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    1. lame...

      by , 04-14-2020 at 02:38 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Jamie 1

      dream I had Jamie on facebook. she wasn' talking to me but was commenting on my fiends posts, it was making me slightly jealous.

      Jamie 2

      We were in school. in a classroom but she wasn't looking at me or talking to me.

      I miss the good dreams about jamie...

      I had some other non lucids but i can't remember. I keep saying I'm going to take notes but i've been lazy. and busy with other things.
      Tags: jamie, school
    2. Thursday, April 9

      by , 04-13-2020 at 12:36 AM
      I am in some small store with Melissa (it looks like a convenience store or something). I notice a shoplifter and become annoyed with her. I eventually go up to her and start cussing at her. A customer here sees what’s going on and actually joins me. There was also something about Melissa being underwater in a small pool of clear water. I noticed her pale skin glimmering, and I think I was picking up pebbles from the bottom and placing them on her supine body.
      Tags: stealing, store, water
    3. Wednesday, April 8

      by , 04-13-2020 at 12:35 AM
      I am in a garage (it kind of looks like the old house’s garage). On top of a shelf on the right side of the garage is a box that I think has two bottles of red wine in it. They are a generic, cheap kind (I think the two bottles were the price of one regular, decent bottle). I reach up and take the box down. I am trying to open one of the bottles, but whatever I’m doing causes the cork to crumble. I initially try to save it, but then just give in and let it crumble. I figure I will pour it slowly or even strain it to prevent the chunks of cork. Now, either in the bottle or the box there are what look like pumpkin seeds. I think I am scraping them away? Andrea from high school art class is here now, talking to me about the wine.
      Tags: garage, wine
    4. Monday, April 6

      by , 04-13-2020 at 12:34 AM
      I am at work (it is some store, but not mine), when I notice a short, pudgy black lady come in that I instantly get bad vibes from. She has a large and empty looking tote bag that rolls behind her and is wearing flip flops. My first thought is that she’ll be heading for the shoes to load up her bag and put on a new pair since there’s no way she’s really wearing flip flops in this colder weather. I follow her a bit, trying to impress upon her that she is obvious and is being watched, but she easily deflects everything I say to her. Now I think I have to leave her for a while because it is busy with shoplifters or there is something else to do and it is just me here. When I come back to her, I see that she is leaving the shoe section and heading towards the front doors. I can see a shoe box in her bag (definitely not the only one either) and see that she has a new pair of what looks like Vans on. I ‘customer service’ her as much as I can, stopping just short of calling her out, because I wasn’t watching her the whole time. I say something about getting the box for the shoes she is wearing, but she is still not having it. She avoids me all the way to the door, when I get in front of her and tell her to come back. She is with a younger girl now and they both take off running. They go to the left and into a WinCo. I stop at the doors and watch as they’re lost among all the people.
    5. Saturday, April 4

      by , 04-13-2020 at 12:33 AM
      The owner of Beer NV is having me hand out some things - beer and food, I think - to houses, I think because they can’t come inside for service. The neighborhood I am in seems pretty nice. On the porch of the first house I go to, there is actually more stuff than I was going to hand out. On a table there are a bunch of bags of snacks - chips and things. I pick up a good handful and start walking away. I then notice a male voice trailing me; I think the owner of the house noticed what I did. I keep walking and ignoring him until eventually he confronts me. I somehow work my way out of it, and we end up in a trade. I end up with three 12oz bottles of beer. They look familiar and I realize they are German, which makes me happy.
      Tags: beer, food
    6. Tuesday, March 31

