t my intention to do it. It’s like my magic has got out of control because I am in an uncomfortable situation. I squeeze around the fat man and I tell them that they should be grateful to me for showing them such an interesting magic trick. They are confused.
      I walk out and wake up.

      My heart is racing.
    6. 12 May: City blackout, investigating a missing case and adopting a ghost dog

      by , 05-12-2021 at 10:51 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Walking down Campo Grande in Lisbon, on the way to my university. It's evening or night and there is a blackout, the whole city goes pitch black. I walk around a little in the dark, trying to adjust my vision and then see a lady going to the nearby subway station and because I feel afraid being alone in such darkness, I follow her. Once we get deep inside the station, there are emergency lights on, but the subway is not working. The trains are stopped and jam packed with people who keep entering them, waiting for it to start moving.
      I wait for the chaos to subside and use the time to study the map of the subway network. Notice that it is more complex since last time I rode it and I notice a new line connecting other two, with a hub in Arroios station.
      The subway restarts circulating and I hop on a car, but make a mistake and end up going in the wrong direction. I discuss it with some people and some tourists handle me a map to help me out finding my way. I decide to get out on Arroios station and get back to my point of departure and find the right line. But when I take some escalators, I spot Jacqui and shout at her. She is happy to see me and I am totally surprised that she is here. She says she'll go back to the US really really soon and enjoyed some days in Portugal, but then I feel a bit offended that she didn't tell me or tried to reach me. Then we bump into Tânia, so the conversation shifts and we celebrate the coincidence of us three meeting there by accident.

      I am a woman with a kid, driving in a countryside road, when my car breaks down. Can't fix it, can't reach anybody on my cell phone and it is getting cold. I spot an abandoned car in the ditch by the side of the road, some dozens of meters ahead. It is very old and rusty, but I am interested in some sheets I see inside, looking strangely clean. I plan to get them so I can wrap myself and my kid around it and stay warm. I then change to an observer point of view and see the lady trying to get the sheets and being pulled by some ghostly force to the ground and then feet first being dragged into a swamp. She seems to lose consciousness and then be possessed by a spirit. A few small horns grow on her skull, including one on the back of the head under the hair. Also, there is a ghost dog.
      I then am again embodied in a person, I feel like my real self now, and I am visiting and institution, near where this lady disappeared, I think I am investigating her disappearance. This place seems like an hospice but it is most likely a boarding school or something similar for kids. I notice a huge black and white photo on the wall of the main hall. I ask who the person's are and they tell me to look closely to the right side, where there is an image of a lady. They claim she is now a ghost haunting the swamp nearby and there is a sort of ghostly dog figure with her that also appears on the picture to some people. I do see it and he is not still, he moves on the picture.
      I watch the picture more closely and the ghostly dog figure reacts to me. I talk to him and he jumps out of the picture and becomes real. He doesn't look scary, he looks like Bo. People in the institution are stunned when they see the dog. He is a sweet dog and just wants me to pet him. I don't know what to do, but I call my dad and he says he is willing to take him in. On the way there I clean him of some parasites, like some eggs of some wasps he has on his ears.
    7. Freaky subway nightmare | [11.05.2021]

      by , 05-12-2021 at 02:58 AM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Freaky subway nightmare
      I remember that the situation is like playing a video game again, although this time I feel like I am forced to play, despite my fear of seeing some gruesome image within it. Then I am in the game, physically, and it's regarded as real. There's something about being underground. There's something I don't remember, then I am in a sort of train with people, and I sort of have to save us by getting weird rubbery things on circular parts on a metal box that seems to be central to the function of the train. I notice nobody else is doing anything and that if we don't manage to do this, we will crash with full force into a sort of other chambers, which we are sort of falling into from the top, and to brake we have to get the rubber things on there. I also appear to be some female character relevant to the story, and she might have a name starting with A. I see that nobody else is trying to save us, so I animate them to help. But then, I struggle to do it, so we soon crash. But then suddenly, there's like a second try, so this time, the same things happen, except that this time, I manage to get most of the rubber things on. I think we will die again, but this time, the train brakes and stops in the chamber with no one hurt.

