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    1. Adventures with Friends

      by , 07-17-2011 at 04:21 AM
      Okay, I'm just starting to get serious about Lucid Dreaming, so I'm keeping a journal. Before, I only kept my dreams remembered with a strong will, but I forget some parts often times.

      My goal is to have dreams that feature me and my dream-made friends. For some reason KH BBS characters appeal to me as friends, so they will feature Ven, Terra, and Aqua. More friends will come as the journal progresses.

      I will have powers that are not too overpowering and we will adventure through parts of the world. We may even go to other worlds. We may even do something beyond my understanding, but something that I will experience nonetheless. Our primary method of transportation will be flying. We will have weapons handy for defense all the time, as creating them for my friends is an obvious unnecessary task. I WILL spawn some baddies if things get boring, but in dreams, nothing is typically boring. :)

      I have an strange yearning for people to know my dreams and read them. Thankfully, I'm in the right place to satisfy that.
    2. 07/12/2011 - 1) Fragment, 2) "War on the Water"

      by , 07-14-2011 at 12:55 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      Dream Fragment One:
      There was some type of art contest going on. I remember rummaging through some of the entries with EH (a really attractive friend of mine, whom I seem to be dreaming about quite often, lately). It took forever to get to mine, which actually turned out to be of noticeably less quality than many of the others, but it was still somewhat decent. I could have sworn that I had more entries to show her, but it turned out to be only that one. Later, I was sitting on the floor, and she was straddling my lap with her arms draped over my shoulders. I was kissing along her neck and we were whispering some things to each other. My (deceased) dad was asleep in the other room, and we were trying to keep quiet, so as not to disturb him, or anyone else who was in the house. Later, my ex, MJ, and friend, J, came over. I was telling J about the amazing time I'd been having with EH. We all know each other, and MJ was talking with EH. I could tell MJ was plotting something. She came back over, beaming to me about how her and EH were now 'best friends,' and I had a feeling that this was, somehow, going to lead to trouble.

      Dream Two:
      "War on the Water"

      I was a part of (another) special military force (on some G.I. Joe type shit), caught up in an enormous firefight, in a village with high grass surrounding it. The enemy was a guerilla force, which was very skilled in hiding in the bush and using camouflage. They would pop up in random places, and we'd have to be quick to react. I remember having some weapon that fired hundreds of tiny spikes into the grasslands, blindly, to take out whoever might be hiding in them. One guy cornered me with a rocket launcher, around the side of a building. He was too close to fire on me, though, and I ended up throwing a grenade actually into his mouth (somehow), and diving around another corner just before he exploded. (I had watched the end of one of the Rambo movies, yesterday, which had the whole 'hiding in the high grasses' war scene in it.)

      Then, we had to chase down some of the leaders of this enemy faction. We got down to the water, which seemed more like an enormous lake than an ocean. They had a boat in the marina, and they took off down the water, running pretty-much parallel to the shoreline. We had boats of our own, and were about to get into one model, when we were presented with another, upgraded model. This thing was bad ass. It was like a futuristic rocket-boat - all black - that skimmed on top of the water and had boosters on the back. When they started it, it sounded like a jet engine. This boat just soared across the water at an amazing speed. A few miles down the shoreline, we came up to a landmass that jetted out from the coast a little bit. There was a short skirmish with some of the enemy, here - one of whom didn't look human, but like some human/beast hybrid that had long black spines that stuck out, down the back of his head. During this fight, some of my teammates had been abducted. The ship that the enemy had been on suddenly submerged and dropped down into a watery tunnel that led beneath this landmass. We were about to follow, when one of my other crew members said that we needed to go back and get the other ship that we'd left behind, as well, just in case something happened to this one. He convinced me by telling me how deep they were going, and how horrible a death it would be to drown, simply because we didn't have a back-up ship. I was sold.

      Soon, we were racing back, in the jet boat, to where we'd come from, weaving through some of the other ships along the coast. Back where we had docked, it took us a moment to find the other ship, but we soon had it - along with some reinforcements, and were headed back to the mystery land mass. We never quite made it, though. Along the way, we were intercepted by these large, ethereal creatures. They reminded me of Hindu Gods/Goddesses. They were each identical, aside from the fact that they were different colors. They were very large - some 40 feet tall - and seemed to have a sort of glow to them. They had multiple arms, and each one held a very large, curved sword in it. The entities were all clearly female, and had light wisps of translucent gowns fluttering around them. They gave us some type of threat, as they floated there, on top of the water, but I don't remember much of what they said. It seemed that their mission was to stall us there, though, so I don't know if they were working with the enemy or not. After talking for a while, they asked an enigmatic question; whether or not we'd noticed how the water level had been rising, as we were talking. Looking out over the horizon, I could see a swell. The water was definitely rising. But why? I got a really bad feeling.

      I knew something huge was coming. It was just a sudden assumption that turned into an unmistakable awareness. I told everyone on my team that we needed to get out of here - now. These entities were not about to let that happen, though. As soon as we attempted to vacate the area, they attacked, swooping and diving all around us, throwing their enormous blades at us, which rotated around and returned to them like boomerangs. One of them launched a blade at the jet boat I was piloting. Instinctively, I launched myself high into the air, my vessel being destroyed beneath me. Now, boatless, I dropped back down toward the water. Suddenly, though, I stopped. I was hovering - practically standing on the water. I realized that I had the ability to fly! This immediately affected the battle, and I was now flying and fighting and dodging these things and their flying swords. Feeling just on the cusp of lucidity (yet I don't think I ever quite realized I was dreaming), I also began using telekinesis, myself, realizing that - once one of those oversized blades came spinning in toward me - I could mentally deflect it and send it whirling off in another direction, guiding it with a wave of my hand. I also quickly picked up on the ability to loosely control the paths of these weapons, offensively, sending them flying back toward the entities and trying to do them in with their own swords. The fighting was extremely fast-paced, like fighter planes dogfighting over the water; dipping close to the sea and then changing course at breakneck speeds. The rest of my unit continued to fire their weapons from their vessels, unless they had already been destroyed.

      Ultimately, though, we just weren't making any progress with these things. The huge swell in the water was just getting bigger and bigger. The swell then turned into a wall of water heading toward us. It was a few dozen feet high, and I could see that, after it, the rise in water level would be completely overwhelming. 'Standing' on the surface of the water, once again, I quickly increased my altitude in just enough time for the wave to pass beneath me. On the back side of the wave, the water level was now practically touching my feet again, and I looked back toward the shoreline just in time to see the wave smash into the rest of my crew and the passenger boats in the area, immediately capsizing them and washing them away. I looked down toward my feet to see an enormous black shadow forming. Something massive was surfacing beneath me. I pivoted on the water and shot off in one direction, the surface of the water speeding off into my peripheral vision. I could see that this shadow was following me, though, moving just as fast as I was. Again, I went even higher, arcing up above the water and looking down below.

      Finally, my pursuer appeared - bursting out of the water with jaws wide open. It was as if Godzilla, himself (the 1997 version) came jumping out of the water like some sort of leviathan. (It was, without a doubt, the largest sea monster I can recall ever dreaming.) I frantically increased my speed and the gigantic teeth snapped closed behind me - so close that I actually had to tuck my legs and then kick off the monster's closed maw to fly even faster. The only thing I ever saw was the head because its incredible size blocked any possible view of the rest of its body. This colossus just continued to chase me - diving in and out of the water and keeping pace with me - repeatedly snapping its teeth within just feet behind me as I tried to fly faster and faster away from it.

