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    1. Lucid Dream #30

      by , 04-05-2011 at 12:18 PM (Warbenifit156's Lucid Dreaming Adventures)
      Lucidity: 8/10
      Vividness: 7/10
      Length: ~7 Min.

      Me and some old man were on a boat. I don't know what we were doing but the old man was very creepy and his boat seemed like it was about to sink.
    2. recurring shop app; swimming out of flood

      by , 03-25-2011 at 11:43 AM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was outside on a sunny day with an acquaintance of mine, G. We stood out on some big lawn before something like a cabin for a summer camp. G is a scientist, and he knows all this technical stuff. So he was going to put some wacky, new app on my phone.

      I handed G my phone, hoping he wouldn't look at my internet and all the perverted sites I had on there. He didn't. He handed the phone back to me.

      The app ended up being some kind of shop. I didn't really find the shop very interesting. I kept trying to get out of the app, but I kept going backward through a bunch of screens just like the shop app's screen. It was really annoying.

      Dream #2

      I was in some body of water. A huge wave swept over me. I thought it would crush me or carry me away. But I somehow swam right through it. After this wave I sawm through some smooth water and then some much smaller waves. All this time a narrator was talking about something, possibly how dangerous the waves were.

      I was now swimming among a group of people. A huge tide had carried us out to sea. The common knowledge was that if this happened, you could never get back to land. But I could see the shore. It wasn't far away. I began to swim hard for the shore, encouraging the people around me to do the same. The current was pulling steadily toward the side, but I could force my way through the pull. The shore had something very colorful built on it, possibly an amusement park.

      I and my friend H were now in some weird space that was like a mix between a mountain path and a concrete path and some kind of indoor hallway. We were talking with two girls, both of whom seemed to me to be Asian.

      The earthquake in Japan had just occurred. Somehow, H and I had lived through the time period already, and we knew what had happened. Now we were back to the beginning of the earthquake, still in America.

      One of the girls spoke about the earthquake like it was something minor, just a usual earthquake. I tried to let her know, in a nice way, how bad it was. I asked her, "Do you have any family in Japan?"

      She said, "Japan? I'm from Africa!"

      I now realized that the girl wasn't Japanese. She was short, with coppery brown skin and reddish blonde hair.

      I now looked to the next girl, who looked more Japanese. I was going to tell her about everything that had happened during the earthquake. But she already looked panicked. We were in some place like her bedroom. She was laying down on a beanbag chair that was slumped against a wall. She was crying, worrying what had happened to her family. She had her right arm cradled over her head. I may have noticed that the bedroom was slightly cluttered and that there was some kind of heavy metal poster over the beanbag chair.
    3. The City in the Sea

      by , 01-20-2011 at 08:49 PM (Visions in the Dark)
      The dream starts off with me standing at the edge of a river. On the other side there is a fight going on between a team of strong looking men riding big cats (lead by someone who looks like Heman) fighting some other dudes on horses and chariots. I cannot see any of their faces because they are wearing animal masks, but there is a man with long black riding a Siberian tiger that I keep looking at. For some reason he seems familiar to me.

      Suddenly I am in a stone built circular city that is an island of itself and in the middle of a turmoltuous sea. There are many waterways on the lowest level of the city to allow water to flow through, but occassionally there are mini tsunamis that rush through the tunnels and often flood the lowest level of the city, which sometimes even sweeps people not quick enough to move away. There are only two to four levels of the city, depending on what area you are in. The center and the east areas of the city are wealthy and technologically advanced while the west and south edges of the city are downtrodden and poor. The north edge of the city is a huge wall and many breakers to protect the city from the turbulent water and to lessen the inpact of the many tsunamis that hit.

      I am at the northern edge of the central part of the city (the "downtown" if you will) looking up at this glass box cars that move along rails in the air, like elevators that move horizonally instead of vertically. I am wandering around looking into shop windows because I am too poor to buy much and I meet a man with long black hair outside of a small museum. He is handsome and really nice and I do know it in the dream but he is the young man I saw the other day riding the tiger. There is an instant connection between us and we spend all day wandering the streets and talking and he asks me out to which I respond positively.

