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    1. Dreams 20.10 - 22.10

      by , 10-22-2015 at 03:54 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      20-10-2015: A false awakening

      I woke up in a bed in my living room. I quickly went out of it, and headed towards the kitchen. Suddenly I felt slight pain in the back of my right shoulder. My t-shirt was wet in that area. I took it down, and saw that I have a huge cut on my shoulder. The t-shirt was wet mainly due to a strange, colourless liquid that poured out of the wound. I looked at the cut for a while, and then woke up.

      21-10-2015: Dungeon crawling fragment

      I've been playing Dungeon Crawl. I had a high-level formicid fighter deep in the dungeon, but something kiled it.


      First dream

      It was in a hotel placed in old fortifications. I was lying in a bed, thinking that the next day I'm finally coming back home. I wanted to pee, so I went out of bed and entered the toilet. The room had gray tiles. There were carpets and hangings with strange patterns. There was only sink in there, so I had to pee into the sink. After a while, doors to secret passeges opened, and someone walked through the toilet. I looked around again, and saw that the urinal appeared, so I uesed it instead of the sink.

      False awakening

      I woke up in my bed. It was 2.50, and it was dark all around. I thought to myself what a weird dream I just had, and then decided to go to the toilet. The lights werent working, so I had to do my thing in the darkness. I could barely see the toilet seat and a mirror to the right. I thought about ghosts for a while. I finished, and when I was just about to close the doors behind me, my grandma went out of the toilet, calling me to herself. Then I decided that I should just go to bed and sleep some more.

      Third dream

      I woke up near a small building in the middle of a desert. There was a motorcycle standing on my right. I sat on it, and drove away. After a while of driving on a small road, I entered a highway. It was warm early morning. I just reached a roundabout on a highway, watching various plants growing on it. They looked beautifull with beams of sunlight spreading between them.

      Then I drove off to another part of the highway. Despite everyone turning there, the vechicles always moved in the opposite direction there. I had to drive between two trucks to see it myself. Then I decided to stop, and reach an airport.

      I woke up in some kind of metropoly. I was lying on a road, close to a taxi cab. I looked to the cars mirror, and saw that I looked like a terminator. I entered the airport, and took someones wallet, then went to a street and asked who was its owner. A youg, tall and slim lady replied, so I gave it to her and moved on. It was a rainy early morning. There was a kiosk nearby, with a bald man working there. I asked him if they had a telephone cards, but he said that he never heard about something like that. There were two teenagers sitting nearby, conversating about how the word telephone card sounded.

      I moved on. For every meter one could meet a telephone booth. All of them rusty and badly damaged. Then I saw a group of people inside a falling building. I ran towards them quickly and saved them.
    2. 201015: A Vampire and a German Airport

      by , 10-20-2015 at 03:36 PM (The Dream Journal)
      Mostly fragments. I tried WBTB with no success.

      Dream 1:A Vampire Comes Knocking
      I outside on a dark autumn evening, a large gravel field is to my right, a house in front of me. Eric, from True Blood, tries to get inside but can't since he wasn't invited in. He's now trapped between two doors leading to places he hasn't been invited. He just waits for the police to show up. Jail must suck if you live forever...
      I walk out to the gravel field in the moonlight.

      I go into the house. In the attic room I see my friend's two cats, the one that is big and the small one that is white.

      Dream 2: In the Airport
      I'm in an airport, I think it's a German one. It's overcast outside. I try to find my way to the plane I need to make, where is the gate? There is a large crowd. I see some people getting off of a plane, one is carrying a paper bag with Zen enso on it, he must have come from a convention. I wonder where it was, I'd like to go.

      Turning around I see a busy friend of mine in the crowd.

      Updated 10-20-2015 at 03:43 PM by 80544

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. Lucid Dream 12.18.12

      by , 10-15-2015 at 09:27 PM
      After a bit of a dry spell I finally had a lucid dream

      I was standing in the security check line at an airport, when I got word that my flight was delayed. I was concerned because my luggage had already been checked and was being processed to be put on the flight. I asked the TSA guy if it was possible to get my luggage back and not have it be put on another flight or have it be lost. (for some reason I didn’t think that it would go with me on the next flight). The TSA guy was being a real dick, not taking my concerns seriously or even paying attention to me. Finally, I had enough, I pulled out my phone and said “sir, could you give me your superior’s extension? I’d like to call them and complain.” The guy just rolled his eyes and said, “Fine, I’ll take you to your luggage.”

