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    1. The Story Begins

      by , 02-20-2011 at 06:20 PM (Out of the Briar Patch)
      The Story Begins (Non-lucid)


      I appear to be at Andrea's friend Phoebe's Upper East Side apartment for some sort of family dinner. Mom and Dad are here, along with some of my extended family. I've got both my copies of The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali in hand, and I show them to Mom lamenting that I have 500 pages of reading to do in just 36 hours. I check my bookmark, though, and realize I've already read the first 400 pages. I suppose it's easy reading, then.

      I'm not certain this is Phoebe's apartment, but it's certainly upscale and elaborately decorated. All of my family is here, but notably Pheobe and her family are not. Meal time comes around and of course there's nothing here for me to eat. The kids (whoever they may be) are getting macaroni; and the adults: some fancy concoction of meat, cheese, and grains.

      I go to the dining room and find in the corner a couple serving platters of vegetables. I serve myself some seaweed that looks like long black noodles. I hear mom behind me say something; I don't hear the words clearly but it seems like she's telling me that the food is good.

      I wake.
    2. Dream food is 100% fat-free!!!

      by , 02-19-2011 at 11:35 PM (Fernanvic´s dream journal)

      I was in my cousins house. There were a lot of things from a festival where you had to give an object related to a booth if you wanted to enter the booth, but they gave you stuff if you did. There was mostly food and I ate a lot of things.

      After a while my stomach was full but my aunt and uncle left for the festival and I ate some more. When they came back they had nougat and I ate that too.
    3. Family Reunion

      by , 02-19-2011 at 07:00 AM
      I had a dream that a lot of my extended family was coming over to visit. All my extended family lives pretty far away, so it was a pretty big deal. When they showed up, we all got in our cars to go drive someone else. We raced on the highways for a while, and arrived at our destination. One of my friends from school was there, and he began to make out with on of my cousins. I was a little weirded out, but I didn't care too much.
    4. Short dreams from the past two nights

      by , 02-16-2011 at 09:23 PM (The Lab Notebook)
      Awake, Non-lucid, Lucid, [Commentary made while awake]

      [This post contains dreams from last night and from Sunday night.]

      Night of February 13-14

      I'm out and about somewhere in town [Pat and Oscar's? It kind of looked like it]. Along the way, I sing a song: “I Run For Life” by Melissa Etheridge. [In the dream, I sang the lyrics correctly but in the wrong order, moving the first two lines of the last verse to the beginning of the first verse, and yet, I didn't take note of this as being strange.]

      I'm at my kitchen table, eating breakfast. My mom is standing in the kitchen. We're carrying on a perfectly normal conversation about whether or not we're going out for coffee this morning. At first it seems like we are, but then my mom suggests that we could have premade bottled coffee here at home instead, so we do. It's cinnamon-flavored, and she prepares it by putting creamer into it.

      When I woke up for real, I was slightly surprised to discover that the above paragraph had just been a dream, and that I hadn't actually gotten up yet.

      Night of February 15-16

      [Dream #1] I'm in a somewhat dark, upstairs room somewhere, with either my mom or my sister. [I can't remember now; the dream quality was low, but I did know that I was dreaming.] We've found a baby doll with long, red hair that sings Christmas carols. I sing along with whatever song it's playing as I walk across the room.

      [Dream #2] I'm driving in my car on a freeway where everyone is driving much faster than I usually like to drive. Feeling like I have no choice, I match their pace. I want to get off the freeway soon, and as soon as I see an opening, I take advantage of it and move over into the lanes to my right, so that I can get to the offramp.

      [Dreamskip.] I've now gotten off the freeway and parked in a parking structure. Somewhere around here, I realize that I'm dreaming. I walk over to the elevator to take it down to the ground floor. Two other girls are also approaching it, and they get into the elevator with me. One of them starts talking with me, and I introduce myself by name and shake hands with her.

      When we're in the elevator, I get a good look at her. She has long, black hair, worn in two braids, and is pretty. I recognize her as my friend Tashi from my freshman year of college. “Tashi?” I say.

      “No,” she says, shaking her head.

      “Don't you remember me from college?”

      “No. I know you, though.”

      “So you do remember me, but not from the same place that I remember you from.”

      She indicates that this is correct. I notice that the two girls are duplicates of each other.
      Then I woke up.
    5. Ghost Murder

      by , 02-14-2011 at 08:50 AM (Reading With My Eyes Shut)
      My Notes

      I was supposed to try an ISO tone last night, but I went to bed too late and was too tired. I'll get to bed at a normal time tonight and try it with WILD.

