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    1. 6 April 2011

      by , 04-07-2011 at 02:22 PM
      Sorry for this being late

      I was in the basement with my dad, watching a movie on TV. The movie took place in Japan. The scene was in some sort of clinic for children who were critically ill with some unknown disease. A mother was holding a small girl. She was dressed in strange garb (like from Charles Dicken's A Christmas Carol). She was shivering, staring out into blank space. A nurse wrapped the girl in a thin pink blanket, but she started shivering more violently. The nurse said, "I can't do this anymore" and fell. Her face turned gray. An (unseen) person took the nurse's cornias and sewed them onto the eyes of a home-made stuffed animal.
    2. Over Japanese Nuclear Plant Disaster

      by , 04-06-2011 at 05:08 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      Background note: I used to work at AIG. I did some unique, creative work for them which they liked. I was "promoted" a few times, but never rewarded with rank or title; but I was given better work. The used me for two years.


      There was more dream that led up to this but I forgot it, so I start out in a strange vehicle flying over the Japanese nuclear disaster.

      With the plant shut down, they are releasing all the sea water being used to cool the spent rods back into the ocean as it will be diluted by the rest of the ocean.

      I was being flown in a long box thing with windows. It flew by jet power or something. I looked down and saw the water rushing. There were officials overseeing the operation on top of secured train cars with water almost touching their feet, but they were safe some how.

      The driver of my vehicle swoops down very fast and erratically and comes very close to the water, but we kept circling. It was like we were the news. Then, the driver becomes this Armed Forces guy--very serious, and he DOES go into the water...and we are not enclosed anymore. We have to hold our breath!

      We go deeper until my head is under water. WTF?! The guy doesn't even warn me? So we are cruising deeper and deeper and I think this is pretty ridiculous now, and soon I need to come up for air.

      I make it back to the top for air. Now I feel like I need to save the other guy, so I take four deep breaths to get oxygen back to my brain, I started feeling better, and then I went back down to see how the guy was doing.

      Now I'm with my dad. We are all in Army attire but kind of futuristic (my dad was in the army), and we are lined up as if at a bank. My dad and I are signing papers.

      My dad said to me quietly, "See, I've never had to sign papers with three other people." Only three people were signing the paper, but that is what he meant. (His point was that someone else could change something later and then his signature would still be on the paper, and he didn't feel comfortable with that.)

      Soon, the person behind the counter was an old boss J.H. I was going back to work with her at AIG...kind of. The papers I was signing indicated permissions. I was allowed to map drives on my computer to Google and certain other programs.

      I asked about it for more information and J.H. told me how my dad and I were signing the papers because I was known for talking a lot before. I couldn't get my argument out in this dream of how much I did for this company, so I said, "When do I get a promotion?!"

      At this point they let the cat out of the bag. J.H. pointed to a man on her left and said I'll be working with the devil.

      Fuckin' A! I looked at my dad realizing we were in Hell. Then, very quickly, I realize this I'm in a dream. Cool! I decide I'm going to bitch-slap the devil! I turn to my dad and say, "Watch this!" Then I walked around the other side of the counter and told this bitch of a lady who knew I was going to Hell, "Watch this! Hey...watch this!" I couldn't really get her attention.

      I woke up. Still, of all the times to go lucid, I was really happy for that moment!
      Tags: aig, army, dad, hell, japan, water
      side notes , lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    3. recurring shop app; swimming out of flood

      by , 03-25-2011 at 11:43 AM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was outside on a sunny day with an acquaintance of mine, G. We stood out on some big lawn before something like a cabin for a summer camp. G is a scientist, and he knows all this technical stuff. So he was going to put some wacky, new app on my phone.

      I handed G my phone, hoping he wouldn't look at my internet and all the perverted sites I had on there. He didn't. He handed the phone back to me.

      The app ended up being some kind of shop. I didn't really find the shop very interesting. I kept trying to get out of the app, but I kept going backward through a bunch of screens just like the shop app's screen. It was really annoying.

      Dream #2

      I was in some body of water. A huge wave swept over me. I thought it would crush me or carry me away. But I somehow swam right through it. After this wave I sawm through some smooth water and then some much smaller waves. All this time a narrator was talking about something, possibly how dangerous the waves were.

      I was now swimming among a group of people. A huge tide had carried us out to sea. The common knowledge was that if this happened, you could never get back to land. But I could see the shore. It wasn't far away. I began to swim hard for the shore, encouraging the people around me to do the same. The current was pulling steadily toward the side, but I could force my way through the pull. The shore had something very colorful built on it, possibly an amusement park.

      I and my friend H were now in some weird space that was like a mix between a mountain path and a concrete path and some kind of indoor hallway. We were talking with two girls, both of whom seemed to me to be Asian.

      The earthquake in Japan had just occurred. Somehow, H and I had lived through the time period already, and we knew what had happened. Now we were back to the beginning of the earthquake, still in America.

      One of the girls spoke about the earthquake like it was something minor, just a usual earthquake. I tried to let her know, in a nice way, how bad it was. I asked her, "Do you have any family in Japan?"

      She said, "Japan? I'm from Africa!"

      I now realized that the girl wasn't Japanese. She was short, with coppery brown skin and reddish blonde hair.

      I now looked to the next girl, who looked more Japanese. I was going to tell her about everything that had happened during the earthquake. But she already looked panicked. We were in some place like her bedroom. She was laying down on a beanbag chair that was slumped against a wall. She was crying, worrying what had happened to her family. She had her right arm cradled over her head. I may have noticed that the bedroom was slightly cluttered and that there was some kind of heavy metal poster over the beanbag chair.
    4. In Which I Fly In My Car

      by , 02-11-2011 at 07:15 AM (The Lab Notebook)
      Awake, Non-lucid, Lucid, [Commentary made while awake]

      [I had four different dreams last night.]

      [Dream #1] I'm at the apartment building where I lived in Japan. There are several different landlords who own parts of the building, which is reflected in the fact that different parts of the facade have different designs. [Of course, this was not the case in real life.] Inside the building, though, instead of many small apartments, there is one big, open space crisscrossed by wooden support beams. A few other people my own age are in the building. Several of the wooden beams are arranged in a tall pyramid shape, supporting a large heating/air conditioning unit at the apex of the pyramid. This pyramid collapses and the unit crashes to the floor. At first, I think it's killed the young man who appeared to be standing directly under it, but then I see that he's okay, just scratched up a bit.

      One of the other people in this large, open space is President Obama. I follow him up into an enclosed hallway and eavesdrop on a phone conversation he's having with his wife. From the conversation, I gather that he's going to pay for repairs to the damaged support structure and HVAC unit.

      [Dream #2] I'm riding on Ellen's Energy Adventure in Epcot. The ride vehicles move up to get to the room with the screens for the film portion of the attraction; I can feel the vehicle moving upward. We get to that room, and the film begins. The film starts out on only one screen, then widens to fill the wraparound screens on either side of it as well, but there are no curtains that pull back to reveal the additional screens. [There were curtains when I went on this ride in reality back in 2000, but according to an article I just read recently, they're not working anymore.] The film contains lots of exciting action sequences, punctuated and made more immersive and realistic by air jets built into the backs of the seats. The seats also have lap bars; I can feel mine. At some point during the film, it dawns on me that I'm dreaming. When the film ends, I exit the ride along with everyone else. As I walk along my row of seats, I say to the guy walking in front of me, “Hey! You're a dream character!” Again, I don't get his attention at all. I continue walking through the passageways that lead out of the building. They're very dark; I make sure to pay close attention to the people and the edges of walls that I can see by the few dim lights, because I know that if I don't, the dream will fade. As I walk, I sing a song aloud, which was my lucid goal for the night. [I don't recall now which song it was, but I have the vague impression that it was a current country song, one I know well, sung by a male singer.] It doesn't even occur to me to do anything other than go along with the dream scenario; this is a ride at Epcot, so of course I'm going to go along with it and enjoy the experience.

      There's a bottleneck along the exit route that slows down the flow of foot traffic. This makes me go, “Huh? What's going on?” Then I see what's causing the bottleneck: Suspended by individual cords from a track on the ceiling are multiple pairs of 3D glasses with polarized lenses, with no earpieces, so you have to hold them up to your eyes. Each cord is attached to a little wheel inside the track, so you can move the 3D glasses back and forth along the track. This passageway is filled with painted, Star-Wars-themed scenery, and when you look through the glasses, the scenery looks 3D. I take a pair of glasses and walk with them the rest of the way out of the building. I say aloud, “Oh my God! Rope-Trak!”
      [While in the dream, I remembered a dream I had when I was a kid that featured a very similar system, only with harnesses attached to the ends of the cords instead of the 3D glasses. In that dream, the purpose of the system was to make sure everyone at a museum followed the same path through the exhibits. I named this system “Rope-Trak” after the fact, when I was awake and used the dream as inspiration for a school project.] I'm surprised and pleased to see this concept reappear in another dream.