      He lead me and another woman (don’t know where she came from) to an elevator. We stepped in. The interior of the elevator was a wood grain texture, a very odd style for airport elevators. The other woman and I stood at the back of the elevator while the TSA guy pressed the button for us to ascend. The doors closed, also wood grain texture. As we went up several floors the doors kept opening and closing, while we were going. That was my first tip that something was off. I looked to my left, to see a mirror hanging on the wall. I thought to myself, I wonder if this is a dream. I stepped toward the mirror to look at my reflection. My face was twisted and distorted in the reflection, I knew then that I was dreaming.

      I sort of chuckled, and when the elevator doors opened again, I stepped out onto whatever floor was there. As soon as I was out of the elevator, I noticed a collection of people waiting for their flight. Some standing around, some reading news papers. I figured I’d have some fun, so upon approaching the dream characters I began to shout, “gather ‘round people! I’m going to teach you how to fly. We are inside a dream, so come one and all, we are going to fly through the air!” They all were skeptical at first, asking me how one would fly. I told them that in a dream all you have to do is believe in yourself, and never doubt your abilities. I stepped onto a chair and kicked out a window so that we could begin. Even though I had just been in an elevator for several minutes, the floor of which I was on was only a couple stories off the ground. I turned to the man standing next to me and said, “It might be a tad difficult your first time, being only a little ways off the ground, but I find that if you think about flying as if you were “swimming” through the air, that tends to help the process.” And with that statement I kicked off the window frame and out into the air. The man just stood there, in awe.

      The dream shifts and I am now with Josie, Aaron, and one other person, possibly Victor. It was weird, because I knew the people before were dream characters, but Josie and Aaron, felt and acted like they were really there. They were acting of their own accord and motives and I couldn’t control them. This lead me to believe that I was possibly dream sharing with them. I kept trying to tell them we were in a dream. “Remember where we are, we are in a court yard of an airport. We are flying around. It’s sunny. Remember because we will talk about it tomorrow.” All of us were having fun, flying around and messing with dream characters. The grass was beautifully green, the sun was shining, it was a truly stunning and detailed dream space. At one point Aaron decided to walk down this sidewalk running through the middle of the court yard, I joined him by flying next to him, just a few feet off the ground. I noticed a man selling some sort of food from a cart at the end of the side walk. As we approached I noticed he was selling ice cream, fudge sickles to be exact. I told the man I wanted one of the bigger chocolate fudge sickles. He asked for money to which I replied, “nah, you’ll give it to me for free.” His response….”ok.”
      IRL, I was sleeping on my arm, so I woke up due to lack of blood flow to my hand. LOL Unfortunately, neither Aaron, nor Josie could remember their dreams enough to confirm my theory. Victor, however said that I was in his dream and that we were at some sort of train station, while watching helicopters fly through the air, perhaps we shared a dream….
    4. Four Nightmares

      by , 08-10-2015 at 05:40 PM
      I had four nightmares over the weekend. You'd think that I was worried about something.

      Dream 1:

      I had been kidnapped by a vampire. She had me in a house that appeared to be my childhood home in LA. At one point the vampire turned her back and I took that chance to run out the open door and down the street. I knew that the vampire would immediately notice and would be after me, So after passing a couple of houses I ran to the next house and opened the door and went inside. I saw a room where two adults were sleeping. At first I felt relieved. Maybe they could help me. But then I realized that I needed to leave. I would just be getting them killed if the vampire found me here--and I knew she could follow me...follow my scent. I knew there was nothing I could do to get away. She was so much faster than I was. There was no way to erase my trail.

      Dream 2:

      I was riding my bike on a mountain road at night. The road twisted and turned and went on forever. I felt I would never get to my destination. Then suddenly in front of me I saw a bigfoot climb up the slope and onto the road directly in front of me. The bigfoot was a lighter brown color with reddish tints. It's fur was longer and matted with bits of leaves and twigs in it, like it had just gotten up from sleeping on the forest floor. It stood and faced me. I was so startled and frightened that I swerved my bike and went over the edge. I could feel myself falling...falling...

      And I woke up with a start, breathing heavy, my heart racing.

