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    1. Insane Lightning storm and Gregory House

      by , 08-19-2010 at 07:44 AM (Kjarva's dream journal)
      I'm not really sure where the first dream starts, it's a bit fragmented at the start. I'm dreaming about house.

      I'm watching House and Wilson have an argument not sure what about or what is said (can't remember) but I think it is about Cuddy and Lucas. I have to get a timetable for house for the Gerrards Cross train for some random reason so I suddenly find myself on a train. The thing I notice most about the train is that it moves absolutely silently and smoothly and the carriage I am in is completely empty. The train itself is a light turquoise colour and the seats are dark purple and Turquoise. I get off the train in a massive train station, a really old sandstone building that is cavernous and busy. I know that I'm getting on the same train to get back in a few minutes because it's only 3 stops back and the train will leave in 5 minutes.

      I walk along the side of the train, down the stairs and back around to the other side of the train, stopping to pick up the timetable before I get back on. I have no memory of actually going back on the train though.

      Back with House and Wilson, Lucas and Cuddy are there and he has just hit Cuddy after she has told him that their relationship is over. House shouts at him and charges over, punching Lucas in the face telling him that if he ever lays a finger on her again, he'll kill him himself. Lucas goes to leave and somehow his arm and fingers are broken, his arm at a bizarre angle in his dark jacket, so house tries to stop him to at least treat the damage.

      Lucas snarls at him and pulls open the front door, where 3 heavies are waiting one with a thick chain, swinging it menacingly. I know that the guy with the chain has broken House's legs before but I don't know when or why. Probably some gambling debt, or hookers.
      Dream ends.

      Dream 2
      I'm outside walking down a little dirt path, with a chain link fence, next to my old primary school. It's dark but the sky is a funny colour a really dark angry purple. Two little girls are walking in front of me and I can hear them talking. The first has dark brown hair, about shoulder length and the second has blonde hair with bunches, cute as a button. Neither of them could be any older than 6. I think they might be my little sisters, when they were young I could only see them from the back.

      The Dark haired one says to the little blonde one with scornful authority of being a year older "Well when I was a little girl like you, I didn't eat plasticine!" The little blonde girl starts to say something in response but is cut short by the lightning starting.

      It is awe inspiring lightning, like nothing I have ever seen before - sparking in the sky initially, seeming not to hit the ground. I hurriedly try to move the kids along, as the lightning starts to strike all around us. The kids are terrified so I wrestle them both into my grans house in Baillieston. Further up the street, behind Louise McCann's house I see my mum and dad. As I watch, a huge lightning bolt tears out of the sky and hits a small car in the car park, setting it on fire.

      I rush over to my parents and tell them that I have made sure the kids are safe in the house. They are sheltering in a garage in the car park after being caught outside when the lightning started. Dream ends.
    2. Flying Through Things

      by , 08-18-2010 at 01:48 PM
      Type: DILD.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      I really wish my lucidity would've been higher last night, but there's not much I can do about it now.

      This dream continued directly after the one written previous in this journal, Grisly Room; I didn't wake up in between the dreams. To start, I was in the anteroom of my house, which consisted of very light gray tiles, beige walls, and dark wooden molding. There were two white doors that opened towards the walls, and I was about to open one of them when I became lucid. "Finally, another lucid dream," I said out loud, but not as strongly as I would have if I were more lucid.

      I decided to fly (not to complete a dream goal, or the TOTM, but to fly). :eyeroll:

      I looked for a way to exit the house without using the door, because at the time I felt doors were too provincial for a dream. As I looked above the door, I saw a large rectangle of solid frosted glass. Backing up a bit first, I then took off by imagining I had rockets on my shoes. It was a different method than I normally use, but it worked nonetheless. I hit the glass and it shattered, but I traveled through it with no problem, and without my speed faltering too much.

      I ended up in a new room, it looked the same as the room I was just in, but it was twice as large. I decided to direct myself towards the ceiling to blast out of the building entirely, so I began to travel towards it. I broke through the layer of ceiling, but there was another one just after that; I got through both of them and was finally outside. I continued to rise up into the air, and looked down as I climbed. My house was no longer there, and instead I was looking down on vast city.

      The dream ended; my lucidity spiked right up but it was too late. I tried to DEILD with no luck.

