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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. finding bruce

      by , 10-24-2010 at 02:41 PM
      21/10/10 ok so i had the same dream 3 times in a row, each time it became realer and more vivid. the 3rd time i found a couple of mates who were in the same costumes i remember from a festival we went to. i have been trying to revisit this time in dreams but with little success. when i saw them i was convinced it was actually happening. i told them clear as day that i had just had this dream 3 times and that finally this had actually happened and we were all stood there chatting. even all this talk of dreams didnt get me properly lucid but it was great anyway
    2. M.A.S.H. camp

      by , 10-24-2010 at 02:16 PM (Images In The Night)

      I'm in a M.A.S.H. camp. If you don't know what that is, its from a show i watched called mash. It was a korean war field clinic. Anyway, i'm looking down at my gun. I pull the slider on the side. I shoot a couple of bullets for fun.
      I realize i'm dreaming out of nothing. I find a woman. skipping the details. Afterwords i start just walking around enjoying the dream. I try to remember some dream goals, but all i can remember is going to the moon. I try to remember the task of the month, but realize i wouldn't have the title for very long anyway. I head ouside. Outside is the coolest thing, and i'll try to describe it my best. Its pretty dark out. I walked onto a porch with screened in windows. In the distance are flying little white dots that are circling around. I walk onto the ground now. The air feels cold and rejuvenating. I always love feeling senses in dreams. I look up looking for the moon, and am going to try to fly their. I look around and realize that i can't see a moon. The stars look amazing, and comets are flying around in space. I look another direction and see what looks like another galaxy. It was purple,blue,and black. It was just plain beautiful. Then unfortunately...
      My brother woke me up in the M.A.S.H. tent. I get angry at him and throw a stapler i think at him. He gets angry and says he didn't do anything wrong. I tell him he woke me up and i'm really tired. My mom is their also and tells my brother that i'm right, and it was wrong to wake me up.

      That was my dreams. I had more F.A. in this one but i just can't remember all of them. Most of the dreams were slightly earlier than when i actually got out of bed. So instead of forgetting them i made my own way to remember dreams. I put a keyword in my head that relates to the dream so i would remember it. For my first it was "zombie". For the second it was M.A.S.H.
      Tags: galaxy, gun, mash, sex, stars
      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening
    3. Dream of longing, fragments, and strange dream

      by , 10-24-2010 at 02:09 PM (Awesomeness's quest for lucidity)
      Real life Dream Lucid Dream sign
      For me to remember, dreams are 067300, lucid dreams are the color below blue, #4169e1, and dream signs are the light purple, which is up one and left one from blue, #483d8b.

      Went to bed late; it was about one or so.

      Funnest card game ever dream
      This dream probably came from the fact that my little brother was playing Pokémon for an hour before I went to bed.

      This whole dream made me feel like I was having a lot of fun. I mean more than I've ever had in my whole life... Maybe more than what is physically possible in real life. My family was taking a vacation to Japan. Everything was awesome! The buildings were modern and cool, and everyone was too. There was a building that was the headquarters for some really popular Japanese card game. It wasn't like one using the deck that has 2-10 and a jack, queen, king, and ace; it was a game like Pokémon or Yu-Gi-Oh! that had many, many different kinds of cards. My brother and I and I thought we might visit it to see what it was all about. We asked my parents if we could go inside, and they said yes. We got cards and the game was the most awesome thing ever! We played it the whole vacation and were sad to leave when we had to. As we left I woke up at 3:06 in the morning.

      I was convinced the game still existed for a while. I wanted to know its name and I was like "I'm going to look up Japanese card games and find this in the morning!" over and over. Slowly it dawned on me that it didn't exist and I was filled with sad longing. When I woke up this morning I searched anyway, just in case...


      Fragments of school
      The only moment I remember in this dream was me at school talking to my IT teacher about lucid dreaming. I said, "I'm still trying."

      I feel so stupid. I didn't do a reality check.

      The only thing I remember was pressing a button over and over to make all these random cartoon-y warriors on some grey rocky shore come out of a set of stone doors and attack these cartoon attackers in the ocean with giant earthworms.

      I know for sure there are many parts I missed of these dreams; I can just feel it.

