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    1. Sunday, August 13

      by , 09-16-2023 at 09:55 PM
      I’m sitting towards the front of a coach bus with a smaller group of unfamiliar others. Sitting on the right side, i watch as the bus starts to tilt to the right. At first it almost seems as if it’s just settling, but then the lean intensifies, and I can feel tension arise. It hesitates and then unavoidably completes the lean, tossing us out of our seats as it crashes down on its side. After it’s over, I think it’s not as bad as it could’ve been. Everyone is walking away, just shaken. The driver, a lanky older man, walks away completely, looking embarrassed, which I find cowardly. Now Melissa is here and we’re going through the luggage we have. I notice that I’ve completely forgotten a toiletries bag.

      I’m in a house with Melissa (it feels like our house in the dream and looks nothing like our house in reality). I’m in what feels like the living room, which feels like a big open room with a single-level pagoda built into it. It extends up to the high ceiling, its own roof just below? There are some hanging plants on the structure - in mostly ceramic pots - and Melissa has taken them down, I think without intending to return them. I liked how they looked, but I think they were the previous owner’s.
      Tags: bus, crash, house, plants
    2. 11.06.23 - Bells as reminders

      by , 06-11-2023 at 09:30 PM (4th DJ-Attempt)
      Ok, this time it won’t be too short, so I will try to make it understandable

      Knowing what was the problem with my phone, I made a plan 1.2 to fix the failure and try one more thing. I corrected the brightness and set new timing alarms like intuitive crazy along the night, starting from the midnight, to match REM stages, whenever I was going to fall asleep.
      As usual, woke up some minutes before the first alarm. Then started to take the first notes along the night. The show of the alarms was good to be the first time.
      I was able to capture fragments from possibly all cycles. There were no LD’s yet. Although found myself acting around the subject a couple of times while interacting with other DC’s. There’s a lot of confusion in the background. And I’m too concentrated to finish my task of arranging stuff of any sort. May be it wouldn’t be a bad idea to start new RC method. It could be similar to the alarm system for the night. And also should have an estimate “wake cycle” which coincidentally could match the duration of a sleep cycle. To RC while I’m at work. I think it won’t be much difficult to catch one this time.

      Fragments from last night:

      …/I’m sitting on my desk, working on my paper ship model at night, I’m arranging the cannons now. Then with my eyes closed. I notice that I fell asleep sitting on the chair! I don’t open my eyes but I get confused because of I don’t remember keep working on the ship today. How did I get here? Am I sitting on the chair?Slowly my dream body gets back to the position on my bed/…

      …/I’m checking dreamviews website. I see there are 10 notifications

      …/I see stuff passing by on kind of rails in front of me, I’m waiting for a second round to start, mine is done. The DC’s turned from pieces of my paper ship model cannons. It’s very confusing/…

      Woke up to see it’s still not midnight, first alarm will go off in less than an hour.

      …/Again at work, the round is almost ready, it’s lacking a couple of Items, I’m seeing the boxes of a known video game console while a small female coworker DC arranges them. Wondering if the scanning was in the corner, it won’t be enough because of the CMYK patterns lose data. I zoom-in the corner of the box to see the pixels of color printed on the carton/…

      …/Another machine, another task, I’m rolling a thin stripe of tracing paper. It has pictures printed on it. Like in a film roll. I put together two of them, they look like Toilet paper on its edges that helps bond them together. Cutting the damaged sheets using the perforation line to have straight edges. I get complicated with the rolls, they are not well rolled and have complications to let them set in one roll/… …/Another female coworker dressed with a looney tunes t-shirt comes to shut down the machine. Because of I didn’t shut it down. The new set alarm clock keeps sounding in the background and I tell he: “not yet, because of the alarm clock has just gone off and I have to dream some more”/…

      One of the alarms keep sounding in the background while I wake up to turn it off and dictate some frames

      …/We’re finishing the day at work and the place looks like a street market after everybody picked their stuff and went away without cleaning up the place. Al Bondy is there picking some stuff from the floor. There are some valuable items still on the floor, including coins. He’s looking for the money, but ends up scratching to release three black sandals glued to the floor, that I know belong to our group of work/…

      …/I’m with somebody else at an oasis in the desert. The place looks like a jungle and we help a sloth to find its way back to the trees. We go out of the place and sit on a hill to contemplate the landscape. A group of African hunters, armed with very long riffles come walking from our left side and cross between the oasis and us. They stop to ask if we are in the war there, pointing to our right, there’s a huge jungle at the distance. We say no. Then they keep walking in that direction. The last one of them turns to see in the oasis. I know he saw the sloth. He takes his riffle and shoots, the whole group get into the oasis and some seconds after I see them keep walking in the direction of the big jungle. They’re carrying a bonfire made of green leaves. Above it, hangs the sloth from a pole as it’s being cooked/…

      …/I’m at home, somebody is going away, she’s packed her stuff and wears black sportswear. She has black jogging shoes with middle high heels. She wants to say goodbye to the cat but it doesn’t care/… …/Sometime around im saying something like:”the tasks (talking about the lucid tasks of the SC2023) can be solved on the other side as well, you don’t need to take them with you right now”/…

      …/I see one of my older aunts who passed away many years ago again. We’re doing something o mr talking about something, but it let me feels uncomfortable/…

      …/There is something with an octopus taking extra stuff with its tentacles, I see it swimming on the air crossing from my left to my right. It takes things while it moves/…

