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    1. Lucid Tower Meditation

      by , 06-28-2017 at 06:12 AM
      I'm outdoors on a lush, green landscape. It's like a park that is being gradually infiltrated by warehouses, factories, barns, and public buildings.

      Everything is very vivid. The light has a strange, beautiful quality, as if the light itself is full of possibility.

      I know that I'm dreaming.

      In the middle of the landscape is what might be a children's playground or what's left of an industrial plant. It's hard to tell, but I swing on a horizontal bar like an athlete, having fun.

      I drop down to the ground, thinking that I was supposed to do something the next time I was lucid, but I can't remember what it was. I don't want to waste the entire dream trying to remember, so I decide to fly. Predictible, yes, but a great feeling and not only is it less effort than ever with more control, but I also feel no anxiety as I rush up into the air.

      Ahead, there is a green hill with a tunnel going into it. Now there is some anxiety, as I wonder it was going to come out of the entrance.

      A large bus/short train comes speeding out and I jump high into the air to avoid it. It is yellow and reminiscent of a child's drawing of a bus/train. It has passengers.

      Then I recall that I was thinking about meditating in a lucid dream, which I've done once before and had a great experience.

      I close my eyes and I feel that I'm inside a tower. Opening my eyes intermittently, I see the translucent skeleton of the building's internal framework.

      Eyes closed, I rise up through the tower, hovering up what feels like about 40 floors. Hovering in the middle of this semi-visible building, I enter a deep meditation.

      I feel myself in bed, lying beneath the covers.

      I feel myself standing in the dream.

      I feel myself hovering in the middle of the building.

      I am the building too. I'm the structure, the beams and frames, stretching up and surrounding myself.

      When I hear footsteps, I open my eyes and my friend is quietly entering a kitchen in a fluffy white dressing gown.

      "I'm just making myself a drink," she says. "I can't sleep. You want one?"

      "No," I say and close my eyes.

      I stay in the dream, lucid, deeply meditating and just experiencing the various states at once for what feels like a few minutes, until my 'in bed' state feels very uncomfortable - I feel like all my weight is on one arm - and I wake myself up enough to turn over.
    2. Dream - Forest Hill Tower

      by , 05-12-2017 at 08:52 AM
      Date of Dream: FRI 12 MAY - 2017

      Since this dream isn't too detailed, I will do the dream discussion here as well.

      Dream No. 112 - Forest Hill Tower

      My mum drove me to some unknown place and in the middle of it was this very tall tower like building. Underneath it was the carpark with four stories, concrete stairs connecting the levels, which led to the tower, made of some yellowish-sandy coloured brick. Only a lift was visible to get to the top of this tower which was apparently called Forest Hill Tower. I think to myself, “How am I supposed to get up there?”. The dream scene had then transitioned to some sort of shopping complex which was apparently accessible by getting to the top of the tower. But back at the tower, I couldn't see signs of the shopping complex anywhere.

      At first, it was just me and mum but as the dream progresses, more people were coming to the tower. The dream scene then skipped to me being inside this movie theatre-like room with a whole bunch of school aged kids. This old man, who was wearing some kind of uniform like a cleaner came by and opened the double doors that were apparently locked to begin with. Through these doors, I saw masses of people gathering around the tower that was in the last dream scene. I then stopped the man before he closed the door again and I questioned him... I said something like, “So you lock all the kids in here and make them oblivious to what's going on?”.

      I then rushed out before the man could lock the door again and I'm not joking when I say there were masses of people crowding the tower. They didn't look like they were doing anything though, or if they were, they were in their own world and not interacting with me in any away. Once again, I thought to myself, “How do I get up there?”. I then thought maybe Dreamy WB would be able to help. Although I didn't feel any sign of her, I felt like I had some ability where I could float. I went to the bottom story of the parking lot and started going up from there. I didn't reach the top, I was still far from it. That's all I can remember about this dream.

