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    1. Visiting Distant Planets and Spanish Speaking "Aliens"

      by , 01-29-2016 at 07:36 PM (Hopeless Wanderings)
      this is the coolest dream I've had in a long time.

      Me and my dad were going to go to space. This part I don't really remember, but somehow we got on this machine that took us there. We were exposed in space and not wearing space suits but we were fine. We get to this clump of different machines in the middle of nowhere, and you had to press the button of what planet you wanted to go to. My dad pressed out destination planet and then we were there. It was a small planet, but beautiful. I went back to the button thing and wanted to explore more of space bu I didn't want to get lost so I went back. My mom, sister, and grandpa then showed up. NASA had built a house for us, it was a log cabin. I kept joking around saying things like, "where's the tv" and "my phone doesn't get any signal". The cabin was by a very small lake, or maybe it could be considered a pond. Once the sun went down, I realized that it would be back again in like 10 minutes since the planet was so small. It was basically just the cabin, the lake, and rock. But damn it was beautiful. My mom had all our meals prepared and she handed me an Arby's sandwich. I just stared at it for a bit, remembering my last experience at Arby's with a chicken sandwhich that wasn't cooked all the way through, but I just took it and told her I'd eat it later. At one point grandpa wandered off and we were worried but we found him.

      We then decided to explore another planet. We arrive in a forest-like setting next to a river and then we see people. They start to chase us down and have us all tied up ready to kill us. We try speaking to them but they don't speak our language. For some reason, I go, "Hablas Espanol?" and one of them goes, "si!" and this was a huge surprise. Now, my Spanish consists of 4 years of high school spanish, and that was 4 years ago. "Solo hablo un poco Espanol" I tell them. The man guy talks to me for awhile, trying to figure out who we are. It takes awhile but they start to understand us and become friendly. At one point I say, "Soy de el planeto Earth. Las personas son..." and then try to fish around for the spanish word for "ignorant", trying to tell them that some people on our planet our ignorant and still believe the Earth is flat. I ask which planet they are from and they tell me but I forget. Eventually they let us go and we get into our boat, ready to head back to our small planet. The end.

      Yeah it was kinda weird that the "aliens" spoke Spanish but whatever. The imagery in this dream was unreal. I wish I could visit distant planets. Maybe someday..
      Tags: aliens, planets, space
    2. #192 - Bath / Aliens

      by , 01-22-2016 at 06:41 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Dream 1 - Bath
      I remember being at my ex's house and her family is there, we're warming up the bath tub so my daughter can have a bath. The water is too hot and I know that I need to add more cold water, Tim (my ex's brother) is holding onto my daughter and he lifts her over the bath. I'm too slow to react, at first I was intending to tell him not to because she still has her clothes on, but then he drops her. Instant panic and fear, I'm practically screaming NO! in my head but they won't come out. The waters too hot so it hurts her and she nearly drowns because she's still little. I'm so scared and I try rescue her from the bath but there's still a chance she breathed in some water and could drown. I wake up in shock from the whole thing feeling more than a little uncomfortable.

      Dream 2 - Aliens
      I remember I was with a crew on an alien ship or something, we're exploring the place and come across some interesting looking eggs with glowing blue veins (pretty much the same as the ones in 'Aliens vs. Predators' but with glowing-coolness). The eggs are deactivated at the moment, and I instantly think about the game I'd played recently where the turrets were deactivated and I wanted to destroy them since I knew they'd activate later on and attack me... Geeze, no one wants to attack them? Whatever. They even have guns, just one shot would do the trick. Oh well, we continue onwards and enter an open area, everyone is quite relaxed and casual. The others are quite social and I think I'm a newcomer to the group. I decide to walk back and check out the alien eggs, on my way I pass by another group member and I say something, he gets a 'Umm what...?' look on his face. I reply to his expression by saying something about how I'm just making sure we don't get killed by aliens. I walk in to the alien egg room and the door closes behind me (it's an alien door that's automatic, it looks pretty cool too). I think something happens and the eggs activate, FFFFFUUU. If only they had listened, whelp I'm not going to die atleast since I'm GTFO. I sprint out the door and into the hallway. The guy I passed in the hallway is ahead of me and I alert him to the spawning of aliens, he doesn't take me seriously though so I just yank his arm and drag him with me. He'll understand later and if he wants to stay then that's his problem I guess. He kind of just goes with it and lets me drag him along. I think this is as far as the dream went.
    3. Alien Devastation

      by , 01-07-2016 at 06:35 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      There was an invasion of aliens. Structures destroyed. I was looking at a post-apocalyptic world. The color theme is not dark; it's sunny, with lots of vegetation and ruined buildings.

      I traveled to an area with lots of ruins and some people and dinosaurs/animals. There were even apes. One in particular has developed human-like intelligence, and he keeps it to himself. I dropped a nail cutter, and he found it. He knows what it is. I was thinking I should get it before other apes see it and develop intelligence, but he gave it back to me. I then asked him if he doesn't want the others to become like him. It seems the ape likes his position over the other apes.

      I was in a small village where some humans gathered. There were two children who has not gone out of the village because they weren't permitted. Only adults can go out because of the danger outside. Still, I led them out and asked them about the plants around them. One said he called one shrub/tree an "apat" (four in our language), and he went on to point out other plants, but he hasn't seen most of them. The mother came rushing in to bring them back. Then there's a falling debris/alien object. I punched it away. The parent realizes that she can't keep her children safe forever. Not in this world at least.



      - I saw a trailer for an alien invasion movie before sleeping.
    4. #142 -Walking around town / Survival / Balloons

      by , 10-28-2015 at 08:04 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)

      Dream fragment - Walking around town
      I just remember waking up from my first dream cycle and thinking that I had 2 separate dreams. I was walking around my home town, near the roundabout but not really sure what happened. There seemed to be a large gap and then I was in a new dream.