      by , 04-13-2020 at 12:32 AM
      I am walking through what looks like Dad’s neighborhood (maybe on one of the higher streets, like Virginia Foothills). I run into Kat and she ends up walking with me. It is near sunset and some of the lower and plumper clouds are getting some color. The rest are smaller and almost evenly spaced, bright white against the blue. I look directly up and notice a glowing sliver of the moon. It’s all very pretty. Kat mentions the sky too, saying she’s grateful for Emma for getting her to pay more attention to it, and that she wants to see it more often. I take some pictures of it as we walk. We end up at her house. I think the garage door is open, and I can tell by the way she’s talking that she has intentions to leave now. Before she does, I somewhat bluntly mention how I want to stop drinking. This seems to pique her interest, and she talks to me about it. I tell her I feel like quitting altogether but am not sure if I should stick with moderation. She pulls a little red champagne flute from somewhere and hands it to me, saying I could use it for moderation. I look at it and its almost grimy looking opaque sides, imagining how it might hold a small serving. I kind of like the idea and think I might take it, but then change my mind. I say that I want it to be a mindset thing and not something like this. Now, Chelsea has shown up, I think in a car. She stands behind us and when she sees me she recognizes me but thinks I’m someone else. I tell her no and think it slightly odd that she wouldn’t remember me. I am now walking back, now either on a dirt road or a road surrounded by dirt and small hills. There’s a small stream of water running down this slope, through the soil and grasses. I follow it and see where it meets another stream on an opposing slope, turning to one and running downwards. I look out to my left and notice a hill where water appears to be coming from. There’s a tiny canyon carved into the soft looking dark brown soil, and I imagine walking through it. I am walking right by where the streams meet, doing okay with stepping on the sturdier patches of soil and grasses. Most of it is still soft and it’s hard to tell what will give, so I end up getting both of my shoes wet and muddy. I end up back home, rinsing and scrubbing them. I put them out to dry even though it’s pretty overcast.

      I’ve gotten an email from the new girl at work (it’s not actually the girl who is supposed to start. I think I see a profile picture on the email or something and it’s an unfamiliar heavyset white girl). She’s asking about me not being there for a shift, but I’m pretty sure I haven’t been scheduled. I think I’ve been using time off. She sounds more like a manager than a coworker and kind of annoying. After the text there are a few pictures of a hotel room - I think it must be a work thing. The hotel seems nice and also very familiar. I think I must have stayed there before. I think it looks more impressive than it actually is. A picture of the shower shows the floor of small, dark pebbles and the opposing stainless steel shower heads. Now, I am in the hotel. It looks like someone had just been here but tidied a bit before leaving, so I guess I just missed her. There’s a full looking black garbage bag in the abnormally large space adjacent to the toilet. The toilet itself actually has a garbage bag around it, somehow from the ground up. I adjust the opening of the bag so as to be able to use the toilet.

      I am somewhere with the family. We’re in a plain, rectangular building that is for something like customs or passports or photos (something that we have to do together as a family). I notice quite a few other families here too, I think seated at tables. Whatever we’re doing here, the personale is being very aggressive with us. They are making us do tasks or challenges that seemed to be designed to result only in failure. A younger guy, I think in a uniform, tries to handcuff me but only gets one finger. He notices, his facial expression betraying his embarrassment, and tries again. The same happens, though he doesn’t notice this time. He tells me to now “clap above your head and find some shade.” I think he also holds me down to ensure failure. Still, I succeed in clapping above my head, slightly satisfied with defying his expectation of failure. I’m not sure about the shade part though. These things go on for a while longer. When we are done, I’m thinking about how I’m going to write to someone about how atrociously we were treated.

      From a third person perspective I am seeing a high rise building (a hotel) that stands alone on a sprawling fine sand beach. The building seems somewhat modern and is mostly a tower but with some structural embellishments at the base. It is also way too near the water and, in fact, there is currently water submerging the first few floors. I think there’s something about the occupants just staying inside when it floods, though that seems counter intuitive. Someone is interviewing a lone, blond man maybe in his late 20s. He seems foreign, probably European, though he is speaking more articulately than most native speakers. I think he’s talking about the structural design and why it is flooding.
    7. cxii.

      by , 04-12-2020 at 05:29 PM
      Some dream fragments. Initially had better recall but didn't manage to type as much as I wanted in my initial notes and so recall just faded for the most part. Some pre-sleep journaling too because I haven't really done that a lot.