      …/We’re playing soccer with tennis balls in the small yard in my grand parents house. My team was winning 17 - 0 when all people is gone except for two guys who keep playing. I notice the guy from the other team is inverting the score. I come to help. I avoid him to increase his score, but I’m not sure about the disposition of the game field. I don’t know where to increase my score. I think, possibly I should go to the house door at the end of a corridor. We used to set that as the other goal line. I kick the balls in different ways to get one into the corridor. I try to give them effect to turn around the other player. Finally I get to kick one into the corridor. When I get in, it turns into a plant nursery. It turns to my right. There are small animals helping me to move the balls. It’s very entertaining/… …/A guy with long curly hair is tearing apart some buildings made of Lego bricks, he gives me one of the houses and asks me if I want to keep it. I accept but I don’t know where I’m gonna put it since there’s no more space. It tears apart on my hands. I put it all pieces together and go out of there corridor. There’s another Lego building, I try to match a piece on the roof, it needs some more pieces to be finished. I take a modul built with such red bricks. I cannot put it on its place, I don’t find where I wanted to put it/…

      …/A doctor is dictating his prescription, to write down in a paper. I don’t care about what he’s saying/…
    3. Weird school assignment and guy at work.

      by , 05-08-2022 at 02:31 PM (Dream-quest by UnknownKadath)
      I dreamed I was in school, as in college. But it was a weird school and I forgot quite what class I was taking. And I had an assignment to go pick a certain type of plant that grew wild in the area(the 'school' itself was a cabin somewhere I think I had classmates but I don't remember them well).
      So I went out to pick the plants, but the as I drove up to the field I was going to take them from, I saw that a storm was coming. The sky got darker and darker and I saw streaks of lightning. I wasn't lucid but I was aware enough to know that I, picking the plants in that field, would be the tallest object around and that was dangerous. So I shot a quick video on my phone showing the sky and lightning and explaining that would not be completing the assignment on time(it was due that evening for some reason) because it just wasn't safe.
      Back at the school, I showed the video as evidence to the teacher, who said I could it later, no problem. A classmate who had gone somewhere else to pick the plants gave hers to the teacher. I wandered away to play with a small dog on the cabin's porch.
      Cut to me at my retail job. I was still somehow in the cabin but it looked a little more like a storefront now. I went to the register to ring a guy up. I forgot what he was buying aside from a magazine. The guy was friendly and quite good-looking and I was talking to him, I forget about what. Then I noticed that the magazine was called Transmasc, short for trans masculine. So am I. I wanted to strike up a conversation based on that, but I wasn't out in the dream just like in real life, so I kept quiet within earshot of my coworkers. For the last few seconds of the dream, after the guy had left, I was staring at the magazine display and trying to figure out an excuse for buying a remaining copy of Transmasc that wouldn't look weird.
    4. 7 May: Incest story and lecturing to kids at a college

      by , 05-07-2021 at 10:45 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Some weird circular story. Starts with a woman sending her daughter to orphanage. The girl grows up and gets pregnant. Her kid is taken away and raised outside by someone else. He meets his grandmother without knowing who she is and they get involved. Then one day the grandmother finds out where her daughter is and comes to see her, bringing her son along, nobody knowing who they are to each other and he also falls for his own mother. Can't recall what happened next but it was some crazy full circle incest shit.

      At a college, feeling like a visiting student. Some girls who are showing me things around take me to the auditorium where it is being played a documentary about Billie Eilish. I go inside all happy to watch it and sit on a chair, but some dudes come to charge me 20€ for it and I just don't wanna pay, so I get out, thinking I can probably stream it online cheaper or for free.
      Then I am invited to coordinate a group of young kids, also visitors, who will be planting trees and bushes in the outside premises. First we all gather in a room and I give them a small lecture about the plants. At some point the kids are all distracted and talking loudly and neither I or their teacher manage to quiet them down. I am losing my voice from shouting. The teacher gives up, but I go grab a recipient with water and throw it at them. It works. They are all wet and in shock looking at me and I finish what I was saying.
    5. Mostly Travel

      by , 02-09-2020 at 03:36 AM (The Fourth Factor)
      I have arrived in a green area shaded by trees. It seems that I’m traveling somewhere, and this is a stop along the way. The dream doesn’t make it explicit, but this seems to be the Czech countryside in the early 20th century – more or less.

      Gradually, other people arrive. I converse with a woman there as we wait. A couple large dogs arrive as well and are running around getting in people’s way. I order them to sit, figuring that they’ve just run here ahead of their masters, who won’t be far behind. They obey. One of them lies down, then rolls over on its back, obviously looking to get pet.

      The car arrives – a distinctly old-fashioned one. (Although there is some uncertainty there, as if the dream can’t quite decide on what sort of vehicle it should be. They all tend to be more or less interchangeable in my dreams.) There isn’t enough room in the car for everybody, but since I was there first, I get to be on its first trip. The woman I was talking to has to wait for its next one.

      I look around as we ride. The man next to me in the backseat is choosing the music that plays in the car via something rather like a touch-screen tablet framed in brown leather – much more aesthetic than the modern ones, I think to myself. Out the window, I see a turquoise river pouring over an oddly shaped stone formation into a lake – a place I’ve seen pictures of before but never visited. I turn around to continue to look through the back window as we drive by.

      I’m aware, as I look around, that in the not-so-distant future this area will be devastated by war. It adds a poignancy to being here in this beautiful place.

