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    1. August 14th 2013 (two lucid dreams)

      by , 08-14-2013 at 03:24 PM
      [B]Wednesday, August 14th 2013: "Something feels odd" (LUCID)
      Type: DILD[/B]

      I am walking in a street very close to my house. It's nighttime, and I'm going to buy a pizza. However when I get to this pizzeria, I see it's closed. Kind of pissed off because this was unexpected, I walk back down the street. What strikes me as odd is that it's pretty early to be closed, and the other thing... a construction site that should be located at the end of the street... it isn't there anymore. However I rationalize this by thinking they finished pretty fast with their work. I turn left and walk into the street where I live. As I enter my corridor/hallway, I just feel something isn't right. I step into my living room... and see that the lights are on, and the TV as well. I know I never do that when I go anywhere. Now it simply dawns on me without any reality check... I'm dreaming! I smile, and do a reality check for the fun of it. First my hand has 5 fingers, then 7, then 6, then 5 again. I decide to go for a walk and perhaps attempt some flying, so I go outside, and after a few steps further... the dream begins to fade, and a false awakening occurs.

      [B]Wednesday, August 14th 2013: "Positive Mirror" (LUCID)
      Type: FA/DILD[/B]

      I am lying in my bed, disappointed that the dream ended and I didn't get to do anything. Now this false awakening feels so extremely real that I don't think for one second that this could be a dream, although I find it a bit strange that it is still night time... seeing that I went to bed pretty late. I turn my laptop on to check my mail. Windows loads pretty fast. I log into my e-mail, no new mail. I go to DreamViews and log in... seeing a new private message. I don't see who sent it, but the subject says "DERENDER". Before I open the message, I take a look at my desktop clock in the corner to see what time it is. It says 23:something. I turn away, look back, now it says 11:something. I laugh, can't believe it, and I repeat the reality test. Now it says 05:something. Yaaay!

      I laugh out loud, step from my bedroom into the living room, and see the same mirror that I experimented with the previous night. Ah what the hell, it was so fun that night, I decide to do it again. I step infront of it and analyze my reflection. My reflection isn't angry anymore. It looks friendly, a bit smiling. The hair is a bit shorter. I also have a beard stubble, but the reflection does not. My eye color also seems different in the reflection... it is somewhat lighter. In any case, the reflection is once again different, but not in the way it was in the previous dream. It is much more positive this time. Now when I touch a tooth in my dreams, it always wiggles, and if I do it a bit more it falls out. Now I decide to do something funny, I open my mouth wide and look into the mirror. I see all my teeth... they are normal just like in reality. I push my finger against one upper tooth in the corner... and yup, it starts to move. I am actually amazed how I feel it moving, and I also feel the "nerve" somehow, deep inside. It's a bit uncomfortable, but not painful at all. I find it funny.

      Now at this point I close my mouth, and I attempt to shoot "energy" out of my palms. I rub my hands, concentrate on my palms, and direct them toward the mirror. Now I see the center of my palms start to glow slightly, and they begin to emit a green energy, extremely real looking. I look in the reflection, and see it very nicely as well. It is a very nice glow. At this point I decide to make this energy even stronger, so I focus, but unfortunately the dream begins to fade. I close my dream eyes, and attempt to generate a new scenery, but instead I wake up. No false awakening this time.
    2. "Amazing Mirror" (LUCID)

      by , 08-13-2013 at 02:56 PM
      [B]Tuesday, August 13th 2013: "Amazing Mirror" (LUCID)
      Type: WBTB/WILD[/B]

      After a brief WBTB period (around 10 minutes), I begin to slowly enter sleep paralysis. After the vibrations begin I relax as usual and focus on seeing through my eyelids. A few moments later the picture becomes clearer and clearer. After about 5 seconds, my bedroom becomes extremely vivid, and I just move my dream body and sit up. Excited that I entered a dream, I take a deep breath and get up from my bed. I look down at it, thinking maybe I'll see my body lying there, but no... I just see the bed, the pillow, and the sheets. I analyze the objects in my room and laugh because it's just so vivid. I am also lucid enough to know that I'll soon have to get up for work, and worry that maybe my alarm clock will wake me up soon and ruin my lucid dream. Now I enter my living room. It is day time, actually morning, just as in reality. I see one of my friends lying on the couch, but he doesn't live here at all. I tell him this is not reality, and ask him if he already knew that. He says no, and seems a bit disappointed. I tell him I have some things to do/experiment with, and that I won't disturb him, so he can remain lying on the couch. He laughs and says ok.

      In my living room there is a big mirror in the same position just like in real life. Now it dawns on me that I wanted to experiment with mirrors next time I become lucid. Very excitedly I step closer to the mirror and closer. Now I see my reflection... which is... extremely odd, just as always. But this time I am analyzing every detail of it, and it simply amazes me. My reflection is "angry", and "scary". My eyes look very focused, as if I'm ready to attack someone. One eyebrow is raised, which looks funny. In any case, the atmosphere is somewhat eerie, but it's a good feeling nonetheless. Now I move to the left, and the reflection seems to move just a bit differently, perhaps with a 1 second delay, and some minor differences in movement. Then I move to the right, and again, there is a delay and minor differences. Then I get very close to the mirror and analyze my face. One eyebrow is still raised, eyes are still scary, and the face is in "attack-mode." I actually laugh at this point, but my reflection doesn't laugh.

