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    1. bungee cord bandits

      by , 12-09-2011 at 05:44 PM
      second dream of the week where i am in a group escaping from some kind of chasing group. first one we were in an armoured bus with bullets whizing past but last nights was more fun. was in the park (brocket) and involved in some kind of war game type op. the chasers were catching people with these bungee cord type things that they fired like arrows or something, then pulled you towards them. i never got caught despite sometimes having some trouble moving. the last thing i remember was going to hide in some little bushes with some old guy. then i floated back down and over the river to a group of old mates sat there
      Tags: bungee, escape
    2. The Elevator

      by , 12-01-2011 at 07:01 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I am facing an elevator, and I jumped inside. I am trying to escape something. I look at the numbers, and chose one. The number 10 lit up on the elevator. I think it's the top floor. I also "sensed" that there are some "floors" that lead to death, with some strange symbols on the list. I recall one was particular colored bloody red, outlined in black.

      There are people in the elevator. I'm not sure if they were there when I entered, or if they entered along the floors. I vaguely remember stopping in one floor and deciding it's not the right place.

      Finally, I reached the "right" place. The door opened, and I saw a line of people, facing right (if I look at them from inside the elevator), with a trail of people going to the left. They were not looking at the elevator, and none turned their heads when the door opened; they were looking directly ahead. They're wearing informal clothing.

      I went out, along with a companion, and moved to the "right," the place where the line of people were looking. Then my companion (male) reminded me of my book. I saw I left it on the elevator floor. There were still some people inside. They were wearing formal clothing. I went in, picked it up, and left. The line of people are still there. Were they even planning to get inside the elevator?

      I walked off, and saw the place is like a factory.

      Mood: busy

      NOTES: The keywords I wrote when I woke up: elevator, death, escape, left book inside elevator, turn right. I remember the elevator, book and turning right, but I'm not sure sure why death and escape were there, so I just tried to recreate it.
    3. Underneath the Palace

      by , 11-17-2011 at 07:24 AM
      I am at some sort of outdoor eatery. I am a secret agent or spy or something. There is a monastery and bones of a large animal or dinosaur. I? we? are resisting some sort of evil force in the city.

      I am working for/with a king. I make a knife/dagger that has a bone handle with a sapphire in it.

      I am in the dungeon or sewer underneath the palace/castle. I find some sort of portal to another dimension and go through it. I talked with many of the people there. On my way back out, I am in a strange chamber. It is flooding with lava or water. I find a strange statue and sit on it. I get some sort of hoverboard and use it to escape.

      There is a usurper, protected by strange technology (a force field). We fight.
    4. The Dream of the Apocalypse Train

      by , 11-11-2011 at 07:03 PM (Folqueraine's Oniric List)
      The Dream of the Apocalypse Train (Non-lucid)


      The end of the world is coming. Part of the population can be saved, and in an original twist, actually the majority: there is enough room to host 90% of the world's population in bunkers.
      The chosen are being evacuated by train, and I'm part of them with my parents and my own. We go to the station and board the train. But I'm not sure that my best friends are evacuated, and I'm not feeling too enthusiastic at the idea of being at the hands of the military, so at the last minute I get off the train. I just have time to shout to my family: "I love you" before the train takes off, thinking that I'll never see them again.
      Then I find myself with the 10% left behind. I go to a small town near mine.
      Influence: this is the hometown of a colleague of which we talked recently. The people are in a kind of stupor.
      I think I need wool to knit a hat for the incoming (nuclear? volcanic?) winter, so I go to this wool shop.
      Influence: I mentionned the town's sewing shop to my colleague. There are actually quite a lot of people in the shop. I explore every shelf but I can't find the colour and texture I'm looking for. Influence: I failed to find proper yarn on this island.
    5. Dream Like a Movie

      by , 11-08-2011 at 10:01 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      I seemed to coriograph my dream. As I would think it, so it happened.

      I was escaping something. It seemed as though I was watching a movie from the standpoint of one of the characters.

      Other folks were running away on land. I saw a waterfall and thought that one might escape that way, but it would be dangerous as you could slip on rocks if you jumped to a lower level. There I was jumping to the next level down on the waterfall.