      The train – sure enough, it’s decided it would rather be a train now – approaches a platform, stopping under a curved wooden roof from which flowering vines hang down. An invasive species, I note. Parasitic to boot. But quite pretty, and so you can understand why people let it grow like this. In the future, there will be more of a push against it – but not so much here as in other places. A brief image comes to me of the future, of its yellow flowers filled with ash.

      It now seems as if the woman from before is on the train too, and along with another passenger, we continue our conversation.

      When I woke up, I remembered the following melody:

      I don’t think it was actually playing during any part of the dream – my impression is that it was connected to it somehow but happening on a different level of awareness. I find it rather odd that it’s in C# major since that’s not a key I ordinarily have much to do with. Maybe I waited too long before transcribing it and my pitch memory was off? Or maybe it was just in C# major.

    6. Most vivid lucid dream I've ever had

      by , 02-04-2020 at 08:13 AM (Nef's dream journal)
      After a somewhat subconscious,passive initiation of WILD I found myself in a paralysis, in which I didn't realize that I'm already dreaming.
      It wasn't very intense, and I thought this would be the end of it, and I would wake up but despite this I kept waiting.
      There was a bit of pressure in my head ,and the usual loud noise, I started to see through my eyelids.
      Actually I was already in a dream that time I think, since I was lying in the other bed, not the one I lied back in this morning, but I didn't realize that then.
      So I got up and it was kind of vivid but unstable, thought why not, I'll just try to jump through the window. It didn't go well. I thought this will be the end of it ,but I held hands together and concentrated,
      maybe a new dream will start, and that's when it happened.
      I found myself in the middle of a green pasture, nice green hills around, perhaps even mountains. EVERYTHING was vivid and clear, I couldn't believe my eyes, it was all vivid, from my toes , to the horizon, the sun was shining, the plants , everything made sense, there was no random patterns or fuzzyness. Everything was as vivid as this reality. I was amazed but I kept my cool, walked around . THere were some gardeners working.
      I walked towards the nearby forests. The dream switched again. I did the same and waited. and now I was in a night time party scene ,somewhere in a city.
      I kept repeating "clarity" until everything was back to usual. I met some drunk british chav who wanted to fight me for some reason to which I just smashed a bowl on his head, then his taller friend (who was not a chav) came and then the chav knocked him out with some object and said something funny...
      I then went around and came to a room, looked more like a classroom, there was a woman..looked kinda like Meghan Markle but was shorter and had freckles.
      I asked her if she knows that this is a dream...before she could answer the connection was cut , and I woke up

      but damn, everything was so vivid and so real, I've been to another world for a brief time
      I think this "stillness of mind" I've developed in the last few weeks may have contributed
      Also my recall is terrible, even if I just woke up a few minutes ago as I write this , I already forgot a lot

      Updated 02-08-2020 at 09:12 PM by 92016

      memorable , side notes , lucid
    7. see what grows from one drop of love

      by , 10-13-2016 at 04:27 PM
      D1 - At work someone from an agency arrives wearing a pink top, big cup headphones, short black hair and black glasses. Upstairs is open plan as usual. Traci throws a knife across to pin a rat to the wall next to me.
      Lots of children are watching.

      D2 - The headteacher asks me to replant a half dead plant out of a pot. The roots are sticking out red and straggly. I tell him to replant but he just rips the plant out of the pot. It is completely dry with a wood case round it. He says it will be fine. I feel this is a metaphor for not being able to grow as a person with love.
      He tells me charlie hasn't marked their french books and could he use under my bath to display his plants in a large beer jar, by taking out the side panel.

      D3 - We are trying to escape from the frightening school. First of all to a seaside hideaway then serenity decides the safest place would be her uncles small house in the country. We escape there and plan on how to kill the headteacher when they follow us. First we think of burying them then we decide to use a gun with a silencer to shoot them, then bury them out at sea.
    8. Enlightened by a white Cucco

      by , 10-12-2016 at 05:13 PM
      D1 - Ordering lots of stuff for gardening using big ass library forms, with a special stamp on them.
      Charlotte is moving the plants carefully by picking up the matting underneath their earth.
      I am looking at the setup and checking out equipment that will drip feed at certain percentages .
      Catherine has a stack of plants that are connected to an old fashioned record player in some way Oo.

      D2 - Some zelda dream with a big purple scaly dragon, looks kind of cool. Then I go to another area and find a giant white cucco.
      The dream gets super vivid at this point, the chicken appears to be made up of zillions of tiny lego cubes, infact they are pixels. It is incredibly realistic and very much alive. I don't want to kill the chicken for two reasons, one it is very alive and I can even feel the warmth of it under my fingers as I squeeze it :S
      two I realise that it is generated by software and is essentially immortal, it would just respawn.
      At this point I wake up, feeling this is a metaphor for not just the fantasy of dreams, but of life which is also a dream.

      D3 - In a darkened kitchen with several other ragged fellows, some cloaked. Eating hunks of red bread/cake. Outside it is raining but I take some cake out to a green moss dragon that is sitting in the splatting rain outside the door.
      I return inside to get some more but as it is now lashing with rain I look for a raincoat. I find one but it is not really suitable as it has a yellow and green frog motif. Another is bigger but still not big enough for me to do it up over my clothes.
      I head out and start to fly up into the sky but halt as my brother and wife arrive. I am now hovering but finding it hard to fly higher than the large willow tree there,framed against the dark sky. I am very embarrassed. I see my own wretched reflection bedraggled in the rain (also with a beard I don't have).
      Returning to my dwelling with my daughter as a baby, she then transforms into a teen with long straggly hair wearing a strange patchwork coat. The place is a real mess.