      I reach the outside of the building. This outdoor space looks very much like I remember it, and I can see everything clearly in the natural light. However, the sky is overcast and cloudy, and it's either raining or just about to; a hurricane is coming in.
      The dream ended here.

      [Dream #3] I'm at my high school, just outside the gymnasium, looking south. Apparently, just being there is enough to make me realize I'm dreaming. It's nighttime, and the quad is filled with students. I decide to fly; it takes me two tries to take off. My first try turns into a big, parabolic jump. The second time, I succeed in getting airborne. To help launch myself forward, I kick off the wall of the gym with my foot, as one might kick off the wall of a pool while swimming. Among the crowd, I see the B. brothers again as I pass overhead. I think, They didn't go to my high school. I fly higher and see that the school is surrounded on two sides by ocean, which makes me go, “Huh?”

      [Dream #4] I'm riding in the back seat of the brown car down a street in my old city. It's nighttime. I know where I am because I recognize the trees and landscaping on either side of the car. Looking out my window, I see a white car flying along, above and to the left of our car. This clues me in that I'm still dreaming. I wonder if I can make this car fly. Almost as soon as I've decided to try to do so, I find myself sitting in the driver's seat, alone in the car. I immediately realize that I'm now alone and driving the car, rather than riding in the back seat while someone else drove, because I had wanted/expected to be the driver. My dream control is improving. Cool.

      The car is still going down the street at the same speed it was before. I make the same effort of will I used in my previous dream to fly on my own, only this time, I try to focus my will on the car rather than on my own body. As before, I concentrate on the thought of the object of focus rising up, on how that should feel. It takes noticeably more effort, but it works. I get the car into the air. However, I find that it's now traveling backward, and I can't get it to go forward. Looking out the front windshield and over the landscape, I notice that the moon is low on the horizon ahead of me and to the left, looks normal, and is full.
      Then the dream faded and I woke up.
    5. Japanese holiday

      by , 02-08-2011 at 06:50 PM
      I was using the computer, and my Japanese Pen Pal contacted me and asked me to go on a holiday trip with them. I asked my mum, and she was fine with this. We were supposed to be only gone for 8 hours. They immediately arrived at the door, and I walked out with my sister and got in their car. It was early evening, and was partially sunny outside. We got in their car, and began to drive down my road. There was no conversation. I asked them how we were going to get to Japan, have a holiday, and get back in 8 hours. They told me they'd changed their minds and wanted us to stay for 2 days. I was relaxed about this and figured I'd text my parents at some point soon.

      I remembered being in an airport, and that was it.
      Tags: japan, japanese
    6. 30 Jan: Fight the Jaguar & 1st encounter with my DG

      by , 01-31-2011 at 06:13 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)


      The Jaguar from the Shadows
      There’s a legendary monster terrorizing people. It is a large muscled black panther or jaguar that moves in the dark and in the shadows. Old legends tell that an army of samurai fought this monster and sent him away from this world, but he is back from the dark place where it was exiled for centuries. He attacks a city and kills every being who gets in his way. I have a brief contact with the beast, when our shadows cross and I feel like I’m being slashed by his claws. I realize on that moment that I might get a chance to win a fight with him, if only I stay away from his shadow or keep my shadow away from him. I find an axe and by trying to stay under direct light, making no shadow, I fight him but I only cause him minor injuries. After a tiring confrontation, the jaguar disappears as a dark smoke to unknown place. Later I am working on an underground lab with a team, on ways to fight this beast. Some cocky guy comes in offering his help, but because I didn’t like his attitude I sent him away and get back to work. He comes back later, with a different body, a bit looked like Matthew McConaughey. At first I don't recognize him but once he starts talking I realize it's the same guy. I wonder who he is and why he is being so persistent, so I let him stay this time. I was interviewing a bunch of guys anyway, to join the team, so I decide to give him a try. I send him down to the lower level, where some colleagues are running some experiment which demanded opening a tunnel to an underground system we think might be the hidden den of the beast. I tell him the door is jammed and I want him to go help close it. By then we were not so worried, because it was not expected to be dangerous as we had a good surveillance system and the tunnels were apparently safe at the moment. But once he gets there, they are surprised by the sudden invasion of the black panther, coming again as a black smoke and materializing once inside the premises. I hear the screams and see a distress signal blinking, so I go check it out. When I get down there it’s all damn quiet, lights flickering, I realize something got wrong. I hide and I see the jaguar passing by, accompanied by a sorcerer. I don’t know this lower level so well, but I find some abandoned room where I hide. Inside it I find an old crazy lady who apparently sleeps there. I first feel I should get out of there because she might start talking and giving our location away, but instead she makes a sign to take cover and she saves me, by hiding me when the sorcerer comes by. She shoos the sorcerer away by pretending to be both obnoxious and harmless. Then the guy who changes bodies comes by and takes me out of there. I thank the lady.


      Snoring guy
      I think I wake up because someone is snoring really loud by my side. I wake up in a bed with some guy by my side. I am confused. Did I go to bed with some guy and don’t recall it? I try to see his face, but I’m scared of what I’ll find out. I finally see his face and I have no idea who he is. But we happen to be sharing a bed in a unfamiliar room to me. I feel tired so I just want to sleep and forget about it. I put my earplugs I find over the bedside table, but somehow it is not making any difference. I still hear the snoring and I can’t rest. I push the guy and wake him up. He says “What!?” and I complain he is snoring (let alone “who the fuck are you?”). He says it is not him and in fact I still hear snoring although he is awake. He shows me a guy sleeping on the floor, it is my friend Belchior and he is the one snoring. He says he came in late night, had no place to sleep and asked if he could crash in the dorm. Oh, so it’s a dorm. Belchior also wakes up, we say hi and he says he is sorry for dropping by like that, but he brought along a TV that we can use (and he points to the TV) as a compensation. This is getting boring so I then really wake up and realize it is my BF who is snoring out loud by my side on the bed.


      New Zealand, Nepal, Japan and bullies
      Falling asleep I got stuck on some hypnagogic imagery of giant waves hitting some scarps followed by a large group of mountains covered in green grass. I have a certainty that it is in New Zealand. I get into a dream from here. I am climbing those scarps, for sports I guess, but soon the waves are getting higher and higher and me and other people are really running up the scarps to escape them. We reach some small plateau where we find some nice hostel. By then we are in Nepal. I see prayer flags hanging near the front door. We are tired and hungry and we go inside. We find the place lovely. I start taking pictures, but some lady guests there don’t want to be on the picture and they complain, so I have to stop. I sit outside in a terrace with my climber friends. We are eating boiled eggs. There’s a girl in the group who is very pretty and she is blind. The waiter who is serving us is mentally challenged and I guess he feels empathy with this girl because of her disability and he digs her completely. So much that he is only serving her and obsessively asking if she wants something else. There are other costumers waiting to be served and he is ignoring them. We find it cute and amusing, but the girl is totally pissed off. She wants him to leave her alone. He only goes away when his boss scolds him from behind the counter. The girl then leaves and we accompany her to a place nearby where she is going to meet her actual BF. We think he is a bit of a jerk, but she seems to like him. The streets we walk are clearly in some Eastern country, like China or Japan. Once we leave her with her BF we come back to our table, but we still catch a glimpse of them making out inside the shop or studio where he works.
      Back on my sit, I’m carefully taking the shell of an egg and I put it on the plate for a second to look to the side because of something we’re talking about. A group of people is passing by the side of our table and some bully takes my egg and eats it. I feel irritated with his attitude and I get up to confront him. He looks oriental and he is brown belt in karate or something similar. He is not a big guy and somehow I don’t feel so intimidated, but I’m aware he might be able to kick my ass quite a bit. Also there are other bigger guys in the group who are also martial arts practitioners – they are wearing their uniforms. I don’t care, I stand for justice. I tell him what he did was really wrong and ask him to say he’s sorry. Of course he is not and he couldn’t care less about my feelings. Then I get a blow in the head and when i get to turn I see the taller guy trying to play cool, like he didn’t do anything. This really annoys me. I call them cowards and childish and I get ready to fight them, but they don’t seem to want to fight me, just bully me. I give up and I tell “I just want to tell you to drop dead, but because I’m much more civilized than that, I instead wish you all the best for your life and have a good day!”. And I really felt it, from the bottom of my heart. There were some ladies accompanying them and they smiled very impressed that I had been classy and mocked them for having been taught a lesson of good manners.