      Behind The Scenes

      When I got the "floating" ability (I actually don't know what it was exactly), I started all the way from the bottom storey of the carpark. I now think, wouldn't it be smarter to start from the top story? I think I could have reached the top if I did it that way. Another concept art drawing on my DeviantArt:

      Dream No. 112 - Floating Scene by KarlaB14 on DeviantArt
    3. inducing LaBerge euphoria and basic totm - 2 lucids 2017 DJ 31, LD #35,#36,#37

      by , 02-19-2017 at 12:16 AM (Journeys through Spacetime)


      I become lucid by seeing I have 7 fingers. I decide I am in a boring environment, so I decide to teleport to 'New York City'. It is rather different than it would be in WL, because there are no cars. I float around, and at some point feel a bit bored. Knowing this would be detrimental, I induce LaBerge euphoria, and feel amazing. I float around again, and teleport to Washington D.C.
      I realize I have a group of followers, so I question one (for the totm) "What is a good waking life totm?"
      I get as a response "Drink a glass of water, and savour the texture and feel. What is its temperature?"
      I then see a tower with a plaque saying "80 steps challenge"
      I go up it, but soon I feel the stairs are dodgy, and think it might develop into a nightmare, so I go back down. I see a "Catholic" church, and peek inside. The roof is decorated with geometric shapes, but I quickly go away. I now explore randomly, making nights last seconds, and days last hours...

      I become lucid. I am in a cafeteria and explore the food options

      Updated 12-14-2020 at 01:53 AM by 91855

      lucid , memorable
    4. Beautiful city- non-lucid Spellbee's Splendid Comp Night #3, 2017 DJ #12

      by , 01-15-2017 at 10:49 PM (Journeys through Spacetime)
      I am in a warm shower, and I dry myself quickly as I remember I have to go to the top. The tower is glass and see through, and I wind round for ages until I reach the top. The top is immensely crowded, and I push my way towards a platform. A few other people, and a guide woman are on it. I get on it just in time, as it suddenly is released from the top of the tower. It floats down, but I cannot tell how high or low it is because of bizarre perspective. I touch down on the grass and...


      I wander around the beautiful city I described in the previous dream for a very long time. It is godlike and the yellow sun enhances its beauty. Eventually, I see a cafe, and a man walks in and orders an orange juice. I walk in with a friend. However, the only money I can find is stamps. However, I eventually find a dollar note. Suddenly, as I wake up, the scene shifts to a picture of sweet peas flowering, and I wake up.

      Updated 12-14-2020 at 01:52 AM by 91855

    5. Book Chaser

      by , 10-16-2016 at 07:17 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in a story. I was looking for a book or a series of books. It slowly slips away as I type. But I was on some sort of small island, but it's developed. There were buildings, houses, towers. Even a mansion I think. But there were still a lot of trees. I was traveling from one area to another looking for something. Or avoiding something. The mood was mysterious but not scary.

      Inside a house/building, I talked to a woman and a man (a butler?). I forgot our conversation but it's about the "mission." I think of gathering books.

      I remember mentioning I was in the part "The Tower."

      I roused myself from the story and "woke up." I was walking and a dog was jumping about nipping me by the hem of my shorts or by the legs. It wasn't painful except for the feeling of anticipation that it's supposed to feel at least painful.
    6. [20-09-2016]

      by , 09-20-2016 at 02:39 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First dream

      I was in my bathroom, it was a dark evening. Lights were turned on and doors closed - I sheltered in bathroom so zombies wouldn't get me. I heard them rampaging around my house, destroying everything. They weren't coming closer to bathroom, they were avoiding it entirely. I thrown some paper through a window, and realized that someone could be hiding in another rooms. Then I realized that it's a dream and received lucidity. I phased through wall and and got outside - it turned into a warm summer day. There was a group of people sitting on benches around stage, where one man was talking. The man was bald, and he was wearing a light brown sweater and jeans trousers. He said "Now I know you all almighty douchebags are all lucid dreaming addicts..." I haven't listened more and just phased back into building and found someone alive in one of rooms. It was a blonde woman, about my height and weight. She was wearing a white t-shirt and jeans trousers, she had really long hair. I took her hand and we phased through walls into a safe room in the house. As we entered it, the building changed and it was a really tight storage with wooden walls. We were standing close to each other. Really close, as it was a tight room. We kissed for a while, I found out that I can just control level of pleasure received with my thoughts, and pushed it until everything went black.

