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    1. 9/3/2013: Giant bugs, 'Australia' and fragments

      by , 09-03-2013 at 02:59 PM
      I'm in a room at my house, using these 'cake'-like things with teeny beetles inside that grow to full-size when halved(not sure what I was using them for). Then I'm in my grandma's dining room, mom in the kitchen, and I'm freaking out because the beetle-cake I had was the wrong type, and there are now bugs of all sizes all over the room. The biggest was this centipede/reptile thing, about 8 feet. My mom helps me to capture a few little ones (but I can't remember what happens to the rest). The big centitile thing escapes to the living room, followed by this creature that is not a bug, but a small leopard with a very long tail. We run in and out the back door there to find my grandma and tell her, but she hasn't seen them.

      Somehow the topic changes to wanting to visit Australia, and suddenly my family is all there and looking around this giant outdoor market. It was as if we'd ended up in some other world entirely (it wasn't Australia at all but no one questioned it :P). Everything had a hint of magic to it, and there were beautiful treasures everywhere and entertainers performing tricks and dances. It's nighttime then, and I'm hanging out on a pillow under the starry sky playing with a big sheet of frosted glass that is hovering above me, and I'm scraping away at the layer of 'frost' with a small razor, drawing shapes of animals and patterns into what is becoming a very large, astronimical/astrological image. Some places where I scrape have glowing images behind them, like the sun, moon, and other planets.

      Tried to reblog a troll ancestors fanart from a blog on Tumblr that turned out to be hacked or something, gave me a virus that forced me to follow it. Keitorin tells me to try using this 'feature' that lets you restore Tumblr to an earlier time to get rid of it. I see a button with a box underneath where I'm supposed to type something from the blog, which is 'dark knight' because it appears often on there?? The box says 'enter maximum command' at the top.

      Sort of like watching a documentary, this old hipster guy, who seems like a real jerk, is talking about his artwork. He cuts out shapes from paper and draws on them, then forms them around his head and shoulders. One lady next to him is wearing a large piece of paper covering her shoulders and head, the drawing on it is of a woman's portrait. The guy really got on my nerves for how snooty he sounded.

      notes: I guess the troll fanart and tumblr business came from my constantly seeing it! The art thing, idk. I like art. No idea about the bugs and 'Australia' adventure! I hate bugs but in the dream I was more concerned with them getting away.

      Updated 09-03-2013 at 10:59 PM by 22511

      dream fragment , side notes , non-lucid
    2. Sept 2, 2013: Fragments, school/urban legends/weird home stuff

      by , 09-02-2013 at 03:36 PM
      Forgot to get some paper by my bed last night. So these fragments are just as detailed as I can recall from images and impressions :/

      I was in some school, looked kind of like my old high school but it wasn't. I had just showered in this enormous locker room area that for some reason flowed into the pool area like privacy wasn't an issue. Was looking around for a hair dryer and this nice DC who is apparently a student but looks older, like my age, comes over and helpfully points out this huge machine up high on the wall where you press a button for the kind of service you want. Of course, I felt silly for not realizing at first :P Then I notice you have to pay upwards of $5 for any service, but neither I nor the girl have any money. She tells me I could go to the east end of the school where the dryer might already be on?? because supposedly there's this fancy guy who leaves his electric car plugged in in the parking lot all the time and so the school draws a lot of power off of it. (dream logic is fascinating, isn't it?)

      So then the DC and I walk over to the pool to sit with our feet in and she starts telling me about the legend surrounding that fancy guy. (I can't remember specifics at all, but it's some kind of conspiracy that a few kooky people have dedicated themselves to researching--not scholars, just nerds. I've got this image of a small, woodcraft door, like for a large dollhouse, but with no handle.)