      At this point I decide to try what I read somewhere on the internet, and that's pulling the reflection out of the mirror. First, I stick my hand inside the mirror for a second, then pull it out. It looks cool, kind of like pushing your hand into liquid. I move my hand really close, then push it inside the mirror very fast and grab my reflection's hand. I pull it out, and pull, and pull... first up to the wrist, then up to the elbow. He's pulling back very hard, and I'm pulling in my direction. My friend watches the whole thing in amusement. I tell him to help me pull him out of the mirror. Gets up and helps me. However, at this point the arm begins stretching kind of like rubber, and I see that I can't pull him out, instead it's just like a very long arm that is now almost pulled to the end of the room. My friend and I decide to let go of the arm, and it just pulls itself back very fast into the mirror, snapping back kind of like a rubber band.

      A false awakening occurs. I am in my bed, but I already know it's a false awakening without doing a reality test. Everything is amazingly vivid again. I laugh and get up, but before I get to do anything... my alarm clock "really" wakes me up.
    3. Older dreams (Part 2)

      by , 08-11-2013 at 03:15 AM
      More entries from my WORD (.doc) dream journal:

      [B]Wednesday, 27. April 2011: "Wild Google" (LUCID)
      Type: WBTB/WILD[/B]

      After being in SP and feeling those intense vibrations and sensations, I try having my room appear in front of me. It does for a second, but it is not clear enough, and keeps drifting away. I still focus my mind and expect to enter a dream. A few moments later, I see a computer screen in front of me, and a keyboard I'm typing on. I am aware that it is a dream. An internet browser is open on the screen. I go to Google, and see that whatever I type is unstable and keeps changing. I laugh about it, and I keep reading the funny text that doesn't make sense. Then I decide to go to Lotto.de, to see if I find some numbers and memorize them. I go to the website, but it looks nothing like the real website Lotto.de. There is alot of text to scroll, so I scroll down a bit. Now I see some numbers, but there are many of them, and they keep changing and changing. All of this fades away, and leads me to a non-lucid dream.

      [B]Thursday, 28. April 2011: "1994"[/B]

      I have somehow travelled to the past. I am in a house located on a big field. Lots of trees and grass. It is daytime, but cloudy weather. There is a man inside the house, a bosnian, but I don't know him in reality. In the dream, I am somewhat familiar with him. I ask him, "koja je godina trenutno?" ("what year is it now?"), and he replies "1994". Immediately upon hearing this answer, I begin to feel many emotions, and I start crying. I don't fear for my life, but I fear for his. I am sensing a big threat, and I tell him that war is about to begin, and that there will be a big massacre. He seems surprised by this, but he also believes me. I tell him I am 100% sure this will happen, and that we must flee as soon as possible. It seems that the time travel aspect of this dream is why I don't fear for my life. Nonetheless I insist that we both flee immediately. We get outside, and it seems that he doesn't have a car. Now this is a strange part of the dream, because at this point I know it is a dream, but I don't really feel lucid, because I simply go along with the plot of the dream, and don't try to generate a new scenery. I try to create a car for us to use, and I concentrate, tell myself that I can create anything in a dream, but still, it doesn't seem to work. However, a few moments later I remember me and him being in a car, and he is driving. We are on our way to "escape" the danger.

      [B]Saturday, 30. April 2011 "The Beard"[/B]

      It is nighttime, and I am in the bathroom looking at myself in the mirror. I keep looking at the beard I have. It's not a strong beard, but the one I usually have when I don't shave for a couple of weeks. While looking at myself, I realize that I shaved this beard off that same night, and only left a goatee. I feel that it could be a dream, so I push my right finger against my left palm. I look at it, and it doesn't go through. I actually feel the resistance just like in reality. I step outside into the living room, and do a reality check on the alarm clock. Voila, I become lucid. Everything is clear, but it begins to fade, as usual. I rub my hands for a moment, then stop, and then I try to calm down and think about what date it is, because I planned to do this a couple of days ago. I come up with April 24th, which is not true, but close. I go into the yard, and the dream begins to fade once again. I rub my hands, but it seems to lead to a false awakening. I don't notice that it's a false awakening, and I don't remember what happened after that.
    4. couple days ago. seeing myself & all my insides

      by , 08-09-2013 at 05:02 AM
      in my dream i woke up in my bed feeling a stinging in my chest. got up & went to the bathroom to look at it.. first time ever that i've seen myself directly in a dream.. standing in front of the large bathroom mirror.. saw cuts.. no blood.
      noticed a large, deep one in the center of my chest.. removed my shirt & watched it spread.
      i wasn't alarmed .. even after the wound opened so wide that i stood there somewhat stunned, just watching my organs twirl around inside me for a few moments.
      then i just squeezed myself shut, put a few pieces of bandage tape over the cut & wrapped my torso with an ace bandage.. then crawled back into bed.
      woke up feeling really weird
      Tags: mirror, organs
      non-lucid , memorable
    5. July 23

      by , 08-05-2013 at 07:01 AM
      Dream 1
      - I'm at the house having an airsoft war with my friend and an unknown girl. I'm in the yard most of the time. I see that the neighbors house looks like a giant, white, opened parachute. There's music playing in the house; I go in to see where It's coming from. It's coming from some gaming system. On the screen, there is an option that will remind you to ask if you are dreaming when you encounter a dreamsign in the game. I think about setting it to remind me when there is food. My mom comes home and we watch a video of an old lady falling off a chair.

