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    1. Dad; Repairing my Truck / Vacation / Pond

      by , 01-10-2013 at 10:06 AM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)

      My dad was sitting up in Bed. We was at the end of his life, but when he was able to talk and eat normally.

      I told him I'd been wanting to tell him so many things, and now that he was back I could finally tell him.


      Repairing my Truck / Vacation / The Pond

      I was with M. S. and we were having a good time. I needed to fix my truck. It needed a red tailgate. I got the job done, but wasn't sure it was good quality so I gave the tailgate away.

      Then I came back to get the job done again. I was embarrassed because I was coming back after the job had been done already.

      The mechanic cranks up the car. The radio is blasting, so I told him I could turn the radio down if he wanted. He starts to sing the song that was on to let me know that he knows music and doesn't mind loud music just because he's old.

      I started talking to Mike about going to someone's sister's beach. I imagined a scene of a nice white beach. I asked someone for a cigarette. They gave me a whole pack. I ran it back to the guy because I didn't need a whole pack.

      When I opened it, there was only one cigarette, but I really only saw a bunch of tobacco at the bottom of the box.

      Now we are really pressed for time. I ran back to the truck but now it was a boat, and it had sunk into a holding pool where it was parked.

      There was a bunch of stuff in the boat. I wanted to bring it up without everything falling out. I tried to crank the boat while it was under water. I pulled the string like a lawn mower to crank it. The guy I was with told me, "No, get one of them" or something, pointing at some monkeys. There were some monkeys that had been trained to do this in some movie. He thought a monkey could do a better job cranking it because they were stronger.

      Dream skip

      We made it to our destination. I approach the side of a yard where there are bird nests stacked about 5 high, one on top of each other. I saw some of the birds dart into their nest holes.

      I approached wanting to see the birds. The lady who owned them came out. I hoped she wouldn't be mad that I was looking / disturbing them.

      Dream Skip

      Then I was at a pond. There were small looking galaxies in the pond. Then they were 3 different kinds of fish. One was like a leach. I think it was called a Cutter. There was a little round thing, and there was some other type of fish/organism. I wanted to catch them, but they would all bite, so I left them alone.
    2. 2/11/12 (First of many kind of old dreams I have decided to submit)

      by , 05-14-2012 at 12:50 AM
      This one is fragmented, mainly because it's from a few months ago, but also because I never recalled the majority of the dream in the first place. I was in a neigborhood that doesn't exist, but seems to be a fusion of the neighborhood I live in now, and one that goes in kind of a circle around a small pond (in the dream the curve was very exaggerated, and the whole dream had a very curvy and off feel to it. Everything was warped far to the left, except my friend and I). So I was with someone I was friends with at the time, and we were just walking around the neighborhood. Something that I do a lot with my friends in waking life. The houses looked very big and expensive (and these houses reminded me of yet another neighborhood that a different friend lives in). In my dream journal, I mentioned something about that dream somehow being related to DreamViews, but I have no clue how. I don't remember such a thing. That's about it. Not very detailed, but I feel like entering some memorable old dreams will stimulate/improve my recall.
    3. Weird enviromentalist DC

      by , 04-02-2012 at 03:35 AM (Lucid Time!)
      I used to have an aunt and uncle that lived in a sparse neighborhood near the edge of our town. But they moved to Alabama when I was about 8. This dream supposedly involved them.

      My parents told me they were taking me to see a new garbage dump that they had put in where my aunt and uncle used to live. We drove along this country road. It was summertime and the forest was green and lush. We finally arrived at their neighborhood and got out of the car. I was with my parents and some other girl I didn't know.
      I got out and started wading in a pond.
      "It's a shame isn't it. Ever since they put in the new garbage dump, this pond is polluted and the fish are dying."
      I looked into the water, and I could see the sandy bottom and fish swirling around.
      We waded along the shoreline until we came to a clearing in the woods.
      The stranger girl beat me there. For some reason, she looked very hazy. All I could make out was that she had black hair.
      The ground showed evidence of a heavy vehicle, and there was a rather small hill. Supposedly, it was the garbage dump, but it was quite small. Perhaps four feet high, and ten feet at the base. If there was garbage, they covered it over with dirt.
      The stranger-girl I was now alone with kept talking about the garbage dump. I just sort of sat there quietly so that she could let her thoughts out. She seemed so sad.

      Updated 08-06-2014 at 09:14 PM by 53527

    4. Airports, Sadie's ghost and travelling with Kali

      by , 04-01-2012 at 03:10 AM (Visions in the Dark)
      I am heading towards an airport with the sister and brother-in-law for a good friend of mine, as well as my at Kali in a small animal carrier. We are on a small charter plane and it is full of people but everyone besides one man and us is elderly. Someone says something about not telling customs where we are going and to say that we are travelling with the elderly people as relatives. For some reason we fear being turned bak if the security and customs people at the airport learn why we are really travelling (which was a really mundane reason in the dream but I forget the reason now.)

      We get to the air port and my friend's sister and husband and I are seperated and I panick because I do not know what time to catch the next fight or where, because they have the ticket. I eventually figure out that I have to go to a nearby town, callled Pickwick in the dream, to catch the connecting flight, but in the partking lot of the airport I am currently in, my cat deficates all over her carrier and I have no where to clean it and I cannot catch a cab because of it.