      I still want to play that card game again so bad... It simply gave me a feeling of utter joy and awesomeness. When I lucid dream that's my first goal, even before flying. This is all the more reason for me to lucid dream.
    4. Desert here I come! Fffffffuuu...

      by , 10-24-2010 at 12:03 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! Got a pretty good night's sleep. Got my second lucid dream for this weekend! It was very vivid and clear, but I blew it haha.

      10.00: Cagefight
      I'm standing next to a boxing ring. "If there's any time to just don't give a fuck and do my best, it's now" I tell myself and I greet with the guy I'm fighting. He's a bit smaller than me and I know I can take him. I had just tried punching something to see if my wrist could take it, it hadn't hurt too much but I decided to just use my legs and elbows just to be sure. We would fight in tag-teams. But suddenly the guy I was going to fight went down.

      I end up having to fight a huge guy. We greet in the middle of the ring and he looks at my crotch. "Oh shit that's right, I don't have a cup" I tell him. "Haha that's alright dude, we can just take it easy" he tells me and I agree. I position myself under one of the lights and flex my muscles, showing all my veins. The crowd goes wild. We start off by stretching and I can tell he's pretty stiff. The gong sound and we start. I just jump around and do random spinning kicks, increasing the intensity and speed every second. Soon we're fighting for real.

      The dream changes and suddenly we have to go get something out in the ocean. We race through the water and try to grab a sword. I grab it and throw it in the water, the guy I'm fighting goes after it and I return to the arena. Just as he's about to return the gong sound again. "And the winner is Matteh! His opponent went over the time limit of sixty seconds, being outside the ring!"

      10.00: Finnish Swears
      I'm at a table with four other guys. "Satana perkele homo apina" I say and one guy gets all upset. "What the hell does that mean?!" he yells at me. I laugh and look at the monkey from family guy sitting at the end of the table. "Haha it's pretty ironic really". My friend's dad Benge, tells me a joke. It's a blow job joke, but I don't get it at all. He's talking way too fast and I try to understand but I don't. Something about vinegar. One guy at the table starts laughing.

      10.00: Fragment
      It was 3 AM and I was going up at 5 AM. I tell another guy. "I'll only get two hours of sleep haha!"

      Mantra work: "I lucid dream" and "Jag ska klardrömma"

      11.00: Eventful workday MILD
      I'm standing in line at work. A new guy I haven't seen before is having a grand speech about how we have to stop slacking off. "A new team of construction workers have arrived from Hollywood" he tells us. Then goes on about how important it is to do your best, because the bosses are always watching! Three crane baskets drop down from the sky and starts swinging dangerously close. We stand our ground and a few seconds later they touch our heads, like the ones controlling the baskets are playing with us.

      A basket screws around extra much with me and I fall out of line and everyone laughs. I look at the building I was standing infront of and I can see six people with remotes in the windows. Suddenly a dog comes rushing towards me and jumps for my throat. I put up my arm with my sweater on and it grabs the arm. "Help?! Anyone? Whose dog is this?!" I yell and walk towards the door where the dog came from. All construction workers are gone.

      I enter the door and start looking for the owner while screaming. A pitbull comes up to me and I fear he'll start biting me aswell. A few other small dogs enter and they start biting me in the feet. I enter a room and I find the owner. She grabs all the dogs but a small one keeps biting my foot.
      I realise I'm dreaming and I imagine them stop biting me. They do and I stretch out my hand to sweep them out of the room with telekinesis. The girl leaves at incredible speed and I don't have time to do anything. The smallest dog (which is like 5 cm tall) keeps trying to get up on the couch. I sweep him under it instead and walk away.

      I walk through the appartment I'm in and out on the balcony. "Okay first I should stabilize the dream" I say and I look at my hand. It's incredibly vivid and clear. Almost like my hand is when I'm awake. I start counting fingers and I can see a very small one branching off of my index finger. Seven fingers. I'm amazed by the vividness and I decide to try to go to the desert. I spot a second balcony door. "There will be an entrance to the desert behind that door" I think and open it. The appartment again.

      "Damn... When I turn around, the balcony will be overlooking the desert" I tell myself and turn around. I just see the same courtyard. In my desperation of wanting to go to the desert, I decide to do something idiotic. I jump the rail and close my eyes. I can feel the wind blowing past me and it's very loud. "I will land in the desert, I will land in the desert!" I tell myself but I start feeling my body instead.
      I try to DEILD but I have no idea how to do that really...

