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    1. 2011-03-02.2 | nonlucid

      by , 03-03-2011 at 02:42 PM (Short Stories with Tragic Endings)
      I am in my dorm and I have laundry to do. I get ready to go down to the laundry room and find myself
      in the laundry room of my house where there are two of my school's machines. I swipe my card to activate
      the machines and look at the number on the machine then enter it in to the console. The machine activates
      and I put my clothes in and press start. I look at some other clothes on the floor and remember seeing them
      there before and the person must have forgotten about them.
      I must have had the dream before and not
      remembered it.

      Updated 03-03-2011 at 09:03 PM by 41067

    2. Ice Cream Machine and Gay Friends

      by , 02-21-2011 at 05:03 AM
      This dream is an extension from the previous dream but i thought it deserved it's own slot as a seperate dream.
      I was scared of Mario now that i know how he got his scar. SO i decided to go the other direction towards the store. There was an ice-crema machine, similar to the one that was recently put into the school. I figured that if i could go over to it, i could be safe from Mario and i could get a frozen treat, so i did. I was inside i eating my ice cream when i saw that my friends who were now outside were acting sort of weird, so i gotout and saw what was going on. Mr. Castagna was coming from afar, and with him was a little girl. He came over and told me that i had to help her get some ice-cream, and i thought nothing of it as i helped prop her up and help her into the machine. (The machine was a like a photo booth in the way that you sit inside it while eating your ice-cream.) As i did so, she turned into a sort of toy almost. It was as if i was putting her into the seat of a motorcycle or something you would put a toy into, except for the fact it was an ice-cream machine. Then without warning, aparently, the girl thought it was the bathroom or something, for she started peeing all over the machine and all over me as well. I was astonished at what she was doing. I knew i had to do something so i took hold of a bunch of clothes that were in the back of the machine and started putting them on her, suffocating her almost. I was above her now as i said, "How's that?!" And then as i started to take the clothing back off of her, i noticed that it was Hannah... It was really weird because, first of all, she aws tiny, and second of all, she was a zombie. She was laughing excessively as she slowly fell out of the machine and to the ground. As she finally hit the ground, her head broke free from her body. I got out of the machine, and as i turned around the machine was full of clothes and Graeme and Kurt (From Glee) were both inside it, sourrounded by a plethora of clothes. I saw a shirt that was appealing to me so i grabbed it and told them that i liked it, then i turned it around to reveal and Army logo on the back. I quickly set it don and stated my immediate disgust and we all laughed together. Then is was, oddly, over.
    3. At Work

      by , 02-21-2011 at 02:55 AM (My Sleepy Mind 2010/2011)
      Original Date: 12/12/10
      Type: Ordinary - Non Lucid
      I was at work in my office and I went to check the board (schedule). As I walked back into my office my supervisor called my name and I went to her, she asked why I was always leaving my office acting like I had nothing to do and I told her I went to look at the schedule because I was supposed to be on record reviews while someone else was teching for my provider. My other tech was in the room sitting in my super's chair and I said to her "so I'm teching by myself?". She nodded. (I remember making some mention about my foot being painful and someone just scoffed) - Then I was out in the front of the clinic where there was some meeting, and after it ended I made a joke about being in the back so I could cut out of the crowd easily. - Then my ex and I had an apartment on a second or third floor and nearby my car was parked in a lot with other cars. At nighttime I had gone down knowing I had parked beside his green honda accord, but when I got there my brand new car was gone! I was pissed and panicked, I came back to tell my ex. Later I went back down and it was there, and I saw a man with a cowboy hat and boots lighting his cigarette and I just felt like he had something to do with it, so I went to tell my ex. The last part of the dream, I left my work midday, and walked through a peaceful little city that could be similar to somewhere in Asia. Not quite sure where I ended up, but I was then trying to get back and realized I didn't have my uniform on, I must've left my clothes, so I started to panic and went to the apartment for anther uniform. (I was going everywhere on foot) It was daytime and now this was me and my current boyfriends apartment. (Same apartment, different person) There was a women outside that at first when I asked him, he said he didn't know her, but I later found out he lied and it was someone he rode with to work, was upset about that. I got home and all I had were a shirt and pants! No shoes, socks, so I had no choice but to run back to the place to retrieve the clothes I left there. I had a feeling of panic because I knew I was going to be late for work, it was far and this time going there felt even farther. I was running. I ran past school kids in uniforms eating there lunch under big shady trees, and they turned to look at me. I was running in ABU pants without socks and shoes (I thought about my foot, surprised it didn't hurt to run). I got to the place and walked passed what looked like a gym with people playing basketball. Into a back room I found my clothes bundled up and tossed behind something in a corner and everything was there, shoes, top....but no socks.

