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    1. "The Doctor"

      by , 08-10-2014 at 05:04 PM (Threecat's Dreamtime)
      Ah, but not that doctor, sorry.

      I am driving over a bridge with my wife. I make some mistake and suddenly our car is flying through the air. I ask my wife what I should do, but then decide not to land in the water (as I once heard that landing a plane in the water is a terrible idea). I realize, as the ground is rushing up to meet us, that I've made an error. I apologize to my wife before impact, as I believe we are about to die. She tells me to try to land the car as best I can. We hit the ground and crash hard.

      Lawrence Fishburne appears in an EMT outfit. I tell him to rescue my wife and he does. Later, I am asking him how I could have possibly survived the crash. He says the "doctor" . . . "cleaned my kidneys!" In dream I think this is amazing, as I only thought kidneys could be removed. He said "the doctor" considered taking them, but then just decided to clean them out. Lucky me! I ask about my wife. He says there is fluid in her lungs and "the doctor" is still working on her.

      But perhaps . . . perhaps it was The Doctor?

      Otherwise, a few more day residue and job-related dreams. In one of them, I am furious at my wife for making me lose at a board game. She drew a "betrayal" card from the stack, which allowed her to tell everyone what my hand was! Also a bit of a fragment here of a dog turning over and over and over against a closed door.

      Really wishing I had pulled an LD out of that one!

      Updated 08-10-2014 at 05:57 PM by 69552

    2. A Terrible Accident and Making Peace With Jarrod/The 7 on the 6-Sided Die

      by , 08-07-2014 at 02:14 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was at my parents' house. I kept thinking there was a place where I had a hidden stash of weed from a long time ago, since I could control my smoking more (IWL I gave up weed a year and a half ago). I "remembered" getting some and only smoking a little, and putting the rest away. In fact, I "remembered" doing this on multiple occasions. I feel as if my mom and I talked about this at some point.

      Then, I was in a restaurant with my old friend, Sean. He looked much, much younger though; he looked like a chubby 11 year old version of himself. His dirty, light brown hair was medium-length, wavy, and a bit shaggy. He even had a more high-pitched, prepubescent voice. We were sitting down across from one another at a table in the middle of the restaurant. People kept walking by and saying hello to him and chatting with him. I wondered if they noticed the difference in his voice and appearance.

      Then, we were at some party at my parents' house. It was nighttime. Sean was there, but I don't remember who else was.

      I then fell asleep in my bed. I woke up, and did not see anyone there from the party anymore. I looked at my phone, and it was on a screen that said that people could return to MTSU (my old college) because the warning was over. I was thinking about what could have happened. Was there bad weather or something?

      I then was watching a scene of people using the top half of people's heads to scoop some white liquid out of a dumpster. It had something to do with the warning I received on my phone. At first, I couldn't believe that they were using people's heads, and that it must be something else. But it wasn't. It was definitely people's heads. The scene continued on to showing people standing outside their homes, tossing heads around to each other, and using them to bail out some other substance. It may have been water, but I can't remember. I saw a guy with a mohawk's head get tossed in front of someone and landing on the ground, slightly startling the person it landed in front of. I also saw the detail of another, younger guy's face on one of the disembodied heads. No one seemed disgusted by the disembodied heads they were handling.

      I think Sean was with me as we were watching, and I was talking about how terrible and disrespectful it was of people to do this. I was very upset.


      I was at some kind of get together. Many people were there. The one person that I really remember being there though was an ex from many years ago, Jarrod, though you could not tell by looking. Instead of blonde, his hair was scraggly, medium length and brown now (a bit longer than Sean's from my last dream), and he definitely looked older. But his height, mannerisms and the way he walked were the same. He kept his distance from me.

      I was then inside a restaurant, a new one here in town called Peter D's, sitting in a booth with some friends. I had gotten offered a waitress job from there. I accepted the offer, and thought about how I have just changed jobs again for the second time in a month's time. I then thought about waitressing and holding trays. I knew I'd learn how to do it in no time. I was excited!

      I then was at a party of Peter D's people. Apparently, Jarrod worked there too; I saw him in the distance again. I knew he was avoiding me for whatever reason; maybe he thought it was better that way. I understood why he would think that. He then started to walk in my direction, but did not approach me. He was going to get in his car. As he was passing me, I got his attention.
      "I just want you to know that I value the time we had together. You taught me so many things." IWL, I do feel this way, even if I didn't for awhile.
      His response seemed happy. He lit up a bit when I said that. I don't remember his verbal response, however. But it made me feel like we had some sort of closure with one another. I was happy, and he seemed happy as well. He was then in his car, which was a dark red car with the driver's side door bashed in a little bit.

      Then, there was this contest that had to do with my old middle school. We were there, though it looked different. We were still at the party, however; it was part of it. We were split into teams, and, as a team, we had to roll a die. The number we got told us what we won. A guy from our team rolled the die. It seemed to just keep rolling and rolling for a long time. Finally, it stopped on...7. Yes, our six-sided die stopped on 7, which, in the dream, didn't seem abnormal at all. We had won the opportunity to take some 7th period history test on the computer...woo...what a prize. I thought to myself that that didn't seem like much of a prize compared to all the others (which I can't remember what those were anymore). We went into a room with some computers in it, and took the test. I think there were people watching us, students, I believe. I don't remember anything about the test.