      Amount of sleep: 9˝ hours

      Food before bed: 35cl applejuice, 3 sandwiches, 1 x 100 mg B6, 2 x Omega-3

      That's it! This was a very productive weekend, and I think it's because I started slacking for a week with the realitychecks, then took it up this week. A break can do wonders! I'm going to look into DEILD a bit more and really try it out next time. I have no problems falling asleep, only problem is that I get a bit too excited when I look forward to what will come, and therefore I can't really fall asleep.

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
    5. Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar of 54 due to Type 1 diabetes ) paralysis and Halo Reach

      by , 10-24-2010 at 10:57 AM (High Quality Head Movies)
      Set my alarm for 3:00 A.M. to start getting back in the flow of writing my dreams down but forgot to due to a busy day and also coincidentally had low blood sugar of 54 at 3:34.

      I still feel a sense of disbelief in typing this into the computer that the world I am in is real. I performed all reality checks to make sure, and keep having small hallucinations of strange things in real life after I woke up.

      I remember Halo Reach and I was playing it on the x-box 360 with some friends but it was different than usual. Every time someone got the required kill amount, they had to run (on the game) to this base and everyone else tried to stop them. It was a normal game and I remember getting snacks and holding a conversation with someone until my blood sugar in real life hit 54 (this is real not part of the dream). I then remember everything around me getting fuzzy and had a low humming sound in the back ground which I later found out was my rotating fan I had in my room to cool me off. But the weird part, I remember waking up in my bed and then going back to the dream almost instantly and having this happen 3 times. I kept going to the dream and back to awake in my bed and my eyes were open and I could see the ceiling of my room with the dream fading like a hologram in the floating space above me getting bigger until I was in the dream again and I couldn't move anything.

      I woke up and could see again and the first thing I wanted to know was am I dreaming? The room around me looked strange because I had a head rush and thanks to my low blood sugar I couldn't walk perfectly straight. I also had small hallucinations of strange things or shadows of creatures running around the living room in real life after I woke up. I immediately performed the reality checks and realized it was real but as soon as I realized this the creatures went away.

      I ate a snack and got my blood sugar back to normal and now I am ready to go back into my dreams for another try.

      This time without the hallucinations and paralysis.

      Updated 04-04-2011 at 02:47 PM by 37851

      non-lucid , memorable
    6. Night of 10/23 - Hmmm.... I need more sleep

      by , 10-24-2010 at 09:06 AM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Good morning
      Well, I just remember a few fragments. I definitely need more sleep. My recall is getting worse and worse.

      Hours of sleep: 6.5
      Vividness: 2/5
      Recall: 2/5

      1. I'm on a beach. I want to go to the other side of the beach. I go towards the sea. I see that there is a river who leads to the sea. I want to cross the place, where the river enters to the sea, but the stream is to strong. I try to cross it twice, but I don't manage to get over it. So go back to my towel. There are a few DC and I start some conversation.
      2. I'm on a busstation. My parents are there and a few friends. I ask my dad what we are doing here. He says that we have to the city D. I tell him that this is not the right station, because the bus leads to the town E. I tell him exactly the right way we had to pass to get the right bus and how long it will take. I don't know why, but he gets angry.
      I realize that my friends are here and want to talk to them. But I don't manage to start a conversation with them.
      3. We are in bus. It drives through a mall. It drives over stairs, the people look a bit awkward. I wonder what I'm doing here. The bus finally drives in an elevator. I look out the window and see a DC. He looks at me really awkward. As response to his look, I start waving and say Hello.

      That's it.
      PS: I want epic dreams!
      Tags: boring
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. Oct 22 2010

      by , 10-24-2010 at 02:37 AM (Mah Journal)
      I was in the car with my mom. We were driving to an art store. When we got there, we went in. It was a brightly lit place, a beige color scheme. There were a few people. The place was small, the shelves little wire racks. I was looking at some acrylic paints. There were little jars of the primary colors. The sign said $9.99 on them. I turned away and looked back at them, thinking that it was a lot, then realized that it actually said 99 cents (of course, I didn't realize I was dreaming -.-).