      Updated 10-12-2016 at 05:19 PM by 89275

      Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails New avatar & sig...-tumblr_ntbe24fwjr1qdtql4o1_500.jpg  
    9. Angry Fairy and Turnip Fairy (DILD)

      by , 04-26-2016 at 07:52 PM
      Ritual: WTB 1am, woke 8:30am after spontaneous DILD.

      In the course of an NLD, I was changing clothes in my bedroom when I spontaneously realized I was dreaming. I decided I shouldn't waste any more time fussing with clothes and instead get to work on the next task I had prioritized: the Fairy Circle TOTY. Glancing at myself in the mirror, still partially undressed, I headed outside.

      I wondered if the dream would let me pass through the sliding door to the patio without obstruction, but instead I found myself exerting what almost felt like a realistic level of force to open it. Once outside, I didn't want to get bogged down looking for a fairy circle, so I primed my expectations. The fairy circle, it was right over here... I've seen it before. I headed right and found a nice patch of soil like a garden plot. Just as I had "expected," I saw tiny plants like seedlings growing in a distinct circular ring about five feet in diameter. At first I didn't see any mushrooms, so I reminded myself: And there were mushrooms. Looking closer, I now observed a few small mushrooms interspersed among the plants. I also saw a few smooth, bulbous growths that reminded me of the "stone plants" that had fascinated me when I was a kid. I had forgotten those even existed!

      Now that the circle was adequately established, I needed to summon fairies. I knelt down and focused on the center of the ring, where the soil was bare. I noticed faint movement in a spot slightly off-center, and then the loose earth began to fall inward, as though a hole were forming beneath it. I continued to concentrate on the summoning, and then an odd formation slowly rose out of the earth until it stood about two feet high. It resembled a candelabra with at least two tiers of arms in all four directions, except instead of candles, it held small figures that I presumed were the fairies. I reached out and grabbed the one from the very top of the arrangement. It was about eight inches tall and stiff like a statuette.

      I looked closely at the small figure in my hand. She was dark-skinned with shoulder-length black hair, wearing a crimson dress with a dark green cape on her back. Her hat was the same crimson as her dress, but in form it resembled a Santa hat, with a white fuzzy brim and a white pompom at the end of the conical tip that draped behind her. Attached to the toes of her green shoes were round bells, both silver and green. I thought the overall impression was really cheesy, not at all how I would have preferred to imagine a fairy! There was one more incongruous detail: her face was contorted with an expression of unmistakable anger.

      I was tempted to ask her name, but remembered how pointless and distracting this line of questioning can become, so I should get straight to my real question: "What is your secret?"

      Her response was both unexpected and chilling: "It is evil." She sounded as furious as she looked.

      "What is?" I asked, utterly perplexed.

      I can't recall her initial response, but it did not resolve my confusion. I decided to be more specific: "When you said, 'It is evil,' what did you mean by 'it'?"

      She said a few more things that I don't recall, and then a line that struck me clearly: "The evil of a controlled substance is the substance."

      This was even more confusing. I hardly ever use controlled substances, at least not illegal ones, so I didn't understand how this could be relevant. Moreover, I disagreed with her stated position: in my view, the main evil of a controlled substance is the social strictures that punish people for possessing or using it.

      "Why did you bury amphetamines?" the fairy pressed.

      What happened next was the clearest case of false memory that I've experienced to date. With what felt like a flash of insight, I suddenly realized the probable reason she was so angry. I "remembered" something about my fairy circle—something that I'm pretty sure had not come up in the dream until the point at which I now "remembered" it, but now seemed to explain everything. I recalled that at one point I had buried a bunch of drugs inside the fairy circle, mostly amphetamines, as part of my preparations for the ritual to lure or summon the fairies. It now occurred to me that this might have caused problems within fairy society, and I felt a twinge of guilt.

      I didn't think I would get any more useful information from this fairy, so I put her aside and grabbed another, this time from the side of the candelabra-like arrangement.

      This fairy didn't look human at all. It looked like... a turnip? Was that the right vegetable? The white round bulb with a blush of purplish-red at the top? Yes, a turnip. I was reminded of a photograph of a white radish by Edward Weston (1886–1958) that I had seen the day before in WL. This was clearly a turnip, not a radish, but it gave me a similarly vulgar impression. If this was a fairy, it was clearly not from the upper echelon of fairy society. Or could its abject appearance be the result of too many amphetamines?

      Well, here goes.

      "I have a question." I said, wondering if the turnip-fairy could understand me. "The question I've come to ask is: What is your secret?"

      I was still rotating the turnip in my hands as I spoke to it, uncertain which side was the appropriate one to address. How do you talk to something with no face?

      I heard a male voice, faint, with the accents of a yokel, like Cletus on The Simpsons. It responded to the question in my mind, not the one I had voiced: "There is a side that says: 'Look at me'."

      I realized the turnip must be trying to help me orient it properly, so I turned it until I found a round black label with white block lettering that, sure enough, said "LOOK AT ME." It was hard to make out—I missed it at first—because the label was embedded in a scene featuring the stylized profile of a man in a black cloak.

      "It would be a lot easier to see if there was some white space around it," I commented about the label.

      The turnip-fairy took my suggestion and the surrounding scene promptly faded, leaving the round black label with its white letters clearly discernible. I reminded the turnip that I had come to ask its secret.