      Dream 1 - Survival
      Imagine those crypts in Skyrim that are dome-like with the opening in the top, I jumped into one of those and the interior was really dark. It had a similar atmosphere to something like 'Doom' or 'Quake', and there were there rectangle flesh aliens attached to the ground. Roughly an arms length, maybe 20cm wide and 5cm high, they were everywhere kind of just radiating out from the centre. They attack you by lurching one side up and slamming onto you. Their 'flesh' is like a bundle of red sinew that when attacking, will become fibrous and latch around its victim. When I fell into the room there was so much of it and it was grabbing at me. I don't know how but I seemed to kill a whole bunch of them, the 'don't know how' part was interesting because I seemed to have no memory of how anything works. I watched a video on Youtube by Cracked called 'The Stumbling Dead' which is a joke about how the Walking Dead can all understand each other but they have no idea what the f*ck is going on . I seemed to be in that kind of mindset, my hair was ragged and really long, my skin was dirtied and the only clothing I had was a rag around my waist. I tried getting away from the alien things, there appeared to be a tunnel leading out of the dome room on one side which I felt like I had been down before. At this point it was almost like the dream had a game-like theme to it, where if you failed you could retry which was why I thought I had been down the tunnel...

      Dream 2 - Balloons
      I seemed to be dungeon crawling with a few friends, I had been through the dungeon before (was some kind of game world) and was advising them on certain things. It was pretty stereotypical for a dungeon, stone brick walls with high ceilings etc. We turned up in a room which apparently just has a tonne of enemies spawn and the easiest thing to do is just bypass everything by running to the exit. I tell my friends about this but the look in their eyes tells me that they want to grind some experience.. "*sigh*, okay then we'll do that" . We head down the stairs next to the entrance when suddenly I realize there's some stupid event going on. A plethora of freakin' balloons surges up in front of us. 'Ugh god damn it why now?', the aim is to pop as many balloons or a special balloon which gives you heaps of points. I spot the special balloon (which is blue and white) and take a whack at it with some kind of whip-like sword, it smashes against it but the balloon doesn't pop. It seems to be a lot harder to pop than other balloons :/. I chase after it and whack at it a few times but nothing happens. A guy called Chris from my geology class shows up, he's hitting other contenders to earn points. There seems to be a lot of people competing now, in the distance about 20m away I see the announcer of the game narrating the points people are earning. He's wearing a suit and holding a microphone. Chris pokes me in the stomach with a long stick. "1 point to Chris!" the narrator shouts. "God that's cheap" I say, he isn't even trying to get balloons -.-... Chris stabs at me again with his stick which is more like a really long staff. It's pissing me off now, stop it dude. I grab his stick and take it off him, then snap it in half. I know this is against the rules but damn he was annoying. I walk past him and leave, taking the broken stick with me. I notice that he now has a new stick "Ugh what a douche". I enter a passageway leading to another part of the large room the competition is being held in. The place is so colourful now, there's even a colourful playground nearby. I remember thinking about how the whole stick thing was typical behaviour for a friend of mine called Matt. When we'd play Jedi Academy on LAN he would pick the longest lightsabers and then just do flips all over the place that one-hit everyone. And because they were so long you couldn't do anything about it .
    5. 261015: Astral Projection after Sleep Paralysis?! Flying and Feeding the Birds

      by , 10-26-2015 at 06:57 PM (The Dream Journal)
      I tried some FILD before falling asleep.
      A little after falling asleep I go lucid, surrounded by darkness. I'm unable to keep it up and "fall" into an awake state. I immediately begin falling asleep again but I'm still a bit aware, I feel myself becoming paralyzed. At first this is exciting, I haven't experienced this since childhood. As I lose more and more control I begin to fear a pang of fear, not sure I want to go into SP after all. I begin to try as hard as I can to turn on my stomach and as I do I feel my body lumber toward the left. As I turn I see my body flump over and I'm looking down at it in the dark room, slowly floating up. Thinking this is also a sort of bad idea, I push myself back into my body and fall into the darkness of sleep.

      I'm in the shoe department of a department store with some skater dudes. As I follow them I get bored and try to do a handstand but accidentally hit someone in the head with my feet, a father passing by. I feel embarrassed that I did that. The skater kick me on the ground as punishment, I accept it. As they kick me in the face, I feel that it is becoming a bit excessive.

      I'm in a large, fancy house. One side of it has large windows that show the street, it's in the city. It's night time and I go up to the second floor where a hall circles the first floor. There is a show on with William Shatner about UFO's. I decide to draw aliens with ink in a notebook, perhaps they will come to life? (??) I draw one from behind, his large black eyes visible from the sides of his head despite it.

      Back on the first floor of the house, it's now late afternoon, golden sunlight. There are a bunch of my friends down there. (The house must be one of theirs?) A friend bring chocolate mousse cheesecake, it's really good. I ask a friend of mine I see there if we are going to reschedule our meeting up that we missed last week. She says Tuesday would be good. We can meet in the local McDonald's.

      Out back there is a large, fenced backyard with lots of bird cages. I see one on the patio, it has a small delicate bird in it and I feed it. I begin to fly around the backyard, I guess I have a jetpack? I zoom around feeding the various birds in their cages, they are on multiple levels, suspended and resting on large trees. The last of the birds are a bunch of chickens in a coop up on a tree. I try to feed them, but not too much.

      I go back to my friends, it's dark outside and they are now out in the yard. My friend complains he ran out of candy, I laugh nervously saying that happens sometimes. His girlfriend seems upset about it and my friend yells out at me for eating so much. I feel a sting of shame.

