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    1. Long LD: Wall Portal/Re-Entering Dream

      by , 06-08-2015 at 03:15 PM

      I had a fairly long lucid dream last night. Unfortunately, it was earlier on in the night. I thought I had gotten up and written it down. But now I see that I had only done that in a dream. So a lot of the details are fading from the dream. But I will share what I remember.

      I was in the middle of a long complex dream. I was in an apartment in a tall building. In the part that I remember the bad guy was coming after me with a needle and was trying to drug me. I somehow ran away and out onto a balcony many stories high. I climbed over the rail and swung myself under the balcony to hide. but I realized that he would most likely look for me here. So I jumped down to the balcony below me and dropped over the edge of that one too. I started making my way down towards ground level.

      Somewhere in here I realized that what I was doing would probably terrify me in real life. I must be dreaming.

      I took off flying. I remembered a conversation I had where I was telling someone how real flying felt in dreams. So as I flew I really paid attention to all the sensations that went along with flying. With anything in dreams, the more you look for the details, the more you will find them. So I noticed the wind in my hair. I especially noticed how my stomach lurched when I swooped down very fast.

      I ended up flying into another building. I saw a Japanese lady standing next to a table. There were beautiful plants on the table and part of the table was like a tank with about 6 inches of water in in. For some reason I really wanted to stick my head in the water and breathe the water in, since I knew I could do that in dreams. So I did. I couldn't get my whole head under water, but all of my face was covered. I took a breath and took the water in. Afterwards I pulled my head out and noticed my mouth was still full of water. So I gargled the water. My lucid self thought that was quite interesting. I had never gargled in a dream. I guess that's something we all need to experience.

      I then wanted to do some sort of task. I hadn't prepped myself the night before. I didn't have a clear plan of what I wanted to do. I had too many things on my list. The first thing that popped into my head was to do the Dreamviews' Task of the Month, which I thought was to run at a wall and transport to another place--similar to Harry Potter's platform 9 3/4. (In retrospect, this was not a current Task of the Month. It had been quite a while ago. I haven't even looked up this month's Tasks because I have been out of town and busy).

      I saw in front of me a wall that looked like it was made of rock. I was still inside of the building so I knew it was fake rock. It almost looked like fabric. But I figured it would work as well as anything else. I ran and pushed myself through the wall. I was a little surprised at how easy it was. (I had a long streak of dreams where I would try to use my mirror portal and would keep hitting the mirror and bouncing off.)

      As I came out the other side of the wall portal I saw that I was in a very large dark room. All the walls in this room seemed to be made of fabric. They had scenes of mountains painted on.

      At this point I suddenly felt myself wake up. I felt a little discouraged, but I decided that I was going back to the dream. I concentrated and pictured the room. Slowly it started appearing around me again. I felt quite satisfied with myself for getting back. This is a skill that I have been working on lately and having some success with.

      To keep myself in the dream I rubbed my hands together (a good trick for dream stabilization). I also lifted my shirt and rubbed my hands on my stomach. I wanted to make sure my dream body was very solid.

      I can't really remember what happened next. I know I did some more things and then woke up again. I was able to get myself back in the dream a second time. I did a few more things, but those things have faded since I didn't write them down. I don't think they were big tasks, just little things like flying and noticing things.
      Maybe something will come to me later today.

      But anyway, even though this wasn't a spectacular LD, I felt good about it. I have been getting lucid more easily again after my long dry spell. And I am also getting better at bringing myself back to the dream if I lose it too soon. That's a great skill to figure out.
    2. For yesterday and this day

      by , 05-26-2015 at 06:57 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      [25-05-2015] Portal to a harbor city

      With mother and younger sister we went to a local cinema. Younger sister was wearing a costume of wonder woman, I had a trenchcoat and my mother was wearing casual clothes. We entered the Screen 1 room. It was a small room, with wooden benches and lights out. We sat down as the movie started to play.

      Suddenly I've got sucked inside the movie. The projection showed a short scene of me and my relatives coming back from a city. Brother asked me to park a car in the garage, which I've done quickly, maneuvering between dog and grandma. When I placed the car in the garage, I got sucked into another scene.

      I was a lone wanderer. I travelled from a small village into enormous cursed city, where I found a portal to another realm. I entered it quickly and found myself in medieval harbor city. I was standing on the edge of platform, looking at the sea lands.

      I walked the poor, empty streets of harbor city, going to an entrance. Then I saw warriors taking control over the place. Then I saw someone similar to one dude from my class, and said "What!? You've gave up!? People, you don't know what you did! This guy is a badass! He saved the world... and killed dragons!"

      Suddenly I changed into that person, and took a short sword into my hands. With quick moves I killed all the warriors and freed the city and myself. I went back to look at the sea land, and saw coral-like creatures jumping over the water.

      When they contacted the water, they changed into another forms. One changed from blue to red, and received a long leg. The other one was white, and turned into a statue. I ran to the place from where I come, to the entrance of a portal.

      I saw two monks and one of the coral-like creatures, but bigger and more humanoid. Monks when watching as he comes clouser said with amusement "Concalcius! You're back!" It had fingers of different colours, and looked at the whit one for a while, saying "I hold power... I hold life."


      I was walking with group of friends in high mountains, when suddenly a white griffin appeared and captured one of them.
    3. Jogging / Portable Hole / Space (DILD)

      by , 04-14-2015 at 07:06 AM
      Ritual: WTB 2am, woke 9am with dream. Recall: 9/10. April had so far been a dryspell, but after my hot streak in early March I hadn't worried too much about it. I've noticed that my streaks and dryspells often seem to operate cyclically. I was distressed in early April when even my dream recall was inexplicably poor, but for the past week that had been improving. I had been continuing daytime RCs but to no discernible effect, and hadn't made any serious LD attempts all month.

      Last night was no exception, but since I was stressed and annoyed over work obligations, I let myself drink rather heavily with dinner. The consequence of this was that I slept poorly, having to cycle lots of water and wake up even more frequently than usual. This didn't bother me either, as I'd slept plenty in the last few days and didn't feel especially tired. I also enjoyed that I was dreaming heavily all night, with decent recall, though the dreams themselves were not interesting enough to sacrifice more sleep to record them. As morning approached, the line between sleeping and waking started to blur, to the point where I found myself in a long dream where I seemed to be lying half-awake in my bed, but talking and interacting with DCs who were in the room with me. Even before the dream ended it occurred to me that it had involved some semi-lucid intervals, so I realized I should get up and take some notes. I was in the process of doing so when I began to suspect I was still dreaming. My first instinct was to wake myself up so I could record the dream properly, but then I realized that I shouldn't squander this unexpected opportunity!