      The first dream was short and un-detailed. I was at home, waiting for my Mum to return with Hungry Jack's (or Burger King). I went out the front to find a bag half the size of me, filled with our meals. I took mine.

      In the second dream, I'm at an airport with my older brother and mum at night. I remember walking around an empty town / city.

      The third dream was weird. I was in a small room. It looked like a arts & crafts storage room. It had white walls, as do most rooms in my dreams. I saw a man leaning against the door. He was trying to get away from from a ghost. The ghost wasn't really a ghost; it was a figure made with the items in the room. The man pulled up a pair of scissors. I see, outside the room, a girl reaching through the door and grabbing them. I don't see what happens next, but I fear the man, with no weapon, was killed by the ghost.

      The fourth dream was quite vivid. I had gotten a new keyboard (musical instrument, not computer keyboard). It was attached to a TV. Both the TV and keyboard were old and dusty. I remember the telly was brown and analogue. They were both mounted in the middle of a room. The telly was in the middle of, behind and above the keyboard. I walked up to it and filled with a switch. This dream was vivid, but also short.

      In the final dream I only remember being in my bedroom, walking to my pencil case in the cupboard and finding some old chocolate. I pondered for a few moments before deciding to take it.
    6. Random Family event

      by , 02-14-2011 at 03:21 AM
      14/02/11 I am in some sort of apartment complex that is nothing like the one I live in. Although I live there. Daniel and Mick are going to join in for some wow. I telle them I will take them through some instances to boost them a bit.

      I wake up, I realise I have slept little more than 5 minutes, I cannot understand that and I ask Thure if it is the next day or something. I am getting a bit ill. I take an apple and go back to bed.

      I am at a bus stop, some woman is asking me to look after her kid who is not far away at the stop as well.

      I find him and make sure he is within my sphere of attention. I look across the street and see Maria, Swedish Maria from EIMS, and give her a brief nod.

      She nods back and looks at me in a funny way.

      I start dancing down the street, in a particular way I end up spinning around impossibly leaned backwards being held up by the momentum, until the point where I have to break it off because I am headed into a tree.

      This gets her attention and she is now laughing, I compliment her on her hair. Inge is walking by and apparently they are headed towards the same pub for a dinner arrangement.

      I walk with them in and at this dinner arrangement turns out to be my entire family. I shake hands with a lot of them and exchange compulsory pleasantries, but I am headed for the door.

      I get stuck between a huge man, called Marius who apparently is the new boyfriend of Nancy (who died recently).

      I sit down, and my grandfather on my mothers side asks me if I would like to start us off, whereupon he can continue talking about “Peder-something”. I have no idea why I am there, but start off with explaining I might be difficult to hear.

      I then make some linguistic fuck up, by mixing Danish and English and explain that I do that a lot, and that probably my grandfather, on my father's side could help me out with that.

      Then I start speaking about the things I have learned from my other grandfather, my mom starts laughing as if she could read my mind about the joke I am about to tell. That I have learned how to drink Schnaps from him.

      There is more I want to tell, but I wake up before I get there.
      Tags: eims, family, wow
      non-lucid , memorable
    7. Nick Thomas (The amazing dimension shifting adventures of)

      by , 02-13-2011 at 10:11 PM (Fernanvic´s dream journal)
      (semi lucid)


      I remember climbing a mountain in a bicycle and beating a famous cyclist. I later asked my mother how I could have won and she said it was because he was accustomed to short runs on level ground.

      I think I climbed a mountain again and at the top there were a lot of monsters, but I was able to enter the dimension of some weaker monster lords, where the monsters were weaker than reality. (According to dream information a monster lord could not send his strongest monsters to reality but because these were weak there were monsters in reality sent by the stronger lords who were stronger than those I could find here)

      At some point, somewhere
      I realized that I was dreaming, however I also thought that I was a guy named Nick Thomas. I remember shifting between places because there was stuff I didn't like. I also met my double, Nick Thomas, who kind of looked like Woody Allen (I forgot almost everything about this part because I was forcefully woken up )

      After a while and still knowing that I was dreaming I appeared in front of a gas station at night. There was a fat drunk guy who wanted to puke in me because he thought I was a trash can and I was scared because I couldn´t shift away. At the last moment my double killed him with a chainsaw from behind. He said that he was in my debt and asked if there was anything he could do for me. I told him that he could call me Nick and I'd call him Thomas so as to avoid confusion.

      First kinda lucid dream. Getting there

      Updated 02-13-2011 at 10:19 PM by 40435

    8. grandfather dying; fuel-pans; snowy hill; Philadelphia beach; changing of the guard; porn mistake

      by , 02-13-2011 at 03:46 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was in a car with my grandfather (who, in waking life, passed away about two years ago). We were in a parking lot. It was night, probably a cold night. I was in the driver's seat, and my grandpa was in the passenger's seat.

