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    1. 28 Jan: Curse and ascending/descending in the dream plane

      by , 01-28-2013 at 04:39 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      On a cruise ship that gets stranded near the shore of an island. The captain and crew tell people not to leave the ship until we're rescued, but I feel that a storm is coming and it's dangerous to stay in the ship, so I leave with some close friends. The others are hit by the storm and of course the ship sinks and many die. But some manage to reach the island and they bring some sort of curse with them. As they set foot on the island, it turns into a desert. As I and my friends struggle to cross this desert, we see the others maybe a mile away behind us, being engulfed by a grasshoper cloud. We run to escape the bugs and I fall over a huge slab partially cover by sand, which has the map of the earth carved on. As I focus on a particular spot on that map, I feel pulled into a vortex and I fall, fall, fall into the darkness. I find myself in a dark place inside my head, I feel my "real" body outside and I realize I'm sleeping. I almost wake up but I hang in there and very faint shapes start to form. I seem to wander through a landscape as seen through a scanning microscope. I see microscopic life forms, very small seeds germinating, microbes, the detail of the "ground" with nanometric resolution. Amazing.
      Then I feel a force pulling me up and I rise, rise, rise. The darkness gives place to a white light that becomes brighter and brighter. I tumble through the light and then I am laid o a solid surface. I look around and I'm surrounded by ducks, a goose, water spouts, bits of grass, mud, sheep... I turn my head and behind me is a brown bear. I get scared and jump, but he seems to be more afraid and runs to the opposite direction. Then I realize there are animals of all species around me, herbivores and carnivores, all gathered, as waiting for something. I look beyond them and I see we're in the middle of some kind of square in a village, with an interesting mix of European style traditional buildings. I also spot some human beings in the distance, but before I contact them, I'm surrounded by three guys who don't seem to want to sing Kumbaya. They grab me and I use some kenpo moves in self-defense. Usually I use my dream kung fu skills, but this time I consciently applied the lessons from my real life training and it worked (I clearly notice that my left side is my weakness and that I must work it.) Also, the dudes didn't count on my ability to fly. I fly up, up, up, and the darkness descends upon me again.
      Everything is black, except for a faint blueish light from a window to my left. Something touches my back. A black cat makes an appearance and guides me through what seems to be a house at night. He climbs up some furniture and invites me to follow him, until we reach a door near the ceiling, which could be a door to an attic, maybe. I hear voices and lights turn up. Some guys are entering the room and I feel urgency in leaving, so I go through the door and I wake up.

      I get up from the couch, feeling so sleepy and my mom is standing at the door looking at me, commenting that I slept over today. "Yeah, I was so tired." But something doesn't add up and I do a RC. I am still dreaming. I think about using the opportunity but I feel the vortex sucking me again and I wake up.
      I did overslept and my mom had indeed entered the house, but she left when she realized I was sleeping.

      Updated 01-28-2013 at 04:47 PM by 34880

      lucid , false awakening
    2. Pyramid Parkour and the Task of the Year

      by , 01-10-2013 at 06:42 PM (Burke's Nightly Escapades)
      I was driving in a car, I'm not sure what kind, down a large hill on a long, winding road. There were a few cars coming from the other direction and for some reason I thought there wasn't many for this time of day, it must've been rush hour or something. As I came to a bend in the road I looked over the guard rail overlooking a large cliff with a huge city in the valley below. I turned to my sister who was in the passenger seat and said, "We're almost there." We must've been going to whatever city that was. As we turned the corner I noticed temporary dividers in the middle of the road, like they would put down for construction, but nobody was working on the road. There weren't even any vehicles. As we continued down the road I noticed that there seemed to be an awful lot of police cars, the majority of whom were pulling people over. I wasn't speeding so I thought I was fine.

      I distinctly remember passing a small, deep purple sedan with a cop standing next to the door. He was leaning into the car trying to reach something in the passenger seat. I didn't know what it was or why he was doing it but I continued on driving glad it wasn't me pulled over. Right as I thought this I saw blinking lights in my rear-view mirror; Damn, why me!? I continued around the next curve and pulled over to the side of the road. The officer got out of his car and had a very large hat on, much like troopers often wear but much bigger. He started walking towards our car and I began to get nervous. When he got to our car he didn't stop, he just kept on walking past us. He went around the next bend and when I looked behind me the cop car was gone. I looked over the edge of the cliff that the road weaved down and could see the officer standing at the bottom looking up at me. He winked.