      (Here, I am in my home but it is most definitely not where I actually live.) The main room looks like a giant garage with a concrete floor, and there is lots of stuff littering the floor, like toys, garbage and other things. There are lots of children around, my relatives?? (I didn't know them at all.) My mom and Alberto were there, I think Jake and Saundra too. I was inviting Alice into my home, and we went to my bedroom, where Keitorin was sitting in a chair in the corner, reading. My bedroom wall had a ton of pictures and stuff on it, drawings and cut-outs. Alice said something? and I jokingly replied that she could have one of my 'sterile babies', of which there was a pile of outside my room. (They looked like medium-sized lobsters and I have no idea how they were supposed to be 'my sterile babies' or what that even means omg) Then my 'dad', a DC, comes by to chat. He....looks like a giant lobster :////

      And that's it! I don't even know what to say about those, wow.

      Updated 09-02-2013 at 03:46 PM by 22511

      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    3. Apartment Above Bagel Store, Track, Halo 5, City Chase

      by , 09-02-2013 at 12:39 PM (The Redeeming Dreamer)
      9/2/2013, 10:00-7:10

      I woke up twice. From 3:26 to 3:30 I was up, and drank some water. I also woke at 4:55 till 4:59, and also drank some water then. I did a mantra the second time: "I realize I'm dreaming when I'm dreaming." I had three dreams and a possible dream fragment:

      Dream 1:

      I moved into an apartment above the bagel shop in the town I live. It kind of looked like a hotel I went to once on vacation in Virginia. It was dark and a little dirty. Dad, Mom, and J were there. There was also music playing, too. I forgot the lyrics I heard.

      Dream 2:

      I was at N's house. We were playing a Halo game. It didn't seem like anything I've played before, so it probably was an imagined Halo 5 game. I don't remember what we did. After going to N's, I apparently visualized the track at school and started running there.

      Dream 3:

      I was in a giant city. The streets were vacant, though. I was being chased by the police and probably the military. I found many very awesome vehicles lying around the city. One was a "hover cycle", with a giant gun on the front! There was also a jeep, probably. I also eventually was able to hijack a tank from some guys, Mercenaries style! I remember skyscrapers around the area with the hover cycle and jeep, and residential suburb buildings around the place I hijacked the tank. The military and police were constantly shooting at me and following me, too.

      Dream 4:
      (probably 4:59-7:10)

      I remember something about a water park.

      Updated 10-16-2013 at 07:48 AM by 58207

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    4. 8/31/13 lucid dream- natural living

      by , 09-01-2013 at 03:06 PM (Dark Kikyo's Dream Journal)
      This is a lucid dream I had yesterday morning. The majority was not lucid, it only went lucid near the end but it was at a pretty good point.

      The beginning of the dream I found myself living in a world where everything was still in it's natural state. There were no buildings or roads, the earth felt new. I was living in an ancient forest, and one day while exploring I found the edge of the forest and saw that a family had built a small home. I started to get to know them and eventually they considered me a family friend. I decided to live more in the open and built my living area on the edge of the forest where I could see my new friends. I mainly walked around the families property, watching them farm, when I herd news about something huge being built. I went over and saw that a enormous dam had just been constructed, making the river back up to form a lake, and leaving the land on the other side a huge, bare, hole with equipment in it. I just stared at this with awe, but at the same time I was deeply saddened. I picked my way through the hole, feeling unhappy about what they were doing to nature, when a girl about my age (she was played by my ex friend I stopped being friends with in 2011) asked what I was doing and I told her. She went back home and I followed her, intrigued about there being more people setting near by. I found she lived in a community, but a different kind of community. Each person lived in wall-less square sections that were defined by a black line on the ground showing their living space, but they did have a door that worked, even though it wasn't connected to a wall. There was also some kind of force field that when you tried to look into your neighbors living area it blurred your vision not allowing you to see them. I was standing in the girls living area, talking to her, when I realized that I was dreaming, because nothing like this could ever exist in real life. While talking to her I noticed she looked very depressed and I wondered why. At this time I herd some commotion outside and went to go see. I saw that an asphalt road ran between the two rows of living areas and a bunch of kids from them were out in the road talking about starting a race. They were going to start from this end, run to the other end and then back again. I asked if I could join in and they said they didn't mind. At this point, I didn't feel like running, and to make it more interesting I made mario kart vehicles appear by lucid means. The remainder of the dream was us all racing up and down the road while I used some lucid influence to keep myself from wrecking, and to make it even more interesting by making things like ramps appear. I woke up after we had raced a couple times.

