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    1. ccxxxiii. Nature visit, soil lab

      by , 03-02-2021 at 03:58 PM
      27th February 2021


      (was a long dream but only recalled bits and pieces)

      Me, H, J and S; we're all meeting up at some rocky place. They parked their car in a small rocky alcove, I think we go and see the car?

      As they found out, it was wet and the bottom part of their car is getting too wet. In this semi-flat rocky area there are some waves of pure and clear water, not more than an inch high. The area is slightly sloped down away from the rocky alcove bit but the small waves of water still climb with ease.

      I talked to J about it and we discuss the underground water tables. I don't remember getting wet or feeling wet from standing in the shallow water.

      Then something about us driving elsewhere. J was in their own car and we were in ours. H gives me his phone so I can text her if needed. But I suggest it may not be a good idea since she'll be driving too. (S was seemingly gone from the dream at this point?)

      During the drive, I think we discuss food and how we should maybe stop for lunch somewhere along the way. I think we were going to but then we don't? I know that we do go past a place and I mention this and H remarks with "well, too late now" as we drive past.

      We arrive at a lab of some sort. They do advanced soil analysis here? We get into a conflict with the personnel because they are apparently doing something evil.

      There's a mini turret that tries to shoot at us but me and H approach it covertly and work to disable it. I end up simply disconnecting the neutral cable, not fully expecting it to work, but it does.

      I think we then confront some of the personnel/research team.
    2. Haven't Had This One Since I Was 12... & Don't Burn Your Bridges Behind You

      by , 12-27-2017 at 06:16 PM (An Insomniac's Dream Journal)
      Fell asleep at: 2:00 AM

      Woke up at: 10:00 AM

      Dream 01:
      I remember being in a white and sterile environment, much like an empty doctor's office or some high-tech research facility. I think in the dream I was fighting some monster, a theme that hadn't been present since I was, well, 12 years old. I seemed to have god powers in the dream as well, and the fight is heavily one-sided. I feel a sense of deep empowerment and relief as I slice up the enemy Kingdom Hearts II style, and finishing it off by slicing it with light powers.

      And that is the end of it.

      Dream 02:
      I'm in high school again as I spot my old friend, Ace. It's an awkward introduction at first, since I kind of, let's say, burned a few bridges with her that I'm not proud of. A wave of embarrassment runs down my face, stress sweat, blushing, heating up, you get the idea.

      In the dream she has completely black hair for some reason, and she is wearing a faded dark-grey jacket. She always seems to dye her hair (Even when I knew her way back when) so I didn't really catch on and do a reality check. Anyway, I start talking to her. She's still her usual chipper and weird self, and she kind of doesn't really care that I had burned bridges with her. Though her proportions have changed (AKA her butt was bigger for some reason).

      I begin to wonder "Why am I still so worked up about it after all these years?" but brush that aside to continue having a conversation with her. We were at the cafeteria, but for some odd reason the lunch ladies and food aren't there. They always seemed to have a habit of setting up after the students got there anyhow.


      1. The whole theme of fighting god monsters and reuniting with old friends is quite weird all things considered. These are all things that have never happened to me in recent years, due in part to me having wanted to forget about them. Maybe my subconsciousness is trying to tell me something here.

      2. This is the 5th dream in a row where I was in some kind of foreign or fantastical environment. Being in my room used to be one of my biggest reality checks and now I'm barely even inside my house in dreams anymore. Perhaps I'm getting slightly more detached from reality? Could be.
    3. Vague suggestions of lucidity.

      by , 11-06-2016 at 05:12 PM (Awake to take in the view...)
      A few days back, there were two nights in a row where I was having dreams like Inception or something. Essentially, I knew that I was dreaming, but then I would have false awakenings inside of the dream. So I would think that I was awake, but I was actually still sleeping.

      In one particularly memorable dream, I was part of a laboratory experiment on sleeping. The idea was a bit absurd, now that I have my waking brain to analyze it: If I drank water during a dream, when I was thirsty, would I still be thirsty upon waking? I fell asleep inside of the dream, and took a nice long draught of water. I woke up inside the laboratory dream and found that no, I wasn't thirsty anymore! The scientists were all excited, and so was I. Then I woke up for real, and realized how cool that was. Unfortunately, I was still thirsty, so I took a drink of water for real.

