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    1. Second dream inspired by the drama Limit

      by , 02-22-2014 at 04:58 PM
      February 22, 2014

      6:15 am
      Woke-up remembering scary or mystery themed music from my dream and not remembering much else. Felt like another thought process dream in which I am just thinking, like in real life, but when I wake up forget what I am thinking about. The notes went lowest note - highest note - second lowest note - second highest note repeating again and again. It didn't feel special enough of a tune to go to my computer to record the exact notes, and I don't remember the exact tune anymore.

      Got up, brushed teeth and hair. Went back to sleep.

      Mantra: 夢を見ています (I am dreaming.) すごい夢を見ています (I am dreaming an awesome dream.) 嬉しい気持ち (happy feelings).

      I thought maybe if I did my mantra in Japanese, I would dream in Japanese. I've had dreams in Japanese before.

      7:08 am Haven't fallen asleep.
      7:45 am Still not asleep.
      9:59 am Just woke up.

      3rd Dream - Part 2
      Had a dream about Japanese school life (second time since watching the drama Limit). All of my classmates are Japanese, including me. I'm not really in the dream, seeing through a different girl's perspective. We're all at a restaurant. Then the police come to say there's been a murder. My friend, a guy, and I try to run to the back and escape because we're scared, but we end up sitting down at our table with our other friend, a girl. We learn that the murder has been committed by our other friend, who is often bullied. She killed her parents. I'm so shocked and wonder why. If she could kill her parents, she could kill her friends too. I can now picture her face clearly at this point in the dream. She's not really there, just my dream self remembering what she looks like. She looks like the manga artist from the drama Limit. I also remember being sad for her. I hear her screaming in my head, "来なくて" (go away) again and again, through it is grammatically incorrect and should be 来ないで. I run to my friend, a guy, sitting at another table. His presence feels like Ron Swanson from Parks and Rec. I hug him and he comforts me. Aside from that one line, the dream is in English. It wasn't scary, more like a movie. Last scene, we are leaving the restaurant in a car and I remember seeing a police van and wondering if our friend is in there.

      3rd Dream - Part 1
      Before this dream changed into a murder scene. I remember mixing a drink at the table with my friend, a girl. The presence is the same girl who was at the table in Part 2 of the dream. At this point we don't have distinguished ethnicities and I am myself. The drink was an orange-colored smoothie. We came to the idea that we want to pour orange-colored cough syrup in it. It tasted disgusting, like curdled milk. The cough syrup absolutely ruined the smoothie, separating the fruit juice from the cream, turning it a gray color with lumps. We realized it was a bad idea.

      2nd Dream
      My mom and the girl I nanny and her family. My mom wanted to plan some sort of event. I was in my mom's kitchen at one point and Nila's living room at another point. I asked my mom at one point if she was going to cook for the event, perhaps turkey. She had eating out/bringing in food from outside more in mind. I suggested a specific restaurant, but she didn't like the idea.

      **Note: I know the name of the specific restaurant and wrote it in my physical dream journal, just leaving out that detail since it might reveal where I live.

      1st Dream
      I might've been at school. Hallway, elevator. Perhaps Japanese club. I think a presence like Michael Scott from The Office might've been there. Group of people.

      All dreams were non-lucid. By the time I finished writing down my dreams it was 10:24 am.

      Reflections: I want to meet the girl who looked like the manga artist from Limit (dream character) while lucid. I have a lingering feeling of wanting to know more about her.
    2. Dream About Buying Manga