      I was then in the car again, and we were driving to what was apparently my sister's apartment. The place was absolutely luxurious. She was with a bunch of her friends in the living room. They were laughing and talking about something. I went in, and my sister started talking about their plans to go shopping. They said they wanted to go either on Saturday or Sunday. They said that maybe I shouldn't come because they wanted to go to some sex store. This sort of annoyed me, so I asked them why they couldn't go with me today and they could go by themselves at a later time. They gave me some half-assed excuse, and then the dream faded.
    8. Tara's Fish

      by , 10-23-2010 at 10:41 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I'm in a long building like a warehouse, and there are rows of aquatic fishtanks. Moose is there in a white bathing suit and she has fiery red hair. She's feeding the fish tank by tank, and she doesn't want to do it. I told her I'd take over, and she walked next while I kept feeding the different fish. She told me Cloud was going to marry her mother, and I was like "what!?"


      I'm in a tanish looking bedroom, and Moose and J are there. Moose is dressed pretty normal and she has earplugs in. I started telling her about my dream. I told her that the room she had for the fish was like right next to this room, and my friend J looked at me and said "oh, one of them those", and left because he didn't want to hear anything about dreaming. On the tv there was some big guy singing and dancing, and I pointed at how silly he was looking.

      There was a paper dj right next to me on the bed. I looked at it and started wondering what I should title the dream, then I woke up.
      non-lucid , memorable
    9. Extreme Sledding in the Mountains

      by , 10-23-2010 at 09:25 PM (Zukin's Dream Journal! <3)
      My mom suggested that I take a Spanish class at the community college. I didn't really want to go into Spanish, so I decided not to. I walked around the small college, which was probably the size of a small house, and found a cute porch. The porch was a slab on concrete with a fence built around it, but off of the porch was a steep, snowy hill. I decided to sled.

      As I was sledding, I realized that I was probably somewhere in the mountains. The hill had become less steep, but I couldn't see an end to it. I picked up a lot of speed, and the natural scenery was beautiful. As the wind continued to whip my cheeks as I sledded in my little purple sled, I saw 2 figures in front of me. I put my leg out to stop the sled before I hit them, but the force was too strong. Fortunately, the impact wasn't too bad.

      "Watch where you're going." One of them says. I don't remember if both of them were boys, but I know that at least one was a male and the other could have been a female. I wondered what they were doing out here. Looking around me, I noticed that the entire perimeter was composed of just a snowy wasteland. Snow and mountains as far as the eye could see.

      "What are you guys doing out here? Would you like to sled with me?" I asked, noticing that I could see my breath.

      "We're on a mission," One of them says sternly. He looks out to the horizon.

      "Well, the sledding out here is really fun." I say. The two begin arguing amongst themselves.

      "How did we manage to even get here?" One of them says.

      "I thought that the library was that way..." The other person responds.

      "Well I don't see a library out here!" He shouts.

      "No shit captain obvious!"

      "We're in the middle of freaking nowhere thanks to you."

      "You're always blaming this shit on me!"

      "If you guys are lost, seriously, the sledding here is really nice and fast," I said, interrupting their argument.

      "Looks like we have no choice," One of them says reluctantly. Somehow they both have sleds.

      We continue sledding down the hill until we reach the bottom. At the bottom there is a small stream which leads into a large pond. The two begin arguing again. I decide to leave them there.

      After climbing horizontally up the hill, I come to a library (Hahahaha). I want to research where I was, so I look for books about the mountains. Instead, I find a book about Blind Justice (~Torn Souls, Hurt Faiths~). Inside the books are beautiful pictures from the story, and I am amazed that our library has this. It explains the story in depth and I was surprised at the book's version of the story.
    10. Night of 10/22/10:Mummification?

      by , 10-23-2010 at 09:17 PM (The Adventures of an Adventurous Girl)
      Hours of sleep: 11 and a half
      Food before sleep: Mini Butterfinger Crisp