      Experiment result: If you are thirsty during a dream, you should just fall asleep inside of the dream, and drink water within that dream. xD Or just wake up and drink water for real.

      In another dream, I think I knew I was dreaming and so I flew, but I wasn't conscious enough to think of anything more than that. -_-

      Last night is a bit more hazy, and I have an insane amount of homework to do today so this will be a quick summary:

      - A little girl who was left behind on a haunted island (with spirits and such) finally got found, rescued, and reunited with her loved ones. I think that I helped her somehow, but I honestly don't remember. I had a degree of lucidity in that one.
      - Another dream happened where I became lucid while driving a car through some mountains. Decent amount of city around me. I was singing and thought it would be a brilliant idea to practice my singing voice in my dream, where nobody could hear me. However my logic wasn't working too well and for some reason I thought I was actually singing out loud and was going to wake up my roommates. This caused me to wake up and realize I wasn't. -_-
      - I was in some sort of theater, and asked everyone in the room something like, "Hey! Who here knows they're dreaming right now?" My brother was there, too. I was hoping that someone else would remember, or maybe there'd be a shared dream or something, but I honestly can't remember what anyone said...
      - I was watching some sort of advertisement, and there was this girl in a swimsuit who was sort of attractive except she had one of those gross spray-on tans.
      - I have a vague memory of some sort of romantic/sexual dream, but I sadly can't remember it. Maybe I'll have a continuation of that theme tonight? :O We will see. That would be awesome!

      You know why this night was so successful, though? Affirmations plus sufficient sleep! The night before, I told myself I WILL lucid dream tonight, and I guess that determination worked its way into my subconscious. Plus Daylight Savings Time helped a TON. Woo!
    4. Laboratory Water Bomb

      by , 07-27-2016 at 02:35 PM
      Whilst working in the laboratory on a chemical plant (an old place of employment) one of my friends / colleagues fills up a cardboard water bomb and throws it.
      It impacts the desk in front of me and explodes with a huge bang. I wake up with a hypnic jerk.
    5. resurgences

      by , 11-16-2015 at 09:24 PM (Here be dragons)
      I'm in a gigantic building, a mix of a old manor and a hospital or a lab. It's a university. I'm in a the great hall, the goes up to the fourth floor with pathways and lifts criss-crossing it. I need to go somewhere, to pickup my bag. I take one of the lift and myself going down instead of up. I walk around, slighly confused to how I got here. The underground is part of the old building; it's nicely decorated. I find a room with a incredible window: something going from the high ceiling almost to the floor, covering the whole wall down to a padded bench with a few cushions scattered on it. It open to a mossy wall, with water dripping from it, with light pouring in a thin, bluish curtain. I stay in from of it for a little while, drinking in the beauty of it.
      Then I remember my bag and I leave to find it.
      I walk to what looks like a drugstore, with quite a lot of people scattered around. I start to recognize them, and I realize that at leat half of my middleschool class is here, all grownup. We make a loose circle and start to catch up a little, but we simply don't have time. One of them keep talking to me while going back to his work as a cashier. I let him work and start really wonderring how I'm going to go where I need to. Finally I decide to get out of the building then re-enter, to find my way again. I go to the door of the store and I find myself in front of another building, where I know my bag was all along.

      It was quite a nice dream, even if I stumbled around being confused about everything XD
    6. Egg-cellent

      by , 09-18-2015 at 04:09 PM (Here be dragons)
      (Bad puns make good titles )

      Woke up the first around 6 or 7 am, didn't want to check in case I could disturb the mighty sleeping kitty. Fall back asleep maybe an hour later.

      The atmosphere of this dream was slightly off, in a uneasy way. I was in this gigantic hospital, all painted white with shiny tiles on the floors and somes walls. I was wearing my oversized lab coat and carrying what looked like a dozen malformed chicken eggs in my bare hands*. The hallways and rooms were absolutly packed with people and I had to reach a specific lab, and I was scared to squash the eggs, as their shells were very soft. I took a escalator, shielding the eggs between my cupped hands, to the upper levels of this hospital and managed to reach the lab I was aiming for.