      by , 01-13-2014 at 08:24 PM
      In my dream, I stumbled upon a Manga (Japanese comic) store. It gave off a cool feeling, it looked kind of gray with a hint of blue, and had J-pop playing int he background. I saw the clerk staring at me, and he had with an expression like "What are you doing here American?" I didn't pay it much mind and approached him. I told him that I've been reading Manga online and I really wanted to get a collection going. So he goes to the wall and picks a box of a Manga series. It had Anima/Animus character archetypes and I wasn't quite into it and told that I would like something else. Then my dad appeared asking what I was doing and I explained. I then told the clerk that I would like something that is Action/Adventure I talked to my dad some more (I forgot the specifics of our conversation.) And I was presented with a bundle of Manga to start my collection. They were all boxed in/ stacked on each, and wrapped in clear plastic. I saw some Manga I didn't recognize, and saw some I didn't. I thought this was a good way to start me of and payed for it. I was a little shocked because the whole thing cost my $35 and I expected them to be more.
    3. Meditation and the Snake

      by , 12-05-2013 at 04:27 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was meditating outside the house, on the east side near the door. It was night, or at least it was dark. I was sitting in a half-lotus posture on the grasses near the plants. I was mentally viewing the four corners of the house with a 'construct' of myself, trying to ensure nothing goes through the barrier.

      I started to go inside. I had to bring a lot of stuff with me; books, paper and stuff, and some kept on falling but I must not leave anything behind. My dog was there too. I told him to stay out.

      When I was inside, I noticed there was another dog. The sun started to rise then. I touched it and found it was real. It's a smaller, hairier one. Then another. I saw more of them around the plants. My dog was making that poor-me sound. I wondered how they got in and thought that when I let my guard down, they must have dug down the walls and the barrier. One poked at my dog's clothes, and my dog was on his back on the ground.

      I was in a restaurant. I was eating with some people. One asked where else to find a good Japanese restaurant. I tried to think but I can't remember any. I mentioned/praised the good food in the place. One said (Ate M?) that there's also separate rooms and they serve the food inside. I said that wasn't what I was referring to.

      I was in a restaurant (not sure if the same one). I was an owner or at least a friend of the owner. They were serving food to an (male) enemy? He was wearing a tux. There's wasabi and yellow rice. A friend offered to provide the wasabi, but we all said no. Something about his way of cooking it. Or the rice. There's yellow rice but inside it's still white.

      I was in a room, in a hotel, I presumed. I asked something to be done outside. I was on the bed. A knock, and I said come in. A maid went inside and said there was a delivery for me and that I should hold out my hand. She was on my left. I refused, thinking/knowing she will grab my hand and kill me. She suddenly screamed, and I jumped back towards the window. Someone grabbed me from outside the window; an enemy ninja. Then I heard shots or a shot, and the guy let me go; an ally from across the building was shooting at him. I had a quick view of the outside. When my vision went back inside the room, I saw the the maid has turned into a huge snake and was trying to escape up through the roof. I pulled her down (not sure if through kinesis or by hand), and I pushed her head through the wall and the window, and it got shredded. She was still alive; she's immortal. I pulled it back in a bit and shredded it back through, and I saw the eye get punctured. It looked more like a fish's eye. I saw the innards of the head.

      Slowly, I saw it starting to transform. The shredded bits started to become smaller snakes, but are still attached to the huge snake. I pulled her in to stop the complete transformation. I then asked her if she knows why I did not just kill her with my katana.

      I woke up.

      * There was a part where I drove with some people to the 'water' park down in South Luzon at night. I said that it's a shame we will miss the sights because it was night. I think my crush or boyfriend was there. (IRL, I have no boyfriend, and I don't recognize any of the people there.)

      * I was partially lucid.

      * Slept at around 8:38 p.m., and woke up after 1.5 hours at 10:10 a.m. I had a hard time sleeping. I drank a cup of coffee before to ensure I won't go deep down in sleep (I needed to work). I also tried focusing on my breathing, but I keep getting distracted by hypnagogic/hypnapompic (I keep going in and out of dreams) images. I read Psybermagick before sleeping. I also watched stuff.
    4. 7-15-2013 New house

      by , 07-15-2013 at 09:47 PM (Subjects' Dream Journal)
      I had to get up pretty early today so i couldn't really do much logging. Here's what i got:

      -I joined some Japanese militia and had some dramatic events which i can't remember
      -My parents moved into a new house, but i wasn't moving into their house so i was stuck with a larger old house on the same piece of land. After they bought the house, we all had a picnic but these random girls stole my darn seat. I then remember being in the house and it flooding so bad that the whole entire house went under water and i almost drowned. At the end of this one, this guy summoned a soldier to fight for him but he got wounded but i was told to revive him anyway even though he might not live.
      -I played some trouble in terrorist town.
    5. Spiderman?

      by , 01-24-2013 at 01:21 AM
      I am walking down a street in a small town. Suddenly I notice that people are alarmed and star running. Instinctively I run into and old building that has a large wooden door leading to a staircase. I climb the stairs to the third floor. The floor is a long office with three hunge glass windows facing the street. Two of the windows have curtains, the third has none. I and two of the employees run towards that window and look out to the street where a black figure similar to the spiderman terrorizes the crowd. Suddenly the black figure jumps to the edge of the window where we are, but he does not see us. The two employees runt to the other end of the office but I remain in the same place for fear of being discovered. Finally I move to where the rest of the employees are talking. Some esmployees begin narrating how they starting working for some japanese entrepreneurs. They speak in english and Spanish. I star talking to a lady with a short red hair. I tell her that the building appears to be an old hotel. The room has a high ceiling adorned wiht reliefs. After that I decide to go out but I cound not find my car so I begin walking.It starts to rain and I try to cover myself wiht a raincoat but I get wet anyway.
    6. Public Speaking and Forein Languages

      by , 10-27-2012 at 10:08 PM

      Found myself in a crowded cafeteria. A lady was talking into a microphone and then began to count and recite numbers in a sing songy voice. Somehow everyone in the cafeteria knew that I had studied a little Japanese and wanted me to demonstrate. They handed me the mic but when I started to count I got stuck. "Ichi.. ni.. san.................Ichi.. ni..." I was so rusty I couldn't even count to four and I was so embarrassed.
    7. The Bird People of China

      by , 10-20-2012 at 10:32 PM
      non lucid fragment

      This dream was probably brought on by watching a good Japanese movie called "The Bird People of China"

      I was watching and maybe participating in an outdoor class. There may have bin a temple or some stone structure near by or even right next to us. The class was led by a beautiful girl with blond hair probably in her late 20s to early 30s. She wore nice yet casual clothing you might expect a teacher to wear. The rest of the class was made up of kids probably between the ages of 7 to 11 years old. They where either sitting and listening or taking part in some activity... a little of both.
    8. August 20, 2012 - "Bus Trip and Dragon Battle"

      by , 08-25-2012 at 04:00 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      School. Bus. trip. Victorias. flood. I'm completely naked. I didn't mind, but the people might freak out. Checked my bag for clothes. Just some underwear. Going home. Bus. Balintawak.

      I'm a tour guide with a few other people. Toured a Japanese group. Lost in mall. Guard asked for bribe to tell us the place where we're supposed to go. Stared at him. He withdrew. Found the place. 8889. Orphans. Farmer.

      Magic battle. A dragon trapped in volcano. A staff that erases mountains. Negros. Manapla. Number of cities.
    9. July 9, 2012 - Dream 2

      by , 08-24-2012 at 02:04 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      Bus. A video. 5 videos. Japanese boy band interview. Porn vids. Escape. Boat to the beach. Sharks.
    10. Zombie Evolution

      by , 06-18-2012 at 07:45 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      Some sort of zombie attack. We were in an old building. There were slow zombies. But they easily adapt to problems, until they became fast zombies, and even climbing zombies. Eventually, almost everyone were zombies, including some characters from D.Grayman.

      The rest of us tried to avoid them as much as we can. Until we reached a boat run by Japanese soldiers and scientists. It seems they have discovered that the zombies can't bend down from their waist, so they partially closed the upper part of the boat/jeep that we were going to ride.