      Updated 08-07-2014 at 02:21 PM by 32059

    3. Competition night #10

      by , 08-06-2014 at 10:21 AM
      I'm outside a building I don't actually turn around to see but appears to be a train station. I have my bike with me and I'm planning to cycle home, but feel like I should show my train pass before I go anyway. I hang around in a fenced of area just over the road where a bus is due to arrive to replace a missing train, muttering under my breath about how poorly arranged this train station appears to be (I do this in real life, too!)

      When the bus appears, I have to squeeze past to get to the door to show my ticket (thinking back, the location if the door means this bus was left hand drive) The conductor chap is puzzled by my explanation of why I'm showing him my ticket, and I feel like a chump for waiting around when it seems I needn't have bothered.

      I go back across the road to get on my bike, noticing that it's just starting to get a bit dark, just enough that I'd rather have my lights on to avoid SMIDSY.

      I reach over to get my helmet (hanging on the fence) and when I turn back my bike has been replaced by a large silver car (a Mondeo, I think) This doesn't phase me at all. (I have a memory of going to buy the car but I think this is a retrospective justification or an insert from a different dream) I get into the left hand side of the car and have to reach quite far forward to pull the door shut.

      I think I ought to drive super gently because this is a new car and because I don't want to give Emma any excuse to criticise my driving. I briefly think that I should put my bike lights on, but remember that my bike is a car now and has headlights!

      I head off on a dirt track, because it's too tight to turn around and take the obvious route home. I try to work out how to get from the dirt track to the main road and see several other cars on a parallel track looking like they know the way but I can't get to their track. I decide that I can just keep going on this track and that eventually it will turn into a residential area and beyond that will be a main road. I have to dodge a couple of mutters coming the other way at high speed. Just as the track gains tarmac, I catch up with a couple of other cars, who then look like they're turning off to the left into a race track. I can't resist joining them out of curiosity. I think this might be a prefect chance to satisfy my need for speed in a low risk environment.

      Coming up the drive I have some difficulty with the gears, accidentally ending up in third at very low speed, then struggling with clutch control, feeling like a early as I hold up the car behind, given that I'm trying to drive impeccably.

      I get to the track and park my car as out of the way as possible so I can find somebody in charge and find out what the costs are etc. They'd a sign up saying entrance is free, so I have a look over the fence to see what's going on. There are people racing around on skateboards, so I won't be able to drive today and I turn around to leave.

      My car seems to have taken on board my desire to park out of the way and had shrunk down and transformed into a motorbike helmet. I briefly pounder the dream physics of getting into the car on is reduced form and turning around when the full sized firm would be overlapping with the building I parked next to. I turn the helmet sound and move it away from the building so that there won't be a conflict when it returns to full size.

      I drive off on a tarmac road, following a series of junctions while trying to get a grip on this new car. There are a variety of controls around the steering wheel, one of which spears to be some kind of military device, but I can't work out what. There's a key for it in the driver's door pocket, and even the key has a little lock on it. I have no idea where the key for the key lock is. Also in the door pocket are some audio tapes, the car soars to have a take player, how quaint.

      After following the road around a bit, I pull into a supermarket carpark over a huge speed bump. The car skids a coupe of times barely missing boards and other cars. I manage to react to the skids and avoid crashing, but only just. I think how it would be a good idea to find a nice open part of the carpark to practice, but it's a very small carpark. I head out passing an employee of the supermarket on the way out.

      I wrestle with the gears again, the clutch send to be reluctant to grip at low speed and I think about what people will think about me buying a car without checking such basics. The dashboard of the car has lots of gizmos, glowing lights that react to my driving, a fuel consumption disk that shows me when in using too much, a radio that appears to be from my old Mondeo and is still tuned into my choice of station.

      Discussing the former dream with my dad, then waking up to find I'm running late because I turned my alarm off instead of snoozing!


      Updated 08-06-2014 at 11:55 PM by 69407

    4. Dream Fragments (5.8.14)

      by , 08-05-2014 at 12:13 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream fragment:
      1. Holly's bf pushing her daughter on billy cart.

      2. I'm with Dad at the parkway shops and we are loading stuff into the back of our car. I see Dean's ute park near by. Dean and GGrant walk over and GG says something to me.

      3. I can hear eminems music. Myself and brother are In a room.
    5. The graveyard...

      by , 08-04-2014 at 04:12 PM (4th DJ-Attempt)
      Non-lucid, Lucid

      .../The further memory I have, I'm in an abandoned farm where its owner is a little nasty guy who didn't take a shower for months, he looks dirty and covered in sweat. His partner gets in place and takes off a sort of leather necklace he's wearing. It's like he hasn't take that thing off for months. I don't like what I see. He goes out where all the vegetation has grown without control. I remember it used to be a beautiful place, I'm sort of disappointed. There are three big dogs out there, when I see a lion hunting down one of them. It takes the dog from the neck and takes it away. I follow the lion until my hand becomes its mouth and now I'm holding the dying dog. I let it on the floor, but it's too late. I put it where the cubs can start to eat it/...

