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    1. First Creepers, Now Lava

      by , 11-18-2011 at 07:56 AM
      A Minecraft-esque dream. I'm building some kind of fort for a home base. There is a horrible creeper attack. First one blows a hole in the wall by the storeroom. I rush in to fix it, and his buddies creep in and finish me. I respawn and am trying to work back up to what I had. I get a few items back from my death. A brigand npc captures the Vaarsuvius npc (from the Order of the Stick), but I'm not prepared to be able to rescue V. I am adding potato chips to raise walls because it's all I have.

      There are planes flying through a tunnel in the mountain with a lava river and lavafall. They are dropping water to turn the lava into sandstone.

      J offers to help rescue V. A couple other npcs come too, one being a famous adventurer dressed in tan with a tan hat and white hair and whiskers. We descend into the cave, but the footing is precarious, and there is lava. I tell my mom not to step in that shiny stuff on the step (it'd be better to fall and break a leg than to step in that). She jumps over it, too far, too clumsy, and falls in the lava. That is NOT what I meant. J and I desperately reach in and pull her out. I feel so bad and guilty that it happened that I am even distressed after I wake up. Then I realize it can't have been real lava because it didn't hurt to reach in.

      I didn't want to remember this one.
    2. My third lucid!!!!

      by , 11-12-2011 at 01:32 PM
      I'm starting to get the hang of this!
      Anyways I woke up at 2.30 naturally which isn't normal for me, so I thought since I was awake I'd try to WILD even though all of my previous attempts had failed. I entered sleep paralysis within a few minutes and then promptly fell asleep

      I found myself in a small corridor made of stone

      I was in another castle (starting to become a dream sign) I knew I was dreaming and didn't do RC's or anything. I walked through the square wooden door in front of me thinking I had to get outside and start trying things. I looked to the right, two guards were standing there looking at me. I panicked and immediately killed them both forgetting that it was a dream and that I had the time to try things out. "Not to worry" I said "because I am dreaming" I continued in the direction I was going wondering how I could get outside (My connection to the concious side of my brain wasn't very good so I didn't know much of how to go about things) I kept going until I arrived in this huge cave

      I didn't look around too much because I spotted what I thought to be a giant snake over in the corner.

      Wanting to have an epic battle like other people have had I went over to it but to my dismay it was only the skin of the huge snake. Then I remembered I killed it in an earlier non lucid dream. I floated upwards and hovered (Not flying!) and started kicking parts of the skin which then fell to the ground in a cloud of dust and for some reason ash. Then the scene changed and I lost lucidity.
      Tags: castle, cave, snake
    3. Save cave people

      , 10-17-2011 at 12:08 PM (Ley's DJ)
      Save cave people

      non-dream | dream | lucid

      This dream was interesting for me, as I never have much of these dreams, lack of fantasy.

      I was in some kinda cave with cave people. They looked like uncivilized people. Their clothes were primitive and they didn't really talk, though I still understood them. They were in need if food since they didn't have anything to plant anymore. Their sources were all used and they looked desperate. I was there with them in te cave and stood before around 20 people. They looked so desperate and hopeful at me that I decided I could control my dream to help them. I knew I could control things in my dream that I couldn't in reality, but at the same time I wasn't really lucid, probably semi-lucid.
      I went to the entrance of the cave and looked into the air. The entrance was like some kind of balcony in the air and the only place that had light and shined into the cave. I stood in the middle of the balcony, looked straight ahead and started waving my hands in circles. I started saying words in a language that I don't know, like a language of gibberish and spells. Red light flowed out of my hand in the direction I was waving. I slowly disappeared from the place and teleported to the real world, earth. I looked around and searched for something to help the cave people. I saw a pink rose in the corner of my eye and took it. I wanted to get back and started teleporting again. My hands were moving in circles again and this time there was white light moving out of my hands. As I was saying some words again, far from understandable, the thought occurred me that I might be speaking in a language the illuminati spoke and I quit talking. As I quit talking because of that I thought to myself wtf, just makes no sense, even in my dreams? I think I read and watched too many illuminati things on the Internet, really stupid
      I concentrated on teleporting again and just slowly vanished from the place back to the entrance of the cave. The people there were waiting eagerly for me and were investigating me from a distance. I held the rose before me and moved my hand around it. I put a spell on it and it started to glow. It looked pretty cool. I pointed at the rose and let everyone in the cave see it.

      I said: 'See, this will save you. The leaves of this rose can be planted and will give you lots of food. One leaf gives a lot already and all the others can give you food for a long time.'

