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    1. (L) Flying like an airplane and like superman, the old playground.

      by , 04-06-2015 at 02:04 PM
      I was on the playground at the youthcenter I went to when I was little. I thouht that I probably was dreaming since I were there so I tried to do a RC and correct enough I was dreaming.
      I walked out of the playground and said "Clairty now!" while I was touching things to make the dream more stable. I wondered what I should do and of course I thought of flying but this time with thought of everyday expectations. So I walked out in the middle of the street spread my arms like wings and started to run. For some reason I ran very fast, and the coolest thing was that it worked very well. I took of and I Just flew like it was natural. I saw a casttle-like building, forest, the playground, and lots of other things. I switched flying mode from airplane to superman style and it worked very well aswel. What I liked about flying in lucid dreaming, is that you can feel the wind on your face and your whole body, it's so cool, and you get to see things from a whole new perspective.
      I spotted a guy on the ground I found him a little suspicious, he was like blinking and transforming. Almost like mistique from x-men. I flew down and landed at the playground and just watched him. He ran away out of a gate. So I thought that he is gone now. So I started to stabilize the dream, and I tried if I could remember any DV TotM but I couldnt. Across the street stood my aunt and I went to speak to her, and suddenly I were in a room. There were lots of Diablo 3 (Video game) stuff, ex-school friends came in the room. I lost lucidity... I think the dream tried to overwhelm me.
    2. Inflatable Playgrounds

      by , 03-29-2015 at 04:59 AM
      This was the last dream of about four this morning, the latter three all having been attempts at WILD but only this one really worked.

      I find myself looking up at what looks like my blue duvet. I decide to imagine that I'm in the ocean and it is the surface of the water, and I jump/maybe sort of swim up towards it. It keeps moving upwards too - I am tiny compared to it - but finally my head hits it. I can't burst through like I'm trying to, so I put my finger up and write an 'L'. It leaves a shadowy 'L' behind, which I realise it wouldn't do in waking life,
      so I realise for sure that it's a dream.

      I'm quite sure that I'm 'still' driving up the road with my parents and older brother and maybe my grandfather, riding on the top of a blue(?) car. In one or both of my earlier dreams I had been here at some point, so now it is almost continuing on from there. Dad is talking about someone and something that happened to them to do with a truck, 'cause they're a truck driver. Dad wants to send some money in to the truck company, or he wants to go and be a truckie too. Mum's reaction isn't what he was expecting or hoping for from her, so he says "This is Ken Muffay we're talking about." Apparently he means a guy named Ken he really does know, but whose last name is slightly different. Mum is still telling Dad he doesn't have to do that, but Dad wants to. I tell Mum, "Just let him do it. He wants to."

      We pull up at a place like the bus stop up that road, but it doesn't occur to me now that that's where it is, because it looks different. I say to Mum, "It's just a dream, it's okay," and maybe tell her to 'calm down', because she's still trying to tell Dad not to do it, and possibly getting slightly worked up or annoyed. I hop off the top of this car and onto the lower bit of ground, which is down a small bank from where the car is parked. I don't know what I want to do, but there is an empty square tissue box, it seems, on the ground in front of me (I've turned around and am facing in the direction of the car), so I get the idea to climb inside it and jump around in it. It must either have been big to begin with or I shrunk on my way to it, but by the time I've put half of my body in there - well, I fit. But I'm not small enough yet, so I concentrate on shrinking my legs down, and then I think I just have to imagine the feeling of myself shrinking inside this box/it growing around me and suddenly I'm little and fit inside. It occurs to me that jumping won't make the box jump, and I won't be able to move anywhere in this box. All of a sudden I'm looking at the again-normal-sized box from beside it, and I'm big, and I'm feeling bored about it and just not wanting to do it anymore.