      My grandfather told me that he had a disease and that he was going to die in a very short time, maybe as short as seven days. I got very sad to think that my grandfather was going to die so soon. What struck me more than the fact that I would miss him was the thought of him standing so close to the complete uncertainty at that moment of death.

      I started to cry. I clenched my throat and grit my teeth as I cried, as if I were trying to stifle the cry. But my tears were also very bitter, as if they were somehow electrified.

      I now stood outside of and just in front of the car. There were two trees in front of the car. They were right next to each other, possibly crowding into each other. The tree on the right (as I faced the trees) may have been some kind of evergreen tree. The tree on the left was barren of leafs, with a strange, parallel branching, with the final branches sticking out almost perfectly straight. These branches either had big, red buds on them or else something like Christmas lights.

      My grandpa was floating up into the barren tree. I may have been holding on to his hand as he floated (or climbed?) higher up into the tree. The tree was something like the way to heaven. So in this sense, my grandpa was already dying. Eventually I had to let go of my grandpa's hand.

      Dream #2

      I was in a small house like a log cabin in the middle of the woods. The place was crowded with people, all probably "my family." One man in particular, an older, skinny man, lay on a scanty bed, probably wearing long johns or a tank top and old-looking pajama pants.

      It was a really cold day and I needed to get somewhere to check on something, possibly some other house that might be in trouble. The house may have been separated from us by a lake, which was frozen now.

      I probably would go across the lake by taking some kind of vehicle -- which, now, seems to have been something like a hovercraft and ski-doo mixed together. But to drive the vehicle, I'd need fuel.

      All over the room there were these stumps of wood, stood upright, like columns. On top of the stumps there were upside-down lids for metal garbage cans.

      The upside-down lids were filled with some kind of substance. This, I understood, was fuel for the vehicle. The fuel was clear and had a kerosene-like quality to it. But it was in a partly frozen state in all the "pans." It was melting from snow-like blocks into the clear liquid state.

      I asked the old man if I could use some of the fuel for the vehicle. The old man asked me about the conditions outside. It had to do with something about the level of the snow outside. I'd been outside only a while ago, and I knew that the conditions were bad. I didn't lie to the old man.

      The old man said, "Then, no. You can't use any of the snow. You know what kind of danger you'd be putting yourself in. And in weather like this, the ice on that lake is weak. That vehicle would melt right through the ice, and you'd find yourself inside the pond."

      Dream #3

      I was out walking with one of my old friends. We were up on the crest of a snowy hill. It was a sunny day, and the sky was clear and blue.

      To our left were something like footprints. To me they probably seemed like human footprints, even though, now, they seem to me to have been gigantic footprints.

      For some reason, these footprints proved that the snow was pristine, virgin snow, untraversed by other people. This was a relief to me, as I had been afraid this whole time that people had already been climbing this hill, and that sooner or later I'd have to deal with a lot of jerks while I was out hiking.

      I looked further down the snowy slope to my left. At the base of the hill was a small town. I think I mostly saw one-story houses, probably from the 1960s or 1970s.

      Dream #3

      I was "talking" (in my head?) with a few of my family members. They had asked me to stay wherever I was for a little more time. I decided that I would.

      My family members then told me that as a reward for staying a little while longer, they would also give me a couple final days all to myself and give me a free trip (or free tickets?) to the beach.

      At this point I realized I was in Philadelphia. Apparently Philadelphia had this very short stretch of beach, but it was one of the best beaches in the world.

      I now saw this beach as if I were flying over it from a couple hundred feet in a helicopter. I saw how short the stretch of beach was. The water into which the beach receeded also looked a bit murky, greenish black, not the kind of water you'd want to swim in. It also seemed like all sides of the beach were bordered by a rather intimidating fence. I saw people on the beach. It didn't look like a very fun place to go. But I kept telling myself, It's a luxury beach, one of the best.

      I felt guilty. I didn't know why my family would feel like they needed to give me such an incentive to stay around a little while longer. They should have just been able to feel like they could ask me without having also to give me something.

      Dream #5

      I was outside in some kind of semi-suburban area that kind of feels to me now like Princeton, New Jersey. I was out in an area of open, wide, rolling lawns. In the distance were some houses and a short, long structure that was something like a church. There was also, somewhere else, a tall, stone statue of a figure like Christ.

      There were a few other people in this environment, men, around my age. At some point, some man blew a bugle or made some general call to everybody. This, I told myself, was a "changing of the guard."