      Inside was a faceless man also in a lab coat, with dark hair. I started to hand him the eggs; I had to put them in a padded plastic box** he was holding, but he curtly stopped me when he noticed that the contents of the eggs were heterogenous***. He told me to shake them so they were homogenous, and started to pick the one I've already placed out and shaking them forcefully. I careful took one out of my hand but even a gentle shake was enough to break the shell and have the lurkwarm and slimy, light yellow content to ooze all over my hands. I did manage to shake the others without breaking them and placed them in the box. I them asked the lab man were the biological waste bin was, and were I could wash my hands. He told me to get lost.
      I found the bin and put the broken shell inside, then found the sink. It was in the same impossibly big room, but there was almost no light and my slime-covered hands didn't help. I managed to wash most of the stuff off, then woke up.

      *it seem really weird, since those eggs were obviously samples of some kind, and I risked ever to contaminate them of be contaminate by them.
      ** it looked like a tips box.
      Hey I'm new.-2571010.jpg
      *** Translucent on top, yellow on the bottom. It was slighty hard to see through the shells.
    7. Lucid Laboratory & Brothel (SSILD)

      by , 12-30-2014 at 09:07 PM
      [Fell asleep while attempting a SSILD - I remember very vague images and themes from a dream I went into for a while, as well as a false awakening, before gaining lucidicity]

      I think - I'm dreaming again. The walls and floors around me are pure white - I know this is a lucid laboratory. For a while the task I've been given by the scientists is to walk through a corridor in a loop to gain stability - I wander how long I will be made to do this...

      Time fast forwards, and finally I am allowed to stop walking and the dream is fully stable. A girl comes to take me out of the lab - she announces this in the microphone in a formal fashion, which I hear amplified through speakers in the corridors after a slight delay from hearing her actual voice beside me. She tells me to follow her - I am very eager to leave so I try to run ahead, but she tells me if I'm ahead of her then I could get cancer from her boobs. So I go behind her and touch her boobs from behind (yeah, a bit creepy, but it's a dream right?) which she doesn't mind me doing. At some point during the next paragraph I touched them again but this time she was really pissed off so I didn't even think about doing it again.

      She takes me through some kind of obstacle course - jumping, swinging, weightlifting... I am worried about the weights though as I did a fairly hard workout the evening before and didn't want to risk injuring myself by working out in the dream as well...... So I skipped the weights and walked onward to find a shop.

      The shop sold all kinds of sweets and crisps - I could clearly see a few packets of Pringles, and get quite excited about the opportunity to shop and see what these dream sweets are like. I tell the shopkeeper that she can add anything to my tab and I'll pay it when I'm done. I take the first sweet I see and eat it, but it's not very tasty Before I get to try another one I spill something on the floor right in front of the shopkeeper. I decide it's best I don't deal with this, so I make my escape to the nearest door, hoping no-one will follow me. As I reach the door I am wandering where it should lead to... I decide it should be a brothel, as I've been curious to see what that's like.

      I walk through the first door and, as I'd hoped, noone followed me. I find myself in some kind of small preparatory passage to the second door, which is slightly ajar and through which I can see fancy looking armchairs and dim lighting - I feel certain I will walk into a brothel when I walk through this door, and indeed I do - I glimpse some girls sitting on the armchairs, and one seriously hot babe walks past me. I touch her on the arm and ask "how are you?" then feel like that was a really stupid thing to say to her. When I look around, there are lots of dudes with their shirts off which I'm not so keen on... I would've liked to explore a bit further and try to get rid of the dudes, but woke up before I got the chance.
    8. Lucid Laboratory & Brothel (SSILD)

      by , 12-30-2014 at 09:07 PM
      [Fell asleep while attempting a SSILD - I remember very vague images and themes from a dream I went into for a while, as well as a false awakening, before gaining lucidicity]

      I think - I'm dreaming again. The walls and floors around me are pure white - I know this is a lucid laboratory. For a while the task I've been given by the scientists is to walk through a corridor in a loop to gain stability - I wander how long I will be made to do this...