      Dream 2
      - I'm carrying a letter and don't know what its for or where it came from. I'm walking with my dad on a cement pathway by a rectangle, cement pond of water. At the end of this pool is a clock that doesn't work. Seeing this clock gives me the impulse to put the letter into a slot in the wall. I do put I in the slot and when I do, the water starts to move towards the back corner, like there's a current. I get in the water and it takes me through a small opening. I float through a small hallway and a voice is telling me, in really bad English, about lucid dreaming. I find myself in a small waiting room with only a mirror .I look in the mirror and comb out my wet hair. A man comes in and starts asking me questions. One of the questions is something about what I would do if I was on my way down the stairs to mow the lawn and dropped a heavy hair dryer. Isk why someone would er before mowing the lawn.

      Dream 3
      - I'm with my friend, S, in a closet. There a a few plates of cake; I eat 2 pieces. I then go to the kitchen an look in the cabinet; theres a bottle of gummy bears that are supposed to give you good dreams.
    6. 8/3/13 - Frightening Reflections

      by , 08-04-2013 at 02:30 AM
      I'm standing in a huge, bright bathroom. I'm in front of a mirror, looking into it. The longer I stare the stranger my appearance becomes. My reflection starts rapidly changing and flashing. My eyes flip between colors and what I see happening scares me. I finally step back from the mirror and scream. I'm hit with a wave of terror and run towards the bathroom door. I try to open it but it's locked. I jiggle the handle a few times, terrified that there's something in the room with me. The door suddenly swings open.
    7. July 16th

      by , 07-16-2013 at 06:50 PM
      Just fragments today...

      - I stand, shirtless, looking in a mirror. I see that I am very hairy.

      - I am on the school bus, sitting alone, and a girl asks if we can trade seats.

      - I'm in a restaurant with my parents. We're going to our table when we stop because they see two people they know. These people both start talking to talk to me at the same time. I don't recognize either of them.
    8. LD: Three Tasks (gibberish, mirror, getting naked)

      by , 06-25-2013 at 07:18 PM
      I finally got lucid and got three tasks done.

      I got up at 5:00 to exercise, but then changed my mind and decided to have a lucid dream. So I laid back down in bed with my head slightly propped up on pillows and willed myself into a dream. It wasn't really a WILD since I don't remember the transition. But I do know that as soon as the dream started I was already lucid.

      I was in an apartment with Jeff. I decided to get started on the tasks right away. I walked up to him and started to speak gibberish. He squinted a little as if trying to figure out what I was doing. I stopped for a second, but he still didn't really react, so I stared right back up with the gibberish. Finally he pulled me to him and started kissing me.

      Nice....speaking gibberish gets me a kiss.

      After the kiss I ran to the bathroom to find a mirror. As I got close to the bathroom I could see in, and I already saw an image of myself in a mirror. I knew I shouldn't have been able to see myself yet since the angle was all wrong. So I went all the way in the bathroom and faced the mirror. As I entered I could see what looked like my true reflection follow me in. The other image was still three doing its own thing. I moved around, and the new reflection did what I did. In both reflections my face was somewhat in the shadows, I was wearing a light orange t-shirt, and my skin was very tan. Often my reflection in dreams is very distorted. But this one was pretty normal (except for the addition of the second reflection).

      At that point I was satisfied that I had done enough to complete that task. So I decided to move on to the next task which was to get naked in front of people. I went to the window. I saw that I was at least 10 stories high. Without hesitating I flew out. Below me I could see people in a large open courtyard area. I flew down and landed next to some older ladies that were sitting on a bench. I briefly told them that I was going to complete a lucid task to get naked and get a reaction from people. I then took off my shirt. One of the ladies had an amused look on her face and said, "Well that should make people smile."

      I then tried to take off my shorts. I got them down over my hips and down my legs, but had trouble getting my feet out of them. I struggled for a minute, then realized that I didn't need to worry anymore about it. I moved on to find more people to get a reaction from (and the shorts were just gone). I saw some men working to move some furniture out of a truck. They glanced up at me and sure enough, they smiled, and then went right back to work. I went up to several more people who were walking by and each of them smiled and then went about their business.

      Hmmm....speaking gibberish get me kissed. Getting naked gets me a glance and a smile.