      It's started to close for real, so we ran for it. My friends and I made it. We were able to escape to other places where there were none or at least fewer zombies.

      One day, I was walking and found a "zombie escape hatch." It's basically a huge pipe that can fit a human body, twisting all over inside and below a building, with enough handles to climb or hang on to.

      But they weren't made for climbing. They're elaborate traps against zombies, but only those who are acrobatic or athletic enough can pass through it. Zombies will basically get ripped to shreds trying to chase a person through it. I tried it out, and I "acrobated" my way into the inner area.

      While doing so, I heard the voice of an old lady, who I suspected was a zombie. I thought it's a good way to find out if this works. Then I saw her inside. She actually made it through that maze-pipe trap. But she wasn't able to jump off the last part. She said something like she can't survive the fall. Then a guy entered the scene. She called the old lady grandma, but he's a living human. He has long, white hair, reaching some way below the shoulders, and a light, silvery clothing. It's kinda anime-ish, but he looks "real," and a Caucasian.
    11. 30 Apr: The power to create worlds with rainbow light

      by , 05-01-2012 at 11:00 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      (...) I am at some large empty building with many other people. There is a huge window with view over a large river that seems to flow to underneath the building. The flow increases and it seems that the water will break the window and flood the building, but instead it creates vertical twirls with the seven colours of the rainbow, side by side, in front of this large window.
      Then someone says that now we have the power to create anything we want with the rainbow lights we can shoot from our hands.
      I make a beautiful dance with my arms and hands and spread a trail of rainbow light behind me in the empty space of this white building. Others are more creative and give rise to dragons, fishes and all sorts of animals, floating in the air like colourful metallic balloons.
      Slowly the white building gives place to all sorts of objects and places created with rainbow light.
      I meet a guy for whom I feel instant attraction. He is dressed in black and suggests that I join him in a Matrix-like character and together we create a Matrix-like scenario. I try, but all I manage is a cowgirl look, I don't know why. He laughs and decides to become a cowboy and join me instead. We have a minute of fun in a western like scenario, but then I see a wooden bridge to a zen garden and a japanese temple and probably sensing my sudden interest on it, he runs and disappears into it, teasing me to join him there. I decide to follow him, but before I met him again, I try to recreate my character, hoping this time to be successful. I dress myself with an olive green and orange kimono, but for some reason I have trouble in creating an obi to tie it up. While I struggle with it, he reappears in front of me, already wearing a kimono. Very silently, he slightly opens my kimono in a very provocative erotic move, slowly and barely touching my skin and even more slowly he closes it magically with an obi he creates with his rainbow hands. Then we walk in the garden, immersed in that erotic tingling sensation that fills us beyond our bodies.

      My lover is gone. I am now alone in this world of dream-like creations. Some of the creations become out of control. Two giant knights made of black smoke get involved in an epic sword fight, crushing under their feet many of the other colourful creations and nobody seems to be able to stop them. When all hope is lost, my love comes back. He fights with the knights to, but he also can't stop them. Tired, he lays in my arms. I feel his exhaustion and I cry with the sadness of all the worlds.
      I wake up sobbing and with tears in my eyes.

      Updated 05-01-2012 at 11:04 PM by 34880

    12. Disappearing Conference Building

      by , 02-14-2012 at 07:53 AM

      There is some free japanese course video that I’ve found online. I’m watching it with F, but not really learning much. The stuff seems familiar and the course is in Swedish. It’s good to review, though.


      This was actually a rather long dream, but with nothing much happening. I was mostly just looking out the window and walking about.

      I’m in a conference center. I’ve been watching a video in one of the seminar rooms on the third floor. When I look out the window I notice it’s late. There is a tall building opposite to the one I’m in, on the other side of the yard.

