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    1. early morning with dad; grocery store girl; grandma and another state

      by , 05-24-2011 at 11:45 AM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was in a house all by myself. The house was one story. The living room was huge, but it was extremely cluttered, as if laundry and blankets were strewn everywhere. It was early morning and dark.

      My mother and the rest of the family had left the house some time ago. They had probably left for at least a few days. I had the house all to myself. I didn't live here with my family, but I was "in town" for a few days.

      I walked into a bedroom which was just off from the living room and right next to the front door of the house. The room was really small, maybe twice as big as the small bed inside it. It was also extremely cluttered.

      I may have heard a car arriving outside. I knew it was my father. I think my mom and the rest of my family had left because they knew my dad was coming for a visit and they wanted to avoid him.

      I walked out into the living room through some kind of thin sheet that was now hanging over the doorway to the bedroom. My dad was already in the house. I was wearing a red and white trucker cap. My dad may have been wearing one as well.

      My dad may have asked me why I was up so early. I said, "I always get up this early. This is when I go to work. In fact, I'm heading to work right now."

      My dad and I were looking toward a huge sliding glass door to the backyard. But our view to the backyard was blocked by a thin, yellow curtain and possibly also a white dry-erase board.

      My dad asked if I always go to work this early. I told him I did, and that I tried to work pretty late as well. My dad said, "Well, my habit has always been to do Fridays only from nine to five. I thought you might do the same thing. At least on Fridays."

      Dream #2

      I was in a grocery store, getting checked out. The front of the store had big windows running along the wall, looking out on a bright, sunny parking lot. I felt like something, almost like a big piece of machinery, was behind me, making it very uncomfortable for me to stand in the checkout line.

      A thin, Latina girl just a bit shorter than I was bagging my groceries. She asked me at some point about my work. I was away from work and I needed to get back. I may actually have been picking up supplies for some kind of work party. The girl may have asked me if my work was really strict with how long I was away.

      I told the girl about my hours and what I did at work. She had bagged my stuff and was now walking out of the store with me, helping me take my bags to the car.

      I was out in the parking lot. I may have been by myself. A few kids whom I may have thought of as a group of kids I'd taken out on volunteer projects came walking up. I was a little shy, but I called out to them. We kept talking, but for some reason I kept heading to my car, which was a few aisles away.

      I now saw that my sister was among the kids. I couldn't see my sister or the kids anymore, but I was "talking" with my sister. She told me she would try to be back at home for whatever party I was throwing. But she wasn't sure she could make it. But if she didn't make it I shouldn't be upset. Because she -----

      Dream #3

      I was in a hotel lobby. The interior was small, but furnished with nice wood and chairs. But the light was a terribly drab fluorescent. I sat at some couch.

      I got a call from my grandmother. She said she had prepared some form for me so I could stay at this hotel for a kind of long period of time. I now had the "form" in my right hand. It was on an iPad. The form was black with white lettering. The blanks, when not written in, were an orange-fadey color.

      My grandma said she'd filled in a lot of the form. I noticed she had filled in my social security number. I was kind of surprised by that. But my grandma said, "Yeah, of course I have your social security number. I can get that if I want. I can even have them give me your social security card if I want. It comes with being your grandmother."

      I felt slightly inconvenienced at having to be at this hotel, but I figured I'd stay here anyway, since my grandma had done so much to secure a place for me.

      But either I or my grandma pointed out that the forms would not be finalized for a while. I told my grandma, "If thats's the case, I need to go somewhere else until the forms are finalized. These people don't like having me here in the first place. And having me here without my permanent forms finalized is just an excuse for them to give me a bad time."

      I spoke with my grandma about where I should go while I wait. My view was now of a map. It was apparently a map of Colorado, where I grew up. I kept travelling south on a red road on the map, through a number of towns notated by circles. The color of the map changed from pale lime green to yellow.