      We go on a few dates and I learn that the is the son of a wealthy bookseller in the eastern part of town but I am too embarassed about where I live and always arrange to meet him downtown so he doesn't know I am poor. We develop a quircky way of expressing our feelings but saying "I have a confession to make..." and then revealing something deep and personal. I am able to tell him everything I feel except that I am poor and live in the western edge of the city.

      I am totally crazy in love with him and even travel to his father's bookstore in the east (where he works) to visit him one day. When I first enter the bookstore the entrance hall is stacked with old war books and the such and I see one book cover that says "Sexual Trauma for Police Regarding..." I cannot see the last work but I think it is "Women." There is an old man milling about just outside the store. He looks like a scruffy Gordon Pincette and he eyes me warily. As I leave the store a mini tidal wave hits and floods the lowest level of the city.

      Inside the store I meet my boyfriend and ask when he is getting off work, to which he says 2:30pm. He then asks me if I would like to go out with him for the weekend to the only hotel on the island city to which I say yes. I visit the resturant beforehand to determine how nice of a place it is and find that it is so posh that I will have to go out and buy a new dress, which will not be easy because I do not have a lot of money. On the weekend my boyfriend treats me to a wonderful meal and then we return to our lavish hotel room and drink wine and make love all night.

      The next day my boyfriend is called away unexpectedly and we have to cut our weekend date short. He has been called away because the heman crew needs him, but since his identity is supposed to be a secret I do not know this. He makes up an excuse about his father being ill. Later in the week I drop by his father's bookstore to see him but he is out and I am confronted by his father, the Gordon Pincette character, who is unhappy about his son's relationship with me and tells me that I have to stay away from him because I am a distraction. When I ask what that means the father threatens me and says that if I see his son again, or tell him about the threats, that he will have me killed. I am scared and heartbroken and run home. I do believe that the father could kill me because he is very rich and has a lot of political power in the city

      That night I am working on a soapstone turtle by candlelight (it is how I make money) when I hear two men fighting outside. There is a terrible scream and I open my window and look out to see the two men, both whom I do not know; one man running away and the other man laying on the ground badly bleeding. I run outside and try to stop the bleeding but the man dies just as the police show up. They see me covered in blood and try to arrest me, but some of my neighbours come out and tell them that I was just trying to help. The police take me downtown anyway and after questioning me all night they release me in the morning.

      While I am walking home I run into my boyfriend and he asks why I have been avoided him. I say that I cannot tell him and start crying which caused him to insist more. He tells me how much he loves me and misses me and I turn away from him, saying that I just cannot see him anymore. I run away from there and to the northern point of the city where the breakers are and contemplate throwing myself into the sea. The two police men who questioned me earlier suddenly show up just stand there and watch me from the highest platform.

      In the distance I can see a tsunami approaching rapidly and I make no effort to reach higher ground because I am so depressed that I do not care if the water takes me away. I can hear the policemen shouting too me to get off the breakers and back onto the safe platform but I ignore them. There is a pole nearby and when the water hits I wrap my arms around it at the last moment and avoid being washed away. Afterwards the policemen make their way over to me and asked how I survived because they say that they have seen many people try to grab the pole and get washed away anyway. I remember saying something about crossing my arms around the poll rather then just hugging it or something but the dream changes and the policemen suddenly disappear.

      My boyfriend is there instead and he puts his arm around me in comfort and says "I have a confession to make..." and than proceeds to tell me about his secret identity as the tiger riding man. I also say the confession line and than tell him that I am poor and live in the western end of the city. He tells me that he doesn't care where I am from and wonders why I ran away from him earlier. I tell him about his father threatening me and he doesn't seem surprised at all. My boyfriend tells me that his father knows about his secret crime fighting life and told me to stay away from his son because he was afraid that his son would forget about being a crimefighter.