      I don't recall its initial answer, but I do remember my skepticism. Whatever he had said had sounded as unconvincing as the response I had gotten from the first fairy, and I assumed that he, too, might be pursuring an agenda that involved concealing the truth.

      "I don't think that's your secret." I said doubtfully. "Tell me your real secret."

      The tone of his response implied that I was wilfully ignoring the obvious: "Oh come on, we can't tell you that."

      Even before his sentence had concluded, I was ejected from the scene and found myself standing in my bathroom. I felt like I had woken up, but wasn't sure. I briefly considered going back outside and attempting to continue the scenario, but realized I should promptly write down what had already happened. I grabbed my notepad from the bedside table, and after a bit of trouble with the pen—which I recognized as another dream sign—I started writing down what had happened. Although I realized I was probably not yet awake, I figured that even while still dreaming it could be useful to write down some initial recollections while they were fresh, and it might help me remember them better when I did wake up.

      However, I hadn't gotten more than a few sentences into it when dream-writing began to feel tedious, and I was afraid I would get distracted, fall into an NLD, and lose the memories entirely, so I forced myself awake. But as soon as I grabbed my actual notepad to begin writing in WL, I realized my mistake: merely transitioning to wakefulness had dulled the memories of the dream that had been so crystal clear just before I had woken up. I wrote down everything I could still recall, but unfortunately some details of the conversations were lost.

      Updated 04-29-2016 at 07:05 AM by 34973

      lucid , task of the year
    10. World of Briars

      by , 08-17-2015 at 03:53 PM
      Morning of August 17, 2015. Monday.

      This is my first stable dream of this time period on this date, a type which is always lucid - every first dream I have had since early childhood has been of this nature, every single night, with no attempt to make it so, and always in the first stage of light sleep paralysis which I enjoy - I do not attempt to control it in anyway during the first stage - I just flow with it and enjoy it even if the imagery should be grotesque beyond imagination. The imagery, I suppose, this time, is somewhat nightmarish (in regards to how others might see it), but not a nightmare at all to me. There is no emotion other than a sense of peace and acceptance. In this state, even being fully in-body, there is no way a lucid dream could integrate or interfere with my real-life state. I mostly just watch. I am not even regarded by the entity that is “making” this domain - even though I sense and know that he is not “of” me in any way.

      Some sort of larger-than-life human-like form, fairly pale, somewhat sickly looking (yet still seemingly stronger than any human form), holds an egg. It looks like a typical white chicken egg, though perhaps bigger. Over time, thorns (of about three different sizes) sprout from all areas of its surface, though leaving the egg’s surface fully intact otherwise. At times, the implications “reset”. The being stands as, slightly hunched over, at one point, the thorns growing from the egg seem to become endless briars in a large ominous but colorful landscape of mostly greens, oranges, yellows, and browns. Certainly this place is not for human beings, though I have certainly seen far worse realms. The thorny briars are in various patterns and sizes that sometimes cross over each other and form “gates” and purely organic trellises. Everything is made of briars, including possibly “nests” assuming there are creatures or human-like forms that live here. I realize this realm is probably a human world that relates to frustration or possibly a lack of focus. It is beautiful, but not a place I particularly would want to spend much time in.

      I do not challenge the being with the egg (which sits on the palm of his right hand), even though he seems puzzled that nothing emerges from the egg (upon each “reset”) but thorns. If he wants to keep creating infinite briars into his world from it, who am I to stop him. This is his world, not mine.
    11. LD: Bending Skills

      by , 08-06-2015 at 07:28 PM
      I got up at 3:15 and tried for a WILD. I laid there and laid there and felt the time pass and pass...until I finally saw the sky outside my window brighten. I was pretty discouraged. But this was the first morning in a long time where I was going to be able to sleep in. I finally decided that if I kept trying for a WILD, I would just stay awake. So I decided to just get into the most comfortable position and just try to sleep and hope for a DILD. I often have that happen when I can't WILD.

      As I was drifting off, I heard my dog barking. It was making me angry, because I really needed to go to sleep and not be bothered by barking. I finally got up and went outside. I was surprised to see that there were at least 6 other dogs that had gotten into the back yard. No wonder my dog had been barking. But when I looked for him I couldn't see him among the other dogs. Suddenly the yard was full of kids and teenagers. They helped me get the dogs out of the yard and would help me find my dog. As we went down the road I saw the that number of dogs had increased to about a dozen or so.

      Something about this wasn't right. And really, who were these people I was with? Could I be dreaming? It suddenly seemed much more likely that I was dreaming then walking down the road with all these random dogs and people. I took a jump up....and continued to fly.


      I very quickly remembered my goal of practicing all my bending skills. I flew to a big tree and sat on a large branch. I cupped my hands in front of me and concentrated on making fire. At first nothing happened. I wasn't too worried because fire is the easiest one for me, and I have had quite a lot of practice over the years at creating fire. So I continued to concentrate and soon saw little heat waves coming up off my hands. With a little more concentration I saw a little fire form within my cupped hands. That was good enough for me. I wanted to move on to water.

      I looked at my hands. The fire slowly faded away and in it's place I saw that my hands were filled with water. That was easier than I thought it could be. I have only one memory of water bending in all my lucid dreams and that was years ago--and that cup of water had already been on the table. So I was thrilled that the water just came to be. Now for the next part. I concentrated again on the small pool of water in my hands. Soon I saw a section of water start to snake up. I pulled it with my mind and made it twist and turn. I finally made it head to my mouth where I drank it all down (that had been my plan all along--and it was quite satisfying--the more interaction with the water, the better, I say). I then saw Jeff next to me. He said he was hot. I filled my hands with water again, and this time focused on it until it became ice. It was not quite solid, still kind of slushy, but still intact enough for me to pick it up with one hand and give it to Jeff. He seemed happy with it so I moved on.