      Me and some random guy were digging where he said he thought he found something. We were on a different planet...But, it was much like Earth. We dug for a little while before we came to a drop down. He let me jump in first and I found that it was like a hallway leading into a grand house. Shortly after I realized that he had not jumped in with me. I shrugged it off and continued to walk down the hallway. When I came to the entry way I realized that it was a house...FULL of mummification tools, including all the wrappings and salts, etc, etc. Now that I think about it the house kind of reminded me of the Forest Temple in The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time... I looked around for a little while. Completely freaked out I decided to walk down another hallway that was well lit. It lead to a kitchen/bathroom/office. There were two toilets, a full kitchen, a shower and a computer with three flat scream monitors. I noticed that one of the toilets was next to the kitchen counter and the other directly in the shower. The shower was long enough to hold a six foot man and then some! I then walked back over to the toilet next to the kitchen counter. It was oddly shaped, it even had two separate toilet bowls, so two people could sit and do their business at the same time. I think looked on the counter to see a control panel that controlled how the toilets flushed. There were two different settings that I tested. One of the them was the normal pee setting and the other setting was a weed setting.. Apparently they needed to flush some weed in this house. I skipped past the kitchen and went straight to the computer with three monitors. I sat down in the office chair and tapped the space bar. Thankfully it wasn't turned off, I clicked open the internet and typed in YouTube, but apparently that planet didn't have YouTube. Then a family that kind of looked like my own walked in and the dream ended.

      The recall on this dream was hilarious. I woke up and had forgotten almost completely about it and then my mom, brother and I were talking about Halloween decorations and my brother was trying to talk like my grandma's dog. My mom then said that my brother sounded like a mummy and thus I instantly remembered this dream and got my dream journal to write it down before I forgot. Then, I decided it would be a good dream to start off my online dream journal.
      non-lucid , memorable
    11. Night of 10/22 - A weird party

      by , 10-23-2010 at 07:57 PM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Hello :/ It's a bit late but I was too busy to write my dream down. And this dream just reflects the evening I had in my favourite club.... in some way. lol

      Hours of sleep: 6h
      Vividness: 3/5
      Recall 1/5

      I'm in my favourite club. There are a few friends hanging around. It's already late, a friend, who was the diver, said to me that it was time to go. We walked out, I had some kind of strange feeling. I had the feeling that something terrible is going to happen. But i don't care and we walk out.
      Outsides, there is a street. In front of us is a pub or club.

      This place doesn't exist in reality. I remember that this place was already a few times in my dreams. One time it was an hotel, an other time a pub.

      I know that something is different, but I don't question reality. I say to my friend we should go in, because it's an awesome place. But he is a bit angry: he wants to go home, because he's tired.
      I don't know what happened next. We ended up in a club. This strange feeling doesn't disappear. I know something horrible will happen.


      Well, something strange happened. Suddenly girl N. shows up. She wears an awful t-shirt, which is too short and reveals her belly. AND... it's a beer-belly!!!!!! I just think WTF!?!?!? She starts speaking and says that:
      - I don't care any more about my appearance. When no-one wants my body, I have the right to eat what I want and as much as I want. F*ck you guys!!!!!

      Note: I first remember the part of the pub. But the part with girl N. came into my mind as I was sitting in the kitchen drinking my coffee for breakfast. AND it gave me a strange feeling.OMG, what is my brain thinking subconsciously??? It's kind of disturbing

      Updated 10-23-2010 at 08:06 PM by 27488

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    12. Aquarium Room, and I still can't escape from nightmares while lucid

      by , 10-23-2010 at 05:14 PM (The Lab Notebook)
      Awake, Non-lucid, Lucid, [Commentary made while awake]

      Last night, my WBTB went on for nearly fifteen minutes, due to my trying (and failing) to figure out what it was that had gone thump and woken me up. I think it helped me attain lucidity. I should do WBTBs that last that long more often.

      I'm bicycling along a sidewalk that winds through grass along the side of a street. Every so often, the sidewalk rises up and becomes a little bridge that allows water to go under it. It goes up-and-down and side-to-side so much that it's a little difficult to bicycle on.

      I'm in a building with a group of my Literacy AmeriCorps friends. We're in an open, interior space that runs through several stories of the multi-story building, and has lots of staircases and landings in it. My LAC friends are standing around on the staircases and landings. We're talking about the party that's going on in a room upstairs. One of my friends says that, in order to get in, you have to bribe the guy watching the door in a “touchy-feely” way, e.g., by touching him in a sexual way. I absolutely refuse to do this.
      At some point during this conversation, I realize, “This is a dream. I can't really be talking to these people.” [I haven't seen any of them in reality since the program ended; we don't even live in the same state anymore.] Then, a bunch of unidentified guys come up a flight of stairs from deeper in the building and start trying to molest me and the other girls with their hands. As they begin to surround me like a flood, I realize this is turning into a nightmare, and try to leave the scene by closing my eyes and turning around. Once again, it does absolutely nothing. The guys start getting their hands on me, and achieve their goal of discovering where my erogenous zones are. I'm scared and shocked and I wish it would end, so it does. I wake up, and go back to sleep shortly afterward.