      The waterfall was a couple more levels down to the bottom and I had to finish my jump. I jumped down, but instead of a waterfall level, it was some steel structure. I landed on it and jumped off to the pool below. I thought how someone could just dive in, but it might be shallow, so they would have to come back up pretty much immediately, and that is exactly what I did.

      Now I saw the other people running about a hundred feet away in the day. There was brush for cover. I was away from them. I thought I had a better chance of escaping if I were separate from the crowd. It was night where I was.

      I was crouched down in a forest of large trees. Men on horseback came riding past. There were about 10 of them. I didn't know why they didn't see me, but they didn't.

      The dream skipped to where I was somewhere else. There was a college campus scene, which I pretty much forget. Then on to an old ship.

      On the ship, there was a communication invention. It worked like Morse Code, but it was made up of several strange pieced to assemble it. I was trying to save it...from something...and because I wanted it and it was valuable, but the main reason was because it had to be kept secret like nostrodomos kept his visions and research secret. It was very mid-evil.

      I should have journaled this earlier, but I got most of the salient points.
    6. Number 1! Endless halls.

      by , 10-27-2011 at 06:15 PM (TwinkleFairy Tutu)
      I am gong to start with a short introduction. Hi I am TwinklefairyTUTU (not "tut") and I am 21. I have not had fully lucid or vivid dreams. I have had some dreams where I realise I am sleeping and change one thing then go back into it. Well... actually i had one that I drifted in and out of knowing and then started controlling near the end. It took some effort to change things but I guess i did. I would however like to start off by sharing a non-lucid dream. It is a dream that has been in my head forever. The most vivid dream I have had and the only one in which I can remember every detail. I could not forget about it so i wrote it as a short story. I had planned on turning it into a ong story but did not get far. I have a lack of motivation, confidence and inspiration. Anyways, it is written in the form of a story so it may seem false but every detail is correct in refards to my dream. I hope you like it. I believe the only difference is that it is told in third person and I gave the runner a name, sort of. In my dream I was the runner and it was first person however I did not have an identity. Oh! and in the end of the dream I was a camera in the sky staring at bloody tire trails and such on the road. I decided to leave that out.

      I call it. endless Halls.
      He reached the top of the short vertical section of the vent. A small spot of blood sat near the top corner after his head beat off of the top and he landed on his feet. He did not have time to care about the gash which just opened up on the top of his head. The teenage boy continued to run through the large-dark vent, without looking back. He could not hear his pursuer, but could sense his presence. The boy felt a change of density in the floor and put his hands in front of him right before hitting a wall. He was in a hallway. The terrified teenager pushed away from the wall and headed down the corridor as his eyes slightly adjusted to the darkness and he could tell where the walls were. He ran past closed doors and barely missed multiple small tables. The boy took many turns in this seemingly endless and empty building.
      The number of residents in this hellish building was well known to be very large by all of those inside but kept secret from all outsiders. No one from the outside world had any clue what went on inside this building or what the kids inside had to deal with. Many scared children and teenagers sat behind the hundreds of doors. Many, too disturbed to sleep and most , too scared to lay awake. Two-hundred-twelve, was what the boy had been used to answering too. It was the number on his room door. All of these things raced through his head as he raced down the hallway, along with questions. “What do I do? What happens when I get to the end? Is anyone ever going to find out and help?” He knew that his master would be angrier then ever before when he was caught and he knew that more than one person was willing to catch him. What he did not know was if he would survive what they would do to him.
      Around the next turn sat several young children. A boy and girl were on one side of the hall and another boy on the other. There was a small table on both sides but still room to run between with no problem. The lonely boy sat, huddled against the side of the table, facing away from the direction of Two-hundred-twelve.
      On the other side of the hall the girl was also crying. “I’m scared. We should go back.”
      The second boy held her hand tight and led her forward as they constantly looked around. “I can’t. I’m scar…” His eyes widened. “Shh.” He dropped to the ground behind the table close by and pulled the girl to him. He stuck his face into the wall and stayed tight into the corner as the footsteps got closer. He held little doubt that the darkness would not hide them, but was still covered with fear. The teenage escapee bolted passed them and they froze in fear.
      Two-hundred-twelve had no idea where he was heading but he took even more turns. “These hallways can’t really be endless. I have to come to something else eventually. I think I have been all over this floor before and it has some other areas. Yes!” He could see light peeking around the next corner and followed it. The hallway grew brighter as he got further and the white end finally opened up into a large room.
      The room was well lit with all white surfaces and many tables. This white cafeteria had a straight wall along the right which led to a ramp to another eating area only a few feet lower. A beautiful woman in the lower area noticed the boy as he sprinted between the tables toward the rounded ledge along the left.
      “Hey.” The woman screamed a simple alert and the boys master emerged from the hall behind him. Two-hundred-twelve vaulted over the rail and landed hard on the lower area.
      “Stop him!” His master followed his exact trail. The boy began to feel hope and jumped onto and over the first two tables. The woman’s hand barely missed his foot and she grunted as her gut hit the second table and she watched him escape.
      Two-hundred-twelve could not help but let out a small smile as he stared through the glass wall ahead of him and into the dark city. He could see the rooftops of some of the largest buildings in the city. They were very high up.
      The master yelled as he attempted to reach his target but missed by several feet. “Stop!”
      Two-hundred-twelve lowered his head and covered with his arms, embracing himself for the next step. His feet push off the floor and the smash echoed through the room and nearby halls. He removed his arms and stared at freedom, hundreds of feet below. The streets were fairly busy in this part of town even in the middle of night. The black-velvet road was in his direct path and he suddenly felt fear. “Oh no. This the end, The painful end…” then his smile came back, “This is the end. The painless end.” Only freedom existed in the boys body as it smashed into the road and over an oncoming car, which skid to a stop.
      The smashed window was to high to notice from the streets and the master stared down at the scene. “Damn.” His handsome face was covered with anger. He needed to be in control and this time he was not, He made it clear that he did not like this, and his other subjects would pay for it. Kids were secretly watching from the nearest dark areas in the hallways and they knew things would get worse for them. They watched in fear and jealously as they attempted to create their own plan.
      “Get this fixed right away.” The master removed his glare from the roads and walked away. The audience scattered and retreated back to their rooms as quickly and quietly as possible.