      I don't remember the outcome of the chase, though. But damn that was intense.
    3. 07/11/2011 - Untitled Fragment; "All Hands On Deck"

      by , 07-13-2011 at 06:19 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      Dream Fragment One:
      I was with two of my ex-girlfriends and some other gorgeous chick who looked like EH. The first thing I remember is laying on the bed and talking/flirting with EH. Before too long, we were all hugged up on each other, and things were just going great. I was kind of resting on top of her, and she actually lifted me up in the air with her feet, like one would do a child, and kind of 'flew' me around over her. Then she let her hands go and I was suspended by nothing but her legs on my stomach. I remember being amazed at how strong her legs were. It was then that I realized I was only in my boxers, and my, uh, 'infatuation' was fully exposed, through the unbuttoned hole in the front; pretty much just hanging down right in front of her, and everyone else. More than just a bit embarassed, I had her put me down so I could 'adjust.' Shortly after this, I got up from the bed. She quickly followed - jumping off the bed and onto me, wrapping her legs around me and holding on with her arms around the back of my neck. Playfully, I carried her around the room like this, resting her back up against one of the walls at some point.

      Don't really remember much else from this dream.

      Dream Two:
      "All Hands on Deck"

      I was a crew member on a military ship. A frigate, maybe. My earliest memory of this dream was my unit being poised to attack an enemy ship, not too far from us, at night. Apparently, everyone was waiting for me to fire the first shot, and kick off what was supposed to be a covert attack. I had this huge, cumbersome chaingun, which had two joysticks and an array of buttons on it. I just looked at the thing, really having no idea of how to work it. The enemy boat was far enough away that I couldn't see what I would be aiming at, in the dark. There had to be some kind of sight on this thing. Fumbling with the buttons, I flipped a switch and mistakenly turned on a huge spot light, which shined across the water and directly onto the enemy ship. Well there went any chance of a surprise attack. Quickly, I tried to recover, hearing the hushed curses of the guys in my unit. I flipped another switch and a night-vision display came up, between the joysticks. Not having much time to adjust to the image, I just opened fire at all of the little blips on the screen. Following my - quite embarassing - lead, the rest of my team opened fire as well, kicking off the full force of the attack.

      The next day, I was having to report to my superior's quarters, presumably to get chewed out for making such a mess of what was supposed to be a precision attack. On my way across the dock/harbor area, which seemed to be a mixture between a dock and an airport, I saw my best friend just getting back home from his trip. Completely surprised by this, I went over to greet him. A crowd of our family and friends were around, including JD, MR and I think JS. We all gave him a huge group hug and welcomed him back - with a few tears of joy throughout the group - but I knew that I didn't have time to stand around. I told him I had to go, because I was about to get reamed out for what had happened the previous night. I jogged off and continued my way across the dock and onto the ship, trying to find my way to my CO's quarters. The ship was basically a labyrinth; just an endless maze of tiny compartments, suffocating hallways and ladders. I rounded a corner and came to a wide area, within the hull. On the outside of the room was an Autobots symbol, and inside, there were dozens of giant robots, many of them identical, practicing drills. Apparently, we were in the midst of a joint operation with the Transformers. They were going over tactical transformations and timing, repeatedly transforming and de-transforming in unison.

      Moving on, I finally made it to where I was supposed to be. Just before stepping in the door, though, I noticed that I wasn't wearing any shoes or boots. I knew that it would be unacceptable to show up like this, so I had to run all the way back to my own quarters (wherever that was. Can't remember). On the way back across the deck, I remember weaving through some male and female soldiers that were doing PT; mainly pushups. While running across the ship's deck - not too far from the edge - it became hard to run. It's that old, dream scenario where, no matter how hard you're running, you just don't seem to be getting anywhere. It didn't quite feel like I was running underwater - as it usually does. Instead, it felt more like trying to run into a hurricane, and the wind was just so strong that it was holding me in place. After trying to run for a bit, I would slow down, and the sensation would completely go away. And then, once I started running again, it would come back again, and this imaginary wind, which did not affect anything around me, would keep me running in place.

      This strange sensation caused me to realize I was dreaming. I tried to confirm this by focusing on a window a few yards away and motioning with my hand, toward it, trying to break the glass from a distance with telekinesis. I could almost 'feel' an impact, from afar, but didn't really seem to affect the window at all. Still, I knew that I was dreaming. There was a cargo net in front of me, which I would have to climb, to get back to where I needed to be. It was elevated onto a platform, at the far end, and I took one high jump toward the center of the net. It was maybe a good 20ft jump, and I could hear some soldiers gawking and gasping in amazement. I made a second jump, bounding maybe another 30 feet in the air and landing on the top of the platform, skipping most of the obstacle. I had to walk along a slender catwalk, after that. It was somewhere around here, where I lost lucidity. And the last thing I remember is just going back through the hallways and trying to find my CO's office again.

      Updated 07-13-2011 at 06:25 PM by 2450

    4. 07/09/2011 thru 07/10/2011 - Untitled Fragment; "Outside the Octagon"

      by , 07-12-2011 at 02:37 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      Hammered. I remember Nothing.

      Dream Fragment One:
      (I know that there was a lot that had gone on in this dream, but I can really only remember a small section of it.)

      I was with a group of people, in a tall, hollowed out building. It was like a barn, really. There was a tornado coming, and we were all strapping ourselves down, so that we would not get blown away, once it hit. It was a lot like the end of the movie Twister, actually. We were tying ourselves to leather straps which hung from the ceiling. I had a rifle or shotgun with me, and had a make-shift holster for it, that was slung over my back. It was a really long and cumbersome sheath, much like the one for my great sword.

      The winds picked up and the twister came through. I could see the torrent of weather outside, through some seemingly wide-open hole in one corner of the building. At one point, we were actually suspended from the floor by these straps, with our feet unable to touch the ground. It was all pretty intense, but ultimately nothing too noteworthy happened.

      The last thing I remember is going back outside, after the twister had passed, and all of us having to jump over a chain-link fence, in a rush to get...somewhere. I dunno.

      Dream Two:
      "Outside the Octagon"

      I was in some nightspot which looked like a cross between a dance club and a game room. At the far end of this place, there was a separate bar, which I believed was some sort of VIP affair. Nonchalant and curious, I made my way over to this area, making sure that no one was watching, and then I slipped through the doors. I found myself in some pretty slick strip club, picked out a seat near the stage, and watched the show for a while. They had some hilarious 'audience participation' games, where people got to go up on stage and do ridiculous things to win money and whatnot. Somehow, I ended up getting picked to try out for a massive mixed martial arts tournament that was coming up. (I don't remember much about how I actually got picked for it.) I got up on stage, along with a few other guys from the audience, and waited to hear about what to do next.

      Time skipped ahead and I believe it was the following day. I was being ushered into this arena, and there were literally hundreds of dudes signing up for this tournament. There was a sign-up room set up in what looked like a normal high school gymnasium, where a certain number of guys in different weight classes had to be chosen by other guys, to fight against. It didn't matter who chose who, initially, as there was going to be another stage in which everything was to be evened out, somehow. There were guys of all builds and social groups; thugs, nerds, rockers, hillbillies. Everyone. So many of these guys were huge, though - definitely out of my weight class, and I'm not exactly 'small,' myself. I'm no professional fighter, though, so even when I saw some of the smaller guys, I paid attention to their demeanor and attire. I tried to steer clear of the smaller Asians, wearing their gis and dogis, knowing that their sizes could be very deceiving. An old co-worker of mine, VS, showed up in line. He was actually behind me, but shouldered his way passed and gave me this trouble-some grin before moving off to stand in front of a guy that he'd apparently already sized up. I thought about giving him shit about pushing passed me in line, but I had seen the way the staff of this event had been handling those people that made too much of a scene, or didn't follow directions. At one point, one huge official took a trouble-maker to the ground and began beating his face in, on the floor. I can't remember what it was the guy did, but it was pretty trivial, so I decided to keep my mouth shut and not rock the boat. Finally, I found someone who looked like he might be a decent - but fitting - challenge, and went to go stand in the line forming in front of him.