      I saw that I was in the park next to the airport. I flew over to the fence and saw some small rocks sitting on the fence. I concentrated until those pebbles floated over and into my hands. I then formed a dust devil and those rock went swirling up into the very small dust devil in my hands.

      I felt very satisfied that I had been able to do all four elements.
      At this point I think I had a false awakening. Or I lost lucidity.

      I was in what was supposed to be my backyard. I was looking at my tomato plants. I noticed that I had a lot of ripe tomatoes. Many more than I had remembered seeing before. I then noticed that my squash plants were also covered in these big cool looking squash, some orange and other pink with green on one end. As excited as I felt seeing all the squash, part of me started doubting. Again, I decided that there was more chance of me being in a dream than all these squash suddenly growing in my yard (had I even planted squash this year?). No, I was dreaming again. And that was okay.

      I suddenly thought about all the bending I had just done. I wasn't quite finished. I wanted to make a bigger dust devil. I concentrated on the ground in front of me and made a 6-7 foot dust devil appear. At first it was just made from random dust and debris. But then I wanted to be creative. I used my mind to lift some reddish colored sand at the base of the dust devil. I watched as it started to swirl slowly up the dust devil. It was so fascinating that I did it again with more sand. Then again. The dust devil had all these swirling stripes, spinning and spinning. I focused again and made the patterns even more complex. It was beautiful, intricate, and so symmetrical. I was in awe.

      But then I remembered my next goal which was to summon some new music by Angels and Airwaves. I had been wanting to do this for a while. I hadn't been successful the last time. I hope to be this time. I saw Daniel next to me. I asked him if he had a radio or music player of sorts. He said yes, and pulled out this funny orange and yellow colored box. He pushed a button and music started playing. I told him I needed to hear some Angels and Airwaves...but not just any old Angels and Airwaves, but something new. Something they hadn't created yet. He messed around with it. Several more songs came on, but none of it was what I was looking for.
      Then the dream faded. And I couldn't get back.
    12. Little fangs

      by , 05-27-2015 at 06:13 PM
      In some small early 20th century village, I'm the youngest in a family of three sons, and for years now it's been expected that I'll marry the neighbor's youngest daughter when we grow up - we've always been good friends. In the previous scene we'd all been sitting around my family's dinner table; now I've gone to meet her down by the river, which is so full of plants it gives the impression you could walk across them like a bridge. The girl's here waiting, but before I go to meet her, I'm distracted by another girl, a stranger, standing in the center of the river. The observer side of me thinks, I have to remember this.

      Her hair is probably blonde, but it's so matted and dirty that it's hard to tell. She's dressed in old-fashioned men's clothes, a shapeless and colorless coat over a blue velvet waistcoat with a pattern of rosebuds. Then I realize that while I've been focusing on remembering the details of her appearance, I've been missing the conversation the character side of me is having with her. I drop back to focus on what the character side of me is doing.

      Years later, but near that same river. One of my brothers is handing me a silver pocket watch that belongs to our father, and telling me that he's in Madrid - they've known this all along, apparently. My brothers got me to come back here on the pretense that our father's missing - I'm annoyed but not surprised to find that was a lie. There's a woman here, somehow connected to that girl in the river but not the same person, and something about biting down on a chain, and her little fangs.

      I'm carrying one end of a wooden box through what looks like an abandoned house, with that woman holding the other end - it's not particularly large or heavy, just large enough to be awkward for one person. I'm looking at our hands on the box, close enough to be nearly touching. Her nails look thick and discolored, greyish; there's blood ingrained around the nail, but I'm thinking that the blood's not what's causing the dark greyish appearance, since there's blood all over my hands too.

      That woman is kissing me and holding me in place, not letting me turn my head to see what's going on, telling me not to move when I try to. Something is very wrong. There's other people here; the observer side of me recognizes this moment and I switch to third person to avoid it. The scene still continues in front of me, they kill her, but I don't see much of it, focusing on remembering the earlier scenes.

      Updated 05-27-2015 at 06:15 PM by 64691

    13. Caffeine storm

      by , 02-09-2015 at 12:16 AM
      Almost skipped wbtb, but woke up had around 80 mg caffeine double espresso, 500mg lecithin and spent some time reviewing the goals but not too much.

      I feel some pressure in the bladder and make a note that preferably need to go before lds start. I'm in the process of falling asleep and I begin to see this picture more clearly, it's useless as a scene (drawn face open mouth), but just concentrate on it to focus, it begins to move inside like a tunnel. Scene change ethereal layer, running backwards, then new scene.

      Finally, a bed scene, very realistic and with full body, got integrated in the body really fast, ready to move, carefully get up from bed. Move around a bit. My old room, head towards the balcony. Old doors, closed but not locked, open them. I go outside, it's magical. The sun is shining, the sky is clear blue, very vivid colors. I can feel the warmth of the sunshine and also hear a happy song coming from far away. The change in colors and light from the darkness in bed the moment before is impressive. I can also feel a very pleasant breeze and notice the plants to my side and remember one of my goals to interact with them.
      The dream thins out and I wake up.

      I pay a short visit to the bathroom and review the dream.