      Updated 10-29-2011 at 01:25 AM by 50725

      non-lucid , memorable
    7. Escape, drug-game and raspberry.

      by , 10-11-2011 at 04:31 PM
      something is happening but I'm not sure what it is, there arent many people left around and i get the feeling i am in danger.
      Its evening, i come across a house and see shadows behind the curtains, this is the first sign of life i've seen so i walk up to the house, the door is open so i walk inside.
      Raspberry is there with her mum, i tell them we need to get out of here cause something bad is going to happen, Raspberry agrees but her mum doesn't trust me.

      Raspberry explains that she already knows me and its fine but her mum is still suspicious. I manage to get them out the house and we travel on foot for ages. I am talking to raspberry about building an air-ship, she thinks its a dumb idea. They go their way and i go mine.

      I am at my uncles house, with a few friends in the living room, the carpete is a cream colour with red walls and there are 3 sofas about but nothing else. my friend sam hands out these weird looking spliffs, a normal spliff but with a round bit at the end full of some substance he says is awesome. He tells us about a game we should play where we put this sheet down with random circles displaying different percentages on it. We have to stand on them with one foot and smoke the weird joint. We get all the furniture and move it together, put the sheet over them and all pick points. I stand on one leg, smoke the weird joint and feel myself struggling to balance, i say something like "ooo its kicking in now" sam leaves the room and i get off the furniture and follow him out the door.

      "you leaving, bro?" i ask and see he is heading upstairs with a girl. I smile and walk back into the living room, "hes gone off with claudia" i say, the sofas have gone and one is left so i sit down and finish the joint.
      Kate picks up my phone and tells me she is talking to Raspberry, i ask what she is saying? Kate gets annoyed and says "Not much, she only wants to speak to you"
      I get the phone and sit there, typing to raspberry, not sure what i typed but by the end of the conversation i was determined i was going to scotland to meet up for something.
    8. Prison Break, on the run.

      by , 10-07-2011 at 06:52 AM (Enter the mind of Ladendais)

      My memory picks up standing at the back of some sort of police vehicle, similar to a mailman's vehicle. I am speaking to a male police officer who the is in the back of the vehicle sitting on the right side, with another person sitting on the opposite side of the vehicle. Somehow I know that I have just escaped some sort of prison. I have handcuffs on my hands in front of me, and I am hoping that the police officer does not notice them. As the vehicle with the officer inside slowly begins to drive off, the officer notices the handcuffs and begins to stand up yelling at me. I immediately begin to look for an escape route, so I run a few feet to my right and notice a man made rain run off path. As I start to run over to it, I notice that the handcuff on my right hand is loose enough for me to shake off, so I shake off the right cuff. By the time the cuff is off I am at the side of the road looking down into the shallow water running through the path below me. I was thinking that this jump was seriously going to hurt me but I did it any way and I threw myself off the side of the road into the shallow waters below.