      I eventually ditch the carrier itself, clean off my cat and place her in my carry-on bag (in which she sleeps peacefully) and I run into the man who I met on the charter plane who was not elderly, just as security comes to check our ID and bags. Not having my bording pass (it is with the people I got seperated from) the man I don't know takes me in his arms and tells me to say that I am his fiancee. He tells me his name is Anthony. Some how this is enough to convince the security guards and they let us through the gates and out of the airport, where Anthony and I catch a bus to Pickwick, where our next plane await. I meet up withmy friend's sister and brother-in-law when we get to that town's airport, though Anthony disappears and I do not see him join us on our connecting flight, which makes me sad.

      We far in the south in our destination (Florida?) walking through a forest of some kind. I want to say it was a bamboo forest, but I am not sure. Most of the trees were tall and narrow anyway and the shrubs were short and thin branched and few had any leaves. There wer many tourists on the path of varying age and we all walking in one direction on the winding path. The path passed a large circular pond that was dried up and in a bush near the edge of the pond I saw a dog laying on it's back.

      When I got closer I saw that it was my dog Sadie who died years ago. I looked at her chest and saw her breathing, but I knew in the dream that she was dead, especially since branches of the bush she was laying on protrouded from various parts of her body, including her mouth, as if her body had been laying there for a long time and the bush just grow through it. She was not in pain or distress and I could sense she had appeared to me for a reason but I could not figure out why, though I did take this chance to say goodbye to her properly, since I did not get to do so in waking life when she passed away.

      The tour group is moving on a head of me and I do not want to be left behind so I run to catch up but I stop and glance one more time at Sadie when I am at the other side of the pond. Her body has turned to a wooden log and her limbs and tails knarled branches, and I feel a sense of relief, like I know she has finally moved on and her body had returned to the earth.

      I catch up to the tour group and they are staring at a large pit filled with alligators. I panick because I realize at this point that me cat Kali had been following me like a dog and I haven't seen her for a while. Now that I know there are alligators in the forest I am afraid for her safety. I search everywhere, even go back to Sadie's pond, but I cannot find Kali anywhere. Later I find her near the rental car that the people I am travelling with have.

      On our flight back to Pickwick, I see Anthony on our plane but he does not talk or even look at me, like we never met before and he does not recognize me. Back at Pickwick we find out our luggage has gone to the airport we first landed at near the start of the dream. While there I try to retrieve my cat's original carrier, but not only has it not been cleaned yet but someone has broken it down into little peices. While the large commerical jet that took us to Florida had no problem with my cat Kali travelling in my carry-on bag, the small charter plane that is supposed to take us home will not let me board until my cat is in a proper carrier. They do agree to wait for me however and the rest of the passengers get grumpy and upset with me because they have to wait while I find a new carrier for Kali.

      I cannot remember any more of this dream.
    5. The Beautiful Fall

      by , 12-03-2011 at 05:24 PM (Just Dreaming)
      The Beautiful Fall: (non-lucid)


      I'm walking in what looks like an abandon area in what I believe is in Rhode Island. The sky is shining bright baby-blue, and there isn't a cloud in sight. I'm in a clearing that is in the woods with a large road on my right. There are no cars driving on the road. There are multiple sets of rusted train tracks on the ground that are covered with orange and red leaves. The trees are all filled with this red foliage, and general scene is peaceful. I notice that a train is approaching on one of the train tracks. The train has normal train cars, but they are all missing tops. There is a person in on the front of the train. He asks me if I would like a ride, I say "yes" and hop onto one the seats.

      The train starts to move. I don't feel the train moving, but I can see that the scene is changing. After awhile of peaceful driving, the train stops again and I get off. The man is no longer on the train. I see that there is another train that is parked, just like the other one with the missing top- but the train tracks it is on are different. After about 100 yards, the tracks go straight up into the air. I can't see where the stop, so it would appear that they are very high in the air. I get onto this new train, and it starts to move at a very high speed. It shoots up into the air on the tracks, and it is still gaining speed. The train gets high enough that I am now in space and have left the beautiful baby-blue background of the sky. The train finally starts to slow down. As it is slowing down, it is moving off the tracks ever so slightly. When it comes to a complete stop, it does a backflip- and I'm now looking down onto Earth. The train starts to fall- and as it falls it gets back onto the tracks. I try to look at Earth and see what is going on, but the train is moving so fast now that I can't see.

      I don't know if I'm in a new dream on not- but I'm falling, and then peacefully land on the ground in a new area that I haven't seen before. The trees are still in vibrant color like that last scene when I was in on the ground. I notice that I'm on a small island that is the middle of a small pond. I walk around and see that there are black and red water snakes swimming over different areas of the pond. I can see the bottom of the pond, as it can't be much deeper than 5 feet in the deepest areas. The water is crystal blue and looks beautiful as the reflection of the different ripples of water can be seen on the light brown bottom.