      DILD: In my living room. Don't think I'm awake yet. Could wake myself up, of course. Hang on—that would be a waste. Must be at least an hour before I have to get up. What were those tasks again?

      Jogging will be easy enough. I start running even before I leave the house. Suddenly my feet feel heavy and I notice I am wearing my old black leather combat boots. Grin—if there was any doubt I was dreaming it has cleared up now. [For the record, I was never in the military, I just had a distinctive fashion sense in my youth.] Go outside the door and jog away. Immediately nothing like my backyard, though it does still resemble the region I live in. Look around: in the distance see a woman pushing a stroller. "Woman pushing a stroller," I say to myself, to fix the details. I'm running across a parking lot, and where it ends I pass an unusual tree whose thick branches are armed with long thorns. "Thorn tree," I state for the record. Find myself at the edge of a steep hill and run straight down. Gravity isn't a problem, I stay perpendicular to the ground I am covering, which means I am pitched forward at a 45 degree angle and would fall flat onto my stomach if gravity were operative, but it isn't. I can feel my body being gently buoyed up into this position, and my speed doesn't become too great. Say, "Steep hill." As I'm running down the hill, looking around, I see something stranger. The earth is almost barren, with dry scrubby vegetation in patches, but looking to my left, I see razors sticking up out of the ground as if someone has planted them there, dozens of them, several inches apart, covering a large patch of ground. "Razors planted in the ground," I say, adding, "Disposable razors." And they're not just any brand, but I recognize them: distinctive yellow handles, white heads... "Bic razors," I think.

      At the bottom of the hill the ground levels out. I notice that the act of jogging doesn't feel at all realistic, which is interesting because I actually do jog in WL on a semi-regular basis, so it is not that my dreaming mind lacks sensations to draw upon. In what respect is it unrealistic? Well, there's no need for real effort, no sense of real weight. And now, unbidden, my arms are dangling and dragging through the dry dirt of the ground, I can feel it sifting through my fingers. My arms do not feel any longer than normal, and my legs do not feel any shorter than normal, yet my fingers are trailing the ground alongside me as I run. I notice a small mushroom lying on the dirt and pick it up, saying "Mushroom." It is a fleshy beige tube-shaped stem without a distinct cap, and I recognize the type from the grocery store—it is a small eryngii mushroom.

      Previously I had passed highways at the base of the hill, but now I'm approaching a smaller local street, buildings tightly packed together on the side of the street across from me. I decide to move on to another task. When the April TOTMs were posted I had worked out a plan whereby I would use the portable hole to portal myself into space and do the bonus task. I note an ideal location in the street—there's a manhole cover there or some other kind of circular mark that seems the ideal place to set down the hole. I notice three guys on this side of the road are getting into a parked car and feel instinctive momentary caution about running in front of it, but remind myself that this is a dream, there's no way to be harmed if the car hits me, and anyway I should use it as motivation to succeed quickly in the hole task. In retrospect, I note that the direction they're about to drive suggests either that this must be a one-way street, or else that the traffic flow is the opposite of what it normally is in the US.

      I had planned my strategy as I was jogging up, so once I got to the spot I had designated, I promptly used my right hand to reach into my "pocket" (to avoid overcomplicating things I deliberately didn't bother to take notice of what I was wearing or make sure it had a pocket, I just let assumption carry the day), pulled out my portable hole and dropped it. Nothing happened, but the problem was easily diagnosed: my hand had come up empty from my pocket, so I had only been pretending to drop the hole. Apparently, in dreams, there can somehow still be a distinction (however nuanced) between "pretending" to do something and "actually" doing it.

      "You actually have to pull something out," I murmured to myself reprovingly, and reached into my pocket again. This time my hand closed around a folded piece of very thin black cloth. I recall the texture of the cloth made it feel like a synthetic fiber, smooth and slightly shiny. I unfolded it and dropped it on the pavement. It was circular, perfectly sized to fit over the manhole-cover spot in the street, but I had thrown it so casually that it had fallen in a bunched up and wrinkled way, so I kneeled down to gently smooth it flat. Then I stood back up and stepped on the cloth, intending to sink through it and find myself in space. Of course the first time, it felt no different than stepping onto a layer of cloth that had been set onto the pavement, and I didn't go anywhere. This didn't surprise me, since I knew my expectations might have been conditioned by some of the early TOTM reports I had read in this month's thread. So I patiently tried again, knowing I could make this work. I hopped in place and focused on the sensation of sinking. The second try was still a dud. I hopped again, maintaining my focus and emphasizing the idea of falling through the hole. It worked, though instead of falling suddenly, as one might through a real hole, I was sinking slowly and gently downward. I used this extra time to build my image of where I wanted to end up: space.

      After I sank beneath the surface of the pavement, I was floating in a pitch black, unconstructed space. This was more promising than disorienting—after all, outer space has very similar qualities. However, I knew I should be seeing stars, so I firmed my resolve to be in space, specifically "outer space," not just unconstructed space. The dream complied, and filling my field of view to the front and right was a sudden glimpse of a great starry disk, fully round as if I was looking at it head on. "Galaxy," I murmured, impressed by how beautiful it was, how awe-inspiring, even if it had been generated entirely by my own mind. But the task required me to observe a sunrise over Earth, so I focused my intention using keywords: "Space. Sunrise."

      The beautiful galaxy disappeared, replaced with a vision much less inspiring. From photographs I have the impression that seeing the actual Earth from space is visually stunning, but despite the loveliness of my galaxy, my model of Earth was rather dull and unconvincing. What made it so underwhelming was that I didn't feel like the distances were right: even though I was still floating in "space," I felt like I was only a few feet away from the planet, which resembled a large globe about six feet in diameter. It was dark, because I was looking at the night side, and as I willed the "sunrise" to occur, the light creeping around the edge of the planet illuminated something unexpected: the whole planet seemed fenced in by structures built over and around it, and they were covered with corporate logos! Actually it seemed very appropriate metaphor for the current state of affairs. The structures definitely didn't look like the sorts of things that could exist in space, though, since they consisted of large interlocking beams that crowded and dwarfed the planet itself. As I examined this structure, the "space" in which I was floating stabilized into the interior of a large, dimly lit room, the earth and the structures around it becoming mere models. It resembled the lobby of a planetarium or space museum.

      "Space. Sunrise." I said again firmly, trying to restore the scene to the one I had intended. I temporarily succeeded in making the room fade away so that I was again floating in darkness in front of the Earth, but when I tried to re-do the sunrise, the growing light illuminated the walls of the same room that I had just banished, and now the light was almost aggressively bright. This, I figured, was actual light from WL—during my earlier wakings I had noticed that it was a very bright morning, and my curtains can only do so much to keep light out of the bedroom. I managed to ignore the light and hold onto the dream a little bit longer, but I was still wrestling to turn the room's interior back into outer space when I woke up.