      As I land I notice that the path is not cement, and there are large amounts of mud below my feet which makes it hard to run. I recover from my fall and I take off down the waterway, as I begin to run I can see the officer off to my left side standing in front of a field full of what appears to be wheat. The officer is pulling out his weapon, and I try my best to run faster. I look at my feet as I attempt to make a get away and I notice that I am wearing black uniform type pants with a nice crease running down them, and they are muddy of course. The police officer is now firing his weapon in my direction, and I can see bullets hitting the water ahead of me as I run. Three or four kids come out of nowhere, and they are running behind me. I think that the officer will now have to stop firing his weapon because of the children, and he stops firing his gun. I then notice that the path I am on branches off, and I tell the children behind me to take the right path, and I decide to take the left path alone.

      I venture a bit farther down the path and I notice a rather large city ahead of me. It appears to be very busy, so I think to myself that this is going to be a great place for me to slip away from the police. I climb up over a small cement wall and head for an alley way nearby, the alley is crowded and I notice an opening in the wall off to the left and I enter it. I now find myself in a sort of locker room scene with plenty of showers and people scattered about the entire room. I walk over to a bench, and I take a seat by a man that I apparently knew. I look over to the left and I notice a pair of swimming trunks, and a shirt folded up neatly sitting on the ground. No one near the clothing appears to be the owner, so I ask the man that was apparently my friend sitting next to me to go grab them for me. While my friend goes to grab the clothing, I look back to the right, directly at the entrance to the room I am now in because I was worried that the police were going to come in at any time. I see plenty of people walking by, but one white man with a black eye catches my interest I know him from the prison that I just escaped.

      The man with the black eye walks right by the door, he then turns back around and walks into the room that I am currently sitting in. He looks rather happy to see me, and he comes right over to me and sits beside me. I shake hands with him, and then my friend comes over with the clothes so I introduce him to the man with the black eye and I explain to my friend that I know this man from prison. The two begin to talk, and I look down at the swimming trunks and shirt that my friend brought over to me. The swimming trunks are bright orange and they look as if they would be too small for me but I take off my muddy pants and put them on anyway. The trunks seem to fit, and I put on the shirt as well. I tell the man with the black eye that I just escaped prison, and he asks me what I was in for and at that point in time I did not know why I had been put in prison so I asked my friend sitting beside us why I had been taken to prison. My friend tells me that I had gotten caught stealing an Eminem CD from a store, and the man with the black eye laughs at me. The black eyed man then asks me what prison I was in and I tell him that I had no idea what the name was. I then look toward the door worried that the owner of the swimming trunks and shirt will come back looking for his clothes, and I see many people walk past the door but no one decides to come in.

      I see a man that resembled an officer, so I asked my friend if he knew if the police were still chasing me. He casually says "No, they stopped chasing you and they said that they were going to get you next time, like they always do." I then notice that a women walks through the door to the locker room without a top on, and I think that this is quite odd. She then walks over to what seemed to be her husband and she seems as if she is quite angry with him as he is packing some clothes into a backpack. I then look to my right, and tell the man with the black eye, who I knew from prison, that I might need some help now that I have escaped. He tells me that him, and his mother, who he points to across the room, would be able to help me with whatever I need. I say alright, and I then tell him that I might need a gun sometime soon. He looks as if he is a bit worried by this, and he tells me that it wouldn't be a problem. He also lets me know that he usually hangs out around the locker room area.

      I then awake from my dream.