      I leave that, walking up to the 'bank' where the car had parked earlier, but instead of the dusty ground there's some sort of inflatable track going around, and my brother is up on some part of it up on my right, and there are little plastic handle things to climb up with. I try climbing up using them. I am thinking of a particular person I want to make appear, but then I decide, no, I won't 'summon' them, I'll walk into another room and find them. The inflatable thing has a slope up to a non-inflatable door, and I can see the sky and a cloud pretty much just through the door, as though it's on the wall, and this cloud is orangey-pink and small and round in a swirl. I decide I'm going to climb/jump/crawl/however through that cloud and see where it takes me. I fly up onto the track - I guess I either climbed/jumped/fell off earlier or I never managed to get on - and climb up the slopey bit, hoping the cloud will still be there. It is, but at a different angle, so I can look directly into it and already see the world that it leads to. I put my arms and head through the 'cloud' and wriggle the rest of my body through.

      This place is also like a playground. I liked the whole wriggling-through-a-portal thing so much that I pick up one of those foldable tunnel things off the ground, except this one's probably only big enough for a cat or small dog - actually, about the same size as the cloud portal. It is pink/pinkish purple. I say to myself, "I will jump through this and it will take me to a house that looks.... no... It will take me to... yeah, to [my school]." For some reason I want to go somewhere else to do this, so I go to a part of the, yes, also inflatable playground, the beginning of the track, which leads up, and I think it would be a bit fun. This is grey with some black netting in places.

      I walk/run excitedly up to the inflatable playground. On my way up the little slope at the beginning, before you turn left and go up to REALLY begin the adventure, I notice that there is a rather big mirror on the wall I am running towards. I'm grinning and run up to it and say "you look BEAUTIFUL," and I look mostly normal except I have dark around my eyes, and my eyes are bigger or closer together or something, and also my hair is twirlier/curlier than normal. I'm wearing my grey top and blue jeans. Then I notice that my eyebrows look weird: above my right eyebrow is the first part of another eyebrow (?), and at first I'm not sure which one is the real one, and then I realise my eyebrows are really close together, with about half a centimetre between them. I'm still happy-looking as I remember an anyone dare (by blobularwindmil but I didn't remember who at the time, sorry ) to find a mirror and rearrange your facial features with your hands, so I try that, except I'm pulling at my own face instead of at the reflection, and I may start pulling my finger down the mirror but still nothing happens and then something I don't remember happens that makes me get really excited for half a second, like a brainwave of something to do or maybe something that happened in that scene, and the excitement, it seems, makes the dream start to fade, and I'm floating away from my body and soon I'm out of the scene, and I know that if I open my eyes I will be awake,
      and I do, and I am.
      lucid , memorable
    3. Mirror, mirror

      by , 03-10-2015 at 09:03 PM
      Backlog: 28 Feb

      On the whole had a very restless night, trouble falling asleep, followed by emotional nlds. Later got woken up and ended with insomnia.

      My wakefulness increases to daily levels and I am ready to get up, seeing no point in being in bed anymore. Yet, I know how groggy I will feel later on so have one last effort to catch some sleep. I try the classical wild plus relaxation tips with the sole purpose of falling asleep at this point. There is a specific pleasant sensation in my stomach. I try not to move but have to change positions several times due slight discomfort.

      Finally, a bright scene flashes in front of my eyes so I know sleep is near. I even concentrate and make another one appear, whilst still having awareness of my physical body. It's like being in two places at once. The scene is fanstastic. I find myself flying high above the sea and green lands. The water looks fantastic. I can feel my dream body flying while being in bed and as it floats and is about to flip over the scenery.

      The sensation is cool but difficult to maintain and input from my physical body takes over and I find myself back.

      I continue to do my best to fall asleep. I find myself in another dream looking at a mirror. I am happy to ascertain that I have made it to the dream. "I'm in", I tell myself out loud while looking at my reflection in the mirror. My reflection doesn't quite move in synch with my words so I make some efforts to synch, but not to much avail. Then I notice my breath and just feel the need to breathe as if I am having some difficulty doing so. I spend some more time breathing in and out and watching my reflection as the dream interrupts and I find myself in bed.

      Asleep, some short nld part, then another dream scene on the playground.

