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    1. Night of Saturday 3/30/24 (Comp Night 2)

      by , 03-31-2024 at 09:27 PM (Dreamlog)
      I’m staying somewhere in a swamp-like area. Like a hotel.
      There is a patio type spot with a bed so low to the ground that it is nearly level to the water.
      I tell my girlfriend that we should have stayed in this room, but I know she wouldn't have wanted to deal with the water.

      Swampland Hotel.

      Firelord Putin:
      Two Fire Nation brothers are coming towards me, leaping over tall buildings to get to me.
      They want me to come see something.
      They've invented something to find the Avatar.
      It’s a big ATM-like machine. It beeps and boops and makes a confirmation sound, printing out a receipt.
      Then another group of guys appears and questions what we are doing. We try to keep the info secret, but they know.

      The Fire Lord and Zuko are giving a speech to the Fire Nation on a stage in front of a large crowd.
      I’m in a large group including people from every nation. Tenzin from Legend of Korra is part of it.
      The Fire Lord is talking about loyalty and exceptional individuals.
      My group slowly sidles onto the stage and fills in behind the Fire Lord, catching him off guard.
      I notice the Avatar is with us too.
      When we come into the crowd’s view, the speech stops abruptly.
      The adults are sent off to a room with the Fire Lord to discuss a treaty.

      I’m now back in a regular hotel room, with J from high-school. I notice she has a small mustache.
      We are sharing a bed, but more like a field trip way than a romantic one.
      I start to unpack and setup the bed. There are about six people in the room.

      Some of the group returns from the war room, and the situation has instead changed into us being the United Nations, and the Fire Lord being Vladimir Putin.
      Somebody is telling us how the UN was grilling him about things like Area 51 and similar, and how he danced around the questions.

      Updated 04-01-2024 at 01:40 AM by 99808

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. Swamp Shack Not Nightmare

      by , 07-22-2023 at 01:36 PM
      I was a tourist visiting a shack in a swamp in the middle of the woods with my family. We chatted about things that happened in waking life. I was lucid, but the DCs weren’t, so I didn’t mention it to them, but I had good memory of waking details. Shared all accurate info.

      We ordered some food, but it never came.

      The barista said they’re out of an essential incgredient needed to make our dish, but they have a food cellar with more in stock and her coworker is currently getting it.

      After a while, I walked over to the kitchen and saw that the food cellar was down a set of stairs through an open door. The lights wers flickering off and on.

      “Yeah. My coworker hasn’t come back yet. It’s been a while…” the barista said with apparent concern. “Someone will need to go check on her, but it’s so busy in here with all the customers.”

      She seemed far too busy as she served drinks to the shack tourists. So one of my family standing by and volunteered to go.

      About halfway down the stairs to the food cellar, the lights flickered again and I was like “Yeah, no.”

      I backed out and told my family member to not go down there. She went down anyway and, lo and behold, she never came back.

      My spouse wanted to volunteer next and I dragged her away, telling her not to go down there.

      But she eventually did anyway and it got her, too.

      I thought to myself that I didn’t feel like having a nightmare tonight and would not engage with it, so I went outside.

      I was curious though, so I confirmed just by “knowing” that it was a monster. Originally, it was a monster for children designed to prey on kids with unfinished homework (hence the flickering lights and being in a food cellar). It was supposed to be a silly kid’s monster.

      But… as logic has it, you can’t do homework if you’re dead.

      So it started killing people (kids, adults, anyone, even people without homework due). It wasn’t just a silly kid’s monster anymore.

      That’s it. I didn’t engage with it further.