      Time fast forwards, and finally I am allowed to stop walking and the dream is fully stable. A girl comes to take me out of the lab - she announces this in the microphone in a formal fashion, which I hear amplified through speakers in the corridors after a slight delay from hearing her actual voice beside me. She tells me to follow her - I am very eager to leave so I try to run ahead, but she tells me if I'm ahead of her then I could get cancer from her boobs. So I go behind her and touch her boobs from behind (yeah, a bit creepy, but it's a dream right?) which she doesn't mind me doing. At some point during the next paragraph I touched them again but this time she was really pissed off so I didn't even think about doing it again.

      She takes me through some kind of obstacle course - jumping, swinging, weightlifting... I am worried about the weights though as I did a fairly hard workout the evening before and didn't want to risk injuring myself by working out in the dream as well...... So I skipped the weights and walked onward to find a shop.

      The shop sold all kinds of sweets and crisps - I could clearly see a few packets of Pringles, and get quite excited about the opportunity to shop and see what these dream sweets are like. I tell the shopkeeper that she can add anything to my tab and I'll pay it when I'm done. I take the first sweet I see and eat it, but it's not very tasty Before I get to try another one I spill something on the floor right in front of the shopkeeper. I decide it's best I don't deal with this, so I make my escape to the nearest door, hoping no-one will follow me. As I reach the door I am wandering where it should lead to... I decide it should be a brothel, as I've been curious to see what that's like.

      I walk through the first door and, as I'd hoped, noone followed me. I find myself in some kind of small preparatory passage to the second door, which is slightly ajar and through which I can see fancy looking armchairs and dim lighting - I feel certain I will walk into a brothel when I walk through this door, and indeed I do - I glimpse some girls sitting on the armchairs, and one seriously hot babe walks past me. I touch her on the arm and ask "how are you?" then feel like that was a really stupid thing to say to her. When I look around, there are lots of dudes with their shirts off which I'm not so keen on... I would've liked to explore a bit further and try to get rid of the dudes, but woke up before I got the chance.
    9. 7/4/2014

      by , 07-27-2014 at 11:00 PM
      I was looking at a baby tiger that was being researched by some scientists. I counted my fingers and appeared on the back seat of a car. I counted 6 fingers and recounted again. Then I snapped and said "This is a dream!" The dream was fading and I looked at my hands to stabilize it but a dog barked in the waking world and it made me lose lucidity and I woke up.
      Tags: car, laboratory, tiger
    10. Walton's Laboratory

      by , 07-04-2014 at 07:08 AM
      So there are several weird things that take place in the dream realm. There are some things that people didn’t know. For example, Walmart’s warehouse (at least at the one where I work) doubles over as a massive laboratory in which revolutionary experiments are held. The laboratory is much bigger on the inside than it is on the outside and right now they are going through a bit of a rough patch. I was a high ranking technician in the lab and I was forced to leave my department to go help another department with something.

      The laboratory was massive and resembled the interior of the USG Ishimura from the video game “Dead Space.” Much like the Ishimura the backroom laboratory had been overrun by zombie alien monsters known as necromorphs. The necromorphs shunned the light so they did not go where the light was. I was safe so long as I remained in the lit areas but due to sporadic power outages there were certain dark areas where the necros lurked. The infestation was being taken care of by necromorph exterminators to that we could continue our work while the necromorphs were dealt with. We were each issued RIG armor (also from “Dead Space”) and firearms that we may be able to defend ourselves should we ever come across any necros.

      Now it was quite the hike from point A to point B and according to the waypoint that had been programmed into my RIG, the quickest rout was a straight shot through various departments. Honestly, I thought for sure that I would not have clearance to pass through these departments and that I would have to take the long way around but much to my shock: I was greeted warmly as I passed through each department. In fact I had a very good reputation throughout the entire laboratory.