      Updated 10-07-2011 at 06:55 AM by 48019

      non-lucid , memorable
    9. Abducted and experimented on - Escaping from a Nightmare

      , 09-30-2011 at 04:04 AM (Hyu's Adventures)
      Recently some of the abilities I can confidently use in lucid dreams have appeared in my non-lucid dreams.
      I occasionally find myself using them without thinking or realizing that I am in fact dreaming.
      The most common ones I use are "Fire" and "dragon eyes".
      They're both abilities I associate with dragonic powers in my lucid dreams.
      Creating and manipulating fire is rather straightforward, using the dragon eyes not so much.
      If a DC looks into my eyes whilst I have the "dragon eyes" open, I can order the DC to perform any action and he will obey.
      This works with most DC's, except those who seem unnaturally strong. (those who present themselves as other dreamers or other conscious entities)

      I'm at university, attending some kind of lecture.
      The dean enters the classroom and asks if I can come with him.
      This doesn't really surprise me, I sometimes help the school with some stuff, I assume it's about something related to that.
      I get up and follow him.
      He opens his office. There's 3 men inside wearing suits... weird.
      He closes the door without entering.

      "Mr. Zimmer?"
      "Yes? Can I help you?"
      "Indeed you can, we're from the FBI."
      "Oh? What brings you to Germany?"
      "You do, Mr. Zimmer... Or should I call you 'Hyu'?"

      I'm confused and feel horribly uncomfortable, as if I had committed some sort of crime.
      But I know I have not. Yet I am Hyu, but how do they know? It's the nickname I use on the internet, is this related to some of my online activities?
      It's the Fbi, they have no jurisdiction here.
      I try to remain calm.

      "Mr. Zimmer is fine. Please explain yourself, what do you want from me?"
      "We want you to come with us."
      "I'm afraid I'll need an explanation before I'm going anywhere, you have no jurisdiction here."
      "Indeed, we do not."

      The agent pulls out a gun and points it at my chest.
      I freak out as he pulls the trigger and I feel the pain of something penetrating my skin.
      What the heck? This wasn't a bullet! He shot me with a tranq gun.
      My body goes numb and I fall to the ground...

      ... I regain consciousness. It's cold...
      The room I'm in is dark and moist.
      I'm wearing nothing but underpants, and I am constrained on a metal chair.
      The metal is really cold... and it reeks. I'm scared.
      I try to move my arms, but I can barely move them a few millimeters.
      They are chained to the chair at multiple locations.
      I start panicking and try to pull myself loose.

      But I quickly understand that there is no way that is going to happen.
      My legs are chained in the same way my arms are, there are multiple belts as well, keeping my body constrained to the chair.
      The system is so solid and complex that I can't even turn my head.

      I try to calm down. I need to think.

      Someone enters the room... he's wearing a doctors outfit... it's full of blood stains... fuck fuck fuck.
      He studies a chart and then approaches me.
      He turns on a spotlight attached to his headband, which blinds me.

      "Who are you???"
      "Where am I?!"

      He doesn't give a shit and completely ignores me.
      At first I think that he'll inject me with a huge syringe, but he actually proceeds to drain blood from my left arm.
      He's fucking disgusting. He smells horribly, as if he hasn't showered for weeks, and he doesn't look any better than he smells.

      Fuck this!

      I try to channel energy in order to set him on fire... but it fails miserably.
      Red lights on bracelets on my arms start flashing... and that's it... nothing happens. There is no fire.
      I realize the bracelets have tubes that feed into my arms... what the fuck?

      "Heh. Stupid shit. You're not going to use fire magic for a long time."
      "Guard! We're taking him with us. I want him to see something..."

      A guard enters the room and unlocks some of the chains.
      He then forces me to stand up and follow the doctor.
      The chains around my body are still massive. It's a complex setup of massive steel locks.
      The whole apparatus is heavy, I have a hard time walking with all the weight I have to carry.
      There's no way I'll be able to resist.

      I am brought into a room similar to the one I was held in.
      There's 2 prisoners inside.
      A girl and a guy, both about my age.
      I quickly realize that the girl is dead.
      It looks like she died of blood loss, which she lost through her eyes.
      How horrible!

      The guy seems quite scared. He looks at me, and I can see the desperation in his eyes.
      He knows he is going to die.

      The doctor approaches him. He is going to inject him with the blood he's taken from me... why?

      "They're going to kill me... just like they killed the girl."
      "Your blood killed her."