      I go down the stairs to find someone. The lobby is very high and grandiose. I don’t find them, but I notice that the building on the other side of the yard is not visible from the first floor. A waiter tries to offer me a drink, but I refuse. I go back up to see if the building is still there, but don’t get there before I wake up.
    13. japanese doll; alex' friend dies; haunted bathroom; cemetery drive; chicken mouth; old co-worker

      by , 11-23-2011 at 04:19 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was walking through the hallways of a school, possibly walking faster than usual. I headed into one classroom, off to my right. The classroom was big and bright, partly with morning light and partly with fluorescent ceiling lights.

      The front half of the classroom seemed empty of desks. But right at the front were three microphones, spaced about two meters apart from each other.

      One or two girls, maybe around twelve years old, may have been standing at the microphones. The girls may have been dressed very primly.

      The girls were going to give some kind of presentation for this class, which was a Japanese class. The presentation would be some kind of recital, maybe even a mini-concert.

      One of the girls may have asked me about my presentation. I realized I had to give one, too, even though I probably wasn't prepared.

      I was now "upstairs," in some room with my sister. The room had furnishings in it like might be found in a bedroom or living room. My sister may even have thought of this room as her bedroom.

      My sister was getting ready to go "downstairs" to school. She was going to bring a baby doll to Japanese class, as a kind of show and tell project.

      My sister had the baby doll sat up on the floor. The doll's legs were stretched out in front of it. My sister put a diaper on the baby doll. But the diaper was huge on the doll -- so huge that only the doll's head poked out.

      I didn't want to make my sister feel bad. I wanted her to feel like she'd done a good job of putting a diaper on the doll. But I may have made some joke about how the doll looked.

      I may then have told my sister that she should use a smaller diaper on the baby doll. But I couldn't think of what kind of diaper would be appropriate.

      Dream #2

      An episode of the 1980s TV show Family Ties. Alex Keaton was in the kitchen. He'd just heard that one of his best friends had died, right after leaving Alex' house. Alex was upset. He made some kind of sarcastic comment in a shaky voice.

      Alex was about to leave the house, either to go to the hospital or to go to the funeral. But his family stopped him. Alex' mom Diane told Alex that the family would leave the house together. Diane told Alex he wasn't to blame for his friends death. So he should just relax and go with his family.

      Everybody in the family left the house. They were all -- including Alex -- wearing hooded sweatshirts or hooded parkas. The hoodies were all in pale or pastel colors.

      The family was now in front of a door to what looked like another suburban house. I knew this wasn't the hospital or the friend's funeral. I was wondering if Alex' family wasn't purposely trying to keep him from going to his friend's funeral.

      Diane again, while waiting for the door to be answered, reminded Alex that it wasn't his fault his friend had died. So, she told him, he should just relax and take his time in getting to the funeral.

      The family all now walked in through what looked like a mix between a fancy restaurant and a living room, lit by natural light coming in through a big window at the back of the room. They all sat down -- probably at a couple different tables.

      The family was waiting for some kind of social engagement, possibly having to do with someone who would give the family money. I knew this had nothing to do with Alex going to see his dead friend at the hospital or funeral.

      Dream #3

      I walked into a school bathroom. The walls were a brown-painted concrete, and the walls were of glossy, pale-tan, wide bricks. The light was a greenish fluorescent. I had to walk through a tiny passage to get to the main area of the bathroom.

      I felt like I was all alone. But then I heard somebody's voice. It sounded like the person was annoyed that I was in the bathroom, so they were trying sigh and breathe out loudly to make me feel bad for being around.

      Out of nowhere some faucet on the wall to my right sprayed me with a bunch of water. It only hit the outside of my right leg. And it was only on for a second. But the force of the water was so strong that my pant leg was soaked.

      I was a little afraid. I didn't know how the water could have turned on and off, all by itself. For some reason, I assumed that only a poltergeist could have done something like that. (???) So I now thought the bathroom was haunted.

      I walked back into the main area of the bathroom. There were toilet stalls on the back wall, to my right, and either urinals or sinks on front wall, to my left.