      On the playground, which bears resemblance to this real life place before it morphs. I climb onto a playground structure and look around. There are a number of DCs as well as dogs mostly immobile at this point. I slowly move my gaze from one DC to another and then from one dog to another examining them. Everytime I do so, they turn and pay attention to me to. It's like I can feel my attention as a gust of wind animating and being reflected in each DC. This is quite cool. At this moment, I also notice that there is a warmish wind that also connects all of us and is gently blowing from direction or another. It feels really pleasant.

      I try to remember any tasks and recall the basic for March - find a house and get inside. I look over to the street and see an old entrance door to this building. It looks far away but I decide to give it a try despite having some doubts about dream stability at this point (due feeling). To reach it, I have to first get down from the playground thing I am on. I jump and try to slow down my fall not to cause extra instability. It works somewhat but also rotates my vision introducing slight instability. At this point a classmate comes down to help me, looking rather concerned. Her face is reddish on some places as if from mild sunburn.

      I look ahead to where the street is, where I need to cross to get to the entrance gate. The place morphs and now I find myself on an elevated fence looking over the street, but the edge of the fence is out of reach due to there being trees in front and also lots of thorny shrubs. This infuriates me and I decide to cut straight through everything. I find myself in the midst of all the shrubs piercing me and causing overall pain as the twigs are everywhere. This looks super realistic and I take a moment to examine myself. It just doesn't feel right me pushing through all of this vegetation at all costs, seeing an old cardigan of mine being torn in the process and all this pain. I conclude it's against my philosophy and decide to take the side road to reach my goal.

      I gently move away from the thorns that block the way and turn to the other side, which has once again changed and is now a nicely looking forest. It's a dark green vivid color and the trees are close together as not to allow any sunlight through. I notice some interesting looking plants to the side and wonder whether to investigate. Still having my goal to find an alternative road to the house though, I look around the forest. "I almost lost myself in a forest in a dream", I think. The forest now reveals an invitingly looking path that stretches all the way ahead. I examine it with curiosity and excitement, trying to see what is at the very end - looks like a castle very far away. At this point I recall CL and how it could be a good moment to zoom in right over there, but before I could do anything, the dream ends.

      I stay still and deild.

      Find myself inside a house and a store at the same time. There is some political scenario going on and posters on the counter in front of me. The lady DC behind the counter is unhappy with the actions of the local supermarket.

      While walking around I try to recall some of the totm tasks. I wonder if having ended up in a house now would count for the basic but I discard the idea and struggle to remember other tasks. After some effort, the mirror task finally comes to mind. Ok, need to find a mirror, didn't I just pass one by? I go back to where I was a moment ago and face a man-sized mirror. It changes from being clear to being covered in vapour just like it would in the bathroom (first time this happens in a dream, probably because I am trying to do a task!). This irritates me, but I go ahead and wipe it up a bit to at least see my face clearly.

      Then I stand in front of it and slowly prepare to move inside. Being a bit apprehensive due to wall phasing experiences ending up in the void, I keep my eyes open and keep staring at its surface as I take a plunge in. The moment I do so, the mirror swallows me letting out a loud underwater like sound "Blop". It's pure liquid and shows no resistance. I quickly emerge on the other side, looking around to see where it has taken me. It's overly dark but I can make out the contours of objects around me and they become clearer to finally reveal that I am in a pantry sized room. It looks exactly like a pantry with shelves and all sorts of objects being stored around. I make a mental note of it, soon the dream fades.

      Updated 03-10-2015 at 09:13 PM by 61764

      dream fragment , side notes , lucid , memorable , task of the month
    4. Time Travel during a UFO Crash.

      by , 02-07-2015 at 07:23 AM
      It's been awhile. Hello. Just got back into the lucid dreaming world.