      I kept telling my grandma I couldn't stay in any of the towns my vision passed through, as the people in those towns all hated "people like me." I eventually went south of Colorado's border, which was much more jagged and rounded than it is IWL. There were three towns just south of the border. I may have figured one of those towns would be safe for me to stay in.
    2. 05/21/11 Sleep (5) 11:00PM - 8:00AM

      by , 05-23-2011 at 12:20 PM (Graham's DJ)
      My first dream took place in a restaurant where I was sitting at a table with my girlfriend, my dad, and his ex-wife, Jen. Apparently they were going to give their marriage another shot (after one date?) after 5 years of divorce. We basically went out to eat somewhere shitty (I don't remember how the food tasted). Jen was abnormally quiet, but this might have to do with the fact I haven't seen her in 5 years and my subconscious didn't really know what personality to give her in my dream.

      The next dream I remember somehow made a switch between me playing The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion to Runescape. I'm not sure what I was doing in Oblivion, but I remember dropping some stuff because I had a full pack. Levi got bored of watching me and wanted to show me how to make a zerker on Runescape. I kept dying and he got pissed at me after a bit.

      Another dream involved me getting glasses (I am going to be getting another pair soon) and not being able to see out of my left eye while they were on. I looked at them, and noticed a sticker I hadn't removed. I also realized I had never been to the eye doctor, so the glasses must be those cheap ones you buy from Kmart.

      Next, I had a dream that Rosas's dad was going ballistic over something and yelling and screaming at her and her brother for something stupid. I still had my guitar, which I held relaxed on my leg as i was trying to tune it. There was some sort of locking mechanism near the bottom of the backside of the body. I should have picked up on the fact that I even had a guitar in the first place, as mine was taken away.

      My fifth and final dream was a dream I have had once before, I remember. I was outside a tall building, circling it with my friend, Nick. We were looking for an empty office to throw a bomb into. We were both armed with concealed pistols, and I had a set of like 6 more in that plastic stuff you buy toys in that's so hard to get open. In one of the windows we passed, a man picked up his phone, looking at us as he did, so I chucked the bomb into the window and we began to run. By the time we turned the corner, a cop had his gun out and pointed at us. Our guns weren't drawn and I believe we surrendered our weapons. We got down on the ground, and I don't remember much else after that.

      Updated 06-01-2011 at 01:15 PM by 47214

    3. subway platform and kitchen

      by , 05-20-2011 at 11:41 AM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was down on a subway platform. There were no lights on the platform. It was like the power had gone out. The only light was from a stairwell leading directly up to the ground. That light was enough to keep things nearby visible, though still very dim. But farther along the platform it was pitch black. There were a few other people on the platform.

      I was waiting for a B-train. But somehow I heard the train was going to be delayed. I figured I'd wait around a bit. To occupy myself, apparently, I jumped up a meter or so in the air and kicked one of the metal column-beams with both my feet.

      I think I came to understand that the train was going to be very delayed. I wondered if I might catch another orange train: maybe the D-train. But I thought that would also be pointless. I thought I might as well get out of here and go to another station. But, for some reason, I still decided to wait for the B-train.

      There was now a little girl and her father. The little girl was maybe two or three years old. She had short, brown hair and was wearing lavender-colored shirt and pants.

      The little girl was showing off to socialize with me. She was doing some weird kind of hopping thing, hopping up and down, as if she couldn't control herself because she was so nervous.

      I liked the attention, so I didn't notice that the girl was getting carried away. She hopped a little too far and fell onto the tracks. She landed on her feet and didn't seem afraid or anything, but I knew it was a bad situation for her to be on the tracks, and I kept worrying that she would touch the third rail and get electrocuted.

      Before I could really process anything completely, a big, muscular, blonde man like a soldier rushed up from behind me. He quckly (and softly!) jumped down onto the tracks, picked up the girl, and hopped back up onto the platform. He set the girl down, standing, a couple meters away from her father. He then sat down next to the father. The father was now apparently sitting cross-legged on the platform concrete.