      As I said this I let the leaves of the rose fall on the ground where they would grow. We all watched how they fell and where they would grow. Then a thought came into my mind that I should give them something extra to be sure of their needs. So I summoned another pink rose into my hand and put a different spell on it. The rose would only work if you planted it when all the other leaves of the first rose were completely done giving food.
      I told them this and emphasized that they shouldn't plant it before that time. They took the rose and put hang it up the wall. I felt happy I could help them. By now I started to feel weak and powerless. I fell down to the ground and next thing I remember someone else was on the ground too. The dream started to fade and I woke up.
    4. 12/10/11 Wednesday - Sark & The Arena

      by , 10-13-2011 at 09:55 AM

      Dream 1:
      I am on a mission. Sark is there. I am transported from my small plane to the water. I travel on some strange box-like boat that can only fit one person into a cave at the edge of the water. My father is behind bars on one end of the cave, and Sark is behind bars at the other. They argue and eventually some kind of agreement is reached. As I am leaving, I mouth "you're good" to Sark, and feel quite stupid about myself for saying such strange things.

      *Note: Sark is the villian in a series I am watching at the moment called Alias. He is quite a good looking villian

      Dream 2:
      I was in a fight between two teams in an arena. The arena appeared to be similar to the Colmen Centre at school (large indoor sports centre used for assemblies) and I was on the mezzanine floor near the far right corner. I played a very important role in the fight because I was the healer, and a very good one at that. I used my mind power to conjur coloured mists and lights around my fellow team members to heal them. I could also conjur red sparks to attack the other team. Sometimes I also summoned red clouds which caused intense itching. After a short struggle, we won the game.

      When I finished I went down the stairs and sat on the ground with these two little girls. The ground was covered in brown bark, trinkets and toys. We picked up the toys with chocolate balls in them and popped the chocolate in our mouths. I decided I didn’t want to go back to class, instead I would stay here with the girls. One of the girls left and I discovered that the remaining girl was quite intelligent, despite her young age. We talked in all seriousness for a short time. Much to my dislike, the teacher that had been patrolling the area spotted me and the girl. However, she only told me to sit on a chair instead of standing up. Shoving an extremely tall chair beneath me, the teacher made sure I was sitting down and then left.

      Eventually I decided I had to go back to class. But for some reason I was in Brisbane Grammar School (another school around my area) which was apparently connected onto my school. I tried to find my way out, seeing that there were many students that I recognized who were also lost and trying to find their way out. I followed them for a little bit, thinking it was better to stick with somebody I vaguely knew than to go off on my own in a foreign place.

      I vaguely remember there being love in my dream, but I don’t remember if I was the one feeling it or somebody else was. Or possibly I was, then I changed characters. I specifically remember being with my close friend Amsie and there was a couple kissing next to us. We were laughing about it and timing how long they kissed for on my IPod. We recorded 2 minutes and 34 seconds.

      I was in some kind of arena again. I was on one side of the arena, but I had to quickly get to the other before I became trapped by the water in between. The water was quickly rising and I had to race across the sand. There were others in front of me that seemed to have no problem with running across the sand, yet I was significantly slowed by it. However, I still made it in time.

      The scene changed. An evil rainbow, white gremlin/alien creature forced me to become a replica of itself. The creature in fact, looked a little bit similar in body shape to Squidward from Spongebob. I had to go around a shopping centre and dance with a line of people in pretty dresses. Or, to be more accurate, dance with a line of dresses with people. Some of them judged me on my dancing out of 10. I specifically remember receiving a 4 because I did not know I was being judged. The second score I received was a 7, which I was quite happy with. At the climax of the dream, the police/judges discovered what the evil gremlin thing was. I waved my hands and signalled that I was just a replica. I was not the evil gremlin thing, it was. From there I had to run for my life around the supermarket to escape the gremlin. I shook off my disguise as I went. It all turned out well in the end, although I do not remember the specific ending.

      Side notes: I woke up at about 2:00 am after my first dream, but did not wish to move and write it down. I regret this greatly as I can only remember a tiny fragment from this dream which at 2 am sounded amazing. I wish I remembered more from my second dream also, because I know there are exciting parts that I cannot recall.
    5. Looking for Cheerios

      by , 09-20-2011 at 10:16 PM (Quantiq's Progress Journal!)
      As strange as the title is I can guaraantee you the dream was even more strange. However, before I get to that: some side notes.

      Sixth DJ entry on dream views. As for my regular DJ, I have entries scattered all over the place (computer, iPhone, notebook, etc.) I'll organize it all at some point perhaps.

      Insomnia is still gone so I'm proud of that, although last night I couldn't really recall any of my dreams. Had a nice sleep though.

      Also, as promised, this is my first DJ entry with a visual element to it. So hope you enjoy all the effort I put into my 2 minute sketches.