      Dream 3:

      I was with a group of ladies. I was supposed to be working on a big project with them. I not only couldn't remember who they were, but I couldn't remember what the project was. I only knew that I was suddenly about to have to give a presentation. I had no idea what I was supposed to do. I started to panic.

      Dream 4:

      My plane had just landed at the airport, and I got off the plane. I suddenly realized I hadn't gotten my luggage out of the overhead compartment. I tired to run back and find the plane. The airport was a maze. I had no idea which way I had come from. I was running around not knowing where I was going and not finding anyone who could help. I ended up in a hallway that kept getting steeper and steeper until I started sliding back. I knew I couldn't go this way.

      Finally I found someone to help me. I was told that my luggage had been taken off the plane and was now at the baggage area. I actually was able to locate it by the end of this dream making it a very unusual nightmare with a happy ending.
    5. I Have Super Powers!!! and the Pube Machines

      by , 07-05-2015 at 09:13 AM
      DILD #1:

      I had an earlier dream where I was flying around with Dreamer at night. She was carrying me in her arms, but she was having difficulty flying because I was so heavy. I tried telling myself that I was as light as a feather, didn't work very well.

      DILD #2:

      I had another dream where I was waiting for a plane to take me to perth, but I was in the United states for some reason. I didn't know when the plane was supposed to leave and then I realized I didn't have to leave for another 3 days.

      I slowly realized it was a dream and wandered around the airport for awhile. I watched workers furiously trying to clean airplanes and get the luggage on board. I also stole some food from vending machines and ate it while I calmly explored.

      After awhile I decided that I wanted to do some tasks. I tried to remember some but got very nervous and worried about waking up. I woke up almost immediately, remembered some tasks, then waited to deild. I was shaken awake in the dream (back at the airport) by this chubby African girl. She was quite pretty and she had a really thick accent. I thanked her and wondered if she was one of those traditional dream guides that people keep talking about. I had her follow me around because I figured that she might be helpful.

      I began walking around the halls looking for a painting; I said to myself, "There will be a painting behind me!"

      There was, but then I heard the African girl say in her thick accent, "There's no painting there."

      The painting immediately disappeared. I walked around a corner while saying to myself, "There is a painting around that corner!"

      There was, and I made it fly into my hands with telekinesis. I was staring at it when the girl pulled at my arm. I looked back at her and she had a friend with her now. I looked back at the painting and it was now a map of Europe. I was getting a bit frustrated with this naughty DC that kept messing with me. I looked away and back at the painting again and it looked like a black and white illustration of an assembled jigsaw puzzle. I figured that was good enough so I threw it on the ground and made it grow and stretch until it was big enough for me to dive into. I guess that I should also mention that this entire time the annoying girl dc was pulling at my shirt incessantly. She was QuiTe annoying! But I tried to just ignore her.

      The painting was on the ground and I was ready to dive in! I got in the standard diving stance and then dove in head first, right into a hard, solid floor. I slowly got absorbed into painting as I rested there. The world was black, I figured that I must have been in the black part of the painting so I walked until it got white. I could see more black lines off in the distance. Not the most exciting experience, but I thought it made sense. I jumped out of the painting and decided that I was now in a hospital instead of an airport. The two African girls are still there following me around. I saw this blonde lady receptionist that reminded me of one of the girls from Dr. Who. I beckoned her to follow me too as I walked outside.

      It was dark and wet, and there was snow gently falling all around. I saw an old friend standing out on the curb. I figured he would be a helpful dc. I asked him if he had the mysterious seeds I needed (while also reaching in my pocket to find some just in case he didn't have any). He pulled a handful of assorted seeds from out of his pocket. They looked like an array of various nuts - cashews, almonds, macademias, and pistachios. I chose the only one I didn't recognize and threw it in the dirt. I stood there, staring at the ground with my motley crew of acquired dream characters. We eagerly waited for it to grow.
      Got too excited and woke up.

      DILD #3:

      I was at my parents' house in Colorado. My mom was cooking a vegan feast with green chili and beans. She was telling me that I should do some things for my dad so that he would be more likely to help me out if I needed it. I got really upset and said that it wasn't right that I had to do things like that as an exchange in order to have his love and support. I think I threw a tortilla in my rage. My dad came downstairs and started talking about facts and figures, keeping everything rational and away from emotions, where it was safe. I noticed that I could draw lines on the wall with my mind and I thought for a few seconds that maybe I just had super powers. Then I realized that I was dreaming and I walked outside and started to fly. I was having trouble flying but I was still enjoying it. I woke up after a few minutes of flying around the neighborhood.