      Last night I had a very odd dream. I know there was more before this, but I can only remember up to this point. I was riding with my family in the car. There was a helicopter circling a UFO up the road. We continued to drive right under this. When we did, the UFO crashed, leaving a massive track of mud on the ground and over to the other side of the road. The UFO was no longer visible. When this happened, it turned the world back into the 1990's. I'm 18 years old, and don't remember much from the 90's myself. I was 10 years old in this dream after the crash. I had a massive craving for a cigarette, so I see a guy in some flannel, kinda like a grunge kid. I go up to him and bum an electronic cigarette. Some stuff happens that I can't remember. I end up on a playground in the middle of the woods with a really good friend of mine I met in high school. I didn't know him when I was 10, however. I kept trying to chase after him because I was lonely and knew no one else at the park. I finally catch up with him, and open this Chinese box of cigarettes. I pull out this strange package in the box of cigarettes, which ended up being a home-built electronic cigarette yet again. It was covered with a waxy wrapping paper. I finally opened it and then more stuff that I can't remember happened. We ended up in my friend's house, which was right by the woods with the playground. My friend's house has a fish tank with strange fish in it. His mother came up and was saying unintelligible things. I went into my friend's bedroom and he wasn't there. I walked outside to see him running away. That's when the dream ended. This is the latest in a string of STRANGE dreams. Keep dreaming, dreamers.
    5. Fight - 1

      by , 07-30-2014 at 01:00 PM
      Fight - 1


      It looks like I am kind of an agent/spy, a very well trained one. I am on a mission of protection some Persian Sheik's son.
      I have to bring him somewhere. We go through the backdoor of a shop but as were about to leave the shop something explodes and I get thrown out of the shop by the force of the explosion. The whole store is on fire and there is no way the kid survived.
      Years later I am eating in a restaurant when the windows bursts and someone starts shooting at the people in the restaurant.
      I find myself hiding in the kitchen together with Justing Long (actor from Die Hard 4), but he tells me he can't do this, start running but instantly gets shot. I follow him and look through the shattered store front. I see the shabby street, gray and full with trash. On the other side I can spot a balkony, connected to the street with a ladder. I wanna look away but I see a person climbing down that ladder, obviously in a hurry. Thats my guy I think and start chasing him. He has his back to me and doesn't seem to be running away. As I am following me he starts talking. He tells me the name of the man he just shot and everything else. Then he goes on telling me about a 15 year old, left in the flames, scared and without hope. I realize he must be talking about the persian boy in the explosion and as soon I finish that thought he turns arround. He looks normal with a scruffy beard and short hair. But on his neck he has some metal attachements I don't understand. Also his ears are covered in with a metal ball. He takes them off and reveales some earphones. But not the metal creeps me out, but when I look at his bare chest I see stripes of skin missing forming the word Fight, Far or Flare. The "camera" zooms in and I see a short video sequence with smoke and the title Fight - 1. It looks like an intro to a wrestling match. I look at his face again and see he also has 3 missing stripes of skin on his cheeks.

      (The dream jumps to another scene which repeats itself randomly a couple of times in the course of the dream)
      I am at a playground where a little boy plays in the sand. He yells mommy, but I just know that his mom isn't alive anymore. He shouts mommy again. I look to my right when a centrifugal begins to turn. I hear a little girl screaming from the top off her lungs: "She's my mommy!", in the creepiest voice I've ever heard! The centrifugal keeps spinning and reveals the little girls face. I look at her and see a gruesome dolls face with a mad grin and blood-shot eyes staring at me. She repeats, It is my mommy and the scene jumps to the story with the boy again.
      I find myself in a little shed together with Olivia Wilde. It seems we have to pass some sort of trial without water or food. It is insanely hot and soon the persian now man comes in with wraps and coke but doesn't give any to us.
      The persepective switches into 3rd person and I can now see where we are. It is definitely a jungle but it is completely artificial. The river is tiled and the water looks more beautiful than anything I have ever seen. The persian boy must have used his wealth to create his own paradise and now needs to trained agents to do something for him.
      I am at the playground again and everything happens exactly like the first time, besides I am closer to the doll now. As she turns all I want to attack and leap at her. I expect to tackle her, but just jump right through her
      and wake up..
    6. Train Station