      I am relieved and happy, but still feel unsettled about something I cannot describe when the dream ends.

      Updated 01-20-2011 at 08:52 PM by 6048

    4. The shark with the frill fin

      by , 12-16-2010 at 07:35 PM
      Non-lucid Half lucid Lucid Other notes

      Me and my parents are sitting at a table in the sea, close to a harbour. Our heads and half of our upper parts of the bodies are above the surface while the rest is beneath. Suddenly, I see a fin approaching me in the water. I become thoughtful and wonder if it could really be a shark, because the fin also had a frill which made it look beautiful. It also has some kind of beautiful light on it. I reflect in wonder if it could instead be some kind of dolphin or something like that. But at the same time it felt a bit ominous when this creature started circling the table.

      For a moment I become half lucid and think that the creature is what I expect it to be. I start thinking that I hope it is a dolphin. However, I still feel a bit insecure on this one and therefore ask my mom (big mistake!) if it really could be a shark.

      She answers with certainty and seriousness "Oh, yes. That's a shark all right...". I sit completely still with tightened muscles. I feel my belly moving when I breathe and I wish that it would not do that. My mom tells me that the shark begins to grow more and more interested in me because I am so tense and adds that sharks are attracted to tense people. Both my parents are very calm and relaxed and do not seem worried at all about the shark or anything else. I feel frightened over what mom had just said and immediately try to relax my body. I say in a fast and desperate voice to them: "I am relaxing now, look, I am relaxing!" A creepy silence surrounds me as I hold my breath and wait. My attention is now directed towards my legs which are under the water and I really pray with all of my heart that the shark will not grab one of them and drag me down with it soon. However, I shortly begin to wake up. I am relieved over this, but at the same time I also feel a bit disappointed that I did not get to know how it all ended.

      I also remember another dream from this night, which was a bit longer than the one above. However, I do not feel like writing it down since it did not feel that interesting + I do not have the energy right now. But to summarize, it included my old Chinese teacher who was in a strangely bad mood and also some of the students I have had during my teacher practice, who I for example talked to about martial arts.

      Updated 12-17-2010 at 05:42 PM by 38576

    5. 11/26/10 9th Lucid Dream

      by , 12-11-2010 at 04:37 PM (Sydney's Nightly Adventures)
      I remember being in my room at my dad's house. The front light was on and I was walking around. I think I thought that I should be in bed and not up at that time of night. I just did the nose RC just in case, and I was lucid.

      I remember I was still breathing through it for a few seconds like my fingers weren't even there. I turned around and yelled, "Sam, I'm lucidddd!" She came out of nowhere and was like, "Really?"
      Now I remember walking towards the little balcony in front of that window. It had turned into a fading space.. and the space inside looked like a foggy sea. I walked towards it and was immediately engulfed inside. I turned back and I think I saw my house, or where I was standing before I went inside.
      So I decided to walk a little further through the water. It felt like I was walking on some nets; and there were these little geysers in the water. They weren't hot or anything.

      I can't remember if I walked back inside or not but I guess I did. I remember to reality check just to see if I was still lucid. I found Sam again.

      I got so excited, and tried to remember my goals. I could hardly remember them, so I tried something new. I closed my eyes and held out my hand. I tried to visualize something, maybe raisins. While I did this, I said to Sam, "Look at my hand." I heard her gasp. I felt the raisins immediately forming into their shape. I opened my eyes and there they were, in my hand.

      I was so shocked. This feels amazing! I remember wanting to go in my bathroom and look at myself. But my reflection might have been a bit weird. I told Sam, "Come on, Sam! Let's go downstairs and eat our hearts out! (Cuz you know it's a dream)" She was like, "Wait, I want to try this!" But she couldn't do it. Lol.