      Overall, the atmosphere was just insane. Everybody was hyped, and there were ring girls passing booze around to everyone - even us potential fighters. There was standing room only, in the bathrooms, and they even had ring girls refilling our cups with free beer, while we waited in line to take a piss. Afterward, we had to go through another check point, where people were checking our IDs. There was this really attractive girl checking the IDs for my line, and when I got to her and pulled out my wallet, it took me forever to find my ID. I just kept digging through my wallet and pulling out everything but my damn ID. She was cool about it, but getting visibly irritated because I was taking so long. Finally I found it, and she let me through. We moved through another hallway, and I could feel the adrenaline mounting. I was beginning to feel so pumped up - like I could take on the world. I began bouncing around while I walked, getting the blood flowing. I realized that I was bouncing higher and higher. Before long, I was bouncing over the entire crowd and almost touching the elevated ceiling. I only thought this strange for a mere moment, and was not able to induce lucidity. Also, while moving down the hallway, I developed the ability to slide along the ground, with my feet. It felt like there was a lot of sand on my feet and I was just trying to stop really quickly, from a fast pace. However, I could tell that I was sliding for much longer distances than seemed normal. It was fun, though, and I was having too much fun with it to think much about it. I even heard one of the guys behind me talking about it like "Whoa...how the hell is he doing that??" I looked back to see the guy trying to copy me, but I noticed that his slide was much shorter - and more realistic - than mine. (Still, not enough awareness to induce lucidity.)

      Another line. I don't even remember what it was we were waiting for, this time, but it was like being at a theme park and waiting at the turnstiles, with hundreds of people milling about, around me. I met this gorgeous chick, who was standing in line in front of me. (I didn't even stop to think of why it was now a co-ed line.) She was short, thick in all the right places, and had long brown or black hair. She looked Latina, but I can't be sure. We were conversing for a bit, and I asked her if she was single. She smiled and said no, but then seemed to hesitate a little bit and finally added that her boyfriend was back home in Missouri. This raised my interest a bit, and just as I was about to talk to her a little more, some dude came from out of nowhere and put his arm around her neck and shoulders, guiding her away from me. The authoritative way in which he did it - and the submissive way which she responded - seemed like the guy might have been her older brother, or guardian, or something; like he was trying to keep her out of trouble. My best friend T was suddenly behind me (which I didn't realize as strange, since he hadn't been in the dream, before then), and he gave me a nudge. He noticed, just as I did, that the girl kept looking back at me - numerous times - as her supposed 'protector' guided her off to a different corner of the arena.

      Updated 07-13-2011 at 08:58 PM by 2450

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. The Chaos Tasks

      by , 07-11-2011 at 06:27 PM (Zukin's Dream Journal! <3)
      There was a tree in my yard. I was examining it carefully. It was a very strange tree, because it was made out of beads.

      I went out to the backyard where I saw a huge, beautiful cliff. The cliff steeply dropped off into a river of black water before coming up again. There were steep stairs leading down into the dark valley, but near the bottom they were submerged by water.

      It was beautiful, yet sinister.

      I thought about how someone needed to build a bridge to the other side because the stairs were now underwater. There was another guy with me, not sure who he was or my relation to him, that was having a blast jumping off the cliff and into the water. The water was shallow so I was surprised that he wasn't seriously injuring himself.

      I got distracted and went off to play an old video game. I was about to get to the interesting part when I get a phone call.

      "Hey, you need to get down here. It starts at 5," The man on the other side of the phone whispered.

      "What starts at five...?" I asked.

      "The Chaos Tasks."

      Hmm, play a video game or meet up with a mysterious cultish figure? I chose the latter.

      I was summoned to an area with glass doors. So many glass doors! It was like a maze. Trying to find which door was the real one so I could get through this. I followed another guy half way through it before losing him.

      I eventually made it to the cave where we were meeting up to do the Chaos Tasks.

      There were maybe 8-10 people there. For sure Saltyseedog was there, Nomad was there, and Nephanim was there.

      Saltyseedog seemed to be leading the tasks. He was telling us everything that needed to be done. There were about 10 tasks and we could chose the one that we wanted to do. Some were easy. I remember that one of the tasks was "To lay in the river of black water and absorb the darkness".

      "But first, it seems like we have another issue to deal with!" Salty yelled out from the cave.

      You could see in the black dreamscape sky a satellite emerging and growing. The satellite filled the sky and then broadcasted blue waves to the people walking the streets. As soon as the blue broadcast waves hit them, they instantly turned towards us like zombified dream murderers.

      We set out to defend ourselves and kill all of the hypnotized people that were attacking us. I became lucid at this point.

      I was having a lot of fun experimenting with fighting styles while trying to defend myself from 4-5 people at once. I rarely get to do this because my lucids are normally too calm and peaceful.

      At first I tried a martial arts style of fighting. It worked pretty good. Uppercuts, blocking their advances, and an awesome new kick I invented. I was getting bored of it though, I had many things I wanted to try.

      I wanted to try dream magic. I created an invisible energy shield around me while I harvested energy from the attackers around me. When I had enough, I broke through my own shield and exploded with a force field of energy that wiped out any living creature around me.

      I now fought the attackers with invisible force. I didn't need to touch them to push them away. It was so easy.

      "We have...reinforcements?" I heard Nomad yell. There were people on our side coming to help us, but we didn't know them.

      I fought through the masses until I saw something that caught my eye. It seemed to be the leader. She was a woman and snickering at the control that she had. Nomad set her on fire. That made me think about trying to fight with fire.

      Nephanim, Nomad, and I met up in a corner of the dreamscape near what looked to be an elevator. Nephanim told us that he had been busy hacking into the computer program that was broadcasting control signals and trying to disable it. We had killed off most of the vicious people.
    6. 07/08/2011 - "Portals: the Search for the Dream World Academy Begins" (Dream Chain)

      by , 07-09-2011 at 01:08 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      (An amazing adventure, this morning. So I had become really interested in the new Dream World Academy concept, and wanted to give locating it in a lucid dream a shot. I wasn't really sure that I would have a lucid dream, but I got up early and had enough time to try a WBTB. With about 3 hours left to sleep, I came to the computer and browsed DV for a while, reading through the Academy thread once again. Then i lay be down and set my intention to recognize when I was dreaming. [Eidt:] By the way, I still have some journal entries to post, from the days and weeks before this, but I figured I would just start again from here, and I will post those previous dreams later.)

      Dream One (a):
      "Portals: the Search for the Dream World Academy Begins" (Dream Chain)

      It was night out, and I was in a type of old, harbor town, near the water. There were two teams of tactical military forces battling each other, throughout the streets, and I had been sneaking around in the dark - scrambling over rooftops and slipping through shadowy hallways - trying not to get discovered by these gunmen. At one point, I was running along the edge of a rooftop with one of the soldiers trailing behind me, wearing very modern and high-tech gear. When I came to the edge, I knew I had no choice but to try to jump for it, but I was in the air before I realized just how high up I was. My stomach turned as the street-lit road came up at me. In that last moment of panic, though, I recognized how unreal this situation was. On hope and desperation, I braced my hands and feet for impact and landed in a surprisingly relaxed crouch on the cobblestone(like) walkway. I was definitely dreaming. Immediately I remembered the goal of trying to find the Dream World Academy. Even though this area had a lot of close-set houses, there seemed to be many more dark hallways then actual doors. So my chances of finding a portal to the Academy weren't looking all that good. I did find a statue of an elephant or some other large creature, in a courtyard and, remembering the importance of touching things, to keep grounded in the dream, I climbed atop the statue and sat on its head, feeling the stone surface beneath me with my palms.