      by , 07-02-2014 at 02:48 PM
      Train Station (SSILD)
      Lucid #16


      I am a t train station with a friend. We follow the platform, which is made out of wood planks. As we go we see people jumping from different spots. I realize everything arround the station is a big playground. We get to the end. In front of me I see some bars. I squeeze myself through them and climb down in something what looks like a pit. Its dark and I´m a littlebit scared. I don´t know the location but I realize the train station is build on poles, like a pier.
      I climb back up to see an old man and some old ladys waiting for me. Apparently I colored the wood-planks while climbing down the bars. I look and my tshirt is indeed stained with white paint. The old ladys seem to be on my side, the old man on the other hands threatens me with calling the police. He seems like loosing interest in the situation and I climb back down. Now I really don´t like the location and climb back up. My friend grabs a crossbow and shoots an empty bootle standing somewhere at the playground. Knowing there will be glass where the kids play I panic and start running away.
      I find myself chewing on something, I spit something out and see a tooth in my hand.
      I get lucid, look at the tooth in my hand and try stabilizing but I wake up..

      Updated 07-02-2014 at 02:52 PM by 69017

      lucid , non-lucid
    7. Mr. Face // Schizzo Parking Garage // Playground of Horror

      by , 06-28-2014 at 05:10 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      After a dry spell this whole week, I finally dreamt again! I've been adjusting to a new sleep schedule since I just started graduate school...

      June 27,2014

      Mr. Face

      I was with Zukin in a classroom. The tables were arranged in a square with one edge missing; the missing edge faced the whiteboard. I sat on the left edge, toward the back, and Zukin sat next to me. The Face was our teacher (But I'm not sure if it was actually the Face. It didn't feel like him. But I specifically remember that he looked and sounded like The Face, with his patchy, colorful clothes and his singsong voice)

      So, we were in this class, and the Face was our teacher. He was getting all enthusiastic about the World. He started to draw on the board, and I realized he was drawing a world map. It was incredibly accurate. I looked down at my notebook for a few seconds; it was blank. When I looked back up, the world map was finished and the oceans were half-filled-in with this super intricate pattern made with three different colors.

      Then, we were in a different classroom. It was my 7th grade science classroom. I was sitting on the right side this time, in the back (this room was arranged in three rows). The whole right wall in that classroom was windows into a little courtyard that no one was ever allowed into. I cant remember what the Face was "teaching" us here, but I do remember that we had snack time, and Zukin had brought some pineapples and was sharing them with me.

      Schizzo Parking Garage

      I was in some sort of Men In Black- or Jacky Chan-type movie. I don't know what makes me say that, I just woke up with the feeling that that's what it felt like. I was with some people, but I don't remember who, and we were driving in this packed, crowded, narrow city. It reminded me of Hanoi. Whoever I was with was going with me to our friend's apartment there.

      We drove around, looking for a place to park, and eventually went with a parking garage (that, now that I am fully awake and thinking about it, has been in at least one dream before!). This garage is very big... Like, everything seems like it's 1.5x scale. We found a spot, and walked from there to my friend's house. When we got there, my friend was half-naked with two women in his bed. He didn't want to open the door because the women were there, but I blackmailed him, telling him that if he didn't open the door, he'd go to jail. He finally opened the door...

      As I stepped through the door, it was like going back in time. I was suddenly back in the car, looking for a place to park. I pulled into the parking garage, parked the car, and we left the building, but I realized I needed to go back for some reason. I remember something about a large locker that I needed to make sure would be safe. I don't know why I didn't just leave it in the car... It may have been strapped to the top of the car, and I was worried someone would take it. So I took it down from the top of the car, and set it upright next to the car, looking around. I go up to the second floor (the car was parked on the first floor) and it has become this sort of posh-looking waiting room. It seemed very 90's to me, if that makes sense. I asked someone if there were lockers to keep belongings in (why put a locker inside another locker: I don't know), but she said there weren't any, and I went back down to the level my car was on.