      I can't remember much after this, but now I remember being in a little cornfield with either my grandfather or some other guy. There were some other "students" there. We were told to collect these little seeds, and I'm not sure why. Sam was with me. I said, "The heck with this. Let's do this." So I held out my hand and imagined those little yellow beige seeds. Once I opened my eyes, they didn't really look like the right seeds. They were more yellow and looked plastic, so I threw them on the ground.
      lucid , memorable
    6. The Dream of the Escape from the Island and the Introduction into a Secret Society Bank

      by , 12-07-2010 at 12:31 PM (Folqueraine's Oniric List)
      I was on Belle Isle island and I was wanted by the evil authorities, so I had to flee, but I knew that if I took the ferry they would catch me easily, so I had to find another way. A relative told me of a fisherman who often took people to the mainland, so I went to the beach and found him. His ship was really a small rowing boat. He agreed to take me to the mainland and didn't even ask for compensation. Thanks to him, I crossed to and fro Belle Isle many times.
      Later, I was in my grandparents house, which is on the peninsula closest to Belle Isle. I had taken a clandestine cat with me from Belle Isle and I had to hide his presence from my relatives, but for some reason the cat had to stay outside in the front yard, so every time my aunt came out I had to go and shoo the cat away so she wouldn't see it.
      Later again, me and my friend/crush John managed to get introduced into a secret branch of my bank. But then, we had to get out to spread information to other underground resistance members. We had pretended to be a couple, so stay in character I hugged him and kissed him on the cheek and he was all embarrassed, saying something like: "You've done enough now!"

      Influences: my research into Resistance in occupied Finistere during WWII
    7. 28th / 29th September 2010- Being an air nymph

      by , 09-29-2010 at 04:21 PM
      I am an air nymph. I am in a group of about 5, all of us very beautiful (if I do say so myself haha ) and we decide that we'd like to go to a lagoon. We go there but get bored quickly and move onto the sea. I fly off to find my pets; 5 hippogriffs, which fly so fast, we trail fire behind us. When we get back to the sea, one of my friends is face-down in the water. My friends are trying to get her back to land, and I help.
    8. The shipwreck and being stranded with Galou

      by , 09-24-2010 at 09:23 PM (Folqueraine's Oniric List)