      Unfortunately my waypoint kept pointing me through dark areas that the exterminators hadn’t reached yet. I had my gun drawn and ready in case I ran into any necromorphs in those areas. Luckily those areas just so happened to be vacant at the time that I passed through them. As I got closer to where I was supposed to go I passed by some massive dark areas that had been fenced off by the exterminators. Needless to say, I made a point to avoid those areas. Now here’s where things got complicated. The way point began to fade as I got closer to the objective and it pointed me in the direction of a dark area that had not been fenced off. I trembled as I stood before the area as the thought of setting foot in there frightened me. Luckily I did not have to go in there because the waypoint suddenly pointed left into the brightly lit break room just before the darkened area. I did not know why the waypoint led me hear but at that point I did not care. I saw a friend of mine, Alec, sitting at one of the tables and one other person there. He and I went to the fridge to get sodas for ourselves but we could not find any. That is where the dream ended.
    11. Persuading a God while He Tries to Kill Me, Balloon Giraffe, Green Squares of Death

      by , 03-31-2014 at 05:41 AM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Persuading a God while He Tries to Kill Me, Balloon Giraffe, Green Squares of Death (DILD)


      I’m inside of an educational facility, and apparently, there’s a news station crew that broadcast that it’s dangerous to try and enter a certain room because criminals are inside of it. I had the intention of going into the office way before this announcement, but now, whatever plans I had were delayed.

      The “criminals” come out, and there’s an outbreak. People are screaming, panicking, and running for their lives. I can’t really see the criminals that well, because everything felt like a rushed blur, but the dream shifts to where I eventually get outside.

      There’s a balloon giraffe that’s probably 300-500 in the air, and as for the actual height, at least 50 feet or so.

      It apparently has the ability to summon large light green squares, and can mentally break them apart into smaller cubes, and they’re all being directed to me. This ends up being a dream where I just run for my life, trying to use whatever I can in the environment while gradually developing an escape plan, other than to wake up.

      I can feel my back tingling constantly in this dream, and even though it gets annoying, along with the head pressures, it helps a lot with avoiding the green cubes. I already know I’m at a major disadvantage since the floating giraffe can move about anywhere, and can get a quick aerial view of where I could be at. I couldn’t cover large distances, so my general tactic was to hide in buildings while peeking to see if the giraffe is off looking at me in the other direction.

      But it seems that as long as the giraffe can locate me, the green squares’ composition can be manipulated to fit into the tightest corners, and then swoop in to try and inflict damage to me. Speaking for damage, I’m pretty sure I was attacked several times, but I didn’t really feel any pain.

      The adrenaline, and other surging tendencies prevented me from noticing this. Maybe I knew it wouldn’t be something as dangerous, but it’s hard to know if I would be aware of that in the circumstance I was in. The giraffe’s composition was nagging, and this made me realize why this giraffe may exist within the dream.

      I felt as if I was having to deal with a projection of how I conceptualized someone’s over-inflated ego. And because the visage of the giraffe was stationary, correlating its attacks at me, while it portrays no emotion whatsoever, since it’s a balloon, makes things pretty intimidating.

      I speculated on whether or not the same individual I engaged in discussion with in waking life was either a Sociopath to remain calm, and yet still be so aggressive at the same time without even knowing that they’re being so in the first place. Building after building, and crashing into so many random items and resources, I finally get some breathing time.

      I took that time to speculate why I haven’t woken up as yet, especially when all the rushed surging of adrenaline was so overwhelming. I guess what helped sustained me within this dream was that I was fluctuating between going into a dream body, and then just viewing what was happening if things were too overwhelming. It’s hard to describe, it’s almost as if I wanted to see how this dream would turn out, despite of its nonsensical nature.

      After a while, it seems the giraffe isn’t going to win this hunt, so it decides to turn into what seems to be a godly entity. And I swear he looks exactly like the Advice God meme:

      He has a built chest, and is wearing white robes that seem to move around like smoke. He continues to use the green squares, keeping his distance away from me. I continue to play this game of chase and run, realizing that he’s obviously not here to kill me, but rather to intimidate me, and wanting me to respond to his random queries.

      But then again, I don’t think it would’ve been wise to stop someone that turns into a giraffe to hunt you down in the first place. I’m now in a building, and I reach the top floor, and it almost feels as if it’s some kind of public school in New York, or some kind of area where there’s mostly dull colored buildings.

      The flooring consists of a checkered tiling with dark gold and dark brown, and there’s all sorts of papers and fliers. The entity starts creating winds to swoosh into the area, and now he’s augmented his size so much that I can see his whole eye extend probably up to 20 feet just from me looking at the window. He asks me at some point,

      “Why don’t you believe?”