      Out back I see two robots that look like they came from the Warhammer 40K universe. A few criminals, badass skater guys, take me hostage as they drive off in a convertible to escape the law. We drive down the sepia colored evening road, it's like LA. There are two demons with us that look like a few monsters from the Nickelodeon show "Aaahh!!! Real Monsters". They try to drive the guys insane, rubbing up against them as they whisper vile things. "I will be inside you soon...."

      Updated 10-26-2015 at 08:05 PM by 80544

      lucid , non-lucid
    6. Watching terminator 2 and a movie about guys at a beach.

      by , 10-16-2015 at 06:53 PM
      I don't remember the beginning of the dream other than me being at my school and leaving an elevator with another guy and trying to stay balanced on a train platform.

      The next part was I was in a theater watching "Terminator 2, specifically the part where the kid and the terminator are on a motorcycle escaping the t2. Then the kid is at an office and the office is being overrun by aliens, and he's running around trying to escape them and he does. The aliens are tan in color, and have heads that look like crab claws. Suddenly the movie theater is being filled with these aliens.

      The dream then changes to a guy talking to his sister about how he's going to leave college but he wants to make friends with a group of surfers by the beach over the summer. He approaches them and they throw a unicycle towards him, tell him that he can join their group if he can learn to ride it. Flash forward to the guy, who I'm now seeing out of the eyes of, at a daytime party at the beach and he's really happy to have made these new friends and like theme music to a show about teenagers is playing.

      Suddenly a giant octopus appears in the ocean and the guy is running away while everyone else is being grabbed by the monster. He is slipping all over a train platform nearby as he is running away, but then suddenly he decides than he really wants to ride the giant tsunami being created, and he grabs a surfboard he find near a train but a girl grabs it and yells at him for trying to steal her surfboard as she boards a train.
    7. #129 - end of the world / attack of the hobo / party in the hood / my professor is a fossil

      by , 10-14-2015 at 04:42 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)

      Nearly finished the SSILD cycles properly but I didn't quite get it down. I reckon eating a banana actually does help. I went to bed super fast for once and slept like a brick. I went to bed at 10:20 and woke up at 10:40 the next day

      Dream 1 - End of the World
      It's pretty much global warming induced world demise. I'm somehow related to an organization that is making super-massive ships to cruise around on as the sea-level continues to rise. Not everyone is on-board with the idea but the first ship is really successful. By the time we've made 3 (after a couple years I think) we get the support of the world. We make 1 more before it's too late I think. Obviously a lot of people weren't able to get on the boats and the similarity in my head is close to the anime 'Suisei no Gargantia', and the people on the ships are the 'superior' humans while the others will have to survive some other way. The dream has a tangent and kind of begins the more internal affairs of the ships. There's testing going on in some laboratories to help evolve humans to cope with the changing world. Failed products are ejected in pods. One such failure was an 'alien' like creature from the movie (Aliens Vs. Predators). They somehow invaded some of the ships and evolved, massacring so many people. I think I run around for a while in a mock-chase as if testing what it would be like. But I have some level of dream control and my mind rejects the idea of the invasion and prevents the dream turning into a nightmare. Now I seem to be the only one left on the ship and I'm in a section where the area is identical to my parents living room (lounge). The aliens can't get me for unknown reasons (because my brain doesn't want them to ). My cats are here, Holly and Sooty (they both passed away last summer so it was really nice to see them again in a way). It's supposedly my first time sleeping alone on the ship, I sit in the centre of the lounge near where my cat Holly is lying down and start cuddling up to her. She gets up and then sits down and starts purring and cuddling up to me too . Sooty is somewhat in the background (she's not a very affectionate cat).

      Dream 2 - Attack of the Hobo
      I'm at my parents house in the family room, I don't recall what I was doing prior to this incident but there's someone else in the dream who I was interacting with. It's night time and I'm inside, I glance outside and look down from the deck. I spot a hobo. He seems somewhat familiar and I instantly decide to confront him to shoo him from our property. I step outside and start going down the steps, I yell out "Oi what f*ck are you doing?!". He gets all startled and grabs a 2-handed pickax that I had left lying on the ground and hurls it towards me! It spins through the air but is too far to the left and misses. Crazy bastard. He seems to have escaped too. I run down the steps and clean up the mess a bit and put away the tools from gardening (there were weeds attached to everything which took a while to shake off). I put the garden gear to the side as a preventative against garden-gear-hurling-hobos

      Dream 3 - Party in the Hood
      I'm in a pretty rundown neighbourhood. Mikayla doesn't have many friends, so I decide to befriend her and help her fit in with the crowd I hand with. I think I'm now at her house? There's a table with lots of grandmas at it, all just sitting round talking. They pry into our relationship and ask if I'm her boyfriend, for some reason I can't deny it because we had gone on a date but we weren't interested in having a relationship like that. The main reason we had gone on a date wasn't out of interest or something, but honestly the dream logic was just weird O_O. I drop my phone and it goes under the table, the grannies all try to get their legs in my way in order to get me to tough them which I manage to avoid (phew). The dream scene changes and now we're having a party with my black friends whom are siblings, there aren't many people here though. In fact, it's pretty much just family members on the sidelines while the the siblings (a fat older brother and skinny younger sister) are dancing in the middle of the room. The vibe of the party is still good though . Next the dream scene changes again and we're on the bleachers in a gym. My parents are sitting behind me, Mikayla is somewhere to the right, and the siblings are also somewhere nearby. There are other seats set up too which are mostly filled, some music comes on and these two black siblings (one was a guy that was quite bulky and the other was a slim slightly younger girl) started dancing in sync. I whisper over to my sibling friends that they're being challenged. He and his sister get up and go down there and talk to the guy, shakes hands with him and says something along the lines of having a dance-off. He does it in a really friendly manner too. The other guy responds by pulling him close during the handshake and whispering in his ear, I can see from my friends expression that he had been insulted. They start dancing off, everyone is in sync and my friends seem to be doing a bit better. I'm pretty amazed by it all because it's all so cool-looking, I'm surprised that they even know the dance moves that they're all supposed to do because the song was randomly chosen.