      Although I have had recall of dreams from all the previous nights since my last DJ entry, I haven't been making notes in the morning for the most part. H's alarm can be distracting and causes me to lose details sometimes, which puts me off from trying to write, besides all the other usual issues.


      Some stray thoughts about something lead me to loosely focusing thoughts on memories from my childhood, primarily from the ages between three and five. Somewhat vivid memory of the balcony, but details missing and wrong. I hoped my focus on these memories would perhaps carry on into dreaming and allow me to explore the memories a bit better. Some recall of trying to place myself in the height I would have been, meaning a different point of view from the lower glass panes rather than the higher ones. I remember having other conscious thoughts about the memories but I have forgotten the specifics now.

      Dream Fragment:

      Was having a discussion with a girl about my age, we were talking about buck/boost transformers and how they saved power or something. I was doing a poor job of explaining and getting to the point I wanted to make and so she started to think I was trying to make some sort of sales point without evidence. I was at some kind of hotel? Initially I was speaking to her from a hallway that had these sliding doors to the outside; she was out on a courtyard of some kind, under a summer/pool tent of sorts.

      I'd met her at a fairly high floor in the building, 30 something? I had been going up through the floors using stairwells with my family up to this point, but I think they just continued on without me. I think near the end the girl's form shifted between herself and some male dream character.

      Before I got to the hotel, I remember travelling with my family through some highway, dad was driving. At some point we weren't in the car anymore but sort of still on the road. I remember my parents asking T if he should put an extra layer/top on. L made some comment? We were on the start of a mountain path or something. We were apparently going some place cold, I remember a dull grey day, misty. Reminds me now of some real beach or coastal area I've visited in waking reality many years ago with my family.

      Dream Fragment:

      Called an aunt. Brief conversation, remember noting it took no more than five or six minutes. Vague visual recall of orange phone screen?


      - The orange phone screen was most likely a detail of a home phone; either the one we have now or the one from my parents' house.
      - The highways in the dream remind me of the ones from Fallout, possibly because of playing it recently.
      - Not entirely sure what brought on the context of discussing electronics but possibly just a more obvious intrusion of information consolidation processes; my apparent ignorance on the subject in the dream perhaps being caused by the fact I rarely discuss the specific topic in question.
    8. old random dreams that were almost forgotten

      by , 04-11-2020 at 11:32 PM (My Robotic imagination)
      I noticed that when I start to journal out my dreams, that I end up recalling ones that have long been forgotten. So I have decided to creae a montage of dreams that appear while posting up new dreams.

      Dream #1

      I'm not sure when this dream happened but it was some time in the late year of 2019. I'm in a bright, peach colored room and I'm watching something on TV. I have a toy Dragonzord next to me, he is talking to me through my voice about something and then I leave from in the room. I'm in a dark hall with the room I was in next to me, spilling it's light out into the hall. Then I go downstairs, I saw people there talking and chilling out then ended up in the basement. I was a low laying place but big and on the floor was a black bag. In it was something black and wet. I went over and looked into it and got hit with a foul smell. I quickly tried to tie it up, but it busted and got all on the floor. It looks like it was huge chunks of flesh and angular things. I quickly started cleaning this stuff up and tied the bag once it was inside. I got away from there and headed back upstairs. But everything was all different. I wanted to get back to the place I was at earlier but the environment changed. The hall was strange and darker but managed to find the room dragonzord was in. It was the same and dragonzord was glad I came back to it and told me not to leave from there no more. Things are always changing in this place and we don't know if we will get teleported to another place.

      Dream #2

      I'm exploring a basement, which has always been a childhood thing I did and I'm one the main side. There is stuff there as usual and I go into the part of the place where it is smaller and had old wire mesh chicken wire there. Instead It was a much bigger room and saw some closed off places that looked like some homeless man made an enclosed room. I peeped through the curtains and saw someone inside, sleeping. He show up and I took off running. All he was was the curtains falling back into place as my shadow ran off to the left. He didn't come out but I wasn't going back over there to find out if he actually did come out.