      Objective Context:
      Going back to work tomorrow, won't be teching, and the scheduler is on leave. Being frustrated yesterday for soon being out of a vitamin. Losing good amounts of weight on new diet, difficulty with urges to eat bad goodies.

      Age of Dream Ego: 26

      Anger, irritation, frustration, trapped, detest, unfair, disrespect, not being believed, panic, running out of time, betrayed, searching.
    4. forest, friend's house, show, computer

      by , 02-10-2011 at 12:38 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was in a forest, possibly a snowy forest. There was an animal like a wolf that would eat humans. I may have seen it.

      I was then at the house or apartment of an old friend of mine. My friend had me go into some bedroom. The bedroom was dark. There were clothes all over the floor. A mattress lay in the middle of the room. The mattress was also covered with clothes.

      My friend kept insisting that I try on some of the women's clothes he had. But I felt like he was just trying to put me into a position where he could do something bad to me. I also felt like he wanted to do something bad to my family as well.

      I was then watching some show on a stage. The show had an old variety-show feel, but it was somehow related to an anime. There were some really hot girls dancing around on stage. They were dressed in jeans and tight shirts, just casual clothes, but they had something to do with the anime, too.

      At some point I came to understand that the plot line had something to do with lesbianism. This really turned me on. The show was now controllable, as if I were watching it on YouTube. I did all kinds of frantic forwarding and rewinding, trying to get to the point where this assumed hot lesbian scene had occurred.

      But suddenly, the screen went blank. I realized I had been watching this on my computer the whole time. My computer's screen was black, with only a cursor blinking in the upper left corner. I started to smell a plasticky, burning smell. I could tell it was coming from my computer's disk drive.

      I knew I had burnt out my computer. I was pretty sure I couldn't get a new one for a while. I wondered what the heck I was going to do.
    5. 6 Feb: Attempt to meditate in the luminous mind

      by , 02-06-2011 at 09:25 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)


      Helping out
      Someone wants me to save someone else from something, but I clarify we’re just in a dream, so no point to stress out. This person cries. I promise to help.


      Feeling two bodies simultaneously
      I was falling asleep, but then something strange happened: I felt I was lying on my bed, but although I know my BF was lying by my side, I could not feel him, so I stretched my hand out to reach him. At first I felt nothing, but then I felt his knee. He moaned and asked “what?”, I say it was nothing, but I was in such a state in between sleep and vigil, that I felt myself dissociating from my body: I felt simultaneously my “real” body on my bed and I felt myself floating above the bed on a dream or astral body. I made some sound like “wooow” and he moaned to me “are you ok?”. I was hardly able to speak or even hear my own voice by then, but I kinda moaned back “wow, I have two bodies!”, then he replied something like “you’re sleepy”, I laughed exhilarated and fell completely into the “dream body”.
      [in the morning I asked him about this and he doesn’t recall it happening. It might be that it was all a dream from the beginning, that the conversation we had was already a dream or that he simply forgot.]

      Already disconnected from my waking body, I watch hypnagogic imagery. I got caught on some image where I was looking through a window to the sky. Although everything I see around is dark and undefined, the night sky outside is very clearly defined and I see an airplane passing low and leaving a large trail. When the airplane comes back and leaves another trail, I am sure he is leaving chemtrails. I know I am not awake but I am also not sure that I’m dreaming. I go through a short blackout and then I find myself outside on the street under that sky. My mother is with me. We look at the trails and I tell her we should go inside because it might be some nasty chemical. She is very worried. I pinch my arm to do a RC, I confirm I’m not awake, so I don’t feel so worried.
      I turn back and face a large residence. We’re on the back yard. I talk to some DCs who seem to be college students. I go inside.

      LDers secretariat
      I meet my BF on some room, but he is very agitated and leaves right after. He goes down some stairs to the front door. I go after him but I halt on the corridor, because I see 3 doors all with signs on the door saying ”Lucid dreamers” or "lucid dreams". One is closed, the other is open and there's some guy inside but he is busy talking to someone, so I enter the last one. There’s a lady there, but she says I’ll have to come back later because she is on her break. I see she has a badge with her name, so I ask her if I can check her name once more, just so I can recall who she is on waking up. She is in a hurry and with very little patience, but she turns to me once more before closing the door and I read: Eliza Dias.

      Students protest
      I walk to the stairs and I pass by some window that I open to see what’s going on down there after all. The police are taking some kid in custody. His colleagues are protesting. I fly down to meet them and I ask what’s going on. They say the police came with a list of names and is taking away one by one. They say they did some demonstration days before and they are coming for them. Others don’t agree it is because of that and say a smaller group of protesters invaded a bank to stage some action there and the cops are only taking them. Meanwhile the police comes back and starts calling for more names. The kids form a block together, not allowing the cops to take them. I join them for support.