      The girl may now have been sitting on the concrete amid a bunch of blankets. I crouched or crawled around in front of the girl, to play with her. Apparently she liked me because I had a good imagination and I could play kids' games as if they were real.

      Somehow I knew the girl was already pretending I was some kind of creature. I asked her what kind of creature I was. I figured that I'd then act out being the creature in somekind of wacky way.

      The girl told me I was a bug. I tried really hard to think of a bug, but none came to my mind. Eventually, I crawled on my knees and held my arms behind my back, rubbing them together. Apparently my arms were supposed to be wings, and I was rubbing them together to clean them. This may somehow have reminded me of being a fly.

      I was now in some kind of foresty area, talking with Matte (from DV). He looked a little too skinny, and his face was stubbly and haggard. I worried about him and told him he needed to eat more and keep up his weight.

      I was now in a kitchen. At first there were a young man and a young woman. But the young woman, probably having fixed her meal, left the kitchen. The young man may have been shirtless. He always had his back to me. He was either cooking on a stove or waiting for something in a microwave.

      Matte had been taking a shower, but now he came into the kitchen to cook some food. The kitchen counter was L-shaped, and, as the young man stood at the back part of the counter, Matte stood at the right part. Matte was also cooking at a stove. So the counter may have had two separate stoves.

      Matte was cooking using a wide, flat, square kind of pan with a non-stick, black interior. He was cooking a few pieces of fish, some pieces of bare chicken, and some french fries. He was cooking them all in a ton of grease.

      I thought to myself that it was good that Matte was cooking and eating this much protein. He really needed it. But I knew that that kind of diet would tie my weak stomach in knots. So I'd have to think of some diet of my own.
    4. Some psychokinesis

      by , 05-15-2011 at 06:44 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Some psychokinesis (Non-lucid)


      I was in a room giving healings to people. I went to other room where there was several wine glasses placed forming a pyramid, but these were sunk in water.

      I started to work on my psychokinesis until I could pull most of the water out of the place with my mind.

      I saw my dad who was buying Morcilla (Blood Sausage) at some place, but he claimed he wanted a Spanish one, not the one made in Los Angeles from Dona Juana.

      I went home with my parents instead going my own home. I was not driving my car either.
    5. Left Behind

      by , 05-09-2011 at 12:32 AM (I Have a Problem)
      Date: 08-20-10
      Length: 5 Minutes
      Vividness: 2/10

      I was in downtown Santa Barbara with my girlfriend Dakota when my dad came and picked me up.
      We forgot Dakota so I told him we had to go back, but he got annoyed.

    6. The Search for My Father

      by , 05-03-2011 at 12:19 PM (Brainy Vapours)
      Me and this random guy are looking for our estranged fathers. We're in some retreat kind of place for people who are looking for lost family members. In our research we discover that we actually have the same father and are in fact brother and sister. We plan to track down our father together and tell him who we are.

      We do find a man whom we know to be the one we've been searching for, we succeed in getting him to come to the retreat often, and we get to know him well. He looks a bit ZZ Top-ish, with a long white beards and glasses that always hide his eyes. I get the impression he's a trucker or something, and his accent is American, which is odd to me.

      My brother is supposed to be around a lot more than he is, but he's gotten involved with some sort of television reality show like Pop Idol or something. Because of this, he is always busy and never around to help me with the plan anymore. I decide that I am tired of waiting around for my brother, I will tell our father who we are on my own. I decide to construct an art project and give it to the man as a gift, but the twist is that the art will be of an obvious sort that will send the message that the receiver is, in fact, my father. I create the piece and it ends up incredibly random (has a hockey stick in it?!?) but dream logic tells me that he will know what it means.

      I present the artwork to my father and his reaction is not at all positive. He is defensive, confused, angry, and yet he does know what it means. I tell him about my brother, his son, as well. It does not go over well.