      Second dream

      With sisters we were in some ruined city swarming with zombies. We had our weapons ready. We were running through a destroyed flat, shooting down every zombie. Then suddenly we found ourselves in living room, in front of tv. We were inside a movie, and now we were back in our house. We ate some sweets and then I wanted to go to toilet. I walked through doorway and got teleported to some platform. I became lucid and vividness of the dream increased. I looked at the platform I was on - it was constructed from rock blocks made out of light brown stone and chiseled atop to mimic tiles. The platform consisted of six rows of them going horizontally. On both sides there were fences made of gray stone, curved inwards. Looking forward I saw just blue sky with some clouds floating gently. I moved forward and saw a huge, beautiful and monumental castle going out of the mist. I was there in some previous lucid dreams. This time the castle had a huge tower, and was much bigger in size and much more beautiful. When the whole mist dispersed, I could see the building in it's entirety and it's whole beauty - my jaw literally hit the ground as I started at it in awe.

      The only way inside was to fly, as the castle was floating on the skies. I felt a strong draw towards the tower. I felt that it must and has someone important waiting for me. I felt that my goal was to reach the tower and meet with that person. I started flying above such platforms like one described before, just much shorter. There were also frames made of dark brown bricks, through which I flied in order to reach castle. Then I flied into a barrier that made me see only dried lava - layers of basalt and obsidian. Controlling speed and height of flying with thoughts, I managed to break through the barrier and was almost in the castle. Then I heard an alarm clock, with my thoughts I shouted "Shit, alarm clock!" And it echoed in my mind until everything went black and I woke up.
    7. Tower

      by , 09-05-2016 at 09:09 PM
      Trouble sleeping night before back to work, woke 1.15am tried to recall dreams but unable to recall anything.
      Then not only could I not remember dreams but I couldn't remember who I was or anything. Was real weird.
      I had a thought that it was like reincarnation, my mind was a blank slate and I felt like I was floating, observing. Anyway was revelation time for me.
      Had a horrible sore throat and cough which brought me back to reality.

      D1 - In a rocky bay surrounded by cliffs, it was dark and the water was dark. In the middle of the bay high, high up above me was a gigantic knarled dead tree (as big as a skyscraper), its branches touching the sky. It was suspended above a frozen cascade of water, which touched the sea.
      [After dream I felt this represented the Archetype of the tower from the tarot]

      D2 - I am engaged with some others in anti-government operations and am inside the house of parliament.
      We are leaving but first must take a video tape with us. It is white with a stip around it.
      Needing to get away we take it hurriedly only to see that the 3 editors are looking gleeful, showing their teeth. When I enquire why, I find it is because unless they finish the procedure the tape will be wiped and useless within an hour. So we wait pensively for 4 mins and 19 seconds, then leave hurriedly.
      Outside it is night, and we can see all the lights of the city.
      I got a lift from hagrid (out of harry potter) on his motorbike up into the night sky. He was able to protect me from lightning.
      [lightning is link to tower again]

      D3 - Anne is asking at a dinner party whether to like a drama series as the ending is not the sort she would usually like.
      I say that if she likes it it is because a part of her likes it, either he adult or child self and she should give it attention.
      I ask her tentatively if she like the Highlander historical fantasy series.
    8. 16-07-13 False Awakening & The Persian Tower

      by , 07-13-2016 at 07:37 PM
      False awakening. I thought I'd woken up, and was in the shower with a portable heater pointed at my face. I could see and feel the glow. I looked away, and suddenly it was standing on top of the door handle. I found this so bizarre, I concluded this couldn't be real. I shook my head to try and wake up, and sure enough, I woke up in bed. The real one.