      After some time, I found myself on the far side of the small town, still set close to the water. This was the opposite team's quarters, and they accepted me in as if I was automatically on their side, anyway. The way they ushered me in - as opposed to the way the other team was actually trying to capture/kill me - made me feel like I was already a member of their faction. Once I got accustomed to them, and things had settled down, I went exploring again. This place was basically an old restaurant, on the water. There were plenty of doors - bathrooms; closets; etc. - and I quickly got to work, opening them all and trying to find anything behind them which I wouldn't expect to find, otherwise. But, even when putting some will power and intent behind it, a bathroom was still a bathroom. A closet was just a closet. While moving through the quarters, I kept touching things; dragging my fingers along the walls and counters, just taking in the sensation of how the surfaces felt. I also made sure to keep looking at my hands, periodically, not wanting to lose the dream before I could meet my objective. After searching to no avail, I found myself back in the bathroom. Everything was still vivid, but I was losing lucidity, probably due to just getting daunted by the fruitless search. Something caused me to remind myself of my mission, though. I had almost forgotten. I was still dreaming, and I had to find the Academy. I looked briefly in the foggy bathroom mirror, but I didn't want to focus too much on my reflection. (I've had some pretty crazy encounters with my reflection, before, and didn't want to get side-tracked.) I left the bathroom and kept searching.

      There are some parts here in which my memory seems to jump around. At one point, I was in the kitchen, which looked just like mine. It seemed to be day time outside now, and there was this really shady-looking cook in there with me. He made some type of threat to me and pulled a knife. I told him that he didn't want to try anything, because this was my dream, and I could crush him, if I wanted. I proved this by raising my hand and levitating some Tupper-ware off of the counter with telekinesis. Shocked and amazed, this cook instantly developed some freakish, homosexual crush on me. He casually slipped around behind me, embraced me, and kissed me on my cheek. Completely weirded out by this, I almost reached back and elbowed him square in the nose. I decided against it, though, and just slid out of his grasp, turning to face him defensively and making my way away from him, also not wanting to get caught up in fighting in this dream. Another fragment came when I found myself sitting in a residential garage, at night. There were headlights of a car beaming in on me, and two guys got out and began walking toward me, threateningly. My lucidity had begun waning, but it was still there. I reached out my hands and tried to push the oncoming men away from me with TK, but it didn't work. Uncontrollably, I questioned whether I was back in the real world. There was a fleeting moment, there, where I felt entirely stupid for trying to use TK on these guys, like I was some kind of wizard or something. I jumped up to my feet and ran like Hell.

      (I woke up here, and saw that I still had about an hour and a half to sleep, so I lay still and relaxed, trying to drop myself back into the same dream.)

      Dream One (b):
      I was back in the harbor town. I don't believe I WILDed, but I was already lucid, from my earliest recollection of this new dream. Moving along the docks at night, I had to stick to the shadows again, slinking my way passed the opposing team's sentries, and making it back to the HQ of my apparent allies. Still checking my hands and touching things, to keep the dream stable, I started searching around the restaurant again. Stepping into the dining area once more, I noticed that I had just passed a stunning woman, whom had grabbed my attention from the corner of my eye. I actually turned around in place, and looked back over to the wall, where she was sitting. She was a classy-looking brunette in an old-fashioned black dress and hat, sitting by herself. Smiling, I walked back over to her, leaning in close. She stared up at me, becoming visibly excited at how close my face was getting to hers. Again, she looked like she knew me, much like everyone on 'this side of the battle.'. There was an anxious recognition in her face - kind of like she and I knew each other very well, and she knew that we weren't supposed to be getting this close. (Now that I think of it, she reminded me a lot of Mal, from Inception.)

      I could see her breathing heavier, the closer I got, and she just stared up at me. Finally, I kissed her. Nothing too crazy. I really wasn't trying to get caught up in LD sex, and I could see how easily that could have come next. She decided to tag along with me, though, and we moved on through the dining area. Still feeling a little, uh, randy?, I used some telekinesis to tug at the shirts and blouses of a few of the girls that were seated at nearby tables. I was never able to pull one of them off, but could only kind of tease them into moving a little bit. Moving further down this hallway, and headed back toward the kitchen area, we passed an older man; a waiter or host. I decided to ask some more DCs if they new about this Academy/castle, stopping the waiter and inquiring about it. He seemed to have at least some idea of this place I was speaking of, but really no information that helped us in finding it. In the kitchen area, still unable to find a portal, we came across an old T.V. Then, it was actually the woman, who came up with an ingenious idea. Why just look for doors? She turned on the T.V., which was only static, and she jus kind of motioned to it. I knew immediately what she was implying. Stepping forward, I put my hands out to the glass, slowly phasing into it. I had been through mirrors before, but never into a T.V. The white and black fray of static filled my view and completely enveloped me. I simply relaxed and went with it, trying to set the intention for this makeshift portal to transport me to the Academy.

      I wound up in a jungle area, in the day time, still lucid. There was a stone slab of wall in front of me, and lush green vegetation all around. A small pit full of water sat off to one side, about 7 feet in diameter and filled with knotted ropes of vines and plant life, stretching down into some of the most crystal clear water I could imagine. I met another woman here, who was a bit of an Amazon, and very 'Earthy.' We got to talking about the Castle I was looking for, and she seemed to be well aware of it. She said that it was hidden back in the mountainous area behind the old harbor town, where the two opposing forces were battling. She also went more into detail about how varied the portals can be, saying that portals are everywhere. Whether or not they will take you to the Academy isn't guaranteed, but that they were everywhere. She pointed to the little well/water pit next to us, that I had been looking at earlier, and told me that it was a portal that would take me back to the harbor, and that I could continue my quest for the castle from there. I jumped into the waterhole, and sank, everything going dark for a moment, and then doing some generic, kaleidoscope-like tunnel transition.

      I was back in the harbor, at night, coming up from beneath the water, somewhere way out in the lake or bay or whatever it was. I could see the layers of stone buildings, just off the water. I knew that the warring parties were still battling, and was going to continue to do my best to stay out of sight. While I was treading water, I could see a figure moving around, just beside me. It was still the dead of night, but there seemed to be some sort of soft light coming up from beneath the water, just enough to see that the silhouette was of a dolphin. It poked its head up near me, and I could see that its skin was actually as black as its silhouette was. I then began to get a little anxious, because I was in this huge body of water at night. I knew it would only be a matter of time before the sea monsters came out to play. So, focusing my mind for flight, I sort of 'surfed' my way forward through the water, and then up and out of it, hovering up onto one of the docks and setting out to find more portals. My flight was feeling very awkward, and my body kept wanting to defy my intention; floating in opposite directions, having trouble staying elevated, etc. I was able to float up to one of the high rooftops, and I grabbed onto the ledge, just on the outside of a staircase. Some of the 'enemy' team were assembling on this rooftop, and they then began walking down the stairway that I was hanging on the outside of. I ducked away behind the railing, hanging precariously off the edge, overlooking the street. They passed practically within inches of me while I watched them, through the stone banister, and one of them looked back to talk to his squad. When he did, I could have sworn that he looked dead at me...but he never said anything to alert his men.

      Within this area of the harbor, I still had a hard time finding a lot of doors, so I went to searching for other 'types' of portals. I found what looked like a sewer drain, in the street, and figured that this could serve as a great portal. Setting the intention to show up somewhere within the academy, I jumped into the hole in the earth. Another Avatar-esque transition through a colorful tunnel, and I again found myself in the jungle setting, where I had earlier spoken to the Amazon woman, but she was nowhere to be found. I took another tunnel from this scene, and ended up back at the harbor town. Still not having any luck with doors, I just kept crawling into holes and dark paths, trying to find a portal that would lead me to the Academy. Throughout all this 'jumping,' I vaguely remember one moment where I showed up in some place where there was a kid around, whom I considered a threat, for some reason. I think he was going to alert the opposing team of my position. I got him side-tracked by asking him if he wanted to see some 'magic' and used pyrokinesis to light my hand on fire. He was enthralled by it, and I somehow used that distractions to escape the area. After another portal jump, I ended up back at the harbor for like the 4th time, only it was day time, this time. I wasn't really expecting to find the Dream World Academy in the daytime (I'm gonna have to ask if it's supposed to appear in the daytime or not), so I actually tried to make it night out, myself. I went through a hallway and commanded that it would be night time, when I emerged from the other side. Didn't work. So, I spent the next few moments hopping in portals and trying to find one that would bring me back to this harbor area in the night, so I could just fly to the mountains and look for the castle the old fashioned way.