      I heard the man's voice sighing, like the person was annoyed that I was here. Suddenly one of the bathroom stall doors slammed violently shut. I had been looking toward the urinals or sink. When I looked at the bathroom stall doors, they all looked equally shut.

      The slam of the stall door, though, had been so violent that I was sure the person wasn't just annoyed, but was really angry that I was around. I was pretty sure I was going to get attacked. I thought the person had hid in one of the stalls so that when I went to a stall, I would get surprise-attacked.

      I looked under the doors of the stalls from a distance. But I didn't see any feet. I thought the person may be hiding from view by standing on the toilet seat. But I suddenly felt like there really wasn't anybody here after all.

      I thought I would use the bathroom. But I felt like if I went to the urinal, I would get surprise-attacked while my back was turned. So I just decided to leave the bathroom.

      I walked into a school hallway. I was walking really fast. My pants leg was still wet from the faucet spraying on me. I didn't want to be seen like this. I wanted to get to wherever I was supposed to be, so I could just sit down and hide my leg.

      A black man, who I guessed was a teacher, came walking down the hallway. He was a bit taller than me, skinny, with long dredds covered in a hat and wearing a white t-shirt. As I walked past him in the hallway he seemed to try to indimidate me in some way or another.

      I got toward the end of the hallway. There were a couple of fat, black women, who I also thought of as teachers, gabbing with each other in the hallway. They saw me and seemed to peer at me, as if they were thinking of some way to bother me.

      A really pretty black woman, also a teacher, I thought, in a purple tank-top and tight blue jeans, walked down the hall. She got directly in my way, so I moved all the way to the right, out of her way.

      But she got back in my way. I walked really fast, figuring I'd just have to bump into her if she didn't move. But she got out of the way just in time so that we only brushed against each other.

      I was kind of turned on by how smooth, and slightly muscular, the woman's arm was. But the woman only seemed to be annoyed that I didn't try to get even further out of her way. I had been right up against the wall as it was!

      Dream #4

      I was in a National Park with my family. We were at the visitor's center, which was a complex of one-story buildings and a long, narrow-parking lot surrounded by a Southwestern kind of forest of pine trees. It may have been late afternoon -- the sky was dim and silvery grey-blue.

      My mom's old boyfriend, N, oversaw this park. He was, apparently, going to be busy doing some stuff with my mom and the rest of my family, like showing them around the park. So either he or my mom asked me to take care of something for him.

      My job was to take an urn with the ashes of somebody who had just died to a cemetery in the park. The person who had just died may have been a friend of N. But it may have been N himself. (???)

      So I took either the park-owned pickup truck or N's personal pickup truck and drove it down some wide path in the park to get to the cemetery.

      The pickup truck was really big. But the path was wide enough to accommodate two of these trucks, like a two-lane road. I kept to the right side of the road, as if I were driving on a regular road in the US.

      The path was asphalt, but it also had a coppery, gravel- or cinder-strewn look to it. On either side of the path were dense stands of tall, leafy shrubs.

      A white mother, tall, blonde, and pretty, though with a kind of worn-looking face, was walking back down the path, back toward the visitor's center.

      The mother's little girl, maybe two or three years old, had come toddling up ahead of her. The little girl wore a black dress that didn't go much farther down than her waist, and exposed a big diaper. The girl's blonde hair was done up in a top-knot, or a ponytail on the very crown of her head.

      I had to brake fast to avoid hitting the little girl. But I stopped in time. The little girl ran off to the left side of the road. The mother called to the little girl and seemed grateful that I politely stopped and didn't make a big deal about the little girl running all over the road.

      I drove on a bit more without encountering anybody else. I was proud of myself (???) for not having hit the little girl. But suddenly a gnawing suspicion came into my mind. What if I'd actually hit tons of little girls with the pickup truck so far -- but the truck had been so big, and the girls so little, that I hadn't even noticed?