      Dream 4 - My Professor is a Fossil
      I've signed up for an optional field trip given by my professors that is open for the public and not actually uni-related. My professor Ewan is directing it and he looks super old. I'm surprised he can even walk. At my uni he's a renowned fossil expert so I think it's funny how he's almost like a fossil himself (he looks a lot younger in real life). I'm trying to listen to him explain whats going to happen but I can't quite hear because my parents are yapping away next to me about getting home on time to watch some TV show called 'Boss' or something. I notice that Ewan said something and some of the people around had stood up. My dad then shouts "My son is too! Stand up son!". Oh my f*cking god on cue, everyone just looks at me and I have this intense embarrassment and annoyance because he was the reason I couldn't hear and then he does this... The pain.
    8. Fire Message/Aliens/Water Bottles

      by , 09-26-2015 at 03:08 PM (Dimension X)
      I really wish I got up and went to my computer at 3AM to write down the first one, because now I don't remember the important parts. Either way, I was in some forest and between two trees, there was some dark screen. On the screen there was a message written in fire somehow? I can't remember what it said now though, damn it. I don't think it was anything important, but it would have been cool to still know.

      But now for the sorta scary part.

      There was this next part where I was talking to a friend who apparently had died.

      He had returned for a little while to talk to me and a few others. The screen between the trees was apparently the portal back to the afterlife for him, so I stopped him before he went through it and said "Wait, the entire world needs to know, what happens when you die?"

      He then said to me "I'm not allowed to tell you."

      But he was allowed to reveal one thing.

      He said something like "Death really is only a transition to another plane of existence" or something like that. For the record, I'm not exactly religious, so that was a little freaky.

      Next, this other dream was still connected somehow, even though I think I had it later.

      I was still in the forest, but in a clearing. And I saw a UFO above some trees, and everyone else saw it too. It looked like the stereotypical saucer shape and had glowing red lights underneath. When it flew away, it was super fast and was gone almost instantly. Looking at the people around me at this point, and I see that maybe I'm at some campground. Strange.

      The last one was about me running around some school field with a water bottle for some reason. I remember there were 3 of them and I had the smallest one and I was trying to get the other bigger ones. I remember drinking all the water out of one, and it tasted oddly good somehow, even though water obviously has no taste really.

      Sheesh, what a weird bunch of dreams.
    9. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 09-02-2015 at 05:32 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Catching up on a few days worth of notes.

      Still gonna try to keep this under the ~30 minute limit writing constraint.


      Staying in a bed and breakfast, an alien podship smashes into the window, docking similarly to Halo 2's first mission. A severed head speaks the intentions of the immature xenomorphs that spill from the small ship, into the room. They seek only our love, adoration, and worship. Only if necessary will they subsume control of our brains and bodies. Euphoria awaits those who submit.

      I make up some excuse and nope the fuck out the front door.

      Running down the town's main road at super-speeds, I'm stuck behind a bicyclist. I'm pretty sure he's a coworker. I don't want to be rude and pass him, so I make the first available turn between a row of houses, and continue on my path by taking a turn on a road parallel to the main one. I slow as I approach the market. It's really more of a bazaar with open-air shops and colorful awnings lit solely by starlight, all set atop grey cobblestone.

      Samael's there, attending to one of the shops. I head into Samael's shop and pull out a copy of Agricola for inspection, since the shop specializes in fixing issues with board games or something. I don't quite remember. As I'm lifting the cover, Samael hastily warns me, but it's too late. A bunch of cardboard meeples scatter across the floor as other patrons crowd around. Graciously, Samael helps me pick them up and place them back in the box, the contents of which look more like Five Tribes than Agricola.

      After leaving the mall, K and I walk into a golden and brown hued cafe alongside the street. A bunch of people from high school and college are there. They're glaring, murder in their eyes. K is unsurprisingly oblivious to the mood in the room. He takes a seat, and I follow suit.

      Someone's dead, and I think I might be involved. At the very least, the CEO suspects me. I'm sure that's why I passed hotel security on my way to the stairs. And it's definitely why I jumped down the little square hole between the spiraling stairwell, letting gravity pull me down the hundred or so stories to the ground floor. That should buy me some time.

      Walking through the hotel's grand hall, I take in the extravagance. Around me austere columns stand amidst dark oak tables. Whilst underfoot, a lush carpet with elegant gold inlays cushions my every step. It's not as vivid as it could be. In fact, I notice the dream wavering a bit and muse to myself about the false notion that all lucid dreams are vividly realistically. Vividness is a choice, I remind myself with a smirk, stabilizing the dream around me to life-like realism and stepping out onto the deck, where many of the guests have already gathered. The view is breathtaking. A number of curved, ancient buildings hug the glittering lake below. Towering high above, all perfectly illuminated by varying gradients of blue, pink, purple, and red. To my left, a waterfall spills lazily from the window of one of the stone marvels. I fly to it, cresting over the falling water and landing on the grassy overlook above.

      Some punks are acting up in the parking lot. I can tell they've targeted me, so I untarget myself and pass through without incident.