      Apparently we had all been playing a game where some people were in charge of the other people. At the "changing of the guard," the people in charge were no longer in charge. I don't think anybody would be in charge at that point. Possibly the game would just be over.

      At the "changing of the guard," we all had to go to one specific place, at the top of one of the rolling hills of grass. I was heading to that place. But at some point I saw one of the men in charge.

      I had to scurry away in some weird way so that the man wouldn't see me. If he saw me, he'd taunt me or hurt me or make me do something embarrassing. He was allowed to do any of these things, because he was still in charge. And even though the "changing of the guard" had been called, if the man didn't know it, he'd still act like he was in charge. And I, for some reason, would still obey like he was in charge.

      Now I was at the top of the hill with the same man, who was apparently an old friend of mine. The game was over, and it was now time to relax. My friend had brought some women with him. The women were naked. They were younger than we; I'm not sure how much younger. They were pale white and had pale red-brown hair.

      My friend and I were going to have sex with the girls. Before this time, I now noticed, my friend and I had simply been "having sex" by masturbating and then coming onto torn up pieces of styrofome cups. I was still holding a piece of cup that was the base of the cup with just a little bit of the vessel still rising up off of it. The cup was a kind of pale, blue-green color.

      I was just getting ready to come into the cup when my friend pointed out a girl to me. She was mine. My friend immediately got busy with another girl, right in front of me.

      The girl who was mine kind of looked at me shyly. I felt bad. She kind of seemed afraid of this whole thing. I told her if she didn't want to do anything, we didn't have to. But if she did want to do something, she should lay down on her back.

      So the girl lay down on her back. I think she was lying on a soft, colorful, plaid blanket, instead of on the lawn. I was now naked. I lay down on the girl. I had a little trouble getting aroused, even though it felt good to be on the girl. Eventually, though, I did get aroused, and I finally went inside the girl. It felt good. I asked the girl if she felt okay, too.

      Dream #6

      I had apparently gotten a new phone. I couldn't figure out how to make something on the phone's internet work. I had typed in a number of addresses for sites I wanted to get to. But none of them had worked. At this moment I wanted to get to some site where I could see some info related to my work. But I couldn't get it.

      A woman who works as a coordinator for a volunteer event I go to in waking life said she could figure out the phone for me. So I gave her the phone. She's an older woman, kind of tough, but very nice. She's a little stout, with skin tan from always working in the sun. She has grey hair, which, in the dream was, I think, extremely frizzy.

      As the woman figured out the phone's internet for me, I suddenly realized that a lot of the sites I had tried to access on my phone had actually been pornographic sites. I was hoping that the woman would just access the site I needed for work and not see any of the pornographic sites.

      The woman now said she had figured the phone's internet for me. She seemed happy at first. But then she stopped, a little grossed out by whatever she had seen. She handed the phone back to me and gave me a disappointed look. I knew she had seen a porn site.

      I took the phone, wondering what site the woman had seen. The screen had purple lettering on it saying "Daddy's Little Girls." I thought, Oh god, please don't tell me this porn site is what it sounds like. But I knew that it was exactly what it sounded like.

      The background showed the side of a house with a pair of some kind of instruments that looked like something related to whatever I was looking for for work purposes. They didn't look like exactly what I was looking for, but I felt like they were close enough.

      So I said to the woman, "Oh, there it is! The product I was looking for. That's the only reason I was looking at this site!"

      The woman just continued to stare at me with that grossed-out, disappointed look.
    9. Magic the gathering

      by , 02-12-2011 at 12:28 AM (Fernanvic´s dream journal)

      A friend of my youngest brother had come to my home and he had magic the gathering cards. He had a lot of them but they were joke cards, like from unhinged. I started playing against it and realised that he had a deck with normal cards mixed with joke cards. I got some red Chuck Norris related card and told him I won the game but he didn't believe me so I started googling for Chuck Norris cards but couldn't find it.

      Then I think I bought some cards and hid them.

      The dream skipped and I was out with some friends and I ate a sandwich at a restaurant. I saw some magic cards on a vending machine. Behind the newer ones were one from another set and I somehow stole some. I then gave some back but not all of them.
    10. Flight over Louisville, and Making Use of Lucidity

      by , 02-08-2011 at 05:56 PM (The Lab Notebook)
      Awake, Non-lucid, Semi-lucid, Lucid, [Commentary made while awake]

      The first thing I remember is thinking, I should really do an RC. [I have no idea why I thought that, but I did.] I do, and discover that I can breathe through my nose while holding it shut. Strangely, though, I find I can't do anything more than that, besides lie there. I can't even see anything around me. I try to get up, but I can't. I think, "I have no mouth, and I must scream," but I don't really mean it; I'm not afraid or even really concerned, just slightly puzzled, and I'm just observing that my situation is comparable to the one for which the short story is named.