      I got tired of doing that so I flew back up into the air. I flew up the side of the building that supposedly my apartment was in. The outside was brick with Boston Ivy growing on it. It was very pretty. I got up to about the 9th floor and I suddenly was slowing down. I knew I wouldn't be able to fly any higher. Before I started floating back down to the ground, I saw that the building at the point had metal bars that I could grab ahold of. I knew that my mind had put these here so I could continue to go higher. I started climbing up these bars like a ladder using only my arms. I climbed to where my window was and then jumped out and started flying again. The flying felt really good. I paid a lot of attention to the way the wind felt on my face and the sound of it rushing by my ears. After a minute or so of this I started to get dizzy. I knew the dream was fading, and I figured it was okay since I had accomplished so much.
    9. From examining shrubberies to flying.

      by , 06-25-2013 at 12:56 PM
      I don’t really remember how the dream started out since it was such a long dream. What I do remember is that in the beginning of the dream we had to make a task for mathematics as homework.
      Me and my other classmates are looking out of a window at a shrubbery. The shrubbery had something to do with the exercises we had to make by tomorrow. I made my notes about the shrubbery and attempted to make the exercise. The exercise wasn't too hard so I completed it in a reasonable amount of time. I heard another classmate (Sam) complain about the exercise, he said he made it all wrong because he was thought the small bush on the side of the shrubbery was part of the exercise as well. “He should have looked better before he begun the exercise” I thought to myself.

      At a certain point after this I realise I’m dreaming.
      “I’m dreaming, so now I can fly”. I wanted to test that by jumping out of the top window of our house. At this point I am standing in front of the window and I look down through the window into the garden below. “Better be sure I’m dreaming before jumping out” I think to myself, because all of this sure looks realistic. I do the test by imagining there is a horse in our garden, I look down and sure enough all of a sudden there are two horses grazing, a brown one and a white one. I decide to take it one step further and imagine that there are now cows grazing in the garden, the horses morph into cows.
      “I am dreaming for sure”. I get ready for the jump by crawling outside of the small window. Now my feet are the only thing holding me in place while my body is floating horizontally in the air with my arms down the side of my body. One of the horses, the brown one, launches towards me and when he is nearly at my height tries to bite my hands off. “That horse sure can jump high” I think to myself. He launches again but fails to reach me and falls back towards earth. I prepare myself mentally to make the jump and fly. I hope I don’t plummet towards the ground, since this is the first time trying to fly in my dreams. I push off and for a moment I’m dive-flying towards the ground, but I manage to gain control over my flight and navigate myself upwards. “I’m really doing it, I’m flying”.
      I fly through the street that is positioned next to my house with my arms stretched in front of me like superman. Beneath me I see my best friend (Lieven) and his dad walking. “Hey Lieven, I’m dreaming, I can fly”. I land next to him and tell him again, “Isn't this great, I can fly.” “Ah, I wish I could do that” he said. “But you can, just do it” I replied. I’m still walking besides him and am looking at the forest besides the road (the forest that is positioned behind my garden). “Look Lieven, look at the castle that’s hidden in the forest”. I try to imagine a castle but that thought doesn't manifest itself in my dream so I just leave it alone. At this point a realize I ought to stabilize my dream, I rub my hands together and see what happens, but there is no noticeable difference in clarity so I yell “become brighter” but still no effect. Must be because the dream is already very clear I think to myself.
      I leave Lieven behind and walk up the bank besides the channel. I want to fight a monster, like I read on the internet. So I imagine there being a monster on the top of the slope in climbing. And sure enough there is a giant armoured troll awaiting me. “I’ll bring him down with my guns” I think to myself. I start shooting at the beast with the gun that has now appeared inside my arms, but the gun doesn’t seem to affect him in any way. Besides me there is a bucked filled with a various array of weapons and I take another one but to no avail, so I decide just to kick the monster with my boot and that seems to do the job as the monster falls into the channel on the side of the road.
      I continue walking down the road and on the left side of the road I spot a little digital clock. I walk towards it and see that it notes the amount of time I have left in this dream, which is not much according to the clock.
      I just want to do one more thing before I leave, I want to have sex with Linde (a good looking girl from my class). I am now in a room by myself, “let’s try to summon Linde” I think to myself. I read that you can do that by drawing the outlines of the person you want to create in the air with your hands, but it doesn't quite work out for me and nothing happens.
      At this point I think about the TOTM that I read about on Dream views. Being naked in front of an audience isn't going to work since I don’t have much time left and there is nobody here, so I should do the task where you look in the mirror. I leave the room and walk towards the bathroom. As I enter the bathroom I think to myself “I hope there aren't holes where my eyes ought to be like I read on Dream views the other day”. I bring my courage together and walk in front of the mirror. I am relieved to see that my eyes are still as they should be, in fact I look quite normal, but then I see the distortion in my refection. There is a strip of the mirror that is bend like a mirror in the mirror palace. Because of this, my head looks quite funny as I move around.

      I begin to lose grip over my dream and stray into a non-lucid dream.
      I tell my best friend Lieven about the wonderful lucid dream I just had, he is sort of jealous since he hasn't been able to have a lucid. “I didn't learn for my test I have from mathematics, but so what, I had an amazing dream instead.”
      I wake up for real.

