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    1. Change in Earth's Rotation, Work/Recess/Paper Praise, and Open-World Gaming

      by , 09-21-2014 at 11:25 AM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was watching something play out about this teenage boy who was going to have a meeting at his house about a change happening with the planet's rotation. There was someone, an adult woman, who was trying to stop him from having the meeting. He did finally have the meeting, and I saw this really cool holographic image of what I guess was the Earth spinning with some gold trail coming off of it when it spun.


      I was at work, but it was outside in this big field. It was still the bakery; there was an open building in the middle of the field. I saw Brittany, a girl I worked with at another job, shopping. Others saw her too and said hello, saying she didn't even look like she had had a baby (she had a baby a few years ago IWL). She then started to work there. I guess she worked at another store. I "remembered" that she sometimes came and worked at our store. I also saw my brother there, talking on the phone. I tried to get his attention to talk to him, but he was ignoring me. Was he mad at me for some reason?

      I then walked out of the bakery and into the field. There were many people there, all outside for a very big recess. There was a school nearby. I ran into my first real boyfriend from high school, B, and someone else, a girl. They were smoking this huge, weird, skinny pipe that had traditional wooden yellow pencils sticking out from it all over the place. B asked me if I wanted to smoke. I took the weird pencil pipe and wasn't sure which side I was even supposed to smoke out of. There was smoke coming out of it, and it smelled horrible. I asked what they were even smoking, and B said it was weed and something else, can't remember what. I thought about taking a hit and being high, which would break my sobriety. It would also impair my thinking, so I decided against it. Besides, with all the smoke billowing out of that thing, I'm sure I got some sort of second-hand hit without meaning to.

      I then was inside the school in a classroom. I was there with only a few others, and the light was off in the room. We had written these papers about what we wanted to do with our lives, and we would actually get to spend some time doing a sort of internship having to do with the subject of our paper. I had written about wanting to help disabled children. The teacher had already read the papers. She then told me that mine was outstanding and really praised me for it. I thought about an internship and spending a lot of time with children. I was nervous, because I really haven't spent time with little kids since I was a kid. I saw a group of people walking towards me. There were kids, adults, and what looked like a League of Legends character, Fizz I think is his name.


      I was playing this open-world online game where you could pick your character. I was some small either blue or purple fox-like character playing with another one that was either blue or purple, whichever color I wasn't. We were running around in this field, doing some platforming and stuff. We did this for quite awhile. My character would sometimes say something in a feminine voice, like gameplay tips or something.

      We then were in this boss room that we didn't mean to go into. It was a circular room with another, smaller glassed-in room in the middle. All these guys started to come out. The person I was with was now my friend Caitlin, though she was still the fox in-game. I heard her voice say something about the boss in a panic, but I can't remember what. We ran into the glassed-in room for safety, and watched more and more guys come out. We needed to get out of there somehow without getting hit. We eventually made a run for it and got out of the boss room and were in another weird-looking dark room. It was creepy because I didn't know if enemies would come out, but they didn't.

      I was outside again, but this time, with a different character, a more humanoid one this time. More running around and platforming. There was a point where I was alone and platforming, and my character gave me a tip about gliding. I then was in first person, and felt like I was actually the character in the air mid-glide.

      I then kept waking up every few minutes and going back to sleep briefly and entering the dream again, knowing that I had to be up for work soon. I kept seeing different, later times in the dream than it was IWL, andI'd wake up and look at the clock, only to see a few minutes had passed.
    2. Creepy Hick Dream...

      by , 08-25-2014 at 05:24 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      August 24, 2014

      I had a dream on Friday night and remembered it, but didn't write it down when I woke up in the night. I'd forgotten it by the time I woke up again for reals. There might have been something about Zukin (would make sense, we were cuddling after all) and the woods.