      I do actually have an estranged father, but he is actually British and not American. Interesting what my subconscious came up with as my father figure. ZZ Top? Lol!
    7. Car Fragment

      by , 04-20-2011 at 01:21 AM

      *This is a very rough draft*

      two women, two children, and had my dad been there before what I remember?
      we were in a rushed situation (after the tidal wave fragment?)
      in a house/cabin on high ground

      I realized the two women were abandoning us
      i argued about me being left responsible for the children and that we all needed to help
      they were in the car about to drive away. I got in.
      their hair looked nice, long
      one was up in a pony tail
      their hair was important to them

      selfish, uncaring women
      they started to drive off
      I fucked up their hair angrily
      pulling her band out of her hair and throwing it out the window
      doing something else, also rather ineffectual, to the other one’s hair
      I started to leave the car to go back to the children

      Updated 04-20-2011 at 10:55 PM by 44605

      non-lucid , memorable
    8. Another Beach with my Dad and Tidal Waves

      by , 04-19-2011 at 11:03 PM

      *This is a very rough draft*

      Waves and Child

      in the ocean, swimming around for a while
      a ways out from shore
      looking below, at the sea floor
      Then after a time, I head back toward shore

      Jen’s (high school friend) old car in the ocean closer to shore
      I got in
      a large wave hit it
      Jen came
      she was upset

      I went back to shore, the waves getting higher
      a child there too
      with me
      standing in the water together
      i feel protective
      of the child

      the child says they
      (boy or girl?) see an octopus wrapping around my foot?
      I get scared though I love octopi
      think I see it a ways off under the water
      I walk fearfully out of the water
      the waves getting larger
      I'm wondering how large they’ll get

      (Often in my dreams the tidal waves grow to become inescapably vast)

      the child and I go to higher ground
      watch the waves
      getting higher
      splashing past where we’d been

      going to even higher ground
      my dad is there with us
      a beautiful, panoramic view of the ocean from where we are
      we are atop maybe a 300 foot cliff
      houses below closer to the beach
      water rushing past them in a thin sheet, curving and splashing up the cliff far below us in a big sheet that splashes at its far reaches
      my dad is concerned about the waves, scared and determined to do things he knows he has to do about the waves, to help other people
      I think he leaves us

      Updated 04-20-2011 at 01:11 AM by 44605

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    9. The Night Before Last: Intimate Conversation

      by , 04-19-2011 at 09:05 PM

      From the night before last
      *This is a rough draft that I may or may not get around to cleaning up more*

      I woke, trailing out of a dream. I tried to remember but was disappointed that I didn’t. Then the dreams started to come back to me.

      Dad, mom, a friend from college, and maybe another friend (best friend from high school?) sitting (on a bed or floor with cushions?). Comfort but not a lot of affection, not needy affection at least. Calmly focused.

      I was asking questions about what happened when I was a child (about traumas that occurred).

      It was observed that I wasn’t as angry as usual.

      I told them yeah, I don’t get so angry now when talking about my childhood traumas with dad. I say “I just got tired of being angry,” feeling very heartfelt and with a glimpse of that exhaustion. “Now I just ask questions about what happened.” Dad agreed, though he still didn’t like to talk about the what.
      The 4 or 5 of us discussed the change in my questions about childhood traumas and if it was a good thing. My college friend appreciated my change (in the face of others having concerns about it).
    10. sleeping cat; mother, daughter, and museum; material snake

      by , 03-12-2011 at 08:47 PM
      Good afternoon, everybody. I hope everybody is doing well.

      Dream #1

      I was laying on a bunch of blankets on the floor in a living room. I was laying on my stomach. There might have been a bunch of people also laying in the living room with me. I could sense a cat walking toward me. The cat lay down near the right side of my head. It began purring. It felt kind of nice to have the cat wanting to sleep near me, although it was a little annoying that the cat wanted to sleep on my head.

      Dream #2

      I was in some plaza-like area with a woman and her daughter. The mother was youngish, blonde, with pale skin. The girl was maybe 6 years old, blonde, with tannish skin. The mother and daughter sat on some crescent-shaped bench made of concrete.