      I continue to walk and start to walk through the water. I reach another small island that I didn't see before. I walk on the small beach it has until I reach the other side of the island. There is a man and a woman playing in the water and splashing each other. This makes me really happy to see them happy and playing, then the woman accidentally splashes a snake on the man. They both start to freak out and slash in the water even more- although now it's not playful splashing. Even though this seemingly scary event just happened, the dream still has a happy and peaceful mood. I continue to walk and just walk past the couple until I reach the shore of the pond. There is a rusted gate that appears to lead to some kind of industrial complex that looks abandon. As I approach the gate, the sun starts to shine even brighter than it was shining before. Everything goes white,
      and I open my eyes to my room with the windows open and the sun shining in.

      Updated 12-07-2011 at 01:28 AM by 43975

      Tags: fall, lake, pond, train
    6. Bodies everywhere

      by , 06-29-2011 at 10:06 PM (Visions in the Dark)
      The dream starts off with me walking through a field. There is a thick and heavy fog and I cannot even see the ground under my feet but I can feel it - it is very bumpy and unstable, like I am walking on frozen pillows or something, if that makes any sense. I am walking up a slight incline and the fog recedes a bit when I reach the top.

      The unstable ground I am walking on is covered with thousands of bodies as far as the eye can see. There are so many bodies and they are piled on top of each other so high that I cannot see any natural ground at all. Most of the bodies are men in green or grey uniforms but there are also women and children laying about. Despite all of the dead bodies, many of which are in various states of decay, I don't remember smelling the rot around me.

      In front of me is a small pond. There are bodies in the water but not as many as on the ground and the water is a dark reddish brown because it is filled with blood and rotting flesh. I walk past the pond and to the other side of the hill, but it is slow going because stepping across the mounds of bodies is difficult. The fog has lessend, but there are still bodies as far as the eye can see and I cannot get away from them no matter how far I go.
    7. Lucid Dreams 232, 233, 234

      by , 06-18-2011 at 01:57 PM (KingYoshi's Dream Journal...My World is Different)
      May 12, 2011
      Lucid Dream 232: Disappearances
      Series: Sexcapades, Episode 9

      I was walking around Virginia Tech's campus with a girl I know, "NC." I can't remember what we were doing, but I started to suspect I was dreaming for no apparent reason. I didn't bother performing a RC, after a few moments thought, I knew I was dreaming. I told her to, "Watch this!" I took two momentum boosting steps and dove into flight. I flew across the drill field and spotted a target. It was some asian guy with glasses and a backpack. I leaned my body forward and gained some speed just before I slammed my shoulder into him. After spearing him, I turned to find my next victim. I noticed a couple was walking and holding hands. I took flight again and slammed into the back of them. They both toppled over and their books scattered across the sidewalk. I flew back over to NC and she looked angry. She said, "Why are you such an asshole?" I laughed and said, "This is my dream. I'll do whatever I want."

      I grabbed NC around the waste and flew straight up into the air. We hovered around the clouds for a moment and I started kissing her neck. She suddenly disappeared completely. I chalked this up to a stabilization issue. Even though my dream looked perfect, I stabilized a bit. I was now in a completely different area of VT's campus. I flew over to one of the dorm rooms and entered. I looked around until i found a group of females in one of the rooms. I walked in and said, "Am I late?" One of the girls shook her head no. I walked up to her and began kissing her. The girls started stripping and I said, "Ok, everyone get super pornstar material with this, so we can send it in and win the cash!"

      There were now more girls in the room than when I had first entered. A group of about five of them were doing their thing on the bed. I was tending to three over by the computer desk. I suddenly noticed some weird looking guy with glasses walking around the room. He had the butterball physique and was wearing glasses that made his eyes look huge. I just laughed and continued proceeded to place myself within one of the females. Suddenly, all of the girls disappeared instantly. The dream didn't fade or anything, but I found myself standing there with my pants down. The weird butterball guy was still in the room. He looked directly at my junk, started laughing, and then ran out of the room. I took off running after him, but he was nowhere to be found.

      I flew around campus for a bit and thought, "This is one of the few times I have actually dreamed about being on campus." I spotted an incredibly attractive asian chick and flew toward her. I just started kissing her and she began rubbing on my crotch. Suddenly, she disappeared as well. I heard laughing behind me and I turned around. The weird butterball guy was holding a TV remote and trying his best to suppress his hysterical laughter. I thought, "What is with this guy?" I took flight toward him as he attempted to run away. I grabbed the back of his shirt and flew high into the air. He was still laughing when I let go of him. He laughed hysterically the whole time he was falling and then he splattered on the pavement below. It was quite gruesome to be honest. I was flying around campus looking for some more hot females when I awoke from the dream.

      Series Details
      Class is thrown out the window in the dream series, "Sexcapades." Not unlike your favorite porn video, I unleash my inner "Ron Jeremy" and give those DCs what they are looking for ! Stay tuned for more entries to the series!

      May 15, 2011
      Lucid Dream 233: Theft of the Commander in Chief
      Series: 108 Stars of Destiny, Episode 9

      I was at a meeting with a group of very wealthy and important people. Everyone was wearing suites and smoking cigarettes from those long, thin, fancy holders. I was in some sort of secret group and these rich people were going to fund our mission. We were planning on abducting the President of the United States. Actress, Diane Kruger and Nicolas Cage were going with me. This fancy party/meeting was taking place on the roof of a building. The building that the president was currently in could be seen in the background. The dream skipped ahead.