      Updated 07-03-2011 at 06:38 AM by 28408

    3. Mini Toothless in the Bathroom

      by , 08-16-2010 at 01:47 PM
      Type: DILD.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      I think I'm going through another lucid dryspell. Every time I got lucid over the past week, the levels were low and it didn't last very long.

      I was the hallway of my house; it was around twenty feet long and around five feet wide, and the lights were very dim, as if they were off but not quite. I walked to the bathroom on the right side of the hallway and once I got to the door, I flicked the light switch. Nothing happened, and I tried again but got the same result.

      At that moment, I became lucid but made no exclamation or felt any rush of awareness. I knew if I expected the lights to turn on, though, that they would, so I thought about that when I flicked the switch again. They flickered dimly a few times after I did that, but afterwards they stayed on. I walked into the bathroom which had a long, dark granite countertop and two white sinks, the toilet was on the end of the counter against the wall with a few magazines beside it on the floor. I looked at myself in the mirror; I looked the same but I had bags under my eyes as if I were very tired, although I didn't feel that way at all.

      I heard scuffling coming from the hall, so I looked from where I was standing into the dark hallway. There was no more dim illumination coming from it, instead it was pitch-black this time. I walked over to the door and thought, if there's something in the hallway, come out now. I was still slightly lucid and knew that if I got scared, the dream wouldn't end well.

      By then, I lost my lucidity. I looked down the hallway, trying to focus on something in the darkness. It suddenly raced at my foot, dabbed it, and backed up, almost as if it were playing cat and mouse. "Come here," I told it nicely. It appeared at my feet again, but I was back in the bathroom this time, so the light hit it. It was a dragon, a little bigger than a cat, and it looked like Toothless from the film How to Train Your Dragon, but its nose was more pointed and it had a navy sheen to it. Its scales were so small you couldn't see them.

      I ignored the dragon and closed the bathroom door, looking around a bit before opening the pale yellow fabric curtains of the shower, on the wall opposite the countertop. I heard something fall in the corner of the bathroom behind me, on the counter, and spun around to see a brand-new lamp that appeared. It was a tall single-bulb lamp that rose directly from the countertop and ended a few feet from the ceiling. On top of it was another dragon; it looked the same as the one before but it had no wings, and so it resembled a salamander more than anything.

      It scurried down the lamp, twirling around it, and landed on the floor. I picked it up, and it must have weighed a good ten pounds or so.

      Updated 07-03-2011 at 06:39 AM by 28408

    4. Housefinding in an unknown city

      by , 08-11-2010 at 03:02 PM
      Tonight, I only got 7 hours of sleep ... I only remember one dream, and it wasn't lucid. But I'll post it just for fun.
      Didn't spell-check.

      I and my parents drove around in a city. We somehow got out of the car, I dont remember, and walked
      past by some houses. The entrances were under the shade of some trees and it looked pretty nice.
      I remember being afraid that something like bugs fell down from the trees. My parents kind of discussed
      how nice it would be to live here, and I responded that I am not sure. When I looked at the top of the
      building, the building#s architecture was kind of blocky, with some kind of ring under each window and
      red bricks, there was some sun. Nobody quite seemed to live there, tho.
      Later, we were in some kind of area that was full of old, graffitti-painted buildings, kind of like
      "Alsen". It was like a space, surrounded by all these buildings, with one entrance. It was a sunny day,
      we were waiting for someone, a woman I think, she came later to talk to my parents. I think it was
      about buying an estate. I looked around, being my usual self, I heard some music coming from one of the
      buildings, hiphop-like, so I suspected somebody must be spraying in there. I don't remember if I saw
      anyone when I looked in that direction. But after I looked around more, there were several people.
      One of them, I think he had black long hair and wore glasses, warned me about something that left
      me confused. Something like "don't go into the school building(s)"... My parents then were kind of done
      here, and we went to our car. I, confused as i were, said goodbye to the woman, and turning back,
      I waved my hand at the guy who warned me about whatsoever it was. After that I remember we somehow
      got into the car. Then came a scene were we parked at a parking space, there were several together,
      each with signs. Two people who looked chinese came over, they hung out nearly, and had some worker
      suits that made them look kind of official. I had the feeling we were not allowed to park there.
      Maybe it was some parking slot for handycapped people, I thought. But moving over just a few spaces
      would be troublesome somehow, so I had the idea to swap the parking space signs. Actually it was
      a very deep-thought thing: We were blocking a space for handycapped people. If we swapped the signs,
      there would be a reserved slot again. I stared at the parking signs. I couldn't recognite the symbol,
      it was some kind of closely connected dots, two or three. White, on blue background.
      When I got out, I dropped my mp3-player into the sand. Okay, parking on sand, wtf? I dunno.
      I was in kind of a hurry to swap the signs, so i just quickly pulled it out, although my damaged
      ear-buds might have fell of. I didn't care, I could check it later.
      Then the dream kind of sucked because suddenly there were more cars parked there, I didn't know which
      signs to swap and the cars totally parked at the wrong positions. Everything was really messed up.
      The dream ended here.