      Updated 07-22-2023 at 02:06 PM by 99032

      Tags: monster, shack, swamp
    3. Chilling in a swamp

      by , 07-03-2023 at 10:57 AM (Nef's dream journal)
      I got lucid after going back to sleep
      I kind of were subtle about realizing I'm asleep, carefully checked my hands, then just going on, I thought the dream is against me being lucid
      I went out then everything turned into nothing
      then I tried to stabilize because there was nothing infont of me really, just sludges of colour
      I thought then I guess I can try imagine a scene, then it kind of came to me
      now I was in a house, looking out of a window with no glasses
      a swamp formed in front of me, there was.... water was everywhere, calm water, and green trees and a blueish lightish fog not too thick, made me feel like I'm in a closed comforting space
      I heard some birds in the distance
      I just stood there and absorbed the landscape, just chilling, it was really nice
    4. 12 May: City blackout, investigating a missing case and adopting a ghost dog

      by , 05-12-2021 at 10:51 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Walking down Campo Grande in Lisbon, on the way to my university. It's evening or night and there is a blackout, the whole city goes pitch black. I walk around a little in the dark, trying to adjust my vision and then see a lady going to the nearby subway station and because I feel afraid being alone in such darkness, I follow her. Once we get deep inside the station, there are emergency lights on, but the subway is not working. The trains are stopped and jam packed with people who keep entering them, waiting for it to start moving.
      I wait for the chaos to subside and use the time to study the map of the subway network. Notice that it is more complex since last time I rode it and I notice a new line connecting other two, with a hub in Arroios station.
      The subway restarts circulating and I hop on a car, but make a mistake and end up going in the wrong direction. I discuss it with some people and some tourists handle me a map to help me out finding my way. I decide to get out on Arroios station and get back to my point of departure and find the right line. But when I take some escalators, I spot Jacqui and shout at her. She is happy to see me and I am totally surprised that she is here. She says she'll go back to the US really really soon and enjoyed some days in Portugal, but then I feel a bit offended that she didn't tell me or tried to reach me. Then we bump into Tânia, so the conversation shifts and we celebrate the coincidence of us three meeting there by accident.

      I am a woman with a kid, driving in a countryside road, when my car breaks down. Can't fix it, can't reach anybody on my cell phone and it is getting cold. I spot an abandoned car in the ditch by the side of the road, some dozens of meters ahead. It is very old and rusty, but I am interested in some sheets I see inside, looking strangely clean. I plan to get them so I can wrap myself and my kid around it and stay warm. I then change to an observer point of view and see the lady trying to get the sheets and being pulled by some ghostly force to the ground and then feet first being dragged into a swamp. She seems to lose consciousness and then be possessed by a spirit. A few small horns grow on her skull, including one on the back of the head under the hair. Also, there is a ghost dog.
      I then am again embodied in a person, I feel like my real self now, and I am visiting and institution, near where this lady disappeared, I think I am investigating her disappearance. This place seems like an hospice but it is most likely a boarding school or something similar for kids. I notice a huge black and white photo on the wall of the main hall. I ask who the person's are and they tell me to look closely to the right side, where there is an image of a lady. They claim she is now a ghost haunting the swamp nearby and there is a sort of ghostly dog figure with her that also appears on the picture to some people. I do see it and he is not still, he moves on the picture.
      I watch the picture more closely and the ghostly dog figure reacts to me. I talk to him and he jumps out of the picture and becomes real. He doesn't look scary, he looks like Bo. People in the institution are stunned when they see the dog. He is a sweet dog and just wants me to pet him. I don't know what to do, but I call my dad and he says he is willing to take him in. On the way there I clean him of some parasites, like some eggs of some wasps he has on his ears.
    5. cclii. Non-lucid lucidity and simulated abilities, Family trips, Swamp freight

      by , 04-16-2021 at 10:00 AM
      16th April 2021


      I am in someone else's lucid dream. It's someone I used to know, maybe L's friend, J? Not quite, but there's another friend too. It looks a bit like a small church, lots of dark stain wood. I think there's a greater proportion of wood than there is stone, I seem to recall.

      Anyway, since I'm not actually lucid myself, I think about testing a theory. I think of asking my friend to give me moderator privileges as if this was a Minecraft server. But I am unable to catch up to ask him, as he moves around. So I end up trying commands by myself, like the teleport-jump to where I'm looking. The commands sort of work. Although I am unsure of how to even do this, somehow, I intuitively bind the commands to my mind or something, so no typing is required.

      But I'm not lucid and yet I am reminded by all of this about a technique I read here on DV a couple of days ago. Before I try a teleport-jump or a through command, I spend a couple of seconds visualising the result a bit, but really it's too faint. It does help my non-lucid self use these commands though.