      This might not seem freaky, but there's some sort of deep fear associated with this gruesome image. There were some past dreams that were so horrible that I've supressed them, with a much stronger version of this fear associated with it that are still horrible to think about today. Not sure where this fear comes from, but I probably don't want to know, to be honest.
    8. 22 April - Forest changing into a city? I am not having this!

      by , 05-11-2021 at 11:37 PM
      comment non-lucid lucid

      The last dream of the night.

      I am in beautiful mountains with some other people (at least initially). We are on a freshly mown meadow, it’s sloping and we are going uphill, there is a forest. It is morning and it is still slightly dark and it is also very cold, I can feel the cold. We consider making a fire but we want to find a more sheltered place, closer to the forest.
      I go uphill, I think I am on my own now and there is a road and a crossroad, on the edge of the forest. I can see light through the gap in the forest created by one of the roads. There is a city. But it gets very foggy (as in real foggy weather) and I can’t see much, the trees around disappear in the fog. Then I see a car and I am worried how they can safely drive in this fog. The fog clears a bit and I can see a modern city with skyscrapers and there are houses where the forest was before.
      That annoys me a lot. I was in a beautiful forest, I want my forest back.
      I am not having this. I feel like fuck this,
      let’s go lucid and I say “nope, this is a dream”.
      I hear whoosh and it’s like going under water. Everything gets dark and shaking. I want to stabilize but how? I can’t see anything. Suddenly I find myself squatting or sitting instead of standing and I can feel something solid in my hands, which is good, but I am confused. Is this my real body in this position? If it is, I mustn’t move. But I move my legs anyway and I can see them and they are trembling.

      It starts feeling almost like vibrations and I start to feel my real body, noticing it is relaxed and in a normal position. I try to calm myself and DEILD but I am not successful, I am too awake.
    9. 13 April - On my way to the Dreamviews party

      by , 05-11-2021 at 11:31 PM
      comment non-lucid lucid

      12th April was the international lucid dreaming day. There was an idea to celebrate this by lucid dreaming about being at a party with other DV members. I normally don’t do tasks and challenges (too early for me) but I decided to try this time.
      1st attempt - night from 11th to 12th April - VILD - failed. This is the day after (2nd attempt).

      Awakening 11:02, I decide to simply set the intention for “I see something = dream”

      3 irrelevant non-lucid dreams (shortened)
      Investing lecture - I am attending a lecture or a conference talk about investing.
      School and singing - I am in school and a classmate is singing beautifully.
      Hanging G - A friend (G) hangs himself but is still alive. I am not sure if I should help him or not.

      On the way to the party
      I am standing on a footpath or a local lane. I realize I see something and that means I am dreaming. I remember my plan to find a door, go to Prague and go to a pub there to attend the DV party (I decided to put it in Prague - I haven’t been there for a long time and it would be a good place for a party).
      But there are no significant buildings around! There is one old cottage without doors and a rusty metal shed or a garage. I am thinking what to do if the door is locked and I decide it shouldn’t matter for teleporting. As I approach the shed, I see the door is very rusty and very small and I decide not to use it and find something better.
      I follow the path, it gets grassy but there are no houses now. I can see a forest in the distance.
      I walk very quickly, the scenery around me changes unrealistically quickly but I feel like walking normally. No houses and no DCs. It gets slightly blurry and I check my pockets and find some paper tissues there but I realize it is my black jacket and I am actually wearing it IRL, which means it isn’t a part of the dream and I can’t use it to stabilize. I touch the ground instead, I can feel the gravel of the path and it helps immediately. The dream is very vivid now.
      I continue and there is a tree. I remember reading about someone who created a wolf in a LD, thinking “there is a wolf behind the tree”. I try to think it but as I come closer, I realize that the tree is too small to hide a wolf. There is a small boy and a weasel and the weasel is defensively aggressive, hissing at the boy.
      The path becomes a gravel road and I suddenly notice I walk barefoot and can feel every step. It is almost painful.
      Then it is a footpath again, grassy and comfortable to walk on. Bog grass (common rush) grows next to the path and I touch it with my hands, it feels very realistic and I take a stem with the brown flower with me, to use it for stabilizing later, if needed.
      Then the path follows an edge of a hill with steeps cliffs. I can see glimpses of a city down in the valley. I go closer to the edge and the view opens in front of me. The city is very beautiful with some small houses, medium houses and tall skyscrapers reflecting light. It feels a little bit like Prague but it isn’t Prague, it’s too modern for that.
      There is a concrete slab right at the edge above the cliffs, it’s almost like a springboard or a platform for jumping down. The view is even better from there.
      I decide to stop trying to find doors and fly instead. There are some trees but the slab looks perfect for jumping from it and flying towards the city.
      I want to run get speed for the jump, so I walk a couple of meters from the edge and I make sure it is a dream. I start to run but I remember that I still have the jacket (unzipped) and that would be bad for flying, so I stop and zip it up. I put something in my pocket, in case I need to stabilize the dream while flying.
      Suddenly, there is R, telling me something. I don’t listen and try to run again but I am too far from the edge and don’t see the platform well, so I go closer. R looks very confused, so I tell him that this is a dream and I am going to jump. He seems to understand.
      I take a deep breath to run.

