12/22/20 I am in some shower house E is there, long hallway with multiple showers in it. Just about to get in one when the whole house jolts to the side. There are electric pulses running through the walls and the ceiling I gather the house has been hit by lightning it must be storming outside. We go outside and it is storming hard. We try to duck and I warn other people coming to the house to watch out for the lightning. I am with my brother J. I gather we are in some kind of highschool/middle school combo, both have girlfriends our ages who are our companions. We venture around the school for a while then begin being chased by the security for some reason. I understand there is a terminator type character coming after us. We leave the property in different vehicles. He has a big blue van I end up driving later on. I have multiple sets of keys in my pocket. My companion is with me. We go to a restaurant and know that we are wanted by the law. The other people in the restaurant are older folks who don't know who we are. We get a table and sit down to eat. After some time people start to become suspicious of us, there is a tv which is broadcasting our pictures and mentioning that we are being pursued. I now have the blue van my brother was driving and he is no where to be seen. It is my companion and myself we narrowly escape as I fumble for the right set of keys to get the older van to start. It has blue carpet inside. We are back at the school. It must be lunchtime so I stand in one of the lines to get food. There are only drinks at this line in a cooler on the ground. I keep pulling bottles out which have been drunk out of. I want chocolate milk and pull out a milk shake base which is melted in some kind of container. I don't have any money and gather everything here costs something. The lady at the register just gives me a drink after I pull a small carton of chocolate milk out. I walk around more and notice many different lines for people to get food but they are all different types of desserts. Like chocolate pies and candies and brownies and everything sugary. I ask someone if there is any actual food here and they seem surprised none of the lines have food ready. They tell someone else that we're down to chocolates and they need to prepare more. I find a line in a back room that has some old pizza on it. After I get a couple pieces and begin walking back to my table I notice more food starting to get brought out like dumplings and tacos of sorts. I shrug it off and continue back to my table. Towards the end the whole thing feels like it has been a movie production of a sorts. Everyone is happy that the shooting has ended and just hanging around with that satisfied completed feeling. I see some kids who I thought were in middle school and I ask them what grade they are actually in, they say fifth and I am surprised the production used actual correct aged kids for their roles as middle schoolers. We are all walking in a line beside the building in a field back to the main area. I am with my companion again and she is happy to be with me. As we are leaving the lot she shows her ID to the guard. He stands there looking at the ID suspiciously for a few seconds. Looking back to her and the ID, I ask him if he wants to take a picture and start to pull off. He reluctantly tosses the ID back towards our open window and I catch it with one hand. We pull off and start driving away, she tells me she is happy that I'm here, we hold hands while I have one hand on the steering wheel and the dream fades as we pull out to the main street.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I am a male knight on my property with my family. A group attacks our house, I can't help my wife there, as I am at some annexes with our servants and holding our baby, whom they are after. I escape through a tunnel that my servants help camouflage. I get out at some building that looks like a middle eastern hotel. I help a gay activist not to be arrested and I get arrested instead. My mom helps me escape by asking to escort me to the bathroom which is upstairs from the cell floor. They allow. The only way to escape is by jumping out of the window. She is scared and tells me to do it alone. But I don't want to leave without her, so I realize we are dreaming and I tell her it's just a dream. Since the cops are coming after us, I grab her and I cross the wall and bring her with me. It works, on the other side is our old house and some family members are there, looking much younger or back from the dead. My dad, my maternal grandparents, my auntie and great-grandmother with full black hair. They recognize my mom but not me. I wonder if she would like to stay here.