      I now came on a group of black people, mostly fat women. They were spread all over the road, talking and laughing with each other. I kept to the right side of the road. But now they all veered over into the way of my truck!

      I pulled as far over as I could -- there was now a shoulder of grass to the side of the road, and I was trying not to hit that. But the women seemed to be trying to "spook" me into driving into it, by getting in my way.

      I decided to just stop the truck altogether until the women passed. As I did, I twisted the truck (or else the truck slid as it braked) so that it took up half the road.

      The women saw that I wasn't going anywhere. So they'd either have to walk onto the grassy shoulder or move over to the left side of the road. They all moved out of the way of the truck. I started driving again. But as the women passed me, they all gave me the evil eye.

      I drove on a bit more. I was now kind of worried that those women would sic some men on me to "pay me back" for having made them move.

      I just wanted to get to the cemetery and take care of my job. But I realized that I didn't really know where the cemetery was. I hoped it was close. But I didn't know if it was going to be far down the path, deep into the forest.

      And, I thought, once I got to the cemetery -- if I were even able to spot it -- what would I do there? Would someone be waiting to take the urn from me? What was I supposed to do with the urn?

      I thought I might even have to "bury the body" myself. I imagined myself having to dig a six-foot-deep grave. But then I imagined that there was already a hole dug in the ground for me, and that all I'd have to do was fill it after I'd put the "body" inside.

      I came up to a fenced-off area to my right. I could tell this was the cemetery. I stopped the truck on the side of the road.

      I looked at the cemetery through the pickup truck's window. The area was a well-groomed lawn about the size of a football field. Through the middle of it ran a concrete path, about the size of an average sidewalk. In the center of the cemetery was a huge, concrete column. The lawn was dotted with flat, plaque-like grave-markers, most with colorful bouquets placed on them

      I opened the car door, as if I were getting out to go into the cemetery.

      Dream #5

      I was somewhere -- possibly in bed! -- eating a chicken drumstick. I was eating it in some weird way, like taking swiping bites off of it, so that I'd bite down at the tip of the meaty part and then tear down all the way to the bony tip.

      But in one bite I'd rubbed the greasy joint of the bony tip against the left corner of my mouth. I was disgusted. I could feel that the corner of my mouth and a good section around it were now all gross and greasy.

      I got really panicky and decided I needed to go wash my face off right away. I couldn't seem to get enough motion into my body, though, to do this, and I just got more and more panicked.

      Suddenly I "woke up." I sat up in bed in the dark. I knew the whole "chicken leg" scene had just been a dream. But I still felt really gross, and I still wanted to go wash my face.

      But all I could manage to do was thrash around in bed, going from a sitting position to one where I was half-crawling and half-laying, facing the bed.

      I somehow managed to look at my alarm clock. I saw that it was only 2:37 AM. I told myself I should really be getting back to sleep.

      Dream #6

      A view of my old co-worker, DC, possibly as he stood over me while I sat at a desk.
    14. NOTE: Additional tag and notes for previous dream

      by , 10-31-2011 at 11:03 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      Just adding more tags. Tag entry is limited to 10, but I feel that the additional tags are also important. Particularly, the balloons and ruins. I had a "vision" (not a dream, coz I was already awake, but my visualization is still quite sharp):

      I was already awake, in fact already opened my eyes, and I was annoyed at the people attacking the dogs in the "demonstration" in my dream. Then I wondered what the balloons are supposed to mean. The dream made it seem like it's a weapon.

      Then I went into a vision of a couple of guys tying up helium balloons on our wall, and left. There was a message on the balloons. Something about activism.

      Then one night, the two were caught, and were asked why they were doing that, as if it was a crime. Or maybe the message was the crime. In the vision, I was trying to get mom to appear and defend them, since I don't really have much of a status in our home town. But for some reason, she just won't appear, so I talked instead.