      But the first level had become this weird basement storage area. Lots of old doors and windows were all over the place, leaning up on walls. The space was narrow and a bit claustrophobic, and I left without looking for the car and locker.

      I found my friends waiting for me outside the structure, and we went to our friend's house again. I noticed that his apartment building looked like my IRL apartments on the outside, but on the inside it was arranged differently; each floor was basically a stretched octagonal room with doors on each of the corners (so, think of a rectangle with the corners chopped off and doors put there). We waited at his door for about ten minutes and he wasn't opening it at all, and we couldn't hear anything from inside. I started to wonder if he was dead or asleep or something, and we left.

      On the way back to the garage, I had picked up an alcoholic beverage, and accidentally opened it before I remembered I was going to be driving really soon. I couldn't reseal it, so I tried to hide it. When we got back to the garage, it was still a bit off; it was about half-way between the way it originally was and how it had been the second time, if that makes sense. So it still had aspects of both versions. I found my car and the locker, put the locker back on top of the car, and just as I was about to get into the car, a police officer came up and started talking to me. I had the drink in my hand, and the cop noticed, but didn't seem at all worried about it.

      I said, "You're not going to give me a ticket or a warning or anything? This is alcoholic, you know..."
      "Nah, it's not a big deal."
      "Yup. Just, you know, drive extra carefully," and he nudged me conspiratorially with a grin and wink.
      It was super weird and creepy so I got in the car and left, then woke up.

      Playground of HORROR

      I was with an old friend; we were children. We were on a playground that was deserted except for us. Everything was gray...

      We climbed through one of those tunnels on the jungle-gym, and then she suggested we climb up onto something that I can't remember the name of. She called it something specific... It was this big contraption... It's hard to describe, but I'll try. I was basically four polls sticking high into the air, and at the top was a sort of upside-down bowl with handles along the rim. There were ladders along the four polls.

      We climbed up and were crawling on top of the bowl, and then my friend told me to grab on tight to one of the handles along the rim, and I did... then she did the same on the exact opposite side, and it started to spin. It wasn't so bad at first, since it was just spinning on a horizontal axis, but then it started spinning vertically too, so I was upside down ad left and right and all over the place, and even when I knew I was oriented normally, it felt like I was hanging up, as if gravity was all messed up. It was terrifying and I was screaming for it to stop. It didn't stop, and my hands were getting tired, and I was terrified that if I let go, I would be thrown into space and die, but when my hands gave up and let go, I was gently set back on the ground by some unseen and unknown dream force.
      Then I woke up.
    8. 25 Apr: gnomes rule the world

      by , 04-25-2014 at 01:35 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      I see my cousin João playing with other kids on ths street park. I join them. There's a kind of standalone treehouse from which we can slide down and jump and I have great fun, but I start noticing some strange thing about these kids: they are all athletic, enjoy being outside and are fierce enviromentalists. That's good, but a bit suspicious. I notice my cousin is extraordinarily kind and good boy, and I fail to recognize him as I remembered. Then I see a kid hugging a tree and that's ok, until the point in which every one of his hairs light up on the tip and fuse with the tree trunk, like the connection the aliens on Pandora have with the other animals and plants. Ok, what is going on?
      That's when they take me to the coast and I see numerous tiny creatures, like gnomes and goblins, rising from the sea. They tell me they have been secretly transforming the kids and will now make a full scale invasion of the planet, to stop the humans from destroying what's left of the world's ecosystems. They make an implant in me, that is supposed to tranform me into one these kind, peaceful, green mutant, like the kids, but I resist the brainwashing power. I mean, I am already like them, but I want to still think for myself. In the end I think: is it that bad that they will turn every human into a nature loving person and the world will be ruled by mythical guardians of nature? I guess it's just fine for me!

      Updated 04-27-2014 at 01:56 PM by 34880

    9. December 10th, 2013 Non-Lucid

      by , 12-10-2013 at 07:38 PM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      The dream starts as I'm in the car with my mom in my driveway. There are some suit cases in the seats and she says that my friend Mason is coming to pick me up. I get really excited and believe that we're going on vacation to the beach or something. I look up to my street and see that his family's jeep is parked sideways with his parents in the front seats and him in the back telling me to come. Apparently, my bags weren't packed all the way so I tell my mom to stall as I run like an idiot to my front door as they watch me.