      Bus ride
      I enter a bus and it is my friend M. Silva who is the driver. I had just bought a ticket at a counter at the bus stop but now I’m having troubles finding it. She says it’s ok, but I must sit on the seat across from her and talk with her. I was followed by friends – Zilla and others – who want me to sit with them on the back but I tell them to go without me. Don’t recall what happened in detail, but either she or some other lady who sat by my side freaks me out, because through her ears I can see the inside of her head, which has a big fire raging. I run to some seat somewhere in the middle of the bus, which now seems like some conference room. My seat has a board over it full of pens and pencils and I have to organize them all before I take the seat. Then I see my friends in the back who signal me to go meat them. I go. Outside is raining and my clothes are all wet. They hand me over something to wear. I change. I wear something apparently too sexy with large boots. Someone comments I shouldn’t wear those improper clothes, but I say I have nothing else and won’t keep the wet clothes on.


      Walking around some university, wearing a white robe, like that of doctors. I feel like I’m studying medicine there and I’m looking for a colleague because I’m worried about a paper we should have worked on. I pass by some open and circular room which is like a small projection room. All is dark, but I see people sitting on the seats as if waiting for something. I turn the lights on and the projector which plays a movie. They thank me. I spot some guy I have a crush on but he doesn’t say a word. Instead, some geeky guy I don’t like, grabs my arm to thank me and asks me for a kiss. I shake him off and say no. I run to the restroom. When I see myself in the mirror, I look awfully tired. I put some make up on, but I exaggerate and then have to take it off. I go out and bump into the girl I was looking for. It’s Mónica M. I tell her I’m worried because I didn’t do anything on that paper and neither she did say anything to me on that. She smiles and says “Hey, we’ve finished our courses already. Forget about the paper.” I suddenly recall it’s true, I have my degree for years. I become lucid.

      Trying to rip the dream fabric
      Dream fades and I end up on some place on the countryside where medieval dressed people seem to be building up a fair or a tournament site. There is a very high podium where two big guys are holding down some black guy and telling him he can choose either to be decapitated or thrown down that podium. He thinks the fall might give him some chance of survival so he chooses it. But it’s not going to happen yet, they are still rehearsing for the big date. I notice the black guy is some known comedian, so I guess this is all just a movie set and not a real thing. I walk down a road and at some point some people pass by me running because someone stepped over some beehive and the whole colony is after them and now after me, because they brought it in my direction. But I feel no stings, because I am still ware I’m dreaming. I am bored, I jump really high over some rice paddy fields and then decide to rise in the air. From up above I try to rip apart the dream fabric. I wish to get out of the imagery but not end in the blackness. Instead I wish to go to the luminous state of mind, free from imagery, where I can meditate free from distractions. But it doesn’t work. The best I can achieve is opening with my hands a little gap on the scenery from where a brief flash of light irradiates. I give up and decide to just plunge in the rice paddies, visualizing the light, hoping to meet it.

      I go through the blackness and suffer brief SP vibrations and sounds (a long time since it happened), then I find myself on a belt of a slaughterhouse, among dead bodies of cows, heading to a giant saw. I know it’s a dream, but still the idea of being cut in half creeps me out so I jump out of the belt. There are parts of animals everywhere, blood splattered on the walls, the image is horrendous, but I try to keep calm. I make a prayer for those beings and recall the light once more. Some light invades this dark creepy room through some slits on the walls.

      The Light
      Dream fades again and I go through SP one more time. I hear a Bollywood song playing in my head and I feel gentle vibrations throughout my entire body, rising from my feet to my head. It ends with vibrations on my 3rd eye. I hold on and find myself on a very luminous landscape. Below I see grass and trees, but above the trees there’s only a very bright, radiant white light pervading everything. I wish there was only the light, so I rise up in the air, to leave the ground behind and be totally immerse in the light, with no images to distract me. I imagine myself sitting on a lotus flower in mid air. But once there’s only light in all space, my mind starts to drift and I am dragged once more into SP. Then my BF moved and woke me up.

    6. Finally!! Recall!!

      , 02-01-2011 at 03:08 PM
      That's right people, I can finally remember my dream again! Sorry if I sound overexcited, it's just that my recall was on a low a few days. But here it is, it's only some fragments, but it's something:

      I had a spider, as a pet, but not just a spider, a spider the size of a small cat. I remember that I let it sit on my shoulder sometimes. At some point in the dream the spider caught a mouse/little bird (not sure). I remember some fear at that point and someone telling me that the way the spider caught the bird/mouse was unusual. I also remember it running away into some sort of a lawn at some point. Also something with a house where I was going to live, it really was a small house (kinda like a bungalow I once went... really the bungalow of YOUR NIGHTMARES! <forget that, I'm strange) and that I was afraid there were spider in it (how ironic). And something like a class I was late for.