      That's it for news today!


      September 20, 2011 - Looking for Cheerios

      Vividness: 8/10
      lucid: No.
      # of Dreams Recalled: 1 + segments.
      Dream Time: 2 hours
      Actual Time: 1 hour


      [-] Lucid
      [-] Non - Lucid
      [-] DC talk
      [-] Notes

      Had a nightmarish dream about a nightmare grocery store in a cave giving away free food for a crowd of millions.


      So I'm in this ridiculously scary dream. I just remember it being night-time and extremely dark. I was driving in a car to this event where millions of people gathered to pick up free food at this nightmare grocery store. So as I'm driving along I see emergency vehicles directing traffic around this cave in the ground. It seemed as if there were millions of people. As I'm driving a police officer directs me to a parking lot on the side of where everyone is standing.

      When I get out of the car I'm standing in this huge centre with a 100metre tall ceiling. I leave the car behind and try to find a way in to the cave. Since we were underground in this centre, there seemed to be doors on the wall of the centre which people could use to get inside the cave / nightmare grocery store. Walkways surrounded the place and I went on one to try and see if I could get inside from there, however in the end I found it that it was an illusion. The walkways led no where and you would actually need to walk around to the cave entrance to get in.

      I walked back the way I came from with the route I took to get to the parking lot. Eventually, I end up in the centre of where everyone is standing and find out I need to jump into the hole in the ground. Most people hesitated to jump because it was a pretty high fall but after a while people jumped in.

      The Cave Entrance.

      I jump in. The place I'm standing in now looks like an extremely hellish place. The floors were red and rocky. The atmosphere was cold and people inside looked absolutely miserable in the dark environment. However, people stayed. The environment might have sucked but the free food was something everyone came for. Strangely enough, I ended up having a craving for cheerios and I went out on a search to find some.

      Imagine this but packed with people and groceries.

      I searched for a box of cheerios for a while when I saw one in this room I was standing in. However, as I tried to grab it a mother with her family just stood there looking at me and said, "That is not your box, go find your own." Hungry, I tried to lie about it just grab the box of cheerios. "Uhmm... I'm pretty sure this is mine, I left it here when I went to go look for my shoes."

      Worst Excuse Ever.

      The woman just looked at me with a strange look on her face. She wasn't buying it. So instead of arguing with her I just decided to give up on that box and find another somewhere else. Eventually, I get to this giant lava pool which was the grocery store's bakery section. I thought to myself, "Ah, they have to have it here. This place is huge!"

      I enter the room and see a staff member stocking the shelves of the bakery section which bordered the giant lava pool. "Excuse me," I said, "Do you happen to have cheerios here?"
      "No, not here. However you can get them from this room up ahead. The only thing is that you need to go through this life-threatening type puzzle." (sort of like portal with a lot of deadly lasers)

      I couldn't believe this. I ended up trying the puzzles but I was to scared that I would die so I went back to talk that guy again. Just as I walk up to him I see a box of cheerios on the shelves. Quickly, I grab the box and few other baked goods and run off.

      I walk through this hallway where I see my friends from school. They start talking to me about how much food they have eaten. I just see P.K. standing there with all this food in his hand and I start laughing at how much of a pig he is. (He's a pig in real life too, just can't gain any weight for some reason). M.C. starts talking to me, "Hey did you hear about this kid who had to go to hospital?"
      "No. What happened?"
      "Well apparently, there was this kid who had to go to hospital because he ate too much and insisted his parents that he was fine and should eat more."
      When I heard that I became a bit shocked and stopped eating.

      Finally, I leave my friends and head out of the cave with the cheerios box. I walk out of the cave and see that something had happened outside but my dream ended before I could see what was actually going on.

      Updated 09-20-2011 at 10:25 PM by 48659

      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    6. 7th August 2011

      by , 08-12-2011 at 12:28 AM
      I am in water with about 4 or 5 other people, the water is a little muggy. Agiant plant is after us, I remember something about "scooby-doo", maybe someone said it or it was someones name like "scooby" or something. Anyway this plant is after us, a girl who I was with hit it with fire power and blasted it out of the way. This girl is slim with long blonde hair. Now she has blasted it we swim past to a cave of some sort, this cave was also filled with water, we have to swim under it to get to safety in this big house like place.
      I am in this large room, the room is like a house, no upstairs or seperating walls etc just a big room. I see glass windows and a glass door, well more like glass french doors. I am with about 4 or 5 other people. This room is like some kind of meeting place. We are all standing about and then 2 of the males there say "Coming for a swim in the swimming area?" I thought this was a little strange because the water wasn't safe. 3 of them went in and got to the safe area of the water, the girl with long blonde hair went in after them but very shortly after she came back up and came into the room...she was couging and as she leaned over a little she spat some green algie out of her mouth, this was due to her going into the bad water. I remember water surrounding the meeting place where we were. ((Dream Skip)) I am now the blonde haired girls boyfriend , we are in the "safe water" and we are playing "catch ya!" I catch her and hold her then I kiss her LMAO eek:. I remember feeling that she was totally in love with her boyfriend/me.
    7. Apparently I've played too much gmod recently