      I become half-lucid and as I turn my back on them I face a park. It has a beautiful hedged garden and I try to fly over it, but it doesn’t work. So I walk up a hill by the side of the garden. On top of the hill I watch night falling and a sea bay with boats floating. The sea is getting very revolted and the boats are being violently shaken. I am then on the quay where other people are to, watching the boats in the storm. I ask if they’ll be ok and I’m told they are used to it and are not in distress. Actually they tell me they are working right now. They are whalers and are catching whales on the bay right now. I then see it, they are trapping and killing some small species of whales. I don’t want to see it, so I run from this bay, but find myself inside a building from which I can’t get out, with a large panoramic window over the bay. They are slaughtering the whales and I scream “Murderers!!!”. Two ladies who are tourists there and are also not enjoying the “show”, look at me like saying “well, it’s their custom, we can’t judge them”. I realise they wouldn’t understand my point. I’m vegetarian and I suffer with the killing of any animal, but in my own country people slaughter millions of animals and I don’t go around the streets calling them murderers, so why should I do it here? I decide to just leave after saying some prayers for the whales. But then I’m told the only way out is to go through two boats stopped on the quay. My friends from the hostel are also around and also want to get out of there, so we all go over the deck of the boats. But when we’re on the second one, it starts moving. We freak out, afraid it might go whaling and takes along. That would be too much! My friends turn to me “Now what!?” I don’t know, so I wake up.


      Comet or asteroid
      There’s something in the sky heading towards Earth, like a comet or an asteroid. It’s clearly visible in the sky and people are feeling desperate. I get the clear feeling “I’m going to die soon” and although it doesn’t totally freak me out, I still feel a bit uncomfortable with the idea. I’m with my BF looking at it and he asks me “Didn’t you had some friends or knew someone who knew about this? Don’t they have a plan? Can’t you talk to them? Aren’t some aliens coming to save us?” I find it funny that all of sudden all the conspiracy theories are no longer looking silly to him. But I tell him no, there is no one to save us and no plan B. We have to accept it. I feel at peace. Then, on that very moment, the asteroid or comet makes an abrupt 45º change in course, drawing a V in the sky and moving away from our planet, like it had bounced on something.


      Save the children
      ... Passing by some kindergarten. Stop to look at a shelf full of figurines. I like particularly two dolls, of a male and female twins. Then the real versions of the figurines appear behind me and ask me if I’m enjoying the dolls. I ask if those are doll versions of themselves and they confirm, amused. They have a bunch of them.
      ... I am half-lucid and for some reason I get involved in a fight. Some guys with pitchforks and clubs come inside this building and I am trying to protect the people there, specially the kids, so I fight for them. I get some improvised weapons made of strong sticking out wires. I mostly knock them out and get their weapons, but try not to kill anyone. In the end only a lady is left standing and she wants the kids to commit suicide. Because they ignore her, she threatens to kill them. Of course I won’t let that happen. I never understood what this was about.

      First encounter with my Dream Guide
      I am now fully lucid. I go outside by climbing some stairs to a door, through which the attackers came inside. I decide to call my Dream Guide again, hoping to be more successful this time. I rise up in the air, hoping that in the sky I won’t be bothered by DCs, but two guys come after me, one flying and the other becoming gigantic to reach me. They nail me down on the floor, but I decide I won’t fight or get distracted. I keep focused on my goal. They hold me down but I look into the blue and white clouded sky and I make an appeal to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to designate a dream guide for me! Then a beautiful girl comes in my rescue, riding some kind of hover-bike. She is Japanese-looking, dressed in a white leather-like biker outfit with some red stripes in the front. She has a cute round face and a cute short white hair. She gets out from her sky-bike and picks the guys up as if they were feathers and throws them far away until they simply vanish in the distance. When she does this, red stripes of hair appear in her head and her outfit turns into red with white stripes in the front, so the opposite of before. It’s like her wrathful version coming out. I thank her and I ask for her name but she makes a sign like she wants me to shut up and not ask any questions. She never said a word. She just picked me up and took me across the dream as if it was just an hologram. She leaves me inside some place, like some cruise spaceship. It is definitely Japanese populated. I see japanese kids gathered in some kind of dinner to my left, then some tofu restaurant to my right and I keep walking through this deck-like place and I find a weird sado-maso role playing place that is becoming quite oppressive and unpleasant. I wonder why my DG took me here and why did she disappear so quickly. What did she mean? The dream is closing in, I feel uncomfortable. So I remember the ease with which she pulled me through a dream to another without the need for walls, portals, whatever. Then I thought maybe what she was trying to tell me was to stop being addicted to artifices: I have been able to get out of dreams just by wanting, so what's keeping me from doing it all the time. "Just get out!" So I did! I crossed this dream as if it was just an hologram hovering in front of me.


      Updated 01-31-2011 at 06:30 PM by 34880 (add some title)

      non-lucid , false awakening , memorable , lucid
    7. 30 Nov: Art inspired by meditation and lucid Reiki

      by , 11-30-2010 at 10:01 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      22:30 GMT

      Group trip on a van
      (Potential SD)--> I was interacting with some group in a van. Like a 9 seat van. I was outside of the van but talking with some guy sitting in the middle row. He is handing me over something. I think there are two girls by his side, but anyway he was in the middle seat. He had a very strong and sexual presence and I felt both intimidated and attracted to him. Then he tells me to hand over or say something to the guys on the back row, so I slide the door to see who's there. At first it’s undefined. I just notice some younger girl near the door but the other people are not yet clear to me. But as I focus, the person in the middle becomes Marco Polo, my ex-boss, ex-crush. Behind him is a guy from the board of his organization. I’m doing whatever I was instructed to do by the other guy and it puts me in a position power towards Marco Polo. He looks me in the eyes and I see he hasn’t forgotten me and he is hoping I also still nurture feelings for him, so I ease the whatever pressure I’m putting on him. I look cold and distant, like he doesn’t mean anything to me anymore, but inside I feel glad that he misses me. I ask them to get out of the van, which they do but he is using his diplomacy and charm to try to soften me. He asks me if I know about the latest project his office is working on and I say no, that I read their newsletter regularly, but either haven’t read the last one or I just missed the news. But I don’t show any interest in knowing anyway. Then the other guy that gave me whatever mission I was accomplishing was also outside the van and we go arm-in-arm guiding the group to some place. It’s some sort of company building and I can only tell it’s in Japan, because they ask us to take off our shoes and put them in a locker they have in the lobby. I had just picked some brochures from the front desk trying to figure out what this place was. I noticed they were written in Portuguese but before I manage to read anything the lady guide really pushes us to take our shoes off. I tell her I worry my feet might smell and she says there’s nothing to worry because they have refreshing wipes in the toilet room for cleaning the feet. Much better.

      00:30 GMT

      So much wrong put together
      At some house with some guy, my dad’s friend I think. This guy is abusing me, he pulled my pants down and he his touching me. I don’t know how I allowed it to happen, I just was there in the middle of it when I became aware of it. My dad comes in exactly on that moment and sees it. Unfortunately he seems to be more embarrassed that I’m half naked, than with the fact this guy is abusing me. The guy loses his grip so I run and cover my body. The guy then leaves and my dad goes to sleep. I play with the dog. To my horror I notice that the dog has his jaw dislocated and I go wake up my dad to take the dog to the vet. But then my cat is also in the picture and I find out he just broke my dad’s chess marble pieces he kept under the bed. He says I must discipline the cat and then I see more broken pieces. On his bedside table I find a particularly weird object – a crucified Buddha - beheaded by the cat.

      02:00 GMT

      Book of memories
      On my way to some classroom (not in school anymore, something for adults) but I want to arrive there flying to impress everybody. Inside the classroom I see Benny, a co-worker with whom I have a communication problem. I want to use the opportunity to break the ice, but I chicken out and first go to toilet. Inside it I enter the first toilet compartment, but I almost can’t move inside so I get out and try the next one. Better, but then I’m being pressured by some lady who’s also in need to use it. Back in the classroom I see some books that were left on a table – I guess related to our class – and I find one which includes a detailed report from a camp retreat where I was as a child. The date on it is 1995, but I know it was even before that, more likely 1991. As I go through it and see the pictures I am immediately transported to those days and I relive the events. Then I realise this book is from Nighthawk. I didn’t even know he was around. I ask him why he has that book and if I can keep it. It includes group pictures where I appear and it’s both embarrassing that others see it and I would also like to have it for myself as a souvenir. But he says no, he won’t give me the book. He knows how much this upsets me.