      [Later, I had a really, really cool non-lucid.] My mom, P., and I get into the open, upholstered back seat of a tiny little wooden propeller plane, big enough for the three of us and a pilot, who sits in a seat in front of ours. The plane takes off from the airport in the city of Louisville, which I know [in the dream] is the greenest city in America. [It looks nothing like the real Louisville.] We fly over the city in our plane, admiring the view. There is a big building with cascades of water gushing through big, rectangular openings on one side. I think, I hope that's a power plant. It obviously is, powering the entire city. The city is very beautiful from the air. It is on a very flat, sandy plain, next to the ocean. [Wait, what?! Real!Louisville is landlocked! It's by a river, but it's not the same thing.]

      The little plane flies low over the ocean, so that we can dip our rubber-thong-sandal-clad feet in the water as we fly along. Then, suddenly, I find myself in the ocean water, holding on to a dark purple foam mat that floats in the water. I'm wearing my favorite swimsuit [that I have in real life]. I see the plane, floating with most of the plane below the surface of the water, the pilot still in his seat. I hang on tightly to the foam mat to keep myself afloat, knowing that I can't swim. [Strange; I could swim back on February 2.] There are other swimmers in the water besides me and my family. A young man grabs hold of my mat and flips it up and pushes it over onto me, trying to use it to playfully push me under the water. I pretend to go along with it, but manage to keep my head above water. [Now that I think of it, I was much more buoyant in the water in this dream than I am in reality, and could keep an arbitrary amount of my body above water, just like in my dream on February 2; I just wasn't aware that I could do that this time.]

      My family and I get back onto the plane, which is getting ready to take off from the water. I have a conversation with the pilot about how there have to be at least two feet of distance between the surface of the water and the wings of the plane in order for it to take off. It takes off with the help of a wave that gives it a push from behind, then climbs back into the sky. The pilot says something about how he's heading back to the airport, since it's so close by that there will be practically no weather at all there. The plane returns to the airport and lands there.

      [Later in the night, after a very brief WBTB.] I'm talking about being a lucid dreamer [whether to myself or to someone else, I'm not sure]. I ramble on about the mental discipline I have to have for a bit, not really paying attention to what I'm saying. Suddenly, I realize that for the last several sentences, I haven't been talking about lucid dreaming at all; I've been talking about being kind and behaving well toward other people. At some point, without realizing it, I shifted from talking about being a lucid dreamer to talking about being a Christian. I say to myself, “That's a good sign. It means my subconscious has its priorities in order.”

      I'm in House #1, and am now definitely lucid. Everything around me is vague and blurry. I try to focus my attention on some of the scenery to make it clearer, and it works a little bit, but the house looks as if I'm looking at it through dark, spot-and-fingerprint-covered sunglasses. I'm walking back and forth in the master bedroom, which is much more spacious than it was in the real House #1. I remember that my dreaming goal for tonight was to practice delivering my 30-second commercial, so I start practicing.

      "Hello, my name is (Emiko)," I say. "I'm a computer technician... networking technician... I'm a computer technician who specializes in networking."

      I go on to say the same thing I've been saying almost every time I've practiced this, about saving money for my previous employer. I can't think of anything new and creative to add to my 30-second commercial. I'm rather surprised. I had expected the words and thoughts to flow more easily here, but it's actually a little bit harder to deliver a good 30-second commercial in a lucid dream than it is in reality.
      [So much for using all of your brain's potential while you're dreaming. Not for that purpose, anyway. I suppose my brain was also busy generating the scenery around me. Or maybe I just need to gain more dreaming experience. I don't know.]

      There's another reason why I'm having difficulty practicing my 30-second commercial: I'm distracted by my stuffy nose, which is now running. I wipe it with a black paper napkin with white polka dots on it, remarking, “I didn't think dream bodies could get sick like this!” As I continue pacing the master bedroom, I think, I could try walking through that wall there if I wanted to, but I decide not to, because I have something more important to work on while I'm here.

      I step forward far enough to see around the corner into the bathroom, to the left. I see the DC version of my mom there. She's wearing a light yellow T-shirt and is crouched down, apparently looking for something under the sink. I say, “Oh. Hi, Mom. I have this cold right now. I don't know why I'm telling you this. Just to let you know.”