      I was at the top of a large tower (ancient Persian). I'm on this round terrace built all around the top of the tower. There is no guardrail, but I hold on to the supporting pillars (the ones holding up the ceiling) as I clamber around the tower. I'm quite scared of heights. I find no way to get inside the tower. Once I had climbed around it twice, I suddenly see open doors (I feel with my hand to make sure it isn't just a window) and walk inside. The inside is a rather roomy dining hall of sorts, way too large to fit into such a small structure. I'm not sure if the following happened before or after the tower. Claire was there, in the dining room, standing by others. but I felt like she (and those others) were of a "higher caste" and thus out of my reach. I did try to get near her and interact with her, but never actually directly tried to seduce her as I feel it is hopeless. As usual. In an earlier scene (I think, the order of memories is a little vague), I think there were a lot of people, including old friends (Fenn & Barra) and people from school, and I think we were grouping up or something, for some kind of challenge. The tower thing?
    9. [02-07-2016]

      by , 07-02-2016 at 07:26 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I was in some kind of tower, fighting my way up to the office of someone really important. I had many followers and we went there to fight with something evil, vandalizing whole tower on our way. We finally get there and had to fight with that important person.

      When we finished the battle, I had to run away from special forces and towers security. I sneaked through offices and got out through the back entrance, getting out of the building and entering sewers. I quickly got out of there and climbed to rooftops, then entered ducts. Suddenly someone found me and I woke up.
    10. [11-04-2016]

      by , 04-11-2016 at 02:51 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First fragment

      I was with group of adventurers, we were fighting our way up an incredibly tall tower. We were fighting with horrible monsters.

      First dream

      I was in school. It was a really hot spring day, during a break I was searching for a place where it's a bit colder. First I went downstairs to the second entrance, there were kids running around and playing. It still was too hot, I went upstairs and opened a window. A cold breeze blown through the window. As soon as I opened it, teacher called us to class. It was mostly empty, there were like two people left. They had an important exam, while teacher gave me a golf ball that opened itself, revealing more balls. They were all written with text about second world war and authors that written during that time.
    11. [24-03-2016]

      by , 03-24-2016 at 12:17 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First dream

      I was in an abandoned airport close to New York. I've seen the city on the other side of water. I had my base set up in a ruined plane. The world was overtaken by plants, animals. In the morning I took my raft and swam to look for food and other resources. After whole day of exploring empty streets and ruined buildings I found nothing, except a group of other survivors.

      It was dark night. They took me to their base, where I met other members of my family and some pals. They set up their base in building similar to my house, though it was better furnished and prepared to hold more people inside. We gathered for a dinner and sat near a huge table. When they were giving the dishes, my aunt went out of the kitchen with a pot of soup. She said "Watch your grandma! She put her denture inside the pot with soup!" Sister replied to her "But our grandma has no denture!". Grandma smiled widely, exposing her only one tooth left. Then I was eating and listening to them talking about politics. I knew what they wanted to say just before they told it.

      Second dream - tower escape DILD

      Spring day, the sky was cloudless. With group of random DCs we took a raft and swam to other side of river, to huge warehouses. There were many machines, cranes and stockpiles set up in orderly manner. We decided to make the tallest and probably most valuable stockpile fall down. We just moved one can of paint and it started to fall. We ran away back to raft and swam to other side of river. Next I've seen from someones perspective that warehouse workers were talking about a revenge.

      Cloudy afternoon. I was back in frontyard of my house. I decided to look back at river and warehouses - the river was enormous, I couldn't even see the buildings. I could see a gigantic tower made of random stockpiled objects. I went closer to shore, which was just in front of my house. Warehousemen started to throw golf balls at me, and they had impressive strenght and accuarcy. I dodged most of the balls or blocked them, but some still managed to hit me. It was quite painful. I heard warehousemen shouting "This tower shall fall!".