      DILD #4:

      I was watching an 80s movie with Dreamer that had Brendan Fraser with long hair in it. It was about a group of hackers that were rebelling against these humanoid machines that had kidnapped another genius hacker for her brilliant programming skills. The hacker group had somehow managed to make it so that the machines couldn't see them, all except for one special machine that had the sense of smell, he could still smell them when they were near him. Brendan Fraser was running down the street from these special machines that had been built specifically to entice him. They had huge lower bodies that were covered in knotted pubes, it was supposed to attract him because that is what he was supposedly into, but it just looked ridiculous. He eluded them behind a wall when one of the machines saw me watching from a distance and she spat flames at me. I said to her, "Are you serious?" then shot flames back at her. It singed her slightly then I suddenly felt very poweful. I made all of the machine women in the area erupt in flames that were so hot that they turned to ashes.

      I then walked over to a spot on the parking lot pavement and dropped a seed in the earth. A clone of myself separated from my body and walked off but the body that I was watching the dream from stayed to watch the plant grow. A long, vine-like plant grew straight up from the ground until it was about 5 feet tall. It then sprouted these bright red flower buds at the very top. I walked away to look for something inanimate to talk to and I decided that a car would be a good choice. I said to the nearest car, "HEY, how's it goin'?"

      The car suddenly had eyes and a mouth but it appeared to be sleeping. I tried again, "Hello, are you awake?"

      I noticed that I had a text message from some stranger that wanted to help me saying, "Hi, can I help you?"

      I responded, "Who are you?"

      Then a green-haired bully came from out of nowhere and started attacking me. I threw him to the ground to subdue him then the dream ended. I tried to stay still to wait for another dream to begin.
      I had a false awakening with my old friend from a previous dream and I was telling him about the lucid dream I just had and I was showing him the weird text message that interrupted me. Haha, woops.
    6. The airport turns into a mall

      by , 01-10-2015 at 07:52 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      The airport turns into a mall (Non-lucid)


      I was in an airport about to travel. I went through a counter than said, "Latino, Hispanic" I wondered why I went through there, since I am a US citizen. As soon as I went through the gates, I found myself in the locker rooms of a gym. There were a lot of females, some of them naked, a few of them tried to flirt with me, but I was in some sort of rush to catch my plane.

      I never managed to catch my plane so I re-winded the dream (I was not lucid) as I felt I could just go back in time (happens sometimes on non-lucids) This time, I was talking to a friend about going through a different counter. Now, the airport looked like a huge shopping mall and I saw a counter that said Galician/Spain and wondered if the service was better there. It seems I had to book the hotel and a car rental for when I arrived to my destination. A friend advised me to not go that counter because the employees were lousy.

      I visited a few counters and I tried to find one fo US Citizens, but I was unable too.
      Tags: airport, flight, mall
    7. 12/03/2014

      by , 12-15-2014 at 02:47 AM
      I was at an airport on a college that was on a mountain. I had all my gear from work and was getting ready to go to boot camp. The lady at the register was freaking out that I had all my work gear so I had to leave it in a locker. I knew I was told I could of taken the gear with me but figured the girl didn't know what she was doing. I called Valery and told her to pick up my gear. When I finally got to boot camp, the drill instructed were messing with us and even started fires for us to put out.
    8. Cave

      by , 11-22-2014 at 02:25 PM
      So I've recently joined this site, and thought I'd put up a few things I wrote down. I don't regularly maintain a DJ, but I have a notebook I keep random notes and stuff in, and I put a few dreams in there.

      No date on this one, by location in notebook, I estimate end of 2013:

      Stuck in cave with many other people, blast it open but water rushes in, have to swim out of the opening, but it's underneath the water. Most people not having any trouble, but I keep floating on top weakly instead of being able to dive down. Air is running out, I have to hurry. Finally swim out into an airport.
      (I remember this one had something to do with terrorists, but I guess I was too lazy to write down the rest of the dream. Also, I think the airport kind of looked like a mall for some reason.)