I have tired to use Lucid Dreaming on the dream about being in my grandads old Reliant with my sister and mom. The first night I tried it was Tuesday (01/07). The dream started out as always with my waiting in the car by myself buckled to the middle of the front seat with my sister then getting in and sitting down in the window seat not long after. In all of the previous dreams, my sister and I have spent at least 20-30 minutes in the car before my mom surfaces from the house. In this dream, my sister was trying to start a conversation with me a few minutes after she got in and her breath smelled really bad like it always does. I kept trying to tune her out and ignore her, but I just couldn't avoid smelling her breath. Finally, I had enough and reached to honk the horn on the steering wheel to let my mom know that I had been waiting long enough and she need to come out of the house and get in the car. I kept honking until she finally got the hint and came out of the house. Rather than getting in the car, she spent several minutes working in her garden in the back yard and then walked right by the car again and went back into the house. My sister and I had to wait for another 30 minutes before my mom finally came back out. While we were waiting, my sister keep getting in my face telling me it was my fault we were having to wait so long because I honked the horn. I was forced to smell her breath because she was coming into my space to make sure I knew she was not happy. I thought about trying to get out of the car to get away from her, but the drivers side door was locked and I couldn't unfasten the seatbelt because my sisters leg was blocking the buckle. When mom finally came back out and got in the car, the first thing she did was to get after me about honking the horn. This was the first dream where I ever noticed her breath and it was just as bad as my sisters when she was telling me how rude and disrespectful it was that I did that and she was hurt and would be really embarrassed if neighbors heard it. When my mom started trying to get the car started, it was the longest I can ever remember that part of the dream lasting. She got out at least 3 times to look under the hood and try to figure out why it wasn't starting. If I had woken-up a little later, I wonder if she would have given-up and I would have gotten out of the car. I tried Lucid Dreaming again last night (Wednesday 01/08). The dream started as I always does, but this time I noticed the car smelled really bad which I had never noticed before. After my sister had gotten in and closed the door, she also commented that something smelled although her breath smelled worse than the car when she talked. We waited in the car for the usual 20-30 minutes before mom came out of the house. My sister tried to carry on a conversation a few times and I kept ignoring her because I did not want to have to smell her breath when she talked. Unlike last night, she stayed in her space the entire time we were waiting like she normally does so it was easier to ignore her and tune her out. After mom got in, closed her door, and was adjusting the mirrors she noticed something smelled bad and asked me and my sister if one of us had maybe stepped in poo. We both denied it and I wasn't that worried since I hadn't been in the grass. As always, the car didn't want to start any my mom started to try pumping the accelerator after a few cranks. This didn't do any good, but she kept pumping the accelerator and turning the key and I kept hoping that the car would start up on the next crank, but the red lights kept lighting up and I kept hearing the buzzing sound rather than the engine running. While mom was pumping on the accelerator before trying another crank, her foot slipped out of her clog and she leaned her head down to put it back on. When she did this, she noticed that there was poo on my shoe. While mom continued to keep trying to get the car stated, my sister opened her door and got out and then I unbuckled from the middle seat and got out of the car to clean my shoe. I woke-up from the dream while I was in the back yard cleaning my shoe and could hear mom still trying to start the car while I was doing this. I don't know what ended-up happening with the car, but this was the first time ever in the dream that I was not buckled to the middle seat.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At some office or school building. It is quite empty. There is only a couple of persons with me and walking around. But we hear scary sounds and a couple zombies come through the door. We fight them with whatever we have. I pick a sturdy ceramic cup to smash their heads, but unlike movies, their skulls are thick. I hit them several times and they almost don't flinch. I am even feeling sorry for hurting them. But we escape to outside where we find hungry dogs also posing a threat, but we go up and down some stairs after throwing some food at them and we run to a residencial area. In the residences there are lots of people and life runs as normal. Someone is throwing a party with loud music as night approaches and neighbors are at the windows talking at each other about doing something to shut it down. I am staying at a house with my parents or at least they had some involvement in setting it up for me. My dad was just there to show some wall he built in the back of the house for extra protection, which comes in handy. But I still plan to look for some safer place. I grab as much food as I can and pack bags and go to a train station or airport. They don't want to allow me to take all my food with me and I complain, but as long as I can embark I am ok. I just want to leave.