      I'm in a room where I and three of my LAC friends, one other girl and two guys, have been staying. I find a guitar in the closet. A tall guy I don't recognize is also in the room. One of us asks, “Who in this room plays guitar?” and the other answers with “Lisa C.” and one or two other names. [I can't remember now who said what, or what the other two names were.]

      I'm in a giant, room-sized aquarium. It's rectangular and about twelve feet from floor to ceiling, and all but the top three feet are filled with fresh water. One wall of the rectangular room is covered with small, enclosed plastic boxes, each containing a different kind of fish. You can open up the doors on the front of each box to let the fish out into the larger aquarium. I'm swimming in the water and can apparently breathe under it. I'm playing with the fish that are out in the larger aquarium, trying to get them to act out some scenario, but it isn't working out too well because there's this one carnivorous fish with big, pointy teeth that keeps eating most of the smaller fish. Eventually, it even starts eating another fish that's bigger than itself. I swim up to the very top row of little boxes, one of which contains a Blue Tang. I think about letting it out, but decide not to because I'm not sure if this one is a freshwater fish or not, and because I don't have very many of that kind. At this point, I discover that I suddenly can't breathe as easily under the water, and I realize that it's because the top three feet of the room are now filled with water, too. [Yes, I realize that doesn't make much sense. No, I didn't realize this during the dream, nor did I realize I was dreaming.] I go to the end of the room and start trying to get the door open so I can breathe the air outside the room. It has a wheel on it that you turn to open the door. While I'm still trying to open the door, before I can either drown or get it open, I wake up. [Dude. That was pretty cool. I wanna go back and play in the aquarium room again sometime.]

      Updated 10-23-2010 at 10:17 PM by 37356 (oops, missed a color tag)

      nightmare , side notes , lucid , non-lucid
    13. Museum, heroin

      by , 10-23-2010 at 02:20 PM
      Good morning, everybody. I'm glad it's the weekend.

      I remember two dreams from last night.

      Dream #1

      I was on the second floor of an art museum. The floors were set up to be wide open, with tall ceilings. The floors were dark concrete. I could see down to the first floor from a weird-shaped cutaway.

      The art was all sparsely placed. It was all like sculptures made out of different random items. Some stuff was tall and hanging from the ceiling. Other stuff stood alone on the floor. Other stuff was on the walls.

      I don't remember the name of the exhibit, but I remember it struck me as very edgy and interesting, like something about global pop art by some oppressed group of people.

      I was then down on the first floor, possibly in front of the cash register at the gift shop. I was with a woman. We were talking to the cashier, a very pretty woman.

      She was telling us something about how this exhibit traveled. The way she told us made it sound like Europe, Japan, and the US were all situated in three layers, one on top of the other. I saw all three regions in my mind's eye as pieces of geographically-shaped plastic, one stacked on the other.

      Dream #2

      I had either taken heroin or had it injected into me. I felt a little warm and dizzy. I walked around in a bedroom and then went out to a living room.

      The room was dim and yellowish, as if bright sun from outside were blocked by thick, beige curtains.

      I knelt before a bed and rested my arms and head on the bed. A tall, skinny, white man with slightly tanned skin and blue eyes sat on the bed.

      He looked down at me and said, "Did you take the heroin? Yeah, I took some, too. Only thing is, now that you've taken it, you'll see that you can't stop. Sure, you feel fine now. But wait till it wears off. You'll be screaming in pain."

      I was afraid. I didn't want to be addicted. But I couldn't even remember how I'd gotten the heroin in my system. I remembered some vial of amber colored liquid. It had been injected into the space between my shoulder and neck.

      I thought, Well, maybe I won't be addicted. After all, the guy said I'd feel really good and then really bad. But I don't feel really good. I only feel normal, maybe just a little bit warmer than usual.
    14. Fooling around with telekinesis

      by , 10-23-2010 at 02:05 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! Had a few beers and drinks last night and fell asleep around 3 AM. Had a lucid dream this morning, but it wasn't even half as exciting as I expected my next one to be. The entire dream was a bit vague and kept changing constantly. It's still something! I'm happy I got one, but I didn't have time to get to the desert...