      I remember this part of the dream was highly detailed but I can't recall any further about it now. Transition?

      I'm in a restaurant with my family. We're leaving soon? The place seems to be mixed with old home or something. But I need to go to the bathroom. It doesn't seem especially clean in here. I try the stall, as I have privacy concerns and as I'm about to pull my pants down, I realise that there's no toilet at all in the stall, just a tiny plastic bin. Outside the stall, in the bathroom, there are only wall urinals. I exit the stall and entering the bathroom is a black woman, she has curly hair, a somewhat round but well defined face, she's about my height and probably a similar age.

      I tell her I wouldn't bother with the bathroom at all, and just wait until home. She seems disappointed by this. I walk out of the bathroom.

      (recall gap)

      Then I'm at my old home, but think to myself that I'm not actually there or something. (pre-lucid thought about real location?) There's just some feeling, anyway.

      Me and the rest of the family are getting ready for something? It's early morning I think. Mom says dad needs some apples and I tell her I can go get them (since I feel ready anyway) and I shout for dad, asking what kind he wants. I don't remember hearing a reply back. Eventually I think about just teleporting to outside the store below. But something stops me and it just doesn't work. I remember being in my old room and seeing outside, standing from the doorway to the room. Light seems consistent with early-ish morning.

      Some other sequence. I'm in some place in South America. Swamps or marshes. A flatbed ship carrying containers is on the water but there are some buildings around, sort of in an Arabic style more than a local one. I try to get on board the ship and then look for some circuit board chips? Some interactions with someone else, possibly an old friend.

      Another bit, possibly the earliest sequence in the dream. A visual and physical representation of the old art website? Very vague recall of this bit. Looks sort of like a disco club, with certain elements like the web banner physically represented as a room backdrop. Someone talks to me about the computing efficiency of the VFXs being used. Vague recall of thoughts about how much I charge for commissions, feeling like it's not enough.

      - I was not actually "lucid" at any point throughout this dream. My dream self was somehow partly aware of this by the implied context of the dream and with the commands thing tried to devise a way of having abilities more akin to what's possible when actually lucid.

      - There are a few things here that challenge recent conscious thoughts, namely; my commission prices, my initial thoughts about the technique linked in the entry and some recent thoughts on shared dreaming. Basically the dream presented opposites for all of these things, I don't think necessarily for me to accept them but to generally think about them further.

      - Using the commands to have lucid-like abilities in the dream felt like a pretty clever idea at the time, especially since it partially worked.

      - Curiously, the church location may have been brought on by the fact that I have spent a fair bit of time with H both in real churches and in church-like buildings he's built in Minecraft.
    6. xciv.

      by , 03-05-2020 at 11:40 AM
      Yesterday was quite a busy day so even though I'd made notes on waking, didn't get a chance to write the dreams on the DJ here. There's a fragment from today too.

      Last night I tried to incubate a dream about a painting I have on my easel at the moment. I want to figure out how to do these clouds like another painting I've seen very recently.

      Unfortunately every time I was in the process of visualising the dream and setting intentions to become lucid etc., my thoughts would start drifting away in a random direction and it would take me a little while before I realised this was happening each time. In the end I guess I just fell asleep, but had no dream that I can recall relating to this incubation.

      Either way, may continue to try and incubate this specific dream over the next few nights. If nothing else, it'll get me thinking about the painting.

      Dream Fragment, one day ago:

      My sibling T, driving. I'm in the car too, but on the back seat? It's dad's car I think, or something like it. Countryside roads and hilly landscape. The sky is a bit grey, but it's daytime. Looked more like here than there (old home).

      Someone else is in the car with us, not sure who, but they're of small stature. Female? Makes a comment on how good T's hair is looking. I think to myself, or perhaps even comment out loud about how much better the hair does seem versus the last few years.

      Scrap, one day ago:

      Fighting/shooting in a game. A mix of Unreal Tournament and a tank game I've played more recently.

      Dream Fragment, today:

      I was playing or in World of Warcraft. I was playing a female gnome rogue and was in the Wetlands, I remember the grungy and practically wet atmosphere quite well. I saw another gnome player, but they were a Horde character somehow. I noticed they'd spotted me so I used stealth and waited for them to come past.