      .../Now I'm in a car, with a friend of mine who recently I got to know he loved a Japanese TV series form the early 80's named Sankuokai. He's obsessed with the series and pretends this car is a space ship, although he's driving it backwards. I get concerned we can have an accident because of he's driving too fast. Finally I got to turn the car by changing the position I'm sitting on it. It's better to see things the right way. We get to the end of the road. We get out the car and see some hills in front of us. I remember this city was build upon what was going to be a huge burial ground in ancient times. I tell him, this place is a huge burial ground. Then I turn and see a known cemetery from WL which uses to be in my dreams. I point it and tell him that some disgusting things use to happen in that place when I'm dreaming it. It hits my head all of the sudden, what about if it's actually one of those dreams!? I look at my hand and I confirm it. I tell him laughing, actually it's a god damn dream. He doesn't seem to care. Another pal gets in, and they both start talking. I leave them and go to the cemetery, thinking about my sex drive that uses to screw things up. I walk next to the main gate, when it turns into a window and I see a couple sitting on a table. They don't look interesting, although I think perhaps I should force them to have sex in front of me, I'm sick of my sex drive. I ask them to do it, they don't seem to react. I take their clothes off and put the woman on the man. They start doing something although it's not enough. I'm starting to find the scene more disgusting than exiting. Another woman gets into the room. She looks like she has some sort of skin infection. It's getting worse, but I don't care. I want them to play dirty things in front of me. I lift her skirt, and the spectacle is too disgusting, because she seems to have a serious STI. I give up, I cannot see more of it. I go to the next room. There's a couple of friends from school times, they look better, at least they were the classic lovely picture. I'm not excited at all, I just one to fulfill what I wanted to do at the beginning, so I command them again to have sex in front of me. I help them to take their clothes off, it gets better although I don't feel excited, it's just fun to see that I can control it. I leave them in their game when an ex girlfriend, who appeared somewhere in a previous dream, gets into the scene. She start doing her hotter stuff, but what she says is disturbing me. I try to stop her but she's in ecstasy covered with slobber on a table next to a window. I'm surprised I didn't wake up with all the sex stuff happening around. I'm pleased I didn't wake up trying to control the dream, although I'm disturbed with all the disgusting stuff/...

      * Woke up before the alarm clock went off. And couldn't go back to sleep.
    6. Bum Steer

      by , 08-03-2014 at 09:09 PM
      This lucid is from the morning of August 1st.

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #226: Bum Steer

      I’m driving on a long, tree-lined road when I remember that I was hoping to have a lucid dream. I become lucid and just sit still for a moment, still driving as the dream continues just as it did before. I have this slightly paranoid feeling like the dream is going to “catch me”, but nothing happens.

      I settle in to driving for a bit, thinking about what I want to do, feeling pleased with how smoothly the transition to lucidity went. I come to a rightward curve in the road and turn the wheel, but the car refuses to follow my instructions. I crank the steering wheel hard over to the right but nothing is working. The left front tire grinds along the curb for a while, the car shudders, and after a few seconds, I’m thrown into the void.

      I rub my hands together and try to move my legs in a walking motion. It sort of works but I’m not feeling proper resistance in my feet and I have the sensation of my legs flailing around. It feels like this is going too long and I recall how Dreamer used flight when her dream went dark. I take to the air and fly around for a bit, the sensation partway between flying and falling. I finally remember that I have had good luck singing when I fly through the dark.

      But before I even have to do any singing, I find myself flying high over a city. There are two tall, ruby-red buildings below me that are shaped like stretched out hexagon. As I look at them, an unseen voice gives me some kind of garbled warning about “balls” and
      the dream ends.

      Notes: Given the theme, It’s interesting (well, to me at least) that during the day I was implementing the character-steering code for our video game project. Maybe I’m a little anxious about how well it’s going to work.

      Updated 08-03-2014 at 09:19 PM by 57387

    7. Competition night #4 car flipping

      by , 07-31-2014 at 02:25 PM
      I'm in a car park, or possibly at the side of a road with cars parked alongside. I remember that I was going to turn cars over as a demonstration of superhuman strength. MrPriority is with me and it becomes a competition to see who can do the most impressive car flip. I start with a smallish car and turn it onto its side fairly easily. I move on to a larger car, perhaps a Mondeo. I hope to turn it right over. It nearly tips onto its roof but I lose momentum and it trays on its side like the first.

      I move on again to an estate car, picking it over a couple of others as they're parked in and there's nowhere to flip them over into. As I'm turning it over I notice there's a man in the driver's seat and I hesitate a little bit but I know this competition takes that into account, so I carry on. The car ends up testing against a bus and there are several family members in the car. A small child has fallen out of the car and is such between the car and the bus, so I help to retrieve it unharmed.

      An additional fragment: I remember there being a salamander. No idea what the rest of the dream was, just the salamander...