      Updated 06-27-2013 at 02:49 PM by 63727

      lucid , task of the month
    10. Through The Mirror (& card attempt #3)

      by , 06-23-2013 at 02:36 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      color code:
      Gray = Comments
      Black = Non-Lucid
      Bold = non lucid dream cues
      Italics = dream thoughts
      Red = Lucid

      I wake briefly and feel wakeful so I go for WILD. I have a lot of very heavy hypnagogia making it super easy.

      #193 - 6:00AM - WILD - 2 of 2

      I see a scene almost movie like. I am lucid but have no control. I am looking around behind the shed in my back yard. There is something hidden there or buried underneath that I don't want anyone to find. I want it to stop so it doesn't get discovered. I have great anxiety.

      I turn around and see 5 from the movie 9 in a cage but its made of wicker and hay. I trust my hand through the weak wall of hay on the bottom half and pull him out

      I turn around again and I am in my ex-in-laws drive way. I phase through the glass of the bay windows and see my ex's brother lying on a mattress. There is darkness but I wait it out until things clear up. I see him lying there at first in jeans then naked. I feel extreme hatred for him and bite his dick off. I feel something in my mouth but it feels like I am biting my bottom lip. There is no pain but the shock of what I just did wakes me a little. I promised myself I was going to treat DC's like waking life from now on.

      I am standing at the kitchen sink rinsing out the coffee pot. Somehow I realize I just chugged the whole thing and was about to make another pot. I feel odd about this and tell myself I am dreaming. I feel like I am lying to myself but I go with it anyway.

      I put grounds and water together in the pot and set it on the stove for a second with no fire. I tell myself that if this is a dream it will be perfect coffee without my trying. I pick up the coffee and put my hand in it. I looks normal and feels hot already. OK fine. I fully believe that I am dreaming now and gather my sense of self. I focus and try to think of goals. I realize that I am in my house so I go for the card. I wonder if that same idea applies even-though this is not an OBE. Still, I figure it will be fun to try.

      When I get into the next room. I see darkness but totally ignore it and just visualize what I was going to do. I feel myself pull up to the top of the china cabinet. At the top I can see again. There is the card. I pick up up and at first it is the 9 of diamonds but the diamonds then morph to hearts. I jump down and walk back into the kitchen were there is more light. When I look at the card again it is half jack half king of clubs. I stare at it and laugh out loud and how funny this looks. I flip the card over and am a little shocked that is black and says Fallout on the back. (I totally forgot that I used the deck of Fallout New Vegas playing cards!) I also note that the card is thin like paper. I shrug the strangeness off and flip the card back over. It is now jack/queen of clubs. I stop. I turn to my daughter who has been looking over my shoulder. When the hell did that start? I say to her, "OK. I need to focus." I think, What is the card really? I set all my intent to really seeing the true card. When I look again it is the 7 of diamonds then the diamond turn to circles. 7 of diamonds. Good enough. I drop the card and in doing so the dream fades to black. No worries. Next dream please! (When I later looked at the card it was the 5 of diamonds. Close!)

      I am back in bed and feel rather randy. Amy Pond from DW comes to mind. She instantly appears and I begin having sex with her.

      After some time I begin to feel guilty and I try to imagine my wife. A blond version of her shows up and I finish with her. It was very detailed but, once again, I'll spare the reader and save myself some embarrassment.

      Horrible segment I know but at least I tried to make it right!

      After that, I have a false awakening but I am not at all fooled by it. I think about waking myself for real to record the dream but remember that I told myself I would do that again. I'll just have to trust that I'll remember all when I wake up. I get out of bed thinking must have messed myself. For some reason I am wearing jeans shorts. I find that odd since I haven't owned a pair since the 90's. I laugh a little at that.

      Then, I notice something on my hands. It looks like some kind of thick clear goo like egg white. OMG that's so gross! I rush to the bathroom and begin to wash my hands in the sink. I note how real it all feels. I think I should probably just ignore it until it goes away but I become distracted by my reflection in the mirror. I sing a little tune while studying my reflection. "I'm lucid, I'm lucid, I'm so lucid..."

      Now I really do forget about washing as my reflection morphs into many different versions of me. Most of them look dark and creepy. Some are zombie like and some are just plain evil. I don't worry about it and find it all very amusing. At some point I think to morph in to a Blutbad or werewolf. I naturally shift into it like I have before but this time I have the pleasure of closely watching it all happen up close in the mirror. I let out a low growl to help it all along. the low rumble coming from deep in my throat sounds and feels very convincing. I look down and see my hands are elongated, furry, with long sharp Wolverine claws. I relax and shift back to normal, then step back a little to get a clear view of my normal self. All the shifty morphing has stopped now and my reflection becomes clear and sharper than it had been. I look a little prettier than waking life and I say out loud, "Damn, I'm good looking!" Then for fun I go full werewolf and back again.

      I decide to play a little more but this time I focus on my teeth. I open my mouth a little and try to give myself vampire fangs. My teeth look really dirty and brownish but ignore that. At first just the typical two canines slowly grow out and become sharp. I was feeling pleased with my abilities when suddenly all my teeth grow out long and sharp. At that, I decide that I've had enough and become interested with the mirror itself.