      Updated 09-02-2015 at 05:35 AM by 25167

    10. The nightmare basement, and a balcony at dusk

      by , 08-07-2015 at 08:08 AM (Mouka's Mind Palace)
      I suddenly became lucid during a regular dream when I looked down and noticed my hands looked strange. I was in a house... again. This time I didn't feel trapped, but I felt hopeless and unable to do anything, with no dream control at all. I walked through the house, intending to go outside, but then out of the corner of my eye I saw a square hole cut into the wooden floor. It was just big enough to climb down, and it seemed to radiate evil and darkness, with a staircase going down it... so I went down it. It seems I have this weird fearlessness in my dreams that I fail at in real life. I think its my determination to find what I want, like I'm so sick and tired of my lucids not working that I've stopped giving a fuck about nightmare things. They're only in my way, after all. As I walked down the stairs to the bottom, I turned the corner and the first thing I saw was a spider web with crazy things in it, like the big black scribble I remembered seeing on a nightmare creature in a dream a few weeks ago. I kept walking, down a huge wide hallway that was dusty with a hard packed dirt floor. It was dark but I could see a little in the distance. There was a tall, lanky grey alien standing a little bit ahead of me, and he moved closer, blinking in and out, without actually moving his body. When he finally got to me, I was just like FUCK YOU and slapped out my hand, and he turned transparent and faded away. I continued walking. I was looking for Seru to come break me free, but I was frustrated that I couldn't find him and he wasn't showing up when I called. Then I felt my dream fading and I returned to my waking body, but I lay perfectly still and attempted to re-enter the dream.

      As I lay there, I went into sleep paralysis while waiting which just kept going and going until I finally gave up. But when I opened my eyes and sat up, I found I was back in the dream. It was super unstable though, so I focused on my surroundings, feeling things and noticing the sounds and smells... dank and musty. I was touching a metal bar or table and it was cold and hard. I continued down the hallway and came to an opening that was on the right side of the hallway. It was some kind of balcony open to the evening sky and the sun was going down. The ground outside was almost pitch black but the sun was bathing the balcony in a nice orange glow. But I couldn't get off it and go outside. I turned around toward the hallway and looked down it and figured I'd just sit and wait for Seru since that always seems to work. Arrogant domineering asshole, always wanting to be the initiator in any situation... Just then I saw some sunlight breaking through the hallway ceiling, illuminating it with rays of light and, and he was standing far down at the end of the hallway. He moved towards me but I couldn't see his face then, because it was in the shadow. When he came close, he jumped into the air and flew past me quickly, through the balcony into the evening sky. I jumped up and flew after him, breaking through the house and off the balcony as well. I flew behind him for a while, even though he was going pretty damn fast and I had a hard time catching up to him. But I was able to slowly catch up and fall in beside him... I was afraid he'd look over at me and have some creepy nightmarish face since I'd found him in the nightmare basement, but once I was parallel with him, he looked over at me with a smile and he looked regular. I guess moods and setting doesn't have any effect on a dream guide. I was so damn happy that he broke me out of the house again that I reached over and kissed him... it was a really vivid kiss, and felt real. Which was weird, because I can still imagine the feeling. When I did that, he stopped and wrapped his arms around me (what a sweetie. still an arrogant asshole though) We did some fun pervy things, but then I remembered I wanted to ask him something, so I asked if he really was my dream guide or if the last time I asked him was just a fluke. He reassured me that he was, but then he stopped and gave me a strange look, and I realized the dream was fading away again. Never got to finish my pervy stuff. Pityyyyyy.
    11. A definite dream guide, and breaking free from the nightmares of the locked house

      by , 06-30-2015 at 06:06 PM (Mouka's Mind Palace)
      Lucids two nights in a row! Nice. This one started out as a regular nightmare rather than through sleep paralysis. I was watching The Lion King with my brother like we did when we were kids, and I was sitting there playing the original Pokemon on my old Game Boy. Then suddenly dad came running into the room all psychotic, laughing with a gun in his hand, and we freaked out and ran away. He chased us and caught my brother, and I heard horrible gunfire and so I ran down the hall and locked myself in a room. He was banging at the door and I was so scared and kept trying to push through the window glass, but then I noticed my hands on the glass. My fingers were all funny and I immediately recognized it as a dream and went lucid. I turned around from the window and the room was pure white, and the banging had stopped. So I left the room and found myself in another house I couldn't get out of, but this time it was all white and there was sunlight everywhere. ...but I was still locked in. In one of the rooms was a grey alien, which was a little weird, but when I walked up to it and poked it, it disappeared. Now back in the hall, I just told myself "You know, I can never find that guy when I search, so I'm just going to sit here and wait on him." So once again I was sitting on the ground in the hallway, surrounded by white and sunlight, calling out to Seru all pitiful-sounding. I heard a noise at the end of the hall, and leaned over to look, and there he was standing there looking at me and smiling. Yay, it worked! I went over to him and asked him if he could break me free from the house again, and he said yes. He flew up through the ceiling and I flew up after him, but this time I didn't just hit the ceiling instead I went right through it. Then we were up in the air and I was looking in awe at all the landscapes surrounding me. In front of us was this massive flower garden, fields and fields of all different species, it looked so rainbow-speckled, and it was so vivid I just couldn't believe it. I wanted to go down there immediately, but then he told me to look at the rest. So I looked to the right and there was a vast ocean and a beach that stretched forever, and far in the distance in front of us, past the flower fields, was a giant wall. Like the Great Wall only much higher. We landed on top of a tall fence overlooking the flowers, and out of all the different flowers, rare ones and such, this one common blue-purple pansy stood out, and I really wanted to keep it because it was so vivid but I also didn't want to ruin the field at all. I was curious about the wall so I asked him what was beyond it. He said there were mountains as far as the eye could see. Well... the call of the unknown lured me in and I wanted to go over the wall. He took off into the sky and I flew after him, towards it, buuuuttt... then my husband's alarm clock woke me up! Haha, well that's okay. I got a sweet vivid lucid dream, a dream guide, and fun places to visit next time.