      The doctor intervenes: "Shut your mouth."
      But knowing what's going to happen to him, he doesn't care.

      "If there's anything you can do... do it."
      "They will torture you until they find a way to extract your abilities... and after that they'll have no more use for you."

      Fuck... if this is true... I have to act now... but how? I can't do shit with these bracelets.
      The doctor gets ready to insert the needle into his arm.
      I can feel the adrenaline pumping...


      The bracelets... they prevent me from using fire...

      "Hey doc!"
      "Shut it!"
      "You know, this is not going to work, you can't transmit the fire genes like that..."

      I'm pulling this out of my ass... I just need him to look me in the eyes before he performs the injection.
      Maybe they don't know what I can do if someone looks into my eyes, maybe they only know about the fire.

      "... Those tricks are not going to work. Don't waste my time."
      "Don't inject him and I'll tell you how to transfer my powers..."
      "... I've actually got them from someone else, I wasn't born with them."

      This is never going to work...
      He turns around and looks at me.
      Or maybe it will?

      "Look me in the eyes, do I look like I'm lying to you? My fucking life is on the line."

      And he does.
      Got you!

      I open the dragon eyes and stare right into his soul.
      I can see every bit of evil inside of him. What a disgusting and horrible person.
      He tries to resist, so I push it.
      His eyes turn bloody... he won't be able to take this for long.
      I need to hurry up.
      I order him with my mind.

      "Undo the bracelets!"

      He approaches me like a puppet and begins deactivating the bracelets.
      The guard notices and freaks out, yelling at the doctor to stop.
      But he doesn't... he can't even hear the guard, he can only hear the overwhelming voice of my mind.
      The guard pulls out his gun, but it's too late.
      The bracelets are off.

      The concentrated fire bullet I just launched at him hits him in the head and splits his skull.
      He drops to the ground dead.

      "PLEASE! Help me! I can get us out!"
      "I know the way, and I can open the doors."

      I don't have a choice, I have no idea where I am.
      He's wearing bracelets as well.
      I concentrate some fire onto them and they stop working.
      He closes his eyes and all the locks on his and my constraints unlock at once.

      "I control electricity. I can control most electrical devices."
      "That's useful..."

      I spot a small red led at the top of the room... fuck... a camera.

      "We need to get out. Now!"

      He gets up and we start running.
      The corridor outside the cell leads straight to a big steel security door.
      He opens it with his ability. It starts lifting upwards.

      But behind it, a whole armed task force is waiting for us.
      In panic, I prepare to set them all on fire, but it seems my new buddy got this.
      With a simple hand motion, he creates an electromagnetic field dragging all their equipment towards the ground.
      The belts of their machine guns prevent them from getting back up and we just run past them.

      This guy is amazing. He locks all doors around us, except for the ones we need to escape.
      We encounter little resistance on our way out since everyone is locked in other rooms.
      Finally we reach an elevator and get inside.

      Apparently we're at level "-28" which is also the lowest level.
      Where the fuck are we.
      It goes all the way up to "0", which is where we are going.

      The elevator doors open and we get out.
      We're in a rather small room, with some sort of reception and a big steel door which presumably leads outside.
      I can see a nuclear warning sign on it... I see. We are in an old nuclear bunker.
      A girl working the reception freaks out once she spots us and grabs a phone.

      "Do yourself a favor and don't bother..."

      I feel more confident now that we're nearly out. I'm not really that scared anymore.
      She drops the phone and puts her arms in the air.

      "Good girl."

      My new friends opens the door with a wave of his hand and the bright light from outside blinds me.
      We step out, not seeing anything, but then my vision normalizes...

      "Yes. I thought you knew how to get out?"
      "We are out. But I had no idea where the fuck this facility actually was..."
      "Well shit..."

      We're in the middle of the desert.
      You can see extremely far from where we are, but there's nothing to see but sand.
      Never ending sand and the fucking door leading back into the nuclear bunker.

      Armed forces stream out of the bunker pointing their machine guns at us.
      There's a guy in a suit with them, presumably the leader of whatever is going on in the bunker.

      ... Hold on a second... I can teleport, can't I?
      Or... wait...

      I'm angry... I'm properly mad.

      The guy I escaped with is confused.