      At morning, sorta weird semi-lucid moment (I always seem to have lucid/semi-lucid moments in the morning):
      I was picking clothes for school, though 'this COULD be a dream and woke up (mom banging on door, I'm a serious night-owl), then woke up in the waking world (that was a False Awakening)

      Dream Signs: A spider the size of a small cat, I was a couple years older probably (not sure)
    7. played MarioKart and fed my fish poop

      by , 01-15-2011 at 07:39 PM
      I was with my cousin, Abbey, in her car. We were driving on this wacky road that reminded me of MarioKart. We got to this pet store/vet's office and I put a small fish bowl I was holding up on the counter. I got this implanted memory of me feeding my fish its own poop because I thought it might be nutritious. I realized that this was a stupid idea and was ashamed as I put the bowl up on the counter. I asked the lady if my fish were going to die. There were a few brightly coloured pink and green goldfish in my bowl, and a layer of poop was on top. Another implanted memory: they didn't eat it so I put more in their to try and get them to eat it. The vet looked at me dissapointedly and my face burned. i felt like I was younger than i really was. She said that i could just leave my fishes here for the week and she would take care of them and nurse them back to health. I brightened up and thanked her, then asked where a bathroom was. I wanted to wash my hands because I had been touching the tiny poo. She pointed to a place in the hall.

      I knocked on the door and it was occupied, so started to wait, but then I turned and saw that the back half of the office was a house. There was a bedroom and an enourmous, beautiful bathroom. I peeked into the bedroom and saw a man who I assumed to be the lady's husband straightening his tie. I thought that he wouldnt mind and dashed into the bathroom. I remember this the most vividly for some reason. The whole bathroom was a color scheme of cream, beige, and light brown. It was tile floors and tile walls, and a small tile shower with a nice green curtain. There was a huge window and I looked out and it was so dark I couldnt see a thing. This made me terrified and my heart raced. I tried not to look at the window, and ran up to the bathtub to wash because the sink was closer to the window. i heard the man leaving his room, so i ran out the room and out the door.

      I met up with Abbey and my crazy Aunt, who were at a clothing store. Abbey was walking out, trying on hats and scarves and boots and modeling for her mom. I wanted to try too, but apparently I was too little and nothing was in my size, and the big hats looked stupid on me, so I dissapointedly sat down to watch.

      After a while, Abbey and I got back into her car and drove to her house. This part was too fuzzy, so I'll skip it.

      We began to drive back to the pet store. I was, oddly, in a second car. This time I was sure we were playing MarioKart. I tried to follow Abbey but ended up missing a ramp, and a few powerups. There was a ramp, however, that you could take if you missed the first one. If you went really fast, it curved up and shot you backwards onto the other ramp. I went up it, but then I lost conrtol of the car, like something else was taking it over. It started riding the very edge of the ramp. Then I got back control but the car fell off into some grass. I wasn't very good at backing up, so I tried to turn around. There were some huge boulders, and then after that it dropped off into nothingness. There was suddenly a minimap, like in WoW, and I saw that the place beyond the boulders was off the map. I got very scared and quickly turned around, but by this time, I was hopelessly lost. After trying to find the pet store for a while longer, I woke up.
    8. 22 Nov: Naked and robbing a temple again

      by , 11-25-2010 at 10:42 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      Well, the quality of my dreams changed a lot lately, but I'm cool. These things work in cycles. Now for some reason I'm having these steam-punk themed dreams and I'm kind of a Lara Croft type, stealing gadgets from secret societies and being "approached" by some really weird dark forces... Let's see where it takes me.

      03:00 GMT

      Naked in public
      I am at school or some public place surrounded by old school colleagues. I’m wearing a tiny skirt which looks more like a tiny towel wrapped around my waist. And I don’t think I have any underwear. I don’t feel uncomfortable though. I feel sexy. But then some of my colleagues start harassing me and it’s becoming too unpleasant so I leave the place. I take an elevator and notice two male colleagues (luckily not the harassers) also took it and they are also wearing only towels around their waists. Then as the elevator doors open, we’re taken to the middle of the street and I am now certain that I just have a towel around my waist and I'm also topless! I wonder how this happened. I still feel sexy. I think other people may be way more embarrassed than me.

      Vintage shopping

      Then I’m with my mom shopping at a really cool vintage clothes shop (I guess I really needed to buy some clothes, right...), but she is complaining that all the amazing dresses we see are 75 to 100 EUR. But I tell her they also have cheap stuff, we just need to look around. We then find a corner with stuff just 5-10 EUR, but nothing looks really interesting. For some reason she adores an outfit made of a top and a tiny plaid mini-skirt, in a red and white stripped fabric. I can’t even imagine myself wearing it, but she insists I must have it. I think, well, if it makes her happy, I might try it out with some red leggings.