      Soon after I fall asleep, find myself back into our old place again. This time I face a dark room but decide to go inside. There is a sofa right in front of me and I roll it over, thinking super strength it becomes very light. Beneath it another sofa covered with clothes. I recall my clean up goal (try to bring order into ld, see what happens) and start throwing clothes to the sides, cleaning up the sofa of objects. Some more appear but I am almost done, finally I sweep the last clothes to the side and just observe if anything will happen (but with blank mind). The dream thins out.

      I find myself in the living room of the same place, parents here walking around, we talked about something (rather made some comments). Everything is super vivid, bright and colorful again although the definition of objects not as good, rather blurry. I walk around the room and look at as many objects and furniture as possible, noting how orderly this room is. Everything seems at the right place and the furniture is more or less the same. The only objects not quite from this room originally are a buddhist medallion and a large chunk of amethyst crystal on the floor. I tk it up and dad catches it.

      I recall the storm task and head towards the balcony. I'm thinking, ok, how am going to change the weather which is bright and sunny as can be perceived inside the room to bad weather. By the time I reach the window, the sky is fully covered in clouds and it's already raining. Well, that's quite convenient and I take a moment to think how my thought manifested so quickly. The only thing I need right now is some wind and I want to add a few tornadoes too. I stare at the horizon which brings the memory of many storms and alien invasion dreams and this facilitates the creation of more stormy conditions. I tell dad to help me with this, more as an act of self assurance, then twist the clouds a bit till I form a tornado and another one just next to it. I look to the side and see a huge one has appeared very close to where we are now. I think briefly about this, then the dream fades.

      I find myself back in my old room, thinking that I've been having all my dreams in our old place today. Mom and dad are still here too, they come and start hugging me while I'm watching our reflection in the window. I remember the candy store task and decide it's time to leave the building, heading over the balcony. Mom is overly concerned about this but I go ahead and stretch/climb down and then jump the last part of the distance. Some slight instability but the dream is still here. I walk around and move my eyes from object to object trying to simulate and stimulate REM as I feel the dream slipping away. I think about where I am headed, my instinct is to go to where there are some stores down the street, though that feels too far for me to make it. I wonder if just turning right the other corner wouldn't be a better idea. Still decide for the original stores. All this contemplation leads to the place changing and something that looks like a street pops up where there isn't one, I examine it to see if there are any stores but it's more like residential buildings.

      I continue down the street where there are some scary looking guys with guns. There is another group fighting them, later the two groups mix. The whole street changes and while I'm trying to evade them I lose lucidity.

      Wake. Review.

      Other dreams I can't recall. Short ld moment where I watch my reflection this time in a tv. I make myself float up in the air and then plank while floating. My reflection does the same, perhaps even better than me. I'm excited because I realize that I am also manipulating my reflection's movements.
    14. A stone gate in the air; plants growing in a cave, repeated

      by , 01-11-2015 at 11:38 PM
      I'm flying over a river, and although I don't remember what I was flying on, in effect it's essentially a flying carpet - a small, flat surface carrying several people. Someone else is 'driving' it, I'm just along for the ride. We're taken over a waterfall, with several clouds beneath us, and among the clouds I see a huge gate hanging in the air, supported by pillars on either end. It turns out to be the first in a series of three gates, the entrance to a country - the first is very modern, with images like a billboard; the second somewhat less modern; and the third is very old and very beautiful, more like a decorative lattice made of stone and covered in moss, as tall as maybe a three-story building. I turn back to look at it as we pass overhead. On the other side, we land. I find that I'm excited, much more so than I'd expected to be, about traveling somewhere new. Less jaded than I thought apparently.

      I'm surprised - although we've just entered a new country, there don't seem to be any customs to pass through, no guards. We've landed outside of a building, and I understand there are some procedures to be gone through inside; but there isn't anyone around out here, no one to stop us from just wandering off into the country. I intend to go inside, I just took note of it as something odd. There's what seems to be a giant bell planted in the ground, although it's so covered with moss it's hard to tell what's underneath. As I and the other people from the 'carpet' walk around outside, I notice several stone statues. There's a plaque underneath one of them that I read - this is part of the entrance procedure. We're meant to pay our respects by bowing before each of these statues. I do so, pointing this out to one of the other people from the 'carpet' to give them a heads up. The first three statues I come to are divine figures and legendary heroes, I bow before each of them; but then the fourth statue I find is an odd creature in a mask, labeled as a nightmare called Home Eater. I don't see why I should have to bow before my own kind.

      (Woke up. Back to sleep.)

      There was a scene in which someone was causing plants to grow rapidly among some stone ruins in a cave, and someone else saying to them, horrified, "What have you done?"

      (Woke up. Back to sleep.)

      Lost Boys, as David I'm watching Michael drop out of the tree and run away from the killing. This was not the plan. He was supposed to kill someone, not run away. I don't like giving the new ones too much time to think - just do it, make a clean break, then explain what's happened to them. It's easier that way.

      Back in the cave with Star, I'm standing off to one side and watching her. She's standing in front of a bunch of pots for plants covering a table. Most of them look empty, although I know she's planted seeds in each of them, and she's been trying to do something with them. But the one she's holding her hands over now is growing right before our eyes, responding to her somehow, like magic. Whatever she's been trying to do, it's working on this one. The other boys come back then, they all exclaim over what Star's doing, gathering around the plant and looking as excited about this as she is - except Michael. He's hanging back and looking at Star with this expression - not exactly betrayal, but close; like he'd thought she was someone he could trust, and now he believes he was wrong about that.