      For some reason I had to go to a museum. The museum was just down the street. I was now in the museum. But all the exhibits were kind of terrible, and there was some kind of pervasive, menacing feel to the place. So, disgusted, I left.

      I was now back with the mother and daughter in the plaza. The woman asked me about the museum. I was telling her good things about the museum. She said she might take her daughter there. I figured the woman wanted me to go with her, like it was a date. But I was too shy to say anything.

      I sat over on some chair away from the bench. The little girl came and lay across my lap. She lay stomach down and had her shirt pulled up halfway up her back. I massaged the girl's back. I understood from this that the girl wanted me to ask her mom on a date. She wanted me to be part of the family.

      I figured I would ask the mom on a date. But now I had to go to some thing like a job interview or a medical examination.

      I went to the examination and came back. The mother and daughter were just about ready to leave the plaza for the museum. I figured this would be good for me. I could say that I was just going back to the museum, too, and that we could all go together. That way it would be like a date, but I wouldn't have to ask for a date.

      I saw a father, possibly an older, Asian man, with his son, who was a little boy, maybe 5 or 6 years old. The boy was sitting across the man's lap somehow, possibly as the man's legs were fully extended.

      Dream #3

      There was some kind of snake that had some kind of material in it. When the material was taken out, the snake would become invisible. The material could be put back into the snake, but the snake would not become visible again.
    11. Identical twins - different fathers

      by , 03-06-2011 at 01:13 AM
      It started out I was watching T.V. This was the only time I would know I would be watching T.V. I was watching this boy, following him in 3rd person.
      I remember him talking to this person identicaly looking to him, though tattier clothing. It was his dads birthday (The one I was origanlly following - they have different fathers lol?), thought the 2nd "twin" forgot. He didn't seem to care.
      Next I remembered 2 people, I took to be the kids (teens) fathers. At this time, I'm just watching them both, from a high angle perspective. I think they were in a different house.
      The father of the boy I was origanally following was asking the father of the other boy to fix his roof. It sounded like he had been saying he was going to fix his roof for some time, though didn't do it. He seemed really reluctant to fix the roof, I think he did agree to it eventually.
    12. Bunny

      by , 02-21-2011 at 02:33 AM (My Sleepy Mind 2010/2011)
      Original Date: 12/10/10
      Type: Ordinary - Non Lucid
      This started in a field with snow and frost and pumpkins. Some of the pumpkin stalks had been burned. I was with someone, a guy. He walked to the left and I continued to walk straight. I saw a rabbit with some gray on his nose, sitting on a stump. I went over to him, laying on my right side and put my hand out to let him smell it and he did. Then I was brave enough to touch and pet him. He darted away up a hill, and the grass was now green and visible. He came back and I pet him some more and he ran again, this time I followed him. Up the hill he had run to a house, one that I remembered, it was very old and no one lived there. There was a huge sunroom, with shining through the first and second floor screens. And off to the side was a door with a walkway leading to maybe the driveway. My boyfriend followed and I told him this was the perfect house. We looked at the sign and it said it was part of the pizza beside it. We went inside and then I was with my stepmom and my dad. I found an inlet with wooden walls and upon pressing the wall a door leading to the basement popped out, I showed my stepmom, then continued on in the house. We walked up the wide staircase, dad was ahead of us, and my bunny was back, he was on the stairs with dad. At the top there was a door and a hole in the banister where the stairs would continue going up but they just stopped and dropped off. The bunny just turned like he expected more stairs and fell down to the lower lever below, we chuckled. I darted past my dad on the stairs to go into the door first, inside was the attic and it was huge! There were 3 very large beds and stuff was scattered everywhere, the beds had bedding on them but were mismatched and not made. Then I realized that the steps were the only thing to lead to this, no other doors, so I went downstairs to search for other rooms. With my stepmom, we found another room, which I think was similar to a bedroom. The cool part was that there was an opening in the ceiling, that was like huge wide steps. Using my forearms, I hoisted myself up and realized this took us back to the attic. Then I was back downstairs and wanted to show my father the basement. When we went down it was pretty decent, not terrible old, a little messy. While down there for some reason my dad captured my bunny and submerged him in liquid to preserve and do tests on him. I was very upset, I saw my bunny's face staring back at me through the jar. Then my dad took him out and wanted to put another chemical on him. I was boiling mad! The poor rabbit had only about 4 hairs left on his body, he was blue and then he looked orange. At one point a thought had gone through my head to leave the bunny there as we walked out the door. And I felt very horrible for this, then I thought I never should have gone to pet him. I was very sad.