      Stealing again from a temple
      A chase scene on a very old building which vaguely reminds me of a temple.(...) I and a few others are trying to escape our chasers and we run up and down stairs, we cross corridors and finally we lose them in this labyrinthic place. We get inside some room to catch our breath and we discover we just got into the office of whoever is the big boss around. We see a series of really cool gadgets – steam-punk kinda like machinery. On the desk I see what looks like an old-timer alarm-clock, but it actually indicates the perfect time, according to cosmic alignments and conjunctions, to do... whatever! The machine indicates whatever is the perfect activity to develop at certain moments in time – like... gardening or getting married or... rule the world, whatever! Really practical! It looks like those snow-flake globes but inside there’s a copper-coloured mechanism with pointers and gears. I grab it and put it in my pocket.
      Then we sneak out and we find a connection from this place to inside a museum. We try to cross it and get to the exit, but there are security guards looking at us suspicious – I guess because they didn’t see us coming in. A lady guide – I think she is the museum curator, but she comes to us as if she is a simple guide – comes to ask who we are. We say we’re a group of art students. She doesn’t totally swallow it so she asks us to comment some of the art works there. I use many expensive words to describe it but she then asks whose influences (from other artists) I think the artist picked up. I bullshit a bit more, saying the influences are there, pretty obvious, but so numerous it is really hard to pick one or two. Then I complete by saying the really important thing is that the artist mingled them all so perfectly and came up with something totally original, that his innovation is what bursts out more remarkedly. She makes a funny face but let us go. Actually she invites us to the next room, where there is a model of the temple – so it really was a temple! – they dug out and is still being recovered. She mentioned that only part of it was still up, the rest had to be rebuilt, or not.
      My sixth sensetells me that the alarm in my pocket is about to ring and I feel the urgent need to move but can’t do anything weird or they’ll notice. I excuse myself with something and go quickly to the entrance lobby. Many kids are there making a lot of noise and I keep the alarm in my pocket, so it rings, but nobody notices its sound. Because I’m standing in the middle of the lobby with a hand in my pocket holding down something firmly, the workers at the ticket counter are now looking at me, trying to figure out what I’m doing. Luckily a giant turtle passes by and I pick it up making it look like that's exactly what I was looking for. So I take the turtle to outside.

      8:00 GMT
    9. Fetish mall

      by , 10-25-2010 at 12:00 PM
      Good morning. This dream is kind of weird. I think it's also just a fragment.

      I was in a busy mall full of people. The mall had a lot of very narrow corridors, rather than a few wide corridors. The storefronts may have been small and packed with items like tall posters or stands made to look like anime charcters. The place was extremely packed with people.

      I knew this was a "fetish mall," a mall filled only with stores catering to people's various fetishes. I had been here before (possibly in the first part of this dream, which I may have forgotten).

      An attractive, young woman poked her head out of one of the storefronts. She was pale, with long, brown hair, a blue or green t-shirt, and blue jeans.

      She asked me some question about the store she was about to go into, something about whether the fetish comics in the store were appropriate for women as well as men. I told her that it was fine if she wanted to read them. She nodded and popped her head back into the store.

      I continued walking through the crowds of people. I wondered either why a woman would want to read fetish comics made for men or why a woman would ask permission to do so, especially permission from some person she didn't even know, like me.

      I turned left, into another fetish store. The inside of this store was huge. It seemed like a big bookstore, but it had other stuff in it. I think it actually may have looked like a cross between a bookstore and a dollar store.

      I didn't look around very much. This place wasn't as crowded as the corridor had been, but it was still very busy. Plus, I felt like I was going somewhere with purpose. I felt like my feet were walking, almost gliding, toward a certain place on their own. But I also felt like I knew where I was going, like I'd been there before.

      I felt like one of the higher ups at my old job, a woman who in waking life had been extremely supportive of me, was following me. I then felt like a lot of people were following me, mostly people I'd known from work.

      I walked down a staircase that had a sign above it. The sign was white with red capital letters. It listed the items being sold below.

      I was downstairs. It looked like a department store, a cheap department store. There were some displays showing bed sets, some displays showing living room sets, and some displays showing toilets. Sometimes all the stuff was mixed together.

      A woman off to my right caught my attention. She was maybe in her late 50s or early 60s. She had red hair, tanned skin, and thin eyes. She wore a blue dress. Her hair was arranged a little weird, almost shoulder length, but permed out to one side, so she looked lopsided.

      The woman directed me into an area full of lingerie. She intended for me to try on certain items. I wondered if that would be alright. After all, would they really want a guy touching that stuff, especially if he didn't intend to buy it?

      The area the woman led me into was a big, red room. There was nothing, or very little, in the room. There were dressing rooms along the right wall.

      We walked past a table of black and red underwear. They looked kind of satiny and lacy. A sign over them said "2 for $5." I thought maybe I should buy a pair of these right now to wear while I was trying on this other stuff the older woman had for me. That seemed polite to me somehow. But I decided instead to wear my own boxer briefs while I tried stuff on. But I felt bad about that, as if it were rude of me.