      After waking up I talked to my fiancée for a bit then tried to do a WBTB but failed as I couldn't go back to sleep. I almost did it though; I started getting some blurred, dream like visions playing before my eyes but just couldn't seem to fall asleep and gave up.
    5. Cloudy grounds

      by , 08-26-2013 at 10:26 PM
      I was walking in the fields opposite to the road by the Jernhatten hill, with my sister, brother and father. The ground is covered in snow and the air is foggy as if it were clouds, or white barely-moving smoke. I scoured off to find a place to get a bit higher up, and found a little hill which let me see above the fog. It looked like the top of an overcast when you're looking out the window of an airplane, but with trees sticking up and swirls of fog soaring upwards and dissolving. Looked very heavenly. I went back down from the hill and as the swirls of fog engulfed me, it looked like a thousand faces screaming in agony. I didn't take much notice of that, and walked onwards with my little sister. We found a tree with two chinchillas in it. I reached my hand up, and one of them jumped onto my glove. I took it down and stroked it across the back. I could feel the rough fur as my gloved hand slid across it.
    6. Fragmented Fragment :o

      by , 08-21-2013 at 09:16 AM (SilverWolf's Sleep Sessions)
      Tuesday, August 20 8:00

      Mom and dad are on some sort of long trip while I'm at the house, with Tori, one of our dogs. The thing is, our "home" is different than it is IRL; the layout is completely different, the landscape is different, and the yard has a large metal fence enclosing it. When my parents finally return, I have to do some sort of work outside--but it's very late, and eventually I come inside. When i do, my grandpa is there; he's lying on the floor like he's drunk or something...

      And that's all I remember :s

    7. 8/20/13 dream- floating forums and killer game pits

      by , 08-20-2013 at 05:57 PM (Dark Kikyo's Dream Journal)
      Last night I had a non lucid dream. All throughout the dream I would check in with the thread I'm currently keeping up with right now in real life, but I wouldn't do it with a computer. When I wanted to check it I would simply think that I wanted to, then it would pop up floating in front of me. The main part of the dream was very dark and twisted. There was this huge pit with a landscape in it and in the pit would be a family of 5, a father, mother, and their kids. It was like a sick game, you were up against another person and the object would be to find and capture these people individually with your mind as they ran around hiding, and if you didn't find them first then your opponent would kill them. I remember I was doing this for a good cause of some sort, like I knew the family or something. Anyway, I played a couple times, and while I didn't save everyone every time, I did manage to end up saving the teenage daughter for good. After doing that I walked around a building from room to room until I found Nickelback. Who knows why he was there, but he seemed happy to see me because I was the one who saved the teenage girl and he liked her. Then he told me about how he was trying to do some kind of thing where you shoot off straight up into the sky. After he got done telling me this, the girl popped up beside me and started telling him off, saying he was a stupid, insignificant, person and his music was crap. He became saddened and didn't say another word, and I felt bad for him. The dream faded after that and I kept sleeping for a little bit more, without dreaming, until I woke up.

      I wasn't going to type this one down because it doesn't really mean anything to me, its memorable, but I don't feel like it's significant. I came to the conclusion that I may as well. It is a dream after all and this is my dream journal, where I record my dreams.
    8. 8-2-2013 The wall of hidden death

      by , 08-02-2013 at 04:22 PM (Subjects' Dream Journal)
      Legend: Dream , Semi-Lucid , Lucid

      Another Gun at my head:
      I was at a party with one of my teachers and some friends. A girl walked over to a trashcan and i went with her, she found a piece of paper with some words translated to another language on it. As the party ended and i walked home, i saw the police taking the girl away. Confused, i ran over to see what was going on. The police officer tilted his head over to me and said "And torture this kid". Some other men then grabbed me.