      I asked why they're angry at the two. They mentioned the balloons, and I said, yes I saw them, and I think they're nice. Then they mentioned the message on the balloons (something about Pinoy, with two other words). I said I didn't read (a lie), but they still look nice. The mob are starting to doubt their actions. Maybe it wasn't such a bad thing after all, I can hear them think.

      One of the boys smiled a grateful smile at me. Then I remember after I saw them tying the balloons, he looked back at me, and we smiled.

      I think the balloons were colored blue and red. Or was it yellow?
      side notes
    15. Education Dreams

      by , 10-03-2011 at 07:06 PM
      Had 1 really vivid dream last night, and 1 that I can't really remember much about.

      1) I was living on a ferry in some sort of university where I was learning Japanese, but at a Degree standard.
      My teacher was russian - tall, quite ugly, with her hair tied tightly back. She was strictly japanese - i think we had to be VERY accurate with our speaking, bow, etc. She recommended I watch a Japanese film (which I cannot remember the name of) in order to learn better. I thought this was a good idea. I also remember a mental image of the ground floor where the entrance and main hall was, and it looked like hogwarts - fairly dim lighting coming from chandeliers and candles. There was a staircase on either side of the large room, leading to a hall on the second floor. There were also halls on the left and right of the grand floor, and I'd just come from the right. I was standing next to the entrance.

      2) I was in a new college, but not the real life college that I've currently just started. I was walking around the main library area, and it was extremely crowded. There were people rushing around and very excited to be in the library, as the college had a large focus on personal tuition and career choices. The library was very typical for a library - very grey, with grey carpets that you find in schools, the ones that you can get carpet burns from really easily. There were no lights on, but it was well lit from outdoor light through windows on the sides. There was something in particular that I was looking for, but I cannot remember what. Eventually, I decided to walk upstairs to the disabled + young children section. I remember initially feeling nervous and self concious, but I decided to not care what people thought of me and just went for it. I walked up the staircase near the right of the main room at the back, and when I walked to the top I stood there for a minute, taking everything in. I saw young children mainly as I looked around. I was looking for a music section, and eventually found it, immediately looking for a specific white keyboard. This room was equally large, but was far more quiet. I could see lots of musical toys - everything I could imagine. I remember thinking "I bet they don't have toy electric guitars", and upon saying it 3 of the same red toy guitar caught my eye. I walked closer to it, examining the right shelves before turning to the left shelves. I couldn't see it on the left, but as soon as I looked on the left side of it, I found the white keyboard. It looked like a fairly basic keyboard, but it was actually a fairly complex synthesizer. I began to test it out, fiddling with the keys and the modulation wheel. I played with a distorted guitar patch, and it sounded incredible. The modulation wheel wasn't doing what I wanted to, no matter what settings I fiddled with, so I looked around for help. I noticed a good looking woman around 30 years old bent over and organizing the toys to my left. She was fairly tall, busty, and had white-blonde hair. I was scared of talking to her, as I had talked to her before online, and I worried that it was going to be awkward. However, she noticed I was having trouble and came to me to help. She didn't recognize me, or pay much attention to me - she just immediately took control of the keyboard, coming out with some Jibberish that made no sense, even to me, someone who knows a fair amount about electronic sound synthesis. She said something about the low frequency oscillator controlling the wrong parameters, but it was much more complex than that. I awkwardly thanked her. There was also a vocoder on the synth.

      I was back in the main section of the library. I can't remember if this came before or after the last section, but it was definitely part of the same dream. I was now amongst all the people rushing around, and I was holding a small card in my hand, about the same size as a business card. It had information that meant I was guaranteed a job in the given career field. Students could exchange these cards with Employers, who would take it and immediately take you on. I had already had a job with my friend Franzi, helping her work in the kitchen of a local hotel (which she does IRL). She had red hair in the dream, and we weren't enjoying the job at all, so she quit very shortly, and so did I. This is why I was rushing around - I had just found another card, and I was looking for the place to exchange it for a new job.
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