      I woke up before I was able to find anything, though.
    7. 7-8 july

      by , 07-08-2011 at 10:11 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      Had a DILD yesterday.....flying around at supersonic speeds. Maybe to prove to myself I could.

      Also had my first fight dream in a while today. Some guy kept talking crap and wanted his friends to jump in, and one of mine said they would jump in too. The first thing i did was knock the guy who he was talking to out, and then I proceeded to work on him. He couldn't do anything and his punches were coming at me in slow motion. Also, his friends never jumped in.

      I also made some kind of profound statement in the dream about life, love, and the world in general. ugg I wish i could remember it.
      Tags: dild, fighting, flying
      lucid , non-lucid
    8. Yesterdays dreams.

      by , 07-06-2011 at 02:27 PM (Aeolar's Lucid Reveries and other Hoopla)
      I was a wizard in Runescape. I had a blue robe on, wielding an air staff, and I also had a dragon dagger. I had just uncovered a teleportation spell that sent me close to home. It cost 10 water runes and 5 earth runes. Bri said she had already taken a picture of the surrounding area. Then I joined about 6 other people. We were going to do a quest, the name was Desert Treasure. We had to go wayy uo into the mountains to get a frost gem. As we went up into the mountain, we stopped at a gate. There was a man sitting there, as if it was a toll booth. We looked past the gate, and there were giant wolves prowling around. The man was talking to some others, and I mentioned to James, "You see those wolves?? They're level 125!" I guess someone pissed the man off, and he took up arms. I had a poisoned dragon scimitar, and a poisoned dragon dagger. The battle raged for a while, going back and forth. When the wolves died, they turned into people, and started battling with swords. I don't know what it is about me and swords, but every time I use them, I had to bend them back into place; they're always extremely flimsy. I was getting better at sword fighting, and as I looked around, there was a black paladin fighting others. He got pummeled and flew into the upstairs of an abandoned house. I chased after him, as he shouldn't have been there to begin with. As I searched, I heard a shower turn on, so I ran to the bathroom. The man was cleaning himself!! I threw him out of the shower and picked him up.

      "Who are you?!" I yelled at his face. He told me that he was a robot from the future, who had come to collect something after the battle. Obviously, the battle hadn't ended yet, and he needed to hide. There was more to his story, but I was fed up with him, and I jumped out, leaving him. Earlier in the battle, I was using my staff and casting spells, but now, I only had teleportation spells, so that was useless. There was one main man that I was battling, and there were only about 4 of us scattered about fighting. I knew I would see that man again, as he disappeared. I had dropped my scimitar, and was using my dagger until the end. The setting had now changed to a playground, and I was asking and searching aloud, "Where is my dragon scimitar?" By the end, the two blades had become yellow with some sort of bodily fluid from them. I gave up the search quickly, and I noticed that a lot more people had arrived. More like popped up. I walked toward the group, and stood in the middle of it. As I did, the dream collapsed, but the people remained.

      I heard someone yell, "Oh no! We lost clarity. Quick! Dreamer! Visualize the scene again!" And I did, as I didn't want to wake up. That queue instantly made me lucid. It took a few seconds, and I was doubtful, but it reappeared and I was content. Now, there were a lot a lot more people around. This time sitting or propped up against walls. I walked in between 2 buildings, and decided that I wanted to gly. I jumped to the height of the building(It was about 10 feet up) and something up there had caught my eye. I jumped again, this time higher, and.. Yes, it was! There were little kids sitting on top of the building. I told someone at the foot of the building about it, and asked them why, but they gave me a vague answer. I think that they had to escape themselves. I jumped onto the roof of the building, and I looked to my left. A small Japanese girl was staring at me. I asked her why she was up here ,but she simply stared. I noticed how the sky was oddly colored, and walked out to the front edge of the building. I wanted to increase my clarity, so I focused on my hand. I didn't do it at first though, because when I did, the space around my hand seemed to warp in a cool way. I did gain more lucidity and clarity after another try though. I looked up into the sky, and remembered what AL3ZAY had said.

      "Pick a space, somewhere within the billions of miles in the Cosmos, and create a spherical piece of land just for you and invited guests." An inner voice told me that it was not yet time for this, so I moved on. I jumped off the roof. I still wanted to fly, and there was a huge auditorium right there, about 25 feet tall. I made it to the roof of that, but still no floating effect. I landed, and looked to my left to see a big group of black people fist fighting. I wanted to work on my hand to hand skills, so I ran over there. I got there, and immediately punched one guy right in his nose. I turned to my right, and evaded a punch. I countered with a left hook. Behind me, a man was shouting a battle cry and running towards me. I jumped and 180 kicked him in the chest. The fight stopped, and the people moved back to form 2 parallel lines.s The 'leaders' were talking back and forth about me, saying that it was uneven now. As I walked down the line, a black girl held out her hand. I took it, and the dream ended.

      Updated 08-04-2011 at 04:48 PM by 47208

      memorable , lucid , non-lucid
    9. outer space man

      by , 07-04-2011 at 04:55 AM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      So I looked out of the window, and noticed the sky was weird again, and knew I was dreaming. When I walked outside, it felt like I had shades on and hood...everything was really dark. I didn't know what to do other than pretend to pull them off. I tried it a few times, and then I just removed my shirt. Day shifted into night, and the sky was beautiful. There were hundreds of stars in the sky, and there were clouds swirling around that looked like Chinese dragons. I saw a space ship, and decided to follow it. All of a sudden, I'm in outerspace flying at hyper drive speeds. It slows down, and I find myself aboard it. There are these aliens and humans there, and I just went through destroying all the aliens. Eventually it was time for plan B.
    10. Ready to Fight

      by , 06-26-2011 at 04:40 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      I was in a restaurant and recognized characters in white or yellowish hoodies. They were going to kill
      me and someone that I was with. I tried to get my friends attention to warn them. I don't think I was
      able to warn them, but I got up and left the room before the evil people could kill me.

      I was in a building that had lots of rooms because I kept running through different rooms to get away.
      On two occasions, two small men would come through an open doorway to get me. Instead of running away,
      I ran after them. They weren't expecting that and they ended up running away. Then a single guy came
      through an open doorway. I ran after him and surprised, he ran away too.

      Then I was at my dad's old house. I had a '65 limmo/charger in the garage. I was with 3 women in some
      kind of costumes. One was a '50s waitress or something. Then there was one that I really liked, but I don't
      remember what she was wearing. I think she was in black. Then there was another lady that I don't remember
      anything about.

      I commented on how odd it was that I was with three women.

      My dad lived on a corner, so as we walked up one street, we had to pass the other street that ran along my
      dad's house. I told the ladies I would come back for them. I went up to my dad's house trying not to be
      noticed by the bad guys. I made it up to the garage where I saw my dad. My dad used to be
      a trigger to lucid dreaming, but not so much lately.

      My dad was showing me cap guns I could use to scare the bad guys. Then the guns he was offering became shrapnel guns.
      The idea was like a .22 where there was a small projectile, but still a low caliber weapon. I thought it would be weak compared
      to what the bad guys had.

      My dad started showing me knives then. I thought that was worse than the guns. Then, when I decided I should at least get a
      couple shrapnel guns, I found the knives more accessible. I loaded up on throwing knives.

      I went over to the car in the garage. I uncovered it and got in. I was hoping it would start because it looked as though it had been
      parked for some time. Before I got a chance to drive it and pick up the girls I was supposed to pick up, I dream-skipped.