      by , 08-10-2011 at 12:43 AM (The journey of JussiKala)
      I was "playing" gmod (though the dream was in 1st person perspectie with nothing outside of the game and all the visuals life like). (it's a sandbox game where you build stuff) with some folks from the other internet forum I am on. One of them was building this highly realistic cave like sturcture in the middle of the map. I was passively observing the construction process while I was messing with my train carriage system I had built for the track on the map. At one point, this dude invited me to try the cave structure out. I went in, he put and froze a big boulder in the opening of the cave, so I couldn't get out. I walked inwards, the cave was sloping downwards. At one point, I saw bars like those from a jail cell in t he middle, and I continued, I knew this was a map change in game, even though I was technically in the game myself, and not just controlling it. I went through a fwe more of those, and finally arrived at this longer corridor. At the end there was this dark haired young girl singing awkwardly and sadly and staring at me. She got up and started walking towards me. Then she jumped towards me at inhumane speeds. I tried to noclip but instead hit my head on the ceiling. I went through a few map changes while trying to get out, but in the end, the cave was a maze of sorts, and I couldn't find my way out. Dream end.
      Tags: cave, girl, gmod
      non-lucid , nightmare
    8. MMRLRPG (Massive Multiplayer Real Life Role Playing Game)

      by , 08-04-2011 at 11:19 PM (I Have a Problem)
      Date: 05-16-11
      Length: 2 Hours
      Vividness: 9/10

      I was at Santa Barbara High School and I had just transferred back. I was sad because next year, my girlfriend Dakota would be at City College, but I would be at SBHS. I lived along the shore line near her dad's house.
      THe next thing I remember, I was at the beach hanging out. I did this weird thing where I was laying on the sidewalk and started crawling forward. I thought it'd be a cool camera shot.
      I walked to a somewhat large island and laid down. I walked away for a second, and when I came back, some guy and girl had taken my spot.
      I said, "Hey, not cool man."
      I sat down and we all started talking.
      Suddenly, the island began to vibrate a little bit. It began moving as we were on it, and we started moving towards a big cliff. I looked behind us and there was a man sitting on some vehicle which must have been an island mover (obviously).
      He stopped at the big cliff and he told us to all get off the island.
      We hopped down and began to swim toward the cave that went upwards with a ladder. We had no light and I said that I was too low of a level to go up there, and I was going to die from the monsters. Two other guys went up there instead, and a few minutes later, came back down with a basket of rare items.
      We got back on the island, which was now reduced to the size of a boogie board. We swam back to shore while I carried all the items in my inventory (goodness I am a nerd).
      As we got to the store to sell stuff, the guy who went into the cave was suddenly a dog, which was his in-game character. He traded me, and my inventory screen popped up. I put in all the items and confirmed. I realized I forgot something so I tried to trade him back, but I couldn't figure out how.

    9. The torture game

      by , 07-28-2011 at 12:48 AM (The journey of JussiKala)
      This is a memorable dream from a couple of months back I thought I had listed up but apparently didn't. Worth listing anyhow. (Note: I have a gazillion ones I could list but my dreams are so nonsensical that I rarely do)


      So I was on this field with a few of my close family and friends. A couple of trees and a grassy ground. There was this slight hilltop. I approached it. On the top there was this ancient looking well, built from big stone blocks that had vegetation growing on them. I hear faint whispers from the well. I summon a couple of my family members to listen too. They too hear it all. Soon, my vision blurs, and we are sucked into the well.

      We find ourselves on the floor of a big cave. There's a couple of hallways leading somewhere. And the well is still visible upwards. We pick one of the hallways, which is not cave anymore, but rather a mayan looking underground structure. We continue walking through it and hear the same whispers throughout. At some point, the voices got louder. The voice was a loud low pitched male sound with a sadistic tone to it. It informed us that we were there and stuck, and that he was going to play games with us.