      We were in a van and were pulling up to the back of this building. There had been some sort of important get together and the President was making his exit through the back. I became lucid as we were waiting for the president to come out of the building.

      I decided this plot was really cool, so I just kept going along with it. Soon, a group of people stepped out into the parking lot we were in. I said, "Time to move!" Diane stayed at the wheel of the van as me and Nicolas Cage opened the doors and took off running toward the president. I thought to myself, "I hope we get him before the soviets get here!" Suddenly, the large concrete wall that surrounded the parking lot and building cracked. There was a loud boom as several mech units (large robots) busted through the wall. I took flight and kicked the president's body guards in the face. The president was the same one from the movie "National Treasure." I grabbed the president's arm and pulled him along as we ran back toward the van.

      I looked back and noticed that the robots had one gun arm and the other arm was holding a light saber. One of the robots shot Nicolas Cage and then stomped him into the ground. I opened the door to the van and threw the president inside head first. I told Diane to get out of here and I'll fight off the robots. She took off and left the area. I turned back and saw that a new robot had joined the party. It was a robot in the form of a giant lizard.

      I jumped into the air and landed on one of the standing mech units. I ripped of his robot gun arm and began shooting the other robots as I walked backwards away from the scene. I was in a shootout with the mech units for a bit before taking all three of them out. The only thing left was the lizard robot. I shot it up, but the bullets just bounced off. I took off running around the corner of the building. I spotted a trash can laying on the ground and said out loud, "Nice! I forget she planted a bomb for me in here!" I opened the lid of the trashcan and pulled out this weird looking device. I tossed it around the corner of the building and waited. The lizard walked around the corner and the bomb-thing was in its mouth. I shot the bomb with the gun arm and it blew the lizard mech to pieces. Suddenly, about 20 more robots jumped over the wall and were running toward me. I shouted, "Back-up!" Not really knowing what would happen. About ten or so swat members came running around the corner and started shooting at the robots. One of them looked at me and said, "Do you know a way out of here?" I responded, "Yeah, there is a cave system around here somewhere!" The guy said, "I know where it is, follow me!" I noticed the guy looked familiar. I followed hima round the parking lot for a bit and we finally found the opening to the cave.

      We entered the cave and the guy took his helmet off. It was Wolverine (Hugh Jackman). I told him to show me his claws and he popped them out of his knuckles. I said, "I could definitely use those claws of yours in our army." He asked what my army did and I responded, "Well, all you would have to do is drink some beer and kick some ass." He smiled and held out his hand. I shook it and said, "Welcome aboard." He replied, "I can sing too." I told him that I heard him sing at the Oscars and he started talking about Broadway and about how magical it is to be on stage. I just ignored him as he rambled on about nonsense. I was having fun jumping over large pits and climbing around in the caves. We finally came to a ladder and I started climbing up out of the cave. Before I reached the top, the dream started to fade. I stopped and tried to stabilize. I managed to hold on for a few more moments, but it soon fizzled completely out.

      Series Details
      Welcome to the epic dream series known as, "The 108 Stars of Destiny." Follow me as I build the most powerful army the dream world has ever seen. Along with the help of 108 key recruits, I take on the dream world and elevate to god-like status! Will anyone stand in my way? Stay tuned for more entries to the series!

      108 Stars of Destiny
      NEW 14 - Wolverine - The Death Claw Star

      May 18, 2011
      Lucid Dream 234: The Choice
      Series: The End of Days, Episode 2

      I was with a group of people partying at a pond. There were several small wooden boats floating on the edges of the pond and it seemed to be evening time. Mike B and P was there with me, along with several other people. They started talking secretively about something and I overheard them. I asked what they were talking about and they tried to play it off. I said, "Look, I already know what its about, just tell me what you said." They started talking to me about having the "potential." The conversation suddenly felt very dark. Mike started talking about using certain powers to manipulate people and work our way to the top. He talked about us becoming the strongest and ruling the world. I suddenly became lucid.

      I looked at Mike and P and said, "I am dreaming right now." P said, "Of course you are. This is the only way to talk to you about this." I was interested in what was going on so I played along with everything. Mike said all we have to do is take in the powers of the Yokai. I looked at them and said, "You two already have...haven't you?" They shook their head and said they had. I looked at them and said, "If I do this, I am doing it big. I will become the most powerful being in existence. My goal WILL be the world at my hands." Mike said, "Yeah, I can imagine being the most powerful." I looked at him and said, "No, no, you won't be the most powerful. I will be the leader and grow the most powerful...but every King needs his entourage. I will take you guys with me to the top." I started thinking about it and said, "Man, this is such a dark, dark path to take."

      The sky began to get darker and darker and darker until it was pitch black. There were several fires around the pond, so i could still see around me. Mike said, "Yeah, and there is a lot of competition out there. Some class 5's even." I looked at them and said, "So what class are you guys?" They told me they were class 3's. I asked what class I would be and they said I would start out as a class 4. I would be the highest starting out of anyone in history. Mike started talking about how the world was ending soon and there were so many people who have already turned. Red lights that resembled stars starting showing up along the horizon. He said, "Each red light represents someone who has taken in the Yokai." I asked who the most powerful was and they pointed to the light. I said, "That is where we will go first." Suddenly, a set of stairs started to form on the nearby hill. Red neon lights began lighting the stairs. Two beautiful, but deadly looking women took each arm and started walking with me up the stairs.