      This was sad, I felt like it was my fault and that I lost something precious, because it was a life. The house was familiar to me in some ways, maybe dreamt of it before.

      Objective Context:
      I discussed houses with a coworker. My boyfriend told me he wasn't ready to be married anytime soon. Work drama/stress. Still needing to study. I was telling boyfriend about my house pet spider Max.

      Age of Dream Ego: 26

      Associations to Dream Setting:
      This was a familiar place to me, the house, I visited it before. The outside was relaxing and had great potential, but it was a neglected fixer upper house.

      Happiness, discovery, reluctance, curiosity, excitement, disappointment, anger and loss.
    13. Fragment - Hallucinogens

      by , 01-26-2011 at 04:28 PM
      Type: Regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      It was late at night. The street lights on the road were dim, not bright like they should have been. My father was driving his car, a black 2009 Infiniti with cherry accents inside the interior, at around forty miles an hour down this two-lane road. I was in the passenger seat.

      After a few moments of silence, I began to talk about hallucinogens.

      "I can enter a state of sleep paralysis using them," I told him. "It's pretty cool. You should try them sometime."

      I've never used hallucinogens before and don't plan to. But this dream fragment still shocked me a little bit!

      Updated 05-16-2023 at 08:25 PM by 28408

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    14. I am Not Helpful, Spider Scares Me

      by , 01-13-2011 at 03:35 PM (From the Drowsy Mind of a Mouse)
      "Each time we face our fear, we gain strength, courage, and confidence in the doing."

      I was at my school, and I was carrying my baby cousin. She was having a fit and completely freaking out, so I put her in her stroller.
      Time skip.
      I was in a hallway at the school, and my mother was there. She told me to go outside to the car to assist my father with carrying some things. I had my sweater on, so I knew I'd be warm enough. I walked over to the doors and was about to go outside to the parking lot, when I realized that I didn't have my shoes. I went back to where my mother was to get them, but she began to scold me for not helping, claiming that everything had been brought inside already. I angrily put on my shoes and went outside. I jumped on the ground and slid on the ice on my belly. It was jolly good fun, but I stopped because I didn't want to dirty my sweater.
      I walked over to the car where my father was working on his computer. I began talking to him though the window.
      "Can I help carry anything?" I asked. I noticed some gross-looking bugs on the outside of the car.
      "Everything has been brought in except a couple things that Ill get."
      "I'll carry them."
      "Well, because I didn't help out earlier and I desired to make reparations for my lack of assistance, and THAT BUG IS CREEPING ME OUT!"
      On the car was an ant and a "tomato spider," as I called it (see image below). They both had a bunch of little white grub-like things attached to them, parasites I expected. The ant was big, but worse was the tomato spider. It had a gross red body and long legs, and a fuzzy tail. It fell off the car and I jumped back. I began to stomp on it, but every time I tried to kill it, it didn't die. I stomped again and again, but it still lived.
      I went into panic mode. I was freaking out. I hate bugs, and they are one of my biggest fears. I began to flail, and I almost hit a nice young lady in my panic. My father kept telling me to calm down, but I just couldn't. Now while that damn spider still lived. I stomped again, and again, and again. Finally, I threw a napkin on it and stomped again
      . Finally, I woke up.
      This one scared the feces out of me. I am so afraid of bugs, for no reason. I think this one counted as more of a nightmare than the last one, because while roaches are just gross, big red spiders are frightening.

      This thing is awful. Actual size.