      The woman stood me in front of a dressing room. She began showing me different articles of underwear. She went into great detail on their design, showing all kinds of things like stitching. But I really wasn't interested in this. The more I looked at the panties, the more they somehow looked to be made out of the same fabric as basketball jerseys.

      The woman now showed me a pair of panties that she said were made with padding. I couldn't figure out why they'd need padding -- maybe to give women a better shape? I looked at them. They looked like a mix between underwear and diapers.

      The woman told me to feel the padding. So I did. It looked like the inside of a diaper. But it felt like bags of sand, like the tiny sand bags in weight-exercise bracelets.

      I looked at the underwear again. They looked like a mix between Ace Bandages and diapers. The price was written in pencil on the bottom: $19.50. I thought, That's a bit much, for something I'm never actually going to wear.

      The woman said, "This pair is the first thing I'd like you to try on." She motioned me into a dressing room stall.

      The stall was barely large enough to fit me. It was dimly lit. I was mostly undressed, except my underwear. I thought I'd keep them on. But now I had nothing on. I was holding the diaper-thing in my hand. I was looking for all my clothes.

      Now I had nothing at all. I was trying to figure where I'd put everything. Now I realized I'd actually thrown everything over the dividing-wall between stalls. The dividing-wall was just above my head. I reached over to discover the other stall packed with clothes, all the way to the top of the divider.

      I kept reaching over the divider, trying to find my clothes. I even tried to find the diaper-thing figuring that that article of clothing was almost mine anyway, and that it was better than nothing. But I kept pulling up completely unknown articles of clothing. All this time, the changing stall may have gotten smaller and smaller.
    10. Change clothes

      by , 10-08-2010 at 05:51 PM (Visions of the night)

      Dream was real brief or I just couldn't remember much of it.. but I kept changing my clothes .. they would fit me but next thing I know they became baggy and I ended up changing them again. Cute outfits too but they kept appearing big on me.

      That's all for now.
      lucid , non-lucid
    11. 28 Sep: Stalking Björk (again) and lots of nonsense

      by , 09-30-2010 at 11:08 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      22:30 GMT – Sleep

      Lecture on a park
      On a train, remember speaking French and think I was on my way to some meeting. I got lucid and got out of the train. I start flying but lucidity is weak and I don’t remember any tasks. I just enjoy the beautiful blue sky. Then gravity starts pulling me down and I hate when that happens. I remember I am dreaming and I think that I should try to solve this issue once and for all, of gravity pulling me down on a dream. So I focus on the fact that I am dreaming and that there is no gravity and therefore no reason to be pulled down. I start going up instead and I make an effort to really record this on my mind so it doesn’t happen again. (But I’m not sure it will work 100%)
      Then lucidity gets a bit blurred and my thoughts get confusing.
      I think about levels and then I am on some terrace or whatever place, and have a black jacket on my hands with emblems on, with numbers relatively to levels of achievement. It has something to do with mastering the levels of flying or dream control in general. And I think it’s cool but won’t really wear that jacket. Then on the back it has some emblem about organic farming and I find that totally unrelated. Then a lady arrives – she looks Iranian or well... middle eastern. She says she is very happy that I could come to the meeting but at the same time she is disappointed no one else appeared.
      I wonder if she’ll cancel this meeting, but instead she says she will do her presentation only to me and so she can be more thorough. Then I realise we’re sitting on my bed. She starts her lecture but she is just reading some booklet of which she gives me a copy. I have hard time following what she is saying, but it is something about natural and protected areas and using the resources sustainably. I smile as if I am totally following. Then my boyfriend appears and joins us. It’s his lunch time. The lady continues without interruption but now I realise my bed is in the middle of a park. This park is inside some fenced area and there’s a guard at the gate. My boyfriend then spots his boss at the gate. We wonder what he wants. The lady now stops her conversation and says she wants to offer the man something to eat. She goes to the left to get something and comes back with a raw fish in her right hand. By now, the boss is already inside the perimeter but the guard is holding him back for some checks before allowing him to go further. As he sees the lady with the fish coming towards him, he looks at us with an enquiring and totally surprised face, like asking WTF!? I just shrug my shoulders.