Updated 07-29-2021 at 09:31 PM by 34880
This was an interesting dream because while I wasn't completely lucid, I was cognizant of the fact that I had control over what was going on. However, said realization wasn't because I knew I was dreaming. I just knew I had control, somehow; maybe because it took place in my fantasy world where I am somewhat of a demigod. ;D It was a weird combination of a story about a wolf, and the novel I'm currently working on. The wolf was getting hunted, imprisoned, and about to be killed. But he escaped. His plan was to flee in the middle of the night, but he slept until 7:42 AM and didn't flee until exactly then. Nonetheless it was still dark outside leading me to believe that it was winter. He fled to the woods. I managed to use my powers to teleport him deeper within the woods, and myself along with him. He found his lover, another wolf, there. Two characters from my novel were there, too, who were in love and promised to protect the two wolves. And other magical creatures formed a sort of barricade to protect them all. It was a heartwarming dream with potential to become an actual story with some tweaking/organization. The night was purple and black and orange, cartoony much like the lyric videos from Anna Blue and The Birthday Massacre. Very cool, stylized aesthetic! It's fun that my brain can do that lol.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening It's the 30s or 40s. I am in a family that is part of some resistance. We are at a central station trying to get a train to somewhere and some policeman recognizes us. We are at some subterranean level and we find some stairs going up. I push my family members upstairs and try to block the stairs with something to gain time, then follow them. I hear shots but fortunately no bullet hits me. At the most upper floor there is a library or office with a large framed window with access to outside (it is actually ground floor). The window is very high and we need to climb bookshelves to get there. There are no doors connecting elsewhere and the window has no possibility of opening. I look for something heavy and I can only find a rotary phone that I pull and take with me. Our chasers are already inside the office but I manage to break a corner of the window, 2 or 3 framed squares, enough for us to glide outside. It's almost a one floor high but we manage. Some passersby see us but seem not to care. I spot some police or military not so far away but we mingle with other people and they don't seem to be looking for us. We need to turn at a nearby street but we walk instead of running to avoid attracting attention. We look for shelter as soon as possible to get out of the street. Meanwhile, throughout our several hideout attempts there are several tornados forming and we run from them through the streets and look for hideouts that can resist the winds. Most of the places we enter are modern buildings full of glass walls and glass ceilings, open spaces that offer no protection and no underground levels. It is frustrating. Then we find at some kind of terminal a small concrete cubicle at a corner, where an old very poor couple lives, with no roof or windows, just a concrete box and we kinda invade their home and try to explain to them why and hope they don't get too mad.
Updated 10-09-2019 at 10:04 PM by 34880
I'm inside a prison where we are all kept outside under the sun in intense heat. I just arrived and one of the other inmates tells me that if I survive through this day, then I should just kill myself. Everyone's sitting around in the dust when I see one of the other inmates being let out through a couple doors, apparently getting set free. I rush to the doors and slam into one of the guards knocking him over. There are many more in the vicinity, so I grab the cop's gun and run for the next set of doors. I have no idea where I'm going, just trying to get away from the other guards. At another set of doors, I turn around and fire some shots from the pistol. It feels like I'm aiming straight at a few targets but nothing happens to them. They open fire as well and I'm forced to duck under the railing next to the doors while opening them and slip through. I run through a few hallways before finding a set of stairs that lead down. I take them and unlock a secure door that has a lever instead of a handle. It opens into a training obstacle course and I'm concerned it might be a dead end until I see a closed ventilation door to the side. Operated by the same lever- type contraption, I open this one as well only to find that it opens in slits, similar to blinds on a window. I force myself through one of the small openings and eventually make it through. The tights squeeze made me lose my clothes somehow and I'm now just in my underwear. I consider leaving my pile of clothes where they are, but looking around, I find myself in the middle of a nice looking neighborhood, so I take them with me to eventually put back on. I run down the streets trying to find the smaller ones and hide out in one of the backstreet houses. It's easy to run from one street to another as the neighborhood has no fences for all the yards. I find a large metal tub in the front yard of one house, probably for putting flowers in, but is empty now. I climb in with my clothes, the tub being a perfect length to lay flat on my back. Suddenly, a cop car drives along the street and parks in the driveway. In what feels like a comedy skit, they mistake me for some kind of dummy and remark how lifelike I look. I'm wearing sunglasses at this point and feel like I can pull off staying completely still, but a bee buzzes in my ear, freaking me out, and gives me away.