      The second chain put me into the room I looked into, luckily the man was gone and nothing but an empty cot but I can see all the trinkets he had hanging down from the walls and ceilings. It was darker inside there and crammed up. I saw a drawing that looked like it was made by a kid with crayons.
    9. I became a vampire

      by , 04-11-2020 at 05:23 AM
      This was just a short bit of lucidity, but I had started walking down a dark hallway. It was nice and I was feeling all dark and goth, like a normal goth would. It was nice being alone in a dark and gloomy hallway in my dream, away from all my dream characters who are almost constantly around. Suddenly I am approached by people in both directions, just 2 of them, but enough to try and wreck my goth zone I got going on. As the one behind me gets the closest, I swing around abruptly, like a vampire, and bite her like I just turned into one. Yes I have the vampire teeth, I can tell. I only bit her, I don't remember any blood I think I began waking up then. But still, I did the dark hallway and being like a vampire lucidly. I didn't really intend to go all vampire, but just be my goth self, but since it was a dream, why not vamp, right?

      This was probably almost a week ago, but it is sticking with me so I am going to post it.
      Tags: goth, vampire
    10. April 7, 2020 Non-Lucid

      by , 04-08-2020 at 04:59 AM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      This may be a little fragmented.

      We were in a space that was close to a convenience store, but it might have been a bar/ fun place to hang out as well. Trev showed up and some activities were going on. We were sort of strung in a purple web talking to each other. We were also in an amusement park and one of the rides was the ride that you pay extra for to be strapped into a hardness and lifted into the sky to be dropped. My view was on that ride and we were swinging except instead of losing momentum we were gaining it with every swing and it seemed like I was narrating or talking to someone as this was happening. As we swung back and forth I could feel the momentum building to the point where it was uncontrollable and the energy was overwhelming. We were seeing the entire landscape and crashed far off from the amusement park in this purple forest near a cave where ambulances were coming to get us.

      I was coming from an old neighbhood friend's house Ray taking a right onto the street. I could feel Nat behind me and could see Ray's dad in front of me holding a skateboard. I started to call out his nickname knowing Nat was behind me as we were both on skateboards. We caught up for a split second before turning right down their street. We ended up at J's house I remember ollying over patches of grass onto the path of his house and I remember at some point thinking that it's been a while and I didn't know if I was allowed here. We end up down the street looking around the outside of these houses and I've been here in other dreams as well, we had hung out in the middle house at some point in another dream but that area of the street turns to swamp and I wonder if secretly Lizzie lives here, there's a few houses surrounded by green swamp and a tree line to the right, I think maybe their house value has gone down, I see someone in front of Nat's old house and I think he might've moved. I can see the house next to Nat's has a porch and there's a mom who dressed up like Motricia Adams doing a trick or treat thing for kids but it is not Halloween. At some point I'm in that house and Lizzie is too.

      The transition was a view of a road with painted yellow lines in the middle very hilly going up and down, I was semi- lucid here saying this is a dream and trying to transform it to a lucid but it would not go, it was a very clear road going up and down on a hill. Dawkins was there.

      Another dream I was in some sort of camp or program but I was with a bunch of guys from my high school and it was morning, we were all waking up and getting ready for our day, C Buy and h Buy were roaming around the room. We eventually get up and our building was next to a lake to the left and we had a massive path. We go outside and up the path, the idea was there were zombies and we were avoiding them. We get to this gathering up ahead that looked like a carnival or something with booths, this sounds really silly but it was filled with a bunch of naked women in the carnival and my view was gliding around with a water gun shooting at other women naked and zombies are still chasing us.
    11. Log 1804 - More Time Dilation Attempts, Light, and Other Stuff

      by , 04-07-2020 at 08:11 PM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Tuesday 07 April 2020

      Got a WILD/DEILD, along with several fragments.