      1:30 GMT

      Stalking Björk (again...)
      I’m meeting a small group on some terrace table in front of a coffee shop. It’s on a pitoresque town, with stone paved roads. I am bored and instead of sitting with them, I grab some kind of skate that actually looks like a stool on wheels and decide to skate down the road, which curves to the left and keeps getting ever more inclined. But as I gain speed, somehow I don’t want to keep going down. There’s something keeping me in this upper side of town (something I was dreaming previously, but don’t recall). So I stop, grab the stool and go up on foot. Then I arrive at the street where the terrace was and on the opposite side of the road there’s a kind of square, not paved, in front of some wall of a castle. There’s also an arch to enter the castle, which is what I was planning to do, but on my way there, when crossing the square, I see lots of kids gathered and some performances of artists, like jugglers. I get caught by this kind of theatre being performed by... I think cats, but I’m not sure.... dressed up in costumes I remember thinking how the hell the tamer managed the animals to do that so perfectly and I think probably with lots of suffering and mistreatment to the animals. But the kids are loving. I take some pictures and then two kids ask me to take pictures of them. I agree and ask how they want it. They say they want the view that his on my back now – a port or quay by the sea. I take picture of one and then the other. Remember the reflex of the sun on the lens. Then I hear singing and recognise the song and the voice of Björk. I go check it out and find Björk singing on top of some platform around a lighthouse or some similar tower building. There’s only half a dozen people stopping to listen to her and she looks so tanned! It looks like she was just having beach vacation and decided to sing for whoever was passing, but I don’t know. I sing along and when it’s over I approach this platform because I would like to say hello to her and because the clapping of the audience was so disappointing I feel she would like to meet some fan to lift her up. But she is already surrounded by people from her staff – so it wasn’t a casual show! One lady blocks my way and I grab her arm to really make her understand I wanna talk to Björk – OK!!! My hands are greasy and she looks a bit disgusted. I wonder why I’m greasy but tell her it’s not dirty oil, but some baby oil I put on my skin to moisturize (?) I finally get to her and congratulate her and start being a total nagging fan – which I would never do, but I think I was somewhat aware I was dreaming and felt no constraints. She is first totally ignoring me. She enters a trailer but leaves the door open so I also go inside. It’s a huge trailer. There’s a bunch of guys hanging around, doing video editing and sound checks – an entire team that probably worked for her. She enters a separate room, I assume it is her room or a changing room. But she also leaves the door open. And she hasn’t yet told me to shut up or go away, so I keep going. I don’t want to invade her privacy though, so I stay outside this room, sitting on the floor, by the side of the door. I bombard her with all sorts of questions and opinions, like saying she doesn’t look so good so tanned. Then she finally breaks the ice, asking me if I know anything about some hospital and I actually now something because my grandma uses to go there, so we end up discussing hospital location and treatments. Because of this, when I finally enter the room, she is lying in bed and she is has transformed into my grandmother . Then she turns into a giant poached egg. Then I wake up.

      3:40 GMT

      Random mix of unrelated stuff
      Going down some circular stairs down some kind of well to go meet someone and help with something. I realise I am inside a mine. As I reach some floor level crossed by huge pipes, there’s a quake which shakes down everything, and displaces some rocks and some of the pipes. People who were on downer levels come up and everybody decides to evacuate as it isn’t safe to stay there any longer. As we approach the surface, we open an hatch and we meet this guard on some control post who is guarding the entrance to the area. He tells us there’s no reason to worry, that everything is ok, just a minor quake, but we prefer to play safe and decide to make a break and go to this area on the left – a building – where we can eat something and rest for a while. At that moment I look to the sky and two police flying saucers pass by – like police cars, with the police lettering and red lights flashing, but in a flying saucer version. They seem to be on a hurry, maybe chasing some criminal on some other flying saucer?
      We cross a road and enter this building that looks like a mall, with revolving doors. Inside there are shower facilities and we all go for a shower before anything else. In the beginning we’re all in the same bathroom, men and women and some guy hands me over shampoo, but everybody’s dressed. First I say I’m not going to take a shower, but he insists and I just wash my hair – always with clothes on! Then I overhear one of the girls talking to a guy about considering living an alternative life style and I cannot help to tell her to talk to some other girl of the group who is obviously kinda hippie, thinking she might give her some advice. Then I look throught the window, admire some trees outside and spot an animal on some branch. I say “Look, an hedgehog on that tree!”, but something isn’t right and the others also notice. Hedgehogs don’t climb trees. I know that, but I’m sure what I saw was an hedgehog, so I go outside to prove my point. All I can find is some squirrel. He is cute but I’m sure not what I saw before. I spot some walnuts on the ground and think about throwing it at the squirrel, but then I realise he is not going to catch it and I might indeed hurt him if I try. So I give up and as I walk away I find a table with doll houses on top. They are from a lady artisan who makes them and is exhibiting them on open air. I am amazed at the details and beauty of the houses but then stumble on one whose miniature parquet floor is totally lifted on air – I try to fix it and as a result the whole house collapses. The lady is luckily surrounded by people and doesn’t see me.

      My hair is longer and I am sitting with another girl in front of my guru. He is giving us some instructions regarding the current practice we’re doing. I make some funny face and my guru asks me if I disagree with something, to which I reply no.