      On Saturday, Zukin and I got up to some supernatural shenanigans and then she showed me something really thought provoking but creepy right before bed (And Salad Fingers.... nightmare fuel) so I had trouble falling asleep. When I did finally sleep, the only dream I remember having was this:

      Find the Hick

      All the dream was, was scenes flashing around. First, there was a corn field, and a man in jean overalls and a crooked straw hat (The Hick) was standing between the stalks, just staring at me. Then The Hick was in a grassy field, staring at me from behind a large tree. Then The Hick was on a dirt road in the middle of nowhere, still staring at me. There were other scenes, and they all had The Hick, just standing there, still and silent, staring at me. They were all dark, too. It must have been night time with a full moon because I could see him pretty clearly; but he was always too far away for me to see his features...
    3. 5 Minute Dream

      by , 08-11-2014 at 05:59 PM (Zukin's Dream Journal! <3)
      This happened between my last 5 minute snooze on my alarm clock (9:55am to 10am)

      I was in my bedroom, and I wanted to get some air flowing inside the room since it was really stuffy. I cracked my window open, but snow from outside started rushing in. This was a problem. If I left the windows closed, it was going to get hot in here. But if I left them open, my carpet was going to get wet. I settled on an illogical intermediate of cracking the window open no more than a couple millimeters.

      I went downstairs and started talking to my mother. She said that there was supposed to be some really bad storms today. I drank something, and went back upstairs. This time, I was in my bedroom at school. I sat down on the bed, and noticed that it was getting really dark outside. It was only morning, but it was almost as dark as night time outside. I decided it was time to turn on the light.

      I walked over to the light switch to flip it on, but nothing happened. I wondered if the storm had caused us to lose power. Yet, lights never work when I am dreaming, so I did a reality check - dreaming. I had some things that I had been wanted to do, but right now I was drawing a total blank. I remembered the Task of the Month - gauge your eyeballs out. I did one last reality check to absolutely confirm that I was dreaming before I did this. I stuck my fingers into my eye sockets and felt around. First of all - yuck. Second, OUCH. IT HURT. Like, really fucking bad. Despite the pain, I kept going but I couldn't see shit. Well, I saw the color red. Maybe that was supposed to be blood. So in the process of gauging out my eyeballs, I blinded myself. Great.

      I stuck my eyeballs back in and thought about what I wanted to do next. I thought about doing another task of the month, but I couldn't remember any of the other ones. I remembered the elevator one from last month, but then remembered that I had promised my wolf pack that I would shapeshift and help find a good place for us.

      I jumped out the window and was instantly in the middle of an absolutely beautiful field. There were yellow flowers growing in the field and an old farm house at the very end. To the left was a flowing stream and there were lambs nearby, too. I shapeshifted into a wolf and started running across the field. I've never shapeshifted into a wolf before, so this was a new experience for me. I could feel that my back legs were significantly more powerful than my front legs. It took a minute, but then I realized how to coordinate them to run powerfully like a wolf. This was really a beautiful place! But the lambs were very distracting. And tasty looking.

      I decided that it was time for the hunt.

      I began to stalk my prey, slowly inching closer. When I was at a reasonable distance, I leaped forward and sunk my teeth into the lamb...at which point my alarm clock went off.
    4. Medieval Army vs Nuclear Weapons

      by , 07-31-2014 at 02:10 PM (Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness)
      Waiting in line to be assigned a weapon as I am drafted into a medieval war. I am given a stick with a big spiked ball on top of it. Down the line, they give me a leather cape, and that's it. "What am I, cannon fodder?" I think as I realize how vulnerable I am like this. Not nearly strong enough to wield the mace, even running through bushes would scratch up my skin...

      I walk off, and wander around some grassy hills with a few sparse trees. I see one of my friends with her boyfriend both sitting under a tree and having a good time. I say "Hi" as I pass by, letting them enjoy themselves without interrupting too much.

      I follow a road that goes up a hill, along a small cliff right across from another half hill, half cliff area. There is a guy shooting mortar rounds at me. But I can see the angle of his mortar pod, so it's really easy to dodge. He just rotates as he changes his aim, but doesn't actually move. I have an energy cannon type thing that also shoots like a mortar, but needs to be charged with each shot depending on how far I want it to go. I time my shots to be in between his, and get closer and closer as I fine tune the charging and my aim as I dodge and shoot from different spots along the cliff. He almost gets me a few times, but it is really easy to dodge. Finally, I get a hit on him, but it hardly hurts him at all. He laughs at me, completely unconcerned. But the joke is on him, I can do this all day.