      So we spend hours wondering around while the voice with his powers traps us in individual rooms, tortures us, and releases us and so on. The thing says he'll give us one chance to get out. We are going to have to play ball with him, literally. There was this game of what was kinda like football, but all moves allowed, where the voice summoned living statues, again in the mayan artistic style, to act as players on the field in the game. A friend of mine scores and the entity lets him go. We continue playing, and ultimately loose, resulting in us being tortured to death by the stone giants beating us down.
      Tags: cave, game, mayan, torture
      nightmare , memorable , non-lucid
    10. The Mind journal

      by , 07-25-2011 at 02:37 PM (Shooting from the Sun: Solarflare)
      I was recording the last 2 dreams in this journal, in a dream journal, in my dream. While i was doing this, i was reliving the dreams, talk about deja vu O_O
    11. The littlebigplanet creation station

      by , 07-25-2011 at 02:35 PM (Shooting from the Sun: Solarflare)
      I was in the littlebigplanet create mode. I was playing a level in create mode online and i had to reach all the people in the level and then create my own part to it for them to create. I soon went through the twisty craves and such and i reached them. instead of making my own level, i quit and went to create mode and chose a background. There were tons, but there was a big, med, small version for 1. I clicked small. There were pink trees. Soon it led to a neighbourhood. So i quit. Med led to orange trees.

      I dont remember the rest
    12. Tiger Swimming a non lucid 7/16/11

      by , 07-16-2011 at 07:55 PM (Mancon's Wild and Crazy Adventures in the Dream World)
      Didn't have any lucids last night, sadly but I did have some pretty interesting non lucids. Here's one of them:

      I was watching a tiger slowly walking in a wet forest. The tiger started running extremely fast when it jumped off a cliff, into a lake.

      The lake water was a vibrant blue and the tiger was a pro at swimming. It was like a dolphin. It could dive down and come shooting back up.

      I watched it go underwater and into this underwater cave. The cave was full of crystals and diamonds and the tiger seemed like it could breath underwater. It kept going deeper into the cave when it literally melted into the wall. It left a hieroglyph imprinted into the wall.

      I might go try to find the same cave when I become lucid again. I'll add it to my goals.
    13. Gun/Moosehead Fragments

      by , 06-30-2011 at 06:42 AM
      Had these dreams last night, but now I can hardly remember any of them. Still wanna record them though.

      First part: I was shooting a gun. It was really big and silver, but had glowy purple streaks on it and the bullets exploded when they hit things. I was at a target range but instead of shooting at the fake paper-people I was shooting at real people. But they just kind of stood there like they were drugged up or something.

      Second part (There was a lot more, but I only remember this part): I was like this lion-thing, and my friend was like this deer-thing. I was normal colored, but my friend was dark grey. We weren't exactly those types of animals but that's as close as i can get to describing our appearances. At first we were regular people, though. We were standing in a wheat field talking about something, and I don't remember what, but my friend was getting really angry at me. She was giving me these death glares for whatever reason, and I felt like I didn't deserve them. She turned around and started to ignore me. Then a group of people came running at us. They were all decked out in tribal paint and had on hula skirts and stuff, and they wanted to kill us. We ran away and managed to get a good distance between us and the people, but then I tripped over a bump in the ground. When I stood up we were the animals I mentioned earlier.

      There was fire everywhere, and I was about to run through it and hope I didn't die when my friend pointed out that the 'bump' I tripped over was actually a hole. We went down the hole to an underground cave. It was really big, and had a green glow. For some reason I kept calling it a limestone cave. There were all sorts of dangerous ledges and paths, and below us was pure blackness. It looked like if you fell of you'd keep falling. We wandered around for a bit until we found a ladder back up to the prairie. Somehow, even though we were still animals, we climbed the ladder. When we were above ground again, instead of being on the field, we were climbing up the side of a canyon. There wasn't any ground anymore, just the bottom of the canyon, and I don't know what happened to the cave, so we had to keep climbing the ladder.

      We made it to a ledge and got off the ladder, so it was behind us acting as a 'guard rail' so we couldn't fall off. There was a split in the canyonside in front of us, and it looked like rocks had tumbled into the split filling it up. It was really narrow, and almost vertical, but we were still able to climb up it. My friend had made it to the top where it was flat, but I was still climbing when the tribal people showed up again. I couldn't really defend myself where I was so I just kept climbing. One of them wearing this weird moosehead type of hat started stabbing me with his spear. (His hat looked like moose antlers, and was about the same size, but it was made of gold.) One time when he stabbed me his spear got stuck in me, so when he tried to yank it back he fell off. His hat fell off too, and landed on my head somehow.