      I was woken up at 6:00 by a noisy male student's voice. I opened the curtain and saw that a flat on the floor above and in front of me had its door open and light flooding out. A girl was standing on the deck and noticed me. i went back to sleep, ready to put my ear plugs on, but the girl must have asked to boy to shut up because the noise ceased. Thank you, unknown girl! The dream occured next.
      I was on a small ship leaving Central America for Europe. Not too far from the shore, I noticed several people in the water (over a dozen). None of them seemed to panic. It was weird. I hesitated to offer them to get on my ship because they were so numerous that they might cap-size it. There were other small ships and I wondered which they fell from.
      I soon realized that the ships (and the castaways) had been involved in some conflict between drug or illegal immigrant smugglers. I decided not to get mixed in because those people can be troublesome, but then I saw my friend Galou in the water. She was trying to hold on to her two young daughters.
      (In truth, Galou only has a 5-month-old baby boy)
      Then my ship disappeared (?) and I was in the water. I helped Galou by holding one of her girls. The sea took us to a tiny sand beach surrounded by rocky, sharp cliffs. The girls were not with us anymore, but that didn't distress us.
      We were tired and cold and hungry. A strange, chaotic rock formation sprouted out of the sand. We tried to find shelter in the rock chaos. I climbed on top of the formation. Two electric wires connected to a small light bulb. The night was falling, and I realized that the light was too weak to be seen from hypothetical rescue ships. However I had my laptop, and I thought to use to power to power it (because it's a magical laptop that can resist sea water!) and maybe send someone a email to tell our relatives that we have survived.
      When I got down from the rocks, Galou had prepared driftwood to light a fire. I made sparks with the wires to start the fire. Galou had collected seaweed to eat, but in a small cave we found canned food that had either been stocked here or that came from a shipwreck.
      We spent the night there. We were still scared of the smugglers, because, as witnesses to their dealings, we could be seen as threats.
      In the morning, we noticed one of the smugglers' ships coming towards our beach. Uh oh... We decided to try and climb the rocks to get away. Galou went to the west, and I went to the north, more or less along the shore. But since there were many boulders I felt like I could hide.
      Some gunmen landed on the beach. I hid behind the boulders but one of them saw me. I knew it was hopeless so I didn't move. He found me and shot me twice, once in the back (and the bullet went through my chest) and one in the bum
      (probably inspired by the horrible bruise I got on my backside falling down the stairs while moving furniture out an attic). It hurt badly but I realized I could perhaps survive my wounds, so I played dead. The gunman was satisifed and left.
      The rest of the dream is in 3rd person perspective as I follow Galou.
      Galou has managed to reach almost the top of the cliff. There's a half-ruined castle which we couldn't see from the beach. She is also pursued by the gunmen. Nearing the castle, she has to cross over a precipice on a single stone beam to reach safer grounds.
      She then tries to hide inside the castle, and realize that it's not empty. There's a nun living there. A cat nun from New Earth (Doctor Who)! The nun agrees to hide Galou. She tucks her in a shady corner.
      The gunmen get in and ask the nun if she's seen the runaway. She says she hasn't and pretend Galou is a statue, using her as a stand for her tray, as she offers the gunmen drinks.
      She has her servant bring the tray in. It's Jar Jar Bink,
      and I remember thinking as I watched his feet on the carpet (through Galou's eyes): that CGI is rubbish, it's scintillating!
      Later, after the gunmen are gone, I manage to get up (back in my own body) despite my wounds and limp back to the beach, were I am reunited with Galou.
    9. The dragons, The cricket and The fonz bunny.

      by , 09-15-2010 at 06:27 PM
      I was on a pebbly beach, white pebbles if i remember right. To my right, the beach extended for a while before meeting a tall cliff which then went out to sea. My left was completely clear. The sea was completely covered in strange white seaweed, which closely resembled those curly bath balls you can get for washing. As the waves came in they gently rose and fell. Far out I could see some water. The sky was an overcast grey, with dull clouds soundlessly drifting along. I turned round to face a cliff with several outcrops spread unevenly across its face. I managed to reach one of these, though i dont know how. A small girl in a light orange dress was looking out to sea through a telescope. I asked her if I could use it, and she said yes. I sat on a rock and dug my feet into the gravel, because for some reason I thought that someone might push me off.

      I then turned around to find the cliff gone and replaced by a lush green grassy hill leading to what seemed to be the white house. I went inside and found out that it was actually my familily's house, and so I headed to my room. The door was built diagonally, and on both sides there were baulstrades. Never heard of privacy i guess... I walked down the small flight of stairs and found myself in a bare room with white walls and a beige carpet. There was a large pair of doors leading ouside, and i walked out to find myself in another garden.

      In front of the house was a large area of grass, but further out were rows after rows of 1cm thick hedges. I explored the gras and found a blue dragon who needed me to feed him crickets. I found hundreds in the hedge but picked only three. I felt them tickle my hand, and one tried to bite me. Turns out the dragon dissapeared. Figures... I then met the duracell bunny dressed as the fonz, who asked if I wanted a beetle from the hedge. They were realy beautiful, so I got one and came back. However, I had apparently failed some kind of test, so my schools field would be.... GASP! CONCRETED! I actually couldn't give a f*** so I went back inside. I sat down in my room but then woke up.
    10. A Mysterious Beach

      by , 09-14-2010 at 05:49 PM (Morbid's Abode)
      A Mysterious Beach (DILD)


      - Beach

      Time Occured:
      - Around 3:00 - 3: 45pm

      Dream Characters:
      - My family (mainly my mother, sister, niece, aunt and her daughter)
      - KC (initials)
      - TG (initials)
      - GV (initials)

      After 6 months of having a dry spell due to my lack of sleep and hectic schedule, I had a lucid dream again!