      Scrap Group 1
      More Cataclysm dreams, this time revolving around creating vehicles.

      Using the PC at home. My brother was nearby. I listen to an 8-bit Mega Man music medley I downloaded, which started with part of Plug Man's theme, followed by Dive Man's theme, then Drill Man's theme. Bizarrely, the music was sequenced such that an animation could be seen through an oscillator. This depicted an action sequence involving Mega Man fighting against several Robot Masters.

      Dream 1 - More Time Dilation Attempts, Aether, and Other Stuff

      Scene 1 - Time and Light
      The visuals were dim and blurred. WILD transition in bed, which I figured out when I slowly fell after rolling off the bed. Fatigue left me woozy, and my eyes wouldn't open completely. I tried not to let that frustrate me.

      After standing up, I immediately tried dilating time once again, this time affirming that I would last for a month. As before, I held my hands together, and concentrated. A minute passed until I finally felt energy compressed between my palms. A sign, I thought, that I'd gotten results. I "powered up" to celebrate, vigor washing away doubts and filling my arms with strength. But, this also made me even feel even dizzier. My surroundings spun around me. When I come to, I was in bed again, though still dreaming.

      I sensed someone was nearby. Unconsious expectations had me affirm this would be TPD, and indeed, this was the case. I reached towards her hand, when suddenly, her skin changed dramatically, going from obsidian black to a shimmering gold. It was as if I'd hit a light switch. I floated around the construct for a better look. Of note, it seemed that this change also made her lose her crown, plainly revealing her bald head.

      Several more warps occurrred, some of which briefly had me within a city, before I returned to bed once again. TPD returned in her more recognisable appearance. For no other reason than amusement, I shrunk myself, then picked a fight with the construct. I charge in at her via flight. But, just as I was about to land a strike, TPD suddenly seized me in her hand. She smirks, unnerving, given her usual stoic demeanour. She then carries me off through a screen of green light. Mist seeps in from all sides. Before long, I found myself awake in bed. DEILD transition.

      Scene 2 - Sponge Cake and the Band of Invisibility
      The visuals started bright, if a bit blurred. I was on a wooden walkway under a canopy of similar make, sunlight glaring from all sides. Thick forestry spanned from the left, while a stream ran through at the right and below. Further ahead was a wide crossway. Portable tables were set at the far end. I sensed there were various family members around, but I didn't focus on them. Furthermore, the arranged version of the song Neverending Game from Breath of Fire 3 sounded in the background.

      I set out to do a TOTM, the bonus task coming to mind (though, upon awakening, I realized that I pursued LAST month's bonus task). Suddenly, the lights flicker out, and the dream gets fuzzy. I concentrate on my hands to clarify the dream. Although things remain dim, I still get surprised at how much clearer things got than they started. Anyway, I look around the table to find a bunch of small boxes. I looked through them, but only found neatly stacked piles of nails in each. I also found a whole plain white cake in a square metal pan. While using one hand to grab other things, I used the other to take a hunk of the dessert. Its texture was a bit spongy, but it tasted pretty nice and buttery.

      After several minutes, I still couldn't find anything that could be described as scraps. So I just thought, screw it, I'll make my own. I grabbed a table, then, from my peripheral, crumpled it in my hands into a mess of metal and plastic. I then crammed the contents into an emptied small plastic box about 4 inches in length. Obviously, I couldn't fit it all, and settled for just piling most of it on top. I then started tearing at the scraps. Interestingly, this felt similar to pulling at cotton balls.

      After some finagling, compressing, and threading, the material smoothed out into bands of black fabric. On closer look, blue linings faintly glowed on its surface. I wrapped it around my hand, then rubbed on my wrist. Amazingly, my hand began vanishing before my eyes, to the point of being almost completely invisible. I observed for a bit, taking amusement at the apparent stump where my hand would be. I rubbed it again, and in due time, my hand phased back in view.