      My teeth looked like Prisoner Zero from DW:

      I tentatively push on the mirror with one finger. Again it feels as solid as stone. I push a little harder with my full palm but it doesn't change. I remember to focus on there being no glass. I try to reach behind my reflection but instead of just my arm going in, I fall in head first. The reflection becomes another room with it's own dept and realism. I feel a stuck at the waist for a moment and I feel the barely contained panic expression on my face. Almost like embarrassment. I force myself to relax and wiggle through. There's a split second of darkness starting to settle in as I fall through and become a little disoriented. Again I just ignored the darkness and it goes away.

      I stand up and look around. The bathroom reminds me of a small restroom that was connected my class room when I was in Kindergarten so long ago. I hear a class bell and feel like I better get moving. There are two doors on both sides of the room. The right side feels like the way to go as I think the left must go back to my bedroom. I exit right.

      Now I am in a large school that seems similar to my elementary school. I begin running down long hallways at high speed. The feeling reminds me of playing Skyrim so I try to make magic appear in my hands. I hold them up like on the game and visualize. I see some faint glow in both hands, the left is orange like fire and the right is blue like ice. I don't feel like it's getting there fast enough so I hold them more to my side vision as I focus on running. I pass many open class rooms full of desks and shelves of stuff. I don't really see any people. Now, there is a definite energy ball forming in both hands. I begin to ready myself for some real magic but I suddenly wake up without warning.

      Updated 06-23-2013 at 04:14 PM by 5967 (Added image prisoner zero. Changed Title.)

    11. 2 dreams

      by , 06-22-2013 at 11:26 AM
      I am in a supermarket with two girls (a blonde and a brunette) and two guys I don't know and we seem to buy stuff for a party.
      I am behind a counter, where the cashier were supposed to be and I am taking his merchandise, but I am leaving the money on the floor for him to take later. He later appears and he seems dissapointed because I didn't steal from him.
      Me and the other two girls are negotiating something with two merchants (I don't remember what they were selling but they both were my age). One of the merchants sais to me out loud "Do you want me to help you hook-up with your blonde friend?" to which I reply screaming "WHAT? What did you f*cking say? How dare you? HOW?" and he gets really scared. Then I say "Relax, I'm joking, but no, thanks". After this little scene, the blonde friend comes up to me and asks for my number. After some struggle I remember my number and give it to the blonde. (the strange part here is that I didn't remember my number immediately; in real life I can say my phone number without thinking at all... weird brain)
      Suddenly we all have professional video cameras and we're doing a story on something.
      I receive a nice shirt to try on and when I look on the mirror, I can't see anything out of the ordinary.

      Dream 2:
      I seem to be in a train, but I don't see myself in the train so I think I was the train.
      Over to my left I see floods, houses and then a big city.
      Then I enter a cave/train tunnel which collapses. There is smoke ahead and I find an entrance to some sort of room.
      (now that I think of it, it kind of looked like I was playing an RPG game)
      After some exploring in that room, I see a zombie and throw something at it, hitting it in the head. I don't know what it did afterwards because I left that room and woke up.
    12. The Torrent

      by , 06-16-2013 at 10:03 PM
      This was the third of five lucid dreams from last night/this morning.

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #108: The Torrent

      I'm watching one of the Star Wars films with some friends. We're sitting on the floor of some strange classroom and even though I hate to miss any of the movie, I have to pee so badly that I can't wait. I get up and enter some public restroom, approach the urinal, and start going.

      While I'm doing this, some guy comes in to use one of the stalls. The bathroom has this horrible design where there's a mirror on the wall which is angled so that I can see straight into the stall. The guy sits down on the toilet and commences his business without bothering to close the door. It's an awful sight. "Shut the door!" I wail. He obediently slams the door shut.

      Meanwhile, I keep peeing and peeing. The guy in the stall finally finishes his business, washes his hands, and leaves... yet I'm still going. Something's not right about this,
      and I realize that this is a dream. I still need to pee just as badly as when I first arrived, and there seems to be no stopping things. I'm vaguely worried that I'm wetting the bed but I figure that whatever is happening to my waking body, the die has been cast. Time to get out and enjoy this LD.

      I step away from the urinal, still peeing all over the place, and exit the restroom. I emerge in a huge store that looks like a Walmart. I survey my surroundings, and every time I look in a direction, I start peeing all over the floor that's in my field of view. Most of the DCs in the store ignore this, but a few run away. Fortunately, after a few seconds, the urine seems to just disappear.

      There's a huge mirror covering one wall next to a crudely-constructed wooden stage. I check how I look -- exactly like myself, except I'm pissing all over the place. I find the actual sight of myself doing this totally revolting and devote some dream control effort to making it stop. Soon it does, and all is forgiven (or forgotten.)

      I hit a quick double-biceps pose in the mirror, and it occurs to me that the Advanced Task of the Month is to get naked in front of a crowd. I leap onto the stage and all of the DCs in the store turn to look at what I'm up to. I grab my shirt by the back of the collar with both hands and rip the shirt off of my body. It looks like I'm just in jeans and socks now. (No idea where my shoes went -- did I go into the men's room in just socks? Gross!) With one quick downward move, I simultaneously pants myself and pull off the socks, now stark naked.