      After that, Mason and I are in a club of some sort. This place is dimly lit with many different colored lights flashing around. There's this table thing with a huge staircase where him and I were sitting like there was more to this place. Around us were many attractive girls, so I told Mason to keep himself busy. I go down the stairs to this lab place with even more people all dancing on this dance floor. Seeing that, I go back to get Mason. When I get back, half the place has turned into a bowling alley, though it still has the club atmosphere. Mason is talking to some girls dressed like strippers as they're overcoming him. This makes me laugh for some reason, so I sit down next to him and some girls come over to me too.

      Another dream I'm in my friend Moo's backyard. It's a bunch of people from my high school like a flashback of some sort. The backyard is completely cleared of trees unlike IRL, and there's a pool and a small house. There's some dialogue between the people. We go into this house and we're in some kitchen when my friend Katie sneaks up on me and hugs me. I'm not sure why, but she climbs up onto me like she's straddling me while I stand, sorta like a sex position. We're just chilling in this position as we talk for like 10 seconds, and I'm even making thrusting motions while I'm doing this which is weird. Someone signals that we're here for someone's surprise party and the person was a guy I know named David. I see him and his friends walking from far away as everyone is suddenly outside. He walks through this crevice part in the ground and we all jump out, but no one is saying surprise or happy birthday, it was quite bizarre. I was behind him now trying to at least shake his hand or whatever and when he turned around, it was a different friend named Adam S.

      In my last dream, I'm in my dorm building. Everything is really compact like a kid's playground or something. I look down this opening and there's a room with this girl named Tiana I know from home who's a sophomore. She's lying on the ground and some girl I don't remember is telling me she's drunk and wants to have sex with me. I chuckle because this girl is like 3 years younger than me, so I start to crawl through the tight space to my dorm. My dorm door is like a really small dog door as I crawl through and then tell my hall mate Jason that our dorm is really freaking small. Next, I'm suddenly in bed with snakes in my arms. Two of them fall out onto the ground and start to slither but never travel any distance. I remember trying to count how many fell on the ground so I could know how many snakes I'd have to look for.
    10. Kingly Chase

      by , 09-08-2013 at 02:53 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      Chase. We are being chased in an unknown place. A squatters area in an Asian city. I separated from the rest and thought I lost them.

      I came upon a playground surrounded sparsely by trees. I hid on the slide. A kid saw me. From nearby, I saw one of our pursuers, a guy who was wearing a kingly red-and-white robe and a crown, pretending not to see me. He was waiting for the right moment to catch me.

      CR. Korean. Eyes. Question..
    11. School and Flood

      by , 08-31-2013 at 02:10 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in a school or building, 2nd or 3rd floor. It was a sunny day. We noticed that the nearby river is starting to rise. I ran like hell immediately, but others didn't seem to understand that it's about to flood. I told everyone to run as well, but I think I was the only one to leave. Everyone else didn't know better.

      The water suddenly retreated, and next came the heavy rain. The sunny sky suddenly turned gray. I was running along a path that looked like a dried-up river. Then in front of me, I saw water rolling in like a wave from the sea. I was in a playground by then. I thought it's too low. There's a set of cube blocks forming a pyramid near a building. I climbed up. I found there are two people (kids? teens?) up there, holding each other to keep warm. I held tightly to them to keep warm as well. They didn't seem to mind.
    12. 7/24/13 - playground killing?