      It was then that I noticed I'd trouble breathing. A sure sign the dream was ending. I awaited a collapse.
      Instead, I only lost consciousness. I went further out to a dock, overcast sky above. Tables were set in this area as well, each containing food. Among the items were sauteed chicken and beef (though only small chunks of such remaining), as well as rectangular pans of potroast fish. Aluminum linings partially covered the tops of each containers. It all looked, and smelled, quite appetizing, though I refrained from touching any of it, since I supposedly ate too much beforehand.

      The dream collapsed shortly afterwards.

      Updated 05-11-2020 at 09:45 PM by 89930 (Incorrect Journal log number)

      lucid , dream fragment
    12. I'm going to make a comback. This is day 1

      by , 04-07-2020 at 04:03 PM
      Fragment 1:
      2 lesbian characters from "Orange is the New Black"(Blond addict & her delusional red lipstick wearing friend) were talking thru a vent on top of a bookshelf or something. The blond one was persuading the other to get sexual. After some reluctance, the other agreed and the blond crawled thru the vent to join her in the wall.

      Dream 1: There was a chamber with a few conveyor belts which led into like molten metal or something. There was a sign that said something along the lines of "You can only use your controller after you burn it". I put 3 of my 4 controllers on the belts and they got melted. Later I had something really hot and was burning black spots onto my controller. I realized it looked cool and that was the true use of the conveyor belt machine, so I tried to go back and make a cool design. Instead I found a sauna where I got in with Matthew and Phoebe. Before getting in we were recording the inside of it with my camcorder for some reason.
    13. cxi.

      by , 04-07-2020 at 12:58 PM
      Some very long dreaming overall, many fragments lost now. The primary dream is backwards since that was the easiest way to put all the memory into notes.

      Dream Fragment:

      The earliest part of this dream I can remember, I was moving a cruise liner-like ship into orbit of a pretty plain planet. While manoeuvring close, I accidentally clipped head-on into the planet, so I had to sort of reverse out and reposition. I wanted to set it up so that it would make a nice screenshot, with the system's star and the nebulae in the background. There was a relatively dark palette to this scene, dark purples and dark desaturated oranges, almost a bright brown. The planet itself was a somewhat bright but lifeless pink and the ship was just some standard dark grey of sorts. Warm light.

      I intended to upload the resulting screenshot onto the game's forum, I think. Despite the whole scene having a hyper-realistic feel, it was quite a lot like Freelancer but not quite, a bit of EVE online feel to it too.

      In actuality I was on the ground, at the sloped and curvy area near M's house in my old town. I remember using some interfaces about my ship and looking through options. I "moused over" some checkboxes that had question marks next to them for info and quickly glanced at some tooltips that would appear with lists on them. I clicked some options rapidly; the options were relating to failure/limp modes. After checking these boxes, the ship started to implode. The options had no warning or confirmation before I had activated them so I got upset and spoke angrily at the interface, swearing and declaring how it was stupid, in my frustration.

      On some list of ships I apparently owned, I saw the value of this cruiser drop rapidly from several hundred million to almost nothing as it imploded. I knew the ship was dead and worthless now in orbit of that planet and took some comfort in the fact that nobody would want to loot it being so worthless. Annoyed, I still felt like I could make a screenshot out of it.


      I woke up when in the dream I was telling H about some water-filled cyst things that seemed to be under my skin on my chest, my groin and my legs. They were hard to the touch. There were some kind of "veins" between them and at certain angles or positions the water would run down through them with gravity. It looked a bit like fresh sausages when they are cooked and have fluid built up under the casing. I remember the light at this point was a dim and lightly blue-ish morning light.

      I asked H what it was and what it meant and more importantly, why it was going green on some bits (lower right belly) and H just said "then you lose" which made me panic and cry, at which point I quickly woke up.

      In the dream I had noticed them earlier and in the dream context of having just seen a doctor recently too. I wondered why I hadn't told the doctor about them. Maybe they weren't there at the time? This was all at the end of a long and odd dream.