      For some reason this bumped me into lucidity. I'm not quite sure why but I didn't really question it; I was glad to have ended my dry spell and did a quick clock check for a RC. At first it said 3:17, pretty normal. I looked away and turned back to it. This time it said 9:62. Perfect, this was definitely a dream. I got out of the car and rubbed my hands together, not wanting to waste my first LD in a couple weeks. I asked my sister who was still sitting in the passenger seat and had been silent the whole time what I should do. She looked at me and said, "Weren't you asked to do some tasks or something?" Ah-ha! The TotY! The first one that came to mind was the Colosseum one but for whatever reason I decided against it. The next one that popped into my head was Africa, riding the great sphinx and fixing its nose.

      I got back into the car and decided I would try a different way of getting there instead of just teleporting. I pushed a button that just appeared on the console and the car began to hover above the ground. I pulled back on the steering wheel which could now move like the controls of a plane and pushed the gas pedal. Away we went. I flew over the city, going quite fast since I figured we were in America and had to fly over the Atlantic. I looked down and couldn't quite tell what city it was but it was surrounded by desert and mountains beyond that. I figured either Las Vegas or Phoenix Arizona. It only took a few seconds to reach the mountain range and when we crossed it I could see the great pyramids over the other side. I opened the console of the car and found a staples button. Cheesy, I know, but I pressed it and a loud and, for some reason, female voice said, "that was easy."

      I pushed down on the steering wheel and eased on the breaks. We landed about 200 yards from the sphinx and I knew I had to ride it up the pyramids but felt like something else was missing. Of course, the nose! As I looked it over I realized that its nose was completely intact; the whole thing looked like it had been completed just days earlier! What the heck, I was supposed to fix it . I figured since I had to fix it I might as well break it first. I flew up to its face and pulled my arm back, taking a good, solid swing at the nose. The tip fell off but I needed more, granted the whole thing was twice the size of me. I ran my hand along the bridge of the nose and then hovered over it and kicked down. The whole thing slowly slid down the face of the sphinx and it looked just like it did in the history books.

      Now I had to undo what I just did. I was a little annoyed at it but hey, I want to get this done! I floated back to the ground and picked up the nose. Even though my arms couldn't reach all the way around it I was still able to somehow lift it. I flew back up to its face and set the nose in place. I then pushed it into the face and the whole thing fit like a key. Apparently this was indeed some sort of key, for the sphinx immediately began to move. Slowly but surely the whole thing stood up, looked around, and gave a long stretch and yawn. It then proceeded to lick itself, damn cat.

      I hopped on its back and tried to get it to move, granted the thing's back was 25 feet wide, it wasn't a horse. I squeezed my legs like one would to get a horse to move but the sphinx just looked around and then laid back down. What the hell, this was supposed to be fairly straightforward! I thought for a moment while it started to drift off to sleep and then remember seeing cats chasing the little red dots that laser pointers create. I reached into my pocket and, sure enough, there was a laser pointer! I pointed it at the pyramid and could faintly see a little red dot, not nearly enough to get this thing's attention. I figured that, if it were a little bit darker out the light would be easier to see. I looked down at my wrist and found a watch. It said 4:00 P.M. so I pulled out the little time-set thing and changed it to 8:00. As the hands moved forward the sun went down and the moon came up. This was pretty cool, given that I had never really changed the time of day before.

      As the sun went down I could feel the dream begin to fade. Damn, I haven't done this in a while! I quickly rubbed my hands together which stopped the fading and brought back some clarity but I knew that I didn't have much time left. I patted the sphinx on its back, which was still quietly laying there. It began to stir and I pointed the laser pointer at the ground in front of it; it was easy to see now! The sphinx's ears twitched and its head perked up, clearly noticing the little dot. I pointed at the pyramids which were about 400 yards away. The sphinx jumped up and immediately began to bound towards that light. I squeezed my legs as tight as I could just to stay on.