      Updated 01-13-2011 at 03:47 PM by 33120

      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    15. secret sauce; South African Maytag conference call; Chilean money troubles

      by , 12-04-2010 at 05:37 PM
      Good morning, everybody. I recall three dreams from last night. The third dream definitely occurred between 5 AM and 7 AM.

      Just as a side note, in waking life my opinions about South Africa and Chile are not like the portrayals in the second and third dreams. The "South Africa" and "Chile" of my dreams are more a reflection of myself.

      The "keyhole" comment the father makes in the third dream is absolutely influenced by the "keyhole" comment the prospective stepfather makes in Laurel Nakadate's movie The Wolf Knife.

      Also, I seem to portray myself as some kind of awesome ladies' man and businessman. It would be cool if I were. But, alas...

      Dream #1

      I may have seen this dream from the third person, and from a very low angle, possibly as low as the floor.

      A man was standing on some lower level of floor, and possibly also separated by a barrier, from two other people. The man was probably young, though he may have acted old.

      The man was bragging about how McDonald's in his country was better than McDonald's in America. The other two people asked him to explain why.

      The man, agitated, shouted, "Well, for example, Big Macs! In my country, our secret sauce has an extra special ingredient!"

      The other two asked what this ingredient was.

      The man shouted, "Gall!" By which I understood that human gall was being used as an ingredient for the special sauce.

      That sounded terribly unappetizing to me. I may have been half awake at this point, wondering why people would volunteer to have their gall-bladders drained so that the gall could be used in Big Macs.

      Dream #2

      I was sitting with a woman at the back of a darkened conference room. The conference room was full of rows of long tables. At the front of the room was a large pull-down projector screen.

      Projected on the screen was a view of a man and a woman. The woman in the room with me sat to my right. The way the woman and man on the screen were positioned, the woman on the screen was across from me and the man on the screen was across from the woman.

      The woman on the screen was maybe 17 or 18 years old, black, very pretty, with short, black hair. The man, possibly a little older than the woman, looked Latino or possibly Filipino. He wore a frumpy dress shirt.

      The woman and man were representing the appliance company Maytag. They were holding a video conference to discuss the company's financial results.

      The woman and the man spoke for a little while and then came to something like a conclusion. I'm pretty sure the discussion didn't have anything to do with Maytag's operations.

      The woman then began bowing repeatedly and saying something in Japanese, something incongruent, like "onegashimasu."

      I suddenly noticed that the woman was wearing a costume like a mix between Uhuru from Star Trek's dress and a pink, silk cat-girl outfit, even with pink, silk cat-girl ears on her head.

      The man and the woman then began joking, as if they were having banter on some kind of TV talk show. I wondered what the heck kind of financial reporting this was.

      The man now said something about how the South African broadcasting company was experiencing technical difficulties broadcasting from the present building. So the man and woman had to switch buildings.

      I don't know if I'd realized before this point that the conference call was taking place in South Africa. I figured it made sense that there were technical difficulties, given the current infrastructure situation in South Africa (???).

      The man and the woman now began clowning around on the screen even more. The screen's view then switched to a view of either a huge office or a huge apartment in a tall building. A pretty, young, Asian woman with really sexy eyes and brown hair sat before the camera, with a huge window behind her.

      The Asian woman was eating a huge, sloppy hamburger. She got all fussy and pouty, as if she were offended that anybody might expect her to act professional. She whined, "Well, everybody is still coming over here to get the conference call started. So I'm gonna eat some food."

      I was wondering what the hell was going on with this conference call. It was the least professional conference call I'd ever seen in my life.

      I wondered how long it was going to take to get the conference call started back up. I wondered if I needed to change buildings as well. I felt like that would cause a terrible delay. But I then realized that my screen was fine. I didn't need to change buildings. It was just the connection in South Africa that was having troubles.

      Dream #3

      I was in Chile with a somewhat wealthy Chilean family. The family was a father and three daughters.