      The preceding segment, I was with H at some guy's house. We were just loading up some cabinet "from the sound of music" or something into the van. Fairly dark wood, polygonal top, gold double trim along some edges, namely the top's sides. Was a bit like an end-table/cabinet. The guy who'd sold it to us had curly hair and fit some generic archetype of a musician. He commented something like "I hope you won't use it, and just store it safely in a bank", obviously still sentimental about it despite selling it. I thought to myself that there was no point in doing that, why had we bought it then. H didn't comment, I think.

      I had arrived on foot at this place, having expected to actually go home before I got here but for whatever reason I had come across H in the dark street just in front of this guy's house. H's van was on its left side and H had taken the roof off it somehow. Had a determined look and was moving some reel tape boxes on a shelf just behind the bulkhead. Gravity didn't seem right, like it was working in multiple directions at the same time. Didn't notice me for a while, but it was like I wasn't there either. Pre-lucid thoughts about how the van being like this was very dreamlike. The thoughts didn't cross the required threshold however and I didn't do any reality checks.

      Preceding that, I had been walking along streets of some version of the town we live in now. It was night time and wet, I can remember the reflection of red traffic lights on puddles. It may have been raining too while I walked. I remember the majority of my walking time I had been looking at Whatsapp on my phone. There were messages from H and loads from other people, but I promptly dismissed or ignored the ones from other people as I noticed them.

      When I started walking it was day time, sunny and dry. I remember there was this garden, belonging to a bad man. I felt like burning it down just before I'd left it. I walked across the little fields to get to the pavement and there were some odd roots or vines that had a planty mouth, and they shot chocolate ice cream or something across to the other side of the street. The little fields had vegetables planted, mostly carrots and turnips? But the root of the vegetables was very visible, not just the top of the plants.

      I got to this place after walking outside from another place where me and a bunch of other people were. Everyone had just found out that this man who owned these little garden/field things was a bad person, because of the testimony I gave them publicly, plus the testimony of two other people in the room. I was glad that they had spoken up. This indoors place was a bit like the fun centre at the mall near my old town. Odd lighting to the place.

      This man had apparently been building illegal mini race track things but there was something more insidious about him. I had just come down from an indoors ramp of sorts when a girl about my age confronted me about it, she had a worried look on her face. In the preceding segment I had been helping that man build this thing. But I stopped helping him as soon as he asked me to poop somewhere, as part of the building effort or something and to do something with it. I pretended to have no issue with this and just told him there was no way I could possibly just do it whenever I wanted and that I was fairly "irregular" anyway. I thought at this point of asking for the pay he'd promised but realised immediately he'd be a bastard, so I didn't and at that point I just wanted out of there and away from him.

      Finally, the earliest point in the dream I can remember was something about a forest and a sort of top down view. It was where I first noticed for myself these mini race track things, some floating over some kind of black abyss void.

      Dream Fragment:

      Something about Kaiju/Godzilla? Vague visual recall of some scenes where Godzilla was walking through a city.

      Dream Fragment:

      Some mini dream sequence about the automatic act of shaving. Probably caused by a lingering intent of wanting to do since yesterday.

      - When I woke up from the long dream, I was sweating, which is what typically has been happening when I get long and intense or vivid dreams.
      - The panic-type feelings stopped as soon as I woke up and didn't carry over into wakeful awareness. This wasn't what I'd consider a bad dream, just an odd one.
      - The things that were on my chest and etc. seemed like the symptom of something but I don't remember them being painful or anything.
      - There were several other dreams that I had fragments of, but I didn't make note of them and couldn't hold them through writing the rest of this.
    14. bleh

      by , 04-07-2020 at 12:06 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Bad recall. only remember one dream: Jamie me and jesus in some room. don't remember any details other than that. I hope this week is better. Still impressed i get a Jamie dream a week
      Tags: jamie, jesus
      dream fragment , side notes
    15. Lucid Lockdown Day 4

      by , 04-06-2020 at 01:07 AM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      1: I was telling people about lucid dreaming (doh), and had a fight using huge watermelons cut in half.