It begins with me commenting that a bunch of people had left their stuff behind in this big bus-type vehicle. Me and others start going through everything, realizing that there was quite a lot of stuff, plus a whole bunch of drawers. Little things keep falling out of overheard compartments, once a big coin, another time a folder. Somewhere along the way I start thinking of the people as students, as there are a lot of notebooks and textbooks. There’s also this partition full of clothes I’m excited to explore. Suddenly the tone changes. The bus had been in an accident. I remember carefully making my way to a bathroom and washing my hair, like something had gotten in it. There were multiple used towels and I had to decide one which to dry my hair off with. I’m following my sister as she walks toward an Asian women standing beside some tables with lids made of wood. As we approach, my sister says, ‘Don’t worry, this is my little sister.” The woman still seems worried but she allows me to help. We need to empty all these cases of valuables fast because bad guys could be coming. I’ve got a handful of these golf ball size rocks when she tells me to “get the stones”, and I look over and see different colored shining small stones. There is an Asian boy standing in front of me, about nine years old. The woman watches in horror as he takes an earring and pierces my thumb with it. I’m trying to keep calm (even though I felt no pain). The woman says, “He’s trying to scar you.” I hand him the next earring, a blue stone in it, and he repeats the process (old earring gone). It’s fuzzy here but there was a bad guy, and as we were trying to get away, we came across the severed head a black guy who had been on our side. Another guy (who reminds me of Chris Farley) was missing, and the bad guy pointed and said ‘he’s there’. It was the place of the accident. It looked like a steel railing had been rammed into. I run into the clothes partition, clothes strewn everywhere. I get down and start crawling into the corner through them, confident that there’s a way out there. I’m outside and see three orange cats in different places, and I know that they belong to the students from the bus. I say something like ‘this is why I didn’t bring my cats, they’re indoor only’. I feel like just before I said that, I questioned where mine were. I also remember there was another scene of looking in a wooden pen at three fluffy cats of mixed colors. My sister is driving me in some small vehicle while I pretend to be injured. I’m at the front of the vehicle lying on my back on a slab of wood. She kept getting mad at people in the way, and there was this one man in particular who jumped from a bike or something into the back of a van where the doors were open. He’s crouched inside looking out at us when my sister suddenly spits at him. The man says something about ‘fire’ and I felt that something was wrong about that. Should not be fire but something else. Then I spit too and hit the back of the passenger seat. I was waiting for the reaction, because my spit was acid. I don’t know where this fits in, but I was talking to my friend Cole and I said something like ‘oh no, we left our cards at the bleachers’. We had already picked up most of them but left behind some less desirable ones. I got excited thinking about this one there of Pizza from Food Fantasy, but assured Cole that it would be wrong to steal it even when the owner left it behind. The cards themselves were actually floating, shimmering over the seats and you just touched them to obtain them. Inspirations: Clothes: When am I not thinking of clothes lately. Sister: Been thinking about her lately, we’re doing a movie night soon. Earrings: I think it was yesterday that my mom told me about this trick to clean tarnished earrings. Orange cats: My own new cat and an outside cat I saw/talked about recently. Cats in pen: Saw a gif of a dog squeezing in with another dog into a cage thing yesterday. Cards, Pizza: From the current event in an app game I play called Food Fantasy. Maybe also from Magical Days: The Brats’ Parade since I’m playing an event there too.