      Then, a nuclear missile lands just to my right. The sky flashes white, and the blast wave knocks me down to the ground. Then everything starts to burn. Must be the radiation. I see a glowing orange smoke slowly spread toward me. Some of it touches my legs and holy crap does it burn! I run to get out of it, and can barely stay ahead of it as it spreads. Down the hill, the smoke does not follow me. Spared just by a thread from dying in that explosion, I am now so weak and injured that I am pretty much useless. I look around for some place to sleep this off. Walking away from the action toward some sort of building that is up a hill, I think that'll work just fine. Spontaneously, someone performs a type of magical healing ritual on me, and I feel back to full health again! I swing my mace around, and it feels easy and comfortable to do so. Now, what to do about this nuclear explosion?
    5. Zombies and Phone Weapons

      by , 07-29-2014 at 05:54 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      We were in a place that looks like a school field, with buildings around. It could very well be Legazpi Active Park. We were fighting zombies, or something like them.

      We were using weapons that require a touch phone to activate. I verbally gave the visual positions of enemies to allies, i.e. one at 8 o'clock and one at 10 o'clock. They were moving around. The others used their weapons but mine is taking time to activate. One enemy sneered at me (imagine a zombie sneering). I tried one last time but nothing.

      I found out (later?) that we can actually "change" our weapon. Mine was a scythe of some sort. I decided to change it (via the touch phone) to something else. I found, as we were escaping, that a passive shield would be more useful. Somehow though, I had someone else use it and just include me in the shield. It was a young girl. We all ran to escape.

      Talking to allies about the "abominations". Turned out they can think (residue of watching Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2?). One ally strongly defended one (looks like the Bernardo Carpio giant in Skyworld) when another questioned its motives. Something about the color (blue and white?) of its exterior showing its true nature (heroic?). It seems that these creatures were once humans.

      I saw a scene where some women asked human-like creatures (male to androgynous) for something like a drug that transforms them into powerful creatures. There were three women (I think). Two of them enjoyed the drug. The last one, long wavy hair, was grateful and kept the leaves (huge laurel leaves) in a sealed plastic and put it in her pocket, saying something like she's saving two for her two children. Something about surviving or escaping. The creatures/aliens didn't seem to care what they were used for.


      Slept 7 a.m. to 12 nn
      Meditated (didn't finish) before sleeping
      Was watching A Beautiful Mind, Gravity and Cloudy 2 earlier
    6. Following the Herd

      by , 06-17-2014 at 03:13 PM
      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #213: Following the Herd

      I’m walking across a field at night toward some distant farmhouse. I think that I should be home trying to lucid dream and realize that I already am.

      I fly a few feet into the air and rub my hands together. I’m surprised to find that my left hand feels like it’s some kind of stiff, hooked claw. I look down at it and I can make out a smooth, curved shape, but it’s too dark to make out more detail. I worry that the scene is fading so I zoom toward the farmhouse.

      I phase or jump-cut through the wall into the farmhouse interior, which looks more like the inside of a cafeteria. There’s a long line of DCs eagerly waiting for something that they’re handing out from behind a counter at the other end of the room. The line is roped off and a somewhat androgynous teenage girl with dark hair and glasses is directing people into the line.

      I start to ask her what everyone is waiting in line for but I overhear someone talk about needing to pay for the item. I instinctively reach for my wallet and realize that not only is it missing, but so are pants of any kind. Shocked at my pantlessness,
      I lapse into non-lucidity.

      I’m wearing a dark blue t-shirt that I try to pull down to cover myself. I hate being pantless but I really don’t want to get out of line. Then I worry about how I’m going to get money. Then my shirt disappears too. I helplessly contemplate how screwed I am until
      the dream ends.
      Tags: field, flight, pants
    7. Shooting for the Stars

      by , 09-17-2013 at 01:13 PM
      I been here before... This was a home where I resided after a long drive through the great plains surrounded by a tremendous forest filled up mostly with roads! There were so many layers one could come by driving all the way through it. Each layer of road would take you higher up until eventually you reach the clouds fogging some of the roadways up there. Fortunately, I was at the very bottom and at the center of this gigantic stadium of roads.

      There was a home located there, I've been there before. It made no sense to me how I got there, but I paid close attention to how it felt being back at this same place.