      No date on this one either, probably summer 2014:
      • Anna (my name in this dream for some reason), have to save someone whose name starts with a D, Dom? Dido?
      • Short blade
      • There's some kind of virus, it grows out of love into violence (causing people to be violent to the ones they love)
      • The virus spreads to her children (Anna's?)
      • Some kind of enemy army nearby (set in a much older time, think around Mongolian era or older)
      • Someone yelled 'Anna, no!'
      • I (being Anna) stab myself in the stomach and fall on my back

      (This one I remember actually feeling the warmth of the blood and as I died (not instantly) I woke up. Weird stuff.)

      This one was written immediately after the last one in same pen, looks continuous. I think they happened in the same night:
      • Jumped from ~20th floor, felt like all my organs and body hurt but I was mostly fine and walking around like normal
      • Went back up in an elevator
      • No intention of dying, I must have been locked out on the balcony by someone?

      I've got about 3 more in this notebook here, slightly longer ones. I'll post them later.

      Updated 12-09-2014 at 09:48 PM by 71799

      non-lucid , side notes
    9. #45 - Poetic Racing/Geology Field Camp/Airport

      by , 11-03-2014 at 09:50 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Black: Non-dream
      Blue: Non-lucid
      Red: Lucid

      Couldn't write this up yesterday, had trouble getting onto DV.

      The whole night of dreaming felt stressful, like there was just some part of each dream that made me stressed out.

      Dream 1 - Poetic Racing
      Intensely sporadic images of random animated over-the-top car racing, similar to the movie 'Redline' (which I had watched before going to bed). Insanely nonsensical, there was poetry too that felt unfinished. Like the sentences had been started but were left hanging.

      Dream 2 - Geology Field Camp
      Out in the paddock there's something like 50+ tents full of students. We're camping out on farmland for the 2 week field trip as part of a university paper. I get up during the night to go take a leak, but I just couldn't find a good place to go. I ended up going further than I needed to, and I must have woken some of the other students up. They came up to me and asked me where I was going and I told them I was looking for a good place to go, they joked around a bit saying stuff like 'why'd you walk out so far man' and I agreed, since I thought it was dumb and odd too (possibly an inkling of the feeling I may be dreaming). I then head back to find a closer place to go, they kick a shovel my way that I can use to dig a hole or something, and I whistle back in thanks. Unfortunately, my whistling triggers a super loud alarm which wakes everyone up! "Oh come on Alex! Jesus what the hell man", I just feel super stressed out, like 'oh god...' I just knew it was going to piss everyone off and they'd be talking shit about be for ages.

      Dream Fragment
      Somewhere at school, my friends showed up but it was really awkward due to an old 'love triangle' we used to have. The guy was dating the girl and we nearly had a fight because of the history.

      Dream 3 - Airport
      Me and my mum are driving to the airport, crazy random stuff starts happening to some of stuff the in the scenery, it just changes each time I look. The planes at the airport change into words, the change into vibrant colours, they stretch out, shrink, flatten, enlarge, and move to random places. The then change into beautiful retarded white horses, one of which was walking backwards with its head on the ground. We arrive at the airport and try to find a parking space, but they're all taken. We see a car back out and move in to try take the space, but we're outside the car now and the car has shrunken to the size of a book. I position it in the parking space which just feels to narrow, and there is an Indian man with his daughter sitting in a trolley, he's texting and is oblivious to our efforts of parking. He also happens to be quite close and when I finally manage to re-enlarge the car (first I had tried to wet it by rubbing saliva on it. Weird. Then I threw it on the ground) it nearly clipped the daughter in the trolley. The Indian man had a rant off at me and I had to remind him it was his fault, since he was texting and should have being paying attention (Sounds pretty harsh, but he wasn't very nice). Me and my mum continue into the airport, which appears to be more like a supermarket. I tell my mum that we should check out the horses and see if its safe to show to my daughter, we head over there but now they've changed AGAIN. One of them looks like a unicorn, one of them has a rhino horn. Some of them have long blonde flowing hair. Some of them look like rhinos, one had a fake rhino nose and long blonde hair. There was also a pygmy horse with stumpy little legs galloping around, all of the horses + rhinos had white fur. My dad shows up with my daughter and she's had her hair done, my mum is impressed and asks if he did it but he said no, it was her other grandma that did it.