    5. Pool of Fog

      by , 08-08-2010 at 12:19 AM
      Type: regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      It was nighttime, and I was in the backyard of my house, surrounded by tall wooden fence. The outside of the house was light stucco, and the whole backyard was covered in grass, illuminated slightly by small circular modern lights on the walls of the house itself. There were a few flat, square-shaped stepping stones scattered around the yard. In the middle was a large in-ground pool complete with a few small interior lights, but there was no water inside. Instead, there was fog coming out of it slowly, behaving like smoke but it didn't smell.

      I was sitting on the edge of the "pool" with my sister standing beside me. She told me that she didn't want to go in, and so I somehow jumped in right from that sitting position. I was floating in the fog, and then I thought about sinking down deeper into the pool. I began to go down, and I could hardly see anything around me except gray pool wall. I felt my sister tap me on the head and I suddenly resurfaced. She said, "don't go under, or you'll get amnesia."

      Updated 07-03-2011 at 06:41 AM by 28408

    6. Eff my Eyesight!

      by , 08-04-2010 at 09:38 PM
      Type: DILD.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      This was one of those really annoying lucid dreams.

      I was outside my grandfather's house, all the way out in British Columbia. There wasn't really a front yard, just a bunch of smooth pavement and then a wall of round stones that was a few feet tall; it circled all the way around the house. Behind the wall were average trees that people would have in their front yard. I didn't look behind me to see the house itself, but from the setting I knew I was there.

      The problem with this dream was that my left eye was fully open but my right eye was half shut, and the remaining vision in it was cloudy and dark. I tried to pry my eyelid open with my hands but it didn't work; I was basically grasping thin air, as if I was translucent. When I did manage to feel my eye, it was smooth and felt almost like an egg, which freaked me out.

      I then became lucid, and frustrated at the same time, because I knew from previous dreams that I wouldn't be able to fix my eyesight. That was bad to think about, and I realized that, but it was so annoying at the moment. "Eff my eyesight!" I shouted. "Dream, fix my eyesight for me," I commanded into the air, and then waited for something to happen.


      Not only was I lacking control, but I had to wander around the dream without being able to do anything.

      Updated 07-03-2011 at 06:42 AM by 28408

      Tags: eyesight, fail, house, poor
    7. Driving Around

      by , 08-03-2010 at 07:57 AM
      I was in my house (well, the house was mine in the dream, but not the same as mine in real life). There was one lowered section, where I was, and one raised section, where all the sleeping people were (Mum and Dad specifically). I think it was about 2am. I decided to drive to go eat some pie. I snuck out the house, and went for the drive. It was the first dream I recall having at night time, so that was quite interesting. I drove down the road near my house with the speed bumps, but there were too many people turning left onto the main road, so I went back around the block, and turned left at a different location. I turned in front of a large truck, and had to accelerate quite quickly to avoid it. I don't recall if I ever made it to the pie shop, because the next thing I knew I was back inside, and my Mum was scolding me about needing to book the car in some sort of online form and seek prior permission before taking it out at night. I was being scolded by a post-it-note, rather than in person.

      *May recall something about driving near my old school at this point, but don't know specifically*

      Emotions Felt:
      • Fear (at being caught)
      • Excitement (about the pie)
      • Frustration (upon waking, at not recognising the weirdness of the dream, and then turning lucid)
      Tags: driving, house, lucid, note, pie
    8. Creepy Clocks and Sandy Nanaimo Bars

      by , 08-03-2010 at 04:20 AM
      Type: DILD.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      This dream began the backyard of my current house. My home is a fairly big one-story, with a darker red brick exterior, large white windows, and a glass mosaic covering a curved part of the front of the house. Our backyard is simple: a patio with lighter wood, with a few short steps leading down into the yard. All there is is grass, with one tree in the right-hand corner. To the left and right are neighbor's fences. In the dream, it was the same as this.