      When it got close to the pyramid, the sphinx jumped, trying to pounce on the light. I quickly moved it up about halfway to the top of the pyramid, but it still ended up hitting the base and knocking some blocks off. C'mon, kitty, don't knock the thing down! It regained its awareness and found the dot again and immediately jumped up, running up the pyramid. This thing was steeper than I thought, it had to be at least a 40 degree angle
      (after googling it, the actual angle is almost 52 degrees). The sphinx stuttered on a few steps as blocks fell out from under it but it continued to climb up the top.

      I pointed the light right at the very peak and, right as we got close to the top, the sphinx jumped again, this time overestimating the height and clearing the entire pyramid. We both fell down for a few hundred feet and when the sphinx finally landed it began to slide down the side of the pyramid. The ride was quite bumpy and I could feel the dream beginning to fade. We reached the bottom just a couple seconds afterwards and I immediately jumped off, rubbing my hands to try and stabilize but to no avail. I decided that, since the dream was pretty much over and I had accomplished what I wanted to do, I would give the sphinx a treat. I waved towards the distance, motioning for something to come towards me. While doing this I envisioned a giant fish coming out of the horizon towards the sphinx. I tried to reward it for its hard work but just as I though I saw the fish come over the horizon
      I woke up in my bed, my arm over my head in the same position I was waving in. The entertainment isn't confined to just the dreams

      One down, six to go. Hopefully the next one won't take three weeks just to get lucid
    3. Beautiful Friend

      by , 01-05-2013 at 01:05 AM
      I'm walking through the desert near my house with kids(I'm babysitting about 4 of them) and we finally get to this wedding party we are supposed to be at. It's for this really overweight woman who looks very familiar, which is sad because she used to take care of herself. The party is very formal, nice tall building, lots of people, but out in the desert.
      Anyways I am just fed up with the party so I grab the kids I'm watching and we head out. But just as we head down the road( seemingly never ending), a friend who I know in real life walks out and she say's
      "Hey!" with a cute-like friend tone
      I nudge an eyebrow and reply "Hey there" casually, but not too cool
      She looked so perfect there in the sunlight as she approached. She has long dirty blonde hair that's cut at a straight bang, which the sunlight blends so warmly into. Blue green eyes that looked so friendly and inviting, and with a face that could melt a heart of stone. She's beautiful and so cute(not such a manly term, I know).
      With the evening sun in her eyes she winces up at me and asks
      "Do you mind if I walk home with you?"
      What's strange was I was overwhelmed with a peace and comfort that can't be described. It was so surreal. Yet I calmly said
      "That'd be nice"
      As we walked we talked and laughed and joked and simply enjoyed each other.
      It wasn't awkward.
      It wasn't strange.
      It was right.
    4. 2nd Jan 2013 Robot-girl, Pyramid

      by , 01-02-2013 at 09:32 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      I remember this dream having some ridiculous storyline, but sadly i only remember the end part of it.

      Anyway, i and some other people were in some sort of tech lab, which apparently was controlled by enemy. In one of the rooms we ran into enemy and both sides had guns so we started shooting. As we defeated the wave of enemies we found some sort of pod, which we have opened and freed an girl. She was aggressive and almost killed one of our people until we managed to calm her down, she could transform her arms into very sharp metallic blades. Then there some other girl appears(probably from our group) and says that she will cover our retreat.
      Dream skips to that we are retreating in some sort of car, there are some conversations(which i don't remember), eventually we reach some sort of pyramid. Apparently we are still being chased by the enemy so we split our group, most of people continue driving the car while me, girl and some other man go into the pyramid. There's a long maze and some more conversations happen during the walk, about who enemies are and about the girl(Again, can't remember convos themselves, only themes).
      Eventually we reach the exit and we are in some sort of deserty landscape now. There is gas station we stop at. On it apparently the girl figures out how to control her powers, she concentrates on the arm and it transforms into sharp metallic blade and back. Then weirdly, my viewpoint changes to her viewpoint for a second and i am able to feel arm transforming into a blade and back, huh. Then she manages to transform into robot form fully, and it's not very humanoid type of robot apparently, with caterpillar tracks, those sharp blades for arms and some weird detectors/visors on the head. The dream ends there.
    5. Police dream

      by , 12-22-2012 at 07:24 PM (Awesomeness's quest for lucidity)
      Real life Dream Lucid Nightmare Dream sign Thoughts

      It has been QUITE a long time without recording my dreams. To be honest with myself, I do not me to be the same person as the one that registered this account 2 years ago. I don't even think I'm the same person as myself a year ago... so much has changed in my life. Anyway, moving onward, here's a dream:

      Police dream thing

      I'm in some police station in a desert, except it's pretty much wide open space, like the meal tables are just out on the sandstone floor, etc. There's about 30 people within the station, and for some reason the "bad guys" (don't even ask any reasons or motives behind them being bad, they just were) were in the station. I was holding some kind of semi auto and we were approaching the bad guys, going around white (clay?) buildings.