      I get confused, trying to strip away the obvious reasons why he would ask me this. After this, I believe I woke up at some point. After going back to sleep, I’m now in a building, except it seems like a mix of a laboratory, and a disco dance floor, exceptt with white tile flooring and walls, and no disco ball. There’s an entity wearing a fancy suit, and had a body composition similar to what you would see in Team Fortress 2’s Spy (never played the game by the way).

      Except his suit is black, and he just has an expression, despite wearing a mask, that makes me feel really bad for this guy. I don’t know what it is in particular, but something irks me about him.

      I think I was going to declare generalizations on nihilism to him. But what would be the point of telling a spy that his objectives have no inherent meaning?

      Get it? Get it? Geeeeeet it? Okay, enough cracking existential nihilism jokes.

      After avoiding conversation with the guy, it seems I’m headed for an elevator nearby, and it’s really an open elevator where you can see some of the gears and metal bindings. OH, there was another dream shift before this I think where I'm Roxas, and I'm trying to run away from the giraffe, or the godly entity, can't remember who.

      After that, I can’t remember what happens next.
    12. 18th Sep 2013 Minecraft, Miniature creeper and video game mix

      by , 09-18-2013 at 03:25 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's WBTB/naps.

      Dream 1(fragments):

      I was in some minecraft game and there were creepers attacking everyone, i felt one behind me but just ignored it, creeper didn't exploded and everyone else was panicking, haha. Then i was randomly in the bed in my room at home and that creeper turned into miniature creeper in my hand and was kinda cute, then it turned into some random object and i was back in minecraft and it was some race for wool level with sandcastles, we somehow managed to catapult chest from enemy side to our side using a lever and then there were lots of explosions to the left for some reason.
      Then i wake up again and room is different, i am about to realize that i am dreaming
      but i wake up properly before that.

      Dream 2:

      I was in some game that looked like Doom, i was going through some laboratory complex, fighting enemies and using panels to open doors. I was playing coop with SilentEternity and the complex was pretty mazey, also there were multiple levels and stairs, and some colorful liquids in tubes. Then as i reached some place that looked like made from nether brick from minecraft, but with multiple fire pits that looked like from spiral knights and huge central one. There was also gates like in spiral knights and i suddenly had 4 battle sprites at same time together with me, two of which were dragons. I've had to fight two bosses one of which was big brown wolf-like beast that could vanish and teleport and i was using firebolt which was really overpowered and was able to destroy bosses in 5 hits. Then i went back to lab area searching for SilentEternity since he said over chat that he found something. Though then i got a bit lost with some switch puzzle-operated doors until dream faded out. Then i woke up twice, and woke up once more, properly.
    13. Don't Experiment With Poop, Son - Lab not Special Enough

      by , 04-18-2013 at 11:35 AM

      My son wanted to do experiment with poop. I vetoed him, saying that poop is too dirty and can only be studied by scientists in special labs. He reminded me that we are in a lab. I said that this lab is not special enough. He had some poop in sink with either red flossers or red bubble making toys. I ran water to make it go down the drain.
    14. Spy Stuff and Throwing Balls

      by , 05-19-2012 at 08:53 AM

      I'm with my wife, and we are breaking into a building complex. The door is actually not locked, but we are not welcome. We find our way trough a complex of corridors and stairs, ending up to a laboratory room with three people in it. As we enter the alarm goes of. The doors of the laboratory start closing very slowly, and gas starts pouring in. One of the people in the room says something sarcastic to us. They don't seem to be scared of the gas at all.

      My wife rummages trough some drawers and finds a paper. The other people don't do anything to stop us, just offer snide comments. We have more than enough time to leave the laboratory before the doors are finished closing. After getting out of the building we start running.

      I think if I was dreaming we could just fly away. Or then again, probably I couldn't fly very well, but jump at least. Then it crosses my head, I am dreaming. I'm not exactly sure so I try jumping. I get a lot higher than I should. Then the scene faids, and is replaced by the blackness behind my eyelids.

      There is a feeling of vibrations and some imagery, quite clear but not realistic. I think I should try just going with it, waiting for the vibrations to disappear before trying anything. I don't do any formal technique. At some point I drift to sleep.