      11.00: Jetskiing like never before
      I'm on a jetski at my grandma's vacation cabin. I go back and forth in the lake and it's really fun. I go up to the dock and my dad is there. Suddenly I'm outside my dad's house and the jetski is shrinking in size very fast. I jump on and race down the street in the puddles. "Get back our puppy, he has run away" my mom tells me and I look for him. I see a black puppy at the end of the road and I go to get it. Suddenly all kinds of puppies come around the corner and they wanna play. I look at the collar of the black one and I don't recognise the name.

      12.30: Fishing
      I'm on a fishing boat, going upriver in the jungle. My brother, his friend and his girlfriend is there with me and we're all fishing. My brother gets fish all the time and to get them off the hook, he just swings the fishing line in an arc. "Cut it out!" I yell at him, but he doesn't listen.

      12.30: Slow telekinesis DILD
      I'm reading some kind of history book. There's a city with a big dock, on a lush jungle island on one page. I see a few stone faces with text to them up in the mountains. The previous chieftains of this place apparently. "During the war of 1800, the entire place go overrun by people who wanted to buy stuff and it lost its touch" I read. Suddenly I'm standing on the dock itself, looking out over the water.

      "There were spies everywhere" I say to myself and I look for them. A very modern, red and black boat is docked and I stare at it suspiciously. There are wooden ramps on the boat, and on the nearby boats aswell. Suddenly a group of guys on bikes and quadbikes appear and they start jumping from boat to boat. I watch as they jump on land, wearing swat suits and heavy machine guns. They stop while going through an open container and open fire on the ground before them. The sand gets shot away and a small piece of the island starts floating out to sea.

      I change dreamcharacter

      I'm Magneto inside our local shopping mall. I've just done something bad but I'm not sure what. Anyways I have to get away real fast so I imagine having rollerblades on my feet. I turn semi-lucid and realise I can change the dream to my wish. I skate through the empty mall and exit the building. I'm back at the dock and I can see the piece of island floating out in the water with the container on it. I jump and starts flying towards it. The winds are really strong so it's pretty hard.

      I land next to the container and suddenly it's not out in the sea, it's on a parkinglot. I see a van a few meters away and I put my hand out, and drag it towards me with telekinesis. The tires screech as it stops just next to me. It starts moving away again and I have to repeat the move, only this time I "tied" it to the container. "Damn these winds are strong" I think for myself. I know someone's chasing me so I start loading the car with a few seats from the container, my brother Morgan is there. Monica shows up and she tells me she's going to stop me.

      I put my hand out and make her fly away, but there's like a seconds delay. She runs towards me again and I do the same thing. There's still a delay. I make a strangling move and she pretends to be strangled
      (we did this last night while drunk. The pretend that telekinesis works, not real strangling) I turn 100% lucid and realise it's all in my head. I make her fly away further this time. She still comes back. This time I throw her so far away in the sky that I can't see her. She's happy all the time and I don't feel angry or anything, it was more like a game. The dream fades.

      Amount of sleep: 9 hours

      Food before bed: Beer, 3 x 50 mg B6. 2 x Omega-3 pills.

      That's it! I wish I would have stabilized the dream as soon as I turned lucid... I will try to remember to do that next time I get lucid, but I'm not sure it would have helped. The dream had been pretty long and I think I woke up to Monica mixing her oboy with a spoon.

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!

      Updated 10-24-2010 at 11:34 AM by 36346

      lucid , non-lucid
    15. Jetpacks and playgrounds and the future

      by , 10-23-2010 at 06:46 AM (High Quality Head Movies)
      What a fun dream! I just had a dream I was in the future where war didn’t exists and neither did any form of violence. I do not know how I got there, but it started with a church service where I was in a dorm with the hunters and our family and we were getting ready for church. Later in the dream we went to this HUGE playground and I mean the biggest as in it was bigger than the resort and at a high height. I even found a door that said employees only and I opened it and it told me in a friendly voice to go to the front desk and claim a detention pass for detention. I didn’t go. Later I found out that this world is boring because you can only have fun and not make your own fun. Everyone lived the same life and that was not enough for me. I tried to find some history books or information on what happened but nobody from the future could help me. One guy was influenced by my words about the way things should be and tried to get me to talk to a higher authority and then I woke up.