      It was a dark, rainy afternoon, and I was relaxing at our hammock while smoking. I realized I haven't have much time relaxing recently, so I decided to listen to one of my favorite binaural beats. A few minutes after, I felt sleepy so I decided to take a nap at my bedroom.

      I fell asleep, and soon I realized I was dreaming.

      With my family, I was in a beautiful beach. The sun, the birds flying around and the sound of the waves, indeed, a relaxing dream it is, I said to my self.

      As I was preparing myself to take a plunge, my mom called me and said that she's still preparing our lunch. I took the opportunity, and dived.

      What happened after I dived was like in a fast-forward, and when i rose up to gasp for air, in front of me were to lovely Filipina celebrities, and we're in the middle of the sea!

      As we all know, lucid dreams are far beyond what we imagine and anything can happen, I wasn't surprised seeing those two in front of me and they're having a live broadcast of a musical show. As I looked at them, KC (I prefer to not mention her name) started to sing holding a microphone that came from nowhere. Minutes after, she started to scream and claimed that her legs were bitten by snakes. I dived below to check if her wounds were deep and as I rose again, it's like I was carried by the waves, and brought me a few meters away from them.

      Magically, there was a dike that seemed like it rose from below the sea. As I swam to it, to have a better view of the two, another celebrity appeared (this time a famous male singer) behind me. He insisted that he'll help me and tossed me into the air, falling at a perfect spot to view KC and the other one. But to my dismay, my mom was calling me again and telling me that we're going home (we didn't have luch at all!)

      As I came near them, I was shocked that my whole body was covered in sand, and looks like mud because I was wet. I decided to take another plunge to cleanse my body. Everything went slow motion from here on, and everything was shifting to greyscale.

      I woke up, and grabbed my mobile phone (since it's the nearest thing beside me) to recall my dream, and jot it down. As I opened the text messaging menu, I noticed something weird. It turned into a black screen, and a "Exit" button below. Without thinking, I clicked on it and bam! I woke up!

      It was a false awakening after all.
    11. The Dream of the Children stranded on Two Islands

      by , 06-20-2010 at 08:12 AM (Folqueraine's Oniric List)


      This dream has two distinct parts, but they are definitely related through their themes.
      In the first part, I am one of the inhabitants of two islands. The two islands are pretty small, but high, maybe of volcanic origin. They're pretty preserved, as far as I can see, there aren't many tracesof human settlement.
      Deep on the sea bed, there is a tunnel joining the two islands. The tunnel room closest to West Island is room 2400, the room closest to East Island is room 2100. The workers of the tunnel have decided to go on a strike that day. I work in the tunnel too and I wonder if I should work that day or not.

      There are several children living on both islands, but mainly East Island. A baby is born or has been left on a beach to the north-east of West Island, and a child from East Island comes to pick it up in a little boat. But since he doesn't want to be seen by any of the adults (maybe because they would take the baby), he asks a teen girl to come with him. This teen girl has an identical tween who has a young child, so if they're caught, they can always claim that she is the twin and that it is her child.