      I'm in my kitchen with my wife. She is throwing balls up to the ceiling. The ceiling is not solid, it makes a splat and the balls get stuck. I want to try to make the ceiling completely liquid, so that the balls would pass trough. But they just keep splatting, and getting stuck. I jump upward, putting my head trough the ceiling, which offers no resistance. I come down again and ask her to try one more time. The ball, again just splats to the ceiling, maybe a bit deeper this time.
    15. Classroom and Concept Map, Science Classroom & Lunch, Jessie From Team Rocket in Pokemon

      by , 02-05-2012 at 05:38 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)

      I woke up pretty late (~9:40 AM), so I'm really holding on to the images in my head of the dreams I had late last night (I slept around 12AM-1AM).

      I set an alarm to wake me up at 3:45 AM, and I did the same for the online one. It woke up probably to turn it of, but I was most likely too tired to get up to try a WBTB. And the external alarm clock, I don't know, it still has the preset time for 3:45AM, and the dot to show that the alarm is set should've been gone by now.

      Did a reality check, but nope, guess something is wrong with me.

      These dreams most likely didn't start in chronological order either. My recall from them is shit because I slept too long.

      Dream 1: Classroom and Concept Map Assignment

      I'm in a classroom, and I see a DC that looks exactly like the AP Psychology teacher I had in High School as a Senior. The class was over, and everyone was handing in their sheets of paper.

      I get up to go towards the teacher, Mr. White (IRL last name), but then I stop and turn back because something in my mind told me that I had to turn something else in to the shelf at the back of the room. I turn in a worksheet that felt like it was two pages, and then I realize my name wasn't on it, so I go back to the desk and quickly wrote my name (but I couldn't see clearly if I did).

      After I put that worksheet with the stack that other people were putting it on, I turn back to turn in the other paper in my hand, which seemed to be a concept map. I had some random things written down, and I'm waiting in a short line to turn in the paper. Before it was my turn, I decided to write down a concept that said, "Objective?" and I drew a link and wrote an answer of "Yes."

      The time has come...-cluster.gif

      I turn in the paper to the teacher, he looks at it for a while, and I was worried because I was writing something a few seconds before the DC in front of me turned their assignment in, but he puts mine along with the other stacks and I leave to go somewhere.

      Dream 2: Science classroom & Lunch

      This dream, I'm not too sure if it was chained with the first one, but I felt like I was going back and forth somewhere...I know I had to do some weird things like making sure that I met the conditions to enter a room....but again, my recall is crap because I let myself doze off too quickly after waking up to the alarm.

      I'm inside of a room, and I'm not even sure if this was the room I started out in the dream, I most likely was in a room that kept shutting on and off every few minutes I think and then came to this room, but I see a few DCs inside of this class that looks like a Laboratory class since there were large black top tables with the brown cabinets holding them in place. And students were just chilling there, probably waiting for the instructor to come in.

      The time has come...-dvw4121k_1_1.jpg

      I think I see a girl who is a little chunky, and she's wearing a dark blue shirt and jeans as well. She has brown/black hair, and she's looking at me, but I couldn't remember what I did next or how I responded to her.

      Okay, I don't remember anything else from that dream, so I'll just type a dream fragment I just remembered after this.

      I was at lunch somewhere waiting in line, I can't remember what types of food I was getting, but I do know that it was condensed down to a small bowl that looked like a rice bowl or soup bowl or something like that.

      The time has come...-100579.jpg

      This fragment is kind of similar to the dream I have a few entries back when DCs tried to cheer me up when I was pissed a Cash Register broke my debit card in half with her index finger and thumb.

      Dream 3: Team Rocket Jessie from Pokemon

      This dream was different from the rest, so I'll just separate it here.

      I'm looking at some poster in my hand, I think it's a drawing, and everything is colored. Then after a while of whatever I was doing in the dream, a picture of Jessie, part of Team Rocket from Pokemon, was included in the picture on the left side.

      The time has come...-1675-235854728.jpg

      She had her arms out and turned her body to the side next to whatever person was inside of the picture.

      Not too sure on what I did next.

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