      She says something along the lines of, “Well, don't get it on me.” I turn away, looking back into the master bedroom, and discover that I can now see everything with perfect clarity. “Oh, now I can see!” I exclaim, slightly annoyed. I walk toward the other end of the room, aiming to explore beyond another doorway into another part of the house.
      [Stupidly,] I close my eyes, and then open my real eyes. I'm disappointed in myself when I realize that I've lost the dream by doing something that I know better than to do.

      Updated 02-08-2011 at 06:07 PM by 37356 (clarifying something)

      lucid , non-lucid , side notes
    11. Mish mash of dreamage

      by , 02-07-2011 at 08:19 PM
      Things start off with my parents and I hiking a mountain. We just seem to be hiking and I don't know why. Eventually we get to a house and apparently we "are there" like we had a destination in mind. I don't want to go into the house so I keep hiking. I am reaching the top and start to get some weird vibes, but I continue on. When I reach the top some strange dog-like creatures appear and start to chase me. There are some ordinary dogs, but there are also these muscular, stripped dogs that are much scarier. I run back to the house and make it just in time and slam the door as a dog is jumping at me. I yell at my step dad and he gets an assault rifle to kill them. He goes outside and starts shooting at them. For some reason he shoots at their feet. Eventually they go away and I want to go hiking again. I start out and things change and I am in a jungle setting. Up ahead I see a group of elephants walking upright and talking. I over hear that they are seeking some treasure so I follow them without them knowing. Eventually, I end up in some cave. I think the elephants are with me but it was quite vague at this point. The cave is like a puzzle and you have to walk around on these steps that go in order. It is difficult and I have to be very acrobatic. It reminds me of a jump map (kz) from counter-strike. Eventually I get to a portion of the course that has an electrified handle that I must grasp in order to continue. I focus on this for a bit, but the dream fades quickly.
      Tags: dogs, family, mom
      non-lucid , nightmare
    12. I Kissed A DC (But I Didn't Really Like It)

      by , 02-07-2011 at 07:04 AM (The Lab Notebook)
      Awake, Non-lucid, Lucid, [Commentary made while awake]

      I'm at a set of buildings that look kind of like an old-fashioned elementary school. I'm there to sign up for offline 'HITs' [Human Intelligence Tasks, small jobs for which I will get paid]. There are various organizations offering HITs to people, such as the Registrar of Voters. To work on each organization's HITs, you have to go to that organization's counter to sign up for them. When I get to one of the counters, I discover that signing up requires you to show an ID card, and I don't have mine with me. I have to go back to my car to get my purse and driver's license. Before I leave the counter, though, I notice a sheet of paper lying on it with P.'s name written on top. That means she's signing up for one of that organization's HITs, too.

      When my next dream begins, a boy from my high school class appears.
      As soon as I see this happen, I lock on to him as the focus of my attention, knowing that the appearance of an image out of darkness like that must mean that a dream is beginning. Then other classmates of ours begin to appear around him, followed by the environment we're all in. We're in what appears to be a restaurant seating area, sitting around long, high tables on chairs designed to match their height. This area is covered and enclosed on three sides, and it's on our high school campus. Every single student sitting in the area is someone I recognize from high school. A female teacher I had and another, male staff member are also in the crowd there, walking around between the tables.

      I get up from my seat and walk out of the seating area, heading out into the main part of the campus. Beautiful morning sunlight illuminates the campus. I take two steps, then take off from the ground and start flying around, staying at about the height of the roof lines of the single-story buildings. Typically for me, flying is the first thing I think of to do when I find myself lucid dreaming. Flying is fun, as always, and feels good. I have good flying control this time, but not perfect control. I don't feel like I'm being pulled or pushed in any direction, but at one point, I start losing altitude, and reach out to touch the top edge of a concrete-block wall with my fingers as I pass by it. It feels exactly like it would in reality, but I get the strange sense that it takes a split second for my brain to generate the simulated sensation, creating a tiny delay between touching the wall and receiving the sensory input. I recover and continue flying along.

      As I pass the edge of one building's roof, I notice a crawlspace that you can't see from the ground. It's formed by the flat, real roof and the pointy, upper edges of the building's decorative facades, which extend above the real roof and slant toward each other, creating an empty space shaped like a long, triangular prism. I try to make a 90-degree left turn and enter this space, but I find I can't; I just start sinking down again. I shrug off this failure, recover, and continue flying across the campus. I reach an area where the long walls of two buildings run parallel to each other, and have crenellated ramparts
      [those square things on the top of the walls of a castle] at the top. As I'm flying along in between these two walls, the dream ends and I wake up.

      I make a post at the beginning of a thread on a message board that turns out to be ridiculously, insanely popular, so that my computer is flooded with e-mail notifications from people posting to the thread at a rate of about one or two per second. [This dream may or may not have been at the beginning of the previous sleep cycle, I don't remember.]