      I opened with a stun from stealth and then after the stun I tried to manage my energy so that I'd be able to interrupt any spells as they'd start casting. The enemy gnome was a mix of a warlock and a mage? I seem to remember winning the fight but it felt like it took a very long time.

      No notes.
    7. Spellbee's Spooky comp night 3

      by , 10-18-2016 at 03:31 AM
      2 pts- non-lucid
      2 pts- wbtb
      10 pts- wild
      1 pt- reality check
      2 pts- interact w/ dream character
      5 pts- super speed
      10 points- Advanced Unsummoning/Banishing
      5 pts- my character was from a tv show(she was the warden on Wentworth)
      5 pts- Super Speed
      10 pts- Time Control
      = 52 pts total

      D1: Dream recall was too fuzzy
      Did wbtb
      D2: Dream recall was yet again fuzzy
      Did wbtb
      D3: Mike & I were staying in a nice hotel. We were there w/ a group of ppl who were family members. I'm wanting to leave & go talk to my mom w/o Mike knowing. I gather some of my stuff & sneak off down the hall to my parents room. We are on a cruise ship. My mom tells me to stay & hang out w/ her but she no sooner said that than Mike came to the door w/ my dad & sister Kayla. We all are now in the hallway. I need to the bathroom & find what looks like a small sitz bath. I poop in it & am very embarrassed when others find out. Now we are fishing off the deck & laughing about how funny we find that the beds don't move on the ship. I'm talking about the kids on the deck & how it makes me nervous that they will fall over board.
      My alarm went off for my next wbtb.
      D4: I was in a prison that looked like the set of Wentworth. It's Australia's version of Orange is the New Black. So some of the characters were from that show. Something happened & the prison malfunctions & the prisoners, me included were trying to escape & stay away from the guards & other violent prisoners. I get stuck in some stupid revolving door. It seemed to go on forever. I was mad at Mike for not being here to help me get out. We were all hiding stuff like prisoners do & going back & retrieving them strategically to help us escape. It looked like everyone had escaped except me. A guard told me that I may never get out. I told him that I didn't need to get out because I was trying to clear my name & not have a record.
      My alarm went off for my next wbtb.
      D5: I was back into the same dream. But now some of the scene has changed. I'm excited because I'm now lucid. My brain is doing cartwheels because of the chain & lucidity. I know my first tasks is to do a reality check. Check. My scene is changing & I'm outside in a bog or swamp like place but there are still guards everywhere. There is a woman laying in a swamp & she is dangerous but she tells me she helped me escape, which was in the previous dream but I forgot to write it down. We worked together for a while. But then I didn't want anything to do w/ her & remembered my first task of my 3 step goals. I banished her & the bog/swamp/water that she was in. Great, now she's gone & so is the water. Step 2 superspeed. I start running from the guards like I was Speedy Gonzalas. I was darting everywhere & laughing. When I finally stop I remember step 3 is time control. I kept freezing them & slowing them down & speeding them up. I lost lucidity trying to remember the whole "I'm a vampire" thing. But all in all a good night.
    8. Night of August 10, 2016

      by , 08-11-2016 at 08:53 PM
      This dream was very choppy, to say the least. I only remember bits and pieces:

      - I was very close to a body of water the whole time.
      - I was with a boy who kept diving into the water, and at one point almost jumped hundreds of feet into the ocean below the small pool of water we were at. At one point I was walking a bit close to the water and a wave shot by water cannons swept me away. I was terrified I would be pulled into the ocean, but I managed to break out of the wave.
      - The setting wasn't the typical beautiful, tropical beach. It was more like a jungle or a swamp. Dark, with thick vegetation in the murky water. I saw three turtles swimming with each other, one in front of the other, and I touched them. They separated.
      - Possibly in a beach house or some other room close to that location, I got 3 free packs of makeup from a basket. Not sure how this fit.
      Tags: beach, dark, swamp, water
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. [27-06-2016]

      by , 06-27-2016 at 11:36 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      A strange dream caused by turning on TV by someone in the morning (I often dream about anything I hear during sleeping).