      Updated 07-31-2014 at 02:44 PM by 69407

    8. Dogs in Germany and Failed Test // Poisoned the Wrong Guy // In the Mountains

      by , 07-31-2014 at 05:07 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      July 30, 2014

      Dogs in Germany and a Failed Test

      I was living in Germany, as part of my Masters in Education program. There was apparently a special set of classes abroad for people who spoke German. I was living in an apartment on a hill somewhere, it looked like it was near where I lived in Tübingen while I was there. My brother was apparently there, too. I was talking to him about how we would move all of our stuff to the airport. We had rented a car for the whole time we were there, and because we were in apartments, we had all this stuff we needed to either sell of take back home with us. I was under the impression that we were going to take it all back home. I'd also gotten two dogs while I was there. One teeny-tiny dog (which is so unlike me) and one very large dog. They've never been in the car before (I got them from a neighbor, so I didn't drive them to my apartment), so I was worried about how they would handle being in the car, and also worried about whether I would be able to get them on the plane and back home with me.

      As I was putting things in the car, and getting a space ready for the dogs, my aunt L was there, for some reason. She wanted to ride in the trunk, where I was going to put the dogs. She was very adamant about it and got in the trunk, and wouldn't leave. The car was an old hatchback, by the way.

      My friend Sammie was also living in the same apartment complex as I was. She was going to need an extra room for another month, so I offered her mine, and went to live at my host family's house for the rest of the time. They were gone on vacation, so I stayed at their place and watched the house for them. I was working out with Sammie all those details. I thought I was going to b there for another month, but it turned out my flight back was in a week. We somehow worked it all out, but I can't remember how.

      Then, I went to check my grades from the exam I had taken for my final class. I got the results, and found out I had failed miserably and would need to take supplementary classes. But I was leaving in a week, and couldn't get my flight changed to a later date. I was miserable, and since I was at the school, I went to one of the monitors on the wall where we could check our school information. I wanted to make sure they hadn't outright kicked me out of the program. I did THAT badly. I went to a wall, hooked two parts into a device, and pulled a lever. A wall of water came down and an image was projected onto it, and I used the water-wall like a touch-screen to select files and options and whatnot. A tour group of incoming students was watching me the whole time, with looks of awe on their faces, but I had my head pressed against the wall in dejection because I was so upset.

      (I woke up to loud music outside, and realized I had only been asleep for about an hour; it was 2:30 am... Fell back asleep, and stayed asleep until my alarm went off)

      Poisoned the Wrong Guy

      I was with Zukin in a classroom at one of the high schools in my hometown. It was apparently the office for the German faculty (though I don't know that they even have more than one or two German classes at that school haha). I knew I was at that school because of all the windows around us.

      Zukin and I made an iced tea and shared it while watching some of the other teachers. I think we were interviewing for some sort of tutoring position. We didn't trust one of the teachers; he wore a suite of armor that was white and blue; mostly striped but with other intricate patterns all over it, too. So we made a plan: Zukin would be my student and offer him some iced tea. But there would be poison slipped into it.

      But she went too far away and offered the poisoned tea to a different teacher on accident. Oops.

      In The Mountains

      I was in the mountains, on a train or bus or something going along what I think was either the northern or the southern edge of a valley. I looked out over the mountains, and noticed that they were green and lush at the bottom and in the valley, but the tops of the mountains were like the mesa biome in Minecraft; layered with orange, red, and yellow colored rock and sand, with the very peaks being vast and snowy. I don't remember what I was doing there, but it was beautiful and strange.
    9. X Factor, Rob The Prankster (30.7.14)

      by , 07-30-2014 at 01:24 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1
      Recorded at 7:30am

      I'm in a room where I see a shower. I get in the shower and wash my hair. I look in the mirror and like they way my hair is sitting and find myself attractive. It's a see through shower and I see Laura with a camera in her hand taking photos. I pull faces at her and give her a few poses. I take a good look at her ass and it looks very sexy.

      I get out of shower and forget to shampoo it. I go back into the shower and rub some in. I look back in the mirror and notice that my hair is turning blonde and find that I like the look of it.

      I'm still in the same room but it's a crowded room now and someone is talking to the crowd. I sit down in the corner of the room, not too far from the man speaking to everyone. I think everyone needed to be silent. The man comes up to me and I think we know of each other, may even be friends in the dream. He makes me laugh and I try to hold it in but I can't help myself but to continue to laugh. He's right in my face, it's as if we are extremely comfortable with each other. There're girls next to us and they join in on the laughter.

      I can see a scene of two men talking about each other from the previous year of X Factor. They joking around saying about how the other guy finally put some size on since last time, and that the other guy for choked out extremely quick. As he explains about the choke I see a scene of all the mates from the show are in a room and are all laughing and having a good time. One of the guys grabs the other around the neck and he passes out within seconds and they all start shaking him to wake up. As he wakes they all continue laughing and continuing to have a good time. All the guys look as if they're models, all great looking fellas. One of them looked similar to a prankster guy on YouTube.