      I decided to run away before it would crash me. When I was in my backyard, I took a look at the tower again. From an enormous stockpile it turned into a huge tower made of red brick, reaching for the clouds. I realized that it's a dream and flewn up to the roof of father's carpentry workshop. I looked at the tower and thought "You are not real. I can unmake you!" I looked behind me and at the tower again. There was a huge gap in the middle of it, but sides of the tower were left.

      I tried to do it again, but this time the tower was ruined and burning. Another try and it turned into a tower with chinese ornaments. I thought that if I can't remove it, I may just escape from it's fall. I turned towards neighbor's side and saw a huge mountain on the horizon. I thought that this must be a place safer than these roofs. I looked back at the tower, it hasn't changed. I looked at the mountain, and it was gone. There huge haystacks in it's place. Looking at my backyard I saw a big rock, I tried to alter it's height by previously used look method, but it was still too small.

      I decided to run climb up the neighbor's garage roof. While climbing i thought "Now I'll need a dramatic escape music... violin!" And the violin started to play. It wasn't a best performance, but wasn't terrible either. I climbed up garage's roof and jumped down to roofs of chicken coops. They were made of really weak materials. At first I thought that they'd crush under my feet, but then I thought "These are harder than steel, I can jump on them and they won't crush as well!"

      I ran to the end of chicken coops and jumped forward, landing on a roof of chinese temple. I climbed it up, and saw a spacious lake. I flewn to the other side of it and landed in a lakeside building. I turned back and watched as the tower was falling. It have fallen really fast. It have fallen into the lake... and nothing. I thought "What? Shouldn't there be a huge water wave after the tower have fallen down there?"

      The water started to bulge, raise and whirl, gathering in a huge wave. I gestured with my hands and the water started to lower and calm. Looking at the lake I noticed that it was covered with ice, and there was only a small hole made by the top of the tower. I pointed my index finger and the hole covered itself with ice.
      I walked the shore for a while and woke up.
    12. Florida Beaches, trampolines and a question for you!

      by , 02-07-2016 at 06:17 AM (My Dream Journal)
      Absolutely CRAZY dream recall last night!!!! The one unfortunate thing that happened last night was my WBTB. I had the perfect opportunity for one last night, but when I got up I was too lazy. But, at least my recall was awesome!
      My brother, dad and I are planning a trip to New Hampshire. There is something in this dream about a parade, but this was the only dream of the night that I don't remember in detail.
      I am at a table eating dinner with President Obama and some other people. Obama says something that is funny because he is the president, and we all laugh at it. JSYK, there is someone underneath the table holding it up. using suction cups.
      At this point I'm pretty sure I do my failed WBTB.
      I am at a political event, sitting in one of the front rows. I turn around, and see my friend sitting next to the Bratayley family. She is motioning for me to go over, so I do. i talk to them for a bit and we get a picture together. There are several other people with us in the picture, but I don't know them.
      My family and I are on a beach in Florida at night. It must be some really famous beach, because I am telling my sister how cool it is to be there. Then the waves are growing higher, and dad tells us that we should go back to the hotel before a storm starts. I remember thinking that he was going to say that there was a hurricane. We turn to the left and walk down a path away from the beach. There is a little tower like thing that I decide to walk up. When I get to the top, there is basically a giant trampoline lined with a wooden deck. On my way back down, there are several kids there that won't move. I finally get them to budge so I can get through, but we keep throwing nasty remarks at each other. My last remark to them is "I have hair too!"
      I am in gym class, playing hockey on a giant trampoline. I remember feeling sad that one of my friends is not in that class with me.
      I am still in Florida, this time by the "run off water" of some sort of amusement park slide. My family tells me that they have to leave to look for something, and I should be the look out. All of a sudden I am at my house again. I am watching something going on in my backyard. My family has discovered jello out there! I start eating some jello, and it tastes really good. I tell my brother, and all of a sudden we are in a prison like thing. There is a woman(our mom?) with her hands tied together. A security guard gives me a remote control and phone, and tells me that they might be useful for me to escape with. I hide them in my scarf, and me and my brother escape from the prison. We are running up hill, faster than we ever have before. My dad is running close behind us, trying to persuade us to stop running. Finally we do. We turn back around, and suddenly we are on a nice family hike. My sister is taking pictures and we are sitting near creeks eating candy. Then suddenly I am back at my house in the bathroom. Katie, the mom from Bratayley is there saying that she is going to show us how Hayley overcame her fear of water. I get out of the bathtub so she can film.
      I am back at the beach in Florida, the same one, and my brother tells me that we aren't going to spend any more time there. I am angry at him, but we walk away, down the same path as before. As a I am walking away I can hear my grandma talking with an Asian person. We reach the tower, but this time I have to have a rope climbing competition with someone to make it to the top. As we are climbing the rope we have to answer questions about politicians. When me and my competitor make it to the top, I sit down with another girl on the giant trampoline. We start talking about Caleb and Bratayley. We then start using special crayons to draw pictures of memories with Caleb on the "trampoline wall."
      I typed this pretty quick and late, so I am sorry for any errors, And I probably forgot some extra dream fragments, but I'll add those later if I remember any more.
      Question!!!! Are Wisconsinites the only people that call physical education class gym class? Just wondering.
    13. 22/01/2016