      Unlike the other dream, there was no one at the residence this time. This time, I'm leaving the land and I'm only back here to make sure everything is fine before I go. I saw the same layout of the home as I did in the other dream. I didn't have time to check for specific items or details of the room, so I continued my way outside, where I had discovered a new place to explore.

      I walked outside to see if I found anything interesting. I saw parts of the gigantic stadium of roads, and I also saw a group of women outside the home performing religious chants. I also noticed the weather changing slightly from sunny to a bit misty. I walked past the religious people and made my way towards one of the most beautiful scenes I see in a lot of my lucid dreams!

      Once I entered a new scene, I noticed a whole class of students walking towards the area I was heading to. Some of these people, I already know but a few others, I do not. We were walking on grass now, beautiful, brightly green covered grass. We walked alongside a fence that eventually led us to a dead end. At this dead end, there was a wall set horizontally from it. This wall had a faded yellow color to it. I also noticed that this wall led towards a gap between one side of a fence, the one where me and the class where standing by, and one end that was about 20 feet away from the fence next to us. This made me recognize something. I looked up to get a better look at the view across the other fence and noticed a big green, grassy field, along with a set of buildings and playgrounds beyond it. At that moment, I realized I was at Fairfax Elementary School.

      Fairfax is like the death bed for me. Dreaming of this place over and over again, experiencing astonishing events with past relationships with people, and remembering it to be the beginning of my timeline, I am truly motivated to keep lucid dreaming to keep my spirits up.

      I stood on this field and witnessed its wonderful moments of peace. Me and the others had then finally decided to go back home. There were people I seen across the field around the playgrounds. They all clapped their hands as we were heading towards the back of a school. We all clapped as well. I raised my voice and began shouting out of happiness. My voice raised the excitement from the others on the playgrounds. We would longer able to see them after entering the exits of school grounds.

      Although it may not seem so beautiful now, this next moment had me really joyful minutes after waking up from the dream, especially when I was in it. I saw one end of the school to my left and the other classrooms at my right. There was also a forest in the direction we were heading. I noticed a lot of vividness at this time. I paid close attention to the quietness of this area, as well as how many people were there at the time. There was a janitor walking around the back of the school and a few other students walking towards their classes. I heard almost nothing while I was walking past this scene. I ponder over it only because this was the first school I ever attended, and I happen to dream a lot of it. If I could, I think I could thoroughly remember what it all looked like...

      Before I knew it, I entered the forest and discovered a new set of fears that eventually made me want to wake up out of the dream.
    8. Six fragments

      by , 09-01-2013 at 02:23 AM (Keitorin's Dream Log)
      Fragment 1: Standing and listening to people talk/play soccer on a field to see who got the techniques a secret way.

      Fragment 2: Inazuma Eleven, playing soccer.

      -Competition, missing, game-like

      Possible inspiration: The last Inazuma Eleven episode I had watched was one before a competition between two teams to see who would go on to do Football Frontier International.


      - I was browsing a manga site on somewhere like Tumblr. There was a message warning about hacking on it. I didn’t recognize a lot of the manga but was going to bookmark it anyway. I felt better about it once I saw they had (Katekyo Hitman) Reborn.

      Inspiration: For the hacking thing, last night I was updating Pillywiggin on the hacking situation on MAL.

      - ‘We’ were standing outside somewhere. An animal had died and we were trying to find something to bury it in. We had a fancy tube, but it was to small, I wondered how it would fit.

      One of the characters felt deeply for the death of the animal and was petting it, only it was alive, he was saying ‘there, there’.

      Some creatures are after us. A raccoon shows up and leads a pack of them around a column and away from us. We run across some brown grassy plains. I look back and see a bunch of dogs chasing us now! Someone beside me says that they’re friendly. They’re just running after us for fun, and a couple lick at my hands.

      - A man is going through papers someone had done, he says it’s good work and goes to meet his ‘student’. He goes outside, and when he spots him the student says something meaningful. The setting is a really pretty garden area/backyard. All Irvin can see is Haruka’s head, and as Irvin gets closer, it’s to see that Haruka is standing in a very clear, small pond of lilypads and grass.

      Haruka’s face was really vivid, the style he was drawn in made him seem bigger than in the Free! anime, and the scene was drawn as if it was taken directly from a manga.