      I'm sitting at a table in front of a nice looking Asian girl. I think she's the teacher of the class. She opens up a package and it's a square shaped cake. She mentions it's from Kayley and offers me a slice. At first I thought it had raw chicken breast through it. She cuts me a slice which is only very tiny, as that's all I wanted. I start to think about everyone else missing out on cake and think about if everyone could have a bit if small portions were giving out. I don't think it would of been possible, and it was a cake for the teacher.

      Dad asks me who created the recipe for the cake. I see a recipe and it shows how to prepare it. I guess and say Guy Rossi. As I say it, I continue looking for information on he recipe which may show the creator of it. Dad gives me silence as if I was wrong with my first guess.

      I can now see a scene of a girl from X Factor (she sung at a Beyoncé concert) and it was showing how talented she was. She showed how flexible, fit and even showed some martial arts skills which helped her kick a soccer ball with power and extension.

      Dream 2
      Recorded at 9:00am

      Im in the car with Dave and Rob. I'm unsure of where we're going. Dave and Rob are talking about their work. I ask Rob a question about his job in Frankon. I feel as if I may have cut off their convocation but Rob was cool enough to answer me. Rob is mucking around and jumps into the passenger seat while driving and pretending to fall sleep. I don't feel too worried due to him probably having his hand still on the steering wheel. After 15 seconds of his antics, I begin to get a little worries because there's cars in front of us and unsure of how he's going to break if needed. He gets back in the front seat and let's the car veer slightly off the road and towards the safety rails beside the road. At the last second he pulls the car back into the road and continues to drive normally.

      We arrive at a turn off which leads to a main road. I see a old style car with no roof. Looks like one of those racing cars from the early days of racing. There's a man and women in the old style car and the man seems to be leaning over and talking to the girl without much attention on the road. I begin to think that it's risky. I see another car which looks similar to the previous that's in front of us. It turns onto the main road and puts his foot to the floor. They car has slow acceleration speed but after a couple seconds or so it really picks up in speed and has some power behind it.

      We reach a football oval and we're having a bit of a kick of the ball to each other. Rob boots the ball towards us but it bounces in another direction. Matt Hobs is in another group and he runs after it and kicks it back to rob. It's a great kick to him. Rob kicks to ball again to us but this time it goes over our heads. I run after it and expect no one to be after the ball. As I pick it up and turn, I see a person coming towards me. I try and do a cross over trick to confuse and get around the person but it doesn't work at all probably due to poor technique as I didn't feel too confident I'm my ability. I get a smack to the head as I tried to get around him. I wasn't too happy as we were only having fun, not playing serious. I get back to Dave and rob and explain about the cheap shot that was given to me. I think the attacker was of Maori descent. I look on a screen as if I am able to control who can play with us. I had the settings for who could play as ternease (something like that) which didn't have Australia in the category. I assume that maybe due to an Australian going after the ball, it came off as disrespectful. I find the setting for Australia which has Italy and a few other countries in it and select that.
    10. No Helmet, Hanging With Fame, Hailstones (29.7.14)

      by , 07-29-2014 at 12:54 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1
      Record at 2:10am

      I'm at a road down linsell bull. I see a police officer and he catches me without a helmet while I'm on my go cart. He smiles and can't believe I'm not wearing a helmet. He walks over towards me and I think about making a run for it but expect that my go cart won't have quick enough acceleration. He sees that I've had a recent fine for the same thing and says that I only just for my license back as of today. I'm pretty pissed off as I knew the fine was going to be another $180. I start to think to myself that I hope this is a dream or I think that as I awaken.

      Dream 2
      Recorded at 8:10am

      It's night time and I'm at a stadium. There's a group of people who are the siblings of all sorts of famous people. They're all around my age in the mid 20's. They being led out of the stadium and I choose to follow and be apart of them. A small group goes one way and the other the other, I see that the small group is less famous and I follow them. I think they're related to the owner of tackle world.

      We reach a car and a group hops into the back of a wagon (the boot), which doesn't have seats, it's just a floor. We all cram into the car boot and head off to our destination. As we're driving, some asks me to search for something and I can't figure out how to spell it. I think I even try and write it and it's as if I have fat thumbs and keep pressing the wrong letters. We're all having a laugh about what's happening. I start to feel apart or the group and feel as if I can hang with them. I look look around the car and notice more famous siblings are crammed into the front seat. I think I can see Frasier but can only see the back of his head.

      Dream 3

      Im walking down Blaxland with Dad because we heard off my brother that Jamie Lonen was moving just down the road from us. We look at the house from the outside and seem to think it's alright. We go in for a closer look and see the owner of the house talking to someone at his front door. Dad walks up the drive way and tells the owner he's just having a quick look up the drive way. The owner seems to look as if he thinks Dad is being rude by what he's doing and I somewhat agree.

      We're back home and it starts to hail pretty heavy, to the point of where it is hailing inside the house which is crazy considering the small size of the hail stones. I see Dad on the couch but he doesn't freak out about the hail stones coming inside.

      We get a knock on the door and I think I expect it to be Jamie but it ends up being Luke Brey. He's got a pram with him with a child in it. The child looks too old to be still in a pram. Luke looks to be wearing clothes that are fashionable.