      I'm in a building that consists of a bunch of interconnected rooms that are filled with a colorful, random assortment of furniture and stuff. It kind of looks like a cross between someone's house and an antique store. [I just visited a bunch of antique stores on Friday, February 4.] I know I'm dreaming without any particular clue. I walk through the series of rooms, admiring the details of the dream environment, observing it with close attention. [That has been my lucid-dreaming goal for the last couple of days.] I think, I have to stay here as long as I can.

      I reach a point when the sequence of rooms ends in a short T-intersection of passageways. I come up to the place where the long passageway I had been walking through ends. There is a piece of light-blue yarn hanging down in front of a low wall that stands in front of the back wall of the room. I touch the piece of yarn, running my fingers down it; it feels real. Then, I realize that the low wall it's hanging in front of is a mirror. It's a very speckly, dim mirror, and I can't see my reflection in it very clearly, but I can tell it's a mirror. I think, Hey, in a dream, you can walk through these and get to somewhere else. I straighten up and step forward with the intention of walking through the mirror.

      First my arms, and then my head and part of my upper body go through the surface of the mirror. It is the coolest feeling. Like when I walked through the wall, I feel a slight resistance at first and then it yields to me, but this time, instead of feeling like something thin and hard breaking, it feels like going through a thick, liquid membrane. The membrane stays where it is as I go through it; I can feel it on my skin. There's nothing beyond the surface of the mirror but blackness, though. I realize that I didn't really think about what I expected to be on the other side before I started going through the mirror. Not wanting to go into the unknown, I pull back, out of the mirror.

      I notice another, smaller mirror to my right. Just to continue experimenting with this newly-discovered ability, I start putting my fingers through the surface. Once again, they go right in. I don't really want to try to get anywhere else anymore, though, so I pull them back out. They come away with a silver coating of liquid mercury on them. I shake my hand to get the stuff off my fingers, but I'm aware that liquid mercury can't really hurt me in a dream.

      In the small room off to the right, there is a slightly fat, female DC. I know her from somewhere, and know that her name is Melody.
      [Which is strange, because I've known several people named Melody and this DC didn't look like any of them.] We talk briefly [I don't remember about what], and then I turn away to explore the other side of the T-intersection, the small room off to the left of the big mirror. As I'm going into that room, I go, “Oh, yeah.” I remember the basic Task of the Month. I turn back around and say, “Melody. Melody!” She starts approaching me, and I approach her. When I get close enough, I put my arms behind her head and shoulders and lean in to kiss her. She realizes what I'm trying to do and pulls away with a look of revulsion. I say, “Just on the cheek. Please?” She stops pulling away and just stands there and lets me kiss her. I give her a kiss on the closest, most convenient spot I can reach, which is on the forehead, just above her right eye. Then I let her go, and she leaves. I look back at the big mirror and consider trying to get to Neopia by going through it, but I decide not to because I don't trust my dream control abilities that far. I've never done that before, and I'm afraid of it going wrong.

      False awakening in my current, real room. I hear a sound that I recognize as the sound of fish splashing in a fishtank. I also hear P. moving around in her bed, which is on the other side of the room, parallel to mine. I don't open my eyes to look, but I do say aloud, “No! P. can't be here, and neither can her fish!”

      “Yes, I can!” says P.

      “When did you get home?” I ask her.



      When I woke up for real, I found this FA rather amusing. Also, I was surprised that I'd had a dream that consisted entirely of sounds, with no visuals at all.
    13. Apocalypse and nudists

      by , 02-06-2011 at 10:01 PM (Fernanvic´s dream journal)

      There were various zones. I didn´t like the one with dark monsters because they were disgusting. (I think the zones had something to do with the magic the gathering colours). [Blank]

      Because of aliens Earth was the last planet with humans alive and because the sun was getting bigger humans were becoming more like parasites of the planet. I saw some people in a building get grabbed by vines and thrown down into the inferno bellow. [Blanck]

      Grandpa simpson was a harpie, a member of an organization from both nations that just wanted to end hostilities. Then we were at a dinner and people were seated in round tables. On the tables closest to us everyone was nude, on the far away tables they were clothed. My borther told my father that some of them appeared on TV, and he mentioned Richard Dawkins. I started to explain to my father who Richard Dawkns was and his selfish gene theory.
    14. Floating Around in the Arlington Theater (Night of January 4-5)

      by , 02-05-2011 at 07:43 AM (The Lab Notebook)
      [This is a catch-up post. This dream is from the night of January 4-5, 2011.]