      I was in a house where the bad guys were still after me. I was looking out windows waiting for them. I had a shotgun. I was going to
      be ready to blow them away. I decided that they would likely shoot a machine gun through the windows before they even got to my
      place, so I found a window that they would hit last. I positioned myself so I could blow them away.

      I remember cocking my shotgun. There was a handle on the shotgun slide I had to pull back and push back forward.

      That was the end of the dream, but I had a hard time getting my shotgun ready, and I remember feeling great that I was ready. I
      also remember taking a practice shot, but it may have been a mental practice shot.
    11. My 2nd LD.. Finding DG + ToTM ?!

      by , 06-15-2011 at 06:42 PM
      Nondream - Lucid - Nonlucid

      How I pulled off Another LD, I will never know. This is the second LD in a row.
      Somehow.. It was another WILD + 2DEILD Chain(another 3 dreams).. Same as last night(which I do recommend you read :D),
      Although I did use the same technique as last night, even at the exact same time.
      I'm very surprised I remembered about ToTM in this dream,
      Not that it went so well..

      I'm starting to get why everyone says recall is so important for LDing,
      I've been kinda unfocused on it lately,
      which is why I forgot tons of this dream.

      I wake up at 5am as usual(note i do not use an alarm, I always naturally wake up at this time)
      I couldn't remember if I had any dreams at all.
      My stupid recall sucks.
      I try to do the same thing I did last night(which you can read about in my first DJ post :D)
      But without the counting and straight to the visualization.
      I was on my side, but my nose was really really bothering me,
      After a bit I rolled over on my back,
      WAM. LD.

      I enter the dream lucid,
      but I dont really remember this part of my dream..
      This part was actually pretty long,
      All I remember is the very end of it.
      I'm at some house, possibly my house,
      I remember wondering about what I'll do in this dream
      I run out of my garage onto the street, its pretty sunny.
      "DREAM GUIDE!!" (I've been very very interested in finding my DG)

      I get too excited, the dream fades out,
      Everything is blank, I feel my bed,
      though my vision is engulfed in white.
      I try holding onto the feeling of flying,
      I can feel it in my stomach, as if im still flying through the air.
      At one point I see myself in third person,
      but I dont remember if I was flying or just lying down.
      The backround of my vision remains white the whole time.
      I feel a dream coming, and i re-enter(DEILD#1)

      I zoom into a darker scene,
      I'm in some broken down basement, its pretty dark.
      I see broken down furnace in front of me(the kind with open slits in front, where you have to shovel charcoal into it)
      There are broken pipes everywhere,
      the floors pretty nasty too.
      I immediately make myself float through the ceiling,
      I don't want to stay in the basement.
      It takes a while to float up, I still haven't even mastered flying yet,
      It takes a while to get my whole body to ground level.

      It looks like the house wasnt even completed yet,
      Like it was either still being constructed, or it was broken down pretty bad.
      It had no walls, only the wooden pillars that hold a house up,
      but you could see completely outside.
      I float above the house for a little, looking around,
      its night, the landscape's very hilly,
      Its covered in some kind of pink/reddish flower.

      I land and start walking around.
      I see some kind of village,
      It was made up of wooden huts, and I think there was a fire in the middle.
      I approached it.
      As i got closer I see the village is inhabited by some kind of monster,
      They're each probably around 10 feet tall.
      They have arms, legs and a body,
      but their bodies were super buff.
      I think they were grayish, might've had fur,
      And I think I remember stripes on them too, red i think.
      They have huge horns on their heads,
      the horns grow out, and then curve up.
      I dont remember what their faces looked like.

      One of them sees me, and charges at me,
      Shiz. I start running as fast as i can.
      I yell "DREAM GUIDE!!"
      "Im here" Its a woman's voice
      I can hear her but I cant see her.
      Luckily it looks like I lost that monster thing,
      I yell out again "Where are you??!"
      "Im right here" she says
      I still cant see her, but i follow the voice.

      I come up to another village,
      its setup's the same as the monster village,
      But no monsters. Phew.
      I find the source of the voice.

      Its an old lady. Sigh. (I was expecting someone.. Hotter..)
      She has that short puffy grandma hair,
      she's pretty short too, a little below my chest,
      and she was just a litttttle on the chubby side, she had a deep tan to her.
      Well.. I guess she did sortve have a shaman kinda look to her,
      So you know thats cool too,
      "YOUR my dream guide??"
      "Yes" she says casually.

      She starts saying something about the monsters attacking(Im not good with remembering dialogue by the way)
      And sure enough a monster pops out behind one of the hills and runs toward us.
      Theres another man with us, standing right next her,
      I didnt really get a good look at him though,
      but he's short too, the same height as she was.
      He's the first one to charge at the attacker, he wields a sword.
      My DG(I should have asked for her name) tells me to attack, but im not sure how(until here I've never fought in a dream)
      The guy with the sword keeps the monster busy.
      I want to try an energy attack,
      I hold both my arms up, palms pointed at the monster.
      SHOOT I tell myself.
      A ball of energy launches from my hands,
      Its green, and about the size of a bowling ball.
      Direct hit! It lands right on the monsters chest, it flies backwards.

      I dont really remember what happened after,
      but I think me and my DG talked a little bit more, nothing important, I hope.
      The dream fades around here,
      and in the exact same way as last time, I again re-enter the dream(DEILD#2)

      Im in a huge house, I live here.
      I see my parents and sister, I talk with them a little, cant remember exact conversations.
      The house looks really nice, there are huge glass windows everywhere,
      The rooms are really big too,
      I see a balcony.
      I walk towards it,
      Its pretty sunny now.

      "Now what am I gonna do?"
      Then, im not sure how, but it comes to mind,
      "How crazy would it be if I pulled of the Task of the Month in only my SECOND Lucid??"
      I decide to try it,
      I hop off the balcony, and right in front of me is a harbor/port, and its suddenly cloudy

      There are two big cargo ships in the port, I think about a shipwreck,
      one of the ships just sinks. Perfect!
      I jump right into the water, the harbor turns into a huge swimming pool.. Weird.
      There are a bunch of people swimming everywhere,
      but there are still cargo ships and boats in the water,
      must be a big pool.

      I swim to the side of the ship,
      Annd I DIVE.. Wait what?
      I cant dive.. Wtf.
      I try again.
      Its like the water wont let me go under..

      I start asking people.

      I ask another swimmer
      "How do I dive????"
      He looks at me and says
      "..Just dive"
      I CANT. I ask about 2 other people, and they tell me the same thing.
      Im getting annoyed.

      I see two guys in a small boat, I ask them the same thing.
      I think they gave me endless "Wait"s, but they never answer,
      And then they just drive their boat away,
      Whatever. Stupid DC-__-

      I still cant dive, so I give up and decide to just explore the pool.

      Its pretty big, there are even a bunch pulleys and platforms everywhere.
      In the dream I knew how they worked, but now I dont remember,
      I did a bunch of stuff and talked to a bunch of people, cant remember details though.

      The pool had a downstairs, don't ask how.
      But there I was, it looks pretty cool,
      It kinda looked like a wooden cabin,
      cause you know, it was made outa wood.
      The inside was pretty big, the light were dimmed.
      I think there was a party going on, there were a bunch of people, just talking/chillin.

      I remembered about stabilizing the dream and trying to make it more vivid,
      I looked down at my hand, I had about eight fingers,
      I tried to focus and move only my real five fingers, and my hand went back to five fingers,
      But it turned to eight again when I looked away.

      I tried making my dream more vivid,
      I looked at my hand again, this time trying to focus on the little details,
      It worked!!
      I've never had a dream this vivid(It was actually still a little bit blurry, but I've never had it this vivid)
      I could see all the details of my hand, there was even a little of a glow on it from the lights.
      Even my usual tunnel vision had opened up pretty far(i think it was like that the whole dream, but i only noticed it here)
      I rubbed my hands together trying to stabilize.