      I feel strangely relaxed and confident about all of this and throw in a few little stripper-style dance moves. Scanning the crowd, I notice that every audience member is now female. I'm not sure whether that's strictly a trick of the menthol or just something that somehow makes me feel more comfortable but I take note of it. With the task satisfied, I jump off the stage, imagining myself clothed once again.

      I can't remember what else I'd wanted to do so I have a bit of fun wrecking displays in the store -- I force-push some chairs into a shelf of goods, levitate a bunch of stuff in the air, and generally act like a bad kid. As I'm looking around for my next bit of mischief, an attractive, dark-haired woman in her late 20s approaches me. She's wearing a close-fitting, dark blue dress. Menthol? I think.

      "Hi," she says. "What were you hoping I was going to say to you?"

      The truth: "I was sort of hoping that you were looking for sex." In spite of myself, I feel pretty embarrassed when I say this.

      "There's an honest answer! But don't you think that you ought to get to know me first? Here, sit down," she says, gesturing at a long row of wooden chairs. "I'm Gina."

      I sit down with her and she pulls out a notebook that looks exactly like my written dream journal. "What's that notebook?" I ask.

      "Dream journal!" she answers cheerfully. "You've got to write everything down if you want to remember it."

      She looks like she's about to ask me something when a guy sits down in the chair next to her. He's a black guy, about 30, a touch pudgy. Gina leans back to let him speak, looking a little impatient. This new guy speaks to me in a lecturing tone, saying, "Do you think you can just close every door that you open?" I'm confused by what he's saying and as I'm preparing to ask him what he means,
      I wake up.
    13. Mmm tokah gee-ummmsh DILDx2

      by , 06-04-2013 at 08:14 PM
      Total sleep time: 7 hrs

      Early dreamlet: A guy tells me that whenever cheese is involved he is also there?

      Dream1 DILD after WBTB: Me and bf are queuing to enquire about financial help. A DC woman is behind me and she disapproves of me being there. The scene transforms and we are on some kind of platform that is taking us someplace. I see a strange theme park that reminds me of the island Pinocchio went to. We arrive at the destination, the DC woman is still behind me, I feel her body press on me, so I decide to sit on the platform’s stone steps. I look where we have arrived. This is something like a prison that a sect has, and they keep girls with strange clothes there.

      I enter the place and it turns into an ordinary apartment. I look around and it feels familiar, as if I had been here before. In the first room I see a girl that is kept there and she is clearly sad about her fate. She is naked and I feel her silky skin, and then hug her to console her. She is very thin and I cannot tell her back from her front, it actually gets distorted but I think it is because she is skinny and I tell her that…I move on. There is no one in the apartment and that gives me a strange feeling. Soon I discover another room where a girl is kept. This time it is an extremely dangerous girl. I try to peek through the keyhole but there is some metal in it. Of course, the door to this dangerous girl is not locked, so she starts moving the door trying to escape, while I am trying to close the door. She is stronger than me so she manages to escape and I face her. She is outright scary, because she is a vampire. Some game-like status bar that looks like a play paper card is there. I understand that I won’t be able to fight her, so decide to flee.

      I leave the apartment as fast as I can, and as I get to the stairs I run into Brendan Hines, who I recognize in the dream as a friend of mine and not the actor. I tell him we should get out of there and glide/jump on the handrails as fast as I can. We leave the building and I am on the street lucid. My first thought is that I don’t need to run away any more, but just to be on the safe side, I decide to increase the distance between me and the vampire girl, so I fly forward a bit. I am very happy that this guy (Brendan) is here and have some strange memory that this is the second time I am dreaming him? I want to use him as a partner during the lucid.

      I remember 3 of the TOTM (although I decided yesterday to do only two this month), and have a great clarity of mind. This worries me because I feel that this is end of the REM and I am going to wake up soon, so I go to do the tasks. I approach Brendan, but he has transformed into some ugly older dude, who is being engaged by two other DCs on a bench. That irritates me and I try to get his attention, with little success. I notice a small puddle on the floor and decide to look at my image there. At the same time, while walking towards the puddle I consider if I should take my clothes off, and I stretch my T-shirt a bit. I think that not being able to see for a while will disconnect me from the dream, so I abandon the task and concentrate on my image in the water. I am pleasantly surprised to see that it is actually me there, looking quite nice, and smiling. Normal clothes and hair. It seems that I am talking as I am thinking this because as I do, I see the image’s mouth move exactly in accordance with my thoughts/words. I find this fascinating, but soon I feel my real lips moving and I am back in my bed.

      I am on my right side, eyes closed and decide to risk and go for a DEILD. I wait quite a while and nothing happens, I am quite awake so decide to go to the restroom and take some key notes. I then go back with the intention of falling asleep and having another lucid. (Yes, that greed!)

      As is usually the case with me, this doesn’t work too well, so I spend about 50 mins doing all kinds of stuff trying to fall asleep. I got very sceptical about having another ld towards the end of this insomnia chunk and began contemplating whether I should get up and do something more productive, but I finally fell asleep.