      I'm so pissed. How did I not notice.
      I need to unleash some of this anger...
      I approach the guy in the suit.

      Everyone starts shooting at me, emptying their magazines, but the bullets just bounce off me.
      What do they expect? I'm lucid, they can't do shit.

      I grab the guy by his neck and lift him off the ground.

      "If you meet my subconscious, kindly ask it: 'What the fuck?'"

      I set him on fire. The flames are purple, and so strong that he immediately disintegrates, not even leaving behind any ashes.
      In my anger I call out to Faye, associating her with my subconscious and thus as someone responsible for this nightmare.


      She appears and immediately makes me a sign to let her say something first.

      "I didn't do this Hyu. This is not my fault. It wasn't me."
      "Then who did?"
      "No one... nightmares don't work like that..."

      I finally manage to calm down.
      And then I realize something rather important.

      "Sorry Faye... I didn't mean to be angry at you."
      "And I get it now. This is actually a positive experience, not a negative one."
      "Aha! How so?"
      "If I had this same nightmare and I wasn't lucid dreaming, I wouldn't have been able to break free from it."
      "The habits I've acquired in lucid dreams have helped me to escape from this nightmare, and from many others before."

      She smiles in agreement.

      I feel a lot better, somewhat refreshed actually.
      Beating a nightmare feels good. I feel strong, like I have an ability that most people don't.
      The dream fades away...
    10. Zombie Aunt May

      by , 09-29-2011 at 07:28 AM
      So, a murder has happened, in a house where Aunt May lives (the one from Spiderman the animated). Me and the scooby doo gang has t investigate, and we soon find a horrible secret. It turns out that Aunt May, IS A ZOMBIEEEEE. And her best friend from spiderman (the other old lady), is ALSO a zombie. Now we gotta flee, I quickly decide that the best way to be safe, is to find a neighbor and ask them for help. So I run out f the house, and look for help. I get over to the closest house and start banging on the door. But before the door opens, I wake up.
    11. Mall, Church and Park

      by , 09-19-2011 at 09:36 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in a mall. Running or escaping within the mall. There were securities. I was going down an escalator. I passed by the "owner." Somehow reminds me of Mark Zuckerberg. A repeat of the scene. I was with some friends. We entered a church inside the mall. Then I was seeing a park, with benches. A few people. Orange lights and shadows. There was a person.
    12. Orphanage Escape

      by , 09-17-2011 at 02:49 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in an orphanage of sort. There are other people around me. There's also Luis M. We were making love very awkwardly. Then the person changed into someone else. It was my lover (a stranger). We were sleeping side-by-side, with my lover to my right. Looks Caucasian.

      Then we had to escape. It was an orphanage for kids used for crimes and other stuff. The leader was there. When we approached the door, the leader popped out. He shot and hit me on the right side of my torso. I shot him and hit him on the head, and he dropped dead. I didn't feel anything.

      We continued running, but we're not sure which way was out. There were many others. Then some were out. I was looking for someone. Had to find him. I was outside. The others were just staying right outside. I told them to run as far away as they can because there's a bomb.

      There was a pregnant woman coming out of the building. At first I was just watching her, and then I was accompanying her, as she climb up the... stairs?

      Then there was an explosion. With no sound.
    13. Lucid dream escaping Alcatrez-like facility

      by , 09-13-2011 at 10:45 PM (High Quality Head Movies)
      I remember starting off in a dungeon of a facility like alcatrez which was elevated on a very tall hill and the hill was surrounded by water.

      I was with my Dad, brother (taterking5), and my uncle (Jwhitley's dad). We were in the dungeon but I never could figure out why. We kept trying to find a way out until we discovered the window bars came off.

      We looked out the window and the drop to the ground was too high and jumping would surely end with feet in your brain. Below our window ledge about 1 story below us was a water flume coming out of the facility. We details iced to see if we could aim for that.

      My dad and bro went first. My dad made it to the flume, but my bro missed entirely and crashed into the ground. We all panicked and couldn't believe what had happened when suddenly he reappeared next to me. Turns out when we die we return to the previous place before death! We didn't ask why.

      My dad jumped and landed on another hill 2 stories below the flume. After many deaths and revivals we all made it to the ground safely. We looked out to the water and we were all on a beach. I then had a strange sudden realization that 2hat had just happened couldn't have been real and then became aware of the dream.