      Updated 04-14-2015 at 07:50 AM by 34973

      lucid , false awakening , task of the month
    4. (L) Fun, Mystic and going to the mirror world (TotM)

      by , 03-25-2015 at 12:41 PM
      I was close to my elementary school. I do not remember this part that well, but I became lucid and I started to fly, but in a weird way.. It could look like I got pulled up in the air with a leash around my waist. I flew to the elementary school, and walked around. It looked very different from what it does in waking life, it was like some of the building I went it to were minecraft on 2 walls and real walls on the others.
      The minecraft walls were tall so I thought it would be fun to run up alon them. on the walls there were minecraft wood fences, which were impossible to get over.. So I got down into that room again.
      I heard knocks or something, and I look over at an opening to another room. The knocks and the way that opening looked just told me that things was not good there. I walked away and then I heard it from a window. I walked over to the windows and saw 3 dream characters a man, boy and a girl. They played on music instruments while they just looked into the air with a natural face.
      I tried to push myself through the wall, but I was not allowed to so I walked away from the windows and I noticed that there now were a mirror where the opening to the creepy room where. I stood in front of it and noticed that I did not have a relfection, and thus came my reflection from the same side I came from, and did the things I did just seconds ago, so it was delayed, which were fun but also weird to experience. My reflection started to get white eyes that started to glow, so I turned my back on it and moved on.
      After I turned my back on it, I noticed that there were more mirrors and I got reminded of the TotM, so I thought "Oh yay! Now I can do the TotM" so I ran towards the mirror I was facing and jumped into it. There was no resistance, I went through like nothing was there.
      The room I jumped in to were like a flipped version of the room I just came from, it was pink-ish (I can't explain how it looked but it makes me think of a sunset). There was a pile of kids toys on the floor including a mp5. I thought of another thing I had wanted to do for some time, and it was to use a portal gun (Portal video game). So all I expected was that it shooted portals, and it did. I shot it down on the ground and an orange portal appeared. I walked onto it, and nothing happened, so I randomly just shot up on the roof and then I woke up.

      This was the lucid dream I had yesterday.
    5. Hearing test, elevator, other realms.

      by , 03-06-2015 at 02:36 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First dream

      I entered my old school building. I was invited to a party for graduates. I was going down the crowded corridor, and went down the stairs. There were two security guards - a man and a woman. They were wearing blue uniforms. The man had short, bright hair and somewhat square chin. The woman had dark brown hair made into a pigtail. She was quite attractive. They were standing near the entry gate, and everyone that wanted to get inside, had to go through it.

      I moved towards the gate. When getting close the security officers tried to make me a hearing test by pushing a pencil deep into my ear. I felt strong pain, and went through the gate. After a few seconds I had troubles with hearing. All I could hear was strange noise, and I felt that I have something inside my ear, even though they took the pencil back, as they were doing the same thing to everyone passing by.

      I decided to catch up with the rest of my present class, even though most of them weren't even studying there. They ran inside the sports hall, when I was checking if the cloakrooms changed. I remembered a room with showers. Entering it I saw only an ordinary bathroom. Suddenly a teacher appeared and told me to take the chainsaw operator suit, and go to the sports hall.

      I changed my clothes, and entered the building. It was really tall building. I saw some gigantic posters hanging on the walls. The teacher appeared, and told me that I'm going to take a ladder, and take them down.

      Second dream

      It was in unknown future. I have put on a protective suit, and went to an elevator platform. It was dark all around. Lamps were giving really bright light. Everything was made of steel, and heavily wired. I stepped onto a platform, and pushed the lever. I looked at gearwheels moving, nad giving a squeak of rusty metal. I turned around and waited until the elevator moved all the way down.

      After a while I saw a huge antechamber, it was a dome. I could see the outerspace through the window, but it was just a black, empty void. There was nothing over the horizon, only darkness. I look at the middle of the chamber, and see a weird spires pointing at one point. They were wired to an electrical box with a lever, standing close to me. I push the lever, and a strange rotating disc of purple energy appeared in the middle of the room. I came clsoer, and stepped into it.

      Then I found myself back in the room with elevator platform. This time however, there were two construction workers. They were talking, but I couldn't hear what they were talking about. I stepped onto the platform, and pushed the lever. Then I heard one of the construction workers: See this guy? It's third time in ten minutes he's using this elevator! The second one said: Yeah, I heard about a girl that was doing absolutely the same! I turned around on the platform, and drove to the huge antechamber with portal.

      I came closer to the electric box, and came closer to the portal. Just when I was about to step into the portal, I realised that I was doing the same all the time. Whatever happens after I go throuh the portal makes me go back to the starting point.
    6. Land of the Dead

      by , 02-17-2015 at 04:14 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was a spirit. Dead? I'm on the "other side." I was looking for someone. I saw accidents but they look more like a picture: still and unmoving.

      I found a woman. I went back to the world of the living with her. We had to go through a "portal." It's not a whirling "hole" on the air though. It's like... a field, where everything is hazy, where the land of the living and the dead overlap. I saw the place where the woman will end up, in a camp in the middle of the woods. I thought of how it will be difficult for her to go back to her life since she's already about to be buried. While thinking this, I saw another woman, older than her, inside a tent. The older woman is stopping her from going back. I had to fight her. I used a spear. Eventually, she got torn apart, with her face on a paper/poster on the door (to our garage). I tore it a bit more before opening the door and going outside.

      I was outside a mall. I looked for people I know. They're in the cinema. I went in. There was a talk. I saw Arfel and I talked to him. He looked sheepish for some reason. I went outside. I was in SM Megamall, right in front of EDSA. It's night.
    7. WILD and The Chocolate Cake Man!

      by , 01-27-2015 at 06:07 AM
      Dream #1: WILD

      I was laying in bed, focusing on feeling my dream hands as I was falling asleep. I started moving them to focus on the sensation, then I started to move my feet as well. I rolled my body out of bed with telekinesis because I was afraid that if I rolled out with my muscles then I might be using my actual body.

      I shuffled over to the door and slowly opened my eyes, while feeling the dream world around me by feeling the texture of the walls and the ground. There was a latina maid that greeted me outside of the room, she gave me a butterscotch candy which I gladly ate, yum! Then I remembered that I wanted to go to D.R. island, so I drew a portal on the ground, touched it with my hand to activate it, then jumped in. I ended up in this beautiful field of the most vivid, green grass that I have ever seen. There was a forest off in the distance. I decided that this wasn't D.R. and so I started to teleport in another way. I pushed my hand against the ground and it made a crater-like indentation which then started to charge up. These white rings flew above me and I felt like I was about to soar through them at ridiculous speed! Right as the teleportation was going to happen, Dreamer moved in bed and I woke up.