      We had been out doing something when something happened to me whereby I received a lot of money. At the same time, the father received a call from a company saying that he owed the company a lot of money. We had to head back to the family's home, which was a pretty big apartment in a tall building.

      I had been flirting with the oldest daughter while we had been out. But, also, something I had done had upset the middle daughter. She was now in the kitchen, pouting.

      I walked from the hallway into the kitchen by pushing open a set of swinging doors (like might be in the doorway of a saloon in a Western movie). The kitchen was narrow. The daughter sat in a window well at the end of the kitchen.

      I pulled my wallet out of my pocket. I told the girl, "You know I said that once I had money I'd help you with -----." I began fingering through some American bills, trying to figure out how much money I needed to give the girl. The girl warmed up to me. She didn't seem so upset anymore.

      I sat in the window-well with the girl. I put my right arm around her. I then began fondling her between her legs with my left hand. I wondered if what I was doing was right. After all, I had just been flirting with the oldest daughter. Should I really be flirting with the middle daughter, too?

      Then I realized that, somehow, the "agreement" among the family was that I should act as a "husband" for all three daughters. So it was okay for me to be messing around with all three girls.

      Someone called the girl and me out to the living room.

      I was now lying on my stomach in the living room, looking into another room through a doorway. I saw a young man lying on his back on a mattress. The young man was sick. He was possibly about to die. One of the reasons, I realized, that we had come back home was because the young man had suddenly taken ill while we had all been out.

      (I should also say that somehow the mother's death, "a few years back," played into this part of the dream. But I can't remember how.)

      The father was sitting at the table in the adjacent dining room. His business partner sat to his left. The father was on the phone, possibly with the company that was claiming the father's supposed debt.

      I figured that there was something I should be doing to take care of this situation. I felt I could be resourceful enough to take care of something. I knew people (???). I should be able to get in touch with someone in the US who knew an expert in Chilean financial legal matters.

      The father addressed me. He told me how much he loved this place. He had a black-and-white satellite-photograph map of the neighborhood laid out on the table. He pointed out a specific park that he and his family loved going to. The park was next to a plaza and a museum. It was a very prestigious neighborhood.

      My view zoomed "upward" away from the park as the father explained mournfully how it was likely that the family was going to be forced out of this neighborhood by its sudden financial troubles.

      My brother, who, I now saw, had been sitting across from the father, pushed a piece of notebook paper across the table to the father. The paper had a transcription of the "contract" which was the main point of dispute between the father and the company.

      My brother had made the transcription in green pen. The writing was all some kind of hieroglyphic or symbol language, full of radish-shaped, circular letters with circles inside of them. I might have told myself something silly, like this was the native Mayan (???) language of Chile.

      The father began critiquing my brother's transcription. He used a pen to insert a crucial "keyhole" (as he called it) glyph into the transcription.

      I sat down to the father's right as he tearfully began explaining everything the contract meant. The father was thin, but it seemed like he was just beginning to gain weight, as if he'd be overweight in a few years. He had coppery skin and a tight, curly hairstyle. He wore a brown, tweed suit, a white dress shirt, and a tie.

      The man's business partner wore a very similar suit. But the partner was pale white, very thin, tall, and gangly. He wore square, silver-rimmed glasses. He had shaggy, red-brown hair and a half-stubbly beard.

      The father translated the "Mayan" document for me. He was eventually able to explain to me that there was some kind of claim being made by the company for cash which should really have been considered a "non-cash" obligation (???).

      It was becoming increasingly clear to me, as the father tearfully explained the text, that the terms of the contract actually didn't specify a monetary obligation at all, but a kind of conditional agreement that would only have a monetary value based on certain successes, which the father did not have.

      Finally, when I saw the situation for what it was, I began talking, right over the father's weeping explanations. I kept asking the father who his legal counsel was. It took a while for the father to stop crying and just listen to me.

      My plan was to see what kind of legal counsel the father had. But I already knew that if the father didn't have sufficient legal counsel, I would almost certainly be able to find some in the United States.
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