      Daycare lady
      On a bus or train with my BF and with my cat on my lap. My BF wants the cat to get fresh air from the window, but I say this is no dog and he might jump out, so I actually ask everybody to close the windows that are open. Some people only then notice I have a cat with me and come to cuddle him. One of these persons is Dulce, a lady that took care of me in the daycare when I was a kid and that keeps showing up in my dreams. I never spoke to her on dreams before, so this time I say hi. As I say hi, she seems to notice me also for the first time and makes a big smile and asks me what have I been doing all these years.

      5:00 GMT

      A mystical surreal painting
      I just remember the dream from when I became lucid. I was at a empty room, with a big window with no glass. Outside is a golden light shimmering through the leaves of a tree. I decide to sit to meditate and there’s a pillow right there in the middle of the empty floor. I sit but I don’t feel comfortable. I ignore that and focus on visualizing a Buddha I'm supposed to visualize. I face the naked wall, so it becomes easier than on previous occasions. I see his contours starting to form on the wall, like an ethereal coloured outline. But never a solid figure. Suddenly it becomes a ball of light that hits me and knocks me down. I have this freefall sensation I get when I am falling from the dream but I hold on and I get back in. Once again facing the wall, I visualize this Buddha but his outline figure gives rise to a painting, a perfectly drawn, detailed and clear surreal painting. I feel so surprised that I try to memorize it in all details. I go from the centre to the left and then right trying to memorize the figures, the tones and the words written on it, but it’s not easy. It’s in beige and mocha tones. In the centre a bit tilted to opposite sides are the Pisa Tower and the Eiffel Tower. On the side are the names of European cities, like Paris, Rome, etc. Below a giant pair of eyes and this is landed on a flat terrain with a sea on the left. On the right there are buildings and people, like scenes from an urban landscape and on the left facing the sea is Obélix a bit slender than usual and Astérix with a donkey’s head and wings, hovering above the floor. There’s a black guy in the first plan and on some rocky island in the middle of the sea are some nymphs with wings. Sparse along the picture are what seem to be random words, which I tried to memorise, but forgot. I woke up before I got to memorize all the details.

      Doing Reiki to my mom
      (FA)--> I slide in again but I get convinced that I woke up for good, because I “woke up” on my bed on side position as I had fallen asleep and I do a RC to confirm. I conclude I’m still dreaming. On the bed by my side is my BF, but as usual he is just to inside the dream and kind of dragging me down. I almost wake up again but I hold on and find myself lying down again on the bed. (FA)--> Once again I do RC just to be sure and I find out I am still dreaming. I get up and realise this time I’m not in my room, but in my mom’s. I see her on the bed. She woke up and I go to her side and tell her this is a dream and ask her if I can do Reiki on her. She is again not believing me this is a dream but she agrees with the Reiki. She turns belly down and as I channel energy to her body I wish and visualize that all illnesses and bad energies are cast away, that all obstacles to her health and life are removed. But I strange that I’m not feeling any actual energy flowing, so I decide to do an experiment. I ask her for her flask of vitamins she has on her bedside table and she hands it over to me. I try to energize the pills so they become more powerful and they start moving fast inside the flask as if stirred in a washing machine. It’s so crazy to watch. I try to channel energy to objects and that’s what happens to all of them. So I go back to her and do more Reiki, confident that there is energy flowing, but she is very quiet, as if she fell asleep and then she totally faded away, leaving only the clothes behind. I guess she probably woke up, into the RL. I also slip into waking up, but then slide back in. I find myself in some place with other people, like the empty room where I was first lucid this night, but now is full of people and there’s some event going on. I don’t feel interesting in whatever it is taking place so I decide to keep working on my chi. I remember I did a kamehame in some dream before, but now I want to do it in a serious, non-cartoon like version. Just projecting the chi, not balls of fire. So I target objects that are around in the room and I try to knock them down with chi projections. After a while, the objects started to shake, hit by something, but none actually fell. The blasts were too weak. I felt disappointed and thought that at this pace, I will never actually be able to do this in RL, if not even in dreams I master it.
      I fly through the window, pass by the tree branches of that tree I had seen before through the window, but on the ground a guy I know, Fernando, is calling me. I stop and ask what’s up and he introduces me to some geeky guy he says needs a tour around the town. I agree to do it, just so he would let me go. From above the tree I see a fantastic landscape with green hills and valleys. The sun is already setting and it is becoming dark, but on top a hill I see a flat garden and decide to land there to sit a bit more and continue meditation. But when I arrive there, some blond lady jumps from out of nowhere and tells me this place is closed and I must come back during the day. Then I woke up for good.

      7:00 GMT

      NOTE: Good news is my mom felt the effects. I asked her once again if she had anything to tell me and she just said "I don't recall any dream, but at 3 am I went to sleep full of pain in my shoulders and at 6 am I woke up so refreshed and inspired!" She wrote a 5 pages letter between 6 and 7 am, which she was delaying for about a year (delicate issue with a friend) and she said the words just came out flowing like a river, with no hesitation or corrections. Good for her! Then I told her about my little experiment, she was thrilled and asked me to do some more

      Updated 11-30-2010 at 10:09 PM by 34880

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , memorable
    8. 21 Nov: Long journey through bizarre realms

      by , 11-23-2010 at 09:46 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      23:20 GMT

      Suicide/homicide attempt
      I’m an observer of a suicide/homicide attempt. Some rich kid who owns a fancy 5-star caravan is on his room inside the caravan. A friend couple is there on the living room and he closes the door trapping them and then also closes himself in the room. He had previously put the exhaustion pipe pumping the fumes inside the caravan. His friends are calling for him, asking him to please not do that or at least let them out, but he couldn’t care less. Then I enter the scene, materializing in the room where these 2 are, trying to help them. There are windows, but they are very tiny. Impossible to escape through the, but at least it helps clear the air and they can hold on longer until help comes. My cat also appears, like hovering around and I wonder why.

      Family nonsense
      At my grandma home, on living room with my cousin Cris watching TV. I feel I have already watched this exact same TV show in this room but with my cousin Rui instead. My mom appears and I go to the bedroom. From there I see my dad sitting on a street bench on the other side of the street. He sees me and gets up, making a sign that he will come in. I go warn my mom, but in the end he never comes. I go back to the bedroom and I’m almost totally asleep when I wake up to the buzzing sound of a wasp. I get out of the room gently but then there are a bunch of them and they escape the bedroom and are about to attack my family members. I then am forced to kill them, but it kills me to do it.
      Then I go outside and there’s a beach. There’s a cliff with a waterfall and the Gilmore Girls are there (again). Lorelai looks very melancholic, like waiting for her love and I feel a totally absurd feeling that I am like the real life incarnation of her (?) [although I’m not even like her....]

      2:30 GMT

      Ugly weirdo dream I prefer not to share

      3:40 GMT

      Japanese nonsense
      I’m visiting Japan with my BF.We’re on some kind of super-speedy panoramic view bus. We go through mountain roads, we see the beautiful hills and the tree colours. I try to take pictures but I ran out of battery. We arrive at some green valley with cows grazing and a few bulls. One of them is on the loose and behaving like crazy. I didn’t feel too scared, instead I tried to calm him down with good vibes.
      Later we’re on a karaoke restaurant and we sing Charlotte Gainsbourg. There’s a girl there trying to impress her co-workers, I notice she has amazingly white teeth, I think she whitened to cause an impression.

      5:00 GMT

      Break and enter
      With mom, we’re back on that restaurant. She says she wants to investigate something. We pass by a shop with screens playing the X-files and for a moment we both become Mulder and Scully. On the restaurant she takes me to the toilet and I must keep flushing to make noise while she is trying to break into something I guess. But someone comes and we’re kicked out. On passing at the reception, some girl is messing up with the cashier over some receipt.
      We walk around the city and it gets night and she decides to try to break in again in the dark. But the problem is the restaurant at night transforms into a bar, so there’s people in there again. We’re at the entrance deciding what to do, I read a poster on the wall, when some guy starts beating some other guy violently on the street. We watch hidden but the violence is just brutal – the guy being beaten is left with no bone intact! His face is unrecognizable and his body just a mass of unarticulated bloody meat. But he is still alive. It’s too unbearable to watch and I wake up.