      Dreamskip. I have no idea what happened in between, but it was a lot.

      The police are my silent enemy now; I don't remember why. The bad guys are gone, and me, one of the cops, and a kid are trying to get out of the station. I "shoot" at the kid to play along with the cops, missing on purpose every time.
      I don't remember the gun having any significant recoil at all. We just barely manage to get out without them catching us.

      And... that's it. I don't remember anything else.
      Tags: desert, gun, guns, police
      dream fragment , non-lucid
    6. Best Wheat Ales and Bakery Goods of All Time EVER!!!

      by , 12-21-2012 at 03:46 AM

      Me, family members, and good friends of the family are all travelling on a bus. I look out the window into this old industrial yard. There is a pile of stuff and large overhead pipes. (I had a other dream here but can't remember any more than being in a hurry and going through the piles and maybe turning some valves.) Also in the yard was a motor-home.

      I could see in through the back window of the motor home from the bus that there was a pile of wood inside being fed into some kind of furnace. We stopped and went inside the motor home. The inside was cramped but much larger than it could possibly have been. To our good fortune we had stumbled upon one of the worlds greatest secrets.

      This place apparently made some of the best bread ever....hence the wood furnace. Somehow they also managed to make wheat beer from the bread. I tried one and it was..omg outstanding. After finishing my drink we headed along some tables towards some stairs leading downstairs. On the tables were some cakes, pastries, pies, and other goodies. I tried something with banana... and it was also extremely good. I also remember their being some sort of kiwi cake. We didn't gorge ourselves and headed downstairs. I sat in a subway train like seat next to my sister and Ilean. They both had small plates. I was so happy and pleased that I squeed a little.
    7. The War of the Wolves

      by , 12-12-2012 at 05:04 AM
      The second of two WILDs that I experienced last night on galantamine. This dream was much longer than it sounds, since I was in the mood to watch, go slowly, and take in the scenery. Once again I asked a question of my subconscious, and the "answer" struck me as much more ambiguous this time.

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #42: The War of the Wolves

      The WILD drops me at a dinner party in a fancy house. All of the DCs here are in cocktail dresses and tuxedos. All are strangers.

      I walk out into the night past a stone patio, looking up to admire the dome of stars above me tonight. Just past the patio is a sort of desert garden. It's a huge, man-made sandpit where well-tended cacti and yucca plants grow among carefully arranged boulders and signs that indicate the name of each species of plant.

      I decide to ask my subconscious a question. "Should I ever try galantamine again?" I shout. There's no vocal reply, but a large, gray wolf creeps from around one of the boulders. He looks at me, saying nothing, but slowly baring his teeth.

      My two Siberian Husky dogs (IWL pets) emerge from behind a boulder of their own, and charge at the wolf! They're much smaller than the wolf, but they unhesitatingly go after him. K (the female) lunges for his neck, but the wolf swivels his hind end around and parries her to the side. The wolf swats B (the male) in the face before pouncing on him and bringing him to the ground.

      The fight is ugly and one-sided, but (fortunately) completely bloodless. My two dogs run off further into the desert and the wolf approaches me. I'm afraid of him, but try not to dwell on it. I extend my hand toward him, palm forward, as if to say, "Stop." He seems to sense that this is more a plea than a command, and he lunges at me, biting down hard on my hand! For a moment, the pain is alarmingly vivid, but I do my best to ignore it.

      After a moment, the pain subsides and the wolf lets up his pressure. Silently, he turns and walks off into the desert. I walk further along, the coolness of the desert air quickly calming me. Eventually I happen upon a dark sea. By now I feel totally at peace. I stand on the shore and watch the waves for a while
      until the dream ends.