      Dream Fragment:
      Daryl mentions about a fruit that combats against fat. I think that he's probably seen an advertise on a website and thought it was legit.

      Side Notes:
      Very rarely I remember a dream within only an hour or two of sleep.
    11. A Brutal Murder, Being Berated, Cars and Spiderwebs, and a School Project

      by , 07-28-2014 at 03:59 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was at work, but it looked different. We were behind the counter. I was there with a couple of other people. There was one girl there who looked very tired. She had long, straight light brown hair and very tired eyes. She was probably about my age (25) or a bit younger. She needed a ride home from work. We got into my car. I was kind of tired too. The car was driving, but I noticed that I was sitting in the back seat with the tired eyed girl.
      "I should probably be sitting in the front," I said to her. I stopped the car as we were going through this gate and got in the front seat.

      Then, there was this lively old woman with us. She was quite energetic. She wanted us to drop her off on the side of the road so she could walk to her vehicle. We did just that. We got out though as well. We were walking on the sidewalk with this woman. She had a cane, but she wasn't using it. In fact, she started to jog! We couldn't keep up with her. We then were approaching her vehicle, or at least what we thought was her vehicle. It was a golf cart. It had a black bag with a big bow on it strapped over the seat. I thought she had been very trusting to leave that outside. Upon further examination, the golf cart had this HUGE control panel. It was so big, it took up the entire front window; you could not see out of it at all. I figured that maybe it drove itself. The old woman sat down in the seat, and was wondering how you worked it. I guess it hadn't been her vehicle, but a special vehicle that the public could use to get from place to place. There was a guy there that I assumed she was asking. We walked past her and the cart.

      I dropped the tired girl off, but noticed something as I was driving. I noticed that the cart with the lady had not moved, but there were dead bodies strewn on the street by the car, about three or four of them. Holy crap, someone came and murdered them! I thought maybe a fight had broken out and gotten taken too far. I returned to the area where the cart was and saw what I had feared: The old woman was dead, along with a few others. I think I asked someone who was there if she was dead, and they said yes. I told them I had seen the scene from a distance. I started to cry.

      Then, one of the people whom I thought was dead, a blonde guy who was probably in his twenties, opened his eyes. He looked like he was in so much pain. He said nothing, but his eyes told me everything. I was broken down crying now at this point, kneeling on the ground. I started to stroke the guy's knee to comfort him. I was so happy he was alive, but I still could not stop crying. It was then that I noticed that all the other people were literally torn apart; I saw someone's head detached from their body, an arm, and other torn apart body parts. The man with his eyes open in front of me was the only one who was not torn to shreds.


      I was going to my friend Cherie's apartment. It was daytime outside and sunny. My husband may or may not have been with me, I can't quite remember. I think we had just gotten back from a vacation.

      We got to the apartment. It was much different than IWL. It was more of a town home than an apartment, and was white and clean on the outside. There were many others that looked the exact same, as you would see in a town home community. I went inside, and Jeremiah and Cherie' were there in the living room. I went into the middle of the living room.

      Then, I noticed Cortney D., a supervisor from my old job. She was standing behind the couch (at this point the apt looked a lot like my current one IWL). I "remembered" that she lived in the same complex as Cherie'. She had her hair pulled back into a small ponytail, and was wearing a black shirt with a colored shirt (can't remember the color) underneath; it looked like an outfit she would wear to work. I was excited to see her, because I always really liked her, but was afraid she would be mad at me because of the way I quit. I got her attention, and she said
      "Krista." She walked up to me with a sense of urgency. She continued,
      "Why did you do that?!"
      I tried to explain to her how awful that job was, how bad I felt we were all treated there, but she kept countering me, asking me what did I expect, it's retail. She then stormed out. I was sad that she was angry, and I kept thinking of other things I should have said, but none would have made her feel differently. I didn't understand how she could continue to settle for such a crappy job.

      Other things happened after this. I remember leaving the apartment, but nothing else.


      I was driving to my old college's campus in a new car. It was a dark grey sedan, and very nice-looking. I felt weird and tired. It was morning. I don't know why I was going there. There was some kind of big event taking place.

      I parked in a gravel lot, and walked over to where the buildings were. I sat down on a bench underneath an overhang. I noticed that lots of college kids were walking around dressed up like it was Halloween. I saw people in knight costumes, and I think some Mortal Kombat costumes as well. I did not know what was going on.

      I then realized that they were in the marching band, and today was the day that the college hosted Contest of Champions, a high school marching competition, and that they always performed a show at intermission in their Halloween costumes (this is true IWL). All the college kids then started to dance with each other. It was like they were a flash mob; they all just seemingly spontaneously started to couple off and dance. I knew that they had planned it.

      I got up to go back to my car. I went into the field where the cars were. There were many, many more now. I clicked my clicker on my keys, and some tail lights light up, so I figured I had found my car. But then, another man, an older, heavier black gentlemen, got in the driver's side. Whoa, I thought, there must be some mistake. I opened the trunk to the car, which was actually more like a minivan than a sedan. Not my car after all. I felt embarrassed for trying to get into another person's car, though he did not say a word to me about it. I kept walking.