      - Something about taking on a debt.

      Possible inspiration: The column probably came from the dream yesterday. Irvin is from Shingeki no Kyojin, Haruka is from Free! Iwatobi Swim Club.
    9. Older dreams (Part 4)

      by , 08-12-2013 at 07:06 PM
      [B][U]Sunday, 24. April 2011: "04:70"[/U][/B]

      In this dream it is nighttime, and I am looking at the alarm clock in the living room. It reads "04:70". My cousin is there. I laugh about it, and so does he. At first I think I might be dreaming, but then I decide that the alarm clock is malfunctioning, and I leave it at that. Later I remember telling someone that the alarm clock is malfunctioning.

      [B][U]Wednesday, 27. April 2011: "Movie script"[/U][/B]

      I am in a darker room, kind of like a cinema, but it looks like I am attending a seminar. People are going to hold some speeches or something. I remember the whole situation revolving around a movie script for a horror movie. There is a man who talks a little about the script, but I don't remember the content. I remember two guys, middle-aged, chasing each other in a playful way through the room. A few moments later they become serious again. The atmosphere is tense, but not scary.

      [B][U]Wednesday, 27. April 2011: "Teleporter cannon"[/U][/B]

      It is daytime, but the weather is not sunny. I am standing outside in some field, with some sort of teleporter machine in front of me. There is a numerical keypad, and several LCD displays, along with other buttons. Someone is with me, but I don't remember who. I am pressing some buttons on the machine, and programming it so it is ready to teleport me to some destination. After I'm done "programming" it, I realize that this is actually some sort of big cannon for humans, and that I have to get inside so it fires me out of it. As scary as it sounds, I don't get very scared. I feel uncomfotable, but nonetheless decide to try it out, only a "small" test, not a big distance. So I get inside, and it fires me out, I don't go very much in the air. I notice that I have a parachute on me, so I pull on it, and it opens up. Now I slowly fall toward the ground.
    10. Talking to rabbits in a field

      by , 06-29-2013 at 10:00 AM
      I'm not 100% sure whether I was even asleep for this or whether it was a semi-conscious kinda weird thing... One minute I remember tossing and turning in bed, and the next... rabbits in a field, then... back to the bedroom... ???

      I was talking to rabbits in a big open field, feeding them and chatting as though they were friends I was out for a meal with. That's it in its entirety!
    11. Field of the ancients NLD

      by , 06-28-2013 at 08:35 PM
      Date: 28th

      Pre bed: Multivits, WBTB: some red bull

      Comments: I was very sleepy and quickly reviewed the storyline so some details were lost. The dreams had some bizarre but still interesting and pleasant post wake feel to them.

      Dreamlet: some granny and another woman sitting on a chair/wheelchair

      Dream1: I am in my hometown and want to buy some supps – copper that is dissolved in water. It is not available where I am at the moment, so I go to a bus station and head to the nearest drugstore. On the corner is a street stall where they sell all kinds of prayer beads – malas/rosaries made of colored wood. As I am heading towards the drugstore one of the items falls down on the floor. The stall was first to my right, but as I look back it is to my left! I go back to apologize to the sellers – a man and woman sitting on the floor and tell them that I would like to look at the items when I am back. Then 3 of them and me join in some kind of a game – not so much a game. There is a white Ouija board but no letters, and some other part that we will be moving with our hands. We have to select the person who will receive the message. I am slow to react so the woman picks to be that person. I think that I should not have allowed that because this way they could easily pretend and make up some kind of message. I look at the man in front of me – I feel I have known him all along and have positive feelings towards him.

      Dream2[high fragmentation and possibly separate dreams]:

      I am in some kind of a building on the last floor and move through the rooms which are aligned like a corridor. In the first room are the items of some dangerous guy that is not here anymore (prison?) but it looks like a friend of mine also has access to his room and has left some notes/diaries there. I am very curious and want to read it all but someone (maybe it was her) comes in and I move along the corridor like building.