      by , 07-24-2013 at 09:07 PM (Leaving the matrix)
      Me, this girl, and this boy are in a jumper, they both have a gun but I don't, they both go after me and each other. Their guns both have lazer pointers. I jump over this bouncy obstacle in the jumper and catch the girl by surprise and manage to grab her gun away from her. Then I shoot her right in the forehead, she has a short pause of shock then collapses dead. Then I hear the boy with the gun, the magazines in his gun seem to be making him go insane, he's yelling gibberish to me. I run out of the jumper and to the right is hundreds of out door playground and jungle gyms with wood chips on the grounds, but if I go straight their is hundreds of indoor play tubes and foam play shit on a rubber ground. So I run behind some play tubes and nets, but I hear him mock my hiding spot so I keep running further back, but his lazer pointer is always on me no matter what. I decide to try and shoot him from behind a tube, I keep missing, but his bullets are flying to close for comfort passed my shoulders and head, so I run back a few tube, and hide behind a tube slide, suddenly I hear and see him walking around the tube I was hiding behind like he teleported, Iget up without a second thought amd fight him for his gun, I end up getting it away from him and I shoot it at him but it seems to be out of bullets so I throw it at his head even though in hindsight that was a dumb idea, I see him reach in his pocket for another magazine, so I quickly reach in my pocket for another magazine for my gun, I take the old one out and this magazine has two shiny clear glittery baby blue bullets, one the size of a pea, the other is a normal bullets shape, I shove it in and shoot the boy in the stomach, but it doesn't do anything so I shoot him in his head three times and then he falls to the ground and then I hear a loud voice in the air say that I am the victor.
    13. Stupid Alarm

      by , 04-01-2013 at 12:28 PM
      1/04/13 Again the same conditions as last night, only this morning my phone alarm woke me unexpectedly which obliterated my recall D: Oh well this is the first time I have remembered more than one dream.

      I was in a playground with a young Leonardo DiCaprio and a girl that I had never seen before, we were surrounded by zombies that were not attacking us rather they were attacking a man atop the slide. For some reason we didn't save him. Then in real life my alarm rang and woke me. I put it on snooze and went back to bed.

      I was now in my drama lesson and the boys around were handling dollar bills so I assumed that for this project we were going to get paid. As I walked out of the lesson into the dining hall with this boy called Aaron there was a Asda store where food was usually served. He told me that he was having work experience there and jumped over the counter and took a cinnamon bun.

      Then I was walking home in the dark with my friend called Jess and she was telling me she wanted to be a director when she was older, I remember thinking to myself 'as if...'

      Ill try the FILD technique tonight hopefully I'll get somewhere with that. The purple represents the strange context of my dream (one of my dream signs is being somewhere new).

      Updated 04-01-2013 at 01:17 PM by 62140

    14. [Healing Pool]

      by , 11-05-2012 at 07:30 PM (Searching For The Center of Everything)
      [Monday, November 5th, 2012]
      <My dream recall fades into...>
      At a theme park.

      In a child's playground, I crawl inside a plastic tube and meet a few people I know.
      Cassidy is one of them, an old pre-school through high-school friend of mine.
      We get into an arguement and I decide to just walk away.

      I walk up to someone in an outside office chair.
      I ask him how he's doing running and designing the park.
      He isn't. He looks very relaxed and layed-back in his chair.
      He says he was layed-off. The park management hired someone else.
      Everyone here has been replaced it seems- by more efficient and cheaper workers.
      I give him my condolances and then it seems everyone is leaving the park now.

      I follow suit.
      Right outside the park is a giant rounded pool; 30-foot deep with a 30 foot diameter.
      Suddenly, me and everyone in the park is filled with joy and bliss and we all jump in the pool.
      I feel amazing and refreshed as the cool water surrounds me.
      I was the first to jump in with my clothes on, and I watched as everyone else jumped in after me.
      It was amazing watching as everyone floated together in a neon-blue lit pool.
      I start to run out of breath and take air in, despite being underwater.

      <I wake up.>
    15. Sliding on frost

      by , 09-01-2012 at 12:54 AM
      Walking to church. We had been to the adventure playground with the boys, and then home to get soothing. Now we are back on our way to church. Cross a road, and descend a frosty slope, pulling boys in a pulk. Notice that I am sliding, become lucid, continue sliding, across level ground and up hill. Woken up by noise.
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