      Part two

      The children have all been forced to flee to a beach on the south side of East Island. They all live on the beach, which is closed off the rest of the island by foredunes and cliffs. They've built shelters out of driftwood and seem to have settled quite some time ago.
      I then realize that it is silly that they should be locked off the rest of the island just by a dune, so I decide to fly over it (metaphorically, since I'm not bodily present in the dream) to see the other side of the dune.
      I can see that there's a sort of desert with a few trees and bushes sprouting here and there, and a little pond near the beach. I assume that's were the stranded kids get their drinkable water.
      A caravan is coming. Some of the men are wearing bedouin clothes while others are dressed like Westerners.
      I then decide to embody an adult man. I talk with the head of the caravan. He tells me about the two Westerners, one at the beginning of the caravan, one at the end. The one in front is sick, while the one in the back has a broken arm which needs to be put back together.
      I nominate myself doctor of the stranded children and decide to help the two men while the kids deal with the caravan. I hear the leader of the kids tell the leader of the caravan "Welcome to Thoninnio", so I gather that's the name of the settlement.
      The first man is in his late thirties and has short, light hair with blue eyes. He looks very kind and, while I auscult him, tells me that he broke the other guy's arm. They were previously lovers but they had a row about the children of one of them (I think his, but I am not sure) and in the row he seized the other's arm and accidentally broke it. He wishes he could help but his ex won't let him near him. I'm a bit disappointed because he was so hot and kind, I would have liked to hook up, but too bad!
      I ask if there's anything I can do to help them reconcile, but he explains apologetically that he went too far in the row and that he deserves what he got, and there's probably no way to fix things between them.
      I then move to take care of the second guy. He's younger, late twenties or early thirties, with jaw-length hair, and looks vere bitter. He doesn't want to chat, so I just pull his arm and snap the bone back into place.
      And then I woke up and quickly found a trick to remember the name of the settlement before going back to sleep.

      Updated 06-20-2010 at 06:32 PM by 8172

    12. The Dream of the Prehistoric Village Isolated from Modern World

      by , 06-19-2010 at 09:10 PM (Folqueraine's Oniric List)

      I am a member of a scientific expedition who regularly goes to a beach, which you can reach only by foot after hours of impossibly hard paths. On this beach is a village where people still live like in the prehistoric times, isolated from our world. For us, paleontologists, historians and so on, this is a treasure, of mine of information.
      I have already been part of this expedition once. I am going back in the hope of meeting a young girl with which I got on very well.
      Unfortunately, we had to admit that our visits had a negative influence on the villagers, since some of them got used to the (rare) modern products we brought along with us, such as cornflakes.
    13. WW2, the elections, the Japanese underground and the cruise ship

      by , 06-17-2010 at 10:14 PM (Folqueraine's Oniric List)

      At the beginning, I was a nun, in the 1930s-1940s and for some reason, me and the mother superior had to hide from other people. She guided me down some staircase that went very deep underground. The walls and the stairs were made of a beige stone. At some point I noticed a room, to the West of the stairs, that was strangely light for something so deep. Then I somehow got separated from the older nun and decided to go back up to the world of the living.
      I somehow turned into a young, typically post-war looking young lady. I was in a city that looked like Paris, and I was reunited with a young man I had tender feelings for and whom I hadn't seen for a very long time (because he was a soldier?). He looked like one of my mates from high school, Vincent. Vincent and me went for a ride in his (or mine?) car, a coupé from the 1940s too.
      We started to discuss the result of the upcoming (actual) French presidential elections, being worried that Sarkozy would be elected. I worked in England and was back in France for a short time only. I wondered if he would accept to come and live with me in England if Sarko was elected.
      Then we went back to were we came from, except that for some reason we were driving on a railway now. We arrived at a station where he disappeared and I hooked up with 2 older male friends. We went in the underground part of the station, which happened to be in Tokyo. There were all sorts of little shops selling pointless gadgets such as only the Japanese can make! Among other, I was amazed to find little porn figurines with the face of Emma Watson! But my mates were delighted.
      Then we took a corridor to go upstairs and the station turned into a ferry, and I was with my parents. It was a very luxury cruise ship, the kind we couldn't afford anyway. We saw that restaurant which looked very expensive, and had a French name which I have forgotten, except that there was "jeudi" (Thursday) in it. We asked if we could have a table, and the waiter ask if we'd booked, to which we said yes, even if it wasn't true. He gave us a table someone else had booked. Unfortunately, the cuisine was pretty poor, and I protested, he said there were some sort of restrictions. What's more my parents and I were worried the people who had rightfully booked the table would come and we would be uncovered.
    14. The dream of the flooded valley and of the drowned boy

      by , 06-17-2010 at 10:03 PM (Folqueraine's Oniric List)
      Date unsure, before or around 2002.