      I was in my house, in my room. It was late evening, two sisters with mother were tidying my room. There was a TV turned on, someone talking about a brexit and all that political nonsense. I wandered around the house - it still looked like it was before renovation, as if nothing really changed. I went to another room and saw mother again, and few more people too. They were brother's pals that work abroad, first they talked about their works and then they went for politics. I left the room and found myself in a swampy area near a river. Someone was talking about a touristical attraction of that place.
    10. [31-01-2016]

      by , 01-31-2016 at 12:01 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First dream

      Everyone was preparing for brothers wedding. We drove to some kind of swamp, where we prepared everything on floating lilly pads. We even slept on those. When everything was ready, we wanted to fall asleep. It was really dark and we couldn't see a thing. To get toour beds we had to jump into the water and swim to our pads. I jumped and swam for a while, until I realised that I can't swim. I floundered in the water and barely got to my pad, but I climbed on it and fallen asleep.

      Second & third dream

      I was a witness of a car accident. Car hit a girl, and drove away. I saved her, and later on when she was in hospital, she wanted me to visit her. I drove there, first floor looked really similar to my previous school. From the entrance I went left and found a staircase. It was impossible to go there though, as path was blocked. I went back and moved right from the entrance, and found a way to the upper floor. Finally I got to hospital on the second floor - white wall, gray tiles and... suspiciously looking police officers. One was a receptionist. I went to him and told that I want to visit that girl, but he said that it's important government project running there, and that I should leave her a message and go away. I written a note quickly, and the dream faded away.

      When I woke up, I realised that it's a recurring dream. Notable differences are that the first floor in the original dream was a hospital, not a school, and reception was already on first floor. Next difference is that in original dream, I broke through all the guards and saved that girl from a secret government project. I fallen asleep and tried DEILD to recreate it.

      I found myself at second floor again. It was really dark. I had to move around blindly, until the guard turned on the lights. I heard a voice behind me. I turned around - that suspicious police officer closed way outside. He smiled to me. I received a feeling of lucidity, without realisation that it was a dream. I managed to say "Son of a bitch." and the dream faded away.

      Fourth dream

      Everything looked like an old DOS shooter game. I was running around an abandoned shipwreck. My pal was somewhere there too. It was full of ghost and strange monsters. We had weapons, and killed every monster on our way. Then we split up - he went to search for exit, while I delved deeper into the ship. Behind one doors, I found a cultist ghost. He was floating around and screaming. Behind other doors, I found wraith of ships captain. It was an evil, vengeful spirit. My pal called me to go out, and fight with the captain in the open air. I had a quick duel with him and defeated the ghost. Then we moved on to destroy a city while escapnig from cops.
    11. 20/01/2016

      by , 01-21-2016 at 03:11 AM
      First i dreamt about being in square where some girls where throwing balls. Then i take a bus, and i get down like inside a shoping center. I see Pedro in my dream. Then my mother leaves the shopping center, which was like a maze, and i go to bathroom and my sister as well. She goes to the ladies bathroom to take a shower and she said she would come out immediately, i said alright i'll go to urinate, and she said, no, don't do that, you can't, bla bla bla, while she was showering, and i was already in the bathroom peeing, and i was thinking how awful would it be to ask for permission to do such thing. Then i woke up at about 8:54 AM.

      I tried to do a WILD, as soon as i felt i was falling asleep i thought i was in dream, maybe it would be a false awakening, so i did a reality check and no, i was still awake just very relaxed. But then i fell asleep and failed to WILD. I dreamt about being in a flight. Suddenly something of the plain just dismantles and it is just the cabin, like a space ship. The plane was going really fast, and we were at a low altitude, like street altitude. I thought we were going to crush and i was going to die, but the plane managed to slow down very fast and suddenly it stopped. I couldn't believe it. We had the speed to travel to another continent pretty fast and we just stopped all of a sudden.
      There was a guy travelling who had to get into a international meeting, he was from the US. But we go outside the cabin (we were on a mountain) and there was a guy exactly like him. So one of them was not real. So both of them got tied in a rope, sliced in their belly and put in a big luggage, and they closed it. Then i don't know what happened but they were going to get transported.