      And I suddenly wake up without warning, no fading, no blurriness, no feeling of resurfacing. I think I snored IRL or tried to clear my nose and it jolted me awake. DEILD failed.
      Time 12:04

      “This is a dream”
      I am on a street with R and some friend. I realize that I see something and that it is a dream. There are many houses and many doors around! And I am lucid for the second time this night, yay! I feel very confident, time to go to Prague.
      I tell my companions to go ahead, I will catch up with them later. They stay, look at me and don’t understand. I say to myself fuck this shit and confidently tell them “this is a dream”
      (as you don’t exist, stop bothering me) hoping to get rid of them.
      The dream suddenly fades to black. I touch the ground and can feel some stones but everything is still black and fading. I am confused because this always works. It feels like the dream is laughing at me.

      I wake up but I don’t open my eyes. I lost my lucidity here but I think it was a false awakening, not a real one. I don’t know how long it was to the next dream, I think there was a period of NREM sleep.

      Mouse FA (not sure if this dream was before the LD or after, probably after)
      I am in a bed in some flat, there is a narrow kitchen and balcony. There is some kind of mouse that gets under my blanket and cuddles with me as my cat does. It’s my pet and I am surprised it was free to round around the flat when I was sleeping, it could have hurt itself in the kitchen or fallen from the balcony.

      Cathedral FA
      I wake up in a bed in some hotel room. I remember the LD and trying to DEILD. I think I even tried to DEILD in this dream to get back to the LD.
      There are friends and one of them, T, tells me that they are going to have coffee if I want to go with them. I talk with R and I need to brush my teeth, so I tell T that I need 5 minutes and he says that 5 minutes is ok.
      We have the coffee one floor down from our room. It is much nicer room.
      We go back to our room and it looks different now, the bed is bigger. I think I like it more than the room under us. T says it is the high ceiling, making it more airy.
      Then I enter a corridor, leading from our room. I see some stained glass windows and as I continue, I can see I am in a beautiful cathedral. There are stairs leading down to the floor of the cathedral (I am standing at the top of the stairs), the stained glass windows are a mix of very modern and traditional images and it’s huge with huge cupola above my head. There is a small chapel in the middle with a column raising from its roof, supporting the roof/dome. The column is thick, possibly having stairs inside.
      I realize our hotel is a part of some historic building. Someone calls me from our room, telling me that I am in the paid section. I say that I am just looking. We have to find time, buy tickets and visit the cathedral later.
      Someone says that the map is lost and if I know something about it. I say that I don’t because in my lucid dreams, all things are created by the dream, so I wouldn’t need to take the map with me to my recent LD.
      Then I go back to our room, having some trouble to climb the stairs, someone offers me a hand.

      I woke up soon after this dream.