      Then I tried smell,
      I took a deep breath through my nose,
      I didnt smell anything, but this is the first time I've consciously breathed in a dream,
      or used my nose.

      I run my hand along the wall,

      Unfortunately, I wake up. I try another DEILD, but this time I dont feel any more dreams coming,
      I get up and immediately write down the dream!
      (This is the same way I woke up in my first LD, always when I try to stabilize>_>)

      The dream was again, AMAZING. That had to be my Longest lucid yet! It felt like it was around 15 minutes, maybe longer :)
      I think its pretty good for only my second LD too :)
      Hopefully I can work on my recall so I can remember more of it next time!

      Updated 03-29-2012 at 03:08 AM by 42831

      lucid , memorable , task of the month
    12. School and Indian Kids, & Fighting That Guy Who Wants to Kill Me

      by , 06-15-2011 at 06:21 AM
      Soo I don't really remember this one all that much, but I wrote it down when I first had it a couple of days ago. Here goes:

      I was walking down the hallway in my high school (just graduated btw), going between second hour and first hour. For some reason I couldn't remember if it was an A or B day, what class I just had, or where I was going. I got to my locker and remembered that I was going to ApCalc next. I tried to open my locker using 6-12-24, but it didn't work. Then I tried 30-18-40, then 6-37-24, but nothing was working. The bell rang and I managed to sprint to class without being late, but I didn't have any of my stuff. Also, the class was in the front hallway where the library should be instead of where it really is. The teacher told me to sit down so I did, in a desk in the far back middle to the right of a white brick column. The classroom was really weird, the walls were all white and everyone was wearing white, but the desks were tan and so was the tile floor. The whole front wall was a whiteboard and the whole back wall was made of windows, it was like some sort of vista resort or something. Oh, and the desks were really far apart. I guess we started presenting our 'projects', but I don't even know what they were supposed to be or how they had anything to do with calculus. Each student would come up and show a little model they made. They were white and looked like the kids had slapped together random items around their house then covered them with paper mache and plaster. Each one looked different, some were towers, others human figures or geometric shapes, and some were just piles of crap. My turn came to present and I told the teacher I couldn't go because my project was in my locker, which wouldn't open. He got angry for some reason and told me I should have said something when I got into the classroom.

      The middle bell rang and people passed through the halls going to split lunch like usual. A chubby female teacher came out of a sliding closet to my right. With her was a little Indian kid (like actually from India, not Native American), about 8 years old and wearing a white collared shirt with a red boy scout scarf and blue shorts. It was like some weird school uniform. My math teacher said, "Mrs. ___ (don't remember her name) is going to escort this kid through the halls, so if anyone needs to go to their lockers go now." I guess I wasn't the only one who was having locker problems, since a lot of kids came and gathered around the teacher. Also I don't know why we needed to be escorted, since normally the teacher just would have let us go without passes or anything. Before our group left the classroom, the teacher said, "For all you guys who complain about getting here too early, this kid gets here before the hamburgers," and pointed at the little kid. I don't know what he meant but I guess that's really early, and a lot of us gasped. We started walking down the front hallway towards the lunchroom and I broke off to go down the side hallway where my locker was. I did my combination, which was 32-18-24, and it worked. (I don't remember what my real combo is(was) anymore.) I got my materials and went back to class but the door was locked, and inside I could hear they were watching a movie. A group of us gathered outside the door and waited for it to be unlocked but it never was. A bell rang, which meant we could go home (completely scratching lunch and fourth hour out of my day I guess).

      I walked outside the main doors without going back to my locker for my stuff, and went towards the student lot. On the side of the driveway leading to the student lot there was a short white bus, like one of those transit handicapped buses, except it didn't have any logos on it or anything, and there weren't any panes in the windows. I now was the little Indian kid, and I went on the bus, except there were a ton of other kids on the bus who were exact copies of me. (I was watching myself get on btw, from outside the bus, like a third person view.) There were so many kids on the bus that we filled it up to the roof, so there wasn't any space in it at all. The bus driver told them all (I say them because at this point I'm not one of the kids anymore) to duck down so they wouldn't be seen, and they managed to squish themselves so only their eyes and the tops of their heads popped up from below the windows. I think the bus driver didn't want to be seen having too many kids on a bus. By this time the bus was driving down an empty freeway through a pine forest. I became me again, driving a blue subaru. I passed the bus and looked at all the kids in the windows, and though, 'well, that's weird.'

      I got to my apartment building and went inside. (My apartment building has three sets of doors: a locked outside one, an unlocked middle one between the outside and the entrance where the mailboxes are, and the locked door to my apartment.) Everything was normal, but when I opened the door to my actual apartment room, everything was empty. I was on the second floor now too. The whole back wall to every room was made of windows (like the school), and the livingroom had a sliding glass door where you could go out onto a balcony. There was a guy standing in the livingroom, and apparently he was my friend. I was now a guy too, and we were both wearing futuristic silverish armor. There was another guy in my bedroom wearing the same armor, except it was black, and he wanted to kill us. The scene turned into an 8-bit 'side scroller' video game type of thing. My friend and I had short purple health bars in the top left corner and the 'boss' had a big red one along the bottom. We used old style Mortal Kombat attacks to hurt him, but then our health got too low so I had to go into the menu. It was back to normal 2011 type graphics, and had a pink background with items you could select from a list. I highlighted 'max heath', which I had 77 of. The item that gave you 'max health' was a pack of two hot dogs. No buns or anything, just the dogs. I clicked two of the items so I had four hot dogs total, two for each of us, and heard a noise that meant we were all better.

      The menu scene went away, and so did the side scroller view. I was now myself and watching things in a first person point of view. Everyone was taking a break or something, my friend was standing in the living room. We started talking, and he said, "I hope he doesn't do an orange lazer I can never avoid those." I said, "Yeah, same here, except I can't avoid the blue cannons." Suddenly I heard the evil guy giggling from my bedroom, which was his base of operations. I walked over to see what he was doing, which was typing furiously on a computer. He said to me, "You just told me your weaknesses! I'm aiming all lazers at him and all cannons at you!" I said, "Oh, shit," and ran into the living room to tell my friend to hide. The cannon/lazer beams popped out of the walls and starting hissing and steaming while glowing their respective colors as they charged up. I tried to hide by ducking down in my kitchen but the things in the walls were like locked on, and they followed me around everywhere, and I knew they could cut through walls. I ran outside (through all three doors) and just as I closed the last door the cannons fired. Luckily at the right moment I did a handstand on the doorknob and avoided it. (**I remember going lucid for a second here, thinking, "this is bullshit, this guy's cheating, screw this," etc, so I slowed down the 'blue cannon' which was like a really big blue lazer and made myself flip up and do the doorknob handstand. But then I lost it and went right back to dreaming normally.) I went back to standing and looked at the door wondering A) why the cannon didn't leave a hole and B) how the hell was I going to get inside without my keys? But I guess the cannon had 'weakened' the door, so I kicked it in, ran through the unlocked second door, and through my door which I had bolted out of without locking (cause really, who has time to lock their door when they're gonna be blasted with a giant blue lazer?) My friend was lying on my livingroom floor, dead. I could see part of the evil guy's body on my bedroom floor from where I was standing, he was dead too. As I ran over to check out my friend my phone rang and I woke up. (thanks, Laura! XP)

      Updated 06-17-2011 at 08:36 AM by 34686

      lucid , non-lucid
    13. okay....things are getting better

      by , 06-04-2011 at 12:44 AM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      Edit: I remember playing warcraft at her house and I was trying to log in with my old character...someone was going to go out and buy more weed, and I still had a lot on me....I don't smoke so I didn't know how/why I had the stuff on me. Anyways, they head out and it's me and her......and I think there's a scene change that's happening......................................... ....