      When I got to the top finally, all the tribal people gasped and started clapping and cheering. I just looked around like 'wtf', and my friend told me the moosehead hat was a symbol to them or something. I said, "well I guess they don't care that i just killed that guy then", but then the original moosehead guy popped up from where we climbed and was clapping too. His head was really gross; it was all lumpy and disfigured like the hat was hollow and his head had grown into it, leaving it the shape of the moose antlers. Which makes me question how the hat came off his head in the first place... Anyways, we were back to being people now. I gave them back their hat and we ran away (on the field again now) in case they changed their minds and wanted to kill us again. Then I woke up.

    14. 012: Otaku stalker

      by , 06-23-2011 at 05:29 PM (Tides of Sleep)
      June 23, 2011

      Sleeping over in a hotel room tonight. Have been going to bed very early since coming back to the states. I haven't written any of my dreams down for awhile so I figure now's as good a time as any. At the last dream I started to become a little lucid seeing as I was waking up every five minutes to the sound of my mom's alarm clock. Recurring themes of school and crossdressing.

      Entry 012
      I'm in a cave, swimming in a clear underground lake. Around me I can see my old classmates swimming as well, though none of them are distinct. The teacher is a woman with dark hair pulled back into a bun and a thin, delicate face. Although I've never had a teacher who looked like her, she seems familiar. She pulls out an old photograph of her and her family and lays it on the rocky shore of the lake. "Bring me tokens, then we can move on." I don't know what she means, but I dive to the bottom of the lake and place a smooth pebble on top of the photo. My classmates bring other things they find and place them on the photo as well.

      We're going somewhere now, we walk into a huge chamber with a waterfall.


      I'm in Tokyo, and I'm Japanese. For some reason I'm dressed up like a man and wearing a police uniform. It looks like my disguise has fooled everyone. Well, everyone but one guy. In Akihabara some otaku wearing a long white coat and huge coke bottle glasses spots me and knows I can't be a man. He starts to stalk me. I don't start to run really, but I'm definitely trying to lose him. I come to a tall tower. The otaku sees a baby nearby and steals it, knowing I won't run away while he's putting the life of an infant in danger. I somehow outsmart him and retrieve the baby, ringing the doorbell of the tower and giving it back to the confused Japanese housewife inside. From there on the dream morphs into some kind of parkour chase across Tokyo, with only occasional pauses whenever I think I've lost him.


      I'm with my friend Jane, and we're at some kind of anime convention. We're both wearing costumes that disguise us as men, but the people at the convention can tell from our faces that we're girls. We're wearing tight under-armor shirts with padded muscles and tight skinny jeans with sneakers. We look convincing. We're there for some kind of competition. We walk into a packed room and head for the makeshift stage at the front. We're in a line of other costumed groups. The audience appears to be picking its favorite groups from the line up, shouting whenever the ones they like are mentioned. Our names are called out and we flex and pose for the crowd. We get a huge response, we move on to the next round.

      Next round and we're on stage with different costumes this time. Now we're wearing fluorescent pink and yellow pixie-cut wigs and matching tutus. Now we're competing against just one other group for the semi-finals. The last challenge is to dress up a girl from an audience to match us. I pick out a girl with brown hair tied up in a braid. For some reason Jane has left the stage and I have to do the makeup all by myself, even though I have no idea how. I spend the entire time allotted applying pink lipstick to the girl. Somehow, though, when she walks to the front of the stage, she looks just like us. We move to the semi-finals, but once there we lose because my design on the girl wasn't original enough. I have become somewhat lucid at this point due to an alarm clock, and I feel curious about how my makeup actually looks. I look in a mirror and look strangely old underneath the makeup. I can see wrinkles cracking the top of my upper lip and bags pulling down my eyes. It scares me.

      I wake up.

      Updated 06-23-2011 at 05:32 PM by 44427

      lucid , non-lucid
    15. Lucid Dreams 232, 233, 234

      by , 06-18-2011 at 01:57 PM (KingYoshi's Dream Journal...My World is Different)
      May 12, 2011
      Lucid Dream 232: Disappearances
      Series: Sexcapades, Episode 9

      I was walking around Virginia Tech's campus with a girl I know, "NC." I can't remember what we were doing, but I started to suspect I was dreaming for no apparent reason. I didn't bother performing a RC, after a few moments thought, I knew I was dreaming. I told her to, "Watch this!" I took two momentum boosting steps and dove into flight. I flew across the drill field and spotted a target. It was some asian guy with glasses and a backpack. I leaned my body forward and gained some speed just before I slammed my shoulder into him. After spearing him, I turned to find my next victim. I noticed a couple was walking and holding hands. I took flight again and slammed into the back of them. They both toppled over and their books scattered across the sidewalk. I flew back over to NC and she looked angry. She said, "Why are you such an asshole?" I laughed and said, "This is my dream. I'll do whatever I want."