      Updated 11-04-2014 at 10:30 AM by 71238

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    10. Getting High and Travelling

      by , 10-28-2014 at 10:19 AM
      1st. The dream was set at the maroochydore river area. There were probably 3 other people that were with me although none of them I know in real life. We would go to these shops that were kind of weirdly set up (Like Happy High Herbs). The other people would end up talking to the shop owners and getting some weed to smoke although when I did it the effects would only last a few seconds so we ended up going back multiple times for a fuller experience. I remember one time I took it I was flying/hovering way above the ground although the other two times it happened I was standing near the shops. I’m not sure exactly about the details of the next part although I’m pretty sure there was an airport next to the shops and this is what lead me to the next dream.

      2nd. My brother and I were sent on this plane with return tickets to some foreign place, I know this because I remember travelling over an ocean. The plane ride was short and over as soon as it started and straight after we walked out we had to find our way to the next terminal to get back. When I did find it my brother was already there so I relaxed and zoned out for a bit. When I took in my surroundings again there were different people around me. My brother said that I had missed it and there would be another one soon. While we were waiting there were people doing stuff to pass time although I woke up before I even got onto the plane #Disappointment
      P.S I've never done drugs, I'm a good boy
    11. High School, again

      by , 10-21-2014 at 06:40 PM
      I had one of those nightmares where I'm back in high school again and have to repeat all of my old classes. It was only a few days in and I'd already made a habit of being late. The worst part was knowing I was repeating high school yet again. I had some level of awareness of it - I even made a "not again" comment in the dream - but still didn't gain self awareness.

      I was renting an apartment with a room-mate - I hadn't met him prior to renting, but needed a place to stay. He turned out to be incredibly weird and borderline creepy, but I tried to stay on cordial terms with him. The apartment was supposed to be downtown in he city that I currently live in. I got into a brief argument with him about exactly where my rent check was going, since I was handing it to him instead of the landlord, and I'd prefer to give it to the landlord directly. When he gave me trouble over it, I asked him if his landlord knew he had a roommate. He didn't give me a direct answer.

      The dream reused some locations from old dreams. For example, we went to a diner that was in a building along train tracks, that had multiple levels, and ordered cheese steaks. The cook, a stout slavic man in his late 30s, with thick black curly hair, actually remembered me. In fact, on the way there, I told the DC "room mate" that I'd take him to one of my favorite places to eat. Again, so close... but still didn't quite reach lucidity.

      Dreams from previous nights:
      I was in an airport. I got a box off of the baggage carousel and opened it. It was full of cockatoos, packed neatly in rows. They were sleeping. I got one out of the box, and it woke up and flapped its way up to the top of my head, and then pooped there. I was really irritated by this. I couldn't figure out what to do with the rest of the cockatoos.

      I become lucid while looking in a mirror (this happens a lot). The light is pretty dim (which also happens a lot and is a source of frustration). I don't recall any sort of prior dream, I may have been lucid from the start. I examine my reflection. I'm still trying to figure out if I'm dreaming or not, so I try to put my arm through the mirror. I just bump it away. Ha, I think, not so fast. I know I'm dreaming, I just want to prove it. I push at the mirror again, and put my arm through it. It ripples like water.
      I decide to change my appearance. I close my eyes and open them, and my hair is in a long braid. I close my eyes and open them again, and now I am wearing a green cloak.
      Unfortunately, the dream fades (I doubt I could have prolonged it) and I wake up (real, not FA).
    12. Plane crash

      by , 10-17-2014 at 10:37 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Plane crash (Non-lucid)


      I was inside a plane and there were a lot of people in it, more than normal. I felt uneasy and I had a bad premonition about something nasty about to happen (I love to fly and I have taken a plane hundreds of times during my whole life) Then, the dream turned in third person and I could see the plane sideways and about to hit the ground with a wing, until it did, crashing big time, but the impact did not hurt and neither the people freaked out (despite some of them were injured.) The dream now went back into first person and I was at the airport and I could see the plane in very bad shape, but only, on the wing it actually crashed:

      I needed to wait at the airport to provide energy healings to people as many as I could as well as to heal myself (apparently, now I had a wounded arm.)

      From here, I became a personnel of the airport and I was taking to a co-worker about the big mess and wondering how long it would take to cleanse everything.