      by , 01-23-2016 at 04:19 AM
      I was in the basement of Pulp Fiction (i don't know what that actually means, maybe because the place was a basement and there were some guys that after talking were going to kill that guy) [I haven't seen the movie but since i dreamt with that i saw it. I saw the hateful 8 and maybe that's why i dreamt with something like that.]. There was a card that the messenger had who was destined to Einstein. He was old already and retired. But the messenger said that he didn't know where Einstein house was, he just was sent the coords and he dropped the bag from the airplane on the air at that location. The bag that was there was a black bag which had two black bags. One black bag contained paper, blank paper mostly, like 100 pages but the first two pages were written and they were a letter to the messenger saying that they'll soon have to bury him. The other bag had some tubes.

      In my previous dream i was a kind of monster fighting a batallion. The king wanted it so he had his wishes fulfilled, although i would never do such a thing, but i just got transformed anyways. This batallion, of the queen Danerys looked behind and saw an army, some horses, they were embushed.

      Before that, in a kind of flashback, i saw Daenerys in a castle room drinking wine with a very powerful man. Daenerys looked scared but anyways she said, the wine tastes like blood and fire, just as i like it. Then she said some more words to this man and left. Outside they were (i was observer probably) outside the tower of the Undying. They were left of it and they have to head to the front. They were surrounded by walls, and in the front there were some gardens. So they walked all to the left of the tower and then to the front if it turning right. Then there were some walls too, and some steps north there was no wall. So they went through that open space between walls and they headed to the entrance of the castle. There were more walls and the wooden door was to their left, meaning north.

      Updated 01-23-2016 at 07:07 PM by 53430

      dream fragment , non-lucid
    14. A green ghost inside of the beast! Better dream recall!

      by , 12-30-2015 at 05:25 PM (Awake to take in the view...)

      Since I've last updated my DJ, I've only had one lucid dream. It was during a nap, which occurred after a night of only 4 hours of sleep. It was a few weeks ago. The nap wasn't long at all - maybe 25 minutes - but apparently it was still sufficient for my body to go into REM sleep.

      I don't remember much about it now, due to poor note-taking on my part (hence why I've resolved to get better! see below). But what I do remember is this: Some other people and I were going to go into the "belly of the beast". We went inside the stomach of this monster. Inside, there was a whole world. Aside from a short period of time, it didn't really feel like we were inside of something.