      Long journey through bizarre realms
      With mom shopping on a huge 2nd hand warehouse. Also has an organic food section and after clothes we go there. I am delighted choosing among a variety of cookies only 5EUR/kg, but she pressures me, saying it’s time to go, that we’re late for something. I delay a lot, but I finally agree to leave and then we’re almost running. I realise I can actually run high-speed but only later I realise my mom was left behind, cause she couldn’t keep up.
      Outside I pass by a group of young people, where I spot Vera. I don’t really want to talk to her right now, so I try to pass unnoticed. But then decide to wait for my mom on some seat on a bench structure (like those in sportsfields for the audience). I am there when a guy I knew from school and who just appeared recently a lot in my dreams, just drops by and says hi. The girls, including Vera are with him – so they spotted me... I push him away, because he is a playboy who enjoys flirting with me, just to tease me and I find that annoying. In front of the benches there was a railroad, but now there is a river and I jump into the water. He comes after me, but then I remember to fly away and I leave him behind.
      I keep going forward, not really with a goal and I pass by a strange dark corridor, like an underpass, but it actually has tiny windows and I see it’s on ground level. People go through it like ghosts. I keep flying and moving fast, because this place is a bit unpleasant. The corridor does not end but instead transforms into a canal and people just try as hard as possible to swim out of there, but the current is pushing them back and they keep swimming and swimming, never getting out of there. There are even waves, keeping people just struggling against the current and sometimes drowning just to come above the water again and again. I cannot help to think this looks like some hell realm. At first I was also in the water like them, but unlike other people I manage to fight the current and lastly I fly out of the water and manage to get to some platform that leads to exit, I hope. I encounter a button on the wall and a door. I open the door and it’s just some storage room, but then push the button, a green light turns on and when I open the door, then it leads to a dark garage or barnyard-like place. A few people managed to follow me and as we are crossing this place, we see weird animals guarding the doors, the windows and there’s a door to some other smaller division which seems to keep locked some vicious animal which is trying to get out and attack us. We feel we need to get out of there quickly and I manage to find a very small breach on the right wall. The only problem is that from there it’s a long fall to the floor outside, right in the middle of some enclosure with more weird looking animals. For me it’s ok, cause I can fly so I go and try to find a way for people to follow me. I don’t know what I do, but I manage to save a large group of people and once they are outside and safe in a very sunny large open space, they celebrate. They make a hippie caravan and paint it with rainbows and dance and sing all the way to their next... life?
      I don’t know now what to do, but I see a road. As I follow this road, I reach a place I recognize from another dream I had before, but now I’m coming from South and the other time I was coming from North.
      I become lucid. It’s the scenario from a dream I escaped some gangsters trying to kill me on a boat. It’s that road with some amazing flowered bushes hanging over from very high above. I fly to admire and smell this beautiful flowers and get to the top of this cliff. Up there I decide this place is fabulous to do my lucid meditation. But as soon as I sit, I wake up.

      9:00 GMT
    9. My Longest Dream Journal Entry EVER.

      by , 11-05-2010 at 10:28 PM (The Lab Notebook)
      Awake, Non-lucid, Lucid, [Commentary made while awake]

      [I apologize in advance for how much of the page this entry takes up. It was my longest lucid dream to date, though, and I wanted to make the best record of it I could.]

      I'm at my old high school, outside the entrance to my mom's old classroom. The open-air entrance on one side of the classroom and the semi-enclosed atrium on the other side are reversed from the sides they're on in real life. I'm listening to an old woman [Betty J.? Aunt Edie? I'm not sure] talk about life. I also remember reading some text about how in the old days, we just lived together with love and respect for one another as a matter of course, without any need for external forces like social programs to manipulate or engineer good feelings between people. [Yep. That sounds like my mind, all right.]

      I'm playing PackRat. [Again. I am so sick of dreaming about PackRat, and I know perfectly well that the only way to stop dreaming about it is to stop playing it. That'll happen at the end of this year, I hope.] I discover that the reason an old collection cannot be completed is that they created all the cards, with artwork and everything, but never actually made them available to players.

      I'm looking through a rack of envelopes of photo prints, organized by the subject of the photos.

      I'm reading a novel on a shiny, black electronic reader. The last page of one chapter has a small illustration of a rolling, bouncing boulder on it
      [this illustration is from a particular PackRat card]. The electronic reader has small, rectangular “previous page” and “next page” buttons in the lower right corner. It also has readouts in the lower left corner of the screen that show remaining battery life and how many inches from your eyes the screen is. It says that a distance of at least 9 inches is recommended. I see my reflection in its surface and am surprised to discover that I'm wearing glasses. [I don't wear them in real life, but I might have to, someday.]

      I go to say good night to my dad. He shows me that he's discovered a way to screw this cylindrical part onto his guitar so that it still has its protective plastic cover.

      WBTB at 3:58 A.M. I stayed up for 10-15 minutes, taking notes on the dreams I recalled so far. Then I listened to the second half of my binaural beats file and continued doing affirmations, this time including remembering to stabilize my dream as one of them. I then spent about 45 minutes being kept awake by my coughing and sneezing, but eventually, I managed to get back to sleep. I think I even experienced sleep paralysis for the first time ever; I remember a moment when it felt like my body was vibrating or shaking really fast.

      When I find myself in House #1, I immediately know I'm dreaming. [Since I was lucid from the very beginning and can remember a little bit of the sleep paralysis, I think I may have just performed a successful WILD, even though I didn't originally intend to.] This time, I succeed in remembering to stop and take in the scene before doing anything else, in order to stabilize the dream. Once again, I gaze around in awe of the fact that my mind can create such a detailed and realistic environment. Everything looks real, even though I know it's not. I walk around the house a bit, and when I get to the sinks in the bathroom and kitchen, I look at the faucets and quietly expect them to turn on, and they do, without my touching them. [I think that's pretty cool.]

      I go out into the study, which looks pretty much just as it did in reality, except that the space inside it is entirely filled with spiderwebs. I turn back and go back into the house, with spiderwebs sticking all over me. When I come back in, I accidentally let a spider into the house, too. It has a big, nearly spherical body with stripes in two different shades of gray. I squash it while it's walking along the wall in the master bedroom. Then I discover another, even bigger, red spider/crab thing on the carpet, and squash that one, too, saying something about how sorry I am for making a stain on the carpet. [The carpet I squashed the spider into was light brown and semi-shaggy. House #1 never had carpet like that; that's the kind of carpet we have in House #3. I didn't notice this until after I woke up, at which point I found it highly amusing that the details of the carpet had been off in one of my dreams and I hadn't noticed. ]

      My mom is there in the house. [I don't really remember the specifics of this part, but] I lie down on the bed in the master bedroom and get under the covers so that my parents won't see that I'm quivering and shaking in the throes of SP. [I don't even know.]

      I decide I want to leave the house and go explore other parts of this dream world, but I feel obliged to take leave of my parents first and tell them where I'm going, but I want to keep it a secret from them that I'm dreaming. I say to myself, “If I told them I was going to school, would they believe me? Given the setting, they might.” As I say this, what I have in mind is that I'm going to pretend to be setting out on foot for my junior high school. [Funny; that was the only school I ever took the school bus to. I did walk from my house to the bus stop, though.]

      I walk through the side yard toward the front gate. I find my parents in the corner of the yard, where the wall with said gate in it meets the wall of the neighbors' house, doing some kind of yard work. I say, “I'm going to school. Bye, Mom!”

      “Bye, (Emiko)!” says my mom, and it sounds exactly the same as it always does when my real mom says it.
      [Obviously, an unaltered memory.] “Have a good day!”

      “You, too!” I say, or something like it. I walk out through the front gate and down toward the street. The neighborhood seems more spacious and spread-out than it is in reality. Now that no one is looking, I begin flying, taking off from the middle of the street and traveling parallel to it and upward from it at an angle, like an airplane taking off.

      As I fly higher into the air, the dream and my dream consciousness start to fade away.
      Now, having read the DEILD tutorial, I had some idea of what to do. I lay absolutely still in my bed and concentrated intently on the dream I had just been having, willing myself to start dreaming again. It worked. [First successful DEILD, too! I was really on a roll last night!]