      Updated 07-01-2015 at 12:56 AM by 64971

      lucid , nightmare , memorable
    12. The tv station heist

      by , 06-24-2015 at 11:54 AM
      I woke up today at around 1AM, and I knew that I had been dreaming, but I couldn't remember what it was about. Bummer. Then I went back to bed and-

      06/24/2015 - THE LONDON BUS NOOKIE

      So I think I’m in London (Although it looks a lot like Downtown Rio), I don’t remember the beginning of the dream. We’re already halway here. I’m crossing a street and thinking that I need to buy LOUREIRO a gift. Maybe a Liverpool kit? Weird thing is, we’re not even that friendly in real life and we often argue.

      So I cross a street and then I arrive at this Grand Central Station kind of thing. But I wait outside at the bus stop. Then I meet a girl. She’s very pretty. *THINGS GET WEIRD AND KINKY HERE* Inside the bus she starts having sex with a random Dude in a suit. Dude in a suit is a douchebag and while he’s having sex with her he’s bragging and going “Oooh, look at me I’m fucking her and yo aren’t to a Younger Guy, who’s carrying a surfboard.” The Younger Guy goes: “Whatever, My friend and I did her yesterday!”

      So right around here, Dude in a Suit gets self-conscious and he asks the girl who’s a better laid. Him or the Younger Guy. The Girl doesn’t answer, but her face says it all. It’s the Younger Guy. So Dude in a Suit dumps her mid coitus.The girl looks distraught.

      So the girl get off the bus, and so do I. We're near the beach. I’m with a friend a apparently, who tells me he’s going to do run some errands and meet me later. I approach the girl and I ask her how she is. However, I can tell that I’m not at all interested in her feelings. I’m just horny. (WTF, SC MIND?!)


      I’m outside this TV station or whatever with my Mother and some other people. We’re discussing how to break into it. I’m immediately like “What the fuck are you talking about? We’re all going to jail!” I beg my mother not to do this, but she’s like, “No. This is something we HAVE to do.” I can’t understand why free cable is so important to her, she doesn’t even watch TV all that much.

      This lady, Asian, Pretty, starts giving everyone assignments. I don’t remember mine exactly, I just remember I had to follow one of the lady’s friends and help him. The dude looked a lot like CHRISTIAN KANE. So we break into the TV station, which was no TV Station apparently. It was a secret lab. We’re there to mess with their computers and still some info.

      The alarms start blarring and people are running like crazy. Shots are fired. Christian Kane looking guy gets shot in the side, but he doesn’t even flinch. He walks into the computer room and a few seconds later he comes out of it with a hard drive. Now we have to get out of there. Christian Kane Looking Guy’s eyes are now this sort of eerie steel ish blue color. I’m freaking out.

      We get out of the TV Station/Lab just fine and I meet Asian Lady, her daughter and my mom. I demand answers and Asian lady is super forthcoming, and she tells me that she, her daughter and Christian Kane-looking dude are in fact aliens. And there are others like them living in our planet. The people in the lab had a list the IDs of some of the aliens we were there to retrieve that.

      We go to Asian Alien Lady’s apartment, WHICH IS ACROSS THE STREET FROM THE LAB, and we’re celebrating the success. I sort of flirt with Asian Alien Lady and she’s into me. Later, when it’s time to say good bye, we kiss and I end up staying over.

      The next day we go to a fair, which apparently is what you do after you participate in a heist and find out that we’re not alone in the universe, at the fair I manage to actually make a connection with the Asian Alien Lady’s daughter, who helps me win a teddy bear for her mother with her mad alien reflexes.

      We meet a woman working at the fair. I know her. She’s my cousin’s ex-girlfriend, I haven’t seen her in almost 20 years. She was a model back in the 90’s famous ish. Now she’s a train wreck. She doesn’t recognize me, but she knows the Asian Alien Lady.

      The daughter tells me she wants a Pepsi and I could also go for a pepsi, but when we go buy it, they only have ONE pepsi can. I can tell The Daughter is going to hulk out, and I tell her she can have it. I’ll just drink a coke.

      Now, this is where my dream gets super strange (yeah), I gather all the youngsters at the fair and I go on this impromptu TED TALK-like speech on transgender people’s right. I mean, GO SC MIND FOR YOUR OPENNESS, but that was so out of nowhere.

      I had another dream, that I didn’t write down when I woke up and I can’t remember for the life of me.

      Updated 06-24-2015 at 10:14 PM by 88106

    13. From stress to lucidity...

      by , 03-08-2015 at 01:50 PM (4th DJ-Attempt)
      Non-lucid, Lucid, Comments

      .../I have to take my flight back to my current city. I'm with my brother and I'm telling him how different it is when I fly alone. There's one minute left before the plane takes off and I'm still in the waiting room when I tell him if I were with my wife she'd be stressed like hell. I see the plane is about to take off and thinking how are they doing with my package. It doesn't matter, I know I'm inside that plane before it takes off.