      Updated 05-12-2021 at 01:59 AM by 98406

      lucid , non-lucid
    10. Shit week

      by , 05-11-2021 at 05:52 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      I only remember one dream. It was about Jamie. She was walking beside me but also at a distance. She seemed unhappy about something and had shorter than usual hair..
      Tags: jamie
      non-lucid , side notes
    11. cclxv.

      by , 05-09-2021 at 09:33 PM
      8th May 2021


      Mom, new medications, a swap or trade for her? (not sure what I meant by this and recall is too gone)


      Watching HW play an undead rogue wearing a T2 helm, he's sort of streaming PvP activity where he's killing other horde players but also alliance, not focusing on any particular group more than another. He is in a full party with some friends who are helping him with the PvP?


      HW is visiting me, at a mix of my current and old home. I'm with him in the kitchen, downstairs. There's a moment of intense laughter when I or he make a joke, sort of together, but I forget what it was about. We're about to head upstairs and I go into the pantry (what pantry, which home?) and grab the only two beers there, as well as an orange juice drink in a similar but clear glass bottle. I ask HW what he wants but he doesn't seem to hear me. I ask him again once we are upstairs, also asking H if he wants one of these things too. I have some feeling of concern about who will pick what?

      9th May 2021


      Planet-landing, some colony and I'm? using a tank to take over the colony. Something about it being a job in planning by others for three years. I prove them wrong by myself by assaulting a base and then I eventually get some reinforcements to assist me. Then in a cave, the dream changes and becomes about wrestling or some form of free fighting. I remember breaking things up, made of wood.


      I'm in a place like L with H, walking across a busy street. It's sunny and looks pretty much as I might expected, considerably busy too. I see MB walking ahead in front of us at one point as we walk to wherever we're going but H doesn't notice or care. I feel annoyed and think to myself "yeah, you walk away you bastard" as I watch him go up another street on an incline, beside some kind of train or transit station.

      We eventually go up the same street too and H says he's going to call someone (one of our parents) but he notices the phone number is totally wrong for the contact, deciding to ring anyway and finding out who it might be. The other person answers and is equally curious and confused but they are nearby so we backtrack a little to a bit with a cafe. We approach and H talks to this person he had been on the phone with. I don't realise it in the dream but any awareness of them drops off as I focus on my aunt B who is sat at the next table over, facing an unknown dream character who is her friend.

      For some reason, as we get talking, this unknown character is showing me the inside of her mouth, which impossibly looks bigger on the inside than on the outside. Under her tongue, there is a pepperoni pizza pattern thing going on, but it's some kind of fungal structure that is an uncontrolled infection. I remember being told about this but in no detail.


      - The last dream with MB was about four months ago.

      - The dream recall for all of these is poor because while I did make initial notes, they were extremely brief and I had planned on getting around to typing them up sooner, whilst recall was still fresh, but the days didn't allow for it.

      - For some time now I have been feeling like there's something wrong internally, on a physical level. I worry on some level that part of recent dream symbolisms are related to this but I have no real basis for this other than some recent aches that haven't subsided. Recently I have been getting random intrusive thoughts about cancer, possibly since that's essentially what AH passed away from.

      - I had some more notes I wanted to put down but I'm currently distracted and have a headache, so I'm being unable to focus.
    12. A Horrid Hotel

      by , 05-09-2021 at 08:27 AM (The Internal and Subconscious World of DropTherapy)
      I had a dream where me and mom were still homeless. Despite that, one thing that stayed close to reality is that I worked at her job with her. We were having an argument in front of the car about openness when I said that I feel like I can never be open about my opinion about her or other things and she got really mad, and then I pointed out angrily that this always happens, after which I was kicked out of her car, felt obliged to leave and we screamed at each other as I walked away flipping her off from behind with both hands. Before she even left, a couple of old, decrepit heroin junkies with needles in their arm and an asian guy with a robot started asking favors of me that I didn't feel were ideal for me to do. They wouldn't back off until a few straight moments of convincing them to leave, but this one creepy overweight asian guy with a robot was following me for a bit longer, after which he deployed a module of his robot that rolled around on the ground, presumably to watch me.