      Then i dream about being kicked of by my aunt Lidia from her house, insulting me. So i went out of the house, there was furniture by the door, and i moved it and was about to go out when she said, i didn't really mean it, and i knew that she did mean it. So i got out and climbed down the mountain. I took a boat and started to get out of that swamp through a door that was on a corner, which led to another swamp. When i was on the door my sisters and my mother come out, and my younger sister came walking through the water, and i was amazed since i used a boat, and she gave me a pill from a request of our mother. Then i grabbed the can with pills to take a couple more for the trip just in case and all of the pills were different [i should have done a reality check there] so i put them in the can again and went on.
    12. Motion OST + DA + CMood + YWave + DILD

      by , 12-13-2015 at 06:57 AM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I am living in India, it appear to be night as I look around the wide field of the desert. I kept my body lying down on the ground for a form of cover as I am expecting snipers to take their shot when they see me. I do routine check ups to make sure I have not been followed. I look around and realize my eye sight is beginning to get blurry. I soon couldn't see a thing, this is bad I thought. I want to get down there so that the power there could be obtain. However I decided to retreat and assume this could be an enemies attack.

      I go down from the hill and back to my base. There was an elderly woman seeing on a couch telling me she is tired of complaining about her life. I told her I am done for the day and went in to a room as she continues to want television. The dream scene has now change in to the room I am usually in. It is dark and from the shades from the curtains covering the window I can tell it is night. I had awoken from the usual leaf blowers who carry the loud machines. I decided to went for him to be done however he began banging at the window.

      And demanded that I let him in. I had a feeling something like this could happen and notice that the window was beginning to crack. I got up and tried to go to the living room, I then continue to open the bathroom door and lock my self inside. I hear him bash through the door with a weapon and for some reason the restroom tiles kept making sounds with my feet against them. This allowed him to know where I have been hiding. My eyes stare at the door handle as he uses some ping pong racket to phase through the door handle.

      That didn't make any sense to me but he's here and I begin to tense myself for a fight. To my surprise the door opens up to a boy who looks 13 years old wearing a purple hoodie and khaki shorts. I get out the restroom and demanded what is going on. He looks at me expecting me to stay still but I push him aside and can see my family inside a car while the front door is opened. The boy look at me as he prepares to attack but I ignore this and walk outside. I am still frustrated but is now more curious to why everyone is outside. It seems they were preparing to leave, the sky is now sunny which is odd considering it has been dark not too long ago.

      I go back inside the house as I just remember the boy was still inside. I look for him and can see he is in the kitchen making himself something. I prepare to grab him but he quickly pulls out a knife. I told him to calm down and that I wasn't going to try anything. I then check my father room and notice he has stolen some of the pages in my dream journal.

      More irritated than before, I turn around to go look for him no longer caring that the boy is wielding a knife. However no one is in the house, go outside the front door and see that everyone has left. The sky is now dark with a couple of bright red showing the sun set was just ending. I begin to think maybe I can still catch up to the car even though I didn't know where it was. I begin running anyway and soon notice that the pathway around this area is now different from how I remember it. This isn't right I said, I soon realize I am in a different location. This place look very expensive and the people around here were all well dressed. I see railings and a fence, so I ran to it but realize as I got directly in contact with it that it was much bigger close up. I look down one of railings and can see I am on the top floor. I tried finding a way down passing through a couple dancing and see a slide that looks like the mouth of a sea creature. I slid down it thinking it was odd.

      I walk pass other people going through a small tunnel , one guy pointed at this board we were all near to and said all the numbers mix with words were quantum mechanic. Some were debating with his assumptions as me and others struggle to get through the line. I manage to get out and enter this weird grocery store, I decided to get a couple of things since I was on my own now. That is when I met up with the kid who stole some of my dream journal. He continue to follow me through out the store. He then grabs my head and makes funny gestures. I turn around ask what did he want. He tells me to be quiet and continues to put his hand on my head. I told him why did he rob me? He replied that it didn't matter and that he just did it to do it. I yelled out that wasn't good enough and demanded to know why again. He decides to say that he has robbed me plenty of times before and that it has become a habit for him.