      The atmosphere was nice; it was just beginning to get dark. The sun was a few inches above the horizon, but there was no typical colors of a sunset. The sun was just there.

      I was walking aimlessly along the edge of the patio. There was no railing or siding, so if one were to fall, it would be a two or three feet drop. After a minute or so of this, I decided to go back inside. Unfortunately there wasn't a door leading from the patio into the house, so I had to walk all the way around and use the front door. There was a fairly narrow path along the side of the house, accented by one rusty blue-gray pipe, which I took. I then went inside the white front doors.

      I decided to go downstairs and chill out, maybe watch a movie. I ended up walking down the stairs, into the basement of a house I used to live in, four years ago. I can remember the basement very clearly, as my bedroom was down there. The stairs went straight down, into an open basement with white Berber carpet. There was a set of green suede chairs a few feet from the stairs, with a large flat screen TV in front of them, around 42 inches or so. The lights were off, and there was only a dim light emitting from the TV as I walked town the stairs. But this didn't bother me.

      As soon as I reached the couches, the dream skipped a little bit. I found myself curled up on one of the couches, with a baby blue-colored throw on me. In my mind, I knew that I had just woken up from a nap, which in the dream I never saw myself actually go into. I never saw actually myself get onto the couch either.

      The lights were still off, as well as the television, except for one small blue light in the lower left-hand corner. I started to get a bit nervous. I thought, "why isn't my mom down here?" for some odd reason. Maybe in the dream, she did something and I was expecting her to be there. Who knows. I groggily got up, and beside me, there was now a small side table. It was a darker sort of wood, almost cherry, and it had a digital clock on it. I looked at it, like it had always been there, and realized it was turned off. I thought this was strange, too. So, I went back up the stairs to check more clocks. Outside, the sky was realistically darker than before, but not as black as night yet. I checked a white, rectangular-shaped clock by the front door, and it was off, no power. I went into my sister's room, and her small pink alarm clock was off as well.

      By now I was quite bewildered, but then I realized that I was dreaming. Just to make sure, I plugged my nose and tried to breathe through it, and I could. Then I checked out my fingers. Everything was fine, all five fingers were on my left hand, but there was an extra finger sticking out of the middle of my palm. It scared me a bit, but I laughed it off and told myself it may be creepy, but it was still just a dream.

      I decided instantaneously to waste the dream eating stuff, because I hadn't done that in a while. In the middle of the dimly lit hallway, I summoned a fancy table covered in a white table cloth, topped with a platter of nanaimo bars. I simply turned around to face behind myself and expected it to be there.

      I picked one up and put the whole thing in my mouth, chewing slowly. It wasn't the most delicious thing I'd ever eaten in a dream, but it was still very good (although the yellow custard in the middle was a bit sandy-textured).

      Updated 07-03-2011 at 06:42 AM by 28408

      Tags: bar, clock, house, nanaimo
    9. Psychotic Sister

      by , 08-02-2010 at 09:27 PM
      Type: regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      I dug up this entry from a slightly older dream journal.

      I was in my house. The lighting was dim; if I were to rate it on a scale of one to ten, ten being normal light in a house and one being dark, I'd give it a five. The house was large and modern; the walls were smooth light beige and the flooring was polished cherry hardwood. There were nooks and crannies and it reminded me of a house from a horror movie, but there was no horror aspect to the dream. At least, not yet.

      The room I was currently in was completely empty, with the exception of a few packing beans and a thirty-inch television set mounted on the wall. I stared at it for a few moments, and then heard footsteps behind me. I spun around and was looking right into my sister's eyes. She was a few inches shorter than me, so she was looking up, but the look in her eyes frightened me a bit. She looked possessed.

      I backed up a few paces and at the same time, she advanced. She was holding her hand up, which had a needle filled with light pink fluid. It was difficult to tell whether it was viscous or not, and to identify what it was, but whatever it might have been, I knew this wasn't a good thing.

      She smiled as the look on my face changed from surprise to terror. I suddenly bolted and ran past her, barely missing a jab from the needle. I got to the stairs after a few good paces, but there were strips of wood blocking the way, and I couldn't crawl through a hole; there weren't any. I was pretty much trapped. My sister then stabbed me hard in the lower arm. I remember minutely realizing that this was a dream, so I told her "it'll take more than that." I grabbed the syringe and pointed it at her. "Go away."