      This time it is a normal corridor, very long with lots of rooms on each side, reminding me of a school. Some kind of class/event is over and I hurriedly move forward by using some kind of a button to speed up, much like running in a video game. I reach the restroom to my right, then exit it, go into one of the rooms to the left, some people I know there? Then decide to go back to the restroom and I look for the same room on the right, the second or third door, but of course it is a different room now and I am very confused. They tell me the restroom is on another floor and I head to the stairs.

      On the upper floor I can see/hear some family friends. Changing my mind about finding the restroom, I want to eavesdrop and find out what they are talking about without them knowing about me being there. That doesn’t quite work as the mother discovers me and I have to officially join them. Some interaction with them and the upper floor is the last floor of the building that has been turned into some kind of observatory. There are interesting things happening as some kind of machine is activated. (Unfortunately I can no longer recall). For a moment the upper floor is like a box, there are reverse window shutters and as am I talking to the family friend I am lying with my entire body on this shutter that goes up and down in mid air, trying not to slip. Back to talking to them.

      Then there are a lot of people around a table and it looks like we are playing some kind of game. I mostly pay attention to some strange item like a miniature house and some vegetable – like beans as we are playing this game. Some people miss intentionally their turn and now it’s my turn but I don’t want to play. There is some talk about it and I clarify that it is because I have no idea how to play this game, then consider giving it a try.

      I am on a lower level, like an open room, on the floor or an bed and look up to the building in front of me and on the last floor or somewhere like few floors above me I see Xanous in a room. To the left of him is a woman that I conclude is his wife, blue clothes? (really not sure). I try to say something to him but he is behind a glass, in that room and doesn’t hear/understand me. There is some zooming of my vision and he gets out some signs, something written with his address and directions how to get there by car. Two street names and Junction 8. I see a map with highway and different cities aligned.

      I am on the street of some unknown town and conclude that some gangstas have been stealing from clothing stores. This is triggered by the fact that I find two pairs of new jeans with labels on the street. Another street man/gangsta comes and we talk as I try to figure out whether the jeans will fit my bf. Then decide to give them to the gangsta. I notice that this pair of jeans is prohibitively expensive, something like 1267? But hey maybe it is a very fashionable model. We are now in a store and the lady that works there behaves in a commanding way. We (me and another DC) just want to allow the gangsta to try the jeans, but the lady says we need to keep our distance, what? I reply that I am leaving anyways so no need to fuss.

      [warning even more strange stuff follows]

      I go out on the street and go to a black lady with some small kids. My memory is a bit blurry but as I walk the surroundings are transformed as we are now having a discussion about democracy, the world, then something about the development of civilization. The sun is shining bright and as this conversation goes on I am following a muddy road in the midst of a strange field. The road is no less weird, I am supposed to be following the left side of it. The road is covered with yellow fancy dust that in my mind is bright blond hair that has been cut, but it looks like a small river of pollen tracks. I think it is sunflowers. No, it is the hair of these people. There is a row of people, items that resemble some kind of a helmet (like the ones that you put on mayan gods), it changes, they are people, warriors from the past. Now they are dead. I wonder why their hair is blond when they are black, and inspect one closely. His forehead is brown. Ancient. He is cold to the touch. I come to my senses and first of all wonder why there is no smell if they are dead? Anyways, don’t want to be stuck there in the middle of this summer/ early autumn wheat type of field as down the road there is another row of these ancient warrior soldiers lying there. I head back following the same road in this strange but still beautiful sun-lit field.

      Updated 06-28-2013 at 08:43 PM by 61764

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment , side notes
    12. Dream Journal Entry 2: Various Fragments -04-07-2013-

      by , 04-07-2013 at 04:35 PM (The Land of Dreams - SilentEternity's Dream Journal)
      1. I was at my old home, in the shower. It was slightly larger than I remember. There was some kind of radio in the wall, playing a track called "Hypnosis"

      2. I was in a classroom. It was completely filled, and the lights were out. I had a laptop or screen in front of me, and I was browsing Deviantart.

      3. I was near a lake, in some kind of grassy field.

      4. I was on some kind of WW2-era battleship (unknown class)...on land. We were fighting infested terran from StarCraft 2, and a Hybrid Destroyer (same game) showed up - though we called them Servants of Silence (which is from an RP setting I've created).