      Next scene, i'm walking into a trashy abandoned like building. Apparently it's my school. I walk in and see my classmates , i start talking and i hang out with them. Then the girl walks in, There's a weird tension between us because we were getting interrogated and tortured the weekend before. I want to talk to her, i want to discuss, and she probably feels the same, but we both know we're probably being watched right now.

      Then one of my teachers walks in with two body guards. She asks me a question and i reply with a stupid answer. I start laughing incredibly hard because i still have no idea why this is happening to me. As i laugh, she then points a gun to my head, i freeze for a second. Then i began laughing some more. She asks if i'm okay, and i reply with a "yeah, hold on a minute", i needed her to hold on because this seemed just too funny.

      The ketchup store:

      I walk into a store with my parents. They're looking to buy ketchup, all i wanted to do was get a couple issues of some manga on the way out. They get to a place where these big jugs of ketchup are on sale so they get them. However, i look at them and i don't think they're ketchup, i'm pretty sure they bought the wrong thing. As we start going out, i see some monkeys building a wood structure.

      The lost and found land of Ice and Metal:
      I'm on a bed in the middle of a snowy ice land. There are a ton of russians skiing on a ramp not too far away. Because of that, i can't sleep. So i walk over to tell them to stop. As i get over there, a man loses hold of his three dogs and they run away. I decide to help look for them.

      I walk and eventually make it to an abandoned town. I see something that looks like his dogs but they weren't. As i was doing this, i get attacked by mechs. I managed to jump on one and pilot it. I then use it to run away because i wouldn't have stood a chance against the other mechs. As i make my escape, i fly over a pit with a tank and some other mechs. Since i have the advantage of surprise, i quickly destroy the forces below.

      As i drop down to where the tank was, i see a secret tank sealed up in a wall. I unlock the wall and pilot the massive tank, i then use it to destroy all of my enemies.

      Head stitching of guns:

      I was in a band room with some friends. There were guns on the ground, we were getting geared up for one reason or another. However, in order to get a gun, you had to let koady cut your head open and stitch it back up. The dream ended with me trying to decide which gun i wanted.

      The wall of hidden death:
      I'm on my farm piloting a helicopter. I then get called back to the ground as a commanding officer finds out some one else is suppose to be piloting the helicopter. As the new person gets in, they go across the river and start bombing the other side. This surprised me, i needed to take cover so i went underground into a bunker. So apparently, we were at war. The terrain was divided by a river and on the other side were Filipinos.

      As the bombing went on, i ate some chips i found. After the bombing, i quickly went further underground and down a ladder to a room that connected to the river. I saw some of our troops coming back wounded and in bad condition. I walked past them and across the river to a massive rock wall. A guy then walked up to me and said "You shouldn't go any further". As he said that, he walked over to the wall and put his foot on something and then massive turrets popped up all along the wall which could detect enemy movement. He then explained that the turrets kill any enemy that tries to invade via the wall.
    9. Salvaging in a underground ocean

      by , 07-30-2013 at 05:52 AM
      Most vivid dream I have had for quite a while!

      I was part of a group of divers, the group was a mix of my friends and family members. We were on an island that looked Mediterranean, with beautiful blue water. The island was made up mostly of sand, with some rock and hardy vegetation here and there. I remember exploring it, but I can't really remember what I did or if it was before or after we were diving. I do remember a great staircase, winding its way to some peak in the middle of the island, and some kind of park.

      We jumped into the water, our goal was to salvage an old ship that was on the bottom. But actually it was on the lower bottom: First we dived down to the bottom and down there was a hole that lead us down even further into an underground sea. And on the bottom of that sea I saw her: Half embedded in the mud was a old world war one steam powered ship. A real beauty even in her condition.

      Something happened down there, I can't remember what, but we got in a real hurry. Three of us picked up the ship, which was actually quite light, and began lifting it towards the hole. Only when we reached the hole did we realise that it didn't fit, actually it was barely enough space for the three of us. We decided that, since we were in such a hurry to get to the surface, to leave the ship behind to make another try later. We crammed together into that hole because we all had to go in the same time, it was like an elevator. And eventually we reached to higher ocean.