      I end up in a group of interconnected, upstairs rooms in a building somewhere. I seem to have flown there. The rooms are white, and there are chairs, upholstered stools, and bookshelves in them. From reading a plaque on a wall near a doorway, I learn that these rooms are reading rooms dedicated to a strange alternate take on Christianity, centered around an alternate set of gospels written by different people. [I didn't recognize it as any sect that exists in real life.] One of the rooms has an analog clock on the wall. It doesn't have numbers, just a circle and two hands, all made of the same rough, gray metal. Even though I already know I'm dreaming, I deliberately look at the clock, glance away, and then look at it again to see if the hands have jumped. The first time I try this, they seem to be in pretty much the same position they were in, so I try again. The second time, they've jumped to a totally different position. I am pleased with myself; again, I was expecting that to happen, so it did.

      I leave these rooms and start walking down a flight of stairs. The dream starts to fade again, but again, I manage to stay in it through sheer willpower.

      The stairs end in a wide hallway. There is a set of double doors to the right, leading into a room. Judging by the decorations and items outside these doors and inside the room, it looks like there's a wedding going on. Am I the bride? I wonder, but when I enter the large, rectangular room and see the retail-style displays of clothing and stuff, I think, Oh, good. Just a fair, then. I see a real-life friend
      [I forget who] to my right, who says to me, “Cute dress, (Emiko)!”

      “Thank you!” I answer, even though I think this is an odd thing to say, because all I'm wearing is a damp, clammy black blanket wrapped around me. It feels like it's made of swimsuit material. I continue further into the room, turning to my left and walking that way. I look down and to the left, between two racks of clothing, and see another real-life friend, Eleanor B. She's wearing a royal-blue bridesmaid dress
      [the one she was wearing the last time I saw her in real life, which was at the wedding of some mutual friends]. I call her name twice to get her attention. She looks up, sees me, and stands up to talk to me. I come over and talk to her. When I take a closer look at the clothes hanging on the rack we're standing next to, I say something like, “And are these the new Christmas sweatshirts from Target? Cute! I want!” The sweatshirts are white and have patterns on them of snowflakes made up of narrow lines, either in shades of pink or shades of teal. They also have hems and seams in those colors. I take one pink one and one teal one off the rack and carry them with me. They feel soft.

      I leave that room and find myself outside. In the distance, I can see big mountains with snow on top of them. I continue exploring and somehow
      [I don't remember the exact route I took] make it into an old Japanese temple (or residence, or something). It has a very old, very traditional room with tatami mats on the floor. I pry off each of my sneakers in turn, using the toe of the other foot (suddenly, I'm wearing sneakers, I think). [Yes, I actually thought that while in the dream. Now that I think of it, I think I was suddenly wearing regular clothes, too.] Leaving my sneakers (the exact same ones I have in real life, I note) out in the passageways, I enter the room with the tatami mats and walk around in it. I can feel the mats and my socks under my feet. I say aloud to myself, “Wait – we're allowed to walk around in here? Oh – of course we are; that's what I was expecting.” Yet again, something is so because I expected it to be so. [In all my real-life experience visiting historical tourist sites in Japan, we were never allowed to actually enter the rooms with the tatami; we were only allowed to look into them from the outside. I always wanted to walk around inside them, though, so now, in a dream, I got my wish. Cool.]

      Outside of this room are some passageways that are all painted a dusty shade of teal, and have wooden signs hanging in them. I walk around in here for a few minutes. One of the signs says “Telephone,” and indeed, there is a pay telephone on the wall in a wooden box. It looks like an old tourist facility.

      One of the doorways within these passageways leads into a spacious, modern restaurant that I recognize as the one inside the onsen
      [hot spring] that I visited while I was living in Japan. There are a few people sitting at tables here and there. I walk through the restaurant, looking for one of my real-life friends [I don't remember which one now]. I don't find her there, so I decide to head for the restaurant's exit and go somewhere else.

      The way to the exit is through a long passageway with a wall on the right side and an upholstered bench on the left side where guests can sit and wait for tables, which separates the passageway from the rest of the restaurant. There are two people sitting on the bench. As I approach the door, I think, What shall I do next? Task of the Month – cell phone – oh, yeah! For a split second I think of getting out my cell phone to text somebody, but then I remember the new Task of the Month for November. I turn to one of the two DCs sitting on the bench, the one sitting nearest the door, who happens to be a black, pregnant woman. “Hey, can I tell you what I'm thankful for?” I say to her.

      “Okay.” She straightens, sitting forward on the edge of the bench, listening to me.

      “I'm thankful for my family, and
      [something else I can't remember now], and my computer, and for being able to come here!” I say. [Meaning, to the dream world.] Unfortunately, the dream starts to fade again just as I'm finishing my sentence.

      FA in which, instead of being me, I'm Cobb. Mal is there when I wake up, the real one.
      [They're characters from Inception.] We talk about something, probably the dream I just had. [I don't remember now exactly what it was we talked about, but dude. That was a really weird FA.]

      FA in which I count my fingers while they're spread out against the legs of my jeans. When I find I have a sixth finger on my left hand, my reaction is, “Oh, damn. Gosh-darn it!” Apparently, I really want to actually be awake. But I'm still feeling sleepy, so I lie down, sprawling over the sides of the white, wooden bench I'm sitting on.

      When I woke up for real, I just lay there for several minutes because my body still felt heavy. I recalled my dream and was pretty impressed.


      Side notes:

      That was the longest lucid dream I've ever had. I'm also very impressed and pleased with the number of times I succeeded in controlling what happened just by expecting something to happen. I really got the hang of that skill last night. Finally, I'm amazed that I managed to stay lucid for that long, and to force myself to keep dreaming so many times when the dream threatened to end. Wow!
    10. 29 Oct: End of the world, museums and art and a geeky teen all over me

      by , 11-04-2010 at 07:24 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      21:30 GMT – sleep

      Visions of the end of the world
      I’m again in Japan hanging with some friends and having fun: shopping, invading other people’s homes, etc. Then we notice a big commotion outside and we go check it out. There are red and pink northern lights on the sky and it’s quite a show. I remember I’ve been dreaming a lot about this and I know it means a strong solar flare has hit the atmosphere. “No, not now! I’m supposed to catch a flight later today!”. The day is the 16th but I can’t recall of which month. But what does it matter? I then see like telepathically what is going on on my home town. A huge boat, like the Titanic, is falling from the sky which is looking bizarre, in pink and red swirling clouds and electric storms. Then airplanes also start to fall. None hits my mom’s house but then a violent wind, like a shockwave from a nuclear bomb wipes out what’s left. I then see this repeating in many other places on earth, including the place where I am on that exact moment – some kind of marina. When the visions ends, I’m back to the place I was before and all seems well. Even the northern lights have faded away. Did I just imagine everything or we were given a second chance?

      Framed at the airport
      On my return home, I am leaving the hotel and it must be a 5 star one, because some guys are carrying the bags for me. But one of them is very annoyed, because my friends who just left, were not very civilized and he thinks I don’t deserve being at this hotel. At the airport I don’t pass the security check and I have to leave some objects behind. Then I notice I’m being closely watched and followed. When making time for my flight I am going up some stairs on the emergency staircase which is a bit deserted, when I hear a shot, then on the upper floor I see a body lying down and a gun on the floor. Security appears instantly, they look at me and I feel I just have been set up.

      1:25 GMT

      Visiting a museum
      On a foreign city on a mountainous area. Looks Italian and has really beautiful limestone buildings, canals and a view to majestic mountains around. I am walking through a path for tourists which is a bit challenging, along the main canal, but with some obstacles, like hills or abandoned buildings where we have to climb a bit. The sun is setting and I’m still in the beginning of the path, so I decide to go back and return next day to finish it. Then meet a group who is going to meet another person at a museum and they invite me to join. The museum is bizarre, because if you go to the right you enter a spa and if you turn left you visit the exhibitions. Some of them decide to go to the spa instead and they have to buy weird white shirts they need to wear to enter the spa. Usually on spas they give you a robe, but this is more stylish, artistic... Only me and another guy end up visiting the exhibition and I see nautical stuff, globes and maps and my attention is caught at a huge poster on the wall, explaining the light diffraction and there’s an object diffracting the light equally in all directions and making a perfectly beautiful wind rose compass of light.

      Bizarre under water backyards
      When I decide going back to hotel the guy offers me a ride and he has to park a bit far and then we have to cross on foot some backyards area with nice vegetable gardens tended by the old folks of the oldest part of the town. Then something bizarre happens. Above us in the sky are some translucent pinkish plants and the whole sky above looks strange, as if we were inside a pond with water lilies above us and were seeing the light crossing the water and the leafs and flowers of the lilies. I turn to the guy and ask how is this possible. I almost grasp the answer but it slips and decide to just enjoy the weirdness.