      I kept on clicking my clicker, and I noticed that when I did, other cars' headlights would flash. What the hell? How was I ever going to find my car now?

      I then was at an impasse, literally. I had approached a fenced in area. The fence was wooden and old, and actually relatively short. The only way I could get to the other side of the fence was to open up the old wooden gate. I then called an old friend, Tori, and asked her about the car, because I knew that she had had a car like mine. She said that hers had done that too, unlocking other people's cars instead of hers. When I got off the phone with her, I went to go open the gate, but it was covered in spiderwebs! I could not get a hold on it without touching one. I saw the webs up close, and noticed that lots of ants had gotten caught in the web. I saw one get caught in it towards the top of the fence. Ugh. So gross...I hate spiders. So I looked all over the fence for a place I could touch it without getting web on my fingers, and there was none. I put my hand on it regardless, and immediately took it away again. I saw the holes in the web where my fingers had pierced it. I then briefly opened the gate, but I couldn't even go through it without walking into webs. It only opened on the bottom anyhow; I would have had to push to get it to open all the way. I considered climbing the fence. I don't remember if I ended up doing it or not, but I knew it was an unacceptable thing to do for some reason.

      Then, I was in some sort of bakery/coffee shop on campus. The interior was all wooden, and since it was summer, there were only a couple of people there. I thought maybe it was closed for the summer. I then noticed the manager, a middle-aged woman, standing in the doorway talking with another woman who looked a bit younger. She was blonde with glasses. I thought to myself that the manager must have to be here every day, even during the summer when their hours were limited. The table I was sitting at was one with Eileen, a woman from my old job. She was a regular there. I think she was eating doughnut holes. She was talking to me about coming to that place every day for breakfast. I don't remember anything else from the conversation, but we talked a bit. I think I also ate a doughnut hole. It was glazed. I think they were homemade.


      I was working on a project for a class at my apartment. I was working on it on the bed. It was supposed to be a circular cut out with whatever we liked to put in it in the center. I decided to do mine like a collage, with cutouts from magazines in it. I was going to put some pictures that I had of me, friends, and family on top of the magazine cutouts. I also was painting it. I had painted the edges of the circle green, but noticed I had gotten some paint on the sheets and on the pillowcases. Nothing I could do about it now, though. I painted some shades of blue on the inside as well, and noticed that I had made the top of the circle a light blue, and it gradually faded to a darker blue. It wasn't my intention, but I liked the way it looked.

      I had made the inner circle separate from the outer. The outer was a cut out of some construction paper that I painted green. I made the entire inner circle, and put the outer circle around it to see if it had the correct measurements. It wasn't perfect, but absolutely workable. The outer circle was a little big or small at just one area, the bottom right corner. I knew it wasn't going to be a difficult fix. I think I asked my husband about how it looked. At this point, it kind of looked like a pokeball.

      I kept thinking about the assignment, and wasn't sure if I was doing it right or not, but I didn't remember the teacher, who was the black man from my precious dream, saying anything too specific.

      Someone else was then in the apartment, a girl who was also a student. I asked her something about the assignment, about the specifics. She wasn't sure either.


      You might see my recall of last night and say "Damn, Krista, you must have gotten some good sleep to have all these dreams." That would be my first thought too, but I actually did not sleep well at all. I kept waking up every hour, and would have a lot of trouble going back to sleep. I know I dreamed way more than this too, but these are the only ones I remember. My husband also was having trouble sleeping, and he had a lot of vivid dreams as well. We made turkey burgers last night, and never have made them before. That's the only thing I can come up with for why neither of us could sleep, and we both had super vivid dreams.
    12. Think I'm Tough, Johnny Rollins (28.7.14)

      by , 07-28-2014 at 04:05 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1
      Recorded at 8:00am

      I'm at my old house and I'm sitting on the couch with my brother. Across from us is someone my brother knows who is also sitting on a couch. I'm playing a game on a device where you beat the other person up while they're eating. I tell my brother i would beat up his friend in this game. Deep down I think I would lose to this guy, but I keep acting as if I could. Brother friend says he's not feeling too well and I begin to think i have scared him out of a battle. He farts and says he's feeling much better now. I feel as if I need to fight him now that he's not pulling out.

      I'm outside a house, about to leave in a car. I see my bike near the door and notice it's not locked up. I walk over and lock it up to something. I put the lock through the spokes in the rim.

      Dream 2

      I see Johnny Rollins from 'The Voice' Australia. He's in a studio was Kylie Minogue. He's singing and gets up on the bench and really gets into his singing. Kylie and her famous friends start digging his performance. Kylie gets on the drums and starts singing along with Johnny.