      Awake, Non-lucid, Lucid, [Commentary made while awake]

      I'm flying around a large, elaborate, indoor shopping mall that has an upstairs and a downstairs level. [I don't remember how I became lucid, but I did.] Like real malls I've been to with upstairs and downstairs levels, there are lots of open spaces connecting the two. I fly down through one of them to get into the lower level and explore it. Some of the people who are in the mall see me flying, and I talk to some of them.

      The lower level is completely enclosed with no windows. It's all painted off-white and appears to be mostly offices, rather than shops. When I get into this enclosed area, I start walking. I encounter a female DC and we start talking. At one point, I actually tell her, “You're a dream character!” She either ignores this or doesn't hear me, I don't know which.

      While exploring the corridors and passageways of this enclosed lower level, I find a door that is an entrance to the Arlington Theater.
      [Although I identified it as such, it didn't quite look like that in the dream. It looked like a big theater for live performances, but without the decorative, themed walls, and even bigger and wider than the real one.] When I enter the theater, I exclaim, “I was looking for this place!” Then it occurs to me, Couldn't you have used an ability to get here faster, rather than just searching for it? I go to take an empty seat next to some of my high school friends. The performance we're watching is a live-action version of Jaws. At the end, I walk up to the very front of the theater and take a picture of the audience.

      Then, I feel a need to start floating upward, just like a helium balloon, so I allow myself to. The ceiling of the theater is made up of several layers of pieces of canvas stretched out with ropes. I make my way between the pieces of canvas, sometimes detaching a corner and folding it back, until I float out of the building and into the sky.

      The next thing I remember is being on a street corner. My dad and sister bicycle past me and tell me to stop at the corner before crossing the street, to be safe. I say yes, I will. I walk along the road I'm on. I think vaguely of trying to do something else cool, like run really fast, but I don't do it.
      I look at a photo [presumably the one I took of the audience in the theater; I'm working off brief handwritten notes here] in what I at first think is reality before I figure out that it must still be in my head, because I know that I was dreaming when I took that picture.

      While still outside on the street
      [I think; not sure of the specifics of the transition here], I suddenly find that I'm lying down, and my entire body is vibrating. When I look up and to my left, I see a sleep paralysis monitor. It's measuring how much I'm vibrating. It looks like an oscilloscope, kind of like this one, only in the dream, the screen is all black and there's only one bright-green line across it, that grows thicker and takes up more of the screen as the SP intensifies. Below that line is a numeric readout, also bright-green, that jumps from 40% to 88% as I watch. Below the numbers, I see the words “You did it!” appear on the screen.

      So this is what sleep paralysis feels like, I think. I know what it is, but I'm still just a little freaked out by the all-over, shaking, vibrating sensation.
      I realized that I had to be waking up and thought, No! I don't want to wake up yet! Go back! I tried to DEILD, but I couldn't think of a scene to visualize, nor could I calm myself down enough to visualize one. Eventually, the feeling went away, and I was awake and back to normal. [First time I've ever woken up into SP. Very interesting.]

      When I went back to sleep after that, I had another non-lucid dream. This time, I'm in my church. The room seems to be the same size and shape as it is in reality, but lots of things about it are different. The piano is front and center [rather than off to the side], and I'm sitting a few feet behind the piano bench, with my chair up against the windows that form the front wall of the room. I'm watching Wendi play the piano. We talk to each other about something. We're attending Betty's memorial service [which was held the Saturday after I had this dream, and I knew that both Wendi and I were planning to attend].

      Later, when we're at the burial service, I look down into the box that forms the underground enclosure for the coffin, and I can see furniture inside it.

      After the service, I leave the church building. Outside it is a big, complex interchange of road overpasses and underpasses that spans across a straight main road. Airplanes are using this main road as a makeshift runway. I walk across one of the overpasses with my family to get to the overpass on the other side.

      Side notes:
      This was the second night that I wrote down a goal before going to bed. This time, I wrote: “Goal: become lucid, look around at scene, make sure it's stable, then see what other verbal commands I can use.” This time, I accomplished the first two, but forgot about the second two. So far, based on two nights of experience, my working hypothesis is that writing down my goals is definitely helping me to achieve them, but that in the future, my goals should only consist of one or two actions at most, not three or four, because I don't seem to be remembering more than two.
    15. Execution, a fragmented dream

      by , 02-04-2011 at 11:05 PM (Fernanvic´s dream journal)

      I was driving a red car when I arrived at some place in England when they tried to execute me.

      In france they killed Mr Burns and old Gil.

      For me the execution was a lenghty process and voluntary, but I finally decided against it.

      I was at a library.

      My brother wanted a T-shirt and my parents cut out the logo and put it on another shirt.
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