      I ran to the other side of the hotel where my room was and closed the door, but before I could close it entirely, the little glass diode robot rolled in, after which I stomped it down and crushed it. The room was similar to the main two star hotel we stayed in for most of the duration of our irl homelessness, but instead of puke green like the door, the walls were white, and the main bed was in the corner of the room across from the TV, which was a nice flatscreen one that actually worked, on the right side of the door. Some time before she left, my mom said that whatever was on the TV was probably unsettling, and it sort of was. I saw a very personable grayish blue crash test dummy get dunked forcefully into water while it passively and contently accepted its fate, among other things. I switched the channel and came across a music video for a song by Primus about someone convincing their dad to let them use heroin, with the "I know I'll get through to him someday" line standing out to me the most. It sounded like something off their 2011 album Green Naugahyde. The whole time this was playing, I knew that the door to my hotel room was so broken that a little outward force could open it, but I didn't know what to do about it until I saw that it wasn't the main door. The main door was covering up the window and was much thicker. I closed that and after a bit of relaxation after an entire evening of tenseness, I woke up.
    13. Clown attack. Airship

      by , 05-07-2021 at 03:39 PM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      I become semi lucid and fly from home. As I fly past the windows I imagine how a person might grab me as it had happened before at that location in a dream. As I reach the next street I do something mean against a clown. The clown brings backup and I am pinned to the ground. I try to wake up by logging out like in a VR-game but the clowns suddenly become friendly and let me go.

      I'm at an airship with Dennis. He is very prominent and talks a lot. There are some emotions in the dream and I have a lot of respect for him in the dream.
    14. 7 May: Incest story and lecturing to kids at a college

      by , 05-07-2021 at 10:45 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Some weird circular story. Starts with a woman sending her daughter to orphanage. The girl grows up and gets pregnant. Her kid is taken away and raised outside by someone else. He meets his grandmother without knowing who she is and they get involved. Then one day the grandmother finds out where her daughter is and comes to see her, bringing her son along, nobody knowing who they are to each other and he also falls for his own mother. Can't recall what happened next but it was some crazy full circle incest shit.

      At a college, feeling like a visiting student. Some girls who are showing me things around take me to the auditorium where it is being played a documentary about Billie Eilish. I go inside all happy to watch it and sit on a chair, but some dudes come to charge me 20€ for it and I just don't wanna pay, so I get out, thinking I can probably stream it online cheaper or for free.
      Then I am invited to coordinate a group of young kids, also visitors, who will be planting trees and bushes in the outside premises. First we all gather in a room and I give them a small lecture about the plants. At some point the kids are all distracted and talking loudly and neither I or their teacher manage to quiet them down. I am losing my voice from shouting. The teacher gives up, but I go grab a recipient with water and throw it at them. It works. They are all wet and in shock looking at me and I finish what I was saying.
    15. Log 2197 - Department Store Sprawl Loop

      by , 05-07-2021 at 06:31 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Wednesday 05 May 2021

      Got just enough time to post this dream loop from Wednesday.

      Dream 1 - Department Store Sprawl Loop

      Scene 1 - Ineffective Department
      The visuals were slightly dim. WILD transition in bed.

      I roll off the mattress, and walk out of my bedroom. Suddenly, I find myself in a mall's department store, a place illuminated by subdued yellow lights. There wasn't much organization in how things were arranged; products were sprawled out haphazardly in large wire boxes. About twenty or so people were browsing about.

      Soon, I made attempts at conjuring D (a recurring DC), first with a thought, then by trying to reform surfaces in her image. But, nothing came of this. I next tried summoning my super-hero costume as part of the TOTY. I look to and from my person. Again, no results; I was still in my bedclothes.

      Things got unstable. I clung on to surfaces to keep in state, but couldn't keep from slipping out of the dream.

      Scene 2 - TOTY 2021 Task ii
      Similar visuals. I manage a re-entry back in bed. Like before, I walk out into a department store practically similar to the one above, if with slight adjustments. To keep stability, I walk quickly, while also focusing when I make contact on any surfaces.