      I had only took a few steps up when I thought of my family. I began to wonder if this was actually happening. I wondered if maybe I was actually about to cross over into darkness. I looked at the top of the stairs and I could see a large flaming archway. Suddenly I heard a country song start playing in the background. It was Rodney Atkins, "If your going through hell, keep on going. Don't slow down, if you're scared don't show it. You might get out before the devil even knows your name..." I pulled my arms free from the girls who know looked very demonic. I stepped back into the water and started slowly drifting away from the steps. P and Mike looked shocked and said, "What do you think you are doing?" I told them that I had to think about it. Mike looked at P and said fearfully, "We can't tell "him" what happened." P said, "Well, we can't tell him it happened like this." Some girl was also in the water as I drifted passed her. She said, "You understand this is evil don't you. We are evil." I said, "Yeah, of course I do." I drifted and swam slowly to the other end of the pond and got out. I seriously felt like I had just dodged a bullet. Mike called out, "Think about it." I suddenly found myself awake in my bed. It was weird because I didn't even notice I had woke up. I performed a nose pinch, but I was indeed awake.
      I thought, "Well, that was definitely a weird one."

      Series Details
      In the dream series, "The End of Days," the world is coming to a close. With the hype surrounding 2012, many of these doomsday dreams have been popping up. See the events of the apocalypse unfold with more entries to the series.
    8. Fragments of Houses and Slipping in a Pond

      by , 05-23-2011 at 03:27 AM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      IWL, I have been looking for house. In doing so, I always take an interest in the garden. Sometimes you can snag a cutting or some seeds.

      Last night I had more vivid dreams for the third night in a row, but I've been tired, so my recollection is week.

      I dreamed I was looking at some houses, but not to buy. One was my brother's, though it was a made up home just for my dream.
      There were some others I was looking at as well, but they belonged to people; they weren't up for sale.

      I was looking at my brother's house a little jealous, turned around, then tried to walk around a little pond or lake and slipped in on my back.
      I was really disturbed by this. It hurt my feelings to fall in. I got out and never really felt wet, but I forgot what happened when I got out.


      There was a cat either in the same dream, or in a dream skip. I forget everything else about that dream.

      I've been working 11 hour days plus home work, otherwise I would log my dreams earlier.
      Tags: cat, houses, lake, pond, slip
    9. Crystal Mining at dads pond

      by , 03-03-2011 at 11:30 AM
      Scene is fathers farm pond. My mother and another woman aunt Joan or Beverly Morningstar (childhood neighbor) are standing on the road near the overflow. I notice a fishing pole with a bobber in the water. When I point it out the bobber starts moving. I dash to get it but the fish is large enough to pull the whole rig into the water! I see the fish and it looks like a green koi. I run onto the dam and out on a dock (dock doesn't exist) following the bobber, then I jump into the water to retrieve tho pole and get this fish but it gets away and disappears into the deep water. So I swim to the far side of the dam and get out. Then I see an older couple sitting in lawn chairs. We make small talk and I notice som rocks at my feet I pick a few up and they are beautiful kayanite pieces. Then I see a freshly eroded gully at my feet, I get into it and see a huge quartz crystal sticking out of the mud, so I pluck it out then I see another one I also pull pull this on out. Another crystal appears in the mud this one is quartz shape but green. Suddenly i see these strange tabby crystals also with green color, tourmaline like. I then get out of the gully to show the couple I saw earlier. They are still there but only one crystal was in the bucket I had. The man is now fishing, his pole
      Looks like a shovel handle with a heavy rope on it. I ask him what he is fishing for and he says halibut then I look left and we are gazing at the ocean. Things get fuzzy then I wake up. I was not lucid but the details of this dream were awesome. Crystal mining, fathers property, and oceans are all reaccuring themes.
      lucid , memorable
    10. grammar helicopter; female harlocks; super bowl sub shop; skating kids

      by , 02-07-2011 at 12:50 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was flying a helicopter over a river at night. I was coming up on a big cityscape, the lights of which had a low, buzzing, brownish-yellow color, almost like hypnagogic vision.

      In the helicopter with me was a good looking man, maybe 15 years older than I, with blonde hair and a tan face. I was giving the man grammar lessons. I was trying to explain something about the way Homer used poetic expressions to give more vividness to his battle scenes.

      I pointed out a few examples. But then I felt like I was being too condescending, acting like the man knew nothing about grammar at all. So I tried to think of another way to explain things that would assume more intelligence in the man.

      But now the man told me, "I don't care for all that poetic stuff. I believe in direct expression. What's the most concise way you can say something?"

      I felt a little ashamed. I agreed with the man. I looked back on all my writing and wondered if I had been concise enough. I doubted it.

      I told the man I agreed with him. I was now in a hospital at night. I was in some hall. Eveything was dim, with only a few occasional ceiling lights turned on. I looked into some room through a big, plastic window. I may either have seen a newborn baby in a bed or a very injured adult in critical care.