      So...I'm outside with M, and two other guys....or maybe I'm indoors, I can't tell...scenery keeps changing. She's sitting on a chair next to mine, and leaning on me. I think she's drunk, and she wants me to take her to bed. We walk through an area that looks sort of like my back yard at points, and then when we round the corner, the place is totally different.

      I cant really describe the way this house/trailer/something is set up, but it's elevated and the stairs lead to bare ground, and she has tons of dogs down here. These dogs look effing tough...like mutated beasts...like mixed with goat, dog, and just huge. They're all barking and growling. I'm walking with her daughter, and I put her on the bed.....I don't even know how she got in my arms. She takes me over to see them, and they basically take up the bottom section of what would be the first floor of the house, but it's nearly completely open but a wire fence keeps them inside. I think the house is stilted above ground by about half a floor.

      Anyways...we go see them, and they're barking and going crazy....first thing I'm thinking is I'm dead, but they all recognize me some kinda way, and they're all nice. I leave but I don't know why. I find myself in the desert....or maybe everything is just post apocalyptic. There's sand everywhere, and the sky is clear. (it was night earlier)

      There are these demons that are after me. Well....not really me, but they know I'll lead them to what they need to find. I'm fighting with one, and all my moves don't have any effect on them. I even took his weapons and tried to use them, and I think it made it worse. Another one popped up and told the one I was fighting to try to learn more skills than just invincibility. He picked up a pebble, and flicked it, and it traveled the speed of a bullet. I dodged it, and someone in the crowd behind me got killed.

      (Oh yeah, there was a crowd behind me watching me fight theses guys because I think I was the only one to ever stand up to them)

      Anyways, I knew I wasn't going to beat them, so I headed off...running and moon jumping, and I could overhear them saying my powers haven't reached their full potential, and they were saying they knew that I knew the location of the girl. They were also after some weapon that I should have had.....

      Recall was a bit jumbled, but this dream was interesting as all get out Time travel/alternate universe sort of thing played some kinda role in it...I remember one of the DC's saying something to the lines that I didn't know anything when i first arrived. Then I remembered something about traveling all over the world, learning things in such an inhumanly manner.
    14. You are Dragon

      , 05-22-2011 at 01:19 AM (Hyu's Adventures)
      I'm on Teraluna.
      Yuya is teaching me about dream bubbles, or temporary dimensions like she calls them.
      We've done this before, but this time she's telling me how to create a completely customized bubble, with my own rules at will.
      She's explaining that using the 'natural bubble' we spawn in when we dream requires little to no energy, but it is also impossible to fully control.
      We can definitely influence it to a great extend, but the control is limited.

      Creating a custom bubble whilst in the dream plane requires a lot of energy, and it is fully customizable, but unfortunately they are very small and somewhat limited in features.
      You can create a simple room, and apply some rules to this room, but you cannot create a beautiful outdoors environment for example.

      The idea is quite basic, create a custom room and apply the rule "create gradually more powerful monsters attacking myself".
      According to Yuya this is a rather high level training method, and quite effective.
      Not only do you have to stay alive, but you also have to keep the dream bubble up, which requires a high degree of concentration.
      Maintaining such concentration during a battle is very hard.

      I don't understand how it works, but I somehow understand how to do it.
      It's quite complex and requires delicate energy manipulation and a lot of willpower.
      You have to fade into the new dimension at the same time you're creating it, it is a very weird and confusing experience.
      My first few attempts are quite unstable, and the dream bubble breaks twice.
      When it breaks I simply fall out from the spot I created it.
      But then I get a feeling for it, and suddenly it seems very straightforward.

      I am fighting waves of increasingly more powerful monsters, using my dragonic powers and my katana.
      Even though the monsters are very realistic, there is no blood or anything.
      When I slice through one, it simply fades away.

      I'm trying to push myself to the limit, to see how powerful I truly am.
      My own aura causes massive vibrations throughout my body, it feels great!
      I move at an incredible speed, and the heat of my aura leaves burning trails behind me.
      The dragon tattoo is fully grown and glowing in a bright blue.
      Even though when I fully focus, time progresses so slovely I can time every one of my movements perfectly,
      I still occasionally manage to move so quickly that my mind cannot keep up.
      It's a fantastic experience.

      I'm at my limit, I cannot keep up with the monsters anymore, at this point I'm just reacting instinctively to stay alive.
      One scorpion like monster manages to pierce me with its tail.
      It feels really cold for a split second, then the dimension disappears and I fall back to Teraluna.
      I check my chest, I haven't hurt myself, this really is an amazing way to train!

      ... I'm now at Yuya's place.
      I'm exhausted and we go to bed... I feel myself falling asleep very quickly...
      I know this feeling from waking life. The numbness of my body, the heavy blanket feeling, the lightheadedness, I'm beginning to dream!

      I am floating through darkness. I do not have a body, I am pure energy.
      A scene starts to form around me.
      The ground is volcanic, there are small crates everywhere and colorful plasma is streaming out of them.
      There are a few lava streams as well.
      I realize I cannot be on a planet. The horizon has no curvature and there is no atmosphere, I can see directly into space even though it is daytime.
      Somehow this place feels oddly familiar.

      I feel a presence behind myself and turn around, I am still floating in the air.
      A white and blue dragon approaches me. He is very beautiful but also very fear inducing.
      He has two pairs of insanely large Wings, and two tails with white blades on them.
      He stops right in front of me, gazing into my eyes.
      His voice is deep and so strong it is resonating in my body.

      "You are Dragon!"

      I am surprised by this statement, even though people call me Dragon all the time.
      I always figured I was somehow using dragonic abilities, but I never considered being an actual dragon.

      "I use the powers of a Dragon."
      "No. You are Dragon. Always."
      "You were born Dragon. Appearances are irrelevant. You are Dragon!"
      "I am here because you need to know this."
      "You are near the age of waking. When you do, your powers will fully awaken."

      His presence is absolutely overwhelming, I feel that whatever question I would ask would be inappropriate.

      "Thank you."
      "Remember... you are Dragon... ALWAYS."

      I wake up in my bed at home. I want to tell Yuya about this dream, but when I turn around I realize my mistake.
      I am not on Teraluna, I am at home... I just woke up... stupid me.
      I take some quick notes but then my eyes start to itch.
      Rubbing my eyes, I walk to the bathroom to check in the mirror if I have something in them.

      I am shocked when I see myself in the mirror. My eyes are glowing lightly... The same way Yuya's eyes do, the same way mine do when I look at myself in a mirror on Teraluna.
      What is happening???
      I am Dragon... always? Shit... this can't be!
      I turn around to look at my back in the mirror, searching for the dragon tattoo which I know cannot be there.
      But there it is...
      It is not fully formed yet, my skin is bleeding in the spots where the dragon tattoo is in my dreams, and it is slowly being filled with color.
      Holy shit... am I really a Dragon? Am I awakening?
      I can't decide if I should be amazed or be worried about the consequences this would have on my future life.

      But then I realize that I'm wrong.

      Of course... I am still dreaming, holy shit!

      I wake up again, this time for real.
    15. More Fragments

      by , 05-17-2011 at 05:29 PM
      I've had a fair number of dreams that I've written down but haven't posted. There will be a lot more posted in the near future.
      1. A vacation house in a cemetery with a canal flowing alongside it. Only one part of it is haunted, and that's the hot tub.

      2. Post-apocalyptic. Images of a barren landscape, partially destroyed, but more just battered. The land and the damage still pretty fresh. If I recall correctly, it was like waking up in 28 days later having missed the whole thing and trying to figure out what's going on and why the place was uninhabited. No imminent threats, just loneliness. I find one survivor and hang with her. Later, we find a whole bunch more and I remember packing my bags to go with them somewhere.

      3. I'm in a video game and I get to a boss level, I have to move a small fantasy-style army across a mapped out green landscape to these mountains. We get there and I beat the shit out of this midget-height boss (a goblin, I think) in SLOW MOTION. I remember grabbing him by the feet and swinging him head first into a ledge.
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