      I also told him that I won a $15 million jackpot on the lottery and I wanted to travel around the world. I could see that there were many people at the airport, but they all were outside, running around where the planes were landing and taking off (now the airport apparently was functioning like if nothing happened.)

      I also saw cars driving and there were some criminals shooting people. I felt at peace because somehow I knew I was not in danger.

    13. Sneaking stuff from the airport

      by , 10-04-2014 at 10:56 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Sneaking stuff from the airport (Non-lucid)


      I wanted to go to the airport for some reason, but I did not have intents to fly, but apparently, I was going to pick up some suitcases that I left there, so I needed to jump behind security.

      I was able to do it and wondered how could I cross back to get out from there and got kind of worried. Suddenly, someone told me that he would give me a fake flying ticket so I could just cross it but I was asked to not show my US passport but show a passport from Spain instead and play as a Spaniard citizen so it would not be as tough the control. My wife was also there.

      I got to cross and I did not need to be scanned. The lady welcomed me and said that the passport was valid but that the system was not picking up properly the flying ticket.

      She called a couple of supervisors and entered a barcode of the ticket into the machine, but it gave the invalid error. I started to panic as I would be busted.

      I had to wait in a small room for a while, but after a while, the lady told me I was good to go. I was worried for my wife, but I was able to meet with her as she had no issues. As we were living (we were outdoors now) someone called my wife and she told me to grab the car. I accepted and then started to wonder how was I going to grab a car since our car was not there.
    14. Aliens Attack the Airport (Part 2) (*Lucid)

      by , 09-05-2014 at 12:02 PM
      Part 1: http://www.dreamviews.com/blogs/kaizen/aliens-attack-airport-pt1-%2Alucid-totm-60493/

      Part 2

      After completing the TOTM I survey the dreamscape once more.
      In the center of the passage stood a large rectangular digital map encased in an aluminium frame.
      My mother and I walked towards it for closer inspection.
      The map displayed the architectural layout of the airport as well as the surrounding city. I touched the brightly lit display screen and it moved into a vibrant 3 dimensional animation.
      The animation depicted the progressive spread of the hostile alien invasion, (shown as a red cloud, slowly engulfing the city)
      It then displayed a future prediction of the invasion, and I came to the abrupt realization that there would be no place to run.
      My mothers expression was soon converted from a content smile to a worried frown.
      "Not to worry mom, we can FLY!"i exclaimed with a cheeky grim on my face.
      I grabbed her by the shoulders and we soared swiftly down the passage into the large high ceilinged convenience store.
      Over the rows of endless isles we floated until my mother started to wriggle around and punch me lightly in the chest, clearly wanting to be let down.
      I complied and let her go on her independent path, knowing that she was merely a small reflective facet of my subconscious.

      I decided to initiate a meditation practice. I sat with my legs crossed in an upright lotus position,shoulders relaxed with the hindside of my hand resting on my knees in mudra (pointer finger and thumb touching each other lightly).
      I close my eyes and began to concentrate on my breath, which felt abnormally long and stretched out.
      Suddenly, I begin to feel my body levitate above the ground...ascending slowly until it reached a point where my sense of proprioception felt a constant hover.

      "Wow..this is awesome!"I catch myself thinking, and as the thought entered my mind I feel as though I'm falling...now from a lofty height.
      The feeling of gravity sucking me downward manifests itself as a heavy writhing feeling in my stomach...one we all know too well.
      I instinctively open my eyes to an all encompassing pitch black abyss.
      My body then feels as if its lurched back into my waking like body in bed,except my bed feels like its tilted at a 45 degree angle toward my head.
      "False awakening..."i think to myself...and continue to maintain awareness for several minutes in the the pitch dark.
      strange geometric forms and patterns begin to morph and mutate in the darkness and the next thing I know I find myself in a suburban street lined with cars.(DEILD? not sure as I have never had one)

      I think I may have lost some lucidity thereafter as my recall becomes scattered and fragmented.
      I vaguely remember an old friend from Goa,India doing a contact ball performance. He had 4 arms and was juggling the 3 balls in each four hands while blowing fire.
      Quite the spectacle.
      I also remember an erotic scene involving me and an old English girlfriend.She was dressed in a seductive tribal leather costume.
      The scene went weird when she started to grow a beard during our escapades and I swiftly ran away.