      Dream #2

      I was walking into an anime convention. I was in some basement area, walking through a huge hallway into a large main room. The hallway and room were full of people.

      I looked behind me. A group of girls was close to me. They might have known me somehow or been my friends. Two of the girls were dressed like Captain Harlock. They looked kind of boyish, but they didn't strike me as being as dashing as Captain Harlock.

      Then I saw a third girl dressed as Captain Harlock. She was tall, thin, and blonde. Her face was perfect. I thought she looked terrific. But her hair was cut way too short, and it didn't have any of Harlock's style.

      Dream #3

      I was in an apartment that wasn't mine. I was probably watching it for somebody. The apartment was really big and nice. It was up on some high floor. The light from the windows was pinkish orange with sunset.

      For some reason I decided to leave this place and go home. I went downstairs and outside. But as soon as I was outside I saw how many people there were all over the place. It was too much for me to handle. I suddenly remembered that the Super Bowl was going on, and that everywhere in the city would be like this. It would be better for me to go back upstairs and wait for things to calm down.

      But I thought I should get something to eat before I went back upstairs. I was walking along some kind of desert road with something like carnival booths on each side. One of the booths was a Subway store. So I went into the line. I got up to the front pretty quickly. The lady in front of me, kind of short and overweight, ordered something that sounded really good. I tried to remember what she'd ordered, so I could order it, too.

      I got an image in my head of miniature pizzas with something like olive paste and lizard eyeballs on it.

      Dream #4

      I was looking out the window of a house. Down below, a group of people were skating on a snowy pond. There were three people. They wore hooded robes made or rich, red velvet. I recognized the people as being cast member from the show Kids in the Hall. But now they all looked old, ragged, and fat.

      They all had these dumb smiles on their faces, as if they were doing a skit about people who thought they were really good skaters when they were actually just morons. They spun quickly (clockwise?). They vanished beneath their robes.

      This spiining and vanishing act was carried out twice more. The first time, the men wore green robes. The second time, they wore blue robes.
    11. Baby born in lake, great-grandmother at house

      by , 11-04-2010 at 12:23 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was coming to see the birth of a baby. I had apparently seen the mother give birth before (possibly in an earlier part of this dream). I hoped I wasn't late this time.

      It was day, and I was running toward the house. I seemed to be coming at the house from the back. The house was very small, white, and in a rural setting.

      I noticed that the land behind the house had become a huge pool of water, apparently right from the backdoor. I stood at the edge of this pond, looking toward the backdoor.

      A group of men and women about my age all exited the backdoor. A woman stayed in the house. She handed the newborn baby to a tall, skinny, slightly bearded man. The man may have dunked the baby in the water. This was the baby's birth.

      I jumped in the pool (I was wearing a backpack, for some reason). I swam toward the group of people. I wanted to be part of the birth process so much.

      I thought to myself that I've always worried about seeing a baby still covered in everything right after birth. But now the baby would be clean. I was disappointed and relieved at the same time that I wouldn't have to see the baby right after birth.

      Everybody was now carrying the baby toward the far back end of the pond. I had to swim all the way over there to reach them now.

      I got to the group of people. It may now have been all women. They were all talking with each other in cooing voices. I tried to be a part of whatever they were doing. But I couldn't see the baby anywhere.

      I may have seen somebody carry the baby, now wrapped in swaddling cloths, over the edge of the pond. The pond was bordered by a ledge of flat, grey stone. I clumsily hoisted myself, in my wet clothes, onto the ledge. Beyond the ledge there was a slight drop down to some bare, dusty soil. I jumped.

      When I landed, I was reminded of my backpack. I thought of how wet it must be. Then I remembered that my computer was in my backpack! It must be soaked right through!

      I walked around the right side of the pond, heading back toward the house and the spot where I'd jumped into the water. I was trying to convince myself that my computer really wasn't soaked all the way through. I'd had it in its case after all, right? But I knew that was a lousy argument. The case wasn't waterproof. I knew I'd have to test it.

      I got back up to the edge of the pond, then I turned around and walked back toward the back end, but up on the ledge instead of down in the dirt area.

      I may have encountered my old friend K or my mom. I explained my problem with my computer. K/my mom asked me why I jumped in the pond with my backpack on. I replied that seeing the baby was so important that I didn't care what I was wearing.

      I now had my computer sat on the ledge, opened, and turned on. I said, "See? It doesn't work. I'm just getting this one program you always get when your computer doesn't work. It's like a sign from the company that your computer is broke."

      The program was some yellow and green colored video game that reminded me of an Atari 2600 video game.

      My view may have changed to a dark office, where I was all alone.

      Dream #2

      I was in my great-grandmother's house. I sat near the front door. I sat on one of my great-grandmother's stools and ate some kind of sandwich.

      I was probably by myself in the house, waiting for other people to arrive. The lights in the house were all on, and it was warm.

      Some of my family had gone to the hospital with my great-grandma. She may now have been dead. Regardless of that, the doctors had done a bad job on her.

      I recalled one particular statement made by a doctor. My great-grandmother had had something like a stroke. The doctor said that my great-grandma's brain would heal itself, so that there was so need for treatment.

      I laughed to myself, thinking that they all should have realized there was a lot more damage than they'd thought, and that my great-grandma had actually needed a lot more help, especially since she was so old.