      Everyone and everything started getting brighter and fuzzier and I thought I was waking up and panicked and dove into the water. Everything slowly became normal again except I was sinking and couldn't surface. I was telling myself I can't drown in a dream as I was swimming back up and eventually overcame the sudden pull toward the ocean floor. I came up out of the water and everyone was back to normal and not fading like before when i thought the dream was fading.

      I got back up to the hill and started trying to summon lightning on the horizon but had to give up because I saw some prison guards running towards us. I separated from the group and started to swim away from the facility and towards land. I went toward the road and started running. I saw a wall that extended as far as I could see and realized I was walled in and I was not free yet. I then ran to a guard station and tried to determine how I was going to get past the two guards at the station. One was on my side of the gate and one was outside the gate. I saw that the one on the inside of the gate was standing with no weapon and the one outside of the gate was sitting down but I couldn't tell if he had a weapon or not. I grabbed a stick and slammed it into the head of the guard on my side of the gate (if I wasn't in such a rush I probably would have thought to try and do more dream control). I knocked out the guard when the other stood up with an RPG.

      Then time moved in slow motion when he went to squeeze the trigger as I dove behind the station booth. I saw the explosion go off with dirt and chunks of concrete flying everywhere. I knew he would have to take the time to reload it so I ran around the booth, jumped over a wooden fence (went from concrete walls to a wooden fence somehow) and jump on him with a rock and beat him with it until he was unconscious.

      I then heard sirens going off so I guess the guard called for reinforcements before I beat the crap out of him. I ran to get to anything that could get me away and found a red 2011 Silverado crew cab like my dad's and for some reason I thought it was my truck. I ran to it and the keys were in it along with a bunch of airsoft guns in the back seat and airsoft gun pistols in the door pockets. I told myself that I could just use some dream control to make them real guns. I then realized that the road was the same road as the livingston camp grounds that our Church goes to for a weekend every year and I saw my cousins Ben and Brett riding bikes down the road and they looked at me and gave the nod (you know raising your head to acknowledge and then continuing with whatever you were doing). I started the truck and started backing it up and then I woke up.

      I can't believe I didn't try more control, I guess I was just afraid of getting captured or waking up that I just decided to continue on with the dream with no fear of death knowing I was dreaming...
    14. big monster

      by , 08-08-2011 at 05:25 AM
      I was with 3 other people that were always becoming different people escaping a huge monster by going through various buildings, there were guns to buy on the walls in chalk like on nazi zombies and perkacolas I bought staminup...
      Tags: escape, monster
    15. Summon Battles

      by , 07-28-2011 at 02:27 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in school. There's a fight. There's also an interview about the paranormal, from 9 am to 11 am. I was supposed to be there. I asked a friend to wake me up to remind me.

      I was a in a room. Summoning stuff, creatures, etc. Various fascinating creatures. There's one that reminds me of Frankenstein's monster.

      I was on the streets. Crossing the streets. Japan came to mind. Midday. I was with a couple of people, but there were no others. There was a lady carrying a baby. The baby woke up. I made a comment about it. We walked, and then after some time, she left the baby on the street, as she rode a jeep. I tried to get her attention.

      I was inside the jeep. Some acquaintances arrived, and there were two guys I was familiar with. Then some girls. I moved to make room for them. One girl accidentally sat on me, thinking there was enough space. I complained.

      I, or some guy, is in a building. There was an Asian girl with a white dress (she looks Anime-ish). She holds a powerful summon creature. She sleeps in a cage. I, or some guy/girl, then went to steal some summons (hers?).

      They tried escaping. A summon was released, in the form of an actor LM. He ran away out of the building to escape. The one chasing him (this time, it's not me; it's some girl). The girl said she won't let him get away.

      We were near the river of what looked like Iloilo. LM summon jumped on the water, and he showed his true form; some sort of a huge water-tornado, with yellow cloth floating around, and very feminine face. The girl jumped on the boat and captured him.

      I was in the marketplace, near the sea. I was talking to my other person, Chad. Or I was Chad, talking to my other person, Gab. I talked about how I want to capture new summons. I jumped around.

      Updated 07-28-2011 at 02:41 PM by 47454 (update)

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