      Dream #2: DILD

      I was in the middle of an abandoned road with Dreamer, she was laying down on a lounge chair. I remembered that I wanted to summon The Chocolate Cake Man, so I made a fissure erupt in the earth. Then I made The Chocolate Cake Man rise up and out of the crack in the earth. He was standing on a rock. This Chocolate Cake Man DC was a mushroomlike humanoid, very lifelike and beautiful. I was astounded by the details in his skin, the subtle wrinkles and colourations. Just as I was about to talk with him, Dreamer exclaimed, "There's no way that's my Chocolate Cake Man, you better try again, don't even insult me with such a thing!"

      I thought for a second and decided that she must be right, so I thought about changing his image to something else, but I thought that might be cheating somehow. I then started to re-summon him but I woke up before I could.
      Aw well, I have another chance tomorrow night!
    8. Portal to Snowboard Trick Rail – Dec 27, 2014

      by , 01-15-2015 at 07:32 PM
      I was lying in bed consciously awake, with my body asleep, waiting for the next dream to start, and then a good thing happened, I felt ‘the vibrations’ starting. Then I experienced something new, I could see an oval shaped portal above my head (approx. 2 feet in diameter), and there was bright light and snow coming through it. I’ve never seen anything like that before. I reached my OBE arms up into the opening, grabbed onto the snow covered ground with my left hand, and onto some sort or rail with my right, and then I started to drag myself slowly out of my bed and into this fantastic place.

      It took all the strength I had to exit into this wonderland, pulling and dragging, but it was well worth it! I stood up, and realized I was on a beautiful mountainous ski slope. The sky was a wash of whiteness from a snow flurry, and I the tree line below was faintly visible. The clarity was excellent! The portal behind me vanished. I could feel the cold wind against my body (only had my briefs on). There was a snowboard trick rail to the right of me, and this is what I used to help drag me out of my bed. Flight was first thing that came to mind, so I tried to take off, but then everything went black, and then I was back in bed again, consciously awake, but with my body asleep. A short time later I ended up in another lucid dream which I journaled as, ‘Stabbing a Butcher Knife Right Through my Hand’.
    9. Close the portal right now...

      by , 01-14-2015 at 11:59 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Close the portal right now... (Non-lucid)


      I was in a hospital but I was with my brother.

      We were playing Super Smash Brothers U and for some reason, I was playing with Sonic
      (I hate sonic... never liked him... I would never use sonic) and I could not get hit or I would lose.

      I was fighting a random character and I started to do the roll thingy that sonic does and kicked the other guy away:

      I was able to hit him away from the screen and I say a text that said, "Great finishing"
      (nonsense gamewise)

      From here, I went to my home and opened a Spirit portal. My mom got upset telling she was afraid and asked me to close it, but I told her my brother needed the good energy, that they had awful energy at home and since I was visiting, wanted to help. She insited in me closing it and told me to repent my sins and go to chuch (my mom is atheist)

      My dad was smoking.
    10. A Small Portal

      by , 12-29-2014 at 05:53 PM
      Morning of December 29, 2014. Monday.

      Although this dream does have similarities to concepts from certain sparser past dreams, it is entirely new in its “design”. My intent, as usual, is to expand on each new in-dream “power”. I have only, for one day, been using a new type of dream “scripting”, but not as direct as other types. It involves a new type of training that combines focusing on and questioning an event or image transition with two possible outcomes, one related to “can only occur in a dream” and the other, “will likely only occur when awake”. Of course, this is so “obvious” as to be ridiculous, but I have never read anything remotely similar in dream publications. It is a more advanced form of continuous “reality checks” that eventually become “automatic”, that is, a natural way of thought continuity. Instead of just asking now and then if you are dreaming, you do actual meditative sessions with real objects or images and their status until your entire mind falls into this skill “automatically”. (I will go more into this later in other entries). Practice makes perfect as they say. I am surprised it has already “worked” in a way after only one day, but not as fully as desired, though I suspect it fits into the “prototype” type of dream.

      Obviously, dreams can be “anything” (including, for lack of a better term, “paranormal”, contrary to certain less-enlightened and less-experienced people) - and, strangely enough, I only began to fully understand this more recently (compared to the extent and longevity of my work). Because of the nature of consciousness, “anything” can be experienced in a dream and at any level of vividness (even two or more dreams at the same time if one is so inclined) including far more vivid than day to day real life (which I suppose worries some people as they are then concerned with somehow being “tricked” into thinking they are dreaming when they are not - which is absurd due to the fact that dreams naturally “trick” people into thinking they are awake - but, alas, it is human nature to “fail”, apparently), particularly various levels of remote viewing, which includes perspectives and perceptions not even close to habitual waking associations (which may, in fact, be why many people supposedly do not remember their dreams - due to them being too abstract or “far away” from their waking status).

      In my dream, I am sitting in the center of a mostly featureless pale blue room. I am not lucid, yet (as has often been the case in the past) still somehow aware I am making my dream from another “mental plain” (for lack of a better term). There is an invisible “portal” in the room that I am aware of, but it is very small. This portal is, for a time, seemingly no bigger than my finger, though it does seem to expand later. It is probably about a foot or so from the floor. In fact, I find it by moving my hand around until the fingertip starts to “vanish” when I move my hand forward a bit. This happens a few times.

      What is remarkable is that I can see my finger slowly vanish from the tip downward as it enters this other realm (though this does not trigger any degree of lucidity yet). I try experimenting with it. I take a small book and actually manage to push it through into the other (unseen) realm so that it seems to become “invisible” as a result (though not truly invisible, just beyond this portal). After a time, my mother-in-law, unfortunately, makes an appearance. The portal at that point almost seems like a sort of metaphorical “coin-slot” into this other world.

      There is not much definition or rendering of the mother-in-law presence or associations, but there is something to do with an occult book being taken out by the mother-in-law, though it is primarily inconsequential and something about demons (which I have never remotely seen any evidence of in my lifetime - only manifestations of someone’s own personal fears and limitations).