My old friend Saimi and I are sitting at a table by the city’s inner wall, having coffee. They are thick walls, built with greyish stone, and through a window in the wall—a rough hole with a metal grid across it—we can see something a little troubling taking place: a small group of oni is building a campfire there, in the courtyard area between this wall and the outer one. They’re larger than humans, with colorful skin and wearing rough clothing, some of it made from animal skins. It’s odd, I think to myself. It’s been ages since I’ve read, watched or played anything with oni in it. The ones I can recall looked different. And yet, these guys strike me as familiar—familiar as individuals, even. I can’t account for it. Anyway, Saimi and I have business to take care of. I have been investigating a series of mysterious events that Saimi has been involved with in some way—something from a dream from earlier in the night that I can no longer remember— and since our last meeting, my research has turned up something quite interesting. We have two small pages of text with us that appeared when the events took place and that we suspect may be connected to them somehow—both the same text, but one copy in English and one in Korean. They seem to concern some kind of game. The oni—whom we’ve been keeping a watchful eye on this whole time—are now entering through the gate, which isn't far from where we're sitting, and roaming the city square. Presumably, they're looking for someone to eat. Should we move? We decide not to. They'll probably be satisfied with only one person, and there’s only a small chance it’ll be one of us. We continue talking. But suddenly, I feel myself grabbed from behind and carried backwards. My espresso cup falls to the ground and rolls away. I call out something to Saimi as I struggle to get free—but then the dream shifts around us. I’m not sure now whether it was something I did intentionally or something that just happened, but at any rate, I seem to be better prepared for it than the oni are. While they’re trying to figure out what just happened, I break loose and run for it. Or rather, my character on the screen does, since I’m now experiencing this as a video game. I get a few screens away, at which point I know I’m safe. From there, I explore the town where I now am for a little while, going into houses and talking to the people there—and then I seem to be on my computer, checking my email. As I watch, new emails are arriving in my inbox every few seconds, which is unusual. Something big must be happening. And then I wake up. (22.1.17)
Morning of December 12, 2017. Tuesday. In this dream, there is the transition to water reinduction (water as symbolizing sleep), though my conscious self identity is virtually nonexistent. Even being in the Loomis Street house’s backyard, there is not even the association with my relatives who lived there for years. While in the backyard near the alley (where I have not been in real life since February 1994), there are a number of unfamiliar characters. There is something about going somewhere, another country perhaps, and we start our journey. The Loomis and Gillette Street area transform into some sort of distorted wharf, which I believe is meant to be with the ocean on the left (even though Wisconsin is nowhere near the ocean in reality). All of the people we meet are dark-skinned and may be Sri Lankan (which I seem to recall being said as such in my dream). They are all males in their twenties, supposedly refugees. It is illegal for us to be there or walk over the wharf to wherever it is we are going. That will apparently not stop us though and our group walks over the long wharf. Still, the other males are very friendly even though they seem slightly confused that we are not like them. I start talking to them in Spanish, “Cuando salga el sol me despertaré”. (“When the sun rises I will wake” - note that I am not viably aware I am dreaming.) I repeat “cuando” several times, as a question. They only shrug and smile. There is an area where a doorway is too narrow to go through. I do something to where we continue from near the right of it, though it does not make any sense. It seems as if I somehow moved the doorway itself by “sliding” it with my hand. From here, I am riding in a van, on the front passenger side, on the right (implying America). The driver of this van is riding a motorcycle a car length ahead of the van (which makes no sense at all, but this is how it is experienced). The port authorities are now following us. Because we had gone through the restricted area that held refugees, we are to be captured and shot, no matter where we decide to go or live. The man on the motorcycle is shot once and splits into several pieces, rolling over the road, the van I am in continuing to apparently drive itself. I do not feel very emotional. After traveling a long distance, miles away from the Loomis Street house’s backyard, I find myself back on Loomis Street, in the Loomis Street house’s kitchen (likely due to mild hunger in sleep). Of course, this makes no sense either. I am presumably the last one of my group left. I now have a very vague emergent awareness of relatives having lived on Loomis Street years ago, though no current conscious self identity. An unknown male comes into the kitchen from the south room to shoot me. I decide that this is RAS mediation (even though I am not lucid) and that he is the preconscious factor and thus I shoot him first and then soon wake. I will not tolerate being victimized in my own dream, even when there is no viable thread of current conscious self identity.
Travelling in search of food/provisions in a post apoc times. We come across a settlement but they are not friendly, a large woman gives me the creeps, she has glasses and a big red jumper. We flee but they have the local cops on their side too and we have a shoot out. S goes back in time and saves the day by keeping them pinned down till help arrives. The dream then repeats a heap of times Oo. She had an old western style six shooter.