      The dream ended with the needle still in my hand.

      Updated 07-03-2011 at 06:44 AM by 28408

      lucid , nightmare
    10. Cheese Casserole (Yumyum)

      by , 08-02-2010 at 05:22 PM
      Type: regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      I was in the basement of my own house, sitting at a computer desk with my sister. However, there was no computer, mousepad, or keyboard. There was nothing to suggest that there was a computer there. Instead, there was a black microwave on the far left of the desk, and I had just placed a casserole dish of some sort inside, which was in a rectangular glass dish. The top was coated with a good layer of cheese, so I couldn't tell what was inside yet. I pressed a single button on the microwave and the casserole began to "cook". Two patches of darker cheese started to bubble, which was a sign that it was done. It only took ten seconds or so. My sister watched the whole time as I took it out and waved my hand over it to cool it down.

      My mother walked through the back door upstairs. That door was right where the start of the stairway downstairs was, so I saw her come in. "I'm home," she called out and then I replied. "Hi mom, I made dinner!" I've never made dinner for her in real life before, especially not as a charity with no reason to.

      I took the casserole, all cooled off, into the washroom where my father was washing his hands. "Can you help me cut this? I'm not too good with these things." He agreed, and pulled out a random knife from behind him, starting to cut the casserole into sixths. I watched as the knife went straight down, and he pulled out a piece. The inside of the piece he took out looked like light pink and tan cake, not at all like a casserole. I looked harder and saw the insides of the other pieces still in the dish. They were all cheese and larger-than-normal macaroni noodles. "Thanks", I told him and took off to my bedroom, also downstairs.

      The lighting in my bedroom was dark, but it was brightened slightly by the light coming from the other room (where the computer desk was). I put the casserole on my bed and somehow managed to tilt it over. "Ugh," I muttered as a lump twice the size of my palm came out onto the light green bedsheets. I put the dish down to the side and tried to pick up the lump with my hand. It was gooey and more like silly putty than sticky cheese. It slipped out of my hand though, so I decided to just leave it there. I turned around and there were two massive garbage bags full of clothes and stuff in my room; they were almost as tall as me. I wiped my hand on one of them to clean it off, and left the room.

      Updated 07-03-2011 at 06:45 AM by 28408

    11. 31/07/2010

      by , 08-02-2010 at 07:52 AM (scumpy's journey to lucidity...)
      I suspect going lucid a couple times but waking up straight away.

      1) I remember something to do with the TV show fringe....

      2) I've somehow bought a old trailer/house from an old lady, it needs serious repairs. A repair guy comes to inspect it and as he enters one of the old ladys plates falls off the wall, I notice that she has plates hanging on all the walls and that the top of the walls need repairs, the floor is also wonky. There are cinder blocks and a trampoline holding up the floor underneath the trailer. I remember telling someone that at least once it's fixed I'll have a trampoline . I remember looking around the garden there was a tree and a swingset.
    12. Street at Night

      by , 08-02-2010 at 04:58 AM
      Type: regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      This was from an hour-long nap I took today.

      This dream involved me standing on a driveway to my house; I was facing the street right from the start. This place hardly looked like my house though. The driveway was all the way to the left of the lot, but I didn't look back to see if it properly connected with the house. Along the side of the driveway, there was a large evergreen tree, probably at least thirty feet tall. It filled up at least half the front yard. It was nighttime, but there were street lights casting an orange glow to the area. It was light enough to see everything.

      I became lucid, but I wasn't aware as I should have been, or would have liked. I immediately gasped and looked around, taking in the scenery, with no need to do a reality check. "I'm dreaming!" I confirmed to myself just from the fact that there was a jumbo tree sitting in my front yard. I immediately started to walk forward, and stopped as soon as I was about to set foot on the street. There was a woman with shoulder-length blonde hair walking down the road, her face turned away from me. A few feet from where she was walking, the road curved around a house and I couldn't see past it. I called out to her, asking where I was, and she turned around. I didn't recognize her face at all. She told me that I was in Las Vegas. I immediately told her off. "Yeah right, this is nothing like Las Vegas. There's no neon lights, no cars driving by, and definitely no casinos."