      Updated 01-11-2013 at 06:51 PM by 57387

    8. The Battle of the Convoy

      by , 11-09-2012 at 10:25 PM (The Redeeming Dreamer)
      Nov. 6, 2012

      I was in the military. I was helping to escort a convoy through a desert, sometime in the future with many relatively highly-advanced weapons. They were very powerful weapons.

      The convoy was ambushed a while into the dream. Insurgent soldiers attacked us. Many people died, many vehicles were destroyed, but the convoy eventually made it. It was a long and hard battle, but the convoy barely made it out alive.
    9. Todays dreams: Meeting dream guides and a false awakening

      by , 11-09-2012 at 07:28 PM (Exterminate)
      Meeting my dream guides!

      So first off me and my family were at this house and some people came to the door. There are various girls without clothes on. They were just standing there in their underwear. There were 2-3 other guys with them. I run to my bedroom, trying to escape these people because something did not seem right. I sit there listening for about a half an hour. It turns out they are from this game show. It was all improv. Someone comes up with the topic and the rest discuss it without a script. I put some clothes on, and start to leave my hiding spot. Just before I open the door one of the girls from earlier starts talking to me from the other side. She says "You done with that tissue? *Giggle*" Implying I was masturbating. I tell her I wasn't doing anything immodest, and she laughs it off. I leave the bedroom and go back to where everyone else is. I don't want to play their stupid game, so I look around and see some small balls on the ground. They look like water balls or bouncy balls or something. I guess there was a challenge or something with them. I would put one or more in my mouth, move them around a bit, then spit them out. They would then be awkwardly shaped like a potato or something, then I would smooth them into balls. They were jelly-like, which lead me to believe they were filled with water. I noted at this time that I was a child in this dream. Some then tried taking us (Me, my brother, and someone I have never seen before) away to some place. I tried escaping but failed. At this place a girl strips me and says "His butt seems to be the only thing salvageable. The rest isn't really for show business." I start to worry about how bad of a situation I may be in. Suddenly this girl comes in, probably about 22, black. She has about 5 children, various ages. They were mostly in their teens. The woman drops these kids off, with a nervous look on her face. I start yelling "Something isn't right here, let us go!" and eventually run out of there. As I am walking...I suddenly think "Am I dreaming?"

      "Hell yes!" (I never RC, I just know) So I look around, trying to find something to do. I looked at my surroundings and found myself in a desert. I couldn't see much around me except a highway. Various cars are zooming by. I focus in on a motorcycle that has two women riding it. I then run into the motorcycle as it gets near my location and as I recover I state my intention to locate my dream guide. I talk to the driver of the motorcycle and ask her name. She replies that she does not remember. I look around and notice a shelter nearby. It looked kinda like a horse stable. I also noticed that the mobile home I live in was also nearby.
      The other girl has recovered now and is now standing nearby. I ask the rider of the motorcycle if she can be my Dream Guide and she replies no. I ask the other and she said that they come in a pair, if one is to be my Dream Guide then both must be. So I ask the one if she knows what a dream guide is, and she gives me a face that basically spoke "...Really? Of course I know." So we are now inside the mobile home and it looks like someone packed up. there was boxes and furniture still inside, but none of the occupants seemed to be anywhere in sight. It was a strange and saddening sight. It seems my parents just kinda...left after us children were taken. I think it interesting to note however, that the home mentioned earlier where the game show happened was at a place I don't recognize. I don't know if we lived there in this dream or if we were there for another reason.

      Anyway, at this point I ask my newfound Dream Guides to teach me a new dream skill. The one Dream Guide says "Hmm...Human cloning is not an easy task, so lets start smaller." I found a pen nearby, so I offer that we can do something cool with it. The Dream Guide then grabs a pillowcase and folds it. She then opens it back up and puts a golden rod inside it. She folds the pillowcase back over the rod and starts rubbing the materials together real quickly until sparks start to appear. She says "First you must generate electricity before we can proceed to the next step." She hands me the items and I start rubbing them together like she did. Sparks start flying, and she smiles. I start looking at the sparks: White light so bright..My vision starts to blur, and I get a little sad. The dream is ending. I "Wake up."