I am at a gathering and have been given a multitude of chocolates. All the presents are in wrapped paper like flowers. One is an arrangement of normal chocs in blue paper, one I remember was chocolates mixed in with strawberries. Anyway a woman tries to muscle in on my presents and I try to escape from her. I fly up onto the top of the building. It is night time and I can see down below a canal (like Camden here in London). She follows and is clinging to me, so I fly down under the water in an attempt to shake her off. [note: yet again dark waters and chocolates 2nd time]
Morning of September 11, 2017. Monday. I am walking with two unknown males, a situation of which continued from a very long previous dream sequence. I think about robbing a place, but the details are not clear yet. I eventually realize that I am carrying a Glock pistol. Soon, I “realize” that I am a black female of perhaps about twenty-five years old. It seems late at night. I go into a small trailer park in an open field where a dense forest is to my left. An unknown black female, but of whom is apparently known to the character I presently am, complains about me being there to rob her again (though I do not recall any backstory for this). Other than that, she does not seem alarmed by my gun. She opens a couple drawers in a large chest of drawers in her trailer. There is a bundle of one-hundred-dollar bills in an even stack, partly wrapped in cellophane. There is also a roll of fifty-dollar bills held together with a rubber band. There are also numerous rolls of coins. I tell her to keep some of the money, including the roll of fifties, but she insists that I take all of it. I put everything in two bags. There are several other items besides the American money, including bottles of perfume and shampoo and small items of clothing. I leave the trailer park, walking briskly east. I see a couple others outside of their trailers on my right, one an older black male of about sixty. Somehow, it is suddenly daylight now, possibly early afternoon. I am with two unknown Caucasian males (though one reminds me vaguely of Don K from the early 1980s). I am seemingly now a male character, though not fully myself and perhaps about twenty years old. We seem to be going west on Sill Street, having gone past Wood Street and possibly Kane Street. I decide to toss my gun on the ground near the intersection near the trunk of a tree so I am not armed if caught (thinking I would be in less trouble). Still, I consider that may not be a good idea as a child might find it. The others and I continue, but eventually turn right to go north. I continue to carry my two bags. We seem happy until one of the males looks back and sees another male who apparently knows us. It may be that he will cause trouble or at least be annoying if he sees us and catches up with us. The male who recognizes this other male tells us all to go our separate ways. “I have to try to wake him up,” he says in an authoritative tone. He goes across the front lawns of a few houses on the right side of the street and I am still following him, unsure of the situation. He yells with frustration and waves me off, indicating to me not to follow him. The male who had been behind us is apparently sleepwalking. He has long black hair and a long black beard and has on blue jeans but no shoes, socks, or shirt. He starts cheerfully talking to the male that seems to know who he is. “I can’t understand anything you’re saying,” the sleepwalking male is told, “You’re speaking gibberish”. I continue to go north a short distance, but then turn around to go through a very narrow residential alley back southward. I am slightly concerned that I might annoy people by going through or close to their backyards but I do not see anyone. At the end of the alley are two closed chain-link gates about chest-high, side by side. Each of the two gates is for a different house, which makes no sense, as the alley goes past all houses on the block and the gates are adjacent to the public sidewalk. Before I get to them, I have to climb quickly up over a couple large full garbage bags and some other objects. At first, I think the gates might be locked, but I am able to open them by turning a horizontal L-shaped bolt lock. The detail is very vivid and realistic in appearance (but unlike any setting I had ever seen in real life). The sense of physical momentum and touch is vivid as well. A few police officers approach me and look in my bags and ask me where I am going. I see that there are a lot of rolls of coins in them. I insist that everything is mine, but they seem condescending. While pretending that I am totally innocent, I am eventually able to get away. One policewoman seems to think I am okay and seems to see me as being victimized by the other officers. However, a chubby male officer seems determined that I will be caught again and found to have robbed someone, or possibly a bank. I somehow end up going through the second floor of a business building. There are a few times when I fly after getting outside again, but I end up walking again, as my two bags are heavy. I somehow end up back near Sill and Kane and recall how I had deliberately thrown my gun there (at the northeast corner) but I do not see it. It is daylight at this time. I am now briskly walking south through the north side of La Crosse (except that it looks more like the south side) and it seems to be night once again. I somehow have my gun again without contemplating that I had gotten rid of it. I am the black female character again. I make sure my gun is holstered in the front of my pants and unseen. I am thinking of finding the Loomis Street house to hide out even though that does not make sense as I am supposedly someone else. I vaguely recall that my sister had died but that my brother-in-law may be there (though they had actually moved prior to my sister’s death, though I was living in Australia by that time). I continue to carry the two cloth bags of money and other items, one in each hand. I notice that about eight people are running towards me, though not directly towards me. I think they may have attempted to rob a closed business but none of them are carrying anything. Police cars go by but they curiously do not stop. (The scene of these looters, including their appearance, was very similar to something I did not know about until after this dream and seeing it on the news, so I am considering this part as prescient.) I cross the street (which may be a distorted version of Loomis Street, though too commercial) to my right and turn right down a very narrow alley with tall commercial buildings on each side. The alley is not wide enough for a car to follow me through and is at least two city blocks long. However, nearing the opening ahead, I see a puff of smoke going past the edge of a building on the left side of the end of the alley at about head level. It is the chubby policeman, who is smoking a cigarette, who had vowed to catch me. I knock him in the head with my heavy bags and knock him over. The police woman, who seems to be on my side, is possibly going to help me escape now. The preconscious modelling itself artificially, or mimicking itself, in needing to wake another dream character (instead of me) is about as surreal and unusual as it gets (even stranger than a false awakening where I am writing down or telling someone about my previous dream). The threads of my dream self identity changing a few times (without any focus on that dynamic) is rather odd as well.