      There is not much else going on. I have not “worked” like this in any past dream in this particular way (only vaguely similar scenes), but it does seem a result of the particular “reality checks” I had done. However, they curiously took on a different metaphorical pattern. Instead of checking by “meeting a solid surface” with my fingertips, my fingertip “vanished” into an implied portal, the portal being otherwise completely unseen. Of course, this implies (though I already knew this) that even if a dream is seemingly of “one” implied environment (and not necessarily relevant to common bilocation experiences in dreams), there are unseen immediate phasing layers all around the dreamer. This is no surprise, I suppose, due to the fact that sound, imagery, and other features of the universe also phase in ways the public would refuse to believe even when shown. For example, when you invert one sound wave over another (polarity reversal) the second being originally the same as the first, all relevant sound completely ceases to exist. However, this is not a matter of “cancelling out” as some suggest. Why? Because if you insert something that slightly changes one of the waveforms into one channel, you will still detect that they both still simultaneously exist, just in a different inaudible form. This of course, is quite intriguing in what it suggests about the nature of dreaming and human thought itself.
      Tags: portal, portals
    11. Epic Nightmare: Demons, Tanks, Magic

      by , 10-05-2014 at 03:39 AM (Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness)
      I watch a plane crash on the television as part of a breaking news story. The last part of the clip before they cut it shows the plane flying away from the crash site. It doesn't make sense to me, so I re-play the scene in slow motion. This time, the second plane is a missile. Both are in fact missiles. Nuclear missiles. I get on my computer and try to find the exact town in England where the crash happened, but can't find it. Just a bunch of English towns. Finally, I spot the wreckage.

      As soon as I see the wreckage, I'm on a bus that's headed right to the crash site. My mom is on the bus, as well as my good friends. Up ahead is an unexpected building, billowing with thick gray smoke. Just pumping smoke out the top of it like it is manufacturing something. Our bus stops at a gate just before this building and a bunch of men with guns board our bus speaking a combo German/Italian language that I can't understand. Through their non-verbal cues, I understand that they must search our bus and everyone on it before they let us go on our way.

      One of the men searches me, but gets upset when he sees that I'm wearing a belt. He passes me to the next guy who also finds nothing hidden. Even more upset than the first guy, he picks me up by my shoulders, and shakes me vigorously as if to get any pills to fall out my ass if I were a drug mule. Fortunately (for many reasons) there is nothing.

      They finally let us all go. I sit down back in my seat, cautious not to draw any unwanted attention to myself. I see my high school sweet heart in the seat right in front of mine and we smile at each other. Then I see several layers of cloth all stacked on top of one another. The cloth itself begins to speak, telling me, "There are many ways to love a woman." Then the pile of stacked cloth lays completely flat on the bus seat, melting into it. Seems like good advice I suppose...

      Looking out the window, I watch as we pass the building from earlier. It is a power plant that burns some sort of smoky fuel, powering the entire town around it. Set up like some post-apocalyptic utopia, the buildings are all caddywhompus, but well maintained McGuiver style. The bus stops abruptly in the center of the town, and everyone is forced off of it.

      I am taken to the front of a tank column and strapped to the front of it as a human shield for the point tank. Definitely not a safe place to be in general, let alone for what I fear is about to happen. Meat shields make me sad, but I'm happy that it's me and not someone else. Completely bound, I tensely watch from the front row of the action as a group of fighters (who I assume are on my side) ambush the tanks. The whole ridge above us seems to have come alive with machine gun fire and anti-tank rockets. Sadly, they are all killed by the tank fire and .50 Cal machine guns.

      Due to all the rough driving, my bindings come loose toward the end of the fray and I make my get away, running as fast as I can before they notice. I dart into the first building I come across and hide up in the attic. I get the feeling that ninja-assassins have seen me hide in here, and are on their way sneaking inside. I have to do something to prepare myself.

      I magically find in my hand a plastic spray bottle with an enchanted liquid inside that causes whoever is sprayed in the eyes to face their biggest fear. I test it on a nearby cat, who goes completely wide eyed, and then rigid for a few moments before moving again. The cat seemed to enjoy this, and now is like my minion. I direct it to the far corner of the room to help warn me of anyone approaching. Another cat walks right up to my face and looks at me like it too wants to get the fear spray. I spray it in the face once, and it reacts just like the first. Before I decide what to do with it, a third cat approaches and I do the same.

      I send one of the cats down the attic stairs to investigate, amazed that the cats are voluntarily helping me through our unusual connection via the fear spray. I am about to spray myself in the face with it, but before I do, I hear someone downstairs. Sneaking down the ladder, there are no lights on anywhere, just a mysterious blue glow. I step on the floor and it is really wet.

      A creepy woman's voice whispers directly into my ear, "The true test is how well you can step quietly through a puddle of blood" Quite a sadistic test, especially since she could've just killed me right there instead of toying with me like this. I see now that the entire floor is flooded with about a quarter an inch deep of blood. I get a quick mental flash back of this same woman killing a bunch of soldiers in this room using knives and dodging their bullets, and then draining their blood everywhere.

      Thinking about her challenge, my feet change from wearing shoes, to slippers, back to shoes, and then to socks before settling on barefoot as I consider how to stay quietest. Barefoot it is then... The cold, sticky blood is really creepy, and not more than a few steps in, the sticky noises give me away.

      She lunges at me, trying to bite my throat in half. I get a clear look at her face for the first time, it resembles a zombie face, with dark red slime and nastiness all around her mouth, crazy demonic eyes, and greasy straight black hair. I push against her chest and stomach to hold her back and get knocked on my back over some furniture. She jumps at me, using her teeth as her main weapon as I struggle to keep her off me. Pushing against her stomach, it turns into a dark empty void like space, but darker somehow. From this void, a second pair of arms reach out to fight me. Struggling with these, I kick at her, only to find another portal open up at her waist from which a second pair of legs come through kicking at me. There is blood everywhere, and she just doubled her limbs while trying to bite me to death. This fact sinks in a bit and I wake up.
    12. Wrong Story

      by , 09-11-2014 at 03:01 PM (Lucid Time!)
      This is a big mish-mash of stuff from the last couple days. I've been caught up with college.

      I am at S's house. But it feels more like my grandmother's house mashed with some completely unfamiliar elements. S is having a birthday party, and has invited only me and seven or eight very attractive girls.

      S is in his room all alone, and the girls are doing shots (and drunk as all heck). The invite me to try and drink the most, and give me a big glass of tequila. I take it, and when nobody is looking, pour it out the open window.
      S calls us into his bedroom, that looks more like a hotel room with two beds. He sits everyone down and we start playing apples to apples.