      I told him I had been aware of numerous items going missing lately. It made me angry that he didn't have a good reason for stealing. I snap and threw all the grocery items I had in the cart in the air. I told him I am ready to fight as he begins to tear up. I couldn't believe this, suddenly a woman working in the grocery store came to his aid asking what is wrong. He drops to the floor and continues to cry. I grab the child by the neck telling him he should know better. The woman grab my arm trying to throw me off the boy. I elbow her and could hear a lot of people beginning to hear the situation. I then ran off from the store. Passing a police officer while looking for a car.

      The sky was now grey and partially raining. I find a car and enter inside and continue to drive off. Many of the cars were driving fast and some were trying to slow down as the rain made the road very slippery. I tried driving up to the next lane however due to how fast I am going I lost control and landed on a muddy swamp. My car wouldn't move anymore and I had now transition in to third person point of view. The car took a turn for the worst as it was getting suck in to the muddy swamp. I can feel myself getting out of the car and having trouble breathing through the piles of mud. I started thinking I should try to wake myself up now. But I manage to get all the rocks and mud off of me before drowning.

      Another car had lost control and landed in to the swamp as well. He however was too far in the swam to even get out of it. I decided to leave and run up the road, however the road seem to have been slice off making me drop down. I landed on some grassy rocks and continue to walk from there.

      That is when I saw this very odd building. There was this voice in my head telling me that I had to go up there. I decided to listen and went up there. There was this weird creature that told me if I am ready for the next challenge. I didn't give an answer and woke up.
    13. Monstrosity from swamps

      by , 11-13-2015 at 07:24 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      The swamps took enormous territory. All the nature around was dead, no vegetation except almost dying trees, no animals, it was a watery wasteland. It all started with an expedition sent towards swamps. There was a small village in central part of the swamp. There were many ruined buildings, but the most interesteing of them was a chapel. It was smeared all over with dried blood, and cross inside was turned sideways. Abandoned for many years, the village was just recently took as a warehouse for one of national companies. Workers appeared quickly to fix buildings, and a priest was sent to clean out the chapel. They didn't know that they have awakened a demon. I was that priest. One evening, the demon just ran out of chapels basements, and slaughtered everyone except me. I had to pray, and try exorcisms to weaken him, then I took a shovel and finished the demon.
    14. Fear of heights

      by , 11-12-2015 at 06:28 AM
      I dreamed my boyfriend and I took his friend's 12 year old son to a theme park. I needed to get somewhere in the park (maybe the bathroom?) and the only way I could find was a very thin ledge along the edge of a cliff, with a sheer drop of hundreds of feet. The ledge was only maybe a foot wide at some points, sometimes with no hand-holds, sometimes with a very rickety railing, and a whole bunch of people were also trying to inch along it at the same time. I was shocked by how dangerous it was.

      Anyway, once I reached my destination, I realized that there was another path there that was a nice, wide dirt path through kind of a swamp area.
    15. [08-04-2015]

      by , 04-08-2015 at 04:54 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      Killing crabs

      I was a mercenary. I wanted to get a higher rank within a brotherhood, so my master gave me mission. I had to go to the swamp, and kill a beast. It was dark afternoon. The sky was overcast, and dense fog covered the horizon.

      I was moving on the wet ground. There was thick vegetation, making it harder to move. I went around flooded ruins of a castle, walked on a wooden log to the other side of river, close tot he waterfall, and finally faced the beasts. Huge, brown crabs with powerful jaws. I took a mace, and with a few well placed strikes killed one.

      I did the same with the rest. Despite their appearance, the crabs weren't such a big threat. I turned back, and slowly went back to my master.

      School - Video about cat

      I was in school, close to the classroom doors. The group of classmates were just about to enter, when one girl ran towards them. She was really excited. She told us that our teacher is ill, and we can go home. Some of classmates hesitated, but the girl persuaded some of them to go.

      I stayed with a small group, and chosen a sitting place. Then the teacher appeared, and used the projector to show us a video about cat one girl prepared. I also had such video, my sister asked me if I can deliver it. We watched the movie.

      Forgotten lucid?

      I was sitting in a bus. I was watching the scenery through the window, and thinking about a lucid dream I just get, despite recalling nothing from it.
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