      Updated 09-05-2014 at 12:11 PM by 70480

    15. Aliens Attack the Airport (Pt1) (*Lucid) (TOTM)

      by , 09-03-2014 at 12:06 PM
      Tuesday,3rd of September 2014

      Moon Cycle: 54% Illuminated (First Quarter) in Sagittarius (8 days old)

      Tarot Card of the Day: Two of Pentacles

      Mayan Calender Date: Blue Galactic Hand

      This DILD occoured in the latter REM cycles before a WBTB,using MILD.
      The duration of sleep was approximately 6 hours from 11:45pm until 5:45am.
      Manta used: "Tonight I will have lucid dreams, and I will remember them."

      Colour code: Non - Lucid

      I found myself on the 3rd floor of a enormous brightly lit airport resembling Dubai International with my Mother and Russel Brand.
      We are in transit, and Russel has just smuggled a small portion of drugs onto and off of the plane, mule style.
      There's frantic activity all around us as we and many others wait impatiently for the two large metal lifts to descend through the transparent glass shafts to transport us to the roof, where the airport departure runway lays.

      Suddenly the lights start to flicker and a piercingly loud siren sounds. I look up through wide adrenalized eyes at the transparent shaft where the lifts now shake, shudder and gyrate up down and side to side violently, with the people shrieking and screaming inside...presumably in pain.
      Chaos erupts, and everyone begins to panic...many running around as a headless chickens would.

      "They have control of the power supply!" a middle aged woman shouts at the top of her lungs, trembling in fear.
      I can hear the poor souls in the lift crying loudly in agony for someone to switch the power off.
      I echo their pleads and begin to shout the same.
      "Turn the power OFF!!!!"

      "Shut the f'ck up!There's nothing we can do....Run for your lives!",a security guard hollers.

      I grab my quivering mothers by the hand and we begin to run toward a large convenience store where I catch sight of a green emergency exit symbol hanging overhead.
      I notice that I'm unable to pick up pace and my stride length remains short as I attempt to sprint faster,albeit unsuccessfully. (Dreamsign)

      The omnipresent bolt of lucidity strikes me, and an immediate calm percolates the entire dreamscape.
      I turn to my mom and a she possesses a golden luster which radiates outward like some sort of halo. A modest smile creeps into the corners of her mouth. I feel a tremendous relief and give her a kiss on the forehead.
      I remain calm and decide not to perform ant dream stabilization technique since my visual field is acceptably vivid*.
      I examine the surrounding dreamscape. We stand in bright cavernous passage, with the beige tiles gleaming and shining squeaky clean beneath our feet.
      Many empty craft and clothing stores line the left and right hand side, displaying their products through large square glass windows.
      The emergency exit lay at the very end of the passage,inside a large convenience store.
      A closed liquor store was located directly to my right,and outside stood a medium sized circular metal trash can.

      I recalled the Task of the month and expected to find a fortune cookie beneath the trash can, which I did.
      I unwrapped the small cookie from its thin transparent plastic cover and broke it in half to reveal a stone/tan colored piece of folded paper.
      Unfolding the paper proved to be rather difficult and, to my dismay,revealed nothing but a blank surface.
      Then, on closer inspection, strange symbols and words seemed to magically transcribe themselves onto the sheet...similar to the invisible ink scene in Harry Potter.
      I could only compare the inscriptions having a resemblance to a combination of Greek,Arabic and Hieroglyphs.
      Similar but not identical.

      I discarded the paper and figured i'd try again, looking in the same spot.
      Lo and behold I found second specimen, and upon opening I had the same experience with the magical emergence of the text.
      This time it was in English.

      "BROMIOIDE",I uttered out loud.(Pronounced BRO-MEE-OH-IDE)
      I turned the sheet over, hoping to find a meaning.

      As I focused on the opposite blank side "PZ33" slowly manifested itself, surrounded by a rectangular border
      It then faded away as quickly as it appeared.
      I began to chant the word and letter-digit combination out aloud in order to ingrain it into my pre-frontal cortex so I could remember it in waking life.

      The story doesn't end there, an I continue into a fairly fun and abstract adventure,leading to an abrupt false awakening through a dream meditation...more of which i'll post in Part 2.

      Very excited to have completed my first TOTM

      Updated 09-03-2014 at 12:40 PM by 70480

      lucid , non-lucid
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