      Updated 01-12-2015 at 01:48 AM by 64691

    15. Eating foxglove, party with Marie, a witch's past, definitely not a demon lord

      by , 01-09-2015 at 11:49 PM
      I'm walking along a hall filled with exhibits - first, fragments of stones covered with hieroglyphics; then statues of Dumuzi; then a small section filled with art based on myths from various old African and Middle Eastern cultures, done by artists from the current African and Middle Eastern cultures - a reclaiming sort of thing. A painting of Eve holds my attention. Here I meet a very influential man and a woman who he has some claim on, but who seems mentally elsewhere - she speaks only nonsense. I feel protective of her, and I follow her out to a field where she gathers flowers and speaks nonsense at me for a while, but eventually that influential man and his followers come outside and she has to return. She hands me the flowers she's gathered and indicates I should eat them. Heather, foxglove, peony and violet. I put down a plank for her to walk across to return to him, and she hands me the traditional few coins for her passage.

      A scene involving statues who came to life ends with a man speculating about whether it's possible for something carved in stone to change its role. He thinks it's possible, within limits. He speaks in a manner that's difficult for the people around him to understand - they say he speaks in riddles, but that's not intentional.

      As I'm listening to him speak, the scene transitions; I'm in a dark stone room, listening to someone else speak to himself. I've lost track of what he was actually talking about, too busy focusing on his mannerisms and speech patterns, because I/Rumpelstiltskin recognize this scene - this is the man who I'll steal some of my more showy mannerisms and speech patterns from. Eventually he says a phrase that he uses very often, and recognizing it, I join in with him word for word. I've got his tone down very well, though my voice echoes, an effect of the spell I'm using to stay hidden - helps distort the location. He startles when he hears me, and I say, "Chilling, isn't it?" The similarity in our voices, I mean.

      He looks around to try to find me, unsuccessfully, but he looks deeply unimpressed. "Expressing affection?" he asks.

      "Precisely. But as an aside-" I drop the spell and step into the light as I speak.

      (Woke up. Back to sleep.)

      Me and Jules are meeting as strangers - a man led us down to a room displaying various things that were important to each of us in the past. He wants us to go over our own displays to make sure there's nothing that needs to be changed. When we take a break, however, I wander over to some of the objects that are on the wall. There's a statue of a golden lion - something Jules made. He explains that it was based on an ancient model, but it's difficult when you can't be exactly sure of the symbolism each detail had to that ancient culture. I sympathize - I'd once studied the original pair of lion statues he based this one off of.

      After several scenes on the streets of New York, I wander off into some hills, go lucid, and start to fly. Once I gain some altitude, I come across a river with several boats making their way downstream. I'm aware that if I follow the river downstream, it'll lead me back into the city; upstream, elsewhere. I'm torn, but then a large boat on the river draws my attention. Marie Antoinette's leaning on the railing, drinking an immense glass of pink champagne, and generally looking very inviting. I land on the boat and we go inside. Unfortunately, although I hear her meaning instead of her actual words, she complains that she can't understand what I'm saying - she's hearing the actual English words. I have to deliberately switch to speaking French - she can understand me well enough now, but my vocabulary's limited. I join her husband at a buffet table where he explains the various delicacies to me - they all sound fascinating, though I'm not eating. I leave him to go remove my overcoat; I meet a handsome guest and we enjoy some extremely unsubtle flirting. Eventually he leaves to rejoin his boyfriend, and as I'm admiring the pair of them I have a false awakening.

      (Woke up. Back to sleep.)

      There's a witch sorting through various moments of time from her past. The first one she selects isn't the one she's looking for - it's the moment when she was taken to the castle, associated with a sense of pain, before she became a witch. She puts that moment back.

      The second moment she selects - her daughter's choice between death or banishment. I think of Sleeping Beauty, converting a curse into something that's still a curse, but survivable. The daughter herself would have chosen death - young romantic type, I think of Romeo and Juliet - but her mother the witch says, "I gave him the terms quickly." By him, she means me/Rumpelstiltskin. She struck a deal with me to get her daughter away safely, before the daughter could choose a 'noble' death. The scene changes - I'm standing in the shadows at the very edge of a forest, looking at the castle on the hill in the distance. Despite the various fairy tale references in this scene, this castle's no fairy tale confection; it's a squat, practical thing. The daughter was somewhere inside at this moment in time.

      (Woke up. Back to sleep.)

      After uncovering a secret lab leaking some kind of contamination that was killing the rats in the neighboring building, and making a quick escape out a second floor window and over a series of rooftops, I've wound up coincidentally coming across a scientist from that same lab and having a civil conversation on the subject of traveling through portals. We passed through one without her realizing it, and I'm baffled as to how she could not have noticed, but also baffled as to how to explain that moment of transition to her - I compare it to a change in air pressure, something you feel rather than something visible that you can point to.

      She's excited about having found someone to talk to about this, someone who's used to traveling between worlds, and she asks me a variety of questions. But her expectations are so wildly different from my experiences that we're having trouble communicating - she seems to have a worldview straight out of Lovecraft. She asks me first about Old Ones, and I had no idea what she was talking about - the ancient beings that created the world, she explains. She describes them very specifically. That's something I've never come across, sorry. So then she asks about some other creature I've never heard of, and this one she explains as the demon lords that currently run the world now that the Old Ones are gone. This is hilarious. Again, sorry, no - if there are any demon lords running the world, I have yet to meet them. I start wondering if this story is actually a misinterpretation of some of my own past actions.
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