      I forgot about her and decided to try throwing a pokeball. I didn't think of what I'd release, though, until it was already in the air, so I just shouted out a random Pokemon. I shouted out, "Fearow!"

      It ended up on the road and looked like it should have: brown, with a pink beak and cream fuzz on its back. It was around the proper size too. But somehow, its behavior was off. Instead of flying above the ground or at least levitating, it was hopping along the ground like a duckling, and squawking every few seconds. It didn't turn to look at me when I called it. After that the dream ended rather abruptly; it was probably the thunderstorm outside that woke me.

      Updated 07-03-2011 at 06:46 AM by 28408

    13. Writing with House and his Tongue

      by , 07-31-2010 at 05:44 PM
      Type: regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      I was in a smaller type of hospital patient room with only one bed; it looked pretty ordinary at first glance.

      It looked pretty much like that, although there was a small rectangular whiteboard behind the bed, up against the wall. There was a black whiteboard marker along the bottom shelf. House was sitting upright in the hospital bed, with a layer of white sheets over top of his lower half. I was sitting in a stool in front of the bed, holding another marker.

      We were writing down different words on the board in some sort of game. I only remember one: House wrote "fouche" on the board while I was turned away, and I asked him what that word meant. He stuck his tongue out at me and I saw a splot of ink on it.

      He must have written the word with his tongue.

      The last thing he said was, "it's the art of writing with your tongue. Duh!" That last word, he said with his classic House-ism tone.

      Updated 07-03-2011 at 06:46 AM by 28408

    14. Werewolves, Old house, and Scary guy.

      by , 07-31-2010 at 12:33 PM
      This is My first Dream journal, so Hang with me as it may not be written perfectly.

      My Dream starts off with me running into a theme park, with the gate being that like the one at a beach near my house.
      Once through the gate, I hear cops start to turn on their sirens and then start to chase me, as I zigzag through the them park I forget everything else and then notice myself back at my old house.
      From there the few friends with me and Myself soon realize that we have all become werewolves, yet we do not need the moon to turn. So we play around and a bit, and the next thing i know is one of my friends has transformed from a werewolf to a dinosaur with a huge mouth and alot of teeth. He then tries to eat me, with no avail because us being werewolf are strong enough to hold him back. Bad news though, we all of a sudden get bit by a bug, which we realize is the anti were wolf bug which then slowly but surely makes us transform into a normal werewolf, one which can only turn on a night of the full moon. This means a sure death to use because the dinosaur friend will have us for dinner. As soon as i reach that thought, everything changes, no more werewolves, no more dinosaur, just me, My friend Matt, and another friend. Then i feel an urge to look at my back window and there is a man standing there, staring at me. It makes me feel very uncomfortable and i soon realize he should not be hear, he disappears, but my friends and i run to the front door to see he is in that window laughing, my Friend Matt in the dream then looks at me with a petered look on his face which scares the life out of me. We open the door to find this man yet to only be surrounded by 100 of him laughing at us. I then wake up.

      I have been trying to figure out what this man in my dream is, weather he is a symbol for something, another dreamer, or just my imagination being scary.

      All input is Welcome =)
    15. Crawling up to the Chimney

      by , 07-30-2010 at 08:32 PM
      Type: regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      I went to bed at 3:00 AM last night and I was very tired.

      It was fairly dark outside, the area illuminated by street lights, and I was in the yard in the front of an unknown friend's house, possibly for a party. Their house was two stories and all brick, except for the door and two large windows that looked like oak wood. There were a lot of people in the grassy front yard, I'm guessing at least twenty.

      I heard this strange noise that sounded like a cross between a squeak and a balloon popping behind the house. A strange man rushed out from the back of the house (which was illuminated like the front and not dark) and said, "the chimney's blocked".

      Now, I had my own idea of getting it fixed but my friend probably wouldn't approve of it.

      I snuck over to the side of the house, which was completely flat brick and there was nothing to grab onto. I went around to the back, which was lit up by two large circular lights on either side, and saw that in the middle of the house, there was a long rectangular indent. This indent went all the way up from the ground to the roof, and it was a few feet deep. There were irregularly-shaped pipes coming out from the walls of this indent which I used to climb up the wall.

      I had to grab the walls of the house itself a few times, because some parts had no pipe. I punched holes in the paper-thin brick walls to pull myself up.

      Updated 07-07-2011 at 02:56 AM by 28408

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