      Meditating among turtles
      Then I enter some humble guesthouse, which has a view over the vegetable gardens below. I guess it’s where I am staying. I go to the bathroom and notice there isn’t much privacy, because the tiny window has no curtains and is facing the neighbour’s window. Then I go to the balcony and find a small aquarium with turtles inside and three more turtles roaming on the floor. I notice other neighbours around also have turtles in aquariums on their balconies. Because the turtles on the floor seem in need of water, I fill the balcony floor with water. Then I go to the kitchen and from there to the corridor, when I see my mom entering through the door. Because that’s totally unexpected in this context, I finally get lucid. I think she is just a DC so I ignore her but she is talking and talking, so I lean her against the wall and say “I don’t care, you’re just a DC!”. She first looks offended, then she gets mad and finally she disappears. Then I recall what my guru told me to do during the day, and I visualize the Buddha, preparing to sit and meditate. There’s a gap in my memory, but I remember clarity and light for an indefinite period of time. Then I’m interrupted by the same DC as before. I look at her thinking “really?” and so she transforms into a younger girl and her attitude also changes. She starts crying, saying I have no right to eliminate her. She says she wants to live and that I must let her exist. She looks so sad that I feel compassion for her. I realise she is just the product of my mind, but I also feel genuine sadness for her ephemeral existence, so I hug her and also shed some tears for her. Big mistake! She gains strength and soon some big Italian guy (her boyfriend) and a small kid are also coming through the door. I lose lucidity and wake up.

      5:00 GMT

      Eating cookies at art gallery
      Doing more tourism. I see what seems to be a public toilet and go inside. There were two doors, for men and women but inside it’s a common space, actually a lobby with staircases going up and down and there’s a toilet just there, in the middle of this lobby. I realise it’s some kind of artistic joke and guess this is some museum or art gallery. I go upstairs and realise the art gallery spreads through several floors. Lots of nice paintings of different artists on each floor. In the centre of the building there’s a wooden staircase and an old elevator and the galleries go around this central space. I think it’s opening night, because they are serving cookies to the visitors. I am quite hungry so I take quite a lot of cookies from all plates I see. I am fascinated by an artist who paints in earth and green tones, plants and vegetables over abstract background. She uses juicy extracts of the plants or vegetables which are the theme, mixed with the paints. The information with the percentage of plant extracts mixed with the paint are on the labels by the side of the paintings. Quite original.
      But then they start gathering people to watch some film or listen to some lecture on a room and I decide it’s time to go, cause I’m not in the mood for that.
      I go to the elevator and see my reflection on the metal doors. I look like Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany’s. I fill my pockets with Belgian butter cookies which are on a plate on a table by the side of the elevator.

      Geeky teen trying to get lucky
      On the street I arrive at a huge square with an enormous imposing building from a famous architect from this city. It’s an old building but quite visionary for it’s time. It reminds me Gaudi’s architecture, because main façade structures is in stone and iron with huge glass walls allowing to see to the interior and then a huge tower structure rises from its interior - its legs are human legs but its top, which rises above the building’s rooftop, is just like the Eifel Tower. Wow, that’s dauntless!
      A geeky teen approaches me and offers to take me a picture in front of it. I agree and offer to take a picture of him in return. He then didn’t let me go. He was quite chatty and I let him come along in my walks. He tells me everything about his life, including that he broke up with his first girlfriend just before summer break and would like to get an older girl to gain experience. I think he is joking and didn’t take him seriously but as time goes by I notice he really thinks he can get something from me. I’m having fun having a younger fan stalking me around while I visit the city, but I tell him he chose the wrong older girl, because he wasn’t going to get anything from me. He then starts trying to kiss me whenever I’m distracted. I’m amused with his attempts. One day I allowed me to kiss me in the face innocently just for the picture so he could tell his friends he had gotten lucky with me. But he moved on quickly to suck on my neck and hugging me tightly. As I try to get rid of his arms around me, he rubs against me, I feel his erection and I think he came. I feel embarrassed, so I get up and say it’s time to go. I cross a road and he is still after me. We continue talking although I’m more distant now. We then pass by some door and he says it’s his music school and he needs to go inside to check something about the schedule of his classes. I wait outside and then notice the next door is a designer’s shop. I go inside and she has amazing boots and shoes in recycled and natural materials, bags and so on, all totally original and so cheap – boots 9 EUR, no way! I really wanted to buy this stuff and then had the slight feeling maybe i was dreaming...
      Then I woke up.

      7:30 GMT – wake up

      Updated 11-04-2010 at 07:26 PM by 34880

      lucid , non-lucid
    11. 21 Oct: Friends, sex and lingerie

      by , 10-31-2010 at 05:48 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      23:00 GMT – sleep (huge headache, after 25h of no sleep and jet lag - supposed to be 7 am)

      Japanese house
      On a big house with sliding doors like Japanese houses. I’m worried because I left the garage door open. Then... forgot the rest.

      3:30 GMT

      Make up sex
      My friend Zilla and her new boyfriend are not so happy together, but she is trying reconciliation, so I leave them both in a room, expecting there will be make up sex, but when I come back later on, the guy is leaving with an angry face, so I assume it didn’t work. He had actually left her for good. Then I go inside the room expecting to find her there and give her some encouragement, but i instantly step on a condom box still closed. When I get up again I see another couple lying in bed and they look totally surprised at me like “WTF are you doing here?”.

      Sexy boss
      Sitting at the end of some large office meeting table, on the boss’ chair and all my employees gathered around, so I figure out I'm the boss. But instead of making some speech about workplans and deadlines, I just opened a box I had in front of me on the table and took out some lingerie from the box and asked my employees what they thought about it – If it was too sexy? Too revealing? Should I wear it?

      6:00 GMT – wake up

      Updated 10-31-2010 at 05:54 PM by 34880

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. 11 Oct: Magic candies (RPG task)

      by , 10-27-2010 at 08:04 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      23:30 GMT+9 – sleep

      Only recall having had dreams related to Japan.

      04:20 GMT+9

      A young master
      A kid venerated as a great master arrives amongst a group in which I‘m included. I feel something strange about him and I try to find some sign that he is not true master. He comes accompanied by other teachers and everybody pays homage to him with lots of bows. Before he sits to give teachings he climbs the walls around like spiderman, I wonder if it’s to impress people and that tells me he might be using some trick because true masters don’t show off. Then I have this insight that his wonderful powers derive from the fact that he knows we’re all in a “dream” while others don’t know or else he would not be more special than anyone else, because we would all have the same powers. Still, I initially thought this was a “dream” but not “A dream” – meaning, I thought I was awake but also that he was truly Awake. Finally I realise we’re in a dream-dream. By now I’m outside this meeting place where I was previously but when I become lucid I go back to see if this kid-master is still there. I cross the glass windows easily but he is gone by now.

      Magic candies (RPG task)
      Then I think about which task I want to perform and I choose the RPG task. But my LD is not strong enough, so I look at my hands trying to sharpen it. Then I look for a portal and I see a long corridor and a mirror at the end of it. I go there and my reflection becomes alive and comes out of the mirror. This reflection-me tries to distract me and discourage me from my intent. I remember my RPG warrior character and as I become it, I use my sword and plunge it into my other me. My other me looks surprised “How could you?”. My other me starts decomposing. It is hideous yet liberating to see my own body rotten and become dust. I feel prepared for my task and I jump into the mirror. I remember the town of Denn, but didn’t remember I was supposed to go to the forest. So I landed on a town, which this time looks like Lisbon, but instead of reality-like, it is entirely cartoon-like. I feel amazed with the originality, the beauty and the detail of this cartoon reality I landed on. After a while I remember I should look for the forest but then how to get there? I don’t want to use another portal because on my last jump I almost woke up. Then I see a subway station and I think maybe I can take the metro and imagine the last stop is in the forest. But I also think that will take too long and I’ll loose lucidity by then. As I think of it, Hermione Granger from Harry Potter appears in front of me and handles me some candies of various colours she says are magical. Each of the colours is related to a place dominated by those colours. So if I wish to go to the woods, I should take a green one. I thank for the gift and I store the candies in a pouch. Unfortunately I don’t have enough time to take the green candy because I loose lucidity and just continue roaming in the town for a while.