A Weeping Angel suddenly appeared in my younger sister R's room, so we ran out and shut the door. It didn’t mind the door being there. In fact, it disregarded the door completely. Then, R put an ice cube in a laundry basket. As the angel got closer, we stepped back as the 11th Doctor’s voiceover said, “You’ll know if it kills you.” Apparently, R got out, since she was no longer there. Anyway, the weeping angel had me backed up to the kitchen. Opening the deck door, I led Blizzard out, and tried to lead Snickers out, but he kinda didn’t care. (They're both cats) What I did next to ultimately run away was get on to the second-floor deck and jump off the rails. Now, with me on the ground and backing up to the north there were suddenly two people being followed by the weeping angel, one of which of which being R. There was also a minivan on the deck. Moments later, I found out that the weeping angel was actually a trolling guy. How I found him out was his own doing, since he had failed to remain quantum locked—he slowly walked towards the two people when I said, “Hey, I can still see you!”With that, he turned and looked at me with an annoyed look on his face. A few moments later, the two got away, and I was now way down the street. Several people spawned, just standing around and watching the trolling guy cross the street, walk into a neighbor's house, and drive his amphibious super car into the nearby lake. I was like, “That guy has a HOVERCAR!?”Next, the guy that was standing next to me also ran into the same neighbor's house. He deployed his blue amphibious supercar(the troll’s was black) and crushed the troll’s secondary vehicle.
-1-This entire dream, I was a wolf. It started in a store with a gray floor, light gray walls, isles on one side, and floored objects on the other. I was sneaking around the floored objects to avoid being seen by anybody. However, I was seen by a guy that was lying down on the floor, trying to look for something, I guess. I then grunted, and quickly made my way outside. Once outside, I began to run at high speed through trees and grass. For some reason, everybody from the store was chasing me, and one of them was armed with a machine pistol, which he fired a couple times. After roughly 20-30 seconds of running, I came to the edge of a ‘cliff’. It was more like a steep hill, so I thought that I would return to it as an escape route if all other options proved to be undesirable. To the right of me was a forest slightly downhill. I started to run alongside the pseudo-cliff until I got to a ledge overhang that was too high to safely jump off of. Just then, the people caught up with me, so I was trapped. Fortunately, they didn’t want to kill me, but I still wanted to get away from them. As a result, I jumped off the ledge to my death. I clicked respawn, and woke up. -2-This dream started with a hole in the wall closed off with a rectangular piece of fabric and a zipper. Opening the zipper, I crawled through the opening to find a room with a step ladder and unfinished walls. Above the same ladder were some paths(3 of them). I can’t remember which one I took, but eventually I found a similar room with a step ladder. After observing this room, I headed back to hallway from which I originally entered. Suddenly, the 12th Doctor showed up and told me to reopen the crawlspace, because apparently something was following him. This time, I closed the zipper behind me, and we ventured on. First, we came to a small room that had clean, vertical cobwebs, all exactly the same length spread across the ceiling in a perfect grid. Next, we found ourselves in a church with no chairs, and Link fighting with something against something. The Doctor said that we needed to fight with swords. Eventually, the small creatures we were fighting ran away into a room in the northeast corner of the main room, which turned out to be some sort of medical room. The two creatures jumped up onto the beds. Neither of the nurses/doctors suspected that anything was wrong.