      There's a jump back in the sequence of the dream time and get back to something about a disgusting guy who I ended up murdering for the second time. I have a knife covered in blood in one hand and a tea spoon in the other. I feel the urge to get rid off both of them but I must be careful because of I start to see police officers everywhere. I clean the blood from the blade with my tongue, I don't want to use anything else because of it may let clues. I hide the knife under the sleeve of my jacket and the spoon in the pocket. I get inside a sort of pond under a roof. The water seems to be deep and dark enough in some places. I throw the spoon there taking care that no one sees it. I see an adult woman sniffing around. I think she may be a detective or some. I hesitate to throw the knife. I think I must find a better place to get rid off it. I see some officers started to dig on some of the ground near the pond. Definitively I want get out of here but I don't want to call their attention. I still feel the blade with my arm. I wonder if the sleeve is funny shaped because of the knife. I follow a guy who did something similar but he doesn't seem to be worried at all. He tells he got rid off the knife near his neighborhood which is far away. We are drinking wine and vodka. I'm drinking my bottle of vodka while I'm still thinking about a place where I could leave the knife when a thought flashes in my head: "Hopefully when I wake up all of this stress will be over". I realize what it means and feel slightly stupid for the waste of time. I still have the knife in my hand but now I don't care about where I could let it. I finish my bottle and let it on the floor. A dwarf starts to follow me. I get into a store and stab him with the knife. I hear some DC's screaming. I don't care and let the knife in his back. I go out of the store thinking about what could I do now? I remember there are some lucid dares. I remember the dare about the alien invasion! I wonder how could I do it. I realize there was a weird mountain in the dreamscape which I didn't pay much attention. It's like a pyramid covered with pines. Now I see it looks like a huge Christmas tree. I think it could be the alien mothership. Then I wonder how could I accomplish the dare. I think what about a telepathic communication? I look in the back of my thoughts to find the invasion was already taking place but we humans don't have to realize about it. I "feel" they are infiltrating their people already. I send the message to stop it. Now? How could I know they have already stop it? I think this task requires a lot of imagination and I don't feel I have enough time to see a proper "war" taking place. I think I may give a try to another task when I see an athletic guy jogging on the road I'm about to walk. He could be one of the aliens I think! He keep on jogging. What was the other task? Now I remember, it sounds easier to perform! "Be a good person with the duck of the smile" (No idea where this one came from). I start walking on the road towards a forest when the whole dream starts fading out/...

      Updated 03-08-2015 at 04:17 PM by 18736

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment , side notes
    14. Detailed Calea Z Dream, Bugs, Aliens, and Cool Powers (Lucid)

      by , 02-21-2015 at 07:29 PM
      12-02-2014 -- First experience with Calea Z. Slept a few hours, woke after 4 or so hours, and took 2 capsules of Calea Z (appx 1 gram). Though I was very tired, could not get back to sleep. Somehow seemed to energize me a bit. Could have been the excitement of the expectation of the dreams I hoped to have. Muttered about my annoyance of not being able to fall asleep, yet still felt unusually content, overall. Perhaps two or three hours later, dozed off for a minute or two, and had the following short dream, very vivid, but not long or interesting. Annoyed to wake up far too quickly from it.

      I am driving on a freeway in Orlando, heading south on a freeway right next to the airport. (Have frequently driven this non-existent freeway in my dreams). Not sure of the car, but possibly the Lexus, since I am in the passenger seat, and Joe L. is driving. He seems to kind of freeze up, and is just sitting there as we are about to run off the road, so I lean over and grab the steering wheel. I can feel the leather under my hand, and can feel the tension of the wheel as I struggle to control it from my seat. I steer us back to the center of the lane, but now find there are several large granite boulders on the road in front of us, ranging in size from a couple of feet to five or six feet tall, and I continue to try to steer the car around them, the whole time marveling at the detail of the textures on the boulders and the difficulty of controlling the car from the passenger seat.

      Suddenly the car is in Buena Park, perhaps on the 91 freeway, driving with Dale. I do not know where he is taking me, and he isn't saying anything, but I soon find we are stopping at a bookstore somewhere in Fullerton that I have been to once or twice before (in my dreams). It is a smaller used bookstore (and getting smaller all the time) but I know the last time I was here I found some 3 Investigators stories I needed, and some kids books. This time as I glance around, I am kind of sad to find nothing new. I already have all of the 3I books, and while I am glad to see several of the old Apple paperback GK novels available for others, they are nothing I needed. I'm rather disappointed to find there is nothing here that I am really interested in.

      Again, woke up a few minutes later, and spent another hour or so laying in bed trying to fall asleep, and annoyed that the last sleep period was so short and uninteresting. Finally managed to fall asleep for probably a half hour or so, and managed to have the following, more lengthy, more interesting dream with some interesting powers and a period of lucidity.

      I am poking around the Hickory house in a dream that seems to tie in to a dream I had about two nights ago, where I found my room had been given away. My 2nd bedroom is still here, but I don't think I am currently sleeping in it. It is rather beat up, and filled with junk and litter. Neither of the doors are shut, and I know mom is not allowing me to shut the kitchen door, which annoys me no end. I am thinking of putting a new lock on it, that only I have a key for, and telling her to just learn to deal with it. Meanwhile, the piles of junk in my room are sort of sliding out the door and onto the kitchen floor where the stove should be, but oddly it is missing. [At first I did not know where this came from, but I realized I am probably telling myself to get all the crap off my bed, so it doesn't shift under me while I am shifting. None of this junk needs to be on the bed.]

      I wander out front, and seem to be sleeping in the back seat of my car, which seems to be a big black thing like an old, huge Caddy or something. I hear a noise and glance up, and a Lynx handicap van has just pulled up. It seems mom has an appointment to go somewhere. I am kind of ticked that she didn't ask if I would give her a ride or anything, so when she shakes me and tries to wake me to say goodbye, I act like I am still sleeping. She rides off in the van. I can't really sleep all that well, because there is all kinds of crap in the car, as well, so I decide it is time to clean it out a bit. I climb out, and look around all the junk that is piled outside the garage. There are several large trash cans, and I figure I will drag one of them next to the car and start filling it up. Problem is, as I reach for it, I see what looks like a black widow spider crawling around the handle, so I back off.

      As I try to step back, my foot gets caught in an old cardboard box, and as I try to shake it off my foot, several more spiders go running off. One of them is about six inches long, and kind of hairy, like a tarantula or something, yet it is also extremely thin, so it is the size of a tarantula, but shaped like a daddy long legs. I shake them all off, and back away to give them time to move to new areas, then try to grab the trash can again, but jerk my hand away as I suddenly feel a burning sensation. I wonder if I have been bit by a spider, but as I pull my hand back, I find there are several small, glowing, green caterpillars on my hand, probably about 3/8" around, and between 1 and 3" long.