      I tried to remember something about what the doctor had said. It had something to do with the electrical patterns in the brain, how they travelled in circles. I could feel the electricity in my brain, travelling counter-clockwise in my skull.

      I remembered that the doctor said that if you have an electrical anomaly, such as a minor stroke, you could often wait for the electricity to come back around and reset the messed up part of your brain.

      Now I had an electrical anomaly in my brain. I was having trouble speaking, as if my tongue were way too thick for me to talk with. I wondered if my mouth were just too full of food. In panic I pulled whole chunks of tomato out of my mouth. They looked like the upper palates, like for braces.

      I tried to speak again, but my tongue still wasn't getting words out. I was pacing around the house, in a bit of panic. I convinced myself that it would just take time for my tongue to heal.

      Just then my sister and great-grandmother walked in the door. I knew I couldn't speak, so I just kept quiet, trying to show by my facial expression how happy I was to see my great-grandmother.

      My sister sat me and my great-grandma down on a red, plasticky couch (very unlike the couch my great-grandma had). My great-grandma seemed to be a lot livelier than she'd been in a long time. But I still was unable to speak!

      My great-grandma (wearing a grey, tweed coat) said to me, "Aren't you going to say anything? Here I've come all this way to say hello. Aren't you going to be grateful and talk with me?"
    12. Puppies are bad for making bread with.

      by , 09-25-2010 at 08:06 PM (Amen, the thunderbolt in the dark void....)
      So, it all started out when I'm in front of a Safeway and there's some guy who puts a gun to my head. Naturally, I get really pissed off at the nerve of some people. I reach into my pocket where I find a gun and shoot him. It's not a real gun, it's a taser. He is fine, but I leave him there and take his gun away, stomp on it and shattering it before scooping up the remains and putting them in the garbage.

      Next dream
      I'm by what appears to be a small lake/pond but has small waves like the ocean. I am holding my bag of sea glass and treasures and dump it into the surf. An old couple walks up and begins picking up the pieces. I tell them not to because I am only putting them there to clean them off. They seem disappointed so I go through them and try to find pieces to give them. I take a handful and give it to the woman and she is happy. I then walk around gathering all the pieces I can find and putting them in a little tin. By the time I am done collecting them all the lake has dried up completely.

      next dream
      I am in what appears to be a really bizarre school. For some reason a teacher pulls me aside and tells shows me a map. It's circular of some passageways and there are four different colored space ships. I have to go do something about this, stop them, find something. I'm not precisely sure. I take off and go outside where there are several people gathered around a table. There is a puppy and they are slicing him up to make bread. I am very upset about this. I love puppies. I don't think puppies belong in bread. The odd thing is is that the puppy looked more like a cartoon than a real puppy, and it didn't have blood inside it. As they sliced him he just made funny faces and the inside of him looked like bread.

      They also had two ostriches, a rhino, more puppies and a few other animals. I ended up releasing the animals.

      I had a conversation about how I'm going to record a rap album, and I kept trying to write rhymes. I don't remember any of the rhymes but I sure wish I did.
    13. 07/21/10 Are We Big or Small???, Summer Crush

      by , 07-29-2010 at 02:28 PM (Sydney's Nightly Adventures)
      -Are We Big or Small???-
      I noticed that I was at my dad's house. I was in the living room with a family (lets call them the L family) I knew well. We walked outside to their car. Where the L's car was looked like Walmart's parking lot. Anyways, we all tried piling in. Try fitting 6 kids in a middle seat. I didn't have enough room (I was on the end) and Sam was hanging on to the outside of the door. So I shouted at them, "Scoot close together!" They did. So I shifted over and gave Sam some room.

      Some time later, we arrived at this giant pond. And I mean it was humongous. Not really sure what we were doing there, but we must've had to make it to this little room in the middle of the pond. Just before we started swimming I noticed a lot of dead fish on the bank. They looked almost like minnows, except tons bigger. So I started thinking. Hmm..was the pond really big, or were we really small?

      We all jumped in the water and started swimming. After a few minutes we got to the very well lit room. We all jumped in through the open window. After resting a bit, I realized that someone was missing. Sam! I told them that I had to go get her, and they kept saying are you crazy? "You'll get killed by something big out there all alone."

      I didn't care. I climbed out of the window and stood on the sill. Everyone was calling me back, but I ignored them. I looked down and noticed more dead fish. What also struck me as odd was, the bank looked like it was made of paper towels! Something was not right. But I ignored this. A few seconds later, I saw a shadow tower over my head. I looked up to see...
      I don't know what I had seen, but it spooked me. I woke up.

      -The Summer Crush-
      It was a crisp, bright morning in the dream. Earlier that day, it seemed, I had met a guy about my age, taller than me. Everything around me seemed familiar, but the house was different. Both houses were different. My window mirrored his. I was sitting at the window sill daydreaming, when I saw him come outside shirtless. He was going on his morning run. Thankfully, he never looked up at me.

      I saw him run down the left side of my window until I could see him no more. A little while later, I just so happened to be looking out of a downstairs window when he passed by. I saw him jogging through the trees. I got bored after a while, so I went outside to look for him. I took only 20 steps and then they ambushed me. I saw at least 15 of his friends come around the corner with him in front. Armed with water guns, they kept acting like indians. I smiled, ignoring the water that was continuously hitting my face.