      FA about my last dream

      So I think that I woke up, feeling mixed emotions on my previous dream..I am sitting in front of my laptop, talking to my brother about my dream. On my laptop was a wiki that had everything about my previous dream. I found it amazing that I hadn't even written my dream down yet, but this wiki knew everything about the dream. I'm talking about lists, pictures, maps, everything. I was talking to my brother about the wonders of having some Dream Guides, and the sadness that the dream ended, but I am just as happy about it now as I was then.
      We, as a family, went to this garage. The place seemed quite familiar from my dream, because in the dream there was this garage door inside the house. I looked around and was excited. I figured I'd visit my dream location. We go inside the garage door, but it is...just a garage. Nothing special. The dream ended shortly after.

      Updated 08-02-2018 at 07:42 PM by 57282

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , memorable
    10. Dragons in Two Dimensions

      by , 11-07-2012 at 09:23 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      It's night, and I am in a field with tents. There are other people. There's a flood coming, and people are hurrying back into their tents and houses, avoiding the flood. I can see the flood, and it's coming from the desert.

      I am trying to avoid some people. A group. I'm not sure if they are dangerous, or if I just want to avoid them. I climb up to our house's balcony (doesn't look like our real home), and hear someone calling. I look my hiding place, and see Beatrice looking for me. The moment I thought she might see me, she looked at me and found me.

      We talked a bit. I showed her small toy cars that move so fast, I can only see the light they leave behind as they move by.

      I am talking to some people. I'm in a party. A formal occasion. I was supposed to join some people. I saw those people move. They were ready for a fight. One woman in black had a gun. They're going hunting. I asked the person I was talking to I should be there. He told me no, I am somewhere else.

      There are two dragons that will be raised, and they are in two different dimensions. One was a phoenix-like dragon, and the other was unknown, because it was slayed before I can get to it in a different dimension. I had to travel to that dimension, and at the same time go back in that dimension's past, in order to save the dragon. The two are somehow interlinked. I see myself walking down Calamba street.

      Back to the party, I was talking to the person, and suddenly, I am in a carriage of sorts, being lifted by something. I was told I'll be in the mission as well. I was excited until I found out I will act as bait, not the two people I saw go first.

      I was to be dropped in the middle of a snowy forest landscape, with huge tigers and other animals. I felt I can handle it.

      Notes: approx. 1.5 hours of sleep, from 1:30 p.m to 3:00 p.m.
    11. [Scooby-Doo and The Hammer Clown]

      by , 10-10-2012 at 11:32 AM (Searching For The Center of Everything)
      [Monday, October 8th, 2012]
      Being chased by a muscular clown with a hammer. We were inside a spooky mansion with Alex, Nathan, and Scooby and the Gang. We were
      playing a game (we were being forced to) where the clown would chased us and try to hammer the shit out of us. We take turns- first up is Fred.
      He's terrified, but we all watch as the Clown chases him off. I hold a paper in my hand. It shows a list of everyone in the house. Fred's name is lit
      up. After awhile, it becomes crossed off. Suddenly, another person's name lights up and it starts again. I notice there is a door out of the room I'm
      in and I sneak off with a few other people. There's a tall chain-link fenced backyard here- I climb up to the top to show everyone a way to get out.
      No one is behind me now; I walk back inside and there's Shaggy and Scooby!

      The paper was shining again, this time with Shaggy and Scooby's names lit up. The clown is coming for us- "COME ON GUYS, FOLLOW ME!"
      We all somehow make it up the fence pretty fast and drop down. We sneak to the front yard where Shaggy and Scooby for some apparently
      reason re-enter the house. "They're gonners..." I think to myself. I run to a bush to hide for awhile and I look around. We're in Arizona- the desert.
      The setting reminds me of Congress. Just then the paper goes dark again. But my name isn't lighting up. I walk back to the house, confused, when
      suddenly it lights up again. The front door opens wide and the clown walks out smiling, a sledgehammer on his shoulder. I sprint for the backyard
      fence to try and climb it. I have abnormally high reflexes and speed and can move on the fence faster than humanly possible. I try to trick the
      clown by pretending to drop into the backyard, and instead running back to the front yard but he sees my manuever. He compliments me, "AHH,
      that's a smart move! Too bad though!"