      My extended family (so a lot of people) are being taken to a very upscale movie theater by my cousin to see Divergent. We get there and the movie starts by explaining the post-apocalyptic setting. But then it begins to deviate from the plot some.
      Man, why does this always happen? A dream glitch occurs and I become a character the movie.
      So it turns out this isn't Divergent, but rather some other movie. The plot is as follows, and it's complicated.
      Meteorites containing an unknown alien element come crashing to earth. There are just a few at first, but slowly more and more of them begin to arrive. When the meteorites impact they create what are known as psychic wormholes. These are portals intertwining the planets of the inner solar system (that have also been hit by these meteorites) as well as the distant origin star system. The portals can effect a human's consciousness by hypnotizing them to walk into the portal, turning them into a zombie, or just trying to kill them.
      Humanity built anti-oribtal laser cannons to combat the meteorites and prevent the portals from covering too much of the earth's surface. Although a large percentage of the earth is already under the influence of these portals, there are small zones where the remaining humans live that are free from the psychic effects of the portals.
      Occasionally scientists and others go outside of the safe zones to study the portals and look for ways to destroy them. But only people with what's known as a 'psychic resistance' can leave the safe zones and study the portals.
      I can remember that I am one of the people that is going outside the safe zone. I am waiting in a field alongside others. Some people are saying goodbye to their families and hugging one another and what not, because of the people turned into zombies, going near the portals is dangerous.
      My character is however, an orphan. I have nobody to say goodbye to.
      While I am waiting in the field, I notice the surroundings. I recall there being a huge concrete pedestal in the field with a telescope observatory dome on top of it. But rather than a telescope there is this huge steel cone with prongs on the end of it. There is a red conduit going up the side. I think to myself that is probably one of the anti-orbital lasers.
      A small boat pulls up in a lake by the field, and people start getting on. That is the boat that take us outside the safe zone. I take note of how cramped the boat looks but then remember that the ride is not very long. I get on-board.
      It was at this point that I met a character called The Marshall. He was this huge, brawny man who wore a cowboy hat and motorcycle goggles. He divided everyone up into groups, each one of us was to investigate one portal. They needed as many people as possible for these missions so anyone with psychic resistance had to come.
      My group wound up being with a very young, brown haired boy, probably six or seven. An elderly woman, at least 70. And a woman with short black hair who was probably in her 20's. She looked like as though she was very experienced with going outside of the safe zones.
      I can remember the Marshall passes out a printed test to everyone to make sure that they have the psychic resistance that he needs.
      The dream skips ahead to my group walking through the streets of an overgrown city. The black-haired woman has a detector used for locating the exact location of the wormhole. The old woman, who was around before the meteors struck, knows this city because she used to live in this town.
      We end up finding the wormhole on the floor of an abandoned Cafe. It is a small blue energy vortex bound onto the floor, perhaps a foot in diameter. It seems to distort the tiles around it, making them appear to twist with it.

      I walk into the cafe, through the broken front wall, and the black haired girl tells me not to go too close. Even though I have psychic resistance, I can still hear the wormhole calling to me, telling me to jump in. I decide to give in to it, even though I could easily fight off the desire.
      I can remember walking over to the spot on the floor. I look up at the ceiling and see a small hole, no bigger than a baseball with sunlight streaming though and think about the meteor falling through it. I then jump into the portal.

      I am high above the earth's atmosphere. The moon is huge and very close to earth. Mars is smaller and visible on above the moon. I start falling toward the earth and burning up in the atmosphere.

      I am standing in what feels like the entrance to an ancient city. There are roman-styled buildings made out of a white crystal all around. They appear crumbled and in a state of disrepair but are still beautiful. There are cherry blossom trees everywhere, and the air is thick with flower petals. There are so many petals that they form a thin layer, perhaps an inch thick on the ground.
      Hands break through the thick mat of petals and grab me around the ankles, and start pulling me in. It feels like the petals are much deeper now, and the scent of them is overwhelming. I struggle and scream but it is muffled.
      I start to become lucid. I wake up.

      I am at my university. I am walking around and come across this very odd dorm building that looks like a motel. It is supposed to have really fancy dorms but looks very junky and beat-up.

      I am having a fight with somebody. We both have mild superpowers. I can recall we are fighting in the parking lot. I pick up a small white car and try to throw it at him.
      I recall very vivid imagery as the car skids down the parking lot hitting another car and then my opponent. I can remember hearing one of the car's alarms going off.
      I then tried to chase the opponent who as acting like he didn't want to fight anymore.

      Updated 09-11-2014 at 03:04 PM by 53527

    13. Portal Travel and Visiting Hyu (Lucid), Hotdog Bun Drama, and an Alternate Version of "Hook"

      by , 08-03-2014 at 01:49 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I had woken up for a little while and I was having trouble going back to sleep. I decided to try to meditate to see if that would help. I cleansed my chakras and did some affirmations, and it worked!

      Not only did it work, but I felt myself enter a dream. I was lucid immediately, and it felt quite stable. I was in my room at my parents' house. It was set up the way I had it when I was in middle school/part of high school. It was dark and nighttime out.

      Of course, the first thing I did was call to Mike, but I got no response. Oh well. Onto other things.

      I decided to try to make some portals. I hadn't done that in a very, very long time. The first portal I made was to erm...a sex world where I was the only female. I figured since this was my dream, I could go wherever I wanted, even if it was just for pleasure. Anyway, I drew the outline, and it was the oily rainbow color that it usually is, and jumped into it. Details will be spared, but it was an interesting experience.
      I woke up for one part of it, but I DEILD'd back into it. When I went back into the dream and other things happened, I woke up and again had to DEILD.

      Upon the second DEILD, I found myself again in my dark childhood bedroom. I drew another portal and entered it. I intended to go to an astral world. When I got there, it was outdoors and sunny out. It had some nature around, so it wasn't like a city. I decided to try to change my outfit. There was, conveniently enough, a full-length mirror in front of me. I stepped away from it for a second, and imagined myself in a long, strapless, ballroom-type red dress. I stepped back in front of the mirror, and the dress looked nothing like I imagined, being a short, tight red dress -_-. I then tried again, and this time, it was a skimpy, see-through black lingerie type outfit. Nope. I kept doing it and getting different red and black dresses. I finally settled on a black one, I believe, though again, it didn't look like the one I imagined.

      At some point,
      I woke up and DEILD'd again. I was back in the dark bedroom. This time, I decided to try to get to Teraluna, since it had been awhile since I'd tried. I drew my portal, and was going to write "Teraluna" in the center, but I decided to just fill it in instead. I jumped in, and was then inside of another dark room. Hyu was asleep on a bed there. I figured he must be sleeping IWL. I approached him.
      He opened his eyes.
      "Krista?" he said. He seemed surprised to see me.
      "It's been so long since we've talked," I said to him. I don't remember his response. I do believe there was more conversation here, though, of course, I can't recall it. -_-'

      We were then somewhere else, another world. I didn't see Hyu, but I was with a tall, thin person in a green shirt with a bob haircut. I thought maybe it was Hyu, but it was a woman...I saw that she had boobs. I was kind of confused, because it still seemed to be Hyu; I felt that it was, though the looks were deceiving. He told me it was him, and that he had just changed his form. Ahhh. Makes sense now.