      6:10 GMT

      Changing clothes
      I’m on some large room with white long benches around, against the wall, like a cloakroom. The door is open but still I am trying to change clothes quickly. I see a corridor outside and realise this is inside some large building. I want to change pants but they are so tight, even my underwear comes off. Precisely when some people - among which I recognise my father - are just passing by in the corridor. Luckily they are not paying attention to what goes on inside the room. I decide to simply continue undressing and dressing. Strangely my panties have now enlarged with all the pulling and twisting from my changing acrobatics. I try wearing some new pants and they don't fir, so I grab a new skirt I brought and wear it – it also is huge, like twice normal size. I think I need to ask my mother what happened, because she was the last person who washed these clothes!

      Encounters at a canteen
      On a gathering of activists and farmers, there’s a guy in his 50s with a son about my age and they don’t stop looking at me. On lunch time at a canteen they sit in the table right in front of mine. My mom who’s also present notices the 2 guys interest and comes to join me. I realise she is digging the 50 year-old guy and I play along to help her. But e just exchange smiles and they never get up and come talk to us. After lunch I am packing all my stuff really well on my backpack to leave – I have mp3, camera, laptop and all the necessary plugs and cables, plus a book and whatever... I take ages to fit all in the backpack and that’s when the guy (the older) decides to talk. He tells me he is a rice producer and asks me if I know Alfredo (yeah, I do) because he is his neighbour. Then he also asks me if I am aware of the GM rice issue and I smile thinking “Why of course!” but he doesn’t give me a chance to talk, so he keeps going. He is totally furious that his project of organic rainfed rice was totally discouraged by the government while they support chemically and flooded rice and even GM rice. He concludes that this world is upside down and I agree, but decided not to speak.
      Then I spot Mónica onthe opposite side of this room and go there but then notice she is with her mom. Her mom takes her to a nearby window and shows her something which is outside. I hear their conversation. “Oh mom, I can’t believe it! It’s for surfing? I want it so badly! I want it! Thank you so much!” Apparently her mother just gave her some ridiculously expensive gift – I wonder if it’s a surfing board and since when she does sports? Then she turns but she doesn’t see me. Instead she goes talk to some lady who’s leaving and asks her if she can come along. The lady replies she would of course invite her, but she is with their guru on a private visit, as a friend and he is not expecting anyone else to join. Surprisingly then, the guru actually drops by saying he really needs to use the toilet. He doesn’t look so happy and even I say hi to him, but he does not reply. I find that odd, since he is always so kind and thoughtful. Mónica is clearly happy to see him and says to the other lady that he looks so well! I wonder why she says this, because to me he is clearly not looking so well.

      7:30 GMT – Wake up

      PRECOG explanation:
      On this morning my mom came to visit me. I was coincidentally wearing the panties from my dream but was wearing a different skirt. When she arrived she was bringing me a bag of clothes she had washed and ironed, including that new skirt. I just put it over the bed to sort it out later when my mom notices I have a big spot on the skirt I am wearing. We’re late to go out so I just grab the skirt on the bed and dress it. Already outside I realise I’m wearing the exact same thing I was wearing on the dream – luckily it suffered no accident and all is with normal size. I don’t know why I have such meaningless precog dreams, but fortunately once in a while I also have precogs that are actually interesting.
    12. Isarn

      by , 08-30-2010 at 12:59 PM (The Midnight Train)
      I am buying clothes with my mom in Thailand at a night market. She says that they are fake but she will sell them as reals to get more profit. I am not ok with that but the shop owner even says that it's ok and like pretend that she never told us that they are fake. A big truck passes by playing Isarn Thai music. I have a wooden percussion in my hand and play along with the music (the percussion is usually made of brass). I even remember the rhythm. dotted quaver, semiquaver, crotchet over and over. But the percussion piece sucks and doesn't make much of a sound.

      In a dream before that or you could say another event before that, I am in a posh building and talking with the security guard. He says that your mom (who presumably owns the building and whatever business she runs) should offer customers with insurance who come into the building for their personal belongings. He says a 75,000 TB insurance would do. Isn't that a bit much.
    13. JJ you stupid fag!

      by , 06-13-2010 at 03:20 AM
      Quote Originally Posted by r2d2651 View Post
      JJ YOU STUPID FAG! (Non-lucid)


      JJ from school was acting super gay (as usual) So I popped and screamed at him "JJ YOU STUPID F*****G FAGGOT NO ONE LIKES YOU I HATE YOU FAG!!!" (Disclaimer: I have nothing against gay people at all but oh my god you need to meet this stupid kid to understand...) He started crying and said "I thought you were my friend!" When he said I thought you were my friends I felt a little bad...

      Later I was in some sort of store talking to Nicholas alone about my outburst and I think he supported it.

      Updated 06-13-2010 at 03:23 AM by 29105

      Tags: clothes, nick, store
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