      A while later he and his frined led me to the "resting tunnel" (a giant long pipe) and we sat down and chatted. I saw Sam there too, and I guess out of an act of jealousy I ran up and high-fived my friend. He smiled at me. I think I woke up after that.

      Updated 12-11-2010 at 04:21 PM by 32984

      non-lucid , memorable
    14. 07/05/10 Field Fragments

      by , 07-07-2010 at 02:09 PM (Sydney's Nightly Adventures)
      [/SIZE][/B]My first dream was kind of personal, so I won't share.

      This dream had a LOT of recurring fragments in it, and it caused me to wake up several times in the night. It was like I was in a grassy field, looking in 3rd person mode at the other people, but I never saw myself. I saw a lot of fat people walk around beside a pond. I kept having that small dream about 3 times.

      Updated 07-09-2010 at 09:33 PM by 32984

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    15. The Pond of the Giant Alligator

      by , 01-12-2008 at 06:00 AM (Visions in the Dark)

      I cannot remember the beginning of the dream but at some point I am with several random dream characters by a large silty pond, deep in a thick tropical jungle. Because the jungle is so thick on either side of the pond, the only way across is through the water. I cannot remember why now, but I knew in the dream that it was imperative that I get to the other side. All of the DCs except for one get into the water and start swimming or playing around, but none make an effort to cross. I know I have to do it, but I am hesitant. I cannot immediately place my fear but then I notice something floating in the middle of the pond. At first it appears to be a large peice of wood or something, but it suddenly blinks and I realize it is an alligator or crocodile. I stand on my tiptoes to try and get a better look at the reptile and I can see that it is an absolute giant. It appears to be 20 to 25 feet long, though my measurement is possibly incorrect since the bulk of the beast is beneath the water and it is likely much bigger than it appears. I feel very afraid and do not enter the water. The DCs in the water seem oblivious to the presence of the creature and continue to happily splash around the pond.

      I suddenly find myself in waist deep water, but I am kneeling so that water is up to my neck. I stare frozen in fear at the the giant grey alligator and it looks right back at me. The eyes of the creature feel very menacing as it stares at me and ignores the DCs that are swimming and splashing around him. It suddenly disappears underneath the surface of the water and I panic because I cannot see through the thick silt and fear that it might be coming for me, so I dash back towards the shore. I cannot get out of the water for some reason but there is a neatly stacked pile of red brinks just beneath the surface at the water and stand on it to get as far out of the pond as I can. When I stand on the brick pile, the water only comes up to my ankles and I fear secure enough that the giant alligator cannot reach me without me first seeing him approatch. I am still terrified of it though and make no move to enter the water again.

      The lone DC that did not get into the water tries to coax me to cross with her. She is a teenager with brown hair pulled back into a pony-tail and looks like someone I used to know in waking life whom everyone called 'Bean'. Like the other DCs, she cannot see the alligator and does not understand why I do not want to get into the water. I am sure that at any moment one of the DCs who are already in the water are going to be eaten by the huge gator who is quietly laying in wait near the bottom. After some time Bean somehow convinces me to get back into the water and says that we will cross together. She is swimming beside me and I am trying to make large strokes with my arms with as little disturbance to the water's surface as possible.

      Bean and I are about half way when I scrape my right leg up against somethine hard and bumpy under the water. I stick my face in through the thick silt I can make out the outline of the giant alligator floating directly below me. If I reached out my arms down below me, I could have easily touched the gigantic creature's back. My entire body stiffens in absolute terror and I begin to panic. At that very same moment Bean decides she's had enough of swimming on her own and jumps on my back and wraps her arms around my neck in an almost-chokehold. I am immediately forced under the water by her weight and my body's refusal to move because of the terror I am feeling. My fear frozen body slams into the back of the alligator and the mind numbing terror I felt is difficult to describe. I was sure that the gator would turn and snap both Bean and I up in one gulp when it felt the pressure of us on it's back, especially when my body's function suddenly returned and I used the beast's back for leverage and struggled violently to not only surface for air, but to wrench Bean off my back. When I surfaced I kicked and splashed and screamed at Bean to "Let go of me! LET GO OF ME!!!"

      I was certain that the alligator would definately be attracted to my paniced spashing on the surface, but the creature did not make any move, though I could still feel it below me. Bean got upset with me because she could not understand why I had gotten upset over her jumping on my back without my conset and starting swimming back to shore with great indignation. Many of the other DCs turned to watch the commotion I was making and I was very frustrated that none of them knew about the giant alligator floating just below me. The dream gets fuzzy but the last thing I remember is making a mad dash for the otherside of the pond, and though I was still terrified that my kicking and splashing would attract the gator's attention, I could not swim calmly because I was still panicking.

      Woke up ina cold sweat, had chills the rest of the night and could not get back to sleep.

      Generally, in nature, if a gator is even slightly disturbed it will turn and attack anything that touches it. The fact that it wasn't "acting normally," like I expected it to, is possibly one of the main reasons why I was so scared thoughout this nightmare.

      Image courtesy of Marathon Books.
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