      I don't know exactly what they are, but they burn to the touch, and even as I shake some off, and try to pull others off, I find they have gotten into my body, and do so more at every touch. I can see the wounds where they touched me, and if I squeeze around them, a sort of glowing pus that is turning into more of the things the longer they stay in my body is squeezed out. So I am trying to squeeze all the spots and get rid of them, but at every touch, it just causes more infection and burning. Very cool little glowing critters, though. There are a couple of other people standing around, and I am asking them to help me, but explaining it is very important they don't let the things touch their skin. Suddenly I am wearing a pair of thick leather gloves, as I continue to try and get rid of the things, and you can see steam rising from the gloves, and hear the hissing of the heat from the bugs. They seem to be very acidic or something, hence the burning. I squeeze more and more of them out of my skin, and squish them between my gloved fingers, and eventually manage to free myself from all of them.

      About this time, my friend BC has shown up, and is wondering what I am doing, and why I am not ready, as we are getting ready to go out and do something or something. I point out the gloves and explain, and try to get her to look at them (they are still sizzling). So we're talking to several other people standing around, and one of them turns to face me head-on, and I find he looks much like the alien from the diner episode of the Twilight Zone, with the large third eye in the center of his forehead, except it is a very vivid blue, rather than black and white. Suddenly it hits me that I am dreaming, and I start to scream out "Lucid!" but oddly, everybody around me starts a nanosecond later, screaming the same thing. Weird, but neat.

      So I wander back inside with BC and she is on her cell phone with her kids, and it seems we're getting ready for a Halloween party or something, because she is in the middle of dressing up as a cross between a weird blue dwarf and a Smurf. She's not small enough to be a Smurf, and doesn't have the hat, but the color is about the Smurf coloring. She has a two or three inch beard (think Grumpy from Once Upon a Time) which is white, and the paint or powder or whatever on the right side of her face has been rubbing off or something, so I am pointing out she needs to touch it up a bit, and I may be joking with her a little about it, like I was with Jimmy yesterday for his make-up test. She is wearing a loose white tunic (this part sounds more like Smurfette) which gives me a nice glimpse of her assets, and as I am dreaming anyway, I figure we're going to have a little fun in a bit.

      So she is talking on the phone, and suddenly she stumbles on something, and is grumbling about it, and I wonder what she stumbled on, so I wander over to look, and I catch a glimpse of a tennis shoe, before it is pulled back, and hear some other muttering. So I push aside a sort of fabric hanging, and step into what seems very much like a tent, somehow sitting in the kitchen wall. Inside, I find two females wrapped up in each others' arms, nude, but partly covered by a sheet or blanket.
      Spoiler for Detailed Nudity:

      But eventually I move on ... after all, I have my own fun to have with my own friend. Except ... I have no idea what I am supposed to be wearing for a costume, and as I glance at my room, and indeed, around the whole house, I am disgusted. The walls are filthy, the place is a mess, and there is junk everywhere. There is a room just off the entry hall (where there should be a closet, two bathrooms and mom's bedroom) that is just a single large junk room filled with trash, clutter, and broken crap. I just can't take it any more, and stick out both hands like some kind of super hero, and fire something at the wall. I don't know what it is, except it seems like some strange sort of black points of energy in a sort of stream. It acts kind of like a pressure washer, in that you can see the dirt streaming off the walls in waves, except there is no water, and no mess left on the floor. The dirt runs down the walls and just disappears as it reaches the floors.

      Even more interesting is what happens with other stuff. The stream hits a cracked window with a sign hanging crookedly from a single clip, and the glass is clean, the crack is repaired, and suddenly the sign is hanging straight from two clips. Everything touched by the 'spray' of power is cleaned, repaired, polished, and straightened up. It is really interesting when I spray a pair of broken saloon-style doors that are battered, missing strips of wood, dirty, and hanging at drunken angles as the wood reappears, the damage disappears, polish and color flows on it, and the doors snap up to their proper positions. It isn't instantaneous, I have to go back over each area two or three times, with more cleaning and repairing happening each time, but it takes only a minute or two to clean up the entire junk room. I am just about to start on my room when I wake up.

      For such a short period of time, and the problem getting back asleep, I am very impressed with the level of detail of the dream. I doubt I have had a dream that detailed in months. Fairly pleased with the first attempt with Calea Z. Will probably try again tomorrow and see how it goes, though I will probably only use it once or twice a week, to avoid building up some sort of tolerance to the effects.

      Updated 02-21-2015 at 07:35 PM by 57040

      dream fragment , lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    15. Aliens

      by , 12-08-2014 at 05:07 PM
      I went for a walk outside at night with a friend. While walking through a parking lot we looked up at the stars and could clearly see the constellations as if they were "traced". I saw the Big Dipper, Little Dipper, Cassiopeia, The Archer, and a couple of others that I don't even know if their constellations but I'm sure they are.

      ***Note to self: Look up constellations after this entry***

      All of a sudden I saw these moving lights in the sky. At first, I thought it was a plane, but then circles of light appeared and started to flash. They looked like the Olympic rings but in a Diamond formation? And then a spaceship appeared, and then it fly away. My friend and I watched this happen 2 more times before they picked a spot to land.

      And like little idiots we ran over to the landing site to see them. There were at least 3 ships, and they started unloading. They were bug-like creatures. One of them forgot something and had to run back into his spaceship to grab it. And then they started killing people, because it was part of their game.

      NOTE: Everything before they landed. The stars, the lights. Felt too real. I just searched constellations on Google and I'm looking at the exact constellations I saw in my dream, in the order they appeared. I didn't know I had that knowledge. But I guess we look up at the night sky all the time. It would make sense that some part of us would know it and retain it.
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