      One of the longest and most detailed dreams I have ever had.

      My name is Marion and I am antarcticologist. It's night-time and with my friends François and Elodie* aboard our ship, I am en route to the South Pole. We "park" near the ice cap, and François and I take to measure the thickness of the ice cap while Elodie, hands in her pockets, is observing us from far away. The ice cap is 3 metres (10 ft) thick. We then decide to go back to the closest harbour: Cape Town in South Africa (we can already see the lights from Antarctica). Once in Cape Town, we must navigate between the wharves to find a place to park our ship.
      When it is done, I stroll a little in the docks. There are stacks of wooden boxes everywhere, on which you can climb like on a mountain. While I am having my little walk, I see a young man** hiding in one of the empty boxes, the side of which is missing. People are looking for him, calling him a thief. He hasn't seen me and, feeling some sort of sympathy towards him, I do not denounce him.
      Later, my dog and my cat*** go to the hotel to prepare the rooms we had booked. (yes, they can talk). When my friends and I join them, the hotel manager gives us a tour of the hotel. It is built on the side of a valley, near what looks like a big lake, and it also is a camp park. But there is not pitch whose number is under 26, because all these pitches were flooded when a dam broke, and the valley has been flooded since then: there was no lake before. There is also a football field (soccer, for you Americans), which is half flooded too (it is not plane). We are told that 10 years ago, a child tragically drowned there.
      Back inside the hotel. While walking in the corridor, I see a door which is ajar. Inside, the thief is negotiating with a babushka for an expensive object. When the deal is done, I see the old lady putting her money in her shoes' heels. It is a very well known technique among thieves (although I have no idea of how I know that). The thief sees me and kind of wink at me, and I wonder if he may have seen me the first time.
      Then I go back to the football pitch and I have a flash-back of the little boy's death. There was a match between two children's teams on the pitch, although half of it was under water. In the "deep end", there was up to one metre of water (3ft). After the match, one of the boys, the goal, went looking for the ball, under water**** He knew the ball was on the other side of the fence, so he bent under water, slipped his hand between the (how do you call that ???) lozenges of the fence to pull the ball towards him, and his glove got stuck in the fence, and he drowned. When people realized he was missing, it was too late.
      Back to present time. I am leaning on the concrete rail with Olivier Atton*****, thinking about this drama. Oliver is positive, it is a murder disguised in accident. How could the football be behind the fence? It was too high for the ball to get there.
      Another flashback of my own childhood : I was on a train stopped in the middle of a flooded nowhere. There was water up until the wheels. It was raining. The train was empty, except for me.

      *who do not really exist. Exceptionally in this dream, original characters have names.
      **looking like Sidney Bristow's fair haired friend in Alias.
      ***original characters again. I don't have a dog, and none of my cats can speak anyway
      **** Yes, I know. But in that world, footballs don't float. (I should have seen it as a dream sign, just like the talking dog and cat, or seeing Cape Town's lights from Antarctica, but I didn't even know about LD at the time)
      ***** the French name of Captain Tsubasa, a manga football player.
    15. Vivid but Fragmented

      by , 01-09-2009 at 05:18 AM
      I had another dream last night that I know was very vivid, unfortunately I can't remember any of it beyond the fact that there was some sort of house, and my mother and brother were involved. It's noteworthy that although I think the house may have been run-down, it wasn't haunted or scary. I also have fragmented impressions of lots of greenery (lots of plants and trees, perhaps in a greenhouse) and maybe a short man in a suit. I know that I didn't want to wake up this morning because there was something in the dream I needed to resolve. Also, something about traveling along a highway in a car, and the highway may have been near the sea.

      More fragments may come back, sometimes fragments of dreams I've 'forgotten' have resurfaced after a while.
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