      I do not remember all the details of every place that we went, but we traveled around via portal quite a bit. There would be times when I woke and DEILD'd, and I'd end up back in the dream with Hyu where we left off. I also know that he changed his form a few times, once appearing as the tall skinny Asian guy that he first appeared to me as.

      There were also points where I would do a finger count RC, but it would always fail; I would always count 5 fingers on each hand. Interesting.

      Finally, I woke, and decided to end the DEILD chain. I was a little disoriented at first, thinking that I was still in my room at my parents' place. I turned over and went to sleep, entering a non-lucid dream.


      Dallas and I were going to have a wedding ceremony. We were already married, but we had to have the formal ceremony. It was to be at a church. I pictured us walking in from outside with many other people, me in my dress and Dallas in his tux. It was a sunny day. I was picturing it in 3rd person.

      Scene skip, though the wedding thing still applies. I was eating at a restaurant with a couple that looked to be in their mid-thirties. They also looked kind of country, and quite skinny. I remember the man had a country accent. There was someone else with us, but I can't recall who. The guy got up to go to the bathroom or something, and I saw on his plate three hot dog buns. They were not separated, but still whole without the slit down the middle being all the way through. I started to separate them for him. One of them looked very lopsided, and I was trying to fix it. He came back, and got onto me about trying to help him to separate his buns (lol separate his buns). He said it was rude. I apologized. I had only been trying to help.

      Then, I got up to go do something. When I returned, no one was at the table; it's like everyone had gotten up to go, and no one was watching the table. There was a bill on the table, plus an extra fee of $4 for leaving without paying. Ugh, frustrating. We hadn't intended that to happen.


      I was watching some weird version of the movie "Hook", where Hook is redeemed and finds his place in the human world. Towards the end of the movie, someone says "run home Jack", like they do in the actual movie, but it jars something inside of Hook, and he remembers that his name is actually Jack, and he gets overjoyed as he remembers his true identity, and somehow gets to the human world, though I can't remember how. I then remember seeing a commercial in the movie of an older version of him being topless with only underwear on. He was very fat with boobs, and trying to cover up his nipples as he jumped around with other people on the TV screen. I don't know what he was advertising, but he failed to cover up his very large nipples at one point. Pretty sure it wasn't an accident. Something about breast milk. I saw some coming out of his nipples. He was talking about "alternative milk". I thought about how that wasn't possible unless you were lactating after pregnancy. I couldn't believe they put that in the movie.


      I was "recalling" my dream adventure with Hyu, trying to put the details together. I don't remember Hyu being there at all. All the worlds were somehow linked within a story line that was chained together through children's nursery rhymes and such. I remember being in a city at one point, and my brother being there at another point. He was talking on the phone. I remember at one point being in a bathroom and pooping...a lot.

      I think these false memories made it harder for me to recall more details of my lucid adventures. Ugh. Dumb.


      So more lucidity, and a visit with Hyu! Meditation really seems to help, and of course intention. I've also noticed over the years that I tend to LD more when I am laying on my back to sleep, which is not a common sleeping position for me. When I was meditating, I fell asleep, and I had been laying on my back as I usually am while I meditate. But there have been times where I haven't been meditating, but I've fallen asleep on my back, and even had a WILD that way. An interesting observation. I wonder what the link is between LDs and sleeping position? Does anyone have an ideas, or has there been any research done on it (formal or informal, it doesn't matter)?

      Updated 08-03-2014 at 03:22 PM by 32059

      lucid , non-lucid
    14. WILD - Encounter with future self - Faye - Encounter with DV members

      , 07-30-2014 at 12:29 AM (Hyu's Adventures)

      I set myself an alarm to wake me up after ~6 hours of sleep.
      The idea was to attempt a WILD, which is something I haven't done in a long time.
      I figured with a WILD I would remember my goals more easily, and I might be able to tackle the issues I have with Faye.

      I wake up from the alarm. I immediately close my eyes again and try to remember any dreams.
      All I can remember is a few weak fragments. I do not bother writing them down.
      Instead I get up and walk around in my room a little, thinking about my dream goals.
      The most important thing would be to deal with Faye. I feel like this is crucial in order to fix my dreams.
      I've also been dared to tell her how she makes me feel.
      I go back to bed after roughly 5 minutes and attempt to WILD.

      I quickly get some HI, followed by the appearance of random faces.
      Some scenes begin to form, but they seem to fall apart before I can transition.
      I open my eyes a few times by accident. I'm really not used to do this anymore.

      After some time I notice that I can see my room even though my eyes are still closed.
      Oh. I am actually already dreaming. For some reason I decide to just stand up, even though I know that I've lost many lucids by doing this.
      Fortunately this time it works. My body is really heavy though.
      I have a lot of trouble moving, but I eventually manage to stand up.

      I shake myself, a bit like a dog shaking away water from its wet pelt. Except I shake away the weight. It works. Neat!
      I rub my hands together and look around.
      I'm not in my room anymore. It's really dark.
      Upon closer inspection, I appear to be standing on some dark marble floor, in an empty room that is clouded in dark fog.
      Another person appears in front of me. First it's just an outline, but as he comes closer he looks more and more like a normal human being.

      Wait what? He looks exactly like me!
      I take a step back as I'm really creeped out. I am super uncomfortable encountering myself.
      He looks a bit older than myself though... maybe by a few years.

      "Who are you?"
      "I am Hyu"


      "You're not being helpful."
      "Haha, I'm a future version of yourself, of course!"

      So now what? Am I supposed to ask him something?
      I probably should. Even though he's still creeping me out...

      "So... any future advice for me?"
      "Hmm... well... not really."
      "Alright, alright. I can tell you that it is going to work out. Is that helpful?"
      "What is going to work out?"
      "You'll know."
      "Oh for fucks sake, you're pulling the same shit as all of the other DC's"
      "Well. What did you expect? I am a DC."
      "... you do have a point..."

      He starts to walk away from me, but just before he disappears in the fog he addresses me one last time:

      "On second thought... maybe you should get that Unreal 4 license. Mess around with it a little you know?"

      (I have thought so much about starting my own company over the past few days. Was this what he was referring to when he said that everything would work out?
      The comment about getting a UE4 license seems related to this.)