      On our way to the surface one of my friends were attacked by a jellyfish, and started complaining that he was in pain. We laughed at him, how could he be hurt by such a small thing? But an older person that was with us told us not to laugh, they might be small but they hurt like hell.
    10. Eating In

      by , 07-24-2013 at 09:57 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in a house. An aunt's house in Luzon. They were out. My best friend Nimz was there with me. We were eating chicken (or beef or whatever) outside the house. Since my aunt and the rest weren't there anyway, we decided to eat inside.

      Suddenly, aunt and cousin arrived from shopping/grocery. I worried and didn't want them to see us inside, so I wanted to hurry out. Nimz still took his time eating and didn't seem bothered at all.
      Tags: eating, family, house, nimz
    11. 7/21/13 - blade/bread

      by , 07-21-2013 at 09:01 PM (Leaving the matrix)
      I'm at my grandmas house and most of my family is there, (even the ones I haven't seen in years because of their own imagined conflict). They're all sitting on the chairs and couch in the living room, I go and sit on the chair by the front door that doesn't work. When I do this a guy I don't recognize walks into the room and to me as if I took his usual chair and everybody knows it or something. I don't get up, so he sit on the couch and gives me more irritated glances, then my walks over and basically sits on my making me move so she also has room on the chair, then she says stuff to me that I guess was funny because she busting up laughing, but I was to distracted by my surroundings. I get up and go into the kitchen and my grandma gives me this giant raisin oatmeal cookie that's in a ziplock bag, I thank her and I put it by the phone planning to eat it later, then My grandma and my sister go into the hallway somewhere, I feel like they're tiptoeing around me like I'm dangerous, and my grandma's trying to get people to not piss me off, I'm confused by this, I walked back into the living room worried that I at some point did something that showed my true colors, I was good at hiding it before. Then I walked to the back of the living room to the chair I always sit on, when I sat down I realize my sister is sat in a chair across the living room, and my grandma walks over to me and gives me my sisters cranberry bread loaf that's in a ziplock bag, it's huge like a pillow, I ask my sister why she doesn't want it, she tells me she doesn't feel like sweets, then my grandma tells me I can cut it like a sandwich and put meat and cheese in it, and I tell her that sounds pretty good, so I get up and hug her, then I go to the kitchen and put it with the cookie, while I'm in the kitchen I see two boys fighting then they exit the door, and I run after them because they're going towards my grandpa and I don't want them to accidentally hurt him. I catch up to them they went in the garage, and they're getting physical with each other, so I pull out my switchblade on them but when I open it my blade fly's lose and almost slices my own finger off, I get transfixed with my knife wondering if a screw fell off or something. Then after I find a screw and think it goes to my knife, I walk back into the house, and see my bread loaf mostly eaten, and my grandma and sisters sitting there looking fearful, and I ask them what's wrong, and I tell them that I don't mind, they can have the rest for all I care, and I just begin to feel sick again that they would fear me for some reason, for something I would never direct towards them. I go into the living room again and everyone is gone, but it suddenly is cold and foggy outside, so I look out the window and see chickens a turkey, roosters, and a little horse, I ask my grandma where they came from, and she says she's just been wanting them, then I wonder why it's so cold right now in the summer and the animals look uncomfortable and I think it will be some much worse for them in the actual winter.
    12. 17/07/13 - passover, weird mall and juggalos

      by , 07-17-2013 at 04:01 PM (vignettes from a different world)
      i was in the dining room of my old townhouse. it was night, but the lights were on. my mother and father were preparing for passover (we're not jewish...) and they told me that eating before 9 pm wasn't allowed. i didn't care about this because i am not jewish. i was hungry and i wanted to eat some of the snacks they had laid out on the table, but i thought it might be rude to eat in front of them when they had to fast.

      later we were going to the mall, which was located in toronto and called "queen elizabeth mall" or something like that. it was quite large. the colour scheme was warm yellows and browns. i was still looking for food. i went into a dark corridor and emerged into a large, dark room that housed animals in cages. i went into one of the larger cages which contained a group of otters. i decided to build a swimming pool for them. i did this similarly to how one would build a swimming pool in the sims. i had some difficulties with this.