      Updated 04-09-2013 at 01:27 AM by 62260 (updated title)

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    13. Movie Theater and the ride home 2/25

      by , 02-25-2013 at 10:57 PM
      I only remember one very long dream last night, and I only remember segments of it.

      I was in a movie theatre in the lobby. There was a hallway with structures and benches in the middle with movie posters on triangular prisms coming out of the ground like in some malls where you can see three different movie posters if you decide to walk around the structure. I remember there was a guard standing next to the wall but I was just kicking the wall next to a moving sidewalk, one of those things at an airport. I decided to go inside the movie theatre and I sat near this random girl in the corner of the audience section? what do you call the area where all the seats are? the auditorium? stadium? whatever. No one was there so I got up and left to go back into the lobby and continued to kick walls while I was on the moving sidewalk. When I went back into the theatre there were many people there and I chose one of the only seats left, which was next to this girl I have known for a long time named Melanie. For some reason I remember she was wearing a white t shirt. There was tension between us but neither of us said anything for most of the movie, at one part she lazily put her arm over the armrest so it was dangling over my lap. I did nothing and after a while she put her arm back and nothing happened between us.
      I feel as if this might have been a different dream or happened right after the first dream. I was walking home in this field. There were two roads that if the field was a rectangle, I would start at the top left corner and go down a bit then go across horizontally. There were roads on the edges of the field and as I walked through the field a car drove past me and threw a firework out the window, it had already been lit a while ago but for some reason there was still a few explosions left, and after the car drove for a bit it crashed in the distance. Further down the field police with a megaphone told people to walk with their right sides to the road, so I had to walk backwards as I was going from the top left to the top right. As I was walking backwards on the side of the road I saw a policeman staring at me from the back of a bus as he was going the opposite direction and I was walking backwards to follow the police order. The field seemed to be in autumn at dusk. I remember dark orange being a color a lot.
    14. Doesn't Feel Real

      by , 01-15-2013 at 03:05 PM
      It was dark outside. I was in the kitchen with my mother enjoying a bowl of warm soup in front of the stove. My mother was standing to my left as I ate. I brought the bowl very close to my face and very quickly, I realized I was dreaming! I don't know what caused me to know why I am dreaming, I just asked the question am I dreaming. After realizing it, I went all crazy and started yelling in front of my mother's face and releasing all the excitement I had. That was probably why it ended so quick.

      I also had another dream, or it was after this one(I don't remember), and this time I was walking on a really long dirt road somewhere in the beautiful meadows. There were also other people walking with me. I tried to keep up with most of them but there was a girl I found attractive. She was Valerie. I saw her in a few dreams, I never got to talked to her in waking life. She looks the same in the dream.

      I walked a little bit more and encountered a few animals on my way. There was a small dog chasing me. I'm not sure what it wants. I remember it was attacking some other time in the dream. There was also a cat behind me but it didn't seem dangerous. I saw the dog coming after me and when it finally did, the dog and the cat were fighting each other. It was either a good thing or bad thing. I was never sure which ever one wanted to eat me.
    15. 18/12/2012

      by , 01-04-2013 at 12:46 PM
      This night I had a very profound dream.

      I was at some kind of festival in a field, there was a tent, within this tent were simple tables, square bales of hay, and through the middle was a large electrical cable with a thick plastic cover. Next to the cable was a table, sat at this table was my eldest sister (my sister dearest to me), she had carelessly thrown a cigarette butt onto the plastic cover of the cable. The cable began to melt and catch alight and sparks started to fly. I hurried to the cable and tried to put the fire out.

      The next thing I know I was sat opposite my sister at the table. My sister was trying to tell me something that had happened to me as a child, something terrible. She seemed very distressed by it and kept saying "I'm so sorry Rob, I'm so sorry.". She did not know how to begin telling me.

      Just as she was about to get the words out of her mouth a small child came up to the table and so my sister had to change the conversation to something cheerful and not depressing to pretend everything was okay to the child "..And then we cleaned up the mess and everything was okay.".

      As the child went away, she started to say that she was sorry and that she was going to tell me now. I was then awoken by my alarm clock.

      This dream left quite a big mark on my mind for a while, I've been trying to figure it out but I can't.
      I think it might be about a repressed memory that I have had as a child but I have no idea what it could be.

      End of journal.
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