      07:00 GMT+9 – wake up

      Updated 10-27-2010 at 08:19 PM by 34880

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    13. Who's Afraid of the Evil Queen? (Not me!)

      by , 10-26-2010 at 04:48 PM (The Lab Notebook)
      Awake, Non-lucid, Lucid, [Commentary made while awake]

      I woke up just before 5:00 A.M. last night and was disappointed that I'd slept through most of the night, couldn't remember any dreams, and wasn't going to have time for another full sleep cycle before the rest of the house started getting up at 5:30. I decided to try to go back to sleep anyway, focusing once again on MILD affirmations and visualizations. It worked.

      At some point between 5:00 and 6:40 [when I woke up for real], I have a false awakening where I'm in my current room and my bed is parallel to the closet doors [not perpendicular to them, as it is in reality]. I'm lying on the floor between the bed and the closet, all tangled up in my blankets. [I'm not sure when this happened relative to my other dreams, so I'm just sticking it here at the beginning.]

      I'm looking at the results of a Google Image Search for something involving the terms “japan” and [I think] “front.” Almost all the photos that are coming up are of cherry blossoms, but one of them is of autumn leaves. I say something along the lines of, “There are about ten hundred billion pictures of cherry blossoms, but almost no pictures of the leaves.”

      The next thing I know, I'm lying on my back in a wide expanse of grass. Several big, flat leaves in bright red, yellow, and green gently float down onto me from the nearest tree. The sky is blue and the weather is sunny, clear, and calm. There are trees spread out all over this grassy area, all with leaves that are turning autumn colors. Somewhere in here, I recognize that I'm dreaming, but there's no specific moment that triggers this realization. Saito is there with me, and I want to show him a seed pod from a magnolia tree. So, one comes rolling down the hill toward me, and I catch it. It's bigger than it would be in real life, and I say so when I show it to him. He says to me, “It's your mind.” Indeed; by now I'm not only aware that I'm dreaming, but I've caught on to the fact that this is my mind's rendering of what autumn is. I look around for an acorn, but find none. I say, “Of course there aren't any acorns – all my trees are are liquid-ambers.” [That's because that's what most of the trees in the neighborhood where I grew up were.]

      This big, tall, flying guy in a blue costume with matching blue makeup, who looks like he came straight from a Cirque du Soleil production, comes and lifts me up in his arms and flies away with me. As I'm being lifted off the ground, the thought of hot-air balloons crosses my mind, and [for some inexplicable reason], I ask myself, “Which city in Canada is the balloon city?” The blue flying guy flies us through a series of very large, rectangular rooms with movie projection screens on all the walls and the ceiling. At first, the screens are showing immersive views of natural vistas in Canada, accompanied by some appropriately dramatic and inspiring music that I don't recognize. I'm not afraid, because I recognize that the movie screens and the guy flying me through them are all part of the Disney theme park attraction I'm now on. The attraction is kind of like Soarin' meets the CircleVision movie at Canada's pavilion in Epcot. The film footage is filmed in a style very much like that of Soarin'; it's obviously intended to make it look like you're flying, except that the shots are designed for the big rectangular screens. The film in the last room of the attraction shows the transition over the border into the U.S., and flies us over Mt. Rushmore and then under a waterfall projected on the back wall. We go under the waterfall by going through an opening in the wall.

      Once I'm through the opening, I'm standing on the ground, and the blue flying guy is gone. I recognize the place where I'm standing as the interior of the Snow White's Scary Adventures attraction from Disneyland. There are no ride vehicles anywhere to be seen, though. The Evil Queen is just a little way in front of me. I approach her, and she turns around and says something scary
      [just like on the real ride]. I scream really loudly and high-pitched. For a few moments, terror completely overtakes all my awareness. While screaming, I think, Wake me up! Wake me up! hoping that the dream will end. [Remarkably,] It doesn't this time. I finish screaming, and observe that the dream hasn't ended, I'm still standing there, and the Evil Queen is also still standing there, turned to face the path where the ride vehicles should be, but is now motionless and silent, as she has finished saying her prerecorded phrase. So I start punching her in the face. I do this repeatedly, but I don't feel anything. While I'm beating her up, I shout at her: “You're an AAT*! I carry more complicated devices than you around on my back every day!” Which is true; she may be computer-controlled, but my laptop is much higher-tech. No longer afraid of her, I walk along the path and into the next scene of the attraction, where there is another AAT figure of the Evil Queen [this is the case in reality, too, but the track layout there is completely different]. This one turns around and starts to shriek something at me to try and scare me, but her words stop and peter out halfway through, because she can see that I'm not afraid of her. I continue walking through the scene. [*My personal shortening of “Audio-Animatronic™,” the robotic technology used to create characters in many attractions at Disney theme parks. I think I shouted more things than this, but this is all I remember shouting now.]

      The next thing I know, I'm outside again, but surrounded by buildings this time. I decide to rub my hands together, only to discover that they're really hot. I realize that that's because my real hands are really hot under my blankets. That's the last thing I remember from that dream, but it seemed to take me a little longer to wake up fully. When I did, my face broke into a smile and then a laugh when I remembered the encounter with the Evil Queen. In reality, I had been pretty scared of those moments on that ride when I was a kid, and I still dislike them now. I'm really, really proud of this dream. I think facing something/someone you've been afraid of for a long time and standing up to it is quite an achievement, and a good, worthwhile use of the ability to lucid dream.

      Updated 10-26-2010 at 04:52 PM by 37356 (rephrasing something)

      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare , false awakening , memorable , side notes
    14. 06 Oct: Stuck on false awakenings

      by , 10-24-2010 at 04:52 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      During a 10h flight.

      14:30 GMT+2

      Stuck on false awakenings
      I wake up because the airplane is landing. After crossing the dark night in just a few hours, it’s daylight again. I feel incredibly thirsty and groggy. The airplane windows are huge and I can see a wide panorama while we’re landing. I find that strange and I do a RC. I find I’m still asleep but I don’t manage to wake up or to change dream or anything. It just keeps going and I feel stuck.
      Finally I wake up. I see daylight again but the windows are still wide. I do RC again and find out I’m still asleep. Thirst persists as well as discomfort grows but once again I cannot get out or wake up. I decide to let it flow and see where it leads. The airplane is landing on a small road with fences, gardens and houses on both sides. It keeps going until it stops by the side of a building that looks like a bus or train station. Everybody gets out of the airplane and I’m the last one. When I pass by the cockpit the pilot and co-pilot are already outside to and so I lean to check the instrument panel and so on. The co-pilot says to the pilot that I’m taking a peak at the cockpit and warns him they left the key on the ignition, so the pilot comes to me and asks me if I’m not planning to steal the plane. He is half joking and half serious. I respond “of course not, how could I fly this even if I wanted to?”. Then we leave to the nearest village, me, pilot, co-pilot and another girl who was left behind. The co-pilot says that everything is so compact around here that sometimes to go from one street to the other you have to cross through someone’s backyard. He tells me he has started a biodynamic garden just close from there but people keeping running over his vegetables and ruin everything. I find that all bizarre but the fact is to cross to some nearby cafés, we have to cross a sports field. We pass under some Japanese banners hanging over a door and enter a café. I remember I’m so thirsty and I see a bottle of water on some couple’s table, but I have my sigg bottle and go instead to the toilet to fill it in the tap. The pilots moved on, so I am just with this girl. I notice she is Japanese. Then as I drink the water I remember again I am just dreaming and what I really need is real water.
      I wake up. Exactly as previous times, but this time it is night. It doesn’t matter, I can still recognize I am still dreaming. I do RC again and confirm. I am starting to feel desperate. I can’t go out of this loop. I think about people I know, people I love, family members. I call for them. They establish a link to the awaken world and I finally wake up.

      7:20 GMT+9 - wake up

      The airplane is not yet landing but flight attendants are about to serve breakfast. It is day light outside and windows are normal. I see my sigg bottle of water and kill my thirst. Soon I was landing in Japan.

      Updated 10-24-2010 at 04:55 PM by 34880

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening
    15. 05 Oct: Underground passageways

      by , 10-24-2010 at 04:07 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      0:30 GMT – Sleep

      Underground passageways
      I’m in Nagoya, Japan, on subterranean passageways with lifts to take people up to certain buildings, like hotels, etc, or specific streets. I meet my colleague Silva and other people. Some take a lift up, but I first check if it’s where I wanna get out and then I wait for the right lift to come.

      5:00 GMT – Wake up

      PRECOG explanation
      Two days later I was at Nagoya and both under and around train station and a congress centre I've been had this passageways connecting buildings and leading to certain streets. I had no idea of this before going there.
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