      i walked out of the zoo area and was accosted by a large woman wearing an elaborate red and yellow dress. she was angry at me for a reason that i don't remember.

      i returned to the entrance of the mall. there was a coffee shop here. a fat guy in juggalo face paint was displaying some fancy squares and cupcakes on a tiered platter. i sampled several of these sweets but they didn't taste like anything. two teenage girls were fighting nearby and the juggalo said something like "hey bitch, why don't you have a caramel square?" i thought this was funny.

      Updated 07-17-2013 at 04:16 PM by 61860

    13. 10/07/13 - tattoos & halloween, fight with mom, apartment landscape

      by , 07-10-2013 at 11:47 AM (vignettes from a different world)
      i had a dream early in the night but i don't remember it at all. i will edit this if i recall any details.

      later i am in the dining room of the townhouse. various people are here. i have gotten 7 or 8 identical tattoos on my hip. they are tiny outlines of men. i colour them in with a pink marker to make it look like they're naked. a girl laughs and asks me if it's my halloween costume. suddenly i realize that it is halloween. i want candy but i do not have a costume so i go to my room and find a pair of bunny ears. i put them on and leave the house (it is night) but i only get a few steps before realizing i've forgotten to get something to hold the candy. i go back inside the house. there's a long segment here that i don't remember much of. all i remember is that i was carrying a purple nightgown with bleach stains and i saw an identical nightgown on a shelf, which creeped me out a little, and people were discussing times? i went upstairs to get a pillowcase but for some reason went into the bathroom instead. i heard someone talking about slenderman downstairs. then i entered my room. i grabbed a pillowcase and put on a glove shaped like a bunny's paw. the dream ends here.

      around 9 am i had the following dream: i am visiting my mother in an unfamiliar house. we get into an argument, the details of which are a little personal and so won't be posted here. i end up screaming at her, throwing a stack of paper in her face and leaving.

      edit: remembered another part of the last dream. this occurred prior to the argument. my father and i were in an apartment with white walls; a lot of stuff was made of wood. the room was filled with blue light. there were parts coming out of the walls that created steep hills and inclines and we were trying to climb on top of them. at the same time that these represented parts of the room they also represented a landscape and at times they would become much larger in scale and look, for lack of a better description, like real-life video game platforms; at one point there was an elaborate gothic church on top of one. yet they were still components of the apartment.

      comment: these simultaneous perceptions feature commonly in my dreams and often make it difficult to write down an accurate description. the best way i can describe it is that they add layers of depth to the dream world.. that is to say a table in a dream is not just a table; it may occasionally be perceived as an object that is functionally or structurally related (eg a chair because it's used for dining, a dog because it has four legs and is brown) or, if not fully perceived this way these sorts of associations will persist at a subconscious level and colour the dream experience. the mechanism behind this, i think, is an intensification of associative thought. i have experienced similar perceptions in waking life w/ the use of marijuana.

      Updated 07-10-2013 at 02:47 PM by 61860

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    14. 6-29-2013 Shinobu oshino and Jail

      by , 06-29-2013 at 07:42 PM (Subjects' Dream Journal)
      Legend: Dream , Semi-Lucid , Lucid.

      Robots and zippo lighters:
      In this dream, i'm a pilot of a mech, but my mech isn't fully upgraded so i'm hiding in my garage hoping to avoid the other mechs so my mech won't be destroyed. After a while, i eventually walk out and find tons of zippo lighters on the ground, and of course, my attitude is, 'hey these could be useful'. So i walk around collecting a ton of those. I think i eventually see a person but i can't remember. The dream takes place on my farm at night by the way.

      Also, i mentioned Shinobu oshino in my log title ( she is a character from the -monogatari anime series ). That's because somewhere in this dream, i saw her or something. I can't remember what happened except for the fact i saw her.