      I grabbed NC around the waste and flew straight up into the air. We hovered around the clouds for a moment and I started kissing her neck. She suddenly disappeared completely. I chalked this up to a stabilization issue. Even though my dream looked perfect, I stabilized a bit. I was now in a completely different area of VT's campus. I flew over to one of the dorm rooms and entered. I looked around until i found a group of females in one of the rooms. I walked in and said, "Am I late?" One of the girls shook her head no. I walked up to her and began kissing her. The girls started stripping and I said, "Ok, everyone get super pornstar material with this, so we can send it in and win the cash!"

      There were now more girls in the room than when I had first entered. A group of about five of them were doing their thing on the bed. I was tending to three over by the computer desk. I suddenly noticed some weird looking guy with glasses walking around the room. He had the butterball physique and was wearing glasses that made his eyes look huge. I just laughed and continued proceeded to place myself within one of the females. Suddenly, all of the girls disappeared instantly. The dream didn't fade or anything, but I found myself standing there with my pants down. The weird butterball guy was still in the room. He looked directly at my junk, started laughing, and then ran out of the room. I took off running after him, but he was nowhere to be found.

      I flew around campus for a bit and thought, "This is one of the few times I have actually dreamed about being on campus." I spotted an incredibly attractive asian chick and flew toward her. I just started kissing her and she began rubbing on my crotch. Suddenly, she disappeared as well. I heard laughing behind me and I turned around. The weird butterball guy was holding a TV remote and trying his best to suppress his hysterical laughter. I thought, "What is with this guy?" I took flight toward him as he attempted to run away. I grabbed the back of his shirt and flew high into the air. He was still laughing when I let go of him. He laughed hysterically the whole time he was falling and then he splattered on the pavement below. It was quite gruesome to be honest. I was flying around campus looking for some more hot females when I awoke from the dream.

      Series Details
      Class is thrown out the window in the dream series, "Sexcapades." Not unlike your favorite porn video, I unleash my inner "Ron Jeremy" and give those DCs what they are looking for ! Stay tuned for more entries to the series!

      May 15, 2011
      Lucid Dream 233: Theft of the Commander in Chief
      Series: 108 Stars of Destiny, Episode 9

      I was at a meeting with a group of very wealthy and important people. Everyone was wearing suites and smoking cigarettes from those long, thin, fancy holders. I was in some sort of secret group and these rich people were going to fund our mission. We were planning on abducting the President of the United States. Actress, Diane Kruger and Nicolas Cage were going with me. This fancy party/meeting was taking place on the roof of a building. The building that the president was currently in could be seen in the background. The dream skipped ahead.

      We were in a van and were pulling up to the back of this building. There had been some sort of important get together and the President was making his exit through the back. I became lucid as we were waiting for the president to come out of the building.

      I decided this plot was really cool, so I just kept going along with it. Soon, a group of people stepped out into the parking lot we were in. I said, "Time to move!" Diane stayed at the wheel of the van as me and Nicolas Cage opened the doors and took off running toward the president. I thought to myself, "I hope we get him before the soviets get here!" Suddenly, the large concrete wall that surrounded the parking lot and building cracked. There was a loud boom as several mech units (large robots) busted through the wall. I took flight and kicked the president's body guards in the face. The president was the same one from the movie "National Treasure." I grabbed the president's arm and pulled him along as we ran back toward the van.

      I looked back and noticed that the robots had one gun arm and the other arm was holding a light saber. One of the robots shot Nicolas Cage and then stomped him into the ground. I opened the door to the van and threw the president inside head first. I told Diane to get out of here and I'll fight off the robots. She took off and left the area. I turned back and saw that a new robot had joined the party. It was a robot in the form of a giant lizard.

      I jumped into the air and landed on one of the standing mech units. I ripped of his robot gun arm and began shooting the other robots as I walked backwards away from the scene. I was in a shootout with the mech units for a bit before taking all three of them out. The only thing left was the lizard robot. I shot it up, but the bullets just bounced off. I took off running around the corner of the building. I spotted a trash can laying on the ground and said out loud, "Nice! I forget she planted a bomb for me in here!" I opened the lid of the trashcan and pulled out this weird looking device. I tossed it around the corner of the building and waited. The lizard walked around the corner and the bomb-thing was in its mouth. I shot the bomb with the gun arm and it blew the lizard mech to pieces. Suddenly, about 20 more robots jumped over the wall and were running toward me. I shouted, "Back-up!" Not really knowing what would happen. About ten or so swat members came running around the corner and started shooting at the robots. One of them looked at me and said, "Do you know a way out of here?" I responded, "Yeah, there is a cave system around here somewhere!" The guy said, "I know where it is, follow me!" I noticed the guy looked familiar. I followed hima round the parking lot for a bit and we finally found the opening to the cave.