      There was a ghost inside one of the chambers. It was green and vaguely hominid, but cartoony. I remember it singing in a haunting voice. It came closer to me and grabbed me, but oddly enough I wasn't afraid. Just entranced. It started dancing with me, swirling me around this chamber inside of a beast, and I remember thinking there was something very beautiful about that. Apparently my heart was racing too quickly out of exhilaration, because I woke up after that. My body was still in sleep paralysis when I woke up, so I kept it there, not moving at all. I tried to go back to sleep, but despite being able to stay paralyzed I wasn't able to get to sleep again.

      Then I had to wake up and take a final. D:
      Now I have resolved to get better. I've bought a new dream journal for my bedside - a 90 page spiral notebook. I had a mini composition book, and that was too small for me to record everything without having to turn pages in a sleepy fog. It didn't go over well. This one, though, is a lot nicer, and it has anchors on the front of it, so I can prepare to sail on the sea of dreams.

      Last night's dreams are as follows. Unfortunately, they were all mild to moderate nightmares of some sort. -_- And they weren't lucid. On the bright side, I woke up after each and was able to record them!

      1. I was with my dad at an airport (possibly - it was some sort of public transportation, most likely an airport). He was in a rush and getting angry at me for getting too slow. Then, I was with this other girl. (Never seen her before in real life) She was in a rush, too. I knew that she would also get angry if I was late. But I kept forgetting and dropping stuff. At one point, I lost a suitcase completely. She was getting angrier by the minute. There simply wasn't enough time for me to keep up with her.

      2. I was living in this house/shack. There were a few people living there, supposedly the same religious faith as me, who were doing drugs in the house. (Drugs aren't exactly okay for my church!) One of them was a man. I don't remember who the others were. They spoke of a red-eyed ghost cat who lived in the basement of the house, but I didn't believe them until I went downstairs. And there it was, staring directly at me. Looked kind of like Bunnicula in cat form. I freaked out, hardcore. (This is funny because I actually love cats in the waking world. Just apparently not ghost ones.) Aaaand then I woke up.

      3. I was inside of this large, white, tower-like structure. A green forest surrounded me. I was trying to get away from a group of "bad guys", as my sleep-fogged notes say. I am not sure why they were bad or what they were trying to do. It was very difficult, nearly impossible, to evade them. I somehow managed to lose my (left?) shoe and my insole to that shoe. It floated up into the air and I couldn't get it. My younger sister, standing on a platform a short ways above me, caught it and gave it back to me.

      A few more things happened (mainly being chased) that are too fuzzy right now for me to recall. Then, someone made a joke about God and Adam (or some ancient prophet? idk) being converted to the gospel. That someone looked a lot like this guy Zach from back in high school (on my sports team).

      I don't remember exactly when, but I believe that I woke up sometime during a chase scene.

      And that's it.

      As an aside, I really hope this next semester doesn't kill me. -_- Last semester was exhausting and I didn't get enough sleep. This coming semester I'm only taking 12 credits, but I'm trying to apply for a major that only accepts 40-45% of its applicants, and I've got a lot of work to do in order to get my portfolio to an acceptable level. We will see what happens.

      To anyone who may have actually managed to read this entire thing: Hope you have a wonderful day.
    15. First Entry

      by , 12-26-2015 at 08:04 PM (My Dream Journal)
      Hi everyone...this is my first entry.
      My first dream last night was that my sister and I were on a road trip at night. Every so often we would stop, get out of the car, and climb up these towers that were there for some reason. We would go right up to the top, take turns going to the bathroom, and then climb back down. I can't help but feel like we brought something into the towers, too, I just can't remember exactly what it was. I feel like it might have been one of our pets or a movie...
      Another dream that I had last night was that I was in the parking lot at my church, doing bars at a gymnastics meet. (I'm not in gymnastics in real life) My grandma was the judge, and apparently I had joined gymnastics two days before. I also remember thinking that I would do exactly what Annie from Bratayley did at her meet.
      Tags: dream, journal, tower
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