      The theme of this dream is like the gamemode Jailbreak from cs:s. I'm a prisoner but i get left behind, in this dream, the goal was to get a bomb and plant it somewhere in a courtyard. Since i was left behind, there are no cops to stop me from looting the bomb off a body. So i get the bomb and i go through sewer pipes into the courtyard and as i'm about to plant it. The cops shoot me and i die.

      Next round, only my dad and sister are the cops and i'm the only prisoner. Next thing i know, they are in my room attaching pins and buttons to my t-shirt.

      I'm in a big open metallic looking room with other people. We are all standing still, there is a girl walking around giving us orders. I open my mouth to ask a question as she walks by and the look on her face was absolutely terrifying, the young tough lady then starting yelling at me and told me to give her 5 dollars so i did. Then she gets even more mad because i wasn't suppose to give her money.

      Eventually, she leaves me alone and continues to walk around yelling at people. She gets back around and tells me to give her money again and i do ( forgetting what happened last time) but i was too late, she snatched the money just as i remembered what she had told me. So i start chasing her and i tackle her down and rip the money from her hands.

      After that scene, all of us are sent to like this nice little living room place. Not too bad for a jail xD. Next thing i know, the girl is having a feast with me and my family. I'm afraid at the thought because i know she's going to do something bad. So i walk outside for the feast, but i see no one so i keep walking, i eventually get the some woods and i see some indian like shelters, i'm afraid the owner is going to come back and catch me around his stuff so i walk back.

      I find my family sitting around a big fire. As i sit down, all the prisoners escape, so i decide that in the chaos, i will flee too. I start running, this new girl joins by my side but speeds up for no reason. I look behind me to see this guy chasing me. He's throwing alcohol on these ant hills and to my surprise, they're exploding. This is all i remember.
    15. Future Fun

      by , 06-13-2013 at 06:45 AM
      Level of Lucidity: 0
      Level of Clarity: 5
      Level of Realism: 9
      (levels based 0-10, 0-5 being low - good 5-10 being great - extreme)

      I was in LA (My home city) and was just finishing smoking a blunt... of tobacco. I was sitting at my computer playing Battlefield 3. I heard some people outside of my apartment looking at an apartment to lease and I knew it was late, perhaps 4 in the morning. I looked out of the window and there was a large family comprised of two parents, an uncle, and about 6 kids. Two of which were girls close to my age (18). One of them saw me looking out of the window and climbed up to the balcony to see me. She sat at my desk and I told her that I had been smoking. She doesn't seem to care. I put my hands on her knees and we are about to engage in sexual activity when she begins to pull away and talk, but it's still a heated kind of conversation. We then started making out etc. After we did that for a bit, her family walks out and she has to leave with them. I think her father saw us kissing, he was very mad and I ran out of the apartment and the complex was no longer my own, it is now like a Motel 6 on the exterior. The balconies were all different, and so were the colors, and every apartment had a window AC, just like at Motel 6's. I run into the last room on the end towards the street because the door is open and explained what's happening to my neighbor. I go and hide in the back which was a closet with a shower in it, and there was no door. When I think it's safe I stick my head out to thank the tenant but the family is walking past the window and the dad sees me. He comes inside and walks to where I am with his daughter and says some things to me but I can't make out what they are. All I understood was that he was angry. I talked to him for a bit, and before long we are friends. He knows I only wish the best and wouldn't simply take advantage of his daughter. The next thing I know we are on a fancy boat on a very futuristic beach, but there is no sand, instead there are huge mile high skyscrapers, and the waves were crashing into the base of them. In between 2 of the skyscrapers there's a sort of boating dock. The boat I was on was like a speedboat that would pull a tube behind it. Me and the girl are sitting in the front of the boat and one of her sisters was out swimming in the sea. Then suddenly she found some other boat and is doing something with it. She started it then pulled it behind our boat and tethered it to our boat.

      That's all I remember, I forgot the dream upon awakening, but remembered about an hour and a half later, after I got out of the shower.


      Updated 06-15-2013 at 04:23 PM by 63661

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
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