      The black fog suddenly starts to move in. Oh shit, the dream is falling apart.
      I panic and slam my palms against the ground yelling "PORTAL!".
      For some reason this works. I fall through the ground, spin around a little and then crash land somewhere in the city.
      I rub my hands against each other very hard. The dream is still unstable, I need to engage my senses.
      A young girl eating some ice cream catches my attention. I steal her ice cream cone and take a large bite.

      "Hey! That's MY ice cream!"
      "Sorry, I need to stabilize."
      "Oh, okay."

      After the inevitable brain freeze I feel like messing around with dream powers a little.
      I don't do this very often. I try to grasp onto the clouds and squeeze them to make it rain.
      It doesn't work whatsoever. Well, this is disappointing, but I'm not sure what I was expecting.

      Then I notice the presence of a huge stargate. That wasn't here before!
      I want to visit Yuya! I point at it and yell:

      "Teraluna, Riven!"

      The gate dials in and opens a portal. Well, that was easy. Sweet!
      I charge at the portal, wanting to jump through.
      But at the last moment someone grabs on to me, trying to hold me back.
      What the hell? Go away!
      I can't unsummon him??? WTF? This never fails!
      More people run at me, all trying to prevent me from going through the portal.
      Oh my god there is an endless stream of them. Hundreds of people all holding me down.

      I use my dream powers to release a shockwave to get them off me.
      Those who were close to me are thrown a few meters back and they pile up on top of each other.
      Then I spot Faye in the middle of it all, controlling the DC's like puppets.
      Her smile is pure evil.
      She makes a gesture, and the stargate unsummons.

      "You're not going anywhere tonight."

      I am afraid of her, and angry at myself. I want my dreams back. I am sick of this Faye nonsense.
      My katana materializes in my hand, even though I have no desire to summon it.


      Faye summons an exact copy of my katana... how...?
      This is not right. She can't do that. She doesn't have that power.
      Are these her dreams now? Have I lost all control over them?
      My desire to visit Yuya fades. I want this dream to end. I feel completely powerless.

      "Aww, I thought you would put up a fight. That would have been so cute."
      "And oh so idiotic. You don't understand anything."

      I have no reply. I close my eyes. This will end the dream...

      ... I'm in some sort of japanese garden. Probably sight seeing or something? I'm with a few other people. (3 I think)
      Everyone is talking about dreams, so I conclude that they must all be DV members.
      But I don't understand what they're talking about. Some induction techniques involving butterflies? What?
      I feel bad because I can't contribute anything to the discussion.

      Then I notice that one of them has purple hair, so obviously she must be ~ Dreamer ~.
      I'm somewhat proud of having figured that out all on my own!
      I want to do something to impress her. I want to show her something really cool.
      And then I have the most glorious of ideas! I am going to use my dream powers to piss a rainbow!
      (Oh god why . By the way I'm totally blaming KristaNicole for this. XD)

      "Hey Dreamer, check this out!"

      I unzip my pants, point my dick upwards at a 45° angle for maximum efficiency and commence some high pressure pissing.
      The stream of piss is nothing short of impressive, but it doesn't create a rainbow.
      Everyone is giving me this what the hell are you doing look. I don't understand why.
      It makes me sad that no rainbow is appearing.

      The WILD has helped to some extend. My dreams did contain elements from my dream goals, but I failed to act on them.
      It's cool that I saw ~ Dreamer ~, even though I wasn't lucid and I behaved like a complete idiot.
      I'm quite disappointed at how I dealt with Faye.
    15. Crows and body paintings on the beach

      , 07-25-2014 at 01:40 AM (Hyu's Adventures)

      I'm at friends place in Cairo. He is preparing a huge feast.
      I am somewhat confused because we keep switching between English and French.
      Eventually I end up on the balcony and become lucid when I realize that I am far too comfortable speaking French.

      (After living in Germany for 7 years, I no longer am)
      I decide to jump off the balcony (3th or 4th floor I think) to change the scene.
      (I don't know why I've been doing this lately. It's not a very good means of changing scenes)

      I end up on the beach, which is a recurring dream scene.
      It is always dawn whenever I get here. The sky is a nice warm orange.
      Walking bare feet over the sand is very pleasant.
      I pick up some sand and play with it as I walk towards an area of interest.
      Usually the beach is empty, but occasionally I find something interesting.

      This time there is a rectangular black frame.
      Once I get closer I can see that the frame is not empty.
      It refracts light in an odd way, and taints everything purple.
      Almost as if there was a very thin layer of a purple liquid.

      I poke it with my right index finger. It buzzes me and ripples begin forming on the surface.
      The feeling is rather pleasant. It tingles a little.
      I drag my finger across it, creating complex patterns with the ripples.
      At least a minute goes by until I realize that I'm not being very productive.
      I step through the frame, which I assume is a portal to another place.

      I end up on another beach. It is similar to 'my beach', except that there are quite a few people here.
      There's also a few tents, and music! I try to engage more of my senses and make the music louder.
      I feel a familiar presence and move towards it.

      Close to the water I find some people dancing, a few others relaxing, having drinks that glow in the dark...
      and Crow. Sitting in a fucking Sofa, whereas everyone else is sitting in the sand.

      He's telling some grand story of his, and everyone seems quite captivated by it.
      Every single time... This bird really does know how to tell a story.
      Always surrounded by women, always a drink within reach. Dude knows how to have a good time.
      He senses me as I approach closer.

      "Hyu mate, how have you been?"

      I don't really have any time to answer before he starts bombarding me with more questions.

      "How's Yuya? And the other one? The cute one with horns and the tail?"
      "The one with the big boobs."
      "Really Crow? She's called Liv."
      "She is rather well endowed though."
      "How did you get here anyways?"
      "This place ain't exactly on the grid."

      "Walked through a purple portal on a beach created by my subconscious mind."
      "You dreamers, you're all a bit messed up in the head."
      "Subconscious here, Dream Guide there. Something something awareness and lucidity. I don't understand any of it."
      "That's okay Crow. Neither do we."

      We both laugh.

      Some naked lady with an absolutely amazing body painting brings drinks.
      They all glow in different colors. I take the blue/orange one.

      "Cheers mate."

      It is a rather strong alcoholic beverage. It's quite fruity, a little sweet.
      Judging by the amount of empty glasses, Crow has consumed an amount of alcohol that would easily be lethal to any human being.
      But he's Crow. I'm not even sure if he can get drunk.

      Crow resumes telling his story. It's about space ships and smuggling...

      I'm not really paying attention though. I look at the people dancing.
      They all have these really cool glowing body paintings.
      It's quite fascinating.

      Later I talked with Crow some more, but I can't remember what the conversation was about.
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