      We entered the cave and the guy took his helmet off. It was Wolverine (Hugh Jackman). I told him to show me his claws and he popped them out of his knuckles. I said, "I could definitely use those claws of yours in our army." He asked what my army did and I responded, "Well, all you would have to do is drink some beer and kick some ass." He smiled and held out his hand. I shook it and said, "Welcome aboard." He replied, "I can sing too." I told him that I heard him sing at the Oscars and he started talking about Broadway and about how magical it is to be on stage. I just ignored him as he rambled on about nonsense. I was having fun jumping over large pits and climbing around in the caves. We finally came to a ladder and I started climbing up out of the cave. Before I reached the top, the dream started to fade. I stopped and tried to stabilize. I managed to hold on for a few more moments, but it soon fizzled completely out.

      Series Details
      Welcome to the epic dream series known as, "The 108 Stars of Destiny." Follow me as I build the most powerful army the dream world has ever seen. Along with the help of 108 key recruits, I take on the dream world and elevate to god-like status! Will anyone stand in my way? Stay tuned for more entries to the series!

      108 Stars of Destiny
      NEW 14 - Wolverine - The Death Claw Star

      May 18, 2011
      Lucid Dream 234: The Choice
      Series: The End of Days, Episode 2

      I was with a group of people partying at a pond. There were several small wooden boats floating on the edges of the pond and it seemed to be evening time. Mike B and P was there with me, along with several other people. They started talking secretively about something and I overheard them. I asked what they were talking about and they tried to play it off. I said, "Look, I already know what its about, just tell me what you said." They started talking to me about having the "potential." The conversation suddenly felt very dark. Mike started talking about using certain powers to manipulate people and work our way to the top. He talked about us becoming the strongest and ruling the world. I suddenly became lucid.

      I looked at Mike and P and said, "I am dreaming right now." P said, "Of course you are. This is the only way to talk to you about this." I was interested in what was going on so I played along with everything. Mike said all we have to do is take in the powers of the Yokai. I looked at them and said, "You two already have...haven't you?" They shook their head and said they had. I looked at them and said, "If I do this, I am doing it big. I will become the most powerful being in existence. My goal WILL be the world at my hands." Mike said, "Yeah, I can imagine being the most powerful." I looked at him and said, "No, no, you won't be the most powerful. I will be the leader and grow the most powerful...but every King needs his entourage. I will take you guys with me to the top." I started thinking about it and said, "Man, this is such a dark, dark path to take."

      The sky began to get darker and darker and darker until it was pitch black. There were several fires around the pond, so i could still see around me. Mike said, "Yeah, and there is a lot of competition out there. Some class 5's even." I looked at them and said, "So what class are you guys?" They told me they were class 3's. I asked what class I would be and they said I would start out as a class 4. I would be the highest starting out of anyone in history. Mike started talking about how the world was ending soon and there were so many people who have already turned. Red lights that resembled stars starting showing up along the horizon. He said, "Each red light represents someone who has taken in the Yokai." I asked who the most powerful was and they pointed to the light. I said, "That is where we will go first." Suddenly, a set of stairs started to form on the nearby hill. Red neon lights began lighting the stairs. Two beautiful, but deadly looking women took each arm and started walking with me up the stairs.

      I had only took a few steps up when I thought of my family. I began to wonder if this was actually happening. I wondered if maybe I was actually about to cross over into darkness. I looked at the top of the stairs and I could see a large flaming archway. Suddenly I heard a country song start playing in the background. It was Rodney Atkins, "If your going through hell, keep on going. Don't slow down, if you're scared don't show it. You might get out before the devil even knows your name..." I pulled my arms free from the girls who know looked very demonic. I stepped back into the water and started slowly drifting away from the steps. P and Mike looked shocked and said, "What do you think you are doing?" I told them that I had to think about it. Mike looked at P and said fearfully, "We can't tell "him" what happened." P said, "Well, we can't tell him it happened like this." Some girl was also in the water as I drifted passed her. She said, "You understand this is evil don't you. We are evil." I said, "Yeah, of course I do." I drifted and swam slowly to the other end of the pond and got out. I seriously felt like I had just dodged a bullet. Mike called out, "Think about it." I suddenly found myself awake in my bed. It was weird because I didn't even notice I had woke up. I performed a nose pinch, but I was indeed awake.
      I thought, "Well, that was definitely a weird one."

      Series Details
      In the dream series, "The End of Days," the world is coming to a close. With the hype surrounding 2012, many of these doomsday dreams have been popping up. See the events of the apocalypse unfold with more entries to the series.
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