      Dreamlet: some plant leaves

      Dream2 DILD: I am in what initially looks like my parents place and there is a rat-like creature on the floor. It is white, and has no eyes, so a bit creepy. It later becomes three smaller creatures. There was some kind of story about these but it is hard to remember. We also own some creature in my mind a horse, but then a dog/creature steals our horse and runs down the building. This is my grandma’s place for a while. I chase the dog to get back whatever is ours, which turns into my new handbag from real life.

      This person/entity goes down some stairs which lead into the underworld. It is scary. The underworld entrance is a subway station, where the escalators don’t work, so there is no turning back. I consider checking whether the elevator works but enter in a restroom instead. There are two people making out there, I chase them away. I look in front of me, and become lucid.

      Once again my brain is working full power. There is a mirror just in front of me, so I take advantage of the opportunity and check my appearance. My hair is a bit darker and my image makes grimaces. I think that I don’t want to be stuck here too long to avoid waking up, so I leave the restroom. The station is still there, and I want to talk gibberish to a DC, so I turn to a DC guy and say the sentence “I am talking gibberish”, but muffle the sound so it becomes something like “Mmm tokah gee-ummmsh” and look for his reaction. He doesn’t seem to understand what I am saying and I am disappointed with his reaction, so I repeat it two more times. He shyly smiles and looks away. Ah, he’s shy, I conclude, satisfied with the result.

      Then I decide to go with the next task, get naked. I look around and proudly announce to the surrounding DCs “I am going to get naked!” and watch faces of dismay. I concentrate on taking my clothes off, but it seems I have two layers, one fitting really tight. As I struggle to take them off, the dream fades away
      and I am back in bed, left side this time.

      Updated 06-05-2013 at 01:51 AM by 61764

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , task of the month
    14. The Golden Skyscraper

      by , 05-30-2013 at 09:55 PM
      Date: May 30, 2013
      Method: MILD & WBTB (attempted DILD)
      Sleep Time: bedtime @ 1:00am WBTB @ 6:00am for 5-10 minutes, then back to sleep Awake @ 10:00am

      Dream #1
      I was planning on putting on a play for my mother with some people (?). We were moving several props to the center so people would be able to see them from a distance. These props included items that belongs in a kitchen and a living room (I guess like furniture). No matter were we moved these props, there seemed to be a problem and we never could get this issue quite right. After some time of moving things around, my mother had passed away in this dream (by the way...my mother is alive) and my father and grandmother had built the most beautiful skyscraper in her memory. It was so tall, the tip of the building was covered by the clouds. The skyscraper was made of pure gold with reflective mirrors all over it. The gold shined brighter than the sun itself. As the building glistened in the sun, it almost look transparent. It's beauty was absolutely awesome!

      Dream #2
      I needed a ride and I didn't know where I was. It was very dark and I was crying and I was scared. I went into a store and asked the owners if they new the bus route and they asked me where I was going. I couldn't tell them exactly where I was going, I just cried and told them I wanted to go home. The owner felt sorry for me and said that he will give me a ride home. I was still crying because even though I had a ride home, I couldn't tell the person which way to go. I remember passing a building in my dream that said "San Bernadino Hospital."

      A huge metal barrel I was rolling around and groceries were inside of it.
    15. Sex With Teal Scott [DILD] | Mirror, Mirror, On The Wall...And a Demon | Chubby Anal Sex

      by , 05-17-2013 at 06:00 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Didn't really care much for using self-hypnosis for lucid dreaming and just wanted to have the sleep where you sleep through until the next morning.

      Sex with Teal Scott [DILD] (DILD)


      Okay, can't really remember much, but I'll try.

      The dream, at least from what I recalled, was already occurring, it's just that the non-lucid state was so hard to remember until this point. I feel I was lucid at the time, seeing as how it was similar to me doing self-hypnosis sessions to go from waking to dreaming state quickly.

      So the dream starts out with me and a female that looks exactly like Teal Scott on YouTube (The Spiritual Catalyst). My memories of how she would talk, and her overall personality, and her positive demeanor that she naturally shows (or maybe it's just me wanting to believe that), combined with her being half-naked in front of me...it's just hard to describe my emotions at the time.

      Damn it, I need to work on my descriptions more.

      I don't know why two spoiler's are showing up, but whatever, too lazy to edit this.
      Spoiler for 18+ Content - Read at your own risk:
      Spoiler for 18+ Content - Read at your own risk:

      but that's all that I remember.


      Mirror, Mirror, On The Wall....and a Demon (Non-lucid)


      I'm looking at a mirror in a random room that seems to be there for me to focus more on the mirror. The room itself had bland and dull colors of crimison red and burned red (I'm horrible with color naming, sorry).

      I could feel that looking into this mirror would turn into something random and potentially bad. I didn't bother looking at myself, just at the mirror in an angle where I couldn't see myself. I see a sinister face show up, and I start getting jumpy. I shift my focus to a random point in the room, and then turned back to the mirror, having a longer gaze than before.

      I do this once more, and then focused on the mirror until the face of a demon shows up, and I can't remember what happened next.


      Chubby Anal Sex (Non-lucid)


      Spoiler for 18+ Content:


      Updated 05-17-2013 at 06:04 PM by 47756

      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare
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