      I see Johnny showing a game he's been working on. It's not fully finished. He has a hand in the game that reaches over to the enemy's side of the map. He shows some fruits in the game that are lined up. He mentions a few are coming out the same due to coding problems in the game. I see a donate button in case anyone wants to support his game.
    13. 7/6/2014

      by , 07-27-2014 at 11:10 PM
      I was at the apartments working out when I saw one of the work vans there. I parked it, got out, and walked around towards a group of people. They were my old classmates from Venezuela and a few new people. There was a pretty asian/mexican girl with black hair and I went up to talk to her. I was gonna give her a handshake but she wasn't interested. She walked away without shaking my hand and I followed behind her making small talk. She had a few papers she was holding and I don't know what happened but she gt them tangled in her hair. I offered to help and I gently untangled the papers, hurting her a few times. After I finished, she started talking to me. Joel hooked up with a girl and we all started clapping for him. I left and went to a car place to have something in my car worked on but realized that while working on it, they dropped something on the car and busted it up, which made me angry.

      I was in a room looking at my scored from MEPS. I was wearing glasses and when I took them off, my vision was blurry. I was mad because they were making my eyesight worse. I complained to some girl and she told me it would help with aiming my pistol. We went outside and engaged some CTs. We lost the first few rounds but after, we started winning.
    14. 7/4/2014

      by , 07-27-2014 at 11:00 PM
      I was looking at a baby tiger that was being researched by some scientists. I counted my fingers and appeared on the back seat of a car. I counted 6 fingers and recounted again. Then I snapped and said "This is a dream!" The dream was fading and I looked at my hands to stabilize it but a dog barked in the waking world and it made me lose lucidity and I woke up.
      Tags: car, laboratory, tiger
    15. The Smoking Hero, Making Up The Numbers (24.7.14)

      by , 07-24-2014 at 01:51 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1
      Recorded at 6:10am

      I see a scene where Ellen Degeneres is interviewing a black guy. [i think he's famous IRL]. They're sitting on single seated couches. He's smoking while getting interviewed and Ellen seems bothered by it and whooshes smoke away from her when it drifts over.

      I'm now in the car with Kayley. She's driving and I'm in the passenger seat. I see that Kayley is smoking [she doesn't smoke] and It reminds me that it need smokes for when I get home. Kayley shows me my deck of smokes which I left with her. I have a look in the pack and notice that there's quite a few still left. I see a smaller cigarette compared to the rest of them and think that it might be a joint. I think about smoking it but then think about how I usually feel when I smoke [anti-social and dumb lol]. I light up a smoke and start to smoke it [i don't smoke]. I expect it to taste like home made smokes. It doesn't have a very strong taste at all.

      I arrive at a house which is either Daryl's old house or close to it. It looks like it's been abandoned or trashed a little. I see armed forces take position outside house. I take a peek out and see that they have guns drawn. It's blurry at first when looking at the soldiers but as I focus more it becomes clear. They begin shooting in my direction and I flee into another house. This house has a futuristic feel to it. Metal walls and massive automatic opening doors, which open like a supermarket door would. I see a scene of a commercial. It's showing some text and some artwork while explaining that black people need to send this message onto a white person. For some reason I feel I should give it to Kayley. I feel bad for Kayley's house and ask her to reload the scene so I could do things differently and change what has happened.

      The scene has been reloaded and I go into Kayley's house and see that nothing is inside it.

      Dream 2
      Recorded at 8:20am

      I'm playing football on a football oval in a real match. I feel hesitant to get fully involved in the game. A couple times I get and run as hard as I can after the ball but lack top speed [I'm a quick runner IRL] to chase down the ball before the opponent reaches it.

      I see Luke Nite on the opposition team. We rough each other up a little to show that there's no such thing as mates during the game. A free kick has been given and it's up for grabs on who wants to take it. Jeff Bradsure offers to take it. He looks more leaner then he usually looks. He lines up for the shot and kicks if from the 50 meter mark and kicks it through the goals for 6 points. I start to wonder why I haven't been benched yet, due to not getting a touch of the ball yet. I look to the bench to see if we have enough players for subbing one another off and on. I could see 2-3 people on the bench.

      I'm now off the pitch and walking along side the oval. I see soldiers laying down looking for targets. I line up my gun up to head height and pull the trigger. I'm after headshots only [previous day I played a game where I needed headshots to unlock a gun]. I reach some sort of skinny trench and I think I've been spotted by the enemy near the exit. I see him and kill him also.

      I see a restricted and patrolled area up ahead. There's explosive barrels bunched up in front of the ramps from stopping people from using the ramps for riding or driving over for fun. I get on a quad bike bike and avoid the barrels and head straight for the ramps. I get a decent amount of air and seem to be having a good time. My bike begins to bounce higher and higher each time I land. It gets to the point of where I am bouncing at least 20 meters into the air. I keep just missing the barrels as I land and just my judgement. I either mention or show my Dad of what I'm doing.

      I'm now at the end of the patrolled area and it feels as if I'm at the end of a map (as if I'm I was playing a video game). I get off the bike and walk to where I expect it to end and I see that there's paint there. I try to see if I can walk beyond that point and to my surprise I could continue walking. The area seemed to be deserted and had the feeling of half night and half day.

      Side Notes:

      I have a good nights sleep. I have a decent chance to attempt a quick wild as I awaken. I see fairly vivid imagery and scenes which come and go. I stay completely still hoping for the dream to appear. I start to think about my dream I just had and figured it would be close to my time to get up, so I stop the wild attempt and focus on my last dream I have just had.
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