      <My dream ends before the clown can hit me.>
    12. [Lion King 5]

      by , 10-03-2012 at 09:26 AM (Searching For The Center of Everything)
      [Tuesday, October 2nd, 2012]
      I'm in a new forest/desert land. I'm climbing on a castle by an ocean and I'm sticking to the wall like Spiderman, I
      climb around to a window where 3 girls are talking and I yell, "HAHA. Look, I'm Spiderman!" And I laugh

      I'm being put into a co-artist position to make LION KING 5. Since we just completed the 4th. This time it has to do
      with how us living creatures must go help the earth. I see a preview already done by my co-artist and it looks legit,
      along with words flashing across the middle of the screen to a zoom-out of Africa. (Or somewhere that looks like it has
      a lot of nature... like the Lion King desert but with GREEN) then the scene changes to in the middle of a Na'vi like
      forest and there's a crater that countless animals are walking to. Then after we get bored of talking about Lion King...
      the co-artist who's in a different room is being recorded and put on a giant touch screen for us to play with. His outline
      is in black and white, but we can fill in certain sides of him and the computer will remember which side is which color.

      Its like painting a 3D model and its really fun. We end up making him either completely red or completely blue with a
      hint of the opposite color. He blends in perfectly with the background save for some subtle rounded outlines. I think
      about what I could do if I were on the otherside... I'd have a birdhouse for a helmet and stick my head up into the
      screen. You could paint the birdhouse AND my head. xD <I thought it was an interesting idea.>

      My Mom walks into the room and its about bedtime and time to sleep. I lie down next to a friend of mine- I'm not sure
      who- and I look up as my Mum tells me "I'm not sure if we're actually gonna go tomorrow..." I understand, since
      everyone pretty much left us here and forgot that we were planning something like a trip. I motion to her to say, "I
      don't care." she doesn't understand the first time, but as I try to mouth it again, I think my waking life self also mouths
      it and I wake up.
    13. September 8, 2012 - "Hide Under the Stars"

      by , 09-30-2012 at 01:25 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      September 8, 2012

      I am with people. A hotel. A desert. Burning? I am falling. The Tower. I raise my hand and point up. The power of The Star. I stand. Running. Someone summoned a demon. H-A-B-R-A-T-O-S? I am running away? People are running away from it. In a house. I hide under the stairs. A woman was looking for me. I don't want her to find me. I wanted her away. If I am with her, the demon might find me as well. She sounded desperate. I just want her to go away.

      NOTE: Ghaddar. Marbas.
    14. 3 Days worth of Dreams (Lucid Dreams #14, #15)

      by , 09-27-2012 at 01:55 AM (Lucid Time!)
      Most of these are non lucid dreams that I find boring. Skip to Tuesday night for the good stuff.

      Sunday Night

      (Pointless desert dream)

      The first thing that I remember was stepping out of a small outpost, cobbled together from shanty metal plates, and part of an airplane cabin. All around the outpost was a sea of sand dunes, and at the edge of visibility, jagged mountains.
      This girl who was about twelve, with blonde hair and glasses (The smart looking type) goes by me on this tractor-type vehicle with tank treads. Though the back of my head, I get the dream's plot. We're doing some kind of archeology dig in the desert, and I'm helping.
      The tank was slow but I had a hard time keeping up. My feet were really heavy. I tried to blame it on the boots that I was wearing. (This is usually what it's like when you're having a nightmare and you want to get away from something.)
      When we got over the first sand dune, there was a large army green party tent with a bunch of machinery under it.
      For some reason, I got really attached to this rusty old wagon under the tent and started to pull it. The girl on the tractor told me to hurry up and get to the digging site. I asked her If I could ride on the tractor because my shoes were so heavy. She said no.
      I managed to make it up the next sand dune, and saw the dig site. It was pretty small. The girl who had arrived before me was working, as well as these two really young boys with short hair. As soon as I was on top of the sand dune, everyone came up to see me. The girl told met that there was a sandstorm coming and that we should get back to the base.
      I started to head back, but the girl got worried because she thought the wagon should/shouldn't be left out in the sandstorm. Whatever it was, me and her got into a really pointless and mundane argument that seemed to last forever.
      The sandstorm was bearing down on us, and I started to get back to the base. I couldn't see the distant mountains anymore. And it took me a few minutes to make it past the tent again and back to the base. But as soon as the four of us made it back to base, we found out there was nothing there.
      I suddenly entered this sort of fake lucid state. I tried to build us a new base. But instead, I build a landing pad and this large kind of helicopter-looking aircraft with four big turbines, two on each side. It was sort of a teal color.