      Once again, I try conjuring my superhero costume, without effect. So instead, I turn to my surroundings. Certainly, there's worse places to find such a thing than a department store. I reach for a nearby rack, where I happened to pull out a black garbage liner. Not what I was looking for. Still, I wrapped it around my shoulder, expecting it would change later on.

      After some more sifting, I found a pair of black leather touring pants. Perfect. I donned it immediately. I briefly turned my attention to my torso, when I found that, instead of a trash bag, I was wearing a black leather jacket, deep pockets lined at the midsection. Not quite a touring jacket, but close enough. I then look down, and noticed my having black leather low top hiking boots. Again, not exactly what I wore last time, but acceptable. Next was a helmet. By happenstance, my hand was already digging through a nearby rack. I pull out what what I had, and, surprise surprise, it was a black motorcycle helmet. It had no skull print, though I ain't complaining. Despite the dark tint on its visor, wearing it didn't really affect my vision. All I was missing was a set of gloves, but I decided I'd gloss that over for the moment.

      Now, with that settled, I rush off, isolating myself at a far off wall. There, I saw my reflection on a window. To my confusion, the image was of my wearing bedclothes yet again. I look at a different window, and saw my costume, only, it was superimposed on my own form. Thought it best to ignore these illusions.

      As per the task, I call out to the dream to grant me powers. Soon, my own voice echoed in my mind.

      "Uh... you can shrink, and... fly, I guess?", the voice stammered.

      Almost there. Calming my nerves, I try using my super powers. It took only seconds to fly, though for the moment, I opted only to hover a few inches off the ground. I then concentrated to shrink down. Steadily, my surroundings became larger and larger, until I was only inches in height.

      At my new size, I could slide through an indent between the floor and wall. Upon doing so, I found myself in a poorly lit bathroom, floating over a pair toilet stalls. The voices of male voices boomed in the distance, their footsteps rumbling louder as they approached. This was my cue to get out of here. I allowed myself to wake up briefly, feeling satisfied at a task well done.

      Scene 3 - Where's Dimwit?
      Similar visuals. Another re-entry, this time starting already in the above-mentioned department store. On a lark, I opted to look around for other DV superheroes. But as I strolled around, I noticed the store was peculiarly empty. I called out for Dimwit (the only hero that came to mind at the moment), though nothing seemed to happen. Ah, well. I casually resumed my jaunt until the dream collapsed again.

      Scene 4 - Willing Bloodbag

      Similar visuals. Re-entry. I was back in the department store, only now, I was in a long hallway much further than where I was in previous scenes.

      I make my way down the corridor, when suddenly, I'm accosted from behind by a figure. Turning around, I find this was a slender Asiatic woman, black hair short, and dressed in a grey sleeping gown. More tellingly, her skin was inhumanly pale.

      "C'mon. This way.", she commands in a curt tone, as if we were already well acquainted. I kinda understood where this was going.

      Anyway, I allow the stranger to sequester the both of us into the nearest exit. Incidentally, this was a cramped bedroom, space only enough for a single-sized mattress and a small cabinet.

      I return my attention to the pale woman, to be met by a desperate gaze and bared fangs. If I weren't aware, I might've actually been flustered. I brushed aside my would-be assailant, leaving her thoroughly confused. I step closer, and spoke.

      "Calm down", I begin saying softly. "Take a deep breath. Now, start again, slowly."

      Tilting my head back, I calmly leave myself exposed. The vampire was initially hesitant, but eventually, she heeds my words to the letter.

      Slowly, subtly, I felt her fangs piercing my throat. Her teeth dug deep, yet I felt no pain. As time draws on, I sensed myself becoming abnormally cold. Still, this experience was oddly soothing...

      The undead lady ends her feast about a minute later, much sooner than expected. She looks up, her eyes bright with satisfaction. As a show of gratitude, she pulls me in a tight embrace.

      I lose awareness. Various unknown scenes after this. Don't recall how this ends.

      Updated 05-07-2021 at 06:53 AM by 89930

      lucid , task of the year