      I think this comes from the same dream, but I have no idea how it connects. I was in the desert still, but the sand dunes were a lot smaller now. Plus, there were no mountains in the distance now. And there was an abrupt, straight border with a forest of large pine trees that were all exactly the same height.
      The dream characters from before were there, and the girl took this red Frisbee sized plastic ring and spun it around like a coin. Apparently it was some kind of archery challenge because I had a bow and arrow.
      When I shot it (and hit it nonetheless) The arrow and ring shot straight up into the sky. Then my quiver came off my back, floated over to the same spot that I hit the ring, and went straight up into the sky.
      We started to go looking for the plastic ring and my arrows, and we went into the forest next to the desert. At first, we could not find them, but then this well-camouflaged door opened in the side of one of the trees.
      My mom comes out holding the ring and my arrows.
      "I believe these are yours. I found them in my yard."

      This whole thing doesn't make an ounce of sense!

      Monday Night

      I was going to a pool party at my old friend's house. I can remember walking to the pool with a couple friends, but it was rather uneventful.
      When we got there, this girl that I've never met before got out of the pool and started kissing me and telling me that she loved me. I can remember that she was very overweight and didn't seem to have good hygiene. At first, I sort of let her kiss me and stuff, because I thought it was a joke or something.
      Then she started holding me down and I think she was trying to have sex with me or something. (This is about as disturbing as it gets, so if you read this part, you're good.) The dream gets really hazy at this point.

      After awhile, I came to my senses. She was still kissing me but we were in a really fancy restaurant with my parents. I told her I had to get going and she seemed a little sad, but was fine with me leaving.

      Tuesday Night (Last Night)

      A minor event. I can't remember what It was about at all, but I had one. Became lucid and woke up.

      Also a WILD experience that I accidentally let myself have. I went though hallucinations and all that stuff. The dream started with these credits, like a movie was starting. I can't remember what they said because the letters were really small and sort of blurry. I can't remember what else happened, but I think that it was a WILD

      The final dream for this triple-length entry is by far one of the most surreal and interesting dream experiences that I've had thus far. It was totally worth it to type all of those lousy pointless dreams just so I could get to tell you about this one interesting good one.
      I was floating up, holing onto about a dozen balloons. But they were glowing with a hazy gold light. I looked around, and there were thousands of these balloons all around me. They were all drifting up from the middle of this giant bronze gear in the floor of a titanic room. The center of the gear was some kind of aperture that released the balloons.
      Some of the balloons were alone, others were in clumps. Another clump floated up next to me, and my english teacher was hanging onto it.
      I vividly remember her voice and choice of words almost exactly as she would have done in real life, and she was teaching me about lucid dreaming (of all things) as we drifted upwards holding onto these balloons.

      Updated 08-10-2014 at 03:23 PM by 53527

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    15. 08172012-3rd Dream, The Recipe For Weather Control

      by , 08-19-2012 at 05:38 AM
      Some things just seem so simple...like this recipe.

      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]I’m in a southwestern landscape, similar to the Arizonadesert, surrounded by scrub brush. Mountains in the distance are purple-coloredin the hazy air. I’m lucid, my awareness brought about by the odd desertlocation. [/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]In front of me, floating in the air, is a pile of cheese. Inmy mind I understand that I need to eat the cheese. I not only need to eat it…thecheese needs to fill me. I need to become the cheese. It looks like Americancheese and as I consume it my lower body becomes a yellowish-orange color. Italso feels warm.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [FONT=Calibri][SIZE=3]Next a large amount of rice appears, white rice, and I mustconsume it just as I did the cheese. It’s steaming and fluffy though I feel noheat as I swallow. Still, it tastes good. The feeling inside me is similar to beingsupercharged.[/SIZE][/FONT]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]Now that I have the recipe components inside me I know I cancontrol the weather. Admittedly the weather doesn’t change much in the desertbut I now have control.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT][FONT="Calibri"]And then I wake up.[/FONT]
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